VOLUME LXVIII, NO. 42. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO "Stew" Van VHet Benevolent Group Guest Preacher Quinn Enter* Big Riverfront Red Cross Drive At. Crossman Ca*e 82 Per Cent Mark Veterans Figure In Now Associated Welcomes Vets For Community John J. Qulnn of the Red Bank Showplace At Holcombe Ward, chairman of the The Red Bank Benevolent asso- law firm of. Qulnn, Doremus, Mc- 1948 Red Cross fund campaign of With Stout Agency ciation tendered a welcome home Lenten Service Cue and Russell, ha* been ap- Locust Sold the' county chapter, today an- Local Realty Deals dinner to it* 3S returned service- pointed ohlef counsel in the defense nounced that 82% of the assigned men members Tuesday night sit the of Dr. Lyman W. Crossman of quota baa been contributed and ,. Regirter's Surf, Field ' Pleasant Inn. ' Rev. M. Stephen James Maple avenue, who is charged with Ray VanHorn that three branches—Bridle, Sea Peter Flavo, president of .the assault by Mrs. Lucille O. Neale of Girt and Spring Lake—have gone' . Van Horn Reports A Dozen And Stream Editor To group, delivered the welcome ad- To Preach At Reformed 48 Wallace street • Agency Broker over the top In the drive. To date dress, \ Other speakers wsnt Dr. Two other Red Bank attorneys, $111,178.08 has been collected. ' Attractive Places Sold Recently Sell Real Estate Leo C, Rocco and Edmunds^ Oan- Church April 17th Theodore D. Parson* and - Leon In*Recent Sale Branch percentages collected as rona. Joseph Palmier), vice presi- ReuseUle, personal friends of Dr. Of.Saturday are as follows: Long The Ray "Van Horn Agency, Real-J . . - ?.« „• Stewart VanVllet or Sycamore dent, outlined future plans of the Crossman, will be associated with Branch, 96%; Manasquan, 95; Bel- association. '. " ) Rev. M. Stephen. James, D. D., Mr. Quinn. . • The Ray Van Horn Agency, Real- tors, of River road, Fair Haven, re-,) \\£ J It j . Vt avenue; Shrewsbury, has become as- professor of Preaching and Practi- tors, of River road, Fair Haven, re- mar, 87; Keyport,. 80; Matawan, 70; .soclated in the insurance and real Tribute was paid to the memory When reached for comment, Mr. Anbury Park, 69; Mlddletown, 68; port the continued strong demand /VlireQ FlenOerSOn of Philip DeCarlo, formerly a mem- cal Theology at the New Bruns- Quinn said, "Only one side of this port the sale of the lovely river- for the purchase of homes of all |'_ _ ~ , _, '••'•• -V- estate firm of R. V. R. H. Stout, wick Theological seminary, will front estate Owqed by Williamson Unjon Beach, 61; Red Bank, 57; sizes and in a wide price range in trading as Hendrlckson and Stout, ber of the club, who resided at story ha* been heard. When the Freehold, B6; Keansburg, 52; Atlan- East Westslde avenue, who was preach the sermon at the Union other side Is heard it will be quite Thomas and Richard R. Thomas, the Red Bank area. with offices at 77-79 Broad street, Mid-Holy Week service, which will located on the high bank of the tic Highlands, 45, and Jersey Home- In Rumson, on the west side of Graduates Temple over the J. J. Newberry store, a» killed Inaction. " apparent that the'accusations made steads, 40. • Addressing the gathering on be- be held at the Reformed church, at by this lady were totally unfounded North Shrewsbury river on Nave- Forrest avenue- the A. W. Handy Has Medical Degree; half of the. servicemen were Joseph 8 o'clock, Wednesday, April 17. and have, been a great injustice to sink River road at Locust, in Mld- property has been purchased by Mr. Bharabba, secretary, and Chris- Rev. Mr. James has held pastor- the doctor." dletown township. The purchasers and Mrs. Henry T. Walford of Fair Studied At LaSalle topher Paoluccl. Joseph DePietro ates In the Methodist church in are Mr. and Mrs. Gorden MacLeaa Red Banker Haven. The property Includes a I* treasurer. • . Revere, Massachusetts, and in the of New York. The property has two-story house built a short time First Methodist church in Pitts- been owned and occupied for 22 before the war which is modern .Dr. Alfred R. Henderson, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henderson of field, Massachusetts. In 1932 he Paul R^Stryker years by the Thomas family. Honored By throughout, with five rooms and 1 was called to the historic First Re- The residence has 12 rooms, three bath, oil heat, insulation and an at- Spring street, has completed his Highlands Girl baths,* an elevator, oil' heat, and' tached garage on a plot 100x160, studies at the school of medicine at Announces Sales many Interesting architectural fea- Telephone Co. enclosed with a white picket fence, Temple university and recently re- tures, including a broad porch fac- M»f» and Mrs. Handy have pur- ceived his degree in medicine. Scouts Elect And Of Three Farms ing the river. Outbuildings Include Edward W. Taylor chased a residence in Long Branch. a garage, barn with apartment and Mr. Walford; Is associated with the Plan For Sale a boat house. Retires After 40 Satter Lumber company- In Red Guerin Todd, Buys The' property commands a fine Bank. . view up and down the river and of Years Of Service On the riverfront In Rumson, Florence Maxson I* Sixty Acres In the Opposite Rumson shore line. Mrs. Emilio Fanjul of Fair Haven Th» elevation of the ground affords Edgar W.' Taylor of West Sunset has purchased the residence of Mrs. Narned President.At Atlantic Township a view out to sea across the Sea avenue, who recently retired from Marjorle Thiers Kling;. The prop- Bright peninsula. the New Jersey • Bell Telephone erty Is situated on River road on a Meeting Of Troop Paul R. Stryker, Holmdel.realtor, Mr. MacLean is an executive and company after 40 years in the tele- large plot, extending to the river has sold to Guerin Todd of Shrews- technical director of Allied Food phone service, was honored yester- with 100 feet of bulkheaded river- Officers were, elected and plena bury, the 60-acre farm acreage on Industries, Inc., with offices in day by his old associates and com- front and a sandy beach, The resi- for a cake and bread sale Saturday Clover Him, road, Atlantic Town- Perth Amboy. dence, which has recently been morning, April .20, were made at ship, owned by Edward F. Cadmus completely decorated, has six the last meeting of Olrl Scouts of of East Orange. rooms, oil heat and two enclosed Highlands. The sale will take place This farm ha* a frontage of sev- Eleven Churches porches, A twOrcar garage Is on at the Bay avenue meeting place. eral thousand feet on Clover Hill the grounds. STEWART VANVLIET Proceeds will be used for charitable road and on the rear adjoins Fred- Also in Rijmson on Blngham ave- work and donations will be appre- Unite In Holy nue, opposite Old Farm Village, the ciated. erick . J. Burghard's Big Brook Mr. VanVUet U widely known Pheasant farm. There are several same agency reports the sale of the throughout Monmouth county, Florence Maxson. was elected, exceptionally fine building sites on Week Services Plummcr property to Mr. and Mrs. through his Surf, Field and Stream president, Edna Robinson vice pres- this farm affording a long range Thomas J. Phillips of Dumont, column which has appeared weekly ident, Connie Smith secretary, N. J, ' The residence is of -Cape Dolores Araslh treasurer, Loretta view of the Colt's Neck and Holm* In The Red Bank Register for del valleys. Several members of First To Be Held Cod design and has six rooms, two many years. Fo the past 25 years Andrews ssalstant secretary and REV. M. STEPHEN JAMES baths, a wood-burning fireplace, r Ruth Beck assistant treasurer. Mr. Todd'* family are planning to he has maintained an Insurance build for their own occupancy as Monday Night In sundeck and attached double ga- agency with his office at hls» resi- Through the generosity of Ed- formed' church In.Albany, New rage. ward Finley of Ed and 'Doric' store York. He served there until 1942, soon as possible. About 40 acres : dence. During the recent war he are tillable and the. balance Is In Navesink Methodist In Fair Haven, on Grange ave- DR. ALFRED D. HENDERSON ; became attached to the motor on Bay avenue, the girls received when he was elected to the faculty nue, the Maffeo property has been a box of toy* which will be put in of the New Brunswick Theological woodland and meadow through transportation branch of the Army which' there are two brooks. Eleven associating churches In purchased by Mr. and Mrs, M. . A graduate of Red Bank high Signal Corps at Camp Cole, where order and distributed to sick chil- seminary. "V"' the bayshore area have arranged Stout of Little Silver. The house school, Dr. Henderson received his he covered many thousand* of dren in hospitals. The secretary 'Since coming to the seminary, he Mr. Stryker has also sold to Mr, special services for Holy Week has five large rooms, hot water heat pro-medical training at Temple and miles 1° military convoys. wag instructed to write a letter of has been received as guest preacher and Mrs. Marshall C. Beeman o: starting Monday night, at 8 o'clock and a wide porch. There is. a one- LaSalie college in Philadelphia. Mr. VajiVllet is treasurer of the thanks to the donor. in many outstanding churches. Highland Park, New York, a six- with a service in Naveeirik Metho- car garage. Mr. Stout is a veteran While at the university he was art Shrewsbury Republican club, a A letter from an army chaplain The Reformed church choir *lll acre farm on the south side of the dist church, where Reik-'Spurgeon ' of World War II. editor of the year book. He is si member of the Shrewsbury borough thanking the girls.for the Christ- provide special music for the Union Matawan-Old Bridge road in Mat Harmon of Quinn chapel will In Eatontown the Van Horn or- member of Phi Beta Pi fraternity. toning board of adjustment and mas box sent to a soldier in the mid-week service. awan. township for Herbert Frank- preach the sermon. ganization sold a modern Cape Cod He will Interne at the hospital building code commission. He has South Pacllo area was read by the lin and Dr. Wlllard Cottrell. The other services during the bungalow now under construction for bone and joint-diseases at Ne^f served as vie* president of the secretary. This farm adjoins Lake Lefferts week will be: Tuesday evening in to Mr. and Mrs. David I. Leland ot York city. Shrewsbury board of health and a Meetings of the troop are being Kelly To Open on the west and in view of this St. Paul's Baptist church, with Rev. Asbury Park. The house has four member of the Shrewsbury board held Tuesday evenings at, 7:15 lake there is a quaint century-old John M. Long of Highlands Metho- rooms, tiled bath, gas-fired air con- of education many yean. Bs has o'clock in the' Democratic ball on nine-room farm colonial house dist church as preacher; Wednes- EDGAR W. TAYLOR ditioning and a stairway to an un- Lenten Play At r also served as a member of the Bay av«nue. Mrs, Hosea Cherk end New Building with wide beam flooring, beamed day evening at All Saints Memorial finished second floor. The house Is Mrs. Thomas Arnath, leaders of the pany officials at a luncheon at the being constructed by Philip Sha- » election board in that borough and ceilings and step-up and step-down Episcopal church, Navesink, with Pleasant Valley Inn, Holmdel. A as tax collector. troop, attended a district meeting rooms, which will add to the old- Rev. Ellwood S. Wolf, minister of heen of Long Branch. Fellowship Hall of leaden last week in Fair Haven. Former Zobel Site certificate of honorary life mem- When we asked 8tew how he fashioned charm of the house af- Leonardo Baptist church, ' as bership In the Telephone Pioneers In Rumson on River road, a mod- came to be affiliated with Mr. To Be Ready May 1 ter Mr. Beeman has remodeled an preacher; Thursday evening: at of America and a. wallet were pre- ernized bungalow owned by Mr.'and Sunday Night Stout he said: added the modern conveniences, New Monmouth Baptist church sented the telephone veteran by R. Mrs. Charles C. Goodell'has been "Well, in the first place it I* Atlantic Highlands The Zobel building at Broad There are also a bam and wagon with the service consisting of med- J. Smith, division plant superinten- purchased by Mr. and Mrs. William .one of the oldest real estate and street and Harding road, which was house. The acreage Is all tlllabl itation by Rev. Donald N. Correal, dent for the company In Central H. Ellis of Red Bank. Mr. Ellis Is "The Terrible Meek" Insurance businesses In Red Bank, sold recently to Edward Kelly of and fertile. minister of Atlantic Highlands Jersey.' a veteran of World War II. The H. S. Senior Class Presbyterian church, and the ob- house has a very large living room, having enjoyed an enviable reputa- the J. H. Kelly company, automo- Mr. arid Mrs. Beeman are plan Taylor's telephone career dates Third Of Religious tion since it was established way tive equipment dealers of Red nlng to make this their year roum servance of the Lord's Supper; Fri- two bedrooms, modern bath, mod- day afternoon at 2 o'clock a service back to 1906, when he was hired as ern kitchen, glass enclosed parch, back in 1906. In the second place, Plans Year Book Bank and Belmar, through Rolston home after May 15. an installer-repairman by the old Dramas To Be Given Capt- Rennle Stout and I have been Waterbury, Red Bank realtor, will of devotion at St. Mary's chapel of Insulation and oil heat, A one-car Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heldt of Atlantic Highlands Methodist Farmer'* Telephone company in garage Is oh the landscaped plot. ashing buddies for the past 10 become the Kelly building May 1, PJeasant Valley road, Holmdel has Borde'ntown. Transferring to the years." Dedicated To Jack when the new showrooms of the church with Rev. Roy E. Williams, The Van Horn organization In 'The Terrible Meek," a Lentem purchased through Mr. Stryker Jr., host minister, assisted by Rev. Bell System a few years later, he turn sold Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. The Register extends to "Stew" company .are formally opened to from Martin ft Brown of Matawan was attached to the telephone plant play written by Charles Rann Ken- Its very best wishes for success In Daly, Edward Finnegan the public Charles P. Johneon, Rev. Howard Goodoll a four-acre farm located nedy, . will be presented Sunday an 18-acre tract which adjoins their M. Krvln, and Rev. William D. organization In Monmouth county his new enterprise. The work of transferring equip- as a lineman and lineman-chauffeur Just off Rumson road on Bellevue night in the Methodist fellowship And All Servicemen farm to the north. Powell; Friday evening at Leonar- avenue, Rumson, for Method Zinga. hall by the church committee for ment from the company's present do Baptist church with the United until his retirement. This Is part of Thornton Farms, Red Bank headquarters at 33 East A member of Company E of the religious drama. Plans are being completed by the' Choral society under direction of part of the large estate owned by This internationally known one* Dr. Casagrande Front street, will be completed in Kev. Ellwood S. Wolf rendering 404th Telegraph battalion, com- the late J. Horace Harding. Build- senior class of Atlantic Highlands another two weeks. The upper floor Gen. Borden Sells posed of Jersey telephone . men, act play will highlight the third In high school for the publication of a occupants of the building will re- Stalner's "Crucifixion." ings Include a farm cottage and a series of programs entitled, "Sun* Has Rumson Home year book, the first since 1942. This Taylor was a driver with the bat- large outbuildings. . main as heretofore, Mr, Kelly said. New G. I. Home On The associating churches are Bel- talion's famed 'Nuts and Bolts' day Evening at Sight." These pro- book, which the editorial staff mem- Property on Broad street, south ford Methodist, New Monmouth squadron, a motorized unit which In Red Bank on Vista place the grams are presented by the com« To Practice There bers state will be larger and better of. the Kelly building, occupied by Baptist, Navesink Methodist, High- played an important part in laying colonial residence of Mr. and Mrs. mittee to bring to the public and than any previous one, will be dedi- the Petit Sabot restaurant, has al- Oak Wood Lane lands Methodist, All Saints Memor- communication lines for the AEF Lester G. Mcglll has been pur- the people of the church, a drar After Renovations cated to Jack Daly, former ath- so been sold through Mr. Water- ial Episcopal church and Qulnn in France. At present he is com- chased^ through the Van Horn matlc, pictorial sermon, accom- letic coach, and Edward Finnegan, bury to Mr. Kelly. The retaurant chapel, St. Paul's Baptist, Central mander of the Red Bank post of Agency by Mr. and Mrs. William panied by a. musical and devotional high school graduate, who made Baptist, First Methodist ind" First DcForest Smith of Convent, N. J. service In keeping- with the theme. Dr. Stephen Casagrande, brother lease will continue In effect until McCue Agency Sells the Veterans "of Foreign Wars. His the supreme sacrifice while serving May, 1947. Eventually, Mr. Kelly Presbyterian churches of Atlantic son, Edgar, Jr., recently retujned Mr. Smith Is a veteran. The house The first play of the series wasl of Louis Casagrande of 186 Mon- overseas, and to all the other local Cape Cod Cottage To Highlands. Is on a large landscaped plot and Victor Hugo's "Bishop Candle- mouth street, Red Bank, has pur- high echool boys In the armed Intends to have a rear traffic art- home after two years' service w|th contains eight rooms, two tiled chased from George Davis of New ery through the property to connect the navy In the Pacific. He also sticks" frqm Les Mlserableejejandl forces. with the Kelly building. East Orange Couple has a daughter, Helen. baths and has a hot water heating the second was "The Dust or the; York and Rumson the house at 66 The book will consist of M pages. plant, gas-fired. Weat River road, Rumson, which is The Kelly company had original- Barbers Vote Road," both of, which production* It will have a hard board cover of ly Intended to open the new Red In Red Bank the Murray prop- were enthusiastically received. now occupied by Mrs. Carl C. neat design. A number of pages General Howard 8. Borden p. erty, located on Reckless place, has The characters in "The Terrible) Mann, wife of the late Dr. &ann. Bank headquarter* April 1, but the Rumson has sold one of the new Price Raises will be devoted to photographs of business of moving stocks and Walter Reade To been purchased by Mr. and Mrs, Meek" are: A peasant girl, Ruth He plans to commence the practice the classes of IMS, 1944, 1915 and G. I., homes he Is building on Oak Charles B. Gallagher of Red Bank, Palmer Bell; an army captain, Jo-> of medicine there upon completion equipment proved a greater, task Wood lane, adjoining the Old Farm 1946 • and football, basketball and than expected. Red Bank Chapter The house la situated on three lots seph Valleau, Jr., and a soldier, of renovations now being made to baseball teams and other group pic- Village section of Rumeon. The Stop Work On and has eleven rooms and three Harold Bayntori. • the building. • Mr. Waterbury yesterday in- purchasers are Mr. and Mr* Wil tures. spected the new Kelly showrooms, Has Special Meeting baths. Mr. Gallagher Is owner of The committee for religious Dr. Casagrande, who Is the son The expense of this book will be Ham.Howie, Jr., of East Orange. the Monmouth Hosiery Mills In drama includes: stage manager, Q. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Benedetto still in tha hands of decorators and The Joseph G. McCue Agency of New Theaters triple that of the last one pub- painters, and the improvements The Red Bank chapter of the As- Shrewsbury. Foster Spinning; costumes, Mrs. H. Casagrande, was born in Brooklyn lished in 1943, and the class Is figur- Rumson was broker In the trans sociation of Master Barbers held a In Fox Hill; Little Silver, the J. Coddlngton; casting, Mr. Cod- and was graduated from element- were impressive. action. ing on raising sufficient funds to "It will Be as fine or finer than special meeting Tuesday night at Construction Will Van Horn Agency sold for 'Mrs, dlngton; music. Miss Emma Jan* ary and high schools there. He re- pay the cost through sales, support Situated on a wooded plot, ad- Dick's barber shop 'on White Frank Groff a six-room modern Lafetra; art, Miss Abble V. Strick- ceived pre-medlcal schooling at the any similar type showroom In the joining the former Joseph Bannon of business firms with their adver- East," he said. __ street and voted a raise in prices . Resume After Housing Capo Cod cottage built by Allen land; lighting, A. M. Morris; make* College of William and Mary, Wll- tisement* and through the efforts estate, thl* attractive Cape Cod cot of haircuts and shaves. Brothers just before- the war to Mr. up, Misa Jane Beers; public rela* llameburg, Virginia, and received which the several classes have-been tage enjoya seclusion and access! New prices agreed upon are 76 Shortage Is Over •and Mrs. Charles A. Johnson of tlons, H. C. Barnard and Mrs. A. his medical degree from the L'nt- making in various activities. bllity. . In the living room there Is cents for haircuts Mid 40 cents for Long Branch. The house Is set M. Morris, director, Richard % 'versity of Virginia. • Homestead's Bar To a fireplace, the - cheerful dining shaves. Children's haircuts will be All expansion In the construction well back from Prospect avenue on Clark, and programs, Mrs. A. &C After having, practiced for ap- Notice. Open April 17 room has a picture window, the 65 cWs daily; with a ten-cent hike a large plot with 100 feet of road proximately H years in Brooklyn kitchen, of course, is ultra-modern, of motion picture theaters and Morris. Township of Mlddletown. Entertainment, food and fun will on Saturdays. other amusement building has been frontage. and Belmar, Dr. Casagrande en- To all persons who own, keep feature the opening of the Home- .and besides on the first floor are < Frank Sharabba of Monmouth In Fair Haven, Mr. and Mrs. Arn- tered the Army Medical Corps, ox harbor a dog or dog*: two bedroom* and bath. Provision suspended by Walter Reade, head Basswood Porch Screen*. steads new bar at 118 Center ave- street was elected to membership, of the Walter Reade theaters, old E. Bowen of .Bloomfleld, N, J., All sizos In stock frofrm 3 feet to where he served three years, 18 You must obtain your licenses for has been made, with a staircase to Offlcats of the chapter are Frank have purchased the Hascall prop- 7 ft I* months of which were spent over- the current year. nue,. Atlantlo Highlands, next the eecond floor, for two additional Original plans called (or the con- 12 feet wide; ail are 7 feet Ion* Wednesday night. ' Sole, president; Frank' Donato, vice struction of theater* In Red Bank, erty located at 23 Lockwood place. Nice Rrcen color. You will want; seas. He was recently discharged Licenses may be obtained at the bedrooms and bath, The heating is president;' . Richard Danes, secre- The house has nine rooms, two them to keep out that hot summer. as a lieutenant colonel. office of the Township Clerk, Town- One of the principal attractions, an air conditioning system fired by Freehold and Perth Amboy. ship Hall, Mlddletown, between the according to Stanley Smith, pro- tary, and Salvatora Izzo, guide. Mr, Reade advises that even baths, and an oil-fired heating Get yours today while Dr. Casagrande is married and oil burner. A one-car garage Is at- Other* present were" Sidney Kal- pinnt. Mr. Bowcn Is an engineer hnve them.,. Nntlonal 5 * 10. has a daughter. hours of 9 A. M. and 12 noon, Mon- prietor of the Homestead hotel, will tached to the house. though certain of these projects- day through Friday. Saturday be- be musical entertainment on the man, Frank Nlcolettl, Lorenzo Ma- had already been started, It was asaoclalod with the Holmdel B°,\\ Frown's. — Advertisement. tween 8 A. M, and 12 noon. piano, spinet and' solovox by Car- Mr, Howie, who Is associated with ronl, Frank Marasc.lo, Frank V. decided ,to discontinue building be- Telephone Laboratories nnd served / Mortgage Loam, . the Standard Oil company of New Marasclo, Alonio Curchln, Patsy as a lieutenant-colonel In the Air Veterans Loans. Howard W, Roberts, ' man, well known musician. cause of the critical housing short- Veteran, can obtain a loan Up to In unlimited amounts at/4tt% Township Clerk. Jersey, was recently mustered oiif DeLlea, Charles Boccellato, Frank Corp* during the recent war, mnum, to finance homes, apart- of the Armed. Services. • He wll age which exist* In all these com- .norv of the purchase price of a —Advertisement. Seed Corn. Madure and Samuel Cardner, munities which had been brought The Ray Van. Horn Agency hns lionip at an Interest rate of 4%. Set ment houses, business properties Hybrid field New Jersey certified make his permanent home In Rum also sold the Smith property on the and new construction. Applica- Sander-Edger for Rent, - son In the near future, to his attention by the American W, G.. Unnenn,Mnnsnn, S(1 DrumrnonDrummond Placeacet, tion* Invited, For further fn/or- No. 2, 4 and U.-'S. 13; also best Mortgage Loans, Veterans' committee and other vet- west side of" Church street, Fair d Bank. Phone 746-J.—Advertise- A maohlne that will sand the varieties of Hybrid sweet corn and A loan plan within your budget,- Haven, to Mr, and Mrs. John E. matldn write to "M. L.," Box Ml, edges of the floor or the deck of a erans' organizations', ment. BM Ba»», N. J.MAdvertlsement - complete line of field seeds. Con- Public Auction. -' Monthly amortization and Interest . It Is planned to continue with the Mcrrell of Fair Haven, The house. i Mat' Morris Becker Hardware Co., ov«f Brothers. Phone Holmdsl On account of moving, will dis- at the, rate of ..5H%, "duclng on 197 Shrewsbury avenue, corner original plan* for.these theaters aa Is modern with tiled bath, oak Don't Forget Paper Drive. 6121. WlckatunkVNew Jersey.—Ad- pose pt entire colleotion of an- the unpaid' balance monthly. Ap- floors, flreplflco arid hot water heat, Relief Engine Co, will pidc, UB New Eleotrolux Vacuum Catherine street Red Bank, Phone vertisement, tiques at Prospeot avenue, and proved institution for processing soon as this housing stortage has clean*"'are now being delivered R«d Bank 440t.—Advertisement State Highway t-N, Spring Lake, veterans' loans. Mainstay Federal been alleviated. . > ' • Various local attornle* acted In papers nnd" magazines every Sun* at pre-war price, For treesdemon- these realty transfers, Including day movnlnif or call Red Bank SWft RedhcW N. J., Saturday, April 20th, at 12:30 Savings and Loan Association, 21 Have o4l. nnper ad^nftBWlWAil* stratlon in Red Bank' vIoinTtyHw "The Candle'Light." Increase your happiness by re- P. M, Emit A. Lunge. B, O, Coats, Monmouth street, Red'Bank; N. J. .Parsons, . Labrecque, Canzona & your homo, phone .at onoe. Also Baiter candles, Easter flowers, auctioneer.—Advertisement.* Telephone Red Bank 888.—Adver- , Window Shades. Combs; Applcgate, Stovens,' Foster vertlscmenk, ' spare parts and repairs, Don't de- ducing unwanted weight Beautl- We< manufacture aide hemmed Easter dards, Baiter bunnies, form baths given by experienced tisement. . shadoi on premises', All sizes and & Rcjjssille! Qulnn A Dprcmua; AuclonMT and Appraiser. lay. Phone today, Red Bank 3287-J, Easter place cards, Baiter laoheti, operator!. Phone Red Bank 1810. . The Spring Bride Wise * Wlso;'Klatsky ft. Klntsky. —Advertisement, colors, It you have old rollers, B. G, Coats, graduate "Reppert Baiter novelties. Baiter gifts, 767 Ask for Miss Virginia.—Advertise- thrills to Rendezvous Gifts, "Gift' Floor Sander For Rent. bring them In, If not, we supply Snyder, Roberta * JMIIibury and School of Auctioneering," 490 Bath River road, Fair Haven.—Adver- ment , • ' Counsellors" facilitate selection and Phone Red Bank 468, • Morris new roMors. Globe Awning and F, Bills Price. avenue. Lone Branch, Phone'MW. M«asix»Afitt, tisement, • - *• prevent duplication, 'Rendezvous Booker Hardware Co,, 197 Shrews- Shade Co,, 117 West Front street. —Advertisement, We have lovely heavy moth bags Gift Shop, Asfrury Park.—Adver. bury avortuo; ' corner ' Ctfrtirine- Dr. Strauffhn has returned from Phone Red Bank 8889.—Advertise- • 4 Easter Bn»ko(» ft 8 tor, 91; Odora blankat chufa, Butter For You. hit vacation and will resume his tlsemint. , , •treat, Red Bank,—Advertisement, ment. Lovely new bankets and hunnica, ' '. U.08) t»r paper, 10 cents; para We have'butter churns at $1.29 morning office hours;, 0 to 11, on wheelbarrows and bunny Rifts; Ens- to suit your burner;, belt grade* nuffgati, 09 centi cam moth Hikes, eac*. New houitwart Itimi In Saturday afternoon from 2-i *-t 23 Lawn,Holler Tor Rent, Rent n bloycle and rid* for Electrlo lroni, tor egir dyes nnd bnlloomi. Na« nnd prices. Unexcelled service, tOpjnti, National » * 10. Frow/i'i. itook *v«ry d«y. Electric*! Items Monmouth street, Red Bank.—Ad- Phone Rod Bank *6ff, Morrl* health, Rod's Bloyolo Shop, 62 PUnty In stoo)<, ..Hurry! Hurry! tlotwl'8 * 10, Prown'i,—Advertise- Fred re.' .wikof,r" ~f Co~ , Re- d- BanHy.- -- . -^Advertisement, that are new- NationM 5 ft 10. vertisement, Becker Hardware Co,, 107 Shrews- Shrewsbury avenue. Open Sun- ment, " i •'>,-:'- •-- - Prown'*.—Advertliement, If you need one, Morrl* Beokor nhone bury avenue, corner Catherine days, Call Red Bank 007-J.—Ad- Hardware Co,, 197 Bhrewtbuw ave- . ., Extension Ladders. • street Bed Bank,—Advertliement, vertiiMnent.* . 1 Plinty of SCfoot lingthi In •took, Wiv££:-X-.\ , nue, cornor Catnerlne street. Red • "Thfl Condln light, ' Wedding? Banquetf Bodstff orrUJBwktr He.rdwa.re Oo, id Bank, sorry, no phone ordors.— Loet call for thoto Hallmark Have your favorite tone* suit L WO^pMt time and full Onryiler, Piytnotrth, international, Life IniurMioa Ageliti, , Advertliement, • ~ Enstqr cards on dliplny nt< (He now by Loli Patricia Ogden, 181 for Vinui oe • Ww? ;»n£r servlqfi^ Majltlfls .>Pl«s« look for »dvertli«mint on i'hom» ,'of •the 'Candle LlgHt, W avanuj|iil«san,»burK,Ti. J. FhoniJI " B»Bk, Gift package of Evening Eau de Cologne range for the care of cancer cases rowly missed the same fate. ENu/s Cedar Chips 23c TEXflLE at St. Rose's. The mechanics of as- - irrPaTis purse flacon of % sisting the physicians in making Mr. Saggese stated he w«t un- perfume, Eau de Cologne. 4 Ounce 100' application for Briar Hill, AUen- able to use the truck for a con- PARA CRYSTALS 37c wood tuberculosis hospital, Skill- siderable period, due to difficulty Toilet Water man, Vineland, Marlboro and so on, 125' continues. * i in obtaining parts to complete re- pairs. 4K ounce 175' VERACOUTE TABS. 73c ! At the Social Hygiene Institute Mr. S«gge»e was represented by , held at the Monmouth County Or- Theodore D. Parsons, ot Parsons, .„. 7' KITCHEN.,*/ {ganization for Social Service, Red REX FOOT BALM 19c Bank, compared very favorably with Labrecque, Canzona & Combs of BATHROOM the rest of the county in attend- Red Bank. •„ Cologne, perfume, talcum ance, case findings, treatments, in a lovely three-piece Eau de Cologne number of physicals and home WALLS,,,, WOODWORK visits. Red Bank Airport set by Evening in Paris. 4 Ounce 1OO* ' As chairman of the maternal, In- fant- and pre-school section of the Has Safety Contest Cher 275- Toilet Water State Organization for Public Health Nursing I was'invited to All flyers of Piper Cub airplane* Gifts 100 to 1000* 4 Ounce 175* attend the "Council of Branches of will have a chance to participate the National Organization for Pub-in a safety contest, it has been an- lic Health Nursing" at Its head- quarters. It was a very real priv- nounced? by the Red Bank airport, FILMS GU)SS INTERIOR ilege to attend this conference ana official sponsor of the contest In to bo present while representatives this area. 127 ..„. 26c ENAMEL . from 28 states discussed their prob- Primary purpose of. the contest, Easter "Cuddlies" for Kiddies I lems.' It was a meet Inspirational which will be run simultaneously 120 „.,... 32c Fragrant at Spring. Much Easier meeting. by approximately 1,000 authorized The Advisory'Nursing committee Piper Cub dealers throughout the 616 : 37c to thrill fheir hearts on Easter morn I to meets regularly the. fourth Tuesday country, Is to promote safety In FROSTILLA LOTION of each month September through 116 37c June. They act in an advisory ca- flying in general, to increase In- Wash terest In aviation on the part of • Running Rabbits • Cuddle Rabbits pacity, give moral support, and PLUS TAX PROPHYLACTIC C their chief function fa. to further the community and prepare It for 50cSii« 39 the interest and the understanding the. rapid development.expected in • Roosters • Ducks • Lambs In the community of our education- the near future. WHITE NYLON Softtn ft smoother! dry al program. Eligibility requirements and con- More Fun Than Some are all plush toys, others of rough hands effectively,' PLUMBING Following is a list of the mem-test rules have purposely been kept percale with embroidered whiskers, HAIR BRUSH Use non-stickjr Fro* till*, bers of the 'Advisory Nursing com- simple to encourage the greatest An Easter Basket I mittee: Miss Florence Krldel, chair- noses and ears. From 11" to 21«". SUPPLY COMPANY man; Martha ILinton, secretary; number of applicants, It was stat- An Easter Gift Mrs, John B, Allen, Mrs. Crate, Mrs, ed at the Red Bank airport, since PLASTIC 163 W. FRONT STREET English, Mrs, Graser, Mrs. Groff, in this.way the most public benefit She'll Adore I Mrs. Voorhls and Mrs. Albert Wor- •will be derived from the contest PIANO BANK , RED BANK, N. J. . den. • All flyers of Piper Cubs are eligible Individually box«d. No organization can work effec- for the safety contest, with the ex- Handle and back of tively alone in the community. We ception ot paid flight instructors are grateful for the co-operation,* ana employees of Red Bank air- 98c crystal-dear plastic courtesy and understanding of oth- er organizations, and for their as- port, The contest started Monday, Grand gift combining in lush paattli. sistance In helping UJS objectively to and will end September 30. During meet the needs of the family spir- this time an accurate log of time "play" while teaching itually and physically, As we know flown by each contestant will be thrift, Plastic model Stop Perspiration in most problems of a social nature kept by the sponsor, and the •win- in 12 assorted colors. the decision rests with the person 98< From 1 to 3 Days I ner will be determined by selecting or the? family as to whether they wish to accept or Teject our advice tha contestant who has flown the or suggestions. • most number of hours in a Piper ODO-RO-NO Office Supplies With the cessation of the war our Cub with the best safjty record. work with Selective Service has Entry blanks are available at the Artist Supplies greatly diminished. This had been Red Bank airport: ^ GILLETTE NOW SAVE 10c a most interesting and tangible 59'* Typewriters ' community service In physical and Gold-Plated Tech Razor Reg. 29c Keeps underarms dry ft mental health. As health counselor To Join Trinity sweet. No perspiration Adding Machines to the Draft Board, I was appoint- Elkoy's SOAP FLAKES ed on the Local Veterans' Service College Faculty with 5 Blue' Vfl( odor, no clothes stains if Committee, and attended meetings and .you Use ODO-RO-NO. of that Committee, President G, Keith Funston has Blades Through the courtesy of the 79 announced the appointment of Dr. Monmouth County Organization for No more skin nicks as Reg. 10c DISH MOP Social Service, we hud in 1945 five Alviti Glassner of Villa place, affiliated students from Monmouth Eatontown, as Instructor ot chem- Gillette features non- YOU GET AA. Memorial hospital. These nursea istry at Trinity college. skid tread. Speedier had chosen Public Health Nursing Dr. (Jlassner was graduated from- shaves, tbo, because BOTH for A 7 as their affiliation. the- College of the City of New It is always difficult to give & ver- York In 1935 and received his Ph. of rigid blade support, bal picture of our work in the com- D. deg.ree from Columbia In 1M0. A 39c VALUE munity. The statistical report gives s the figures In each field. He Is at present in charge of all Sparkling Smiles Public Health Nursing work Is a research and development of pri- Maktt Dishwasn ing Easy very fundamental asset to a com- mary battftrlei at the Signal Corps R C munity. We have many .responsi- Engineering laboratories, Fort COLGATE. p bilities In the community, which be- Here • the Ideshcomblnition for that hate-to- cause of their confidential nature Monmouth. RUBBER GLOVES C. Smith Typewriters" 1 to neenmher 31, 1945: new medi- Molly Pitcher Hotel For cleaner teeth and a In Northern Monmouth Co. cal cases, 105; new surgical, 7; communicable. 1; maternity, 88; In- Janiea C. Drennan, managing di- IF ITS REXALL ITS RIGHT tweeter breath it's Col- fant welfare, 314. . •....• rector, haa added two veterans of gate's for oral hygiene. Amdysijs of visits: medical visits, the restaurant business of Europe Rex Ray Elect. Heat Pad 4.95 002; surgical, 53; rommunlcnblc, fl; rind America to the service staff ot USTOMf AND IMCOa WITH pre-natal, 28.1; |iogt-natnl, 48; new-tho, Molly Pitcher, hotel on River- born, 228. Total amount of fees side avenue, ' * DURANTE & MOORE collected, $1,555.21. They are Ben SchwelUer, whose Rex Ray Infra Red Lamp Every Friday Night, 9:30. C.B.S. Prevention find .education; infant career started abroad at famed. welfni-p clinic nttVndance, 226; »um- mtr loiind-up clinic ntt'qndnncc, 48; Continental eating placea, and Pe- ter Anihony, formerly Maltre d'- TELKl'HONE II. B. I chrsl clinic, 11R;. nsnintpd honrd of health with smallpox .vncelnatlona, Hotel at. Chez Maurice, Dallns, Easter Soap Toys, Ass't 29c-79c BROAD ST. ' HKI) BANK 41; children weighe• -„ d nnd measured_ , Texas, und dining room captain at 328; children given vision test and the Robert Treat Hotel In Newark. CALIFORNIA says: No Bihl No Burnt

_ t BARBASOLBruihless BRAKES ami here's the answer: SHAVE CREAM •Chartreuse • Blue ,• Green 75c" •..•"' Adjusted-RELINED-Serviced • Amber ••Oriental Sapphire • Fuchsia Keeps Dentjurei Size (8or.) PLASTIC TUMBLERS • From Slipping . .SoreJhnafl Gargk Pl.rb«J^,P«rsuadetth« FASTEETH . _USTERINEAntiseptic beard Joieave th««kirl, < . . PROMPT SERVICE w QUALITY WORK ' No brush, no lathtr.no OernlisompHcateeoldi. * i rub-infor tho smoothest t ftft g to iumr that River Street Juttior made from *n «*gl*. you «aa tell age by bow mg you BEF0BE W>0 VCt . Orad* 6, XtomllJlo H«rovdl-<--fflut ar*4 But it pay* to toll the truth, High_New« , X like was how ha explained the because,you pay for It If you don't Church i. way th* buffalo* were caught and- sqoner or later. LIFE INSURANCE . Qnd* 4T-UUI Buotuaia 1 how they went- hunting. •^-Cecilia Matmulateitt. 4 (0XTr - THIS JNTOBMATION 24 ? Broad St., Red Banlr* Beat ot .tha pnpiU hart drawn He sold various article*, such as "Actatal Mmll Stodr." . csnplU. port*™ of WnU, nardlnili, chlck-s- Mr*.' Levy's 7A social adeno*. tfcm by lmp«rtJ«l «£liaritl» on blow gum, feather*, shells, pins and class has bean studying- sisal hemp. REV, JtOQER J. SQUIRE, Futor dee* .and i>lu«. jay*. They have pictures of different Indian* and Lite luuruc* Sutiities,. nm*b formed a bird club ainee tbay ue We hav* seen it Jn it* raw state, Vut dtttracm 1> tb. coat of life limself,—Joan Antlnozzi. cooked state, and when it 1* cooked tnaunnc* ia 41 ludlni eompulM. IAIM SCHDAT, APBH. l«h. KM M Inttreated la thlm. ' Journalism Club and beaten. We have learned it has It Jmn hew to aStct nibtUDUil Mis* Buchanan also ha* •om* At ae annual meeting of our spear-like leaves and,three and one- U A.»—"I feller* Chri*t will Judge th* Qidek an* th* : pupiU in tht Good Writer* club. Journalism club Monday, April 1, half to five feet long and about TtMjr are DorU We*l*y, BOM UU- •» had an important talk on "How- four inches wide. It can live for KENNETH CWASHBURNE S P.Bt-Lenten Drama, <^h* Terribi* Meek," "at fellowship Hull; ta, Marie Soyiero, Joan Andrade, to be a good reporter." Mrs. Mac- !0 years.and rise to th*e height of lit* laniranu Sirvlct, Nanoy Clauton, Ada Wescter, An- Leod, our adylser, gave us quite a 10 feet. It is mostly grown in the ' T» PRINCETON ROAD, ObRDIAI. WELOOMB TO ALL! gelina Talerico, Victoria Arlozzi, few Interesting fact*. Among the Yucatan peninsula ot Mexico, al- RED BANK. PHONE 3154 tto*« Had* "Una and Stephanie things we talked about were the though It lsauccessfuly grown- In Glover.—Anna Calzza. thing*- m good reporter should Florida, West Indie*, India and the - Ills* Zweif know—be dynamic, alert and Jieen, .Philippine*. I» ia used for binder Th« children of the pre-primary able to observe and'hold high in- rope and twine and is a member of clan Bar* many interesting things terest—Joan Antlnozad. the amaryllis family.—Fred" DlMaio. on their bulletin. They have pic- , . Student Oounoil ' The Meaning of Easter ture* that the pupil* have drawn SAVE COAL DOLLARS The student council, with Its ad- Th* festival of the resurrection of spring. Th*y also mad* a helper viser, Mr*. Elsie MacLeod, held a chart It tells what sach boy and of Christ, the'prlnclpal least of the meeting March 28. The captain, Christian era. In, the Roman Cath- ' • • •' * - : ' USE • ' • girl has to do. They have many Barbara Ciaglla, called th* meet- olic church- festivities at Easter pictures on health. • . . . , ing to order. She stated th< names really begin with the "miss on Holy —Carmelta Servian. that had been reported'to her by 3aturday, in which the short first • Grade S—Mr*. Schaeffer the patrol members. The pupils were vespers of Easter are included—a The eighth grade general science sent for nd were given a good trace of the times of primitive se- Reading Anthracite Briquettes class has collected torn* very In- talking to. Mrs. Bell spoke to tW verity when, the mass of that day teresting charts showing how the patrol members'. She gave them was celebrated In the evening. FOR electrlo current In different things, some point* on how to Improve It. In the second century a dispute such s elevators and Irons -works. . —Mary Caprlonl. arose on this point between the Also the current events dais has Camera Clnb Eastern and the Western churches. -. Fire Places — Pot Stoves — Kitchen Ranges made booklets on national parks. The great body of Eastern Chris- They were so nice they were put The Camera club, under the su- tians celebrated Easter on the Jew- on the bulletin board. • pervision of Mr. Lasky, has pro- gressed very nicely. The club Is ish Passover, the 14th day ot the $ —Mary Caprlont learning to use the camera most first Jewish month or moon, think- 12.44 Per ton net English—Miss Davis effectively, judging by some of the ing of Christ as the true Pascal The 9A English class completed results. They are also learning the Lamb. Th* Western churches cele- their contract on "The Lady of the proper "focusing-of the camera, brated It on the Sunday after the Lake." They have taken their test which Is very important.' An at- 14th day, declaring it was the com and Miss Davis Is proud to say tempt Is being made to fully ap- memoratlon ot the resurrection of For Spring Showers! that every one has done very well. preciate the full composition of pic- esus. LAWES COAL CO. W Thanks to Miss Davis' patient tures. The members are develop- The time of Easter, being the .teaching. The 9B English class Just ing and printing their own films, most important of all the movable IxAIN, rain come again, you'll'shout begun "The Hunted and the Hunt- which they are enjoying very much. feasts of the Christian church, de- SHREWSBURY, 'N. J. Phones: R. B. 1251 - 1250. when you see bur spiflfy new raincoats in the er*." They have completed "Ran- The members are as follows: ermlnes all the others. som of Red Chief." Jeanett* Acquarro, Marie Anteno'ri, —Nancy Morgan. happiest colors of the season. You'll love —Barbara ClagUa. Hardy Burlett, Donald Cook, Rob- the way they fit, the deep, roomy annholes, The Dramatio Club ert Crawford, Ann Hembllng, Aud- The Dramatio club under the su- rey Hurley, Alice LoBlondo, Mary the trim, belted" waist. Be ready for those pervision of-«Mrs. Levy gave a play Pagano, Ruth Pahl, Mary Ann April Showers by selecting .you? rainwear In chapel last Wednesday. The pur- Russo, Roger Soviero, Richard, Sel pose was to'promote the habit* of denzahl, Alfred Spinning, Alice apparel here today! ••••* • savings which boys and girls have. Story, Arthur White, Homer Wll learned during the war. In the play Hams, Alflo Trululo, Raymond Eng- Auntie and Uncle learned about land, Marjdrie Cavello. saving and hospital costs from —Marie Costello. 595 to 29.95 their country nieces and nephews.' , Telephone Company (j P —Mary Caprlonl. One sunny afternoon the ninth Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan The children of the elementary grade Business Training class took grades had a treat Monday. They a trip to the telephone company. had an Indian chief visitor. He Is They had a nice time. The boys and from the Sioux tribe. His name girls learned how the operators Is Black Eagle. Some questions worked the switchboard. .They were asked of the pupils about the found out how the information deal? program: works. Many, of the-girls were talk- Grade J, Barbara Gollno—I ing later of the desire to become thought that the papoose he showed an operator. On the way back we 32-34 Broad St. Red Bank us was very nice. had ice cream and a lot of fun. Grade 4, Anthony Coloslmo—I —Roslna Sestlto. 151 Broadway. Long Branch like the way he talked Indian and Why I Joined the Reporters' Club performed the Indian ceremony. I joined It because it would help Grade 3, Sandra Levy—I like the me in my career. I've always hoped to become a reporter for a news- paper because you would always have a steady Job. This club might help me In making report*. I'm go- ing to Join the Reporters' dub at the high school when I go there. To be a reporter you must he alert —Roslna Sestlto. The Helpers' Club The 3A2's are following the rules «f the Helpers' olub very well. .They Eastertide have substituted Mary Annechin as president because of Robert Patterson's illness. They have-made booklets on their club consisting of their rules, which are silence, I politeness, klndnesi, honesty and neatness. I am sure this club will Flowers help them become better citizens. —Katherine Procoplo, Mrs. S. Levy. Mrs. Levy's eighth and ninth grades social science class has been discussing a topic on "Do you think World war three la likely to be at no other time can fought ever, What will probably be the cause of it if it does take place? What can be done to prevent such a war? The member* were en- couraged . to offer their personal REMEMBERINQ be opinions.—Mary Caprlonl. On April 2 Mrs. MacLeod ar- ranged to have the Journalism club visit The Bed Bank Register. We so beautiful *•• • • would like to thank Mr. Hogan for ]p}u\ lUlU selects a pure worsted -with that smooth seeing that we got all the Informa- tion about The Register. He had a surface you look for and love . . .then tailors it with gentleman explain each step at we integrity in a suit. Hand-picked detail on gabardine went through the building. The girls in the club would like loomed by the American Woolen Co. Black, African A.N exquisitely ^fragrant bouquet of to thank Mr. Lasky fo'r accompany- brown, grey, beige, dawn blue, navy and green. Sizes ing them ^here. I would like to say Spring flowers is aJovely Easter remem- I found the visit very interesting 10 to 20. EASTER LILIES and educational a* well. brance. Nothing brings mor« pleasure —Roslna Sestlto. Mm. Mysken** student* (second 39-95 than such a gift Flowers ar« tht neces- grade) are doing a lot ot work in Other Suits, $16.80 to $49.95 painting, cutting, drawing. They sary compliment of Easter and the truest are making paper doll*. They are making clothes for th« paper dolls, expression of your sentiments. too. The paper dolls are about the size ot a ruler and they are cute. Mrs. Myskena is helping them, too, especially making up designs in the dresses. They are painting the dresses themselves. —Cecilia Marmuiiteln. My Mort Thrilling Experience My mo»t thrilling experience was ,vhen I went to the movie*. I was just 12. I went to the movies and paid 20 oenta and I got in. When you are over 12 you hava to pay 4* cents. The next time I went I didn't get through. They asked me how Just see what's now In hand- old I was. I »ald I was 11. ThBy bags . . • shape! Our hantl- said that I looked more than 11. So bags are an accessory to Nanoy had to loan, m* 21 eents smartness right through' ' more. I went In and was I mad. It summer, CORSAGES-of allkind- includ- AZALEAS 4.95 to 9.95 ing Orchids and Gardenia*. "BULK" SHORT COATS Farm and Garden Short, and to the point, & well Quality tailored all wool coat belted in through .the waist, broad MEMBER OF , through the , shoulders and EASTER BLOUSES -, SEED styled' with novelty slashed There's the lilt of Spring-itself in these blousei, to I pockets. . • FLORISTS TELEGRAPH From put your suit in a-light-hearted Easter mood. Jewel* . New Spring Shades- neck or Bow tie to make your wardrobe, complete., • . ' DELIVERY Woodruff'i, Burpee'p, Sizes .10 to 2O.« . >: • .- •>.._* . Sires .3a-to 44. ; . . ' • Ferry-Morie's, Buitt't, '. 35.00 "' Landreth'i Seed Co. Other CoftU, $16.80 to $49.95 V 2.70 to 8.95" Fkwerphone Bed Bank 1S32 "DUtrlbutor" . Open Use Our Convenient >• W.D.SWARTZEL Peed A Farta Suppllei Saturday Lay-Away Plan For

# rt

'• t tt. EED BAKK BECHSTER, APRIL 11,1946. (Four. ; ; pointtof out that dlwklid aft V#lu-" in May and 4h«, elghja ,gr»de»,ai» "DIMAN MARINE SALES able employed. - '. \ Keyport Board planning aplonU « Ohmequaka Auto Liability and Property Damage Insmtmc^« Local Chapter "». Through ohapfcr meeting f nd an evening party In the gram- Boats and Engines —'I and get-togethers, van who hare faarsohoo! auditorium.- • Passenger cart - ttantUrd Umiti, - $27 annually Sought By DAV been dlaiblad hav« a oomraon ta- To Honor Team • group from tbe bljrtx school will terest,'* - • attend the "Open House" fqr girls Special IQW fates on taxis, trucks, farm vehicles Walkat said eompUU iBfoma. Interested In taking nurses' train- Commander Appeals tion on how to (a about fonnlnjt a Dinner Is Planned ing at the Monmoutn Memorial looml chapter oaa ba obtained by hospital' and another group wjU W.C.Weart,42BroadSt,RedBai*-Tel.22*b «* To Red Bankers contacting a DAV Chapter In a For Courf Five- visit the State Teachers college In nearby city or writing to National Trenton. . ' , In an.*ppe«J to approximately 380 Adjutant Vivian D. OorWy, Na- The Xeyport high school basket- Upon th« notion of Herbert 0. Bed Bank veterans of -World WK tional DAV headquarter*, 142S Bast jail team and the cheer leaders will Burrowei, the activities at the. ath- two, who were disabled in service, McMillan street, Cincinnati, Ohio. be given a dinner by the board of letic field will,continue under the Dow V. Walker of Newport, Ore- education It was decided at .the direction of "Rufus O. Walling, dlt- gon, national commander of the recent board meeting. trlot clerk. Mr. Walling has had SHEET METAL Disabled .American .Veteram, today Anne M. Little Ernest K. Walllnfis-ta eharga of charge of 'the renting and various urged that they band together, to arrangements. The data and place activities and plans at ths athletic will be announced later. field sine* It was built He an- form a.local chapter of the £>AV, Given Shower Party nounced that Barltan post, Walker based his estimate on the The resignation of MM. Jewel Oa- FABRICATORS number of disabled veterana in this Mlis Ann* U. Little, daughter of 111 Morlri as school nurse was ac- can Legion, has contracted tot. tbe community on a per capita average Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Little of cepted with regret. Mrs. Morln has baseball Held for Sunday games that has been worked out by the Bast Bergen plaoa, was guest of been on a leaVe of absence while during the summer. DAV., which is chartered by Con-. honor last Thursday alfht at a serving'as an Army nurse and, re- Steel Equipment is back. g'ress as the official voice of Amer- miscellaneous •oo'vwr at the; home lently returned""• hom' e from over- Workers Are Hurt ica's war-time disabled. •' . of Mr. and Mr* Harry Jackson on teas. .• • • • , . • Veterans who have been, wound* John street, tendered by Mrs. Janes Upon the- request of George In Ditch Cave-In Plan/noW;for those metal L ed, gassed, or disabled la any de- J, Qulnn of Rod Bask and Mrs, 'Searchh, principalii , IIt was decided to gree while serving Jn the armed George Inraan ot Fair Haven. Jea- allow students upon request IS Two workers on Allen Brothers' forces during time of war are eljg- turing ths decorations was a white school days for farm work provided development on McLaren street adjustable shelves. ible for membership In the DAV. crepe umbrella; • . the schdtol work missed Is made up. were Injured Mpnday when 'a ditch Veterans of all wars are members. Miss Little Is to b« married to Several groups in the school were in which they were digging caved MEN'S MARLBORO The DAV national commander Edward J. Cogan, son of Mr. and given permission, for trips. Frank )n. pointed out to local veterans" who Mrs .William F. Cogin of Wood- Lawyey r and Mrs. Clinton S. Injured were Raymond Battle, 88, "WESTBURY" suffered disabilities, that there are bin* «venu«, Little Silver, Satur- ff of the high school faoulty will' of 16 Herbert street, who suffered more than 1,211 chapters of -the day, April 27. take a group of students to New broken ribs and waa admitted to Attending the party were Mrs. United Metal Works DAV throughout the United States. York to see "Show Boat" or "Song Rlverylew hospital, and Fred Hal- WHITE SHIRTS 0 Both men and women are eligible Little, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Cogan, f Norway." Miss Rose Fields and sey, in, of Church street, Belford, for membership. Mrs. Fred Dunnell, Mrs. Harry Ry- Mrs. Hattle Makowsky will take who suffered a sprained ankle. The PHONE RED BANK 3476 . '"There are five reasons," ha der, Mrs. William Florence, Mrs, heir two sixth grades to New York Red Bank First Aid squad assisted '3.95 said, "why a disabled veteran Paul Little, Mrs. Mae Ryan, Miss :o visit the Planetarium and the in extricating Mr. Battle, who was Agnes Dwyer, Mrs. Edward Clark, :ce Show. ' . • •• almost completely burled. The hos- should be a member of the Dis- Mrs. Rlohard DeLorenzl, Mrs. Ann 11 UNION ST., RED BANK, N. J. These famous shirts are known .from abled American .Veterans. They The. pre-prlmary olasses will go pital reported, the patient's condl- are: ••-"• - Rlcheal, Mrs. Gladys Qulgley, Mrs. on a picnic to Cheesequake Parktlon as excellent. coast to coast' Joseph Farrell, Mrs. John Collins, "1. Disabled veterans can be of Mrs. Martin Kearney, MrB. William 1 -]j|fiuljp of fine white hro.ideloth... congen- " hino&ju to each other by discussingCross, Mrs. Grace Simpson, Mrs. ~problems"and handicaps that have AdolJJh Desch, Mrs. Howard Jef- ' ial xiili ;tQAjr.4J^v Easter suit and tie. been overcome. frey and Misses Lillian Desch, Mar- ' "2. The DAV offers—free of lon Dunnell, Marlon Cogan, Elaine Sorry, but ve must liBflt these one to a ; charge—assistance in adjudication Inman.and El via Acosta. customer. . of claims and in obtaining govern- I ment benefits. DISORDERLY. I "3; Through the DAV the dis- abled, voteran helps work for bene- Welcome Spence of Latham ave- ficial legislation both locally and nue, Hillside, Mlddletown township, nationally. was fined $10 and cost* of court by "4. A local chapter of the DAV Recorder Irving- W, Teeple at Mid- can be very helpful in developing dletown Monday on a drunk and SNY an employment' program for ;dls- disorderly charge. Miss Wllhelmlna 32-34 Broad Street Red Bank abled veterans by urging selective Knight of Hillside was the com- placement, on-the-job training and plainant. 2097 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Easter is the time you will want TESTED SUNOCO DYNAFUEL to step out in one of the season's AGAINST EXTRA-PRICED GASOLINES latest Snydercraft Suits.

These fine All Wool Suits come in the ever popular Double and Single Breast- ed models, with the long soft role lapels, in the ever popular Glen Plaids, Club Checks and Stripes in Grey, Blue, Tan axid Brown. _ u

$29.50 to $48.50

Clothes That Can Take It! A boy's clothes have to < see him through a lot of fun and trouble. Our boys' wear is de- otAupetuot signed to keep its style through a rough and tumble life. SUITS

'©•t your car $15.95 to $19.95 Car dealers really know gasoline performance. So we Sport Jackets Go asked 2097 of them to test'Dynafuel against leading extra- $12.95 and up with a priced gasolines. After tests in all makes of cars, here's Slacks to Blend how these experts voted: •""' $4.95 and up (JIM'S WNMvo«eiT... | H68 SAIV DYNAFUEL PERFORMED "BSTTER" 822 SAIV "JUST AS G00V ONLY 107 SAID NOT AS GOOD" Can You Tie these For Easter?

•° •• ' .,••• •..•'••, W to 1 that Dynafuel is equal -or svperiorto extra-prtcod gasolines 1 Nothing will perk up a nun's Easter outfit like one of these new ties in the 'Pwotf that 7)(ftta{ctel dou yiue Jatest patterns and colors. Smart Foul- ards, Woolens and Rayons and Nylon*. TEST PERFORMANCE... WITHOuFllIGBf f MCE!

