Avaldatud 05.09.2008





Tehnilise normi ja standardi seaduse kohaselt avaldab Eesti Standardikeskus oma veebilehel ja ametlikus väljaandes teavet harmoneeritud standarditest. Harmoneeritud (ühtlustatud) standardiks nimetatakse EÜ direktiivide kontekstis Euroopa Komisjoni mandaadi alusel Euroopa standardimisorganisatsioonide poolt koostatud ja avaldatud standardit. Kui harmoneeritud standardi kohta on avaldatud teade (viide) Euroopa Liidu Ametlikus Teatajas (Official Journal) ja see on vastu võetud vähemalt ühe Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigi rahvusliku standardina, kui õigusaktist ei tulene teisiti, siis eeldatakse, et sellist standardit järgiv toode või teenus vastab asjakohasele tehnilisele normile. Harmoneeritud standardite kasutamine on kõige lihtsam viis tõendada direktiivide oluliste nõuete täitmist. Lisainfo: http://www.newapproach.org/ http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newapproach/standardization/harmstds

Seekord on avaldatud meditsiiniseadmete, in vitro diagnostikavahendite, aktiivsete siirdatavate meditsiiniseadmete, masinate, plahvatusohtlikus keskkonnas kasutatavate seadmete ja madalpingeseadmete direktiivide kontekstis harmoneerituks tunnistatud uute (harmoneeritud) standardite loetelu (avaldatud juuli ja augusti 2008 Euroopa Ühenduste Teataja C-seerias).

Kõik avaldatud standardid on üle võetud Eesti standarditeks.

NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 93/42/EMÜ Meditsiiniseadmed (2008/C 186/07) 23.07.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 980:2008 EN 980:2003 31.05.2010 Meditsiiniseadmete märgistamiseks kasutatavad graafilised sümbolid / Symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices EN 1789:2007 EN 1789:1999 Kehtivuse lõppkuupäev Meditsiinis kasutatavad liiklusvahendid ja nende (30.11.2007) varustus. Kiirabiautod / Medical vehicles and their equipment - Road ambulances EN ISO 5359:2008 EN 737:1998 30.6.2010 Meditsiiniliste gaaside jaoks kasutatavad madalrõhu voolikukomplektid / Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with medical gases EN ISO 10524-4:2008 EN 738-4:1998 30.6.2010 Meditsiiniliste gaaside rõhu regulaatorid. Osa 4: Madalrõhuregulaatorid / Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 4: Low-pressure regulators EN ISO 14630:2008 EN ISO 14630:2005 31.7.2008 Mitteaktiivsed kirurgilised implantaadid. Üldnõuded / Non-active surgical implants - General requirements

2 EN 15546-1:2008 - Väikese läbimõõduga ühendusliitmikud vedeliku ja gaasiga töötavatele meditsiiniseadmetele. Osa 1: Üldnõuded / Small bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications - Part 1 - General Requirements EN ISO 15883-4:2008 - Pesur-desinfektorid. Osa 4: Termotundlike endoskoopide keemiliseks desinfitseerimiseks kasutatavate pesuritele-desinfektoritele esitatavad nõuded ja katsed / Washer-disinfectors - Part 4: Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing chemical disinfection for thermolabile endoscopes EN ISO 23328-1:2008 EN 13328-1:2001 30.9.2008 Hingamissüsteemi filtrid tuimastuseks ja respiratoorseks kasutuseks. Osa 2: Mittefiltreerimise aspektid / Breathing system filters for anaesthetic and respiratory use - Part 2: Non-filtration aspects EN ISO 23328-2:2008 EN 13328-2:2002 30.9.2008 Hingamissüsteemi filtrid tuimastuseks ja respiratoorseks kasutuseks. Osa 2: Mittefiltreerimise aspektid / Breathing system filters for anaesthetic and respiratory use - Part 2: Non-filtration aspects

NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 98/79/EÜ Meditsiinilised in vitro diagnostikavahendid (2008/C 186/08) 23.07.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 980:2008 EN 980:2003 31.05.2010 Meditsiiniseadmete märgistamiseks kasutatavad graafilised sümbolid / Symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices

NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 90/385/EMÜ Aktiivsed siirdatavad meditsiiniseadmed (2008/C 186/09) 23.07.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 980:2008 EN 980:2003 31.05.2010 Meditsiiniseadmete märgistamiseks kasutatavad graafilised sümbolid / Symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices

3 EN ISO 14937:2000 - Tervishoiutoodete steriliseerimine. Üldnõuded steriliseerimisaine iseloomustusele ja meditsiiniseadmete steriliseerimisprotsessi väljatöötamisele, valideerimisele ja tavakontrollile / Sterilization of health care products - General requirements for characterization of a sterilizing agent and the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices

NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 94/9/EÜ Plahvatusohtlikus keskkonnas kasutatavad seadmed ja kaitsesüsteemid (2008/C 212/08) 20.08.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 1127-2:2002 + A1:2008 EN 1127-1:1997 31.10.2008 Plahvatusohtlik keskkond. Plahvatuse vältimine ja Märkus 2.1 kaitse. Osa 2: Põhimõisted ja metoodika kaevandamisel KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1710:2005 + A1:2008 EN 1710:2005 31.10.2008 Maa-aluste kaevanduste plahvatusohtlikus keskkonnas Märkus 2.1 kasutamiseks mõeldud seadmed ja komponendid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines CONSOLIDETED TEXT EN 50050:2006 - Plahvatusohtlikes keskkondades kasutatavad elektriseadmed. Käeshoitavad elektrostaatilised pihustusseadmed / Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres - Electrostatic hand-held spraying equipment EN 60079-1:2007 EN 60079-1:2004 1.7.2010 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 1: Seadme kaitse Märkus 2.1 leegikindla ümbrise abil "d" / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 1: Equipment protection by flameproof enclosures "d" EN 60079-2:2007 EN 60079-2:2004 1.11.2010 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 2: Seadme kaitse Märkus 2.2 survestatud ümbrise abil "p" / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 2: Equipment protection by pressurized enclosure "p EN 60079-5:2007 EN 50017:1998 1.11.2010 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 5: Seadmete kaitse Märkus 2.1 pulbertäite abil "q" / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 5: Equipment protection by powder filling "q"

4 EN 60079-6:2007 EN 50015:1998 1.5.2010 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 6: Seadmete kaitse Märkus 2.1 õlitäite abil "o" / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 6: Equipment protection by oil immersion "o" EN 60079-25:2004 - Gaasplahvatusohtlike keskkondade elektriseadmed. Osa 25: Sisemiselt ohutud süsteemid / Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres - Part 25: Intrinsically safe systems EN 60079-26:2007 EN 50284:1999 1.10.2009 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 26: Seadmed Märkus 2.1 seadmekaitseastmega Ga / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga EN 60079-27:2006 - Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 27: Väljasiini sisemise ohutuse kontseptsioon / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 27: Fieldbus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) EN 60079-29-1:2007 EN 61779-1:2000 1.11.2010 Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 29-1: ja selle muudatus Gaasidetektorid. Põlevgaasidetektorite toimivusnõuded / + 61779-2:2000 Explosive atmospheres -- Part 29-1: Gas detectors - + 61779-3:2000 Performance requirements of detectors for flammable + 61779-4:2000 gases + 61779-5:2000 Märkus 2.1 EN 60079-30-1:2007 - Plahvatusohtlikud keskkonnad. Osa 30-1: Elektriline takistus-joonkuumutus. Üld- ja katsetusnõuded / Explosive atmospheres -- Part 30-1: Electrical resistance trace heating - General and testing requirements EN 61241-0:2006 EN 50281-1-1:1998 1.10.2008 Elektriseadmed, mis on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ja selle muudatus põlevtolmu olemasolul. Osa 0: Üldnõuded / Electrical Märkus 2.2 apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust -- Part 0: General requirements EN 61241-1:2004 EN 50281-1-1:1998 1.10.2008 Elektriseadmed, mis on ette nähtud kasutamiseks ja selle muudatus põlevtolmu olemasolul. Osa 1: Ümbristega tagatav Märkus 2.3 kaitse “tD” / Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 1: Protection by enclosures "tD EN 61241-4:2006 - Elektriseadmed, mis on ette nähtud kasutamiseks põlevtolmu olemasolul. Osa 4: Kaitseviis "pD" / Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust - Part 4: Type of protection "pD"

5 NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 98/37/EÜ Masinad (2008/C 215/01) 22.08.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 349:1993 + A1:2008 EN 349:1993 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Minimaalsed vahekaugused vältimaks inimese kehaosade muljumisohtu KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 378-2:2008 - Külmetussüsteemid ja soojuspumbad. Ohutus- ja keskkonnanõuded. Osa 2: Kavandamine, valmistamine, katsetamine, märgistamine ja dokumentatsioon / Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation EN 574:1996 + A1:2008 EN 574:1996 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Kahekäe-juhtseadised. Talitlusaspektid. Konstrueerimise põhimõtted KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Two-hand control devices - Functional aspects - Principles for design CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 626-2:1996 + A1:2008 EN 626-2:1996 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Masinatest eralduvate kahjulike ainete terviseohu vähendamine. Osa 2: Kontrollmenetluste aluseks olev metodoloogia KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Reduction of risk to health from hazardous substances emitted by machinery - Part 2: Methodology leading to verification procedures CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-1:1996 + A1:2008 EN 818-1:1996 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 1: Tehnilistele tingimustele vastavuse põhitingimused KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 1: General conditions of acceptance CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-2:1996 + A1:2008 EN 818-2:1996 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 2: Keskmise tolerantsiga kett tõstetroppide valmistamiseks. Klass 8 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 2: Medium tolerance chain for chain slings - Grade 8 CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-3:1999 + A1:2008 EN 818-3:1999 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 3: Keskmise tolerantsiga kett tõstetroppide valmistamiseks. Klass 4 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 3: Medium tolerance chain for chain slings - Grade 4 CONSOLIDATED TEXT

6 EN 818-4:1996 + A1:2008 EN 818-4:1996 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 4: Tõstetropid. Klass 8 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 4: Chain slings - Grade 8 CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-5:1999 + A1:2008 EN 818-5:1999 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 5: Tõstetropid. Klass 4 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 5: Chain slings - Grade 4 CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-6:2000 + A1:2008 EN 818-6:2000 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 6: Kett-tropid. Tootja poolt kasutamise ja korrashoiu kohta esitatava informatsiooni spetsifikatsioon KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 6: Chain slings - Specification for information for use and maintenance to be provided by the manufacturer CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 818-7:2002 + A1:2008 EN 818-7:2002 31.10.2008 Lühikeste lülidega tõstekett. Ohutus. Osa 7: Peene tolerantsiga tõstekett, Klass T (tüübid T, DAT ja DT) KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Short link chain for lifting purposes - Safety - Part 7: Fine tolerance hoist chain, Grade T (types T, DAT and DT) CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1028-2:2002 + A1:2008 EN 1028-2:2002 31.10.2008 Tuletõrjepumbad. Löökpadruniga tuletõrje tsentrifugaalpumbad. Osa 2: Üld- ja ohutusnõuete täitmise kontrollimine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1037:1995 + A1:2008 EN 1037:1995 31.10.2008 Masinate ohutus. Ootamatu käivitumise vältimine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Prevention of unexpected start-up CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1093-2:2006 + A1:2008 EN 1093-2:2006 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate kahjulike ainete emissiooni hindamine. Osa 2: Määratud saasteaine emissiooni intensiivsuse määramine asendusgaasi meetodiga KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 2: Tracer method for assessing the emission rate of a specified pollutant CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1093-3:2006 + A1:2008 EN 1093-3:2006 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate kahjulike ainete emissiooni hindamine. Osa 3: Määratud saasteaine emissiooni intensiivsuse määramine katsestendi meetodiga KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 3: Bench test method for the measurement of the emission rate of a specified pollutant CONSOLIDATED TEXT

7 EN 1093-4:1996 + A1:2008 EN 1093-4:1996 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate kahjulike ainete emissiooni hindamine. Osa 4: Väljalaskesüsteemi efektiivse mõju ulatus. Isotoopindikaatorite meetod KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances - Part 4: Capture efficiency of an exhaust system - Tracer method CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1127-2:2002 + A1:2008 EN 1127-2:2002 31.10.2008 Plahvatusohtlik keskkond. Plahvatuse vältimine ja kaitse. Osa 2: Põhimõisted ja metoodika kaevandamisel KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection - Part 2: Basic concepts and methodology for mining CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1677-2:2000 + A1:2008 EN 1677-2:2000 31.10.2008 Troppide komponendid. Ohutus. Osa 2: Sepaterasest fiksaatoriga tõstekonksud, Klass 8 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Components for slings - Safety - Part 2: Forged steel lifting hooks with latch, Grade 8 CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1677-3:2001 + A1:2008 EN 1677-3:2001 31.10.2008 Troppide komponendid. Ohutus. Osa 3: Sepaterasest iselukustuvad konksud. Klass 8 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Components for slings - Safety - Part 3: Forged steel self-locking hooks - Grade 8 CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1710:2005 + A1:2008 EN 1710:2005 31.10.2008 Maa-aluste kaevanduste plahvatusohtlikus keskkonnas kasutamiseks mõeldud seadmed ja komponendid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1756-1:2001 + A1:2008 EN 1756-1:2001 30.9.2008 Luuktõstukid. Ratassõidukitele paigaldatavad platvormtõstukid . Ohutusnõuded. Osa 1: Kaupade luuktõstukid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Tail lifts - Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles - Safety requirements - Part 1: Tail lifts for goods CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 1829-2:2008 - Kõrgsurvevett kasutavad masinad. Ohutusnõuded. Osa 2: Voolikud, voolikusüsteemid ja liitmikud / High- pressure water jet machines - Safety requirements - Part 2: Hoses, hose lines and connectors EN 12254:1998 + A2:2008 EN 12254:1998 Kehtivuse lõppkuupäev Ekraanid laseriga töökohtades. Ohutusnõuded ja (31.7.2008) katsetamine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Screens for laser working places - Safety requirements and testing CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 12385-2:2002 + A1:2008 EN 12385-2:2002 30.9.2008 Terastraadist trossid. Ohutus. Osa 2: Määratlused, nimetused ja klassifikatsioon KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 2: Definitions, designation and classification CONSOLIDATED TEXT

8 EN 12385-3:2004 + A1:2008 EN 12385-3:2004 30.9.2008 Terastraadist trossid. Ohutus. Osa 3: Kasutus- ja hooldusinformatsioon KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 3: Information for use and maintenance CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 12385-4:2002 + A1:2008 EN 12385-4:2002 30.9.2008 Terastraadist trossid. Ohutus. Osa 4: Üldotstarbeliste tõsteseadmete köistrossid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 4: Stranded ropes for general lifting applications CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 12385-10:2003 + A1:2008 EN 12385-10:2003 30.9.2008 Terastraadist trossid. Ohutus. Osa 10: Spiraalköied kasutamiseks üldkonstruktsioonides KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Steel wire ropes - Safety - Part 10: Spiral ropes for general structural applications. CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 12649:2008 - Betooni tihendamise ja laadimise masinad. Ohutus / Concrete compactors and smoothing machines - Safety EN 12693:2008 - Külmutussüsteemid ja soojuspumbad. Ohutus- ja keskkonnatingimused. Survele töötavad külmutuskompressorid / Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Positive displacement refrigerant compressors EN 12881-1:2005 + A1:2008 EN 12881-1:2005 31.10.2008 Konveierilindid. Süttivuskatsed tulesimulatsiooniga. Osa 1: Katsed propaanipõletiga KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 1: Propane burner tests CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 12881-2:2005 + A1:2008 EN 12881-2:2005 31.10.2008 Konveierilindid. Süttivuskatsed tulesimulatsiooniga. Osa 2: Laiaulatuslikud tulekatsed KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 2: Large scale fire test CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 13478:2001 + A1:2008 EN 13478:2001 31.10.2008 Masinate ohutus. Tule ärahoidmine ja tulekaitse KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Safety of machinery - Fire prevention and protection CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 13557:2003 + A2:2008 EN 13557:2003 31.10.2008 Kraanad. Juhtimispidemed ja juhtimiskoht KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Cranes - Controls and control stations CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 13586:2004 + A1:2008 EN 13586:2004 31.10.2008 Kraanad. Juurdepääs KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Cranes - Access CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN ISO 13849-1:2008 EN ISO 13849-1:2006 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Ohutust mõjutavad osad juhtimissüsteemides. Osa 1: Kavandamise üldpõhimõtted / Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 1: General principles for design EN ISO 13849-2:2008 EN 954-1:1996 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Ohutust mõjutavad osad EN ISO 13849-2:2003 juhtimissüsteemides. Osa 2: Kehtivus / Safety of machinery - Safety-related parts of control systems - Part 2: Validation

9 EN ISO 13850:2008 EN 13850:2006 31.12.2008 Masinate ohutus. Hädaseiskamine. Kavandamise põhimõtted / Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design EN ISO 13857:2008 EN 294:1992 30.9.2008 Masinate ohutus. Ohutusvahemikud, mis väldivad käte EN 811:1996 ja jalgade sattumist ohtlikku alasse / Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by upper and lower limbs EN 13977:2005 + A1:2007 EN 13977:2005 Selle avaldamise kuupäev Raudteealased rakendused. Rööpad. Ohutusnõuded teisaldatavatele ehitus- ja hooldusmasinatele ja - dresiinidele KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Railway applications - Track - Safety requirements for portable machines and trolleys for construction and maintenance CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN ISO 14159:2008 EN ISO 14159:2004 31.10.2008 Masinate ohutus. Masinate konstrueerimisel kohaldatavad hügieeninõuded / Safety of machinery - Hygiene requirements for the design of machinery EN 14502-2:2005 + A1:2008 EN 14502-2:2005 31.10.2008 Kraanad. Seadmed inimeste tõstmiseks. Osa 2: Tõstekõrguse kontrollimise seadmed KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Cranes - Equipment for the lifting of persons - Part 2: Elevating control stations CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 14710-2:2005 + A1:2008 EN 14710-2:2005 31.10.2008 Tuletõrjepumbad. Ilma eelpumbata tsentrifugaalsed tuletõrjepumbad. Osa 2: Üldiste ja ohutusnõuete testimine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Fire-fighting pumps - Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps without primer - Part 2: Verification of general and safety requirements CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 14973:2006 + A1:2008 EN 14973:2006 31.10.2008 Allmaapaigaldistes kasutamiseks mõeldud konveierlindid. Elektri- ja tuleohutuse nõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST / Conveyor belts for use in underground installations - Electrical and flammability safety requirements CONSOLIDATED TEXT EN 15162:2008 - Looduskivi kaevandamise ja töötlemise masinad ja seadmed. Kaatersaagide ohutusnõuded / Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone - Safety requirements for gang saws EN 15163:2008 - Looduskivi kasutamise ja töötlemise masinad ja paigaldised. Ohutus. Nõuded teemantsaagidele / Machines and installations for the exploitation and processing of natural stone - Safety - Requirements for diamond wire saws EN 15164:2008 Looduskivi kaevandamise ja töötlemise masinad ja seadmed. Ohutus. Nõuded kettsaagidele ja tõukepinkidele / Machines and plants for mining and tooling of natural stone - Safety - Requirements for chain and belt slotting machines

10 EN ISO 19432:2008 EN ISO 19432:2006 31.10.2008 Ehitusmasinad ja -seadmed. Kantavad käeshoitavad sisepõlemismootoriga lõikeseadmed. Ohutusnõuded ja katsetamine / Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held, internal combustion engine driven cut-off machines - Safety requirements and testing EN ISO 20643:2008 EN ISO 20643:2005 31.12.2008 Mehaaniline võnkumine. Käeshoitavad ja käsitsi juhitavad masinad. Vibratsioonitugevuse hindamise põhimõtted / Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission EN 60745-2-15:2006 EN 50144-2-15:2001 1.5.2009 Käeshoitavad mootoriga elektritööriistad. Ohutus. Osa Märkus 2.1 2-15: Erinõuded hekilõikuritele / Hand-held motor- operated electric tools - Safety -- Part 2-15: Particular requirements for hedge trimmers EN 61310-1:2008 EN 61310-1:1995 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastus, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 1: Nõuded visuaal-, audio- ja puutesignaalidele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, auditory and tactile signals EN 61310-2:2008 EN 61310-2:1995 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastust, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 2: Nõuded märgistusele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 2: Requirements for marking EN 61310-3:2008 EN 61310-3:1999 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastus, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 3: Nõuded aktivaatorite asukohale ja talitlusele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of actuators

NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV 2006/95/EÜ Madalpingeseadmed (2008/C 221/01) 29.08.2008

Viide ühtlustatud standardile ja standardi Viide asendatavale Kuupäev, mil asendatava pealkiri standardile standardi järgimisest (ja viitedokument) tulenev vastavuseeldus kaotab kehtivuse Märkus 1 EN 50410:2008 Puudub - Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Erinõuded ehisrobotitele / Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Particular requirements for decorative robots EN 50425:2008 Puudub - Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste kohtkindlate elektripaigaldiste lülitid. Kollateraalstandard. Välis- ja sisemärkide ja -valgustite tuletõrjelülitid / Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations – Collateral standard – Fireman’s switches for exterior and interior signs and luminaires

11 EN 50445:2008 Puudub - Takistus- ja kaarkeevitusseadmete ja nendega seotud protsesside seost inimesele toimivate elektromagnetväljade (0 Hz kuni 300 GHz) põhipiirangutega näitav tooteperekonnastandard / Product family standard to demonstrate compliance of equipment for resistance welding, arc welding and allied processes with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz – 300 GHz) EN 50497:2007 Puudub - Soovitatavad katsetusmeetodid polüvinüülkloriidisolatsiooniga ja -mantliga kaablite plastifikaatori eraldumise riski hindamiseks / Recommended test method for assessment of the risk of plasticizer exudation from PVC insulated and sheathed cables EN 60061-4:1992/A11:2007 Märkus 3 1.11.2010 Lambisoklid ja lambipesad koos mõõturitega vahetatavuse ja ohutuse kontrolliks. Osa 4: Juhised ja üldinformatsioon / Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety -- Part 4: Guidelines and general information EN 60423:2007 Puudub - Kaablite toru-paigaldussüsteemid. Elektripaigaldustorude välisläbimõõdud ja torude ning garnituuri keermed / Conduit systems for cable management - Outside diameters of conduits for electrical installations and threads for conduits and fittings EN 60598-2-8:1997/A2:2008 Märkus 3 1.2.2011 Valgustid. Osa 2: Erinõuded. Jagu 8: Käsivalgustid / Luminaires - Part 2: Particular requirements - Section 8: Handlamps EN 60664-5:2007 EN 60664-5:2003 1.10.2010 Madalpingevõrkudes kasutatavate seadmete isolatsiooni koordinatsioon. Osa 5: Üksikasjalik meetod enimalt 2 mm laiuste õhk- ja roomevahemike kindlaksmääramiseks / Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems -- Part 5: Comprehensive method for determining clearances and creepage distances equal to or less than 2 mm EN 60730-2-3:2007 EN 60730-2-3:1992 1.9.2010 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja ja selle muudatused muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-3: Erinõuded Märkus 2.1 torukujuliste luminofoorlampide liiteseadiste termokaitsele / Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-3: Particular requirements for thermal protectors for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps EN 60730-2-4:2007 EN 60730-2-4:1993 1.9.2010 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja ja selle muudatused muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-4: Erinõuded Märkus 2.1 hermeetilist ja poolhermeetilist tüüpi mootorkompressorite mootorite termokaitseseadistele / Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-4: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors for motor-compressors of hermetic and semi-hermetic type

12 EN 60730-2-10:2007 EN 60730-2-10:1995 1.9.2010 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja ja selle muudatused muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-10: Erinõuded Märkus 2.1 elektriliselt käitatavatele mootorikäivitusreleedele / Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-10: Particular requirements for motor- starting relays EN 60730-2-11:2008 EN 60730-2-11:1993 1.10.2010 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja ja selle muudatused muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-11: Erinõuded Märkus 2.1 energiaregulaatoritele / Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-11: Particular requirements for energy regulators EN 60730-2-13:2008 EN 60730-2-13:1998 1.10.2010 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja ja selle muudatused muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-13: Erinõuded Märkus 2.1 niiskusanduritega juhtimisseadmetele / Automatic controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-13: Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls EN 60730-2-19:2002/A2:2008 Märkus 3 1.2.2011 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- ja muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 2-19: Erinõuded, sealhulgas mehaanilised nõuded, elektriliselt käitatavatele õliventiilidele / Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -- Part 2-19: Particular requirements for electrically operated oil valves, including mechanical requirements EN 60825-1:2007 EN 60825-1:1994 1.9.2010 Lasertoodete ohutus. Osa 1: Seadmete klassifikatsioon ja ja selle muudatused nõuded / Safety of laser products -- Part 1: Equipment Märkus 2.1 classification and requirements EN 60947-5-2:2007 EN 60947-5-2:1998 1.11.2010 Madalpingelised lülitus- ja juhtimisaparaadid. Osa 5-2: ja selle muudatused Juhtimisahelaseadmed ja lülituselemendid. Märkus 2.1 Läheduslülitid / Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -- Part 5-2: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity switches EN 60947-5-9:2007 Puudub - Madalpingelised lülitus- ja juhtimisaparaadid. Osa 5-9: Juhtimisahelaseadmed ja lülituselemendid. Vooluhulgalülitid / Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -- Part 5-9: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Flow rate switches EN 60974-2:2008 EN 60974-2:2003 1.2.2011 Kaarkeevitusseadmed. Osa 2: Vedelikjahutussüsteemid / Märkus 2.1 Arc welding equipment -- Part 2: Liquid cooling systems EN 60974-3:2007 EN 60974-3:2003 1.12.2010 Kaarkeevitusseadmed. Osa 3: Kaare süütamis- ja Märkus 2.1 stabiliseerimisseadmed / Arc welding equipment -- Part 3: Arc striking and stabilizing devices EN 60974-5:2008 EN 60974-5:2002 1.2.2011 Kaarkeevitusseadmed. Osa 5: Traadi Märkus 2.1 etteandemehhanismid / Arc welding equipment -- Part 5: Wire feeders EN 61058-1:2002/A2:2008 Märkus 3 1.12.2010 Seadmelülitid. Osa 1: Üldnõuded / Switches for appliances -- Part 1: General requirements

13 EN 61138:2007 EN 61138:1997 1.10.2009 Kantavate maandamis- ja lühistamisgarnituuride ja selle muudatused juhtmed / Cables for portable earthing and short- Märkus 2.1 circuiting equipment EN 61310-1:2008 EN 61310-1:1995 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastus, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 1: Nõuded visuaal-, audio- ja puutesignaalidele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 1: Requirements for visual, auditory and tactile signals EN 61310-2:2008 EN 61310-2:1995 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastust, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 2: Nõuded märgistusele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 2: Requirements for marking EN 61310-3:2008 EN 61310-3:1999 1.12.2010 Masinate ohutus. Tuvastus, märgistus ja aktiveerimine. Märkus 2.1 Osa 3: Nõuded aktivaatorite asukohale ja talitlusele / Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation - Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of actuators EN 61557-6:2007 EN 61557-6:1998 1.10.2010 Elektriohutus madalpingelistes jaotussüsteemides Märkus 2.1 vahelduvpingel kuni 1 kV ja alalispingel kuni 1,5 kV. Kaitsemeetmete katsetamis-, mõõtmis- ja seireseadmed. Osa 6: Rikkevoolukaitseaparaatide efektiivsus TT-, TN- ja IT-süsteemides / Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -- Part 6: Effectiveness of residual current devices (RCD) in TT, TN and IT systems EN 61558-2-7:2007 EN 61558-2-7:1997 1.9.2010 Jõutrafode, elektrivarustusseadmete ja muude taoliste ja selle muudatused seadmete ohutus. Osa 2-7: Erinõuded ja katsetused Märkus 2.1 mänguasjade trafodele ja toiteseadmetele / Safety of power transformers, power supplies, reactors and similar products -- Part 2-7: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supplies for toys EN 62135-2:2008 Puudub - Takistuskeevitusseadmed. Osa 2: Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse nõuded / Resistance welding equipment - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements EN 62282-3-3:2008 Puudub - Kütuseelementide kasutamistehnika. Osa 3-3: Kohtkindlad kütuseelement-energiaallikad. Paigaldamine / Fuel cell technologies - Part 3-3: Stationary fuel cell power systems - Installation EN 62311:2008 Puudub - Elektroonika- ja elektriseadmete iseloomustus inimesele toimivate elektromagnetväljade (0 Hz kuni 300 GHz) piiramise järgi / Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)


Märkus 1 Tavaliselt on kuupäevaks, mil asendatava standardi järgimisest tulenev vastavuseeldus kehtivuse kaotab („dow“), Euroopa standardiorganisatsiooni kehtestatud tühistamiskuupäev, kuid kõnealuste standardite kasutajate tähelepanu juhitakse asjaolule, et teatavatel erandjuhtudel võib olla ka teisiti. Märkus 2.1 Uus (või muudetud) standard on sama käsitlusalaga kui asendatav standard. Määratud kuupäevast alates kaotab kehtivuse asendatava standardi järgimisest tulenev eeldatav vastavus direktiivi olulistele nõuetele. Märkus 2.2 Uue standardi käsitlusala on laiem asendatava standardi käsitlusalast. Määratud kuupäevast alates ei anna asendatav standard vastavuseeldust direktiivi olulistele nõuetele.

Märkus 2.3 Uue standardi käsitlusala on on kitsam asendatava standardi käsitlusalast. Määratud kuupäevast alates ei kehti enam (osaliselt) asendatava standardi vastavuseeldus direktiivi olulistele nõuetele nendele toodetele, mis kuuluvad uue standardi käsitlusalasse. Vastavuseeldus direktiivi olulistele nõuetele kehtib edasi nendele toodetele, mis endiselt (osaliselt) kuuluvad asendatava standardi käsitlusalasse, kuid ei kuulu uue standardi käsitlusalasse.

Märkus 3 Muudatuste puhul on viitestandard EN CCCCC:AAAA, vajaduse korral selle varasemad muudatused ja osutatud uus muudatus. Asendatav standard (veerg 2) koosneb seega standardist EN CCCCC:AAAA ja vajaduse korral selle varasematest muudatustest, kuid ei hõlma osutatud uut muudatust. Osutatud kuupäeval kaotab kehtivuse asendatava standardi järgimisest tulenev vastavuseeldus direktiivi oluliste nõuetega.


Maailma Kaubandusorganisatsiooni WTO sekretariaadilt saabunud õigusaktide eelnõud, milles sisalduvad tehnilised normid võivad saada kaubanduse tehnilisteks tõketeks. Eelnõude kohta on võimalik esitada kommentaare 2 nädalat enne tabelis toodud kuupäeva Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi Karl Stern ([email protected]). Eelnõude terviktekstid ja info EVS Teabekeskusest Signe Ruut tel 605 5062, faks 605 5063, [email protected].




G/SPS/N/CHL/281 TŠIILI kõik riigid lõheliste mari loomatervis - 31. juuli 2008

15 G/SPS/N/CHN/110 HIINA Belgia, Taani, Phytophthora taimekaitse 1. oktoober 1. august 2008 Soome, ramorum 2008 Prantsusmaa, peremeestaimed Saksamaa, Iirimaa, Itaalia, Leedu, Holland, Norra, Poola, Sloveenia, Hispaania, Rootsi, Šveits, Ühendatud Kuningriik ja USA (Kalifornia ja Oregon) jne G/SPS/N/USA/1846 USA kõik loomad toiduohutus/ - 1. august 2008 kaubandus- loomatervis partnerid G/SPS/N/NOR/28 NORRA USA riis toiduohutus 1. november 4. august 2008 10 06 1010, 10 06 2008 1090, 10 06 2010, 10 06 2090, 10 06 3010 ja 10 06 3020 G/SPS/N/OMN/27 OMAAN kõik krabid toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/28 OMAAN kõik alkoholivabad toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- joogid partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/29 OMAAN kõik loomasööt toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/30 OMAAN kõik vorstid toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/31 OMAAN kõik kastanikonservid toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/32 OMAAN kõik soolakala toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/33 OMAAN kõik oder loomatervis 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/34 OMAAN kõik mais toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/35 OMAAN kõik sojaoad toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid G/SPS/N/OMN/36 OMAAN kõik kuivatatud liha toiduohutus 60 päeva 4. august 2008 kaubandus- partnerid

16 G/SPS/N/USA/1847 USA kõik erinevad tooted toiduohutus/ 28. september 4. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/BRA/458 BRASIILIA kõik riigid ananass taimekaitse/ - 5. august 2008 (HS: 0804) inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/NZL/408 UUS MEREMAA kõik riigid kaslased loomatervis/ - 5. august 2008 inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest/ territooriumi kaitsmine kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/ USA kõik erinevad taimed toiduohutus/ 29. september 1848, 1849 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 6. august 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/NZL/409 UUS MEREMAA kõik riigid dieettoidud toiduohutus 25. september 7. august 2008 2008 G/SPS/N/IDN/38 INDONEESIA kõik riigid eluskala loomatervis/ 60 päeva 8. august 2008 territooriumi kaitsmine kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/ALB/76 ALBAANIA Slovakkia kodu- ja metssead toiduohutus/ - 11. august 2008 Nitra piirkond loomatervis/ inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/CRI/62 COSTA RICA kaubandus- vorstitooted: toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid vorst, salaami, mortadella ja chorizo ICS: 67.120

17 G/SPS/N/CRI/63 COSTA RICA kaubandus- vahukoor toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid ICS: 67.100. G/SPS/N/CRI/64 COSTA RICA kaubandus- jäätis toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid ICS: 67.100 G/SPS/N/CRI/65 COSTA RICA kaubandus- kondenspiim ja toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid taimsed rasvad ICS: 67.100 G/SPS/N/CRI/66 COSTA RICA kaubandus- piimapulber ja toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid taimsed rasvad ICS: 67.100 G/SPS/N/CRI/67 COSTA RICA kaubandus- suhkruta toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 partnerid kondenspiim ja taimsed rasvad ICS: 67.100 G/SPS/N/JPN/214 JAAPAN kõik riigid toidulisandid toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 (ammoonium- vesinik-L- glutamaat) G/SPS/N/EEC/333 EUROOPA EÜ Ukrainast pärinev toiduohutus - 12. august 2008 ÜHENDUSED liikmesriigid, päevalilleõli Ukraina ja CN: 1512 11 91 teised riigid, või 1512 19 90 10 kes nimetatud toodet EÜ riikidesse ekspordivad G/SPS/PER/213 PERUU Kolumbia liatris taimekaitse - 12. august 2008 (Liatris spp.) G/SPS/N/EEC/332 EUROOPA EÜ guarkummi, toiduohutus - 12. august 2008 ÜHENDUSED liikmesriigid, CN: 1302 32 90 India ja muud kolmandad riigid, kes nimetatud toodet EÜ riikidesse ekspordivad

18 G/SPS/N/JPN/215 JAAPAN kõik riigid veiseliha (HS: toiduohutus 60 päeva 11. august 2008 02.01, 02.02, 02.03, 02.04, 02.05, 02.06, 02.07, 02.08 ja 02.09) kala ja koorikloomad (HS: 03.02, 03.03, 03.04, 03.06 ja 03.07) piimatooted ja munad (HS: 04.01, 04.07 ja 04.08) juurvili ja juured ja mugulad (HS: 07.01, 07.02, 07.03, 07.04, 07.05, 07.06, 07.07, 07.08, 07.09, 07.10, 07.13 ja 07.14) puuvili ja pähklid (HS: 08.01, 08.02, 08.03, 08.04, 08.05, 08.06, 08.07, 08.08, 08.09, 08.10, 08.11 ja 08.14) tee, mate ja vürtsid (HS: 09.02, 09.03, 09.04, 09.05, 09.06, 09.07, 09.08, 09.09, 09.10) teravili (HS: 10.01, 10.02, 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, 10.06, 10.07 and 10.08) õliviljad (HS: 12.01, 12.02, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.07, 12.08, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12 ja 12.14) G/SPS/N/ALB/77 ALBAANIA Portugal loomad toiduohutus/ - 13. august 2008 Alcacer do Sal loomatervis/ piirkond inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

19 G/SPS/N/ALB/78 ALBAANIA Kolumbia, liha, lihatooted ja toiduohutus/ - 13. august 2008 Norte de piimatooted loomatervis/ Santander inimeste piirkond kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/BRA/459 BRASIILIA kõik riigid loomasööt loomatervis - 13. august 2008 G/SPS/N/BRA/460 BRASIILIA Nigeeria India pähklid ehk taimekaitse/ - 13. august 2008 kašupähklid territooriumi Anacardium kaitsmine occidentale kahjurite (HS Code 08013) eest G/SPS/N/NZL/410 UUS MEREMAA kõik riigid. piimatooted toiduohutus/ 30. september 13. august 2008 inimeste 2008 kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/SLV/ EL SALVADOR kaubandus- kala ja kalatooted: inimeste 60 päeva 82 - 84 partnerid ICS: 67.120.30 kaitsmine 13. august 2008 looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/TPKM/143 TAIWANI, kaubandus- laboratooriumi- loomatervis - 14. august 2008 PENGHU, partnerid loomad KINMENI JA MATSU ERALDI TOLLI- TERRITOORIUM G/SPS/N/BRA/461 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid toiduohutus 7. september 15. august 2008 baklažaanil, 2008 tsitruselistel, ubadel, papaial ja maasikatel G/SPS/N/BRA/462 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid toiduohutus 7. september 15. august 2008 kartulil, melonil, 2008 tomatil ja viinamarjades G/SPS/N/BRA/463 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid toiduohutus 7. september 15. august 2008 mangos ja 2008 viinamarjades G/SPS/N/BRA/464 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid maisis toiduohutus 7. september 15. august 2008 2008 G/SPS/N/BRA/465 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid toiduohutus 7. september 15. august 2008 guajaavis, peedil, 2008 tsitruselistel, maasikates, magusas pipras ja tomatites

20 G/SPS/N/CHL/282 TŠIILI Kolumbia melon taimekaitse - 15. august 2008 G/SPS/N/CHL/283 TŠIILI Hiina šalottsibulad taimekaitse - 15. august 2008 G/SPS/N/CRI/68 COSTA RICA kaubandus- jogurt toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 19. august 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1850 USA kõik kohvi, granaatõun toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1851 USA kõik riis toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1852 USA kõik mais toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- loomatervis/ 2008 partnerid taimekaitse/ inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1853 USA kõik viinamarjad toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1854 USA kõik erinevad tooted toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

21 G/SPS/N/USA/1855 USA kõik puuvili, okra, toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- melon, kurk taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1856 USA kõik mais, teravili, toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- veised, kitsed, loomatervis/ 2008 partnerid sead, hobused, taimekaitse/ lambad inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1857 USA kõik pähklid toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1858 USA kõik pistaatsia, mandel toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1859 USA kõik luuviljalised, toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- kurkr, tomat, taimekaitse/ 2008 partnerid münt, piparmünt, inimeste kirss kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1860 USA kõik granaatõun, toiduohutus/ 12. september 19. august 2008 kaubandus- küdoonia, veised, loomatervis/ 2008 partnerid kitsed, hobused, taimekaitse/ lambad ja piim inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

22 G/SPS/N/USA/ USA kõik oder, kaer, nisu toiduohutus/ 14. oktoober 1861, 1862 kaubandus- loomatervis/ 2008 19. august 2008 partnerid taimekaitse/ inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/ARM/19 ARMEENIA kõik loomasööt ja loomatervis - 20. august 2008 kaubandus- sellega partnerid kokkupuutuvad materjalid G/SPS/N/BRA/466 BRASIILIA kõik riigid pestitsiidid toiduohutus/ - 20. august 2008 inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/CAN/343 KANADA kõik püraklostrobiin toiduohutus/ 25. oktoober 20. august 2008 kaubandus- (ICS: 65.020, inimeste 2008 partnerid 65.100, 67.060, kaitsmine 67.080, 67.200) looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/NZL/411 UUS MEREMAA kõik riigid veterinaar- toiduohutus/ 15. oktoober 20. august 2008 ravimijääkide loomatervis/ 2008 piirnormid taimekaitse põllumajanduses kasutatavates ainetes G/SPS/N/OMN/37 OMAAN kõik kookos ja sellest toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 20. august 2008 kaubandus- tooted inimeste partnerid kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/OMN/38 OMAAN kõik taimsed õlid toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 20. august 2008 kaubandus- inimeste partnerid kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

23 G/SPS/N/OMN/39 OMAAN kõik kaseinaat toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 20. august 2008 kaubandus- inimeste partnerid kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/OMN/40 OMAAN kõik pudelis joogivesi toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 20. august 2008 kaubandus- inimeste partnerid kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1863 USA Senegal valge asparaagus taimekaitse 17. oktoober 20. august 2008 (0709201010 ja 2008 0709029010) G/SPS/N/AUS/227 AUSTRAALIA kõik riigid töödeldud toit toiduohutus/ 10. oktoober 22. august 2008 inimeste 2008 kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

24 G/SPS/N/JPN/216 JAAPAN kõik riigid veiseliha (HS: toiduohutus/ 60 päeva 22. august 2008 02.01, 02.02, inimeste 02.03, 02.04, kaitsmine 02.05, 02.06, looma- 02.07, 02.08 ja /taime- 02.09) haiguste või kala ja kahjurite koorikloomad eest (HS: 03.02, 03.03, 03.04, 03.06 ja 03.07) piimatooted ja munad (HS: 04.01, 04.07 ja 04.08) juurvili ja juured ja mugulad (HS: 07.01, 07.02, 07.03, 07.04, 07.05, 07.06, 07.07, 07.08, 07.09, 07.10, 07.13 ja 07.14) puuvili ja pähklid (HS: 08.01, 08.02, 08.03, 08.04, 08.05, 08.06, 08.07, 08.08, 08.09, 08.10, 08.11 ja 08.14) tee, mate ja vürtsid (HS: 09.02, 09.03, 09.04, 09.05, 09.06, 09.07, 09.08, 09.09, 09.10) teravili (HS: 10.01, 10.02, 10.03, 10.04, 10.05, 10.06, 10.07 and 10.08) õliviljad (HS: 12.01, 12.02, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.07, 12.08, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12 ja 12.14) (HS 12.01, 12.02, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.07, 12.08, 12.10, 12.11, 12.12 and 12.14); taimsed rasvad ja õlid (HS: 15.12) G/SPS/N/PHL/142 FILIPIINID Brasiilia piisonid loomatervis - 22. august 2008 (HS 0102.90.20)

25 G/SPS/N/PHL/143 FILIPIINID Saksamaa kodulinnud loomatervis - 22. august 2008 (0105), linnuliha (0207), ühepäevased tibud (0105.11), munad (0407) ja paljundusmaterjal (0511.99) G/SPS/N/PHL/144 FILIPIINID Saskatchewan, kodulinnud loomatervis - 22. august 2008 Kanada (0105), linnuliha (0207), ühepäevased tibud (0105.11), munad (0407) ja paljundusmaterjal (0511.99) G/SPS/N/PHL/145 FILIPIINID Taani kodulinnud loomatervis - 22. august 2008 (0105), linnuliha (0207), ühepäevased tibud (0105.11), munad (0407) ja paljundusmaterjal (0511.99) G/SPS/N/IND/56 INDIA kõik pestitsiidid toiduohutus/ 3. oktoober 27. august 2008 kaubandus- karboniseeritud inimeste 2008 partnerid vees kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/IND/57 INDIA kõik taimed ja taimne taimekaitse/ 30. september 27. august 2008 kaubandus- materjal inimeste 2008 partnerid kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest/ territooriumi kaitsmine kahjurite eest G/SPS/N/USA/1864 USA kaubandus- jääsalat ja spinat toiduohutus/ - 28. august 2008 partnerid inimeste kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest

26 G/SPS/N/NZL/412 UUS MEREMAA Austraalia Wollemia nobilis taimekaitse/ 20. oktoober 29. august 2008 taimed inimeste 2008 kaitsmine looma- /taime- haiguste või kahjurite eest/ territooriumi kaitsmine kahjurite eest


NUMBER KOMMEN- & RIIK TOODE/KAUP/ EESMÄRK TAARIDE ESITAMIS- TEENUS ESITAMISE KUUPÄEV VIIMANE KUUPÄEV G/TBT/N/ARM/67 ARMEENIA elektrisüsteemid inimeste elu ja 60 päeva 1. august 2008 tervise kaitse G/TBT/N/ARM/68 ARMEENIA boilerid inimeste elu ja 60 päeva 1. august 2008 tervise kaitse G/TBT/N/BHR/59 BAHREIN pudelivesi tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 1. august 2008 (HS: 22 01 90 90) G/TBT/N/BHR/60 BAHREIN sigaretid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 1. august 2008 (ICS: 56.160) G/TBT/N/BHR/61 BAHREIN puuviljamaitseline tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 1. august 2008 moassel tubakas (ICS: 56.160) G/TBT/N/CRI/ COSTA RICA jäätis inimeste elu ja 60 päeva 80, 81 ICS: 67.100.40 tervise kaitse, 1. august 2008 tarbijainfo G/TBT/N/EEC/ EUROOPA loomsed inimeste ja loomade 90 päeva 205, 206 ÜHENDUSED kõrvalsaadused tervise kaitse 1. august 2008 G/TBT/N/EEC/207 EUROOPA mootorsõidukid ohutus ja 90 päeva 1. august 2008 ÜHENDUSED keskkonnakaitse G/TBT/N/MEX/149 MEHHIKO vee kvaliteet nõuded 24. september 1. august 2008 2008 G/TBT/N/MEX/150 MEHHIKO nõuded kahjurite tõrje nõuded - 1. august 2008 läbiviijatele G/TBT/N/USA/407 USA HPV kemikaalid inimeste tervise ja 22. oktoober 1. august 2008 (HS: 29) keskkonnakaitse 2008 (ICS: 19, 71.080) G/TBT/N/CHE/99 ŠVEITS toiduga kokkupuutuvad tarbijakaitse 15. oktoober 5. august 2008 materjalid 2008 (plastik, silikoon) G/TBT/N/CHE/100 ŠVEITS mänguasjad nõuete vastavusse 15. oktoober 5. august 2008 viimine EL 2008 tarbijakaitse- reeglitega

27 G/TBT/N/TUN/21 TUNEESIA värsked kartulid ja tarbijapettuste/- 10. september 5. august 2008 tomatid eksituste vältimine 2008 G/TBT/N/TUN/22 TUNEESIA pakendatud mineraal- rahva tervise kaitse ja 10. september 5. august 2008 ja joogivesi tarbijaeksituste 2008 vältimine G/TBT/N/BHR/63 BAHREIN datlid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 7. august 2008 (HS: 08.04; ICS: 67.080) G/TBT/N/BHR/64 BAHREIN lamba-, kitse-, kaamli- tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 7. august 2008 ja piisoni- organid ja sisikond (jahutatud või külmutatud) (ICS: 67.120.10) G/TBT/N/BHR/65 BAHREIN kookosest tooted tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 7. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/66 BAHREIN kaseinaat tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 7. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/67 BAHREIN taimeõlid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 7. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BRA/296 BRASIILIA kummikindad ohutus 30 päeva 7. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BRA/297 BRASIILIA ravimid inimeste tervis - 7. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BRA/298 BRASIILIA isikukaitsevahendid inimeste tervise 30 päeva 7. august 2008 kaitse G/TBT/N/CAN/248 KANADA toiduallergeenid inimeste tervise 24. oktoober 7. august 2008 (ICS: 67.040, 67.160, kaitse 2008 67.220) G/TBT/N/EEC/207 EUROOPA 49 pestitsiid aktiivainet nõuded 60 päeva 7August 2008 ÜHENDUSED G/TBT/N/KOR/181 KOREA veiseliha, sealiha, tarbijainfo 60 päeva 7. august 2008 VABARIIK kanaliha, riis, kimchi G/TBT/N/PER/20 PERUU sanitaartehnilised inimeste tervise 30. oktoober 7. august 2008 tarvikud kaitse ja ohutus 2008 joogiveesüsteemides G/TBT/N/USA/408 USA karbofuraan inimeste tervise 29. september 7. august 2008 (HS 38.0810: kaitse 2008 ICS 71.100, 65.100) G/TBT/N/COL/115 KOLUMBIA süsinik-tsink patareid keskkonnakaitse ja 4. november 12. august 2008 ja leelispatareid tarbijaeksimuste 2008 HS: 8506.10, vältimine 8506.10.11.00, 8506.10.19.00, 8506.10.91, 8506.10.91.10, 8506.10.91.90, 8506.10.99.00 ja 8506.80 G/TBT/N/CRI/82 COSTA RICA jogurt inimeste elu ja 60 päeva 12. august 2008 ICS: 67.100.01 tervise kaitse, tarbijainfo G/TBT/N/EEC/ EUROOPA elektri- ja nõuded 60 päeva 208, 209 ÜHENDUSED elektroonilised kodused 12. august 2008 ja kontoriseadmed

28 G/TBT/N/ISR/216 IISRAEL pesuvahendid inimeste tervise 12. september 12. august 2008 nõudepesumasinale kaitse 2008 (HS: 34.02; ICS: 71.100.40). G/TBT/N/JPN/263 JAAPAN keemilised ained ohutus 60 päeva 12. august 2008 G/TBT/N/JPN/264 JAAPAN mootorsõidukid ohutus 22. september 12. august 2008 (HS: 87.01-08, 87.11, 2008 87.13-14 ja 87.16) G/TBT/N/KOR/182 KOREA toit tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 12. august 2008 VABARIIK G/TBT/N/MEX/151 MEHHIKO meditsiinilise abi nõuded 29. september 12. august 2008 osutajad 2008 G/TBT/N/MEX/152 MEHHIKO veeloomad nõuded 30. september 12. august 2008 2008 G/TBT/N/NZL/46 UUS MEREMAA toit toiduohutus ja rahva 6. oktoober 12. august 2008 tervis 2008 G/TBT/N/EEC/210 EUROOPA puu- ja juurvili määruse (EC) No 60 päeva 15. august 2008 ÜHENDUSED (ICS: 67) 1580/2007 lihtsustamine G/TBT/N/IND/35 INDIA mootorsõidukid ohutus ja õhusaaste 10. oktoober 15. august 2008 kontroll 2008 G/TBT/N/SGP/4 SINGAPUR kuivatid energiaklasside 6. oktoober 15. august 2008 määratlemine 2008 G/TBT/N/SGP/5 SINGAPUR mootorsõidukid nõuded 6. oktoober 15. august 2008 2008 G/TBT/N/SLV/ EL SALVADOR kala- ja kalatooted inimeste tervise 60 päeva 122 - 124 HS: 03; 1603 kuni kaitse 15. august 2008 1605 ICS: 67.120.30 G/TBT/N/ISR/217 IISRAEL lampide inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 juhtimisseadised kaitse ja (ICS: 29.120.40; kaubandustõkete HS: 85.35, 85.36) vähendamine G/TBT/N/ISR/218 IISRAEL akvaariumivalgustid inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 (HS: 8539; kaitse ja ICS: 29.140.40) kaubandustõkete vähendamine G/TBT/N/ISR/219 IISRAEL kantavad tulekustutid inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 (HS: 84.24.100; kaitse ICS: 13.220.10) G/TBT/N/ISR/220 IISRAEL madalpingelised inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 lülitusseadmed ja kaitse ja nende juhtseadmed kaubandustõkete (HS: 85.35; vähendamine ICS: 29.130.20, 29.240.99) G/TBT/N/ISR/221 IISRAEL biokütus inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 (HS: 2710.1000, 1518; kaitse ja ICS: 75.160.20). kaubandustõkete vähendamine G/TBT/N/ISR/222 IISRAEL hoonete ventilatsioon inimeste tervise 60 päeva 18. august 2008 (ICS: 91.140.30). kaitse ja kaubandustõkete vähendamine

29 G/TBT/N/TTO/ TRINIDAD JA sisseehitatud nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 48, 49 TOBAGO liiteseadisega kvaliteedile 2008 18. august 2008 üldtarbelambid (ICS: 29.140.30) G/TBT/N/TTO/50 TRINIDAD JA hooajalised ja nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO pühadeks mõeldud kvaliteedile 2008 dekoratiivtooted (ICS 29.140.00) G/TBT/N/TTO/ TRINIDAD JA vooluallikad nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 51, 52 TOBAGO (ICS: 29.180.00) kvaliteedile 2008 18. august 2008 G/TBT/N/TTO/53 TRINIDAD JA elektrijuhtmed ja nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO kaablid kvaliteedile 2008 (ICS: 29.060.00) G/TBT/N/TTO/54 TRINIDAD JA mootorid nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO (ICS: 29.160.30) kvaliteedile 2008 G/TBT/N/TTO/55 TRINIDAD JA katkematu toite nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO süsteemid kvaliteedile 2008 (ICS: 29.240) G/TBT/N/TTO/56 TRINIDAD JA valgustid nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO (ICS: 29.140.40) kvaliteedile 2008 G/TBT/N/TTO/57 TRINIDAD JA audio-videoseadmed nõuded ohutusele ja 1. september 18. august 2008 TOBAGO (ICS: 33.160.01) kvaliteedile 2008 G/TBT/N/MEX/153 MEHHIKO värvid, tindid, lakid, nõuded - 20. august 2008 poleerid ja emailid G/TBT/N/URY/3 URUGUAI seemned ja taimne ohutu kaubandus 1. september 21. august 2008 paljundusmaterjal 2008 G/TBT/N/KOR/183 KOREA ravimtaimed inimeste tervise 60 päeva 27. august 2008 VABARIIK kaitse G/TBT/N/OMN/37 OMAAN halal toit tarbijate tervis 60 päeva 27. august 2008 G/TBT/N/TTO/59 TRINIDAD AND kaitsevahendid tarbijakaitse 27. september 27. august 2008 TOBAGO jalgadele 2008 (ICS: 13.340.50) G/TBT/N/VNM/3 VIETNAM tööstuses kasutatavad inimeste ohutus ja 90 päeva 27. august 2008 lõhkeained keskkonnakaitse HS 3602.00 ja HS 3603.00) G/TBT/N/CAN/249 KANADA mootorsõidukid inimeste ohutus 16. oktoober 28. august 2008 (ICS: 43.020, 43.040) 2008 G/TBT/N/CAN/250 KANADA sõiduki nõuded 11. september 28. august 2008 valmistajatehase tähis 2008 (VIN) (ICS: 43.020) G/TBT/N/CAN/251 KANADA õhusõidukid inimeste ohutus 23. oktoober 28. august 2008 (ICS: 33.020, 49.020) 2008 G/TBT/N/CHN/429 HIINA mootorrattad ja liiklusohutus 60 päeva 28. august 2008 mopeedid (ICS: 43.140; HS:8711) G/TBT/N/CHN/430 HIINA mopeedid tururegulatsioon ja 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 43.140; energiasäästmine HS:8711) G/TBT/N/CHN/431 HIINA mootorrattad tururegulatsioon ja 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 43.140; energiasäästmine HS: 8711)

30 G/TBT/N/CHN/432 HIINA juveelitooted inimeste tervise 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 39.060) kaitse G/TBT/N/CHN/433 HIINA edisonkeermega tururegulatsioon, 60 päeva 28. august 2008 lambipesad kvaliteedi (ICS: 29.140.10) parandamine ja tooteohutus G/TBT/N/CHN/434 HIINA pliidid tururegulatsioon ja 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 97.040.10) inimeste ohutuse tagamine G/TBT/N/CHN/435 HIINA nõudepesumasinad tururegulatsioon ja 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 97.040.40; inimeste ohutuse HS: Y63) tagamine G/TBT/N/CHN/436 HIINA elektrisüsteemid tururegulatsioon ja 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 29.120.60; inimeste ohutuse HS: 8535). tagamine G/TBT/N/CHN/ HIINA elektritööriistad inimeste ohutus 60 päeva 437, 438 (ICS: 25.140.20). 28. august 2008 G/TBT/N/CHN/439 HIINA elektrisaed inimeste ohutus 60 päeva 28. august 2008 (ICS: 25.140.20; HS: 84672990). G/TBT/N/ARM/69 ARMEENIA loomasööt, toiduohutus, inimeste - 29. august 2008 loomasöödaga ja loomad elu ja kokkupuutuvad tervise kaitse materjalid G/TBT/N/BHR/68 BAHREIN kuivatatud liha nõuded 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (ICS: 67.120.10 ) G/TBT/N/BHR/69 BAHREIN vorstid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (ICS: 67.120.10) G/TBT/N/BHR/70 BAHREIN sojaoad tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/71 BAHREIN soolakala tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (ICS: 67.120.30) G/TBT/N/BHR/72 BAHREIN energiajoogid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/73 BAHREIN guajaav tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/74 BAHREIN kastanikonservid tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/75 BAHREIN mais tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/76 BAHREIN koorikloomad tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (ICS: 67.120.30) G/TBT/N/BHR/77 BAHREIN oder tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/BHR/78 BAHREIN loomasööt tarbijakaitse 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/CHN/440 HIINA suured ohutus 60 päeva 29. august 2008 aurusterilisaatorid (ICS: 11.080.10; HS: 8419) G/TBT/N/CHN/442 HIINA tekstiilid tururegulatsioon 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (ICS: 59.080.01, HS: 5001 - 5604, 5801 - 5804, 6001 - 6310).

