Notes to the Text
Notes to the Text CHAPTER 1 1. Rhoodie, DO, Suid-Afrika: Van Koloniale Onder der Schyff,PF, Eric H Louwin dieSuid-Afrikaanse horigheid tot Soewereine Onafhanklikheid, Pers Politiek tot 1948, D. Litt. dissertation, University kor, Johannesburg, 1974, p.7. of Potchefstroom, 1974,pp.221-6. 2. In terms of the South Africa Act, 1910, the fran 6. Slee, ATC, Commonwealth Co-operation 1939-45: chise was restricted to white males (in 1930 white South Africa and its London Representation, women received the franchise) , while blacks and D.Phil. dissertation, University of Cape Town, coloureds in the Cape Province were placed on a 1959,p.5. common voters' roll with whites - but only whites 7. Quoted ibid. , p.6. could be elected to Parliament. In 1936 Cape 8. Muller, ME , op. cit., pp.50 & 51. blacks were removed from the common roll and 9. Slee, ATC, op. cit., p.6. were instead to elect three white MPs to represent 10. Muller, ME , op. cit., pp. 48-55. Louw's tenure as them . In 1959 the Cape blacks lost also their sepa trade commissioner in America is discussed in rate representation in Parliament, leaving them detail in Van der Schyff, PF, op. cit., pp.20lff. with black homeland legislatures as forums for 11. In the early days of the League , Prime Minister political representation. In 1956 coloureds too Smuts appointed Lord Robert Cecil, a prominent were placed on a separate voters ' roll, and in 1968 British politician , as South Africa's representative they lost their parliamentary representation alto in the League Assembly.
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