THESE SUNOCO DEALERS WILL BE GLAD TO SERVE YOU $1.00 and $1.50 ARNOLD HEWITT, ' KUPER & HALLANAN, A, &L. MAIER, Monmouth * Watt Its,, V*& Bsitt, N, J, „ 1 Wmt AUer IW., num'xin, N, J. Mortal Parkwsy * East Are., [1 • KENNEtHHARtZELL, HENRY B. WAYNE, , AtlanMo ntihUuiB*, N. J.' h- ' ' HI V< Fron^Ht,, R«d Btnk, V, i. , ,'Tlnton l'«ll», X. J'. • - 4»i pen Saturday

*>S.unwtAYN.,il«dllank,N.J, . M»ple; A*.«.(-lU-il Jtah|t,.N' i. ' ^ _.H, Hwy, 88, rort Monmouth, N. *". &i. 32-34 Broad St, RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. Propose To PICTURES THIS SUNDAY? Scores Hit At Show AFTER MAY 1st vu Change Name ^f0j0P 9 CONVENIENT raM , Wi. SB KEA»Y FOB TOP AT 8 P. M. MONDAY. pfDrugCo. fU*l> JUH ^ jy^ '"'- 4 work doM ta our 0 f;Ff _,_„ , Also A 2 For 1 Split WILL REMAIN OPEN MONDAYS AND EVERY PAY PAGE'S PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE In The Common Stock' NOW OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAYS 6t WHITE ST. (NEXT TO LEON'S) To Be Voted Upon MUSIC EVERY EVENING • . "KNOW TOUR PHOTO J. W, Dwt, president of. United NO DANCING Drug, Inc., announced that at a meeting of the board of director! Lmehem From 12 Noon to 2 t3O P. M. . / . of United Drug, Inc., held Saturday the board of director! passed a res- A U Cwte and Dinner. Scrrtd All Day Till 10 P. M. olution to propose to the stock- holder! of the company that the name of the corporation be changed Shadowbrook Inn Is Located on Route 35 from United Drug, Inc., to Unlted- 1 MILE SOUTH OF BED BANK TELEPHONE RED BANK MM Rexall Drug, Inc. The board also voted to seek per- Grand Opening of mteslon of the stockholders to spilt the common stock of the company on a' two-for-one bails, reduce the par value of the common stock from fS to 12.00 per share and to The Homesjtead's Left to right—George Dcmpdcy, manager of Manasquan (tore; Albert Bqyer, Red Bank; Elmer E. Increase the authorized capital Coyte, manager of Red Bank store, and A. E. Grudln, president of The Wright Stores. , stock of the company to 8,000,000 The Wright Stores at 30 Mon-saw, table -saw and grinder; Lo- tools and a bronze polishing head shares.'. At the present time there are 1,400,660 outstanding common New Bar mouth street, In co-operation with gan's cabinet lathe,' Thor's drills was given away. The lucky win- and. screw drivers, Skilsaw's drills, ner was 8. H. Johnson of- Long shares of United Drug, Inc. the Wright Store, of Manasquan, saws and.' blowers. Porter-Cable Branch. , Providing the proposal is acted participated in the exhibit at theaanders and saws, .Sterling finish- The one single item that .aroused upon favorably by. the stockholders Ing saijder, Dayton' belts, Morse the most genuine Interest was the-the number of outstanding shares WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 successful Cavalcade of Progress would he 'increased ' to 2,801,120, which closed Sunday in Convention twist drills and power lawn mow- 20" power lawn mower, quite ex- ers. • • ... tinct during the war yearv. Many leaving an additional 2,198,880 HEAR CARMAN AT THE PIANO hall, Asbury Park. The colorful and animated show- orders were taken. shares authorized- but unissued, This well known company occu- ing of models In actual running The Wright Stores exhibit was available .for future requirements pied three booths containing new, of the company. All these propos- order created no little attention said to be one of the largest and als are to "be voted on.at a meeting SPINET AND SOLOVOX unusual and hard-to-get machine and .the week-long showing,kept a the most visited one of the Caval- of the stockholders May 14, in 'Wil- A Choice Variety at the tools- for mechanics, builders, ma-constant crowd of eager buyers at cade. The decorative effects and mington, Delaware. • Fun chinists and wood -worX'ers. Some this booth each day. displays were created and executed Food Entertainment of the popular Items.were Walker- A prize was offered to the public by the Red Bank store's manager, The contemplated change of the Turner'*, drill press, joiner, band for those interested In machine Elmer E, Coyte. company's name to United-Rexall Everything New, Different and Attractive at Drug,' Inc., follows by about one ART FLORAL SHOPPE year the change in name of the GETS TAXI LICENSE. istered, some of whom have served operating subsidiary of the com- Homestead Hotel. Students Urged To three ye*ars and will enter the pany to United-Rexall. Drug Com- 62 S. BRIDGE AVE. The Freehold mayor and council nursing school In September. Mrs pany. This action was taken In last week granted a license to oper- Newman pointed out the value of order Co make the company's trade | (Opposite Bed Bank B. R. Station) Stanley Smith, Proprietor. ate a taxi in the borough to C. El- Plan Early For this pre-tralnlng work as ft gives mark—Rexall—a part > of the cor-i vin Lane of Freehold. Previously potential students an opportunity porate name. • ;- •• . —and— ' ' • '/\ .' • there had been but one license to enter upon their training In an 120 Center Ave., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. granted. Joseph Hardlmari Is theNursing Career atmosphere that is not strange and other taxi operator. the actual help they give In every department of the hospital Is a very Waterbury Opposes High School Girls , valuable experience. She urged the Our New Greenhouse girls to attend the new classes as Price Ceilings Visit Hospital, more help la seeded in the summer ON HIGHWAY 3S when the patients enjoy the solar-, Rolston Waterbury, Red Bank (New Cemeteries) Hear Requirements ium. ' The girlj take the patients realtor,, took part this week In a to and from the solarium and1 re- concerted demand by realtors 'You cannot begin too early to main there as attendants under throughout the nation by wiring You will find these places most conveniently plan your career In nursing," said supervision. ' New Jersey senators in opposition Miss Lydia Blaser, director of the Groups of high school students to price celling! on homes and Iota located for your particular needs in Flowers. school of nursing at theMonmouth attended from Asbury Park, Free- as working against the best inter- Red Bank Memorial hospital to the ISO Mon-hold, Keyport, Leonardo, Long ests of the returned service man. Whether you wish Easter Flowers for gifts, 45 Broad Street mouth and Ocean county high Branch, Manasquan, Bed Bank, The messages sent by Mr. Water- a plant in"memory of some loved one, corsages or school students who attended the Rumaon and Star of the Sea, Long bury listed opposition to the cell- Phones 3262-3 open house program In the hospital Branch. ings as being "complicated, confus- fresh cut flowers, they will be. always available at auditorium Thursday. ing and unnecessary—if and when our shoppe in Red Bank or our greenhouse on Miss Blaaer pointed out that the building materials coma into the U. S. Cadet Nurse recruitment pro- Vaudeville Show market" Subsidies were also op- the highway, where you will receive prompt gram has been discontinued and posed as unnecessary and undesir- service. ' Order Your Easter Turkey NOW! the expenses of the three-year Tomorrow Night able "since they will only serve to training period must now be met Herbert E, Werner and J. Allen delay production—shackle business, Because our flowers are grown in our own by the individual student nurses. Mohn, co-chairmen of the program and do not represent the efficient Requirements for entrance will not committee' of the Brotherhood of road to production. greenhouse you're sure of the finest, most ex- be changed until September, 1947, the Red Bank Presbyterian church, Also urged was the necessity of quisite blossoms and at most reasonable prices. BIRDS EYE TURKEYS Miss Blaser explained, since the announced the program, for the an-realistic raises in price ceilings on wartime requirements must remain nual ladies1 Bight and reception to building materials as the one ef- Place your Easter order TODAY! Whole > Small 10 to 12-tb. Size in force until six months after the returned servicemen and women of fective method of quickly releasing peace treaty has been signed. warehouse stock and insuring con- Cleaned, Ready for ROASTING 68lb. the church by the Brotherhood to- tinued high production which will We deliver and telegraph flowers every- She also called attention to themorrow night at 8:15 o'clock in the fact that the training school was In- church social ball. tend to later reduce prices. where. terested particularly In students In The men stated that two acts of Mr. Waterbury further urged FRESH LARGE PEMBROKE Brand the upper third of the high school vaudeville will be presented. Frank that realtors do hot need govern- QUICK FROZEN classes as the course requires good Klnney and company will entertain ment money or enterprise, adding TELEPHONE RED BANK 7 students. During the pre-cltnlc with an act of comedy magic and "all that Is needed la to give the JERSEY period, five required science sub- Harlan Dixon will present humor- homebullders of the nation the PEAS jects will be taught at "the Mon- ous stories and dances. They -wer chance to do the job." HYGRADE mouth Junior college- for which 35 secured through the efforts of Mr. college credits will be given. The Werner, executive secretary of the QUICK FROZEN school of nursing was- founded in Penn Station YitOA, . EGGS 1896 and Is registered and approved J. Raymond King -will officially CHOPPED BEEF U-Oz. Paclcara in the states of New Jersey and welcome the guests and preside In S-OS. Patties New York and accredited by thea brief business session. Buffet re- Now Is The Time To Let Us Outfit You For Easter National League of Nursing Edu- freshments will be served. cation. Miss Lillian Schwartz, Instructor 47 of nursing arte, and Miss Ruth TO HEAB CHOIR Z9i . 17c Johnson, assistant director of the Rev. R. S. Kelsey and the Junior Clothes Designed to Give You nursing school,' answered questions choir of the Second Baptist church HYGRADE pertaining'to the work of their de- of Keyport will present a program HYGRADE partments. of songs Sunday afternoon at the HONEY BRAND COFFEE In extending a welcome to theA. M. B. Zion church on Shrews- That Well Groomed Appearance HONEY BRAND Victory Corps girls who attended bury avenue. Sponsors are Mrs. BAKER-IZED the^meeting, Mrs. S. O. Newman, Alberta Thomas, Mrs. Carrie Cobb, director of volunteers, stated that Mre. Nellie Polk, Mrs. Ellen Bat- A turned head—an admiring glance won't sur- ALLBEEF PARTY LOAF BARRINGTON HALL this was a very valuable unit In the tles and Mrs. Nannie Roberson. CHOPPED BEEF volunteer recruitment at the hos-Rev. A. A. Council! Is pastor of the prise you if you're wearing^ our clothes in the VACUUM PACKED pital. Fifty-two girls are how regRe- d Bank church. FRANKFURTERS AND PORK DBIF or BEGULAB Easter Parade. Men—and women too, can't help . VACUUM PACKED IN recognizing our distinctive tailoring and out- 12 M. can 39C NATURAL JUICES standing styles. Enjoy the reputation of a well 12 oz. to 351 dressed man—and know that you are. Buy your 3 AHYGRADE Easter clothes here. 20 oz. can DOZEN $4.00 PRODUCT MEN'S SUITS $47'°° BEEF STEW MailMades BRoy CmillitmSmithsoin " * PRE-COOKED READY TO HEAT ALL WOOL MEN'S FINE Hygrade's beef stew—juicy, thick with'vegetables lb. pkg. 49c Hygrade's beef goulash—Hungarian style with noodles...... lb. pkg. 49c Top Coats Sport Coats Hygrade's veal «tew—tender pieces of meat, vegetables lb. pkg. 49c Hygrade's veal goulash—Hungarian style, with noodles ..lb. pkg. 49c $33.00 $18.00 to $22.50 Hygrade's lamb stew—top quality Iamb, vegetables../. .:. lb. pkg. 49c Hygrade's chicken a la king—meat, broth and milk, etc lb. pkg. 99c 'Hygrade's corned beef hash—cooked beef and potatoesffetc lb. pkg. 41c Hygrade's minestrone soup—spicy, tastes home-made .lb. pkg. 31c

QUICK FROZEN FRUITS-VEGETABILES BOYS' ALL WOOL STUDENT ALL WOOL PEACHES APPLESAUCE Grapefruit Sections SUITS \ SUITS TAKU BRAND TAKU BRAND 1-tb. pkg. 33c and and 1-tb.pkg. 35c i-lb!pkgT25c THE GIFT MOtHE WANTS MQST.,. SPDRT COATS SPORT COATS BLUEBERRIES BRUSSELS SPROUTS L1MAS 10-oz. pkg. 43c 12-oz. pkg. 39c 12-oz. pkg. 44c YOUR PHOTOGRAPH $13.50 to $20.00 •\ $18.50 to $25.00 Come in this week before tlte. Mother's HYGRADE HYORADB , RHUBARB Day ruih and hove.a lovely porlrilt msde of younelf, No oilier'gift will plane The Home of Fine Clothes For Men and Boys SPINACH BROCCOLf HOT HOUSE , LORSTAN Mother more . . „ hot only on Mother's Dsy, but (he whol«.ytir'round.. . 14-ozvpkg ZSc 10-oz. pkg. 29c , l-tb.-pkg.. 21c ..'ipkciAi MOTHIU'J pAV> orrim

II. MQAD IT., DID MNK CMMUII In APRICSpTS HV-OBB CUT CORN alfricllvt munfi CLAYTON * MAGEE DOG STREET . , REP"^ANIC, N; J. Face Six. RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11,1946. direction—away from "by the people and Utttunn, Job* V> Mary ii—« BANK REGISTER for the people." UnleM the American Reserve Officers l3** *9f » Editorial Views Mull«»; John H. M Jan* KcK-fbt SSTAJIUSHED -71 . people think clearly during this critical aetthe* need tibr now for partliao- Elect CariKalt Genealogy H. C*ok aai Be—r Clay period, they mqy let inflation BOW deeds of of Other Papers " Bneetl** !**_• to the IBVDfft BBOWM bitterness that will sweep away tbe grefet 07 v V^K i» V^^W^B^J ^H*J*J' vejS/*j"^*fc •sap*^^ £*•!BTpVJs, It President Of Balt*r, Dttnei t» data Editor iid rnMbkcr a'elear «hct»* bebrien right and American experiment in human freedom Uft—N**arit «unday OalL Mrs. William R. Conover, Tree- IAMES J, HOGAS, Aeeodai* County Chapter • hold, N. J, -Star Route, editor, %'C. JVWorrell, _ AMMaat Mitor which has given this nation so" rich & life onalrman ot th* OmtaltflMl com- (8M) Voorh***, Daoltl iSti. to ^ lit tun e .ndoiwnnt HO MQKC OABAU— BOS. mittee, of Monmouth County His- !'• M, HAROLD KELLY, Loaned to the Wavy for over a century and a half. litir) •H. Carl Kalt of Chapel BUI was -Matilda A. Dey 1867, Ayr. 16 .5 While tbe Army board' named to torical association, Vretboldi N. J, Bsateda, Wm. A. to 3tary Ann ', HEHBEH.THX ASSOCIATED MUM eleottd prtildent of the Monmouth We should realize now as never before GOLDBN W_H». etudy th* so-called "cmeta system" oounty chapter of the Army He- Genealogical into (rat* 10) Brown 1866, Dec. Si ' ' Th. Aiioeiited Prill la taelulnlr •MHI**-**' IW-«I la th* terrtaei U preparing it* re- Oonover, John Henry to Mart* Six . -. rb)!tli> ii»U >iwt dbpttelM enllt*« t» It 01 that America had a war to win; Wars are nry* Officers'. association at th* Marrletg* Beoord* TH* aioker li M extrovert of nnrt port th* Amy Iteelf ha* taken a meeting at the Molly Pitcher hotel . IBM July » -\ won by ('blood and treasure." We gave our wat«r. On an. •thllaritlng spring step •which ha* so tmali bearing on last week. - . Jan. 11. 1W to fcfi 4 1MI ' •y o, r. mmiL Minuter day when tfae. bluefMidi, wood military cute, It .he* abpllihed blood and we are now giving our treasure-T- Other* eleoted were Austin O. ; mokee, John 0. to Bm«M_ W*bb 4 Member Audit Bureau of CiroulatUm* .pswees and ion* sparrow* are ilof- cavalry u a separate am of th* Bole*, Long Branoh, vie* president; Tracy, Francis B. 2SM Deo. ft ' it, is being exacted from us through' in- Ing a melodloui trio, Golden "WJng **ry!e*< Let u* My that' under National Advwtiilni B«prM»nUtlr.i, Martin i*in*re modern conditions of warfare It Ir William H. Ellis, Runuon, Mora- Travere; Stephen L. By Jotoa L. Bejton, Justice Is. U last 21th It., NtT. York. m WMt IMIiea. It, flation. Inasmuch as modern wars'are total callously Interrupt* with hli _o- tory; John T. Lawley, MlddUtowa, Truax,, John 9SM Coulter, Nobl* to Ann Walker, both ' nUrlltl Obwtsot It., fklladalpala. Pa notonouo performance. Thar* li an eminently logical step, but Its wars, Jth'e: maieriaLjrkejnajLP!9.TeJio J>e Implication* should not be over- treasurer, and Albert R. Lau*, Truax, Susan 2688 .of FreelMM, N. J,. _M, Apr. 2 Hit Ktd'Buk Ra(lst*r uinmif no lo»n«mi n«»*MIMU- Iittl> musical quality to bit «onfi Rumson, membership leorttary, , Truax, Sylvanus B., Jr, 2520 By Francis J. R, LlyhttmrJi, Bee- : I looked.- 1 tl« for troofnvUttl erron Is •Jvenii«m«on but will rural high. And yet we have no reason to kick, hi* dogmatlo &ffdTet£ i3Sin «lT10t»i~ nmiui ~—i— _-_ i ,,„... The-prnldent-announoed-tbai-th* tor ot St. PeUr * ehurch tktt put of*Vi>' ac>trtl«*ii««t l» whleh tbi tmirttVial From time Immemorial the' horns repeat themselve^ for long ptriodi, aim of the group Is th* perpetua- Truex, James . . ., • . — 2M6 trier wm' AilT«nbin wUI pltti. netifr tktnH|Mmt much less expect our government to float soldier ha* been, or ha* considered Immediately of «nj «rrot which in ooeur. One who I* close enough can catch tion' of an adequate national de- Truex, Leonard . . 2646 to. Sarah L*w1s 1867, June IT the nation painlessly over the abyss. In the the ihort grace not* that pr«o*d«« himself, the aristocrat of fighters. He fense. '• , ,4~-V=- • . ' » • *•• By J. B. Graw, Minister tuhicription PrteM-li Advuui Om nir, ll.lll ill has loqfced upon f6ot sloggers with Truex, Sarah —; »— 2534 the fteady-toned repitltlon Of,the ; AttendlngJb* meeting were Alex- Morton, Joseph, to Fanny'A. Uor- Bionthi, 11.S0; tbre« mootbi, II naui llnilt ten, « •«•<•• days ahead we must weigh our values care- frank, If good-natured, contempt Tucker, Louls«« ' '. 2544 main note. andex^f^Belchek, R. P. Iannaront, rle _— lMfr, June M and on the artillery with marked Tuckftr, Refeeooa «—— ._ 3018 d Wwklrr. tnfertd w Sttoud-Clwi MMUr at the JP«t, fullj. We must draw a mental line. On He hu a soon ot folk-lore J. Theodqre Longo, Alvln H. Park- Aumoclt, John H. to Anoey Ellen condescension. And 'now he I* to Tunis Amelia — 35M Hd Bk. N. J., under U« Aet of HIM*. I. 1119, names: such as High Hole. YeHow er and. John D. Newman, Red •fflu at. Had Bank. one side we must put our money, pur" ma- disappear except for "a small de- Tunis, William _ 2520 ChaWberllri , 1867, June li Hammer, Yuccer and Wood Wall. Bank; William T. Osborne, little tachment of mounted troops to give Tyson, Robert T, _— — 3866 By William B. Vanleer, Minister THTJRSDAY, APRIL. 11, 194*. terial possessions—on the other we must It Is always a good day In spring Silver; Fred Stappler,' Fair Haven; Instruction* and train minor unit* Underdonk, Liewls ___ _ 38J6 Brown, Antliony to Margaret*, when the countryman hears that Richard H. Farley, Irving A. He- put the things of the spirit, our form of gov- for operation* in rough terrain." Updike, Theodore' •• _ 2B20 •hlbla , 1MT, June » familiar and aggresslv* string ot well, Martin J. Hyland, Edward M. Here, It seems to us, Is a* signifi- Vanammon, Thomas — _ 2532 By BloomAeid Newman, Justice ernment, the sanctity of the individual, rasping notes from the orchard be- Mautner, Albert Saundenand Mor- Unnecessary 'Tooting" cant an Indication a* one could Yanandale, Eliza Jane . _. 26M (293) Ehner, William I. to.Margaret hind the barn. The flicker wantl* ton F. Trlppe, Asbury Park; Frank principles for which this country stands, wish of the advance, of democracy Vanarsdalen, Cornelia* _ 2530 Ann Fettet, both ot Mon, Co In Traffic Tie-up$. the countryside to know he ha* ar- T. Lawley and Charles W. LJppitt, through mechanization. __,_ ^._1._._ 1M7, May 30 and for which human beings have struggled Middletown; Howard C. Booream, Van Brunt, Cornelius _ — 2522 rived and has everything under It leave* us a little *ad. . The By Bloomflcld Newman, Justice A bill lias been introduced in the state Deal; Richard M. Child, Ocean Van Brunt, Daniel _ 2577 through the centuries to attain. This spir- control. Golden Wing earned this caballero always had dash, distinc- Oonover, John R. to Mary Jan* Grove; John N. Harrington, Mata- Van Brunt, Elijah _ 2577 legislature which provides a fine of $50 for nick-name because of the yellow tion and style, In fact as well as in VanKirk, both of Mon. Co. itual side of the. "ledger" must be held in- wan; Robert 'M. Moult, Sea Girt; Van Brunt, Etiia —_ i_ 2M7 that, show* beneath the tall and Imagination. He may have been _ : ;.—_ 1867, June 31 the driver who "alerts"' the motorist ahead Harry L. Ryder, Everett, and Ed- Van Brunt, Joseph .,'„,; , 25M violate. It. is our capital, inherited from wings when In flight But If h* a haughty fellow, but h* brought a By O. C. Schanck, Minister ward L. White, Freehold. Van Brunt, Zephanlah . _ 2632 the instant a traffic light-changes from red had no yellow feather* he would color to combat that will be missed Oherest, Augustus to E]|»a Ann the ages. It is our only means of building still be a handsome bird, He wearg Vanbr^nt, Julia - _ 2877 to green. —If there I* to b* more combat. Vanbrunt, Parker — 2883 Sohanck, both of New York City anew and better world. a bright reiT scarf on the back Qf No more Charge* of tha Light Bri- — _ 1857, July a On this matter, The Keystone Automo- Ms neck; he has a, gray top-knot Vanoieaf, Caroline — 2656 gade, no more sensational defeats Ask For More Vancleaf, Garret W. _ 2554 By J. W. Crumb and a deep black mustache that as by the hollow squares at Water- bile ciftb makes the following comment: _ 2538 Oonover, AsJier to Jane Ann Van- runs from the cornets of his mouth loo. And don't think that, as an en- Van Clear, Garret W. — Van Cleef, Ann Maria _ — 2897 Cleat : 1857, Aj>r. 16 * "Even if the bill fails of passage, the Socialism Will Engulf The Farmer to tha red band. Hl» thrqajt-ft a; listed man at least, he,enjoyed any Police Protection . By E. W. Collier, Minlstir tawny grayish-brown and hln watjt- rtpeefal privileges. An Infantryman Van Cleef, jQhn . _ 3016 fact of its introduction ought to serve no- Van Oleef, William — 2679 (2M) Sproul, Holmes to E. J. Pat- If He Does Not Watch Out. coat has a crescent-shaped black has only himself to look out for In terson , 1857 Aug. 2 tice on this annoying.highway pest that the ruffle. camp or In battle; he had both him- To Safeguard Van Clees, Mariah — 2585 Van Cleeve, Margaret ; _._ 2595 By E. W. Colller^Minister England, "a nation, which has always He and his demure mat* usually self and his mount—no sinecure. legislators have their eyes on'liini and that, Van Clief, Catherine — 2562 Chanvbert, Anderson to Susan H. choose a deep hole in an apple tre* Well, good by to him and his Leonardo Pupils sooner or later, he will be held accountable stood like the Rock" of Gibraltar for the Vanderbeck, John Calvin _ 3018 for housekeeping. The mate lays charger. The world movesL It may Hlers ^.-^ 1857,. jujy g . ' 1 Vanderbeek, Anna" Maria — '2538 for .his sins. principle that a man's home is his-castle,' five to eight eggs, and after the be, toward mors dangerous days, . By D'. B. Strong, Justice Police protection for school chil- Vandertrilt, Agnes 2583 ohlcks are hatched, she tends as- but they will be drabber.—New Jlmlson, Bllion of Mercer Co. to "A companion measure to the bill might has accepted some radical changes under York Herald-Tribune. dren crossing the highway wai dis- Vanderbllt, Mary _JL, 2585 siduously ,to business. Golden Edna Brown of Ocean Co. its new socialist government. Ah excerpt cussed by the Leonardo grade Vandernoof, Elisabeth 28M well lie presented' for legislative consider- Wing, to give him credit, does help school Parent-Teacher association ,.— _.-, . 1867, Aug. 18 Vandaright, Franaoynohe 2696 from the present government's agricultural with the food hunting and brings PUNISHMENT. Monday. This matter will b« Carter, WIIHem H. to Mary B, Han- ation, fixing ii still' fine for the feeble-minded Vsnderlpe, Martha ______2558 klnspn, both of Monmouth Co. policy as outlined by the Minister of Agri- loads of grubs, ants and worms to The postwar crime wave nas •brought to the attention of the operators \yhr> seem to think they are lend- his hungry family. But he'i n»ver township committee at.their next Vanderlpe, Sidney • 2556 .~ 1857, May 17 culture in the House of Commons official started, The federal bureau of In- VanDerveer, Aaron _____ 3679 arker, Henry t6 Susan OrMn, ing a helping hand by' .setting up a caco- too busy in the early part of the vestigation reveals a-12 per cent meeting. " • '. f Mrs. John Collins, chairman ot Vanderveer, Alice Elmlra 2586 both of Ocean Oo. 1857, Apr, 27 Report, November 15, 1945, pages 2341 and season to take time out for his Increase In serious crimes from phony of horn toots when delayed by a traf- theme song; He's a fellow who the nominating committee, read the VanDerVeer, Ollu, R. ' 2548 By Vincent Mssler, Min. ' 2342, shows that England, in addition to 1944 to 1845. Th« Increase was the following proposed slate of officers: Vanderveer, Elisabeth Ann _ 2530 (280) Magulre, Bfvert to Rostnnah fic jam. Knows just what he wants and goes highest In the, 15 years during socializing its basic industries, has now about life as If he expected to get Harry Stevenson for president; Vanderveer, John 3015 Johnston 1857, May 13 "On siH'oud thought, sentencing them which the FBI has been compiling Mrs. Albert Smith and Mrs. Milton. VanDerveer, John .. 2536 Smith, Henry to Sarali Thompson, it.. No doubts, questionings or con- nation-wide statistics. to a course in good manner.s would be more taken the first step toward socialization of ferences are necessary so far as he Evers, vice presidents; Harry Phll- VanDerveer, Peter 2538 both of Marlboro Twp agriculture. It flays: !s concerned. All In all, he's a -wel- Attorney General Tom C. Clark lipe, secretary; John Collins, cor- Vandusseh, Mary • 3018 MBT, Jan. I effective." come member oMhe wildlife fam- terms the report alarming and di- responding secretary, and Mrs. Van Dyke, Alexander 2560 By John M. Bolce, Justice "As a, corollary to the provision of this ly—New York Times. rects all federal attorneys to Insist Paul Lefevre, treasurer. VanDyke, Sllsha I 2877 •Norris, John to Mary Ann Valen. It is doubtful if a course in good man- on "the severest penalties" for ser- Dr, Wylie G. Pate,« supervising Van Dyke, Elizabeth . 2642 tine _ 1S57, Sept. 17 ners would have the desired effect. But substantial measure ot security of markets ious federal offenses. The situation principal of the township schools, Van Dyke, Michael M. 2544 By Edward Junet Pitcher,. Jus. and stability of prices, the government pro- PEAK PRODUCTION, BUT— . s one also that should concern all spoke on "The Use of.Tests In the Vandyne, Hannah 2575 (296) Heyer, Wm. Hudson to Cor- these ''tuoU'iV' will think twice before en- state, country and municipal law Operation of the Schools." Matthew nelia' Herbert, both of Marlboro Faced by shortages . ot many Vanhlst, Cornelius . . 2567 poses to take appropriate steps to insure enforcement authorities. If respect Stevenson, chairman of the Leo- 1 3867, Sept J gaging in this annoying and unnecessary kinds, It Is hard for the civilian to Vanhlse, Emellne '. 2589 nardo Youth Center, outllhed plans These records were copied by that agricultural land is not properly believe that production of goods Is for law Is to be restored all these Vanhise, John Henry _ .2556 practice, if the penalty is a line. An attempt for the new recreation building, Monmouth Court House Chapter, at the highest level in our history, officials must realize that redoubled Vanhise, Margaret S. — 2667 farmed but properly managed and equipped, and some of the activities planned D. A. R, and published through at teaching ggood manners in tin's case woijld as declared by the 'President on. the effort and co-operation are Imper- Vanhlse, Mary 2677 for the future. * the Monmouth Historical assocb' and to promote improved efficiency in the the basis of a report by Stabiliza- ative. . VanHLse, Mary Ann 2667 be cl of tini'e. tlon, Freehold, N. J., and rtlMSed tion Director Snyder. The report A special award was made to Vanhorn, Elizabeth , 2632 production marketing and distribution of Swift and sure justice Is the only by (Mrs. William R.) Lauri V. Con- -o-o-o-o-o-o- not only, confirms earlier findings John Connolly. Refreshments'were 3008 answer. Not only do criminals Van Horn, William over, chairman of Oenealogleal lionie food products. Free technical advice by unofficial groups, such as the served by Mrs. John Olsen, Mrs. 8015 take every advantage of antiquated VanKifk Caroline committee. State To Make Census Committee for Economic Develop- Walter Soden, Mre. Lceter • Jen- will'be made available to agriculturists to police and sheriff methods In a day nlngB. Mrs. George Thomas and VanKirk, Henry 2585 ments, but indicates that in the In- when speed must match speed, but VanKIrk, Isaac . 2548 Of Housing Units. improve their farming efficiency. In order terim volume of output has kept Mrs. Charles Allen. The next meet- QUESTIONS they also know that they stand a ing will be Monday, May 13. VanKirk, Mary _ 2530 to deal effectively with the minority of farm- expanding in spite of strikes and good chance, If caught, of receiv- VanKirk, Sarah 2522 —3702— The Now Jersey Department of Eco- lack of materials. BRUNNEAIrWALDROrr. (a) Iu- 1 ers and land owners who fail in flie respon- ing mitigated sentences through Van Matter, Arinth* _ 3008 iioink Development is making a state-wide One Is led to speculate on what, endless delays In the courts. It Is Pazicky Familiar Van Mater, Aaron S. - 256S formatlon wanted on Catherine survey to determine (he number of housing sibilities attaching to the occupation and except for the handicaps men- an Interstate situation In which Van Mater, EllxeJbeth _ 3008 Brunneal, who nod. — his 2nd. wife ownership of land, the government proposes tioned, the rate of production justice Is called upon to keep With Laupahoehoe Van Mater,, George '__ 2520 about 1737 Francla WaMron (lt#t- units needed in Xew Jersew. Other data to .might by now have been. With the abreast of the times. Van Mater, Gilbert H. 2654 1765) ot North Branch, Somer*«t One local man, Wjlliam Pazicky, to seek powers in permanent legislation to jobless numbering about 3,000,000— The recent swift apprehension of Van Nest, Hanson 2520 Co., N. J. vhere Francis Waldron lie gathered which affects the picture are teactier at senior high school, Is far below what'had been antici- the men who shot down an Indiana Vannote, Hannah , 2522 was deacon of the church. Their exercise certain necessary measures of eon- pated—It is shown that wag«s..have especially familiar with the Laupa- the number of building permits granted in. state policeman I* an example of Van Note, Joseph 2634, 2593 chn. were John Obedlah b _»r. 21, galnod $7,000,000,000 since the post- hoehoe region of the big Island of 1738; Francis, b Mar. 30, 17W: trol. Such farmers and land owners will be what can be done. Immediate road Van Note, Lucretla 2577 each •municipality since J940, tjie demoli- war slump and now are almost Hawaii in which three school Johannes, b Feb. 1, 1740; William blocks and cooperation with , law Vannote, Lydla tions (if old and obsolete structures formerly subject to a period of supervision during back to the wartime level of (82,- teachers from the United States 3018 b Mar. 18, 1744; Tunl* b Mar. $, which compulsory directions may be served 000,000,000. This suggests that loss enforcement agencies In neighbor- and many students are missing from Van Note, Lyrlan 2552 1746. • used by •housing, the number of marriages, of overtime has already largely Ing states made the escape of the the recent tidal wave. Van Note, Marthy - 2530 employ men i of workers new to the state and and in the last resort will be dispossessed begn made up by)Increases In wage fugitives virtually Impossible. The Although a teacher, on Oahu in Van Note, Mary 2550 (b) HAGBRMAif-WALDKON. if after a reasonable period it, becomes evi- rates. . , . victim was a state policeman. That 1941, Pazicky spent considerable Van Note, Mary Hannah - 2577 Information wanted en Nelly Hag. wage levels in each type of industry. The may have accounted for the extra- time on the big Island and especial- Van Note, Samuel ' 2528 erman. who ml about 1760 Francla dent that they are unable or unwilling to ^ Most significant was the report's Waldron (1739- ) of Somereet - litany families today, and it is getting.more list." • legislation "progress" will be turned tion of permitting men to work on 2597 Myron F. Smith Vofrheee, Garret '. Sept. S, 1704; Anna b June 24, lTiL Into economic chaos." The danger a Fort Devons construction job and 2820, 2686 serious all the time. It is BO serious that Reiterating his~conviction that individ- (d) BIBBS-VAN F1EET. Infor-;, Is very real.—Newark Evening" pocketed th* money, Marine Dischargee Voorhees, Hlslah 2589 it may flare up into .open- revolt unless uals should .measure stock purchases in Naws. Th* majority Is doubtless correct Voorhees, Joseph 2548 mation wanted on Maria BlggeM Sa to the hUtory ft th* antl-kick- Myron F. Smith, supply sergeant Voorhees, Ltttla 2544 Who md. Nov. 23, 1718 Frederick Washington acts promptly. We are sitting terms of considerations determining their baok law and it* purpose. It can In the U. S. Marine corps, has re- Voorhees, Rullff Van Flee* (oa 1700-c* 1795.) They, FOR THE FUTURE. 3008 on a keg of dynamite. worth and buy only what they can afford, argue that If the law Is wrong It ceived his honorable discharge- and Voorhees, Sarah Ellen 2658 removed from Ulster Oo. N. T. to The election of Representatlvt- should be changed by Congress, not returned to his home at 16 Xearay Voorlwes, William __ 2620 New Jersey after 1728, and in 178S Mr. Sehrara admitted that the "get rich" Reece ot Tennessee as chairman of thV Court. But the minority of street. ^-2701— Joined the church at Readington, N. ' spirit appears to be as virulent in America the Republican National Committee three justices atserts that the Court Mr. Smith, the son" of Mrs. Thom- Book D. Monmouth County Mar- J. Their din. were, Jan, b Au«, B, The Spiritual Side of the "Ledger" now as it ever was. is displeasing to the Willkle wing ot Interpreting th* law to "protect as Smith and the late Mr. Smith, riage Records, Court House, Free- 1719; Mary, bpt. King»ton, N. T. the party, led by Harold B. Stas- thos* described In the Indictments was In service four years'and spent hold, H. J. » June 36, 1721; Judlt, bpt. Kdngiton,' Must Be Held Inviolate. u l!l th« Nayal ho.pl- Tin; (lunger IK that they wi|] bln'uw our ftiwii 1 IIOMUI In, publloofnc* think that In tomato inup,' TTu nuln oourit WM HIT LIGHT STANDARD. By* FMHtklln A, Sliter, Mlnlsler- "\Vii omi't'inla H'IIV cliiinccH," was Iliii a giant rib roast, with mashed nd- Em»n«^Jwyillam U'-to Sarah a. lalat Norman, Oklahoma, recover*?* 1 dnwlnpr A contrast botwean their Irving .Rltloi'man of'.,Freehold Ing from an operation, He enileled'" ri it'Hclfj IJUUIIUHC HO ninny irr'c- 1 Utoea tnd broccoli, 80ft rolti ot *'M 1886, Deo. 23 rcply,i'|*vou know ' wo lm,vo n t'lUni'tcr ijl a own and Democratic pollolw, they 1 will appear before Reoorder John White flour ware lerved, with', two Emoni, JcwhAa to Sarah ffl, Emon* ptililjc oftluialM have bdon making jKMml'of1 butter Jn I he va'r." muit ombr«e« Isoljtlonlsm and Ut> J. 'KeoK" at Rumsbn tomorrow after, attaining the rating of a fiilarlty In fortlgn attain, pattlej«f butter to » pUU,;Dei«irt ,'a -____._- ISM, Deo. 29 .— »—_i± _. ,.u t r'ti night at,Ti8Q-o'olook on,a «tr«leu 1 tlon railloman third olus, ierv*d waantajytiUiilsJt^drikil^ ^_^^^^iiiN*yjfflj travel' Craft,' 1 John Andriw Philip, to, la thl hvliGn!»u?li things dome tp'.piitiH.'tlioi'c' imiHt ji.em. iirt'l it vUWpoInt oonflnid t6 th» Di . . •'ipuke.r el trpl of the Ar tie' waxdrivlnfg Ijjp. «'onietli|ii(jpfottoii ,aon.)c>>vljcro—pml it h ertti Th« Republican, ticorft throat,i "We art a bankrupt: na> lcnooxid over a light standard, p*» ,T*«i 111 /.sH«2Ul_^c&«ffiL IIC« Ittld, The lUfflmQhiLwKs.lM' " BED BANK REGISTER. APRIL 11,1946.

John J. Mutter, two special dlum win be able to hear clearly. poUce offioers to e»rv» without j>ay CUrlt TO Sing Also a number of Easter hymns for 190 were named. 1*ey are At Sunrbe Service will be'held In the blgfi school au- Harold OundeH aad Alfred Mlrro, ditorium. • '• AAsU Official, Sr. . Ronald Clark, formerly soloist FAIR HAVEN HARDWARE STORE WAYS TO SAVE WITH MILK Fire dhlef Alfred Meier reported with the.SSMh ABB orchestra, will sing- at tbe> Ballard Easter sunrise Isabelle Hanlon 112 Fair Haven Road, 4 'At UnionBeach that for the first three months of this year the nre department of service at Asbury Park., Mr. dark Feted By Co-workers Union Beach has tmwered 88 calls was actiye on bond drives 'la this Fair Haven, N. J. Tel. Red Bank 633. Second Way! '. ?.- Mayor And Council and has managed to keep property neighborhood and a member «f the Mrs. Isabelle. O'Hanlon was feted damage down to a very low figure. Oratorlal sooiety.of New York. " at a dinner party given last week Save on doctor's bills. Adequate supply 'of stt*. ' "'•' , Hav* Counterparts Chief Maler stated that they were Th* service, under the direction by her co-workers In the Keyport • milk is the first essential in meeting the food needs of • working on a program in an at- of Bev; James 8. Pemberton, is be- office of, the Jersey Central Power At Last Meeting tempt to curtail the large number ing sponsored by Ballard Methodist and Light Co! The party was giv^ You will find here a fine stock of the family. Any food needs, fully met, contributor • of frets Ares. •. - church and will be held In the As- en at White Gate Inn, Matawan, to buoyant health and physical vijjor. Sound ieethi, bury Park high school stadium at and Mrs. O'Hanlon was presented The members of the 'Youth Oo*. •When payment of bills was t a. m. There will be a pre-service with a pair of i>eari earrings; strong bones, resistance to disease and vigorous old. "- eminent." of the Union Beach made. Councilman George Picker- at 6:80 a. m. when recorded Easter • school, asslsUd trie adult officials Mrs. O'Hanlon will leave the tfe actually have dollar value. Ing suggested;that Mayor^Boyj*JjC. aumbeMJfiU-b*-sent^»erah,-pub- ttUllty~6fflce~APril^ to take a po- •t til* mt*tlng at the mayor and Pattlson explain the procedure to !lo address system. council last Thursday evening. tbe junior officiate. Mayor Pattl- sition with theRollo Bus Co, at As- The Third Way to Save with Milk will be Jet ' Youth omoteU were George. son ' afforded amusement to the The field will be decorated with bury" Park. Mrs. O'Hanlon has for easy and pleasurable work. a huge cross and six-foot letters been employed byTEe^Jersey Cen- forth in-next week's issue. ' Bowen, mayor; Bobby Collins, Jack adults when he commented that he carrying the message, -"Christ Is Camp, BlUy Wfcltaker, Lois Maler, has -been, trying- for live years to tral Power ahd light Co. 12 years. Risen." At the far side of the field Guests were Miss Margaret "Hie Bluebird for Happiness—Shrewsbury Mils for Health", • Bettjr Brandlgan and Roger Cozens determine that answer. :: : there will be erected a 60-foot cross O'Hanlon, Mrs. Dorothy Haupt, • ••••••..• •••'••••••• '•• : •••»-'' ' "OOuaeUmah; John Frieburg, cap- at the base of which a tomb will tain of the police; Billy English, Mrs.' M. E. Eddy, Mrs. Doris V. be constructed. The arrangement of Titus, Miss Thelma Cullen, Miss Also Pittsburgh Paints, Hardware, Household H. tax collector, and George Camp, as- Exempt Firemen the display on the field will be un- MyrUe Boyce, Miss Marie Dpugh- sessor, were also seated at the der the direction of ,Gus MenzeU erty, Mrs. Ella Hoyer, Miss. Ruth and Electrical Supplies. - SHREWSBURY DAIRY COMPANY council table. • Elect Bronkhurrt The ushering will be under the di- Sulzmann, Mrs. Helen Urstadt and A portion of the Nateo tract on rection of William Hoffman and Miss Helen Vanderbllt Always, at Your Service. telephone Red Bank 1455. wnieh there are U buildings will Frederick Bronkhurst was elected Marvin Francis. Th* Easter story be sold at a pUblle sale In'the bor- president of the Keyport exempt will be dramatized under the direc- Paper was invented In Chin*, by ough hall Saturday, May 4 at 2 firemen's association last week. tion of Mrs. Jessie Reynolds. Those o'clock. Ttae building! and prop- Other officers chosen were Daniel taking part will be: Miss Kath- Teal Lun in 105 A. D. erty will be sold separately or in a Harris, first vice president; Charles erina Hoffman, Mrs. James Clay- lump tale, depending upon which Brower, seconff vice president; Vin- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elker, bring* the highest offer. cent Ap'plegate,,/secretary; Charles Maurer, treasurer; Edgar Walling,' Jr., and Edward Stetter. There will Preparations were made to house trustee for three years1, and Joseph be a large chorus choir under the the Union Beach library tempor- Peseux, trustee for two years. direction of Mrs. Fred Hall. A solo arily until the new building Is com- will be rendered by Miss Joanne pleted. The borough has given land Mr. Bronkhurst appointed the fol Pemberton. The Harmony Singers and material for the building and lowing committees:, entertainment, will sing and. the brass quartette th* erection, which will be done by Ernest E. Walling, Chris Thurer, J. A. LaVlgne, Harry Poling, Chafes will play several number*. A duet . volunteer labor, will be started this Kinhafer and David Schancfojlck, entitled "Easter Dawn" by Nolte, week-endr board of chiefs of fire department; will be sung by Mrs. Arthur Taylor Two amended ordinances were and Miss Elizabeth Heckman. The 1 Investigating', George Birch and pasted on first reading, one regu- Charles Brower; delegates to Mori- prayer will be offered by. Capt lating the Installation of fuel tanks mouth County. Firemen's Associa- John Waldron of the Salvation specifying that they must be placed tion, Gordon J. Schanck, Daniel Army. ' underground and the second Harris and Chrli Thurer; delegate The guest-soloist, Mr. Clark, will amending the. liquor license ordi- to New Jersey State Firemen's as- sing "O, Divine Redeemer" and nance providing for the granting sociation, Harry J. Poling, and al- "The1 Lord's Prayer." George Smock, of one club license to the America! ternate, Asbury Walling. mayor of Asbury-Park, will give iw^UPSTICKS ' ieglon. Moving pictures were shown by the Easter greetings. The message \ The appointment of Walter Hut- Everett Cokelet and refreshment* entitled "Easter, God's Atomic ton ai a patrolmen, subject to a were served. • - Bomb," will be delivered by Rev. Oh Matlk COM) probationary period, was confirmed Mr. Pemberton. The entire program at the meeting last night. Upon will be heard over the loud speak- Look your loTeUest-and SAVE I — *> —- —»•••• ~r~~ Boys can make pocket money by -.-- . . the recommendation of Council- selling the Reglater-Advertlsement ing system to that all In the sta- Now you can get Hudnut's ex- quisite Upetick is Spring glamor shades at'halt the original price.


BARBASOL • • • • 25C SIZE 13c DR. LYONS TOOTH POWDER 50cS.ZE 26C fc OIHTMEHT COMBIHATIOH Use the Foot Powder In the MOUTH WASH EPSOM SALT -••- - - 5 LBS 16c S morning -


1 >. ' ." - • ' • " STOP IN AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ESSO DEALER TODAY Bridge Esso Station Fair Haven Esso Station Edward B. Bathbon, Prop. OeorfB Anderson, Prop. Cot, nrldfe Ate. and Beotor PL, Blver Bd. Ml Olllespie IMd Bank, N. f. Tel. B. B. W«l Fair Raven, N, J. Tel. B. B. t*tt station Kuhl'i EJSO Station H. JPrap. 1

TpiSSt^tt Paw Ete BED BANK REGISTER. APRIL 11.1046. avenue, IreakaMi Koy A Stmtw, (Of OLDIN'S Varna »Tsx>u«, Spline Uke •G.E. Commission Picks 409 14)1 Corliss avenm, Wtunti Leulss _ Matthews, BIS Dial J«kwe.y, Allen- 1 I hunt Park; Uroy Br Collins, Holmdel Franchisee! Dealer MEN'S SHOP X road, Holmdel Township I JoK. >. Expert Badlo B*p*lr» M »•>. IT Tnn*k Placs, leeorturg; For Petit Jury Duty Home flnd Auto Ba&loy Lou* Brutal Donald W, Peipltr. Davis W BROAD STREET Station road, Upper Freehold; EUiabeth AIw BJeo^lo POUM Wiring BED BANK CHAMP HATS Verio, sot ft, Olslr »niu, Spring Work *t ki: WIlUw, a Alb.rt, » grant Court! ' ui Four Groups To Serve At County n» Branch: . Josephine P. McBrlde, Kouat Drive, West Lone Branch! kath- Inn flrw, Tenth street, Union Beach) BAYSHORE ELECTRIC Court House From April To September Walter white,. 101 B. First avenue, Ai- -_„ School, z bury ¥««: Uomi Wcw»n, 14 PJne street. i.l Harriet Huber, • RADIO CO. Long Branch; Florence' Murdar, BOO MTGREOOR SPORTSWEAR 1 • ro*d, MlddletDwn Town- Leonardo Ave. «t B. B. BtaHon The Monmouth county Jury com- •T. Egglman, 1101 B street, Belmar; Norwood inane, Aron; HgrnrH. Jfun- s~'.' ~-~~ Boos, 244 Broad street, Red IJEONABDO. N. J, mission last Thursday released-the Mary Ktaeutlir, 614 Monroe avenue, Al- dell, 6C Dudley street, Gong Branch; Bank: Harriet- Brrickeon, ** Union »ve- bury Park; Boy & WJliiuil, Jr., it Lorraine Carhart, 280 Broad street, Key- n"J. UanMoiMns LouUe.D. Mefaegu, Tel^A.H.868. neg of 400 men and women who Third avenue, Atltntlo Highlands; Har- port; DIsns Frenojll, J0I Sussex avenue, 1«1» Fourth avwiue. A»bury Park; will be eligible for petit Jury duty ry 0. Applegate, Allenwood road. Wall Spring Lake | Ruth Tate, 1818 Fifth ave- P«uHne A. Betty, Wight. street W»ll MONEY* LOANED 'rom April 16 to the end'of the Townahln; Thomas Carlton, 2015 Eann nue, Asbury Park,' Catntrine J. Orou, Township; Roee Staller, 407 Comstock on Jewelry, Stiver, Musical Instruments, avenue, Neptune;-William J. Kraui, K 107 Kent avenui, Bradley Beach: •Wtet, Ajbury Park; Lola Rlohardaon, erm in September, Jurors are Broad (treet, Freehold; Georse C. Bar-, Femonla Bllariuk, Aldridge rond, Howell 101 First street, " Atlan«o Highlands; Cameras, Blnoculan, etc. drawn for the, entire period air rett, 1 Aberdeen road, Matawan; David Township; Ellen Addtson, Aldrlch road, Audrey Kautmarm, 1402 L 'street, Bel- Tired Kidneys Licensed and bonded by Stete til N. J. though they are seldom called after Thompion, 2 Center street, Sea Bright; Howell Township; jtnnle R. Turner, Ai- maii MarJorle K. Miller,- 58 Phillips WE PAY CASH FOR OLD GOLD and SILVER late in June when courts recess for Lillian Thompson, 23 South street, Free- bury avenue, Neptune; Rosa Mais, Lanes »v«nv«, Deal; Stuart J. Blair, 141 Main hold; Curia L. Merriek, Merrlek road, Mill road, Howell Township; Lydia Al- jvenui, Ocean Qrove; Mary H. Walker, Often Bring the summer. 204 DeWltt avenui. Ajbury Park: W[- Howell Township; Evelyn Burr, 1204 , Aberdeen road,Matawan;ThomasM. pert B. Parker, 49 Fourth atreet, Hlgh- Broadway Loan Co. The first group of 100 will jarve Main street, Asbury Park; Jeanette la, 61} Jaffenon avenue, Avon: Itlch- l»nd(i; Pranclj A. Young. 1102H Fourth Rebacher, 28 Locust avenue; Red Bank; Sleepless Nights 208 Broadway . Lom Branch between April 16 and May 3, the ard Drout, Highway 4-8, Morganvllle; »vemue, Aibury Park; Helen Klrchner, second group between May 8 and Angelina Champl, 6 West Washington Warren N. Donritll, 1 Maiden Lane,. State Highway 85, Middletown; Patricia When dlsorderof function permit* UNDA DARNELL, ttar of tha 30th avenue, Atlantic Highlanaa; Stanley J. Matiwan; Harry W. Dunbar, Carllle P. Eoyael. g«2 Washington avenue, ilsonotu matter In rour Hood, it May 24, t,he third between May 27 Mieloch, Oak Hill road, Middletown Terrace. Little Silver; Milton A. Cooke, Avoh; Ira 8. Warne. School atreet. Marl- maycauteriagtinghitrkaflie.rheumatlcpalns,7 Cfentury-Fox pictura, "F«U*D and June 14 and the fourth from Township; Uoldle V. King, SO South 805 Hawthorn* avenue, Neptune; Helen •"Of?! E'na Bloomberg, Hurley'a Pond leg pains, loaa of pep and energy, setting up Bay avenue, Highlands; Dorothy Shinn, Angel," saya, "Royal Crown Oola June VTio the end of the term. B. Leavy, 1404 Oarven avenue, Wana- ™«tl. „ Wall. township; Andrew Morrti,. nighta, Welling', puulnen under the eyea. goea over big with nw becaxu* U The commission also- disclosed 15 Plerro avenue, Matawan; Elsie A. tnassa; Wary Rloitl, 233- Garfleld Court, 160 South street; Freehold . Margaret hradanfet and.dli.ilnm. Frequent or scanty Block, 105.12th aveuue, Belmar; Lula M. Long Branch:- Gecrse F. Baker, 516 Hendrlekson, Laurel avenue, H»lmdel passages with smarting and burning some- won my tatte-teatl" Try Uyonnelf. that Under-Sherifflra C. Wolcott, Compton, Eighth street, Beiford; Har- Weit End avenue, Avon; Margaret I. Township; Helen* B. McGratb, l*Laurel time) shows there '.' Beginning April 16th, 1946, and Ending Virginia h. Smith, 61 Fifth street, High- len S, Behr, Park avenue, Union Beach; May 3rd, 1946. lands; Mildred E. Herriger, Eait Broad- Clara A. Metz, Colt's Neck road, Free- bold Township; Marjoria S. Weisel, 134 Helen V, Rpgeri, 607 9th avenue, Bel- way,-Union Beach; Marie Herberg, 24< Coming to Red Bank in Person Morth Fifth avenue, Lane Branoh; Mary Norwood avenue, Denl; Thelma Scheurle, mar; Joan C. Beedle, RsyJae Drive,.Mat- Park avenue. Union Beach; Raymond awan I Albert Cspone, 42 Brinlterholl Rosenbloom, (18 Bond street, Asburr Park; Bernard H, Rowden, 22 Francis Neary, Main street, Fort .Monmouth; avenue, Freehold; Bessie Shlbla, 809 F. ABB Bedsll, 200 Coleman avenue, Long street, Belm'ar; Marjnrle Klein, 608 Cor- Place, Keansburg; Samuel Golden, 460 RIVER STREET SCHOOL AUDITORIUM PATTERSON LUMBER Seventh avenue, Asbury Park; Saylvla Branch: Ethel S. Cook, 1815 Fifth ave- lics avenue, West Allenhurst; Howard nue, Neptuni;.Anna E. Ahaarn, 1 Grove Durr, 38 Broadway, Ocean Grove; Jen- L. VanNote, 19 Oak Terrace, Neptune v City; Katherihe Sullivan, 207 Lake Ter- street, East Keansburg i Nellie Maher,- nie H. Michelsohn, Eft Catherine atreet, Main striet, Holmael: Joseph H. McDon- Wednesday, April 17-8:30 p.m. Rod Bank; Louisa Kunyon, Church race,. Bradley Beach ;'Carmella DiSanto, 86 Main street, Matawan; Courtlandt B. »lo. 110 Hudson avenue, East Keana- street, Beiford; Gertrude- \V. Simpson, burg; Reginald S. Wood, Church street, King's ' Highway, Middletown; Ralph Parker, Blossom Cove road, Middletown ; COMPANY, INC. Catherine O. Roe, Clarksburg road, MIII- Middletown; Anna W. Schnnts, 6 Sher- Iluhn, 175 Wall street, West Lone man avenue, West Long Branch; Con- llrnnch; Sara llesrriond, 810 First avenue, Btone Township;.Frederick Williams, 12 1 Home street, Neptune City; Bentr4.ce K' cetta Maisaro, 42G Willow nvehue, I^ing Asbury Park; Ralph M. Walters. 98. Fur- Branch; David Scott, Swimming River PHIL BRITO at their 8aw*mill on toad from Allentown to Bomu, J«12 Rlvervlew Terrace, Wall tori street, Keyport; Elizabeth Miller, road, Shrewsbury Towmhip; Jack Lov- Main street, BelCord: Mary Cooper; Township; Lola VtinBrunt, 34 Allen street, Rumson; Blanche B. Jemiton, 8 ersldge, 4J Ftouramond aven.de, Red AMERICA'S NEWES3LSINGING SENSATION Lake wood at Holmeson, Monmouth County, Thompson avenue, East Keansburg; Bank; E«in»l-&-Marl«-oM^Brlniey ave- iladya K. Head, 614 Lafayette street, Woodford road. Deal; Dorothy Frohm iioefer, Center avenue, Leonardo; Helen nue, BradUy Beaeh; Irran Hurkln, 111 . STARRING IN ,ong Branch; Salvatort J. Abruito, 170 Oxonla avenue, Neptune; Mabel D. Relff, New Jersey. Cherry street, Long Branch; Walter Moxley, 58 Church street. Fair Haven; Bliiabeth Hoyniger, 1005 13th avenue, Main atreet, Howell Township; Marie Monnhan, r>6 'Washington avenue, High- Smith, Stone Road, Rarltan Township: ' We were high bidders at an Army sale and will soil the follow- lands; Norman F. Schlaack, 214 Cliff- Belmar; Mary Campanile, 1229 Bangs \\ avenue, Aibury Park; Harry G. Carpen- Robert E. Hoy.ASi Tnbor itreet, Long Wood road, Elberon; Harry 8. Stern, HI Branch; Julius F. Schcenherr, darks, ing, which Is all pre-war material: South Lincoln avenue, Elberon; Anna ter, 709 ' Sixth avenua, Acbury Park; Francis J, Hlgglns, Hudson avenue, Enst uurg road, Mlllitone Township: Russell M. Cartan, 81 Main str«»t, Matawan; S.-Slocum, Sr., 613 Fifth avenue, Brnd- SHOW TIME' 165 D-handl« round pointed shovels. Fred J. McGeorge, 110 Broadway, Ocean Keansburg; Albert Morawskl, 824 Hill- aid* avenue, Long Branch; Helen Krupa, ley Beach; Edgar B. Smith. 4C0 Atlan- Grove; Dorothy Woodfleld, 62 Church tic avenue, Long Branch; Elizabeth Hat- • ISO picks with handles, 60 sledge hammers with handles, ,SC struct, Mannsijuan; Frederick Wood- Tennent road, Manalapan Towuhlp; ALL IN PERSON SHOW Blanche Sarafln, Davis Station road, Up- vey, 602 McCabe avenue, Bradley Beach; housc, 35 Brinkerhoff avenue, Freehold; Albert Janwtch, 20 Waldon Road, Mat- steel wheelbarrows, 15 mort«r hoes, 20 stone forks, 24 cant hooks, Bessie G. Cooke, South street, Brlelle;

LIME SPADING FORK 4-FT. FENCE WIRE ': iirto It yearly on lawni 4 tempered steel prongs. Just the type to use In making a play pen' ". ' ' W ft. 85*50 Li:,*. APRIL 11.1946. Page Nine 400 Pipked For Jury Wee* bM« BMBeki Soolrie b Fined (OeDtlnueffrom page I) XTargreen av^ fiSSLI MONMOUTH COUNTY —„ , . ., H, • Push, Ils7 Remember It's Mertm. •«• r et*»»t. Belm»n Sdaa 0. FlfUi avenus. Asburr Park; Eos'* Be*, 11,000 ByKnight Hartoorn. .11 East Oarfleld »v«iue. At- eigno, 168 Willow avenue. Long Branoh; t£»a._O. IPa»*« Brmnch, .ll»_Mo«n9u; Bieen J. *OeHatr joad, FOR FINE WALLPAPER ._ avenua, Aabury Purki Lso»- Others Are Tried iluoD, I Cottage pbes, nee- Kid | ort, i Cottage p, * SHERMAN S no*, Branoh: MargaretT. DorbS, By Freehold Court • AND BEST PAINTS 1>»8 •• airMt, Aebarr fart; Pail Army Need. WAC W, SfnlUi._A,bar^ GbarlM CsaytMt, 87, Brtnley •>**- Law* £''-BaSaS. it leventb avenue. Long BwscST^'WSPW. Moor* Mala ' teaRe-enliitments * sue, Bradley Beach, was fined IT'S stSjt,1P9rt Honmoo4: BUa Shatto. $1,000 by Judge J. Edward Knight 77™ # DRAPERIECURTAINSS Hi1IMt NintNtoh* averrusarsmie.. Neptune" " ; Allan- last week for bookmakthg at Brad- Prewar, IM' feom" d" «v avenues , Avom Bttw- Honorably iiadktsgtO. art Oook,>0j(tt*>o» a'renua, Bad Bank; drive, LltUa Silver; Oharlaa 8, penwnnel of th» Women'*, -Aray ley Beach February' 12. - • BED SPREADS Florence K. Hegeftnan[agettnaa, 1022 Bewail ave- 1S0I r street, Bebnar; UHlan ! Oorpi, who bald Mrtain •PwoUllfts He had pleaded no vult to an in- nua, Asbjtrr Parks Unrit N. Bradford. 4U^MoO»b, av.nue, Bradley dictment Clayton was arrested by 171 - IbsT'stswst, Kayport; Lulu Mar EtuassU J. Dunn, IM SssondMVeauM, A»- oei *nd nho.wl* to to-anUr f SLIP COVERS KLARIN S ~ psr. la Surf avenue. Ocean Drove; bury Pavrki Joanna King, lit Alpern till •ttvle* »t th*4r old grades for Chief County Detective Amerigo %(to& r Him. W_l. Fifth, avenue, Sprlni avenue. Bbaron; Walter J. White, Cor- duty In the European Theater, now W. Sacco.. Max Barr of Aabury OIYKK '26 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J. liss avamue, Neptune; Marls Lawin, ill Park, defendant's- attorney, asked nraosey i»e»«ii Hall,-B. Campbell. B Norwood avenue, Long Branch; Mary E. are given the opportunity of to do- VENETIAN BLINDS Grant eourt, Long Branch; Bertha V. MacPheraon, 101 Main arvonus, Oaean the court to show leniency, pointing PHONE SIM Morfteeal, 1«2 First street. Key port; inc the Red Bank office of the Grove; Gertrude Q. Buhln. 404 Fourth' Army Beorultlng Service an- out that 'his client had never been W. Jameson, II Broadway. avenue,. Bradley Beaoh; Theresa C. difficulty before nts arrest for . France* W, Patterson, It CaHsndo, 1114 Asburj avanue, Aahoir riounoei. . " '. The Sherman Shop, Inc. Sixth avenue. Atlantic Highlands; Doro- Park; Lucille Robson, 128 Shrawabunr this offense. . DISTRIBUTORS thy Qaftney, tU West End avenue. avenue. Red Bank: OharloKa King. 117 April 80 haa been get M the olo*- Arthur L. Freeman, IT, Mill 56 Broad St *?%%m Red Bank Long Branch j Bertha B. Foley, Tele- Sfc Clalr avenua, Spring Lake; Harry lng day for the ttotlpt of appllea- * * graph Hill, Hatlst; James McGowan. 41 Feldt, 88 Lake avenue, Fair Havsa; Iva street, Long Branch, charged with McLean street. Freehold; Bluma Cubln, S. Stain, 112 Seventh avanue. Long ttong., inxt at only 600 woman are stealing sunglasses', valued at 127 288 Ludlow street. Long Branch: Helen Branoh; Marlon H. Beannore, Smlohburg needed overaeaa, and a* the oppor- from Irving Webster, Long Branch, Imperial Washable Wallpaper - Sherwln W|lllann Smith, ««. Broad street. Freehold; Es road, Manalapan Towwhip; Edith Bert. tunity la alao open to enUated wom- t«He Mats. Ml BrirJay avanue, Brad 55 Liberty street, Long Branch; Harry and a revolver and whiskey from i and Merkln Paint Produpts ley Beach; Phyllis Armelllno, 91 Main A. Kunkei, HllUide avenue, Navaslnk; n of the WAC now,In ienrlca who Pletro Bova, also of Long Branch, FLOOR SANDING atreet, Metanran; Cecilia MacDonald, 11 Marjorls V. Hall, Brown strsst, BrieJIs; volunteer to remain beyond their March 20, was sent to the.reforma- Parkslde avenue, Keansburg; Helen Bar Myron A. Woloett, 17 JacEson street. nard. 44 Waverler place, Bed Bank Long Branoh; Taream Fewkes, Brick scheduled time of discharge, prompt tory at Eahway for an Indeterm- REFINISHING • WAXING Mary B. Klrby, I Monmouth avenue, Yard road, Howell Township I SUubsth application* from WAC veteran* inate period. Freehold: Carrie Nicholas. J09H Elberon Walt*. 28 Oceanport avenue, Weat Lens; are adviialble. Application* may Harry Jackson, 34, West street, avenue, Allenhurat; Alice W.Stadelhofsr, Branch: Kathleen Butler, Villa plats, Inlaid Linoleum, Asphalt Tile Installed 511 Oorlles avenue. West Allenhurat: Eatontown; Hovata Ohark, 11« Bay ave- be filed at toe V. 8. Army Beonilt- and Frank Terry, 28. 17 Richard- Dorothy Bommers, Sunset Terrace, Wall nue, Highlands; Boas D'Averaon, 2T0 ln« itation In the K«d Bank post. son avenue, both of Eatontown, re- Township; Manr Costanxa, 55 Avenue Jeffrey straat. Long Branch; lila A. ceived suspended sentences to Rah- A, Atlantis Highlands: John P. Ounther, Borden, 701 Fifth avenue, Bradley office building any day or at the WILLIAM H. MALLETT Maxim road, Howell Township; Thomas Eeaoh; Peter T. Oeddattis, Highland ave- gub-artatlong. - way and were placed' on probation ELECTRIC REPAIRS A. Ktarns, 31 Grand avenue, Long nue, Leonardo; Henry C, Umatetd, II for two years for stealing a tire and Flooring Contractor In addition to the 600 earmarked Branch; Edward S. Cohan, «06 Seventl Third avenue, Neptune City; Helen tube from Francla Bennett March avenue, Aabury Bark; Mae Coleman, (19 Kelly. M Ukevlaw road. Deal; William for Europe, there is also an urgent 114 BROAD ST., MAT^AN, N. J. 11th avenue, Belmar; Mae S. Moore, 94 J. Ethel, aa Main street. Matawan; Bob- need for skilled WAC enlisted wom- IB. HOUSEWIRING - APPLIANCES Aabury avenue, Oman Grove; May Oak- art Smith, 80 Grant court Long Branch; TeLMatawaBM • Eatlmates fllyen ln personnel oenters, hospitals, Assistant Prosecutor. Harold Mo- orBon, Homeratown road, Upper Free William H. Daviaon, 43 Tennent avanue, Dermott also arraigned Arnold hold TownssHp; Hose 0. Sober, 4« Me Enclkbtawn; Helen L Tollrer, Jtntr- and headquarter* Installations in Daly, Red Bank, on an Indictment Laran atrseWRsd Bank; Vane* H. villa road, Howall Township; Gertrude H. this country. Hospital, X-ray and MOTORS - WE MAKE LAMPS Thomson, IB Neptune avenue, Neptune Blendeo,' 108 Second avenue. Bradley charging him with receiving stolen City; Annie Harwaid, 15 Division atreet. Beaoh; Chester A. Klrby, 29 Conorer laboratory technicians, oode and goods. He was held In $1,000 ball Neptune; Sara B. WiUon, »67 Broac street. Freehold; Margaret Hill. Andover cryptography, and other oommuni- street, Bed Bank; Bva V. Larriaon, I street, Middletown. Township: William for trial April 25. Edmund J. Can- A1J Work Guaranteed Broadway. Keyport; Mult Handrieks, G. Quackenbush, Manalapsn road;Mlll- catlons teohnlcians, and clerk-typ- K>n*v Red Bank attorney, repre- 8< Applegata plaet. Elver PUsa; Clifford stone Township; Ethel H. Kaufman, lsta • and stenographers especially BABY CHICKS N.^Cadman. Btlllman Park, Eatontown; Freehold road. Atlantic Township} Helen sents the defendant Myrtle R Walnwrlght 477 High atreet, Seaman, 45 Ford avenue. Freehold; Elea- are In demand. Former enlisted Edward Hubbs pleaded not guilty Long Branch: Vera Peae.no, 11 Grant nor W, Roland, 141 Fifth avanue, Nep- women of the WAC may re-enter to receiving, stolen goods—$1/11 avenue, Long.Branch; Helen H. Becksr, ttuie City: Mary K. Connor, 402 Main for tte«« duties at wtiloh time they lit Fourth avenue, Avon; John W atreet, Allenhurat: Lore A. Baker, 101 worth of equipment ownted by J. S.C.W. LEGHORNS N. H. REDS Clayton, Gravel Hill road, Freehold Webb avenue, Ocean Grove; Harry S. will be.given the grade held at the Howard Sml{h, Middletown-town- Foster Electric Shop Township; Dorothy' H, Price. 10i Weal Corwtn, Ixteuat Fora't, Middletown Town- time of discharge. No oloslng date ship, and was held in $1,000 bail for Main atreet. Freehold; Florence Qua la. ship ;. Augustus Richardjon.v? Richardson has been set for receipt of applica- son, 1 Berg atreet. Long Branch avenue, Eatontown; ChriaUna WUliams, trial April 29.' ' 158 SHREWSBURY AVE., RED BANK Blanoht R. LeKareon, 401' Beachfront « Stsvens place. Asbury Park; Harriet tions for duty In this country, but Andrew Taylor, Shrewsbury town- $15 per 100 $15 per 100 Manssquan; Loretta- Viaconl. Illlnoli Murphy, 917',4 Siinakt avanue, Asbury a deadline la expected to be ship, pleaded not guilty to assault avenue, Port Monmouth. Park; Katherin* K. 'Quering, Prospect place Neptune; Elltabcth C. Sohmldt, very soon:' Former enlisted mem- and battery on Emma Arthur Feb- (straight run) 112 Madlaon avenue. Spring Lake; VIr- bers of the WAC may re-enter tKe ruary 13 and was held in $1,000 ball (straight nta) ginia Z. Wsetervelt, 1117 Seventh ave- service, for the duration plus six for trial April 29. . . nue, Neptune: Kathrrn Toralo, 7 Broad street. Freehold; Lillian Mead. West months, or to «erve VntH .Front street. Red Bank; Nancy MacE, ber SO of thlt year. MATAWAN CANCER FUND. Kitterbuoh, M0 Ninth avenue, Belmar; $30 per 100 $8.00 per 50 Jack Richardson. 199 Rivar street. Bed Mrs, Thomas M. Andrews, who Bank; Yvonne P. Wildriek. 517 Wash- has been named chairman of the ington avenue. Avon; Mae L. Olark, 247 Freehold Fire Co. (sexed pulleta) (straight run) Main atreet. Matawan; Edith M. Crane, Matawan cancer fund drive,' an- 817 Broad street. Eatontown; Florsnet nounced last week' that plans have Cutone, 81 Csrr avenue, Keansburg Elects Officers Andrew J. Coosley. 29 West Fron been made for a house-to-house street, Keyport: Haloid M. Lewis, (10 canvass. On her committee are $3 per 100 $5 per 25 Bianchard Parkway, Weat Allenhurst! Joseph Orotchfelt was re-elected Lawrence LeMalre, Karl Clam, j Eleanor S. Walters, 29 Main avenue; president of Freehold Engine com- Mrs. Everett Carlson,' Mrs. Law- j Ocean Grove; Alna M. Dewinter. Chape pany No. a last week. Others (sexed cockerels) (straight run) Hill road, Middletown; Genevieve C. rence Aitken, Patrick Manzo, Mrs. Sickl»i, 608 Fifth avenue, Avon; Lloyd elected were George Cook, vice Malcolm Tune, Mr. and Mrs. James president; Mayor Fred Qulnn, sec- B. Thomas, Locust Point road, Locust; Flynn, Mrs. Marguerite R: Laird, Joiel'h Citsielski, Lake boulevard, Mat- retary-treasurer; Frank Qulnn, cap- Place order now to receive chicks at the awan Township; Dora B&rnea, Morris tain; John Cutrwell, first lieuten- Mrs. John Lyle, Alfred Adler, Mrs.' avenue, Bslford; Myrtle • Weber. 509 Douglas Ward,-Mrs. M. W. Gunkle, time you specify. . • Fourth avenue, Bradley Beach; Nellie G, ant; Joseph Ballontlne, second lieu Betts, 104 Tenth avenue, Belmar: Kath- tenant; Joseph Colaner, driver William Smith, George Smith and Hatches off Wednesdays and Saturdays erine D. Magee, 109 Mount Tabor way, James Davlson and Jamet Ryan, Mrs. Donald Weir. Howard Wol- Ocean Grove; Dirk Hofroan, Main street, verton will solicit from organiza- Belford; .LaVerne .Loop, 5 Wilaon sve- auditors; Frank Qulnn, George —STUDIO- nue. M&ta^an; Edtia C. Grimminger, 10 Cook, Mr. Colaher, representative tions and schools and Mrs. John Woodbine avenue, Little Silver; Ann to the department; Mayor Qulnn, Taaslnl will contact industrial or^ C. Made, 193 Fair Haven road, Fair ganlzatlons. WILLGERODT BROTHERS Haven; Richard Whitaell, 205 New representative to the Belief asso- CHILD, ADULT AND WEDDING PORTRAITURE York boulevard, Sea Girt; Jeaele K. ciation; Frank Qulnn, Mr. Carswell Stevens, 8 Main street, Keyport; Mar and Mr. Ballentine, members of the Men, 17 to Ml Enlist In the Reg- Farm—Newman Springs Road, Lincroft BT AFPODTTMENT ONL,T F. D'Auby, Prospect avenue. Little Si ular Army. It's your opportunity to ver; Francis W. Melando. Monmout! sick and death committee, and Hen- avenua, Port Monraouth'; Eugene Hei ry Stryker and Mayor Qulnn, ftr< see the Job through. Apply at the , Telephone R.B.3574-M drickaon. 1036 Monroe avenue,' Asbui police. Ann? Recruiting station. In the Red Wl L LI S M. RU E Park; Daniel E. O'Neill, Oceanport ave- Bank postofflce building. Room 8. nua, Oceanport; Catherine OToole, J! PORTRAIT STUDIO Asbury avenue, Atlantic Highlands; Ed ward Ennls, 2100 Stratford avenue, Nep- U StLVKBTON AVB, LITTLE SILVER, N. J. tune; Amanda Larson, 32 Marcellus >re- uue, Hamaquan; Samuel Walters, State PHOMK BED BUIK 181 Highway iX Middletown Townahlp; Samuel Demarea. 810 Norwood avenue.