31 G/TBT/N/CHN/443 HIINA jaemüük tururegulatsioon 60 päeva 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/ISR/223 IISRAEL hõõglambid kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (HS: 8539.2110; kõrvaldamine ja ICS: 29.140.20). kaubanduse soodustamine G/TBT/N/ISR/224 IISRAEL käsitsi lükatavad kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 ratastoolid kõrvaldamine ja (HS: 8713; kaubanduse ICS: 11.180.10). soodustamine G/TBT/N/ISR/225 IISRAEL elektrilised kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 nõudepesumasinad kõrvaldamine ja (HS: 8422.11; kaubanduse ICS: 97.040.40). soodustamine G/TBT/N/ISR/226 IISRAEL trepikattematerjalid inimeste tervise 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (HS: 6802.90 ; kaitse ja ICS: 91.060.30, kaubandustõkete 91.100.15). vähendamine G/TBT/N/ISR/227 IISRAEL pooljuhtseadmed kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (HS: 85.02, kõrvaldamine ja 8504.40.70; kaubanduse ICS: 31.080, 29.200, soodustamine 17.220, 31.100.10). G/TBT/N/ISR/228 IISRAEL volframniitlambid kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (HS: 8539.2110; kõrvaldamine ja ICS: 29.140.20) kaubanduse soodustamine G/TBT/N/ISR/229 IISRAEL luminofoorlambid kaubandustõkete 60 päeva 29. august 2008 (HS: 8539.30; kõrvaldamine ja ICS: 29.140.30). kaubanduse soodustamine G/TBT/N/ISR/230 IISRAEL katkematu toite inimeste tervise 60 päeva 29. august 2008 süsteemid (UPS) kaitse (H 8504.40.70; ICS: 29.200, 17.220, 31.100.10). G/TBT/N/KEN/ KEENIA meditsiinilised gaasid tarbijaohutus 60 päeva 120, 121 (ICS: 11.040) 29. august 2008 G/TBT/N/ZAF/85 LÕUNA päevalilleseemned tarbijaohutus ja -info 18. oktoober 29. august 2008 AAFRIKA (HS: 12.06) 2008 G/TBT/N/ZAF/86 LÕUNA sojaoad tarbijaohutus ja -info 18. oktoober 29. august 2008 AAFRIKA (HS: 12.01) 2008


EVS Teataja avaldab andmed uutest Arvamusküsitlusel olevate dokumentide vastuvõetud Eesti standarditest ja avalikuks loetelus on esitatud järgnev informatsioon arvamusküsitluseks esitatud standardite standardikavandi või standardi kohta: kavanditest rahvusvahelise standardite klassifikaatori (ICS) järgi. Samas jaotises on • Tähis (eesliide pr Euroopa ja DIS toodud andmed nii eesti keeles avaldatud, kui rahvusvahelise kavandi puhul) ka jõustumisteatega Eesti standarditeks • Viide identsele Euroopa või ingliskeelsetena vastuvõetud rahvusvahelistest rahvusvahelisele dokumendile ja Euroopa standarditest. • Arvamusküsitluse lõppkuupäev Eesmärgiga tagada standardite vastuvõtmine järgides konsensuse põhimõtteid, peab (arvamuste esitamise tähtaeg) standardite vastuvõtmisele eelnema standardite • Pealkiri kavandite avalik arvamusküsitlus, milleks • Käsitlusala ettenähtud perioodi jooksul (reeglina 2 kuud) on • Keelsus (en=inglise; et=eesti) asjast huvitatuil võimalik tutvuda standardite kavanditega, esitada kommentaare ning teha Kavandite arvamusküsitlusel on eriti oodatud ettepanekuid parandusteks. teave kui rahvusvahelist või Euroopa standardit ei peaks vastu võtma Eesti Arvamusküsitlusele on esitatud: standardiks (vastuolu Eesti õigusaktidega, pole Eestis rakendatav jt põhjustel). Soovitame 1. Euroopa ja rahvusvahelised standardid arvamusküsitlusele pandud standarditega ning standardikavandid, mis on kavas tutvuda igakuiselt kasutades EVS infoteenust vastu võtta Eesti standarditeks või EVS Teatajat. Kui see ei ole võimalik, siis jõustumisteatega. Kavandid on alati viimase kahe kuu nimekirjadega kättesaadavad reeglina inglise keeles kodulehel ja EVS Teatajas, kuna sellisel juhul EVS klienditeeninduses ning saate info kõigist hetkel kommenteerimisel standardiosakonnas. EVS tehnilistel olevatest kavanditest. komiteedel on võimalik saada koopiaid oma käsitlusalaga kokkulangevatest Kavanditega tutvumiseks palume saata vastav standardite kavanditest EVS teade aadressile [email protected], kontaktisiku kaudu. kavandeid saab osta klienditeenindusest [email protected]. 2. Eesti algupäraste standardite kavandid, mis Eesti standardimisprogrammi järgi Vastavad vormid arvamuse avaldamiseks on jõudnud arvamusküsitluse etappi. Euroopa ja rahvusvaheliste standardikavandite ning algupäraste Eesti standardikavandite kohta leiate EVS koduleheküljelt www.evs.ee .


01 Üldküsimused. Terminoloogia. Standardimine. Dokumentatsioon 03 Teenused. Ettevõtte organiseerimine, juhtimine ja kvaliteet. Haldus. Transport. Sotsioloogia 07 Matemaatika. Loodusteadused 11 Tervisehooldus 13 Keskkonna- ja tervisekaitse. Ohutus 17 Metroloogia ja mõõtmine. Füüsikalised nähtused 19 Katsetamine 21 Üldkasutatavad masinad ja nende osad 23 Üldkasutatavad hüdro- ja pneumosüsteemid ja nende osad 25 Tootmistehnoloogia 27 Elektri- ja soojusenergeetika 29 Elektrotehnika 31 Elektroonika 33 Sidetehnika 35 Infotehnoloogia. Kontoriseadmed 37 Visuaaltehnika 39 Täppismehaanika. Juveelitooted 43 Maanteesõidukite ehitus 45 Raudteetehnika 47 Laevaehitus ja mereehitised 49 Lennundus ja kosmosetehnika 53 Tõste- ja teisaldusseadmed 55 Pakendamine ja kaupade jaotussüsteemid 59 Tekstiili- ja nahatehnoloogia 61 Rõivatööstus 65 Põllumajandus 67 Toiduainete tehnoloogia 71 Keemiline tehnoloogia 73 Mäendus ja maavarad 75 Nafta ja naftatehnoloogia 77 Metallurgia 79 Puidutehnoloogia 81 Klaasi- ja keraamikatööstus 83 Kummi- ja plastitööstus 85 Paberitehnoloogia 87 Värvide ja värvainete tööstus 91 Ehitusmaterjalid ja ehitus 93 Rajatised 95 Sõjatehnika 97 Olme. Meelelahutus. Sport 99 Muud

34 01 ÜLDKÜSIMUSED. EVS-EN 13848-1:2004 TERMINOLOOGIA. STANDARDIMINE. Identne EN 13848-1:2003 Raudteealased rakendused/Rööbastee. Rööbastee DOKUMENTATSIOON geomeetria kvaliteet. Osa 1: Rööbastee geomeetria iseloomustus UUED STANDARDID This Part of this European Standard specifies the EVS-EN 15016-2:2005/AC:2007 requirements for the homologation of track geometry Hind 0,00 quality parameters as measured by various measuring Identne EN 15016-2:2004/AC:2007 devices. These measuring devices are described in Parts 2, 3, 4 of the standard. This European Standard Tehnilised joonised. Raudteealased rakendused. applies to all track geometry parameters including track Osa 2: Osade loetelud gauge, longitudinal level, alignment, cross level (cant / Keel en superelevation) and twist. It defines each parameter and EVS-EN ISO 11145:2008 specifies the requirements for measurement, the Hind 190,00 analysis methods and the presentation of results. Identne EN ISO 11145:2008 Keel en ja identne ISO 11145:2006 Asendatud EVS-EN 13848-1:2004+A1:2008 Optika ja optikamõõteriistad. Laserid ja laseriga EVS-EN ISO 11145:2006 seonduvad seadmed. Sõnastik ja sümbolid Identne EN ISO 11145:2006 This International Standard defines basic terms,symbols ja identne ISO 11145:2006 and units of measurement for the field oflaser Optika ja optikamõõteriistad. Laserid ja laseriga technology in order to unify the terminology and to arrive seonduvad seadmed. Sõnastik ja sümbolid at clear definitions and reproducible testsof beam See rahvusvaheline standard määratleb parameters and laser-oriented productproperties. lasertehnoloogia valdkonnas põhiterminid, sümbolid ja Keel en mõõtühikud, et ühtlustada terminoloogiat ja saavutada Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11145:2006 selged määratlused ja laserikiire parameetrite korduvkatsed ning lasertehnoloogia alusel valmistatud ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID toodangu reprodutseeritavad omadused. CEN/TS 15398:2006 Keel en Identne CEN/TS 15398:2006 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11145:2002 Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 11145:2008 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Floor covering standard symbols KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS This document establishes a system of graphic symbols for use in the marking of the following floor coverings EN 415-1:2000/prA1 and specifies the use of these symbols. Resilient floor Identne EN 415-1:2000/prA1:2008 coverings manufactured from plastics, linoleum, cork or Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 rubber, excluding loose-laid mats;  textile floor Pakkemasinate ohutus. Osa 1: Pakkemasinate ja coverings, excluding loose-laid mats;  laminate floor tarvikute terminoloogia ja klassifikatsioon coverings;  floor panels for loose laying. This European standard defines the field of packaging Keel en machines in detail in clause 3, but briefly these are: Asendatud CEN/TS 15398:2008 filling and dosing machines; closing machines; labelling, EVS-EN 1094-1:1999 decorating and coding machines; fill and seal machines; Identne EN 1094-1:1997 inspection machines; container and componenthandling Tulekindlad isolatsioonitooted. Osa 1: Keraamilisest machines; form, fill and seal machines; cartoning machines; wrapping machines; group of transit kiust toodete terminoloogia packaging machines; pallet or loading unit forming, See Euroopa standard määratleb terminid, mis käivad dismantling and securing machines. keraamilisest kiust toodete hulka liigitatud tulekindlate Keel en toodete ja materjalide kohta. Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 1094-1:2008

35 FprEN 80000-14 03 TEENUSED. ETTEVÕTTE Identne FprEN 80000-14:2008 ORGANISEERIMINE, JUHTIMINE JA ja identne IEC 80000-14:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 KVALITEET. HALDUS. TRANSPORT. Quantities and units -- Part 14: Telebiometrics SOTSIOLOOGIA related to human physiology UUED STANDARDID In this part of ISO/IEC 80000 names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of telebiometrics CEN/TR 10345:2008 related to human physiology are given. This part of Hind 221,00 ISO/IEC 80000 encompasses quantities and units for Identne CEN/TR 10345:2008 physiological, biological or behavioural characteristics that might provide input or output to telebiometric Guideline for statistical data treatment of inter identification or verification systems (recognition laboratory tests for validation of analytical methods systems), including any known detection or safety This document is a guideline to the performance of the thresholds. It also includes quantities and units statistical evaluation of data from an inter laboratory test concerned with effects on a human being caused by the for method validation. Its purpose is to detail the use of a telebiometric device. A code and an associated methodology of ISO 5725-1, -2 and -3 for the treatment graphical symbol for the identification of the type of a of registered data in the conditions used within the telebiometric device are also specified in this part of ECISS/TC 20 working groups ISO/IEC 80000. Keel en Keel en ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID prEN 459-1 Identne prEN 459-1:2008 EVS-EN 13848-1:2004 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 13848-1:2003 Ehituslubi. Osa 1: Määratlused, spetsifikatsioon ja Raudteealased rakendused/Rööbastee. Rööbastee vastavuskriteeriumid geomeetria kvaliteet. Osa 1: Rööbastee geomeetria This European Standard applies to building lime used iseloomustus for - preparation of binder for mortar (for example for This Part of this European Standard specifies the masonry, rendering and plastering), - production of requirements for the homologation of track geometry other construction products (for example calcium silicate quality parameters as measured by various measuring bricks, autoclaved aerated concrete, concrete, etc.), - devices. These measuring devices are described in civil engineering applications (for example soil treatment, Parts 2, 3, 4 of the standard. This European Standard hot mix asphalt, etc.). It gives definitions for the different applies to all track geometry parameters including track types of building lime and its classification. It also gives gauge, longitudinal level, alignment, cross level (cant / requirements for their chemical and physical properties superelevation) and twist. It defines each parameter and which depend on the type of building lime and specifies specifies the requirements for measurement, the the conformity criteria. Terms of delivery or other analysis methods and the presentation of results. contractual conditions, normally included in documents Keel en exchanged between the supplier and the purchaser of Asendatud EVS-EN 13848-1:2004+A1:2008 building lime, are outside the scope of this European Standard. KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Keel en prEVS 902 Asendab EVS-EN 459-1:2006 ja identne IWA 2:2007 prEN ISO 10991 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne ISO/DIS 10991:2008 Kvaliteedijuhtimisssüsteemid- Juhised ISO 9001 ja identne prEN ISO 10991:2008 rakendamiseks hariduses (IWA 2:2007) Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Micro process engineering - Terminology Käesolev rahvusvahelise töörühma kokkulepe annab This International Standard gives terms and definitions juhised haridusasutustele mõjusa for micro process engineering applied in chemistry, kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi loomiseks, olles kooskõlas ja pharmacy, biotechnology and food technology. This tuginedes standardile ISO 9001:2000. Selle vocabulary is drafted in accordance with the principles rahvusvahelise töörühma kokkuleppe sihiks on layed down in ISO 704 [1] and has been prepared and haridusasutuse kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi üldise designed in accordance with ISO 10241 [2]. mõjususe ja õppijale haridusteenuse osutamise ning Keel en pideva parendamise kindlustamine. Keel et

36 prEVS 903 prEVS 875-10 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemid. Juhised standardi ISO Vara hindamine. Osa 10: Hinnatava objekti ülevaatus 9001 rakendamiseks kohalikus omavalitsuses (IWA Standardiseeria EVS 875 käsitleb vara hindamist. 4:2005) Standardite kasutusalaks on vara hindamise ja Käesolev IWA 4 valmistati ette selleks, et pakkuda kogu hinnangute kasutamisega seotud tegevused, eelkõige maailma kohalikele omavalitsustele järjekindlat laenutagatiste ja finantsaruandlusega seotud tegevused. lähenemisviisi kvaliteedijuhtimisele. Selle eesmärgiks on Standardite kasutajateks on vara hindajad, “tõlkida” ISO 9001:2000 tehniline keel kohaliku kinnisvaraspetsialistid, ehitusspetsialistid, omavalitsuse inimestele kasutajasõbralikumasse keelde. keskkonnaspetsialistid, finantsaruandlusega tegelevad Seejuures ergutatakse ja julgustatakse kohalikke spetsialistid (raamatupidajad, audiitorid), omavalitusi ISO 9001:2000 kasutama. Ometi, kuna krediidiasutused, kõrgemad õppeasutused.Standardite erinevate regioonide ja kultuuripiirkondade kohalike olemasolu loob aluse vara hindamise ühtsele omavalitsuste spetsiifilised asjaolud paratamatult käsitlusele, rahuldades nii era- kui ka avaliku sektori erinevad, on oluline teadvustada, et ei ole olemas ühte vajadusi. ettekirjutatud teed ISO 9001:2000 nõuetele toetuva Keel et kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi juurutamiseks. Iga kohalik omavalitsus kohandab käesolevas dokumendis pakutud 11 TERVISEHOOLDUS näited oma spetsiifiliste situatsiooni ja tingimustele kohaseks. UUED STANDARDID Keel et EVS-EN 60601-2-31:2008 prCEN/TR 15367-3 Hind 208,00 Identne prCEN/TR 15367-3:2008 Identne EN 60601-2-31:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja identne IEC 60601-2-31:2008 Petroleum products - Guide for good housekeeping - Part 3: Prevention of cross contamination Medical electrical equipment -- Part 2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential This document provides general guidance on automotive performance of external cardiac pacemakers with fuel handling. It does not pre-empt national or local internal power source regulations. It only addresses the issue of cross contamination between petrol and diesel automotive This International Standard applies to the BASIC fuels that may occur in the supply chain, during SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE of manufacturing, storage, transportation or distribution. EXTERNAL PACEMAKERS powered by an INTERNAL There may also be a risk of contamination with other ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE, hereafter referred to products such as kerosene/jet fuel and off road diesel. as ME EQUIPMENT. This standard applies to PATIENT The guidance principles described in this document CABLES as defined in 201.3. 109. If a clause or would apply equally to managing these risks although subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME some details may be different. EQUIPMENT only, or to ME SYSTEMS only, the title and Keel en content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies both to ME prCEN/TS 15436-3 EQUIPMENT and to ME SYSTEMS, as relevant. Identne prCEN/TS 15436-3:2008 HAZARDS inherent in the intended physiological Tähtaeg 29.09.2008 function of ME EQUIPMENT within the scope of this Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 3: standard are not covered by specific requirements in this Classification standard except in 7.2.13 and 8.4.1 of the general standard. This Technical Specification defines the classification criteria of the road service area maintenance equipment Keel en described in the scope of EN 15436-1 and used for: - Asendab EVS-EN 60601-2-31:2001 grass cutting and brushcutting; - mechanical plant cutting. This equipment is mounted on self-propelled carrying vehicles, and is intended, on the one hand, for cutting and shredding grass and brushwood, and, on the other hand, for trimming trees, saplings and bushes in road service areas. Keel en

37 EVS-EN 61223-3-2:2008 EVS-EN ISO 8537:2008 Hind 246,00 Hind 162,00 Identne EN 61223-3-2:2008 Identne EN ISO 8537:2008 ja identne IEC 61223-3-2:2007 ja identne ISO 8537:2007 Meditsiiniliste kuvamisastuste hindamine ja Sterile single-use syringes, with or without needle, tavakatsetused. Osa 3-2: Aktsepteerimiskatsetused. for insulin Mammograafiliste röntgenseadmete kuvatoimivus Käesolev standard esitab nõuded ja testimismeetodid This part of IEC 61223 applies to the effectiveness of peamiselt inimestele ning ainult insuliini süstimiseks mammographic X-RAY EQUIPMENT, with respect to ettenähtud steriilsetele ühekordselt kasutatavatele image quality and dose, in combination with aspects of süstaldele, mis on koos nõeltega või ilma. Standard EQUIPMENT safety. This standard applies to hõlmab süstlaid, mis on ette nähtud insuliini jaoks, milles mammographic X-RAY EQUIPMENT and on 40 ühikut insuliini/ml (U-40) ja 100 ühikut insuliini/ml MAMMOGRAPHIC STEREOTACTIC DEVICES. The (U-100). tests described in this standard require the quality and Keel en performance of the X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTORS to be Asendab EVS-EN ISO 8537:1999/A1:2001; EVS-EN ISO assured prior to the acceptance testing when they are 8537:1999 not an integral part of the mammographic X-RAY EQUIPMENT. This includes RADIOGRAPHIC FILMS, EVS-EN ISO 9170-1:2008 INTENSIFYING SCREENS, RADIOGRAPHIC Hind 162,00 CASSETTES, storage phosphor plates and Identne EN ISO 9170-1:2008 ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT such as film processors or ja identne ISO 9170-1:2008 storage phosphor plate readers, IMAGE DISPLAY Meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemid. Osa 1: Liitmikud DEVICES and HARD COPY CAMERAS. For testing kokkusurutud meditsiinilise gaasi ja vaakumi jaoks RADIOGRAPHIC CASSETTES and INTENSIFYING SCREENS, this standard makes reference to ISO 4090. This part of ISO 9170 applies to: a) terminal units Sensitivity and contrast for the screen-film image intended for use in medical gas pipeline systems in receptors are considered to be stated according to ISO accordance with ISO 7396-1, for use with the following 9236-3. medical gases: - oxygen; - nitrous oxide; - medical air; - carbon dioxide; - oxygen/nitrous oxide mixture [50 %/50 Keel en % (by volume)]; b) terminal units intended for use in EVS-EN 61675-1:2002/A1:2008 medical gas pipeline systems in accordance with ISO Hind 73,00 7396-1, for use with the following gases and services: - Identne EN 61675-1:1998/A1:2008 oxygen-enriched air; - air for driving surgical tools; - ja identne IEC 61675-1:1998/A1:2008 nitrogen for driving surgical tools; - vacuum. Radionuclide imaging devices - Characteristics and Keel en test conditions - Part 1: Positron emission Asendab EVS-EN 737-1:1999 tomographs EVS-EN ISO 11143:2008 Specifies terminology and test methods for declaring the Hind 171,00 characteristics of positron emission tomographs. Identne EN ISO 11143:2008 Positron emission tomographs detect the annihilation ja identne ISO 11143:2008 radiation of positron emitting radionuclides by Hambaraviseadmed. Amalgaamieraldajad coincidence detection. It is intended that the test methods be carried out by the manufacturers, thereby This International Standard specifies requirements and enabling them to declare the characteristics of positron test methods for amalgam separators used in emission tomographs. So, the specifications given in the connection with dental equipment in the dental treatment accompanying documents shall be in accordance with centre. It specifies the efficiency of the amalgam this standard. separators in terms of the level of retention of amalgam based on a laboratory test and the test procedure for Keel en determining this efficiency. It also includes requirements EVS-EN ISO 3823-2:2004/A1:2008 for the safe functioning of the amalgam separator, for Hind 73,00 marking, and for instructions for use, operation and Identne EN ISO 3823-2:2003/A1:2008 maintenance. All tests described in this International ja identne ISO 3823-2:2003/Amd 1:2008 Standard are type tests. Stomatoloogia. Pöörlevad poleerimisseadmed. Osa Keel en 2: Viimistlusvahendid Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11143:2000 This part of ISO 3823 specifies dimensional and other relevant requirements for the 17 most commonly used shapes of steel and carbide finishing burs, including a quality control and specifications for labelling of these instruments. Keel en

38 EVS-EN ISO 15002:2008 EVS-EN 13220:1999 Hind 162,00 Identne EN 13220:1998 Identne EN ISO 15002:2008 Meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemide liitmikega ja identne ISO 15002:2008 ühendatavad voolamise mõõteseadmed Meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemide liitmikega Käesolev standard kehtib: - Voolamise mõõteseadmete ühendatavad voolamise mõõteseadmed kohta, mis on operaatori kaasabil kokku- ja 1.1 This International Standard is applicable to: - flow- lahtiühendatavad meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemi metering devices that are connected, either directly or by liitmikega meditsiiniliste gaaside mõõtmiseks ja means of flexible connecting assemblies, and väljastamiseks. Nad võivad olla ühendatavad otse või disconnected by the operator at terminal units of a elastsete ühendusdetailide abil. - Voolamise medical gas pipeline system for flow adjustment, mõõteseadmete kohta, mis on operaatori kaasabil measurement and delivery of medical gases; - flow- kokku- ja lahtiühendatavad seadmete, nagu näiteks metering devices that are connected and disconnected surveregulaatorite gaasispetsiifiliste ühenduspunktidega. by the operator at gas-specific connection points of Standard kehtib vaid selliste voolamise mõõteseadmete devices such as pressure regulators. 1.2 This kohta, mis on ette nähtud järgmiste meditsiiniliste International Standard applies to: a) flow-metering gaaside jaoks: hapnik, dilämmastikoksiid, õhk devices intended to be used with the following medical hingamiseks, süsinikdioksiid, heelium, ksenoon, eespool gases: - oxygen; - nitrous oxide; - medical air; - carbon loetletud gaaside kindlaksmääratud segud, hapniku / dioxide; - oxygen/nitrous oxide mixture [50 %/50 % (by dilämmastikoksiidi segu (50/50 % (mahuprotsent)). volume)]; - specified mixtures of the gases listed above; Elektrilised ja elektroonilised voolamise mõõteseadmed b) flow-metering devices intended to be used with the on käesoleva standardi reguleerimisalast välja jäetud. following gases: - oxygen-enriched air; - helium; - xenon. Keel en 1.3 This International Standard does not apply to Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 15002:2008 electrical or electronic flow-metering devices. 1.4 This EVS-EN 60601-2-31:2001 International Standard does not apply to gases used for Identne EN 60601-2-31:1995 + A1:1998 driving surgical tools. ja identne IEC 601-2-31:1994 Keel en Elektrilised meditsiiniseadmed. Osa 2: Erinõuded Asendab EVS-EN 13220:1999 sisetoiteallikaga väliste südamestimulaatorite EVS-EN ISO 24157:2008 ohutusele Hind 190,00 This particular standard specifies safety requirements for Identne EN ISO 24157:2008 external pacemakers powered by an internal electrical ja identne ISO 24157:2008 power source. Applies also to patient cables but does Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Reporting not apply to equipment which can be directly or indirectly aberrations of the human eye connected to a supply mains. This International Standard specifies standardized Keel en methods for reporting aberrations of the human eye. Asendatud EVS-EN 60601-2-31:2008 Keel en EVS-EN ISO 8537:1999 Identne EN ISO 8537:1994 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID ja identne ISO 8537:1991 EVS-EN 737-1:1999 Insuliini süstimiseks ettenähtud steriilsed Identne EN 737-1:1998 ühekordselt kasutatavad süstlad, koos nõeltega või Meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemid. Osa 1: Liitmikud ilma kokkusurutud meditsiinilise gaasi ja vaakumi jaoks Käesolev standard esitab nõuded ja testimismeetodid Standardi käesolev osa esitab nõuded liitmikele, mis on peamiselt inimestele ning ainult insuliini süstimiseks ette nähtud kasutamiseks järgmiste meditsiiniliste ettenähtud steriilsetele ühekordselt kasutatavatele gaaside torusüsteemides: hapnik, dilämmastikoksiid, süstaldele, mis on koos nõeltega või ilma. Standard õhk hingamiseks, süsinikdioksiid, hapniku / hõlmab süstlaid, mis on ette nähtud insuliini jaoks, milles dilämmastikoksiidi segu (50/50 % (mahuprotsent)), õhk on 40 ühikut insuliini/ml (U-40) ja 100 ühikut insuliini/ml kirurgiariistade käitamiseks, lämmastik kirurgiariistade (U-100). käitamiseks; ning vaakumi jaoks ettenähtud Keel en torusüsteemides. Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 8537:2008 Keel en EVS-EN ISO 8537:1999/A1:2001 Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 9170-1:2008 Identne EN ISO 8537:1994/A1:2000 ja identne ISO 8537:1991/Amd. 1:2000 Insuliini süstimiseks ettenähtud steriilsed ühekordselt kasutatavad süstlad, koos nõeltega või ilma. MUUDATUS Käesolev standard esitab nõuded ja testimismeetodid peamiselt inimestele ning ainult insuliini süstimiseks ettenähtud steriilsetele ühekordselt kasutatavatele süstaldele, mis on koos nõeltega või ilma. Standard hõlmab süstlaid, mis on ette nähtud insuliini jaoks, milles on 40 ühikut insuliini/ml (U-40) ja 100 ühikut insuliini/ml (U-100). Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 8537:2008

39 EVS-EN ISO 11143:2000 prEN 1639 Identne EN ISO 11143:1999 + AC:2002 Identne prEN 1639:2008 ja identne ISO 11143:1999 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Dental equipment - Amalgam separators Stomatoloogia. Meditsiinivahendid stomatoloogias. This Standard specifies requirements for amalgam Instrumendid separators used in connection with dental equipment in This European Standard specifies general requirements the dental clinic. It specifies the efficiency of the for instruments used in the practice of dentistry and separator in terms of the level of retention of amalgam which are medical devices. It includes requirements for and the test procedure for determining the efficiency. It intended performance, design attributes, components, also includes requirements for the safe functioning of the reprocessing, packaging, marking, labelling, and separator, marking, instructions for use, operating and information supplied by the manufacturer. This European maintenance. Standard does not apply to any necessary energy Keel en source to which an instrument needs to be connected. Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 11143:2008 These energy sources are covered by EN 1640. Tests for demonstrating compliance with this European KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Standard are contained in the level 3 standards, if appropriate. prEN 1641 Keel en Identne prEN 1641:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1639:2004 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 prEN 1640 Stomatoloogia. Meditsiinivahendid stomatoloogias. Identne prEN 1640:2008 Materjalid Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 This European Standard specifies general requirements Stomatoloogia. Meditsiinivahendid stomatoloogias. for materials used in the practice of dentistry for the restoration of the form and function of the dentition and Aparatuur which are medical devices. For the purposes of this This European Standard specifies general requirements standard these materials are defined as restorative for dental equipment used in the practice of dentistry materials. Dental implants are specifically excluded and and which are medical devices. It includes requirements described in EN 1642. This standard also specifies for intended performance, design attributes, general requirements for materials used in the practice components, packaging, marking, labelling, and of orthodontics. This standard includes requirements for information supplied by the manufacturer. This European intended performance, design attributes, components, Standard does not apply to dental X-ray equipment. This sterilization, packaging, marking, labelling, and European Standard does not apply to any dental information supplied by the manufacturer. Tests for instruments connected to an item of dental equipment. demonstrating compliance with this standard are These instruments are covered by EN 1639. Tests for contained in the level 3 standards, if appropriate. demonstrating compliance with this standard are Keel en contained in the level 3 standards, if appropriate. Asendab EVS-EN 1641:2004 Keel en EN ISO 7396-1:2007/prA1 Asendab EVS-EN 1640:2004 Identne EN ISO 7396-1:2007/prA1:2008 prEN 1642 ja identne ISO 7396-1:2007/DAmd 1:2008 Identne prEN 1642:2008 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Meditsiinilise gaasi torusüsteemid. Osa 1: Stomatoloogia. Meditsiinivahendid stomatoloogias. Torustikud meditsiiniliste surugaaside ja vaakumi Hambaimplantaadid jaoks This European Standard specifies general requirements Käesolev Euroopa standard määratleb põhinõuded for dental implants and accessories. Surgically meditsiiniliste surugaaside ja vaakumtorustike implantable dental materials defined as restorative süsteemide paigaldamise, toimimise, läbilaskevõime, materials are specifically excluded and described in EN dokumentatsiooni, kontrollimise ja kasutussevõtmise 1641. This European Standard includes requirements for jaoks eesmärgiga tagada patsiendi ohutus, varustades intended performance, design attributes, components, teda torusüsteemi abil pidevalt õige gaasiga. sterilization, packaging, marking, labelling, and information supplied by the manufacturer. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1642:2004 prEN ISO 8612 Identne prEN ISO 8612:2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 8612:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Opthalmic instruments - Tonometers This International Standard, together with ISO 15004-1, specifies minimum requirements and the design compliance procedure for tonometers intended for routine clinical use in the estimation of intraocular pressure (IOP). This International Standard takes precedence over ISO 15004-1, if differences exist. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 8612:2001

40 prEN ISO 10993-10 prEN ISO 14155 Identne prEN ISO 10993-10:2008 Identne prEN ISO 14155:2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 10993-10:2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 14155:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 10: Clinical investigation of medical devices for human Tests for irritation and skin sensitization subjects - Good clinical practice This part of ISO 10993 describes the procedure for the ISO 14155 addresses the technical aspects of clinical assessment of medical devices and their constituent investigations carried out in human subjects to assess materials with regard to their potential to produce the safety and performance of medical devices for irritation and skin sensitization. This part of ISO 10993 regulatory purposes by defining good clinical practices includes: a) pretest considerations for irritation, for their design, conduct, recording and reporting of including in silico and in vitro methods for dermal clinical investigations. It specifies general requirements exposure; b) details of in vivo (irritation and sensitization) intended to - protect the rights, safety and well-being of test procedures, and; c) key factors for the interpretation human subjects, - ensure the scientific conduct of the of the results. Instructions are given in Annex A for the clinical investigation and the credibility of the preparation of materials specifically in relation to the investigation results, - assist sponsors, monitors, above tests. In Annex B several special irritation tests investigators, ethics committees, regulatory authorities are described for application of medical devices in areas and bodies involved in the conformity assessment of other than skin. medical devices. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10993-10:1999 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 14155-1:2003; EVS-EN ISO prEN ISO 10993-13 14155-2:2003 Identne prEN ISO 10993-13:2008 prEN ISO 15798 ja identne ISO/DIS 10993-13:2008 Identne prEN ISO 15798:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 15798:2008 Meditsiiniseadmete bioloogiline hindamine. Osa 13: Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Polümeersetest meditsiiniseadmetest pärit Opthalmioc implants - Opthalmic viscosurgical mittetäisväärtuslike saaduste kuuluvuse ja koguse devices kindlakstegemine This International Standard applies to ophthalmic This part of ISO 10993 provides general requirements viscosurgical devices (OVDs), a class of non-active for the design of tests in a simulated environment for surgical implants with viscous and/or viscoelastic identifying and quantifying degradation products from properties, intended for use during surgery in the finished polymeric medical devices ready for clinical use. anterior segment of the human eye. OVDs are designed This part of ISO 10993 describes two test methods to to create and maintain space, to protect intra-ocular generate degradation products, an accelerated tissues and to manipulate tissues during surgery. This degradation test as a screening method and a real-time International Standard defines requirements with regard degradation test in a simulated environment. For to safety for the intended performance, design attributes, materials which are intended to polymerize in situ, the preclinical and clinical evaluation, sterilization, product set or cured polymer is used for testing. The data packaging, product labelling and information supplied by generated are used in the biological evaluation of the the manufacturer of these devices. polymer. This document considers only non-resorbable Keel en polymers. Similar, but appropriately modified procedures Asendab EVS-EN ISO 15798:2002 may be applicable for resorbable polymers. This part of ISO 10993 considers only those degradation products generated by a chemical alteration of the finished polymeric device. It is not applicable to degradation of the device induced during its intended use by mechanical stress, wear or electromagnetic radiation or biological factors such as enzymes, other proteins and cellular activity. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10993-13:1999 prEN ISO 10993-16 Identne prEN ISO 10993-16:2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 10993-16:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Meditsiiniseadmete bioloogiline hindamine. Osa 16: Mittetäisväärtuslike saaduste ja uhtainete jaoks mõeldud toksikokineetilise uuringu ülesehitus This part of ISO 10993 gives principles on how toxicokinetic studies relevant to medical devices should be designed and performed. Annex A describes the considerations for inclusion of toxicokinetic studies in the biological evaluation of medical devices. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10993-16:1999

41 13 KESKKONNA- JA TERVISEKAITSE. EVS-EN 349:1998+A1:2008 OHUTUS Hind 95,00 Identne EN 349:1993+A1:2008 UUED STANDARDID Masinate ohutus. Minimaalsed vahekaugused vältimaks inimese kehaosade muljumisohtu CEN/TR 13688:2008 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST Hind 132,00 Käesoleva Euroopa standardi eesmärgiks on Identne CEN/TR 13688:2008 võimaldada kasutajal (nt standardite koostajal, masinate Packaging - Material recycling - Report on konstrueerijal) vältida ohtu muljumisohtlikes alades. requirements for substances and materials to Selle standardiga määratakse minimaalsed prevent a sustained impediment to recycling vahekaugused sõltuvalt inimeste ohustatud kehaosast ja This Report provides some examples of substances and see standard on rakendatav siis, kui standardis esitatud materials that may cause a sustained impediment in the meetodiga võib saavutada piisavat ohutust. Käesolev recycling activities, and is intended to assist in the Euroopa standard on rakendatav ainult muljumisest assessment requirements set out in the standard EN tekkivate ohtude puhul ja seda ei saa kohaldada teistele 13430. It describes substances or materials which cause võimalike ohtude, näiteks, löögi-, rebestus- või problems or inhibit the recycling process, or which have kaasahaaramisohu puhul. a negative influence on the quality of recycled material, Keel en and for which it is considered that technological Asendab EVS-EN 349:1998 solutions will not be developed in the near future. These EVS-EN 420:2006/AC:2006 examples are however qualified by the fact that the Hind 0,00 recycling operations can vary from region to region and state to state, that technology is constantly changing, Identne EN 420:2003/AC:2006 and that the use to which the recycled material is put will Kaitsekindad. Üldnõuded ja katsemeetodid also determine whether such substances and materials Keel en are a problem. EVS-EN 574:1999+A1:2008 Keel en Hind 180,00 CEN/TS 15675:2007 Identne EN 574:1996+A1:2008 Hind 208,00 Masinate ohutus. Kahekäe-juhtseadised. Identne CEN/TS 15675:2007 Talitlusaspektid. Konstrueerimise põhimõtted Air quality - Measurements of stationary source KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST emissions - Application of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to Standard kirjeldab kahekäe-juhtseadiste põhitunnuseid periodic measurements eesmärgiga tagada ohutus ning esitab kolme tüüpi This Technical Specification supplements the seadiste talitluslikud tunnused. See standard ei kehti requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005, and is suitable seadiste kohta, mis on ette nähtud kasutamiseks for the demonstration of competence of laboratories that piiravate seadistena, tööshoidvate seadistena või undertake periodic measurement of emissions from spetsiifiliste juhtseadistena. Standard annab nõuded ja stationary sources including juhised kahekäe-juhtseadiste konstruktsiooni ja valiku, - the taking of representative samples of emissions and kaasa arvatud nende seadiste hindamise, hävimise subsequent laboratory analysis for gases and for ärahoidmise ning vigade tekke vältimise kohta. particulate species, Keel en - the determination of reference quantities such as Asendab EVS-EN 574:1999 temperature, pressure, water vapour and oxygen content in the field and EVS-EN 626-1:1998+A1:2008 - the use of portable instruments (such as hand held Hind 123,00 instruments and transportable instruments used in Identne EN 626-1:1994+A1:2008 mobile laboratories) in the field. Masinate ohutus. Masinatest lähtuvatest ohtlikest This Technical Specification is applicable to all ainetest tuleneva terviseriski vähendamine. Osa 1: laboratories undertaking the periodic measurement of Põhimõtted ja nõuded masinate tootjatele emissions from stationary sources, the calibration of KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST installed automated measuring systems in accordance with EN 14181:2004 and/or the field testing of Käesolevas Euroopa standardis käsitletakse masinatest automated measuring systems for conformity lähtuvatest ohtlikest ainetest tulenevate tervisriskide assessment purposes. haldamise põhimõtteid. Käesolevat Euroopa standardit ei saa kasutada nende ohtlike ainete puhul, mis on Keel en ohtlikud ainuüksi nende plahvatus-, süttivus-, või EVS-EN 54-18:2006/AC:2007 radioaktiivsete omaduste, kõrge või madala Hind 0,00 temperatuuri, kõrge või madala rõhu tõttu. Identne EN 54-18:2005/AC:2007 Keel en Automaatne tulekahjusignalisatsioonisüsteem. Osa Asendab EVS-EN 626-1:1998 18: Sisend-/väljundseadmed Keel en

42 EVS-EN 626-2:1999+A1:2008 EVS-EN 1088:1999+A2:2008 Hind 104,00 Hind 221,00 Identne EN 626-2:1996+A1:2008 Identne EN 1088:1995+A2:2008 Masinate ohutus. Masinatest eralduvate kahjulike Masinate ohutus. Kaitsekatetega seonduvad ainete terviseohu vähendamine. Osa 2: blokeerseadised. Konstrueerimise ja valiku Kontrollmenetluste aluseks olev metodoloogia põhialused KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This standard specifies principles for the design and Standard määrab protseduuri, mis on ohtlike ainete selection - independent of the nature of the energy eraldumisega seonduvate oluliste tegurite valiku source – of interlocking devices associated with guards aluseks. Standardi eesmärk on määrata kindlaks (as defined in 3.23.1 "interlocking device [interlock]", sobivad kontrolliparameetrid. 3.22.4 "interlocking guard" and 3.22.5 "interlocking Keel en guard with guard locking" of EN 292-1:1991). It also Asendab EVS-EN 626-1:1998 provides requirements specifically intended for electrical interlocking devices (see clause 6). This standard covers EVS-EN 840-6:2004+A1:2008 the parts of guards which actuate interlocking devices. Hind 95,00 Requirements for guards are given in prEN 953. The Identne EN 840-6:2004+A1:2008 processing of the signal from the interlocking device to Teisaldatavad heitmekonteinerid. Osa 6: Ohutuse ja stop and immobilize the machine is dealt with in prEN tervisekaitse nõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST 954-1. This European Standard provides the essential safety, Keel en health and ergonomic requirements for mobile waste Asendab EVS-EN 1088:1999 containers according to EN 840-1 to EN 840-4, not EVS-EN 1093-6:1999+A1:2008 including hazardous wastes containers. Hind 104,00 Keel en Identne EN 1093-6:1998+A1:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 840-6:2004 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete EVS-EN 999:1999+A1:2008 emissiooni hindamine. Osa 6: Massi järgi eraldamise Hind 162,00 efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava Identne EN 999:1998+A1:2008 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST Masinate ohutus. Kaitsevarustuse asend This European Standard specifies a test rig method for inimkehaosade lähenemiskiiruse suhtes the measurement of the separation efficiency by mass of KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST air cleaning systems with unducted outlet, operating under defined conditions. The method shall apply to This European Standard provides parameters based on systems that clean air of aerosols (smoke, dust, fume, values for hand/arm and approach speeds and the mist), vapour or gas. Measurement of the separation methodology to determine the minimum distances from efficiency by mass of an air cleaning system for an specific sensing or actuating devices of protective intended use can serve for the: a) evaluation of the equipment to a danger zone. performance of an air cleaning system; b) evaluation of Keel en the improvement of the air cleaning system; c) Asendab EVS-EN 999:1999 comparison of air cleaning systems; d) ranking of air Asendatud prEN ISO 13855 cleaning systems according to their separation efficiency EVS-EN 1028-1:2002+A1:2008 by mass; e) determination of the state of the art of air cleaning systems of the same intended use with respect Hind 180,00 to their separation efficiency by mass. Identne EN 1028-1:2002+A1:2008 Keel en Tuletõrjepumbad. Löökpadruniga tuletõrje Asendab EVS-EN 1093-6:1999 tsentrifugaalpumbad. Osa 1: Klassifikatsioon. Üld- ja ohutusnõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This standard applies for centrifugal pumps with priming devices for fire-fighting use supplied separately without driver and couplings. Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer are defined as terminated by their inlet and outlet connec-tions as well as by their shaft ends. This standard applies for fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with priming devices for use under ambient temperatures between -15 °C and 40 °C. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1028-1:2002

43 EVS-EN 1093-7:1999+A1:2008 EVS-EN 1093-9:1999+A1:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 104,00 Identne EN 1093-7:1998+A1:2008 Identne EN 1093-9:1998+A1:2008 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete emissiooni hindamine. Osa 7: Massi järgi eraldamise emissiooni hindamine. Osa 9: Saasteaine efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava kontsentratsiooniparameeter, ruumimeetod KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This European Standard specifies a test rig method for This European Standard specifies a room method for the the measurement of the separation efficiency by mass of measurement of the pollutant concentration parameter air cleaning systems, operating under defined of a specified airborne hazardous substance from conditions. The method shall apply to systems that clean machines, located in a test room and operating the air of aerosols (smoke, dust, fume, mist), vapour or gas machines under defined conditions. This method can with defined air inlet and air outlet which can be only be used for machines with a local exhaust connected to measurement ducts. Measurement of the ventilation with an air flow rate ³ 500 m3/h and machines separation efficiency by mass of an air cleaning system without recirculated air. Measurement of the pollutant for an intended use can serve for the: a) evaluation of concentration parameter of a machine can serve for the: the performance of an air cleaning system; b) a) evaluation of the performance of a machine; b) evaluation of the improvement of the air cleaning evaluation of the improvement of the machine; c) system; c) comparison of air cleaning systems; d) comparison of machines within groups of machines with ranking of air cleaning systems according to their the same intended use (groups are defined by the separation efficiency by mass; e) determination of the function and materials processed); d) ranking of state of the art of air cleaning systems of the same machines from the same group according to their intended use with respect to their separation efficiency pollutant concentration parameters; e) determination of by mass. the state of the art of machines with respect to their Keel en pollutant concentration parameter. Asendab EVS-EN 1093-7:1999 Keel en EVS-EN 1093-8:1999+A1:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1093-9:1999 Hind 104,00 EVS-EN 1093-11:2002+A1:2008 Identne EN 1093-8:1998+A1:2008 Hind 104,00 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete Identne EN 1093-11:2001+A1:2008 emissiooni hindamine.Osa 8: Saasteaine Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete kontsentratsiooni parameeter, katsestendimeetod emissiooni hindamine. Osa 11: Saasteärastamise KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST näitaja KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This European Standard specifies a test bench method This standard describes a method for the measurement for the measurement of the pollutant concentration of the decontamination index of pollution control systems parameter of a specified airborne hazardous substance e. g. capture devices including local exhaust ventilation, from machines using a test bench under specified water spray systems and, when appropriate, separation operating conditions. This method is only applicable for equipment installed on a machine. This method uses the the determination of emitted gases, vapours and real pollutant (see 4.2 of EN 1093-1 : 1998 “ Safety of respirable particles. The determination of the emission machinery — Evaluation of the emission of airborne rate in a test bench (see EN 1093-3) shall be used when hazardous substances — Part 1: Selection of test possible. Measurement of the pollutant concentration methods”) and can be operated in room or field parameter of a machine can serve for the: a) evaluation environments. It should be observed that during the test, of the performance of a machine; b) evaluation of the especially during the shutdown or the removal of the improvement of the machine; c) comparison of pollution control system, the concentration of hazardous machines within groups of machines with the same substances , if present, can reach levels which are liable intended use (groups are defined by the function and to incur a risk to the health of the operators or other materials processed), d) ranking of machines from the occupants present in the room. Warning: This standard same group according to their pollutant concentration does not deal with the protective measures required to parameters; e) determination of the state of the art of control these risks. machines with respect to their pollutant concentration Keel en parameter. Asendab EVS-EN 1093-11:2002 Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1093-8:1999

44 EVS-EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 EVS-EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 Hind 190,00 Hind 162,00 Identne EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 Identne EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 Teepiirdesüsteemid. Osa 5: Toodetele esitatavad Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Vibratsiooni nõuded ja sõidukite turvasüsteemide mõõtmise katsemeetodid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST vastavushindamine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This European Standard is a type test procedure for This European Standard specifies requirements for establishing the values of vibration emission transmitted evaluation of conformity of the following vehicle restraint to the whole body of operators of industrial trucks under systems: a) safety barriers; b) crash cushions; c) specified conditions. It is not applicable to hand-arm terminals (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes vibration. This standard is applicable to powered an EN); d) transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317- industrial trucks listed in ISO 5053:1987. The annex A is 4 becomes an EN); e) vehicle / pedestrian parapets applicable for "all-terrain" trucks. It also applies to other (only for the vehicle restraint function). Pedestrian powered industrial trucks not covered by ISO 5053:1987, parapet requirements are not covered in this document. e.g. variable-reach trucks and "low-lift" "order picking" Requirements for the evaluation of durability with respect trucks, etc. This standard is not applicable to non- to weathering are included in this document. stacking "low-lift" straddle carriers (as specified in Requirements for other forms of durability (e.g. marine of ISO 5053:1987) and stacking "high-lift" environment, sand abrasion) are not included. straddle carriers (as specified in of ISO Temporary barriers are not within the scope of this 5053:1987). The test results, however, are not document. applicable to the determination of whole-body vibration Keel en exposure. Asendab EVS-EN 1317-5:2007 Keel en EVS-EN 1846-2:2002/AC:2007 Asendab EVS-EN 13059:2002 Hind 0,00 EVS-EN 13071-1:2008 Identne EN 1846-2:2001/AC:2007 Hind 141,00 Tuletõrje- ja päästeteenistuse sõidukid. Osa 2: Identne EN 13071-1:2008 Üldnõuded. Ohutus ja jõudlus Stationary waste containers up to 5000 l, top lifted Keel en bottom emptied - Part 1: General requirements EVS-EN 1846-2:2002/A1:2005/AC:2007 This European Standard specifies requirements of stationary containers, top lifted and bottom emptied, Hind 0,00 used for collection of solid non hazardous wastes, with Identne EN 1846-2:2001/A1:2004/AC:2007 capacity up to 5 000 l. This European Standard specifies Tuletõrje- ja päästeteenistuse sõidukid. Osa 2: the general characteristics of such containers and their Üldnõuded. Ohutus ja jõudlus accessories, the test methods and the safety Keel en requirements. EVS-EN 1994-1-2:2005/AC:2008 Keel en Hind 0,00 Asendab EVS-EN 13071:2002 Identne EN 1994-1-2:2005/AC:2008 EVS-EN 13071-2:2008 Eurokoodeks 4 - Terasest ja betoonist Hind 113,00 komposiitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 1- Identne EN 13071-2:2008 2: Üldeeskirjad.Tulepüsivusarvutus. Stationary waste containers up to 5000 l, top lifted Keel en bottom emptied - Part 2: Additional requirements for EVS-EN 12101-10:2005/AC:2007 underground or partly underground systems Hind 0,00 This European Standard specifies the additional requirements for underground or partly underground Identne EN 12101-10:2005/AC:2007 systems top lifted and bottom emptied, used for Suitsu ja kuumuse kontrollsüsteemid. Osa 10: collection of solid non hazardous wastes with a capacity Energiaallikad up to 5 000 l. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 13071:2002

45 EVS-EN 13077:2008 EVS-EN 14591-1:2004/AC:2006 Hind 123,00 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 13077:2008 Identne EN 14591-1:2004/AC:2006 Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable Plahvatuse vältimine ja kaitse allamaakaevanduses. water - Air gap with non-circular overflow Kaitsesüsteemid. Osa 1: 2-baarist plahvatust taluv (unrestricted) - Family A-Type B ventilatsioonikonstruktsioon This European Standard specifies the characteristics Keel en and the requirements of air gap with non-circular EVS-EN 14710-1:2005+A1:2008 overflow (unrestricted) Family A, Type B for nominal flow Hind 171,00 velocity not exceeding 3 m/s. Air gaps are devices for protection of potable water in water installations from Identne EN 14710-1:2005+A1:2008 pollution. This European Standard applies to air gaps in Tuletõrjepumbad. Ilma eelpumbata tsentrifugaalsed factory assembled products and to constructed air gaps tuletõrjepumbad. Osa 1: Klassifikatsioon, üldised ja in situ, and defines the physico-chemical characteristics ohutusnõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST of materials of construction used for the purpose and This document applies to centrifugal pumps without application to ensure compliance with this European priming devices for fire-fighting use designed as - Standard during normal working use. floating pumps (FPN-F), - submersible pumps (FPN-S) Keel en or - boosted pumps (FPN-B). Fire-fighting centrifugal Asendab EVS-EN 13077:2004 pumps without primer are defined as terminated by their EVS-EN 13094:2008 inlet and outlet connections as well as by their shaft ends. This document applies for fire-fighting centrifugal Hind 286,00 pumps without priming devices for use under ambient Identne EN 13094:2008 temperatures between -15 °C and 40 °C. Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Keel en Metallic tanks with a working pressure not Asendab EVS-EN 14710-1:2005 exceeding 0,5 bar - Design and construction EVS-EN 15527:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements for the Hind 199,00 design and construction of metallic tanks with a maximum working pressure not exceeding 50 kPa gauge Identne EN 15527:2008 used for the transport of dangerous goods by road and Characterization of waste - Determination of rail for which Tank Code with letter “G” is given in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in waste chapter 3.2 of ADR [2]. It also includes requirements for using gas chromatography mass spectrometry a system of identification of materials used in the (GC/MS) construction of these tanks. This European Standard This European Standard specifies the quantitative specifies requirements for openings, closures and determination of 16 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons structural equipment. This European Standard is (PAH) according to the priority list of the Environmental applicable to aircraft refuellers that are used on public Protection Agency (EPA, 1982). This European roads. It is also applicable to inter-modal tanks (e.g. tank Standard is applicable for wastes such as contaminated containers and tank swap bodies) for the transport of soil, sludge and rubble, bitumen or waste containing dangerous goods by road and rail. bitumen. This European Standard describes a gas Keel en chromatographic method with mass spectrometric Asendab EVS-EN 13094:2004 detection (GC-MS). Under the conditions specified in this EVS-EN 14466:2005+A1:2008 document, a typical lower limit of application of 0,1 mg/kg for each individual PAH can be achieved. Hind 208,00 Keel en Identne EN 14466:2005+A1:2008 EVS-EN 50264-1:2008 Tuletõrjepumbad. Teisaldatavad pumbad. Ohutus- ja toimimisnõuded, katsed KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST Hind 190,00 This document applies to portable pumps using fire- Identne EN 50264-1:2008 fighting centrifugal pumps as defined in EN 1028, driven Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power by an internal combustion engine and not intended to be and control cables having special fire performance -- permanently installed in fire-fighting and rescue service Part 1: General requirements vehicles and not intended for prolonged unattended EN 50264-1 specifies the general requirements operation. This document deals with all significant applicable to the cables given in all other parts of EN hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the portable fire-fighting pumps as described above, when insulating and sheathing materials and other they are used as intended and under the conditions components called up in the separate parts. In particular foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire addresses the design, setting up, and operation of the safety. Based on proven experience and reliability over portable pump. This document also specifies many years these cables are rated for occasional performance requirements for portable pumps in its thermal stresses causing ageing equivalent to scope. This document applies to portable pumps used in continuous operational life at a conductor temperature of ambient temperatures between –15 °C and + 35 °C. 90 °C. The maximum conductor temperature for short Keel en circuit conditions is 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Asendab EVS-EN 14466:2005 This Part 1 should be read in conjunction with the other parts of EN 50264. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 50264-1:2003

