Alberta Coal Studies Messrs
Alex Johnston Keith G. Gladwyn L. Gregory Ellis LETHBRIDGE ITS COAL INDUSTRY Copyright © 19Sy by the City of Lethbridge. Crown cop\ right re^er\ ed No part of this book m:\\ be reproduced or tran.smitted in an\' form or by an\' mean.s, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information .storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. ISBN - 0-919224-81-4 Printed and bound in Canada By Graphcom Printers Ltd., Lethbridge, Alberta Cartography b\ Energy Resources Conservation Board Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Johnston, A. (Alex), 1920- Lethbridge, its coal industry (Occasional paper ; no. 20) Bibliography: p. 139-143 Includes inde.x. 1 Coal mines and mining - Alberta - Lethbridge - History. I. Cladwvn. Keith G. n. Ellis, L. Gregory (Leonard Gregory). III. Lethbridge Historical .Society, I\'. Title. \'. .Series: Occasional paper (Lethbridge Historical Society) ; no. 2(). Hl»SS4,C23A-t4 1989 33.S.2'~24'()9-123-i C.SS-()914.S-t-X A product of: The George and Jessie Watson Memorial Computer Centre Sir Alexander Gait Museum, Lethbridge, Alberta LETHBRIDGE: ITS COfiL INDUSTRY by Alex Johnston Sir Alexander Gait Museum, Lethbridge, Alberta Keith G. Gladwyn Energy Resources Conservation Board, Calgary, Alberta L. Gregory Ellis Sir Alexander Gait Museum, Lethbridge, Alberta Occasional Paper No. 20 The Lethbridge Historical ,Societ\ P. O. Bo.x 9-4 Lethbridge, Alberta TIJ 4A2 1989 Dr Ck'orge Mencr Dawson (thirdfrom left) was the son ofSirJol.w town of Dawson, Yukon Territory. He was GSC director from 1895 William Dawson, principal of McC!ill Vnirersily He was burn in to 1901.
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