All typM, Including lh« patentedTilockShlnglM which lock Into place— excluilva with Tllo.

80 YEARS OF QUALITY ICE CREAM Send for Helpful Bookltt Tile InsutaHno 5ld«walls by *TiJo «ngin«et may save you ay for thamielvti by hundreds of dollart...prevenring i R) loving fuil (2) »nd- eoidy lesjcdamase, heat Ins (IMCT for protective Ion. fir* hazards, 10 DAMOIR POINTS" ffince W66—when Breyen 'palnHng. painting expense. L«>rn where troublei statt—and how • Ice Cream vrat first made— NO OBUCAVOH, to check therrii Full of money-iavlng 4iint§ to homeowners. '. its quality has been consist- " , Phonier writ* today, ' ently superior..That*; why TILO ROOFINO,COMPANY, ln«, today; on its 80th Birthday, • ..... a '/We \aipMtf on of my hoot*. ', Bfeyers Ice, Cream is enjpyw how to- Ten. RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11,1946. I'JL: "SWEET TOAST"—NEW. WHEN SPEAKING OF HLAUIH j SPOTS USE FOR STALE BREAD Hot Off the Griddle Appealing Meal With IT IS KOT IBCB Tb.iAy'*1fB DID •VBBxTHlNa PtiUUBIJB* i Havs you aver played tha game imusM omsonuonc WAB WPLIDDBD^^ 4 whera someone mentions a word • BY. and you aay the word it suggests SUSAN SNOW Gbk That Is So little DR. WARREN to you? Probably if they said "stale FHONsi bread" you would answer "bread When you owns right down to it, . *M BBOAD ST. .Chiropractor crumbs." It is only natural, because If various member! of your fam- ths cost of a meal hw vary little TIPS FOR A PEPPY V that ia the only use most people ily eat breakfast at different.times, to do with it's appeal to tha appe- STARTER ON EASTER know-for stale bread; At least it is you can keep the coffee hot with- tite. It is tha appearance that really Telephone Bad Bank me foremost in. our minds when we do out fear.ot its getting too strong counts and, of course, the prepara- The Easter brsakfaat i» almost think of stale bread. However; if by putting (n the top of a double tion. . Take, for example, this one- as important aa tha Easter dinner. THE PROSPECT HILL* DAY SCHOOL* you have ever tried sweet toast, boiler. Keep the water in the bot-piece dinner composed of macaroni, u seta a mood ot sunshine and your reply would probably be such. tom of the boiler just below tha creamed ham and vegetables and springtime gladness for the whole Pla^ahd Educational Training tor Children t to S Yean SWEET TOAST spinach. It takes a person of vision boiling point, A thermos bottle cad to visualize this beautiful dish, but day. , - Mornings (Exoept Saturday) 8:80 to li:S0 8 eggs slightjy beaten - also be used. • the possibilities are there. ' Make the table as oolorral and H cup milk . bright as you can. "dressed up" In 2 tablespoons sugar To get that last bit of butter on 'EIJ3OW MACARONI tyBTJH true Easter style, with flowers,bun - H teaspoon salt the.butter dish, pour heated milk , CREAMED HAM AND VEGE- nies, chickens "and painted Easter THE ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL of DANCING Stale bread '••.,• over* the dish./ The milk can be TABLES IN SPINACH RING eggs.. The menu, too, wants to fee Classes In all types of dancing for children andadnKa Cut stale bread ia half Inch, used in mashed or creamed pota- H package elbow macaroni •• especially planned for the occasion. slices; remove Jthe crust. Dilute toes or in soup that require butter S cups spinach,: cooked Jessie Alice Cline, home economist, - Private lessons In ballroom dancing by appo'ntment slightly beaten eggs with milk; add and milk, . • . 3 tablespoons butter offers these menu suggestions: ' salt and sugar. Drop the slices of, Prospect Hill, 117 Prospect Avenue, Red Buk bread into egg mixture, allowing 2 tablespoons flour Fresh Fruit Cup In Orange Shells them tojpak a few moments, then Test your material before you 3 cups milk Fanbrolled Canadian Style Bacon lift carefully with a spatula tp a proceed to press it. , Cut a small 1 teaspoon salt hot, well-greased griddle using piece from a seam - and apply a H teaspoon pepper Poached< Eggs on Toast equal parts of lard and butter. lighted match.to it. Pure silk will VA cups cooked ham, diced Hot Coffee Brown on. one side, turn and brown burn into thin ashes. Celanese will % cup cooked carrots, diced on the other. Add more lard arid not burn clean through. Jt_will 2 tablespoons parsley, chopped Half Grapefruit With Aprloot butter if necessary. Serve with smother and harder). • , Boil the elbow macaroni for nine Center maple syrup for breakfast or lunch- minutes in. two quarts rapidly boil- Link Sausages—Scrambled Eggs eon, or with apricot sauce for des- ing water to which one-half table- Toasted English Muffins sert. Stale sponge cake, may .be A good way to tell mushrooms spoon of salt has been added. One Butter or Margarine used In the same manner. from toadstools without eating and or two minutes more may be al- Orange Marmalade waiting for results la to peel an lowed for extra tenderness. Drain. Hot Coffee onion and put in with the fungi Chop the spinach, adding a pinch of CREAM OF POTATO SOUP while cooking. If the onion remains salt and H teaspoon pepper. Press Sliced Bananas In Orange Juice sinoc I discovered - white, they may be eaten with con- into a buttered ring mold. Place Goldenrod Eggs in Toast Cups - Specially formulated for Flowen sad OR ONION SOUP, SALAD, fidence, but if it turns black, they mold in a pan of hot water to keep are not fit to eat. . Crisp Bacon Vegetable*, AGRICO FOR GARDENS Secret Sanitone DESSERT IDEAL LUNCH hot until serving time. Make a Extra Toast—Butter or ' gives you an abundance of stronger* whit* sauce of .the butter, flour, Margarine ' cleaning service During the spring and early sum- If you pour scalding water over milk and seasonings. Combine the Coffee or Cocoa stemmed, longer blasting flowers-.. • mer, soups, accompanied by salads Ash you wish to dress you will find sauce with the ham,, carrots and more and better vegetables, richer la that it will scale twice as easily. parsley. Unmold the spinach onto minerals and vitamins, too. There's True enough, our modern clean- and light deserts, make an excel- EASTER GARNISH ing i» a closely guarded Kcret— lent luncheon. Here are several Dash the water on.. Do not let the a hot platter on a bed -of elbow also an AGRICO FOR LAWNS, TREES good soup recipes that are just the flsh stand In It a moment. marcaronl. Fill the center of the Have you evertrled carving flow- & SHRUBS, another for BROAOLEAP but the results, ah—thejr'« th» thing to serve. mold with the creamed ham mix-ers out of raw, white turnips and ture. To, add a finishing touch, dot EVERGREENS. Use Aftrico, see the talk of the town! Next time bring CREAM OP POTATO SOUP golden^rcllow carrots? They make difference! LAMB ROAST IS the spinach, ring with pits of pim- easy ifid most effective garnishes your clothes to as to be Pare three potatoes. . Cook with ento. • ... • for the meat platter. To make cleaned—you'll be able to see and one onion and one stalk of celery EASTER CHOICE white lilies, leave turnips out of re- in three d cups of boiling water. feel the difference immediately. When, tender, mash through puree No meat dish is more appropriate BAKED BEAN ^ frigerator for a day or two, then sieve and add two. cups 'of thin, for the Easter dinner than a per- pare and cut In thin slices'. Roll white sauce and two teaspoons of fectly cooked Iamb roast. Many 1 can baked beans \ each slice like a cornucopia and Cotm (rigAl mi tpcrUmjg mustard just before serving. Sertfe people associate .the delicate flavor 1 cup celery, diced fasten with a toothpick. A thin Original texture mtortd . . hot. 6 radishes strip of carrot may be Inserted for of lamb with spring time meals, al- V, teaspoon salt the yellow center of the flower. * ir'AU.MtiU andpmpiraium rrmovei ONION SOUP though it is now possible, to buy excellent quality lamb at all sea-! hi teaspoon papriks it Mi "dry (leaning" eior 2 medium sized onions GET AGRICO FROM YOUR GARDEN SUPPLY DEALER, 2 tablespons butter sons of the year. Put beans in strainer and pour 1 tablespoon flour There are many cuts of lamb boiling water over them. Cool. Mix 1V4 pints soup "stock which make delicious roasts, in- beans, celery, salt and paprika and WHITE HOUSE cluding cuts from the leg, the loin marinate in French dressing. Chili Agrico Can Be Bought at the Following Stores: Chop onions fine, cook In butter and the shoulder. If a whole leg is in refrigerator. Arrange bn crisp STORE for 5 minutes but do not brown, too large a roast, it is possible to lettuce leaves and garnish with Rob't Hance & Sons, Inc. add flour and cook slowly with buy a short eut leg, or half of a rose radishes. Serve with Russian Groceries The Wright Stores, inc. soup stock for 10 minutes longer. dressing. Serve with croutons or grated leg. %or the small tamily, a bone- and Delicateessen 30 Monmouth St., • 42 Monmouth St., cheese. less sirloin roast or a small roast cut from a rolled shoulder of lamb OLD-FASHIONED PEANUT Red Bank, N.J. " is an excellent choice. Fred G Williamson, Prop. Red Bank, N. J. TO SAVE WHEAT CANDY In cooking the roast, Jessie Alice One pound of light brown sugar Fruit and Vegetables, Wines Now that we've been asked to eat Cllne, home economist, reminds with just enough water to moisten. and Uquors Hendrickson & Applegate Morris Becker Hdwe. Co. less bread and other wheat prod- homemakers that it not necessary Set into a little stew pan and cook Phones LEON'S ucts, try serving creamed meat on to sear it. Simply place the roast, 1 top of mashed or baked potatoes, until it is "ropey." Stir in one pint Atl. Highlands 448-471-406 16 East Front St., 197 Shrewsbury Ave., ESTABLISHED 1012 1 fat side up, on a rack in an open, of fresh roasted peanuts which instead of on toast or biscuits. For shallow roasting pan. Set the oven Center Ave., Leonardo,' N. I. 'lunch serve open-faced sandwiches temperature at 300 F. a slow oven, have been run through a. meat Red Bank, N. J. Red Bank, N.J. 64-76 WHITE STREET RED BANK instead of the closed variety. Top and keep the temperature the same chopper. rneat casseroles with crumpled po- for the entire cooking time. The tato chips. Use mashed potato or roast will have an appetizing brown PHONE 2800 Corn meal mush for the toping ot on—the surface and will be Juicy, a meat and vegetable pie. tender and, evenly cooked through- out. Low temperature also reduces the shrinkage of the meat during cooking. If a meat thermometer is avail- able, insert it Into the roast before it is put In the oven. Place the thermometer in such a position No matter how many dishes that the bulb will reach the center of the largest muscle, not touching cither bone or fat. Remove the roast from the oven as soon as the .thermometer registers 175 to 180 F., you wash,..# / „* depending on how well done you want the meat to be. Manypeople find roast lamb at its best when cooked just short of well done. Bo sure to order a large enough roast so that the family can en- joy it the following day. Cold sliced lamb makes superb sandwicshes. Cubed loft-over lamb In a curry sauce Is n zestful dish served on boiled rice. A casserole of diced lamb with vegetables and gravy, topped with parsley plnwheel bis- cuits, Is x real springtime treat. And for still more -variety, try browned lamb's cubes with scram- bled eggs, barbecued Iamb hash, or a fluffy, well-seasoned lamb souffle. EXTRA STURDY far LOMG SERVICE!

Girls! It's just plain silly to let your use these snow-white flakes say they're "gentle as a lotion!" mm housework ruin your hands! . Always wash dishes and glasses in Your dishes sparkle and glasses YOUR FLAGSTAFF FOODS Chiffon's rich, creamy $\x&s-and keep shine when you use Chiffon. And Oil Burners your hands softer, smoother, younger- you get out of the kitchen faster, will be back On your table...soon! looking.1 Even sensitive skins are too. For Chiffon dissolves almost. FUEL OIL grateful for the mildness, the pure- t instantlyr- makes quick suds, long-last- "Watch.th« youngtten dsp ness of Chiffoni Yes; women who ing suds-and lots of them! Installations and the same /!ne ttuality you mJoyodUton ths war, the AutAMV Conversions their might.. .listen to tbt grawiMips folks simply refuse to toww their standards. Thafs whyyoBaan 1 See Gilbert & Barker 'Ah-h'. with delight when oooeacsla •ur. tint when TOOT grooer says, Ves, I liavt yo. you set the table with jsrfen-fresh, -•-•*•• J Oil Burners and •• favorites again,' yptfre getting famous FUQSTAvr goodness i Wtamin-rici\ FLAOSTAPF Fruhs and other equipment Vegetables. Everybody rwnwnben the i Your lingerie, your stockings,.your extra quality of ffuomrr Siberia ste fluffy sweaters'shdulda'lwaysbcwashed On Display at . . • t Pe^es.and Pears tndFruft Cocktail with Chiffon Flakes, For Chiffon U 12 Mechanic Street, -•ad ^AO8TA>FWhoJe'O«eB Beans andiSweet Pea. and Corel FLAGSTAFF safer for everything that's washable. And everybody is'hoping against hope theyTl be back soonl... And those creamy, suds make colon Red Bank What*s th,» delay? Wei;, there are still some raconvenion problems ' and fabrics wake udi! Telephone 1030 Yoojeant bast 'm lot quality-or , -like the sugar ihortage', for instance-that art holding thinp up. lor tasta ettBtrt Ruby radnlaUdoua -rkh lo baaltb-builflloc niasralil And until your fLApsTAPP.favorites can come back wHhntatty' * Mftln Ofltca' and Flanti 8jc»mnh« Ayf., flhrewibili*/. If, 3, • . .:' "V "I. >-M/ Telephone! 1250 • 1251 • \ •/•'i

iA-h RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. Page Eleven. Stdrk Shower SHOP SATURDAY TILL 6 P. M. For Mr«. Bonora "•"A: ftoit' ihow'-Wif' itrw tor Up. Wtwtn Bettors VrUtjr, *jr Mn. Edward A, Corbtt *nd Mrs. Max S. Whitman of L*on«do. Quests war* Itri. Wmiam A. liaack, Mn., Jake Buplensftl, MUi gFbfd g company b«ld Shirley Joseph* and Hisw Helen U. bHnonthly meeting'last weak Liindrigan of Leonardo, Mrs. Nich- id announced plan* tor * fair to olas Barbate, Bed Bank; Miss Vir- ginia MoCabe, Keansburg; Mis* bring flie >• held on the Bennett- grounds) at for smart Out wad and highway U, which May Peterson,' Monmouth Beach; LONG BRANCH be conducted Jointly with Bel- -Mm, William Simmons, Teaneck; ord's Independent Ur» company Mrs, Charles Brunlnjr, Mn. William letween July 4 and 6 and July 11 VanNonnan and Mrs, John Van- U»d 18. . ' Norman, Jersey City, and Mrs. Committee* from both companies Jack Slmma, Dumoni ormed plans to award an electric YOUR IASTCR. BONNIT efrlgerator on the laat day of the — NAMED Df WILL •"air. Tht ewwnlB< glory of your Easter outfit During the past two weeki the 'Mrs. Lee Alexander Auchinclosa Vdf/el* offers you a fascinating selection 6i lenglne company has been, host to of Rumson, wife of Congressman calota, straws, sailors, pillboxes all bedecked 'bVf reneau and Adelphla (ire James C. Auchincloss 'of Rumson, with lush flowers and flimsy "Velli, They're ompaniej/ The visiting firemen has been named a beneficiary- In all her* in our Millinery Salon awaiting your 'inspected the (Ire .engine.. the wiH of her mother, the late . selection. • Aimee Oabrielle Thayer Alexander New members' accepted were of New York. She will receive on* Stcond Moor [Walter Rait, Jay Whjte and Stan- half of the personal property and ley Comic, one-third of the reflduary estate, .Following the business session, Refreshment were served by Har- 'nld Woodward, Edward Lube and LONG BBANCH BOTABT Edward Pussy. John W. Ouire, Long Branch : Others attending were Arnold postmaster, was elected president OTentworth, Dirk" Hoffman, Harold of the Long Branch Rotary club by , Roland Compton, A. White, the board of directors Friday at iWilllam Perry, Kenneth Luker, Garfleld Grant hotel. Others 'John Adabato, Joseph Munch, elected were Thomas Bennett, vice '.Thomas Doris, Nick MUlliney, Al- president; Robert Schuchart, • sec- bert Wood*, William Heyer»- and .retary, and George W. Emery, trea#- Harold Lube. urer. Mr. Gulre succeeds Fred W. Sehantx. Choirs To Present "Life Of Christ" "The Life of Walter Connolly, Paul Phillips, save for the down pay- Beverly Rabone, Fred Koenog and (Fashions and Accniorin olio at Voaelt, Red Bank) Donald Goold. ment on a home—oth- ers for a new car—oth- Beth Miriam Temple little girls' checked Plans Annual Seder ers to educate the chil- wool coat, shirred BOYS ALL WOOL hack, some plain, EASTER SUITS The annual Seder of Beth Miriam dren—decide what you some belted, green temple of Long Branch will be held and white, black and next Tuesday night at the Long want. You'll find reg- white, brown and t Branch Community Center with a white 'full .'course Kosher dinner being ular saving will secure 16.50 served under the direction of the 16.98 to 19.98 chairman, I. George Weston. it. • *• All wool Tot! Coat, , Rabbi Aaron H.' Lefkowltz will assorted spring up to 22,50 conduct the service and Mrs. Lef- shades. Double-breast- kowitz will render traditional Pass- ed, light weight su- over melodies. The children of thr i perbly tailored. Isizes Wide selection for religious school will participate \n 3 to 8x. i junior*, regulars and the ritual. 16.98 huskies. Tweeds, AH woo] Bhstland checks,' single breast- MARRIED IN FLORIDA. suits In melon ed .3-button style. -; Sizes S to 6... 10.98 Pleated trousers. A Mr. and Mrs. William Miller c. THE SECOND NATIONAL wonderful value! Campbell avenue, Port Monmoul! In royal announce the recent marriage o BANKeTRUST CO T to 14 16.98 their daughter, Dorothy Louise, t •OF RED BANK Melvln • Walker of Long Branch. NEW JER9EV- The ceremony took place at Orlan- MfprtOfR FEDERAL DEPOSIT* do. Florida, I'lNfUllANCE CORPORATION!

Little Boys' B t on Suits. Short pants and . matching jacket. AU wool, Sizes 3 to 8 WE REPAIR 14.95

• Washing Machines All wool Jr. topcoatst with matching Eton Hat. Fly front, made Eton Hat, extra. Nayy, • Vacuum Cleaners like dads, Sizes 3 to Blue', Brpwn. BOYS' SNAPPY 10 1.69 TWO-TONE • Electric Irons 16.50 LOAFER SUITS Now On Display i I To ti plaid sklrta, 16.50 1046 pleated, suspender top 81MS 1 to 4....2.90 Casual and comfortable* WESTINGHOUSE & KELVINATOR Tan anil brown, light All wool cardigan' taluo and . navy. Very iweaten, pink, light . >oiurt,.(i5\(S,j)pj;j!ljy.s/Wca^ REFRIGERATORS blue, navy, white, thorn together or sejiafV' lit** S to «..,,4,59 ate, Sizes 1 to 10 •'. . - '. ALSO "Jo*Jo" by Judy Kent. 1 New Easter frocks, Fine white cotton, gay colon, charming nddleatlched, Ptter < and stunning styles, NEW GAS and Pan collar. Sices 3 to filzoa 1 to 3—3 to 6— . 7 to 14, all at one low Bo\>i\ Shop—iWdin Floor price HO0$E||EBNfi,SH()R Inc. 1.73 VwUChHim WorUSiconfl Floor' ••.'' u. •"• -"-* ,». Ftg» Twelve, RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946.

JOMY VWA" ft#» to m By * yiM ni MM** to two, th* ttwn tvwptbip w *urn*4 and Hwwson tx>ros*gh,,«ouaelp Uura«d WMam K Seetey - ENROLL NOW - ITEMS OF YESTERYEARS both buildings were totally des- down an ordinance to prohibit pool AMEBICA'S NO. 1 DJDIVIDDAt AND FAHII.T QBOUF troyed. The household goods on playing In publlo places on .Sunday HOSPITAL EXPENSE CLAN. FROM REGISTER FILES the first and second floors ware In that borough,' saved. Almost everything ^n the Robert Voorhees, Raymond Craw- Show Onto Oilcloth TnukXrturlav BEND FOB CUtCCLAB; barn was destroyed, • . ford and Edward Heyer of Holm- Wlilow Drlvie, ilittte SuVer, S. *. The-Utile Silver-Athletic club del were initiated into the first d* Tel. Bed Bank MM, *. disposed of Its sporting goods .and gree at the Keyport Masonic lodge. ROBERT J. MARVIN Happenings of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From disbanded. About 150 was realized Sherman Vlnlng, son of J. Henry Highway 84, Matawan, W. J. TeL Matawan 841-J and thU was divided equally among Vining of ScobeyvlUe, celebrated REAX. ESTATE INSURANCE the News and Editorial Columns for Entertain- the-members in good standing. bis sixth birthday with a* party. FRED A. WOHLFORTH The Daughters of liberty of "Fair The guests were Beatrice and Hen- Planlrt ft Hammond Organist Farms • Home* • Conntry Llfe - Fire -Auto - Accident Haven gave a calico dance In Lib- ry Wllklns, Harriet and Edna Sher- . Estates Burglar; - Eta. ment «f Today's Readers erty halL About 100 people were man, Sidna Danser, • Jeannette . . / —Instruction— present The grand march was led Smook and Dorothy Vinlagf, Availsblt for Clubs, IUWPUOM, ate AT ALi SUN RAY DRUG . Fifty Team Ago. ' First Methodist parwnag* ty Rev, by Howard* Frey and Miss Mamie Rev. Garrebt Wyckoff, a former Phoaa Red Bwk 24S9-J E C Hancock". The witnesses to : Joseph W.' Boyle's barn at Eaton- Chandler. . ... '- pastor of the Hblmdel Reformed the marriage were Miss Grace M. A number of people from Red church, died at the age of 66 years, BOTH-BIGGER AND BETTER town was burned down. The upper Chadwlck and George Hulse. This story of the. barn were rooms oc- Bank" and Oceanic spent an enjoy- He was a retired clergyman and waa the first marriage Bev. Hah- able evening at Cfaarle* T, Allen's he had been in poor health sevaral cupied by Wllllain .White, a former coek had- performed -since he be- NOW coachman for Mr, Boyle. All of at Ooeanlo. Those present were years. ; . TRY EVJRVESS SPARKLING gan his pastorate at Red Bank. George Morris; Mont Allen, Albert WATER. A NEW PRODUCT Mr. White's furniture was des- Chester A. Arthur was made di- Miss Leona O. Kruggs, daughter Harvey, Ira Emery, George Alias, rector of the Red Bank Commun- PF PEPSI-COLA COMPANY troyed, aa well as four horses,' a of George Kruggs otfBorden street, ton of hay, a lot of straw, a cart Misses Mary Riddle, Nellie Harvey, ity chorus." A SPECIAL SERVICE .SOLO AT YOUR and Daniel W. Mlnton of Fair Ha- Jennie • Brill, Blanche Voorhees, Miss , Marie Conlon ol Shrews- and other property belonging to ven were married at the Grace FAVORITE STORE Mr,. Boyle. : '• • ••'• yiola Cubberly, Anna Curtis, Maria bury and Michael Kee'nan of Red church parsonage by Rev. 'William Alias, Lulu and Jessie Allen of Oce- Bank were'married at St James Benjamin C. Parker died at his Mitchell. .— . . home at Shrewsbury of pneumonia anic, Sarah Minton of Fair Haven, church. .Miss Catherine Conlon; a Static Balancing The Shrewsbury river this spring William Allen, Harry Worthley, Bister of the bride, was bridesmaid and grip. He was 70 years old. He was in a worse condition than It was survived by Mrs. Parker and George Sewing. Matthew Carroll, and Domdnlck Keenan of Qrange, had been for a long time. A new Fred Walsh, Misses Emma Sickles, a brother of the groom, was four, children, Mrs. John P. Clarke, bar had formed^between the Oce- Pdssenger Tires Rev. Robert B. Parker, John G. Addle .Allen, Mary Price, Lydla groomsman. Also married the same anio bridge and Upper Rocky Point, Barbara and Gertie Matthews of week were Miss Alice J. McKelvey, Parker and Harry A. Parker. which was causing a great deal of $ Miss Nellie Kcach, daughter of Red Bank and Mr. Bmmons of daughter of George W. McKelvey trouble to the steamboat men. Long Branch. of Mlddletown, and Lester B. ON THE CAR - - 1.00 Ellaha Keach of Oceanic and Har- A Republican primary was held ley Plppltt, son of Thomas Plppltt A deer was let out from the deer Smith, son Of.Albert C. Smith of In the town hall to elect delegates park at Colt's Neck for a chase by Harding road, Red Bank; Miss of Bordentown, were married at to the state and congressional con- Red Bank by Rev. J. K. Manning. the Meadowbrook Hunt club. The Eleanor p. Hedenberg, daughter of J WHILE RECAPPING vention*. Henry S. White was made deer ran across the fields and was William L. Hedenberg, and Jesse Miss Jennie Goodenough of Stout chairman of the primary and street and Prank H. Hulse of Me- caught by Judson Francis, who Sabath, son of Samuel Sabath, both • Fepsl-Obla Company, Lone Island City, N. Y. '. Charles L. Davis was secretary. looked it in his bam until it was of Red Bank; Miss Barbara Cur- OR VULCANIZING .50 Franchise^ Bottler: Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. ef Asburv Park, chanic street were married at the The delegates to the state conven- called for. tis, daughter of Arthur Curtis, and No wheel weights to tee or lose. Special tion were Henry S. White, George While Mrs. Jacob Wyckoff of Theodore Dayton, both of Nave- B. Snyder, Grover H. Lufburrow, Morrtsvllle was driving to Red sink; Miss Ruth O. Embley of Sea added to inside of tire by a new procett. Charles L>. Davis and John H. Cook. Bank) the horse became frightened Bright and Joseph Lease of Keans- The delegates to th» congressional on the bridge near Ogden's corner burg; Mlss_ Edith Schuey and convention were John McPeak, Ed- and backed oft the embankment James J, Daly of Red Bank; Miss mund Wilson, W. Tabor Parker, The bank was about ten feet high. Lavinla Bogue, daughter of Mrs. Fred .Thompson and Al McQueen. The horse fell down the bank and Deborah Bogue, and Ivlm Voor- Clayton Fields of Oceanport, into the brook. Mrs. Wyckoff and hees, both of Highlands; Miss Mar- while working on the bridges over her son Jacob were thrown, from ion Callahan of Shrewsbur, the railroad track at Mlddletown the wagon and suffered slight In- John Boyle of Red Bank andMlss met with a severe accident. Some juries. The horse was got out of Reglna Creevey and Frank 'J. Du- of the timbers gave way and he the brook by John Kelly. The gan of Bradevelt. and two others fell from the bridge. wagon was demolished.. It was A surprise miscellaneous shower Some of the heavy Umbers fell on said Mrs. Wyckoff would sue the was given for Miss Mildred I. Rap-l| Mr. Fields and his arm and two townsMlp for damages for leaving pieyea at the home of Mrs. William* ribs were broken. the embankment without side Hopla of Atlantic Highlands. The William Maxson of Navesink was guards. * party was arranged by Mrs. Rob- FOR recovering from injuries received For some time Robert Laird of ert J. Hennessey and Miss Marl- in a fall. Mr. Maxson was stand- ScobeyvlUe had lost a great many anna Reddington. Vocal solos were 6.00-16 ing on a box and was throwing eggs. One night he heard, a noise rendered by.Miss Kathryn Graham, $700 stones down a 'bank. The box In his chicken house and on going Miss Mabel Stryker, Miss Sadie Sue slipped and he fell to the ground- out with a lantern he found a large Siegel and Mrs. Harold Uhrig. He was a very old man and could A birthday party was given for 7 opossum in the building. Mr. Laird not rise. His calls for help were shot the opossum and after that Fred Burst of Monroe avenue. Mrs. Other Size* Equally Low. . heard by Robert Bloomer, who his chickens and eggs were not George W. Bray, William H. Fran- went to his assistance. ' molested. cis, Mrs. Anna Bray and William The Atlantic Highlands Literary Henry Schofleld was Oceanport's P. Htifrg' won prizes ut cards. Guaranteed 1 Year or 10,000 Miles and Debating society held a debate earliest potato planter. He had John H. Wilson, Albert Patter- at Miss Minnie Warden's. The sub- finished planting a patch of four son, William Kinney, Edward Hob- (WHICHEVER COMES FIRST) ject was "Resolved, that women acres., by and David Kinney were appoint- If your tire* are good smooth original casing*, oar should have the sune privileges ed lire police by the Rumson bor- every year that they have leap program is a* follows: Twenty-Five Years Ago. ough council. year." On the affirmative side were Herman Labrecque, the store- 1. We will exchange your worn, smooth tire with a MUses Warden, Susie Dawson and , At a meeting at the Port Mon- keeper at Camubell's Junction, had NEW GRADE III TIRE of our own manufacture. A cer- May Truax. On the negative were | mouth schoolhouse, a parent-teach- his hens trained so that they laid Richard Cunard, Edward Dawson er association was formed. Miss eggs on the front porch of his store.'; tificate of guarantee will be issued to you at the time of and Howard M. Colby. _ Melissa Coook, principal of the Mr. Labrecque had a row of nests •ale. Most fishermen of Belford had school, acted as chairman. Mrs. J. on the porch and when folks came t>R set their, fyke nets and were mak- C. Runyon wa3 elected president, to the store to buy eggs, Mr. La- ing good catches of flounders and Mrs. George Clark vice president. brecque went outside on the porch 2. We will proceu your smooth tire*, giving you herring. The largest catch of her- Mrs. J. C. Montag secretary and and gathered fresh laid eggs. _ expert, prompt tervice. A certificate of guarantee will ring was made by Jacob Schnoor, Mrs. M. Carman treasurer. The bridgj on Main street, Bel- be given you at the time of sale. who caught one and one-half Joseph Shapiro of Red Bank, dis- ford, was replankcd. The old bushels. Matthew Cramer made posed of his stock of furniture and plank were sold at auction and — PROGRAM SUBJECT TO OUR INSPECTION — the largest catch of flounders, one Jewelry and went to New York were bought for $40 by Paul Tar- bushel. ... , prior to sailing on the Aquitanla now Of Belford, who acted as bid- James Kane or Keyport won a for Europe. ^ • der lor several buyers, among them AMAZING OFFER! horse at a raffle by throwing 48. A party was given at Mr. and being the baseball team. The team After the throw was made and be- Mrs. . Albert VanWInckle's at planned to use the plank for a One Year-Of Trouble Free fore the raffle was over Mr. Kane Eatontown. Dancing and games back stop on the diamond. sold his chance of winning to J. J. were enjoyed. Joseph Arrow-smith' of New Mon- Mies For $7.00.' Campbell .for $17.50 and Mr. Camp- The employees of the Standard mouth was the first farmer In the bell became the owner of the horse. Oil company gave a farewell din- township to cut arparagus. He-got A Guarantee Better Than New The petty jurors from Shrews- ner for John P. Gaul, Jr., who re- a dozen bunches of "grass" and bury township were David H. Bray, signed to become a partner with sold them for 50 cents a bunch, Tire Warranty Newton T. Dbremus and Charles James Power, his father-in-law, in H. Irwin. the restaurant business. Boys can make pocket money by The Young Men's institute of St. Residents of Colt's Neck were re- selling the Register—Advertisement James church gave a ball and joicing over the fact that they were cleared $100. The committee con- not going to lose their postofflce. sisted of E. A. Cole, T. J. Norman, Louis Plotkin agreed to become J. F, Holian, John McCarthy, Jos- postmaster and the office was J. H. MOUNT CO. eph Ryan, Jr., John Spillane, L. J. moved to Ms store. Mrs. Albert LANDSCAPE DESIGN Ryan, Timothy Martin, George ^Francis, who had been postmistress COR. WHITE STREET & MAPLE AVENUE Wise, L. J. Ryan and Miss Maggie several years, had moved to Free- STANLEY A. MclNTOSH Quigley. hold and had notified the postal Telephone Red Bank 14SS PHONE RED BANK 404 This Tavern Owner Is Proud The homestead and a barn on the authorities she wanted to resign. Point Road little Silver Of His New Ward-Olympic Some words fool you: ALL-METAL REACH-IN REFRIGERATOR LEAN LEAN -J : V. means means These Modern Tavern keepers are using these outstanding reach-in refrigerators for food supplies as well Refrigerators as bottle goods. A constant, even temperature Are Designed Is provided, thereby bottled refreshments are al- for ways ready to serve at a'tempcrature that pleases • Grocer* . particular customers. • Restaurant* • Markets'" Ward-Olympics provide a balance of cold • Hotels • Hospitals and moisture PLUS electrically-controlled forced • School. draft air-conditioning. This gives perishable •. * Delicatessen* foods maximum protection—no loss, of weight— •Taverns no discoloration—no drying out or spoilage from • Dairy Store* flavor tainting. ' .• : ' and _ '' • n'anyother •«••••••• but BML^ Ale & Beer For Perfect Fo«J Preservation Th«fe I* No Substitute for ICE Refrigeration always means: Purity; Body, Flavor

... ' • , For Information or Representative Lean ia what that famous tower does. Lean is what PHONE RED BANK 248 the- thin man if. In other words, lean Is a confusing word. It fools you. ' . ' Ballantine, on the other hand,'is a clear-as-crystal word. You can count on it! Ballantine alwayi means SEABOARD PURITY, SODY, J-LAVOR-the qualities symbolized by Peter Ballantbe's century-old trade mark,, the 3 'rings. Wind up your day the^leasant way:. .look for

.AMERICA'S PINIIT SINCI-M40 RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. Page Thirteen. Keyport Society - - SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE J. Victor Carton WAT$p»RpOFING Urges Ordinance Meets At Church At the meeting of th« Woman's rr Boolety for Christian Service held Where ;, r." Wants ^Criminal* at Calvary Msthodlst church at Keyport last week, Mrs. Amos C, To Be Registered Brown, chairman of the sunshine £ IT WATERPROOFED committee, reported a good balance Sp»s*lnf to'the Monmouth coun- In the treasury. ' at SHERMAN'S J ty police chiefs' auoclatlon lut i"' r THE MAGINOMAGN T LINIE . week, prosecutor J. Victor Carton 'Mrs. Norma Blngham will be the urged adoption of local ordinances speaker at the Mothers'- day ser- i&_ And Now We Can Waterproof the Concrete, throughout the shore area to help vice at Calvary church, at which Can You Buy These Values \l& Stucco or Brick Exterior and Interior Sur- police keep a oloe« check on trans- time the Tlalols class will join with ient criminal!. ' :' the Woman's society In charge of .YOU'D BETTER HURRY AND GET SOME, faces of Cellars, Floors, Walls, etc, for The prosecutor declared - that he the service to be' held in the morn- Homes or Industrial Buildings. >, . would send to-all county municipal Ing, The committee representing AT THESE UNUSUAL LOW PRICES THAT [OvernmentB, . cXplei of a recom- the.. society Includes Mrsi Lester EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT. ' mended[.ordinaries which would re- VanGlesen, Mrs. Charles R. [LANTIC WATERPROOFING CO. quire persons with criminal records Smythe 'and Mrs. Wayne Darlan'd.' COMPARE! ANYWHERE! to register wltl? the police depart- Spring' rallies will • be held at Phone 1230-J Red Bank ment, giving their criminal, record, Tuckerton April 23; Ocean Grove fingerprints and other information. April 25, and New Brunswick April Ha asked the police chiefs to co- 26. . - Fine Rayon Crepe operate In the enactment of, the The society made a donation of : ordinance., ' • $10 to tier" Crusade 'for Christ. Lace' Trimmed Slips $1,50' PEOPLE'S STORE'! By DIDDY H. alao stated that, with the In- A food sale will be held Saturday, flux of -undesirable characters with RALPH H. BELKNAP MICHAEL B; O'CONNCJR April IS, at-the church, with Mrs. Tea Rose only rr WOOD w « the opening of Monmouth Park, Darland as chairman. Mrs. George 34 to 44 T MBUKWOW / Powelson will conduct a saVe of WHIM THBRg he would continue to strive to elim- .The board of directors , of "the As a result of hi* new position, he inate gambling houses In the coun- will be In complete charge of the puddings and Mrs. Lester VanGle- Beacon Finance corporation .Qf aen and Mrs. Charles R. Smythe ty. ' . ..•••-; Broad, -street,.. Red Bank, have firm, which operates branch of- fices throughout the state, with, are . In charge of the' sale of THEPtOPLE? elected Ralph K. Belknap chairman headquarters here. brooms II0U6R STORC Religious Film of the board and Michael B. O'Con- Mr. O'Connor was senior execu- Among those present were Mrs. Fine Rayon Satin nor president, to emcceed Mr. Bel- tive of the Beneficial Management Theodore Strobel, Mrs. George At S knap. corporation of Newark for 20 years, Powelson, Mrs. Wayne Darland Tailored Slips prior to receiving his current posi- Mrs. Garrett VanGlesen, Mrs. Les- The Sunday evening Mrvio* of Mr. Belknap -nae been president Nicely Fitted - Full Cut. $ Shrewsbury Presbyterian church of the firm tlnce It started In 1944. tion. , . • ter VanGlesen. Mrs. "Alec Stobel will be held at 7:46 o'clock and Mrs. Charles Crawford, Mrs. Wil- Tea Rose. will include a religious Him en- liam Chadwick, Mrs. Hendrlck 32 to 44. 1 titled, "The Prodigal Son." ' ver you buy It. In addition It has Bailey, Mrs. Harry Bolte, Mrs. Produced recently In Hollywood "Evervew," A New 'positive alkalinity,' so that it rend Amos C. Brown, Mrs. John De- CARRYING A COMPLETE LINE it begins with a scene In which y lends Itself to use on the table Walne; Mrs. Frank Terry, Mrs. C. Jesua tells the parable of the prod- n every home, to be consumed not F'Rehfield, Mrs. Samuel M. Davis igal sos who wandered from his Table Water Being nly by the adults of the family and Mrs. H. T. Hopkins.' father's home. The film Is a faith- ut by the youngsters as well The May meeting will be held at i*ine Rayon Multifiliment IMPORTED and DOMESTIC ful dramatization of the story, true Introduced Here Whether you are eating at home, the church with Mrs. Frank A. i not only In detail but In spirit of ut on a trip, away on a vacation, Smlth_snd»Mrs. H. T. Hopkins as Crepe Tailored Slips the original; Based on Luke 15 r juet taking a Sunday motor ride BEER * WINES end LIQUORS 11-32, It is a story of human .Inter- Pepsi-Cola Bottling: wherever you pick up a bottle o: Four-Gored Style,.- Full Cut $^. est and emotions that carries a dl 'Evervess Sparkling Water' you ',j,Whlte>and Tea Rose. £ vine message of eternal Import- Co. Of Aibury Park may be assured that.you are get Two County Women 32 to 44. ' ance. ng a sparkling high-quality table A cordial Invitation is extended The Distributors 'ater specially treated, for purity WAVE Dischargees PELIX R.SANTANGELO. PROP. or you and your family," the state- to members and friends of all the ment concludes. ••I 101 SHREWSBURY AVE. 'PklHU 3214 RED BANK .N. J- churches In the eurroundlng com Pepsi-Cola company, whose 12- Two Monmouth county women munities which do not have evening ounce big bottle has become a by- recently discharged „_. from the services. . word In th« soft-drink Held, Is In- Former Cahill Girl WAVES are Mary C. Lazaro, yeo- Fine Rayon'Multifiliment troducing a .new product to the man .first class,-Avenue- of Two Riv- public In this territory, according Given Bridal Shower ers, Rumson, and Blanche Van- Crepe Tailored Slips Schoick of Mlddletown. to Walter S. Mack, Jr., president of Mrs. Chester Morln, the former MOBIL GAS MOBILOIL the company, and Charles Farrell, illse Lazaro, daughter of Mr. With Fagoting Trim. $ | .95 Mies Jewel Cahill, recently dlfir. White and. Tea Rose. J^ vlc« president of the Pepsi-Cola harged' as a U. S. Army nurse, was and Mrs. Louis Lazaro, enlisted in Bottling company of Asbury Park, the WAVES. In May, 1944: After "• 32 to 44. SPRING SPECIAL! with the launching of'"Evervess," he guest of honor at a miscellan- ous shower given by Miss Mar- she completed her indoctrination a sparkling carbonated water for orie Bronkhurst and Miss Geral- and her yeoman training she was table use, picnics and other general Ine V. Brown of Keyport. assigned to duty In the Seventh Give Your Automobile A Treat! consumption, as well as for use as Mrs. Morin, who served overseas, Naval District headquarters in 1. COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP .,...'. - - 4.95 a mixer. was married in January In Ger- Miami, Florida', where she has "Evervets" is the result of over many to Lieut. Morin, who is still served for the' duration of her Navy EXTRA SIZE SLIPS 2. MOBILUBRICATION 1-00 two years of research In the Pepsi- erving overseas. Mrs. Morln wae hitch." She held a responsible po- HARD TO FIND 3. CHANGE OIL—5 qts 1-50 Cola laboratories and is especially 'ormerly school nurse at Keyport. sition in the enlisted personnel of- 180 processed by ultra-violet rays (or Attending were Mrs. Norman fice of the district for. the paist Fine Tailored Satin—46 to"52 $2.00 4. CHANGE TRAN. & DIFF. OIL v•»•• — purity. In addition, its sponsors •Scott Mrs. Arthur Cahill, Miss Mar- year and a half. 5. ADJUST BRAKES ; 1-00 point out; it has "posiMve alkalin- aret Cahill, Miss Eleanor Pasirjo, Seaman First Class VanSchoick Fine Tailored Crepe—46 to 52 $2.30 ity." . • Mrs. Kenneth Qemlin, Mrs. Ed- received her discharge April 1 at 6. ADJUST STEERING *. 2.00 In a joint announcement about mund Walker, Mrs. Clyde Eggln- the Naval Separation Center, New 7. SWITCH TIRES : 1-00 the new product, Mr. Mack and Mr. son, Mrs; Harold Quackenbush, York City, Farrel said: "Pepsi-Cola has found Miss Marlon Pe^seux, Miss Virginia TheSHERMANSHOPinc. that a great family demand exists Following her training at Hunter 8. WASH YOUR AUTOMOBILE 125 Brophy, Mrs. Fred Bronkhurst, Miss college, Miss VanSchoick was sent Red Bank, , for a sparkling, carbonated table Elizabeth Miller and Mrs. John Van to the Naval barracks in New York 56 Broad St., N. J. II 9. PACK FRONT WHEELS - L00 ; water. '^> Rlxoort. j "The parerf»l!ompany has been city to do clerical work. ' 15.50 i studying this problem for over two years and anally has worked out in its^ research laboratories a new ALL FOR $10.50 product—'Evervesst ^Sparkling Wa- lter." I "By means of a special process, SUTTON MOTORS • "Everveas' flows through ultra-vio- let rays to insure that each and |l 101-107 OAKLAND ST., RED BANK, N. J. every home will get a water that Is I*H0NK 2U53-J. '

Thousands Now Signing Mobilheat Contracts with their Mobilheat Suppliers!

^OUR Mobilheat contract is your heat I insurance for next winter. For once you've signed it, your Mobilheat sup- plier takes care of all your fuel oil prob- lems—leaving you free to enjoy real i>: heating comfort all season long. America's largest-selling fuel oil brands;:'.free heat- CONTRACT ASSURES FUEL OIL saving tips to guard against heat loss. SERVICE AT ITS BEST! • A Mobilheat contract saves you time; work; With clean-burning Mobilheat, you're sure of Com: worry. Why not complete your oil heating arrange- plete Service! Here's what it includes: automatic ments by signing up with your Mobilheat supplier delivery based on your special needs in relation to. now/ local temperature changes0^ : : prompt; courteous TUNE Ik "INFORMATION PLEASf-MONDAY EVENIKCS, 1:30 E.I.T.-HBO attention from reliable, trained drivers i:: one of SHOE


Socony-Vacuum Oil Company. Inc. J Mobilheat 11, « ,i .'s ' 'f/M Page Fourteen. RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11.1946. which metti «o Wednesday* Junior High School^ •niDTsdays, has a different Johj, West Long Branch at operation now. «•" lnsfaiietor, The yuplls of tfa* Rsd Bank Mrs. Helen lAuber, fives certain OfficialJHes I Junior high aohooi really took ad- assignment* to the whole olaas, in. USE OUR LAY-AWAY vantagt. of April Stool's Day. JokM •toad of allowing eaoh ta> ebooM m ' wer* played all through tta* day, . Willkm J. Bridge . Petit Sabot "Restaurant Pi«ee In i»W Bore 1 her own project. " , •si «*4*wMe ejartUolarly dwt but alnos th» trafflo director*, hav- - A* present, *e project fcapp*** ing proolataed It a "SUencs Day," Wu Councilman AU IIksk * tout or »atael aft lust i to be the drawing-,©* pussy-willow* 165 BROAD STREET, RED BANK _• banlatftai particularly, PLAN that If,' no pupil was allowed to in a vase, from a stlli life amtoa*- William J. Bridge,'TS, who has. taJk wnlU passing to classes, too •rites), sHuaM, lying and b*lng lit ment. When the drawingg* are fin- been a member of the borough - "a ot Bad Bank, In th. much confusion did not occur, ished, the pupils ill t h council of West Long Branch the at MMBMotli and" St«" U of" N."Tea»r _ For Your Ntw . i SOUM of 4h» tricks used were: a will eotor them TELEPHONE 2SS7. BMNNWO st a suk* i thl e with ttoJfe WdgsJy. past 17 yaara, died la* week at his i li ( Bk tt fake cigarette -which squirt* water; hem* at 871 Broadway, after a ser- eeattsWMt'cofner of'JUIurY 0. a small pistol which also squirts Mrs. Viola Qulnn'a Moond period ious Uineai,of ten days. l«t asd distant ISO («*t east tram FUR JACKET water; a jar.rwfalch when opened, •alt aide 6f Shrewsbury avenue, English class has had two discus- A former owner of the William running ,w«et«rlr alonar tha north 'shoots a fake snake coll; a fake sions In the past week*. One was: J. Bridge dairy at West Long Be*ah atrut, OS feet and t Inch*! For Spring and Barter j explosive cigar, and a trick which "Can we have friendly relationship Branch, Mr. Bridge was active in Specializing in Steoks, Filet stska standing In th* north aid* gives a person a Mack eye. These with Russia!" Hie acting; chair- elylo affairs in the borough. He Beech *tfe*t, thane* runnlsg nort! , tricks wer« tried on almost evary at right anslaa with Beach *tr**t etv man was B1U Scott; speaker for wu bom at Sellersvllle, Pennsyl- parallel with *ald Her neon's land II: NOW! "one.. Now that the day Is over, the the topio was Marian Wallace, vania, «on of.the late Ralph and Mignon/ Chops, Chicken feet to jots* of Charles G. Allu school will become normal again.— against Phil Smith. Those who Ann Bridge, but had lived at West Trafford Allen, these* running *i Judy Portner. on the seuth aid* of said AJlen'i spoke, quit* frequentty were Ed- Long Branch since he was a boy. Parallel with the flrst aforaaald' Also CHOCKIRS ward Lee, Edward Mehm, Cborie* He J* survived by hi. wife, M«. «l fett t Inefaw to said land of Due to April Fool's day, April 1, Bublln, Charles Newman aad Bin Lottie Steen bridge; throe ohlldren, rilon, tbane* running along th* west Mrs. William Hayden, 3II*s Lillian of aald Harrison's land 282 fast to • Hate and Muffs Mad* . Mr*, prances C. Manning, the Scott Later ttae topic was chanced . north aid* of Beech street, th* p\itm eighth and ninth grade mathema- to: "Can the li. N. O. suco«edT"— Bridge and Ralph Bridge, all of Beginning. \ , To Match Your Jacket or Coat tics teacher put a large black cloth liois Barnard. . • ' West Long Branch. ' Open from 5 to 9:30 weekday*, except Monday. --The said fublle sal* will *a h*M over the blackboard to make her 8t80* o'eloek in ^h* afternoon on. FINDS STOLEN AUTO. 18th dar of April, 1949; at th* pupils believe that she was giving List Thursday afternoon the hlih tehool building, Harding Ri I All Stylei Designed By U« | them a teat. .When the classes A 1987 Dodge owned by Max Dinners served from 12 to 9:30 Sunday*. the" Borough of Red Bank, Com came in, Mrs. Manning took the seventh, eighth and ninth grade Whlttman of Leonardo was stolen MoBiBouth and State of New Jena pupils heard campaign speeches from the Leonardo pier Monday at said property wlll.be sold to th* cloth off the blackboard and to given by the' officers bf president, •st. bidder provided, "however, thi _ We apacialise in the Remodeling their surprise the blackboard was ll;S0 P, M. and recovered by the BoaVd of Education reserves th* rtgl blank—^flondra. Marln. vice president, secretary and treas- owner the following morning, to rafus* any and all fclda whleh It urer of the ninth grade, Ths pro- consider Inadequate, Th* terms of _ and Repairing of Fun gram was opened with 'Amerioa sal* wtll be .cash to be paid In full o: One..day the members of the the Beautiful," which was sang by on' eloslns of tltl*. ' „ eighth A-l mathematics'class.bet JAPH1A CLAYTON, the pupils. Then Virginia Sadowiky District Clark Mrs. Frances C. Manning, their spoke on things that make* a teacher, If the gave them the an- school, followed by Mildred Oreer HAVE YOU HAD YOUR SPRING CHECK-UP YET? NOTICE. swers to the mathematics test they who spoke on things that break a TO GILBERT M. KEITH, and hi WINTER'S FUR SHOP would all get 100 per cent. On helra, next of Iclfl, devisees, legatee* aifc school. Richard Harrison, captain March 28, Mrs. Manning gave a of the traffic directors then played personal representatives, MRS, GILBTSB! 58 Monmouth Street Red Bank 1 M. KEITH, first wife af Gilbert M test with the answers in a very the "Skaters Waltz," by Waldteu- Keith, dtreniu.I, ami MRS. GJMIKKT it (Oppoilto Boroufh Ball). tricky way and.we are waiting for f el. . The nominees who spoke were KEITH, second wife' of Gilbert * the results. " Use Glavey, Chester Aipy, Jr., Clark Keith, decenscd: • i By virtu* of an order of the Coop Under the direction of Mrs. Davis and Jean Wlaseman for pres- of Chancery of New 'Jersey, made 'Ol Frances C. Manning, the Junior ident; Edward Lee, Richard Har- th* day. af the date hereof, In a caOS) Journalism olub corrected the rison, Joe Herrmann and Lawton wherein Borough of Fair Haven, a mta papers of a recent test.March 28. nlcipiil corporation of th* Stato of Hlndle for vice president; Marian Jersey, la complainant, and Fair Hav^ The test was on various elements Wallace, Barbara Brase'fleld, Felix Improvement Association, a body cot of journalism such as the lead, how Delia Vecehla and Dorothy Kerr porate of the State of New Jersey,'aa WHEN YOU NEED '• news stories are written and news- for secretary; and Harry Campbell, others are defendants, you are requtrei to appear and answer the bill of sa| paper terms. Nancy McCoach, Howard Kennedy complainant, on or before tha IGUr dai Milton Meckler, Marcla and Edith and Shirley Sims for treasurer. of May, neit, or tho snid bill will 1 Hoffman and Sondra Klarln re- Shirley Sims was also the mistress' taken aa confessed affunat you, -^ MONEY ceived 100 per cent. Richard Wolf of ceremonies. The program was Tha said bill la filed tp lorecloa* ' certificate of tax sale covering prf^ received 89 per cent.—'Sondra greajfcly enjoyed, by the gtudent tse* in the Borough'of Fair Haveo, H ... USE THIS Klarln. body.—Flossie Pye. mouth County, New Jersey, own*d Pair Haven Improvement' Aaaodatio body co'rpnrntu of tha Stnto of PROMPT, FRIENDLY | j English gives' a great deal of Jersey, and "aaicascd to Fair Haven u. provemrht Company, which certlAcat work for the seventh grade clas- Wns made 1,y 1'tr ry D. Dennett, Colic) LOAN SERVICE directed by Mrs. Bernadine. Rotarians To tor of Taxes to the Borough of Fa Haven, dated I>ct^mber 1, 1934, .aj Datt. Among- thff- assignments not as yet recorded, and you, Gllbe). J / made, book reports are Important Plan Program M. Keith and his bctra, n»t of kj for the, year's work. Eight book devlaeoa, leKAtcea and • ferBonal repr reports are supposed ' to be given acniatives. are made defendant b } We make loans to both For Boys And Girls cauae you hold a mortgage rov^rlnf tt by each pupil for the school year, premiaea mentioned in itiQ bill of cot men and women — single The first of this series was given plnlnf. anj you. Mri>. fiilbert M. Kelt flrat wife of (jilbert M. Keith, dece&s« and married—in all kinds a composition with a cover re- Recent Anniversary ar* mvle defendnr.t hftrjmse you a of employment, ior any in- COME IN lated to the book. Lately the re- th« tlrJt v'if« "f Gilbert' M. Keith, wt Dinner A Very held a mortlEaKe covering the preollat dividual or family need or ports, have been given orally. OX PHONE . ., These reports are given at inter- mentioned in tlie liLJl of complaint; ar' emergency, you, Mri. r.Hbi-n M. Keith, seeot ANY TIMEI vals of about every month. A book Successful Affair * •rife of Oill/t-rt M. Keith, deceaaed, a! ;» Choice of several loan report must consist of—the title, made defendnni bacnuie you are tl the author, the time and plate the At today'* meeting of the Red Wife of Gilbert M. Keith, who held' plans. . . . Private service, withou! embarrassing ir> Bank Rotary club at the Molly INSUREYOUR mortgage . covering the premises met quiries. . . . Prompt action, no red tape. ... story occurred, the characterst the HAPPT MOTORING'THIS SUMMER tfoned In the bill of complaint.' summary of the book and the rea- Pitcher' hotel, Victor Satter will Up io 15 Mon'.hs to Repay. { sons for the student's liking or dis- present the speaker. He hasTiof; Dated- Mnrth 14. 154C. however, given out any Information PARSONS, IABRECQUE, OANZOV liking the book. All books that are as to whom It will be. * COMBS, - . Leant In Small Amounts ar Up Is the Hundred! reported on must be of seventh SERVICING Solicitor* for Complainant grade standards. These book re- Suggestions will be received at IS Wallace Street. the meeting as to doing something Red Bank, New Jersey, ports have helped the pupils to fof*the boys and girls of the com- COMPLETE SPRING SPECIAL Transmission and different! know how' and what books to se- munity during "Boys' and Girls' efilledwithS IN CHANCERV OF NEW JERSEY lect to widen their field of know- ONLY nd. 155/.143 Week," designated by Rotary In- Between Catherine Lewli, patitlot ledge.—Jano White. ternational aa April 27 to May 4. and' Herbert Lewis, deftndant^M BEAC05 • Radiator flushed, Inspected, refilled for' petition for divorce.. Notice of public This Idea originated In 1920 through summer, The 7-A-2 girls under the super- the Rotary club of New York and and flu hed To"' HERnEHT LEWIS: 77 Broad Street Red Bank 1472 vision of Mrs. Helen Lauber, took Is now generally observed through- Flushin^V^ g ^Oil/. » • Battery refilled, recharged... serviced By virtue of an Order of th* Cot a trip to the Methodist church on out the country. It has been or- tor hot weather. of Chnncery of New Jersey, mad* over J. J. Newberrj's. Lie. 743. Broad™ street, to see their beauti- ganized to focus the attention on • Crankcase refilled with 5 qa. Esso tha 21«t day of March. 1946. In a c the. interests, activities and pur- Motor Oil, summer grade. (Additional • Tires and tubes Inspected carefully..' tain cause wherein Catherine Lewis ful stained glass windowt They defects reported to you. (Repair service as the petitioner and you-are the defen . NEPTUNE BRANCH wero greeted by Rev. Roger Squire poses of youth and "to arouse the qts.-extra.) needed... extra.) ' ±>nt, you ar« required to answer t •who explained .the color schemes, Interest of the entire community in • Verified Esso lubrication... complete petitioner'a petition on" or before t 29 S. Main Street Tel. Asbury Park 6641 h dli 22nd day ol May, 191!. or In data designs and symbols. Karla Schrift- support of wholesome measures of chassis protection. ""npiere H r^Tu . ? fc*«. other working thereof such decree will be. taken agalr Vi block from Asbury Park City Lines, tic. 749. griesser is class marshall of this this campaign. parts checked for performance. you as the Chancellor shall think, equ Charges 2ti% mo. on bal. group. Vice President Harry S. Rowland able and just. * - and Secretary J. L. Burnham will The object of said suit 1* to obt The 7-A-2 homeroom gave a play a decree of divorce, dissolving the tni Friday afternoon entitled "Boy- represent the local club today at rlage between you and tha aald P*t' Crazy Girls." The cast of char- the district conference at the Hotel' lontr for the cauae of desertion. I Stacy-Trent, the main purpose of : FLORENCE F. FORGOTSOK] acters was as follows: Nancy Berg, which is to elect a district gover- 60 Brond Street, Corrlne Erricksen; Dale Ridgely, Red Hank. New fjeraer, nor. Solifito'r of Petitioner. Christine Church; Jo Ann Madre- The 25th anniversary dinner held perl, Patricia Hotchkiss; Nancy Triangle Esso Station Dated: Miirrh 26, l'Jtt. TTiose "good old days" by the club last Thursday night was McCoach, Diane Eastman; Richard cry successful and the Rotarians IN CHANCERV OF NEW JERSEY I —Would you really want them back? ... Take, Brounley, Dick Stoothoof; Bill RIVERSIDE AVE. & W. FRONT ST., 155/316 f ind their ladles had a very fine Tlu Sign of "Hoppy Motoring" Between JANET McCOilBS, Petition .Scott, Stephen DeAnthony; Bill ime. At the same time the club RED BANK and GEORGE McCOMBS, Defends wash day fifty years ago, for instance .. . Thorpe, arid William Petherbridge. lonored their ex-aervlce men, and On Petition for DIvorc* NOTICE This play was written by Karla us wives ot the latter were pre- PHONE 1954 PUBLICATION. TO: fiEOHGE McCOMBS: Schriftgiesser. mted with orchids. By virtue of an Order of th«,C6a ' The 7-A-2 class Is starting a new of Chancery of New Jersey, mada 1 chapter In hygiene called "Safety." the 12th day of March, 1946, In a C(| tain came therein Janet McCombl [ , This will be a very Interesting topic th* petitioner and you are th* defei First you pumped buckets of t and will show some pupils that ant, you are rcCiUlrad to answer tl , rafety la important. The teacher "We're keeping 'em Hot petition*:'* petition on or before tf water and lifted them to the 13th day of May. 1946, or In def«| i ia Mrs. Bernadine Datt and the thereof, such decre* will b* f stove for heating. class secretary is William Smith.— airalnst you aa ths Chancellor Patricia Hotchkiss. think *quitall* and iuit. The object ot said-suit Is to Under the direction of Mrs. Vera service!" a decree of divorce, dlsiolvlng the ntlj to speed vour r|sg* between y^ou and ' th* Bald -t; Mones, formerly Miss V«ra Vogel, «/ titloner for th* caul* of d*s*rtlon. th»-e»g*.t.h A muslo class is study- Dated. March 14, 1946. FLORENCE F. POKO Ing the various orchestral Instru- Solicitor of Petitioner, ments and classing them, in their —mnd they're kept hot, these soMecing <0 Broad atreet. You filled the tubi, Nbbed proper places. Irons, on a big job—the job of getting Red Bndk, New Jersey, In this next lesson April 8, the telephone terrlce to the people still wait- Monmouth County Surrogate'* and scrubbed.. ;]tan fillet* olass plans to hear recordings of ing, and making service better /or every• In th* matter of th* eitit* of Sari the instruments.—Sondra Klarln. Clay Brown, deeeaied. Notice to Crel «nd emptied them tftlia for one. All in the least amount of time. itora to praaent claims agalnlt **tsj Pursuant to tha order of DormtB *' several riniingil Mrs. Smith's fifth period gym Faddin, Burrogat* -of., th* County _ class has a member who can jump Once the long job of manufacturing Monmouth, made on the eighteenth dfl and setting up new central office equip- of March, 1946, on tha application F seven feet two Inches. Her name Thotnaa Irving Brown, Sola Executor j !3 Patricia Jlotchklss and she is ment in the telephone buildings is done, th* estat* of Sarth Clay Brown, In Mrs. Sim's seventh grade class. New Jersey Bell men put these "hot caased, notlca Is hereby s!v*n to The next highest in the class is craaitora of' said deceased to •h irons" to -work—soJdering connection! to to the subscriber, aol* executor as * Vanda Rovlto, who jumped six said, their debts and demands agalrj feet, three and one-half inches.— provide for installations and transfers of the said eltate, under onth, within Bessie Economos. month* from the data of th* atoreai telephones throughout your community. order, or they will b* foravar bs.n No wonder wiiK 'dij Wai of their actlom therefore sralnst While we're expanding the telephone said subacrlber. • • " - ••• called "blue MonoV aad Under . the direction of Mr*. Frances Mannlngf, the eighth and system* you can help speed the work by Paled: Freehold, H. JH Marok ninth grade mathematics teacher, IJ'16. left the housewrft using your . telephone sparingly, and THOMAS ntVINO BROV :avs the eight A-l mathematics 4»0 Hlver Row), Ilka this! class a True or False test on per- making your calls brief. . Fair Hav.n, N, J, ents aod decimals. — Sondra WlM A Wile, S*d Bank, N, J. Klarln, Proctors. tli* Junior hl|h members of th* Node* *l Settlement of .__ Eitat* of.Louii. Wllllaton, « ltwa Red Bank band ars Shirley Sims, Nolle* li hereby glren that th* M«• Foh], Dlok Brounley, Barbara tat* of said lunatlo will b* sudltSl |i stated by th* Surrogate of th* TODAYlAH tt* vtttrymi Kuhl, Bloh&rd Furhman and Mor of Monmouth and' reported foi" rls Hoffman. ment to the Orphan*' Court want it a him »f the wAt Under the direction of Donald County, on Thuriday, th* •Mono1- Klojip, they have learned many of May, A. D., 1046, at 10:00 o'ol ... If It's eonMinotM Ity a. mM at which tlni* RPvItestlon > new song*; including marches and ha mad* for th* allowance ot .water, to much the btttar. several popular muslcali,—Ix>l« fuel. ' Batfnard. • " ,, Dated l Marsh 18, A. D,, 1«4S. • MAROARET V, MOIiAUOB-, 89 Forest Lane, BronxvJII*. N.l The seven A science clasi under * ' —Gd the .direction of Mrs, Bernadln* \m Appl*»ai«, Stevans, Foiter i Rausallle, '. City water It alwa'yi pure, always idepen'daWe, Datt, .Went on a hike (o~see how Red Bank, N. J. many bird,' they could .see, They . Pror.tnrsY and it's one necauiry ypu art still able to.get observed robin*, .crows, hhie Jays, 1 blackbirds, flickers, cardlnsJa and, Nolle* ol Settlement ol AoetWrJ at its low pre-war price. Are' you taking d- pigeons, Theyy-Jair* many more Estat1* of Derlhi C, Polh«iml»il ceiled, Notlca Is hereby glv* •' vantage of all the ways It', can contribute to pretty birds. The who)e class e»v th* aocounti of tha subicrlb«f,' Joyed the.trip very much, The fol- litratlx ot th. oitntt ol mldi barter livjng,for your family?. lowing went) Ann Atryker, Mary will h* audited and stated >»f total* ot th, County of Ml Ann Sullivan, Jimmy Bdunldt, /•ported (on lettltmont t Wanda Jtue, Marl* Selah, Davi Court olMU County, 1*1 Trin \ Pi •txtoajtth .dry j K