46 EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3-1:2008 Hind 162,00 Hind 162,00 Identne EN 50264-2-1:2008 Identne EN 50264-3-1:2008 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- and control cables having special fire performance -- Part 2-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Part 3-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Single core cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Single core EN 50264-2-1 specifies requirements for, and cables constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of EN 50264-3-1 specifies requirements for, and the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm² to 400 mm²); • 1,8/3 the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2); • 1,8/3 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm² to 400 mm²). 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. mm2). All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free or wiring where limited flexing in operation is sheath. They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 conductor temperature not exceeding 90° C and a °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 cables exhibit special performance characteristics in °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the respect of maximum permissible flame propagation cables exhibit special performance characteristics in (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of respect of maximum permissible flame propagation smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-1 should be read in (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-1 should be read in Keel en conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. Asendab EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 Keel en EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3-2:2008 Hind 162,00 Hind 180,00 Identne EN 50264-2-2:2008 Identne EN 50264-3-2:2008 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- and control cables having special fire performance -- Part 2-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Part 3-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Multicore cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Multicore EN 50264-2-2 specifies requirements for, and cables constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the EN 50264-3-2 specifies requirements for, and following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the screened or unscreened (1 mm², 1,5 mm² and 2,5 mm², following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV screened or screened or unscreened (1 mm2, 1,5 mm2 and 2,5 unscreened (1,5 mm² to 50 mm², 2, 3 and 4 cores). All mm2, number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN screened or unscreened, (1,5 mm2 to 50 mm2, 2, 3 and 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. 4 cores). All cables have class 5 tinned copper They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, conductors to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and or wiring where limited flexing in operation is halogen-free sheath. They are for use in railway rolling encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a operation is encountered. The requirements provide for maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 a continuous conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the °C and a maximum temperature for short circuit cables exhibit special performance characteristics in conditions of 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under respect of maximum permissible flame propagation fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of characteristics in respect of maximum permissible flame smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-2 should be read in propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. emission of smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-2 Keel en should be read in conjunction with Part 1 “General Asendab EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 requirements”. Keel en

47 EVS-EN 50475:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-16:2003/A1:2008 Hind 151,00 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 50475:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-16:2003/A1:2008 Basic standard for the calculation and the ja identne IEC 60335-2-16:2002/A1:2008 measurement of human exposure to electromagnetic Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. fields from broadcasting service transmitters in the Ohutus. Osa 2-16: Erinõuded toidujäätmete HF bands (3 MHz - 30 MHz) konteineritele This standard applies to short wave broadcast Deals with the safety of electric food waste disposers for transmitters and installations operating in the frequency household and similar purposes, their rated voltage range 3 MHz to 30 MHz. The objective of the standard is being not more than 250 V. Is to be used in conjunction to specify, for such a frequency band, basic information with IEC 335-1, third edition. allowing the definition of a method for assessment of Keel en compliance related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. EVS-EN 60335-2-26:2003/A1:2008 Keel en Hind 73,00 Identne EN 60335-2-26:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 50476:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-26:2002/A1:2008 Hind 104,00 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Identne EN 50476:2008 Ohutus. Osa 2-26: Erinõuded kelladele Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of Deals with the safety of electric clocks having a rated broadcast station transmitters with the reference voltage of not more than 250 V. Examples of appliances levels and the basic restrictions related to public that are within the scope of this standard are alarm exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields clocks, spring-driven clocks with an electrically operated (3 MHz - 30 MHz) winding mechanism, clocks incorporating driving means This standard applies to short wave broadcast other than motors. This standard does not apply to transmitters operating in the frequency range 3 MHz to battery-operated clocks; appliances intended exclusively 30 MHz. The object of this standard is to demonstrate for industrial purposes; appliances intended to be used the compliance of such equipment with the basic in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the restrictions (directly or indirectly via compliance with presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, reference levels) related to public human exposure to vapor or gas); clocks having other functions, whether or radio frequency electromagnetic fields. not in combination with time indication, such as master Keel en control clocks and timers for cooking ranges, washing EVS-EN 60335-2-3:2003/A2:2008 machines and similar appliances; clocks for "clocking in" purposes; clocks incorporating electronic circuits Hind 73,00 only(refer to IEC 60065) Identne EN 60335-2-3:2002/A2:2008 Keel en ja identne IEC 60335-2-3:2002/A2:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Hind 73,00 Ohutus. Osa 2-3: Erinõuded elektritriikraudadele Identne EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 Deals with the safety of electric dry irons and steam irons, including those with a separate water reservoir or ja identne IEC 60335-2-28:2002/A1:2008 boiler having a capacity not exceeding 5 l, for household Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more Ohutus. Osa 2-28: Erinõuded õmblusmasinatele than 250 V. Deals with the safety of electric sewing machines for Keel en household and similar use, their rated voltage being not EVS-EN 60335-2-12:2003/A1:2008 more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.Overlock machines and electrical Hind 73,00 sets are within the scope of the standard. Is to be used Identne EN 60335-2-12:2003/A1:2008 in conjunction with IEC 335-1 (third edition). ja identne IEC 60335-2-12:2002/A1:2008 Keel en Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste elektriseadmete EVS-EN 60335-2-45:2003/A1:2008 ohutus. Osa 2-12: Erinõuded soojendusplaatidele ja Hind 73,00 muudele taolistele seadmetele Identne EN 60335-2-45:2002/A1:2008 Deals with the safety of electric warming plates, warming trays and similar appliances intended to keep food or ja identne IEC 60335-2-45:2002/A1:2008 vessels warm, for household and similar purposes, their Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste elektriseadmete rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances ohutus. Osa 2-45: Erinõuded kaasaskantavatele ja intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry muudele taolistele kuumutamisseadmetele and on farms, are also within the scope of this standard. This standard deals with the safety of portable electric Keel en heating tools and similar appliances, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Keel en

48 EVS-EN 60335-2-52:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-108:2008 Hind 73,00 Hind 141,00 Identne EN 60335-2-52:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-108:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-52:2002/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-108:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-52: Erinõuded Ohutus. Osa 2-108: Erinõuded elektrolüüseritele suuhügieeniseadmetele This International Standard deals with the safety of Deals with the safety of electric oral hygiene appliances electrolysers that produce low viscosity, ionized liquids for househols and similar purposes, their rated voltage intended for use as detergent free wash water in being not more than 250 V. Examples of appliances appliances for household and similar purposes and covered by this standard are oral irrigators and which conform with the standards applicable to such toothbrushes appliances. It applies to electrolysers tested separately, Keel en under the most severe conditions that may be expected to occur in normal use, their rated voltage being not EVS-EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 more than 250 V. Hind 73,00 Keel en Identne EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 61229:2008/A2:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-56:2002/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Identne EN 61229:1995/A2:2002 Ohutus. Osa 2-56: Erinõuded projektoritele ja muudele taolistele seadmetele ja identne IEC 61229:1993/A2:2002 Deals with the safety of electric projectors and similar Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. appliances, their rated voltage being not more than 250 Installations V, for household and similar purposes. Some examples International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid of appliacnes that are within the scope of this standard insulating covers for live working ona.c. installations, are effects projectors, film-strip projectors, microscope including those described in IEC 60743.The barriers, projectors, motion-picture projectors, overhead having dielectric withstand which depends on the projectors, photographic enlargers, still view and photo- positioning clearance, areexcluded from this standard. reproduction appliances Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 61229:2008/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-78:2003/A1:2008 Hind 62,00 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 61229:1995/A1:1998 Identne EN 60335-2-78:2003/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 61229:1993/A1:1998 ja identne IEC 60335-2-78:2002/A1:2008 Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Installations Ohutus. Osa 2-78: Erinõuded aiagrillidele International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid Deals with the safety of electric outdoor barbecues for insulating covers for live working ona.c. installations, household and similar use, their rated voltage being not including those described in IEC 60743.The barriers, more than 250 V. This standard does not apply to having dielectric withstand which depends on the barbecues for indoor use, appliances intended to burn positioning clearance, areexcluded from this standard. charcoal or similar combustible fuels, appliances Keel en intended exclusively for industrial purposes, appliances EVS-EN 61229:2008 intended to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive Hind 221,00 or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapor or gas) Identne EN 61229:1995 Keel en ja identne IEC 61229:1993 EVS-EN 60335-2-101:2003/A1:2008 Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. Installations Hind 73,00 International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid Identne EN 60335-2-101:2002/A1:2008 insulating covers for live working ona.c. installations, ja identne IEC 60335-2-101:2002/A1:2008 including those described in IEC 60743.The barriers, Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. having dielectric withstand which depends on the Ohutus. Osa 2-101: Erinõuded aurutitele positioning clearance, areexcluded from this standard. Deals with the safety of electric vaporizers for household Keel en and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more EVS-EN 61243-2:2002/A1:2008 than 250 V Hind 84,00 Keel en Identne EN 61243-2:1997/A1:2000 ja identne IEC 61243-2:1995/A1:1999 Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c. This part of IEC 61243 is applicable to portable voltage detectors with or without a built-in power source to be used on electrical systems for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c., and frequencies from 15 Hz to 60 Hz. Keel en

49 EVS-EN ISO 9241-171:2008 EVS-EN ISO 13850:2008 Hind 286,00 Hind 95,00 Identne EN ISO 9241-171:2008 Identne EN ISO 13850:2008 ja identne ISO 9241-171:2008 ja identne ISO 13850:2006 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 171: Masinate ohutus. Hädaseiskamine. Kavandamise Guidance on software accessibility põhimõtted This part of ISO 9241 provides ergonomics guidance standard määratleb meetodid, mida kasutada and specifications for the design of accessible software postiettevõtjate poolt kogutud, töödeldud ja jaotatud for use at work, in the home, in education and in public siseriiklike ja rahvusvaheliste prioriteetsete üksikute places. It covers issues associated with designing kiripostisaadetiste punktist-punkti kulgemisaja accessible software for people with the widest range of mõõtmiseks. Selles vaadeldakse meetodeid, mis physical, sensory and cognitive abilities, including those võimaldavad mõõtmiseks kasutada esinduslikku valimit who are temporarily disabled, and the elderly. It igat tüüpi üksikutest adresseeritud kirisaadetistest. addresses software considerations for accessibility that Punktist-punkti kulgemine tähendab saadetise liikumist complement general design for usability as addressed alates selle jätmisest postiettevõtja vastutusalas by ISO 9241-110, ISO 9241-11 to ISO 9241-17, ISO olevasse kogumis- või vastuvõtusüsteemi kuni 14915 and ISO 13407. This part of ISO 9241 is postiettevõtja vastutusalas oleva lõpliku applicable to the accessibility of interactive systems. It kättetoimetuskohani. Üldine teenuse kvaliteeti näitav addresses a wide range of software (e.g. office, Web, kulgemisaja uuringu tulemus tuleb esitada kujul, kus learning support and library systems). It promotes the näidatakse, mitu protsenti postisaadetistest toimetati increased usability of systems for a wider range of users. punktist-punkti J+ n päeva jooksul vastavalt ELi While it does not cover the behaviour of, or requirements postiside direktiivile. for, assistive technologies (including assistive software), Keel en it does address the use of assistive technologies as an Asendab EVS-EN ISO 13850:2006 integrated component of interactive systems. It is intended for use by those responsible for the EVS-EN ISO 15743:2008 specification, design, development, evaluation and Hind 190,00 procurement of software platforms and software Identne EN ISO 15743:2008 applications. ja identne ISO 15743:2008 Keel en Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Cold EVS-EN ISO 11064-5:2008 workplaces - Risk assessment and management Hind 221,00 This International Standard presents a strategy and Identne EN ISO 11064-5:2008 practical tools for assessing and managing cold risk in ja identne ISO 11064-5:2008 the workplace, and includes - models and methods for cold risk assessment and management, - a checklist for Kontrollkeskuste ergonoomilised lahendused. Osa identifying cold-related problems at work, - a model, 5: Displeid ja kontrollseadmed method and questionnaire intended for use by This part of ISO 11064 presents principles and gives occupational health care professionals in identifying requirements and recommendations for displays, those individuals with symptoms that increase their cold controls, and their interaction, in the design of control- sensitivity and, with the aid of such identification, offering centre hardware and software. optimal guidance and instructions for individual cold Keel en protection, - guidelines on how to apply thermal EVS-EN ISO 13753:2008 standards and other validated scientific methods when assessing cold-related risks, and - a practical example Hind 123,00 from cold work. This International Standard supports Identne EN ISO 13753:2008 good occupational health and safety (OHS). It is ja identne ISO 13753:1998 applicable to both indoor and outdoor work situations — Mehaaniline võnkumine ja löök. Kämbla-käsivarre indoor work includes work done inside vehicles, outdoor vibratsioon. Meetod kämbla-käsivarresüsteemi poolt work both inland and offshore work — but is not koormatud elastsete materjalide vibratsiooni applicable to diving situations or other types of work ülekanduvuse mõõtmiseks performed underwater. See standard määrab kindlaks elastse materjali Keel en vibratsiooni ülekanduvuse mõõtmiseks oludes, kus EVS-EN ISO 16000-15:2008 materjal on kämbla-käsivarresüsteemi poolt koormatud. Hind 123,00 Keel en Identne EN ISO 16000-15:2008 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 13753:1999 ja identne ISO 16000-15:2008 Ruumiõhk. Osa 15: Lämmastikdioksiidi (NO2) proovide võtmise strateegia This part of ISO 16000 specifies the planning of nitrogen dioxide indoor pollution measurements. In the case of indoor air measurements, the careful planning of sampling and the entire measurement strategy are of particular significance since the result of the measurement may have far-reaching consequences, for example, with regard to ascertaining the need for remedial action or the success of such an action. An inappropriate measurement strategy may lead to misrepresentation of the true conditions or, worse, to erroneous results. Keel en 50 EVS-EN ISO 19493:2008 EVS-EN 349:1998 Hind 151,00 Identne EN 349:1993 Identne EN ISO 19493:2007 Masinate ohutus. Minimaalsed vahekaugused ja identne ISO 19493:2007 vältimaks inimese kehaosade muljumisohtu Water quality - Guidance on marine biological Käesoleva Euroopa standardi eesmärgiks on surveys of hard-substrate communities võimaldada kasutajal (nt standardite koostajal, masinate This International Standard provides guidance for konstrueerijal) vältida ohtu muljumisohtlikes alades. marine biological surveys of supralittoral, eulittoral and Selle standardiga määratakse minimaalsed sublittoral hard substrate for environmental impact vahekaugused sõltuvalt inimeste ohustatud kehaosast ja assessment and monitoring in coastal areas. This see standard on rakendatav siis, kui standardis esitatud International Standard comprises - development of the meetodiga võib saavutada piisavat ohutust. Käesolev sampling programme, - survey methods, - species Euroopa standard on rakendatav ainult muljumisest identification, and - storage of data and collected tekkivate ohtude puhul ja seda ei saa kohaldada teistele material. This International Standard specifies the võimalike ohtude, näiteks, löögi-, rebestus- või minimum requirements for environmental monitoring. kaasahaaramisohu puhul. The methods are limited to surveys and semi- Keel et quantitative and quantitative recording techniques that Asendatud EVS-EN 349:1998+A1:2008 cause little destruction of the fauna and flora. In practice, EVS-EN 574:1999 this refers to direct recording in the field and Identne EN 574:1996 photography. Sampling by scraping off organisms, use of a suction sampler, etc. are not covered in this Masinate ohutus. Kahekäe-juhtseadised. International Standard, but such techniques can be used Talitlusaspektid. Konstrueerimise põhimõtted as a supplement to obtain information on small-sized Standard kirjeldab kahekäe-juhtseadiste põhitunnuseid species or those that live hidden. eesmärgiga tagada ohutus ning esitab kolme tüüpi Keel en seadiste talitluslikud tunnused. See standard ei kehti seadiste kohta, mis on ette nähtud kasutamiseks EVS-EN ISO 20643:2008 piiravate seadistena, tööshoidvate seadistena või Hind 141,00 spetsiifiliste juhtseadistena. Standard annab nõuded ja Identne EN ISO 20643:2008 juhised kahekäe-juhtseadiste konstruktsiooni ja valiku, ja identne ISO 20643:2005 kaasa arvatud nende seadiste hindamise, hävimise Mehaaniline võnkumine. Käeshoitavad ja käsitsi ärahoidmise ning vigade tekke vältimise kohta. juhitavad masinad. Vibratsioonitugevuse hindamise Keel en põhimõtted Asendatud EVS-EN 574:1999+A1:2008 This document provides the basis for the drafting of EVS-EN 626-1:1998 vibration test codes for hand-held and hand-guided Identne EN 626-1:1994 powerdriven machinery. It specifies the determination of Masinate ohutus. Masinatest lähtuvatest ohtlikest hand-transmitted vibration emission in terms of ainetest tuleneva terviseriski vähendamine. Osa 1: frequencyweighted root-mean-square (r.m.s.) acceleration during type testing. For machines where Põhimõtted ja nõuded masinate tootjatele vibration test codes do not exist, it may also be used for Käesolevas Euroopa standardis käsitletakse masinatest determination of emission values and contains sufficient lähtuvatest ohtlikest ainetest tulenevate tervisriskide guidance for designing an appropriate test. haldamise põhimõtteid. Käesolevat Euroopa standardit Keel en ei saa kasutada nende ohtlike ainete puhul, mis on ohtlikud ainuüksi nende plahvatus-, süttivus-, või Asendab EVS-EN ISO 20643:2005 radioaktiivsete omaduste, kõrge või madala ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID temperatuuri, kõrge või madala rõhu tõttu. Keel et CLC/TS 62046:2005 Asendatud EVS-EN 626-1:1998+A1:2008 Identne CLC/TS 62046:2005 EVS-EN 626-2:1999 ja identne IEC 62046:2004 Identne EN 626-2:1996 Safety of machinery – Application of protective ja identne ISO 14123-2:1998 equipment to detect the presence of persons Masinate ohutus. Masinatest eralduvate kahjulike specifies requirements for the selection, positioning, ainete terviseohu vähendamine. Osa 2: configuration and commissioning, of protective Kontrollmenetluste aluseks olev metodoloogia equipment to detect the presence of persons in order to protect those persons from dangerous part(s) of Standard määrab protseduuri, mis on ohtlike ainete machinery in industrial applications. eraldumisega seonduvate oluliste tegurite valiku aluseks. Standardi eesmärk on määrata kindlaks Keel en sobivad kontrolliparameetrid. Asendatud CLC/TS 62046:2008 Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 626-2:1999+A1:2008

51 EVS-EN 840-6:2004 EVS-EN 1093-7:1999 Identne EN 840-6:2004+AC:2004 Identne EN 1093-7:1998 Teisaldatavad heitmekonteinerid. Osa 6: Ohutuse ja Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete tervisekaitse nõuded emissiooni hindamine. Osa 7: Massi järgi eraldamise This European Standard provides the essential safety, efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava health and ergonomic requirements for mobile waste Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks containers according to EN 840-1 to EN 840-4, not katseseadmemeetodi massi järgi eraldamise including hazardous wastes containers. efektiivsuse mõõtmiseks õhupuhastussüsteemide korral, Keel en mis töötavad ettemääratud tingimustel. Meetodit Asendab EVS-EN 840-6:1999 rakendatakse selliste süsteemide korral, mis puhastavad õhku aerosoolidest (tahmast, tolmust, suitsust, udust), Asendatud EVS-EN 840-6:2004+A1:2008 aurust või gaasist ning millel on kindlaksmääratud EVS-EN 999:1999 suurusega õhu sisenemis- ja väljumisava ja neid on Identne EN 999:1998 võimalik ühendada mõõtekanalitega. Masinate ohutus. Kaitsevarustuse asend Keel en inimkehaosade lähenemiskiiruse suhtes Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-7:1999+A1:2008 This European Standard provides parameters based on EVS-EN 1093-8:1999 values for hand/arm and approach speeds and the Identne EN 1093-8:1998 methodology to determine the minimum distances from specific sensing or actuating devices of protective Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete equipment to a danger zone. emissiooni hindamine.Osa 8: Saasteaine kontsentratsiooni parameeter, katsestendimeetod Keel en Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks Asendatud EVS-EN 999:1999+A1:2008 katsestendimeetodi seadmetest õhku leviva, määratud EVS-EN 1028-1:2002 ohtliku aine saaste kontsentratsiooniparameetri Identne EN 1028-1:2002 mõõtmiseks täpselt piiritletud töötingimustes. Seda Tuletõrjepumbad. Löökpadruniga tuletõrje meetodit saab kasutada ainult emiteerunud gaaside, tsentrifugaalpumbad. Osa 1: Klassifikatsioon. Üld- ja aurude ja hõljuvate osakeste määramiseks. ohutusnõuded Keel en This standard applies for centrifugal pumps with priming Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-8:1999+A1:2008 devices for fire-fighting use supplied separately without EVS-EN 1093-6:1999 driver and couplings. Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with Identne EN 1093-6:1998 primer are defined as terminated by their inlet and outlet connections as well as by their shaft ends. This standard Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete applies for fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with priming emissiooni hindamine. Osa 6: Massi järgi eraldamise devices for use under ambient temperatures between - efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava 15 °C and 40 °C. Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks Keel en katseseadmemeetodi massi järgi eraldamise Asendatud EVS-EN 1028-1:2002+A1:2008 efektiivsuse mõõtmiseks jaotuskanaliteta väljumisavaga õhupuhastussüsteemide korral, mis töötavad EVS-EN 1088:1999 ettemääratud tingimustel. Meetodit rakendatakse selliste Identne EN 1088:1995 süsteemide korral, mis puhastavad õhku tolmust, ja identne ISO 14119:1998 suitsust, aurust, udust või gaasist. Masinate ohutus. Kaitsekatetega seonduvad Keel en blokeerseadised. Konstrueerimise ja valiku Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-6:1999+A1:2008 põhialused EVS-EN 1093-9:1999 Standard määrab kindlaks kaitsekatetega seonduvate Identne EN 1093-9:1998 blokeerseadiste konstrueerimise ja valiku põhimõtted, Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete sõltumata energiaallika iseloomust. Standard esitab ka emissiooni hindamine. Osa 9: Saasteaine spetsiaalsed nõuded elektriliste blokeerseadiste kohta. kontsentratsiooniparameeter, ruumimeetod Keel en Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks Asendatud EVS-EN 1088:1999+A2:2008 ruumimeetodi testimisruumis asuvatest ja EVS-EN 1088:1999/A1:2007 kindlaksmääratud tingimustel töötavatest seadmetest Identne EN 1088:1995/A1:2007 õhku leviva määratud ohtliku aine saaste Masinate ohutus. Kaitsekatetega seonduvad kontsentratsiooniparameetri mõõtmiseks. blokeerseadised. Konstrueerimise ja valiku Keel en põhialused Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-9:1999+A1:2008 Standard määrab kindlaks kaitsekatetega seonduvate blokeerseadiste konstrueerimise ja valiku põhimõtted, sõltumata energiaallika iseloomust. Standard esitab ka spetsiaalsed nõuded elektriliste blokeerseadiste kohta. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1088:1999+A2:2008

52 EVS-EN 1093-11:2002 EVS-EN 13077:2004 Identne EN 1093-11:2001 Identne EN 13077:2003 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable emissiooni hindamine. Osa 11: Saasteärastamise water - Air gap with non-circular overflow näitaja (unrestricted) - Family A-Type B This standard describes a method for the measurement This European Standard specifies the characteristics of the decontamination index of pollution control systems and the requirements of air gap with non-circular e.g. capture devices including local exhaust ventilation, overflow (unrestricted) Family A Type B for nominal flow water spray systems and, when appropriate, separation velocity not exceeding 3 m/s. Air gaps are devices for equipment installed on a machine. This method uses the protection of potable water in water installations from real pollutant and can be operated in room or field pollution. This standard applies to air gaps in factory environments. assembled products and to constructed air gaps in situ, Keel en and defines the physico-chemical characteristics of Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-11:2002+A1:2008 materials of construction used for the purpose and application to ensure compliance with this standard EVS-EN 1317-5:2007 during normal working use Identne EN 1317-5:2007 Keel en Teepiirdesüsteemid. Osa 5: Toodetele esitatavad Asendatud EVS-EN 13077:2008 nõuded ja sõidukite turvasüsteemide EVS-EN 14466:2005 vastavushindamine Identne EN 14466:2005 This document specifies requirements for evaluation of conformity of the following vehicle restraint systems: • Tuletõrjepumbad. Teisaldatavad pumbad. Ohutus- ja safety barriers; • crash cushions; • terminals (will be toimimisnõuded, katsed effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN); • This document applies to portable pumps using fire- transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes fighting centrifugal pumps as defined in EN 1028, driven an EN); • vehicle / pedestrian parapets (only for the by an internal combustion engine and not intended to be vehicle restraint function) permanently installed in fire-fighting and rescue service Keel en vehicles and not intended for prolonged unattended Asendatud EVS-EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 operation. Keel en EVS-EN 13059:2002 Asendatud EVS-EN 14466:2005+A1:2008 Identne EN 13059:2002 EVS-EN 14710-1:2005 Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Vibratsiooni mõõtmise katsemeetodid Identne EN 14710-1:2005 This European Standard is a type test procedure for Tuletõrjepumbad. Ilma eelpumbata tsentrifugaalsed establishing the values of vibration emission transmitted tuletõrjepumbad. Osa 1: Klassifikatsioon, üldised ja to the whole body of operators of industrial trucks under ohutusnõuded specified conditions. It is not applicable to hand-arm This document applies to centrifugal pumps without vibration. This standard is applicable to powered priming devices for fire-fighting use designed as - industrial trucks listed in ISO 5053:1987. The annex A floating pumps (FPN-F), - submersible pumps (FPN-S) is applicable for "all-terrain" trucks. It also applies to or - boosted pumps (FPN-B). Fire-fighting centrifugal other powered industrial trucks not covered by ISO pumps without primer are defined as terminated by their 5053:1987, e.g. variable-reach trucks and "low-lift" inlet and outlet connections as well as by their shaft "order picking" trucks, etc. This standard is not ends. applicable to non-stacking "low-lift" straddle carriers (as Keel en specified in of ISO 5053:1987) and stacking Asendatud EVS-EN 14710-1:2005+A1:2008 "high-lift" straddle carriers (as specified in of ISO 5053:1987). The test results, however, are not EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 applicable to the determination of whole-body vibration Identne EN 50264-2:2002 exposure. Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables Keel en having special fire performance - Standard wall - Asendatud EVS-EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 Part 2: Single core cables EVS-EN 13071:2002 Part 2 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of Identne EN 13071:2002 the following types and voltage ratings: 0,6/1 kV Selective waste collection containers - Above- unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 kV ground mechanically-lifted containers with unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 capacities from 80 l to 5000 l for selective collection kV unscreened sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 3,6/6 of waste kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 mm2). All This European Standard specifies the requirements for cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to HD above-ground containers, mechanically lifted and 383, halogen-free insulation and where applicable emptied, used for the selective collection of solid non- halogen-free sheath. hazardous waste, with capacities from 80 l to 5000 l. The Keel en standard specifies the general characteristics of such Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 containers and their accessories, the test methods and the safety requirements. Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 13071-1:2008; EVS-EN 13071- 2:2008

53 EVS-EN 50264-1:2003 EVS-EN ISO 20643:2005 Identne EN 50264-1:2002 Identne EN ISO 20643:2005 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables ja identne ISO 20643:2005 having special fire performance -Standard wall - Part Mehaaniline võnkumine. Käeshoitavad ja käsitsi 1: General requirements juhitavad masinad. Vibratsioonitugevuse hindamise Part 1 of EN 50264 specifies the general requirements põhimõtted applicable to the cables given in part 2 and part 3 of EN This European Standard specifies the determination of 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the hand-arm vibration emission during type testing of insulating and sheathing materials and other handheld or hand-guided machinery. It may also be components called up in the separate parts. In particular used for determination of emission values of individual EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire machines safety which enable the cables to satisfy Hazard Levels Keel en 2, 3 and 4 of EN 45545-1.* Asendab EVS-EN 1033:1999 Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 20643:2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-1:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne EN 50264-3:2002 CLC/FprTS 50398 Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables Identne CLC/FprTS 50398:2008 having special fire performance - Standard wall - Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Part : Multicore cables Alarm systems - Combined and integrated alarm Part 3 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and systems - General requirements constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the following types and voltage ratings: - 300 V/500 V This Technical Specification specifies the requirements Screened or unscreened (1 mm 2 , 1,5 mm 2 and 2,5 for alarm systems combined and integrated with other mm 2 , number of cores from 2 to 40) - 0,6 kV/1 kV systems which may or may not be alarm systems. This Screened or unscreened, (1 mm 2 to 50 mm 2 , 2, 3 and Technical Specification defines requirements, related to 4 core) the rules of integration, in order to complement the individual alarm application standards and to provide Keel en clarification where there is conflict. Alarm transmission Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 systems are excluded from the scope of this Technical EVS-EN ISO 13753:1999 Specification. Identne EN ISO 13753:1998 Keel en ja identne ISO 13753:1998 Asendab CLC/TS 50398:2003 Mehaaniline võnkumine ja löök. Kämbla-käsivarre EN 953:1999/prA1 vibratsioon. Meetod kämbla-käsivarresüsteemi poolt Identne EN 953:1997/prA1:2008 koormatud elastsete materjalide vibratsiooni Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ülekanduvuse mõõtmiseks Masinate ohutus. Kaitsekatted. Kohakindlate ja See standard määrab kindlaks elastse materjali teisaldatavate kaitsekatete konstruktsiooni ja vibratsiooni ülekanduvuse mõõtmiseks oludes, kus valmistamise põhinõuded materjal on kämbla-käsivarresüsteemi poolt koormatud. See Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks konstruktsiooni Keel en ja valmistamise üldnõuded kaitsekatetele, mis on ette Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 13753:2008 nähtud töötajate kaitsmiseks esmajoones mehaaniliste EVS-EN ISO 13850:2006 ohtude eest. Identne EN ISO 13850:2006 Keel en ja identne ISO 13850:2006 EN 1366-4:2006/prA1 Masinate ohutus. Hädaseiskamine. Kavandamise Identne EN 1366-4:2006/prA1:2008 põhimõtted (ISO 13850:2006) Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 standard määratleb meetodid, mida kasutada Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: postiettevõtjate poolt kogutud, töödeldud ja jaotatud Linear joint seals siseriiklike ja rahvusvaheliste prioriteetsete üksikute This European Standard specifies a method for kiripostisaadetiste punktist-punkti kulgemisaja determining the fire resistance of linear joint seals based mõõtmiseks. Selles vaadeldakse meetodeid, mis on their intended end use. This European Standard is võimaldavad mõõtmiseks kasutada esinduslikku valimit used in conjunction with EN 1363-1. igat tüüpi üksikutest adresseeritud kirisaadetistest. Punktist-punkti kulgemine tähendab saadetise liikumist Keel en alates selle jätmisest postiettevõtja vastutusalas olevasse kogumis- või vastuvõtusüsteemi kuni postiettevõtja vastutusalas oleva lõpliku kättetoimetuskohani. Üldine teenuse kvaliteeti näitav kulgemisaja uuringu tulemus tuleb esitada kujul, kus näidatakse, mitu protsenti postisaadetistest toimetati punktist-punkti J+ n päeva jooksul vastavalt ELi postiside direktiivile. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 418:1998 Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 13850:2008

54 EN 1760-1:1999/prA1 EN 12566-3:2005/prA1 Identne EN 1760-1:1997/prA1:2008 Identne EN 12566-3:2005/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Masinate ohutus. Survetundlikud kaitseseadmed. Reovee väikepuhastid kuni 50 PT. Osa 3: Osa 1: Survetundlike mattide ja survetundlike Pakendatud ja/või kohapeal monteeritavad põrandate konstrueerimise ja katsetamise põhialused olmereovee töötlemise seadmed Standard määrab kindlaks nõuded survetundlike, This European Standard specifies requirements, test tavaliselt pealeastumisel aktiveeritavate mattide ja methods, the marking and evaluation of conformity for põrandate kohta, millega kaitstakse inimesi ohtlike packaged and/or site assembled domestic wastewater seadmete eest. Standardis on esitatud seadme talitluse, treatment plants (including guest houses and märgistuse ja dokumentatsiooni kohta kehtivad businesses) used for populations up to 50 inhabitants. minimaalsed ohutusnõuded. Standard hõlmab Keel en survetundlikke matte ja põrandaid, sõltumata EN 12845:2005/prA1 kasutatavast ajamiliigist, näiteks elektri-, hüdro-, pneumo- või mehaaniline ajam. Identne EN 12845:2004/prA1:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EN 1760-2:2001/prA1 Paiksed tulekustutussüsteemid. Automaatsed sprinklersüsteemid. Projekteerimine, paigaldamine Identne EN 1760-2:2001/prA1:2008 ja hooldus Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Käesolev standard kehtestab nõuded ja annab Masinate ohutus. Survetundlikud kaitseseadmed. soovitused paiksete sprinklersüsteemide Osa 2: Survetundlike servade ja survetundlike projekteerimiseks, paigaldamiseks ja hooldamiseks varbade kavandamise ja katsetamise üldpõhimõtted hoonetes ja tööstusehitistes, ning erinõuded This standard contains requirements for pressure sprinklersüsteemidele, mis on eluohutust tagavate sensitive edges and pressure sensitive bars for use as meetmete osaks. safety devices and not as actuating devices for normal Käesolev standard käsitleb ainult sprinkleritüüpe, operational. The standard applies to pressure sensitive millised on määratletud standardis EN 12259-1 (vt lisa L). edges and pressure sensitive bars used to detect Käesoleva standardi nõuded ja soovitused on kehtivad persons or parts of persons who may be exposed to ka sprinklersüsteemide täiendamise, laiendamise, danger such as hazardous moving parts. The purpose remondi või muude sprinklersüsteemi modifikatsioonide of this standard relates primarily to safety and reliability korral. Need ei kehti muude veepihustussüsteemide või rather than suitability. This standard specifies deluge süsteemide kohta. requirements for pressure sensitive edges and bars with Keel en and without an external reset facility. EN 12845:2005/prA2 Keel en Identne EN 12845:2004/prA2:2008 EN 1760-3:2004/prA1 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 1760-3:2004/prA1:2008 Paiksed tulekustutussüsteemid. Automaatsed Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 sprinklersüsteemid. Projekteerimine, paigaldamine Seadmete ohutus. Survetundlikud kaitseseadmete ja hooldus osad. Osa 3: Üldpõhimõtted survetundlike Käesolev standard kehtestab nõuded ja annab põrkeraudade, plaatide, trosside jm sarnaste soovitused paiksete sprinklersüsteemide vahendite ehituseks ja katsetamiseks projekteerimiseks, paigaldamiseks ja hooldamiseks This European Standard deals with requirements for hoonetes ja tööstusehitistes, ning erinõuded pressure sensitive protective devices which are not sprinklersüsteemidele, mis on eluohutust tagavate specified in EN 1760-1 and EN 1760-2. The majority of meetmete osaks. these devices are produced for specific applications and Käesolev standard käsitleb ainult sprinkleritüüpe, are not available as off-the-shelf items millised on määratletud standardis EN 12259-1 (vt lisa L). Keel en Käesoleva standardi nõuded ja soovitused on kehtivad ka sprinklersüsteemide täiendamise, laiendamise, EN 1846-2:2002/prA3 remondi või muude sprinklersüsteemi modifikatsioonide Identne EN 1846-2:2001/prA3:2008 korral. Need ei kehti muude veepihustussüsteemide või Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 deluge süsteemide kohta. Tuletõrje- ja päästeteenistuse sõidukid. Osa 2: Keel en Üldnõuded. Ohutus ja jõudlus EN 60335-2-5:2003/FprAB This part of this European Standard specifies the Identne EN 60335-2-5:2003/FprAB:2008 minimum requirements for safety and performance of Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 firefighting and rescue service vehicles as designated in EN 1846-1. Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-5: Erinõuded kaubanduslikele Keel en nõudepesumasinatele Deals with the safety of electric dishwashers. The rated voltage is less than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. For commercial electric dishwashing machines, see IEC 60335-2-58 Keel en

55 EN ISO 12402-2:2006/prA1 EN ISO 12402-7:2006/prA1 Identne EN ISO 12402-2:2006/prA1:2008 Identne EN ISO 12402-7:2006/prA1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-2:2006/DAM 1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-7:2006/DAM 1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 2: Päästevestid, Personal flotation devices - Part 7: Materials and toimivustase 275. Ohutusnõuded components - Safety requirements and test methods This part of ISO 12402 specifies the safety requirements This part of ISO 12402 specifies the minimum for lifejackets, performance level 275. It applies to requirements for construction and performance of lifejackets for adults and children for offshore use under materials and components of personal flotation devices extreme conditions. as well as relevant test methods. Keel en Keel en EN ISO 12402-3:2006/prA1 EN ISO 12402-8:2006/prA1 Identne EN ISO 12402-3:2006/prA1:2008 Identne EN ISO 12402-8:2006/prA1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-3:2006/DAM 1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-8:2006/DAM 1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 3: Päästevestid, Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 8: Lisatarvikud. toimivustase 150. Ohutusnõuded Ohutusnõuded ja katsemeetodid This part of ISO 12402 specifies the safety requirements This part of ISO 12402 specifies the safety requirements for lifejackets, performance level 150. It applies to and test methods for accessories used for personal lifejackets used by adults or children. flotation devices (PFDs). Keel en Keel en EN ISO 12402-4:2006/prA1 EN ISO 12402-9:2006/prA1 Identne EN ISO 12402-4:2006/prA1:2008 Identne EN ISO 12402-9:2006/prA1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-4:2006/DAM 1:2008 ja identne ISO 12402-9:2006/DAM 1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 4: Päästevestid, Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 9: Katsemeetodid (ISO toimivustase 100. Ohutusnõuded 12402-9:2006) This part of ISO 12402 specifies the safety requirements This part of ISO 12402 specifies the test methods for for lifejackets, performance level 100. It applies to personal flotation devices. lifejackets used by adults or children. Keel en Keel en prEN 54-27 EN ISO 12402-5:2006/prA1 Identne prEN 54-27:2008 Identne EN ISO 12402-5:2006/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja identne ISO 12402-5:2006/DAM1:2008 Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 27: Duct Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 smoke detectors Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 5: Ujuvpäästevahendid This document specifies requirements, test methods and (tase 50). Ohutusnõuded performance criteria for fire detectors which detect Standard määrab kindlaks 50 N nimikandevõimega smoke in air ducts in buildings as a part of a fire ujuvpäästevahendite konstruktsiooni, töökarakteristikute, detection and fire alarm system or as an actuator for a suuruse ja märgistuse nõuded ning katsetusmeetodid. fire protection system. For the testing of other types of Keel en smoke detectors, or smoke detectors working on different principles, this document can be used only for EN ISO 12402-6:2006/prA1 guidance. Duct smoke detectors with special Identne EN ISO 12402-6:2006/prA1:2008 characteristics and developed for specific risks are not ja identne ISO 12402-6:2006/DAM 1:2008 covered by this document. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Isiklikud ujuvvahendid. Osa 6: Eriotstarbelised prEN 1317-6 päästevestid ja ujumisabivahendid. Ohutusnõuded ja Identne prEN 1317-6: 200 täiendavad katsemeetodid Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 This part of ISO 12402 specifies the safety requirements Road restraint systems - Pedestrian restraint and additional test methods for special purpose systems - Part 6: Pedestrian Parapet lifejackets and buoyancy aids (hereafter referred to as special purpose devices) in combination with the This European Standard EN 1317-6 specifies requirements specified in ISO 12402-2 to ISO 12402-5. geometrical and technical requirements and defines the It applies to special purpose devices for adults generally requirements for design and manufacture of pedestrian and for chidren younger than six years partially. parapets on bridges carrying a road or cycle path or footpath/bridleway or on top of retaining walls and other Keel en similar elevated structures. This European Standard does not cover the requirements for: - Vehicle restraint systems or pedestrian restraint systems in residential, commercial or industrial buildings and within their perimeter, - Non rigid rails ie rope, cables, - Transparency, - Risks relating to the climbing of children. This European Standard covers pedestrian parapets placed on the market as kits (see 3.15). Keel en

56 prEN 1366-1 prEN 15852 Identne prEN 1366-1:2008 Identne prEN 15852:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tehnoseadmete tulepüsivuuse katsed. Osa 1: Ambient air quality - Standard method for the Ventilatsioonikanalid determination of total gaseous mercury This Part of EN 1366 is describing a method for This European Standard describes a standard method determining the evaluation of fire resistance of vertical for determining total gaseous mercury (TGM) in ambient and horizontal ventilation ducts including those access air using cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry panels, which are integral part of the tested ducts/duct (CVAAS), cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry walls. The test examines the behaviour of ducts exposed (CVAFS) or Zeeman atomic absorption spectrometry to fire from the outside (duct A) and fire inside the duct (Zeeman AAS). This European Standard is applicable to (duct B). This Standard is used in conjunction with EN background sites that are in accordance with the 1363-1. Annex A provides general guidance and gives requirements of Directive 2004/107/EC and to urban and background information. This European Standard is not industrial sites. The performance characteristics of the applicable to: a) ducts whose fire resistance depends method have been determined in comparative field on the fire resistance performance of a ceiling; b) ducts validation tests carried out at four European locations: containing fire dampers at points where they pass two background and two industrial sites. The method through fire separations; c) access panels, which are was tested for 2 months at each site over a period of 12 evaluated independent from the tested ducts/duct walls; months using automated equipment currently used in d) two or three sided ducts; e) fixing of suspension Europe for determination of TGM in ambient air. devices to floors or walls. For evaluation of fire dampers Keel en see EN 1366-2. For evaluation of smoke extraction ducts prEN 15853 see EN 1366-8. For evaluation of service ducts and shafts see prEN 1366-5. Identne prEN 15853:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1366-1:2001 Ambient air quality - Standard method for the determination of mercury deposition prEN 15507 This European Standard specifies a method for the Identne prEN 15507:2008 determination of the total deposition of mercury. This Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 standard can be used within the framework of the Packaging - Transport packaging for dangerous European Council Directive on Ambient Air Quality goods - Comparative material testing of polyethylene Assessment and Management and Directive grades 2004/107/EC. Performance requirements with which the This European Standard specifies material parameters, method has to comply are specified in this European test requirements and procedures for the comparative Standard. The performance characteristics of the testing of grades of high molecular weight high density method were determined in comparative field validation polyethylene (PE-HD-HMW) and medium molecular tests carried out at two European locations. This weight high density polyethylene (PE-HD-MMW), used European Standard is applicable to background sites for the manufacture of packagings and IBCs for the that are in accordance with the requirements of Directive transport of dangerous goods. It is intended to be used 2004/107/EC and to urban and industrial sites. in conjunction with selective testing for packagings for Keel en liquids. The standard is not intended to be used for prEN 15859 comparative testing of recycled plastics material. Identne prEN 15859:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 prEN 15845 Air Quality - Certification of automated dust Identne prEN 15845:2008 arrestment plant monitors for use on stationary Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 sources - Performance criteria and test procedures Paper and board - Determination of the cytotoxicity CEN has established standards for the certification of of aqueous extracts automated measuring systems (AMS) used for This document specifies a test method for the laboratory monitoring emissions from stationary sources. This assessment of the potential cytotoxic effect of paper and certification is based on the following four sequential board materials. This test method is intended to assess stages: a) performance testing of an AMS; b) initial wet contact with food simulant. assessment of the AMS manufacturer’s quality Keel en management system; c) certification; d) post certification surveillance. This European Standard defines the performance criteria and procedures for performance testing of automated dust arrestment plant monitors used on stationary sources. Keel en

57 prEN ISO 9241-20 prEN ISO 13855 Identne prEN ISO 9241-20:2008 Identne prEN ISO 13855:2008 ja identne ISO 9241-20:2008 ja identne ISO/DIS 13855:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 20: Safety of machinery - Positioning of protective Accessibility guidelines for equipment with respect to the approach speeds of information/communication technology (ICT) parts of the human body equipment and services This document covers the positioning of protective This part of ISO 9241 is intended for use by those equipment with respect to the approach speeds of parts responsible for planning, designing, developing, of the human body. This standard specifies parameters acquiring, and evaluating information/communication based on values for approach speeds of parts of the technology (ICT) equipment and services. It provides human body and provides a methodology to determine guidelines for improving the accessibility of ICT the minimum distances from detection zones or equipment and services such that they will have wider actuating devices of protective equipment to a hazard accessibility for use at work, in the home, and in mobile zone. This standard assumes that the approach of and public environments. It covers issues associated persons towards the hazard zone will be at walking with the design of equipment and services for people speed, i.e. 1 600 mm/s and that of upper arms at 2 000 with a wide range of sensory, physical and cognitive mm/s. Other types of approach, for example running or abilities, including those who are temporarily disabled, jumping, are not considered in this standard. Protective and the elderly. equipment considered in this standard include: - electro- Keel en sensitive protective equipment (see IEC 61496, all parts); including: - light curtains and light grids prEN ISO 10304-1 (AOPDs); - laser scanners (AOPDDRs) and two Identne prEN ISO 10304-1:2008 dimensional vision systems; - pressure sensitive ja identne ISO 10304-1:2007 protective equipment (see ISO 13856 series), especially Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 pressure sensitive mats; - two-hand control devices Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by (see ISO 13851); - interlocking guards without guard liquid chromatography of ions - Part 1: locking (see ISO 14119). This standard specifies distances from the detection zone, plane, line or point to Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, the hazard zone for hazards caused by the moving parts nitrite, phosphate and sulfate of the machine (e.g. crushing, shearing, drawing-in). This part of ISO 10304 specifies a method for the Protection against the risks from hazards arising from determination of dissolved bromide, chloride, fluoride, the ejection of solid or fluid materials, emissions, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in water, e.g. radiation and electricity are not covered by this standard. drinking water, ground water, surface water, waste Keel en water, leachates and marine water by liquid chromatography of ions. The lower limit of application is Asendab EVS-EN 999:1999+A1:2008 W 0,05 mg/l for bromide and for nitrite, and W 0,1 mg/l prEN ISO 21427-2 for chloride, fluoride, nitrate, orthophosphate, and Identne prEN ISO 21427-2:2008 sulfate. The lower limit of application depends on the ja identne ISO 21427-2:2006 matrix and the interferences encountered. The working Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 range may be expanded to lower concentrations (e.g. W 0,01 mg/l) if an appropriate pre-treatment of the sample Water quality - Evaluation of genotoxicity by (e.g. conditions for trace analyses, pre-concentration measurement of the induction of micronuclei - Part technique) is applied, and/or if an ultraviolet (UV) 2: Mixed population method using the cell line V79 detector (for bromide, nitrate and nitrite) is used. This part of ISO 21427 specifies a method for the Keel en determination of genotoxicity of water and waste water Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10304-1:1999 using a mammalian in vitro test which detects damage, induced by water-soluble substances, to the chromosomes or the mitotic apparatus of V79 cells from the Chinese hamster. The micronucleus test allows the identification of substances that cause cytogenetic damage which results in the formation of micronuclei containing lagging chromosome fragments and/or whole chromosomes. The assay is based on the increase in the frequency of micronucleated cells after incubation with and without metabolic activation. Keel en

58 17 METROLOOGIA JA MÕÕTMINE. EVS-EN 50500:2008 FÜÜSIKALISED NÄHTUSED Hind 132,00 Identne EN 50500:2008 UUED STANDARDID Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in CEN/TR 10345:2008 the railway environment with respect to human Hind 221,00 exposure Identne CEN/TR 10345:2008 he scope of this product-family standard is limited to Guideline for statistical data treatment of inter apparatus, systems and fixed installations which are laboratory tests for validation of analytical methods intended for use in the railway environment. The This document is a guideline to the performance of the frequency range covered is 0 Hz to 300 GHz. Technical statistical evaluation of data from an inter laboratory test considerations and measurements are necessary for for method validation. Its purpose is to detail the frequencies up to 20 kHz because no relevant field methodology of ISO 5725-1, -2 and -3 for the treatment strengths are expected above due to the physical nature of registered data in the conditions used within the of EMF-sources in the railway environment. The object ECISS/TC 20 working groups of this standard is to provide measurement and calculation procedures of electric and magnetic field Keel en levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus CLC/TS 61949:2008 in the railway environment with respect to human Hind 190,00 exposure. The regulations regarding the protection of Identne CLC/TS 61949:2008 human being during exposure to non-ionizing ja identne IEC/TS 61949:2007 electromagnetic fields in the railway environment are different within the countries of European Community. Ultrasonics - Field Characterization - In-situ This standard offers a procedure regarding exposure estimation in finite-amplitude ultrasonic measurement, simulation and evaluation. beams Keel en This Technical Specification establishes: • the general concept of the limits of applicability of acoustic EVS-EN 60318-6:2008 measurements in water resulting from finite-amplitude Hind 132,00 acoustic effects; • a method to ensure that Identne EN 60318-6:2008 measurements are made under quasi-linear conditions ja identne IEC 60318-6:2007 in order to minimise finite-amplitude effects, which may Electroacoustics - Simulators of human head and be applied under the following conditions: − to acoustic ear -- Part 6: Mechanical coupler for the fields in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz; − to measurements on bone vibrators acoustic fields generated by plane sources and focusing sources of amplitude gain up to 12; − at all depths for This part of IEC 60318 describes a mechanical coupler which the maximum acoustic pressure in the plane for the measurement of the output force of bone perpendicular to the acoustic axis lies on the axis; − to vibrators. The mechanical impedance of the coupler is both circular and rectangular source geometries; − to specified in the frequency range 125 Hz to 8 000 Hz. both continuous-wave and pulsed fields; • the definition The coupler is intended for calibration of audiometers of an acoustic quantity appropriate for establishing quasi- using bone vibrators having a plane circular tip area of linear conditions; • a threshold value for the acoustic 175 mm² ± 25 mm² and for determining the performance quantity as an upper limit for quasi-linear conditions; • a of bone conduction hearing aids. The vibratory force method for the estimation of attenuated acoustic developed by a bone vibrator is not, in general, the same quantities under conditions of nonlinear propagation in on the coupler as on a person’s mastoid. However, the water. IEC recommends its use as a means for the calibration of specified vibrators used in audiometry and for the Keel en exchange of specifications and of data on bone EVS-EN 12053:2002+A1:2008 conduction hearing aids. Hind 141,00 Keel en Identne EN 12053:2001+A1:2008 Asendab EVS-HD 590 S1:2003 Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Katsemeetodid müra mõõtmiseks KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This noise measurement standard gives methods for determining the sound pressure level at the operator's position and the sound power level of industrial and rough terrain trucks. This European standard is a type test applicable to all industrial trucks listed in table A1. The test results obtained in accordance with this standard are also applicable to the evaluation of the hazard generated by noise from industrial trucks. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 12053:2002

59 EVS-EN 61183:2008 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Hind 162,00 Identne EN 61183:1994 EVS-EN 12053:2002 ja identne IEC 61183:1994 Identne EN 12053:2001 + AC:2002 Electroacoustics - Random-incidence and diffuse- Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Katsemeetodid field calibration of sound level meters müra mõõtmiseks 1.1 This International Standard describes a free-field This noise measurement standard gives methods for calibration method for determiningrandom-incidence determining the sound pressure level at the operator`s sensitivity levels of sound level meters. Additionally, the position and the sound power level of industrial and standarddescribes a diffuse-field calibration method for rough terrain trucks. determining diffuse-field sensitivity levels.1.2 For the Keel en purpose of this International Standard, diffuse-field Asendatud EVS-EN 12053:2002+A1:2008 sensitivity level may beused interchangeably with EVS-HD 590 S1:2003 random-incidence sensitivity level. Selection of calibrationmethod depends on the facility available.1.3 Identne HD 590 S1:1991 Results of calibrations conducted in accordance with this ja identne IEC 60373:1990 standard depend uponwhich components of a sound Mechanical coupler for measurements on bone level meter are exposed to the sound field.1.4 For the vibrators purpose of this standard, a sound level meter is Specifies requirements for mechanical couplers used for considered to be aconventional sound level meter, an calibrating bone-conduction audiometers and for making integrating-averaging sound level meter, or any measurements on bone vibrators and bone-conduction othersound measuring system. hearing aids in the frequency range from 125 Hz to 8 Keel en 000 Hz inclusive. EVS-EN ISO 11200:1999/AC:2008 Keel en Hind 0,00 Asendatud EVS-EN 60318-6:2008 Identne EN ISO 11200:1995/AC:1997 ja identne ISO 11200:1995/COR1:1997 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Akustika. Mehhanismide ja seadmete müra. Juhised prEN 257 üldstandardite kasutamiseks helirõhutaseme Identne prEN 257:2008 määramisel töö- ja muudes piiritletud kohtades Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Gaasiseadmete mehaanilised termostaadid EVS-EN ISO 11201:1999/AC:2008 This European Standard specifies the safety, Hind 0,00 construction and performance requirements for Identne EN ISO 11201:1995/AC:1997 mechanical thermostats intended for use with gas ja identne ISO 11201:1995 appliances and similar use, hereafter referred to as ‘thermostats’. This European Standard covers type Akustika. Mehhanismide ja seadmete müra. Helirõhu testing only. It applies to thermostats controlling the gas taseme mõõtmine töö- ja muudes piiritletud flow directly or indirectly through an integral gas valve, kohtades. Tehniline meetod mõõtmiseks peamiselt and which do not require external electrical energy for vabas väljas peegeltasapinna kohal their operation. It applies to thermostats of nominal Keel en connection sizes up to and including DN 50 with EVS-EN ISO 11202:1999/AC:2008 declared maximum inlet pressures up to and including 500 mbar (50 kPa) for use with one or more fuel gases Hind 0,00 in accordance with EN 437. It only applies to thermostats Identne EN ISO 11202:1995/AC:1997 used with gas appliances which are not installed in the ja identne ISO 11202:2005 open air. Thermostats dealt with in this standard are Akustika. Mehhanismide ja seadmete müra. intended for control functions. Helirõhutaseme mõõtmine töö- ja muudes piiritletud Keel en kohtades. Seiremeetod in situ Asendab EVS-EN 257:1999 Keel en EVS-EN ISO 11204:1999/AC:2008 Hind 0,00 Identne EN ISO 11204:1995/AC:1997 ja identne ISO 11204:1995/COR1:1997 Akustika. Mehhanismide ja seadmete müra. Helirõhutaseme mõõtmine töö- ja muudes piiritletud kohtades. Keskkonnakontrolli nõudev meetod Keel en


