Day to Day Description 8 Days Family

Day 01 : Arrival – Magelang

Upon arrival Yogyakarta, you will be transferred to your hotel in Magelang. Magelang is a small city which is located in a fertile agricultural area and one of the most densely populated regions on

Accommodation : Standard : Rumah Superior : Manohara Hotel Deluxe : Plataran

Meals included : N/A Travel time : Approximately 1,5 hours

Pagina 1 van 6 Day 02 : Magelang – Borobudur Cycling Tour & Candirejo Andong Tour

Morning depart from your hotel to have Borobudur Cycling activity. You will cycle around the village and visit Borobudur traditional market. Visit Borobudur temple before back to starting point to enjoy your lunch. Borobudur Temple is one of the greatest Buddhist monuments in the world. The temple consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circulars, topped by a central dome. Continue transfer to Candirejo for having andong village tour. This small village took it in their hands to develop eco- tourism. The village is a few kilometers away from the Borobudur monument. During the tour, you will explore the village with a local guide and gain insight and knowledge of local customs and traditions. Art, handicrafts, traditional health drinks and the agricultural system of inter cropping will be shown.

Accommodation : Standard : Rumah Dharma Superior : Manohara Hotel Deluxe : Plataran Borobudur

Meals included : Breakfast & Lunch Travel time : Approximately 8 hours

Day 03 : Magelang – Yogyakarta – Becak City Tour

Depart from your hotel in Magelang to Yogyakarta. Discover Yogyakarta highlights by traditional transportation. Our tour by becak (rickshaw) starts from our office in the center of Yogyakarta. It is a short becak drive to the Alun-alun Kidul (South Square), the backyard of Sultan's Palace. We take you to visit Taman Sari, the Water Castle where was once used by the royal family to spend their leisure time. A local guide will explain more about the history of the place. A special stop is made for your coffee break at a unique location; try a Javanese blend of coffee Tubruk. The becak driver will cycle you to the Keratons’ Palace.

Pagina 2 van 6 A local guide will give the inside information of the palace and make sure that you see all the interesting areas. You have ample time to breathe the special atmosphere of this place. Once you enter the Keraton a slow-paced tempo atmosphere filled with tradition and history overwhelms you, making a becak the perfect way of transportation to discover the unique corners of the keraton. Leave the keraton and visit Vredeburg museum, this historical fort portrays 's journey for independence via several dioramas. We include in the tour a tasty local lunch at the restaurant with nice ambiance. You end the day at the famous Malioboro Road for some shopping and local everyday life.

Accommodation : Standard : Eclipse Hotel Superior : Duta Boutique Villa Deluxe : The Phoenix

Meals included : Breakfast & Lunch Travel time : Approximately 8 hours

Day 04 : Yogyakarta – Evening Fun Way to Live Like Local

Spend your night in Yogyakarta like the locals in alun-alun kidul (Southern Square). See the night life’s festivity; the crowd, the , the attraction, the activity, accompanied by our local guide. Your tour will start at our Happy Trails Yogyakarta office. You will be greeted by your guide with a little explanation about the tour itself. Take an easy walk throughout the busy streets of Yogyakarta while a glimpse of local life pass by. Arrive in Alun-alun Kidul, your guide will explain about the history that lies within. Enjoy your night riding the light becak, trying the Masangin game, and tasting a selection of the street . Tonight is all about being a Yogjakartans!

Accommodation : Standard : Eclipse Hotel Superior : Duta Boutique Villa Deluxe : The Phoenix

Meals included : Breakfast Travel time : Approximately 4 hours

Pagina 3 van 6 Day 05 : Yogyakarta – Solo via

Morning depart from your hotel in Yogyakarta to Solo. On the way, you will visit Prambanan Temple, built in 850 A.D. This complex is dedicated to the supreme Hindu gods , and . Continue to visit Mangkunegaraan Palace in Solo, a small hereditary located within the region of .

Accommodation : Standard : Indah Palace Solo Superior : Novotel Solo Deluxe : The Royal Surakarta Heritage

Meals included : Breakfast Travel time : Approximately 8 hours

Day 06 : Solo – by Train

Morning depart from your hotel in Solo to train station where you will have train transfer to Malang. The city is well known for its mild climate. During the period of Dutch colonization, it was a popular destination for European residents. Until now, Malang still holds its position a popular destination for international tourists.

Accommodation : Standard : The Balava Hotel Superior : Santika Premier Malang Deluxe : Hotel Tugu Malang

Meals included : Breakfast Travel time : Approximately 7 hours

Pagina 4 van 6 Day 07 : Malang – Bromo Day Tour – Malang

Morning depart from your hotel to have day tour to Bromo. The tour begins by driving around 2.5 hours via Tumpang and Ngadas. Across the sea of sand then up to Penanjakan the view point where you can enjoy the magnificent view of five mountains as a view. Afterward we drive to the sea of sand to reach the parking area of Mt. Bromo. From the parking area, you can either walk or ride a horse (own expense) to go to the summit of Mt. Bromo. Continue to visit Teletubbies hill right behind the . A vast green savannah and blossom flowers will greet you, especially in the rainy season, and it is one of spot for photographers. Drive through Ngadas village which has awesome scenery of local farming areas, then stop to 100 meter high waterfall, located between two giant cliffs, called “Pelangi” (rainbow) waterfall. Continue the journey back to Malang, you can stop to one of four temple in Malang, from 14th century, named “Jago” temple. This temple was built to honor king Visnuwardhana, the third king of famous kingdom. Thereafter we will return back to Malang.

Accommodation : Standard : The Balava Hotel Superior : Santika Premier Malang Deluxe : Hotel Tugu Malang

Meals included : Breakfast & Lunch Travel time : Approximately 9 hours

Day 08 : Malang – – Departure

Today is the end of the trip. At appropriate time, you will be transferred from your hotel in Malang to Surabaya Airport for flight to your next destination.

Accommodation : N/A Meals included : Breakfast Travel time : Approximately 3 hours

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