Mootrtouth Consolidated Water my. RsVblto, namena "Pnumll, Don- <••(•• ' aid Ooli, Oforr* Cl*yten and ~"~ .-*• RED BAffK REGISTER, APRIL U, 1M0. UUIMN, D0BEMD8, MCCUB * Junior High School We«t»ide "Y" Notes Hm dosed«their successful sea- fteeve*., Otherwise meet Wm «t KtH. SU8SBXL * Tirinity-Choir son by losing to the Harlem TMCA 9,-aO a, m. In front ot the T." ' : COUNSBWOM AT IMf, New* Heads Potato Group Thursday evening, March 28. The IINGf" Wbltflild BulWa*. , - Had Bnk team played if games and' lost 12. Tht)' - 'teen-agers' 'dance" will be- John J, Qulnn TboAi'l P. Dortmul MM, Viola Qulnn visited % m«et- To Sing Cantata The annual father and son ban-They won the trophy given by theheld tomorrow and continue each Vlneant. J: -MeOua Era.lt f ing of tne Junior Journalism club, quet was held Friday evening at Community league for winning the -Friday thereafter. You must be In State ffichwajr U, Bed y ITiH Sing Your William L. Rwsall, Jr. and commended tMem on their.pa.rt majority of games.' , your 'teein to enjoy the fun. - fjndtet When You Sen* the-A. M. E. Zltm church. The pro- Puiidiit, Labreoque, 'Oamoaa * tn avwatubUac .tl>* )"t edition of End Mid-Week gram was a auoceu, with a good Tel. 3433 fQJi Coombs- tht -School paper, 'Mrs. Quins also Lenten Services program and singing by the group* Softball games will be played . There will be an Easter egg hunt C0UHSELU)B8 W LAW, •aid thitoth* member* of the club Everyone enjoyed a turkey dinner. every afternoon by the bpys and Monday morning, April 22, at'10USE *h» whole family *Ul sing S Waliac. ttr.. lUoVBaak with the beat record, would be In- Oeorge Hancock, secretary of. the girls at River street school. You o'clock: In the rear of the West t pralMM and joyously greet rbeodon D. Parioos Edmund J. Cantons vited, to Join tiia dub next year. Excerpt*- from Sir John Btainer's Princeton TMCA, gave a speech can secure the Softball ana bat atBergen street old school building. |l serving of luscious, xresh, Theodore J. Labraequ. Mrs.- Qulnn 'also stated that the the "T" building from Mr. Reeves. Prizes will be given to those find- 666 concerning the relationship' be- ':-frozen orange iuice. Picked EUton F. Caaba Thomas J Smith Lenten cantata, "The Cruciflirion," Robert H. Halda WlllUro R. Blair, Jr. next edition will be dedicated' to will be presented by Trinity choir tween father and.son. Afterward Ing tha largest number of eggs. dr juicy beat and frozen right Abraham J, Zaaer the ninth grade, but'ther* will al- Boys, -who wish to go hiking Sat- Boys and girls must be under 12 > they are grown, quick-frozen at the last of the i»ld-w»»k Len- the Princeton male chorus gave a COLD PREPARATIONS so be Bcrme seventh and eighth ten services at Trinity Episcopal half-hour program of singing. Four urday morning, April 18, see Mr.years old In order to take part. • juice comes to you jam- grade news In It. Mrs. Qulnn as- boys of Red Bank high school were liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops with all the vitamin-rich HENRY 8. IN8ELBERQ, Church, Red Bank next Wednesday is and tasty flavor of freshly signed some of the members of thenight at 8: o'clock. Following a given awards for their achieve- _ __ fruit. It's easily stored in .,, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT; club to help write a. ninth grade service of evening prayer conduct- ments at school,' at the church, for refrigerator until ready to Prolasilcmal Building, Prophecy column,.also some mem- ed by Herbert S. Craig; rector, the the community and the, TMCA. Frank Booth "received the highest Aiburjr Park, N. J. bers werp ajsslgnetrbeatB or a route boys' choir of 26 voices, assisted by from -which a member gets his award of a silver trophy as the KAACL what orange Juice you serve'! Red Bank 39*4 . Aabury Park 2181 adult-soloists,'will sing* a shortened , natural, richer-taiting, Pure, source-of news. They are Sondra version of fhe cantata, under the outstanding boy of the community. For the tad* ••-'Jto juice is extracted by. Klarln, Mary Lou Madreperl, Mary direction at Winston E. Kock, or- Edward Jones, Joseph Boldlng and i (untouched "by hand). DR. L W. CARLBON, Ann 8u|liyan, William Orahanf; ganist and, choirmaster. The solo- Robert Scott were the other re- •1, because' its flavor is just SUBGEON UH1KOPOD1BT, Jean Hoffman, Barbara King,, Rich- ists will be Charleg E. Meeker and ceivers of gifts. Coach Frank Plngl- ... squeezed, frozen and FOOT AILMENTS ard Esch, Edith Hoffman and Bei-Heinz Hilmer, tenors; .Betty Watf- tore of the R«d Bank high school Think of the admiring glances you'll Iced immediately after ricking. OfBca .Hours: - ' sie Economous.—Milton Meckler. dell, alto, and Louis VanBrunt, gave a brief talk concerning the •"-I, became Its precious vitamin Dally t;IO a. m. to »:IO p. m, bass. . . colored boys of the Red Bank high collect in one of these flattering style's. , 1 other valuable food content! Bvonlnin Tuesday and Thursday school. The chairman of the pro- For appointment phone Hit Mrs. Sims, the seventh grade so- The program follows: gram, Joseph Scott, wishes to I tree-fresh. You're sure of eon- cial science teacher and spelling Priced to fit every purse nt flavor and color. SO BBOAD ST., BED BANK, N. J. And they came to a place named Oeth* thank everyone who took part in Iftnd Just think! No squeezing or teacher, told the class of 7-A-l wrant Mr. Meeker the program or who helped .in any —'-linsr. Nothing to clean up. No DR. MILDRED HULSART. boys and girls that since their spell- The Ap>njr...... Mr. Vaii Brunt and ehn!r way-..fi?r Its success. i or spoiled oranges to throw SURGEON CHIROPODIST, ing words has to do with "Pointers ^nd when thty were come l .. Ask your frozen food dealer Foot Orthopedic*—Electro-Tberapy Through the Ages,''"they could _ -•'....: Mlla Waddell The committee of -management DRESSES The Mrttery ot the Divine Humiliation, uOfnca Hoursi Daily 9 aw m. to 8 p. m. bring In a picture of a famous and the Women's auxiliary met J pure, quick-frozen orange juice' Ha made Himseif of no rtputation. toy. Keep a supply on hand, it's Evanlafi: Tuaid»V,TI>ursday, Saturday painting and report on It. They Mr. VanBrunt Monday evening to discuss various (Glo«d Wednaidar.) could also give some information Th« Maje.tr of the DWIne Humiliation, matters concerning the YMCA pro- $4-99 „ $l»p For appointment • phona' 908 about the painter.—Beverlj; Fried- . .—., _„ Mr. Hilmer gram. The chairman, B. Harrison uth Ceunty Surrosata'a Gflics. IM BBOAD ST., BED BANK. N. 1.man. > And aa M^oies Jilted u$ the aarpent Glover, appointed the various mem- ni:l th. matter of the eatate-pf How. -Mr. VanBrunt I 8. Hifflnion, deceased, Notks to DR. RAY DE CARLO Cod So Loved the World Choir bers to the following committees; .., )0 vr(t,M dsumi againit as On Friday, Mrs. Frances C. Man-Jeaus aald: "Father, 1 orcive the" house committee, William p. .Mc- Sizes 9 - 20 — 18% to 24%'- SUBGEON CHIBOPODIST ning's homeroom 9 had a locker .'. .1 Men'a voleei Guire, Arthur Russell, William Pureusnt to th. order of Uormaa lie . FOOT •AILMENTS So Thou llfteat Thy divine prtltlona In, Surrogate of the County of Inspection. Martha Magee and Mlu Waddell and Mr. Meeker Wonnley; finance committee, P. L. Douth, mid. on th« Sixteenth day • Office Hours; Judy Portner, His locker monitors, And one of the malefactor! Jones, Ralph Smith, Dr. James W. Do you still want that \ .[arch, 1946, on the application of Dally »:O0 a. m. to 5:S0 p. m. . took cha'rge. The pupils went out - —-. __ Men'a volcea Parker, Thomas Simmons, William '•tta A. Hlgifinion, Sole Executrix, of Evenings by appointment When Jesua therefore aaw hia mother ij»atat« of HoWard S. Higginson, de- and got their books, brought them R, MeGuire; program committee, Phone S7« ;.... v — Mlen'a volcea ject, *notlce Ja hereby given to the 90 MAPLE AVE. BED BANK In the room and straightened them, After thll, Jeiui, Vnowlnr that all thlnga John Jones, Rev, Richard. Council, dltori of saiji deceased to exhibit to and then put them back in their were now accotnpllihed....Mcn's volcea William Wonnley, Joseph Scott, L. TOPPER i' subscriber, Ssje Executrix as afore* lockers. Ordinarily Mrs. Manning B. Rivers; athletic committee, |d, tii.ejr debta and demands aifairis Thomas SlmmonB, Kermit Brown, i>.'iald ettatci under oath, within six. JEWELRY REPAIRING lets the class go outjlde and, play inths from the~date of the aforcsftia Ned 'WIlHams and William Price. $ 9a $ 70 $ 5(l .Valcbel, Clocks aod Jawalry Cleaned basketball, but It was too cold to J»er. or ther will, be- forever bnrred Phifer Writes Poem, Bi their actions therefore against the and Repalree at Reasonable PrUe. go out »o they stayed in and Id-eub.crlber, All Work Guaranteed lor Oo. Ytai atralghtened their lockerB.—Beverly "Okinawa The Rock" There -will be a baseball meeting 17 - 19 -f 36 TDateJ, freehold, N. J., March 16th, H. ROSIN, Jeweler King. for men and boyn Monday evening, K«. The following poem has been re- April 15, at 8 o'clock'. Kermit Brown I.ORETTA A. HIGGIN3OM. 18 West Front St.. Red Bank. N. J will be the coach for the coming -^ • -Tel- 72-M.- •-- •-; .. The girls gym class of the Redceived from Cpl. Garwood E. Phi- Klverlawn, Fair Haven; N. J. Bank Junior high directed by Mrs fer, who haa asked the editor* to season, and lie 1» anxious.to have • SUITS Irene Smith have been having testj print It In The Begiiter. Cpl. everyone present to discuss' the lately. These tests consists of pull- Phifer was employed by Kenneth various business In connection with upe, push-ups, slt-ups and the broad Jeffry of Washlntfton street prior the team. The meeting will be held $ 90 $ 70 $ 90 jump. These exercises have made to entering the lervlce. He re- at the WcsUlde YMCA. the girls rather stiff. The best In cently won a five-day trij> to Shang- 17" — 19 — 23' The committee of management, the fifth period claas was seven feet hai at army expense for having two inches. This jump was rnade suggested that tanks -be used to with the co-operation of the Wom- WIDE VARIETY OF BLOUSES mmttrnm by Patricia Hotcbklss. beautify the area where he is sta- en's auxiliary, will present the tioned on Okinawa. Bordentown Manual Training plow that the tests are over, the School Glee club and dance group NU-ENAMEL gym classes arc going on the sprirfg OKINAWA, THE ROCK 2.70 - 2.99 - 4.99 f0Ur da s a Thursday evening, April 25, at the schedule, having gym > >' The land of beauty, where the sun al- River street school. Tickets will be week instead of two and three days. wayti ahines on sale today; Proceeds from the —Emily Edw-ards. On the fields of flowers of 'varioua kinds. The home of good people always happr program will be for the benefit of and gay, the building fund. John Jones is Mrs. Sims, the seventh grade With the vast China Sea the road to chairman of the program. JEAN FROCKS Social Science teacher told the , Mandalay. With a Rilvery-lined heaven so shining seventh A one bnys and girls In and bright, The basketball team coached by 14 BROAD ST., RED BANK ono ot her spelling classes that A picture of beauty, a poet's dellirht— Thomas Simmons and George Wil- since ".heir spelling words had to We know that the newspapera build thla place high. do with the "Painters Through the And believe me. good, people, it's all Agos," they could bring- in pictures but a lie. • "PARKE DRUG CO." of a famous painting and report And hpre we exist as forgotten men, on it. They could also give some On a.n isle of rock, as a bea«t in a den. Away frum our mothers, aweethearts and Information ahout the painter.— wivep, Beverly Friedman. Why are we here? le1 It to niln our livei? The job that.we are doing Is a^waate of GLEAMING On March 22. nominations were time, opened for class officials in the While our company commander quotes f.ir.th (Trade. Those nominated for ' "You're dolnjt tuilendid and fine." Just what arc we doing that's so nne CUT DATC president iveie Chester Apy, Jr., and great, KITCHEN Clark Davis, Use Glavcy and Jean Living like outcasts, believing In fate. Wisseman; vice president, Richard Or perhaps lt'« to destroy the surplus aupplles, WW S KM I C Harrison, Lawton Hindle, Edward Lee and Joseph Herrmann; secre- The taxpayer's money, they gava with CABINETS closed eyes. tary, . Barbara Brasefleld, Felix Where l> this democracy for which w« DRUGS - COSMETICS - TOBACCOS Dolla Vecchia. Dorothy Kerr, Mar- fouehtT Was It a. rumor, or wa» It iust a ian Wallace; treasurer, Harry thought? 51 BROAD STREET Phone R. B. 3940 RED BANK, N. J. Campbell, Howard Kennedy, Nancy WJiere is this freedom for the right* to McCoach and Shirley Sims. Voting live t We gave our -hearts whan needed, what took place April 5. The results more can we glvaT ft-erc: Use Glavcy, president; Ed- We do not'ask much, but a small reply. PRESCRIPTIONS ward Lee, vice president; Dorothy Be more considerate to a stranded G. I. Kerr, secretary, and Howard Ken- The fond lettera from home with love or nedy, treasurer. The voting was distreu, "As Your Doctor Orders" Are delivered to us by turtle express; Easter ^lADIE S done by secret ballot. Those who We pleaded to BJserrhowtr, our chief of took charge of the voting were »tafT. in our Prescription Department, where only Ralph Acerra, Virginia Poole, Felix But he only Instated the Job was dona half. COSMETIC SPECIALS Delia Vecchia, Joe Herrmann, Mar- The battle-is over, the victory Is won. the highest itandarda j>t Drugs, Chemicals ian Wallace, Barbara Brasefleld, But he claims the task ahead has only Barbara Lawes and Bill Mumford begun, ,, You Can Challenge Charm and Btoloftcalf are used. THE WRIGHT STORES and the hall patrol. We tried to ba brilliant and see his The voting was supervised by But here' we lie uaelees, with nothln* with Our Beauty Aids Miss Elma Repp and • Willard to do. Browning the ninth grade class ad- So we ara berelna; Ton people who are DU BARRY . 0RL0FF 14 1 A D U U A K I L II '• Il)» P A I N I i . VA visers.—Bill Thorpe. buck in the States, Please help us to get back to our matae. ID E N A :.', ( 1 S • M THl MAkE-RS OF •VYe appeal to the President, th. people's COUNTESS MORITZA choira— COTY The Red Bank Register Is sup-So bis a man, io little » volce^— NU-ENAMEL ported by local as well as out-of- That If we are to die and fade away. YARDLEY ' town business men—Advertisement Bury our bonee In the good old U. s. A. REVLON CHENYU ROGER & GALLET MARIA DANICA RENEE THORNTON WORTH DERMETICS SHALAMAR OLD SOUTH CHARBERT CHANEL BY BOURJOIS HUDNUTS BS Vitamins Overcome 75c DR. WEST Spring Fever. DOANS TOOTH PASTE PARKE B COMPLEX * PILLS loo IMAGINE CARa.,NO EXPERIEHCE, BREWER YEAST CAB0L.lFWEMr\DJO8S ^ Q NEEDED *>N0 6IRL5, yoQm WOMl=M{ Cough Syrup N COULD CO MORE I CALLVOUa LOCAL Ctll£F 37< 1.15 ' *°0*.r 490 n KID WILE . -AT7HENEW For Hoarse HIGHER OPERATOR IDOAT'FOR BBS ABSORBINE JR. PROTONE INTERVIEW / LIVER & IRON RAJE^TOO, D.D.T 69? AND WITH & B COMPLEX 100 Cap. R.ESULAR. EafnAtYouLesjnl 5AI0THE RAISE* DDT. BOMB PHONE COMPANY We are now train- NINE VITAMINS IJ TRAINING NEW ing nrw opera- OPE1WTORJ. LBT'f APPl-V "WERE tors • No experi- ence necesjary • Wage* highest in history • Ply be- IENOZ PARA PACK THE SUPERVISOR TEUS HOM COULD WB CLOTHEJ.PEHMANENT5, . . 1 j'ME. YOU G|RLS ARE Ml«? BVERVOW ' WE CAN THANK

the proposed revision WAS U>* dis 4g« was done to the htlj^j

Stepping Out For

r'A-—Fitted coat of Botany wool t.', cut on Mother, Dad and Junior All Set To Qo Places denting tines, Black, brown, navy. 38 t Sorry, we can't outfit the ladies, but when it Men's Suits • • • comes to Dad and Junior, we-can just about B—Pour-button chime suit of fine take care of your needs. ' 27:50 to 71.00 ; tufiili Skirt pkulu.'fnint 12 to 18 • '

More SuiU, Topcoats, Sport Coats'and Slacks Topcoats'• • • •* are coming in daily, to make your call soon O—i-Min minhdjjed Kolinsky scarf frpnt\ and see what we can do about it. '•..'". 32.50 to: 72.00 collection \ncl\id\ny silver fow, wild wiinfc/i dyed squirrel ' ' ' • And don't forget a Spring Hat and Easter. Tie Juniox Suits . • • td spruce you up. . 18.00 to 25.00 > Plus Federal Exol»e.Tait » ' , r1 * . ';/* • -+-'•,

VOLUME LXVIII, NO. 42. RtfD BANK, N, . . • ' at the next meeting Tuesday, April found at 7:30 o'clock last night Second streets. Foster almost fell Becker Appeals Molly Pitcher hotel Monday after- President Percy Sherman greeted 23. drowned In a weed-covered. aban- Into a hole. He called George Rob- noon. • Groups To Meet ' the large assembly and then took doned cesspool on a vacant lot at ertson, a flreman. With the aid of Leaders Enthused up several very important matters Although the company raised Its Valley and Second streets, High- a hand light, the two men found the License Denial. previous offer of ten cents to 1% Spencer Miller, Jr., New Jersey"! pertaining to the welfare of the Many Notables lands, 150 feet from where he was uncovered cesspool grown over State Highway Commissioner, will At Acceptance - borough. Mr. Sherman reported last seen playing In the backyard with weetls. Putting the light In- union officials declined. Their de- that at a recent meeting of the of a friend his mother was visiting. side, they discovered what appeared At Fair Haven mand has been 1814 cents. The address the joint dinner meeting By Locust Resident parking committee much considera- Attend Masonic \FloatIng, face, downward, in from to be the red bat the missing child union also expressed dissatisfac- of the Monmouth County Munic- tion was given to the local traffic three to five feet of water in thewas said to 'have been wearing. tion with the vacation plan offered ipal and Park-way associations next Edwin L. Beat of Locust, former- problem and Inadequate parking eight-foot deep cesspool, • the chlld^ Chief. Monahan was- called and un- Hearing April 17 by the company, even though James Wednesday night at the American ly of Shrewsbury, it was learned to- facilities. He stated if Red Bank Gathering Here had apparently been dead since he der his direction, the boy was pulled G. Byron, division Industrial rela- hotel, Freehold. day, has accepted a concerted was \o continue to hold Its recog- was discovered missing at 1 o'clock, out of the hole. =• Before Commissiorier tions director at the local plant, Over the signature of Epss K; draft .movement by Democratic nized position In the county as the Acting County Physician Julius C. described It as "liberalized" when King of Little Silver, president of leaders to become the,chairman of outstanding shopping center we Charity Court, Order Toren said. Assisting Chief Monahan were Driscoll At Newark he declared that the offer of 12 the Parkway association, an an- the Democratic finance committee must do more to Invite the motor- Chief of County Detectives Amer- cents was the final raise. nouncement-Invitation has' been for Monmouth county. . Mr. Best Is ists to trade here and also provide Of The Amaranth, Host According to Police Chief How- igo Sacco, Detective Capf. William The Fair Haven mayor and coun- Otto VanHowe, president of themade to the mayors, freeholders, a successful businessman and jjfor their comfort and time-saving ard Monahan of Highlands, who Mustoe and Detective John Gaw- cil at Monday night's meeting re- local, stated that the union "con- civlo organizations "and interests* w«ll liked and known throughout while they are with us. Last Friday Night conducted the search," Mrs. Jacob ler. ' ' . ceived a notice that Martin Becker "tests the statement of Mr. Byron." citizens of the county. took "Mickey" with her when she The body was removed to the the county. The parking committee recon* of Harrison avenue, whose appli- He added, "relatively ' few em- went to visit Mrs. Cella Rosenberg, Posten funeral home, Atlantic cation, for a retail distribution li- ployees. would benefit by the two mended that the one-hour parking • Charity Court, Order of the at her Second street home yester- Highlands, from which place funer- rule be strictly enforced and that Amaranth, held -a Grand Officers' cense for premises at 813 River weeks' vacation "offered, since five day. At 2 o'clock, after trying to al arrangements will be announced road was rejected by the council, years of uninterrupted service Is no favoritism be shown by the of- night at the Masonic rooms In thelocate the child for an hour, Mis. when completed.S. , ...... _.'• ficers on duty. It was brought out Eisner building •Friday evening, has filed an appeal with ABC required to be eligible for the va- Jacob notified Officer Kyrll -Parker "Mickey" la survived", besides nis cation," that quite a number of Red Bank's April 5th. ^ that the child was missing. Parker Commissioner Alfred .E. Driscoll parents, by an older sister and two and that a hearing will be held on The-executive committee of the business and professional men Mr. and Mrs. August Budelman, took the mother In the patrol car younger members of the family)- abuse the parking privilege, some Royal Matron and Patron, .wel- and searched the vicinity until 4 the appeal Wednesday, April 17, local was authorized to call a strike of them permitting their cars to be comed many Grand* Officers from whose names police did not know. at 2 p. m., at 1060 Broad street, at such time as they deemed wise o'clock when an alarm was sent Chief Monahan told The Register parked in the business district various courts In the state as well out over the police radio. Newark, room 701. after the "cooling ' off" .period, hours at a time. More signs were as many officers and members who that he wished at this time to' ex- Councilman John W. Howie, who which ends Sunday night. The com- advocated to direct the autoMs to attended to witness the initiatory At 6:30 o'clock, Chief Monahan tend his thanks to the residents, presided In the absence of Mayor mittee meets tonight with a repre- the public- parking places, and work as exemplified by the grand said, after enlisting the aid of sev- fire department, First Aid squad Edgar V. Denise, asked that any- sentative of • the • International some of the members went to farofficers. Four candidates received eral citizens and the fire depart- and all those who aided him in theone Interested for or against the union, at which time It Is likely as to suggest parking meters on the degree of the order. Welcomed ment, under the direction of Bor- search. • " license to attend the meeting. The that strike plans will be discussed. Broad and Monmouth streets to Into the order were Miss Dorothy borough council will be represented "The union does not" plan any give relief to the parking conges- Budelman, Mrs , Winifred East- by Borough Attorney Theodore D. further mass meetings bf workers," tion. mond, Mrs. Lillian Mayhew and Couple Surprised Comedy To Feature Parsons, Mayor Denise, Police Com- Mr. VanHowe atated, as he com- Howard MacKenzle, missioner Arthur. H. Rleman and mented that the situation was "not The "Welcome Home" banner 1 on Broad street, which Is In a very Grind Officers present were Firemen's Minstrel Borough Clerk M, Floyd Smith. At too healthy. : dilapidated condition, Is to,be taken Grand Royal Matron of the Order On 58th Wedding the meeting at which Mr. Becker's down and two new and more at- of Amaranth of the State of New The Red Bank fire department's application was denied, a petition tractive banners' are to be put upJersey Elsie Tomasko and Grand minstrel to be held April 24 andwith more than SO signatures, pro- Sea Bright Station by the mayor and cpund). One of Patron Harry Tomasko, Past Grand Anniversary 25 in Red Bank Catholic high testing against granting the license, these'will be strung across Broad Royal Matron Jessie Tomey, Fast school auditorium ' will feature a was presented to the council. street, between the Merchants Grand Royal Patron Amory O«- Family Reunion, Open two-act comedy, "Come On Pop," The contract for resurfacing sev- Accepted By Boro Trust company and the Clyde born, Deputy Supreme Royal written especially for the firemen's eral streets was awarded to Con- Swannell building, and the other on Matron to North Dakota Evely House For Mr. and Mrs. show by' Charles Wesson. over & Sutphln on a bid of $4,103.21. SPENCER. Shrewsbury avenue, somewhere be- Carr, Grand Conductress Bertha The play Is programmed for tbeFred McDowell of Neptune submit- Council To Use EDWIN L. BEST tween Oakland and Herbert streets. Bluhm, Grand Marshal Eunice Eck- Douglas, Sea Bright second half of the minstrel and ted a bid of $4,469.18. Former Depot "The money "has been approprt> - The membership 'committee re- ert, Grand Truth Jennie Balrd, will include Frank Wesson as The election of John F. McCue as ated and the North-Soutfe'Parlcway In line with their objective for ported that letters have been sent Grand Faith Beatrice. Erhardt, "Pop," Charles Wesson as "Strut," a member' of the Fair Haven fire a thorough reorganization of the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas Bill has been legislated," reads Mr. out to all former members of theGrand Charity 'Catherine Pearce, Harry Hubbard-as "Slim," Thomas company was approved. The Sea Bright mayor.and coun- King's message, "thus the day la ' Democratic party, leaders In theorganization soliciting their return Grand Musician Estelle Kelley, of 7 River street, Sea Bright, were Invitations were received to at-cil last Thursday night voted to ac happily surprised' Saturday after- Massey as "Dracula" and Jack not too far distant when you and ^county have been quietly conduct- to membership In the chamber q Grand Page Bertha Roehm and Stoye as "A Nut." tend two Installations of veterans' cept 'the former railroad station Grand Sword-Bearer John Kala-' noon when upon reaching the home I, and our visitors, can motor ove» ing sessions, both In preparation that If they cannot be secured At the rehearsal tonight, Coun- organisations!, One was from the there for use aa a borough hall and ,for the primary contest between through letter appeal personal calls men; Grand Assistant Lecturers of their daughter, Mrs. Claude Mi- James A. Smith post, Veterans of comnjunity building. Mayor safe, fast, beautiful parkway*,.:^., former U. S. Attorney John J. will be made upon them. Margaret Muller, Margaret Coari, naldl of Church' street, found a cilman Thomas M. Gopslll will be Foreign Wars, of which Uohn C. Thomas Farrell read letters from "It is reasonable to assume," UM family reunion and open house had present. Mr. Gopsill Is the Jnter- letter continues, "that the Highway Qulqn, of. Red Bank and former The condition of the publtcTpark- Florence Ketcham and Jessie Hall, Carter Is commander, for April 17, the railroad company and tile state Congressman' William H. Sutphln and Grand Representatives Alberta' been arranged by some of their locutor for the first half of the at the Willow street - school, and highway officials offering the build- commission will sooner or later bi ing area on the west side of Broad children in celebration of their 58th minstrel and the master of cere- conferring with Monmouth coanty of Matawan, and the general elec- street was .reported to be In a very Daly, Lillian Cleeland, Margaret the other was from Vernon A. ing to the borough, with the pro^ tion la- November. Mettam and Percy Ketcham. wedding anniversary. monies for the second half. Coun- Brown post, Veterans of Foreign vision that if and when a new high- mayors and councils and significant poor condition near the West Front Attending the party were the cilman J. Albert VanSchoik has ' One of the important phases of street entrance. This matter will Wars, for April 18, in the Mechanic way is built on Ocean av£nua thero citizens about approximate location tbe sessions which developed con- couple's four sons and five of their been named honorary chairman of street school, Red Bank. will be no demand for re-lrabursc- of ths Parkway and so, In antici- be referred to the borough Sk six daughters. The ten children the minstrel. siderable discussion was ways and committee at once. ment of any sums spent on thepation of that event, the Monmouth means to raise campaign funds to Don MacConnell are William, Joseph and Clarence station in converting It Into a bor- County Municipal association an* match the activities of the Republi- Truman Weller, field representa- Douglas, Jr., ot Sea Bright; Girard ough hall. The station would have the Parkway Association are hav- can party. Democratic leaders ob- tive of the United States Chamber Is Discharged Douglas of Oceaneide, Long Is- Red Bank Plans Members Join to bs removed to make room for. ing a. joint dinner meeting, to be, served that for a vigorous party, of Commerce, was In Red Bank land; Mrs. Bessie Mingus of Morris Tuesday and called upon Leon Kel- the proposed new highway. held at the. American hotel in Free- sufficient funds were necessary to Plains, New Jersey; Mrs. Roy M. hold, 7:30 p. m., Wednesday, AprH pay the costs of various expendi- Jey, executive secretary of the Red Fair Haven (Veteran Stone of Niagara Falls, the only July 4th Parade Shrewsbury Post Mayor Farrell and the council tures required in an active cam- Bank chamber. He extended'very one unable to attend; Mrs. Albert have "been working on the matter paign. complimentary remarks upon the Was Army Casualty Uboldi of Brooklyn, Mrs. John for several months and the mayor "Spencer Miller, our eloquent way the Red Bank chamber func- Chamber of Commerce, In Family Groups has Kept In touch with railroad and State Highway Commissioner has) t- The acceptance of Mr. Best aa O'Sage of Leonardo and Miss Lou- tions and their close affiliation with ise Douglas of Sea Bright. Others state officials. Mre. Cecile Frankel consented to be present. Let's Im- chairman of finances has buoyed the United States chamber. He Cpl. Donald W. MalcConnell, 24- told borough officials at last Thurs- press him by the sire of our as* ths enthusiasm of Democratic year-old son of Mrs/ Betty Mac- present were Mr. Douglas' two sis- .Legion Are Sponsors Membership Is .445 urged that as many as possible at- ters, Mrs. Grace Kuhmann of New- day's meeting that sho would enlist semblage!" leaders. Reached for comment, Mr. tend the annual convention at At-Connell of 4 Gillesple avenue, Fair the aid of civic organizations in Qulnn and other leaderu In the Haven, was honorably discharged ark and. Mrs. Neal Barrett of Representatives of the Red Bank As 25 Are Admitted Commissioner J. F. S. Martin at lantic City, which opens Tuesday, Kearny; Mrs. Douglas' brother and contributing toward the mainten- Keansburg, president of the Mon- Democratic parity—said that they April 30, and continues until Thurs- from the army, at the Walter Reed Community Chamber of Commerce ance of the building. Mayor Far- were elated to have Mr. Best be- General Hospital and returned home wife, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sheridan and the American Legion met last At Last Meeting mouth County Municipal associa- day, May 2. President Sherman of Monmouth Beaeh and several rell announced that ho would apj tion is Issuing a similar appeal for come Jnterested In the reorganiza- and Secretary Kelley will attend Tuesday. ' night to form tentative plans for point a citizens' committee to study tion movement. Wounded last Easter Sunday In other relatives and friends. The tho Ipdependencs Day and Wel- attendance to his membership anet> the convention. Mr. Sherman will celebrants ,have 16 grandchildren Members of three families joined the various phases of the proposi- has expressed the hope that all U "An effort is being made," Mr.be accompanied by Mrs. Sherman. Germany, MacConnell lost his left come Home celebration for World Shrewsbury post of the American tion and report at the next meet- leg and use of his left arm and has and five great-grandchildren. communities in the county will be Qulnn asserted, "to secure out- The matter of daylight saving War n veterans to be sponsored by Legion at the meeting Monday night ing. standing men of similar ability so been hospitalized since then. He Mr. Douglas will be 79 In June the two organizations in a mam- as the commander accepted appli- represented at this meeting that was considered, and'In as much aa was serving as a tank commander and his wife 77 next September. The ordinance making changes may mean so much to them all. I that a concerted move can get un- New York and some of the other moth July Fourth parade In Redcations from 25 recently discharged In regulations In zone "A" In the it der way to secure a truly repre- in the 12th Armored division of the They are In fairly good health, al- Bank. veterans, swelling the total of the big cities of the East will be onSeventh Army when he became a though Mrs. Douglas has not been Jjiouth Beach section and zone "D" sentative government of the people daylight saving, a recommendation _Fellx ' Santangelo, "past Legion post to 445. the North Beach section were in Monmouth county. The un- casaulty. as strong since she suffered Injur- Family members Joining were was made by the Chamber to have ies In a fall two years ago. commander, was named chairman, adopted. The changes were piade Easter Sunrise American one-party system which the Red Bank mayor and council He entered the service In Octo- of the celebration and David A. Daniel J., Patrick J. and James J. to. permit the construction of new exists in Monmouth county, Is con- adopt daylight saving again this ber, 1942, and received basic train- Mr, Douglas Is a son of the late Poxon and.Joseph A. Koch were Ahem of Shrewsbury; Charles E. homes. trary to time-tested- functions of a year. ing in armored warfare at Camp Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Douglas, voted co-chairmen. Leon M. Kelly and Clarence E. Beck of Red Bank, democratic government. Campbell, Kentucky. Upon com- and was born at Long' Branch. He The council voted to advertise for Service Program ' is secretary and Mayor Charles R. and William T. and George E. bids for a new truck for the road . "In my considered Judgment, our Washington Tides Is* the title of pletion of that training, he was as- moved to Sea Bright with his fam- Jones of Red Bank. • the weekly report from, the na-signed to the 12th, with Which unit ily at the age of 14., He was em- English 13 treasurer. department and also for. repairing publlc-aplrlted citizenry must' view Others admitted -were Robert W. River, Front, Church and Beach Is .Arranged this situation as a destructive in- tion's capital, which Is being sent he remained until wounded. Be- ployed 30 years by the late John Among the tentative plans an- Klotzin, Benjamin Benlhcasa, Chris out by the Department of Govern- sides the Purple Heart medal, he Storer, who conducted an express nounced by the committee were streets, East Ocean avenue and fluence to the preservation .of a L. McAngelo, Ira 0. Voorhees, Jo- Shrewsbury and Watervlew ways. free republic. Drunk with power, mental affairs of the Chamber of wears bronze service stars, repre- business, and for several years later the proposed length and line of seph P. Hoffman, Henry C. Chris- Sermon By Dr. Deer, hide-bound and arrogant, the oneCommerce of the United States.' An senting battle participation In thewas engaged In the" same business march. The foot pa'rade la sched- tiansen, John K. Boskey and Pat B. party system In Monmouth county effort will be made to have each Southern France, Rhlneland,-Arr for, himself. Mrs. Douglas was uled to start at 1 p. m. from Arnone of Red Bank; Louis V. Dom- Quartet Selections, member of the board of directors dennes and Central Europe cam-born at Holmdel, the daughter of Shrewsbury avenue, east on Mon- must be broken." of the local Chamber receive a broskl, Shrewsbury; George J. Mor- Declines Post paigns. the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sheri- mouth street, south on Broad street ris, Oceanport; Frank E. Donahue, Solos To Be Sung •. copy regularly. A graduate of Red Bank high dan. The former Miss Elizabeth and west on Bergen place, ending Frank J. Mandia, Atlantic High- Felix Santangelo, chairman of school, class of 1940, he was a mem- Sheridan was married to Mr. Doug- at tho high school athletic field lands; James P, Callahan, Lincroft; In Association Stillman Reports the general committee which it las April 8, 1888, at Fair Haven, by The Easter Sunrise service wilt ber of the football, tennis and golf where drum corps contests will be William H. Smith, Naveslnk; Wil- be held at Mount Mitchell, Atlantis preparing a. countyrwlde Indepen- teams there. He later attended the pastor at that time of thestaged and other ceremonies per* liam A. Geronl, Long Branch; Con- Waterfront Sale dence day parade at Red Bank un- Methodist Protestant church. Hihtelmann Elected Highlands,' at 6 o'clock Easter Sun- ' Monmouth Junior college. Prior to formed. rad D. Sayre, Leonardo, and Alfred day. The.speaker will be Roy 8. der the auspices of Shrewsbury entering the service he was em- B. Cassanese and Charles L. Fu- By State Delegates ; post of the American Legion and The celebrants were well remem- The motorized parade, Including Deer, D. D., of the New Jersey Bap- . Large Brielle Yard ployed by Merck of Rahway. bered with gifts. Many friends floats of various organisations, gate of Fair Haven. tist association, Newark. Vernon A. Brown post, Veterans of Announcement was made that Changes Ownership Foreign Wars, gave an outline, of dropped in Saturday afternoon and wilf start earlier In the day from William H. Hlntelmann, Rumson There will be- selection* by a evening to extend -their congratu- Front street, passing through Fair William McKlnley of Jersey City, realtor and lnsuror, was elected quartet .consisting of Miis Jose- ' the Fourth of July celebration to member of. the Legion's .national Ray H. Stillman and Associates the Chamber directors. He wasFive Enlistments lations and best wishes to theHaven,- Runuon, Little Silver, president of -the New Jersey MOB-. phlne Ottman, soprano; Miss Ells*- , have consummated the sale of one couple. Shrewsbury and Eatontown and executive committee, will be the qiilto Extermination association at belrfWaadell, alto; Heinz Hllmer, ' pledged unanimous" support of the' principal speaker Easter Monday of the largest waterfront business Chamber and allowed to use theAt Local Station back to Shrewsbury avenue, where the annual convention of the group tenor, and Louis VanBrunt, bass. properties in this area when the . ORGANIZE CAMPAIGN It will Join with the foot paraders. night at the Red Bank Catholic at Atlantic City last Thursday, but They will render two anthems. Chamber rooms for his committee high school auditorium, when ap- boatyard of Mrs. Lucle Feuerbach meetings. Mr. Santangelo stated An executive committee Is being declined the office by telegram tho . MLse Elizabeth Waddell, contrak at Brielle was purchased by the At- Two Vets Sign Up A committee of . Shrewsbury proximately 100 members will be following day. to, of Fair Haven, will render a there would be a contest for boys' Women met this week' at the home formed. Initiated into the local post in cere- lantis Marine Industrie*, inc. In- bands or drum corps and this Mr, Hlntelmann, who Is president solo, "Eye Hath Not Seen," by' cluded In the sale were docks to For Army Service of Miss Bessie Green to organize monies to b« conducted by the Rar- Gaul. Miss TVaddell has beta would, no doubt, bring out enough the campaign for the American itan"post of Keyport. Several .wom- of the Monmouth county mosquito accommodate BO charter boaU) plus musical organization to assure the Durczaks To Open commission, attended a dinner giv- heard In local churches. She extenslvo Indqpr and outdoor Istor- Lleu(. James B. Vogler, Jr., re-Cancer sooloty. Workers are Mrs. en members will be Initiated at studied two year/prat the Ourtls parade of plenty of martial music. cruiting officer of the' Red Bank David H. Marx, Mrs. L. H, FettAr, that 'time. en county commission heads % the age, marine railway and servicing Mr,' Santangelo also reported he ScobeyVille Store •former ifete association president School of Music, Philadelphia, and f facilities. Spokesmen representing station, has. announced that five Mrs. William T. Parker, Mre. A discussion of disposition of sur- two years with Madam Louisa' Ho- hog contacted the officers In charge more countlans have signed for Thomas W. Osborne, Mrs. Albert Recently discharged army vot- last Thursday evening,. at which •""Atlantic' Marine Industries^ Incw at Fort Hancock, Fort Monmouth plus property featured the meeting, time he learned of his election, In mer of the grand opera, In Florida. stated that present plans Include Jarvle, Mr». Charles Reckless and eran Walter Dumftk and his wife, and It was decided that the post She I* now a student of' WMem and Earle, as well as the Coast 'Included are Richard Hughes of Misses Mlidred Marx and Louise his. telegram' to. *he convention, Mr, the provision for a much -enlarged Guard, and was assured that each Helen, will reopen the Scobeyvllle communicate with Congressman VnnCJIcaen. "",' '""""'." ." ••-—»™"->« parking area for automobiles to be Union Beach, John B. DeHa Penta McCue. - store oh the Freehold-Batontown James C, Auchlncloss, a member of Hintelmann thanked the group for of these branches of the army and and .Thomas. L. Darby of Long the ^tribute and' cotifidonce placed Thfl New 'Monmouth Baptist ready for an expected 1948 fishing navy would' be represented In the highway,' opposite Laird's, next the post,,,to ask help In securing '•boom, and, whon materials""are're- Branch, George A. Dutton of Free- BDM8ON* VETS TO MEET. Monday, . , equipment for veterans. Several In mo," but stated that the pros- church orchestra wilt be on hand to celebration,, hold and Stanley M. Celll of Eaton- sure, of business precluded accept- accompany the congregation in ths leased In quantity, to outfit tho The RUnuon "Veterans' organiza- Mr, Durc?ak served 46 months lft cases were reported and the county ance; angler and boatman with every re- town, ,'..., tion .will hold a special meeting to- the Air Corps and received his hon- adjutant stated that the matter Is singinfr of. the hymns. qulremont. The property, located Hughes, who has nine years' ser- morrow night .at 8 o'olook at.the orable- discharge last January. He already under county and depart- He was elected second vice presi- , Jfl case of rain the jervlce will be on the Manasquan river, has a League To Meet vice to his credit, "chose the' Air has extensively renovated the build- ment Investigation within New Jer- dent of the association last year. held In Central Baptist ehureb, At- tire house on. Center street, All lantic Highlands. water frontage of approximately Forqe and the Alaskan., theater. veteran's of the borough are re-ing, lpst&Ulng new fixtures and re- sey. . ' Upon receipt of the Hln.te!mnnn At Woman's Club DellaPonta, ,18, enlisted for 18 message, the delegates voted to, 325 feet, and has long boen known quested to attend, this meeting, Jos* decorating the Inferior., An Invitation from the Fort Mon- 1 to anglors from New Jotsey, New months. Ha was, a member of the moet'May-7, at which lime noml- ThejRed Bank, Regional League 1 eph F. Desmond Is chairman pro Ice crfearn, soft drinks, sand- mouth non-commlssloned officers' ' York oity and Philadelphia. Mrs, state guard prior to signing for wlctuts and light lunches will be club to attend a dance at that place nations \vill be Rccopted tor theAccident Causes , , . of. Women. Voters win meet Tu«i; tern, • presidency, " Feuorbach has reaervod a portion day night at the Red Bank Wom- regular army service, Darby, also' served and a complete line of fresh Friday, May 3,. was announced, - of the premium Including docking an'* club, Instead or at tha home 18, was another 18-month slgnee. vegetables, grooertea and tobacco Members desiring to attend tho A.t the convention, Dr, F, C. Bis- Death Of Two 1 Dutton 1a an army veteran who saw . PHALANX PART*, will be In stock, 'Che couple will hop, rematch chief for tho. U. S. - »..hl sarainsi canvas lawn-chalri. 1 " jenipra powerful '.than TldriThe'acciden' t oe«ur*d' op nmrlnatiny committal, The Usg.ii rrfflrnS will tltct ttidt'tadl Juni., VinNote and Sin Htnry iildint of Rlvar Plus, and Sim-1 itifacilon'. -, •. • [tOUtl i'HUhllghtiflj tha "•'~"Wl. Page Two, BED BANK REGISTER, ATRfc 11,1940. fabiuy Park. After A 'bort wgd- Obituaries. Ung trip the couple will reside with Local Woman's he bride's mother la Nayestok. Troop 17 Receives MB*, llABBABA S. BBASCEU StudentsvTdke Over kiss KoMmari* Catherine Thome, LAMB-HOPKINS. . Chib Re-elects Mn. B*rbw» 0. Brascb, 81, of 278 Fair. Haven road, Fair Haven, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B, H. Miss Margaret V. Lamb, daugh- Thome of Tower' Hill avenue, and widow, of sTacctV Brascb, died sud- On Freeholder Board Advancement Trophy ir of Mrs. Luke Umb and the late Mrs. Carroll denly late Tuesday night at 10:10 Lieut. Donald Forbes Jackson, V, 4r. Lamb, became the bride of S. Army Infantry reserve, son of, oieph.B. Hopkins, eon of the late o'clock at Monmouth Memorial hos- Mr. and Mia, Samuel Jackson of Annual Meeting Held Ir. and Mrs. Joseph Hopkins, both pital, -She had not been ailing and Baldwin, Long Island, and St. Pet- was taken tp the institution Mon- High School Youth* Spend Day ersburg, Florida, were married Sat- r AUentoira, at St. John's reetory, Last Weak—Dessert Court Of Honor for District Two Allentpwn,. March ,23. Miss Ann day alfternoon following a stroke. urday at Chapel One at .Fort Mon- Mrs. BrMph was born at Bremen, mouth. The ceremony waa per- Lamb was maid of honor and Bridge Aprti 30 In Good Government Program Held Lwt Night At Fort Monmouth Thomas Dugan was best man. Germany, February 1,. 1868, a formed by Capt, Arthur B. Joyce, daughter of the late Philip and U. 8. Army Chaplain's corps, and Mrs. Joseph E, Carroll was re- Catherine Zlegler Stler. She came Thirty-five boys and girls from Rev. Robert 8. Graham, pastor of elacted- president of the Tied Bank |. The court of honor for Istrkt* to the United States' with her par- high schools In the Red Bank trad* the Long; Branch. Presbyterian Woman's club at ths annual meet-- !' two of the Boy Scouts was held last Hadassah Plans ents -when but a baby and settled Red Bank Lions area participated it* the sixth an- Oceanpoirt Girl church. A reception followed at ing Friday. Others elected were ', night at Impressive ceremonies at In Red Batik. She was a member nual Monmouth County Youth Maison Fold. > . ' Mrs. Jesse N^Beers, vice president; J Fort Monraouth as Troop » of the Annual Shower : of the Fair Haven auxiliary of Goad Government day program, Mrs. Abner H. West, recording sec- Praised For Its ; post was host to, the nine troop*. Becomes Engaged The chapel was decorated with Rlvervlaw hospital and of Trinity sponsored Jointly by the YMGA's of retary; Miss Flora E, Wllguss, ;' Troop 17 of the Red Bank-Meth- white spring flowers, Lawrence Episcopal church. Her husband Monmouta county and the free- Dllsner of Long Branch, was organ- treasurer, and Mrs, Clinton H. Wil- . edlst church was ajvajded the ad- Children'* Clothing died March, 191T. Many Good Deeds holders at the county court house, Miss Knott To Wed __ ist Mrs..Norman Hogg of Phila- burK Sr., trustee. . — ' vancement and attendance trophy- delphia, wa« the bride'* only at- For Palestine Funeral services will be held Sat- Freehold, Monday. Representatives A dessert-bridgi will be held from each high school Ailed for the »nd the Star and Life awards were Capt. Hammond tendant, and Frederick Scott, Jr., Tuesdajr, April. SO, with Mrs. urday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at presented In special ceremonies by the Worden funeral 'home. Rev." , Rev. "Ed" Miller And day positions of freeholders, sur- of Philadelphia, was best' man- Plans for. the annual linen show- George Stephen Young and Mrs. Col. Nelson, who represented the Ushers were Capt, Thomas Bohlri Herbert Si Craig, pastor of Trin^ rogate, sheriff and county clerk. All for Palestine were completed at Carl Schwenker, Sr., In charge. As- post commander. '• Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Herbert of and Lieut. Francis J. Hlgglna, both ity ohurch will officiate. District Governor Spoke sessions Were presided by Dr. V. meeting of Red Bank chapter of sisting are Mrs. Henry L, Til ton, Hunter 'chairman of the YMGA" '• Other awards were presented by Oakhurst, announce the engage- of Fort Dlx. '..:. Mrs. Walter "F. McDougal, Mr*. Interment will be in Fair View ment of Mrs. Herbert's daugHter, Jadassah Tueiday, at the Jewish cemetery. .- • • fiere.Tuesday committee of management. « '>• Theodore, J. La.breco.ue, Comm|s- The bride was attired in a white Community center on Riverside Nelson K. Vanderbeek, Mrs. Willi* '• sioner L. J. Baker, Roger wymbs, Pauline "Mae Knott to Capt. Harry satin and net gown,-designed With Conover, Mrs. William C. Wirth, Mrs. Brasoh is survived by a The following public officials par- .venue.. Mrs. Harry Madaneky is ticipated in the program: fret- ''• George Lovett, Patrick Roche, K: Hammond,. 3d, son of Mr. and a sweetheart neckline and a court Mrs. Cromwell Wataon, Mm. My- daughter, Mrs, Florence B., wife of District Governor's- night was :hairma.n of the event to be held celebrated Tuesday at the meeting holders, Joseph C. Irwln, A. D. !' Capt. Parmentier, Lester Scott, Mrs. Harry K. Hammond, Jr., of train. She had a nnger-tip length ron V. Brown, Mrs. Sadie Cocbran Henry J, Jeffery, with whom she Reading, Pennsylvania. No date veil, and carried a bouquet of hieaday, May 14. . and Mlae Elisabeth Scowcroft, made her home; a.grandson, Ron- of the Red Bank Lions club at the Voorhees,, Edgar O, Murphy and •• William Leahy, Louis R. Lnwry Members are asked to contribute Molly Pitcher hotel. The district Victor E. Groaslnger; clerk of the has been set tor the wedding. bride's roses arid carnations. This Members of the American home ald H. jeffery. a" student s.t Le- and-A. Levine. illdren's clothes at the shower. governor, who has had one of the board, Edward C. Broege; county matron of honor Vvas attired In a department will visit the museum high university in his junior year; :.' Following are the awards: ommittse members Include Mrs. best yearg district' 16B has seen, clerk, J. BUBSCII Woolley; warden, ' Troop' 8, Hed Bank—Advancement to pink satin and net gown. She wore pf the Monmouth County Historical three- brothers, Jacob Stier, Me-' mlnt a matching Juliet cap and her bou- sadore Kerber, Mrs. Henry Ritter- chanio street, Red Bank; Frederick stated there were over 1,800 Lions Joseph J. Schwark; surrogate, Dor- • aecond aliua William Penningtoni association at Freehold tomorrow man McFaddin; undersheriffs, Ira I' Mm Eugin™ Carrol). »«•»»•»- quet was of Iris and roses. lan, Mrs. Aaron Marcus, Mrs^Mor- Stler, River Plaza; and George in his district and they had just and later wifl visit some old houses completed many worth-while pro- E. Wolcott and Courtland White, • merU, Ralph Heim, Paul Hintelmann, The couple are now in Florida, s Nelson, Mrs. Lena' Einilger, In Bngiishtown. Cars will leave Stier, IJnden place, Red Bank; and John McNeil, William O'Brien. and upon their return will reside in iJrs. William Ostrov, Mrs. Harry Jedta. He'said that now that the and engineer, Otis R. Beamon. . Troop 12. Bed Bank—AdvancamMt tp the clubhouse at 10:30. several'nieces and nephews. war is over the clubs will try to a»cond clias, Hussell Soothe, warren this locality, The bride was grad- toman, Mrs. David Burnon and Tfye book,;"A Lloni In the Streets" Highlights of the day's program have inter-flub activities and visit included discussions with public of- uated from Long Branch high in. Lester Oglensky. and the play, "State of the Union" MRS. STANLEY A. McQUEEN school and the University of Penn- Mrs. Benjamin Ashin reported one another as they did in the pre- ficials for the purpose of hotter un- will be reviewed at a meeting of The funeralof Mrs! Dorothy Mc- war years. He praised the Red sylvania. She is teaching social hat the World Zionist Congress the literature department, Friday, derstanding the workings of our service work in Long Branch. ' vill be held in Palestine in Aug- Queen, 39, wife of Stanley A. Mc- Bank club for its many activities •ounty government and the re- April W. ' * • Queen, Kings hlgrtway, Mlddletown, The bridegroom, who is on term- iBt. , Member* buying shekels may and good deeds and urged the club, sponsibilities of each public oflke; StooOioff-; «iIvanc«Di«nt to nr»t CIMS, Under the direction of the drama who died Monday evening at Fit- as the parent club of the district, Marshull Whltfleld; advancement to star, inal leave, is a first lieutenant and* ote in the congress polls to elect department, club members, assisted a lunch served in the Jail, Warden Thomai Moorr: advancement to Hie, served with the 45th division in kin hospital after a week's- illness, to vLslt as many of the other clubs Schwark in charge, with singing" GeorOT Morford; orsaniier award, lelegates June 14. Shekels may be by members of the evening group, was held yesterday afternoon at in the district as possible. . Gwriw Korcom; m.rit badge!. Douglas England, topic, "What the GI Lives By," as adult counselor. At this meeting Rowell: advancement to• «r»t cliai, Ste- Mrs. Romarf will be chairman of Linden. , - . severer problems, which were now phen Morria, William Petherbridw: ad- •WAIX.ING—BEENNAN. chairman, is directing the festival. was-very well received. Rev. Mil- vancement to Star. Robert W. Branln, >e regional Hadassah conference Borq, in New York city, Mrs. Mc- ler (served an a chaplain in the re- being considered by the hoard, wore Hairy St«l; morit bsdgea, Rob«rt V. Miss Edna Mae Walling, daugh- i be held at Aabury Park, May Members Of the Red Bank club Queen was the daughter of Mrs. cent war and gave his phlfc«bphy submitted to the group for discus-, Branin,' David Kowell, JUHH Sctanldt, participating are Mrs. Charles Ed- Henry Sttrt, Lawrence Whit«. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Wall- 9, 20 and 21. Yesterday 38 mem- Dorothy E. Weeks and tho fate Jo- of Lionism gleaned In his travels slon. Troop .12. R«d Bank—Advanjument to >ers attended- the national Hadas- elmann, Mrs. Stanley Parker, Mre. seph A.- Weeks. Besides her hus- ing of West Keansburg, recently In France, Germany and Belgium. All of the 80 delegates who at- second class, Thomas Brown. Httrdy lah donor luncheon at th» Waldorf- H. Lawrence Burdge, Mrs. KossE. band and mother,.she Is survived Burlett. Dtvld Cook, Robert Crawford, became the toride of Raymond P. The speaker said the GI taught tended the program expressed their Astoria in Now York city. Rabbi King, Mrs. Clark E. Wallace, Mra. by a daughter, Nancy Lee, and a John F. England, Raymond England, Brennan, Jr., gunner's mate, third him two things, the value of dlscU hearty appreciation to those public Richard Setdeniahl, Rofsr Sevarln, Wil- PAULINE KNOTT Donald Gittelson, who served in the Arthur Mayhew, Mn, Lyman C. son, Robert Laird McQueen. class,' son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- piine and training. He really saw officials who made the program pos- liam Wellner, Arthur Whlt«. Navy chaplain's corps in tha South Vanlnwegen, Miss Margery Carroll how men lived and it taught him Troop 48, Fort Monmouta—Advance- Misi Knott was graduated from mond D. Brennan, Sr., of Philadel- and Miss Flora Ef. Wlllguas. The sible and who were so gracious and m.nt to second elaaa, Norman Halvor- Paclflo, was the .speaker. ELIZABETH K. SCHUMANN trie value of holding on to the high- ten, Jick Waller; merit 'badgM, Harry Red Bank high school and attended phia. «, play will be presented at the after- co-operative. The cersmony w«» performed est and the best In life. In con- DutehjsJijm. Robwt Kaplan. ' Coleman'a Business college at New- noon session of the festival. Mrs. Elizabeth Kauth Schumann, clusion ha said tho best contribu- The following participated from • Tcoop 80, Shrsmburj—Ad»aneeinent Maroh 80 at St. Mark's church, to second elaaa, WHUara Frank. John ark. She is proprietress _Qf. Pau- 82, widow of Daniel Schumann, of tion a Lion can make to Llonlsm the Red Bank area: ValenUne; merit badges. John T. Ham-line's market at Oceanport; Capt. Keansburg, by Rev. Joseph M. Sale Of Railroad 21 Poplar avenue, Fair Haven, died Is to fflvo your beat to your home. IWl Bank Ctholie High-Patrick ilton, Morgan Knapp, Jr.. William Hum- Hammond was graduated from Le- Brownlee, former pastor of that last night at Monmouth Memorial Boon./, Martha Conrad Doruthir Me- ford. Oherlei Nan-man, Bobtrt Scott. More Countians town and to your fellow map. Kenna, O«»»»» *•«/«. H«nry I). Crosa Troop «6. Runwon—AdvanMment to hljrh University and was employed church who is now with the Amer- hospital, where she had been a pa- 3 by the Bureau of Standards at ican Red Cross In Virginia. Mrs. %r Confirmed Honorably discharged from the A vocal trio consisting of Lions Jowh KtlUnri, Joseph »'«°"'p f* •econd clau, Franda Andre. Thomas tient. Eugeno Magce and Jack Rohrey Hnnegan, Peay $7,346 for damage done by their berg, Jr., Atlantic Highlands; Wil- more. "Practical Psychology J j Tueiday. night at the eehool. The Ion, 8 p. m. West Keansburg and Keyport liam R. Pomphrey, Leonardo; Har- 'J;. annual safety program will be glv Two Identical service* will be iqulpmeht in the harbor, The mat- Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. schools. The groom is stationed ry F. Spaven, East Keansburg; Jo-' Bertha Grant and Mrs, Walter Ire- For Police" Is Topic oj «n under the direction of Police held Eajster Sunday. Rev. George aboard the U, S. S. Theodore E, :er was referred to the harbor Clubwomen Hold roard. seph J. Holmes, Leonardo; Martin land, and two brothers, Natha'n and ;• Officer Irving Kraekowitch, safety A. Robertshaw will be In charge of Chandler, D. McGratl, Highlands; Orvll B. Ernest Peck, all of Orange. Yesterday's seulon brought to a chairman, Members of. the school the /service at 9:30 a. m., and Rev. Council denied the application for Miller, Leonardo; Francis Ho ran, Funeral services will be held Sat- Annual Meeting close a 16 weeks' course of study patrol and members of the «atsty Mr. Butt will deliver the sermon at plenary retail distribution li- Highlands; Edward A. Straus, 22 CADMAN—FANNING. urday afternoon at 2 o'clock from for police officers of the Zone Train- patrjl of St. James school wlrl be the 11 a. m, service. jensg for the premises known as William street, Red Bank; James the Martin funeral home, Atlantic Ing School for Police, which has guests. At a ceremony performed Satur- he Safeway store at 118 First ave- h. Horan, Highlands. Mrs. A. V. Jones ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL day afternoon in Holy Cross rec- ue. Highlands. Rev, Roy Williams, been held In this borough. Officers Plans for the meeting were ar- pastor of the Atlantic Highlands ranged by the executive board at a Belford . ./ tory, ,Rumson, by, Rev. Jameg Mac- William T. Dawaon was appoint- Elected President representing; municipalities sur- Methodist .church, will officiate. roundlnj thta area were in attend- , session Tuesday at the school. Miss Services next Sunday morning 'at' kenzie, Miss Dorothy B. Cadman, ed a member of the board of ad- Entre Nous Plans Mrs, A. Vv Jones was elected justment to take the place of Cremation will'take place In Hose ance and were complimented bjr *F."Beulah Breckenrldge, chairman of St. Clement's church will be morn- daughter ...of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill crematory, Linden. president of the Little Silver Wom- M. Cadman, Sr., of 244 Cambridge Councilman Barnes, Chief of Police Harold A. Davisun £1 the nominating committee, report- Ing prayer and sermon conducted Theater Party an's club at the annual meetln of Bed Bonk on their diligence and ;;V «d Ihe following elate: Mrs, Nor- by Clayton S. Kuhn, lay reader In avenue- Red Bank, was married to Harvey Bowtell0and Harold Mer- Members of the Entre Nous at a FREDERICK O. BWANSON. yesterday at the clubhouse on\WI the Inteiest and activity displayed •;; man Slokels for president; Mrs. charge, at 9.30 o'clock. William-J. Fanning, son of Mr. and rltt were granted flre exemption 1 meeting last night at the home of low drive. Others elected wer by them durfag the course. He In- The church school will meet at Mrs. James Fannlng_ 48 Washing- certificates. • Frederick C. Swanson, 17, son of 'I Worth 0. Sohanti and Mrs. Henry Mn. Clarence Dolan on Chestnut Mrs. Stanley A. Borrow, Mrs. formed the group that plans ar» 11 o'clock. Palms will be distributed ton street, Rumson.', A _ reception Frederick A. and. Dorothy Dletz ;, Inselberg, vice president! and Mm. street, made plans, for a theater George C. Southworth and Mrs. being formulated for tha gradua-. at both services. followed at the home of the bride's Swanson, of 75 Riverside avenue, Bethuna Jonesi secretary, and for Purcell Appointed party Thursday, May 97 Ths group Clarence E. Lovejoy, vice presi- tion exercises at which time diplo- re-election, Mrs, John E. Sanford Services are held in the church .parents. died suddenly Tuesday night In dents; Mrs. T. A. Brown, record- mas will be awarded to those who will see "Carousel" and hays dinner Monmouth Memorial hospital, as tiorreBponding secretary and each "Wednesday evening during The- bride wore a powder blue at th« Taft grill. Ing secretary; Mrs. George Wag- have successfully passed the course At Long Branch where.he was taken a few hours Mrs, William Petherbridge, treas- Lent at 8 o'clock. ' suit with white accessories and a Attending were Mrs. Joaeph E. ner, corresponding secretary; Mrs. of training. urer. corsage of white orchids. Miss Long Branch's Commissioner of Bray, Mrs. George H. Clevenberg, before he died. L. W. Taylor, financial secretary, HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN 'ubllo Safety Frank A. Brazo an- Besides his parents, he Is sur- Chief DavlBOn relntroduccd to the Mrs. Fred Boyd was named chair- Martha Ottman, her only attend, Mm. William Decker. Mrs. Rita H. and Mrs. Marshall VanWInkle, Jr., group, Special Agent John F.Hayes man of a fashion show and card Services Palm Sunday Include: ant, wore a checked ault with navy Qunced this week the appointment Douglas, Mrs, Charles Glblln, Mrs, vived by a brother, Herbert Swan- treasurer. •• of Joseph D. Purcell, Jr., as plain son, of the Federal Bureau of Investi- parly to be heid in May. A rum- Special session of the Sunday blue accessories and a corsage of Thomas Hackett, Mrs, John Mrs. Irwln D. Campbell Is retir- gation, who continued a discussion mage sale will be held next month. school at 9:15 a. ra. rather than at blue and white sweet peaa.. John olothesman attached to the detec- Hughes, Mrs, Nicholas O. Lamb, Funeral services will be held to- ing president. Mrs. Fred Morf was tive division of ths Long Branch on psychology. This particular lec- 9:45 a. m., in order that the chil- Deisler, of Rumson, was best man. MM. Edward. O'Flaherty, Mrs. morrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock chairman of the nominating com- ture was called "Practical Psychol- dren may practice for the special Both bride and groom are grad- police department, in which he has George Redden, Mrs. B. F. Town- at the Mount Memorial home. Rev. been a patrolman. mittee, assisted by Mrs. Melvln A. ogy for Pollce-Gfflccre," and among Non-Suit Granted Easter program the following Sun- uates of Rumson high school. Mrs. send-, Mre. Martin McGuIre, Mrs. George J. Ammerman, pastor of Boiler, Mrs. C, F. Townsend, Mrs. other remarks made by Mr. Hayes, day. Bible claw for adults under Fanning is employed at Watson In July, 1938, Purcell received a Marie Webber and Mn. Mary the Reformed church, will ofllcinte. temporary, appointment and was Howard L. Kltts and Mrs. Edward. he stated that to adequately Inter- hi Coal Bill Case the pastor's leadership at 9:45 a. m. laboratories, Eatontown. Mr. Fan- Grause. Interment will be In Fair View W. McClellnn, Jr. view and obtain admissions and Palm Sunday service at 11 a. m. ning was recently discharged from named a regular January .1, 1042. cemetery. In making the announcement Com- Mrs. A. Barton Cross, drama confessions, a law enforcement of- Judge John C. Giordano at Free- with the choir singing- "The Palms" the Army after serving two and hold Tuesday granted & defense missioner Brazo stated that the ap- chairman, announced district ficer must not only have knowledge by Faure. •• The pastor will preach one half years in the European Thieves Break Into motion for a non-suit in an action pointment was given as a reward Eatontown Eastern drama festival to be held In Spring of the facts of his case, but th'e j an apprbprinte sermon. theater of war, Lnke, Monday, April 22, Undor the mental processes of the accused, brought by Edward E. Bennett, Servi(.L>s dur| Ho] W(ek , Tor meritorious conduct of duty and Two Gas Stations Matawan coal'dealer, against Mr. _.,,...,. .._,„.. *,,," „ .„„,'" In i|ne with the department's pro- Star Has Election direction of Mrs. Barnard Taylor facing him, . Thl« Is acquired cluude regular mid-week TLenten through the psychological appfoaoh and Mrs, Harry W. Hammond, At- FINEGOLD—ADELSON. gram to increase efficiency. State police are Investigating the Mrs. Ruth Lewis was elected a special club meeting will be held service,Wednesday at R p. m. Tho robbery of two Fort Monmouth gas Thursday afternoon of noxt weak to crime detection. Hayes continued lantic Hlghl»«d«r-f8T-.MJW and .in- Miss Mildred Sherwln FinegolL The new detective Is the husband worthy matron and Ralph Lewis pastor will conclude his series of stations Tuesday night. Entrance at 2 o'clock. Members will discuss that some police officers eeem to be terest allegedly duo on a note and Lcnten d|acllsslons on vA'Disciple daughter of ilf. and Mrs, Ma> of the former Miss Gladys Gill of worthy patron of Eatontown chap- to one of them, operated by Archie atomio bomb control and the ex- born with this capacity—others) ' bond and mortgage given by the i si1Rrps » Flnegold of Freehold and Roberi Mlddletown township. They, have ter, Eastern Star, at thB annual Noble, on Main street, was gained tension of the draft. have to acquire It. •defendants to the'plaintiff for un- M.lun(ly Th,lr8dny servlco wlln Adclson, eon of Mr. and Mrs, Sam- two children, meeting Tuesday at Mtisonic hall. through' a rear window. A ciga- In understanding tho psychology ' paid coal. uel C. Adelson of New York city Officers will- be Installed Tuesday, N»w members Introduced were" ,.u , n \. r, , i sermon and the administration of rette machine was cfclashed and 312 of a criminal, It Is first necessary were married March 31 at the home April 23, by Mrs, Martha Johnson, Mlsn Lucy Woglum, Mrs, James E, -Ihornas J. Smithof Red-Bank Hol communion. was stolen. Nothing - was „ found to know sdme of the causes of of the bride's .parents by R»bbl Af- Dog Alerts Family past grand matron ot the state, Harvey, Mrs. Charles Cajnpbell, counsel for the Hammonds argued Good Friday service al8 p. rri.' to missing at the Wilson avenue sta- crime, Ho characterized crime-•*- B,t the close of the plaintiffs case, I s lely,of the reading of the thur H. HerBhon of Bed Bank. fern!"'Henry Klelnfeldt, past grand Mrs. Robert MaoFarjand, MrirDbr- conei t B0 tion operated by Robert Seeley. The patron of the state. essentially & by-product of the. ex- that the action had been outlawed !PaM |on History of Jcsns Christ, as Mils Louise Ann Flnegold, alste: 111 Cliff wood Blaze othy Crlswell, Mrs. C, E. Sharp and entire window frame had been Others elected were Mrs, Mar- Mrs, Charles Throne. igencies of' living together In a by the statute of limitations, ana > found In the common service book of the bride, was maid of honor A dog is credited with having taken out of a rear door. A thor>. '.complex society. Ho mentioned as that.propcr notice of suit had not > i, t rlnirrh, with ap- jorle Becker, associate conductress; of th(> u heran arid Lol» and Joyce' Sherwln ol saved the lives of a Cllffwood Beach ough check of the premises by See- some causes of crime the lose of been given. proprintc. hymns sung hetwppn tho Noiv York, coualns, were, tralr Mrs. Susan Sherman, conductress; LECTURE ON PROTEINS family yosterday morning when it ley and Officer Joseph Callahan, of Mrs. Edith VanBrunt, associate family influence due to urbaniza- ' Edward Farry, Jr., of Keyport, se(.tlon.,. bearers. The bridegroom's fathei alerted the sleeping family of Ray- Dr. James B, Allison, professor counsel for Mr. Bennett, told the the Mlddletown township police, re- matron; Mrs, Thelma Schultz, sec- tion and industrialization. The In- was best man and the ushers wer< mond O'Chat as flra broke out in vealed nothing stolen. ' of Physiology and Biochemistry fluence of neighborhood environ- jury In his opening remarks that Charles Brand and Mltaholl J retary;. Mrs, Emma Ranck, treas- and sclentlflo director of the Bu- a garage adjoining the O'Chat Both entries are believed to have urer, and Mra, Katherlne Smith, ment plays UK part In the behavior , his client hod sold coal to .Mr. Segregation Ended Sherwln, both of New York. home, ~^"" reau of Blcdoglcal Research, Rut- Hammond, who was. retailing it In been the work of the same thlevas, trustee for a three-year term. and Interests of Individuals, and Awakened by the dog's scratch- gers ' university, will address tho consideration was given to Inade- Mlddletown township In.1037. Ham- At Asbury Schools MAXSON—LEAOH Monmouth county section of ths ni'Drlfl'\v"a» unnble to. pay .for tho ing on his bedroom door, O/Chat . CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY quate educ&tiona!«ctlvit!ee, Includ- The Asliiny fnrk boaril b( edu- Miss Mifbel J. Maxson, daughtei discovered the blaw, with >th» fire Stillman Announces' American Chemical society Thurs- ing religious - and. vocational In- coal and gave a note and a bond A surprise .birthday party was day, Apfll 18 at 8 p. m., 'at - the and mortgage on his property. Mr. cation met Tuesday -night, and end- of Mrs. John Maxson and the lati spreading to the dwelling. Mrs. strucllon, as 4/catMflforthe ,uns<" John Maxson of1 Lakeside avonu O'Ghat and three1 ohlldrenwere re- Two Local Sales given recently for James Cappozzl, YMCA on Riverside avenue, on/he Justed tiehovlor of criminals. Smith said Hammond had extended "d the' scgrognHon of the Bangs at his home in Mlddletown town- Nnvesink, became the bride of Hn moved to safety and the Matawan subject, "Proteins and Protein Hy- The New Jersey State Assoclac credit lo-Ms customers during hard avenue .north.and south schools.us The Stillman agency announced ship. Guests were Mr, and Mrs, old,,T. Lench pf tho Santande: tovitlishlp fire department aaslsted drolyfintos In-Nutrltlffi." Dr. Alli- tlon of Chiefs of Police, which times Imd -was' unable to qolloct they votud ln,..pUn.n .Hyland H. this week the sale of tho J, H. HBnry Lutfc, Mr, and» Mrs, James aimrlmonts, Asbury Park, Saturda' Eagle engine company of Ktyport son will describe his method for the sponsors the Zone Training Schools 'from them, but after a firm mort- i Mooro, foimor prlnclpiii -of the col- CoSk, Jr., property at the north Costollo, Mr, and Mrs, Al Zco, Mr. nftornoon In'ptakowood. Re\ to extinguish the Are. Damage, was (k'termirmtlon of the "biological throughout tho stale of New Jer- Rage had bocn foreclosed bn hlsjored division, us prlnclpnl of the end of Broad street, Shrewsbury, and Mrs, Patsy Romanolll, Mimes Chut-les M. yogito, a friend of th set at $1,800 on the.O'Ohat prop- vnluo" of proteins and protein hy- sey, Is contemplating a second »«r- -homr turned over h!» account!,! two school*, to the Standard Oil company of Phyllla and Dolly Mnllncnnlco, bridegroom, porformed the cer erty and ti.ppo on the resldenoo drolyaatos In the normal'nnd pro- los, at which odvnncod com-nos will i:ustnrtitr» und equipment to Mr, \ Donnld IS. Young, currtnl prln- New Jermy, Miss Ann Heblow, Joe OhbrCh, mony In the pttisonago of theLakt of Charles O'Donnell, whose house tein dopjotod dog, The effects, of be given to graduates of the1 baslo • 'Bcnnptt to satisfy (he Indebtedness jclpiil' of the . while school, wnx The lot fa adjacent to0 conn for, ad I'UIWJ f i u uai d. paity '«t a tioto bi'lilc'n mother was drossed In' to attend fho locturt, * . " , • PROMOTKD O Rod Cross fund riilv«. The »«• hohomme «t Kouniburg, A buffet sup, il' place lo b?' »«l •W«|io rnnUe lit poydor b)u« s^vflt with navy; accei COUNTY BIRTHS W»»' s«v«4. ' Attending' ivpro was Ml)0, ,' >., ' '.' W Word has 'boon recolvod I Buroti Mr;« Patrick,ftflslan, Mill, Charles . DOIlty SMITH HOME «»U| ifsTTV, i William Kelly, Mrs, Jurnis Al , L.*l1a Illver, .. . ._ ernvefjM'- MlddUi'own tdwnshrp 'nlgh>Soh'6( ; Men- Mto, Mrs, io»a oil . Tntl tr ' r.' :'! l •• Ijiary hjr.dridt j Euesne 0 P.OJI ki o>. Atliinll>Hlgh. and Wiiftid tcatlim^,'Bhi II pr ', ••rvios'o.vev, nines •HbmOBia:a, lli«: i tarti. A iopdllor., lo iM etnesr jnaopof Alls* Mae hHtiarmtri --luiMiwiittifiM.iflihidrivji wu.iwm.'Ajimd •—" u.(HrJt .. In h gED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. , Vxt, 7/Uliaoi , Union Cfttj. JtfOti* received y Belford Naval t>fficer Home Keamburg Mrs. William Turn*?/ VU», AuArtm gifts, OM i/l yrtiteh WM a- %vi war Christian Science Mularchuck, 'Mra. Mary Koalt, tin. hood, There w$n two birthday jr«y» b* bought m» Had Bank XagUUr aaa U bopght George Worth, sirs. Theodore Klotx, cakes, . '•' RADIO 'Blair. Waastr- a Xaaaabiira*' from John Oitltaa, Philip ' Reading Room . Kellir, Charles ~yeW. L Zuekennan, Mrs." X 'J. -Lenahan, Mrs. Alfred O»rc* Swiss, 8. 3. Stark asd Kaauburo, Koteabeutel.'Mrs; Charlss Berber- PIIXENBECK BE8IGNS. . Mr#, JTore'noe Powers of Jersey Brag Co.) . ' . lck, Mrs. E^ank Walters, Mr*. Ed- City spent the^week-end with her We wffl call for and deHver, "* ' « Brotf Street, • He* B«nk Miss -Phyllis Turner, daughter of ward Golf, Mrs. James A. Smith,' Benjamin-S. Dlllenbeck, director •later, Mrs. William Banning and Mayor and Mrs.. William Turner, Mrs. Grace E. Hodgkiason, Mrs, of .physical education at Neptune TeL Had 'Beak S40O-J. family. left last Thursday by plane for William.'Snyder and Mrs. 7rank high school since 1929 .and oner of Also- carry amateur radio war stnplM psaK. Mr. and' Mm Heber Torreet ot the organizers at the Shore Confer- OPEN DAILY ' • ' Montana State 'university, where Lawton.- Mrs, Charles. Helfrlcb, Railroad avenue left Monday for she Is a student, She had been who has been president of the or- ence, resigned Hla position at that » to, « P. M. Nova Scotia. home on a short visit recuperating ganization from the time it was school last week. A teacher' for 24 Mr and Mrs. CKis Mans of Bound from an injury received in. an auto- formed, Is in Florida.' Mrs. Wil- years, Dlllenbeck hag been one of T & L RADIO SERVK •• Except Sunday and the most popular figures In local Brook and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin mobile accident .'Miss Turner made liam Balbach,'vice-president, pre- MONMODTH ROAD. LONG BRANCH ' Holidays. . . Ayres of Ooeanport spent Sunday her trip home by plane, also, Mayor sided. In - her absence. " After the athletics. He plans to start a busi- Friday EvenlQfs, 7:W to »M with Mr. and Mrs. John-Ayres. and Mra, Turner went mmouncct that the following mm\ben of At Association, recently , ' 11 of New Tork city and $idwa 111 at his home on Johnson lane. their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. L. Wroger of Little Valli over the Peter Mularchuck of Lincoln Dlgglo, all of the Palisades, spent discharged from the Armtd Force* have returned the practice of. lav. ' D •week-end. ' , Sunday with Mr. and' "Mrs. Al court and George Foley of West ; The Association Velcomtt them back, and advisei inert former' cUenU _ • H Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simpson art ixmrt. w, J. LAWUER Keansburg have purchased the Frank. . moving from their home in River lunchwagon .located' on Church Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin J. Popper that the legal services oj these lavyer-veterani are again available. V * Q Flaxa to their new home in Bay- Lieut. William J. Lawler, V. S. N. street, near Carr avenue, from Wll of Seeley avenue returned- hems side Heights. Mrs. Simpson la the R., son of Mr. and Mrs. William. Ham Meehan. The new owners Friday after spending the winter former Jean. Ahern, daughter of Lawler. of Washington avenue, took possession last Thursday, arid in Florida, Milton Abrampff, ,80 Brood st, Red Bank Carl Klein, 810 McCabe ar, Bradley Beaxh ,M Mr. and Mrs.. Daniel Ahearn. Leonardo, was recently released to will keep open .day and night, Mrs. Charles Ltszka and .daugh- John W. Applegate, 128 Main st, Matawan Seymour R. Klemberg, 68 Church at, Keens- • II Mrs. Ethel Roche and family of Inactive duty following two years The Balbach Sporting club quin- ter Dianne are visiting relatives at burg II Blast road entertained Mr. and. Mrs. service In the- Pacific war zone WUUam Blair, 18 Wallace at, Red Bank tet and the Long Branch Ice com- Newark. .' „ , JohVT. tovett, 386 Norwood av., Lop J Braach II Let* Singer Homer Cully and daughter Phyllis aboard the destroyer escort Bor- pany basketball teams played their Mrs. McCan and Mrs. Edna Gal- 1 'James D. Carton, 7SS Mattteon av., Asbury of Roselle Park. ' - den R. Hastings. rubber game at the Balbach audi- lop and their daughters of Union 1 Park - Sherman Manning, 60 Broad st, Bed Bank Spert put torium Saturday, the.Balbach team City were visitors of Mra. J. Beatty Able-bodied Seaman„Walter. H. • Lieut. Lawler was commissioned a Vincent J. McCue, 78 Broad st, Bed Bank your ma- Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- as an ensign In the Naval Reserve winning 44 to 41. last week: " r . Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., 95 First ay., AH. chine in firit-claii running order. ter Peterson, Sr., • U •pendlng"~V In April, 1944, and shortly thereaf- The winners of the merchandise Mlse May Dowling of Highland Highlands F. Bibs Price, 172' Broad si, Eatontown. Benonable charges. Estimate fur. short leave with his parents here? ter waa assigned to the destroyer club of the American Legion auxil- avenue has returned home from Henry O. F. Coatei, S8, Korth Stain st, William L. Russell, Jr., 73 Broad at, Red Bank Dished1 in advance. Ha recently returned to this coun- escort as damage control officer. iary at the home of Mrs. Kathryn Barnabas hospital at Newark where try from the Philippines. The ship operated principally in the Huber last week were Mrs. Anna ehe was a patient. Allentown Harry Sagotoky, East Main st#,Freehold Mra. Mabel Tllton, Mr. and Mm. Marshall and Caroline Islands area, Nleraan of Eaai Keansburg and Mrs. Mildred Poole received a Stanley Cohen, 178 Broadway, Long: Branch Sverre Sorenson, 97 First av., Atl. Highland* Clarence Skeldon of Englishtown protecting aircraft carriers and Mrs. Emily Grady, Mrs. Jennie letter from her son, Pvt. George SINGER spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. convoys from enemy submarine at- Kite and Mrs. Anna Healy . of Poole, stating he had arrived in Abraham Frankel, Klnmonth Bid.*;,, Asbury . Arnold Tanner, 30 W. Main »t', Freehold Germany. Clarence Andersen. tacks. The ship was officially ered- Keansburg. . Park • • Leo R. Welnsteln, 123 Main st, Matawan Mrs. Lena. Sutherland has re-Ited with sinking a Jap sub and Nicholas Nelson, after ' having Jackie Huber of Park avenue Sewing Center turned home after spending several many times enemy submarine's been a patient at Johns Hopkins celebrated his seventh birthday Arthur'Goldberg, East Main sb, Freehold •Bernard H. Weber, 10 West Main st, Freehold weeks In Florida. Mlaa Marjorle were driven off. ' hospital, Baltimore, has returned to Monday with a patfy. His birthday Edward F. JTuska, 36 Church st., Keansburg Edward W. Wise, Jr., 64 Broad st, Red Bank Sutherland ot Washington, D. C, his home at 15 Myrtle avenue. was Sunday. Children present were 43 Monmouth Street Prior to entering the Navy, Lieut. H. Carl Halt, 34 Broad st, Red Bank Abraham Zager, 18 Wallace at, Bed Bank spent ' the week-end with her Lawler was employed as an exam- The Jolly Eight club met last Judy Buttler, Nancy Marshall, Le- mother. i iner with the U. S. Department of week at the home of Mrs. Waiter ona McCaughlin, Bobble Stansky, William I. Klatsky, S K. Front st. Red Bank Isadore Zlotktn, 89 Court st, Freehold 1 Red Bank ~" •' Bay Scouts and senior Soouts of Justice at Philadelphia, and will re- A. Conroy on-Palmer avenue. Billy Kinsella, Francis Connolly, troop 27 will attend the district 4 turn to that position upon com- The Ladles' auxiliary > of Point Anthony Bevoclu, George McLaugh- Phone R. B. 3806 Court of Honor tonight at Leo- pletion of his. terminal leave. Comfort fire company was enter- lln, Cathy Klrchbaumer, Elsie Thli announcemtnt It published b / the Monmouth Bar Association. . 1 nardo. The boys .will be In charge tained by Mrs. Mildred Poole of Green and Bobbie and Johnnie • After attending Leonardo high Bamsey avenue last Thursday af- Wolf of Keansburg, and Joyce Cole, of Senior Leader Ed Sayidge and school, Lieut .Lawler was gradu- ternoon. • Present were Mrs. Wil Scoutmaster ti.'R. Smith. ated from the University of Call- Eileen Gallop and John Flynn of John V. Olass and Steve Furlna fornla. at Los Angeles and attend- of State Teachers college, Trenton ed Temple University Law School spent - the week-end with Mr. His wife and daughter reside at Glass1 parents, Capt and Mrs. John Panama City Beach, Florida, where Olass. they have been making their home Mrs. Louise Krueger of Church while Lieut. Lawler was at sea. street was hostess at a bridal Hurry! LAST3 DAYS for Extra Savings! shower last week at her home for Miss Kay Meyer of Port Monmouth. East Keansburg Mlaa Meyer will be married Easter Sunday to Ira Richards of Irvona, (The Red Bank Reitnter can b< boueht Pennsylvania. Guests were Mrs. In Eait Ktanaburg at Edwin Herrmann'! Emm Barbato, Red Bank; Mrs •tor«) The three outatandlng Girl Scouta BIG ANNUM Marjorle Malnes and Mrs. lya Bng- lemann, Keansburg; Mrs. Peggy of East Keansburg during March, Slocum, Mlddletown; Miss Jane were Joan Dowling and Eileen and ROEBUCK AND CO. Stockbrldge, Long Branch and Marie Lou Mayor. As a reward Miss Theses* Coolc, Mrs. Dorothy for their special interest and work, Vaclaralla, Mrs. Clara Sefcik, Mrs, Mrs. Ruth Krueger, their leader, Fred Elton and Mrs. Marion took them to New York last week. They went to the Music Hall and R U M Schmidt of Belford. the Ice Show; they had dinner at Mrs. Harold Copeland, Mrs. Le-Child's, went sightseeing in Radio land Richmond and Mra. Charles City and purchased uniforms, and 60 R. Smith attended thr>aectj8»e# accessories at the scout shop. RFTH conference of Girl Scouts !aM 3 Thursday at Elizabeth. Last Saturday the girl scouts with their leader, ilrs. Ruth Krue- WHITE or Scoutmaster Charles R. Smith ger, went on a penny hike. Pen- and Senior Scouts Albert Cook, nies were tossed to. determine the GOLTJ Bud Copeland and Norman and direction they should go. Heads Bud Smith attended the air show up, they turned right; tails up, they at Grand Central Palace, New turned left. They tossed pennies Tork Saturday. While in the city to see If they should, skip, run, hop LITTLE SILVER the boys purchased their new sen- or walk. They also tossed a penny ior Scout uniforms. to Indicate the time to eat. Mrs. John V. Glass of Clarement The Church Improvement assocl' MARKET avenue entertained the Altar guild atlon Is meeting today atthe home of St. Clement'a church Monday of Mrs: Martha Jensen at Ideal Little Silver, N. J. afternoon. Mrs. John P. Euler, Mrs. Beach. ALLSTATE Wilson Miller, Mrs. Charles Shindle, Mrs. Carrie Parleman Is confined Phone R.B. 3343 Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. George to her home with Illness. Boyce were present. The cross and Mr, and Mrs. Plate visited Mrs. chain disposed of on the co-opera- DiPalma of Atlantic Highlands last 7 tive plan was awarded to Miss week. They were accompanied by PREMIUM QUALITY . NOTICE. Mrs. Claude S. Peeden and Mrs. Tak» •otic that applloatlos ha* tarn Whlston of Kearny. mtd« to th« Statt Cdmmliltontr of Al- William Morgan of Keansburg, coholic B«T«ragi control, to Uaniftr Dirk and Lois Ann Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson of from north tide of Kumioa road, Btun- children of Mr. and Mrs. Dirk Hoff- Palmer avenue, accompanied by MOTOR OIL •on, N. J.. ocvollu Buttonwood Last man, are confined to their home by Mr. Johnson's mother, Mm. Nell (la th« J. Ford Johnson raldanea). Clnb Illness. UMU« C-B-«« to prem!»« loc»t*4 In Johnson of West Keansburg, visited btaldlnc known as Hardlna- Hall, on Old Mrs. Anna. Hyers and Mn. Llda Mrs. George Hansen of New Bruns- club grounds, south ffd* Baroton road* Lyke represented . the Methodist wick Sunday. Rumion, N. J. " church at the mid-year conference Mrs. Ella Leash of Monmouth Objections, 1' any should b* mad« In- mtdl.t.lr In writlm to Hut. Commit- of the New Brunswick district at. avenue celebrated her 96th birthday, slonsr of Alcoholic Btitrag* Control, St. Luke's Methodist church, Long last Sunday. She lives aI6ne and Newark, N. J. Branch'Friday. does all her own work. RUMSON COONTBT CLUB. Rev4 and Mrs. Paul J. Myers The Republicans of East Keans- Br A. N. LaPorta. Manatar were Visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. burg will hold a rally at the first Boy« can mak* pocket money by Barry Myers of Penneville Monday aid squad building this evening at Fill Up With ... selling; tbe'Register—Advertisement and Tuesday. 8 o'clock. PREMIUM QUSkl MOTOR OIL