UUED STANDARDID prEN 15856 Identne prEN 15856:2008 EVS-EN 12543-2:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Hind 104,00 Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - Identne EN 12543-2:2008 General principles of AE testing for the detection of Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal corrosion within metallic surrounding filled with spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- liquid destructive testing - Part 2: Pinhole camera This standard describes acoustic emission testing (AT) radiographic method on metallic surroundings filled with liquids for the This European Standard specifies a method for the detection of corrosion processes that are active at the measurement of focal spot dimensions above 0,2 mm of time of the test. It is applicable to metallic storage tanks, X-ray systems up to and including 500 kV tube voltage such as those used in the chemical and petrochemical by means of the pinhole camera radiographic method. industry. The results provide a qualitative statement The voltage applied for this measurement is restricted to regarding the condition of the test object and a 200 kV for visual film evaluation. The image quality and recommendation regarding the maximum allowable the resolution of X-ray images depend highly on the duration of the follow-on service period, based on the AT characteristics of the focal spot, in particular the size and indications and additional information in order to the two dimensional intensity distribution. For the characterize the AT indications. In the case of flat characterisation of commercial X-ray tube types (i.e. for bottomed storage tanks (FBST) the procedure described advertising or trade) the specific values of Table A.1 are within this standard provides testing of the complete used. bottom, the tank shell up to the filling height and in case Keel en of a floating roof tank also the roof sheets in contact with Asendab EVS-EN 12543-2:2000 the stored liquid. As for every application of acoustic emission testing, the measured data contain information ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID regarding active sources. An ongoing corrosion process, such as general corrosion and localized corrosion EVS-EN 12543-2:2000 defined in EN ISO 8044, leading to progressive loss of Identne EN 12543-2:1996 wall thickness will be detected. A corrosion process Non-destructive testing - Characteristics of focal which has stopped does not produce acoustic emission spots in industrial X-ray systems for use in non- and will therefore not be detected. destructive testing - Part 2: Pinhole camera Keel en radiographic method prEN 15857 This standard deals with the production of focal spot Identne prEN 15857:2008 pinhole radiographs to be used for the determination of Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 focal spot dimensions above 0,2 mm of X-ray tube Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission - assemblies up to and including 500 kV tube voltage. Testing of fibre-reinforced polymers - Specific Keel en methodology and general evaluation criteria Asendatud EVS-EN 12543-2:2008 This standard shall describe the general principles of acoustic emission (AE) testing of materials, components and structures made of FRP with the aim of: - materials characterisation; - proof testing / manufacturing quality control; - retesting / in-service inspection; - health monitoring. When AE testing is used to assess the integrity of FRP materials, components or structures or identify critical zones of high damage accumulation or damage growth under load this standard shall further describe the specific methodology (e.g., suitable instrumentation, typical sensor arrangements, location procedures etc.). It shall also describe available, generally applicable evaluation criteria for AE testing of FRP and outline procedures for establishing such evaluation criteria in case they are lacking. Keel en

61 21 ÜLDKASUTATAVAD MASINAD JA EVS-EN 13077:2008 NENDE OSAD Hind 123,00 Identne EN 13077:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable water - Air gap with non-circular overflow CLC/prTR 50484 (unrestricted) - Family A-Type B Identne CLC/prTR 50484:2008 This European Standard specifies the characteristics Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 and the requirements of air gap with non-circular Recommendations for shielded enclosures overflow (unrestricted) Family A, Type B for nominal flow This Technical Report applies to shielded enclosures velocity not exceeding 3 m/s. Air gaps are devices for used for EMC testing which are to be validated protection of potable water in water installations from according to the EN 50147 series of standards and the pollution. This European Standard applies to air gaps in corresponding international standards. The object of this factory assembled products and to constructed air gaps report is to give guidance to the selection of the in situ, and defines the physico-chemical characteristics shielding materials and components. The frequency of materials of construction used for the purpose and range for this document is 10 kHz to 40 GHz. application to ensure compliance with this European Standard during normal working use. Keel en Keel en 23 ÜLDKASUTATAVAD HÜDRO- JA Asendab EVS-EN 13077:2004 PNEUMOSÜSTEEMID JA NENDE OSAD EVS-EN 13094:2008 Hind 286,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 13094:2008 CEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - Metallic tanks with a working pressure not Hind 132,00 exceeding 0,5 bar - Design and construction Identne CEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements for the ja identne ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 design and construction of metallic tanks with a Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water maximum working pressure not exceeding 50 kPa gauge installations inside buildings - Part 7: Guidance for used for the transport of dangerous goods by road and the assessment of conformity rail for which Tank Code with letter “G” is given in This Technical Specification is applicable, in conjunction chapter 3.2 of ADR [2]. It also includes requirements for with the other parts of ISO 21003 (see Foreword), to a system of identification of materials used in the multilayer piping systems intended to be used for hot construction of these tanks. This European Standard and cold water installations inside buildings for the specifies requirements for openings, closures and conveyance of water — whether or not the water is structural equipment. This European Standard is intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or applicable to aircraft refuellers that are used on public for heating systems — under specified design pressures roads. It is also applicable to inter-modal tanks (e.g. tank and temperatures appropriate to the class of application containers and tank swap bodies) for the transport of (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It gives guidance for dangerous goods by road and rail. the assessment of conformity, to be included in the Keel en manufacturer's quality plan as part of the quality system. Asendab EVS-EN 13094:2004 It includes: - requirements for materials, components, EVS-EN 13121-3:2008 joints and assemblies given in the applicable part(s) of ISO 21003; - requirements for the manufacturer's quality Hind 377,00 system (e.g. ISO 9001 [2]); - definitions and procedures Identne EN 13121-3:2008 to be used if third-party certification is involved. GRP paagid ja anumad kasutamiseks ülalpool Keel en maapinda. Osa 3: Valmistamine ja väljatöötamisviis EVS-EN 1092-3:2003/AC:2007 This European Standard gives requirements for the Hind 0,00 design, fabrication, inspection, testing and verification of GRP tanks and vessels with or without Thermoplastics Identne EN 1092-3:2003/AC:2007 lining for storage or processing of fluids, factory made or Äärikud ja nende ühendused. Ümmargused äärikud site built, non pressurised or pressurised up to 10 bar, torudele, ventiilidele, ühendusdetailidele ja for use above ground. The terms vessels and tanks as lisaseadmetele, PN klassifikatsiooniga. Osa 3: used in this European Standard include branches up to Vasesulamist äärikud the point of connection to pipe work or other equipment Keel en by bolting and supports, brackets or other attachments EVS-EN 10216-5:2004/AC:2008 bonded directly to the shell. In addition to the definitive requirements, this European Standard also requires the Hind 0,00 items in Clause 5 to be fully documented. This European Identne EN 10216-5:2008/AC:2008 Standard covers vessels and tanks subject to Surveotstarbelised õmblusteta terastorud. temperatures between – 40 °C and + 120 °C. Tehnilised tarnetingimused. Osa 5: Roostevabad Keel en terastorud Keel en

62 EVS-EN 14511-3:2007/AC:2008 EVS-EN ISO 21003-2:2008 Hind 0,00 Hind 141,00 Identne EN 14511-3:2007/AC:2008 Identne EN ISO 21003-2:2008 Elektrilise ajamiga kompressoriga ja identne ISO 21003-2:2008 kliimaseadmed,vedelikjahutusega üksused ja Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water soojuspumbad ruumi soojendamiseks ja installations inside buildings - Part 2: Pipes jahutamiseks. Osa 3: Katsemeetodid This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics of Keel en pipes for multilayer piping systems intended to be used EVS-EN 60335-2-51:2003/A1:2008 for hot and cold water installations inside buildings for Hind 73,00 the conveyance of water — whether or not the water is intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or Identne EN 60335-2-51:2003/A1:2008 heating systems — under specified design pressures ja identne IEC 60335-2-51:2002/A1:2008 and temperatures appropriate to the class of application Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It also specifies the Ohutus. Osa 2-51: Erinõuded kütte- ja test parameters for the test methods referred to in this tarbeveepaigaldiste statsionaarsetele part of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 is a reference product ringluspumpadele standard. It is applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their Deals with the safety of electric stationary circulation joints, and also to joints with components made of other pumps intended for use in heating systems or in service plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used water systems, having a rated power input not exceeding for hot and cold water installations. This part of ISO 300 W, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for 21003 is intended for use only in conjunction with all the single-phase and 480 V for other appliances. Hydraulic other parts of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 covers a range of and electric parts of the pump may be in the same service conditions (application classes) and design enclosure, so that the water serves as a coolant, or they pressures. It is not applicable for values of design maybe seperate. This standard does not apply to pumps temperature, TD, maximum design temperature, Tmax, for circulating liquids other than water; pumps, other than and malfunction temperature, Tmal, in excess of those in circulation pumps (IEC 60335-2-41); circulation pumps Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008. intended exclusively for industrial purposes; circulation Keel en pumps intended for locations where special conditions EVS-EN ISO 21003-3:2008 prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive Hind 104,00 atmosphere (dust, vapor, or gas) Identne EN ISO 21003-3:2008 Keel en ja identne ISO 21003-3:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-65:2003/A1:2008 Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water Hind 73,00 installations inside buildings - Part 3: Fittings Identne EN 60335-2-65:2003/A1:2008 This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics of ja identne IEC 60335-2-65:2002/A1:2008 fittings for multilayer piping systems intended to be used Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. for hot and cold water installations inside buildings for Ohutus. Osa 2-65: Erinõuded the conveyance of water — whether or not the water is õhupuhastusseadmetele intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or for heating systems — under specified design pressures Deals with the safety of electric air-cleaning appliances, and temperatures appropriate to the class of application their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It also specifies the phase and 480 V for other appliances, for household test parameters for the test methods referred to in this purposes. Also includes appliances intended to be used part of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 is a reference product by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms standard. It is applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their Keel en joints, and also to joints with components made of other EVS-EN ISO 21003-1:2008 plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used Hind 104,00 for hot and cold water installations. This part of ISO Identne EN ISO 21003-1:2008 21003 is intended for use only in conjunction with all the other parts of ISO 21003. This part of ISO 21003 covers ja identne ISO 21003-1:2008 fusion, solvent-cemented and mechanical fittings for a Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water range of service conditions (application classes) and installations inside buildings - Part 1: General design pressures. It is not applicable for values of design This part of ISO 21003 specifies the general aspects of temperature, TD, maximum design temperature, Tmax, multilayer piping systems intended to be used for hot and malfunction temperature, Tmal, in excess of those and cold water installations inside buildings for the in Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008. conveyance of water — whether or not the water is Keel en intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or heating systems — under specified design pressures and temperatures appropriate to the class of application (see Table 1). ISO 21003 is a reference product standard (see 3.4.3). It is applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their joints, and also to joints with components made of other plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used for hot and cold water installations. This part of ISO 21003 is intended for use only in conjunction with all the other parts of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 applies only to multilayer pipes with their inner layer made of plastics. Keel en 63 EVS-EN ISO 21003-5:2008 EVS-EN 1093-11:2002 Hind 104,00 Identne EN 1093-11:2001 Identne EN ISO 21003-5:2008 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete ja identne ISO 21003-5:2008 emissiooni hindamine. Osa 11: Saasteärastamise Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water näitaja installations inside buildings - Part 5: Fitness for This standard describes a method for the measurement purpose of the system of the decontamination index of pollution control systems This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics for e.g. capture devices including local exhaust ventilation, the fitness for purpose of multilayer piping systems water spray systems and, when appropriate, separation intended to be used for hot and cold water installations equipment installed on a machine. This method uses the inside buildings for the conveyance of water — whether real pollutant and can be operated in room or field or not the water is intended for human consumption environments. (domestic systems) or for heating systems — under Keel en specified design pressures and temperatures Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-11:2002+A1:2008 appropriate to the class of application (see Table 1 of EVS-EN 13077:2004 ISO 21003:2008). It also specifies the test parameters Identne EN 13077:2003 for the test methods referred to in this part of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 is a reference product standard. It is Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their joints, and water - Air gap with non-circular overflow also to joints with components made of other plastics (unrestricted) - Family A-Type B and non-plastics materials intended to be used for hot This European Standard specifies the characteristics and cold water installations. This part of ISO 21003 is and the requirements of air gap with non-circular intended for use only in conjunction with all the other overflow (unrestricted) Family A Type B for nominal flow parts of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 covers a range of service velocity not exceeding 3 m/s. Air gaps are devices for conditions (application classes) and design pressures. It protection of potable water in water installations from is not applicable for values of design temperature, TD, pollution. This standard applies to air gaps in factory maximum design temperature, Tmax, and malfunction assembled products and to constructed air gaps in situ, temperature, Tmal, in excess of those in Table 1 of ISO and defines the physico-chemical characteristics of 21003-1:2008. materials of construction used for the purpose and Keel en application to ensure compliance with this standard during normal working use ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Keel en EVS-EN 1093-7:1999 Asendatud EVS-EN 13077:2008 Identne EN 1093-7:1998 EVS-EN 13094:2004 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete Identne EN 13094:2004 emissiooni hindamine. Osa 7: Massi järgi eraldamise Tanks for the transport of dangerous goods - efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava Metallic tanks with a working pressure not Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks exceeding 0,5 bar - Design and cconstruction katseseadmemeetodi massi järgi eraldamise This European Standard specifies minimum efektiivsuse mõõtmiseks õhupuhastussüsteemide korral, requirements for the design and construction of metallic mis töötavad ettemääratud tingimustel. Meetodit tanks with a maximum working pressure not exceeding rakendatakse selliste süsteemide korral, mis puhastavad 50 kPa gauge used for the transport of dangerous goods õhku aerosoolidest (tahmast, tolmust, suitsust, udust), by road and rail for which Tank Code with letter “G” is aurust või gaasist ning millel on kindlaksmääratud given in chapter 3.2 of ADR [2]. It also includes suurusega õhu sisenemis- ja väljumisava ja neid on requirements for a system of identification of materials võimalik ühendada mõõtekanalitega. used in the construction of these tanks. Keel en Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-7:1999+A1:2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 13094:2008 EVS-EN 1093-6:1999 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne EN 1093-6:1998 Masinate ohutus. Õhu kaudu levivate ohtlike ainete EN 334:2005/prA1 emissiooni hindamine. Osa 6: Massi järgi eraldamise Identne EN 334:2005/prA1:2008 efektiivsus, jaotuskanaliteta väljumisava Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks Gaasirõhuregulaatorid sisendrõhule kuni 100 baari katseseadmemeetodi massi järgi eraldamise This document specifies constructional and functional efektiivsuse mõõtmiseks jaotuskanaliteta väljumisavaga requirements, regulator sizing, testing, documentation õhupuhastussüsteemide korral, mis töötavad and marking of gas pressure regulators used in the ettemääratud tingimustel. Meetodit rakendatakse selliste pressure regulating stations: - for inlet pressures up to süsteemide korral, mis puhastavad õhku tolmust, 100 bar and nominal diameters up to DN 400; - for an suitsust, aurust, udust või gaasist. operating temperature range from -20 °C to +60 °C, Keel en which operate with fuel gases of the 1st and 2nd family Asendatud EVS-EN 1093-6:1999+A1:2008 in accordance with EN 437 in transmission and distribution networks and also in commercial and industrial installations. Keel en

64 prEN 1106 prEN 15848 Identne prEN 1106:2008 Identne prEN 15848:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Gaasikütteseadmete käsijuhitavad kraanid Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - This European Standard specifies the safety, Adjustable chemical dosing systems - Requirements construction and performance requirements for manually for performance, safety and testing operated taps and pre-setting taps intended for use with This standard specifies definitions, principles of gas appliances and similar use, hereafter referred to as construction (but not dimensions) and design, ‘taps’. This European Standard covers type testing only. requirements on performance and operation as well as It applies to taps of nominal connection sizes up to and methods for testing the performance of adjustable including DN 50 with declared maximum inlet pressures chemical dosing systems for conditioning water intended up to and including 500 mbar (50 kPa) for use with one for human consumption inside buildings (see [1]) which or more fuel gases in accordance with EN 437. It does are permanently connected to the mains supply. not apply to manual operated shut-off valves confirming Keel en to EN 331. prEN ISO 10156 Keel en Identne prEN ISO 10156:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1106:2001 ja identne ISO/DIS 10156:2008 prEN 1119 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne prEN 1119:2008 Gases and gas mixtures - Determination of fire Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of Plastics piping systems - Joints for glass-reinforced cylinder valve outlets thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes and fittings - Test This International Standard specifies methods for methods for leaktightness and resistance to damage determining whether or not a gas or gas mixture is of non-thrust resistant flexible joints with flammable in air and whether a gas or gas mixture is elastomeric sealing elements more or less oxidizing than air under atmospheric This European Standard specifies test methods for conditions. This International Standard is intended to be flexible non-thrust resistant socket-and-spigot joints with used for the classification of gases and gas mixtures elastomeric sealing elements for buried and above including the selection of gas cylinder valve outlets. This ground glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) International Standard does not cover the safe pipeline applications. It covers methods of test for the preparation of these mixtures under pressure and at leaktightness and resistance to damage of the joint only, temperatures other than ambient. when subject to specified combinations of longitudinal Keel en extension (draw), angular movement (angular Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10156-2:2005; EVS-EN 720- deflection), compression (misalignment) perpendicular to 2:1999 the pipe axis and internal pressure. This European Standard is applicable to joints for either pressure or non- prEN ISO 13769 pressure applications. These test procedures are Identne prEN ISO 13769:2008 applicable to joints for pipes and fittings of all nominal ja identne ISO 13769:2007 sizes. The tests are suitable for the evaluation of joints Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 intended for applications in which the liquids are Gas cylinders - Stamp marking conveyed at temperatures specified in the referring standards. This International Standard specifies stamp marking of refillable transportable gas cylinders and tubes of Keel en volume greater than 0,5 l and less than or equal to 3 000 Asendab EVS-EN 1119:1999 l, including: - steel and aluminium gas cylinders; - prEN 1594 composite gas cylinders; - acetylene cylinders; - LPG Identne prEN 1594:2008 cylinders (see Annex B). These are hereafter referred to Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 as “cylinders”. Gaasivarustussüsteemid. Torustikud maksimaalse Keel en töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Talituslikud nõuded Asendab EVS-EN ISO 13769:2006 This European Standard is applicable to pipelines with a maximum operating pressure (MOP) over 16 bar for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas according to EN ISO 13686 in onland gas supply systems, where: - the pipeline elements are made of unalloyed or low-alloyed carbon steel; - the pipeline elements are joined by welds, flanges or mechanical couplings; - the pipeline is not located within commercial or industrial premises as an integral part of the industrial process on these premises except for any pipelines and facilities supplying such premises; - the design temperature of the system is between -40 ˚C and 120 ˚C inclusive; The standard apply to onshore pipeline systems from the point where the pipeline first crosses what is normally accepted as battery limit between on and offshore, e.g.: - first isolation valve; - the base of steep sea shelf; - above the high water/low water mark onto mainland; - an island. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1594:2007 65 25 TOOTMISTEHNOLOOGIA EVS-EN 13218:2002+A1:2008 Hind 305,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 13218:2002+A1:2008 Tööpingid. Ohutus. Statsionaarsed lihvimismasinad CLC/TS 61949:2008 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST Hind 190,00 This standard specifies the technical safety Identne CLC/TS 61949:2008 requirements and/or protective measures to be adopted ja identne IEC/TS 61949:2007 by persons undertaking the design, construction and Ultrasonics - Field Characterization - In-situ supply (including installation and dismantling, exposure estimation in finite-amplitude ultrasonic arrangements for transport and maintenance) of beams stationary grinding machines as defined in 3.1 and 3.2 This Technical Specification establishes: • the general and intended to be used for the grinding of workpieces concept of the limits of applicability of acoustic of cold metal. This standard deals with the significant measurements in water resulting from finite-amplitude hazards as listed in 4. This standard does not apply to acoustic effects; • a method to ensure that honing, polishing and belt grinding machines. This measurements are made under quasi-linear conditions standard applies to machines which are manufactured in order to minimise finite-amplitude effects, which may after the date of issue of this standard. be applied under the following conditions: − to acoustic Keel en fields in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz; − to Asendab EVS-EN 13218:2002 acoustic fields generated by plane sources and focusing EVS-EN 50504:2008 sources of amplitude gain up to 12; − at all depths for which the maximum acoustic pressure in the plane Hind 162,00 perpendicular to the acoustic axis lies on the axis; − to Identne EN 50504:2008 both circular and rectangular source geometries; − to Validation of arc welding equipment both continuous-wave and pulsed fields; • the definition This European Standard specifies validation methods for of an acoustic quantity appropriate for establishing quasi- arc welding equipment constructed and used to the linear conditions; • a threshold value for the acoustic accuracy specified in EN 60974-1 or other equivalent quantity as an upper limit for quasi-linear conditions; • a standards. The accuracy of this equipment is designated method for the estimation of attenuated acoustic as standard grade. This European Standard is quantities under conditions of nonlinear propagation in applicable to a) arc welding power sources, b) wire water. feeders, c) welding instrumentation. This European Keel en Standard is not applicable to arc striking and stabilizing EVS-EN 1550:1999+A1:2008 device. Calibration, verification and validation of equipment for other welding processes and ancillary Hind 104,00 equipment which may affect the quality of the weld, e.g. Identne EN 1550:1997+A1:2008 flow gauges, thermocouples, robots and manipulators Tööpinkide ohutus. Töödeldava eseme are given in EN ISO 17662. kinnitusrakiste projekteerimise ja ehitamise Keel en ohutusnõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST EVS-EN 60335-2-45:2003/A1:2008 This European Standard sets out the requirements Hind 73,00 and/or measures to remove the hazards and limit the risk on work holding chucks which are defined in 3.1. Identne EN 60335-2-45:2002/A1:2008 This European standard covers all the hazards relevant ja identne IEC 60335-2-45:2002/A1:2008 to this component. These hazards are listed in clause 4. Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste elektriseadmete The requirements of this standard concern designers, ohutus. Osa 2-45: Erinõuded kaasaskantavatele ja manufacturers, suppliers and importers of work holding muudele taolistele kuumutamisseadmetele chucks. This standard also includes information which This standard deals with the safety of portable electric the manufacturer shall provide to the user. This standard heating tools and similar appliances, their rated voltage is primarily directed to components which are being not more than 250 V. manufactured after the date of issue of this standard. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1550:1999

66 EVS-EN 61326-3-1:2008 EVS-EN 61784-3-1:2008 Hind 208,00 Hind 246,00 Identne EN 61326-3-1:2008 Identne EN 61784-3-1:2008 ja identne IEC 61326-3-1:2008 ja identne IEC 61784-3-1:2007 Mõõtmis-, juhtimis- ja laboratooriumi- Industrial communication networks – Profiles – Part elektriseadmed. Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse 3-1: Functional safety fieldbuses – Additional nõuded. Osa 3-1: Häiringukindlusõuded ohutusega specifications for CPF 1 seotud süsteemidele ja ohutuse tagamiseks This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety (talitlusohutuseks) ettenähtud seadmetele. communication layer (services and protocol) based on Üldtööstuslikud rakendused CPF 1 of IEC 61784-1 and IEC 61158 Type 1 and 9. It The scope of IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC identifies the principles for functional safety 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are industrial applications intended to perform safety relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 functions as defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3. The defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- electromagnetic environments encompassed by this relevant messages among participants within a product family standard are industrial, both indoor and distributed network using fieldbus technology in outdoor, as described for industrial locations in IEC accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 series 61000-6-2 or defined in 3.7 of IEC 61326-1. Equipment for functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in and systems intended for use in other electromagnetic various industrial applications such as process control, environments, for example, in the process industry or in manufacturing automation and machinery. This part environments with potentially explosive atmospheres, provides guidelines for both developers and assessors are excluded from the scope of this product family of compliant devices and systems. standard, IEC 61326-3-1. Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 61784-3-2:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 61326:2001/A3:2004; EVS-EN Hind 377,00 61326:2001/A2:2002; EVS-EN 61326:2001 Identne EN 61784-3-2:2008 EVS-EN 61326-3-2:2008 ja identne IEC 61784-3-2:2007 Hind 199,00 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- Identne EN 61326-3-2:2008 2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional ja identne IEC 61326-3-2:2008 specifications for CPF 2 Mõõtmis-, juhtimis- ja laboratooriumi- This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety elektriseadmed. Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse communication layer (services and protocol) based on nõuded. Osa 3-2: Häiringukindlusõuded ohutusega CPF 2 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 and IEC 61158 seotud süsteemidele ja ohutuse tagamiseks Type 2. It identifies the principles for functional safety (talitlusohutuseks) ettenähtud seadmetele. communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are Tööstuslikud rakendused relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- The scope of IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC relevant messages among participants within a 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for distributed network using fieldbus technology in industrial applications within a specified electromagnetic accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 series environment and intended to perform safety functions as for functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3. The electromagnetic various industrial applications such as process control, environments encompassed by this product family manufacturing automation and machinery. This part standard are industrial, both indoor and outdoor, as they provides guidelines for both developers and assessors can be found in industrial applications with an of compliant devices and systems. electromagnetic environment having specified characteristics (for example, process industry). The Keel en difference between the electromagnetic environment covered by this standard compared to the general industrial environment (see IEC 61326-3-1) is due to the mitigation measures employed against electromagnetic phenomena leading to a specified electromagnetic environment. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 61326:2001; EVS-EN 61326:2001/A2:2002; EVS-EN 61326:2001/A3:2004

67 EVS-EN 61784-3-3:2008 EVS-EN 61784-5-3:2008 Hind 324,00 Hind 305,00 Identne EN 61784-3-3:2008 Identne EN 61784-5-3:2008 ja identne IEC 61784-3-3:2007 ja identne IEC 61784-5-3:2007 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- 3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional 3: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for specifications for CPF 3 CPF 3 This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles communication layer (services and protocol) based on for CPF 3 (PROFIBUS/PROFINET)1. The installation CPF 3 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 (CP 3/1, CP 3/2, CP profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6) and IEC 61158 Types 3 and 10. read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. It identifies the principles for functional safety Keel en communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are EVS-EN 61784-5-6:2008 relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Hind 233,00 relevant messages among participants within a Identne EN 61784-5-6:2008 distributed network using fieldbus technology in ja identne IEC 61784-5-6:2007 accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 for Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in 6: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for various industrial applications such as process control, CPF 6 manufacturing automation and machinery. This part provides guidelines for both developers and assessors This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles of compliant devices and systems. for the media specified in CPF 6 (INTERBUS)1. The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These Keel en annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. EVS-EN 61784-3-6:2008 Keel en Hind 286,00 EVS-EN 61784-5-10:2008 Identne EN 61784-3-6:2008 Hind 151,00 ja identne IEC 61784-3-6:2007 Identne EN 61784-5-10:2008 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- ja identne IEC 61784-5-10:2007 6: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- specifications for CPF 6 10: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety CPF 10 communication layer (services and protocol) based on CPF 6 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 and IEC 61158 This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profile Type 8. It identifies the principles for functional safety for CPF 10 (Vnet/IP™1). The installation profile is communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are specified in the annex. This annex is read in conjunction relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 with IEC 61918:2007. defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Keel en relevant messages among participants within a EVS-EN 61784-5-11:2008 distributed network using fieldbus technology in Hind 151,00 accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 for Identne EN 61784-5-11:2008 functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in various industrial applications such as process control, ja identne IEC 61784-5-11:2007 manufacturing automation and machinery. This part Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- provides guidelines for both developers and assessors 11: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for of compliant devices and systems. CPF 11 Keel en This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profile EVS-EN 61784-5-2:2008 for CPF 11 (TCnet1). The installation profile is specified in the annex. This annex is read in conjunction with IEC Hind 324,00 61918:2007. Identne EN 61784-5-2:2008 Keel en ja identne IEC 61784-5-2:2007 Industrial communication networks - Profiles -- Part 5-2: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 2 This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 2 (CIP™1). The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. Keel en

68 EVS-EN ISO 20643:2008 EN 693:2001/prA1 Hind 141,00 Identne EN 693:2001/prA1:2008 Identne EN ISO 20643:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja identne ISO 20643:2005 Tööpingid. Ohutus. Hüdraulilised pressid Mehaaniline võnkumine. Käeshoitavad ja käsitsi This standard specifies technical safety requirements juhitavad masinad. Vibratsioonitugevuse hindamise and measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the põhimõtted design (as defined in 3.11 of EN 292-1:1991), This document provides the basis for the drafting of manufacture and supply of hydraulic presses which are vibration test codes for hand-held and hand-guided intended to work cold metal or material partly of cold powerdriven machinery. It specifies the determination of metal. hand-transmitted vibration emission in terms of Keel en frequencyweighted root-mean-square (r.m.s.) EN 869:2006/prA1 acceleration during type testing. For machines where Identne EN 869:2006/prA1:2008 vibration test codes do not exist, it may also be used for determination of emission values and contains sufficient Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 guidance for designing an appropriate test. Masinaohutus. Metallivaluseadmete ohutusnõuded Keel en This European Standard specifies the safety Asendab EVS-EN ISO 20643:2005 requirements for pressure metal diecasting units. It applies to pressure diecasting machines and to the ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID interfaces with the following ancillary equipment: - die, - melting, holding and dosing furnaces (see EN 746-1), - EVS-EN 1550:1999 metal feeding equipment, - inserting and removal Identne EN 1550:1997 devices, - spraying appliances, - heat exchanger for the Tööpinkide ohutus. Töödeldava eseme die. kinnitusrakiste projekteerimise ja ehitamise Keel en ohutusnõuded EN 1248:2001/prA1 See Euroopa standard sätestab peatükis 3.1 Identne EN 1248:2001/prA1:2008 määratletud töödeldava detaili kinnitusrakiste nõuded Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja/või mõõtmed eesmärgiga kõrvaldada ohte ja piirata Valukoja seadmed. Abrasiivjoaseadmete riski kinnitusrakiste kasutamisel. See Euroopa standard ohutusnõuded hõlmab kõiki antud osaga seotud ohte. This standard specifies requirements to be met by the Keel en manufacturer of abrasive blasting equipment for the Asendatud EVS-EN 1550:1999+A1:2008 foreseeable significant hazards due to design, EVS-EN 13218:2002 construction and installation, during commissioning, Identne EN 13218:2002 operation, maintenance and decommissioning of the Tööpingid. Ohutus. Statsionaarsed lihvimismasinad equipment which employ either centrifugal force or compressed air as a means of accelerating abrasive to This standard specifies the technical safety achieve the desired result. requirements and/or protective measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the design, construction and Keel en supply (including installation and dismantling, EN 12348:2000/prA1 rrangements for transport and maintenance) of Identne EN 12348:2000/prA1:2008 stationary grinding machines as defined in 3.1 and 3.2 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 and intended to be used for the grinding of workpieces Südamikpuurimismasinad alusel. Ohutus of cold metal. This standard applies to core drilling machines on Keel en transportable stands equipped with a diamond core drill Asendatud EVS-EN 13218:2002+A1:2008 bit, usually with a water supply connection device, and intended to drill holes into stone, concrete and similar KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS mineral materials in a stationary position where the EN 692:2005/prA1 power for the tool rotation is supplied by an electrical, Identne EN 692:2005/prA1:2008 hydraulic, pneumatic or internal combustion prime motor. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Mehaanilised pressid. Ohutus EN 12417:2001/prA2 This European Standard specifies technical safety Identne EN 12417:2001/prA2:2008 requirements and measures to be adopted by persons Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 undertaking the design, manufacture and supply of Tööpingid. Ohutus. Töötluskeskused mechanical presses with part revolution clutch This standrd specifies the technical safety requirements hereinafter called presses which are intended to work and protective measures to be adopted by persons cold metal or material partly of cold metal. undertaking the design, construction and supply Keel en (including installation and dismantling, with arrangements for transport and maintenance,) of machining centres. Keel en

69 EN 12717:2001/prA1 EN 14070:2004/prA1 Identne EN 12717:2001/prA1:2008 Identne EN 14070:2003/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tööpinkide ohutus. Puurpingid Tööpingid. Ohutus. Edastus- ja eriotstarbelised This standard specifies the technical safety seadmed requirements and measures to be adopted by persons This standard specifies the technical safety undertaking the design, construction and supply requirements and protective measures to be adopted by (including installation and dismantling, with persons undertaking the design, construction and supply arrangements for transport and maintenance) of (including information which must be provided for stationary drilling machines. installation and dismantling, with arrangements for Keel en transport and maintenance) of transfer and special EN 12957:2001/prA1 purpose machines (see 3.1) Keel en Identne EN 12957:2001/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EN 15027:2007/prA1 Tööpingid. Ohutus. Elektrotühjakslaadimismasinad Identne EN 15027:2008/prA1:2008 This standard specifies technical safety requirements Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 and measures, applicable to EDM equipment and EDM Kantav seinasaag ja juhtmelõikur töökohal system (e.g. for spark erosion-sinking, spark erosion- kasutamiseks. Ohutus wire cutting), to be adopted by persons undertaking the The global description “wall saw and wire saw design, construction, installation and/or supply of such equipment” contains two differing types of machines for equipment. This standard also includes information to be use in the construction industry, and both used to make provided by the manufacturer to the user. cuts on walls, ceilings and floors composed of mineral Keel en construction materials and/or composite materials. The EN 13736:2003/prA1 many different cutting tasks and choice of operating method determine the type of machine to be used for Identne EN 13736:2003/prA1:2008 each application. The machines may therefore be split Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 into the following two principal classifications:- Wall saws Tööpinkide ohutus. Pneumaatilised pressid – exclusively rail guided – transportable.- Wire saws – This standard specifies technical safety requirements transportable.The machines are intended for the use of and protective measures to be adopted by diamond tools. The types of cutting tools used in persons undertaking the design (as defined in 3.11 of conjunction with the machines as described above fall EN 292-1:1991), manufacture and supply of pneumatic within the design and use parameters supplied by the presses the intended use of which is the cold working of manufacturer. Cutting debry generated by the cutting metal or material partly of metal as defined in 3.1.13 and action is removed from the cutting joint by a medium hereafter referred as machines such as water directed to the cutting tool. Machines Keel en covered by this standard may be powered by: electric motor, IC engine, electro-hydraulic drive and IC engine- EN 13898:2003/prA1 hydraulic drive. Identne EN 13898:2003/prA1:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 FprEN 62264-5 Tööpingid. Ohutus. Seadmed külmmetalli Identne FprEN 62264-5:2008 saagimiseks ja identne IEC 62264-5:200X This standard specifies the safety requirements and Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the design, construction and supply (including installation, Enterprise system integration - Part 5: Business to setting up, maintenance, and repair) of machines whose manufacturing transactions primary intended use is for sawing cold metal (ferrous This part of IEC 62264 defines transactions in terms of and non-ferrous), or material partly of cold metal, by information exchanges between applications performing means of a saw blade business and manufacturing activities associated with Keel en Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to enable information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in EN 13985:2003/prA1 support of Enterprise-Control system integration. This Identne EN 13985:2003/prA1:2008 part is consistent with the IEC 62264-1 models and Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 terminology and IEC 62264-2 object model attributes. Tööpingid. Ohutus. Giljotiinlõikepingid This part also defines transactions that specify how to This standard specifies technical safety requirements exchange the objects defined in Part 1 Clause 7, Part 2 and measures to be adopted by persons undertaking the and this part. Other uses of the transaction model are design as defined in 3.11 of EN 292-1:1991, not defined in this part. The models covered in this manufacture and supply of guillotine shears which are standard are: Personnel Model, Equipment Model, intended to work cold metal or material partly of cold Maintenance Model, Material Model, Process Segment metal Model, Production Capability Model, Product Definition Model, Production Schedule Model, and Production Keel en Performance Model. Keel en

70 prEN 13507 EVS-EN 61646:2008 Identne prEN 13507:2008 Hind 221,00 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 61646:2008 Thermal spraying - Pre-treatment of surfaces of ja identne IEC 61646:2008 metallic parts and components for thermal spraying Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - This European Standard specifies the processing of Design qualification and type approval surface preparation for thermal spraying. Important This International Standard lays down requirements for principles indicated in this standard shall be taken into the design qualification and type approval of terrestrial, consideration when surfaces of metallic parts are to be thin-film photovoltaic modules suitable for long-term prepared for thermal spraying. This standard applies for operation in general open-air climates as defined in IEC production of new parts as well as for the repair of worn 60721-2-1. This standard is intended to apply to all parts. This standard does not apply for thermal spraying terrestrial flat plate module materials not covered by IEC in the case of protection against atmospheric corrosion 61215. The test sequence is derived from IEC 61215 for by coatings of zinc and/or aluminium and their alloys, for the design qualification and type approval of terrestrial which EN ISO 2063 applies. crystalline silicon PV modules. However, it no longer Keel en relies on meeting a plus/minus criterion before and after Asendab EVS-EN 13507:2001 each test, but rather on meeting a specified percentage of the rated minimum power after all of the tests have been completed and the modules have been light- 27 ELEKTRI- JA soaked. This eliminates the technology-specific SOOJUSENERGEETIKA preconditioning necessary to accurately measure the changes caused by the test. This standard does not UUED STANDARDID apply to modules used with concentrators. EVS-EN 45510-2-9:2008 Keel en Hind 233,00 Asendab EVS-EN 61646:2002 Identne EN 45510-2-9:2008 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Guide for procurement of power station equipment -- Part 2-9: Electrical equipment - Cabling systems EVS-EN 60904-3:2002 This standard gives guidance on writing the technical Identne EN 60904-3:1993 specification for the procurement of equipment for use ja identne IEC 60904-3:1989 in electricity generating stations (power stations). This Photovoltaic devices - Part 3: Measurement Guide for procurement is not applicable to equipment for principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar use in the nuclear reactor plant area of nuclear power devices with reference spectral irradiance data stations. Other possible applications of such equipment Applies to the following crystalline silicon photovoltaic have not been considered in the preparation of this devices for terrestrial applications: single solar cells with Guide. This Guide on cabling systems deals with a wide or without protective cover, sub-assemblies at solar range of activities and may be used for any or all of cells, and flat modules. these activities by selection of the relevant parts e.g.: - provision of support for cable; - laying of cable; - Keel en completion of cable ends; The Guide covers the Asendatud EVS-EN 60904-3:2008 installation of power cable up to and including 20,8/36 EVS-EN 61646:2002 (42) kV and the supply and installation of control and Identne EN 61646:1997 instrumentation cable. The supply of power cable is covered by EN 45510-2-8. The Guide includes the ja identne IEC 61646:1996 installation of protective conductor cable for earthing and Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - equipotential bonding up to the main earthing busbar(s), Design qualification and type approval but not the below ground earth-electrode network. This International Standard lays down IEC requirements Keel en for the design qualification and type approval of EVS-EN 60904-3:2008 terrestrial thin-film photovoltaic modules suitable for long- term operation in moderate open-air climates as defined Hind 190,00 in IEC 721-2-1. It is written with amorphous silicon Identne EN 60904-3:2008 technology in mind, but may also be applicable to other ja identne IEC 60904-3:2008 thin-film PV modules. Photovoltaic devices -- Part 3: Measurement Keel en principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar Asendatud EVS-EN 61646:2008 devices with reference spectral irradiance data This part of IEC 60904 applies to the following photovoltaic devices for terrestrial applications: – solar cells with or without a protective cover; – sub- assemblies of solar cells; – modules; – systems. The principles contained in this standard cover testing in both natural and simulated sunlight. This standard is not applicable to solar cells designed for operation in concentrated sunlight or to modules embodying concentrators. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 60904-3:2002

71 CLC/TS 61643-12:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Hind 358,00 FprEN 60904-4 Identne CLC/TS 61643-12:2006 Identne FprEN 60904-4:2008 ja identne IEC 61643-12:2002 ja identne IEC 60904-4:200X Low-voltage surge protective devices -- Part 12: Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage Photovoltaic devices - Part 4: Procedure for power systems - Selection and application principles establishing the traceability of the calibration of This parts of IEC 61643 describes the principles for reference solar devices selection, operation, location and coordination of SPDs This standard applies to Photovoltaic (PV) reference to be connected to 50 Hz to 60 Hz a.c. and to d.c. power solar devices that are used to measure the irradiance of circuits and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. or 1 natural or simulated sunlight for the purpose of 500 V d.c. quantifying the performance of PV devices. The use of a Keel en PV reference solar device is required in the application EVS-EN 45510-2-9:2008 of 60904-1 and 60904-3. This standard has been written Hind 233,00 with single junction PV reference solar devices in mind, in particular crystalline Silicon. However the main part of Identne EN 45510-2-9:2008 the standard is sufficiently general to include other Guide for procurement of power station equipment -- technologies. The methods described in the annex, Part 2-9: Electrical equipment - Cabling systems however, are limited to single junction technologies. This standard gives guidance on writing the technical Keel en specification for the procurement of equipment for use FprEN 60904-10 in electricity generating stations (power stations). This Guide for procurement is not applicable to equipment for Identne FprEN 60904-10:2008 use in the nuclear reactor plant area of nuclear power ja identne IEC 60904-10:200X stations. Other possible applications of such equipment Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 have not been considered in the preparation of this Photovoltaic devices - Part 10: Methods of linearity Guide. This Guide on cabling systems deals with a wide measurement range of activities and may be used for any or all of This International Standard describes procedures used these activities by selection of the relevant parts e.g.: - to determine the degree of linearity of any photovoltaic provision of support for cable; - laying of cable; - device parameter with respect to a test parameter. It is completion of cable ends; The Guide covers the primarily intended for use by calibration laboratories, installation of power cable up to and including 20,8/36 module manufacturers and system designers. (42) kV and the supply and installation of control and Photovoltaic (PV) module and system performance instrumentation cable. The supply of power cable is evaluations, and performance translations from one set covered by EN 45510-2-8. The Guide includes the of temperature and irradiance conditions to another installation of protective conductor cable for earthing and frequently rely on the use of linear equations (see IEC equipotential bonding up to the main earthing busbar(s), 60891 and IEC 61829). This standard lays down the but not the below ground earth-electrode network. linearity requirements and test methods to ensure that Keel en these linear equations will give satisfactory results. EVS-EN 50264-1:2008 Indirectly, these requirements dictate the range of the Hind 190,00 temperature and irradiance variables over which the Identne EN 50264-1:2008 equations can be used. Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Keel en and control cables having special fire performance -- Asendab EVS-EN 60904-10:2002 Part 1: General requirements EN 50264-1 specifies the general requirements 29 ELEKTROTEHNIKA applicable to the cables given in all other parts of EN 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the UUED STANDARDID insulating and sheathing materials and other CLC/TR 50462:2008 components called up in the separate parts. In particular EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire Hind 233,00 safety. Based on proven experience and reliability over Identne CLC/TR 50462:2008 many years these cables are rated for occasional Rules for the determination of uncertainties in the thermal stresses causing ageing equivalent to measurement of the losses on power transformers continuous operational life at a conductor temperature of and reactors 90 °C. The maximum conductor temperature for short This Technical Report illustrates the procedures and circuit conditions is 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. criteria to be applied to evaluate the uncertainty affecting This Part 1 should be read in conjunction with the other the measurements of no load and load losses during the parts of EN 50264. routine tests on power transformers. Even if the attention Keel en is especially paid to the transformers, the document can Asendab EVS-EN 50264-1:2003 be also used for the measurements of reactor losses, when applicable. Keel en

72 EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3-1:2008 Hind 162,00 Hind 162,00 Identne EN 50264-2-1:2008 Identne EN 50264-3-1:2008 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- and control cables having special fire performance -- Part 2-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Part 3-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Single core cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Single core EN 50264-2-1 specifies requirements for, and cables constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of EN 50264-3-1 specifies requirements for, and the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm² to 400 mm²); • 1,8/3 the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2); • 1,8/3 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm² to 400 mm²). 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. mm2). All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free or wiring where limited flexing in operation is sheath. They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 conductor temperature not exceeding 90° C and a °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 cables exhibit special performance characteristics in °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the respect of maximum permissible flame propagation cables exhibit special performance characteristics in (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of respect of maximum permissible flame propagation smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-1 should be read in (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-1 should be read in Keel en conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. Asendab EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 Keel en EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3-2:2008 Hind 162,00 Hind 180,00 Identne EN 50264-2-2:2008 Identne EN 50264-3-2:2008 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- and control cables having special fire performance -- Part 2-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Part 3-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Multicore cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Multicore EN 50264-2-2 specifies requirements for, and cables constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the EN 50264-3-2 specifies requirements for, and following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the screened or unscreened (1 mm², 1,5 mm² and 2,5 mm², following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV screened or screened or unscreened (1 mm2, 1,5 mm2 and 2,5 unscreened (1,5 mm² to 50 mm², 2, 3 and 4 cores). All mm2, number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN screened or unscreened, (1,5 mm2 to 50 mm2, 2, 3 and 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. 4 cores). All cables have class 5 tinned copper They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, conductors to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and or wiring where limited flexing in operation is halogen-free sheath. They are for use in railway rolling encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a operation is encountered. The requirements provide for maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 a continuous conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the °C and a maximum temperature for short circuit cables exhibit special performance characteristics in conditions of 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under respect of maximum permissible flame propagation fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of characteristics in respect of maximum permissible flame smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-2 should be read in propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. emission of smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-2 Keel en should be read in conjunction with Part 1 “General Asendab EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 requirements”. Keel en

73 EVS-EN 60034-3:2008 EVS-EN 60404-2:2002/A1:2008 Hind 180,00 Hind 95,00 Identne EN 60034-3:2008 Identne EN 60404-2:1998/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60034-3:2008 ja identne IEC 60404-2:1996/A1:2008 Rotating electrical machines -- Part 3: Specific Magnetic materials -- Part 2: Methods of requirements for synchronous generators driven by measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steam turbines or combustion gas turbines steel sheet and strip by means of an Epstein frame This part of IEC 60034 applies to three-phase This part of IEC 404 is applicable to grain oriented and synchronous generators, having rated outputs of 10 non-oriented electrical sheet and strip for a.c. MVA and above driven by steam turbines or combustion measurements of magnetic properties at frequencies up gas turbines. It supplements the basic requirements for to 400 Hz and for d.c. magnetic measurements. The rotating machines given in IEC 60034-1. Common object of this part is to define the general principles and requirements are prescribed together with specific the technical details of the measurement of the magnetic requirements for air, for hydrogen or for liquid cooled properties of electrical sheet and strip by means of an synchronous generators. This part of IEC 60034 also Epstein frame. The Epstein frame is applicable to test gives the precautions to be taken when using hydrogen specimens obtained from electrical sheets and strips of cooled generators including: – rotating exciters driven any grade. by synchronous generators; – auxiliary equipment Keel en needed for operating the generators; – parts of the EVS-EN 60432-3:2003/A2:2008 building where hydrogen might accumulate. Hind 95,00 Keel en Identne EN 60432-3:2003/A2:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 60034-3:2005 ja identne IEC 60432-3:2002/A2:2008 EVS-EN 60034-29:2008 Hõõglambid. Ohutusnõuded. Osa 3: Hind 180,00 Halogeenhõõglambid (mitte sõidukilambid) Identne EN 60034-29:2008 Specifies the safety requirements for single-capped and ja identne IEC 60034-29:2008 double-capped tungsten halogen lamps, having rated Rotating electrical machines - Equivalent loading voltages of up to 250 V, used for the following and super-position techniques - Indirect testing to applications: · Projection (including cinematograph and determine temperature rise still projection) · Photographic (including studio) · This International Standard applies to machines covered Floodlighting · Special purpose · General purpose · by IEC 60034-1 when they cannot be loaded to a Stage lighting specific condition (rated or otherwise). It is applicable to Keel en both motors and generators. EVS-EN 60743:2002/A1:2008 Keel en Hind 104,00 Asendab EVS-EN 61986:2003 Identne EN 60743:2001/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60076-6:2008 ja identne IEC 60743:2001/A1:2008 Hind 324,00 Pingealune töö. Tööriistade, seadmestike ja Identne EN 60076-6:2008 seadmete terminoloogia ja identne IEC 60076-6:2007 Applies to terminology for tools and equipment used in Power transformers -- Part 6: Reactors live working. This standard is not intended to be a This part of IEC 60076 applies to the following types of dictionary giving detailed definitions of all the terms used reactors: • shunt reactors; • series reactors including in live working, but only the necessary details, without current-limiting reactors, neutral-earthing reactors, power indications of their components and their methods of flow control reactors, motor starting reactors, arc-furnace use, to permit identification of the tools and equipment series reactors; • filter (tuning) reactors; • capacitor and to standardize their names. damping reactors; • capacitor discharge reactors; • Keel en earthing transformers (neutral couplers); • arc- EVS-EN 61175:2008 suppression reactors; • smoothing reactors for HVDC Hind 221,00 and industrial application; with the exception of the Identne EN 61175:2005 following reactors: • reactors with a rating less than 1 kvar single-phase and 5 kvar three-phase; • reactors for ja identne IEC 61175:2005 special purposes such as high-frequency line traps or Industrial systems, installations and equipment and reactors mounted on rolling stock. Where IEC standards industrial products - Designation of signals do not exist for small or special reactors, this part of IEC This International Standard provides rules for the 60076 may be applicable as a whole or in part. composition of designations and names for the Keel en identification of signals and signal connections. This Asendab EVS-EN 60289:2003 includes the designation of power supply circuits. The standard is applicable to all types of signals within an industrial system, installation and equipment. The standard is not applicable for the identification of wiring, terminals and other hardware for connections. The standard does not establish rules for • the graphical/physical representation of a signal on devices, nor • the graphical representation of signals in documentation. Keel en

74 EVS-EN 61197:2008 EVS-EN 61232:2008/A11:2008 Hind 113,00 Hind 62,00 Identne EN 61197:1994 Identne EN 61232:1995/A11:2000 ja identne IEC 61197:1993 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes Insulating liquids - Linear flame propagation - Test This International Standard applies to bare, hard-drawn, method using a glass-fibre tape round, aluminium-clad steel wiresof different electrical This standard describes a method for measurement of and mechanical properties, in the diameter ranges linear flame propagation along aglass-fibre tape shown in table 5,for electrical purposes, before impregnated with the insulating liquid to be tested.This stranding.It is intended to cover applications, for test method is applicable to all insulating liquids, us ed reinforcement in aluminium conductors and for and unused, with kinematicviscosity lower than or equal allaluminium-clad steel stranded conductors.It does not to 300 mm2/s at 40 °C.Insulating liquids of higher cover the wires for redrawing purposes. viscosity may also be tested but should be heated Keel en beforeimpregnation of the glass-fibre tape (see 6.2.3, EVS-EN 61243-2:2002/A1:2008 note 1). Hind 84,00 Keel en Identne EN 61243-2:1997/A1:2000 EVS-EN 61229:2008/A2:2008 ja identne IEC 61243-2:1995/A1:1999 Hind 73,00 Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive Identne EN 61229:1995/A2:2002 type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV a.c. ja identne IEC 61229:1993/A2:2002 This part of IEC 61243 is applicable to portable voltage Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. detectors with or without a built-in power source to be Installations used on electrical systems for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid a.c., and frequencies from 15 Hz to 60 Hz. insulating covers for live working ona.c. installations, Keel en including those described in IEC 60743.The barriers, EVS-EN 61733-1:2008 having dielectric withstand which depends on the Hind 151,00 positioning clearance, areexcluded from this standard. Identne EN 61733-1:1996 Keel en ja identne IEC 61733-1:1995 EVS-EN 61229:2008/A1:2008 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Hind 62,00 Protection communication interfacing -- Part 1: Identne EN 61229:1995/A1:1998 General ja identne IEC 61229:1993/A1:1998 This part IEC 1733 applies to standardisation of Rigid protective covers for live working on a.c. protection communication interfacing for digital Installations protection equipment and related control and monitoring International Standard IEC 61229 is applicable to rigid devices to be used in the same electrical installation. insulating covers for live working ona.c. installations, Keel en including those described in IEC 60743.The barriers, EVS-EN 62262:2008 having dielectric withstand which depends on the Hind 95,00 positioning clearance, areexcluded from this standard. Identne EN 62262:2002 Keel en ja identne IEC 62262:2002 EVS-EN 61232:2008 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for Hind 151,00 electrical equipment against external mechanical Identne EN 61232:1995 impacts (IK code) ja identne IEC 61232:1993 Refers to the classification of the degrees of protection Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes provided by enclosures against external mechanical This International Standard applies to bare, hard-drawn, impacts when the rated voltage of the protected round, aluminium-clad steel wiresof different electrical equipment is not greater than 72,5 kV. This standard is and mechanical properties, in the diameter ranges only applicable to enclosures of equipment where the shown in table 5,for electrical purposes, before specific standard establishes degrees of protection of stranding.It is intended to cover applications, for the enclosure against mechanical impacts (expressed in reinforcement in aluminium conductors and for this standard as impacts). allaluminium-clad steel stranded conductors.It does not Keel en cover the wires for redrawing purposes. Asendab EVS-EN 50102:2006 Keel en

75 EVS-EN 88528-11:2008 EVS-HD 620 S1:2002/A1:2008 Hind 233,00 Hind 548,00 Identne EN 88528-11:2004 Identne HD 620 S1:1996/A1:2001 ja identne IEC 88528-11:2004 Distribution cables with extruded insulation for rated Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven voltages from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV to 20,8/36 (42) kV alternating current generating sets -- Part 11: Rotary HD 620 applies to cables with extruded instulation and uninterruptible power systems - Performance for rated voltages Uo/U(Um) from 3.6/6 (7.2) kV up to requirements and test methods 20.8/36(42) kV used in power distribution systems of This International Standard, which forms part of the ISO voltages not exceeding the maximum rms value of the 8528 series, specifies criteria, including performance system voltage Um. This Part (Part 1) specifies the and test methods, for rotary uninterruptible power general requirements applicable to these cables, unless systems (UPS) arising out of a combination of otherwise specified in the particular sections of this HD mechanical and electrical rotating machines. This Keel en standard applies to power supplies primarily designed EVS-HD 631.3 S1:2008 for supplying uninterrupted a.c. power to the consumer. Hind 84,00 When operated without input mains feed, the power is provided by stored energy and/or reciprocating internal Identne HD 631.3 S1:2008 combustion (RIC) engine and the output power is Electric cables - Accessories - Material provided by one or more rotating electrical machines. characterisation -- Part 3: Fingerprinting for heat This part 11 applies to a.c. power supplies primarily shrinkable components for medium voltage designed for supplying uninterruptible electrical power applications from 3,6/6 (7,2) kV up to 20,8/36 (42) kV for stationary land and marine use, excluding supplies This Harmonization Document specifies the test for aircraft, land vehicles or locomotives. It also excludes methods and requirements for fingerprinting (as defined power supplies where the output power is generated by in 3.12) of heat shrinkable components intended to be static converters. (See IEC 62040-3.) used in cable accessories for medium voltage, as Keel en defined in HD 629.1 and HD 629.2. Fingerprinting of EVS-HD 384.5.537 S2:2008 materials does not have a mandatory link to type testing of accessories. It shall be regarded as a stand-alone Hind 162,00 test, but may be carried out in combination with the Identne HD 384.5.537 S2:1998 accessory type tests. Component basic functions can ja identne IEC 60364-5-537:198+A1:1989 be: conductive, stress control or stress grading, Electrical installations of buildings -- Part 5: insulating, oil barrier, anti-tracking, external protection Selection and erection of electrical equipment -- and sealing. Components are supplied as single layer Chapter 53: Switchgear and controlgear - Section items or as multi-layer items. 537: Devices for isolation and switching Keel en Deals with devices for isolation, devices for switching-off EVS-HD 631.4 S1:2008 for mechanical maintenance, devices for emergency Hind 84,00 switching and functional switching devices. Identne HD 631.4 S1:2008 Keel en Electrical cables - Accessories - Material EVS-HD 605 S2:2008 characterisation -- Part 4: Fingerprinting for cold Hind 305,00 shrinkable components for low and medium voltage Identne HD 605 S2:2008 applications up to 20,8/36(42) kV Elektrikaablid. Lisakatsetusmeetodid This Harmonization Document specifies the test This HD collates and specifies the test methods to be methods and requirements for fingerprinting (as defined used for testing polymeric insulated and sheathed in 3.11) of cold shrinkable components intended to be electric cables, of rated voltage up to and including used in cable accessories for low and medium voltage, 20,8/36 kV, intended for public distribution systems, and as defined in EN 50393, HD 629.1 and HD 629.2. for use in power generating plants and sub-stations. Fingerprinting of materials does not have a mandatory Test methods in this HD are additional to those already link to type testing of accessories. It shall be regarded as harmonised, e.g. EN 60332-1 series and EN 60811 a stand-alone test, but may be carried out in series, and are used for testing cable types specified in combination with the accessory type tests. Component HD 603, HD 604, HD 620, HD 622, HD 626 and HD 627. basic functions can be: conductive, stress control or In each case, these HDs give complementary stress grading, insulating, oil barrier, anti tracking, information needed for the practical application to each external protection and sealing. Components are specific type. Therefore the present HD as such is not supplied as single layer items or as multi-layer items. sufficient for carrying out and evaluating the tests on Components are generally supplied pre-expanded or electric cables. Full test conditions (e.g. temperatures, with a system allowing expansion prior to installation. durations) and/or test requirements are not specified in Keel en this HD. Such data needed to carry out the tests is given in the particular sections. Keel en Asendab EVS-HD 605 S1:2001; EVS-HD 605 S1:2001/A2:2002; EVS-HD 605 S1:2001/A3:2002; EVS- HD 605 S1:2001/A4:2004