BULK in your own container 9 important advantages

1. Cling* to th» "Hot Spots" 6. Stronger: film, Greater Pro- 2. Helps Keep Rings Free tection - 3. Guards Against Corrosion 7. Developed for longer Engine 4. Reduces Carbon, Sludge, Life Varnish 8. Improved Engine Performance 9. Less Clogging of Oil Filter 9. Lasts Longer for Mora Mileage Refined and compounded by the >ame adVonced methods used for engine of - developed for the Army ground forces and the Navy fighting ships during World War II, when lubrication was vital for victory. Produced In the same Tfiy OPEN ALL DAY PALM SUNDAY especially built refinery, too. Laboratory tests and testing in passenger and truck motors profo that compounding produces o superior motor oil wltlt the WITH A COMPLETE SELECTION OF nine advantages listed above. Hurry Inl Get extrp sale' saving* on our hew ' • • . • v • ' ' ' '. i premium quality ALLSTATE Compounded Ojl. that'll Improve your motor's Finest Quality Allstate • Easter Flowers • Plants • Corsages performance. Sale ends this Saturday., • Cross Country Battery Regular 35c Grade

: FOR BEST SELECTION PLEASE PLACE •••" • :;: ^ —-r- YOUR ORDERS EARLY. PREMIUM MOTOR OIL S GALLONS In Your Own Container, Guaranteed 18 Months' gal.plus tax..,,.... ••;••",» JQ TRUCK AND TRACTOR OWNERS- •*' * Built with 45 full sized platesJSelacteci separators of I Soye, gel our. lowsale pcjc,e In 54-gal. drum lot*., long-fiber first-quality wood. Delivers cfependabl*, y< COLONIAL FLOWERS round service. Assures quick starting. Automata S EAST FRONT STREET, ' , RED BANK safety vents. 100 ampere hour capacity. For Ford*, < PlymOuths and other medium size ear*.' ' DELIVER ANYWriERE, PHONE 2733.

HAROLD B. GUORGE'L. GLASSEY 27 Monmouth Street . i > W§ '1'Qkt . _ „_„.....

'A,-'" BED BANK BEGISTgB, APBIL 11,1946. ifying a*,* jibarpcboqfer -on U>* Rumson rifle range,- Burlett was trained in Dr. Ru»h,To Addre»« Sale Nets $500 " 4) .nadllmefer automatic gun* of WJ>u , in*fed lukJMiiir wata »ou»i» anti-aircraft artillery. ' . ' Fair HftVen L..6111 For Riverview H»wrpr»t»r». Torborfi StM* Bo». Win Eleanor Alexander oi Allen Sr. {Martla K, Hurt, KW Broad •rt Btgn VUT Im W, OO.. D«at>. W. street baa been confined to her •treet, aptolaJKt Is oaiwer symp- FOR rgUrogtUn, MMwardd TilTiltot o tnii BA 54 Children Helped Hallk.r) ~ home with an Infected linger. • tom, recently returned fropnervJee William Flnnegan, Jr., wai re- In the V. S. Amy asd wilt apeak With Tag Day Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Su»-leased from the army Friday It«m' to the ncmban ot the Air Hewn winkel have returned to their River Camp Shanks, New York. While in Lion* dub tonight at the Willow- Give A FADA Radio Mri. X B. Rue, Jr.. president of road bpme afttr tbsir honeymoon, the service he directed, the orches- brook, Fair Haven. o» A Red Bank auxiliary of R.tv»rvlew Joieph Brownies, former athletic tra at the camp. He will be a free The doctor will give an interest- hospital, announced yeaterday that ooach at the hl»h school, U attend- Janoe musical arranger for Beany ing talk on eanikr control and will PORTABLE ELECTRIC PHONOGRAPH more than (BOO was cleared at the ing the Esstx Medical School at Goodman and Tommy Doraey. answer questions concerning the tag- day held Saturday In the bu«l- Newark. Millard Aumack of Allen street disease. This month has-been des- nes.B area of this borough. Chil- Diane Collla of Lafayette atrett Is expected 'home from the army ignated aa Cancer. Control month dren of'the community sold tags celebrated her third birthday last momentarily. . ' • . . through a proclamation by Presi- EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS throughout the day. . ^ ' week by entertaining a group of Reginald Layton of W«st Park dent Truman and an art of con- Salesmen vho collected the larg- her young friend* at a party at her fought in the state A. A- U. bouts gress. ' . . W* Mm tte Osamgr. w« call tot and. deliver.' est sums were Helen Trimble, $43.- home. at Newark last week.'He was-in : Presldtnt Robert V. Van Brunt 11- Carol Bennett, $39.71:' JJeggy Frank Welnhelmer, principal of the 117-pound class. will preside. Dr. Rush was secured Macdon»ld, $24.04, and Wallace he 'high school, Is attending Rut- L^ejit, Joseph N.. Benedict, was as speaker through the efforts of Pohl, $23.43. gers university this term working released from the army Monday at Barney T. Egeland. Television Radio Service Shop Others selling tags were Nancy or his doctor of philosophy degree. Fort,Dlx. . Johna.on, Alice Dlx, Thomas Kir- Mrs. Bertha Jeffrey has returned Christian.Deleter has taken a po- 15 Main St, EATONTOWN Phone 568. o her Rumson home after a stay Boyi can make pocket mone)r by nan, Joanne Macdonald, Dana sition as superintendent of con- selling the Register—Advertisement Manahan, Betty Randall, Carolyn with her' daughter on Long Island. struction at the DuPont plant at Miller, Carol Pennington, Anita- Her Allen street property ha« been Parlin. , " • Hoffman, Iiawton Hlndle, Jr., Carol old to Lyall Enstice. The John Connells of Jersey City Beer, Jean Church, Susan Hindle, Milton Nichols, athletic director were at their summer home here Christine Church, Kay Gregory, t the high school, and his assists over the week-end, • - . Jane Bean, Beverly Cooper, Hardy ant, Jame»' Koken, attended the coaches' convention at the Hotel Artiiur Cook spent the week-end DeVoe, Virginia Brfftfield, Thomea at his summer' home on Church Boeqkel, Christy DeVoe, Charles McAlpln, New York city, Friday and Saturday. street. For Your Olin, Karla Schrlftgelsser, Sue Jack Deisler Is home with his Stephens. Robert Retissllle, Jr., Mrs. John Jennings, Sr., has been parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian <* Peggy Molnar, Dean Haviland. on a trip to Washington visiting Deisler, for the spring vacation Corrlno Erlcteon, Eleanor Dodge, her daughter, Mrs. Robert Drake, from Lehlgh university. Betty Moore, Ann Jansky, Theodore who is confined to Walter Reed Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hecht were DRIVE OUT TO.... Labrecque, Jr., Sue and Jean Bot- hospital.- John Jennings, Jr, ac- awarded a. ton of coal at the Cal- kln, MarV^Sullivan, Roberta Mac- companied her, valca.de of Progress at Asbury Park IotrifBlnf tripltf-mlirond dohald, Janet Magee, Marshall Joseph Rosati, biology teacher, last week. plaitie compact in attrac- Whltfleld, Gall Stoothoff, Janet 'ho is on leave from the high Many local residents journeyed tive ahadta. Fashioned in Muyskens, Eva-Lore Heyman, Mar- school. Is taking a physical educa- to Long Branch Monday night to Millbrook Farm Greenhouses minUtura hand mirror ityU cla Hoffman, Beverly Hoffman, tion course for his master's degree celebrate "Auchlncloss Night" and — compkto with HpiticV, Jean ' Hyan, "Woody" Campbell, at Columbia university. hear the former mayor's talk. ON THE KEYPORT RD., NEW MONMOUTJ1 raug*, powdtr-aiiur and Anne Gregory, Sandra Selgel, Bar- Mrs. Frank Mayer, has been a puffi. Rafill eniemblet bara Smith, Peter Foster and JUdy medical patient at Riverview hos- Bertram H. Borden has returned available in.matchtd color Portner. pit*). from' a vacation at Sea Isle, GERANIUMS - TULIPS - HYACINTHS • HYDRANGEAS - DAISIES harmoniM. Georgia. Auxiliary members In charge _, Mickey Walker, former resident, : Norman Burlew has taken a po- were Mrs. Robert G. Macdonald, has secured his Equity card and sition at Mount's in Red Bank. Alto a'Wide Selection of Flower and Vegetable Plants Mr«. C. S. Dodge, Mrs. Robert had a role In the play "Walk Hard", Lieut, and Mrs,.Donald Jones are Reusellle, Mrs. Thomas N. Doremus in* New York. .Although the play- parents of a eon born Friday at /•/». JO* Ftd. T,x and Mrs. George T. Llnton. closed after seven performances, Walker received excellent notices Monmouth Memorial.hospital. Mrs. rom the critic*. - Jones is the former " Miss Ruth OUTSTANDING FLORAL DESIGNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Realtors To Meet William Fogelaon, popular owner Thompson of this place. . ,,D The Monmouth County Board of of the Rumson pharmacy, ruptured The Candle Light a blood vetsel in his right eye last Realtors will. meet, next Wednes- Thursday. He has been under a Everett Phone: Middletown 346. Deliveries. 767 River Road, Vtir Haven, N". f. day at the Chateau, .Routs 35, As- doctor's care. . • Lieut. Viola Warneker has re- bury Park. The directors will con- ceived her discharge from theAriny vene at 6 p. m. and dinner will be Tom Howard of Rumson road is now appearing on a transcribed Nurse Corps at Camp Bowie, Texas, served at 6:30 o'clock. after a year'* aervlce. She Is the" At the meeting there will be a morning skit over W H N, New NOTICE TO CREDITORS! tha data of laid order; and any creditor York. laughter of Mr. at\d -Mrs. Bernard neglectlne to J>rlnf In and txhlblt hit, panel discussion about the GI loans. Varneker. EaUti of ANKETXB TILFORD HAS- her or their claim, under oath within Edwin R. Conover, Tom Howard At the monthly meeting of the KELU Dtcaand. tht time 10 limited wilt ba fonver Oceanic Hook and Ladder com- Mrs. J. T. Berry of New York and Arthur Moore will lead the dis- lty spent the week-end with Mr. Punuant to the order of the Ordinary btrrld of hll, htr or their action there- cussion and answer questions from pany, Cornelius - Shay and John of tb> Prerogative Court of New Jer- for affainst the Executors, Scheldt were admitted aa new md Mrs. W. ,E. Wlmpey. ter made on the 26th liny of March, A. Dated the 26th day of March, A. D., members. Edward .Manigold, son of Mr. and D. ©na thousand nine hundred and forty- Arthur Morgan Creighton of members, Raymond Desmond was aix, nolict Ji hereby given to all per- AMOKV X. HASKELL and appointed the company's represen- Mrs. Gail Manigold, Is confined to LEON LEVINSON •ona having cluims against the estate Bayonne, who has opened a branch Tiis home by illness. . ANNE H. ELLIS. office In Avon and who has been in tative to the Monmouth County of Annette Tilford Himkell, late of the Executors. Fireman's league. The dates for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ca»arvas and County of Monmouth; d«c«ai*d, to Dre- PERCY W. CRANE, thrAal estate business in Bayonne the annual fair were set at August' Mrs. Jenny Planchon of Corona, lent tha mine, under oath to the fuh- Proctor. 21 years, has made application for jcrlbers on or before thi 2»tb day of 1 Exebanffa Place, . . . 24-31. Long Island, spent the week-end at September, next, being alx month! from active membership In the 'Mon- their home here. Jeriej City, N. J. mouth county organization. Richard Stark has been dis- Announces charged from the Marine.Corps and PFC. James Casarvas has re- h.ea resumed as a free lance an- :eived his discharge from the army. nouncer over national networks. He Mrs. Langdon Gcer of New York handled tho Frank Sinatra show :lty has been visiting her son and last week. laughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. THE OPENING OF HIS STORE Harold Kerr has purchased a 3hippen Geer at their home, Meth- Thousands of youngsters take their first ste^s home on South street, Red Bank, ey Green. ' and Is planning to move there-On Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller AT the near future. spent the week-end at Trenton as Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCor- guests of Mr. and" Mrs. Arthur mlck, Jr., returned home last week Stryker. . 10 MECHANIC ST., RED BANfC from Florida, where Mr. McCor- ,Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weir of mlck engaged In fishing. , 'efona spent the week-end at their • ....•': ON I Miss Emily Pearsall's sixth grade lOme here. . CHUBB 11$ class will take a trip to New York Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stllwell. tomorrow. They • will vielt the Mrs. Edna Stlllwoll, Barbara and Museum of Natural History and Edward- Stillwell spent Sunday at c other points of interest. Packanack Lake, visiting Mr. and Scientifically designed for little feet! George Martin, Jr., his returned Mrs. Theodore Stillwell. Friday, April 12th to Rumson for the summer season The Morris sisters are rcorgan- after spending the winter In New zing their orchestra, and will have York. Jieir brother, Joseph Morris, as vo- Walter Kerr has purchased the :alist. They are now helding re- WITH A COMPLETE LINE OF Allen estate on Lafayette street and _-BaI» at their horns here. Or- High Shoes is renovating it for futuri occu- ihestra members are Angellne Mor- pancy. is, pianist and leader; Marie Mcr- in White Jack Cooke, Jr., .and family of .JP tenor sax; Roso Morris, trum- Hoboken have opened their Lafay- iet; Anna Morris, saxophbno and ' BUILDER'S HARDWARE, or Brown ette street home for the summer. arlnet, and Gloria. Morris, drum- Barton Shea is a patient at the ler. 19 Riverview hospital, where he" le re- HOUSEWARE and PAINT *2 covering from a broken !«g suf- 565 MUNICIPALITIES fered In an accident Friday morn- There are 565 munlcipalitlei In ing when Ills car hit a tree on Tew Jersey, <1T having leas than Rldga road, near Blngham avenue. He was taken to the hospital In the i.OOO, population, according to the borough ambulance by Walter Neu- Slew Jersey Council. There are six Distributors For HORN PAINTS hauser and Ray McGlrr. titles with more than 100,000 pop- ilatlon and 12 cities with more William Shay has taken a posi- han 50,000. tion with the Seaboard Ice com- pany. / Lieut, and Mrs. Ronald Jones of Fair Haven road are the parents of a son born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. * READE'S RED BANK MOVIE GUIDE * * Mrs. P. J. Byrne and her daugh- ter Nancy of Washington avenue have'returned home after spending several months In St. Petersburg, Florida. Pvt. Abram Burlett, -Jr., of 11 READE'S CARLTON READE'S STRAND West street has completed his basic MONMOUTH STKEET PHONE E. B. IBM BBOAD 8TBKET . PHONE B. & U0« training at the anti-aircraft re- placement training center at Fort MATINEE DAILY 2:80 EVENTNGS 7-9 MAXENXB DAU.T t;tt EVENINQ8 T-» Blta, Texas. He will be assigned COMTINVOCS SATTJKDAT • SXTSVAT OONTUOJOUS 8ATOBDAT • SJTNDAY to occupation troops. Besides Qual- • • • i • • • NOW THRU SATURDAY! NOW THRU SATURDAY! ATLANTIC , mm smnoE IOVE UD TO ROfAANTIC MUSICAL REVUEI Thum., FrL, Bat. - Sat. Mat DOROTHY McGUIRE luium GEORGE BRENT MFR» BRAKE • JANET IIAII ETHEL BARRYMORE •1,5* —ALBO— in fDWARD G. JOAN DAN ' > "THE ROBINSON • BENNETT • DURYEA •THE GENTLEMAN MISBEHAVES" -SPIRAL STAIRCASE" with Robert Stanton * Ota Maucn - Also — Added Attraction 3 DAYS BEG. SUNDAY! * SUNDAY & MONDAY * "FRONTIER DAYS" !*.,.».-., .,, '...... ' -•"; ta-r- " - Goodyear Technicolor —"RED- «SONC.OP Stitolied DRAGON" MEXICO* Sun., Mon,, Tiiej., Wed, -wlth- •••wRhi— TRIA NO LK Children's Slibeg are made of leathers carefully selcctcJ^for 'Sun. Cont frem ttf, M. SIDNEY TOLER ADELE MARA hofiiK'.-!- iitiil flexibility, The lasts over whijcli these shoes lire built, allow 1 M "OHUUUCB CRAM" Edgar Barrier iiAipJi. rrioMj for little Iocs to grow, provide gentle Mipport where .needed. ' BING CROSBY At Easter, and all year-— INGR1D BERGMAI)P TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY l! -'IN- 'Yourdolhr biiys MORE(in:a:TRlANGLE Stoie.!" 1 Rosalind Russell "Dakota'* Lee Bowman "The « -with- ' Bells -In- of jf,. ^^^rr^^m^^^^^^^ JK;- RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. gram prepared by the Bucday * Radio Programs wJwol unier direction ot Un, Hat- tie Walstrom, MUp#rtnt*oA*Bt, MM, WaWrom is hopeful that toe many children now absent becawe of ill- nasi will have recovered by Easter In. order to participate In that To Health Nurses Boater service, which baa been es- pecially planned for them. Special Meeting At Highland*. Wrecking and Rigging • "til company, beaded by Matt Horan; is. - Monmouth Memorial the name of a new flrm specializing in wrecking old buildings and re- Open To The Public moving trees. ' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Davles, 2S ,, Four of nullo's beat-known pro- Jackson street; are the parents of I grama will serve, a double purpose a son born Saturday at Monmouth I'- when they yf\\\ ba used u the basis Memorial hospital. ' • >' of a program In observance of August C. Quast and family, who Bern coffe?-iysr. freshly'routed and v "Know Jour Public Health Nurse have been spending, the winter at i 'Weak" to be.presented tonight at West Palm Beach, are expected freshlj ground .. ."fa realcoffee at its y ( o'clock at the Borden auditorium home this week. grand-tasting Bestl^Tha^s^why A&P. la Monmouth Memorial hospital. Sponsored by this county commit- Coffee is sold onlyjnjthe whole, roaster s. taa in charge of the week's actfvl- Plan* Completed . '. ties, the.program Is open to the fresh bean... and Custom Ground at the - public Mrs. Allison Stern and Miss very moment of purchase, You'll know . , TOlnona Darrah are .in 'genera! For "Show Time" you'Ve tasted real coffee with your first ' charge. * • Plane have been completed for Miss Evelyn T. Walker, executive "Show Time," which will be pre- sip of finer,* freshet A&Pr Coffee.' 6et i, director of' the Monmouth County sented Wednesday night sit 8:30 7 Organization- for Social Service, your favorite blend today! ' " :i 1 o'cloek-WK the River street school i**l - will serve as moderator for the en- auditorlumS-Jlhil Brito, one of the •K tire program; and Joseph F. Em- screen's and radio's, newest singing mona will be the announcer. The stars will be the feature attraction. MOf first program to be emulated will 51' Also included are Paul Falcone, VICOOUS AN6 WINtY be "Information, Please," with Miss comlcj Peggy and Bernie, Amer- Walker substituting lor Clifton ica's foremost roller skating team; Fadiman as master of ceremonies. Harriet ganders, Latin Quarter* The board of experts will include singing star; Ray Letts of Barnum Mrs. Samuel Riker, Jr., represent- & Bailey circus fame; flick Ruaso, ing health and welfare agencies; novelty dancing;' Mighty Andy, Mrs. Arthur J. White, women's or- strong man, and VanBarnet, magic ganizations; John L. Montgomery, deluxe. ' Treafe county official!; • Dr. Stanley 'fink Nichols, county puyslctans; Vincent Music- for dancing after the show will be furnished by Pete Oal- Crisp salad greens ... tender, young vegetable* ... and J. Gorman, county health officers; atro's orchestra. Proceeds will Dr. E. A. deMonseigle, county den- bjsnefit local charities. Tickets may firm, juicy fruits — they're all thriftily priced at A&P! tist, and Mrs. Nicholas Graff, coun- 1 STORE HOURS be~Arocured at Tustlng * music Serve several every day without taxing your budget. ty mothers. • : shop or at the/door. "One Man's family" will bring to 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. the microphone Mrs. Kathleen Shafto, R. N., supervisor of ' the Direct Fran California Farms- MONDAY Matawan Public Health Nursing River Plaza through . association, as Mother Barber; Mrs. Ardenia Latnbertson as (Th. R«d Bank EegiiUr e«n b« bought 11b. SATURDAY Claudia, Paul Zlegler as Pinkie In River Plan from John Voorbl.) SUPErTMARKET^ Barber, Miss Dorothy Zlegler as Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hassell and bulk the public health nurse1, and Miss daughters, Joanne and Mary Jane Marie DeBoer as a .student nurse. have returned from a month's trip |THE_ GREAT ATLANTIC 4 PACIFIC TEAjCO. » Participants In "The Doctors Talk In the South. They. visited at It Over" will be Dr. Nichols and Shreveport, Louisiana, and Hous- Miss Harriet B. Cook,-both of ton, Texas. ' , whom will explain the value of a Mr. and Mrs. Domenlo Pallone good school physical examination. A NEW CABBAGE GRAPEFRUIT 7 have sold their house oh Applegate feature of this part of the program ~* will be the showing of the film, street. From Mr. and Mrs. George Klnkade, lbs. '"When Bobbie Goes to School," Southern Farms which hu been released under the Jr., are parents of a daughter born SPINACH ORANGES 8 65 auspices of the American Academy last week at Riverview hospital. of Pediatrics. The Infant has been named Nancy Freshcisp bchs The final program will be the Carol. lbs. portrayal of Drew Pearson's fa- Robert T. Calb, U. S. Navy, who FRESH PEAS GELERY 2 25° mous "Predictions of Things to is stationed at Boston, is home on Come," by Miss Amelia H. Grant. a 30-day leave. .' From The vastly Important work of the Miss Marion Kaney spent last Western Farms bunch, public health nurse, her value to weok-end at Emaus, Pennsylvania. CARROTS POTATOES; 10 45 Mrs. Franklyn P. Sniffen has re- ' the community and the relation of 1 her work to the general health and turned from a three-week* visit Fresh well-being of the entire county will with her son. Rev. Kenneth Sn(ffen Medium Size each >„• be emphasized during the evening. of Brighton, California. PINEAPPLE WALNUTS 41 Charles Acker has sold his home on Manning street. Highlands Capt. Croft Grantham, U. S. Army Alr'Force, who Is an instruc- Buy Our Eggs With Confidence! (Th« B«d Bank Refftater can b« bought tor at Williams field, Arizona, Is Smart homewive. preier AAP Efgt. became they're alwa>« uniformly (< In Hllhlandi at Flnlay'n. Dedle'< Drau home on leave. "He made the trip in tute, flavor and nouriihment . . . alwaya to appetizing and .atiifyi Store, Shlpktn'i, e«nual Riilroiil »taL.nn by plane. M and Adtrai and Ciunmlngs, new.paper The 500 club met last week at LARGE. FRESH. GRADE 'A'-SUNNYBROOK BRAND ' The regular Church School board the home of Mrs. Charlotte Even- Of education was held Monday den. MVs. James- McPhee had high night at the Methodist parsonage, score, and others present were with C. F. Matthews,. Mrs. Mrs, Edward Hendricks, Mrs. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS ^M. . Hattie Walstronv Mrs. John M. James Taylor, Mrs. William^ Kaney, Long, and the pastor present Mrs. J. J. McClairi, Mrs. Russell LARGE, FRESH, GRADE T-WILDMERE BRAND m .4* the board, and Mrs. Gertrude John Clark and Mrs. Edward H. Scatter- son and Miss N'aomi Cann prasonl good. u teachers. The purchase of 15C From Nearby Easter flowers for distribution to Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fox and BROWN s WHITE EGGS 46= Firms! the children of the schuol was son will spend the week-end at and don't forget- approved, and consideration of the Candelwood Isle, Danbury, Con- Easter program presented by th( necticut, with Dr. and Mrs. Harry Sunday school at the evening ser- C. Knight. Mrs. Fox's mother, Faas Egg Dyes 3*»25* vice of the church was planned. Mrs. Ralph H. Burr, Sr., will re- Mr. -VValstrom and Miss Esthei turn with the family to spend two On sale in air Dairy Departments Dennis represent The committee fo; months here. this program. A committee for th Jflss Bette Browne, who haa planning of- the Methodist Student been serving as a flight mechanic Day observance wajs appointed by for more than three years with the the pastor and Include* Mre. Wal-Royal Air Force in Scotiand and atrom, Mrs. Dennis, Miss Cann and England, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Johnson. The last hour was James M. McPhee. ! •pent as a worker's conference In Aunt Jemima TLS!" ^ 12c a discussion of techniques and Russel Tetley, Albert McBrlde, Aunt Jenima'^r1"." 16c problems of teaching suggested by George Vasselman, John Fowler HOMt CLEANING NfEOS1 the teachers present, and Russell Clark represented the River Plaza Hose company- at the Quaker Oats . ><>«».. 12c The Women's Society of Christ- Mtddletown Township Fire com- Rolled Oats tmmtu ^t1< ian service met Tuesday evening pany officers' meeting recently at at the home of their president, Mrs. Lincroft fire house. Post Corn Toasties 2'£, 18 c | Ib.i OTHER Lottie Fahrer, 86 Barberie avenue, .<$ Corn Flakes *w»mti» •<>i.Pk,.5c A large delegation of the Inter- mediate youth fellowship group Is Baker's •«»•• Cocoa '*M0« going to New Brunswick Saturday H Ibi .^tfrpiAN afternoon' for the bi-monthly rally Baker's Cocoa ,°£* JM9e at Highland Park church. The lona Cocoa ">•«*• 9c >* <*« 15c \ 20 oz group will be under the direction • cans of Mrs. Hattie Walstrom and. vll Del Monte Prunes M- ^ 16c leave from the church at ' 4:30 Baker's cSalouu ^fcb"16c ,«a ^ Aramimla o'clock. tmt m Laundry BUaeh *k-9i Mrs.' Grace Cottrell of Fourth Dromedary K? *.1Be ^ street hag returned home after a Seedless Raisins K& 12> Clorox or Dazzle two weeks' visit with friends at Tangerine Juice »~-20e Cod Rose-X Bleach &. Port Jervis, New York. Prepared Prunes RJff X 19e Salmon s Mrs. Mary E. Brown of Belford Mott's Apple Juice - - 25c 0y8lW Buy* i "33" Bleach la visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. ri Prepared Pnnee "'SSS™ "^28o 12. Cottrell. ...••. Tomato Juice .;. r««.-11e [Bin-White Flakes Mrs. John Lynch of Newark V-8 Cocktail ri5c^31« Tenderonl »«c»Hf» •pent part of last week with Mrs, •Zero Cojeman. Vegamato '!.' 14c ;.v30c Scoop .Is, 19i Commander Fred Kteferdorf pre- Carfot Juice "E»E»"""-"»16t sided at the first meeting of the Snider's Chill Sauce 20e SpiesSpn ,lz -21e local post of the Veterans of For- FRESH VEGETABLES n is Campbell's .MS, 3 ^»24. - "4c Colman's Mustard «*«.*• 9c KirkmiR'8 ClMBNr eign Wars held last Wednesday. Arc Extra Nourishing 3-14. Election of Officers will take place HOME QUALITY, The Clapp's at the meeting to. be held next Whole KiKXEL Corn«... «r 15c Hormel Chill igRftSS ^^aeGold Dust . . same good Ingredients . . . Extra Delicious Wednesday in the American Legion ci' Croarnod with Golden Corn Wr.\\7, ri4c Vienna Sausage «O.*EL-12c Wrkman'sJ^^S .hall. .. <&L you use, but-precision- Clapp's '"jtjtgsr* 2*.«27e Chopped Spinachico"rr '"17c s , ,^Q FelsNapthaSoap*3i3i.-»-8« Palm Sunday In tfi» Methodist mixed for delicious re-, parn Hamirmm iU ' church will be observed with Kippered Snacks «»"$„« 17c Deerfield Spinach '««"»14e party Loaf WH,".>J."- »»»'ZZe suits. That's why the 1 Dlf Cleanser . . apeclal .anthems and preaching Steero "jftgjr «K«-~15I' £ 3 the 11 o'clock service. The choir new Ibpova is so popu- Red Kidney .f. r.l, 2 r 21c Broadcast Redl-MeaU? 33c Dlf Hand Cleaner ' will sing the anthem, "Hosanna to Mushroom WtoXS •«.«..0e the Xing," and George King will lar. A single package Diced Carrots JSu '-""13c Claridgge Hamburgerg s '148«:n c Boraxo'•««*«•** 2 ttl render the traditional '|Palms," makes, 8 to 12 wonder-, Red Cabbage - Rev. John M. Long will preach on "«»17c Sliced Beef ™°"> ^- ^14e ^re-Solvents »M1iit27« "The Great Commission." The fully light popovers. Just CHo^B,!,v Sauerkraut »< »«.«.12C Peach Jam »««•»- >^59c Washing Soda »*• Rainbow choir, under direction of add eggs and milk, MMkrom SoupmtroNt n*« 15o ""MftrOoldie King, -will have-, a Cut Beets »»*!„* 3.«.«.i2| |2 c MarmaladMarmalade «., 116h,25c C-M Disinfectant ft specially prepared number. Miss Nedra Rogers will be organist'. In Diced Beetsm*i«.K-12O Marmalade Oaklte the evening the pastor will bring a cheering message on "The Christ- 2 ian of Today." Habitant Pea Soup 2 r2Se Baked Beans 'Ai\.»--i«15e Flakorn OOMMIFFINMIX M.13C - During Holy Week, the local And here are two Betty Crocker ?;; ^i!,? 3 «*«• 25c EVAPORATED B&M Baked Beans "•> 15c Flako Pie Crust . «"13eFloor Wax .««.T «IL .»-29* church will co-operate with the, more qusllty 3 community churches Holding mUei— 8 w )o ,;:i2c Oz Ice Cream Mix ?«p*.28c Johnion'l u^of*r A, 55* &9t* special meeting! at nearby towns, 1 French Kettle "tr ^23o Beans" On Holy Thursday the local church T U u CANS ..... "ri2c G.Washington Coffee r 65c A-Penn 'ViW* * wilt observe Holy Communion at CamptiBll's .X 3%' 25c 4 Catsup »<> Hi7c Nescafe . . . >i«29e Old Dutch Cleanser Z-- 7:80 p. m., and on Good Friday Campbell's'S •'. Iflin will be speolal music, and preach- 9m*m*mw*. GRAPEFRUIT ISS Phillips Beans A ?ri7p mail Flmni. H alive Plants !•' •", Bab-0 . . . 21^- ing by the paator. ile Kraft Her.eradlib MuitardVSo Renuzlt ,,rw !.*i65«'^1 Baiter Sunday the paator will : ;—:—— : , Phillips Beans S« griaoh at 11 o'clook an "Life Aften Hoxon Metal Polish"-^ 17c A-Penn CLE!!Su SlSSe '£ ttb," wl«j special mwilo by the •'"" "-lend* and number, are ORANGE .JUICE^A2r29»r3S«!^^ to hi JUICE LUX FLAKES SWAN^bAP fllltUt m:,\ Wh«rl Avillible r vtua': , tjvticnvi in wvm w\imns ANDSH:II- senna- STORKS OHLY 10' Six. BED BANK* REGISTER. APRIL 11,1946. will join with the other churches A. M. At th« evening atrvlee, Rev; of our «*ea in" services. The Frances Stevenson will preach a i to J3«nlthfi»l4, Virginia, *nd moved Rep. Auchinclow EMS PERTAINING TO Maundy Communion service will b*' sermon entitled, {'Eternal Spirit,' loJfea JteJfht *»>••» ago/ «•'" - held In this church next Thursday with tbe organist, - Mr».. Marlon Mrs. Prjee- m * member of K. HonoredJSy GOP at 8 p. m. Storer, and Afre.' Margaret Dee- IiUke'e church, Bu, Bright, and a preaux, eoprtno, in charge of the charter member of Golden link !OUfi LOCAL CHURCHES ' FIBST METHODIST music. ' and Vicinity chapter, Order of Baettrri * Star. New York*. Bennet | '• V Atlantic Highlands Surviving U one eon, Edvnrd U holy urn*. 'Who torflvath all thine "The King Rides _On in Majesty" BAPTIST Price. Funeral Mrvlee*'are being Ltuds Congressman . COkOREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL Jnlqultlei, who healeth all thy dis- la tbe theme of the Palm Sunday Leonardo JOHN W. MAXSON She had alto been active tor many held this afternoon at the church. Congressman James G, Auohiii- Red Bonk eases; who redeemeth thy life from sermon by Rev. Roy E. 'Williams, The Edna Woodward auxiliary years In Sons and Daughter* of clAie^candldate for.re-eleotlon, was „ I"rid*y, April 12, (NUila 11)— Funeral sirvices tot John W. UBS. OWZ JGHIUJS destruction." (Pi. .103:1, 3, *)• Jr. In addition to tbe sermon there will entertain the Women's Mission' Maxson, 85, who died at his Port Liberty circles, being associate honored Monday night at Long,: Cai-vioea begin it 8 p. m. Light councilor it Pride of Crescent 1 Correlative passages from "Scl? will be special music by the choirs ary society tomorrow night at the Monmouth home Friday, were held MM. Oils Chllds, 62, of Latham Branch * Procter auditorium a* the i Candles M 0:11 p. m. Rabbi Hers- ence and Health with Key to the under direction of Roy Jeffrey and church. The speaker will be Mrs. council, Eatontown, at the time of avenue, Naveslnk, died Monday at Affiliated Republican clubs of MOE- "" hon will officiate * at thii service, there' »yeaterday afternoon, with her death. A large delegation from Scriptures," by Mary Baiter Eddy, Mrs. John Gawler, and a short chil- George Wood of Ocean Grove, who Rev." Paul J. Myers, pastor of Bel- Elisabeth. General hospital, ElUa- mouth county gathered at a "Jin ~ ' which la dadloaUd to,.and will b* include: * dren's sermon,-A number of adults will give an Interpretation of Afri- Eatqntown conducted its funeral beth, ' . , Auchinolosi Wight", celebration and *• eonduoUd ty the -children of the ford Methodist church, officiating. "Sin, sickness and death must be and young people -will -ifhite in ca. '• • \ "• rites last night at 'the Wake real, - The funeral will be held this af- heard the Rumson representative - H«br«w aad Suads.y-#ch«ol8. Rabbi The cortege to Fairview cemetery deemed as devoid' of reality a* they membership with the church at . Rev. James R. Roy will be the dence. , . • ternoon at 2 o'clock at Qulnn chap- extolled by New York'* Oftngree*- 'XTsrabon will deliver the. seraVon-. was largely attended and over' SO will |»f • - of. good, • God.? (p. 625).. guest preacher Sunday morning. The au'dden and unexpected death el, Middletown township. Rev. B.man Augustus W. Bennet. . VAfUr UM Mrvie* refreshments v this service. floral tributes lined, the graveside. The Junior Christian Endeavor so- of Miss Wake was a shock to theHarmon, pastor, will officiate. In- Mr. Bennet, a freshman T»prf- "' in etrved during tb« social hour in Church' school will convene at Mr. Maxson was born at Port ciety will .meet at 2:30 in the after- business firm where she had given terment, under the direction of the ssntative who defeated Himlltoa": 'the "auditorium. All ara invited to FIEST METHODIST 9:£0 o'clock for beginners and prim- Monmouth, October 7, 1880, the son noon. - The youth 1ellp'wahip will long and efficient services'and to Posten funeral home, Atlantic Fish in WU'M Dubllclied race, told/' attend Red Bank ary children; at 8:45 o'clock lor of John F, and Eliza Phillips Max- meet at 7 o'clock. ' At the evening the memben of the Sons and Highlands, will be in Crystal the OOP men that the Republicans ' , Saturday, ApriliS, • (Nissan. 12}— Palm .Sunday morning at 11 other children and young people; at son. H« is survived. by his wife, service several candidates will be- Daughters of Liberty lodges Stream cemetery. may again gain control pt Cpngrasa Services (tart at 9:30 a. m. "Shab- o'clock there will be the Sacra- 10 o'clock for the Woman's Bible Mrs.. Annte. Dennis Maxson; .two baptised. . : '. .- . this year becauae of the possibility >' ment of Baptism of infants and class. Youth fellowship will meet at daughter*, Mrs". Frank Burrow of throughout .tbe county and particu- Mn. Childs is survived by a sis- . m., the XM and YWMA will con- byterian church; Holy Communion, Grote, Charles Rutt and - George Woolley funeral home, Long hymns, "Hosanna, loud Hosanna" earth," he cautioned returning' vene in the Community Center. The union service for Palm..Sun- minister of the ^iost church in Yarnell.' Branch, and a requiem mass was At present there is no such clinic and "Ride On, Ride On In Majes- heroes not to hold the thought that The .Jewish juniors, under the day evening at 8 o'clock will be charge, assisted by the ministers of celebrated by Father Griffin at the in the county and medical men foe) America owes them a living. ty," organ postlude, "Triumphal Star of the Sea church. The bearers guidance/of Misses Biederrnan and held in the Methodist chapel. The all the associating churches; Fri- MRS. BARBARA BATJMER that there Is an urgent need- for Other speakers Included County March," Brewer, were James Moran, Sr.,' James Goldin, will hold their meeting on sermon by the pastor will have as day, from 2 to. 3 p. m., St. Mary's one. Contributions in the current Chairman Russell Woolley. Milton its theme, "Why Holy Week1?" \ Mrs. Barbara Baumor, 79, died at Lang, Sr., James Lang, Jr., George drive will go to. support the so- Wednesday, April 17, at 7:30 p. m., • During the morning worship ser- chapel of the Methodist church, a Her heme on route 36, Port Mon- Grant of Rockland county, New Lang, Bruce Cameron' and Jeate 1 vice there will be a nursery class There will be special music by the Good Friday devotional service with ciety's program of education and York; Mayor Louis M. Hague of-* ,&t the Center, choir. • " ' • rrtwjfh, Tuesday morning, after a Noone. research to fight this disease. PassOver services, Monday, April conducted for children of parents the minister of the host church in short .Illness. Burial services will Rumson, and'Mayor Edgar-©. Mur- who desire to attend the service charge, assisted by- Rev. Charles P. be conducted this afternoon at the Mr. Mulligan was formerly a phy, director of the county1 Board 15, 7 p. m. (First Seder), Tuesday, FIRST PRESBYTERIAN April 16, 9:30 a. m. and 7. p. m. from 11 to 12-o'cdock. Johnson, Rev. Howard Ervln and Scott funeral home in.Belford at 2 brakeman for the New York and DIVORCE GRANTED. of Freeholders. '-* Shrewsbury Rev. William. D. Powell; Friday Long Branch railroad and was ' (Second Seder, chanting of-Tal-lat Palm Sunday bulletins will be the o'clock. A decree of divorce was granted Omer); Wednesday, April 17, 9:30gift of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mackey In John C. Taylor, the Interim pas- evening, Leonardo Baptist church, Born in Switzerland, November 1, later employed by the Monmouth RUMMAGE 8ALB concert, Stalner's "Crucifixion," Consolidated water company. to Mrs. Rosa Dodson of Manasquan a. m. The holiday of Passover is remembrance of their mother, Mrs. tor, will speak at the Sunday morn- 1866, she was the daughter of Julius against Harold Dodson on grounds Shrewsbury auxiliary of Mor- the exemplification of that ever Minnie Mackey. < ing service at 11 o'clock. Organ rendered by the United choral so- Nadlg and Barbara Freltag. She He was the son of the late Ber- ciety under the direction of Rev. of desertion, before Advisory Mas- mouth Memorial hospital will hold great and eternal vision of liberty. The altar flowers for Palm Sun- numbers,. Including a prelude, of- was the widow of John Baumer; nard and Bridget-Trench Mulligan, Ellu-ood S. Wolf. ter Trapp at Freehold Wednesday. a rummage sale at the Episcopal' Historically It is a commemoration day will honor the memory of Mrs. fertory and postlude, will be playett Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. and he to survived by two brothers, Bernard Mulligan of Red Bank and Mrs. Dodson was represented by parish house on'West Front street *ot the Jewish declaration of inde- Annie E. Ryerson and wiliobe the by Misa Ella.King. . , All evening services will be held Ernest Meyer of Neghanic; Mrs. Florence F. Forgotson of Broad Thursday and Friday, April 25, and:, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hodg- Albert Zeller of West Orange; Mrs. John Mulligan of Freehold. Dr. pendence and the Biblical recount The eyeriing service will bo held at 8 o'clock. • Ed.iv.ird W. Mulligan of Red Bank street. . J 26, from 10 a. m. until 4 p. m. ing of the exodus of the Jews from klss. at 7:45 o'clock. The order of wor- JohnHavis of- Linden and Mrs. Adolph. Vivian of Connecticut; la a nephew of- the deceased. the privations ol Egyptian Blavery. A Lenten drama, "The Terrible ship, conducted by the minister, FIEST PRESBYTERIAN Meek," will h# presented on thewill Include the showing, of a re- three sons, John J. Baumer of. Interment was in Mount Carmel Atlantic Highlands Northport, Long Island; Anthony J. cemetery. , rBBM.JYTEB.IAJf stage of fellowship hall Sunday at ligious film entitled "The Prodigal 8 p. m by the committee for relig- Son." Morning prayer and sermon for Baumer. of Port Monmouth, and Red Bank MRS. BEATRICE SNIVELY ious drama of the church. Special Sunday school will convene at Palm Sunday will be at 11 o'clock Frank T. Baumer of Staten Island, and 11 grandchildren. Rev. John A. Hayes wil rpeak bulletins have been prepared for 9:45 a. m. -with classes for children with Rev. Donald N. Correal The funeral of Mrs. Beatrice to the congregation Sunday morn- this program. of all ages. The devotional period preaching. The subject will be "The Rev. Paul J. Myers of the Be'-Snlvely, 60, wife of Harry Norman Ing, the observance of Palm Sun- The church board of education which precedes the lesson will be Great Coronation of the King of ford Methodist church will officiate Snively, who died Saturday at the -A llrony characteristic of our strvlct ii the ipirit . day, on the subject, "Behold Thy will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday, April :onducted by George C. Shoemaker. ngs." Special music for the dayand cremation will be performed at New 'Jersey State hospital at Marl- King." The quartet will render will be brought by the chancel 16, in fellowship hall. The Thimble The membership class composed the Rosehlll crematory tn Linden. boro, following a lengthy illness, of fairntu that prtaominaltt at all- Until. •special vocal selections during the choir, As a part of the service club will meet Wednesday, April 17, of young people who are planning was held Monday. Cremation, un- •worship service at 11 o'clock. there will he installation of Ar- at the home of Mrs. Blddle, 116 to unite with the church Easter FERDINAND STOLZ. der the direction of the Worden The annuST Ladies' night and re- Broad street. thur Sunday, will hold its final lesson in Stryker to the trusteeship of Ferdinand Stolz, 80, of Mohtrose funeral home, was at Rose Hill ception to returned servicemen and the parsonage Sunday at. 9:45 a. -the church, ,. crematory, Linden. women of the church will be held REFORMED road, Marlboro, committed suicide alm. The* church session wilWilll meem.,tt Sunday-school meets at 10 o'clock last Thursday at his home by r3. Snively was born at Los An- by the Brotherhood tomorrow night Red Bank with the group. with classes for all ages. es, California, a daughter of the at 8:15 o'clock in the social hall. shooting himself in the head with The Sunday youth' service will be The combined meeting of the The Women's Missionary society late John and Dorothea Phillipi. 11 Ion nt ' Iff lent oria l J4om e _ All are cordially welcome to an will attend the women's Fresby- a ,38 caliber revolver, state police held at 9:30 under the direction of Helping Hand Society and the E, S. of the Howell barracks have re- She made her home for the past evening of fun and varied enter- Leon Pennington. The service of terial, which will meet at Hlghts- six months with her daughter, Mrs. Valentine Missionary society will ported. ^TrtUtrtc _/\. Staami, fllyr. • tainment. Buffet refreshments will Divine worship will begin at 10:45 be held this afternoon at the home town Presbyterian church next Dorothea DcErettcville, Naveslnk be served. a. m. During this worship hour, Thursday. Cars will leave at 9 a. m. The investigating officers stated avenue,' Highlands, going 'here of Mrs. C. Frank Borden, Broad the act was due to Illness. They The annual reorganization meet- Holy Communion will be commem- street. Mrs.'Walter B. .Williams of The scnlor young people's fellow- from Saratoga, New York, '.here also reported that the body was 135 W. %ont St. &J Banl, DtLLnt 226 ing of the board of trustees will orated and the -new members of Seabright will be the speaker. ship will meet Sunday evening at she had lived for some time. She ^e held Sunday morning in the 6:45 o'clock in the Sunday-school found by relatives in an enclosed was a patient at the Marlboro in- the church will be officially re- The combined youth choirs un- room. back porch of his home. stitution the -past nine days and chapel after the morning service. ceived. The Men's club is spon- der direction of Mrs. John C. Tay- soring the sound motion picture, The Intermediate young people's . Surviving are his wife, Mrs. had been ailing six months. lor and Mrs. Philip E. Balliy will Bertha Stolz; three sons, William ' BAPTIST "King of-Kings" at the evening ser- present a program entitled ' "The fellowship will meet tonight at 7 Besides her daughter,- Mrs. De- MtM»ER,THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN. RUl£ * **jf * Red Bank vice at 7:30 (Mock. This will be o'clockln the church basement. of Marlboro, Frederick of the Bfettevlllc>. and her husband, Mrs. Life of Christ," Saturday at 7:30 Bronx and Harold of Ozone Park, The church school will meet Sun- the last evening service until .fall: p. nY. in the church. The earthly Easter Sunday morning break- Snively is survived by a son, Hnrry New York, and a daughter, Mrs. day morning at 9:45 o'clock. There Wednesday evening, April 17, the endeavor of Christ, including His fast will be held in the church din Norman . Snively, Jr., living at 1 Emma Iveson of New York. are classes in Bible study for even Union Holy week service will be birth, ministry, crucifixion and'in g- roo_, m at 7:45. o'clock,. followin...g Scotia, New York. age group. At the Palm Sunday held in the Reformed church. Rev. resurrection, will be depleted !tlrc Easter sunrlse service on Mt. service at 11 o"clock the message M. Stephen James, D. D., professor MRS. CHARLES J. SAMUEL WILLIAM E. HURLEY through lVislc, painting and poetry Mitchell. Breakfast Is sponsorep d will be given by thn Interim pas-of Preaching and Practical Theol- bv the A good-will offering will be re-v """' """ """"'c "le °B ' Mrs. Margaretta Smith Samuel, The funeral of William E. Hur- tor, Dr. George W. Davis of Croz- ogy at the New Brunswick Theo- P °P celved at the 'door. All 'members l°wshlp. 68, wife of Charles J. Samuel of ley, 7\, who died at hU home at er seminary, speaking on the topic, logical seminary, will preach. An Easter Sunday candlelight and friends of the church and com- Montclalr, formerly of Atlantic Llncroft Tuesday morning follow- We Offei 'The Majesty of Jesus." Music, un The union Holy Thursday Com- munity are cordially Invited to at-service and concert will be held in Highlands, died last Friday at her ing a heart attack, was held last der the direction of Frederick K. munion service will be held at the tend. the church Easter Sunday at 8 home. Born in the bayshore bor- Thursday afternoon at the Worden Mall, will include the organ pre- Methodist church at 8 p. m. The A union service Good Friday, o'clock. ough, she was a daughter of thefuneral home. Sound •lude. "Vision" and anthems by thethree-hour Good ffriday service will 1 The chancel flowers Sunday were April 19, with the Episcopal ind late Forman and Sarah Eleanor Rev. John A. Hayes officiated. choir, "Blessed Is Ho That he held In the Presbyterian church, Presbyterian churches of Shrews- the gift of Mr. and Mrs. John Rossi Smith. Her husband conducted a Cometh" and "Into the Woods My beginning at noon. The hearers were Harlan S. Daly, Counsel bury co-operating, will be held in in memory of daughter, Ruth Ben- plumbing business there a'number B. William Warneker, Matthew L. Master Went." The Men's club meeting, which this church at 8 p; m. Canon Rob- nett. of years and the family moved is usually held the third Wednes- Mullin, Raymond Mauser, Christian If you wish to make ar- The youth fellowship will meet In ert D. Smith of Christ Episcopal about 40 years ago to Montclair, Martinson and Michael Mahoney. the church school room Sunday day of the month, will be postponed church will be the speaker and where he has carried on the busi- rangement* in advance ot ne- week. METHODIST Interment was in Fair View evening at 6:30 o'clock. All young special music will he rendered with Belford ness ever since. cemetery. Mr. Hurley Is survived cessity, come to us for counsel. people are invited to join in this a duct selection by Mrs. John C. PRESBYTERIAN Notices for Palm Sunday, April Mrs. Samuel Is survived also by by his wife",,Mrs. Elizabeth Cassidy We will advise you wieely and discussion group. At 7:30 o'clock Taylor and John A, Haigh. wo sons, George W. Samuel, former Rumson 14—9:30 a. m., church school, Hurley, and a brother, Edward without biai, and you may be the singspiration service will be police commissioner of Verona, and Hurley Df Boonton. The prelude at the 11 o'clock ser- George Seeley superlntendent;'10:45 sure that the entire transaction held In the same room. A moving CENTRAL BAPTIST Joseph P. Samuel, who is associated picture showing the. work of Bap- vice will be "Andante" by Gluch, a, m., baptism and reception of new members, i "The Forgiveness of with his father In business; a JAMES KELLY will be held in full professional tist mission! will be presented and played by Prof. Charles Gotechalk Atlantic Highlands daughter, Mrs. Elvira Bushman of confidence. -a half-hour of singing will b« en-at the organ. The choir will sing Rev. Howard M. Ervin will bring Slns"i 7:30 p. m., song service and The funeral of James Kelly, 61, sermon, -The Last Utterances of Philadelphia; a brother, Howard joyed. All are welcome. as the anthem, "Praise the Lord, the message at the morning wor- W. Smith of Vail Homes, Eaton- a resident of'Fair Haven for the O, My Soul!" by Gelbel. The offer- ship service at 11 o'clock Palm Christ." Junior youth fellowship at ast ten years, who died Monday Mary Mount chapter will meet 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon and own, and two sisters, Mrs; Elvira tomorrow~nlght at S o'clock at thetory solo will b* "The Holy City" Sunday. The choir will sing "The Wllderman of Newark, who wasat Monmouth Memorial hospital, sung by Mrs. Louis.Arnold. Palms." The organ prelude will be junior choir rehearsal at 4,0,'clock, was held this morning at St. James home of Mrs. Vfilllam Noglow, 283 with Mrs.V.lvian Messier directing. he former Mrs. E. C. Curtis of At- •Broad street. This will be the an- Rev. William Calvin Colby will "Hosanna,", the offertory, "Lenten lantic Highlands, and Mrs. William church, where a high mass of re- nual meeting, with election of oftV have as his sermon topic, "The Devotions" and the organ postlude, During Holy Week services-will Gehlhaus of Koansburg. quiem, was celebrated by Rev. • cers. Dr. Edward Clayton will be Conquering King." The postlude "Triumphal Procession." Mrs. Ray be held in the neighboring ohurches. James J. Duffy. Interment was in at 8 o'clock each evening. Funeral services were held Mon- 3t. John's cemetery, Middle village. the speaker. Devotions will be ledwill b« "The .Palms," by Faure. C: Williams Is organist and choir day afternoon in St. John's Epis- by Grace Belth. The Beginners and Primary de- director. Long Island. Father Duffy recited copal church, Montclalr, and inter- the Rosary at the Worden funeral Monday night, April 15, at 8 partments meet in Blngham hall at Church school convenes in the BAPTIST ment took place in Rushland Mem- home last night. "~^ o'clock, the Workers' conference 10 o'clock; the Intermediate depart- chapel at 10 a. m. Middletown orial Park cemetery, near Caldwell. will be held at the home of Mrs. ment meets in the church auditor- Youth fellowship will meet at 7 Services. Sunday will be as fol- Mr. Kelly was bom. at Lancan- ium at the same hour. A'bert Newman, 109 East Bergen p, 'm. in the chapel. The post-high lows: 9:48 &. m., church school di- MISS ANNA B. WAKE shire, England, a son of the late The choir meets for rehearsal In place. All teachers, officers, and school group will in hosts to therected by Miss Doris Balrd, super- Miss Anna B. Wake of 19 Man- Peter and Mary Ann Hamilton Kel- the church at 7:30 on Thursday. ly. Ho came to the United States fr.l»nd» of the school 'are urged to high school group at a special meet- intendent; 11 a. m., service with Dr. ning place, Keansburg, passed away 60 CFRONT ST. RED BANK.hi.J. • attend. We extend a cordial Invitation ing. Deacon Corwin K. Llnson will John Thomas of Crazier seminary a number of years ago. He was em- for all members and friends of the Sunday In Monmouth Memorial hos- ployed by Harry Hubbard, proprie- The art class will meet Tuesday glvd a talk on the Holy Land, Illus- of Chester, Pennsylvania, as guest pital following an operation at the Slight at 7:80 o'clock In the church congregation to worship with us trated by slides. , , minister in charge. tor Dftho Atlantic hotel. Fair Hav- this Palm Sunday. age of 37 years. She was born in en, the last ten years. There are basement. The members are pre^ There will be no meetings In the The choir will hold a rehearsal Jersey City, daughter of Mrs. paring for an art exhibit in May. church from Monday to Friday of tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock, at no surviving relatives* HBOT METHODIST Philip Wake and the late Mr, The choir will meet for rehearsal Holy Week. the home of Mrs. George Hartman. Wake. . Sea-Bright There will be no' union evening Th« Junior and nenlor departments MRS. JULIA Y. PRICE. Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Miss Wake had been secretary in The Easter organ recital will be Rev. Walter B. Williams will service of th'e three churches Eas- of thB church school will hold a re-, "GOD IS LOVe preach at 10:*5.a. m. on the theme, ter Sunday. Each church will have hearsal tomorrow night at 7 o'clock charge of the office of Barling, Mrs. Julia Y. Price. M, widow of ..m .JMM aOWBlNfr. • . presented Saturday evening, April Johnson * Frak* . company on 20, from 8 to 9 o'clock, with Fred- "The Power to Overcome the Ills its own service. at the church for the Easter page- Allen Price, died Monday at her Leonard street for the last 16 years. erick K. Ball at the console. This of Life." The Junior choir will sing The serviceman of the week will ant. home, 13 Beach street, Sea Bright, is always a lovely program, pre under direction of Mrs. Eleanor be Sgt. Harry Williamson. The worker's conference will meet God Is Lorei Hfi mercy brightens sented In a setting of candlelight Lindsay. Church school meets at The. flowers in the pulpit last Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. All the path In which we rove: and flowers, 9:30 a. m. Sunday were placed there in mem- Reginald Wood. Mrs. K. A. Wilson BHM He wake* end woe He lighten* A basket of flowers was placed Church school board will meet ory of Deacon Samuel PalterBon by will lend In a discussion of the Thomas Manson God" le wisdom. God Is Love. "• In the church Sunday In memory of Wednesday at the parsonage. his niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Beckhom. book, "Ask the Prophet." A busl- MONUMENTS Anna Dowen by her family. The children's group meets nes.i meeting' will follow. » nominating committee has Thursday at J:SO p. m. under IU- BAY SHORE COMMUNITY . & Son, Inc. appointed as followc chair- pervlslon of Mrs. Emily 8t»vem. East Keansburg. METHODiST man, Elmer CoHroll; Albert W. Woman's Society of Christian Palm Hnriday: Church school and Kcnnsburg , . The OIde»t VanNostrand, Wellington VV. Ken- Service meets tonight st the par-adult Biblu clnss at 10 a. m. and sonage with Mrs. Bertha Griffin as Services will bs held every, night Monument Manufacturing ' nedy, Mrs. GGorge Morford and the Palm Hundiiy service- nt 11 a.nt 8 o'clock during Holy Week, Mrs. Julian Parker. hostess and Mrs, Anna Hnslnm, m., with tllstribulion of palm. Ser- , and Retailing Company president, In charge. starting Monday. Rev, Malcolm A "white elephant" sa'o, apon- vices at 8 p. m. Holy Thursday and Wlllits la pastor. The pastor and 1 in Monmouth County "sored by! «!! tht nrgtniittloni ot The young men's social hour is Good Frld ny. • memborfl , of... the congregation are the church, will • 1M held Friday, held Monday, Wednesday and conducting a home visitation ovan-' Thursday evenlnga at 7:30 p. m. May 3, for ths purpose of raising SnlritiloJUt Chapel,. (fcllcal c1rmp4jgn this week. funds to finance the banquet and under; supervision of the pastor. All Leonardo reception for the returned service young men are. welcome. ,•' people of the- churoh, * Sunday, Aprl I 14, the "Sunday . "This grief is crowned ^ith conaolatiMi". school classes will bo held at'10:30 , Your Expression of BAPTIST imakeepeare MUST CHURCH OP CHKIST, - New Monmouth • True Remembrance ' Palm Sunday will be observed In SCIENTIST the Baptist churob, Sunday-sohool WITHIN THE No-other act of a normal, There'seonsollng comfort In a Memorial designed bym Service* In First Church of will meet at 9:45 ai m. Mornlnit man's life glvee him more', to Honor your Family norrie; Making the finest of Ohrlst, Scientist, 206 Broad street, worship service will begin nt 10:30 MEANS OF ALL complete soul satisfaction Monuments has been a tradition with our family since Red Bank, aro held .Sundays at 11o'clock. Francli Rauch will ilrig Our iTiititftiloit Has -Wt| built than the building of a Mem- the 15th Century., Greater sdtlsfgctlon at no higher cost ' a. m., Sunday school at 11 a. m.,"The Palms" and the pastor's and orial to his loved onei who and Wednesday evening at 8:15adult choir will sing appropriate miehllun w« riiriilnh in tuner Hi Our mnny.yoars of oxpor- A telephone cali.to our offloa have gone on. , . hos built our business. ; o'clock, V •lirortlun from th<* lonM oxpem- lonco hnve given us prac- will bring a laleiman who anthems. The j>a»tor, Itev, William' iva.lo tllO (ifl« m IM-Ic«. Involved, bear the .Guild mark ot ap- ^ Real?" l« the, lcsaon-tor'm'on sub- theme, "Trillinjjh.'! Trie subject of ,lhv vomiiptonto ttitd (.'indent a Duy funeml > sorvloo a •bow you latest designs",,..', ttumorublo tribute to a proval—your guarantee of a ' J«pt for Sunday, April u; Golden the evonlng lervlat lermon will bo ,' nfcrvlt'i'^ of , (nit- Imn-lMiitM, jn LQJ^BRANCH^ MONUMENT text; "Why Ait thaij cast down, O Ibvod one, Only Monument Dealers In ' flnAr-Memprlal at no extra "The Router* Who Thought They |> K hntiiii|iim« funtint fcmrli.'ii rich ' Red Bank ' out Visit our ihowroont my soul? and why art, thou JJ«-'--" tb.« Placn." The service will j liiiihiii^i llmipiuln.., HIO rlininclic "'Heled wjthln me,.' iiopg In. Ootf: of iht •«fvln we niT»n ,' ' aqd iea our display of.thMe WEST LONG BRANCH, N. J. . '•>"PHONELTSSO P 1:48.o'clock, Snsclal music JOHN E.PAY. aertlfled Memorial!, • * 10 DRUMMOND PL., . AND ITS BRANCH

vlilt th'i Men Scott funeral Home i .•v,>KlvfH{dft AVIhl4l( f if. il-urch , " ' /run' IM hid dirk RED'BANKikj, IN TilapluDf.fi! B. 24. I RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. Pwe Sevan. both piiAKt In tht timnrM depart-1 Bible Claw Hear* Atlantic Highland* meat at Port Dix- . ! *• mar years ther* bare been r«T Jew Mr*. Hadellne Seamen,.Sgt and Norman ffayitt in Ktrport from F«vp» «M Takr». lira. (Th« Rsd Bsak Ktclster us be heutt Mrs. .Barry P. Seamen, Mrs. Nell florae* X«lw. J. A. JtuEwin. Mil, la Atlantic Highland! »t aonpo's a*r> Ifonns* Hswitt, 77 Branch ave- •le* Button. Blao»tU'«, ?wWs, Oe» Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. William CUr» Susanna snd an. X. Plohkr) ' iuo'» and Urnf d»Hr?r» isrrleej ., Johnson were entertained by Mr. COMPLETE AUTO B0I nue,' was guest -speaker to the Faculty members of'the'Keyport Tons* Ken's Bible class of the Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Healsy, who and Mrs. Dan 8ee!ey. occupy It soon. We are. now showing-, for prompt delivery, a variety, «f They are Mrs. John Emmett Col- .Mary Belle. Snyder, daughter, of Flans are being completed for the lins, Mrs. Oakes and Mrs. Bhoda her position with the Melro clean- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder, has Hornberger & Sanford informal dance to bs held Thurs- Brauer.' A silver oup, spoon and ers on First-avenue. recovered from the measles. FOUR DIFFERENT STYLES, day night, April 26, at 8:30 o'clock R. Cbampl of West Washington fork were presented to John Doerrf in brown mahogany and also the ultra fashionable "Blonde at the TMCA building. This will physical education director,- for hisavenue is a patient in Monmouth Monmouth and Pearl Streets Jted Bank, N. J. Mahogany." '. '• • ' v • . "'.••" bathe first annual affair of the Infant son. Others present' were Memorial hospital eholoe ef 17 different branches «f group. Muilo will be furnished by John O. Hartzler, supervising prin- Mr. and Mrs. John M. PUlsbury, the Army to choose from. You may Production of piano* Will be restricted for a lonr time, Capt. Willis C. Conover. Refresh- who returned home last week from inquire at the Army Becruitinr cipal; George Search, principal of station In the Bed Bank postofflce Phone Red Bank 3259 owing to "bottlenecks" Mich as (rpn platei, etc, but parpen- . ments will be served. Tickets may Plnehurst, North' Carolina, stopped be procured from Ralph H. Eekert the high school; Mrs, Edward Far- at Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to visit Dulldlnr at any time without any larljr tor the want of experienced, skilled artisans required to or members of the committee, J. ry, school nurse; Miss Ethel Kings- their daughter, Joan, who is at- obligations. . • make Men grade spinets. . . Allen Mohn, Capt Conover, Ray land, secretary; Mrs. Clinton Wyc- tending school thore. . koff, Miss Lydla Korn, Miss Ruth Q. Wolf, Philip E. BaiUy^nd Harry Raymond Lemberg (has bought There have been practically no apprentices since 1950 and C. JV Wprdsn. .. -' Mahler, Miss Mary Kenneally, Miss the three stores and apartments on II takes yean and money to train them. ,. Dorothy Frank, Miss 'Alice Qleason, First avenue, owned by Mr. and Miss'. Harriet Miller, Miss Ethel Mrs. Joseph Ferrara. The store* ' Food For Thought? Riverside Heights Reilly, Miss Catherine Blalne, are occupied by the Ferrara Tailor- Frank Lawyer, Frank S: Harwood" ing company,' Ray restaurant and • **" . • # Father McConnell, who has been and Francis Wood. Chapman barber shop. The upper FLOWERS a patient at Monmouth Memorial Miss Linda Graydon of Summit floors are used as apartments. It hospital, Long Branch,. ha» re- entertained at a luncheon bridge was recently reported that W. W. Storck of Course turned tp his horns.at New Mon-recently at the home of -Mrs. Ar- Brook had bought thi« property. mouth. He was brought home by thur S. VanBusklrk on Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. C;~ K. Linsoa will No combination of words few York. Miss Dolores Finn, who has been Haigh as the chairman. Mr. Haigh Mrs. William Crtetwell of East a surgical patient at Rivervlew hos- spoke of the Increased member- Washington avenue Is a patient In greenhouses is always welcome. pital, hat returned home. ship and progress of the church Monmouth Memorial hospital. in your basement? The Middletown Village. Social' during the past year. J. Harold Mr. and Mrs..Richard Fagan, 66 club will bold a game social In the Hendrlckson, church treasurer, re- South avenue, are the parents of Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere rooms of Mlddletown council, Jr. ported the church finances in good a son born Saturday at Monmouth Seal the moisture O. U. A. M, tomorrow night. There condition. Four members were Memorial hospital. * will be prizes and refreshments, v elected to the consistory by the Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Snyder of\ congregation. Mr. Haigh was re- ovtwHhBONDEX Conover place have been visiting ilected elder for three years, Lester West Keansburg their Hri-ln-law and daughter, Mr. Dick, a former deacon, was Uondex keep* the basepient and Mrs. Henry K. Timm of Tea- hect^d elder for, three-years, and Sgt. Donald Redlund of New Bernard Spiwak, Florist dry by sealing up tiny cracks neck. While there Mrs. Snyder's tenneth Gehlhaus and' Melvin A. York city was a week-end guest of daughter gave a surprise birthday {hilo were elected deacons for Sgt. and Mrs. Harry P. Seamen, 93 \venue of Two Rivers, Tel. Rumson 674 Rumson, N. J. ,. .actually bond* with the wall. party for her mother at which a< years. They will be lhstalledl Sgt Redlund and Sgt Seamen met kt low cost have a cozy room. family gathering was held. Mrs. e Sunday morning service in Italy and Have been buddies ever (Near Bldjre Hood) Snyder received many glfU. frril 28. since. They returned to the United Easy to apply—brush or spray. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Worth States on the same ship and were and daughter Beverly of Brook-y Kenneth E. Conklin, Jr., of Main iM CMCIETE, STONE, < ]yn were Sunday visitor* at the street, has purchased the Mandel home) of Mr.' and Mrs. Fred Brem- store on West Front street. caoiT 01 citna KOCK swi yer. Covert Campbel^, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hirst of Mrs. George A. Campbell of Maple N Ctt y«vr BONDEX color card from Summit wers Sunday visitors at place, has been discharged from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank the U. S. Army after serving for THE ASPDIN PAINT CO. Hirst rome time in India. Mias Vivian Hirst celebrated her Chaplain William H. Rosse.ll, son 20 White Street, Red Bank 14th birthday Saturday at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. William R. of her parents,.Mr. and Mrs/Frank Rossel] of Homer, New York, for- J^m? Hirst. Also celebrating her birth- TO PLUG merly of Keyport, has been award- day with Vivian was her coualn, ed the Purple Heart for wounds re- LARGE LEAKS Miss Biddy Hint of Summit, who ceived In action April 14, 1945 on was 17 Friday. Okinawa Shlma. Dr. C. C. Straugbn of Conover A group of men met recently in lane has returned from Florida, St. John's Methodist church to or- It Pays TV* Advertise in The Register where he spent the winter. ganize a Men's club. Plans for spe- cial' activities during the coming : months were made. Mrs. Mae Esler is on an extended rip to California, where she la vis- ting her sister. Lieut1, and Mrs. Cornelius Acker- 3n and son Terry of Washington, J. C, were the , recent guests of Your Favorite Brands Judge and Mrs. Henry E. Ackerson Floretta Ball .was hostess last j week to the Home Nursing class at AT A STORE her home. Plans were discussed for the annual tea In June. Mrs. FOUNDED ON PRINCIPLE Florence Banks was appointed chairman'oif a program committee. ! Plans were also made for a "Home i Coming" for returned servicemen. Rye: I There was a talk on the home at- ! tendant and her dally routine given OLD OVERHOLT _ u...% 3.99 by Mrs. Hester Rauser. Mrs. Lucille KINSEY .„ % 3.86 Cranshaw will be the next hostess PAUL JONES y 3.42 | April 16. s I Mrs. J. J. Cosgrove was re-elect KESSLER'S _ y5 3.33 j ed president of the Keyport CORBY'S »/ 3.39 ] Thought club last week at the 5 j home of Mrs. Charles V. Kruser. SCHENLEY RESERVE .»/5 3.86 Other ofHcers re-elected were.- Mrs. 3 FEATHERS ..... _ ...»/ 3.87 Daniel A. VanPelt, vice president: B Mrs. William Bedle, treasurer, and SEAGRAM 7 _ ..'/5 3.89 Mrs. John W. Foster, Sr., secretary. OLD THOMPSON »/s 3.50 The program, arranged by Mrs. Kruser, Included two readings giv- P. & T. Private Stock »/s 3.90 en by Mrs. W. S. Holmes and Mrs. CANADIAN CLUB > >/5 5.21 George Buhler and a contest, the winner of which was Mrs. Chester OLD CROW pt. 2.32 Walling. The club made a dona- ___ (Straight Bye - « years old). tion to the Red Cross. • Mrs. Ernest Dunham will b» hos- tess at the next meeting, April 15, Bourbon which will ba preceded by a dinner at Marlon's restaurant HIRAM WALKER DELUXE ...»/s 3.52 Miss Katharine Massey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Massey, has returned to'her studies Apple Brandy in home economics at the New Jer- sey College for Women.after spend- LAIRD'S _.._...:..yB 3.58 ing her spring vacation at home. HILDJCK BLACK ...*. % 3.59 Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Falumtio have - returned 'from a trip to GUHL'S (5 year old) „.. »/8 3.40 Springfield, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saracenora and son Robert of Long Island, Gin were the recent guests of Mr. and KINSEY % 3.22 fullqt. 3.98 Mrs. Ralph Dufour. Miss Stella Raskosky et Third GILBEY'S „ »/8 3.16 strtet, was honored at a bridal There is no longer a "fur season." Smart women wear DIXIE BELLE ....»/» 3.09 shower given by "W sister, Miss Mary Roskosky another - cousin, furs four seasons a year .. ..and especially on Easter. Mrs. Susie Madowsky/at the lla- dowsky home. IHsrrRaskesky will Sling sables about your shoulders... drape a stole over Domestic Wines: be married-Sunday, April 28, at 3:30 o'clock to Albert Roiato, In. St, Jos- a print dress . .". slip into a feathery weight squirrel MISSION BELL :..% .89 fullqt. .98 eph's church. Guests were Mrs. (Fort • Sherry • Muscatel) Frank Maydlsh, Mrs. Sebastian jacket... or a cloud of lynx or silver fox. You'll find GROWERS fullqt. .97 »/ gal. 1.89 Keellan, Miss Stella Keellan and 2 Mrs. Joseph Nawalony, South Am- (Fort • Sherry - Muscatel) boy; Misses Helen and Alice Serge- our stock of "little" year-round furs complete right ROMA ...i/6 .90 Va «»I. 2.00 wioh and Mrs,.,. John, CdHftndrl, . -(Port . Shsjnry - Muscat*! - Sautem^) ,,,.„„, Union Beach; Mrs. Justine Rosato, now* - You may space your payments on any fur gar- Mrs. Joseph Jlesne, Miss Mary and Veronica Rosato, Mrs. Sam Rosato, ment. -'•••.•• Mri. Albert Rosato, Mrs, Sarah De- Franclsco, Cllffwood, and Miss Mary Lauro, Mrs, Miojiael Orlni- aldl, Mrs. .Ernest Brandlgan, Mrs. John Bookot, Mrs. Mary D.urka an'd daughter Mary, Mrs. John Sardeila, Mrs. Daniel Rosato, Miss Emma Teasdalot Mrs. Julius" Raskosky, Keyport. i. Mrs. William H, Hitchcock was 7 Broad St. Red Bank re-elected president of the Woman's guild of tho Refqrmod ohurch last week at the home of Mrs. Fred 70 BROAD STREET > RED BANK BronUhurst. -Mrs. Bornls Stone was . Telephone .Red Bank te-eleottd treasurer, A donation of \ Telephone R. B. 3899 ; IS was voted 'for the Rod Croii, , i Open.Baturday jjvenlnge 1 1 The group paakefl a box qf food ASBURY PARK STORE .Af 70S COOKMAN AVENUE MMsJi^s^esjJs^t^^s^MB^L^i^Mt^^i^kli^^i^iS^llfatsfaiMI *" •*-"— — ~ --- w..t=Bat* T=»-_ 1 W_.ww> UK A. P! JrivT • ' ' next meeti nil! be'at'the home o[ M-i J. 'Harold Henirioluon, , , ' Open f BED BANft BEOiyrER, APBEL 11,1946, Centfrville Holy Crow PTA Iri IAWW ' "• ^—^^^ '—"~ ~ ~ SEED Re-elects Officers Btrr. Leo of Bt Paul's priory has returned from a tyo montps' stay- in Europe. He visited' England and sTOB Communion Breakfast Holland on urgent sJoelesiMtloal Weekdays matters, crossing the AUantlo by May 5 At The Colony airplane. Except Saturday, MARKET and HOME GARDENER Frank Alloooo )» iU with BitMlM. Officers.-were re-elected Tuesday KM, Samuel Lorelll and Jin, Tp FERRY-MORSE - BUJST - WOODRUFF night when the Holy Groe» Parent- John Cannello of New York spent Teacher association, Rumson, met' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Fertilizers - Lime .-. Bovung s in the church' hall. Mr». Henry. CerUone. V Kruse, chairman of the nominating Esther iAicaxrelU Is. on the, alok Peach and Berry Basket* committee, wag assisted by Mrs. list. • • . The William D. Oromey a*d Mrs. Florenoe OerUon* fell recently Charles Mears. and Injured her. a.nkle. . . B D. WOLCOTT S SONS Serving for another year ars Mrs. Sebastiaji Vaalle has repairtd. his Edward O'Brien, president; Mrs. roadside stand, which he will re- Main Street, Eatontown Behnls K. Bryne, first vice presi- open'very soon. dent; Mrs. James K. Shea, second Samuel Splcer of New York has Telephone 54 vice president; Mrs. John. Mulhern, bought the late Benjamin Blano secretary; and Mrs. Joseph Hftojly," farm. \ .' Serving the Farm and' Garden Trade Slnee 1891 treasurer. Installation- - will, take Mr. and Mrs. James, Oenovese are place. Tuesday afternoon, • May.-14, : Above ia a quartet In the fafiioUl Ounp Meetln' choir of 'WlnftOn-Salem, South Carolina, which win fill a retui-n engagement ia Bed Bank Monday night, April 15, *t th» Biver ftreet, ichool. Singers In thif the parents of a daughter born when committee chairmen will be, Sunday. . ' • announced by Mrs. O'Brien. group of 27'voices are rated among the best radio and concert artist* In the country. Theoohcert 1* sponsored by the Sbrewabury Avehu» A, M. S3. Zion church. The choir made iba first appearance here . Georgs Coon hurt one of his Plans were completed for the as- two months ago In the Cathollo high school auditorium for the.beatftt of tbt Bbrewabuiy avende church* fingers while working with »om« 3 s.oclation'a annual Communion machinery lait week, r . breakfast, which will he held Sun- JOHNS-MANVILLE day morning:, May 5, at the Colony Winston Kock (pent Tuesday In The Red Bank Register Is-sup- X waterproof plastlfl olothts line. restaurant^ Rumson, following 9 Washington, D. C., on business. Rumson ported by local tm well eta out-of- that will not rust, oorrod* or *ot APPROVED APPLICATORS o'clock mass. Reservations will be Mat night h* waa the speaker at Her. Eugene Kelly of Bay Head, town business men—Advertisement has been Invented. OF ROOFING AND SSD9MG taken until May 1 by Mrs. HeRly. the Institute of Radio Engineer* an ex-Navy chaplain who served on i . Seventh grade mothers, with Mrs. meeting held in the Mechanic street Okinawa, waa the speaker at the A food rtjofint Job la U>» molt Thomas Oakqs as chairman, will school, Red Bank. meeting of the Rumson Holy Name economical, btcame It will out- serve as hostesses at a Communion The bridge club will not meet to- society Monday night at Holy Cross last Inferior material «»d work- breakfast to be given by .the PTA"morrow. Tha next session la listed WRECKING CONTRACTORS manabip by many years. We'd hall. Delegates who will attend Ilki lo *ork with you. for Holy Cross school's first gradu- for Friday, AprllM. the diocesan Holy Name convention' ASBESTOS ating das*. The affair, to-wlfflrtr "There will be no April meeting April 28 at Trenton are Rev. James SIDING-ROOFING seventh grrade pupils are Invited, of the Woman's auxiliary of Christ Mackenzie, Raymond Desmond, Backed by TS yfar« rooflnr tx- will be held Sunday morning, June Episcopal church. The May meet- president; Thomaa Mapea, secrc perlence. Fire, wrather 4 we«r- 18, In Holy Cross hall In conjunc- rwl.tsnL It costs nn more than Ing will be held at the home of Mra. tary; James Rlgney and James K. Shore Building the nverag* rno'f. Terms if de- tion with the class day exercises. Garrett H. Cohover. Shea. Tbt society will receive sired. Mothers who volunteered to serve Communion at the 9 o'clock mass breakfast to school children follow- Sunday, May 19, at Holy Crota ing Holy Communion on the first Presbyterian Church church, and afterward will attend Supply & Wrecking Co. Friday In May are .Mrs, Stephen the Communion breakfast at Holy Cooke, Mrs. Daniel Mears, Mrs. Jo- Elders Elected Rosary hall. — SAVE FUEL IN WINTER— seph HgalVj. Mrs. Charles Sweeney, Plots on ths Jomph Bannon. es- House & Building Wreckers Mrs. Joseph Desmond and Mrs. Ed- A special meeting of the congre- KEfeP COOL IN SUMMER- tate, near Old Farm Village, are ward Andre. gation of the' Red Bank Presby- again available fret to residents for New and Used Lumber With INSULATED Mrs, Edward Maleckl will serve terian church was held Sunday use as victory gardens. Officer as chairman 'of. the May. card party morning after \ht regular service. John Keany, who is in charge' of ^ SIDING and Mrs. Joseph McCue is In Bev. John A. Hayes, moderator, the tract, again requests those who Building Supplies and Roofing Applied Over Your Old Clapboard change of tho June party. Mrs. presided. wish to take advantage of the op- or Shingle Exterior McCue was winner of the ad- Four new elders were unanimous- portunity to have a garden plot, to 179 Branchport Ave., , Long Branch 3188 Suppllsil'jn Beautiful Color* of mittance award.and the attendance ly elected for a term of three years regioter immediately with him, Tapertrx R«d Blend, Buff prize was given to the seventh to succeed thoae whose terms ex- either at his home or at the gar- Gt grade for having the largest repre- pired at this time. They are John dens. sentation of parents present at the B. Allen, W. Albert Doremui, Craig Mr. and Mrs, Charles B. Harding CALL RED BANK 768 meeting. W. Crenshaw and Herbert B. Wern- of Rumson road left this week for er. Clerk of the session, Howard F. a vacation In Bermuda. Aquella Waterproofing ....• f..... 3.95 gal. Smith, acted as secretary during Mrs. James R. Hensler, Jr., of Colt's NecH the meeting. Wilson circle, returned home last NEW JERSEY HOME MODERNIZERS week from Monmouth Memorial (Tha Bed,Bank Register can be bought RED BANK, N. I. hospital, with her Infant son, Thom- FUEL OIL WEST FRONT STREET. In Oolfa Neck at Arthur Fox's General store) Little Silver > as Patrick. Compliments Reed'Gager, principal of the At- Mrs. James R- Heruler, Sr., has (Th* Red Bank Regi'ter tan b« bought returned from Clearwater, Florida, lantic township school, reports the In Ltttla Sllv*r from Union Newsetand of Your Only following pupils for perfect attend- at th* dtpet and at Dennlt' Qtncral where she has been spending the Complete Oil Burner Service Store) last two months. ance records, for March: Firemen from the Rumson com- Authorized Boirinners' CUM, Mlaa Reedi Teacher -- Ooundlman and Mra. Donald K. pany were called Tuesday after- Willlnm Reed, Pavid Slayer, Robsrt Lawes of Markham place left Sun- Mnrshull. Hurry Cheek.-Margaret Rlch- noon to extinguish a grass fire In He makes ens. Shirley Johnson, Noreen Wylle. day for a two-week vacation at Pine Ridge. There was no dam- First Grade. Miftfl Dunham, Teacher— Plnehurst, North Carolina. age, , . Fred D. Wikoff Co. Joseph Roynrltt, Fred Frost, Samuel Juliano, Tyrone Marshall, Charles Trim- Dr. George W. Henson, president Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Peluso are mer, Bnrlmrn DeFario, Peggy Joan sf Ocean Grove Camp Meeting as- the parents of a son born Saturday Freer, Betty Ann Plllls, Louisa Van- lending a Mnlilen. ociation, will preach Palm Sunday at Rlvervlew hospital. Telephone 552 - Night call 554 Seeond and Third Grades, Mlse Betty morning, at 11 cfclock -in fimbuTy Makin, Teacher—Dorothy Oain, Marion Methodist church. Lewis R. Lowry Owi'k. Mnrlmmn Ellin, Colbert Collins, The United States has six percent Malcolm Errlokson John Furlatt), John will sing "The Palms" and a trum- of the world's population living on 19 WEST FRONT. ST. RED, BANK, N. J. friend!/ business Smith, Francis Slayer, Nelson Trim- pet solo will be played by Richard mer, William Ferry. seve'n percent of the world's land l'nurlh Grade. Mrs. Wilklns, Teacher W. Brounley. Dr. DeMaris, pastor, area. , . N. R. MATTHEWS —Gerald Crumer, Fremont Cromer. An- will preach at the 7:30 p. m.,servlce thony Dolirowalflkt, EUwftrd Hebeler, on "Seven Windows In the Heart Hobcrt Haltcrmmin. Geome Mltschele, HIS 1B iho friendly man- both single uid married, Raymond Trimmer, Irwtn Campbell, of God." Bible school convenes at T aper o( the local Person- and everything U kept .l.wela Cain, Arllene Cllmnrtln, Elaine 10 a. m. al Finance Company office. strictly private. No outsid- Kelly. Pnuline Lukolc. Emily Plllls. Fifth Craile, Mrs. Stewnrt, Teacher'— Jimea Taylor waa guest speaker Even though lending money ers are involved. He arrang- Herbert VnnSchnlek, Kenneth DeGroot, Monday night at a meeting of the to folks here In Asbury es convenient monthly pay- Joseph Dolirowalskl, lUarunret Clcalesa, Bradley Beach auxiliary of the Parli is his full-time job, he ment* to fit every budget Ruth Trimmer, Sixth Grade, Wins Sickles, Teacher- Home For the' Aged, Ocean Grove. belicvee that no one should and charges are made only Anna Er,riekson, Anna Frost, Charlei Mr. Taylor is a member of the borrow unnecessarily. But for the actual time the Cromer. 1'cter Koenlir. architectural firm of Fioeme and when a loin Is to a person's money is kept. Seventh Grade. Mis., Helen Grevllle, Toni-her—u.,vi» Fox. Robert Hale. Wll- Taylor, who are the architects for advantage, he provides folks If you decide that a loan it linni '/.d itr afid watchfulness . whim they the Colt'a Nock area for the Amer Primary Oroun—Lynn B*dU. Bacbirt drive their bines. % D«latu»h, Posuy Ann Blurlm, Betty Jtan JOSEPH SANFORD SHANIJBT, I Innn Cnnrer society drlva for funds Wowlor, Joye. Wrlarht. Sal(y O'Conn.ll, > 1045 Park A»«nu«, nnd will mhlte calls dally. Nona TlmniH. Fred Campbell, David N.w York, N. Y, Tske a minute or two-to notice Clapp, Jeremy Drew, Robert Haywood, Unliih Mnurloll, Junmy Klanh, .. - TruaUM. I the patience and courtesy of our Inlermedlnttt Group—Joan Hance, PITMEYV HARDDT, WAKD ht/s operators; Thoyte n friend- MiddletowivVMage Jovcu NlUon, DOUKI&I Ap David * DBENNAN, Mdore, William Howard, National N.wuk Bldf,, ly'group, willing at all times, tn Junior'Orciuit-r^norothJipnth y ForRea, XQvar Newark, t, N. ]-. yn Wright, Vincent Anhiirelliii An- • Proctori, give you groatcT riding comfort Irony Ilruno, Orovar Burdge, ueorg» Cnrtcr, Qcorae llonry Drnwbnugh, Ly IN CHANCERV OP NEW JERSfcY anjl safety with your nlfrt rn- man II Itch rack. Il/irry Jerolamcin,. Dale 155/364 • operation, of course. ' • Beverly Ovetlon, Uniightorof Mrt Myall, Ixirn; Olson. TO I LEO 0HAHUS3 OUNNINOHAMl . and Mm, John Ovorton, wan bap> Senior Qroilli—Hnmlrn Dice, DeHha iBr virtue of in Ordor of thi Court I IMed .ttiiiiduy'fit CfliriVil Kplnnoptil Daynton, liarlmrn McCltlltn, Oarald Ilruno, jMohard lluok, ltuhert Fields, of Ohanwr/ of Naw Janer, mads l church hy Rov, MlllnnVB, Spof. llruoa Jolmnnenronnli, Kent P.rlohard, th* a«lh d»y.of Murcli, lUt, In « « forrt, Sr, Spohior* wore Mrn.'Bpof. John Rut, llruoa Ruh, Pelar Howard, Uln ciuia whartln M«rjf»lUn BMitb fold, Hr,, nntl Mm, K. W, Bwack- droun 1—Su Dotkln, Kny Oregory, Ounnlnghnm li patltlonar, and nn, I... latly H6or», Marily( n BUllwniion, Carol Chnrloi Ounnlnghntn, nn daf«nd»nt, yottl liutncr, Jana Walla, Jama« nruno, DavTil Jnniky, •rt riqulrod to appear tnd. plttd, f IT'S SMART TO RIDE A The todies' AW sooloty of tho Joyph Martclla, Chrli ffnvhilal, •wlr oV dtmur to potltlonar'a pailtl Hffoi ijicd church hold tin a)l-d 'Q.roupil—Arthur j^Mt Tonjo Dlonlil, OAK ?E PUBCkASEO) AT THE F0IAOW1NQ on tfr baton th; I7th d., of May. l or In d»f«ult tbaroof'auih djw«» w WWTIirTnWWfnTTHBffll ,.. Rb' SANK lt 'Hi tha Oo»ncfll| ald tpnluht at t(io ohi|rch.,, ViTSp 7ol(PT ».W, B. Conovor1 of NoWl ipant Bmt Main 3t. ,JB4 Main Strut •0 Es» Front Strut t Mst Bttuty'lha EED BANK EEGISTEE, APRIL 11. 1946. Pao* Win*

Vtfttle* H*aJjr, Mn. Xatwe WO* Oootf Oo Holy Crot* Party l«y, UUs Brslyn Porter. _ Haslet attended .the Jtwtpttm for Ooo- Shower Given For France* Murphy, Mr*. Walter sTNssjiDaB y^tM^ 0t AttoMttcloifl M UWeU Attended White, Mra. Joseph Serplco, Mm, J .Praetor's audltortna «t.. Long Carolyn Atwater Percy Radford, Mra. B. R. Dauben- Branch Monday enwntttf . . Mlsa Thelma Reynolds of Jront CHIST1R L FORRAR achmldt, Mrs. Lyda1 Beott, Mrs. atom Tirtsimd Tubes The Haslet fira axnnpanr was • Postmsurtec an* Mrs. Joseph X. L. street was tendered a'miscellane- Mary Bolln, Miss Elizabeth Layton, Jaekson left Bunday by automobile ous shower recently by IStiTJUBu $230 Realized; Many Mrs. Joseph Claney, Mrs. John Mur- e«U«d out to three tire* °ev«r. ill* Cardm Tools - week-end. Saturday morntnf, op- oa a threa week** vaowtlao at Kalman of Marlon street She win Prop. Of ' Awards Are Giren phy, Mrs. Hartaon Howland, Mrs. OhattMton, South'Carolina, wnere be married In June to Allen Green- George Harvey, Mrs. Helen Mtu- po«tt« th» seaman on highway M, 3(MtCgrrers a tk» In • pU« at tamber WM tx- they will visit Mr. and Mrs, Oame- wood. phy, Mrs. Andrew Heckt, Mra. Bjd- wx Burn. , , .\ • • -a Nineteen tables war* ta play JM- ward Porter, Mrs, George Mcflow- tlwHlshed with the help t OenteV- Gifts -were arranged beneath a Ttel* Home ana1 LiKhte. day night when the Holy Cross rjlle and Upion Baaoh ilr» eom- George Ihnmons of Bethany road miniature rose arbor, covered by an, Mrs, Matthew Fuchs and Hanoe, has purchased the John . Oooke Par«nt-T«*oh«r ae-sooJatlon held its Woolley, panlet. Another oail In the after* an umbrella. Quests Were Mrs. Ton, Dolls, Games.. _ monthly curd party In Holy Rotary noon wa» to a grass f Ira M Pot- bouse on Bean afreet Harold Reynolds, Mrs. Jeanette Attending, beside* those ..already ter's hill i» RairKan townahtp. Dr. R. O). Moore has) returned Minton, Mrs. Ann Kessler, Mrs. J. FORMR'S LIQUORS hall. Mr»» .gartson Howland -was mentioned, were Mr*. Raymond from Royal Pine# hospital at Pine- W. Mclntyre, Mrs. Joseph Kessler, general 'chairman and $230 waa McCue, Mri. Husaell H. Mlnton, Cllffwood and Oak Shevlea fire de- realized - tor the school fund. " ' partmenta also war* eejled, About wald, where he was a patient. Mra. Jane Nearlng, Mrs. George Mrs, Lawrence 7. Schilling, Mrs. Mrs. Robert EverdeB and daugh- Hall, Mrs. EMward Smith and Mrs. Colored b*th towels war* given Jesse- 8. Layton, Jr., Mrs. Lawrence 9:10 Sunday srenlns; there waa a BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY to high scorers' at each table and grasai fit* at the John H. Jewett ter Bally attended the Easter show William Aumack. Norman K Freeman Eoohe, Miss Eleanor- Connor,. Mri.: In Radio City Saturday. numerous admlttanoe award! were P. J. Coffey, Mrs. Harold Doud, Jo- estate in Raritaa township. _. ife ran AVBNTO, mad*. Mr*. Randall Squler waa Mrs. atewart Owweti, Mra. Rob- The Women's Society of Chris- L I '•_ OPPOSITE fl^HOUS! seph Heely, Mis* Joan Healy, Mrs. ert Everdell, link Robert B«hler, tian Service of. Bt. John'a ehuroh I BTOKLAHDS winner of an electrio Iron disposed David- Klnney, Mrs. Dennis K Holmdel of on the co-operative plan, ' ' . Mrt. Rhlnebold Dexhelmer. and recently tleoted the following of- Byrne, Mr». Lucy Wardell, Mrs, W. ficers: president, MM. Daniel Fo- Extends sincere thanks to his friends and patrons Attend. BUUatUls TtX Mrs. Oeorge Bmunons attended the Rhea liongitreet, U. S. Navy, has Award* "war* given to Mrs. F. J. J. Doyle, Miss'Veronica M. Porter, spring meeting of Parent-Teacher ley; via* president, Mrs. Joseph D. .-•• f ' McOulnnees, Mis* Elizabeth l*y- Mr*. David Hogan and Mrs. Henry. been promoted to seaman first associations at. the Aebjiry Park Bedle; recording secretary, Mrs. class. He has returned' to Uie Na- for flown, telegrams and the numerous personal, ton, list. Ira t>. Emery," Mrs', Paul •Bauer, •-.'••• '•• William Bell; corresponding secre- Peterson, lira. Baymond Htllker, high school Tuesday of last week. val base at Little Creek, Virginia, calls offering "best wishes'and success upon The nominating committee ap- tary, Mrs. Chiorge Emmooi, and after spending a week-end leave Mr*. V. Smith, Mrs. Otto Btroh- treasurer, Mra, Leonard Lufburrow. inengtr, Mr». Leonard Oarlbon, Mrs, South Shrewsbury pointed at the recant Parent- with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar- starting la business. Teaohe* assoolattca meeting on Mrs. A. a Brady of Red Bank wUl shall Longotreet. Golfno's Shell Thomas Haekett, Mrs., Edward father*/ night eonansted of Mrs. be the speaker at the. meeting O'Brien, Mrs. Charles Tllton, Leon- May Be Dredged April it. A mother and daughter The. Congregation committee of ard Marthens, Mra. William Oar- Stewart Orowen.'Mm Daniel Foley the Holmdel federated ehureh will STORE HOURS i WEEKDAYS, I ta • P.M. A survey of tha South Shrews- and Mrs. Donald Anderaon. A banquet will be held at the Maymeet Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the Service Station lock, Mra. Daniel Hears, Mra. Jere- bury river as it extends to Ocean- black cord* bag waa awarded to meeflHj;;'" ;-•"' ' • asisns. iwwwi SATURDAYS! 10 A, M. ta 10 1>. M. miah Carew, Mra. Anna Mae Tuzilt, port ha* been ordered by the divi- home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mrs. Jams* Wagner, Mlsi Dorli Mrs. Judson* Hopla, Jr, of Key- Cloverleaf troop 3B of OM Beouta Fromra. Donald Swarthout, min- Maple Arenuo and sion of navigation, «tate department port. County Club - .Agent Leroy will give a play May lOr-ast-WS McCue, Mrs. John Bannon, Mrs. Jo- ot conservation, following a request ister it the Holmdel federated seph Healy. '(~ \ Williams allowed moving pictures. John'a church. The troop will hold ehuroh, spoke at the meeting of the Fret Delivery -£-, Open Parking West Bergen Place of the borough of Oceanport for a Attending were. Mr. and Mrs: Al-a mother and daughter banquet at Christian Endeavor society of Trin- Mr*. Oeorge Woodward, Mra. Hu- dredging and replacement as a nav- bert WueatafeM, Mr. and Mra. Rob- the Hamlet fire house In May. The ity Reformed ohuroh .at West New Phone Red Bank 3519 bert Gaul, Mm. William Kotalen- igable river. ' ert Bverdell, Mm. Stewart Crowell, troop will hold a waste pap«r drive York Sunday. buata, Hiss Blgrtd Nelson, Hra. Mar- Friendly Service Th« boroug-h stated that the river Mrs. Jaminson, Mr. and Mra. Daniel Saturday, April 27. Miss Patricia Bradley, a student • •.'.••• tin Fleming, Mri. Stephen Kuhar- had become a health problem, but Foley, Sally Foley, Ktn. Emma T. Cpl. William Weloh of Fort B»l- sit Villa Marls Convent in Canada, Hake a date (or yonr ski, Mra.' Herbert Langler, Mrs. Ed- could again be used for boating RudlgW, Mra. Robert Bshler, Mrs. volr, Virginia, spent the week-end ward CRourke, lira. Patrick and sailing, provided the requested George Bhnmoni, Mrs. Timothy will spend the Barter vacation-with Sprint ChssJfe-Orer Now with Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons. her parents, Hr.' and JMrs. .Mark Byrne, Mrs, William D. Cromey, Improvement la made. Walling and Mrs, Donald Ander-' Charles Grey, Jr., ha#' returned Mrs, Margaret Layton, Mrs. Henry son. Bradley. with X 100 Motor Oil home from Monmouth Memorial The Holmdel health tenter held IN CHANCERY OF NIW JUUBY MtlUoinr'i jietltioa oi er baton tha KTUBS, Mrs. William Onderdonk, The Orescent eiub mat at the hospital, where he was a patient Miss Audrey McCue, Robert End- Lincroft borne of Mrs. Joseph R. Peaeux open house yesterday In observance IH/330 Wthiij ol Mar. 184«. or in dafanlt • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tlntle of of the publlo health nursing week, B«twM* Unn Eddft* Brows. p»- theraof, auch decre« -will ba taken sor, Mrs. William Porter, Mrs. Os- last Thursday. Mrs. Curtis Clay- as-ftfnit jou aa tha Chaae^lor ahall think borne .Harrison, Mrs. Charles Erlck- Mr. and Mrs. O. Klein of New Pompton Plains spent the week-end sponsored by the Holmdel, Atlantlo tttfontr ,tnd Trknkiln Btalr Brovn, d»- We also have Firestone ton will entertain the elub at the with Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons fend >nt, on vetltloa for dlvorc* notlc* etulttbla and' juat, sen, Mrs. James K. Shea, Miss Vera York city have purchased the Jack next meeting, Attending were Mrs. and Rarltan township auxiliary.' Tha object of said lult la to obUIn Batteries for Sale. Mrs, William Storzlnger of Lo- of publieAtlon. a dacraa ot dlvorro, dlnoliinr tha mtr- Hennessey, Mils Joan White, Miss Cojbran property for, their own O. Clayton, Mrs. Mary Hopla, Mrs. Mrs, William S. Pitcher Is chair- TO FBAXkLIN BLAIR BftOWXi occtrpahcy. Air. Klein Is a recently Elwood I Mbnahan, Mrs. Frank cust Valley; Long Island, visited man of tlie Cancer Society drive in rlaga between you and tha aald pe- her mother, Mrs. Mary Hertle, the Holmdel township. By tirtu« »f u erdtr o( the Oonrt titioner for the cn-jse of extreme cruelty, discharged Army Air Force officer. FOBS, Mra. Theodore O. Bailey, Mrs. past week. of Chftnetrr of N«w Jcney, m&dt on Dated: March" 30, 1946. Mr. and Mra. Warre.n T. Messier James H. Ward, Mrs. Leonard Luf- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Umberger of thi ! and. Mrs. Frank Powell, Mr.' and ( Mrs. Wilfred Mullin, Mr. and Mrs. Jam«a Hennahane, Mr. and Mrs. c -'••.!-? Joseph .O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Collins, Mr. and" lir*. B. Wil- FOR FARM FUN AND MUSIC ^- liam W&rneker, Lle-ut. Viola Wat- neker, Miss Billy Stone, Miss Peggy MaraomJ duett*, rtohr/ ,n on Purlns'i OPRY HOUSE MATINEE Murray, Gaston Lord and George lit the moairti manner. - in U:OO-12:30 C5T. — I:OO-1:JO CSf. Cochran. rlln et UK told. The Ladles' Aid loclety of ttie Lincroft chapel met Thursday at the home of Mrs. C. B. Boughton at Fair Haven, Mrs. Stanley St«- well presided. A farewell gift was , LAWES COAL CO. presented to Miss Helen Cochran, 12 Mechanic Street, Red Bankwho 1, moving from tola vicinity. Present were Mrs. John Mauser, Telephone 1030 Mra. Ada F. Woodward, Mra. Charles V. Cox, Mrs. Charles Leon- MAIN OFFICE AND KLANTl ard, Mrs. Karl R. Berndt, Mrs. George Steinbach, Mrs. Charles H. Sycamore Avenue, Shrewsbury, N. J. Ooriover, Mrs. George Sickles Mrs. Jame* Thoresen, Mrs. Esther Cox, Telephones 1250* - 1251. Mr*. E. Hays and Betty Oox. The next meeting will be Thursday, May 2, at the home of Mrs, Woodward at Riverside Heights.