76 EVS-EN 60034-3:2005 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Identne EN 60034-3:2005 EVS-EN 50102:2006 ja identne IEC 60034-3:2005 Identne EN 50102:1995+A1:1998+Corr:2002 Rotating electrical machines Part 3: Specific Elektriseadmete ümbristega tagatavad kaitseastmed requirements for cylindrical rotor synchronous väliste mehaaniliste löökide eest (IK-kood) machines Standard käsitleb ümbristega väliste mehaaniliste Gives common requirements for all cylindrical rotor löökide eest tagatavate kaitseastmete liigitust, kui machines as well as specific requirements for air, for kaitstavate seadmete nimipinge ei ole suurem kui 72,5 hydrogen or for liquid cooled cylindrical rotor kV. Käesolev standard on rakendatav vaid selliste synchronous machines. Gives also the precautions to be seadmete ümbristele, mille eristandard näeb ette taken when using hydrogen cooled machines. ümbrise kaitseastmed mehaaniliste löökide Keel en eest.Standardi eesmärk on anda:a) elektriseadmete Asendab EVS-EN 60034-3:2003 ümbriste poolt tagatavate kaitseastme määratlused vastavalt ümbrise sees olevate seadmete kaitstusele Asendatud EVS-EN 60034-3:2008 mehaaniliste löökide kahjuliku toime eest,b) EVS-EN 60289:2003 kaitseastmete tähised,c) igale kaitseastmele esitatavad Identne EN 60289:1994+A11:2002 nõuded,d) katsetused, mis tuleb sooritada, et tõestada ja identne IEC 60289:1988 ümbrise vastavust käesoleva standardi nõuetele. Reactors Keel et This standard applies to the following types of reactors: Asendatud EVS-EN 62262:2008 shunt reactors, current-limiting reactors including neutral- EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 earthing reactors, damping reactors, tuning (filter) Identne EN 50264-2:2002 reactors, earthing transformers (neutral couplers), arc- Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables suppression reactors, smoothing reactors, with the having special fire performance - Standard wall - exception of the following reactors: small reactors with a rating generally less than 2 kvar single-phase and 10 Part 2: Single core cables kvar three-phase, reactors for special purposes such as Part 2 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and high-frequency line traps or reactors mounted on rolling constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of stock. the following types and voltage ratings: 0,6/1 kV Keel en unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 Asendatud EVS-EN 60076-6:2008 kV unscreened sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 3,6/6 EVS-EN 61986:2003 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 mm2). All Identne EN 61986:2002 cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to HD ja identne IEC 61986:2002 383, halogen-free insulation and where applicable Rotating electrical machines - Equivalent loading halogen-free sheath. and super-position techniques - Indirect testing to Keel en determine temperature rise Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 This standard applies to machines covered by IEC 34-1 EVS-EN 50264-1:2003 when they cannot be loaded to a specific condition Identne EN 50264-1:2002 (rated or otherwise) for whatever reason. The methods Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables are not suitable for machines of and below 1 kW. The having special fire performance -Standard wall - Part object of this standard is to provide descriptions of 1: General requirements various indirect load tests, the purpose of which is to determine the temperature rise of rotating electrical Part 1 of EN 50264 specifies the general requirements machines, including ac induction machines, ac applicable to the cables given in part 2 and part 3 of EN synchronous machines and ds machines; both motors 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the and generators are covered within the scope of the insulating and sheathing materials and other standard. The test methods in some cases provide in components called up in the separate parts. In particular addition a means of measuring or estimating other EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire parameters such as losses and vibration, but the safety which enable the cables to satisfy Hazard Levels methods are not designed specifically to provide such 2, 3 and 4 of EN 45545-1.* data. The proposed methods of test are considered Keel en equivalent, the choice of them relying only on the Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-1:2008 location, the testing apparatus and the kind of machine EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 and the test result accuracy. Identne EN 50264-3:2002 Keel en Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables Asendatud EVS-EN 60034-29:2008 having special fire performance - Standard wall - Part : Multicore cables Part 3 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the following types and voltage ratings: - 300 V/500 V Screened or unscreened (1 mm 2 , 1,5 mm 2 and 2,5 mm 2 , number of cores from 2 to 40) - 0,6 kV/1 kV Screened or unscreened, (1 mm 2 to 50 mm 2 , 2, 3 and 4 core) Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 77 EVS-HD 605 S1:2001 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne HD 605 S1:1994 + A1:1996 Elektrikaablid. Lisakatsetusmeetodid CLC/FprTR 50083-10-1 This HD collates and specifies the test methods to be Identne CLC/FprTR 50083-10-1:2008 used for testing polymeric insulated and sheathed Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 electic cables, of rated voltage up to and including Cable networks for television signals, sound signals 0,6/1kV, intended for public distribution systems, and for and interactive services - Part 10-1: Guidelines for use in power generating plants and sub-stations. Test the implementation of return paths in cable networks methods in this HD are additional to those already Standards of the EN 50083 and EN 60728 series deal harmonised, e.g. HD 405 and HD 505, and are used for with cable networks including equipment and associated testing cable types specified in HD 603 and 604. In each methods of measurement for headend reception, case specific, these HDs give complementary processing and distribution of television signals, sound information needed for the pratical application to each signals and their associated data signals and for specific type. processing, interfacing and transmitting all kinds of Keel en signals for interactive services using all applicable Asendatud EVS-HD 605 S2:2008 transmission media. This includes • CATV1)-networks; • EVS-HD 605 S1:2001/A2:2002 MATV-networks and SMATV-networks; • individual Identne HD 605 S1:1994/A2:2001 receiving networks; and all kinds of equipment, systems and installations installed in such networks. The extent Elektrikaablid. Lisakatsetusmeetodid of this standardization work is from the antennas and/or This HD collates and specifies the test methods to be special signal source inputs to the headend or other used for testing polymeric insulated and sheathed interface points to the network up to the terminal input. electic cables, of rated voltage up to and including The standardization of any user terminals (i.e., tuners, 0,6/1kV, intended for public distribution systems, and for receivers, decoders, multimedia terminals, etc.) as well use in power generating plants and sub-stations. Test as of any coaxial, balanced and optical cables and methods in this HD are additional to those already accessories thereof is excluded. harmonised, e.g. HD 405 and HD 505, and are used for Keel en testing cable types specified in HD 603 and 604. In each case specific, these HDs give complementary EN 50083-8:2007/FprA11 information needed for the pratical application to each Identne EN 50083-8:2002/FprA11:2008 specific type. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Televisiooni-, heli- ja interaktiivse multimeedia Asendatud EVS-HD 605 S2:2008 signaalide kaabeljaotussüsteemid. Osa 8: Võrkude EVS-HD 605 S1:2001/A3:2002 elektrimagnetiline ühilduvus Identne HD 605 S1:1994/A3:2002 EN 50083 seeria standardid käsitlevad kaabelvõrke, milledes edastatakse televisioonilevisignaale, Elektrikaablid. Lisakatsetusmeetodid raadiolevisignaale ja interaktiivseid teenuseid ning This HD collates and specifies the test methods to be muuhulgas ka seadmeid, süsteeme ning nende used for testing polymeric insulated and sheathed paigaldust - televisiooni- ja raadiolevisignaalide ning electic cables, of rated voltage up to and including nendega seotud andmesignaalide vastuvõtuks, 0,6/1kV, intended for public distribution systems, and for töötlemiseks ja jaotamiseks peajaamas ning - mistahes use in power generating plants and sub-stations. Test interaktiivsete teenuste signaalide töötlemiseks ja methods in this HD are additional to those already liidestamiseks ning edastamiseks mistahes võimalikus harmonised, e.g. HD 405 and HD 505, and are used for edastusmeediumis. Kõik võrgud, nagu: - testing cable types specified in HD 603 and 604. In each kaabellevivõrgud (CATV), - MATV ja SMATV-võrgud, - case specific, these HDs give complementary individuaalvastuvõtusüsteemid ja ka kõik muud information needed for the pratical application to each seadmed, süsteemid ja paigaldised, mis on paigaldatud specific type. eeltoodud võrkudesse, kuuluvad käsitlusalasse. Keel en Standardi reguleerimisala on alates peajaama Asendatud EVS-HD 605 S2:2008 antennidest, spetsiaalsetest signaaliallikatest või EVS-HD 605 S1:2001/A4:2004 muudest võrgu sisendpunktidest kuni süsteemi väljundini või lõpppunktini, kui süsteemi väljund puudub. Identne HD 605 S1:1994/A4:2004 Lõppkasutaja lõppseadmetele (näiteks tüünerid, Elektrikaablid. Lisakatsetusmeetodid vastuvõtjad, dekooderid, multimeedia lõppseadmed jne) This HD collates and specifies the test methods to be samuti koaksiaal- ja optilistele kaablitele ning tarvikutele used for testing polymeric insulated and sheathed käesolev standard seega ei kohaldu. electic cables, of rated voltage up to and including Keel en 0,6/1kV, intended for public distribution systems, and for EN 60061-4:2001/FprA12 use in power generating plants and sub-stations. Test methods in this HD are additional to those already Identne EN 60061-4:1992/FprA12:2008 harmonised, e.g. HD 405 and HD 505, and are used for ja identne IEC 60061-4:1990/A12:200X testing cable types specified in HD 603 and 604. In each Tähtaeg 29.09.2008 case specific, these HDs give complementary Lambisoklid ja lambipesad koos mõõturitega information needed for the pratical application to each vahetatavuse ja ohutuse kontrolliks. Osa 4: Juhised specific type. ja üldinformatsioon Keel en Contains a designation system in loose-leaf form, a Asendatud EVS-HD 605 S1:2001 guide to a selection of caps and general information regarding gauges. Keel en

78 EN 61347-2-10:2002/FprA1 31 ELEKTROONIKA Identne EN 61347-2-10:2001/FprA1:2008 ja identne IEC 61347-2-10:2000/A1:200X UUED STANDARDID Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EVS-EN 60512-15-1:2008 Lampide juhtimisseadised. Osa 2-10: Erinõuded Hind 84,00 elektronvahelditele ja -muunduritele torukujuliste Identne EN 60512-15-1:2008 külmsüüte-lahenduslampide (neoonlampide) kõrgsagedustalitluseks ja identne IEC 60512-15-1:2008 This part of IEC 61347 specifies general and safety Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and requirements for lamp controlgear for use on d.c. measurements -- Part 15-1: Connector tests supplies up to 250 V and/or a.c. supplies up to 1 000 V (mechanical) - Test 15a: Contact retention in insert at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This standard also covers lamp This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail controlgear for lamps which are not yet standard specification, is used for testing connectors within the Keel en scope of technical committee 48. This test may also be used for similar devices when specified in a detail FprEN 61008-1 specification. The object of this document is to detail a Identne FprEN 61008-1:2008 standard test method to assess the effectiveness of the ja identne IEC 61008-1:200X contact retaining system to withstand axial loads likely to Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 be encountered during normal use. The contact retaining Rikkevoolukaitselülitid ilma sisseehitatud system may retain the contact in an insert or directly into liigvoolukaitseta, kasutamiseks majapidamises ja a housing. muudel taolistel juhtudel. Osa 1: Üldreeglid Keel en This International Standard applies to residual current EVS-EN 60512-15-2:2008 operated circuit-breakers functionally independent of, or Hind 95,00 functionally dependent on, line voltage, for household Identne EN 60512-15-2:2008 and similar uses, not incorporating overcurrent ja identne IEC 60512-15-2:2008 protection (hereafter referred to as RCCBs), for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V a.c. with rated frequencies Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and of 50 Hz, 60 Hz or 50 / 60 Hz and rated currents not measurements -- Part 15-2: Connector tests exceeding 125 A, intended principally for protection (mechanical) - Test 15b: Insert retention in housing against shock-hazard. (axial) Keel en This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail Asendab EVS-EN 61008-1:2004 specification, is used for testing connectors within the scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for FprEN 61009-1 similar devices when specified in a detail specification. Identne FprEN 61009-1:2008 The object of this document is to detail a standard test ja identne IEC 61009-1:200X method to assess the effectiveness of the insert Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 retaining system to withstand axial loads likely to be Rikkevoolukaitselülitid sisseehitatud encountered during normal use. liigvoolukaitsega, kasutamiseks majapidamises ja Keel en muudel taolistel juhtudel. Osa 1: Üldreeglid EVS-EN 60512-15-3:2008 This International Standard applies to residual current Hind 95,00 operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent Identne EN 60512-15-3:2008 protection functionally independent of, or functionally ja identne IEC 60512-15-3:2008 dependent on, line voltage for household and similar Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and uses (hereafter referred to as RCBOs), for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V a.c. with rated frequencies measurements -- Part 15-3: Connector tests of 50 Hz, 60 Hz or 50 / 60 Hz and rated currents not (mechanical) - Test 15c: Insert retention in housing exceeding 125 A and rated short-circuit capacities not (torsional) exceeding 25 000 A for operation at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail Keel en specification, is used for testing connectors within the scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for Asendab EVS-EN 61009-1:2004 similar devices when specified in a detail specification. FprEN 61512-4 The object of this document is to detail a standard test Identne FprEN 61512-4:2008 method to assess the effectiveness of the insert ja identne IEC 61512-4:200X retaining system to withstand torsional stresses likely to Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 be encountered during normal use. Batch control - Part 4: Batch production records Keel en This Part 4 standard defines a reference model for batch production records containing information about production of batches or elements of batch production. This standard is intended for batch processes. Keel en

79 EVS-EN 60512-15-4:2008 EVS-EN 60512-15-7:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 84,00 Identne EN 60512-15-4:2008 Identne EN 60512-15-7:2006 ja identne IEC 60512-15-4:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-15-7:2008 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 15-4: Connector tests measurements -- Part 15-7: Connector tests (mechanical) - Test 15d: Contact insertion, release (mechanical) - Test 15g: Robustness of protective and extraction force cover attachment This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail specification, is used for testing connectors within the specification, is used for testing connectors within the scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for similar devices when specified in a detail specification. similar devices when specified in a detail specification. The object of this document is to detail a standard test The object of this document is to detail a standard test method to determine the forces required to insert contact method to assess the ability of a connector cover and its into, and extract them from, their normal position in the attachment to withstand mechanical stresses. intended connector. Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 60512-16-1:2008 EVS-EN 60512-15-5:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 95,00 Identne EN 60512-16-1:2008 Identne EN 60512-15-5:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-16-1:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-15-5:2008 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-1: Mechanical tests on measurements -- Part 15-5: Connector tests contacts and terminations - Test 16a: Probe damage (mechanical) - Test 15e: Contact retention in insert, This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail cable nutation specification, is used for testing connectors within the This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for specification, is used for testing connectors within the similar devices when specified in a detail specification. scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for The object of this part of IEC 60512 is to detail a similar devices when specified in a detail specification. standard test method to assess the effectiveness of the The object of this document is to detail a standard test elastic system of contacts to resist damage from the method to verify the capability of the contact retention insertion of a specified test probe. Although this test is system to withstand dynamic mechanical loading of the intended for cylindrical contacts, the use for contacts contacts that tends to dislodge them. with other geometries is not excluded. In which case, the Keel en detail specification should contain sufficient detail, given under the Clause 5 f), to enable the test to be done. EVS-EN 60512-15-6:2008 Keel en Hind 84,00 EVS-EN 60512-16-2:2008 Identne EN 60512-15-6:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-15-6:2008 Hind 84,00 Identne EN 60512-16-2:2008 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements -- Part 15-6: Connector tests ja identne IEC 60512-16-2:2008 (mechanical) - Test 15f: Effectiveness of connector Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and coupling devices measurements - Part 16-2: Mechanical tests on This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail contacts and terminations - Test 16b: Restricted specification, is used for testing connectors within the entry scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail similar devices when specified in a detail specification. specification, is used for testing connectors within the The object of this document is to detail a standard test scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for method to assess the effectiveness of the coupling similar devices when specified in a detail specification. device to maintain engagement of mated connectors The object of this part of IEC 60512 is to detail a fitted with coupling and / or retaining devices when standard test method to assess the effectiveness of the subject to specified forces applied to the cable/wire means by which an oversize male contact, or other bundle or harness or applied directly to the connector similar object, is prevented from entering the equivalent body if so specified in a detail specification. female contact. Keel en Keel en

80 EVS-EN 60512-16-4:2008 EVS-EN 60512-16-11:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 95,00 Identne EN 60512-16-4:2008 Identne EN 60512-16-11:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-16-4:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-16-11:2008 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and measurements - Part 16-4: Mechanical tests on measurements - Part 16-11:Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations - Test 16d: Tensile contacts and terminations - Test 16k: Stripping strength (crimped connections) force,solderless wrapped connections This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail specification, is used for testing connectors within the specification, is used for testing electomechanical scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for components within the scope of technical committee 48. similar devices when specified in a detail specification. It may also be used for similar devices when specified in The object of this part of IEC 60512 is to detail a a detail specification. The object of this part of IEC standard test method to determine the tensile strength of 60512 is to detail a standard test method to determine a crimped connection. ability of a component to resist forces that might strip a Keel en wrapped connection from its post along the axis of the post. Such wrapped connections are described in IEC EVS-EN 60512-16-8:2008 60352-1. Hind 95,00 Keel en Identne EN 60512-16-8:2008 EVS-EN 60512-16-13:2008 ja identne IEC 60512-16-8:2008 Hind 84,00 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and Identne EN 60512-16-13:2008 measurements -- Part 16-8: Mechanical tests on connections and terminations - Test 16h: Insulating ja identne IEC 60512-16-13:2008 grip effectiveness (crimped connections) Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail measurements - Part 16-13: Mechanical tests on specification, is used for testing connectors within the contacts and terminations - Test 16m: Un-wrapping, scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for solderless wrapped connections similar devices when specified in a detail specification. This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail The object of this part of IEC 60512 is to detail a specification, is used for testing electromechanical standard test method to assess the effectiveness of an components within the scope of technical committee 48. insulation grip to hold the insulation of a cable/wire It may also be used for similar devices when specified in under specified conditions. a detail specification. The object of this part of IEC Keel en 60512 is to detail a standard test method to determine if a wrapped connection has been made without damaging EVS-EN 60512-16-9:2008 the wrapping wire. Such wrapped connections are Hind 84,00 described in IEC 60352-1. Identne EN 60512-16-9:2008 Keel en ja identne IEC 60512-16-9:2008 EVS-EN 60512-16-18:2008 Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and Hind 95,00 measurements -- Part 16-9: Mechanical tests on Identne EN 60512-16-18:2008 contacts and terminations - Test 16i: Grounding contact spring holding force ja identne IEC 60512-16-18:2008 This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail Connectors for electronic equipment - Tests and specification, is used for testing electomechanical measurements -- Part 16-18: Mechanical tests on components within the scope of technical committee 48. contacts and terminations - Test 16r: Deflection of This test may also be used for similar devices when contacts, simulation specified in a detail specification. The object of this part This part of IEC 60512, when required by the detail of IEC 60512 is to detail a standard test method to specification, is used for testing electomechanical determine the holding capacity of grounding contact components within the scope of technical committee 48. springs by means of gauges. It may also be used for similar devices when specified in Keel en a detail specification. The object of this part of IEC 60512 is to detail a standard test method to measure the deflection of a simulated contact in its cavity or housing. Although this test method is intended for cylindrical male contacts, and is particularly applicable to those where the contacts fit into an insert, which may have some elasticity, its use for contacts with other geometries and housing details, is not excluded. In which case, the detail specification should contain sufficient detail, given under Clause 5, to enable the test to be done. Keel en

81 EVS-EN 169000:2008 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Hind 268,00 Identne EN 169000:1992 EVS-EN ISO 11145:2006 Generic Specification: Quartz crystal controlled Identne EN ISO 11145:2006 oscillators ja identne ISO 11145:2006 This document specifies the methods of test and general Optika ja optikamõõteriistad. Laserid ja laseriga requirements for quartz crystal controlled oscillators of seonduvad seadmed. Sõnastik ja sümbolid assessed quality using either capibility approval or See rahvusvaheline standard määratleb qualification approval procedures lasertehnoloogia valdkonnas põhiterminid, sümbolid ja Keel en mõõtühikud, et ühtlustada terminoloogiat ja saavutada EVS-EN ISO 11145:2008 selged määratlused ja laserikiire parameetrite korduvkatsed ning lasertehnoloogia alusel valmistatud Hind 190,00 toodangu reprodutseeritavad omadused. Identne EN ISO 11145:2008 Keel en ja identne ISO 11145:2006 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11145:2002 Optika ja optikamõõteriistad. Laserid ja laseriga Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 11145:2008 seonduvad seadmed. Sõnastik ja sümbolid EVS-EN ISO 11252:2005 This International Standard defines basic terms,symbols and units of measurement for the field oflaser Identne EN ISO 11252:2004 technology in order to unify the terminology and to arrive ja identne ISO 11252:2004 at clear definitions and reproducible testsof beam Laserid ja laseriga seonduv seadmestik. parameters and laser-oriented productproperties. Laserseadmed. Dokumentatsiooni miinimumnõuded Keel en This International Standard specifies the minimum Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11145:2006 documentation and information for marking and EVS-EN ISO 11252:2008 labelling, to be provided with laser devices (including laser diodes). The documentation is presented on two Hind 113,00 levels: as a technical data sheet (Clause 5) and as an Identne EN ISO 11252:2008 instruction manual (Clause 6). This International ja identne ISO 11252:2004 Standard does not apply to laser products which Laserid ja laseriga seonduv seadmestik. incorporate laser devices. It also does not apply to laser Laserseadmed. Dokumentatsiooni miinimumnõuded devices manufactured before the date of publication of This International Standard specifies the minimum this document. documentation and information for marking and Keel en labelling, to be provided with laser devices (including Asendab EVS-EN 31252:1999 laser diodes). The documentation is presented on two Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 11252:2008 levels: as a technical data sheet (Clause 5) and as an EVS-EN ISO 11554:2006 instruction manual (Clause 6). This International Standard does not apply to laser products which Identne EN ISO 11554:2005 incorporate laser devices. It also does not apply to laser ja identne ISO 11554:2005 devices manufactured before the date of publication of Optika ja optilised mõõteriistad. Laser ja laseriga this document. seonduvad seadmed. Katsemeetodid laserikiire Keel en võimsuse, energia ja ajutiste parameetrite Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11252:2005 määramiseks EVS-EN ISO 11554:2008 See rahvusvaheline standard määrab kindlaks meetodi Hind 151,00 pidev- ja impulsslaserite kiirte võimsuse ja energia, samuti nende impulsi kuju, kestuse ja impulsi kordumise Identne EN ISO 11554:2008 kiiruse ajutiste parameetrite määramiseks. ja identne ISO 11554:2006 Keel en Optika ja optilised mõõteriistad. Laser ja laseriga Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11554:1999 seonduvad seadmed. Katsemeetodid laserikiire Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 11554:2006 võimsuse, energia ja ajutiste parameetrite määramiseks This International Standard specifies test methods for determining the power and energy of continuous-wave and pulsed laser beams, as well as their temporal characteristics of pulse shape, pulse duration and pulse repetition rate. Test and evaluation methods are also given for the power stability of cw-lasers, energy stability of pulsed lasers and pulse duration stability. The test methods given in this International Standard are used for the testing and characterization of lasers. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11554:2006

82 33 SIDETEHNIKA EVS-EN 60794-2-50:2008 Hind 190,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 60794-2-50:2008 ja identne IEC 60794-2-50:2008 EVS-EN 50290-4-2:2008 Optical fibre cables -- Part 2-50: Indoor cables - Hind 180,00 Family specification for simplex and duplex cables Identne EN 50290-4-2:2008 for use in terminated cable assemblies Communication cables -- Part 4-2: General This part of IEC 60794 is a family specification that considerations for the use of cables - Guide to use covers requirements for simplex and duplex optical fibre The scope of this European Standard is to help installers cables for use in terminated cable assemblies or for and cabling designers to understand the range of termination with optical fibre passive components. communication metallic cables available. To help this Keel en choice the fundamental and practical rules on how to use these cables are established. The related cables are EVS-EN 61169-1:2008/A2:2008 specified in the documents issued by CLC/TC 46X and Hind 84,00 its sub-committees. These cables are: - telecom cables Identne EN 61169-1:1994/A2:1997 used in access network, - data communication twisted ja identne IEC 61169-1:1992/A2:1997 pairs cables, - coaxial cables used in CATV. Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 1: Generic Keel en specification - General requirements and measuring EVS-EN 60728-1:2008 methods Identne EN 60728-1:2008 This standard serves as a generic specification providing ja identne IEC 60728-1:2007 the basis for the sectional standardswhich apply to Televisiooni- ja raadiolevisignaalide ning individual connector types. It is intended to establish multimeedia kaabeljaotussüsteemid. Osa 1: uniform concepts andprocedures concerning:– Süsteemi edastusteede jõudlus (kavandatud terminology;– standard ratings and characteristics;– testing and measuring procedures concerning electrical asendama EN 50083-7) and mechanical properties;– classification of connectors This part of IEC 60728 is applicable to any cable with regard to environmental testing procedures network (including individual receiving systems) having involvingtemperature, humidity and vibration.The test in the forward path a coaxial cable output and primarily methods and procedures of the standard are intended intended for television and sound signals operating for acceptance for typeapproval testing. They may also between about 30 MHz and 3 000 MHz. This standard be adopted, by agreement between manufacturer specifies the basic methods of measurement of the andcustomer, to serve as a basis for acceptance tests. operational characteristics of cable network having Keel en coaxial cable outputs in order to assess the performance of these systems and their performance limits. All EVS-EN 61169-1:2008 requirements refer to the performance limits, which shall Hind 286,00 be obtained between the input(s) to the headend or Identne EN 61169-1:1994 headends and any system outlet when terminated in a ja identne IEC 61169-1:1992 resistance equal to the nominal load impedance of the system, unless otherwise specified. Where system Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 1: Generic outlets are not used, the above applies at the specification - General requirements and measuring subscriber’s end of the subscriber’s feeder. Also the methods requirements which are obtained between the input(s) to This standard serves as a generic specification providing the headend or headends and any home network the basis for the sectional standardswhich apply to interface (HNI) are given. individual connector types. It is intended to establish Keel en uniform concepts andprocedures concerning:– terminology;– standard ratings and characteristics;– Asendab EVS-EN 50083-7:1999/A1:2005; EVS-EN testing and measuring procedures concerning electrical 50083-7:1999 and mechanical properties;– classification of connectors EVS-EN 60794-2-42:2008 with regard to environmental testing procedures Hind 171,00 involvingtemperature, humidity and vibration.The test Identne EN 60794-2-42:2008 methods and procedures of the standard are intended ja identne IEC 60794-2-42:2008 for acceptance for typeapproval testing. They may also be adopted, by agreement between manufacturer Optical fibre cables -- Part 2-42: Indoor optical fibre andcustomer, to serve as a basis for acceptance tests. cables - Product specification for simplex and Keel en duplex cables with A4 fibres This part of IEC 60794 covers simplex and duplex optical fibre cables containing A4 fibres for indoor use. The requirements of the sectional specification IEC 60794-2 are applicable to cables covered by this standard. Keel en

83 EVS-EN 61169-1:2008/A1:2008 EVS-EN 61326-3-2:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 199,00 Identne EN 61169-1:1994/A1:1996 Identne EN 61326-3-2:2008 ja identne IEC 61169-1:1992/A1:1996 ja identne IEC 61326-3-2:2008 Radio-frequency connectors -- Part 1: Generic Mõõtmis-, juhtimis- ja laboratooriumi- specification - General requirements and measuring elektriseadmed. Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse methods nõuded. Osa 3-2: Häiringukindlusõuded ohutusega This standard serves as a generic specification providing seotud süsteemidele ja ohutuse tagamiseks the basis for the sectional standardswhich apply to (talitlusohutuseks) ettenähtud seadmetele. individual connector types. It is intended to establish Tööstuslikud rakendused uniform concepts andprocedures concerning:– The scope of IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC terminology;– standard ratings and characteristics;– 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for testing and measuring procedures concerning electrical industrial applications within a specified electromagnetic and mechanical properties;– classification of connectors environment and intended to perform safety functions as with regard to environmental testing procedures defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3. The electromagnetic involvingtemperature, humidity and vibration.The test environments encompassed by this product family methods and procedures of the standard are intended standard are industrial, both indoor and outdoor, as they for acceptance for typeapproval testing. They may also can be found in industrial applications with an be adopted, by agreement between manufacturer electromagnetic environment having specified andcustomer, to serve as a basis for acceptance tests. characteristics (for example, process industry). The Keel en difference between the electromagnetic environment EVS-EN 61326-3-1:2008 covered by this standard compared to the general industrial environment (see IEC 61326-3-1) is due to the Hind 208,00 mitigation measures employed against electromagnetic Identne EN 61326-3-1:2008 phenomena leading to a specified electromagnetic ja identne IEC 61326-3-1:2008 environment. Mõõtmis-, juhtimis- ja laboratooriumi- Keel en elektriseadmed. Elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse Asendab EVS-EN 61326:2001; EVS-EN nõuded. Osa 3-1: Häiringukindlusõuded ohutusega 61326:2001/A2:2002; EVS-EN 61326:2001/A3:2004 seotud süsteemidele ja ohutuse tagamiseks EVS-EN 61603-8-1:2008 (talitlusohutuseks) ettenähtud seadmetele. Hind 233,00 Üldtööstuslikud rakendused Identne EN 61603-8-1:2004 The scope of IEC 61326-1 applies to this part of IEC 61326 but is limited to systems and equipment for ja identne IEC 61603-8-1:2003 industrial applications intended to perform safety Transmission of audio and/or video and related functions as defined in IEC 61508 with SIL 1-3. The signals using infrared radiation -- Part 8-1: Digital electromagnetic environments encompassed by this audio and related signals product family standard are industrial, both indoor and This part of IEC 61603 specifies the characteristics and outdoor, as described for industrial locations in IEC measuring methods for digital audiosignal transmission 61000-6-2 or defined in 3.7 of IEC 61326-1. Equipment systems using infrared radiation with sub-carrier of the and systems intended for use in other electromagnetic frequency ranges3 MHz to 6 MHz. It describes systems environments, for example, in the process industry or in with different economic uses of the available environments with potentially explosive atmospheres, bandwidthin order to obtain minimum interference and are excluded from the scope of this product family maximum compatibility. standard, IEC 61326-3-1. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 61603-2:2002/A1:2004; EVS-EN Asendab EVS-EN 61326:2001/A3:2004; EVS-EN 61603-2:2002 61326:2001/A2:2002; EVS-EN 61326:2001 EVS-EN 61754-7:2008 Hind 180,00 Identne EN 61754-7:2008 ja identne IEC 61754-7:2008 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Fibre optic connector interfaces -- Part 7: Type MPO connector family This part of IEC 61754 defines the standard interface dimensions for type MPO family of connectors. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 61754-7:2005

84 EVS-EN 62105:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Hind 151,00 Identne EN 62105:2002 CLC/prTR 50485 ja identne IEC 62105:1999 Identne CLC/prTR 50485:2008 Digital audio broadcast system - Specification of the Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 receiver data interface (RDI) Electromagnetic compatibility - Emission The Eureka 147 digital audio broadcasting system (see measurements in fully anechoic chambers ETSI ETS 300 401) is able to transmitdata at rates of up This Technical Report applies to emission 1,8432 Mbit/s. This data rate occurs if an EEP with a measurements of radiated electromagnetic fields in Fully code rate of 0,8 isselected. Audio receivers generally will Anechoic Rooms (FAR) in the frequency range from 30 be capable of decoding one or several MHz to 18 GHz. This Technical Report covers the MSCSubchannels, but will not contain decoders for all frequency range from 30 MHz – 1 000 MHz. The possible data services. Therefore, thesource for the data frequency range above 1 GHz is under consideration, to be carried on the Receiver Data Interface (RDI) is the due to the absence of practical experience. This output bit streamof the channel decoder of a DAB Technical Report describes the validation procedure for receiver. Dedicated decoders for data the Fully Anechoic Room for radiated emission tests and applications,computers, etc., but also devices for audio the procedures to carry out the tests (e.g. test set up, postprocessing and recording can be connected tothe EUT position, cable layout and termination, test DAB receiver through this interface. procedures). Recommendations for the relation between Keel en FAR emission limits and common Open Area Test Site Asendab EVS-EN 50255:2002 (OATS) emission limits given in standards such as EN 55011 and EN 55022 are given in Annex B. This FAR ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID emission method may be chosen by product committees as an alternative method to emission measurement on EVS-EN 50255:2002 an Open Area Test Site (OATS) as described in CISPR Identne EN 50255:1997 + Corr:2002 16 series. In such cases, the product committee should Digital Audio Broadcasting system - Specification of also define the appropriate limits. Typical measurement the Receiver Data Interface (RDI) uncertainty values for FARs and OATS are given in Annex C. The Eureka 147 Digital Audio Broadcasting System (1) is able to transmit data rates of up 1.8432 Mbit/s. This Keel en data rate occurs in an EEP with a coderate of 0.8 is EN 50083-8:2007/FprA11 selected. Audio receivers generally will be capable to Identne EN 50083-8:2002/FprA11:2008 decode one or several MCS Subchannels, but will not Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 contain decoders for all possible data services. Televisiooni-, heli- ja interaktiivse multimeedia Keel en signaalide kaabeljaotussüsteemid. Osa 8: Võrkude Asendatud EVS-EN 62105:2008 elektrimagnetiline ühilduvus EVS-EN 60730-1:2001/A15:2007 EN 50083 seeria standardid käsitlevad kaabelvõrke, Identne EN 60730-1:2000/A15:2007 milledes edastatakse televisioonilevisignaale, Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- raadiolevisignaale ja interaktiivseid teenuseid ning ja muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 1: Üldnõuded muuhulgas ka seadmeid, süsteeme ning nende paigaldust - televisiooni- ja raadiolevisignaalide ning In general, this standard applies to automatic electrical nendega seotud andmesignaalide vastuvõtuks, controls for use in, on, or in association with equipment töötlemiseks ja jaotamiseks peajaamas ning - mistahes for household and similar use, including controls for interaktiivsete teenuste signaalide töötlemiseks ja heating, air-conditioning and similar applications. The liidestamiseks ning edastamiseks mistahes võimalikus equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar edastusmeediumis. Kõik võrgud, nagu: - thermal energy, etc., or a combination thereof. This part kaabellevivõrgud (CATV), - MATV ja SMATV-võrgud, - 1 is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate part 2 individuaalvastuvõtusüsteemid ja ka kõik muud for a particular type of control, or for controls for seadmed, süsteemid ja paigaldised, mis on paigaldatud particular applications. This part 1 may also be applied, eeltoodud võrkudesse, kuuluvad käsitlusalasse. so far as reasonable, to controls not mentioned in a part Standardi reguleerimisala on alates peajaama 2, and to controls designed antennidest, spetsiaalsetest signaaliallikatest või Keel en muudest võrgu sisendpunktidest kuni süsteemi Asendatud EVS-EN 60730-1:2001/A2:2008 väljundini või lõpppunktini, kui süsteemi väljund puudub. EVS-EN 61754-7:2005 Lõppkasutaja lõppseadmetele (näiteks tüünerid, Identne EN 61754-7:2005 vastuvõtjad, dekooderid, multimeedia lõppseadmed jne) samuti koaksiaal- ja optilistele kaablitele ning tarvikutele ja identne IEC 61754-7:2004 käesolev standard seega ei kohaldu. Fibre optic connector interfaces - Part 7: Type MPO Keel en connector family Defines the standard interface dimensions for type MPO family of connectors. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 61754-7:2003 Asendatud EVS-EN 61754-7:2008

85 EN 61000-4-16:2002/FprA2 35 INFOTEHNOLOOGIA. Identne EN 61000-4-16:1998/FprA2:2008 KONTORISEADMED ja identne IEC 61000-4-16:1998/A2:200X Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 UUED STANDARDID Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-16: CEN ISO/TS 14823:2008 Testing and measurement techniques - Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances Hind 343,00 in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz Identne CEN ISO/TS 14823:2008 This part of IEC 61000 relates to the immunity ja identne ISO/TS 14823:2008 requirements and the test methods for electrical and Traffic and travel information - Messages via media electronic equipment to conducted, common mode independent stationary dissemination systems - disturbance in the range DC to 150 kHz. The immunity of Graphic data dictionary for pre-trip and in-trip the AC power port to harmonics of the mains is dealt information dissemination systems within another IEC Publication, and the immunity to This Technical Specification presents a system of mains signalling voltages is under consideration. standardized codes for existing signs and pictograms Keel en used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The EN 61970-453 coding system can be used to form messages to be Identne EN 61970-453:2008 handled by respective media systems, graphic messages on on-board units, and media system ja identne IEC 61970-453:2008 information on TTI dissemination systems (VMS, PC, Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 PAT, etc.) (including graphic data). These types of Energy management system application program information are required by travellers for their pre-trip interface (EMS-API) -- Part 453: CIM based graphics planning as well as their in-trip plan modification based exchange on information obtained through media systems. As This part of IEC 61970 is a member of the Part 450 to shown in Figure 1, a system handling graphic messages 499 series that, taken as a whole, defines, at an abstract generally comprises TTI system operators, media level, the content and exchange mechanisms used for systems and communication networks interconnecting data transmitted between control center components. these systems. This Technical Specification relates to: - Included in this part of IEC 61970 are the general use TTI systems operators which include - Traffic cases for exchange of graphic schematic display Management Centres (TMC), - Traffic Information definitions, and guidelines for linking the schematic Centres (TIC), - Parking Information Centres (PIC), - definitions with CIM data. Guidelines for management of Public Transport Centres (PTC), - Value-Added Service schematic definitions through multiple revisions are also Providers (VASP), and - others; - media systems which included. include - On-board Units (OBU), - Variable Message Keel en Signs (VMS), - Personal Computers (PC), - Public Access Terminals (PAT), and - others. FprEN 62134-1 Keel en Identne FprEN 62134-1:2008 CEN/TR 15762:2008 ja identne IEC 62134-1:200X Hind 95,00 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne CEN/TR 15762:2008 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive Road transport and traffic telematics - Electronic fee components - Fibre optic closures - Part 1: Generic collection (EFC) - Ensuring the correct function of specification EFC equipment installed behind metallised This standard establishes uniform generic requirements windshield for fibre optic closures.. This standard does not cover test and measurement procedures, which are described Metallised windscreens are produced by spraying small in IEC 61300 series. metal particles on one of the glass or plastic layers of the vehicle’s windscreen. This leads to a windscreen Keel en with high thermal qualities, ranging from far-reduced Asendab EVS-EN 62134-1:2003 power consumption by air-conditioning equipment to short times for de-icing. The production of certain vehicles in Europe which were equipped with metallised windscreens has created a major problem for the installation and operation of On-Board Units (OBUs) which rely on Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) for ITS (as the most-widely deployed DSRC ITS application to date, the remainder of this report will refer to Electronic Toll Collection (EFC) but the developed solutions will be valid for all DSRC ITS applications). As is shown in Table 1, windscreen properties have a decisive influence on the transmission of microwave communication and, for metallised windows, it is essential to compensate these losses by special measures (Ref 1). Keel en

86 EVS-EN 61733-1:2008 EVS-EN 61784-3-1:2008 Hind 151,00 Hind 246,00 Identne EN 61733-1:1996 Identne EN 61784-3-1:2008 ja identne IEC 61733-1:1995 ja identne IEC 61784-3-1:2007 Measuring relays and protection equipment - Industrial communication networks – Profiles – Part Protection communication interfacing -- Part 1: 3-1: Functional safety fieldbuses – Additional General specifications for CPF 1 This part IEC 1733 applies to standardisation of This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety protection communication interfacing for digital communication layer (services and protocol) based on protection equipment and related control and monitoring CPF 1 of IEC 61784-1 and IEC 61158 Type 1 and 9. It devices to be used in the same electrical installation. identifies the principles for functional safety Keel en communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 EVS-EN 61784-1:2008 defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Hind 402,00 relevant messages among participants within a Identne EN 61784-1:2008 distributed network using fieldbus technology in ja identne IEC 61784-1:2007 accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 series Industrial communication networks - Profiles -- Part for functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in 1: Fieldbus profiles various industrial applications such as process control, manufacturing automation and machinery. This part This part of IEC 61784 defines a set of protocol specific provides guidelines for both developers and assessors communication profiles based primarily on the IEC of compliant devices and systems. 61158 series, to be used in the design of devices involved in communications in factory manufacturing and Keel en process control. Each profile selects specifications for EVS-EN 61784-3-2:2008 the communications protocol stack at a device. It Hind 377,00 contains a minimal set of required services at the Identne EN 61784-3-2:2008 Application Layer and specification of options in ja identne IEC 61784-3-2:2007 intermediate layers defined through references. If no Application Layer is included, then a minimal set of Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- required services at the Data-link layer is specified. The 2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional appropriate references to the protocol specific types are specifications for CPF 2 given in each communication profile family or associated This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety profiles. communication layer (services and protocol) based on Keel en CPF 2 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 and IEC 61158 Asendab EVS-EN 61784-1:2004 Type 2. It identifies the principles for functional safety communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are EVS-EN 61784-2:2008 relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 Hind 358,00 defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Identne EN 61784-2:2008 relevant messages among participants within a ja identne IEC 61784-2:2007 distributed network using fieldbus technology in Industrial communication networks - Profiles -- Part accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 series for functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in 2: Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks various industrial applications such as process control, based on ISO/IEC 8802-3 manufacturing automation and machinery. This part This part of IEC 61784 specifies • performance provides guidelines for both developers and assessors indicators supporting classification schemes for Real- of compliant devices and systems. Time Ethernet (RTE) requirements; • profiles and Keel en related network components based on ISO/IEC 8802-3, IEC 61158 series, and IEC 61784-1; • RTE solutions that are able to run in parallel with ISO/IEC 8802-3- based applications. These communication profiles are called Real-Time Ethernet communication profiles. Keel en

87 EVS-EN 61784-3-3:2008 EVS-EN 61784-5-3:2008 Hind 324,00 Hind 305,00 Identne EN 61784-3-3:2008 Identne EN 61784-5-3:2008 ja identne IEC 61784-3-3:2007 ja identne IEC 61784-5-3:2007 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- 3: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional 3: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for specifications for CPF 3 CPF 3 This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles communication layer (services and protocol) based on for CPF 3 (PROFIBUS/PROFINET)1. The installation CPF 3 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 (CP 3/1, CP 3/2, CP profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6) and IEC 61158 Types 3 and 10. read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. It identifies the principles for functional safety Keel en communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are EVS-EN 61784-5-6:2008 relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Hind 233,00 relevant messages among participants within a Identne EN 61784-5-6:2008 distributed network using fieldbus technology in ja identne IEC 61784-5-6:2007 accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 for Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in 6: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for various industrial applications such as process control, CPF 6 manufacturing automation and machinery. This part provides guidelines for both developers and assessors This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles of compliant devices and systems. for the media specified in CPF 6 (INTERBUS)1. The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These Keel en annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. EVS-EN 61784-3-6:2008 Keel en Hind 286,00 EVS-EN 61784-5-10:2008 Identne EN 61784-3-6:2008 Hind 151,00 ja identne IEC 61784-3-6:2007 Identne EN 61784-5-10:2008 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3- ja identne IEC 61784-5-10:2007 6: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- specifications for CPF 6 10: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for This part of the IEC 61784-3 series specifies a safety CPF 10 communication layer (services and protocol) based on CPF 6 of IEC 61784-1, IEC 61784-2 and IEC 61158 This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profile Type 8. It identifies the principles for functional safety for CPF 10 (Vnet/IP™1). The installation profile is communications defined in IEC 61784-3 that are specified in the annex. This annex is read in conjunction relevant for this safety communication layer. This part1 with IEC 61918:2007. defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety- Keel en relevant messages among participants within a EVS-EN 61784-5-11:2008 distributed network using fieldbus technology in Hind 151,00 accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 for Identne EN 61784-5-11:2008 functional safety. These mechanisms may be used in various industrial applications such as process control, ja identne IEC 61784-5-11:2007 manufacturing automation and machinery. This part Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 5- provides guidelines for both developers and assessors 11: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for of compliant devices and systems. CPF 11 Keel en This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profile EVS-EN 61784-5-2:2008 for CPF 11 (TCnet1). The installation profile is specified in the annex. This annex is read in conjunction with IEC Hind 324,00 61918:2007. Identne EN 61784-5-2:2008 Keel en ja identne IEC 61784-5-2:2007 Industrial communication networks - Profiles -- Part 5-2: Installation of fieldbuses - Installation profiles for CPF 2 This part of IEC 61784 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 2 (CIP™1). The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2007. Keel en

88 EVS-EN ISO 27799:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Hind 233,00 Identne EN ISO 27799:2008 EN 50346:2003/FprA2 ja identne ISO 27799:2008 Identne EN 50346:2002/FprA2:2008 Health informatics - Security management in health Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 using ISO/IEC 17799 Information technology - Cabling installation - This International Standard defines guidelines to support Testing of installed cabling the interpretation and implementation in health This standard specifies procedures for testing the informatics of ISO/IEC 27002 and is a companion to that transmission performance of installed standard2). This International Standard specifies a set of information technology cabling in premises. These detailed controls for managing health information procedures apply to both balanced copper and optical security and provides health information security best fibre cabling.These test procedures may be used for practice guidelines. By implementing this International acceptance testing against agreed cabling performance Standard, healthcare organizations and other custodians limits, verification of specific application support, the of health information will be able to ensure a minimum investigation of faults.These test procedures are not requisite level of security that is appropriate to their suitable for components or cable assemblies such as organization’s circumstances and that will maintain the patch cords and equipment cords confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal Keel en health information. This International Standard applies to FprEN 62264-5 health information in all its aspects, whatever form the information takes (words and numbers, sound Identne FprEN 62264-5:2008 recordings, drawings, video and medical images), ja identne IEC 62264-5:200X whatever means are used to store it (printing or writing Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 on paper or electronic storage) and whatever means are Enterprise system integration - Part 5: Business to used to transmit it (by hand, via fax, over computer manufacturing transactions networks or by post), as the information must always be appropriately protected. This part of IEC 62264 defines transactions in terms of information exchanges between applications performing Keel en business and manufacturing activities associated with EVS-ISO/IEC 15289:2008 Levels 3 and 4. The exchanges are intended to enable Hind 233,00 information collection, retrieval, transfer and storage in Süsteemi- ja tarkvaratehnika. Süsteemide ja tarkvara support of Enterprise-Control system integration. This elutsükli protsesside infosaaduste part is consistent with the IEC 62264-1 models and terminology and IEC 62264-2 object model attributes. (dokumentatsiooni) sisu (ISO/IEC 15289:2006) This part also defines transactions that specify how to Standard piiritleb kõigi süsteemi ja tarkvara elutsüklis exchange the objects defined in Part 1 Clause 7, Part 2 määratud infoüksuste eesmärgi ja sisu. Infoüksuse sisu and this part. Other uses of the transaction model are määratletakse vastavalt jaotises 7 esitatud üldistatud not defined in this part. The models covered in this dokumenditüüpidele ja dokumendi konkreetsele standard are: Personnel Model, Equipment Model, eesmärgile (jaotis 10). Neid üldistatud dokumenditüüpe Maintenance Model, Material Model, Process Segment (kooskõlastamiseks standardiga [3] võib neid nimetada Model, Production Capability Model, Product Definition infoüksuste tüüpideks) tuleb kasutada sellise teabe Model, Production Schedule Model, and Production piiritlemiseks, mis on vajalik ISO/IEC 15288:2002 leppe-, Performance Model. ettevõtte-, projekti- ja tehniliste protsesside ning ISO/IEC Keel en 12207:1995 elutsükli primaar-, abi- ja organisatsiooniliste protsesside toetuseks. FprEN 62541-1 Keel et Identne FprEN 62541-1:2008 ja identne IEC 62541-1:200X ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EVS-EN 61784-1:2004 OPC unified architecture - Part 1: Overview and Identne EN 61784-1:2004 concepts ja identne IEC 61784-1:2003+AC:2004 Keel en Digital data communications for measurement and control - Part 1: Profile sets for continuous and discrete manufacturing relative to fieldbus use in industrial control systems defines a set of protocol specific communication profiles based primarily on the IEC 61158 series, to be used in the design of devices involved in communications in factory manufacturing and process control. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 50170:2002; EVS-EN 50254:2002 Asendatud EVS-EN 61784-1:2008

89 FprEN 62541-2 FprEN 62541-5 Identne FprEN 62541-2:2008 Identne FprEN 62541-5:2008 ja identne IEC 62541-2:200X ja identne IEC 62541-5:200X Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 OPC unified architecture - Part 2: Security model OPC unified architecture - Part 5: Information model This specification describes the OPC Unified This specification defines the Information Model of the Architecture (OPC UA) security model. It describes the OPC Unified Architecture. The Information Model security threats of the physical, hardware, and software describes standardised Nodes of a server’s environments in which OPC UA is expected to run. It AddressSpace. These Nodes are standardised types as describes how OPC UA relies upon other standards for well as standardised instances used for diagnostics or security. It gives an overview of the security features that as entry points to server specific Nodes. Thus, the are specified in other parts of the OPC UA specification. Information Model defines the AddressSpace of an It references services, mappings, and profiles that are empty OPC UA server. However, it is not expected that specified normatively in other parts of this multi-part all servers will provide all of these Nodes. specification. This part of the specification is informative Keel en rather than normative. Any seeming ambiguity between FprEN 62541-6 this part and one of the normative parts does not remove or reduce the requirement specified in the normative Identne FprEN 62541-6:2008 part. This Part 2 is directed to readers who will develop ja identne IEC 62541-6:200X OPC UA client or server applications or implement the Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 OPC UA services layer. It is assumed that the reader is OPC unified architecture - Part 6: Mappings familiar with Web Services and XML/SOAP. Information This document specifies the OPC Unified Architecture on these technologies can be found in SOAP Part 1: (OPC UA) mapping between the security model and SOAP Part 2. described in Part 2, the abstract service definitions Keel en described Part 4 and the data structures defined in Part FprEN 62541-3 5 and the physical network protocols that can be used to Identne FprEN 62541-3:2008 implement the OPC UA specification. ja identne IEC 62541-3:200X Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 FprEN 62541-8 OPC unified architecture - Part 3: Address space Identne FprEN 62541-8:2008 model ja identne IEC 62541-8:200X This specification describes the OPC Unified Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Architecture (OPC UA) AddressSpace and its Objects. OPC unified architecture - Part 8: Data access This Part is the OPC UA Meta Model on which OPC UA This specification is part of the overall OPC Unified Information Models are based. Architecture (OPC UA) specification series and defines Keel en the information model associated with Data Access FprEN 62541-4 (DA). It particularly includes additional VariableTypes Identne FprEN 62541-4:2008 and complemental descriptions of the NodeClasses and Attributes needed for Data Access, additional Properties ja identne IEC 62541-4:200X and other information and behaviour. The complete Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 address space model, including all NodeClasses and OPC unified architecture - Part 4: Services Attributes, is specified in Part 3. The services to detect This specification defines the OPC Unified Architecture and access data are specified in Part 4. (OPC UA) Services. The Services described are the Keel en collection of abstract Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) prEN ISO 9241-20 that are implemented by OPC UA Servers and called by OPC UA Clients. All interactions between OPC UA Identne prEN ISO 9241-20:2008 Clients and Servers occur via these Services. The ja identne ISO 9241-20:2008 defined Services are considered abstract because no Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 particular RPC mechanism for implementation is defined Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Part 20: in this Part. Part 6 specifies one or more concrete Accessibility guidelines for mappings supported for implementation. For example, information/communication technology (ICT) one mapping in Part 6 is to XML Web Services. In that equipment and services case the Services described in this Part appear as the Web service methods in the WSDL contract. Not all This part of ISO 9241 is intended for use by those OPC UA Servers will need to implement all of the responsible for planning, designing, developing, defined Services. Part 7 defines the Profiles that dictate acquiring, and evaluating information/communication which Services need to be implemented in order to be technology (ICT) equipment and services. It provides compliant with a particular Profile. guidelines for improving the accessibility of ICT equipment and services such that they will have wider Keel en accessibility for use at work, in the home, and in mobile and public environments. It covers issues associated with the design of equipment and services for people with a wide range of sensory, physical and cognitive abilities, including those who are temporarily disabled, and the elderly. Keel en

90 prEVS 821 43 MAANTEESÕIDUKITE EHITUS Modifitseeritud EVS 822:2003 ja modifitseeritud EVS 821:2003 UUED STANDARDID Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 CEN ISO/TS 14823:2008 BDOC. Digitaalallkirja vorming Hind 343,00 Standard määratleb XML vormingud täiustatud Identne CEN ISO/TS 14823:2008 elektrooniliste allkirjade jaoks, mis omavad pikaajalist tõestusväärtust, on vastavuses Euroopa direktiiviga ning ja identne ISO/TS 14823:2008 kaasavad kasulikku lisainformatsiooni tavapärasteks Traffic and travel information - Messages via media kasutusjuhtudeks. See lisainformatsioon sisaldab ka independent stationary dissemination systems - tõestusmaterjali allkirja kehtivusest, mis on kasutatav Graphic data dictionary for pre-trip and in-trip isegi siis, kui allkirjastaja või verifitseerija üritab hiljem information dissemination systems eitada (salata) allkirja kehtivust. This Technical Specification presents a system of Keel et, en standardized codes for existing signs and pictograms Asendab EVS 821:2003; EVS 822:2003 used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The coding system can be used to form messages to be 37 VISUAALTEHNIKA handled by respective media systems, graphic messages on on-board units, and media system UUED STANDARDID information on TTI dissemination systems (VMS, PC, PAT, etc.) (including graphic data). These types of EVS-EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 information are required by travellers for their pre-trip Hind 73,00 planning as well as their in-trip plan modification based Identne EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 on information obtained through media systems. As shown in Figure 1, a system handling graphic messages ja identne IEC 60335-2-56:2002/A1:2008 generally comprises TTI system operators, media Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. systems and communication networks interconnecting Ohutus. Osa 2-56: Erinõuded projektoritele ja these systems. This Technical Specification relates to: - muudele taolistele seadmetele TTI systems operators which include - Traffic Deals with the safety of electric projectors and similar Management Centres (TMC), - Traffic Information appliances, their rated voltage being not more than 250 Centres (TIC), - Parking Information Centres (PIC), - V, for household and similar purposes. Some examples Public Transport Centres (PTC), - Value-Added Service of appliacnes that are within the scope of this standard Providers (VASP), and - others; - media systems which are effects projectors, film-strip projectors, microscope include - On-board Units (OBU), - Variable Message projectors, motion-picture projectors, overhead Signs (VMS), - Personal Computers (PC), - Public projectors, photographic enlargers, still view and photo- Access Terminals (PAT), and - others. reproduction appliances Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 1645-1:2005+A1:2008 Hind 208,00 Identne EN 1645-1:2004+A1:2008 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and safety KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This document specifies requirements intended to ensure the safety and health of people when they use caravans for temporary or seasonal habitation. It also specifies the corresponding test methods. EN 1645-2 gives requirements relating to user payloads for caravans. Requirements applicable to road safety are not included in the scope of this document. This document is applicable exclusively to rigid and rigid folding caravans as defined in EN 13878. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1645-1:2005

91 EVS-EN 1646-1:2005+A1:2008 EVS-EN 1647:2005 Hind 190,00 Identne EN 1647:2004 Identne EN 1646-1:2004+A1:2008 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravan holiday Leisure accommodation vehicles - Motor caravans - homes - Habitation requirements relating to health Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and and safety safety KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST This European Standard specifies requirements This document specifies requirements intended to intended to ensure safety and health of persons using ensure the safety and health of persons when they use caravan holiday homes as defined in clause 3, as motor caravans for temporary or seasonal habitation. It temporary or seasonal accommodation also specifies the corresponding test methods. However, Keel en certain requirements of this standard do not apply to Asendab EVS-EN 1647:2001/A2:2002; EVS-EN motor caravans where the overall length multiplied by 1647:2001 the overall width does not exceed 12 m2 plan area. EN Asendatud EVS-EN 1647:2005+A1:2008 1646-2 gives requirements relating to user payloads for motor caravans. Requirements applicable to road safety are not included in the scope of this document. This 45 RAUDTEETEHNIKA document is applicable exclusively to motor caravans as defined in EN 13878. UUED STANDARDID Keel en EVS-EN 50264-1:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1646-1:2005 Hind 190,00 EVS-EN 1647:2005+A1:2008 Identne EN 50264-1:2008 Hind 199,00 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Identne EN 1647:2004+A1:2008 and control cables having special fire performance -- Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravan holiday Part 1: General requirements homes - Habitation requirements relating to health EN 50264-1 specifies the general requirements and safety KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST applicable to the cables given in all other parts of EN This document specifies requirements intended to 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the ensure safety and health of persons using caravan insulating and sheathing materials and other holiday homes as defined in clause 3, as temporary or components called up in the separate parts. In particular seasonal accommodation. It specifies grades of EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire resistance to snow loads and the stability of the structure safety. Based on proven experience and reliability over of caravan holiday homes as well as the minimum many years these cables are rated for occasional information to be included in a user's handbook. It also thermal stresses causing ageing equivalent to specifies the corresponding test methods. continuous operational life at a conductor temperature of 90 °C. The maximum conductor temperature for short Keel en circuit conditions is 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Asendab EVS-EN 1647:2005 This Part 1 should be read in conjunction with the other parts of EN 50264. ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Keel en EVS-EN 1645-1:2005 Asendab EVS-EN 50264-1:2003 Identne EN 1645-1:2004 EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Part 1: Hind 162,00 Habitation requirements relating to health and safety Identne EN 50264-2-1:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power intended to ensure the safety and health of people when and control cables having special fire performance -- they use caravans for temporary or seasonal habitation. Part 2-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric It also specifies the corresponding test methods. EN insulation - Single core cables 1645-2 gives requirements relating to user payloads for caravans EN 50264-2-1 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of Keel en the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV Asendab EVS-EN 1645-1:2001; EVS-EN 1645- unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm² to 400 mm²); • 1,8/3 1:2001/A1:2002 kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • Asendatud EVS-EN 1645-1:2005+A1:2008 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm² to 400 mm²); • EVS-EN 1646-1:2005 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm² to 400 mm²). Identne EN 1646-1:2004 All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. Leisure accommodation vehicles - Motor caravans - They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, Part 1: Habitation requirements relating to health and or wiring where limited flexing in operation is safety encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous This European Standard specifies requirements conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a intended to ensure the safety and health of persons maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 when they use motor caravans for temporary or °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the seasonal habitation. It also specifies the corresponding cables exhibit special performance characteristics in test methods respect of maximum permissible flame propagation Keel en (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of Asendab EVS-EN 1646-1:2001; EVS-EN 1646- smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-1 should be read in 1:2001/A1:2002 conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. Asendatud EVS-EN 1646-1:2005+A1:2008 Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 92 EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 EVS-EN 50264-3-2:2008 Hind 162,00 Hind 180,00 Identne EN 50264-2-2:2008 Identne EN 50264-3-2:2008 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- and control cables having special fire performance -- Part 2-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Part 3-2: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric insulation - Multicore cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Multicore EN 50264-2-2 specifies requirements for, and cables constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the EN 50264-3-2 specifies requirements for, and following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the screened or unscreened (1 mm², 1,5 mm² and 2,5 mm², following types and voltage ratings: • 300/500 V number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV screened or screened or unscreened (1 mm2, 1,5 mm2 and 2,5 unscreened (1,5 mm² to 50 mm², 2, 3 and 4 cores). All mm2, number of cores from 2 to 40); • 0,6/1 kV cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to EN screened or unscreened, (1,5 mm2 to 50 mm2, 2, 3 and 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free sheath. 4 cores). All cables have class 5 tinned copper They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed wiring, conductors to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and or wiring where limited flexing in operation is halogen-free sheath. They are for use in railway rolling encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous stock as fixed wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C and a operation is encountered. The requirements provide for maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 a continuous conductor temperature not exceeding 90 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the °C and a maximum temperature for short circuit cables exhibit special performance characteristics in conditions of 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under respect of maximum permissible flame propagation fire conditions the cables exhibit special performance (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of characteristics in respect of maximum permissible flame smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-2-2 should be read in propagation (flame spread) and maximum permissible conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. emission of smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-2 Keel en should be read in conjunction with Part 1 “General Asendab EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 requirements”. EVS-EN 50264-3-1:2008 Keel en Hind 162,00 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Identne EN 50264-3-1:2008 EVS-EN 50264-2:2003 Railway applications - Railway rolling stock power and control cables having special fire performance -- Identne EN 50264-2:2002 Part 3-1: Cables with crosslinked elastomeric Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables insulation with reduced dimensions - Single core having special fire performance - Standard wall - cables Part 2: Single core cables EN 50264-3-1 specifies requirements for, and Part 2 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of constructions and dimensions of, single core cables of the following types and voltage ratings: • 0,6/1 kV the following types and voltage ratings: 0,6/1 kV unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2); • 1,8/3 unscreened, unsheathed (1 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 kV kV unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • unscreened, unsheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 1,8/3 1,8/3 kV unscreened, sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2); • kV unscreened sheathed (1,5 mm2 to 400 mm2), 3,6/6 3,6/6 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 kV unscreened, sheathed (2,5 mm2 to 400 mm2). All mm2). All cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors cables have class 5 tinned copper conductors to HD to EN 60228, halogen-free insulation and halogen-free 383, halogen-free insulation and where applicable sheath. They are for use in railway rolling stock as fixed halogen-free sheath. wiring, or wiring where limited flexing in operation is Keel en encountered. The requirements provide for a continuous Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-1:2008 conductor temperature not exceeding 90° C and a EVS-EN 50264-1:2003 maximum temperature for short circuit conditions of 200 °C based on a duration of 5 s. Under fire conditions the Identne EN 50264-1:2002 cables exhibit special performance characteristics in Railway applications - Railway rolling stock cables respect of maximum permissible flame propagation having special fire performance -Standard wall - Part (flame spread) and maximum permissible emission of 1: General requirements smoke and toxic gases. EN 50264-3-1 should be read in Part 1 of EN 50264 specifies the general requirements conjunction with Part 1 “General requirements”. applicable to the cables given in part 2 and part 3 of EN Keel en 50264. It includes the detailed requirements for the insulating and sheathing materials and other components called up in the separate parts. In particular EN 50264-1 specifies those requirements relating to fire safety which enable the cables to satisfy Hazard Levels 2, 3 and 4 of EN 45545-1.* Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-1:2008

93 EVS-EN 50264-3:2003 EVS-EN 61996-1:2008 Identne EN 50264-3:2002 Hind 233,00 Railway applicactions - Railway rolling stock cables Identne EN 61996-1:2008 having special fire performance - Standard wall - ja identne IEC 61996-1:2008 Part : Multicore cables Maritime navigation and radiocommunication Part 3 of EN 50264 specifies requirements for, and equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data constructions and dimensions of, multicore cables of the recorder (VDR) - Performance requirements - following types and voltage ratings: - 300 V/500 V Methods of testing and required test results Screened or unscreened (1 mm 2 , 1,5 mm 2 and 2,5 This part of IEC 61996 specifies the minimum mm 2 , number of cores from 2 to 40) - 0,6 kV/1 kV performance requirements, technical characteristics and Screened or unscreened, (1 mm 2 to 50 mm 2 , 2, 3 and methods of testing, and required test results, for 4 core) shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) installations as Keel en required by Chapter V of the International Convention for Asendatud EVS-EN 50264-2-2:2008 Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), as amended. It takes account of IMO resolution A.694(17) and is associated KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS with IEC 60945. When a requirement in this standard is EVS 867:2003+A1:2007/prA2 different from IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard takes precedence. This standard incorporates ja identne EVS 867:2003+A1:2007 the applicable parts of the performance standards Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 included in IMO Resolutions A.861(20) and Raudteealased rakendused. Reisijate ooteplatvormid MSC.214(81) Annex 1. Standard käsitleb raudteel reisijate ooteplatvormide Keel en projekteerimisele, ehitamisele ja hooldusele esitatavaid Asendab EVS-EN 61996:2002 nõudeid, hõlmates nii uusi (ehitatavaid) kui ka EVS-EN 61996-2:2008 olemasolevaid (rekonstrueeritavaid) ooteplatvorme, juurdepääsuteid ooteplatvormidele ning juurdepääsuteel Hind 246,00 asuvaid ülekäigukohti. Identne EN 61996-2:2008 Keel et ja identne IEC 61996-2:2008 Asendab EVS 867:2003 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data 47 LAEVAEHITUS JA MERE-EHITISED recorder (VDR) - Part 2: Simplified voyage data recorder (S-VDR) - Performance requirements, UUED STANDARDID methods of testing and required test results This part of IEC 61996 specifies the minimum EVS-EN 61110:2008 performance requirements, technical characteristics and Hind 151,00 methods of testing, and required test results, for Identne EN 61110:1992 simplified shipborne voyage data recorders (S-VDRs) as ja identne IEC 61110:1992 required by IMO MSC.163(78). It takes into account IMO System Omega and differential Omega receivers for resolution A.694(17) and is associated with IEC 60945. When a requirement in this standard is different from ships - Operational and performance requirements - IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard takes Methods of testing and required test results precedence. This International Standard specifies the minimum Keel en performance standards and methors of testing of shipborne receivers for Omega system and the Asendab EVS-EN 61996-2:2006 differential Omega system, associated with IEC 945. ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Keel en EVS-EN 61135:2008 EVS-EN 61996:2002 Hind 141,00 Identne EN 61996:2000 Identne EN 61135:1994 ja identne IEC 61996:2000 ja identne IEC 61135:1992 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data Decca Navigator system: Receivers for ships - recorder (VDR) - Performance requirements - Minimum performance standards - Methods of Methods of testing and required test results testing and required test results AThis International Standard specifies the minimum Specifies minimum performance standards and methods performance requirements, technical characteristics and of testing of shipborne receivers for the Decca Navigator methods of testing, and required test results, for system; is associated with EN 60945. shipborne voyage data recorder (VDR) installations as Keel en required by Chapter (V) of the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS):1974, as amended. It takes account of IMO resolution A.694 and is associated with IEC 60945. When a requirement in this standard is different from IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard takes precedence. Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 61996-1:2008

94 EVS-EN 61996-2:2006 EN 1915-4:2005/prA1 Identne EN 61996-2:2006 Identne EN 1915-4:2004/prA1:2008 ja identne IEC 61996-2:2006 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. equipment and systems - Shipborne voyage data Üldnõuded. Osa 4: Mürataseme mõõtmise ja recorder (VDR) -- Part 2: Simplified voyage data vähendamise meetodid recorder (S-VDR) - Performance requirements, This Part of EN 1915 deals with noise reduction as a methods of testing and required test results safety requirement and describes the methods for This part of IEC 61996 specifies the minimum determining the sound pressure level at workstations, performance requirements, technical characteristics and other specified positions and the sound power level of methods of testing, and required test results, for GSE during intended use. The test results are not simplified shipborne voyage data recorders (S-VDRs) as applicable to the determination of daily exposure to required by IMO MSC.163(78). It takes into account IMO noise for the operator resolution A.694(17) and is associated with IEC 60945. Keel en When a requirement in this standard is different from EN 12312-1:2001/prA1 IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard takes precedence. Identne EN 12312-1:2001/prA1:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 61996-2:2006 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 1: Reisijate trepid 49 LENNUNDUS JA This Part of EN 12312 deals with the tchnical requirements to minimise the azards listed in clause 4 KOSMOSETEHNIKA which can arise during the commissioning, the operation and the maintenance of passenger stairs when carried KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS out in accordance with the specifications given by the EN 1915-2:2001/prA1 manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also takes onto account some requirements recognized as Identne EN 1915-2:2001/prA1:2008 essential by the health and safety authorities, aircraft Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 and vecicle manufacturers as well as airlines and Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed . handing agencies. Üldnõuded. Osa 2: Stabiilsuse ja tugevusnõuded, Keel en arvutused ja katsemeetodid EN 12312-2:2002/prA1 This Part of EN 1915 specifies the conditions to be taken Identne EN 12312-2:2002/prA1:2008 into consideration when calculating the strenght and the stability of GSE according to EN 1915-1:2001 and the Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EN 12312 series under intended use conditions. It also Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. specifies general test methods. Erinõuded. Osa 2: Toitlustussõidukid Keel en This European Standard specifies the technical EN 1915-1:2001/prA1 requirements to minimize the hazards listed in clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, the operation Identne EN 1915-1:2001/prA1:2008 and the maintenance of catering vehicles when carried Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 out in accordance with the specifications given by the Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed . manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also Üldnõuded. Osa 1: Põhilised ohutusnõuded takes into account some requirements recognized as This Part of EN 1915 applies to GSE when used in civil essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support air transport as intended by the manufacturer and equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and contains safety requirements relating to the equipment in handling agencies general. Keel en Keel en EN 12312-3:2003/prA1 EN 1915-3:2004/prA1 Identne EN 12312-3:2001/prA1:2008 Identne EN 1915-3:2004/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 3: Konveierrihmaga sõidukid Üldnõuded. Osa 3: Vibratsiooni mõõtmise meetodid This European Standard specifies the technical ja vähendamine requirements to minimize the hazards listed in clause 4 This Part of EN 1915 deals with vibration reduction as a which can arise during the commissioning, operation safety requirement. It also specifies the methods for and maintenance of conveyor belt vehicles when carried determining the vibration emission transmitted to the out in accordance with the specifications given by the whole body of drivers standing and/or seated on freely manufacturer or his authorized representative. It also moveable GSE, when driving for purposes of type takes into account some requirements recognized as evaluation, declaration and methods of verifying essential by authorities, aircraft and GSE manufacturers vibration emission. as well as airlines and handling agencie Keel en Keel en

95 EN 12312-4:2003/prA1 EN 12312-8:2005/prA1 Identne EN 12312-4:2003/prA1:2008 Identne EN 12312-8:2005/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 4: Reisijate sild lennukisse Erinõuded. Osa 8: Hooldustrepid ja platvormid minemiseks This European Standard specifies the technical This European Standard specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 requirements to minimize the hazards listed in clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of maintenance stairs and platforms and maintenance of PBB's when carried out in when carried out in accordance with the specifications accordance with the specifications given by the given by the manufacturer or his authorised manufacturer or his authorized representative. It also representative. takes into account some requirements recognized as Keel en essential by authorities, aircraft and GSE manufacturers EN 12312-9:2005/prA1 as well as air-lines and handling agencies Identne EN 12312-9:2005/prA1:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EN 12312-5:2005/prA1 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Identne EN 12312-5:2005/prA1:2008 Erinõuded. Osa 9: Konteinerite/aluste Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 laadimisseadmed Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. This document specifies the technical requirements to Erinõuded. Osa 5: Lennukite tankimisseadmed minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise This document specifies the technical requirements to during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise container/pallet loaders when carried out in accordance during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his AFE when carried out in accordance with the authorised representative. specifications given by the manufacturer or his Keel en authorised representative. It also takes into account EN 12312-10:2005/prA1 some performance requirements recognised as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support Identne EN 12312-10:2005/prA1:2008 equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines, Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 airports and fuelling companies. Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Keel en Erinõuded. Osa 10: Konteinerite/aluste transportöörid EN 12312-6:2004/prA1 This document specifies the technical requirements to Identne EN 12312-6:2004/prA1:2008 minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 container/pallet transfer transporters when carried out in Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. accordance with the specifications given by the Erinõuded. Osa 6: Jäätõrjevahendid ja manufacturer or his authorised representative. jäätõrje/jäätumiskontrolliseadmed Keel en This European Standard specifies the technical EN 12312-12:2002/prA1 requirements to minimise the hazards listed in clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation Identne EN 12312-12:2002/prA1:2008 and maintenance of deicers and equipment designed Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 exclusively for deicing and washing of aircraft with Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. deicing/antiicing/washing liquids when carried out in Erinõuded. Osa 12: Joogivee teenidusseadmed accordance with the specifications given by the This Part of this European Standard deals with the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also technical requirements to minimize the hazards listed in takes into account some requirements recognised as clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, essential by authorities, aircraft and GSE manufacturers operation and maintenance of potable water service as well as airlines and handling agencies. equipment when carried out in accordance with the Keel en specifications given by the manufacturer or his EN 12312-7:2005/prA1 authorised representative. It also takes into account Identne EN 12312-7:2005/prA1:2008 some requirements recognized as essential by authorities, aircraft and GSE manufacturers as well as Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 airlines and handling agencies Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Keel en Erinõuded. Osa 7: Lennukite teisaldamisseadmed This document specifies the technical requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of aircraft movement equipment when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. Keel en

96 EN 12312-13:2002/prA1 EN 12312-17:2004/prA1 Identne EN 12312-13:2002/prA1:2008 Identne EN 12312-17:2004/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Erinõuded. Osa 13: WC teenindusseadmed Erinõuded. Osa 17: Kliimaseadmed This Part of the European Standard deals with the This European Standard specifies the technical technical requirements to minimize the hazards listed in requirements to minimise the hazards listed in clause 4 Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, which can arise during the commissioning, operation operation and maintenance of lavatory service and maintenance of specific air conditioning equipment equipment when carried out in accordance with the for aircraft ground support, when carried out in specifications given by the manufacturer or his accordance with the specifications given by the authorised representative. It also takes into account manufacturer or his authorised representative. It also some requirements recognized as essential by takes into account some requirements recognised as authorities, aircraft and GSE manufacturers as well as essential by authorities, aircraft and ground support airlines and handling agencies equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and Keel en handling agencies. EN 12312-14:2006/prA1 Keel en Identne EN 12312-14:2006/prA1:2008 EN 12312-18:2005/prA1 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 12312-18:2005/prA1:2008 Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Erinõuded. Osa 14: Lennukile mineku seadmed Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. puuetega/teovõimetutele reisijatele Erinõuded. Osa 18: Lämmastiku- või This European Standard specifies the technical hapnikuseadmed requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 This document specifies the technical requirements to which can arise during the commissioning, operation minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise and maintenance of disabled/incapacitated passenger during the ommissioning, operation and maintenance of boarding vehicles when used as intended and under the nitrogen or oxygen units when carried out in accordance conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. It authorised representative. also takes into account some performance requirements Keel en recognized as essential by authorities, aircraft and EN 12312-19:2005/prA1 ground support equipment (GSE) manufacturers as well as airlines and handling agencies. This European Identne EN 12312-19:2005/prA1:2008 Standard defines specific safety requirements for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 transporters/boarding vehicles for transporting/boarding Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. incapacitated or disabled passengers as defined under Erinõuded. Osa 19: Lennukite tungrauad, telje 3.1, hereafter referred to as boarding vehicles. kinnitusrakised/tõstukid ja hüdraulilised tagapukid Keel en This document specifies the technical requirements to EN 12312-15:2006/prA1 minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise Identne EN 12312-15:2006/prA1:2008 during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of aircraft jacks, axle jacks and hydraulic tail stanchions Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 when carried out in accordance with the specifications Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. given by the manufacturer or his authorised Erinõuded. Osa 15: Pagasi ja seadmete veovahendid representative. This European Standard specifies the technical Keel en requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 EN 12312-20:2005/prA1 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of baggage and equipment tractors, Identne EN 12320-20:2005/prA1:2008 when used as intended and under the conditions of Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 misuse which are reasonably forseeable by the Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. manufacturer or his authorised representative. Erinõuded. Osa 20: Elektrilised maapealsed Keel en vooluallikad EN 12312-16:2005/prA1 This European Standard specifies the technical Identne EN 12312-16:2005/prA1:2008 requirements to minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of ground power equipment, when Õhusõidukite maapealsed teenindusseadmed. carried out in accordance with the specifications given Erinõuded. Osa 16: Õhuskäivitusseadmed by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. This document specifies the technical requirements to Keel en minimise the hazards listed in Clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, operation and maintenance of air start equipment when carried out in accordance with the specifications given by the manufacturer or his authorised representative. Keel en

97 53 TÕSTE- JA TEISALDUS-SEADMED EVS-EN 12644-2:2000+A1:2008 Hind 95,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 12644-2:2000+A1:2008 Kraanad. Informatsioon kasutamiseks ja EVS-EN 1526:1999+A1:2008 katsetamiseks. Osa 2: Märgistus Hind 113,00 KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST Identne EN 1526:1997+A1:2008 This part of EN 12644 specifies the requirements for Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Lisanõuded markings, signs and warnings for cranes. This crane kärude automaatfunktsioonide kohta standard has been written to be used in conjunction with KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST other crane standards being prepared by CEN/TC147. 1.1 This European Standard deals with the controls and The hazards covered by this standard are identified in control systems for automated functions of industrial clause 4. This part of EN 12644 applies to cranes which trucks with an operator (hereinafter referred to as are manufactured after the date of approval by CEN of "trucks"). 1.2 The control system is generally part of the this standard. This standard does not cover hazards truck but can include components external to the truck, related to the lifting of persons. eg for the guidance means for automated steering. 1.3 Keel en This European Standard deals with the technical Asendab EVS-EN 12644-2:2000 requirements to minimise the specific hazards listed in clause 4 which can arise during the commissioning, EVS-EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 operation and maintenance of automated functions of Hind 162,00 trucks when carried out in accordance with the Identne EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 specifications given by the manufacturer or his Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Vibratsiooni authorised representative. In addition, trucks should mõõtmise katsemeetodid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST comply as appropriate with EN 292 for hazards not This European Standard is a type test procedure for covered by this standard or the applicable companion establishing the values of vibration emission transmitted standards. to the whole body of operators of industrial trucks under Keel en specified conditions. It is not applicable to hand-arm Asendab EVS-EN 1526:1999 vibration. This standard is applicable to powered EVS-EN 12053:2002+A1:2008 industrial trucks listed in ISO 5053:1987. The annex A is Hind 141,00 applicable for "all-terrain" trucks. It also applies to other powered industrial trucks not covered by ISO 5053:1987, Identne EN 12053:2001+A1:2008 e.g. variable-reach trucks and "low-lift" "order picking" Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Katsemeetodid trucks, etc. This standard is not applicable to non- müra mõõtmiseks KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST stacking "low-lift" straddle carriers (as specified in This noise measurement standard gives methods for of ISO 5053:1987) and stacking "high-lift" determining the sound pressure level at the operator's straddle carriers (as specified in of ISO position and the sound power level of industrial and 5053:1987). The test results, however, are not rough terrain trucks. This European standard is a type applicable to the determination of whole-body vibration test applicable to all industrial trucks listed in table A1. exposure. The test results obtained in accordance with this Keel en standard are also applicable to the evaluation of the Asendab EVS-EN 13059:2002 hazard generated by noise from industrial trucks. EVS-EN 13135-1:2004/AC:2006 Keel en Hind 0,00 Asendab EVS-EN 12053:2002 Identne EN 13135-1:2003/AC:2006 EVS-EN 12644-1:2001+A1:2008 Kraanad. Ohutus. Disain. Nõuded seadmetele. Osa 1: Hind 113,00 Elektrotehniline varustus Identne EN 12644-1:2001+A1:2008 Keel en Kraanad. Informatsioon kasutamiseks ja katsetamiseks. Osa 1: Juhendid KONSOLIDEERITUD ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID TEKST EVS-EN 1526:1999 This part of EN 12644 specifies requirements for the presentation and content of instruction handbook(s) Identne EN 1526:1997 supplied by the manufacturer for the use of cranes. This Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Lisanõuded crane standard has been written to be used in kärude automaatfunktsioonide kohta conjunction with other crane standards being prepared See Euroopa standard käsitleb juhiga tööstuslike kärude by CEN/TC 147. The hazards covered by this standard (edaspidi nimetatud kärude) automaatfunktsioonide are identified in clause 4. This part of EN 12644 applies juhtseadmeid ja juhtimissüsteeme. Juhtimissüsteem on to cranes which are manufactured after the date of tavaliselt käru osa, kuid võib sisaldada koostisosi ka approval by CEN of this standard. This standard does väljaspool käru, näiteks automaatroolimiseks ette nähtud not cover hazards related to the lifting of persons. juhtimisvahendid. See Euroopa standard ei kehti Keel en juhtseadmeid alistavate ohutusseadmete kohta (näiteks Asendab EVS-EN 12644-1:2001 kõrguspiirik, kiiruspiirik). Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 1526:1999+A1:2008

98 EVS-EN 12053:2002 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne EN 12053:2001 + AC:2002 Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Katsemeetodid EN 13001-2:2005/prA2 müra mõõtmiseks Identne EN 13001-2:2004/prA2:2008 This noise measurement standard gives methods for Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 determining the sound pressure level at the operator`s Kraana ohutus. Üldine ehitus. Osa 2: Koormus position and the sound power level of industrial and efektid rough terrain trucks. This European Standard is to be used together with Part Keel en 1 and Part 3 and as such they specify general Asendatud EVS-EN 12053:2002+A1:2008 conditions, requirements and methods to prevent EVS-EN 12644-2:2000 hazards of cranes by design and theoretical verification. Part 3 is only at pre-drafting stage; the use of Parts 1 Identne EN 12644-2:2000 and 2 is not conditional to the publication of Part 3. Kraanad. Informatsioon kasutamiseks ja Keel en katsetamiseks. Osa 2: Märgistus prEN 13001-3-1 This part of the standard specifies the requirements for markings, signs and warnings for cranes. Specific Identne prEN 13001-3-1:2008 requirements for particular types of crane, are given in Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 the appropriate standard for the particular crane Cranes - General design - Part 3-1: Limit states and type.This part of the standard applies to cranes which proof of competence of steel structures are manufactured after the date of issue of this standard. This European Standard is to be used together with Part Keel en 1 and Part 2 and as such they specify general Asendatud EVS-EN 12644-2:2000+A1:2008 conditions, requirements and methods to prevent EVS-EN 12644-1:2001 mechanical hazards of cranes by design and theoretical verification. The following is a list of significant Identne EN 12644-1:2001 hazardous situations and hazardous events that could Kraanad. Informatsioon kasutamiseks ja result in risks to persons during intended use and katsetamiseks. Osa 1: Juhendid reasonably foreseeable misuse. Clauses 4 to 8 of this This standard specifies requirements for the standard are necessary to reduce or eliminate the risks presentation and content of instruction handbook(s) associated with the following hazards: a) Exceeding the supplied by the manufacturer for the use of cranes. limits of strength (yield, ultimate, fatigue); b) Exceeding Keel en temperature limits of material or components; c) Elastic Asendatud EVS-EN 12644-1:2001+A1:2008 instability of the crane or its parts (buckling, bulging). This European Standard is applicable to cranes which EVS-EN 13059:2002 are manufactured after the date of approval by CEN of Identne EN 13059:2002 this standard and serves as reference base for the Tööstuslike mootorkärude ohutus. Vibratsiooni European Standards for particular crane types. mõõtmise katsemeetodid Keel en This European Standard is a type test procedure for Asendab CEN/TS 13001-3-1:2005 establishing the values of vibration emission transmitted prEN ISO 2867 to the whole body of operators of industrial trucks under Identne prEN ISO 2867:2008 specified conditions. It is not applicable to hand-arm vibration. This standard is applicable to powered ja identne ISO/DIS 2867:2008 industrial trucks listed in ISO 5053:1987. The annex A Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 is applicable for "all-terrain" trucks. It also applies to Mullatöömasinad. Juurdepääsusüsteemid other powered industrial trucks not covered by ISO This International Standard specifies criteria for access 5053:1987, e.g. variable-reach trucks and "low-lift" systems to the operator platform and for personnel "order picking" trucks, etc. This standard is not performing routine maintenance points on earth -moving applicable to non-stacking "low-lift" straddle carriers (as machinery as defined in ISO 6165. It is applicable to specified in of ISO 5053:1987) and stacking access systems (enclosure openings, platforms, "high-lift" straddle carriers (as specified in of handrails and handholds, stairways and steps, and ISO 5053:1987). The test results, however, are not ladders) on machines parked in accordance with the applicable to the determination of whole-body vibration manufacturer’s instructions. This International Standard exposure. deals with the following significant hazards, hazardous Keel en situations and events: slip, trip and fall of persons, and Asendatud EVS-EN 13059:2002+A1:2008 unhealthy postures or excessive effort. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 2867:2006

99 prEN ISO 3691-1 EVS-EN 415-7:2006+A1:2008 Identne prEN ISO 3691-1:2008 Hind 305,00 ja identne ISO/DIS 3691-1:2008 Identne EN 415-7:2006+A1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Pakkemasinate ohutus. Osa 7: Grupi- ja Industrial trucks - Safety requirements and sekundaarpakendamismasinad KONSOLIDEERITUD verification - Part 1: Self-propelled industrial trucks, TEKST other than driverless, variable-reach trucks and This European Standard applies to the following groups burden-carrier trucks of machines:Group and secondary packaging machines This part of ISO 3691 applies to the following types of and the collating systems associated with them. The self propelled industrial trucks: a) industrial individual machines are described in 3.2 of this counterbalanced trucks (see of ISO 5053:1987) European Standard. This European Standard deals with ; b) reach trucks with retractable mast or retractable fork safety requirements for machine design, construction, arm carriage (see of ISO 5053:1987); c) installation, commissioning, operation, adjustment, straddle trucks (see of ISO 5053:1987); d) maintenance and leaning of group and secondary pallet-stacking trucks (see of ISO 5053:1987); packaging machines. e) high lift platform trucks (see of ISO Keel en 5053:1987); f) trucks with elevating operator position up Asendab EVS-EN 415-7:2006 to 1 200 mm (see of ISO 5053:1987); g) side- loading trucks (one side only) (see of ISO ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID 5053:1987); h) lateral stacking trucks (both sides) (see of ISO 5053:1987) and lateral and front EVS-EN 415-7:2006 stacking truck (see of ISO 5053:1987); i) Identne EN 415-7:2006 pallet trucks (see of ISO 5053:1987); j) bi- Pakkemasinate ohutus. Osa 7: Grupi- ja directional (see of ISO 5053:1987) and sekundaarpakendamismasinad multidirectional trucks (see of ISO 5053:1987); This European Standard applies to the following groups k) tractors with a drawbar pull up to and including 20 of machines:Group and secondary packaging machines 000 N (see of ISO 5053:1987); l) industrial and the collating systems associated with them. The trucks powered by battery, diesel, gasoline, or LPG; m) individual machines are described in 3.2 of this rough terrain counterbalanced trucks (see of European Standard. This European Standard deals with ISO 5053:1987). This part of ISO 3691 does not cover safety requirements for machine design, construction, those requirements to reduce hazards which may occur: installation, commissioning, operation, adjustment, Keel en maintenance and leaning of group and secondary Asendab EVS-EN 1459:1999; EVS-EN 1726-1:1999; packaging machines. EVS-EN 1551:2000 Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 415-7:2006+A1:2008 55 PAKENDAMINE JA KAUPADE JAOTUSSÜSTEEMID KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS EN 415-1:2000/prA1 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 415-1:2000/prA1:2008 CEN/TR 13688:2008 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Hind 132,00 Pakkemasinate ohutus. Osa 1: Pakkemasinate ja Identne CEN/TR 13688:2008 tarvikute terminoloogia ja klassifikatsioon Packaging - Material recycling - Report on This European standard defines the field of packaging requirements for substances and materials to machines in detail in clause 3, but briefly these are: prevent a sustained impediment to recycling filling and dosing machines; closing machines; labelling, decorating and coding machines; fill and seal machines; This Report provides some examples of substances and inspection machines; container and componenthandling materials that may cause a sustained impediment in the machines; form, fill and seal machines; cartoning recycling activities, and is intended to assist in the machines; wrapping machines; group of transit assessment requirements set out in the standard EN packaging machines; pallet or loading unit forming, 13430. It describes substances or materials which cause dismantling and securing machines. problems or inhibit the recycling process, or which have a negative influence on the quality of recycled material, Keel en and for which it is considered that technological solutions will not be developed in the near future. These examples are however qualified by the fact that the recycling operations can vary from region to region and state to state, that technology is constantly changing, and that the use to which the recycled material is put will also determine whether such substances and materials are a problem. Keel en

100 prEN 15507 EVS-EN ISO 105-E06:2006/AC:2007 Identne prEN 15507:2008 Hind 0,00 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN ISO 105-E06:2006/AC:2007 Packaging - Transport packaging for dangerous ja identne ISO 105-E06:2006 goods - Comparative material testing of polyethylene Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part E06: Colour grades fastness to spotting: Alkali This European Standard specifies material parameters, Keel en test requirements and procedures for the comparative testing of grades of high molecular weight high density ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID polyethylene (PE-HD-HMW) and medium molecular weight high density polyethylene (PE-HD-MMW), used CEN/TS 15398:2006 for the manufacture of packagings and IBCs for the Identne CEN/TS 15398:2006 transport of dangerous goods. It is intended to be used Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Floor in conjunction with selective testing for packagings for covering standard symbols liquids. The standard is not intended to be used for This document establishes a system of graphic symbols comparative testing of recycled plastics material. for use in the marking of the following floor coverings Keel en and specifies the use of these symbols. Resilient floor coverings manufactured from plastics, linoleum, cork or 59 TEKSTIILI- JA NAHATEHNOLOOGIA rubber, excluding loose-laid mats;  textile floor coverings, excluding loose-laid mats;  laminate floor UUED STANDARDID coverings;  floor panels for loose laying. Keel en CEN/TS 15398:2008 Asendatud CEN/TS 15398:2008 Hind 171,00 Identne CEN/TS 15398:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Floor prEN ISO 105-J03 covering standard symbols Identne prEN ISO 105-J03:2008 This document establishes a system of graphic symbols for use in the marking of the following floor coverings ja identne ISO/DIS 105-J03:2008 and specifies the use of these symbols: - resilient floor Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 coverings manufactured from plastics, linoleum, cork or Tekstiil. Värvipüsivuse katsetamine. Osa J03: rubber, excluding loose-laid mats; - textile floor Värvuse erinevuse arvutamine coverings, excluding loose-laid mats; - laminate floor This part of ISO 105 provides a method of calculating coverings; - floor panels for loose laying. the colour difference between two specimens of the Keel en same material, measured under the same conditions, Asendab CEN/TS 15398:2006 such that the numerical value ∆Εcmc(l:c) for the total EVS-EN 1318:2006/AC:2007 colour difference quantifies the extent to which the two specimens do not match. It permits the Hind 0,00 specification of a maximum value (tolerance) which Identne EN 1318:2005/AC:2007 depends only on the closeness of match required for a Textile floor coverings - Determination of the given end-use and not on the colour involved, nor on apparent effective thickness of the backing the nature of the colour difference. The method also Keel en provides a means for establishing the ratio of differences in lightness to chroma and to hue. EVS-EN ISO 105-C08:2003/A1:2008 Keel en Hind 84,00 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 105-J03:2000 Identne EN ISO 105-C08:2002/A1:2008 ja identne ISO 105-C08:2001/Amd 1:2006 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part C08: Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering using a non-phosphate reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator - Amendment 1 This part of ISO 105 specifies methods intended for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in alla forms to domestic or commercial laundering procedures used for normal household articles using a reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator Keel en EVS-EN ISO 105-E05:2006/AC:2007 Hind 0,00 Identne EN ISO 105-E05:2006/AC:2007 ja identne ISO 105-E05:2006 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part E05: Colour fastness to spotting: Acid Keel en

101 61 RÕIVATÖÖSTUS EVS-EN 15451:2008 Hind 123,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 15451:2008 Fertilizers - Determination of chelating agents - CEN ISO/TR 20573:2008 Determination of iron chelated by EDDHSA by ion Hind 104,00 pair chromatography Identne CEN ISO/TR 20573:2008 This European Standard specifies a method for the ja identne ISO/TR 20573:2006 chromatographic determination of the total amount of Footwear - Performance requirements for iron chelated by EDDHSA in commercial products. components for footwear - Heels and top pieces Keel en This Technical Report establishes the performance Asendab CEN/TS 15451:2006 requirements for heel and top piece components for EVS-EN 15452:2008 footwear (not for finished footwear), irrespective of the material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use Hind 113,00 and/or fitness for purpose. It also establishes the test Identne EN 15452:2008 methods used to evaluate the compliance with the Fertilizers - Determination of chelating agents - requirements. This Technical Report applies to heel and Determination of iron chelated by o,p-EDDHA by top piece for all kind of footwear as defined in Clause 3. reversed phase HPLC This Technical Report is intended to be used as a This European Standard specifies a method for the reference between the manufacturer and the supplier. It chromatographic determination of the amount of iron is not intended for third party certification of finished chelated by each of the individual isomers of the footwear intended for the consumer. chelating agent ortho-para EDDHA (o,p-EDDHA) in Keel en fertilizers. The method allows the identification of this EVS-EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 chelating agent and the determination of the water Hind 73,00 soluble fraction of iron chelated by this chelating agent. The method is not applicable for the determination of the Identne EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 amount of free chelating agent. ja identne IEC 60335-2-28:2002/A1:2008 Keel en Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Asendab CEN/TS 15452:2006 Ohutus. Osa 2-28: Erinõuded õmblusmasinatele EVS-EN ISO 13906:2008 Deals with the safety of electric sewing machines for household and similar use, their rated voltage being not Hind 141,00 more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V Identne EN ISO 13906:2008 for other appliances.Overlock machines and electrical ja identne ISO 13906:2008 sets are within the scope of the standard. Is to be used Loomasöödad. ADF (happelahustuv kiudaine) ja ADL in conjunction with IEC 335-1 (third edition). (happelahustuv ligniin) sisalduse määramine Keel en This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of acid detergent fibre (ADF) insoluble 65 PÕLLUMAJANDUS residue and acid detergent lignin (ADL) in all types of animal feeding stuffs. The limit of determination is 1 % UUED STANDARDID mass fraction for ADF and 1,5 % mass fraction for ADL. A gravimetric routine and reference method is used. CEN/TS 15749:2008 Keel en Hind 151,00 Identne CEN/TS 15749:2008 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Fertilizers - Determination of sulfates content using CEN/TS 15451:2006 three different methods Identne CEN/TS 15451:2006 This document specifies three different methods (Methods A, B and C) for the determination of sulfur Fertilizers - Determination of chelating agents - present in fertilizers extracts in the form of sulfates. Determination of iron chelated by EDDHSA by ion Method A specifies the gravimetric procedure. Method B pair chromatography specifies the method using inductively coupled plasma This Technical Specification specifies a method for the optical spectrometry (ICP-OES). Method C specifies the chromatographic determination of the total amount of method using ion chromatography (IC). iron chelated by EDDHSA in commercial products. Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 14268:2005/AC:2007 Asendatud EVS-EN 15451:2008 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 14268:2005/AC:2007 Irrigation techniques - Meters for irrigation water Keel en

102 CEN/TS 15452:2006 prCEN/TS 15705 Identne CEN/TS 15452:2006 Identne prCEN/TS 15705:2008 Fertilizers - Determination of chelating agents - Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Determination of iron chelated by o,p-EDDHA by Fertilizers - Determination of urea condensates reversed phase HPLC using high-performance liquid chromatography This Technical Specification specifies a method for the (HPLC) - Isobutylidenediurea and chromatographic determination of the amount of iron crotonylidenediurea (method A) and methylen-urea chelated by each of the individual isomers of the oligomers (method B) chelating agent ortho-para EDDHA (o,p-EDDHA) in This document specifies methods for the determination fertilizers. The method allows the identification of this of isobutylidenediurea (IBDU), crotonylidenediurea chelating agent and the determination of the water (CDU) (method A) and methylene-urea oligomers (MU) soluble fraction of iron chelated by this chelating agent. (method B) in fertilizers using high-performance liquid Keel en chromatography (HPLC). The method is applicable for Asendatud EVS-EN 15452:2008 all fertilizers which do not contain interfering organic compounds. KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Keel en EN 709:1999/prA3 prEN 13732 Identne EN 709:1997/prA3:2008 Identne prEN 13732:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Põllumajandus- ja metsatöömasinad. Püstijalu Toidutöötlemismasinad. Kogutud piima jahutid juhitavad traktorid pöörlevate külgemonteeritavate farmides. Valmistamise, jõudluse, kultivaatoritega, mootorkobestid, vedavate ratastega kasutuskõlbulikkuse, ohutuse ja hügieeninõuded mootorkobestid. Ohutus This European Standard specifies requirements for Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks püstijalu design, performance, safety and hygiene of refrigerated juhitavate, pöörlevate külgemonteeritavate bulk bovine milk coolers and the related methods of test. kultivaatoritega traktorite, mille kultivaatori pöörlemistelg This standard deals with all significant hazards, on masina liikumissuuna suhtes vertikaalne või hazardous situations and events relevant to bulk milk horisontaalne, ning mootorkobestite ja vedavate coolers on farm, when they are used as intended and ratastega mootorkobestite konstruktsioonile ning under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably tarindusele esitatavad ohutusnõuded ning testimiskorra, foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It kui neid kõiki kasutatakse põllumajanduses, applies to refrigerated bulk milk tanks with air cooled metsamajanduses, maastikuhooldusel ja aiapidamisel condensing units and automatic control intended for (kaasa arvatud harrastuskasutamine). installation on farms or at milk collecting points. It Keel en applies to tanks for two milkings (24 h), four milkings (48 h) and six milkings (72 h), in which the cooling takes EN 12733:2002/prA1 place totally (non pre-cooled milk) or partially (in case of Identne EN 12733:2001/prA1:2008 pre-cooled milk) within the tank. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Põllumajandus- ja metsatöömasinad. Asendab EVS-EN 13732:2003 Järelkõnniniidukid. Ohutus prEN ISO 11545 This European Standard specifies safety requirements Identne prEN ISO 11545:2008 and their verification for design and construction of ja identne ISO/DIS 11545:2008 pedestrian controlled motor mowers with rotary or reciprocating cutting blades used in agricultural, forestry Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 and landscaping to cut and/or mulch grass or similar Agricultural irrigation equipment - Centre-pivot and plants or scrub and woody vegetation. moving lateral irrigation machines with sprayer or Keel en sprinkler nozzles - Determination of uniformity of EN 14930:2007/prA1 water distribution Identne EN 14930:2007/prA1:2008 This International Standard specifies an in-field method for determining the uniformity of water distribution in the Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 field from centre-pivot and moving lateral irrigation Põllumajandusmasinad ja metsamajandusmasinad machines equipped with sprayer or sprinkler nozzles. ja aiapidamisseadmed. Kõndimisel juhitavad ja The calculation of the coefficient of uniformity is also käeskantavad masinad. Masina kuumadele osadele specified. This International Standard is applicable to ebasoovitava juurdepääsu kindlaksmääramine irrigation machines for which the water application This European Standard specifies a method for device is more than 1,5 m above the soil surface and for combustion engine driven pedestrian controlled and which the water distribution from successive devices handheld machines with or without back pack power unit overlaps. This International Standard is not applicable used in agriculture, forestry and gardening to determine to the evaluation of centre-pivot irrigation machines those parts of the surfaces identified by the product equipped with various corner arm application devices. specific standards that are hot surfaces and can be Keel en touched unintentionally by an operator during normal Asendab EVS-EN ISO 11545:2002 operation. Keel en

103 prEN ISO 12099 EVS-EN ISO 734-2:2008 Identne prEN ISO 12099:2008 Hind 95,00 ja identne ISO/DIS 12099:2008 Identne EN ISO 734-2:2008 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 ja identne ISO 734-2:2008 Animal feedstuffs, cereals and milled cereal Oilseed meals - Determination of oil content - Part 2: products - Guidelines for the application of near Rapid extraction method infrared spectrometry This part of ISO 734 specifies an extraction method This International Standard provides guidance for which may be used to assess the efficiency of a de-oiling the determination by Near Infrared Spectroscopy of process by comparing the oil content of the oilseed with constituents such as moisture, fat, protein, starch the residual oil content of the corresponding extraction and crude fibre and parameters such as digestibility meals, pellets and expeller cakes. It is not applicable to in animal feeding stuff, cereals and milled cereal disputed cases, for which ISO 734-1 is applicable. It is products. The determinations are based on applicable to oilseed meals obtained from oilseeds by spectrometric measurement in the near infrared spectral expelling or by extraction with a solvent, as well as to the region. pellets made from the residues. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN ISO 734-2:2001 67 TOIDUAINETE TEHNOLOOGIA EVS-EN ISO 8420:2002/AC:2008 Hind 0,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN ISO 8420:2002/AC:2008 EVS-EN 15585:2008 ja identne ISO 8420:2002/Cor 1:2004 Hind 104,00 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of Identne EN 15585:2008 content of polar compounds Cereals and cereal products - Durum wheat (T. Keel en durum Desf.) - Determination of percentage of EVS-EN ISO 8534:2008 mitadine grains and calculation of percentage of Hind 104,00 vitreous grains Identne EN ISO 8534:2008 This European Standard specifies a reference method ja identne ISO 8534:2008 for the determination of the proportion of mitadine grains, applicable exclusively to durum wheat (Triticum Loomsed ja taimsed rasvad ja õlid. Veesisalduse durum Desf.). määramine. Karl Fischeri meetod (püridiinivaba) Keel en This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the water content of animal and EVS-EN 15587:2008 vegetable fats and oils (hereinafter referred to as fats) Hind 162,00 using Karl Fischer apparatus and a reagent which is free Identne EN 15587:2008 of pyridine. Cereals and cereal products - Determination of Keel en Besatz in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.), durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), rye(Secale cereale L.) and ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID feed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) EVS-EN ISO 664:2000 This European Standard specifies the term Besatz Identne EN ISO 664:1995 (impurities) and describes methods for the determination ja identne ISO 664:1990 of its components. The term Besatz is used as a parameter for certain quality aspects in wheat (Triticum Õliseemned. Laboriproovide vähendamine aestivum L.), durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), rye katseproovideks (Secale cereale L.) and feed barley (Hordeum vulgare See rahvusvaheline standard esitab menetluse, kuidas L.). saada katseproovi õliseemnete laboriproovist. Keel en Keel en EVS-EN ISO 664:2008 Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 664:2008 Hind 104,00 EVS-EN ISO 734-2:2001 Identne EN ISO 664:2008 Identne EN ISO 734-2:2000 ja identne ISO 664:2008 ja identne ISO 734-2:1998 Õliseemned. Laboriproovide vähendamine Oilseed residues - Determination of oil content - Part katseproovideks 2: Rapid extraction method See rahvusvaheline standard esitab menetluse, kuidas This part of EN ISO 734 specifies an extraction method saada katseproovi õliseemnete laboriproovist. which may be used to assess the efficiency of a de-oiling Keel en process by comparing the oil content of the oilseed with Asendab EVS-EN ISO 664:2000 the residual oil content of the corresponding extraction meals, pellets and expeller cakes. Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 734-2:2008

104 prEN 15851 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne prEN 15851:2008 EN 1672-2:2005/prA1 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 1672-2:2005/prA1:2008 Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1 in cereal Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 based foods for infants and young children - HPLC Toidutöötlemismasinad. Põhimõisted. Osa 2: method with immunoaffinity column cleanup and Hügieeninõuded fluorescence detection This document specifies common hygiene requirements This draft European Standard specifies a method for the for machinery used in preparing and processing food for determination of aflatoxin B1 in baby food by high human and, where relevant, animal consumption to performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with eliminate or minimise the risk of contagion, infection, immunoaffinity cleanup. This method has been validated illness or injury arising from this food. in a collaborative study via the analysis of both naturally Keel en contaminated samples ranging from 0,07 µg/kg to 0,17 µg/kg, and spiked samples ranging from 0,10 µg/kg to prEN 13732 0,18 µg/kg. The limit of quantification of the method is Identne prEN 13732:2008 0,05 µg/kg (value derived from in-house and Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 collaborative study), depending on the equipment used. Toidutöötlemismasinad. Kogutud piima jahutid Keel en farmides. Valmistamise, jõudluse, prEN 15861 kasutuskõlbulikkuse, ohutuse ja hügieeninõuded Identne prEN 15861:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 design, performance, safety and hygiene of refrigerated bulk bovine milk coolers and the related methods of test. Food processing machinery - Smoke facilities - This standard deals with all significant hazards, Safety and hygiene requirements hazardous situations and events relevant to bulk milk This standard covers smoke houses for commercial use coolers on farm, when they are used as intended and and accessories. In this standard is specified, which under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably hazards are covered. For other hazards, which are not foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). It covered by this standard, smoke houses shall, as applies to refrigerated bulk milk tanks with air cooled applicable, be according to EN ISO 12100-1:2003. condensing units and automatic control intended for Keel en installation on farms or at milk collecting points. It applies to tanks for two milkings (24 h), four milkings (48 71 KEEMILINE TEHNOLOOGIA h) and six milkings (72 h), in which the cooling takes place totally (non pre-cooled milk) or partially (in case of UUED STANDARDID pre-cooled milk) within the tank. Keel en EVS-EN 12672:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 13732:2003 Hind 141,00 prEN 15845 Identne EN 12672:2008 Identne prEN 15845:2008 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Potassium permanganate Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 This European Standard is applicable to potassium Paper and board - Determination of the cytotoxicity permanganate used for treatment of water intended for of aqueous extracts human consumption. It describes the characteristics of This document specifies a test method for the laboratory potassium permanganate and specifies the assessment of the potential cytotoxic effect of paper and requirements and the corresponding test methods for board materials. This test method is intended to assess potassium permanganate. It gives information on its use wet contact with food simulant. in water treatment. Keel en Keel en prEN 15850 Asendab EVS-EN 12672:2000 Identne prEN 15850:2008 EVS-EN 12678:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Hind 162,00 Foodstuffs - Determination of zearalenone in barley, Identne EN 12678:2008 maize and wheat flour, polenta and cereal based Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for foods for infants and young children - HPLC method human comsumption - Potassium with immunoaffinity column cleanup and peroxomonosulfate fluorescence detection This European Standard is applicable to potassium This draft European Standard specifies a method for the peroxomonosulfate used for treatment of water intended determination of zearalenone by high performance liquid for human consumption. It describes the characteristics chromatography (HPLC) with immunoaffinity cleanup. of potassium peroxomonosulfate and specifies the This method has been validated in a collaborative study requirements and the corresponding test methods for via the analysis of samples of barley, maize, wheat, potassium peroxomonosulfate. It gives information on its polenta and maize based baby food ranging from 10 use in water treatment. µg/kg to 335 µg/kg, and of samples of cereal based Keel en foods for infants and young children ranging from 9 µg/kg to 44 µg/kg. Asendab EVS-EN 12678:2000 Keel en

105 EVS-EN 12931:2008 EVS-EN 14035-19:2003/AC:2006 Hind 180,00 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 12931:2008 Identne EN 14035-19:2003/AC:2006 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for Fireworks - Part 19: Hand-held sparklers - human consumption - Chemicals for emergency Specification and test methods use - Sodium dichloriosocyanurate, anhydrous Keel en This European Standard is applicable to sodium EVS-EN 14805:2008 dichloroisocyanurate anhydrous used for emergency Hind 190,00 treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of sodium Identne EN 14805:2008 dichloroisocyanurate anhydrous and specifies the Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for requirements and the corresponding test methods for human consumption - Sodium chloride for on site sodium dichloroisocyanurate anhydrous. It gives electrochlorination using non-membrane technology information on its use in water treatment. It also This European Standard is applicable to sodium chloride determines the rules relating to safe handling and use of intended for on site electrochlorination of water intended sodium dichloroisocyanurate anhydrous (see Annex B). for human consumption using non-membrane Keel en technology. It describes the characteristics and specifies Asendab EVS-EN 12931:2000 the requirements and the corresponding test methods for sodium chloride (see Annex B). It gives information EVS-EN 12932:2008 on its use in water treatment. Hind 180,00 Keel en Identne EN 12932:2008 EVS-EN 15527:2008 Chemicals used for water intended for human Hind 199,00 consumption - Chemicals for emergency use - Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate Identne EN 15527:2008 This European Standard is applicable to sodium Characterization of waste - Determination of dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate used for emergency polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in waste treatment of water intended for human consumption. It using gas chromatography mass spectrometry describes the characteristics of sodium (GC/MS) dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate and specifies the This European Standard specifies the quantitative requirements and the corresponding test methods for determination of 16 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate. It gives (PAH) according to the priority list of the Environmental information on its use in water treatment. It also Protection Agency (EPA, 1982). This European determines the rules relating to safe handling and use of Standard is applicable for wastes such as contaminated sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate (see Annex B). soil, sludge and rubble, bitumen or waste containing Keel en bitumen. This European Standard describes a gas Asendab EVS-EN 12932:2000 chromatographic method with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS). Under the conditions specified in this EVS-EN 13176:2008 document, a typical lower limit of application of 0,1 Hind 141,00 mg/kg for each individual PAH can be achieved. Identne EN 13176:2008 Keel en Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Ethanol ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID This European Standard is applicable to synthetic EVS-EN 12672:2000 ethanol used for treatment of water intended for human Identne EN 12672:2000 consumption. It describes the characteristics of synthetic ethanol and specifies the requirements and the Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for corresponding test methods for synthetic ethanol. It human consumption - Potassium permanganate gives information on its use in water treatment. NOTE This European Standard is applicable to potassium This European Standard does not apply to anhydrous permanganate used for treatment of water intended for ethanol which is not used for drinking water treatment. human consumption. It describes the characteristics of Keel en potassium permanganate and specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for Asendab EVS-EN 13176:2000 potassium permanganate. It gives information on its use EVS-EN 13194:2008 in water treatment. Hind 151,00 Keel en Identne EN 13194:2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 12672:2008 Chemicals used for treatment of water itended for human consumption - Acetic acid This European Standard is applicable to acetic acid used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of acetic acid and specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for acetic acid. It gives information on its use in water treatment. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 13194:2000