Bpows. MM wnltsj Wing Tip

Announcement ..., costume,,.an attractlv pe^datls kp*l watch. The Red Bank Master Solid Style It's fcard to say wMcli youll enjoy most Barbers Association — the good looks .of your H-R Shoes, or the foot-happinws they bring into your life. Bui announces to patrons of all member barber shops that why quibble? — both are yours. And tha longer you wear them, the more you'll come to appreciate that fine leathers and flawless craftsmanship are at the bottom of Holland- RaoCne's standout performance, Monday, April 15, 1946 AS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED IN SATURDAY EVENING POST LIBERTY • COLLIER'S B8OJURE-' THE NEW PRICES FOLLOW: •.. $ ;m< mow moiOTiB FBDBUL T'AX HaircuU ..' .:....* '.:...... ,...S:... .'.L..' .....;..1..M 7SC u 4 HaircuU, for Children under 12 yean „...., .'. „ 6Bc THE C!FT STOKE ' 1 JOHN B, ALLEN CO. li OF THE SHORE" ,;-^.iii'vjiniuwfi'uinuiiirui^Uf' ^ '•'•.. • * RED BANK KEGTSTEK, AF&JL 11, 1946. event *>)!« afternoon at the tihrml i hh *lxtb blrtMsy iDnivtftMy. Th* Cancer Drive Started Sea Bright where the work of pupils »» on dis- Leonardo patty was giy«» at &4 turn* fit W» InstaU Officers Krauss President play In the'classrooms. par«nt«, Us. tM MAI. Joitph M> ,. •(Tin Bed. Buk B»giet*r «u a* loose* At Little Silver la«ea Bright st th. Sea Bright Cl*.»r Due .to the measles epldemlo at Leonardo »t th* WUt* goat* ! MacLean of Matawan, • Other it Lions and-Stilionery etore and at Morrli w*ia- school will close tomorrow and will Wledmann'e, J. Myere sad Adam* uo. guest* were Mr. and Mrs. Charles In Rebekah Lodge A meeting jvi»..'held. Tuesday nxan'a,) ^ ' hot reopen until April 23. Curhroinn delivery aerrice) Whits and John Dyske of Little night at the home, pf William Tay- James Boeckel, Jr., of; Center, A. double birthday" ctlebrevUoo Silver, and Margaret MacLean of lor in'Fox Hills, Little Silver, to in- Club To Sponsor Mi. and Mrs. LeRoy Layton of street. Is confined to his home with tor Mrs. WllUsjn iCWilking utf Matawan. • ' ' . Of Sea Bright augurate the 1946 cancer drive un- South'street'observed'their 34th measles. * ' Robert Dear was'.held last week at Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bryan of der the auspices of tile American Two Ball Teams wedding anniversary "Sunday with the home of Mr. and Mm. Walter Woodbridge, formerly of Leonardo, State Officials At Cancer society. Mr. Taylor la a family dinner attended by Mr. Schoellner. «n. Wilklni J* f2fn.gave a birthday party Sunday for chairman of the Little Silver area, Oeorc* Krauaa was elected presi- and Mrs.'Allen. Johnson, Mr. andPort Monmouth Man Schoellner's mother, and Bobble la their son James., .who is 6 years o.ld. 19th Annual Ceremony ^Members of Mr. Taylor's com- dent of th« Sea Brlgtjt Lions club Mrs. Cecil Layton and daughter the son of Mrs. Helen Dear, Kit, The guests were bis grandparents, mittee who attended the muting at the last-meeting. Others elected Prances Irene, and Miss Lillian Lay, (lets Settlement 3choellner'» .sitter. A turkey sup- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bryan and Last'Friday Night were Edwin M. Close, Jules Dlstel, were John Ryan, first vice presi- ton. . Joseph .Centannl of Port .Mon- per for the'' Immediate family, was son Clifford of Leonardo, Mrs. Eliz- John Herber, William T. Sawyer, dent; Victor Perottl', second vice John Wesley Reid, son of Mrs. Richard Brounley, Joseph. Stevens mouth has obtained a settlement of served'. -Present were Mr.'and Mrs. abeth Mellick and granddaughter, Navoo Rebekah lodge of Sea president; Joseph Dillone, secre- Leila-Reid of Beach' street, has! re- $600 for injuries suffered when he Walter Schoellner, William IC Gertrude Davidelt- of Atlantic and Lewis B. Lowry. tary-treasurer; Frank Hnida, tail ceived h(s honprabje discharge from Highlands and Misses Lois and Bright held its annual installation (ell into a pit in the garage-of the Wilkinar Mrs. Helen Dear. Mrs. last Friday night in Odd Fellows The meeting was addressed by • twister, arid Reginald Layton, .lion the U. S. Marines. Rolln Transit company at.Keyport Mary Schoellner and- Rodttie, Georgette),Bryan bf Woodbridge. Bay VanHorh, co-chairman of the tamer. .. , • •'* • • . Mrs. Edward Johnson, who has hall, attended by several state of- April .30, 1944. The ease was toJoyce, Barbara and Jackie Schoell- Robert Koure.of Lynbrook, Long ficials, representatives of eight Bed Bank "area. • The club has endorsed/ th« pro-been entertalning-ija. mother, has have been called for trial U^lday. ner. '"'•', Island, visited his grandparents, posed state super-highway through lodges and 49 members, of. which returned to Cleveland, Ohio, with -'It'wji claimed that the-, garage Rodney Gordon) radioman second Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kappell, over Sea Bright and a/jette,f was-sent to her for a visit. Her husband Is was unlightcd' and that Mr. Cen- the Week-end. „ 14 were charter members. -PIANOS SOLD- Senator Haydn-Proctor, asking his class, U. S. Navy, son of Mr, 'and Among the guests were Mrs. Har- with his fatlierrErnest JohiisbriT on tannl received no warning from the. Mrs. Clifford P. Gordon, MUlbrook Miss Margaret Guttormsen spent, assistance with legislation to make the annual shad fishing up the Hud- company's employees as to the the. week-end with her brother,- riet Mover, state president; Mrs, reconditioned, repaired, the project a- reality. The club Is Farm, has arrived home afftr tWo Helen Dleti, state vice president; bought icflnlsheeV son. ." presence or focatlon-of the pit. years in the Aleutians, and has re-Bervrin Guttormson, of Parkchester, sponsoring a boys' baseball- team } Mrs. Alice Dangler of Church New Tork. • - ••.'-••• Mrs. Laura Rltter,' state marshal; and a grirls' sqftbail team. The Sea r Mr. Centannl suffered several ceived his.honorable discharge. Xfb*. Mrs. Albertfne • Wallack, . district Mr, Scott-Huntington street was expected home beforefractured ribs and was under the is a graduate of the Leonardo high Mr. and Mrs, B. P. Guttormsen Tuner-Technician Bright Cigar and- Stationery store the end-of the week from Mon- spent the week-end -with their deputy, and Mrs. Emma Lyon, past has offered to donate the base- care of Dr. Walter A. ftullrnah forhl state president, all of whom're- 1011 T Street; Belmw, N. i. mouth Memorial hospital. '. several weeks, He was represented daughter Kathlyn, at Arlington Phone MAW. balls. . , • William Vital has received his by Theodore J, Labrecue of Par- Seaman George Alvenon has ar-Farms, Virginia.. '. . '. - ceived gifts. A corsage was also Gu«st* at the meeting were Bud discharge from the U, 3. Navy and sons, Labrtjcue,' Canzona. & Combs. rived in Germany aboard the Eu- Mr. and Mrs. Charette Horater presented to the noble grand and Campbell and Thomas Leary of the has returned home. - • ropa, and will remain at Berghof-, are expected home in a few days past noble grand of the local lodge. Highlands club. The Sea Bright The youth government officials fen from six to eight weeks, while from a vacation which they have After the ceremonies^ a social group meets the first and third were sworn in Tuesday night by Fair Haven the ship is reconditioned, His twin been enjoying at Cocoa and Indian time was enjoyed and refreshments Mondays at Harry's Lobster hduse. the acting borough clerk and will brother Edward, with the U. 8. Ma-River, Florida. . • were served. OfflceT-s installed at and Its membership area, includes appear at the next meeting of the (The Red Bank Regiiter can beKboueht rines, Is at Camp Le Jeune, South Williani Lawler, Jr., of Philadel- the 19th annual, meeting were as TERMITES Sea Bright. Monmouth Beach nnd bdrSDgh-BooneiW-ViliiRtf r Johnson is In Fair Haven at Mnck'» More: J. A.Carolina. They are the eons of Mr. follows; '.-.',- Warth and Piccolo'. Felr Haven Market) phia andrhls cousin, Miss Miriam At Work part of Rumson. .' the youth mayor and the other of- ana Mrs. James K. Alverson. Three Lawler of Los Angelei, California, NoW, Grand—Mr«. Carolina J«nl«»h. ficials are all local students who Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sickler of other sons have been honorably* dis- who Is attending school In New Vice Grand—Mr«. Mab«l Bedfort. If y*u hove Ike least awpkloii •» Helium, found with natural gas, are attending Long Branch sen'.or Fair Haven road spent the week- charged. Sgt, James Alverson was York,-spent the week-end with Mr. Becdrdlnic SetrreUr/-rMr». Bmllj temiHw, Wt in Moke < KWrrfHk h- now enables deep sea divers to re- high school. . end In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, In the Pacific with the U. S. Ma-and Mrs. Lawler. Firiandai g»cr«tarir—MM. Blliabtth •pKtlan Ihat will thew riwk *w main under water for as long as Many parents of the school chil- visiting Mrs. Sickler's brother-in- rines; former Sgt. William Alver- Fetenon. dren are taking In the "open house" law, John Lynch. Miss Dorothy Quick, and Mlas Treasurei-—Mm. Sar«h Layton. •no or obMiici wHh c»rtotnty. six hours. < son, U. S. Navy, has a purple heart Elsie Voorbees of New York city, Left Supporter to Noble Granc)—Mn. Mrs. Dorothy Conover of GiHes- and other decorations, and Jay Al-accompanied by Benton Me Arthur Emily Carlson, ANTIMITE pie avenue is a patient In River- vBrson, U. S. Navy, ha» been back Right Supportw to Nobl* Grand—MM. view hospital. Mrs. Barbara Bfasch of Leonardo, departed for Williams- Bertha GrifBn. ENGINEEEING'OO. ^ from the Pacific theater of war,burg, Virginia,, Monday, to spend Warden—Mm. Janntt Altman. is a patient in Monmouth Memorial and received his discharge less than the Easter holiday with friends. Conductor—Mr», Loulu FowUr. H. Lynnwood Mlnton RIDE HORSEBACK hospital. Chaplain—Wn. Selma Swenion. a month ago. Charles Boice and his mother en- Fair Haven, N. J. Mrs. James LaBau, Sr., has re- A card and game party will be Ijfft SupnorUr to Vie* Grand—Jlra. tertained a number of- relatives Helma Johnson. Phone Bed Bank 760 turned home from Rivervlew hos- held at the Brevent Park and Leon- over the week-end, including his OuUMo Qu«ril...a nu)l («r FABRIC U A C Miss Elennor I-iavino is a guest of WHITE birthday party f.or her one-year-old Mrs. David Mair, who has been Easter Bunnies •poni (whtthir you ploy ti wotdi).,. Miss Lois England of Hagger lane. ncpltew, Vincent .Supienski, son of ROCKERS *y«-^ FRESH FRYERS units of work done by the boys and company last week. Mrs. Roy B.few days at Miami Beach. Mr. and tat* of David Clarence Walllnt. defj girls in their study of primitive Fleming was hostess. Mrs. Alfred Mrs. Hughes, who have been va- FOR ceased, notlc* la hereby given to tilt' j Knight scored highest at pinochle cationing at Sarasota, are "expected ereditora of aald deceaaed to exhibit to ' GRADE A ROASTING * man andWllfe In the middle ages. th* aubaeribar, aole executrix al afor*-^ Parents will attend. and Mrs. Joseph J. Murphy at home Sunday. WINDOW CONDITIONING laid, their debta and demands asrafssc •• bridge. Non-player prltes were th* laid eitate, under oath, within «U' Mlsa Patricia Vaux, daughter of awarded Mrs. Viola Heffernan, month* from th* dale of th* aforesaid m Mr. and Mrs. Lair Vaux of Syca- lharles Strohm, while table prize order, or they will be forever barred of il more . avenue, a student at the Mrs. Waterbury their actions therefor* agalnat thai laid " University of T>elaware, Is home for winners Included Mm. John Mor- Nowi mbaerlber. Iho spring vacation. / Issey, Mrs. Pauline Fleming, Mrs. Datadt Fraahold, K. J., Marca. 1IU,, Richard B. Neu, Mrs.'Olaf Christy, HAS 82d Birthday int. < Mr. and Mrs. Irving Feist have Anthon B. Lund and Mrs. Nathan BLANOHI LESH, DUCKS Chickens Mrs. Florenc* Waterbury, mother ^RUSCO returned fi;om «. vacation trip to Senrfoss. Broad Street, Cuba! . of Bolston Waterbury, Rod Bank mirm mr-iiNw MMumf WBI Jet am »a Red Bank, N. 3. Miss EJInor niordan and Miss Guests 'at the hom« of Mr. andreal estate man, celebrated her 82d Henry D. Brlnley, Biq,, Red Bank, N.VJ, Virginia Conover returned Monday Mrs. Matthew Ersklne Sunday In- birthday anniversary Saturday, and Proclor. to Junior Centenary college at cluded Mr. and Mrs, Edward New- on Sunday was the guest of honor Hacknttstown, after enjoying their on and daughter Patricia of Ver-at a dinner party at Mayer's rest' Monmouth County Surrojate'a Offiee, . I spring vacation at their respective ona, Mrs. Anna Haas, Harold Haas, aurant, Rumsori. The party was' In the matter of the eitaU el lfU ;il 45. ifargollui, deceaitd. Notlc* t* cr*i- i given by her ion and was attended 37i homes. Miss Carrie and Robsrt Felder of Iton.to preient claim* agalnit ••tats. ; J cnLa, Mr. nnd Mrs. C, F, Borden annual church night. Solois by Frederick M. Goll, was one of Na- lali; their debts anil demands snlsit I nf Broad street. Misses Helen and Adelaide Olson poleon's guard of honor and was tho cost of repairing or recovering th* laid eitate, undtr onth, within ll* 1 awarded the Medal of St, Helena, It right over the old roofing. Tou monthi from th* data of' th* aforesaid•'! An oilRlnal program wna prean- d a talk by Miss Annie E, Root, protect and beautify your home and order, or they will be forever baneilr sented Friday In the,school audi- missionary to Shanghai, China, for his services for France from of their action* therefore agalnat the ] EGGS BEEF were the highlights of the evening. 1792 to 1815, as one of Napoleon's add value to It. laid 'subscriber. torium by the eighth gride pupils, g g constating; of 'the following"pVoseh- MMrs** . Hfh Ctiftl»s,Ctlth• moth«r"Of last- : lallons: clrnrrmilzntlim bf a class- Mrs, Lewis C. RobertsonRbt , arriveidd room period In foetal studies, Pa- SIDNEV S. MARaOLTUS, Thursday from Watertown, New lit E»lt Tilt Stre.t, • tricia Bennett nrtlng as 'teacher; York, for. a visit. Also from Water> Auxiliary Plans N*w York, N. Y. reports suppltuiiontnd by orlglnnl town was Richard LaMora, who MILTOK /BRAMOIT, Bin... lantern slides and pictures nhown vlll be a houneguest, Mr. LaMora Summer Work 60 Brood Street, . 43L- Bed Bank, N. J. • through nn opnque projector; do- .«. the brother of Oeerge LaMora, mocrBcy In nnclent Orceee, by Plans for summer aotlvltles of Proctor. 1.- •; • •••' i • • who wfth hl« wife, Mn. Robert- Marilyn Jphnxnh; democracy In an- Fair Haven auxiliary of Rlvarview RE-SIDING son's sister, Is upending "a fewhospital were discussed at a meet- IN CHANCERV OP NEW JERSKV cient Rome, by Liiuia Atkinson; ' Our siding provides lasting satli- 1B4/12 .. i Barriiigtbn Hall Grade A / ,111(1 pro-rovoliitlonnry period, by months here. Ing Monday at the Eplioopal par- Richard Pomphrey, radioman sec- ish house,, Mrs, George Stephen * faction and pride in th* appearance NOTI0I OF ORDER rpR PUBLIOATIOK Jbnn Cowcn; dninintlmtlon, "IJIow ond clasi, after almoat three yean To Lena DeMiai ' Knglnfld Town McetlnK," enmposed Young, president,.Invited 'members , of, your home. Siraproofl Weather- By ylrtut of an Order of th* «o»t.i In the Navy, most of which he to be her guests at her home at a proof! Termlts-prooft Arid It's of Ohanc*rr of N*W Jertey, mail* on thel by committee of whlclt fliiclt Hnmll spent In the Philippine Island!, ar- permanent! Uth day of Mareh, A, D., Hit, In I] (on «'»« crmlrnuin; nilglnnl pnom, desaert-brldga Tuesday, April 33. CBrtaln snuit wherein John DoIJin ll thej rived homo from San Bruno, Cali- Mrs. Samuel J, Kpsslor and Mn. "Mntnr In trie Country," by Jniin fornia, Friday having received »'n tutltlomr nnd you aro th» 7lof*nd«0t,1 Cowcn, nnd rhnrtw tolnrtlond by Leon' E. VanBrunt will be hosteisos Have IM domonitMto Ui« many ways you can save money with you nra raqulmil tn aniwor th* petition'I honnrnbln discharge, H» Is a grad- at the next meeting Monday, May tr'ii peUtlon on, or bthira the Uth COFEEE Turkeys oljthtti Rrmln girls; dnhnlr nn subunln of tho Leonardo high school our products and expktin our monthly payment plan. , of May, 10,(1, or In dalnult thirapf, I 4«p|, ;'ni>(iolvev|, tlmt tin; 13. Others pr»sent> wore Mm. dtortt will h* tAkin aRnlnat you n ppoplt shonW not fflve the necrnt Mr. nnd Mr*. Matthew Brsklns Qaorgf) T, Lltiton, Mri.'Joieph.Chud- Ohanntllrhi ihitll think '•qultihl* «rVd pad their, daughter and h«r hui- * *n( tho atojglu bomb an' other na wl<(k,Mri.AmbroMMatthow«rMr». l*n...l fJ.«lH.u * I...I --J W_- TW^UI* 1n« oUaotlort of mid »«)t, li t»' -..j. * lOj.i.j^t^^aBaai.. ea^BBrT^BaB*lt*U i> 1. £L MUh Mfi,K;. Whrt A hfjrnjjj tain... dearie'ot dlvbret dltioirln* ' ooftip'rlilni Wtlllani F'tAnk, ,Qb«t)ii part tjf last wook; - W«iit/,«nd -Mr*7! 1 LtfVhitOy' And' ThtiMas,'O«bqtn,'Tlid Btda.ll warp marrltd. Mafqh'l •' "< 1.46 ti/nm/m , inoliinolildoil l' fod> fo H> H»rhh Marx, atr! • lh RED BANK REGISTER, APRIL 11, 1946. com* -in mertlegs) better start A mi* as busy-as Lou Click? s Girl Scouts Work Velvet Vibrations coming out Whs* happened to Marvin KaJltrSea Bright Youths Regent To Attend Isn't Anna swell for conducting ser Friday night? Get cold Xeat, Of Suririy$i4e By George Wheeler and , Edna our meetings when Lou Isn't there? Marvin? National Meeting Jefferson . . Run The Borough To Raise Funds As Barbara always looks so outs in -Why dMin't more boy* come Mrs. Harry VcCttsatesvltf Did*you aver see anyone aUp her-costumes.r- ' skating on Thursday night? Bank, regent.of Court St. JK Drive Nears End Bleepy's face like SnpokyT Suen It June H. and June A. dea't get Hey, gang, did you hear that Joan , Become Municipal Catholle Daughter* of America., \yjfoly Gross Pupils feeling behlnd.lt .put to the meetings pretty soon Mulligan hal a "One and Only?" was named delegate to the national'; Seems like Marilyn Bundgua It we're going to have to eleot sv new Until next .week then, we'll say Official. For A Day convention of the organisation, to'"; Mrs. William Sutphin taking a lot'of interest in A. Cahill. secretary-and a new treasurer. "So long, folks?' be held at St Louis in July, at aw; Sweet stuff Broeder, why do you Come oo,- gang, start coming to From "The Figurettea." Sea Bright'* municipal govern- state .convention'last week In 4k. i Rumson School To Present Annual ' Heads Committee . like Jersey City so? ,* our dancing clasiei on Sunday. ment yesterday was la the hands bury Park. Reports of this con- ; Lou jhould be pretty lure by Girls, don't forget our Easter Hilarious Evening of the youth of the borough, all of ventlon wet* read at.a meeflnjr of • Spring Play Sunday, April 28 In This County now that soft drinks turneth away -Bonnet parade. whom ' were ' students at Lonff the local court Tuesday in the Red customers. The younger kids lit our club are Branch high, school. Lester John- Bank Catholic high school auditor- Janet Keelen Is jealous' ot our doing as good as the big kids at At Shrewsbury Club son was mayor and the member! ium, <, ,«flunny of Sunnyilde," a playlet Efforts are to be redoubled this selling their tickets. ek to put the fund-raising cam- Tuesday night quartet. ' of the council were' Joan Feliu, Members of the court attending two artJ, will be presented by Kortrey, also known as Baynton, _ Although the expression, "They ' What happened to our president The fashion show presented by -were Mrs. MijCormlck, Misses Mar- 'la of Holy Croei school, Rum- were given 1190 each. igu of the Girl Scouts in North- at our last meeting? male members-of Shrewsbury Com- chairman of the sewer committee; i Monniouth county over the top make a cute couple" Is worn out, it Eleanort dine, chairman of the guerite Ward, Mary and Margaret Sunday arUrpoon,-April 28, at Louisa Donaldson, 67 Brlneker- still nerves Its purpose for Teddy Roses to Arlene for contributing munity club Monday night was a Kelly, Martina. Healy and . Helen o'eloolc In the church hall, hoff avenue, who died March 30, be- th a good margin. Reports of so.muchVnews for the column. hilarious success; fire and water committee; Eliza- first week of. the two-week and Howard Button. beth Minaldi, streets and lights j Lang, Mrs. James' Anderson and the CampflrejS' "Kentucky queathed her estate to Catherine L. As Jo would say, "There's some- Buddy C. says he Is-so.'attentive ' Messrs. Disbrow, Hammond, Ham- Mrs. Ralph Kilzen. Mrs. McCor. Hansen, ewoutrlx;. with the excep- drive are incomplete, but indicate to Carol T. • ilton, Ford,-Carman, Lyman, Rees, Charles Dillone, finance and Insur- specialty dances and thing'about a soldier," but never ance; Joan Lindsay, beachfront, li- mlck, Mrs: Anderson, Miss Ward will be Included In the tion of $100, -which goes to the much interest. fear, Doll, you have something tm How comeuneit.of the Jr. Velvet Lormerson and' WalKer, were pre- and Miss Lang participated In the trustees of Adelphla cetnetery for Rollers don't show up for meetings sented and their. Easter bonnets censes and leases, and John Doug- .. ta program. doesn't have, (namely jo.) las, police and town ha.ll. "living rosary" ceremony at the e oa»t of character* la Is lol- the cane of her plot there. We don't mind Cathy tripping and dance steps? Wg described by Miss Abbie V. Strick- convention. Billle, Marie Ovens; Leila, Mrs.. Mary" B. West, Freehold, our sailors but when Murjih lays land,, who was master of. ceremon- Gilbert; Boyer, Jr., was borough ies.and fashion editor for. the occa- The court'w|U hold a rummage Teeter; Reddy, Andrew Snyd- who died March 17,• bequeathed s'nuff, s'nuff. . .' clerk, Isobel '. CHne, collector; sale tomorrow from 1 to 5 p. m, Am ter, Mra. Charles Hawkins,' Mri. Ellen Larkin O'Brien; Nan, Mae We«t Hanklruon. Two grand- their way to a good rink. Three "Why, Snookle, you never told us The May meeting will be-held •After pelngzotworn In yesterday Rita H. Douglas, Mrs. Charles i>- children, Catherine West Newton Cheers for above girls, hiibba, hub- you were an artist." ' ' Monday; May 13. A short 'Iswing" nl&Oakee; Sunny, the favorite inl Elizabeth Weit Francis, were by Mrs. Eleanor, Lindsay, acting Malstre, Mrs. Irving Rink, Mm. M. n, Jean Kelly. ba, hubba. • . Ed StiUwdll, some, girls at .the drama and movie are planned. borough plerk, • the . young folks J, O'Hara and Miss Marianne Rior- left 150 each. The residuary estate rink would like to skate with you. ,.,. ris, Jean Rlgney; Paul, Ray- goes to the five children in equal Audrey and Ted really took the "took" over" with the aid and gu(d- dan. ttond Hellker; Horace, Maurice shares. long way, home Saturday night. Some inquisitive ferflaler at the .ance of the> regular officials. They 3agle; Howard, John Smith; Jim- Bucky just lovee Western Union, rlnlc would like to know more Junior Society •were guests of the borough at a NAMED DRIVE CHAIBME2T . ay, - Paul Lqjigua; Eileen, Ann John Fallon, Atlantic Highlands, that'cowboy underwear Is so warm. about Union Beach's Harry Smith. dinner at Harry's Lobster house Peckert; Tim, Dennis Byrne; An- who died January 28, bequeathed Someone tried awfully hard to Looks like Lorraine got caught Installs Officers and the day's activities concluded Mre. Thomas Andrews has been Onlo, John Sweeney,* Slim, Ber- his estate to hli wife, Mary Jane, convince Dusty what a swell gal in a hair-raid. ivith a conference with Mayor vnamed chairman of the American lard Crelghton; Jane, Patricia Nel- and-appolnted her executrix. ' she Is. , "^ So. you're learning how to drive, Mrs. George Mprford was In- Thomas Farrell and the.members Cancer noclety campaign at Mata- ijn; Penny, Mary Alice Hearn; Jo- Nelson Taylor, Keansburg, who Hi, Nance, feel happy now? eh, Sadie? Good luck to you. stalled president of Junior Mary of the council, at which suggestions wan, and John Hartzler is chalr- Inn, Judith Desmond; Bridle, Dor- died January 16, left his estate to Our own editor ami chief, George Tour pig-tails are cute, Jean R. Mount chapter of the Women's for the welfare of the'borough were rnan in Keyport. Mrs. Andrews ithy Carle. his wife, Annie, and named her ex- Wheeler, has the measles! Ha, ha, S, Thome, good things don't al- Missionary society of the Baptist discussed. will be assisted by a committee of ecutrix. Lawrence H. Maher, a who's laughing now?. ways come In little packages. church Monday at the. home 'of 12, and workers In Keyport are (^Around the Campflre" cast Is nephew,, was named executor. is'follows: Ftaotui, a darky, Jude BeTty C. and Mr. X seen running Flash! Snookle, If you want your Mrs. Harry Burdge' on Spring Mrs, .Herbert Burroughs, Carlton Jurateyrtta; Weary Willie, a tramp, around our roller rink' Tuesday hair to grow out In, bangs, why not street. The meeting was followed Fish do not close their eyes dur- Wharton, Stewart Ganz and George night. eat bullets? by a birthday party for Miss Mary ing sleep. — Search. tond Desmond; Skinny, a fat Mount, junior councilor and organ- George Brown; .Perclval, a River Plaza Club Seems like old times seeing Dqll Esther and Gerd, we thlnk^you with Mickey Saturday night. are swell. izer of the senior Mary Mount .ude, Donald Clancy; Charles Ed- chapter. : ' rd, a valet,' Leonard Frlscia; Installs Officers The "there's really nothing there T. M., so It's Leroy, Is It? iiitmaster, Raymond - Whelan; when you get down to it" rollers, Loretta T. la a working girl now. Others installed were Mrs. Alon- it lieutenant, James Tanner; sec- o —— won't be satisfied till we say some- Ed Soden, don't you think It Is zo Curchln, vice president; Mrs. BRAKES RELINEP and ADJUSTED MRS. WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN thing nice;—So we of the "So about time you saw "The Smiling Robert Kennedy, corresponding lieutenant, Richard Wallace; Mrs. Searles • , smooth rollers" say that the "Rain- Irishman" about your car? secretary; Mrs. C. W. Wlckman, re- BATTERIES • IGNITION PARTS ergeant, C)iarle» Dombrovski. Mrs. William H". Sutphin of Mat- bows rollers" are fragrant (like ... Did You Ever See . . . cording secretary, and' Mire. Wil- 'Boy Scouts," Francis Andre, Is New President awan, Is general chairman and her $27.50 worth of onions.) COMPLETE ENGINE TUNE-UP Iliam Brown, Gerald Minaldi, A girl with as many jokes as liam Schanck, treasurer.' ' GENERATORS Mrs. Elwood Searlei was installed husband, form'er Congressman Sut- It's so good to see Genevieve and Murphy? 'alter Bauer, Michael Whelan, phin, is head of the men's advisory STARTERS New, Jandall Victory. William Onder- a> president of the River Plaza Fuzzy get together again. A girl with as much patience as CARBURETORS Woman's club at a candlelight cer- committee. Mrs. Sutphin, who, as Corrine is singing a new song and P. Gee? Shower Given lonk, Robert Miller, Joseph Mur- well as her husband, served in the FUEL PUMPS Rebuilt ihy, Frederick- Swenson, Wayne emony held recently at the home it doesn't sound like "My - Bill" eith- A fellow that can pick a better WINDSHIELD of Mrs. Worth B. Cunningham. In AEF, in her case as an army nurse, er.. • : argument than Jack K.7 • N WIPERS • and *eaola, John Pesola, William Stan- in World War one, and who has For Bride-Elect River Plaza. Others Installed were Murph certainly has his hands A nicer fellow than L. Woods? VOLTAGE sy, John Desmond, Robert Osgood- Mrs. Irving Wells, vice president; been prominent in social welfare full on Friday nights. ' A better pal than M. Robinson? Mrs. "Robert M. Close and Mrs. Exchanged ry.t Thomas McKenna, John Mrs. Richard Thompson, corres- Work, hae been active in tfiis move- T. Malloy, make up your mind. A more quiet boy than Fritxle? Falrman Black, Jr., gave a bridal REGULATORS Ceany, Eugene Kennedy,. Bdward ponding secretary; Mrs. W. Gilbert ment for years and served as Girl Sonny and Flo still get noticed A girl who gets into mon mis- shower Friday for MIBS Carolyn At- PHONE R. B. 3355 jarrlngton, George Lane and Manson, recording secretary.; Mrs. Scout commissioner for the Mata- as a very chummy couple. chief than Lola Low? water, at the home of Mrs. Black ?homaB Farreii. Lester H. Smith, treasurer, and wan-Keyport district. George Wheeler, alias Fuzzy, alias A fellow on the phone as much as on Broad street jThe "Kentucky Belles" are Marie Mrs. Thomas Paul, federation secre- ' Mayors of all the towas from_Jthe measles!! (What next?) l R. Steels? Guests were Mrs. Benjamin L. ELECTRIC Kndre, Dorothy Andre, Margaret tary. •• . bayshrire south through Long Howard Foster and Charlie Hubbs A girl with as many answers as Atwater, Mrs. Clyde Mason, Mrs. SERVICE Jostigan, Mary Friscla, Caroline Mrs. Paul, retiring president, was Branch and Elberon are serving as are really giving two girls up Leon- Dot Logan? C, Frank Borden, Mrs. William Ma- AUTOMOTIVE Juerrier, Claudette Mlnaldl, Doris 1 given a past president's pin,/and local chairmen In the drive, which ardo the old run-around. A more polite boy than Francis honey, Mrs. Douglas Brooks, Mre. Jears, Anne O'Leary, Katherlne corsages were given to retiring of- is to raise money to finance an ex- Shirley, or Is it Curly?? Nagroski? Robert Bernard and Misses Shirley 30 MECHANIC STREET. _ RED BANK »«lu«o, Mary Raleigh, Patricia ficers. Mrs. George Castelman was pansion of the organization which Dorla Fleming, Is you Is or is you A girl who can, laugh like Flo Mason, Janet Holmes, Carol Apgar Opposite Globe Court Vbelan, Joan White, Patricia Initiated as a new member, has a long waiting list of girls who ain't in our club? Heller? and Lee Mlltenberger. WALTER. L. DUNBAR, Proprietor julliven, Elearior Desmond and A tricky-tray party followed the are anxious to avail themselves of Harold Stover, where are you on Catherine Keany. session, In charge of Mrs. Charles the benefits, physical, moral, ment- Fridlay'-nights any more? Rhythm Girls" are Irene Andre, Thompson. The next meeting will al and spiritual, to be gained by lary Durstewltd, Jean Friscla, be Thursday, May 2, at the home membership in the Girl Scouts. 'oan Healy, Jane Minaldi, Anna of Mra. Douglas Ring on Orchard Leaders must ba. trained for the JUNIOR VELVET TBEMOBS ae Murphy, Margaret TagHerl, drive. Loretta Lynch Watts of Du- task because emphasis Is placed By Carol Thome lta Wright, Joan Heckt, Eltca- Pont will speak on "Chemistry and upon having therii qualified for Hi, gang.' Well, ohly eleven more ith Langler, Elizabeth Brown, Clothing." their duties. This necessitates days until our Easter party, so 'oan Mears, Ruth Dudley and funds. don't forget to buy your tickets lerlne Walker. MATAWAN V F W ELECTS. Over 2,000,000 girls have enjoyed now. . Members of the chorus are Hob- Girl Scout training in the. 34 years News—Janie and Gerry are off since the organization -was boys for Lent." ' ' launched in this count! y. Roses are red, jbrccquc, Francis Krusc, Gerald and Paul Dell, Jr.,-senior vice com- Girl Scouts, Inc., of Northern Daffodils are yellow,, Celiy, Philip Pesola, Richard Pe- mander. Others elected were Wil- Monmouth county has been entirely • Hold on to Joe, Mary, ola, Madelyn Desmond, Margaret liam Cogan, junior vice command- supported by .volunteer workers un- He's your fellow. tery Muegge, Joanne O'Brien, er ; Michael F. Kldzus, quartermas- til now, but due to the long wait- (By Arlene Carr) Jrace Minaldi, Barbara Olivadotl, | Gussio and Chickie are friends - ter, and Albert Fieldi, Alphonse ing list and the expansion program, fancy Byrne, , Mar> Anne Carew,' Vaccarella and John Graham, Jr., it is necessary for the first time again. . 8C//V/Vy Ijrlvia Desmond, Jean Harrington, trustees. Installation ceremonies in Its six years existence to hold a Doily Grey,, where are you keep- Jetherine Tllton, Dorothy Carle will be held tonight. drive for funds. It is hoped that ing youcself? ind Judith Desmond. citizens Interested in the welfare B. W. has become quite a young of our young people and in com- lady. ALLENTOWN B AND L. bating the growing peril of juvenile Walter M.—a certain girl thinks ' Wills Probated The director* of the Allentown delinquency will.respond generous- your swell. Building and Loan association have ly for the support of this construc- Roses—to the kids who behave at Tetley's offers you a harmonious following wills have been elected James' H. Graham, presi- tive cause. the rink. blending of the right gift for the >robated In the office of Surrogate dent; J. W. Naylor, vice president; Lemons—to the kids who don't. )orman McFaddln at Freehold: Leslie C. Llpplncott, second vice Patty H.—are you still In the right person during the ' coming Mrs. Fannie E. Jones, Oceanport, president; Leon A. Nelson,• secre- Men, 17 to 34! Be a guardian of club? ho died March 10, made the fol- tary; Holmes E, Larrison, treasur- victory! You can help preserve the peace for which our men fought so Walter, Is it-Teddy now? Easter season. Whether you want Ing bequests; Cora Virginia er; Irene C. Nelson, assistant treas- Babsy's boyfriend will be pub- 'raster Wolf, grandchild, (499, urer; Stacy B. Llpplncott, assistant gallantly. Join the Regular Army- Apply at the Arm.v Recruiting sta- lished as soon as we find out his a shiny rattle for the newest born tiscilia Jones, grandchild, 1499; to the treasurer, and James S. name. annle Elizabeth Davis, grandchild, Turp, counsel, tion In the Re'd Bank postofflce David Furze Jonw, grand- building. You slackers, (kids who don't or something suitable for the child, $499; Gertrude E. Davis, LUghter, several personal effects grandparents, Tetley's is prepared >nd jewelry: Harold L. Jones, son, to fill your needs. llamond jolltaire ring; Hilda Pras- COLOR FILM :er Jones, daughter-in-law, {1,000 id diamond ring; PrlscIllaJonei, COLOR PRINTS founond jtudded wrist watch, cam- COi/OR DEVELOPING KITS !O breast pin; Fannie Elizabeth .VIB, diamond engagement ring, COLOR VIEWERS •STUFFED LEATHER GOODS' hlnaware; David Furze Jones, COLOR PROJECTORS lewelry; Cora Virginia Praster 'olf, Jewelry; Priscilla Jones, COLOR IN MOVIES OR STILLS • BOOKS • PEN & PENCIL SETS .bleware; Mrs. Frederick B. Pang- orn and Mrs. Frank Foster, St. 'etersbursr, Florida, Jewelry; Ger- • GAMES • WRITING PAPER rude L. Davis and Harold L. Jones all other Jewelry; property at AS YOU LIKE IT! Gooseneck Point, Qceanport, and • GYMS • PHOTO ALBUMS income from the estate to her hus- band, David, for life and then to Gertrude E, Davis and Harold L. Announcing.... •SANDBOXES • SCRAP BOOKS Jones equally; David and Harold Jones were named executors In a will dated February 25, 1946. 3-DAY SERVICE • SEESAWS • NOVELTY ITEMS Samuel Tomaino, Ling Branch", on who died January IS, left his es« ate to his wife, Marie Antonla and Color Prints appointed her executrix. Mrs. Katherlne Thaler, Long From Branch, who, died March 18, left ter estate to her daughters, Helen Your Transparencies S. Hatnmarin and Kathryn G, Ed- wards, and 'named them execu- 4x5 Prints $1 trlces, Mri Nora Mack, Marlboro town? 8x 10 Prints $4 ihip, who died March IS, left $100 ;o St Rose of Lima Catholic church Worki on haute currant or to be used for mesaei for the re- DIMENSIONAL fluhliiht batterln, Thru* HI- Ua ot her soul. Her son, Ray- VIEWERS minilonil afreet. iond, waa requeathod a farm "at 17 BROAD ST., RED BANK (ontrose, together—with- alUlve-- $2.50 and $3.00 ock and machinery as well as PHONE R.B.1 ilMhe household furnishings, ac- lorfllng to hor will which wu pro- >ated in Freehold last Friday. Mrs. Maok left the other half of her fur- FOR- ilshlngs, all jewelry and property MOVIB FANS it Lincoln place and Randolph Anico • 18MM color SLIDE PROJECTORS troet, Freehold, to Her daughter Aim. 100 ft. Mrs, Mary Steen. Raymond Meek ind Mrs, 8tobn wore named oxecu- $8.83 $13.95 to $18.75 ors of the estate. Other bequeila TRANSPARENCY FOB irnludod $100' to William Mack, ' /with nu'mbend Intyx.' Jooedent's husband; Timothy, a on, 1100; DMiiol, a. son, $400, and Walter, also a ion, $600 in trust, $3.00 to $0.50 William- Hbrtroy, JTrtfahold, who llid.Ootober 27, 1945, bsqueathod "l« fJUlk of his estato to Ills wife, VETERANS ,v « Irglnla R, Kortroy', and' namad lrr,, tfctoutrlx of hiit «estate. Mr. On]y one new leader came up in ral weeks earlier .this year. The the singles competition, as Class of flatties accounted for. Jim Tervy In "marking up the highlight of "C" leadership changed hands. Le- of'Plalnfleld and John Brokaw of .rst big catch of 31.&00 pounds was he afternoon, Pingitore rolled 248, Dunellen had a catch of 30. C..W. iprll -3, with 59,000 pounds' April 5. roy Smith of Red Bank knocked Warren, Roselle Park, had 12. Don t usually takes two weeks or more 212 and 209 for a 689 total, while out a 626 total to move far ahead Applegiite of Red Bank caught jefore they start hitting. One the- is partner knocked out 222, 184in that division. Last week's lead^ ' seven within. a couple of hours. ry strongly held by many old-time nd 201 games for 607. ere were Al Dangler of Wayside, With a few days of good weathef, leep sea fishermen, accounting for In the team events, only the A"; Ed Shaltls of Freehold, "B"; his interval, is that when they Dynamotors in Class "D" remained and Bill Brash of Sea Girt, "D." • flounders should be hitting at their n flrst place, In Class "A" the peak. - rst appear they have a growth Competition in .'the league con- In the past week .or so, Sounder iver the pupils of their eyes which '. and M, Dairy of L/ongr Branch tinues for the next three week-ends, fishermen in the North Shrewsbury hey .call a "scale" and which, ac- ook the lead with 2,854, replacing when all entries will have rolled. river have been reporting heavy ording to them, practically ren- strikes of big flsh, which have been iers the flsh blind. This "scale" is smashing tackle. It looks like the gradually absorbed and disappears green heads .are on the prowl. In In about two weeks. I fall to agree fact, I have\ recently received a 1th this theory, because these flan - The new Monmouth Park Jockey club will revive one of the traditlona of the old Monmouth Park during the coming 36-day suaimti dipping showing a picture where re able ^o travel thousands of SPORTS REGISTER meeting which gets under way June 10 to run through July 20. Plans call for a handsome steeplechase course -m—the Infield, seven, Jump* "George Manuel, proprietor of miles arid always know where they to a mile, and a high purse schedule is certain to attract the leading timber-toppers of the. East to thebcautlful Northern New Jerse) George's grill, displays a 26-pound re headed for and always get race course. . • N striper caught off Long Branch." there. I had an opportunity a. few THE PUTTING GREEN. • Before itit historic old Monmouth closed Us gates in 1893, steeplechase racing was-an Integral part of the sporting calendar, as showi However, the foot note fails to state ears back to axamine two mack- Docs Morgan Collo and Tony Marascio teaming up at Old Orchard. In the above picture of the grounds. The grandstand is shown to the rear. Although the infield course will be completely laid put in prepar whether this flsh was caught this re!, one which I was told had the They make a tough combination to beat .... Gene Kunes, who had 19 atlon for the jumpers, no steeplechase will be carded during the inaugural season because of the necessity of permitting the grassy tract year or last year. - 'scale" and the other which had strokes too many in the Masters' tournament last week, is due to report to settle to-insure'a maximum of safety. When ready, however, the fleet-winged thoroughbreds will add many a thrill to a Monmoutt ~* •* ost it. After a close examination in a{. Homestead Golf club, where he will again be pro.. The gent is a racing afternoon. • . ; Striped Bass Season Opens June 1 was unable to detect the differ- real shotm'aker. A Canadian.Open winner, he also copped the Pennsyl- ' Work Js progressing rapidly, on the new grandstand and clubhouse and the entire oval will be In top shape for the June' 10 inaugural There appears to be a misunder- mce. It is probably true that there vania PGA event two years ago when he put Sam Byrd away .... Jim according to officials of the Jockey club. , 5 Is some obstruction to the vision, Small, who has always been considered a permanent fixture at Beacon standing on the part of some read- Hill, is 'now pro at the Rockland county club . . .' . George Sullivan's ers of this column • regarding the ut Jt is also possible that during • WOODWORKERS Oakhurst No. 5. A. Smith _, ipawning time they do not feed drive on the 315-yard eighth hole Sunday was holhi .... George is at- 153 date on which it becomes legal to tending the PGA meeting this afternoon at the Newark A. C, at which Kelly 144 111 | Firemen's League West Lonu Branch No. 1, flsh for striped bass. Apparently nd that this accounts for the Bowling Scores Dov.cn _ 86 148 132 Howlnnd _ _. . • 1*1 heory of the "scale." hey will set dates for some of this summer's tourneys . . • - We hear Emmom 139 144 West ijong Branca No. t, J. -." ~; they have become confused with .hat Freddie Carlson of Long Branch has given up golf professionally. BELL SYSTEM LEAGUE. Showier .'. - 146 146 13» Damcnico - lfl the proposed legislation, Bill A158, If you possibly can make it, do Haberstick _ 149 147 129 Ends Season lied Bank No. 4; U Lusdsno 16$ He was an RBCH grad who learned the game from Craig. Wood. Fred 200 which, if and when passed, will .ot fail to have a go at the "Bos- was assistant to Vic Ghezzl at Deal and took over the reins there when Handicap ,..- 200 200 Mncroft, I.. Mahoney .'..,..,. lfl ons." STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. Independents No. 2, A. Brusio 170 make the striped bass a game flsh Qhezzi went into the army, staying on until issued olive drab clothes 864 by allowing them to be caught only W L AVB HG Tomainos Record Wnyside/ Wet Danlltr lit Capt. Charlie Dodd of the Optim- himself .... Jim Martuccl, brother of the famous one-armed golfer, Repair 62 n 777.30 919 METAL SHOP l!eal No. 2, A. ,0'Shea £.111 deep sea fishing over the week-end Oranges Pros and dubbers willingly moan along with Ben Hogan Installation No. I 97 32 724.38 872 roctiue I4K 1 Is Dlvl.lon D day, with 20 in possession for any 735.60 870 166 197 164 was fair, with catches of cod rang- or that missed 30-inch putt on the last hole Sunday at Georgia. Have Wire Chief's 34 85 Jepion 170 Atlonlio Highlands No. 1, W. two days. ' The size to remain the Installation No. 1 30 39. 730.52 893 : _ 147 134 Tho Shore Firemen's bowling Anderson »_ 114 ing from 12 to 25 pounds. Fishing Tom Glassey tell you how Tony Savage's putter went wild.during the 699.43 789 Handicap _ 227 227 227 ea£ue ended its season Friday same as It is at present, namely 18 last round of the club championship last year at Old Orchard .... Western Elee. «2 47 Wall Fir. Co. C. Ormsbo 110 Inches from the tip of tail to the is being done on "the farms," 1Z Construction 22 47 696.4 812 night with an announcement that Littlle SilvSrr No. 2. P, XarabranXambrandb Ml miles «ast of Asbury Park. The PGA may pick Jumping Brook for the state pro-pro tournament. 907 1040 (Jccnn—Seo.a. Brighto-.-.-. , W." , -Devereau x m tip of the nose. The season to open INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES Tex Tomaino of Long Branch rolled April 1.—>• That Is a best-ball affair .... Tom Hines, who for years was professional G AVB HO HEADQUARTERS tho highest average for tho yearT K»cl,i 10. G.I. E. Thompson, Jr. 117 at the North jersey country club,, is a regular week-end guest at 174.33 Doran ...._ l!iS 199 Avon No. 2. W. Devereaux At this time a word of warning Gov. Edge Announces Flans For Fay . 66 s:4 White 142 159 with his brother, Reek, In second Helraallclmar Vo]iVols . NoN . 2, W . VVtron III Annual Fishing Tournament Eatontown's CBI .... Another fire reported at the temporary Rumson AnRerol* ...... 12 173.2 212 183 14!) Is in order. At the present time 172.15 Speck , 157 ate. "— Hailrt. W. TltUt 111 country club. Indicative of a hot season? .... Vic Ghezzi's 67 remained Gase . . ~~ « 69 222 Harper .;.... _ 142 131 11C Karmingdale. C. Smith 111 New-Jersey does have a law gov- Those who look forward to vaca- low score for the Masters'; Buck ...« - ...... 20 170.19 207 130 131 Tex, who bowled fcr Phil Daly of 166.3 Hilty „ 195 llclmar Ooodwill. J. Hoagland .._ Ill ernning the catch of striped bass. iionlng ha the Garden State In 1946 Clayton ; 64 223 Handicap .. „... 190 190 190 Long Branch, had a net 190.35, Fair Haven No. 3, R. Cadmao 14* will do well to match the foresight GEMS AND DIAMONDS. Felnhals 8 165.4 196 Fair Haven No. 2, R. Kreztr .... 141 This law was originally made with Con I on ***#*•*»«»*••• »•*••«. 64 160.59 202 while his brother's average was )f thousands of others and plan The annual examination for umpire aspirants, will be held tonight 9S4 At. HIghltndi No. 2, KOnowlta 147 the approval of the sportsmen of fo mpre aspirants, g Corwln . 64 159.48 231 - RADAR NO, 1 189.20. Reek was on the Long Hamilton No. 2, Davlton 111 New Jersey. It is just as much of :arly, according to Gov. Edge, who at thh e NewarNk k EveninEi g NewN s buildinbildi g at 8 o'clocococ'lkk . . .,. ThT ee bbaseball Kl.nk 62 159.7 210 White ... .. „.„ „ 154 177 134 Branch Independent squad. 69 158.6 230 a law u those governing the catch coday joined state and municipal clinilii c sponsored b y tthh e CentraCtl l Jersey Umpires' association gets under g 158 1C7 Highest single games of the sea- 67 156.57 211 Sach» ... :.. 187 127 171 of trout, the killing of upland officials In recognizing the heavy way tomorrow at Perth Amboy high school. The Brooklyn Dodgers' L. Letschs •. 66 156.49 232 son were marked up by Ed Farley demand for resort accommodations Johnaon Bookbinder 146 139 156 Baseball Clinic game; etc. However, it has turned Ed Finch will conduct the seminar, which Is open to anyone Interested 64 155.47 203 168 137 and George Traill, each having 278. Hlbbetti 60 223 Oroiimnn , 135 out to be an unpopular law with and in urging holiday seekers to . . . .Randy "Prudential" Cooke, who covered the flrst sack for Rumson 155.17 Handicap ., v 180 189 189 Reck Tomaino again came in for lay their plans well in advance. A. C. so well in "those better days" will be lending a helping hand to Harriinws „ 21 154.17 192 many sportsmen who claim that 60 154. 217 honors, when his three-game total' Starts Tomorrow Gov. Edge also announced the Coach Milt Nichols as the Rumson mentor tries to get his green squad Bpdlke , 69 240 •~m they should be, allowed to flsh for Slocurn ...... «••...•.• 153.47 PROCUREMENT of 731 was high for the season. opening of the sixth annual New Into shape for tho coming season .... The Eisner Softball team, which 68 153.42 242 them ' because our' neighboring MaMa . 68 211 Goodrich ... 104 183 140 Other high average men by cias- Jersey Governor's .Fishing tourna- was formerly known as the Branchport Eagles, has reorganized-again Tanner 153.2 Munache ... 172 126 To Feature Stance, states have no restrictions as to _ 53 151.29 208 -..-.... 1.11 ses.wei-e H. Breslin, 189.20! followed -the time to flsh. Consequently ment set for April 15 and extended and will now play under the colors of MacFherson Brothers service Herbert , 105 Duke „ 116 87 99 Waltt ...... 66 151.6 Wasser ....,<..., 138 91 130 by 'Harry Denegar, 181.5, for di- _, Poise And Hitting few are inclined to disregard the a cordial invitation for folks every statiotti n . TTryoutty s for tthe Philadelphipaa Philliehes will be. held at PatePaterr- 150.45 204 llff tdi f Wleger -..-.. 46 202 _... 121 133 150 vision B; Al Dangler,-179.71, fol- law. where to enjoy the state's marvel- C. Letich« ..... 21 150.3 Handicap 2S" 28" 2S7 starson'ts Hinchllffpractice ethi stadius Sundaym fro, m May 4 to 6 .... The Red Bank Towners 149.32 190 lowed by Emmons, 17S.7, for di- Many baseball fans, player* a I have been informed that the ous fishing opportunities as well as Johnnie Ellis and Bill Wlchmann will be Van WlnkU _ 61 205 candidates for the mound Stoble's Bar is the i.ame of the newest WhIU - - 63 147.55 (' / 877 956 vision C," and Tony Bruno, 173,417 coaches of this section will atti New Jersey Fish and Game com- its resorts and vacation attractions. 14S.30 200 "This first year of peace," the Red Bnntt Softball club. They were the Eisner team and wound up L.wl. _ 61 187 followed Its/ Holbrooks, 170.11, tor the annual clinic of.tb* Cant mission Intends to enforce this law Whltehurat 54 144.29 18l division D. Team winners were governor said, "gives every indica- second in the Asbury Park league' the last year they played. Besides Pools- .— . 87 143.33 SUNDA>AYTRY TRIIO Jersey Baseball Umpires' aaioc to the limit as long as it remains 186 Oakhurst, class A; Wanamassa, tion tomorrow night at the Pei v on the books. tion of being a boom year for rec- Ellis and Wichmann, the squad has Red Bohn, Irv Brenner, Ed Plccolie, Jobes -— ... _._ 87 143.17 166 Phil Sakowltz, 'Larry Luciano, Harry Estelle, Freddie Boncore and Bud Sherman .—... 2 143,,1 SHlNINd LIGHTS class B; Freehold, class C, and At- Amboy high school. No admlaal From the writer's View point It Is reation. Perhaps other states find 142.45 200 Crelln'. The crew have been working out for the past two Sundays .... Anderson «. .-.. 666 200 D. Meilll 1 156 142 163 lantlo Highlands, class D. will be charged. far better than no law at all. At themselves in the same circum- Holnar 69 140.17 _..../. 203 114 148 200 R. Kleter Hlsh Team Scores—Sinrle Came Tho talks and demonstrations » least It prohibits the netting of stances but speaking for New Jer-The Red Bank Softball league met last night at Sherwood's .... The Levy . S4 139.7 211 R. MejriJl \...L, 1E5 158 175 jtrlped bass between February 28 sey it must be said that it is more weatherman "was kind to the Red Bank-RBCH forces Tuesday . . . . Drawbougn — 88 138.19 190 Division A—PMl D«lys 1052 be In the hands of the Brook] Mulder ...... 89 138.18 157 • 514 4U 486 Division I)—Oakhurst No, 2 1011 Dodgers and will deal with itao to June 1, at a very vulnerable judicious this year than ever be- Jim Egldio, popular policeman who has long been associated with sports, 12 138.10 Division C—Freehold No. 2 S74 umpired his first baseball game behind the plate at the Tuesday game Battler - 191 THREE STRIKES poise and attitude lor effective 1 time of the year 'when the fish are fore for prospective vacationists to Hogrefs ...... 86 137.26 195 L. Colt 170 178 138 Division I)—Belmnr Goodwill .• 988 make reservations in advance and . . . . Among those taking state.umpire exams tonight will be Mike Brls- Chanpell J 68 134.50 178 High Team Scores—Three Games ting. Defensive infield play and o schooled up and moving around in M. Cole" 147 168 161 Division A-J>hil Ualvl : 3024 the bays and Inlets where they are as early as possible." cise of Keyport and Sterling Stryker of Atlantic Highlands. Mike was aGaiter ...... 134.47: 159. -S. Castellacclo ...- 171 1S9 167 field work will be discussed. A qu former Rumson A. C. man, who also played in Florida. Stryker was Coutlee — 133.12 195 Diyislo.i B—Wunkmmia 2S«;t tion period will be held. Mickey % easy prey to nets. Gov. Edge invited anglers young Patrlelt 133.8 180 4S8 ~£26 466 Division C—freehold No. i 274< with the Boston Braves. Division D—Wall Fire Co 2019 Connel), director of the Brookl Compare the daily market re- and old, wherever .they may reside, A Barletta, 131.86 180 THREE STARS ports of the catch of striped bass to cast their lines Into New Jer- ' . POT POURRL •,.-•• Siedenzahl --.. 131.33 D. Wist 172 141 196 Individual Hifh Sinfle Game farm system, and Robert Flnck, i Rehrle 128.18 •T. Boncort .-.., 177. 1SI 156 Division A—E. Farley ./....'.O..." 278 sey's waters, both- Bait and fresh, Ringside seats for the Louis-Conn fight are selling for a century Division A—(i. Traill „...,....[ S7 H sistant to Branch Rickey, will I between New Jersey and our .Morrissey ... 122.16 1781 Dummy . 162 162 162 the clinic. They will be acce neighboring states. I have picked and to enter their catches in the note, which is plenty of. pennies. We are reserving two ringside jobs at Collins 122.14 171 Division B—H, Deneglr ...-.-. 258 official governor's tournament. On Destalet 121.5 177 Division c—B Howlnnd :'74 panled by players. at random seven days' catch which the nearest radio .... Congrats to Joe Mehzzopane, Jim and Lou Acerra, 611 404 514 Division D—J. Costello 245 •how a total of 121,000 pounds his desk were the certiflcates of Nick Gentile and Nordy Aschettino for returning the Tetley trophy to Forsman 121,1 152 HERE'S HOPING Three hundred free rule bo< J. Bruno - 113 95 168 ndivldual High Three Games for 1940 will be given to those * against iero pounds for Now Jer-merit to be awarded along with Red Bank. That quintet represents plenty of bowling oomph . . . . P. Bruno ..._ - 194 189 212 Division A—R. Tomaino 731 sey. cash prizes to 59 winners in the Entries for the state bowling tourney/ to be held at the Recreation WATSON LABS C. Bruno 214 18S 204 Division B—V. HobcrU 607 attend. Milton Nichols of Rumi 1945 tourney, as well as the hand- alleys, closed at midnight last night.... Horace Wade sends word from Division C—W. PaJmrr 672 is a member of the group's According to the Associated some silver governor's trophy lor the Monmouth Park Jockey club that the New Jersey Futurity, which STANDING OF THE TEAMS >- 621 469 584 Division t>—\V. Crotier _ 636 tive committee. Press, a bill designed to make per- the grand prize winner. was reported In last week's Register, will only be open to two-year-olds W L AVB BO SPARKLERS Hilh Average Man on Each Team Radtr No. 1 :...... 62 29 728 920 R. Francla _ _ 148 167 167 . Division A manent the war-granted right of. This year's event again will of foaled in New Jersey. It will be run at a distance of five and a half Metal Shop ,._ 51 30 712 83« M. Francis 162 187 125 Oakhurst No. 1. C Penterman 186.39 BONFORTE PITCHES.. commercial fishermen to operate fer prizes for the heaviest flsh of furlongs, with a $10,000 prize. Added breeding awards of $300, $200 and Radar No. 2 ...... 49 52 696 835 W. Croiler -.„ - ISO 217 153 Phil Daly*. G. Cosentlna 183.17 nets within one mile of the Neweach species, the best salt and $100 will be awarded the breeders of first, second and third horses A. A. C. S - 48 38 708 897 Eatontown No. 1, R. Morris .... 180.67 Ronnie- Bonforte, former Jersey coast is scheduled to be in- fresh water catches and there will Pete Pingitore really knocked them over Sunday afternoon at the Oak-MaebJns Shop No, 1 47 34 736 987 460 521 445 Independents No. 1, H. Smith 176,72 Bank Catholic high school aj ' troduced by Senator Frank S. Far- hurst alleys. Games of 248, 212 and 209 represent plenty of pins . . . . Reproduction -..... 47 84 654 818 HOT SHOTS Freehold No. 1. P. Orbcils ls;.l saw action on th« mound with be special juvenile awards. Details Headquarter* .» 42 99 702 798 Dummr 145 145 145 Branchoort. Tl. Dillione IVi.i Norfolk Tars of the Pledm ley (R-AtlanOc) a.t a meeting of of the contest, open from April Red Bank names popped up as leaders in the county tournament last Procurement «.,— 87 44 700 812 L. Smock 175 14S 163 Oakhurst No. 3, W. Vanner _.„ 179:61 the legislature next Wednesday. week-end, with Leroy Smith taking group C singles lead and Mike Bruno Machine Shop No. 2 92 49 714 831 E. Conover _ 128 174 177 Neptune City. J. Drum 177.36 league Friday when he hurled through November, may be ob- 834 Prior to the war commercial fish- and Chnrfie Schneider doing the same in the group A doubles . . , .We Radio .._ JO 51 640 Highlands Nf Manhattan and Oreg K»ir - 169 121 163 Neptune township pushed In a *ur- "Pnppy" Phlpps, conch of the high Local conches ' nnd their assist- Woods ...... tit day of the 1646 trout season, Ou ants werfl'In'nttiindiincB nmong tho Rico, formerly of/Notre Dame. prlse win oypr Long Branch's Phil school, may revive Ills pltohlrijf nrnr •BnwhaJ] had Ford Frlck of th'a Brown *.*...... < 130 ITI» , local trout anglers should be In fo in tho icaKtio, Stanley "Bish" Cur. 500 nt th* Noiv Jersey Intcr/icholns- Shaffer . ...,..„.. 188 IIS 149 Daly team, due to transportation some of the best sport,they hnv tlc nthlrtlo association's Hovonth National League and various acouta Qa>dos .....-.., 178 149 difficulties. A now winner Is as- IIOI. had In yuan, in our section of th hart, .jot-mra rtimuron .manngcr, Including Hans Lobert, Wabtr ....:..... 141 187 sured, etnee Hamilton Is not In the mny play for the home forces, • annuaj coatfhe* spring athletic con- Handicap 190 199 county our streams and ponds hav< ference hold Friday arid Saturday1 The football dlnlo had some of 169 playoffs, ' ' • . .* . . received a liberal planting, linen Bocorder John V, t-rowoll of Red ot the Hotel McAlpIn, Now York, tho outstanding Eastorn aoaohM. "m Til Oompotlng' will be Oakhurst No. arefiomo 5,000 trout waiting fo Bnrik. l« praaldcni" bf .tho league, Prdflon.t from thin aroa wero Mil- Among them were Harvey Harmari, SPBO LAB 1, Clan A; Wanamaaia, Class B; youto t'a«,t your angling skill, Kneh while Hormnn Ascltottlno l« aecro ton Nichols of Rnnwpn, Frank Riitgors; Howls Odoll,, Yal«t Ed. tfunkio ..... 19. U1 in Froehold No, 2, Class C, and Atlan- and every fisherman should bo re- tnry and tronsuror, ..'••• MoKeevor, Cornell | John DaGrosa, Schmidt ,,.., lit1«« 157 tic Highland). Clan D. The entrlos of the leuguo are Plngitore, Bill Sherwood nnd Lou Cohin ...... ,.- 1114188 14 warded Tor hi* offortB by foellng Jacoubs of Red Bank, Ar.nle Truox Holy Croat; Hugh Dovore, former Dummy ... «... 141)140 14 The squads will bowl throe the thrill of a .speckled beauty on Mldd|otown4A,. A., Leonardo Field nnd Albert.,Vun Bourun of, Leonar- Notro Dnmo coach!' Ray Morrlion, Johnson ., ..... Illlei 14 gamti, ' Onkhurct goes from the end of his line, ' • ••'. ' club, Qulfston*AiC, t^ocholtl, Holy do, Howard MoKco of Atlnntla Tomploi Fnnk Cappon, Princeton, Handicap .... lit1,4 114 leratch,- while'the other" t«am« will The foeolbu rain brought' the Narrio hpcletyj Unlop'Benchj^Arn'olv arid Jaok.Lavolle, famous scout, , 4fian_ '1/i.t.lon, Keyport) ..Sshmldi HiRfilnndn. Mel Rnhn, Army Ippo- be allowed A handlpnp of 75 por lltto, Cliff HuUloyi Jim Mnmicca Milton Nlcholi and Frank Plnf- RIPBODUOTIQW out of th> dlfftrenee between *«*• Your nbiorv«il •«!;flNiteSlBiShfi fltlllD •.«•«. •••..•• Hi ihV wklltiiilillliiw KED BANK KEGlSTfcK, APRIL 11, 1949, turn Red Bead 'ertopal* Monmouth Park Finishes Role school la 3*4* ana prior to «otof oa- The Gee?-Ge^ Are Coming Muffin h Named th* Mqft WM ttoployad 6t(h**(< i Ma, Mini In Blossom Time flees" at «n>» • -T»l*o», «r»! **• ?ar*nts Plans $155,000 , Superintendent Sally Taylor, daughter at Mx. *BA was * note «( Uu OK) ^--toraiWiwttjr at MPSJ, Peter Talorico^pf Bridge, ave- chorus, JoUowtag a nationwide) «qn-, nue, is now in Washington, "P. O, test, in which man than^OJpirf, . BamWl Wrtrtw, « InAddedStakes QfRaceTrack with the-Bhubert road show,,"Blos- Udpatod. ', ' , u« tht parent* of som Time," and will. be home in *t Monmouth Hatkcll Announc4ei Red Bank next week. She made New Voter at Union Beach Holmdel Trainer her debut in the role of "Kitty" in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill are the 1. Tttltsr »f Twelve Rich Priaei Gets Appointment the operetta in Trenton last Sep- parent* of, * SOB bora Saturday at vtalted bis motker, tember, and has toured through the) Blvervtew hospital. J, Tetley of CbMtnut Fot Inaugural Meet At Morimoutii Park . .' Northwest and West Coast ' Daughter to the Wifltamsr- Mm. Itxtn Nordrum, The Moninouth Park Jockey club Wilfred v. Mullln of Holmdel has Mr. and Mrs. Thomas William* „/ avenue, art parent* of will distribute a total of •1M,000 in been' named track superintendent of Atlantlo Highlands are the par- |r born Friday at River- added stakas mon»y during tb* in- at Monmouth "PTrk, .Edward J. ents .of a daughter born" Sunday jital. augural summer meeting of the Brennan, general manager there, at Monmouth emorlal hoeiptal, Mae Brandon, U Bt new Northern New J»r»ey race announced this week. . . course, June 10 through July 30. The Mullln family has long been e, in *etlv« oWio work- NEW EATONTOWX BBUDZm yeaw, ha« been a p£ Twelye handicap* and stake* arc associated with the training and th Memorial hoo- on the rich stakes calendar during breeding of some of the country's Mr. and Mrs. Randall DrovedaW, the 36-day meeting, according to an foremost thoroughbreds. Mr. Mul- 4 Crawford street, are parent* of. a announcement made by President lln started -as assistant to ,his daughter born Tuesday at Mon- Mr*. R. Sero Sharabba Amory L. Haskeil. father, Matthew Muliln, Sr., of Lin- mouth Memorial hospital. avenue • have returned Two itakei are programmed .croft, who was superintendent of i a three months' »tay at weekly,.ranging from.a minimum Brookdale farm. Later he became NOTICE. «,,prid«. In addition to a pure* value of $10,000 added to the agent C. V. Whitney, who-later TO WHOM, IT yAY CONOBBMt 5*Jthy coat of tan they (25,000 added In both the Choice 'named him as trainer. - . Pursuant to th. prorlslona of Chat* ick greetings to friends Stakes*, for three-year-oldi, to be ter 2:67-1 of the Revised statutes of nk from their aon Tony, Currently Mr. Mullln li operating tbe State of K«w Jerser, and the amend- run Saturday, July U, and the stables at Holmdel, where he ments thereof, notice la here.br llvea [ing at the Park Avenue Monmouth Handicap for three- boards and trains horses for many that I shall applr to th* Court of Com- n»l Beach. , • year-old* and upward on closing mon Pleas of the County of Monmouth of the famous names In racing at the CouR House at Freehold. New •rls "of Blvenlde^avenue, day, July 20. Both race* are at a circles. " • Jerser on Thursday, the tth day at Mar, ,w.iflned to his home with trying mile and a quarter. X trio In 1M1" the new track superin- 1946, at 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, 1 steadily Improving and of two-year-old atakes Is scheduled, tendent married the Jorpier Miss or as soon theretfter aa I can be heard, V be able to be ou]t within Including the sporting $10,000 New Cuthberta Healy, daughter of rac- for an order to authorise me to asiutna Jersey Futurity for New Jersey another name, to wit, EDWARD LOUIS —.jjg week. ing's fanned trainer, Tom Healy. JONES. If tan i&anu, daughter of foals, a modern-day counterpart of They have three daughters and a Dntedi • iltn. Frederlo K.-Adami of the Home Bred Stakes which fea- EDWABD RILL KATLITT, tured the sport at old Monmouth son. J.%venue, has returned to Mr. Mullln Is a graduate of Leo- by hie neit friend, Edward li'college in Ohamberiburg, Park; before It clo#ed IU gatef ID SALLY TAYLOR Henry Jonea. • 1893.- nardo high school and Rutgers uni- Mlddletcwn, New Jersey, [»nla, after ipendlng a few versity, at which Institution he' re- Miss Taylor was a pupil of. H»r- WISE A WISE. Attorneys. . j her parents. 54 Broad Street, It la the Intention of President James Milton and f g, stewards at Monmouth Park, checking over stabling ceived a bachelor of science degree mlne Hudon of Elberon. She was . Mrs. Jesse Slegal, 17 Haskeil, General Manager Edward Bed Bank, New Jersey. applications for the Bnmmei meeting, June 10-July to. in 1923. He' has two brothers liv- I place, are parent*'of a J. Brennan and Racing Secretary ing in this vicinity, Matthew Mul- n Monday at Monmouth John Turner, Jr., to revive and con- Btabllng applications for approx- certain (o accelerate this" demand, Louis Prlma, Joe W. Camac, Mer- permitting officials of New Jersey1! rltt Buxton, Hilton Dabson, Green- lln, Jr., of Lincroft, and Joseph I hospital. tinue the .glory and traditions of imately 1,400 homes have been re- Mullln of Asbury Park. • old Monmouth, and to achieve that brand new race course to be quite acres Farm, Hugh Dufford" and Biedermann of ceived by officials of the Monmouth many other prominent turf figures. ^Street, a senior at State end the current ftakea calendar Park Jockey club, where a 36-da^ "choosy" In the selection of stables dips deeply Into past records for and thoroughbreds. . In addition, easy'vanning to Mon- SALESQIRL WANTED (^•college In Newark, will Inaugural meeting gets under way •••••> • . . names and background. The Col- Among prominent owners seeking mouth Park from the nearby met- Menzzopane Extends in the play, "Skin of June 10. The recent announcement ropolitan courses In New York 'to be given by the leen Stakes for Juvenile flUles, the space at Monmouth Park at. this WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE. ' •'• long Branch Handicap -for older of aa elaborate stake*, program, of- early date are such as William He- promises to add to the class of the Entry Deadline iter guild of the college day by day sport, r She will jilay the rol horses, the aptly-named Sapling fering $156,000 in pujrae money, is lls, Matt Brady, Joseph' Roebllng, ANSWER BY LETTER WITH REFERENCES. Stakes for two-year-olde of both Joe Menzzopane, president of the sexes, the Choice Stakes, the Mon- New . Jersey Bowling association _ Un. James A. G. Wise mouth Oak»,",the Monmouth Handi- Heads Potato Group and manager of the state tourney hter of Front street, ar- cap and the Omnibus Handicap are to be rolled "at the Red Bank Rec- WILBUR'S JEWELER jSMIatnl, Florida, Sunday. among those which will strike a Bucs Defeat Caseys Appointment of Willis R. Mor- reation alleys starting April 21, an- * i was recently discharged responsive chord In the memories gan of Montclair as maha'ging di- nounced yesterday that a.four-day 15 BROAD STREET. ^ RED BANK urtny. of old-timers. These races' were rector of the newly—formed New extension has been granted bowlers' Mr». Vincent .Hideout of important cogs in old-time Mon- In Season Opener Jersey Potato Industry committee to get entry blanks into him. ate parents of a son mouth Park racing,machinery, and was announced today by'Roscoe C. The tournament head stated that jterday at Rlvervlew ho»- were won by some of the beet Clayton of Freehold, chairman of although 4,000. entry • blanks had thoroughbreds of the tra. the committee. been .distributed throughout .the state, .he- had received numerous Fillies and marei are not over- Score Two In Sixth To Win, 3-2, telephone: falls, letters and tele- PLUEGE ACTIVITIES looked In the distribution, conso- grams asking for blanks. In order pWUllamina Lebedun of nant with the new track's policy of that no kegler will be denied the Triv is a member of the featuring sport for sport's sake. In As Booth Triples, Steals Home right to- take part m the big show, amlttse for the traditional addition to the Colleen Stake* for Mr. Menzzopane ordered the ex fweek-end events at New youngsters, three-year-old fillies will The 1946 baseball season was of- tension. Entries postmarked on or llege for Women at New race, a mile and a sixteenth for ficially opened In Red Bank Tues- before, midnight April 14 will be k tomorrow and Saturday $10,000 In the Monmouth Oaks and day afternoon .when Red Bank Recreation Group permitted to compete. Allies and mares, three and up, go high school knocked over the Red Ijrhter of Mrs. Harry Lede- a similar route for the $15,000 of Variety Show The top prizes for the alley event •J48 Belshaw avenue, Val" Bank Catholic cine, 3 to 2, as Booth will be ,1,000 for the five-man tenm I the N. J. C; student Is en the Molly Pitcher Handicap. tripled with one on in the sixth and . Members of the Navesink Recre- then stole home. ation club, assisted by the Roselle event; $400 for the doubles and lj the teacher training »e- Nominations for all stakes close $200 for the singles. Ef the home economics cur- Wednesday, May 15. The summer With two of his pitchers. Jack Minstrel players, presented the schedule as just announced by Ackley and George Francis, con- "Dude Ranch Variety Show," Fri- President Haskeil, follows: fined with measles. Coach Phipps day at Navesink, and the perform- Rumson High School June 10—The Oeeanport Handle**. I was forced to use Bill Morris, a ance was well attended. The pro- wd of Thanks, id up, $tO,O«« suSlod, 1 ana l/ll newcomer, on the mound. The left- duction was directed by Mr. and Miss Scott's English 7 class had illy of the late John W. mllei. ' ' • Mrs. Harold Copeland and Mn. I with to thank' all those June It—The UOLK Branch Handieaip hander was wild, issuing 10 walks, an oral English period on hobbles r way assisted us and of- t and up, 110,060 added. ( fnrlonta. but three double plays helped him Grace Savidge of Belford. by the class members last Friday. June It—The Colleen SteJu*. 2-rear- out of several holes. During the Intermission special .jlr sympathy during our old mile* 110,000 added, 5tt furlongi. Hobble* discuseed were photogra- ereavement; also the pall- June 22—Die Mollr Pitcher Handicap, Pete Fleming pitched for Rev. prizes were awarded. Kenneth phy by Paul Tharln and Joan Waa- |Rsv. Paul Myersand those I and UP, Alllu and mane, 111,000 add John P. Byrnes' Caseys, allowing Pans of Hilton Park won a Phllco atvom, stamps by Lillian Karinja 1 ear*,- sent floral tributes ed. 1 and 1/1< miles. flv« hits &nd two walks. • Morris radio-phonograph combination, and and Frank Blmon, perfume bottles, I In any way.—Advertise- Juna 21—rh« Nrw Jena? FuturHr, i nylon stockings were awarded to raar-old* foaled In Nrw Jerser, 110.M0 gave up but two hits. Fleming WILLIS R. MORGAN Jane Ann Hilfiker, puppets, Lou! added. tVi furlongs. struck out eight with his wide Mrs. Hermann Wenzel, Mrs. Aline Roemer, dolls and cards, Nancy June 29—The Omnibus HandUa*. I curve ball, while Morris had five •Langenberger, Mrs. Mae Duncan "In' hla new position Mr. Mor- Tepper,- aeroplane models and liter- | Oard of Thanks. and up, SI0.000 added, 1H miles. and Mrs. Helen Illo. J*u)r 4—The. Rumson Handicap, I ana to his credit. gan will Be in charge of the gen- ature and chickens, Joseph Joch to express my sincere up, 110,000 added, 6 forlonm. Red Bank opened the game in eral program to promote the sal stein; foreign dolls and money nd appreciation to all who Jul> (—The Lamplighter Handicap. • lln-any way during the 111- the second half of the first Inning Rainbow Rattle and distribution o£ New Jersey po. Helen Stevenson, airplane and boat year-oltti', (10,090 added. 1 and 1/11 as Lange singled,' stole second, tatoes," stated Mr. Morgan. "H« models, Bobby Zert; china rabbits, lideath of my husband, also rnl)»i. ' ,' • , ^By JANET KEELEN po sent flowers. Julr 10—The SaeHac Stakes, I-raar. went to third on a passed'ball and will represent the entire New .Jer- Terry Werleman; boy scouting, o!d«, 110,000 added, I furiongt. then came home on an Infield out Our King and Queen popularity sey Industry, including: growers, Thomas Moore; collecting sport Mr». Fred Woolley. Julr "—The Chole* Stake*. I-J«ar- ement. oldn, $25,00!! added, llimllef. The Caseys tied it up in the third contest Is really going strong, dealers and shippers at regional Items and making soap, Raymond July 17—The Monmouth Oaks, I-rear- as Rafferty singled and stole. Drury friends. Totals are pretty close- and national conferences and Fogelaon; Inventions, Ted Loeser, Charming, dainty designs in natural green and old fillies 110.000 added. 1 and 1/U Pauline Noble is leading for the IN MEMORIAM. • struck out, Dillon got on via handle relations with state and and collecting old books, Jane pink 14 Kt. gold overlay...fine quality, rich and ory of Set. Msr'vla J. Hart, miles. * Lange's error. With men on first girb with Jean Rqckafeller and Julr 20—Tfc« MonrooutJi Randlcav, I federal marketing agencies. In ad- Carle. Students brought interest 'In action on April Sth, 1945. and up, 115,000 added, \hi mile*. and third, Dillon tried to steal. Millie Frisco not tar behind. dition he will assist growers In ing displays of their hobbles fo enduring ... ideal for gifts. . . I you ire buried far away, Scott threw into centerfleld and The boys didn't seem over en- meeting the requirements of new others to see. hearts you will always stay sever will bs forgotten. Rafferty scored. Dillon was trapped thusiastic about the contest until, legislation concerning the employ- Tenth grade home economic stu- Variously pricvd from $10 lo $20 each .itrl. Sister, Mother and Dad, PTA Has Annual on a rundown on the relay home, the past week. I'll give you the' ment and housing of migrant work, dents are remodeling several o I and Mn. A. Kotaia. The Catholics went ahead in the complete list of names and votes era. their last year spring clothes. Safety Meeting fifth when Drury walked with one in my next column. Don't forget, "New Jersey potato growers and Badminton started with 78 glrle out. He went to second on a passed folks, the party Isn't two weeks dealers recognize that each year turning out Six matches In the ADVERTISEMENTS ball. Dillon filed out but Jeffrey away and we want you all there there Is an increasing need for co- first round have been played^ The Fair Haven Group singled the run home. having a good time. operative effort in a strong concert- winners were G. Schepmoes, D. For Clauiiicatioii Red Bank won the game In their Believe "It or not: ed program to Insure the orderly Hullen, J. Knatlce, D. Wllklns, A, Plant May 3 Dance half of the sixth. Mazzucca filed out The Velvets aren't too smooth, WLBUR'S K"Tt'i~8pan Craft"siudloa marketing and distribution of the Myatt and R. Burgess. —JEWELER— framing; oil paintings, to left, Morris walked and Booth since the Rainbows are the ones state/s- annual 10,000,000 bushel /' First year students who passed / ESTABLISHED 64 YEARS land •Agrarinca .restored; full Richard, Stern of the safety edu- tripled him home. Vaccarelli'e always in the groove. crop," Mr. Clayton continued. "As1 'their shorthand tests are M. Ber- •ties* mantel mirrors, window cation bureau of the state depart- squeeze- failed but Booth stole Lou la thinking of getting his nier and M. Guerrler, SO worda a |la»n ilgni, framed mirroia. >? ment of motor vehicles, gave an we enter the critical post-war S BROAD STREET RED BANK Ht etreet, two doora froi home. VaccarelU singled on the hair cut". • period we realize that we cannot minute; H. Emmons and B. Alex- Phone Red Bank S»»S. Illustrated lecture on safety at the next ball. Tots doesn't need private dance depend on public agencies to se ander, 60 and 80 words a minute. annual safety meeting of the Fair St. James played errorless ball In lessons. - iFQBE you Insulate. Haven Parent-Teacher association, us through years of peak produc- |lnfta]]kt)on ji as Important A the opener while the Bucs made Snookie has two escorts from the tion such as we experienced in 1945, The Romans first used the ballot atlon. Eitimatci (without ob Tuesday at Willow street school four, three by Scott. rink, while lots of the girls (he- We must provide funds for promo- Jile rock-wool In' auditorium. Mrs. George H. Wood- cause ail the boys are still away) system in 139 B. C. TcomDany mechanics. Fhon ward arranged the program, and CATHOLIC HIGH _ tion and advertising and for addi- Bayer, Atlantic Highland AB R H haven't, any. tional research to Improve quality Box 208. Mrs. A. R. Travis was hospitality Kafferty. If. Slowly but surely Agnes Veth's and to test new varieties and pack- omblnation Unotype oper- chairman, aided by a committee of Drury, rf. .... — eye is clearing up. ages." I'd hand man, thrta nights and mothers of third and fourth grade Dillon, aa. • Union. Woodbridce Pub- Jeffrey, cf. Barry wrote to McAllister and PUplls. .. 3 Flnnegan, lb. said he may be down visiting us npany, next to railroad ata< Jhra Maloney. 8b dbridgi Plans were made for an Informal Jack Maloney. c — soon. Birthday Party Pair of glasses, blfocali, In dance, Friday, May 3, In the school Smith, 2b - .... Lou has a weakness and it isn't . Dr. Wilkins residence. Own auditorium. Fleming, p. - blondes. For Alice Cromey Ilive same* by nayinir for thi During March, In the lunchroom RED BANK HIGH Evelyn got another letter, and is BONNET SHOP lire. A. L. Sopp, .166 Lake are managed by PTA members, 982 AB Alice Cromey, daughter of Mr, 1 BnnV. Duncan, 2b, „._....-.. merrily rolling along. and Mrs. William Cromey of Rum- [.DECORATING. For good pupils and teachers were served a Langc. as . Janet and Richie made up. son, had her fifth birthday March at reasonable prices, call H. total of 1,633 luncheon*. Mothers Manucca. cf. . ..—.. George Wheeler Is-missed at the [atawan 803.M. assisting last month were Mrs. Morris, p. 31. A birthday party was held and 14 Mechanic Street Red Bank, N. J. Booth, lb. . .-. rink (By the Velvets). prizes were awarded to Margaret isrse table top whit Morris Westerman, Mrs. James En- Vaccarralll. lb. He Is the only one of fchem that Ann Heiiker, Ann Marie Cromey •Chef (as range, almost Ilk* rlght, Mrs. C. C. Perrine, Mrs. Rus-flcott, c can think. "one Highlands 1131-J. sell H. Mlnton, Mrs. B. W. Conway, Coy. If. .„ -.. and Susanne Kelly. Others presen -Ducks and duck eggs for MM. Arch Dlngwall, MnAEdgar V. Toraalno. rf. —.. ... I hear he is dreaming these were Patricia Maleckl, Mary Ellen James John, 41 Marlon 81 ... nights Howland, Joan White, Betsy Heii- Bank. Phone Red .Bank Denlse, Mrs. S. A. Gilbert, Mrs. Trlpte—Booth, Btrike-ouU. Morris s. Robert Noyes, Mrs, JamesYVanNos- Filming I, Baacs on balls—Morris 10, Of the Velvets and their fights. ker, Carol Ann Emery, Robert an Flaming 2. Double, plays—Red Bank 8. Once and a while a good dream Philip Hintelmann, Robert Osgood- Sailbo&t, 16-foot lap strei... trand, Mrs. Arthur H. Rlenian, Mrs, Umpire*—Egtdlo, Johnson* comes along, ( by, Mr. and Mrs. Victory Emery, SPRING, ah, wonderful Spring, ;edar, Marconi r!g, three yean r Haaken Samuelaon, Mr* Earle If sold before re-rtntshlng. R, Ketchum, Mrs. Charles Ch-lnnock, And -what is it but that Rainbow Mr. and Mrs! Ira D. Emery, Mrs. Rivcrvlew rond. Monmouth Mrs. Hugh DIstelhurst, Mrs. Navesink : song. ' William Maleckl, Mrs. Hartson Thomas SchulU, Mrs. Charles E. Palm Sunday's services at All Now that Jimmy is to get dis- Howland, Mrs. Walter White an den golf olubs, woods charged this week, Rlcnle Is gayer Mrs. Raymond Hellker. what cute little Hats it Ins, In Rood condition. Phone Moraller, Mrs. Peter X Blchele, Saints Episcopal church will In- Y142..M. . Mrs. Edward Flannagan, Mrs. Ed-clude Holy Communion at 8:30 a. each day. for greenhouse work. ward Rathbun, Mrs. George H. m., churoh' school at 9:30 a. m.,' George. Wheeler's song Is "So Auxiliary Gives , Little Silver. Woodward, Mrs. John Pochert, children'! service at 10 a. m., and Things Are Popping Out All Over." brings forth-——. atald for general houaawork, Mrs, Lawrence Schilling and Mrs. morning prayer and Holy Com- He has the measles. To Center Fund Ing wages paid, good home .ti munion at 11 o'clock. Palms will Allan M., is It true you have a Jtf, five adults In family. Mill John Bailey. Members of the Scout Mother's Irm, New Monrnouth, Phoni be distributed at all services and crush on our new R. member? 461. Glad to see Jean Bergen with us auxiliary of Leonnrdo at a 'recent there will be special mutic at 11 meeting at the 'home of Mrs. Mat- Hodern home, between Softball League o'clock. Tuesday and Wednesday again. Too bad Newark la so far thew A, Stevenson In Leonardo, Perf, Peaked, Open on the Top lavenue and.Droml 'utreet;. six. at 10 a. m. there will be the cele- away, or aba would be at the rink contributed to the booster page in |lth, fireplace, rrrrrncd porch; bration of Holy Communion, and mote often. iPrlw ' »'".•• '!mn« Rod To Be Revived the program to be distributed at a Easter bonnets have taken a new turn . Frank B. Lawea. V at 8 p. m Wednesday, a union ser- Our secretary, Helen Scott, was dance for-the benefit of the Leon- vice will be, „held, ^tkRev,MX; missed at tho rink and meeting .,..„. jiTriT>.iiiey •«< ardo Youth Center fund Saturday, • • ' Phone ReuVBlnk 2048-J. Eight-Team Group wood Wolf of Leonardo Baptist Sunday."sh'e'le said to nave had a May 4, at the Leonardo grade ,'••••• this season. No tops on hats inake the nail grey female Calm terrier, Starts Play May 6 church as preaoher. Holy Com- fever. Hone It wasn't spring fever. school, • ' . to name . of Bartram i- on munion will be observed Maundy Glad to'see Agnes and 'Ann at Members will attend the Boy ' season's smartest hats. All generously * • lldgt nvenuo WtAneidny «von- Thursday at 10 a, m. and 8 p. m., the meeting, but missed them »ka> liird. Phono Red BnnU 8076-J » The Red Bank olty Softball and Good Friday at the same hours. Scout court of honor tonight at TIU Ironi yuur well sup* Mlddlotown township high school .veiled and flower trimmed. Jlti' In *iioor presauro and big* league will resume play after three Evening prayer and baptism will Millla «nd Terry had quite a time They will also aBalst.wlth the first [bills. Tho nuilnncc can ba war years of absence this summer, be held Saturday, Easter ovo; at 9 taking care of their friend Bo Bo anniversarycelebra'tlo'n of the Leort •t small cost, AmarloM it was announotd last night when o'olook. Batter Sunday Holy Com- at the rink. " . ardo Boy Scout troop Friday. OomDany, Rod .Bunk, Phone representatives of the eight teams munion will be celebrated at Silt) Babe, please bring the club scrap- eompatlng mot at Sherwood's shop a. m. And 11 a. m, and there will In better w«IIa from book to the next meeting. Eddie Open Friday- fyenings till Easter |kr)d Mtlutlng aupply. Amer. and decided fo start play May ft be a ohlldron's strvloe at 10 would like to *ee the good work Buffet Supper Oompnny, Red Bank, Teams entered an Eisner's, Mer- O'olook. Sptolal muslo will be ren- you'vo done. Now members wore welcomed al chants Trust, Red Bank bowling, dered at all servloes. Sorry that Eddie's trip to Vir- a buffot-supper meeting of the Rum- for Yotir Convenience dlsUnet Mlohael'i bar, Railway Express Adam Llnanayer of Monmouth ginia has to be postponed, and hope son Young Womon's dub last week Ill Bros,, mo JB Westilde "7," Stobl.'s tarandHnth .phnna F«NB#, who has' been ill at bit her mom li soon up and well again. at' the Oceanic flr» house. Plane bard's Atlantlo hotel,« hotnt, !• reported muoh Improved, Murph and Squeaky, what his were made for. a dahco In June, *?9fcS»J*lj|| ^Oeunei™llL,beOlLb( p —I* 0. Oalloway-oMIonmouth-ave- Fali««Haven - «ot~ that->tlantlo The-noxt-meetlng-wlll-be -Monday, TttMMttr, Widniiday miThwi MM huraturnid from a buslmss hasn't? ' . May 8. • . for of tiob week, with play dividedta trlpi to Boston. . ' Juit oall Totile, Bo Bo. No* rhomboi'a present were MM, to two halve* and p)ayolt» »t, the •nd Mrs, Arthur I* tVpiit\ BUokle lay* Terry Mid h< have George Murphy and Misses Char- ftakatatt's anil l ' * i SHOP