106 EVS-EN 12678:2000 EVS-EN 13194:2000 Identne EN 12678:2000 Identne EN 13194:2000 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for Chemicals used for treatment of water itended for human comsumption - Potassium human consumption - Acetic acid peroxomonosulfate This European Standard is applicable to acetic acid This European Standard is applicable to potassium used for treatment of water intended for human peroxomonosulfate used for treatment of water intended consumption. It describes the characteristics of acetic for human consumption. It describes the characteristics acid and specifies the requirements and the of potassium peroxomonosulfate and specifies the corresponding test methods for acetic acid. It gives requirements and the corresponding test methods for information on its use in water treatment. potassium peroxomonosulfate. It gives information on its Keel en use in water treatment. Asendatud EVS-EN 13194:2008 Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 12678:2008 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS EVS-EN 12931:2000 EN 12547:1999/prA1 Identne EN 12931:2000 Identne EN 12547:1999/prA1:2008 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 human consumption - Chemicals for emergency Tsentrifuugid. Üldised ohutusnõuded use - Sodium dichloriosocyanurate, anhydrous This European Standard applies to centrifuges aiming at This European Standard is applicable to anhydrous separation of liquid/liquid/solid/solid or at least two of sodium dichloroisocyanurate used for emergency these substances. It gives requirements to minimise the treatment of water intended for human consumption. It risks caused by the hazards specified in 1.2. describes the characteristics of anhydrous sodium Keel en dichloroisocyanurate and specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for anhydrous sodium prEN 899 dischlorisocyanurate. It gives information on its use in Identne prEN 899:2008 water treatment. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for Asendatud EVS-EN 12931:2008 human consumption - Sulfuric acid EVS-EN 12932:2000 This European standard is applicable to sulphuric acid Identne EN 12932:2000 used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of sulphuric Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for acid and specifies the requirements and the human consumption - Chemicals for emergency corresponding test methods for sulphuric acid. It gives use - Sodium dichlorisocyanurate, dihydrate information on its use in water treatment. This European Standard is applicable to sodium Keel en dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate used for emergency Asendab EVS-EN 899:2003 treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of sodium prEN 12903 dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate and specifies the Identne prEN 12903:2008 requirements and the corresponding test methods for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 sodium dischlorisocyanurate dihydrate. It gives Products used for treatment of water intended for information on its use in water treatment. human consumption - Powdered activated carbon Keel en This European Standard is applicable to powdered Asendatud EVS-EN 12932:2008 activated carbon used for treatment of water intended for EVS-EN 13176:2000 human consumption. It describes the characteristics of Identne EN 13176:2000 powdered activated carbon and specifies the Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for requirements and the corresponding test methods for human consumption - Ethanol powdered activated carbon. It gives information on its use in water treatment. This European Standard is applicable to synthetic Keel en ethanol used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of synthetic Asendab EVS-EN 12903:2003 ethanol and specifies the requirements and the prEN 12907 corresponding test methods for synthetic ethanol. It Identne prEN 12907:2008 gives information on its use in water treatment. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Products used for treatment of water intended for Asendatud EVS-EN 13176:2008 human consumption - Pyrolysed coal material This European Standard is applicable to pyrolyzed coal material used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. It describes the characteristics of pyrolyzed coal material and specifies the requirements and the corresponding test methods for pyrolyzed coal material. It gives information on its use in water treatment. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 12907:2003

107 prEN ISO 10156 EVS-EN ISO 10426-6:2008 Identne prEN ISO 10156:2008 Hind 104,00 ja identne ISO/DIS 10156:2008 Identne EN ISO 10426-6:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ja identne ISO 10426-6:2008 Gases and gas mixtures - Determination of fire Nafta- ja maagaasitööstused. Tsemendid ja potential and oxidizing ability for the selection of materjalid kaevude tsementeerimiseks. Osa 6: cylinder valve outlets Tsemendi koostisesse kuuluva staatilise geeli This International Standard specifies methods for tugevuse määramise meetodid determining whether or not a gas or gas mixture is This part of ISO 10426 specifies requirements and flammable in air and whether a gas or gas mixture is provides test methods for the determination of static gel more or less oxidizing than air under atmospheric strength (SGS) of cement slurries and related materials conditions. This International Standard is intended to be under simulated well conditions. used for the classification of gases and gas mixtures Keel en including the selection of gas cylinder valve outlets. This International Standard does not cover the safe ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID preparation of these mixtures under pressure and at temperatures other than ambient. EVS-EN 228:2004 Keel en Identne EN 228:2004 + AC:2005 Asendab EVS-EN ISO 10156-2:2005; EVS-EN 720- Autokütused. Pliivaba bensiin. Nõuded ja 2:1999 katsemeetodid prEN ISO 10991 Käesolev Euroopa standard sätestab turustatavale ja Identne ISO/DIS 10991:2008 tarnitavale pliivabale bensiinile esitatavad nõuded ja katsemeetodid. Standard kehtib pliivaba bensiini kohta, ja identne prEN ISO 10991:2008 mida kasutatakse pliivaba bensiini jaoks konstrueeritud Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 mootoritega sõidukites. Micro process engineering - Terminology Keel et This International Standard gives terms and definitions Asendab EVS-EN 228:2002 for micro process engineering applied in chemistry, Asendatud EVS-EN 228:2008 pharmacy, biotechnology and food technology. This vocabulary is drafted in accordance with the principles KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS layed down in ISO 704 [1] and has been prepared and designed in accordance with ISO 10241 [2]. prCEN/TR 15367-3 Keel en Identne prCEN/TR 15367-3:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 73 MÄENDUS JA MAAVARAD Petroleum products - Guide for good housekeeping - Part 3: Prevention of cross contamination UUED STANDARDID This document provides general guidance on automotive EVS-EN 14591-1:2004/AC:2006 fuel handling. It does not pre-empt national or local regulations. It only addresses the issue of cross Hind 0,00 contamination between petrol and diesel automotive Identne EN 14591-1:2004/AC:2006 fuels that may occur in the supply chain, during Plahvatuse vältimine ja kaitse allamaakaevanduses. manufacturing, storage, transportation or distribution. Kaitsesüsteemid. Osa 1: 2-baarist plahvatust taluv There may also be a risk of contamination with other ventilatsioonikonstruktsioon products such as kerosene/jet fuel and off road diesel. Keel en The guidance principles described in this document would apply equally to managing these risks although 75 NAFTA JA NAFTATEHNOLOOGIA some details may be different. Keel en UUED STANDARDID EVS-EN 228:2008 Hind 104,00 Identne EN 228:2008 Autokütused. Pliivaba bensiin. Nõuded ja katsemeetodid Käesolev Euroopa standard sätestab turustatavale ja tarnitavale pliivabale bensiinile esitatavad nõuded ja katsemeetodid. Standard kehtib pliivaba bensiini kohta, mida kasutatakse pliivaba bensiini jaoks konstrueeritud mootoritega sõidukites. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 228:2004

108 prEN 1594 77 METALLURGIA Identne prEN 1594:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 UUED STANDARDID Gaasivarustussüsteemid. Torustikud maksimaalse CEN/TR 10261:2008 töörõhuga üle 16 bar. Talituslikud nõuded Hind 162,00 This European Standard is applicable to pipelines with a Identne CEN/TR 10261:2008 maximum operating pressure (MOP) over 16 bar for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive Iron and steel - Review of available methods of natural gas according to EN ISO 13686 in onland gas chemical analysis supply systems, where: - the pipeline elements are This CEN Technical Report lists, under Clause 2, the made of unalloyed or low-alloyed carbon steel; - the European Standards which are currently available for the pipeline elements are joined by welds, flanges or chemical analysis of steel and iron. In Clause 3, it also mechanical couplings; - the pipeline is not located within provides details of range of application and method commercial or industrial premises as an integral part of principle for each standard. Items which are under the industrial process on these premises except for any preparation as European Standards or as CEN pipelines and facilities supplying such premises; - the Technical Reports by ECISS/TC 20 are available on the design temperature of the system is between -40 ˚C and webpage of CEN, through the link 120 ˚C inclusive; The standard apply to onshore pipeline http://www.cen.eu/CENORM/Sectors/TechnicalCommitte systems from the point where the pipeline first crosses esWorkshops/CENTechnicalCommittees/WP.asp?param what is normally accepted as battery limit between on =6357&title=ECISS%2FTC+20. Annex A contains a list and offshore, e.g.: - first isolation valve; - the base of of European Standards, CEN Technical Reports and steep sea shelf; - above the high water/low water mark ECISS Information Circulars relevant for chemical onto mainland; - an island. analysis of ferrous materials. Annex B contains a list of Keel en withdrawn Euronorms, together with the corresponding Asendab EVS-EN 1594:2007 replacement European Standards. Annex C is a graphical presentation of the concentration ranges for prEN 14078 the methods presented in this Technical Report. Identne prEN 14078:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EVS-EN 1090-3:2008 Vedelad naftasaadused. Rasvhappe metüülestrite Hind 305,00 (FAME) määramine keskmistes destillaatides. Identne EN 1090-3:2008 Infrapunase spektroskoopia meetod Teraskonstruktsioonide ja This European Standard specifies a test method for the determination of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) content alumiiniumkonstruktsioonide valmistamine. Osa 3: in diesel fuel or domestic heating fuel by mid infrared Tehnilised nõuded alumiiniumkonstruktsioonidele spectrometry; which applies to FAME contents of the two This European Standard specifies requirements for the measurement ranges as follows - range A: for FAME execution of aluminium structural components and contents ranging from approx. 0,05 % (V/V) to approx. 3 structures made from: a) rolled sheet, strip and plate; b) % (V/V) - range B: for FAME contents ranging from extrusions; c) cold drawn rod, bar and tube; d) forgings; approx. 3 % (V/V) to approx. 20 % (V/V) Principally, e) castings. This European Standard specifies higher FAME contents can also be analyzed if diluted; requirements independent of the type and shape of the however, no precision data for results outside the aluminium structure, and this European Standard is specified range is available at present. This test method applicable to structures under predominantly static loads was verified to be applicable to samples which contain as well as structures subject to fatigue. It specifies FAME conforming to EN 14214 or EN 14213. Reliable requirements related to the execution classes that are quantitative results are obtained only if the samples do linked with consequence classes. not contain any significant amounts of other interfering Keel en components, especially esters and other carbonyl EVS-EN 10213:2007/AC:2008 compounds which possess absorption bands in the Hind 0,00 spectral region used for quantification of FAME. If such interfering components are present, this test method is Identne EN 10213:2007/AC:2008 expected to produce higher values. Surveotstarbeline terasvalu Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 14078:2004 EVS-EN 10216-5:2004/AC:2008 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 10216-5:2008/AC:2008 Surveotstarbelised õmblusteta terastorud. Tehnilised tarnetingimused. Osa 5: Roostevabad terastorud Keel en EVS-EN 10340:2007/AC:2008 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 10340:2007/AC:2008 Terasvalu ehituslikuks kasutamiseks Keel en

109 prEN ISO 15630-1 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID Identne prEN ISO 15630-1:2008 EVS-EN 508-1:2003 ja identne ISO/DIS 15630-1:2008 Identne EN 508-1:2000 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Lehtmetallist katusetooted. Isekandvate lehtterasest, Betooni sarrustamiseks ja pingestamiseks kasutatav alumiiniumist ja roostevabast lehtterasest teras. Katsemeetodid. Osa 1: Armatuurraud, valmistatud toodete spetsifikatsioon. Osa 1: Teras armatuurvõrk ja armatuurtraat Standardi EN 508 käesolev osa määrab kindlaks This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable nõuded isekandvatele mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele to reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire. katusetoodetele, mis on valmistatud metallkattega ning Keel en täiendava orgaanilise kattega või katteta lehtterasest. Asendab EVS-EN ISO 15630-1:2002 Standard kehtestab toodete üldised parameetrid, määratlused, klassifikatsiooni ning etikettimise koos prEN ISO 15630-2 nõuetega materjalidele, millest neid tooteid võib Identne prEN ISO 15630-2:2008 valmistada. Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii ja identne ISO/DIS 15630-2:2008 tootjate poolt, tagamaks toodete vastavuse nõuetele, kui Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 ka ostjate poolt, veendumaks, et ostetud tooted vastavad nõuetele enne nende tehasest väljastamist. Betooni sarrustamiseks ja pingestamiseks kasutatav Standard spetsifitseerib nõuded toodetele, mida on teras. Katsemeetodid. Osa 2: Keeviskangas võimalik kasutada kõigis normaalsetes This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable ekspluatatsioonitingimustes. Standard kehtib kõigile to welded fabric. mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele isekandvatele Keel en väliskasutuse profileeritud katuseplaatidele. Profileeritud Asendab EVS-EN ISO 15630-2:2002 katuseplaatide ülesandeks on takistada tuule, vihma ja prEN ISO 15630-3 lume hoonesse sattumist ning edastada kõik summaarsed koormused ja harvaesinevad Identne prEN ISO 15630-3:2008 hoolduskoormused kandekonstruktsioonile. Standard ei ja identne ISO/DIS 15630-3:2008 sisalda nõudeid kandekonstruktsiooni, katusesüsteemi Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 kujunduse ning ühenduste ja liiteplekkide teostuse kohta. Betooni sarrustamiseks ja pingestamiseks kasutatav Keel et teras. Katsemeetodid. Osa 3: Pingesarrus Asendab EVS-EN 508-1:2001 This part of ISO 15630 specifies test methods applicable Asendatud EVS-EN 508-1:2008 to prestressing steels (bar, wire or strand). Keel en KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Asendab EVS-EN ISO 15630-3:2002 prEN 1676 Identne prEN 1676:2008 79 PUIDUTEHNOLOOGIA Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Alumiinium ja alumiiniumisulamid. Ümbersulatuseks UUED STANDARDID ette nähtud legeervaluplokid. Tehnilised nõuded EVS-EN 14761:2006+A1:2008 This European Standard defines the requirements for Hind 151,00 grades of alloyed aluminium ingots intended for Identne EN 14761:2006+A1:2008 remelting. It specifies the classifications and Wood flooring - Solid wood parquet - Vertical finger, designations applicable to these grades, the conditions in which they are produced, their properties and the wide finger and module brick KONSOLIDEERITUD marks by which they are identified. TEKST Keel en This European Standard specifies the characteristics of solid vertical and wide finger as well as Module brick Asendab EVS-EN 1676:2000 including the laying units made of softwood or hardwood prEN 1706 for internal use as flooring. This standard covers Identne prEN 1706:2008 products without surface treatments. This standard Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 covers also treated or untreated elements Alumiinium ja alumiiniumisulamid. Valandid. Keel en Keemiline koostis ja mehaanilised omadused Asendab EVS-EN 14761:2006 This European Standard specifies the chemical composition limits for aluminium casting alloys and ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID mechanical properties of separately cast test pieces for EVS-EN 14761:2006 these alloys. Annex B is included as a guide to the Identne EN 14761:2006 selection of alloys for a specific use or process. This European Standard is intended to be used in conjunction Wood flooring - Solid wood parquet - Vertical finger, with EN 576, EN 1559-1, EN 1559-4, EN 1676, EN ISO wide finger and module brick 8062-3. This European Standard specifies the characteristics of Keel en solid vertical and wide finger as well as Module brick including the laying units made of softwood or hardwood Asendab EVS-EN 1706:2000 for internal use as flooring. This standard covers products without surface treatments. This standard covers also treated or untreated elements Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 14761:2006+A1:2008

110 EVS-EN 1094-1:1999 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne EN 1094-1:1997 prEN 1313-1 Tulekindlad isolatsioonitooted. Osa 1: Keraamilisest Identne prEN 1313-1:2008 kiust toodete terminoloogia Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 See Euroopa standard määratleb terminid, mis käivad Ümarpuit ja saematerjal. Lubatud hälbed ja keraamilisest kiust toodete hulka liigitatud tulekindlate eelismõõtmed. Osa 1: Okaspuu saematerjal toodete ja materjalide kohta. This standard specifies permitted deviations for Keel en thickness and widths at a reference moisture content Asendatud EVS-EN 1094-1:2008 and adjustments for changes in size due to changes in moisture content. Preferred sizes for thicknesses of 38 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS mm and over are also specified. This standard applies to prEN 1007-5 softwood sawn timber. An informative Annex gives complementary national sizes. Identne prEN 1007-5:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Asendab EVS-EN 1313-1:2001 Advanced technical ceramics - Ceramic composites - Methods of test for reinforcements - 81 KLAASI- JA KERAAMIKA-TÖÖSTUS Part 5: Determination of distribution of tensile strength and of tensile strain to failure of filaments UUED STANDARDID within a multifilament tow at ambient temperature This European Standard specifies the conditions, EVS-EN 1094-1:2008 apparatus and procedure for determining the distribution Hind 151,00 of tensile strength and tensile strain to failure of ceramic Identne EN 1094-1:2008 filaments in multifilament tows at room temperature. Tulekindlad isolatsioonitooted. Osa 1: Keraamilisest This European Standard applies to tows of continuous kiust toodete terminoloogia ceramic filaments, which are assumed to act freely and independently under loading, and behave linearly elastic This European Standard defines terms for those up to failure. refractory products and materials which are classed as high temperature insulation wools (HTIW). It also Keel en establishes the classification of insulating refractory Asendab EVS-EN 1007-5:2003 products made from HTIW and specifies methods for determining the thickness, bulk density, resilience, 83 KUMMI- JA PLASTITÖÖSTUS permanent linear change, tensile strength and moisture and organic matter content of HTIW products. It applies UUED STANDARDID to HTIW bulk wool, blankets, felts, mats, boards, pre- formed shapes and papers, with the exception of EVS-EN 289:2004+A1:2008 products delivered in a wet state. Further test Hind 233,00 procedures are in development and will be included Identne EN 289:2004+A1:2008 once they have been ratified. These include a 3 point Kummi- ja plastitöötlusmasinad. Pressid. bend test for boards, a length weighted fibre diameter Ohutusnõuded KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST measurement technique by Scanning Electron This document specifies the essential safety Microscope, shot content measurement (dry and wet requirements for hydraulic presses, including toggle and methods) and thermal conductivity measurement. There hydro-mechanic ones, with a vertical closing movement is a shot content method described in ISO 10635 and more than 6 mm for the moulding of plastics and/or there is a thermal conductivity technique described in rubber. This document covers both compression ASTM C201. moulding (see 3.1.1) and transfer moulding (see 3.1.2). Keel en All hazards listed in clause 4 are covered by this Asendab EVS-EN 1094-1:1999; EVS-EN 1094-3:2003 document. The following machines are excluded: - injection moulding machines (see EN 201); - presses for ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID curing pneumatic tyres; - presses for curing inner tubes EVS-EN 1094-3:2003 and curing bags; - hydraulic presses as covered by EN 693; - mechanical presses as covered by EN 692; - Identne EN 1094-3:2003 thermoforming machines (see EN 12409); - RIM Insulating refractory products - Part 3: Classification machines (see EN 1612-1 and EN 1612-2). The safety of insulating products made from ceramic fibres requirements for the additional hazards arising from the This Part of EN 1094 establishes the classification of interaction between presses and ancillary equipment insulating refractory products made from ceramic fibres. especially loading and unloading devices are specified. It applies to blankets, felts, mats, papers, boards and The safety requirements for the ancillary equipment itself preformed shapes are not specified. Keel en Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 1094-1:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 289:2004

111 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID 87 VÄRVIDE JA VÄRVAINETE EVS-EN 289:2004 TÖÖSTUS Identne EN 289:2004 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Kummi- ja plastitöötlusmasinad. Pressid. Ohutusnõuded EN 12981:2005/prA1 This document specifies the essential safety Identne EN 12981:2005/prA1:2008 requirements for hydraulic presses, including toggle and Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 hydromechanic ones, with a vertical closing movement Pindamisseadmed. Pihustuskambrid orgaanilise more than 6 mm for the moulding of plastics and/or pulberkattematerjaliga katmiseks. Ohutusnõuded rubber. This European Standard is applicable to spray booths for Keel en spray application of organic coating powder, called in Asendab EVS-EN 289:1999 this European Standard “powder spray booths”, i.e. Asendatud EVS-EN 289:2004+A1:2008 machinery and related equipment for automated and/or manual powder coating application processes. KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Keel en prEN 15860 EN 13355:2005/prA1 Identne prEN 15860:2008 Identne EN 13355:2004/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Plastics - Thermoplastic semi-finished products for Pindamisseadmed. Kombineeritud kabiinid. machining - Requirements and test methods Ohutusnõuded This European Standard specifies the requirements This document is applicable to combined booths for the and associated test methods that apply to semi- application of organic liquid coating materials by an finished products such as rods, hollow bars and plates operator with maximum drying temperature of 100°C and made from thermoplastic materials. These semi- deals with all hazards significant for combined booths, finished products are used predominantly for the when they are used as intended and under the manufacture of finished parts by means of machining. conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see clause 4). Keel en Keel en prEN 50348 85 PABERITEHNOLOOGIA Identne prEN 50348:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 UUED STANDARDID Stationary electrostatic application equipment for EVS-EN ISO 217:2008 non-ignitable liquid coating material - Safety Hind 73,00 requirements Identne EN ISO 217:2008 This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, which are ja identne ISO 217:2008 relevant for stationary electrostatic application Paper - Untrimmed sizes - Designation and equipment for non-ignitable liquid coating materials tolerances for primary and supplementary ranges, which do not generate an explosive atmosphere inside and indication of machine direction the spraying area, provided they are used as intended This International Standard specifies a primary range by the manufacturer. This European Standard also and a supplementary range of untrimmed sizes of paper specifies the design-related requirements for a safe in sheets which are to be trimmed to the ISO-A series of operation of the stationary equipment, including sizes as given in ISO 216, and establishes a system of electrical installations. designation of untrimmed sizes. This International Keel en Standard also specifies the method for the indication of Asendab EVS-EN 50348:2002 machine direction of untrimmed sizes. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 644:2003

ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID EVS-EN 644:2003 Identne EN 644:1999 Paper - Untrimmed sizes - Primary range and supplementary range designation and tolerances, expression of direction of manufacture This European Standard specifies a primary range and a supplementary range of untrimmed sizes for paper in sheets which are to be trimmed to the ISO-A Series of sizes as given in EN 20216 and establishes a system of designation of untrimmed sizes Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN ISO 217:2008

112 91 EHITUSMATERJALID JA EHITUS EVS-EN 200:2008 Hind 233,00 UUED STANDARDID Identne EN 200:2008 Sanitary tapware - Single taps and combination taps CEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 for water supply systems of type 1 and type 2 - Hind 132,00 General technical specification Identne CEN ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 This European Standard specifies: a) the field of ja identne ISO/TS 21003-7:2008 application for pillar taps, bib taps, single and multi-hole Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water combination taps for use in: 1) a supply system of Type installations inside buildings - Part 7: Guidance for 1 (see Figure 1); 2) a supply system of Type 2 (see the assessment of conformity Figure 2); b) the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure This Technical Specification is applicable, in conjunction resistance, hydraulic performance, mechanical strength, with the other parts of ISO 21003 (see Foreword), to endurance and acoustic characteristics of nominal size multilayer piping systems intended to be used for hot ½ and ¾ single taps and combination taps; c) test and cold water installations inside buildings for the methods to verify the characteristics. The tests conveyance of water — whether or not the water is described in this European Standard are type tests intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or (laboratory tests) and not quality control tests carried out for heating systems — under specified design pressures during manufacture. This European Standard applies to and temperatures appropriate to the class of application draw-off taps (single taps and combination taps) for use (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It gives guidance for with sanitary appliances installed in rooms used for the assessment of conformity, to be included in the bodily hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms etc.) and in manufacturer's quality plan as part of the quality system. kitchens, i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, bidets, It includes: - requirements for materials, components, showers and sinks. joints and assemblies given in the applicable part(s) of Keel en ISO 21003; - requirements for the manufacturer's quality Asendab EVS-EN 200:2005 system (e.g. ISO 9001 [2]); - definitions and procedures EVS-EN 506:2008 to be used if third-party certification is involved. Hind 190,00 Keel en Identne EN 506:2008 EVS-EN 81-3:2001+A1:2008 Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification Hind 286,00 for self-supporting products of copper or zinc sheet Identne EN 81-3:2001+A1:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements for self- Liftide valmistamise ja paigaldamise supporting roofing products for discontinuous laying ohutuseeskirjad. Osa 3: Elektrilised ja hüdraulilised made from copper or zinc-copper-titanium alloy sheet teenindusliftid KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST with or without additional organic coatings. The standard This standard specifies the safety rules for the establishes general characteristics, definitions and construction and installation of permanently installed labelling for the products, together with requirements for new electric lifts with traction or positive drive, or the materials from which the products can be hydraulic service lifts defined as lifting equipment, manufactured. It is intended to be used either by serving defined landing levels, having a car, the interior manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with of which is regarded as inaccessible to persons on the requirements or by purchasers to verify that the account of its dimensions and means of construction, products comply before they are despatched from the suspended by ropes or chains or supported by ram and factory. It specifies the requirements for products which moving between rigid vertical guide rails or guide rails enable them to meet all normal service conditions. The whose inclination to the vertical does not exceed 15° and standard applies to all discontinuously laid self- driven electrically or hydraulically. This standard covers supporting external profiled sheets for roofing with the service lifts with rated load not exceeding 300 exception of tiles with a surface area less than 1 m2 and kilogrammes and not intended to move persons. produced by stamping. These profiled roof sheets are Keel en designed to keep wind, rain and snow out of the building and to transfer any resultant loads and infrequent Asendab EVS-EN 81-3:2001 maintenance loads to the structure. No requirements for EVS-EN 115-1:2008 supporting construction, design of roof system and Hind 286,00 execution of connections and flashings are included. Identne EN 115-1:2008 Keel en Eskalaatorite ja sõidukonveierite ohutus. Osa 1: Asendab EVS-EN 506:2001 Valmistamine ja paigaldamine 1.1 This standard is applicable for new escalators and moving walks (pallet or belt type) as defined in Clause 3. This standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to escalators and moving walks when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Clause 4). 1.2 This standard does not deal with hazards arising from seismic activities. 1.3 This document is not applicable to escalators and moving walks which were manufactured before the date of its publication as EN. It is, however, recommended that existing installations be adapted to this standard. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 115:1999 113 EVS-EN 508-1:2008 EVS-EN 508-3:2008 Hind 221,00 Hind 199,00 Identne EN 508-1:2008 Identne EN 508-3:2008 Lehtmetallist katusetooted. Isekandvate lehtterasest, Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification alumiiniumist ja roostevabast lehtterasest for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or valmistatud toodete spetsifikatsioon. Osa 1: Teras stainless steel sheet - Part 3: Stainless steel Standardi EN 508 käesolev osa määrab kindlaks This Part of EN 508 specifies requirements for self- nõuded isekandvatele mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele supporting roofing products for discontinuous laying katusetoodetele, mis on valmistatud metallkattega ning made from stainless steel sheet with or without täiendava orgaanilise kattega või katteta lehtterasest. additional metallic and/or organic coatings. The standard Standard kehtestab toodete üldised parameetrid, establishes general characteristics, definitions, määratlused, klassifikatsiooni ning etikettimise koos classifications and labelling for the products, together nõuetega materjalidele, millest neid tooteid võib with requirements for the materials from which the valmistada. Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii products can be manufactured. It is intended to be used tootjate poolt, tagamaks toodete vastavuse nõuetele, kui either by manufacturers to ensure that their products ka ostjate poolt, veendumaks, et ostetud tooted comply with the requirements or by purchasers to verify vastavad nõuetele enne nende tehasest väljastamist. that the products comply before they are despatched Standard spetsifitseerib nõuded toodetele, mida on from the factory. It specifies the requirements for võimalik kasutada kõigis normaalsetes products which enable them to meet all normal service ekspluatatsioonitingimustes. Standard kehtib kõigile conditions. The standard applies to all discontinuously mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele isekandvatele laid self-supporting external profiled sheets for roofing väliskasutuse profileeritud katuseplaatidele. Profileeritud with the exception of tiles with a surface area less than 1 katuseplaatide ülesandeks on takistada tuule, vihma ja m2 and produced by stamping. These profiled roof lume hoonesse sattumist ning edastada kõik sheets are designed to keep wind, rain and snow out of summaarsed koormused ja harvaesinevad the building and to transfer any resultant loads and hoolduskoormused kandekonstruktsioonile. Standard ei infrequent maintenance loads to the structure. No sisalda nõudeid kandekonstruktsiooni, katusesüsteemi requirements for supporting construction, design of roof kujunduse ning ühenduste ja liiteplekkide teostuse kohta. system and execution of connections and flashings are Keel en included. Asendab EVS-EN 508-1:2003 Keel en EVS-EN 508-2:2008 Asendab EVS-EN 508-3:2001 Hind 199,00 EVS-EN 817:2008 Identne EN 508-2:2008 Hind 221,00 Roofing products from metal sheet -Specification of Identne EN 817:2008 self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or Sanitary tapware - Mechanical mixing valves (PN stainless steel sheet - Part 2: Aluminium 10) - General technical specifications This part of EN 508 specifies requirements for self- This European Standard specifies: - the dimensional, supporting roofing products for discontinuous laying leaktightness, pressure resistance, hydraulic made from aluminium sheet with or without additional performance, mechanical strength, endurance and organic coatings. The standard establishes general acoustic characteristics with which mechanical mixing characteristics, definitions, classifications and labelling valves need to comply; - test methods to verify the for the products, together with requirements for the characteristics. The tests described in this European materials from which the products can be manufactured. Standard are type tests (laboratory tests) and not quality It is intended to be used either by manufacturers to control tests carried out during manufacture. This ensure that their products comply with the requirements European Standard applies to PN 10 mechanical mixing or by purchasers to verify that the products comply valves for use with sanitary appliances installed in rooms before they are despatched from the factory. It specifies used for bodily hygiene (cloakrooms, bathrooms, etc.) the requirements for products which enable them to and in kitchens, i.e. for use with baths, wash basins, meet all normal service conditions. The standard applies bidets, showers and sinks. to all discontinuously laid self-supporting external Keel en profiled sheets for roofing. These profiled roof sheets are Asendab EVS-EN 817:2000 designed to keep wind, rain and snow out of the building, and to transfer any resultant loads and infrequent EVS-EN 996:1999/A1:2008/AC:1999 maintenance loads to the structure. No requirements for Hind 0,00 supporting construction, design of roof system and Identne EN 996:1995/A1:1999/AC:1999 execution of connections and flashings are included. Vaiarammimisseadmed. Ohutusnõuded Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 508-2:2001

114 EVS-EN 1090-2:2008 EVS-EN 1991-1-6:2006/AC:2008 Hind 358,00 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 1090-2:2008 Identne EN 1991-1-6:2005/AC:2008 Teraskonstruktsioonide ja Eurokoodeks 1: Ehituskonstruktsioonide alumiiniumkonstruktsioonide valmistamine - Osa 2: koormused. Osa 1-6: Üldkoormused. Ehitusaegsed Tehnilised nõuded teraskonstruktsioonidele koormused This European Standard specifies requirements for Keel en execution of structural steelwork as structures or as EVS-EN 1992-2:2005/AC:2008 manufactured components, produced from: - hot rolled, Hind 0,00 structural steel products up to and including grade S690; - cold formed components and sheeting up to Identne EN 1992-2:2005/AC:2008 and including grades S700 for stainless steels and Eurokoodeks 2: Raudbetoonkonstruktsioonide including S690 for carbon steels; - hot finished and cold projekteerimine. Osa 2: Betoonsillad. Arvutus- ja formed austenitic, austenitic-ferritic and ferritic stainless detailiseerimisreeglid. steel products; - hot finished and cold formed structural Keel en hollow sections, including standard range and custom- EVS-EN 1992-1-2:2005/AC:2008 made rolled products and hollow sections manufactured by welding. Hind 0,00 Keel en Identne EN 1992-1-2:2004/AC:2008 EVS-EN 1090-3:2008 Eurokoodeks 2: Betoonkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 1-2: Üldreeglid. Tulepüsivus Hind 305,00 Keel en Identne EN 1090-3:2008 Teraskonstruktsioonide ja EVS-EN 1994-2:2005/AC:2008 alumiiniumkonstruktsioonide valmistamine. Osa 3: Hind 0,00 Tehnilised nõuded alumiiniumkonstruktsioonidele Identne EN 1994-2:2005/AC:2008 This European Standard specifies requirements for the Eurokoodeks 4: Terasest ja betoonist execution of aluminium structural components and komposiit-konstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 2: structures made from: a) rolled sheet, strip and plate; b) Üldreeglid ja reeglid sildade projekteerimiseks. extrusions; c) cold drawn rod, bar and tube; d) forgings; Keel en e) castings. This European Standard specifies EVS-EN 1994-1-2:2005/AC:2008 requirements independent of the type and shape of the aluminium structure, and this European Standard is Hind 0,00 applicable to structures under predominantly static loads Identne EN 1994-1-2:2005/AC:2008 as well as structures subject to fatigue. It specifies Eurokoodeks 4 - Terasest ja betoonist requirements related to the execution classes that are komposiitkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 1- linked with consequence classes. 2: Üldeeskirjad.Tulepüsivusarvutus. Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 1367-6:2008 EVS-EN 12812:2008 Hind 95,00 Hind 208,00 Identne EN 1367-6:2008 Identne EN 12812:2008 Tests for thermal and weathering properties of Falsework - Performance requirements and general aggregates - Part 6: Determination of resistance to design freezing and thawing in the presence of salt (NaCl) This European Standard specifies performance This European Standard specifies a method of requirements and limit state design methods for two assessing the frost resistance of an aggregate when it is design classes of falsework. It sets out the rules that subjected to the cyclic action of freezing and thawing in have to be taken into account to produce a safe the presence of 1 % solution of NaCl in de-ionized or falsework structure. It also provides information where distilled water. The results of this test provide a means falsework is required to support a "permanent structure", for assessing an aggregate’s resistance to this form of or where the design or supply of falsework has to be weathering in areas where frequent freeze-thaw cycling commissioned. This European Standard also gives occurs with seawater sprays or abundant de-icers information on foundations. This European Standard conditions, and where result values of EN 1367-1 test does not specify requirements for formwork, although method do not describe correctly aggregate formwork may be a part of the falsework construction. performance in extreme conditions. This European Nor does it provide information on access and working Standard gives the option to control the thawing scaffolds, which is given in EN 12811-1. This European sequence either by immersion in water or by using air Standard does not provide information about site circulation in the low temperature cabinet to obtain the activities. It does not provide information about the use required reference temperature. This test method is of some standardized products, including timber applicable to coarse aggregates or to coarse formwork beams conforming to EN 13377 and props aggregates' fractions of all-in materials. This method is conforming to EN 1065. not appropriate for lightweight aggregates covered by Keel en EN 13055 or aggregates which can not be submitted to 110 °C oven drying. Asendab EVS-EN 12812:2004 Keel en

115 EVS-EN 13015:2001+A1:2008 EVS-EN 15377-1:2008 Hind 151,00 Hind 233,00 Identne EN 13015:2001+A1:2008 Identne EN 15377-1:2008 Liftide ja eskalaatorite tehnohooldus. Hoonete küttesüsteemid. Kaetud vesi-pindkütte- ja - Tehnohooldusjuhendite reeglid KONSOLIDEERITUD jahutussüsteemide projekteerimine. Osa 1: Kütte ja TEKST jahutuse võimsuse määramine This European Standard specifies the elements This European Standard is applicable to water based necessary for the preparation of the instructions for the surface heating and cooling systems in residential, maintenance operations, as in 3.1, which are provided commercial and industrial buildings. The methods apply for new installed passenger lifts, goods passenger lifts, to systems integrated into the wall, floor or ceiling accessible goods only lifts, service lifts, escalators and construction without any open air gaps. The methods do passenger conveyors. This European Standard does not not apply to heated or chilled ceiling panels or beams. cover: a) instructions for the installation and the This European Standard provides steady-state dismantling; b) any legal examinations and tests based calculation methods for determination of the heating and on national regulations. Existing installations are not cooling capacity (part 1). This European Standard covered by this Standard, but it can be taken as a estimates an equivalent system resistance to be used in reference. dynamic building simulation programs. This European Keel en Standard applies also, as appropriate, to the use of Asendab EVS-EN 13015:2001 other fluids instead of water. A separate standard provides a method for design, dimensioning and EVS-EN 13077:2008 installation of the system (part 2). This European Hind 123,00 Standard is not applicable for testing or certification of Identne EN 13077:2008 systems. A separate standard provides a method and Devices to prevent pollution by backflow of potable guidance on how to optimise the design for use of water - Air gap with non-circular overflow renewable energy sources and take system dynamic (unrestricted) - Family A-Type B effects into account (part 3). This European Standard specifies the characteristics Keel en and the requirements of air gap with non-circular EVS-EN 15377-2:2008 overflow (unrestricted) Family A, Type B for nominal flow Hind 151,00 velocity not exceeding 3 m/s. Air gaps are devices for Identne EN 15377-2:2008 protection of potable water in water installations from Hoonete küttesüsteemid.Kaetud vesi-pindkütte- ja - pollution. This European Standard applies to air gaps in jahutussüsteemide projekteerimine. Osa 2: factory assembled products and to constructed air gaps in situ, and defines the physico-chemical characteristics Projekteerimine, dimensioneerimine ja paigaldus of materials of construction used for the purpose and This European Standard is applicable to water based application to ensure compliance with this European surface heating and cooling systems in buildings as Standard during normal working use. defined in prEN 15377-1. Physiological limitations are Keel en taken into account when specifying the maximum and minimum surface temperature. The design is based on Asendab EVS-EN 13077:2004 performance characteristic curves and limit curves EVS-EN 15092:2008 calculated in accordance with prEN 15377-1 and EN Hind 180,00 1264. Design considerations for heating and cooling Identne EN 15092:2008 systems are specified. Building valves - Inline hot water supply tempering Keel en valves - Tests and requirements EVS-EN 60335-2-51:2003/A1:2008 This European Standard specifies, dimensions, Hind 73,00 materials and performance requirements (including Identne EN 60335-2-51:2003/A1:2008 methods of test) for in line, hot water supply tempering ja identne IEC 60335-2-51:2002/A1:2008 valves for sanitary hot water systems, of nominal sizes Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. from DN 15 to DN 50. Tempering valves reduce the temperature of sanitary hot water for distribution Ohutus. Osa 2-51: Erinõuded kütte- ja throughout the hot water system. The conditions of use tarbeveepaigaldiste statsionaarsetele are specified in Table 1. ringluspumpadele The valves are intended to be used with storage water Deals with the safety of electric stationary circulation heaters to provide tempered hot water to the terminal pumps intended for use in heating systems or in service fitting. They are not intended to control the temperature water systems, having a rated power input not exceeding at the point of use. Tempering valves control the 300 W, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for distribution temperature from a water heater to a preset single-phase and 480 V for other appliances. Hydraulic value or an adjustable range, both between 45 °C and and electric parts of the pump may be in the same 65 °C. enclosure, so that the water serves as a coolant, or they Keel en maybe seperate. This standard does not apply to pumps for circulating liquids other than water; pumps, other than circulation pumps (IEC 60335-2-41); circulation pumps intended exclusively for industrial purposes; circulation pumps intended for locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapor, or gas) Keel en

116 EVS-EN 60335-2-78:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN ISO 21003-1:2008 Hind 73,00 Hind 104,00 Identne EN 60335-2-78:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN ISO 21003-1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-78:2002/A1:2008 ja identne ISO 21003-1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water Ohutus. Osa 2-78: Erinõuded aiagrillidele installations inside buildings - Part 1: General Deals with the safety of electric outdoor barbecues for This part of ISO 21003 specifies the general aspects of household and similar use, their rated voltage being not multilayer piping systems intended to be used for hot more than 250 V. This standard does not apply to and cold water installations inside buildings for the barbecues for indoor use, appliances intended to burn conveyance of water — whether or not the water is charcoal or similar combustible fuels, appliances intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or intended exclusively for industrial purposes, appliances heating systems — under specified design pressures intended to be used in locations where special and temperatures appropriate to the class of application conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive (see Table 1). ISO 21003 is a reference product or explosive atmosphere (dust, vapor or gas) standard (see 3.4.3). It is applicable to multilayer pipes, Keel en fittings, their joints, and also to joints with components made of other plastics and non-plastics materials EVS-EN 60335-2-83:2003/A1:2008 intended to be used for hot and cold water installations. Hind 73,00 This part of ISO 21003 is intended for use only in Identne EN 60335-2-83:2002/A1:2008 conjunction with all the other parts of ISO 21003. ISO ja identne IEC 60335-2-83:2001/A1:2008 21003 applies only to multilayer pipes with their inner Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. layer made of plastics. Ohutus. Osa 2-83: Erinõuded katuse soojendatud Keel en veeneeludele EVS-EN ISO 21003-2:2008 This standard deals with the safety of electrically heated Hind 141,00 gullies for de-icing the inlet of the drainage system of flat Identne EN ISO 21003-2:2008 roofs, balconies, and similar structures, their rated ja identne ISO 21003-2:2008 voltage being not more than 250 V. Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water Keel en installations inside buildings - Part 2: Pipes EVS-EN 62055-31:2008 This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics of Hind 246,00 pipes for multilayer piping systems intended to be used Identne EN 62055-31:2005 for hot and cold water installations inside buildings for ja identne IEC 62055-31:2005 the conveyance of water — whether or not the water is Electricity metering - Payment systems -- Part 31: intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or Particular requirements - Static payment meters for heating systems — under specified design pressures and temperatures appropriate to the class of application active energy (classes 1 and 2) (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It also specifies the This part of IEC 62055 applies to newly manufactured, test parameters for the test methods referred to in this static watt-hour payment meters of accuracy classes 1 part of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 is a reference product and 2 for direct connection, for the measurement of standard. It is applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their alternating current electrical energy consumption of a joints, and also to joints with components made of other frequency in the range 45 Hz to 65 Hz that include a plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used load switch for the purpose of interruption or restoration for hot and cold water installations. This part of ISO of the electricity supply to the load in accordance with 21003 is intended for use only in conjunction with all the the current value of the available credit maintained in the other parts of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 covers a range of payment meter. It does not apply to static watt-hour service conditions (application classes) and design payment meters where the voltage across the pressures. It is not applicable for values of design connection terminals exceeds 600 V (line-to-line voltage temperature, TD, maximum design temperature, Tmax, for meters for polyphase systems). It applies to payment and malfunction temperature, Tmal, in excess of those in meters for indoor application only, where the payment Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008. meter shall be mounted as for normal service (i.e. Keel en together with a specified matching socket where applicable). Keel en EVS-EN ISO 10426-6:2008 Hind 104,00 Identne EN ISO 10426-6:2008 ja identne ISO 10426-6:2008 Nafta- ja maagaasitööstused. Tsemendid ja materjalid kaevude tsementeerimiseks. Osa 6: Tsemendi koostisesse kuuluva staatilise geeli tugevuse määramise meetodid This part of ISO 10426 specifies requirements and provides test methods for the determination of static gel strength (SGS) of cement slurries and related materials under simulated well conditions. Keel en

117 EVS-EN ISO 21003-3:2008 EVS-HD 384.5.537 S2:2008 Hind 104,00 Hind 162,00 Identne EN ISO 21003-3:2008 Identne HD 384.5.537 S2:1998 ja identne ISO 21003-3:2008 ja identne IEC 60364-5-537:198+A1:1989 Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water Electrical installations of buildings -- Part 5: installations inside buildings - Part 3: Fittings Selection and erection of electrical equipment -- This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics of Chapter 53: Switchgear and controlgear - Section fittings for multilayer piping systems intended to be used 537: Devices for isolation and switching for hot and cold water installations inside buildings for Deals with devices for isolation, devices for switching-off the conveyance of water — whether or not the water is for mechanical maintenance, devices for emergency intended for human consumption (domestic systems) or switching and functional switching devices. for heating systems — under specified design pressures Keel en and temperatures appropriate to the class of application (see Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008). It also specifies the ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID test parameters for the test methods referred to in this part of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 is a reference product CEN/TS 14631:2003 standard. It is applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their Identne CEN/TS 14631:2003 joints, and also to joints with components made of other Automaatne posti töötlemine. Automaatne mahutite plastics and non-plastics materials intended to be used ja konteinerite tuvastamine. Mahutite numeratsioon for hot and cold water installations. This part of ISO This Technical Specification specifies a mechanism for 21003 is intended for use only in conjunction with all the the unique identification of individual receptacles. other parts of ISO 21003. This part of ISO 21003 covers It defines the method of construction of the identifier, fusion, solvent-cemented and mechanical fittings for a referred to as the receptacle asset number, and range of service conditions (application classes) and specifies one required and a number of optional design pressures. It is not applicable for values of design methods by which this identifier may be associated with temperature, TD, maximum design temperature, Tmax, (affixed to) the receptacle itself and malfunction temperature, Tmal, in excess of those in Table 1 of ISO 21003-1:2008. Keel en Keel en Asendatud CEN/TS 14631:2005 EVS-EN ISO 21003-5:2008 EVS 839:2003 Hind 104,00 ja identne EVS 839:2003 Identne EN ISO 21003-5:2008 Sisekliima ja identne ISO 21003-5:2008 Käesolev Eesti standard sisaldab hoonete sisekliima parameetritele ja tingimustele esitatavaid nõudeid, mis Multilayer piping systems for hot and cold water on määratud elu- ja avalike hoonete projekteerimisel, installations inside buildings - Part 5: Fitness for ekspluateerimisel ja ekspertiiside tegemisel purpose of the system kasutamiseks. This part of ISO 21003 specifies the characteristics for Keel et the fitness for purpose of multilayer piping systems intended to be used for hot and cold water installations Asendatud EVS-EN 15251:2007 inside buildings for the conveyance of water — whether EVS-EN 81-3:2001 or not the water is intended for human consumption Identne EN 81-3:2000 (domestic systems) or for heating systems — under Liftide valmistamise ja paigaldamise specified design pressures and temperatures ohutuseeskirjad. Osa 3: Elektrilised ja hüdraulilised appropriate to the class of application (see Table 1 of teenindusliftid ISO 21003:2008). It also specifies the test parameters for the test methods referred to in this part of ISO 21003. This standard specifies the safety rules for the ISO 21003 is a reference product standard. It is construction and installation of permanently installed applicable to multilayer pipes, fittings, their joints, and new electric lifts with traction or positive drive, or also to joints with components made of other plastics hydraulic service lifts defined as lifting equipment, and non-plastics materials intended to be used for hot serving defined landing levels, having a car, the interior and cold water installations. This part of ISO 21003 is of which is regarded as inaccessible to persons on intended for use only in conjunction with all the other account of its dimensions and means of construction, parts of ISO 21003. ISO 21003 covers a range of service suspended by ropes or chains or supported by ram and conditions (application classes) and design pressures. It moving between rigid vertical guide rails or guide rails is not applicable for values of design temperature, TD, whose inclination to the vertical does not exceed 15° and maximum design temperature, Tmax, and malfunction driven electrically or hydraulically. This standard covers temperature, Tmal, in excess of those in Table 1 of ISO service lifts with rated load not exceeding 300 21003-1:2008. kilogrammes and not intended to move persons. Keel en Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 81-3:2001+A1:2008

118 EVS-EN 115:1999 EVS-EN 508-3:2001 Identne EN 115:1995+A1:1998 Identne EN 508-3:2000 Eskalaatorite ja sõidukonveierite valmistamise ja Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification paigaldamise ohutuseeskirjad for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or See standard kehtib kõigi uute eskalaatorite ja stainless steel sheet - Part 3: Stainless steel sõidukonveierite kohta (plaat- või lintkonveieri tüüpi). This part of the Standard specifies requirements for self See standard ei kehti olemasolevate eskalaatorite ja supporting roofing products for discontinuous laying sõidukonveierite kohta. Soovitatav on kohandada need made from stainless steel sheet with or without siiski käesoleva standardi nõuetele vastavaks. additional metallic and/or organic coatingsThe standard Keel en establishes general characteristics, definitions, Asendatud prEN 115 rev; EVS-EN 115-1:2008 classifications and labelling for the products, together with requirments for the materials from which the EVS-EN 115:1999/A2:2004 products can be manufactured. It is intended to be used Identne EN 115:1995/A2:2004 either by manufacturers to ensure that their products Eskalaatorite ja sõidukonveierite valmistamise ja comply with the requirements or by purchasers to verify paigaldamise ohutuseeskirjad that the products complywhen purchased before they See standard kehtib kõigi uute eskalaatorite ja are despatched from the factory. It specifies the sõidukonveierite kohta (plaat- või lintkonveieri tüüpi). requirements for products which enable to meet all See standard ei kehti olemasolevate eskalaatorite ja normal service conditions. sõidukonveierite kohta. Soovitatav on kohandada need Keel en siiski käesoleva standardi nõuetele vastavaks. Asendatud EVS-EN 508-3:2008 Keel en EVS-EN 508-1:2003 Asendab EVS-EN 115-1:2008 Identne EN 508-1:2000 EVS-EN 200:2005 Lehtmetallist katusetooted. Isekandvate lehtterasest, Identne EN 200:2004 alumiiniumist ja roostevabast lehtterasest Sanitary tapware - Single taps and combination taps valmistatud toodete spetsifikatsioon. Osa 1: Teras (PN 10) - General technical specification Standardi EN 508 käesolev osa määrab kindlaks This European Standard specifies: - the field of nõuded isekandvatele mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele application for pillar taps, bib taps, single and multi-hole katusetoodetele, mis on valmistatud metallkattega ning combination taps : - for a supply system (Type 1, see täiendava orgaanilise kattega või katteta lehtterasest. Figure 1 ) ; - for a supply system (Type 2, see Figure 2 ) Standard kehtestab toodete üldised parameetrid, ;- the dimensional, leaktightness, pressure resistance, määratlused, klassifikatsiooni ning etikettimise koos hydraulic, mechanical strength, endurance and acoustic nõuetega materjalidele, millest neid tooteid võib characteristics of nominal size ½ and ¾ single taps and valmistada. Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii combination taps; - test methods to verify the tootjate poolt, tagamaks toodete vastavuse nõuetele, kui characteristics ka ostjate poolt, veendumaks, et ostetud tooted Keel en vastavad nõuetele enne nende tehasest väljastamist. Standard spetsifitseerib nõuded toodetele, mida on Asendab EVS-EN 200:2000 võimalik kasutada kõigis normaalsetes Asendatud EVS-EN 200:2008 ekspluatatsioonitingimustes. Standard kehtib kõigile EVS-EN 506:2001 mittepidevalt paigaldatavatele isekandvatele Identne EN 506:2000 väliskasutuse profileeritud katuseplaatidele. Profileeritud katuseplaatide ülesandeks on takistada tuule, vihma ja Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification lume hoonesse sattumist ning edastada kõik for self-supporting products of copper or zinc sheet summaarsed koormused ja harvaesinevad This Standard specifies requirements for self supporting hoolduskoormused kandekonstruktsioonile. Standard ei roofing products for discontinuous laying made from sisalda nõudeid kandekonstruktsiooni, katusesüsteemi copper or zinc-copper-titanium alloy sheet with or kujunduse ning ühenduste ja liiteplekkide teostuse kohta. without additional organic coatings. The standard Keel et establishes general characteristics, definitions and labelling for the products, together with requirements for Asendab EVS-EN 508-1:2001 the materials fromwhich the products can be Asendatud EVS-EN 508-1:2008 manufactured. It is intended to be used either by manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with the requirements or by purchasers to verify that the products comply before they are despatched from the factory. It specifies the requirements for products which enable them to meet all normal service conditions. The standard applies to all discontinuously laid self supporting external profiled sheets for roofing. These profiled roof sheets are designed to keep wind, rain and snow out of the building and to transfer any resultant loads and infrequent maintenance loads to the structure. Keel en Asendatud EVS-EN 506:2008

119 EVS-EN 508-2:2001 KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS Identne EN 508-2:2000 Roofing products from metal sheet -Specification of EN 996:1999/A1 self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or Identne EN 996:1995/A1:1999 stainless steel sheet - Part 2: Aluminium Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 This Standard specifies requirements for self supporting Vaiarammimisseadmed. Ohutusnõuded roofing products for discontinuous laying made from See Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks ohutusnõuded aluminium sheet with or without additional organic vaiarammimisseadmete tarvis, mis sobivad järgmisteks coatings. This Standard establishes the ülesanneteks: a) vundamentide, sulundseinte või general characteristics, definitions, classifications and tugimüüride ehitamine, kasutades vaiu või muid labelling for the products, together with requirements for pikielemente, b) vaiade eemaldamine, c) väljavoolu- või the materials from which the products can be sissevooluelementide paigaldamine. Vaiamaterjaliks manufactured. It is intended to be used either by võib olla puit, betoon (monteeritav või kohapeal valatav) manufacturers to ensure that their product comply before või teras (torud või valtsprofiilid). Peale selle võib vaiadel they are despatched from the factory. It specifies the olla omavahelise lukustamise võimalus, et kõrvuti vaiu requirements for products which enable them to meet all ühendada. normal service conditions. Keel en Keel en EN 1996-3 Asendatud EVS-EN 508-2:2008 Identne EN 1996-3:2006 EVS-EN 817:2000 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 817:1997 Eurokoodeks 6: Kivikonstruktsioonide Sanitaartehnilised kraanitarvikud. Mehaanilised projekteerimine. Osa 3: Lihtsustatud segistid (PN 10). Üldtehnilised nõuded arvutus-meetodid sarrustamata Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks: - kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimiseks. SISALDAB dimensionaalsed parameetrid, lekkekindluse, RAHVUSLIKKU LISA mehaanilised ja hüdraulilised parameetrid, mehaanilise EN 1996-3 esitab lihtsustatud arvutused armeerimata väsimustugevuse ja akustilised parameetrid, millele müüritisele järgmistel juhtudel: - vertikaalselt ja tuulega segistiga kraanid vastama peavad; - meetodid nende koormatud seinad; - koondatud jõuga koormatud omaduste testimiseks. Standard kehtib mehaanilise seinad; - diafragmad (nihkele töötavad seinad); - segistiga kraanide kohta, mis on ette nähtud mullasurve ja vertikaalkoormusega koormatud kasutamiseks sanitaartehnilistes seadmetes keldriseinad; - ainult tuulega koormatud seinad. pesemisruumides (tualettruumides, vannitubades jne.) ja köökides. Keel et Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 1996-3:2006 Asendatud EVS-EN 817:2008 EN 1996-3/NA EVS-EN 12812:2004 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Identne EN 12812:2004 Eurokoodeks 6: Kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 3: Lihtsustatud Falsework - Performance requirements and general arvutus-meetodid sarrustamata design kivikonstruktsioonide projekteerimiseks. This European Standard specifies performance RAHVUSLIK LISA requirements and limit state design methods for two design classes of falsework.It sets out the rules that a Käesolevas rahvuslikus lisas NA on esitatud need designer has to take into account to produce a safe Euroopa standardi punktid ja jaotised, mille puhul Eestis falsework structure.It also provides information for the rakendatakse erinõudeid, aga ka need, kus person who requires falsework to support a "permanent rakendatakse standardis soovitatud metoodikaid, arvulisi structure" and who needs to commission its design or väärtusi jms. supply. This European Standard also gives information Keel et on foundations. EN 12418:2000/prA1 Keel en Identne EN 12418:2000/prA1:2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 12812:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EVS-EN 13015:2001 Müüritis- ja kivitükelduspingid tööobjektil. Ohutus Identne EN 13015:2001 This European Standard applies to masonry and stone Liftide ja eskalaatorite tehnohooldus. cutting-off machines stationary during work, principally Tehnohooldusjuhendite reeglid used on job site building construction for cutting-off This standard specifies the elements necessary for the stones, other mineral construction materials and preparation of the instructions for the maintenance composite materials having at least one supporting operations, which are provided for new installed surface. passenger lifts, goods passengers lifts, service lifts, Keel en accessible goods only lifts, service lifts, escalators and EN 13263-1:2005/prA1 passenger conveyors. Identne EN 13263-1:2005/prA1:2008 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Asendatud EVS-EN 13015:2001+A1:2008 Räniaurud betoonile. Osa 1: Definitsioonid, nõuded ja vastavuskriteeriumid This European Standard applies to the silica fume which is a by-product of the smelting process used to produce silicon metal and ferro-silicon alloys. Keel en 120 EN 13263-2:2005/prA1 prEN 459-1 Identne EN 13263-2:2005/prA1:2008 Identne prEN 459-1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Räniaurud betoonile. Osa 2: Vastavushindamine Ehituslubi. Osa 1: Määratlused, spetsifikatsioon ja This part of prEN 13263 specifies the scheme for the vastavuskriteeriumid evaluation of conformity of silica fume to prEN 13263-1, This European Standard applies to building lime used including certification of conformity by a certification for - preparation of binder for mortar (for example for body. masonry, rendering and plastering), - production of Keel en other construction products (for example calcium silicate EN 15027:2007/prA1 bricks, autoclaved aerated concrete, concrete, etc.), - civil engineering applications (for example soil treatment, Identne EN 15027:2008/prA1:2008 hot mix asphalt, etc.). It gives definitions for the different Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 types of building lime and its classification. It also gives Kantav seinasaag ja juhtmelõikur töökohal requirements for their chemical and physical properties kasutamiseks. Ohutus which depend on the type of building lime and specifies The global description “wall saw and wire saw the conformity criteria. Terms of delivery or other equipment” contains two differing types of machines for contractual conditions, normally included in documents use in the construction industry, and both used to make exchanged between the supplier and the purchaser of cuts on walls, ceilings and floors composed of mineral building lime, are outside the scope of this European construction materials and/or composite materials. The Standard. many different cutting tasks and choice of operating Keel en method determine the type of machine to be used for Asendab EVS-EN 459-1:2006 each application. The machines may therefore be split prEN 13141-2 into the following two principal classifications:- Wall saws – exclusively rail guided – transportable.- Wire saws – Identne prEN 13141-2:2008 transportable.The machines are intended for the use of Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 diamond tools. The types of cutting tools used in Hoonete ventilatsioon – Elamute conjunction with the machines as described above fall ventilatsiooniseadmete ja -komponentide within the design and use parameters supplied by the katsetamine – Osa 2: Väljatõmbe ja sissepuhke manufacturer. Cutting debry generated by the cutting lõppelemendid action is removed from the cutting joint by a medium This European Standard specifies laboratory methods such as water directed to the cutting tool. Machines for testing exhaust and supply air terminal devices covered by this standard may be powered by: electric operating under pressure differences. It applies to motor, IC engine, electro-hydraulic drive and IC engine- devices used in mechanical and natural powered hydraulic drive. residential ventilation systems, of the following types: - Keel en device with a manually adjustable opening or; - device prEN 459-2 with a fixed opening or; - pressure difference controlled Identne prEN 459-2:2008 device. It describes tests intended to characterize: - flow rate/pressure; - air diffusion characteristics (for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 supply air terminal devices); - noise production for Ehituslubi. Osa 2: Katsemeetodid components of systems; - insertion loss of component This European Standard describes the test methods for of systems; - sound insulation. all building limes covered by EN 459-1:2008. This Keel en European Standard describes reference test methods Asendab EVS-EN 13141-2:2004 and in some cases alternative test methods. In the event of a dispute, only the reference method is used. If prEN 13141-7 methods other than the following are used it is Identne prEN 13141-7:2008 necessary to show that they give results equivalent to Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 those given by the reference methods. Hoonete ventilatsioon – Elamute Keel en ventilatsiooniseadmete ja -komponentide Asendab EVS-EN 459-2:2002 katsetamine – Osa 7: Ühepereelamutele mõeldud sundventilatsiooni süsteemide sissepuhke/ /väljatõmbe seadmete (sh. soojustagastuse) katsetamine This part of EN 13141 specifies the laboratory test methods and test requirements for the testing of aerodynamic, thermal and acoustic performance, and the electrical power of a mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation unit used in a single dwelling. It covers unit that contain at least, within one or more casing: - supply and exhaust air fans; - air filters - air-to-air heat exchanger and/or Exhaust Air-to-Outdoor Air heat pump for exhaust air heat recovery; - control system. Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 13141-7:2004

121 prEN 15304 93 RAJATISED Identne prEN 15304:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 UUED STANDARDID Determination of the freeze-thaw resistance of CEN/TS 13476-4:2008 autoclaved aerated concrete Hind 151,00 This document specifies a method of determining the freeze-thaw resistance of autoclaved aerated concrete Identne CEN/TS 13476-4:2008 manufactured according to prEN 12602 or EN 771-4. Plastics piping systems for non-pressure Keel en underground drainage and sewerage - Structured- wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl Asendab EVS-EN 15304:2007 chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and prEN 15854 polyethylene (PE) - Part 4: Guidance for the Identne prEN 15854:2008 assessment of conformity Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 This CEN Technical Specification gives guidance for the Ventilation for buildings - Air Diffusion - assessment of conformity to be included in the Aerodynamic testing and rating for mixed flow manufacturer's quality plan as part of the quality system. application: non-isothermal procedure for a cold jet This Technical Specification includes: a) requirements This European Standard specifies methods for the for materials, components and joints given in EN 13476- laboratory aerodynamic testing and rating of air terminal 1, EN 13476-2 and EN 13476-3; b) requirements for the devices for mixed flow applications, including the manufacturer's quality; NOTE 1 It is recommended that specification of suitable test facilities and measurement the quality system conforms to EN ISO 9001:2000 [1]. techniques. This standard applies to laboratory testing of c) definitions and procedures to be applied if third party ATD for technical characterisation Note this standard certification is involved. This standard is applicable to: may also be used in principle for full scale mock-up or d) structured-wall pipes and fittings, which are intended on site tests. The standard gives only tests for the to be used buried in ground outside the building assessment of characteristics of the air terminal devices structure only; reflected in the marking of products by “U”; for mixed flow applications, under non-isothermal e) structured-wall pipes and fittings, which are intended conditions with a cold jet. The testing of isothermal air to be used buried in ground both outside (application terminal devices is specified in EN 12238. The testing of area code “U”) and within the building structure low velocity air terminal devices is specified in EN (application area code “D”); reflected in the marking of 12239. This European Standard applies to ventilation or products by “UD”. In conjunction with EN 13476-2 and air conditioning systems designed for the maintenance EN 13476-3 it is applicable to structured-wall pipes and of comfort conditions for buildings. It is not applicable in fittings with or without an integral socket with elastomeric the case of systems for the control of industrial or other ring seal joints as well as welded and fused joints. special process environments. In the latter case Keel en however, it may be referred to if the system technology EVS-EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 is similar to that of the above mentioned ventilation and Hind 190,00 air conditioning systems. The principles described in this Identne EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 European standard can also be used on site or in a lab for full scale measurements. Teepiirdesüsteemid. Osa 5: Toodetele esitatavad Keel En nõuded ja sõidukite turvasüsteemide vastavushindamine KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST prEVS 875-10 This European Standard specifies requirements for Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 evaluation of conformity of the following vehicle restraint Vara hindamine. Osa 10: Hinnatava objekti ülevaatus systems: a) safety barriers; b) crash cushions; c) Standardiseeria EVS 875 käsitleb vara hindamist. terminals (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes Standardite kasutusalaks on vara hindamise ja an EN); d) transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317- hinnangute kasutamisega seotud tegevused, eelkõige 4 becomes an EN); e) vehicle / pedestrian parapets laenutagatiste ja finantsaruandlusega seotud tegevused. (only for the vehicle restraint function). Pedestrian Standardite kasutajateks on vara hindajad, parapet requirements are not covered in this document. kinnisvaraspetsialistid, ehitusspetsialistid, Requirements for the evaluation of durability with respect keskkonnaspetsialistid, finantsaruandlusega tegelevad to weathering are included in this document. spetsialistid (raamatupidajad, audiitorid), Requirements for other forms of durability (e.g. marine krediidiasutused, kõrgemad õppeasutused.Standardite environment, sand abrasion) are not included. olemasolu loob aluse vara hindamise ühtsele Temporary barriers are not within the scope of this käsitlusele, rahuldades nii era- kui ka avaliku sektori document. vajadusi. Keel en Keel et Asendab EVS-EN 1317-5:2007 EVS-EN 1992-2:2005/AC:2008 Hind 0,00 Identne EN 1992-2:2005/AC:2008 Eurokoodeks 2: Raudbetoonkonstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 2: Betoonsillad. Arvutus- ja detailiseerimisreeglid. Keel en

122 EVS-EN 1994-2:2005/AC:2008 EVS-ENV 50235:2008 Hind 0,00 Hind 141,00 Identne EN 1994-2:2005/AC:2008 Identne ENV 50235:1997 Eurokoodeks 4: Terasest ja betoonist Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - komposiit-konstruktsioonide projekteerimine. Osa 2: Signs: Equipment specifications and tests Üldreeglid ja reeglid sildade projekteerimiseks. This standard covers signs installed in the movement Keel en area to provide pilots and vehicle operators with EVS-EN 13848-1:2004+A1:2008 information. The Standard is applicable to signs with built-in illumination arrangements using tungsten Hind 162,00 filament, tubular flourescent and other discharge lamps Identne EN 13848-1:2003+A1:2008 on supply voltages not exceeding 1000 V. The standard Raudteealased rakendused/Rööbastee. Rööbastee shall not apply to non-illuminated signs or signs geomeetria kvaliteet. Osa 1: Rööbastee geomeetria illuminated by external light sources. The object is to iseloomustus KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST provide design and construction specifications for the This European Standard specifies the requirements for signs that are considered necessary to meet the the homologation of track geometry quality parameters operational standards adopted by ICAO and to cover all as measured by various measuring devices fitted on aspects of safety (electrical, thermal and mechanical). track recording vehicles. These measuring devices are The signs may be energised from parallel power supply described in Part 2 of the standard. This European or by connection to a constant current series circuit used Standard applies to all track geometry parameters for taxiway or runway lighting systems. including track gauge, longitudinal level, alignment, Keel en cross level (cant / superelevation) and twist. It defines each parameter and specifies the requirements for ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID measurement, the analysis methods and the EVS-EN 1317-5:2007 presentation of results. Parts 3 and 4 give a description of measuring devices complying partially with this Part 1 Identne EN 1317-5:2007 according to the specificities of respectively track Teepiirdesüsteemid. Osa 5: Toodetele esitatavad construction and maintenance machines, and manual nõuded ja sõidukite turvasüsteemide and lightweight devices vastavushindamine Keel en This document specifies requirements for evaluation of Asendab EVS-EN 13848-1:2004 conformity of the following vehicle restraint systems: • safety barriers; • crash cushions; • terminals (will be EVS-ENV 50230:2008 effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes an EN); • Hind 104,00 transitions (will be effective when ENV 1317-4 becomes Identne ENV 50230:1997 an EN); • vehicle / pedestrian parapets (only for the Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - vehicle restraint function) Control and monitoring systems: General Keel en requirements Asendatud EVS-EN 1317-5:2007+A1:2008 This prestandard specifies general requirement for control and monitoring system of aviation ground lighting KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS installation. The purpose of this prestandard is to provide EN 500-4:2006/prA1 a set of requirements which are applicaable to the control and monitoring system of aviation ground lighting Identne EN 500-4:2006/prA2:2008 installation. Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Keel en Liikuvad tee-ehitusmasinad. Ohutus. Osa 4: EVS-ENV 50234:2008 Erinõuded tihendusmasinatele Hind 151,00 This part of EN 500 specifies the safety requirements for compaction machines as defined in Clause 3 and deals Identne ENV 50234:1997 with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation - events relevant to compaction machines, when they are Flashing lights: Equipment specifications and tests used as intended and under conditions of misuse which This prestandard specifies general requirements for are reasonably foreseeable. classification of flashing light systems used on airports Keel en or for ground based aviation lighting systems, for the EN 13862:2002/prA1 luminaries, for the control cabinets and for their mechanical and electrical construction erection, together Identne EN 13862:2001/prA1:2008 with the related tests. This prestandard is applicable to Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 flashing light systems used for: - Sequential flashing Floor cutting-off machines - Safety approach lighting systems; - Runway threshold This European Standard applies to self-propelled ride on identification lights; - Runway lead-in lighting systems; - and pedestrian controlled floor sawing machines having Medium and high intensity obstruction lighting systems. power feed, manual feed or hand feed for sawing, Alternately flashing lights used as runway guard lights grooving and milling floor surfaces made of concrete, are excluded from this prestandard. Attention is drawn to asphalt and similar mineral building materials where the the fact that this prestandard covers all aspects of safety main power is supplied by electric or internal combustion (electrical, thermal and mechanical). The purpose of this prime engine. prestandard is to provide a set of requirements and tests Keel en which are applicable to the luminaries and their control equipment. In general, this prestandard covers safety requirements for all components of the system. Keel en

123 EN 50490 prEN 1423 Identne EN 50490:2008 Identne prEN 1423:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of Teemärgistusmaterjalid. Pealepuistematerjalid. aerodromes - Technical requirements for Klaaskuulid, libisemisvastased materjalid ja nende aeronautical ground lighting control and monitoring segud systems - Units for selective switching and Käesolev Euroopa standard määrab nõuded järgmiste monitoring of individual lamps teemärgistamisel kasutatavate pealepuistematerjalide This European Standard is intended to give general laborkatsetele (tootmisohje) ja kvalifikatsiooni minimum frame requirements for units that are protseduuridele. Need materjalid puistatakse värvidele, independent of the technology used for switching and/or termoplastikule, külmale plastikule ja muule vedelas monitoring of individual or group of lamps in an AGL olekus pealekantavale märgistusmaterjalile kohe pärast series circuit. This European Standard • applies to the nende teepinnale kandmist. units that are directly electrically connected to the Keel en primary or secondary side of an AGL series circuit and Asendab prEN 1423 are needed to provide the selective switching and/or prEN 1790 monitoring of lamps, • does not cover communication protocols and application procedures, • does not treat Identne prEN 1790:2008 system aspects that influence the AGL operation. Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Keel en Teemärgistusmaterjalid. Kasutusvalmid EVS 867:2003+A1:2007/prA2 teekattemärgised ja identne EVS 867:2003+A1:2007 This standard specifies both identification and laboratory requirements for the specific characteristics of new Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 preformed road marking materials intended for Raudteealased rakendused. Reisijate ooteplatvormid permanent and temporary use. It includes annexes for Standard käsitleb raudteel reisijate ooteplatvormide test methods. It is not necessary, unless required, to projekteerimisele, ehitamisele ja hooldusele esitatavaid perform all the tests described. nõudeid, hõlmates nii uusi (ehitatavaid) kui ka Keel en olemasolevaid (rekonstrueeritavaid) ooteplatvorme, Asendab EVS-EN 1790:1999 juurdepääsuteid ooteplatvormidele ning juurdepääsuteel asuvaid ülekäigukohti. prEN 1824 Keel et Identne prEN 1824:2008 Asendab EVS 867:2003 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 prCEN/TS 15436-3 Teemärgistusmaterjalid. Teedel tehtavad katsed Identne prCEN/TS 15436-3:2008 This European Standard specifies the requirements for conducting road trials for road marking materials Tähtaeg 29.09.2008 intended for use in both permanent and temporary road Road service area maintenance equipment - Part 3: marking. Details are given for test sites, for the Classification application of road marking materials on the test sites, This Technical Specification defines the classification for the parameters to be measured and the frequency of criteria of the road service area maintenance equipment the measurements and for the presentation of the results described in the scope of EN 15436-1 and used for: - in the form of a test report. grass cutting and brushcutting; - mechanical plant Keel en cutting. This equipment is mounted on self-propelled Asendab EVS-EN 1824:2000 carrying vehicles, and is intended, on the one hand, for cutting and shredding grass and brushwood, and, on the prEN 1871 other hand, for trimming trees, saplings and bushes in Identne prEN 1871:2008 road service areas. Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Keel en Road marking materials - Paint, cold plastic and prEN 1317-6 thermoplastic marking materials - Physical properties Identne prEN 1317-6: 200 This European Standard specifies the laboratory Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 requirements and test methods for paint, cold plastic and thermoplastic road marking materials, both permanent Road restraint systems - Pedestrian restraint and temporary. systems - Part 6: Pedestrian Parapet Keel en This European Standard EN 1317-6 specifies geometrical and technical requirements and defines the Asendab EVS-EN 1871:2000 requirements for design and manufacture of pedestrian prEN 12802 parapets on bridges carrying a road or cycle path or Identne prEN 12802:2008 footpath/bridleway or on top of retaining walls and other Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 similar elevated structures. This European Standard Road marking materials - Laboratory methods for does not cover the requirements for: - Vehicle restraint systems or pedestrian restraint systems in residential, identification commercial or industrial buildings and within their This European Standard describes laboratory methods perimeter, - Non rigid rails ie rope, cables, - for the identification of road marking materials used in Transparency, - Risks relating to the climbing of horizontal signalization. It is not necessary, unless children. This European Standard covers pedestrian required, to perform all of the tests described. parapets placed on the market as kits (see 3.15). Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 12802:2000

124 prEN 13197 Identne prEN 13197:2008 97 OLME. MEELELAHUTUS. SPORT Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 UUED STANDARDID Road marking materials - Wear simulator Turntable This European Standard specifies the requirements for CEN/TS 15398:2008 wear simulator test for road marking materials intended Hind 171,00 for use in both permanent and temporary road markings Identne CEN/TS 15398:2008 including those with increased retroreflection under wet Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Floor and rain conditions, without road studs. It gives covering standard symbols description for the equipment and for test plate’s characteristics; it also gives description for the test This document establishes a system of graphic symbols method involving road marking materials application, for use in the marking of the following floor coverings test conditions during wear test, parameters to be and specifies the use of these symbols: - resilient floor measured, frequency of the measurements and coverings manufactured from plastics, linoleum, cork or expression of the results as a test report. This European rubber, excluding loose-laid mats; - textile floor Standard gives also the requirements to be followed coverings, excluding loose-laid mats; - laminate floor when the test is to be used for CE marking purposes. coverings; - floor panels for loose laying. Keel en Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 13197:2001 Asendab CEN/TS 15398:2006 prEN 13212 EVS-EN 13229:2002/A2:2004/AC:2007 Identne prEN 13212:2008 Hind 0,00 Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 Identne EN 13229:2001/A2:2004/AC:2007 Road marking materials - Requirements for factory Inset appliances including open fires fired by solid production control fuels - Requirements and test methods This European Standard gives the requirements for Keel en factory production control (FPC) for the manufacturer of EVS-EN 15500:2008 road marking materials This European Standard Hind 246,00 specifies which types of test have to be taken into Identne EN 15500:2008 consideration within the FPC but it leaves the precise Control for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning methods to be applied to be dependent on the characteristics of the manufacturer’s installation and applications - Electronic individual zone control production methods. The precise parameters and equipment methods will be found in the written procedures agreed The purpose of this standard is to specify the between the manufacturer and the third party applications, functionality set and application responsible for the initial assessment of the FPC. performance for electronic individual zone control Keel en equipment. The applications are for cooling and hot water or electrical heating as described in Annex B. This Asendab EVS-EN 13212:2001 standard applies specifically to individual zone control prEN 13459 equipment for maintaining temperature, humidity and air Identne prEN 13459:2008 flow as a function of occupancy and demand operated Tähtaeg 29.11.2008 with auxiliary electrical energy. Information required for Road marking materials - Sampling from storage and the operation of the equipment may be processed using testing either analogue or digital techniques or a combination of both. Safety requirements remain unaffected by this This European Standard specifies methods to obtain standard. This standard refers to the input and output representative samples of road marking materials for requirements of the controller and not of the input and testing and gives the appropriate test methods. The output devices as e. g. sensors and actuators. This methods to obtain representative samples are described standard covers fixed-function, configurable and as appropriate for the main product types, i.e. paint, cold programmable controllers. The control equipment may or plastics, thermoplastics, premix glass beads, drop-on may not be connected to a data-network however materials, preformed road markings and retroreflecting communications aspects are not covered by this road studs. standard. These devices could be applied for any kind of Keel en building, intermittent or non-intermittent occupation, Asendab EVS-ENV 13459-1:2000 residential or non residential (see Annex B). prEVS 875-10 Keel en Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-3:2003/A2:2008 Vara hindamine. Osa 10: Hinnatava objekti ülevaatus Hind 73,00 Standardiseeria EVS 875 käsitleb vara hindamist. Identne EN 60335-2-3:2002/A2:2008 Standardite kasutusalaks on vara hindamise ja ja identne IEC 60335-2-3:2002/A2:2008 hinnangute kasutamisega seotud tegevused, eelkõige Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. laenutagatiste ja finantsaruandlusega seotud tegevused. Ohutus. Osa 2-3: Erinõuded elektritriikraudadele Standardite kasutajateks on vara hindajad, kinnisvaraspetsialistid, ehitusspetsialistid, Deals with the safety of electric dry irons and steam keskkonnaspetsialistid, finantsaruandlusega tegelevad irons, including those with a separate water reservoir or spetsialistid (raamatupidajad, audiitorid), boiler having a capacity not exceeding 5 l, for household krediidiasutused, kõrgemad õppeasutused.Standardite and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more olemasolu loob aluse vara hindamise ühtsele than 250 V. käsitlusele, rahuldades nii era- kui ka avaliku sektori Keel en vajadusi. Keel et 125 EVS-EN 60335-2-10:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-26:2003/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 60335-2-10:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-26:2003/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-10:2002/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-26:2002/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste elektriseadmete Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. ohutus. Osa 2-10: Erinõuded Ohutus. Osa 2-26: Erinõuded kelladele põrandahooldusmasinatele ja Deals with the safety of electric clocks having a rated märgpuhastusmasinatele voltage of not more than 250 V. Examples of appliances Deals with the safety of electric floor treatment and wet that are within the scope of this standard are alarm scrubbing machines intended for household and similar clocks, spring-driven clocks with an electrically operated purposes, whose rated voltage is not more than 250 V. winding mechanism, clocks incorporating driving means Appliances not intended for normal household use but other than motors. This standard does not apply to which nevertheless may be a source of danger to the battery-operated clocks; appliances intended exclusively public, such as appliances intended to be used by for industrial purposes; appliances intended to be used laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms fall within in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the the scope of this standard. So far as practicable, this presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere (dust, standard deals with the common hazards presented by vapor or gas); clocks having other functions, whether or appliances which are encountered by everyone in and not in combination with time indication, such as master around the home. Use with IEC 335-1,3rd. control clocks and timers for cooking ranges, washing Keel en machines and similar appliances; clocks for "clocking in" purposes; clocks incorporating electronic circuits EVS-EN 60335-2-12:2003/A1:2008 only(refer to IEC 60065) Hind 73,00 Keel en Identne EN 60335-2-12:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-12:2002/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Majapidamis- ja muude taoliste elektriseadmete Identne EN 60335-2-28:2003/A1:2008 ohutus. Osa 2-12: Erinõuded soojendusplaatidele ja ja identne IEC 60335-2-28:2002/A1:2008 muudele taolistele seadmetele Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Deals with the safety of electric warming plates, warming trays and similar appliances intended to keep food or Ohutus. Osa 2-28: Erinõuded õmblusmasinatele vessels warm, for household and similar purposes, their Deals with the safety of electric sewing machines for rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances household and similar use, their rated voltage being not intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V and on farms, are also within the scope of this standard. for other appliances.Overlock machines and electrical Keel en sets are within the scope of the standard. Is to be used in conjunction with IEC 335-1 (third edition). EVS-EN 60335-2-16:2003/A1:2008 Keel en Hind 73,00 EVS-EN 60335-2-44:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-16:2003/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 ja identne IEC 60335-2-16:2002/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-44:2002/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. ja identne IEC 60335-2-44:2002/A1:2008 Ohutus. Osa 2-16: Erinõuded toidujäätmete konteineritele Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-44: Erinõuded triikimisseadmetele Deals with the safety of electric food waste disposers for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage Applicable to the safety of electric ironers, their rated being not more than 250 V. Is to be used in conjunction voltage being not more than 250 V for single phase and with IEC 335-1, third edition. 480 V for other appliances intended for household and Keel en similar purposes. Appliances intended to be used by laymen in shops, in light industry and on farms, are also within the scope of this standard Keel en EVS-EN 60335-2-47:2003/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 60335-2-47:2003/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-47:2002/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-47: Erinõuded kaubanduslikele elektrikeedupottidele Deals with the safety of electrically operated commercial boiling pans not intended for household use. The rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances connected between one phase and neutral, and 480 V for other appliances. Appliances which are within the scope of this standard are typically used in restaurants, canteens, hospitals and commercial enterprises such as bakeries, butcheries,etc. The electrical part of appliances making use of other forms of energy is also witin the scope of this standard Keel en 126 EVS-EN 60335-2-52:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-85:2003/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 60335-2-52:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-85:2003/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-52:2002/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-85:2002/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-52: Erinõuded Ohutus. Osa 2-85: Erinõuded riideaurutitele suuhügieeniseadmetele Deals with the safety of electric fabric steamers intended Deals with the safety of electric oral hygiene appliances for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage for househols and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Appliances not intended for being not more than 250 V. Examples of appliances normal household use, such as appliances to be used covered by this standard are oral irrigators and by laymen in laundries and dry cleaners, are within the toothbrushes scope of this standard Keel en Keel en EVS-EN 60335-2-55:2003/A1:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-101:2003/A1:2008 Hind 73,00 Hind 73,00 Identne EN 60335-2-55:2003/A1:2008 Identne EN 60335-2-101:2002/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-55:2002/A1:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-101:2002/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-55: Erinõuded akvaariumides ja Ohutus. Osa 2-101: Erinõuded aurutitele aiatiikides kasutatavatele elektriseadmetele Deals with the safety of electric vaporizers for household Deals with the safety of electric appliances for use with and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more aquariums and garden ponds for household and similar than 250 V purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V. Keel en Examples of appliances within the scope of this standard EVS-EN 60335-2-108:2008 are aerators; aquarium heaters; automatic food dispensers; sludge-suction appliances Hind 141,00 Keel en Identne EN 60335-2-108:2008 ja identne IEC 60335-2-108:2008 EVS-EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Hind 73,00 Ohutus. Osa 2-108: Erinõuded elektrolüüseritele Identne EN 60335-2-56:2003/A1:2008 This International Standard deals with the safety of ja identne IEC 60335-2-56:2002/A1:2008 electrolysers that produce low viscosity, ionized liquids Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. intended for use as detergent free wash water in Ohutus. Osa 2-56: Erinõuded projektoritele ja appliances for household and similar purposes and muudele taolistele seadmetele which conform with the standards applicable to such Deals with the safety of electric projectors and similar appliances. It applies to electrolysers tested separately, appliances, their rated voltage being not more than 250 under the most severe conditions that may be expected V, for household and similar purposes. Some examples to occur in normal use, their rated voltage being not of appliacnes that are within the scope of this standard more than 250 V. are effects projectors, film-strip projectors, microscope Keel en projectors, motion-picture projectors, overhead EVS-EN 60730-1:2001/A2:2008 projectors, photographic enlargers, still view and photo- Hind 199,00 reproduction appliances Identne EN 60730-1:2000/A2:2008 Keel en ja identne IEC 60730-1:1999/A2:2007 EVS-EN 60335-2-66:2003/A1:2008 Elektrilised automaatjuhtimisseadmed majapidamis- Hind 73,00 ja muuks taoliseks kasutuseks. Osa 1: Üldnõuded Identne EN 60335-2-66:2003/A1:2008 In general, this standard applies to automatic electrical ja identne IEC 60335-2-66:2002/A1:2008 controls for use in, on, or in association with equipment Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. for household and similar use, including controls for Ohutus. Osa 2-66: Erinõuded vesivoodite heating, air-conditioning and similar applications. The soojenditele equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar Deals with the safety of electric water-bed heaters and thermal energy, etc., or a combination thereof. This part associated control units, their rated voltage being not 1 is to be used in conjunction with the appropriate part 2 more than 250 V, for household and similar purposes. for a particular type of control, or for controls for Appliances intended to be used in hotels, are also within particular applications. This part 1 may also be applied, the scope of this standard so far as reasonable, to controls not mentioned in a part Keel en 2, and to controls designed Keel en Asendab EVS-EN 60730-1:2001/A15:2007

127 ASENDATUD VÕI TÜHISTATUD STANDARDID CEN/TS 15398:2006 Identne CEN/TS 15398:2006 Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings - Floor covering standard symbols This document establishes a system of graphic symbols for use in the marking of the following floor coverings and specifies the use of these symbols. Resilient floor coverings manufactured from plastics, linoleum, cork or rubber, excluding loose-laid mats;  textile floor coverings, excluding loose-laid mats;  laminate floor coverings;  floor panels for loose laying. Keel en Asendatud CEN/TS 15398:2008

KAVANDITE ARVAMUSKÜSITLUS EN 13834:2007/prA1 Identne EN 13834:2007/prA1:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Cookware - Ovenware for use in traditional domestic ovens This European Standard specifies safety and performance requirements for items of ovenware for use in domestic ovens. It is applicable to all ovenware regardless of material or method of manufacture. Keel en EN 60335-2-5:2003/FprAB Identne EN 60335-2-5:2003/FprAB:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Majapidamis- ja muud taolised elektriseadmed. Ohutus. Osa 2-5: Erinõuded kaubanduslikele nõudepesumasinatele Deals with the safety of electric dishwashers. The rated voltage is less than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances. For commercial electric dishwashing machines, see IEC 60335-2-58 Keel en prEN 15649-4 Identne prEN 15649-4:2008 Tähtaeg 30.10.2008 Floating leisure articles for use on and in the water - Part 4: Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for Class B devices This prEN 15649-4 is applicable for Class B floating leisure articles for use on or in water as classified in clause 4 regardless whether the buoyancy is achieved by inflation or inherent buoyant material. Class B de- vices provide a buoyant structure with one or more body openings into which the user is positioned partly im- mersed. The body openings may be equipped with an integrated body holding system or not. Class B devices are intended for single or collective use in appropriate water conditions i. e. free floating beyond user's stand- ing depth. Keel en


Selles jaotises avaldame teavet eesti keelde tõlgitavate Euroopa või rahvusvaheliste standardite kohta.

Veebruarikuust 2004 alates ei avaldata teavet arvamusküsitluse jaotises eelpool nimetatud standardite kohta, kuna tegemist on varem jõustumisteate meetodil üle võetud standarditega, mille sisu osas arvamust avaldada ei saa. Alates aastast 2008 ei muuda standardi tõlkimine standardi tähises aastaarvu ning eestikeelse standardi avaldamise aasta on sama, mis standardi esmakordsel avaldamisel Eesti standardina (reeglina jõustumisteate meetodil standardi inglisekeelse teksti kättesaadavaks tegemisega).

Standardite tõlgetega tutvumiseks palume ühendust võtta EVS-i standardiosakonnaga [email protected] või ostmiseks klienditeenindusega [email protected].

Tõlgete kommenteerimise ja ettepanekute esitamise perioodi lõpp on 01.10.2008

prEVS-EN ISO 10320:2000 alusena. Standard ei käsitle koduloomade, vara Geotekstiilid ja geotekstiilipõhised või keskkonnakahjusid. tooted.Tuvastamine ehitusplatsil Identne: ISO 12100-2:2003; EN ISO 12100- Euroopa standard täpsustab geotekstiilidesse ja 2:2003 geotekstiilipõhistesse toodetesse puutuvat teavet selleks, et nende ehitusplatsil kasutaja prEVS-EN 12794:2006+A1:2007 saaks tuvastada nende identsust tellitud Betoonvalmistooted. Vundamendivaiad toodetega. Standardi oluline eesmärk on KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST saavutada nt lahtipakitud või -rullitud Euroopa standard spetsifitseerib terminoloogia, geotekstiilide kindlat tuvastamist. nõuded, põhilised toimivuskriteeriumid, Identne: ISO 10320:1999 EN ISO 10320:1999 katsemeetodid ja vastavushindamise korra tehases valmistatud betoonist vundamendi- prEVS-EN ISO 12100-1:2004 vaiadele, mida kasutatakse hoonete ja rajatiste Masinaohutus. Põhimõisted, ehitamisel ning süvistatakse ehitusplatsil projekteerimise üldpõhimõtted. Osa 1: kasutades rammimist, vibreerimist, surumist Põhiterminoloogia, metoodika või mõnda muud sobivat meetodit. Standardit Standard määratleb masinate ohutuse võib rakendada ka ehitusplatsil ajutistes saavutamiseks kasutatava metoodika ja tsehhides valmistatud toodetele, kui tootmise põhiterminoloogia. Standardis formuleeritud järelevalve toimub vastavalt jaotise 6 tingimused on mõeldud projekteerijatele. eeskirjadele ja on vajaduse kohaselt Standard ei käsitle koduloomade, vara või ilmastikumõjude eest kaitstud. keskkonnakahjusid. Identne: EN 12794:2005+A1:2007 Identne: ISO 12100-1:2003; EN ISO 12100- 1:2003 prEVS:EN 13119:2007 Rippfassaadid. Terminoloogia prEVS-EN ISO 12100-2:2004 Standard esitab terminoloogia, mida Masinaohutus. Põhimõisted, kasutatakse dokumentides, joonistel, konstrueerimise üldpõhimõtted. Osa 2: spetsifikatsioonides jne rippfassaadi detailidele Tehnilised põhimõtted viidates ning tuuakse ära ulatuslik, kuigi mitte Standard määratleb tehnilised põhimõtted, mis täielik tavakasutuse terminite nimekiri. aitavad projekteerijal saavutada masinate Standardi eesmärgiks ei ole korrata neid konstruktsiooni ohutust. Käesolev osa on füüsikalisi määratlusi, mis on korra mõeldud kasutamiseks koos standardiga ISO kohaselt ära toodud toimivusnõudeid ja 12100-1 kui kaalutakse teatud probleemi vastavaid katsemeetodeid käsitlevates lahendust. ISO 12100 kahte osa võib kasutada rippfassaadi standardites. teistest dokumentidest sõltumatult või teiste A- Identne: EN 13119:2007 või B-liigi standardite ettevalmistamise

129 prEVS-EN 13224:2004+A1:2007 seotud teenuseid, mis vastavad järjekindlalt Betoonvalmistooted. Ribipaneelid kliendi nõuetele, ja reguleerivaid sätteid, mida KONSOLIDEERITUD TEKST rakendatakse meditsiiniseadmetele ja seotud Standard määrab kindlaks vahe- ja teenustele. katuslagedes kasutatavatele normaaltihedusega Identne: ISO 13485:2003; EN ISO 13485:2003 raud- või pingebetoonist ribipaneelidele (monteeritavad ribipaneelid) esitatavad EVS-EN 13501-5:2006 nõuded, peamised toimivuskriteeriumid ning Ehitustoodete ja –elementide vastavuse hindamise korra. Ribipaneelid tuleohutusalane klassifikatsioon. Osa 5: koosnevad ülaplaadist ja ühest või enamast Katusekatete klassifikatsioon (tavaliselt kahest) töötava pikisarrusega ribist. tuletundlikkuse katsete alusel Elemendil võib olla ka põhjaplaat ja põikiribid. Standard käsitleb katuste/katusekatete Identne: EN 13224:2004+A1:2007 tuletundlikkuse klassifikatsiooni tuginedes neljale katsemeetodile, mis on toodud prEVS-EN 13232-1:2003 standardis ENV 1187:2002. Raudteealased rakendused. Rööbastee. Identne: EN 13501-5:2005 Pöörmed ja ristmed. Osa 1: Määratlused Standard esitab heakskiidetud terminoloogia prEVS-ENV 13803-1:2004 pöörmetele ja ristmetele. Eri komponendid on Raudteealased rakendused. 1435 mm ja määratletud definitsioonide kaudu, vajadusel laiema rööpmevahega raudteeliini ka joonistele viidates, ning toodud nimetused projekteerimine. Osa 1: Rööbastee kuuluvad kasutamisele eelisterminitena. Eelstandard määrab kindlaks rööbastee Määratlused katavad pöörmete ja ristmete projekteerimisparameetrid, reeglid ja koostisosade detaile ja konstruktsiooni väärtused, mida tuleb kasutada suurima geomeetriat ning sisaldavad ka pöörmete lubatud sõidukiiruse määramiseks nii uutel kui liikumisi. Üksikasjalikum, konkreetse ka olemasolevatel rööbasteedel. Samuti valdkonna eriterminoloogia määratletakse käsitleb standard uue või olemasoleva standardite sarja seostuvas osas. rööbastee projekteerimisparameetrite Identne: EN 13232-1:2003 määramist etteantud kiiruse järgi. Identne: ENV 13803-1:2002 prEVS-EN 13232-2:2003 Raudteealased rakendused. Rööbastee. prEVS-EN 14188-3:2006 Pöörmed ja ristmed. Osa 2: Geomeetrilise Vuugitihendid ja –täited. Osa 3: konstruktsiooni nõuded Kasutusvalmis vuugitäidete Standardi käesolev osa käsitleb järgmisi spetsifikatsioonid teemasid: - ratta juhtimisega seostuvad Käesolev Euroopa standard kehtestab geomeetrilise projekteerimise põhimõtted; - betoonkatete vulkaniseeritud kummist lähteparameetrite põhipiirmäärade kasutusvalmis vuugitäidete nõuded. Samuti on definitsioon; - rakendatavad jõud ja nende esitatud valmis vuugitäidetele üldnõuded. piisav toetus; - tolerantsitasemed. Eeltoodut on Käesolevat Euroopa standardit saab rakendada illustreeritud pöörme rakenduse näitel. uute betoonkatete vuugitäidete puhul ja Pöörmetel esinevad pöörme- ja ristme- betoonteede hooldustöödel komponentide kõik peamised koostis-osad ja Identne: EN 14188-3:2006 nende puhul kehtivad põhimõtted on võrdväärselt kohaldatavad ka keerulisematele prEVS-EN ISO 14689-1:2004 paigaldistele. Geotehniline uurimine ja katsetamine. Identne: EN 13232-2:2003 Kivimite tuvastamine ja liigitamine. Osa 1: Tuvastamine ja kirjeldamine EVS-EN ISO 13485:2004+AC 2007 ISO 14689 esimene osa on pühendatud Meditsiiniseadmed. kivimmaterjali ja kivimimassi tuvastamisele ja Kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteem. Reguleerivad kirjeldamisele mineraalkoostise, tekke, sätted (ISO 13485:2003) struktuuri, terasuuruse, katkestuspindade ja Standard täpsustab kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi muude näitajate alusel. Ta annab ka reeglid nõudeid, kus organisatsioon peab näitama oma muude omaduste kirjeldamiseks ja ka nende suutlikkust pakkuda meditsiiniseadmeid ja nimetamiseks. Standard kohaldub kivimite

130 kirjeldamisele geotehnika ja tsiviilehituse ehitusgeoloogia tarbeks. Kirjeldatakse prEVS-CEN/TR 14922:2004 puursüdamike ja muude looduskivimiproovide Kantavad tulekustutid. ning kivimimasside põhjal. Kivimimassi Tüüpkatselaboratoorium. EN 3-7 le vastav liigitussüsteemid, mis kasutavad üht või mitut katsetamise aruanne kirjeldavat näitajat kivimimassi tõenäolise Dokumendis esitatud laboratooriumi aruande käitumise hindamiseks, jäävad standardi mudel on mõeldud kasutamiseks kõikidele käsitlusalast välja (vt bibliograafiat). Pinnaste laboratooriumitele, mis teostavad standardiga tuvastamist ja liigitamist inseneritehnilistel EN 3-7 määratud teste. eesmärkidel käsitletakse standardites ISO Identne: CEN/TR 14922:2004 14688-1 ja ISO 14688-2. Identne: ISO 14689-1:2003; EN ISO 14689- 1:2003


Alljärgnevalt on toodud teave möödunud kuu jooksul Standardikeskusele esitatud algupärase standardi koostamis-, muutmis ja uustöötlusettepankute kohta, millega algatatakse Eesti standardi koostamisprotsess:

Raudteealased rakendused. Reisijate ooteplatvormid (EVS 867:2003+A1:2007 muudatus) Standard käsitleb raudteel reisijate ooteplatvormide projekteerimisele, ehitamisele ja hooldusele esitatavaid nõudeid, hõlmates nii uusi (ehitatavaid) kui ka olemasolevaid (rekonstrueeritavaid) ooteplatvorme, juurdepääsuteid ooteplatvormidele ning juurdepääsuteel asuvaid ülekäigukohti. Standardi muudatusega konkretiseeritakse nõue ooteplatvormi perspektiivsele pikkusele projekteerimisel, samuti muudetakse teedevahelise madala ooteplatvormi trepi minimaalset laiust ja jäetakse ära teedevahelise madala ooteplatvormi puhkemademe nõue.

Radooniohutu hoone projekteerimine (EVS 840:2003 uustöötlus) Standard on koostatud eesmärgiga anda projekteerijatele ja ehitajatele juhiseid radooniohutu hoone ehitamiseks, vältimaks tervistkahjustava radooni lubatud piirkontsentratsiooni ületamist ruumides, kus inimesed pikemat aega viibivad. Standardi muutmine on vajalik, kuna standard EVS 839:2003 „Sisekliima“ kaotas kehtivuse ning sellega koos ka radoonisisalduse piirväärtus. Muudetavasse standardis tuuakse piirväärtus üle. Standardi pealkiri ja käsitlusala ei muutu.Sisuliselt tehakse mõned parandused seoses info kaasajastamisega.

Rohkem teavet Teile huvipakkuva standardiprojekti kohta on võimalik saada Standardikeskuse veebilehe (www.evs.ee) rubriigist: „Koostamisettepanekud“ ja Standardiosakonnast ([email protected]).



EVS-EN 12007-2:2000 üksikasjalikumad standardid ja/või eeskirjad. Gaasivarustussüsteemid. Torustikud Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks koos nende maksimaalse töörõhuga kuni 16 bar, kaasa liikmesriikide standarditega ja/või ees- arvatud. Osa 2: Erisoovitused kirjadega, et tuua välja ülalnimetatud polüetüleentorustikele (MOP ≤ 10 bar) 151.- põhiprintsiibid Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi EN 12007-2:2000 “Gas supply systems – EVS-EN 62053-22:2003 Pipelines for maximum operating pressure up Elektrimõõteseadmed vahelduvvoolule. to and including 16 bar – Part 2: Specific Erinõuded. Osa 22: Staatilised aktiivenergia functional recommendations for polyethylene arvestid (klass 0,2 S ja 0,5 S) 141.- (MOP up to and including 10 bar)" ingliskeelse Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. EN 62053-22:2003 “Electricity metering Standard kirjeldab täiendavalt standardis equipment (a.c.) – Particular Requirements – EN 12007-1 toodud üldistele soovitustele Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes spetsiaalseid talitluslikke soovitusi 0,2 S and 0,5 S)” ingliskeelse teksti identne polüetüleenist (PE) torustikele, mille: tõlge eesti keelde. a. maksimaalne töörõhk (MOP) Standard kehtib uutele toodetud täpsusklassi on kuni 10 bar, kaasa arvatud; 0,2 S ja 0,5 S staatilistele 50 Hz või 60 Hz b. töötemperatuur on vahemikus - vahelduvvooluvõrkudes aktiivenergia hulga 20 oC kuni +40 oC. mõõtmise arvestitele ning rakendub ainult Euroopa standard määrab kindlaks nende tüübikatsetustele. Standard laieneb gaasivarustussüsteemi põhialused. Standardi ainult trafoühendusega sisepaigalduse kasutajad peavad olema teadlikud, et CEN staatilistele energia (vatt-tunni)- arvestitele, liikmesmaades võivad olla üksikasjalikumad mis sisaldavad mõõteelementi ja registr(eid)it. standardid ja/või eeskirjad. See laieneb ka kontrollväljundi(te)le ja Standard on mõeldud kasutamiseks koos nende tööindikaatori(te)le. Kui arvesti omab liikmesriikide standarditega ja/või ees- mõõteelementi rohkem kui ühele kirjadega, mis seavad täpsemalt ülalnimetatud energiatüübile (multienergiaarvestid) või kui ta põhialused. sisaldab oma korpuses teisi funktsionaalseid elemente, nagu maksimaalkoormuse EVS-EN 12007-3:2000 indikaatoreid, elektroonseid tariifiregistreid, Gaasivarustussüsteemid. Torustikud lülituskellasid, kaugjuhtimisvastuvõtjaid, maksimaalse töörõhuga kuni 16 bar, kaasa andmeedastuse sobituselemente jne, siis arvatud. Osa 3: Erisoovitused rakenduvad ka nende elementide asjaomased terastorustikele 123.- standardid. Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi EN 12007-3:2000 “Gas supply systems – EVS-EN 62053-23:2003 Pipelines for maximum operating pressure up Elektrimõõteseadmed vahelduvvoolule. to and including 16 bar – Part 3: Specific Erinõuded. Osa 23: Staatilised functional recommendations for steel" reaktiivenergia arvestid (klass 2 ja 3) 151.- ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi Standard kirjeldab täiendavalt standardis EN 62053-23:2003 “Electricity metering EN 12007-1 toodud üldistele talitluslikele equipment (a.c.) – Particular Requirements – soovitustele spetsiaalseid talitluslikke soovitusi Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy terastorustikele, mille maksimaalne töörõhk (classes 2 and 3)” ingliskeelse teksti identne (MOP) on kuni 16 bar, kaasa arvatud. Standard tõlge eesti keelde. määrab kindlaks gaasivarustussüsteemi Standard kehtib uutele toodetud täpsusklassi 2 põhialused. Standardi kasutajad peavad olema ja 3 staatilistele 50 Hz või 60 Hz teadlikud, et CEN liikmesmaades võivad olla vahelduvvoolu võrkudes reaktiivenergia hulga

132 mõõtmise arvestitele ning rakendub ainult mördi liikides, sealhulgas prits-, põranda-, nende tüübikatsetustele. Praktilistel valmiselementide-, kohtvalu- ja parandus- kaalutlustel põhineb standard ainult betoonides kasutatavaid kiude. põhisagedust sisaldavale sinusoidaalsete pingete ja vooludega reaktiivenergia EVS-EN 14889-2:2006 kokkuleppelisele määratlusele. Standard Betoonis kasutatavad kiud. Osa 2: laieneb ainult sise-ja välipaigalduse staatilistele Polümeerkiud. Määratlused, reaktiivenergia (var-tunni) arvestitele, mis spetsifikatsioon ja vastavus 171.- sisaldavad mõõteelementi ja registr(eid)it. See Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi laieneb ka kontrollväljundi(te)le ja EN 14889-2:2006 "Fibres for concrete – Part 2 tööindikaatori(te)le. Kui arvesti omab – Polymer fibres – Definitions, specifications mõõteelementi(te) rohkem kui ühele and conformity" ingliskeelse teksti identne energiatüübile (multi-energiaarvestid) või kui tõlge eesti keelde. see sisaldab oma korpuses teisi Euroopa standardi EN 14889 2. osa funktsionaalseid elemente, nagu maksimaal- spetsifitseerib betoonis, mördis ja koormuse indikaatoreid, elektroonseid injekteerimismördis arvutusliku või mitte- tariifiregistreid, lülituskellasid, kaugjuhtimis- arvutusliku sarrusena kasutatavatele vastuvõtjaid, andmeedastuse sobituselemente polümeerkiududele esitatavad nõuded. jne, siis rakenduvad ka nende elementide MÄRKUS Kiudude arvutuslik kasutus asjaomased standardid. tähendab, et lisatavate kiudude mõju võetakse betoonelemendi kandevõime määramisel EVS-EN 14188-1:2004 arvesse. Käesolev standard hõlmab kõikides Vuugitihendid ja -täited. Osa 1: Kuumalt betooni ja mördi liikides, sealhulgas prits-, kasutatavate vuugitäidete spetsifikatsioon põranda-, valmiselementide-, kohtvalu- ja 141.- parandusbetoonides kasutatavaid kiude. Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi EN 14188-1:2004 “Joint fillers and sealants – EVS-ISO/IEC 15289:2008 Part 1: Specifications for hot applied sealants” Süsteemi- ja tarkvaratehnika. Süsteemide ja ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. tarkvara elutsükli protsesside infosaaduste Dokument määratleb nõuded teedel, (dokumentatsiooni) sisu (ISO/IEC lennuväljadel ning muudel liiklusaladel 15289:2006) 233.- kasutatavate tavalistele ning kütusekindlatele Eesti standard on rahvusvahelise standardi kuumalt kasutatavate vuugitäidetele. ISO/IEC 15289:2006 “Systems and software Spetsifikatsioon kehtib asfaltkatetes ning engineering – Content of systems and software asfaltkatete ja betoonsillutise vahel tavalistelt life cycle process information products kuumalt kasutatavatele vuugitäidetele. (Documentation)" ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. EVS-EN 14889-1:2006 Standard eeldab, et organisatsioon rakendab Betoonis kasutatavad kiud. Osa 1: elutsükli protsesse vastavalt standardile Teraskiud. Määratlused, spetsifikatsioon ja ISO/IEC 15288:2002 või ISO/IEC 12207:1995 vastavus 162.- (koos muudatustega 1 ja 2). Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi ISO/IEC 15288:2002 määratleb rea protsesse EN 14889-1:2006 “Fibres for concrete – Part süsteemi elutsükli järkude halduseks ja 1: Steel fibres – Definitions, specifications and sooritamiseks. Ta määratleb infohalduse conformity” ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge protsessi, kuid "ei detailiseeri eesti keelde. dokumentatsiooni nimetuste, vormingu, Euroopa standardi EN 14889 1. osa nähtava sisu ega infokandja mõttes" (jaotis spetsifitseerib betoonis, mördis ja 1.3). ISO/IEC 12207:1995 koos muudatustega injekteerimismördis arvutusliku või mitte- 1 ja 2 rajab tarkvara elutsükli protsesside jaoks arvutusliku sarrusena kasutatavatele teras- üldise raamstruktuuri ning sealjuures nimetab kiududele esitatavad nõuded. või nõuab mitmeid dokumentatsiooniüksusi. MÄRKUS Kiudude arvutuslik kasutus Standardi eesmärk on juhendada standardite tähendab, et lisatavate kiudude mõju võetakse ISO/IEC 12207:1995 (koos muudatustega 1 ja betoonelemendi kandevõime määramisel 2) ja ISO/IEC 15288:2002 kasutajaid arvesse. Standard hõlmab kõikides betooni ja süsteemide ja tarkvara elutsüklite käigus

133 loodavate konkreetsete infoüksuste Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi piiritlemisel ja plaanimisel EN 13803-2:2006 "Railway applications – Track alignment design parameters – Track EVS-EN 13231-1:2006 gauges 1435 mm and wider – Part 2: Switches Raudteealased rakendused. Rööbastee. and crossings and comparable alignment Tööde vastuvõtmine. Osa 1: Tööd ballastiga design situations with abrupt changes of pealisehitisel. Raudtee rada 123.- curvature" ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi eesti keelde (kaasa arvatud parandus EN 13231-1:2006 ”Railway applications – AC:2007). Track – Acceptance of works – Part 1: Works Euroopa standard määratleb reeglid ja on ballasted track – Plain line“ ingliskeelse väärtused raudteetrassi kavandamiseks, mille teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. käigus määratakse järskude kõverikega ja Euroopa standard määratleb nõuded ja muutuva välisrööpa kõrgendusega rööbas- piirhälbed 1435 mm ja laiema rööpmevahega teedel liikumiseks lubatavad maksimaal- ballastiga pealisehitisega seostuvate tööde kiirused. Mainitud tingimused leiavad aset vastuvõtmiseks. järgmistes olukordades: • pöörmete ja ristmete kõrvalteedel; EVS-EN 13231-2:2006 • juhtudel, kus üleminekukõverike Raudteealased rakendused. Rööbastee. kavandamine pole praktiliselt Tööde vastuvõtmine. Osa 2: Tööd ballastiga teostatav; pealisehitisel. Pöörmed ja ristmed 132.- • kui üleminekukõveriku pikkus jääb Eesti standard on Euroopa standardi alla rööbastee puhul nõutava EN 13231-2:2006 “Railway applications – miinimumi. Track – Acceptance of works – Part 2: Works Pöörmete ja ristmete komponentide ja on ballasted track – Switches and crossings” alamsüsteemide mehaanilist toimet ingliskeelse teksti identne tõlge eesti keelde. iseloomustavad tehnilised nõuded on määratud Euroopa standard määratleb nõuded ja seostuvate standarditega. Euroopa standardi piirhälbed 1435 mm ja laiema rööpmevahega puhul on eeldatud, et ekspluatatsioonil ballastiga pealisehitisega seostuvate tööde kasutatav veerem on selles standardis vastuvõtmiseks. sätestatud piirväärtustele vastavate tingimuste kohaselt ühetaolisena määratletud. Euroopa EVS-EN 13803-2:2007 standard on kohaldatav 1 435 mm ja laiema Raudteealased rakendused. 1435 mm ja rööpmevahega pöörmete ja ristmete ning sirge laiema rööpmevahega rööbastee rööbastee järsult muutuvate kõverike puhul. projekteerimine. Osa 2: Pöörmed, ristmed Lisa C on kohaldatav üle 1 435 mm ja nendega sarnaneva geomeetriaga järsult rööpmevahe korral. Euroopa standardis on muutuva raadiusega kõverike määratletud nõuded puhvrite haakumise projekteerimisolukorrad 208.- ärahoidmiseks.

EVS klienditeenindus (müük ja tutvumine standarditega) Standardikeskuses Aru tn 10, 10317, Tallinn

Telefon: 605 5060 ja 605 5065 Faks: 605 5063 E-mail: [email protected]

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