loomfioutonu REP BANK REGISTER, APRIL 1U MM. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NC MAYTAO W>SHERS. On display at' OUOXsW- JHOTJBR %lth a email tun. raaiEraWB bedroom aat, factory BLBOTBIO,BAJfaB eAd w»aber repair CABPBNTBB AND _ , , BOWBOAT— I* feet, new lut- season. INTERESTED IN twUm-MIBto .few Cook, Mewman Spring!; . Phone ' Bed , Bank J8M, between II Tustlng"«,-1« Honmouth street only. art Get on the Urt~for «*rly Way $41. Ilia ltxlt. Phone Xuauoa •prayed* ivory, with JMttMH and t lenrte*. * O,' *,D. A»pU»nee flervica and IJllO or «fnr I p. a.* Ordan now being taken. Cat your name delivery. Call Uiddletown Kettfera- eprijif, $$ts two-jrieoe ask bedivom HI> Co., «0v PBN. BOAT, 17x6 f«tt, flat bottom, bought'and sold.^ Sea Bright Thrift Refrigeration * Col4 Storm* Construe Inches wids, CO inehaa high, peeked kitUns,- pedlgreid. Blond Ooeken, lire - - Stout, Ltwto building. 77-T» DUMliPp ITPUOKf . for hire, Shoppe, Sea Bright t. tlon, Highway »5, Middletown. Phone Champion But Golden Boy. OellBum- " (over Newbirrr alow). Shone Bed Bank 1949-11 LOST-—OWe small red pocketbook, vl- A-l condition. For ui* with outboard 29ir. roof; suitable for large or small do?, oinlty of Broad street. Keep contents, >r suitable for air-cooled inboard, $126. POTATOES. BAILED HAY, and straw. 16, Call 7* Avenue ol Two Rivera, aonl081aftarlp.nl.* . r. Sledlecki^ return pocketbook. Call Bed Bank Small luggage trailer'»7*. til Pleas- Gonover Brothers, Wlckatunk, Phone SEE MIDDLETOWN Refrigeration when Rumaon* or phona Riimaoa 7i after S BICYCLES REPAIRED, bought M ura Bay Drive, Long Branch. . Pbona Holmdal 6121. planning a walk-ln-room or ra>ch-ln LABGE STZB BLBOTBIO washer, in White street, B5: "si$& SEJT Bed'i Bicycle Shop, » Shri ing Branch 4181-J. attar » p. m. box that really works. Highway II, Mid- good running condition, 1861 bedroom AUTO LOANS, over 1100 only. PrivaU avenue. Phone Bed Bank'tOTji LOST—Brown plglUn glov. wool Uned. DISCHARGE PAPERS photostated, 12 dletows. Phone *»»• LAVATORY BLASIN and toilet tank; sat, |60| »l.pleoe blue glass set, includ- . ear lelei financephoade fo«ltr an. Bay damount Bank., IS lost Friday morning in Rid Bank. Re- CHILD'S YOUTHjbad, small upright . hours service at Dora's, 18 Wallace Mrs. Da Witt, 48 Worthily ttreit. Red ing J4 cups andsavwri, ff.OOf large monthi to pay, Seaeoait Finance Com-, LAWNS MOWED, with power n ward. .Call Middletown "" • piano. Phona Kaanaburg 461. •treet. Bed Bank. MAHOGANY SPKBD BOAT hull, II feet Sank, aquation, $6;' lamps, cut glass, old Pany, 10 Broad itreet. Bed Bank. Phone Bed Bank «$!.,-' v-.t. ALMOST NEW/* Large leleotioa of long, perfect condition. Built by pramd glass, brlc-a-rac. Other thing! £6ST—Brown walletf" Saturday, , JUd PIGS—Why worry about a meat short- Purdy. Phone Bed Bank lfl.l. OIBI/fl 14-INQH BIOYgLB. Very good >hone Bed Bank 1284. - ' . Bank. Finder pleace call Bed Bank "•glrl'i and Jr. Mill cotton -dresses, age. Balsa your own hams, bacons condition. Call Bed Bank 758. oo nvmaroui to mention. Coma In and LOANS—Signature, furniture, auto. Baa- 122-J, or mall to Joe Tyluki, Ben 418, lies I It lt| for girli, spring coats, and" pork; baby pigs and partly grown MARINE ENGINES (or rowboate. Brlgg* IALMATIAN. Beautiful, young thor- browie around, SUnibirry'e. Middle- eon Finance Co., 77 Broad etreet. Red BUSINESS OPPO1 Bank. Reward;' ilia I io 111 skirts, awaatari, biouaai, Pigs, vaccinated, from purebred stock, and Stratton air eooled 1%. H. P. oughbred, J26, Call between T andtown Five Corner*. Bonte ft. Bank. 1472. Charge! Z*i per cent • acktti, gym suits, plhaforcel, slips,, alaa (10 up; also bred sows available. Phone Compltte with clutch and engine bed. FOB SALE—Atlantic HI LOST—BLACK grograla purse. Please !; reversible*, iae 10 to 1». 11 each; o'clock. Highland! 1287-J, month. Ucenie Mo. 742. keep money, return contents to Mrs. Red Bank 8543. Immediate delivery $116. Phone Bed AMTZqUEBITo the collectors we. tauraht and -elgbt-room- 6-lady'i drains, at 12 each; coats, Bank 51». • •* . ' OAT—30-foot, trunk cabin, Palmer en- CESSPOOLS cleaned and dug, dralna In. improvement!, main business B, Ochi, 260 Mechane street. Phone 11.(0 to It each; for amall girli and JONES TERRIES puppies, six months gine, fully equipped. $750. Phona At- offer mahogany Empire chest, stalled, wood sawing, eaUmaUa given: Bed Bank 2844-J-* old. Call Bumson 768. CHICKS—Day old or started. Immedl- mediate occupancy, $16,000, boyi, iwsatan, luniuiii, jumpers, shorts, ata delivery. Dtabrow Brothers, lantle Highlands 781-M. Victorian candlestand, band sarvsd , ail kind! of well work. Howard Tilton, igency, 12$ Flnt avenue. LADY's"~PlGSKtN .left-hand flora. In sweat shirts, iua panta, sleepers, "pa- STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Big Joa, Path- ,UXOR MODEL Alpine Sun Lamp, com- brlarweod pipe rack, cigar store oil $0 Center street, Bumaon. phono Rum- Highlands. vicinity, of Patera P'»", Red Bank, jamas, bathrobes, ihort pant', rompari, finder, Sparkle, Blakemore, Falrmore, Hatcher and 'Warehousa, Whalapond olSJ. • • -.'• :apa, rubbara. galoihaat bby'a whita Oatiklll 'Red Star. • In large or small road. West Long Branch. Phone Long plete with timing clock! In perfect lamp lighter, hunting and fashion ASBURY PARK restaurant;' April 2d. Phone Red Bank 1788-M. Branch' 2680. •'" • . londltion. Owner going Kway. Will sell DOOS .BOARDED by day, weak or equipped, gross Income app ult, ilia '6; Navy ault, elie 12) raln- quantities'. G. Douglas Parker, Rumion- lor, $100. Call Rumson 1078. print!, old' blui wlllowwari, oil iat and hat, lisa 10, 12; baby shoal, road, Little Silver. Phone Rad Bask CHICKS—Feeda and poultry house np- paintings, large Chinese porcelain month. Mall cUppIng and batb. Under ly $26,000. Low rent,-ytar FOR SALE to 7; "TabU tala," over 160 assorted 8588. piles; order chlcka, day old or ray mammal care. Write, Vaneasa Pen cation. Tor details, consult WM tami from 10 cant* to 60 canta each. started now. Dlibrow Brothan, Ware- FOUB PUPPIES; Springer Bitter, vitaa, solid bronse and onyx French )ud«n. 6T Morford Plec* Bed Bank. land Staven-Lissnar, Inc., 10J: V WATER PUMPS. Fa1rbaaks-Mor» and' !oma in and look around,. thara may OPEN LUGGAGE trailers and open dump clock, are china, glaeawara, old [annals, Five Corners, Middletown. avenue, Deal. Phone Deal 12fl 01 W '-truc k• trailer•-•• . Bryan, • Portaupeck, house and Hatchery, Whale Pond road, black and white, nlca Saetar pres- Myfra. bJnd or electric d«p or ihal- . some itam yoiTnaadj Dean's. «6 West Long Branch. Phona 1680. books, and bric-a-brac BMell'i "hone Bed Bank H74.M. ' • • FARM* LOANS, if. Interest, "tt law wall In atockl also plpa fittings, 'hrawabury avenue.* - •• Long Branch. ent, for children, Phone Atlantis ESTABLISHBD 1914. To your order. Al- BALED HAY, straw and poultry litters. CHINA CLOSET, late style, 110. 10 Highland! »86. Furniture and Art Qalleriii, 1I-1T io remade, recovered and iterillnd, yean to repay. Unlimited — iyUnd". «lT«?t.nk.. ate. Conover iny sise, style or type box iprlng-mat- for homes and country as^at Bros.. Wtekatunk, N. •/., phone Holm- USHROOM ANCHORS, Danforth an- Phona Keyport C41-R. William Ack- Jackson atreet. Fair 'Raven. Bait Front itreet. Bad Bank. Phone moreland Steven AV Llslner,. Ii d) BUI chors, Northlll stainless ststl anchors, arson, Hailet. GOLD FISH—All sites, for. pooli or URNITURB—Sprnit deal, large rock- resses, pillows, etc., by John Davles, oe< P^**. •• I2>. Bay avenue. Highlands. Phone' Norwood avenue. Deal,' Phi PAINTS FOR ALL purposes, direct from •apneli, ate, at The Boatman's Shop, POTATOES, seconds; $1,50 per 100 aquariums, pool plants. Open dally er, mahogany ~ dresser, ' email boofc- 1266 or 1?«7. i! - facto?* at reasonable price.. Atlantic 4 Wharf avenue, Red Bank. pounds. T. T. VanSchoIck, Holland and Sunday! until » p. m. Closed Wed- «ie, large upholstered chair, mahogany Highland! 1822. . . nesdays. Helen Miller, Aquarium, EMERSON TABLE model combination. Paint cVmp.nr. 119 West Front street. TEN ACRES OF WHEAT on flaldl alio Corner, Everetf road, Middletown. >a-bed, eoniole. 5( West River road, perfect, $J0; SUvertone, nine-tube, SUPERVISED PLAY nine to twelve or Bed Bank, KJ. phone 2261-W. 12 acraa of alfalfa, for aaaion. Har- Highway $6, near Keansburg Gateway, :umson. Call 746.* two to five, Monday through Friday, ANTIQyES, BRIC-A-BRAC7 , furniture, Phona Middletown 286-J. - long and abort wave console radio, like AUTOMOBILES >ld Willlami, naxt to' Crawford Corner bought and sold. Martin eVWing An- EASTER SPECIALS. Bantams, alx naw. Will take small radio and cash, ! a week. Call Red Bank. 2630-B.* WE BUT and sell anything! New . lohool, between Kayport and Holmdel. tiques, 74 Shrewsbury avenue, at theFLOWER AND VEGETABLE plant! by monthf old, six' henf, three roog(araf ''hone Red Bank 2176.* ILBCTRICIAN—When In need of any UAVU1CB SCHWARTZ, ChryaM Phona Holmdel 7683. _^^^^ laisaln, 910,60 for- lot or $.8 a pair. and and furniture, household end of Monmouth street. Phona Red the dozen or by the thoaiand. Ed- 20-POUND BABBITT (navy type) an- electrical repairing or rewiring of new mouth and International true Bank 873S-J. ward Koilcky Greenhouse, acrois the Lnnabelle VonDane), SSI. Buttonwood or old homes, let us know. Ho Job too and aervlce" hearquartera. ' Pb«' goods, china, glassware, paintings, JBFRIGHRATOR UOTOBS and comprer avenue* Eatontown. Last house on atreet, ehor, $11.60; Sehlck dry- ehaver. sors; also Hobart bread mixer, Call FEED. FEED. FEED. Grain is very Highway from gsso Station. Katontown. $12.60; Handei electric grinder (20,000 small or too large.' Many years of ex- Bank 787. brlc-a-brae, etc. Ruacll'e Auction lad Bank 1686. cornar of Buttonwood and Wycoff road.* irlente. Call Red Bank 1064. Galleries, 16-27 East Front street, icarce. At present, we can give you WE CARRY metal cabinets, sinks and R P M) with a few drills. $16:'vacuum USED CARS "Sought, sold a LAWN MOWER, good condition; two scratch with mash, bag for bag. Hance tubs, with linoleum tops and chrome. IEAUTIFUL PAIR large imported cleaner. Ilka new, $12. Phone Red Bank A1NTER and paper hanger: also carpen- ehanked. Pontlac sales* and; Rad Bank 169$. awningi. Inquire 184 Banca toad, & Davis. Phone 103. Samuel Swarti, 14 West Front street jardinere. lovely cut glass, punch bowl 874-H after $ p. m.» • ter work, day or eontraet: hardwood terms. G. M. A. C. Raaaaa 1 'air Havan.* Phone Red Bask 1917.* . ind glasses. Many other beautiful floors, old floon and stain sanded like 111-81 Mechanic street, phone 61 PIANO INFORMATION. Play safa, have ileces; lovily dining room set, tenUSED STOVES, parts and repairs, and- WE PAY higheit prleei for your poul- IASOLJNE STOVE, black and -white it appraiaed before you buy or sell. STEEL KITCHEN sink, about Bl-lneh irons, hot -air register!, gaa waUr new. Experienced workmanship. Myron E. ' try. Write or phone Long Branch nieces, with removable mobair seatej, prar- Morion, 1$ Mount itreiu • Phone Rad IF YOU wish to sell your au 1600. 89 North Broadway, Ldjng Branch. enamel, table top. In A-l condition. Nominal fee. Dlrhan'a Piano Shop, IS long, very good condition. Call Sehl- feet condition. 140 Rivir road. Red heater. Ice box, china closet, bathroom bring It to ui. Wa pay cash! rite, Milton Hyland, Z Chestnut atreat, Drummond Place, Red Bank. Phona bach. Wolf Hill and Pemberton avenue, baain, alnk;'numeroue other articles. 11$ Bank 2242. viceable cam 1915 to 1942 7..IM.I-. • Uve Poultry Market. - Oceanport. ' Bank.* ' " DISCONTINUED Imparlal washable wall- 'ort Monmouth, near achool.* Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank. KLUIN * SONS, carpenters: siding. Mount-Engllnh Co.. Rid Bank.'; paper for every room In your home; 50-POUND MUSHROOM mooring an- MARINE REVERSE clutch, suitable left SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, suitable GOOD USED FURNITURE! Dress- BM TOOLS, horse drawn, Including roofing and repairing, call after 0 p. KHANK VAN SYCKLE. 10 We value, to *10, on «al» for 11.98 .per chor, with 40 feet of chain, $20; also 'Ford or any auto motor. Sacrifice, $35. for bungalow purpoie, such u beds, cultivator!, furrowing sl«ds, running m., write, B. F. D. 1, Box 411, Keyport. street, formerly Qulnn'i Garai loom lot. Quantities and patterns are Id adult typa violin, with French bow Dresser's Sunoco Station, Five Corners; springs, mattresses, chairs, •. bureaus, ers, chute, chairs. Ice boxes, gsa gear, hay shelvings, ansilasa cutter, aide N. J., phone Keyport 1647-W. pain to all makes. Bear wheel, limited Klarln's Paint Store, 26 Mon- ,nd - case, $50. Allen Conklln. Pbona Middletown. Phone 481 • / tables, lei box. Bay and Cedar ave- and oil stoves, vacuum elianir, delivery rake. J. B. Sue, Jr. Phone and frame straightening service. GENERAL CONTRACTOR and cesspool! and Plymouth dealer. . ; mocith ttrfret. id Bank 2218-M. NEW HOUSE TRAILERS, for lmTneiii- nue, Leonardo. John M. Benaon.*. bads, ipflngs, mattresses, pillows, Middletown 1S4-J.* cleaned I carting and grading, lop dANGLS—Inquire Rad Bank 8288. ate delivery. Roblnsville Trailer-Sales, SLIGHTLY USED. Iron obcd, $20, with buffet!, sirvars, itandi, radios, floor •oil, maow«J 111, "Jill, cinders, grarel and OAR SALES financed, 19*7-104*. AQUARIUMS—Tropical nib, gold- phone Trenton 3-8280. mattress It desired; dresser, $10; Iron eand. Estimates given. Phone Rad Bank 100 YOUNG LAYING hem, varioua lamps, Vletrola and records, aralut . 1464. "Oscar 'Becker, 47 Second street. up to .16 montha to piy. fi»h, plaiiti, gravel, • accenoriai. single bed, $8; play yard, 12; lie-law BUSINESS NOTICES Finance Co., 60 Broad street, B< breeds, any amount. 82 eaoh; .also FOR SALE—Sailing schooner, two mast. duck, $3, In- good condition. 80 Ap- eooker, and thousand Items of bric- Fair Haven. N. 1. ^ Helen Miller. Highway 86, naar wo Jersey Durbc lowa, ready to breed, 60-inch hull, 10%-inch beam', 36-inch phone 12S4. 176 a pair; Eveready water pump, 320; sails, hnrdwood, planked sides, brass plcgnte street. River Plata.* a-brac I Ruicll'i Furniture and Art .MPLIFIERS— Service, lain, rentals. CESSPOOLS cleaned and tiuilt. septic ATTENTION, Dodge, Plymouth, Kainsburs Gateway. Phona Middle- nolor for same, $16^ sheet metal garage, fittings; highest grade workmanship, ex- Galleries, 26 East front strett. \Hart Wabbar. Phone Atlantic High- tanki cleaned and Installed, drains In- Chrysler, Dodge, truck owna town 286-J. Open dally and Sun. ilown down by wind, S30; large Brower ceptionally beautiful appearance. Ap- MAPLE OPEN eornir cabinet, Fhona 1898'. lands $67. itallcd. Phona any time day or nlgbt, real scrvire, genuine factory' par daya until » p. m. Cloled W*dnel- electric canopy brooder, $2.0. Harold praised at $150. Price SIS. Stotesbury, maple server, dtnatte glie; two PAINTING by diy or contrail; paper Rumion 740.J: Harvey C Tlltan. J engines, brake experts. Diets al Williams, next to Cruwford Corner Plninfleld 6. Phono 8235-W. hanglnK;. estimate! glvin. Hirman Bruce place. Rumson. bin, 11 West street, Re'd Bank day'i. mapla arm ehairs, $40, eomplete. COMBINATIO>MBINATION storm window and SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned! Phone 1013.; _____U school, Crawford Comer road, between FOR SALE—Hudson American Marine screens. So down pay, threh e years Thormen, R. F. DM- Box U. Atlantic lolmdcl and Kcyport. Phone Holmdel radio telephones, Martin and Mercury Call Red Bank S8S8. •cr# Highlands. N. J. . "also dry wells, drains Installed. E<- USED CAR SELLERS. Will pa? JEUSEY HOUSE Building, Wrecking Co. J 1pay. First payment October 1. Free tlmataa given. Oscar Becker, 47 Sec- cash price for your used car We sell used building materials and 683. ' •' . . outboard motors.' Van Deman, 'Phone isttimatesi . Phone Red Bank 8184. , AUCTIONEER AND Appralaer. B. O. 'OKCELAIN LINED 60-pound Icebox, Atlantic Highlands 101. AN ASSORTMENT of lumbar, may be ond street. Fair Haven, phone Bid Bank ar Sales at Service, Harding rq plumbing supplies. Highway 36, Keyuort. tnble top gas range, - four burners, seen at 64 Center avinue. Atlantic MODERN NEW cabinet combination Coats, 4»0.Bath avenue. Long Branch, 14«4. 1 . Bank, N. J, " .Phone Kcyport 483. OR SALE—14-foot boats, with air- sink and tub with black inlaid top. N. J. Phone $699. iroilcr and oven. Phone Red Ba^k cooled engines; immmediate< . * delivery. Highlands-.* ' ANY MAKE vacuum cleaner repair ser- USED CARS bought for caL_ RUBBER STAMPS—Let us help you 170- M, Hardly used; less than wholefale; price BAYNTON RUGS and earpetaV Run and viced We are equipped to either re- prices poii Straub-Larew Ant with your rubber atamp problems. 'an Deman, Locust. . Phone Atlantic CUSTOM MADE divan and two wheat $66. Call Middletown- 283. EYWOOU-WAKEFIELD four-plece Highland's 101, finished end tables. Call Bed Bank carpeta cleaned and moth-proofed. pair ot rebuild your cleaner. G.' & D'.111 West Mount avenue, Atlaatl We call for and deliver them. Prompt, iUGS—Loom-made Oriental 9x12 felt, Wall to wall carpeting cleaned end service. Call [Red Bank 1658. "Wicker set, coll spring construction, 'OK SALE—Acres of sod, .five cents 097-J.* Appliance Service Co., 60 White street. lands.. excellent condition. 13 Poplar avenue, colors blue, rose snd browns, shows mothproofed oa location. 6 ' Broad hone Red Bank 2761-J. 1930 MODEL A four-door Fore SEVERAL USED cook stoves, gas r per square foot; Middletown Stock TJIKEB-riEOB LIGHT wood living room Ittle sign of wear. The kind Is now street. Phone Red Bank $02. air Haven.* _• Farm. Thomas S. Fiojd. Phone Red suite, with slip covers, dining room DRAFTSMEN—Experienced In all types completely reconditioned. 206 ranges, oil cook stoves and heaters, mobtalnable: $175. Also real Oriental BRING YOUR welding to Cnfury Weld- of drawing.- Can help you overcome all in first-class condition. We carry 1-INCH BICYCLE, boy's. Phone Keans- Bank 861. let, maple single bid, springs and chest on Holy Land. 4x8 feet, Hebrew char- •venue, Red BnnkT* burg 473-M.« . ' of drawers, two * pairs brand new boys Ing, now located opposite Middletown your ahortage of qualified personnel. furnace nnd stovfr Pipes, wicka for all 'OR SALE—7-foot molded plywood acters around border, horsemen in een- railroad station. Mlddletowa. Phone Mid- New Jersey Drafting Co., 702 Ma^tison BUY WUECKEU ears, regar mnkes ot stoves. Samuel Swarti, 14 ABR1ELEEN permanent wave machine, knickers, »l-e 10. Call Red Bank 1384.* .er panel; good as new, $76; a rare and ign or damage. Write name:) dinghies, immediate delivery. Van dletown $54. No Job too large or tooavenue, Asburjr . Park. Phone Asb.ury card for appointment; also wfa Weft Front street. Phone Red Bank good ns new. Call Rumsoh 454 be-Demon. Phone Atlantic Hichlnnds 101. ONE SET OF Portland granite wash valuable rug. Other valuable furnish- small. ^k S1G9-J. 1387. • • 'ore noon.* ' ^ tubs, white porcelain covers, $S. Phone ings. Phone evenings Belmar 269^ Is garaged at now, V. F. May, MALE POMERANIAN puppy. two 22-FOOT UAFF riEBed cntbont, good Red Bank 986-M.* . _^ KAY BALING. Combining, mowing and ARTHUR E. BOYCE. painting contractor. morjn avonue. East Keansburg. PIANOS. A. B. Dlrhan, piano, maker, condition, two suits sails. Phone Sea BEAUTIFUL mahogany dining room raklnc; also plowing.'discing, sowing, exterior and Interior painting; eiti- dealer, tuning, repairing, renovating. months old, huge coat, excellent type, Bright 152-J. Can bo seen at 280 Ocean BEAUTIFUL PUPPY, four montha old, side table 42 Inches long, usa as side- 1 a34 LINCOLN SEDAN, all good Shop and showroom Drummond dace. ist blood lints. Price $76. Also board- companionable and fine guard, reas- >oard in smalt apartment. Drawer for ate First clssa equipment, genuine, not matei lupplied on large or small joba, new rubber. 'Can be seen at venue, Sea Br'iKht. Price $300.? duration farmers. Ralph Mahsr, Holm- firs', elaii work by practical painters. street. J. W. Elfrrim, Eatontowi phune Red Bank 033. ng of toy and medium size dogs; fe- onable. Phone Eatontown 360-J.* silver, curved front legs; $20, cost $36 del. N. J. Phona «>91. males in season our specialty, with home when thinga were cheap; practical}}* Phone Rumson 666. ^__ » AMBASSADOR Nash, fi ^FREEZERS FOR HOME and farm, SALE OF USED FURNITURE. Six-piece THE BEST PRICES paid for rags. Iron. NOTICE. If' you ara thinking invlronment and Personal care. Phone wicker set, $85; small desk, $5; 8new. Pyroline bird cage hanging in aix- ISTELLE DECORATING service. Paper touring trunk sedan, radio am Siitontown 192 for further informa- " 16 and 21 cubic feet for immedi- cheats of drawera, $3 each; five single foot enameled brass stand, hence non- hanging^ plain and decorative palnt- metal and paper. Gettls. iunk dealer, Within OPA •ceiling, $702. T. about disposing of your household on,* ' rustable; new; $16, cost $20, today,— ng. Call Red Bank $92. Office, 20 21$ Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, Packard.'Ked Bank. Phone 4! ate delivery. Terms arranged. iron bids, springs and hair mattresses, 'hone Red Bank 1598-W. Will call. goods and furnishings, real estate, :\VO OAK DOORS, 7x6x3 feet; also $16 each; several bedroom chairs, rock- obtainable. Other fine things. Fho'ne Mount itreet. l'JIO HUDSON, three-passengei American Freezer & Appliance Co., ivenings' 25tt Belmar. ltva stock, farm o machinery and portable electric record player, Em- Route 35 and Oakhlll road, Red ers and tables, $3 each. Call between LOWING, HARROWING, etc Call AVAILABLE! Outside paint! and trims, r.ew motor, new brakes, heat equipment, consult without obliga- rson. Phone Hlghlanda 1233. 4 and 8 p. m., Rumson 716.* IOLD STORAGE plants. Engineered by Red Bank 3«89-M or write, William all shades, at our retail paint shop tires. Within OPA ceiling, 18 L'KAILER.—Never used, ideal for sports- Bank. Phone 3S77.» COMBINATION OIL . and gas kitchen us, to process snd store whatever you Homlclc, R. F, D., Eatontown. in Route S4. Prices begin at $2 perBergen place. Rei Bank.* tion, B. G. Coats, Auctioneer, 490 wish; also Jamison Cold Storage doors gallon. For faded woodwork and Inter- Bath avenue, Long Branch; Phone man or farmer. Made by Bantam, %- range, good condition, reasonable, 108 1 TRUCK—-1940 Diamond T ton oprn, sturdy, all metal construction LARGE PONY, beautiful,, black and Center avenue, Keansburg.* In stock. Call Mjddletown Refrigera- FLOOR-WAXING. Cell-Bad' Bank ior restorative we prescribe our high panel, new tires, new motor, n 1591. with new 6x16 Kelly Springfield tires. whito, rides nnd drives, five years old, tion and Cold Storage Construction, 1478. Superior Floor Waxing Co. gloss enamel*, aeml-)ustre», vnrnlshes job, In first-class' condition. . n perfect condition. Call Keyport 336-J. TWO-PIECE LIVING room let, In ex-Highway 35, Middletown. Phone 299. and deck paints, Write, call or visit Price $180. Phone Red Bank 3636. cellent condition. , Phone Red Bank Private home! our specialty. seen at 121 West Bergen yla TYPEWRITERS, •addina machines and GAS RANGES, with heitt controls, coal Flastiq Finishes Co., Route 34, Mata. Bank. I'hone 8<3. .'WO STRAIGHT back chairs, two coal 2909-M. lOSTHarrlson avenue. URGE MILKING machines, milk cool- wan. Phona Holmdel 7032. office equipment, new and used, rantrcs, No, 8, two bureaus,'iron bed ranges, coal nnd gas, oil nnd gns com- ers, water heaters, electric ience con- .1935 PLYMOUTH, radio akj bought, »old and repaired. Serplro's, tilimUons, oil .cook stoVcs nnd hpntcrs. WHITE ENAMELED lea box, 50 pounda BUY ANDl/aVl tacond-hand cloth..; and spring, small radio, bed couch, din- capneity, fS. i 79 Kemp avenue. Fair ,ro]lers, Stewart Clipmasters In stock; must be InlgolJ condition. L. Ker- GLIDER, $16; two metal chairs, $3; good condition. Can be MelT 105 Monmouth -trect, Red Bank. room table, two-burner" oil stoves, Samuel Swartz, 14 West Front street. repairs, service. Roy S. Tilton A Sons, wicker chair. $3: lawn chair, $2; li- Hnven. . ' ' ber, 201 Shrekbury avenue. Red Bank. brary table, .42; wnll clock, $20; hoe, fis'so station In Fair Haven.* rocking chair, small arm chnir, Victroln, Phone'Red Bank 1387.' Marlboro, Phone 861-R-l. Phone 468-W.X ' 1'4? G HA II AM CAR, good e THE YANKEE TRADER, Red Bank, wo glass doors, 6'xlO'x3'xl%". Pfcif- SEVERAL HUNDRED Leghorn pullet 60 'cents; rake, 60 cents; fawn mower, PURE BRED OUCK KGGS. for hutch- chicks, three to four weeks old. In FROM STORAGEI Birds eye mapla HOOFING AND SIDING,'expertly ap- $1; txlZ rug, $20; 9x12 rug, $U; Rem- ilhin OI'A ceiling. Fries ft should be your pet shop-to trade cr, Walnut avenue, near Cooper rdrtd, ing, rare beautiful, suitable farm es- dresser, $9.60; buffet, $8.60; six Red Dank 1~S4-M, 103 Branch Headdon's Corner.* tates, exhibition, from prize winning' lots of 25 or more. Red Bank-Everett plied. Prices are right. No down pay- ington, typewriter, $10: man's bicycle, with, where a selection "of over Road, .Ii. F. »., Box 547. Phone Red chairs. $1.50 each, birds eye mapla ment. Small monthly paymenta ar- $35; boy's raincoat, slie 18, $12; three 1U3U GRAHAM SEDAN, good LIKE RAFTS, 25-man size, ideal for birds, Koucn.1, Crested Whites, Blnck chest, $10.50; upholstered occasional 10,001 various used and antique Eiist Indins, Pencilled Runners, others; Bank 1318-.T-1. H. L. Roach. ranged. Call Red Bank 109. Monmouth sport coats, 2 for $6 each, ono for $15; condition, good tires. Call B swimming float or .floating dock, At chairs, $fl.5O each; amall three-burner Construction Co, 20 West street. Red sport shirt, $8; 6 pair pants, $15; white 3710-M after 6 i>. m.* articles can be tad. The large«t The Bontsman's Shop, 24 Wharf avenue, also fine Rouse cltfa. See xrown speci- KROLL CRIB, with adjustable mattress, gas stove, $12.50; bed complete, $15; Bank. wool sw'eatcr, $3; sheepllned jacket, $10. store of its kind on the Jersey Coast. Red Bank. mens. Phone nf'tcr 7 p. m., evenings, excellent condition: also G. E. sun- and many other pieces 1 Ruscll's Fur- Call Eatoptown 1060, extension 3K7, 1932 STL'llKBAKtK truck. Mnnasnuan 2937-M. lamp, In beautiful leather luggage case, niture and Art Galleries, 25 East Front SAY IT IN SPANISH. Spanish conver- Price $275; Dodge, 1931, 3ET HJXON soluble Sulfur at Drug, like new, uted six times; coat Hi, sell street, Red Bank. Phona 1691. satlon taught in groups or Indivldu- price $75. Cull Keyport 4S*.* STE1NWAY 1'IANOS. Sold exclusively cist's, a tonic, will pep you up, ro>LAYINC HENS. Seven Rhode Island OLD DINER, $200 worth of stainless by Tustinc l'i:ino Company; also for $35. Phone Eatontown 688-M be- ,lly. For Information, call Atlantic steel alone. Cheap. Call Highlands l'JVS NASH SEDAN, good run icve blood infection, rheumatism, ncu- Reds; equipment, feed for one month, fore Saturday.* ' . DACHSUND PUPPIES. Leo Zehnich. Highlands 6I3-J, Chickcrini! Wurlitwr, Gulbranaen and Itis, sciatica, lumbago-arthritis. ' Cnp. straw, S15, for tiuiok sale. McGreifor, 330 Railroad avenue, between Church and 1035. der, $1?.V Phone Keansburg oth.-rs. Stoy in nnd have a clvnt with ules or liquid. Park avenue, Oakhurst, Phone LonK ROJECTOR. Keystone A78, 16mm, 600 Main streets, Belford. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and . re- THREE COWS, good milkers, three good Inquire ufter 4:30 Thursday. us, Tustinu Tinno Company, 16 Mon- lirnnch 1773-M.* watt, 2-Inch lens, with screen and paired, aduori and cutlery aharp- goats, male and two females. Roceo 193S~FORD, one-ton 'express, mouth street, Red Bank. NEW BfCYCLES ore coming in. All our •piiccr, (SO. 15 Lake avenue, Eaton- PORCELAIN COMBINATION sink and ened. Keyi fitted for trunk! and Falconette. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 47], used bicycles reduced in price. See us BROCCOlX"Al«rCABBAG"E plants, $0 own. Phone 187.* wash tub, in good condition, $85. valiiei. All kind! of locki repaired. Icall/ perfect. Within OPA iow. Red's Bicycle Shop, 92 Shrews- Good buy. Call Middletown 288. llghway 35. Middletown. Phone Red Hunk 3272. YANKEE TRADER ss?s: When you per 1-.000. ' A-Kozioky Farms, White LENN MILLER'S famous album, now Cross Locksmith Shop, 166 Shrewsbury bury avenue. Phone Red Bnnk 907-J. street, Eutontown.* MAPLE CRIB, spring and mattress, avenue. Red -Bank. GOLF CLUBS. New MacUregor set. 1936 CHRYSU:it, Air Stream, U can't get it elsewhere, we have It. at TuBting's: also his "I'm Headin' used only once. Three wood, six Iron, sedan, heater, $495. Within O1 8-FOOT BIRD CLASS sloop. Call TWO RECENTLY rccupped tires, 000x16, r California," other hits "Gee I complete, $8. Phone Red Bank F YOU HAVE ANYTHING you want 23 West Front street, Red Bank. two tubes, one inner-casing, $25. Call 1882-M.* ISO. Call Long Branch 1459. u. Highlands Auto Sales, 76 I' Rumson 72S-M.« Vlsh:" "Gypry;" "In ' Love In Vain;" hauled away, call Ed. Banfleld. Lo- r.ue, Highlands. Red Bnnk 516-R-l nfter. 7 p. m.* Jalousie;" "Spellbound." All at Tuit- CHICKEN EQUIPMENT. Electric brood- cust. Phom Atlantic Highlands 7«9-J. MAJESTIC RADIO, table model, A-.l POST AND RAIL, fencing. Locust WESTMINSTER CHIMES, mahogany condition. 47 Mechanic itreet. Red S-day Ansonin mantel clock; perfect WHITE POHC1!I..\IN leff em! sink, with ', 16 Monmouth street.* er, four large feeders, one chick feed- Bank.* posts and round white cedar or oak rondition, $35. Joseph, 19 Lcroy place, drain board, 4i!\20 inches, chrome fix- THE RED MILL" stbum at Tustlng's; ir, three waterers. Phone Red Bank BETTER RADIO repairing, all work board rails. Material only or erection lied Bank.* ture, brneketB nnd fittings, $2ii; nlso I0B-M.* ' OYSTER -BASKETS. 12 hand made WANTED contracted; estimates given, no obliga- also "Desert Song;" "Babes In Toy- . guarantied, prompt sirvlca. We bushel baskets, and one shipping :OMB1NAT1ON OIL range, heating and two 10-foot lengths of 8-inch wrought »nd;" "Road to Utopia;" by Bing and 'IVE-FOOT STANDARD built-in bath- pick np and deliver. Open ivanlnga. TWO, THKEK UK tour-room tion, l'hone New Egypt 3342, or write, cooking. $40; enamel kitchen talile ron pipe, 40 cents per foot: also fur- lob Hope: "Spellbound" album. Hear tub, with fixtures. Call Red Bank crate for dog, all In excellent condition, 31. E. Newman, Jr., Old Monmouth road, nace, 1-inch copper pipe, for hentins Central Rldld * Television Co. Call "hone Red Bank 27S7-R.* ment, or small house, furnti New Kjrypt. and two chairs, $10; library table, $8; im at Tustlng's, 16 Monmouth street.* 867. unfurnished. Phone Rumson U! 9x12 congoleum' rug, $8. Call at 128water. $3. R. H. Stiykor, 46 Harding HIL- HARRIS, sings "Dark Town Deal 672. 1942 GENERAL ELECTRIC vacuum BABY CHICKS^ day-old, and started, Monmouth itreet, between 6. and 9 rond. Phone Red Bank 1874-M.* M SMALL HOUSEBOAT, foot of Maple cleaner, perfect condition, all attach- SECOND-HAND. »ater weighty Poker "Club;" One-iy Two-«y:" avenue, Red Bank. Reasonable.* ' roller. Woodman. Phona ) Leshorns and New 'Hampshire reds, ICE BOX, thrrc-tloor porcelain, Altinka Some Little Bug;" "That's What I SHORE PAINTING Co., Xeansburg; es- ments, $25. Phone evenings, Mrs. West, $K> a hundred. Sehlichenmaier Poultry Corck insulated special box, 33x42x18 HILCO RADIO, table model, long and timate! furnished; inside and outside Red Bank 2598-J.* 81-U. . •••>•> J'urm, Laurel avonue. West Keansburg, ELECTRIC HOT POINT stove with con ,iko About the South;" "Brazen Little nectlons. Call Atlantic Highlands Inches. Perfect condition, $40, Phone Knlsin," "Jelly Bean." Only at Tust- ihort wave bands, perfect condition, work., All material and workmanship OIL COOK STOVE, with oven, like new, EAR CORN. Any quantity. J. Phone Keansburg U). 411-J.* Middletown 5 86.R." ing's, 16 Monmouth street.* hone Red Bank 69-M. guaranteed. Phone 717-H. reasonable. Glenmary nnd Hamilton Jr.. Middletown. Phone 194-1 VOUCH (1L1DER, sectional book case, SEE THE BEAUTIFUL Victor two-tem- FRIGIDAIRB REPAIR service, an7 avenues, Leonardo.* WANT TO BUY, some old sp cigarette machine, Sea Bright Thrift TWO MATTRESSES, felt filled, full FULL LUNCHROOM equipment. Apply SOVELTY RECORDS—New ona by lixe, in perfect condition, a bargain. 80 Pnrker avenue, Fair Haven, after Spike Jones; Ethel Smith "Tlco- perature freezer on display at Middle- make. C. aV D. Appliance Service Co., LOVE BIRDS, baby blue. Must sell, -for farm fence and some Shoppt. 1'hone Sen Bright 9. 5 o'clock or Sunday.* town Refrigeration In a few days, .and <0 White atraat. Phone Red Bank moving, Ideal Easter gifts. M Vic- good condition. I'hone Eato'ri' Can be seen daily between 1 and 5 p, rico;" Larry Adler "St. Louis Blues;' 2761-J. SALT HAY—Kred D. WlkofI Co., 19 IS* Hudson avenue. Red Bank. TYPEWRITERS reconditioned and guar- wo Burl Ives albums; Victor Borge al be convinced befora buying any other tor avenue, Long Branch. Phone Long USED SASH for cold frame!.] West Front street. Red Bank. Phona 453-R.* >um; A'ccordlan by Bivlano. Tustlng's, make, Highway 86, Middletown, Phone LAWN AND PORCH furnltun repainted. Branch 8717.* Middletown 3.6.' anteed, Underwood, .$35; Royal, $45; 299. '•THE PAINT DOCTOR" prescribes THREE-WAY HIGH chair, perfect con- Underwood, $45; Underwood, $56; 6 Monmouth street.* Called for and delivered. Phone Bed COOLERATOR ICE BOX, $26. Holds 100 A GOOD HO MB for thoroughbrl 'Tlaitiq" enamels and flat finishes for dition; also play pen, walker and Woodstock, $70; all prices below OPA NEW RECORDS at Tuiting'i: "Babelu.;1 METAL TWIN BEOS, with mattresses Bank «p. Aik for Mr. Brltton. pounds of ice. Phone Red Bank nan Shepherd, one year and|{ faded, darkening walls and worn wood- Itroller, reasonable. Call Red Bank ceiling. J. llemhauscr, Vineyard ave- "Bones, Bones. Bonea;" "Do You and springs. Call Rid Bank 2847-R.' FOB MORTGAGE loans see B. V. ft. H.1224-R.* old, female, used to child. D. i, work arid recommends "Fiexol" trimi 2155-J. nue nnd Route 86, East Kennsburg, next Love Me;" "All Thru the Diy;" "Wel- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY Door clock, for Stout, Lewis building, 77-79 Broad BRASS FIRESIDE set, andirons, screen bcrtson, Branch avenue, Littlevj and lead, Titanate paints for genera to Brown's Diner. Phone Keansburg come To My Dream;" "Wonder of You:" sale; perfect condition. Price $160. street (over Nswberry itore). and tools. Price $20; man's tuxedo (Red roof.) Oliposite side KollJ reconditioning. These surface restora* DUE TO GOVERNMENT grain ration 636-M. rocm.* tives, all grades and.anades, available order, we are shutting down our 'When You Awake;" "Whlffenpoof CaU Red Bank 1121-W.* PAINTER, paper banger, dicorator, || suit, slie 38, $20. Fhona Red Bank beginning $2 per gallon at Plastlq Fin- hatchery until further notice. Last hatch UNIVERSAL GAS RANGE, six foot bath one:" "Two Hearts Are Bitter Than LOGS FOR FLOATS; <5-pouhd galvan. years experience: estlmatis given for 1218.* WILL WORK SATURDAYS drly ishers, Co., Route 34, Matawan, Phone April 25th. Dlsbrow Bros., Hatchery ft tub, on legs, large • pot stove and One;" "Tomorrow Ii Forever;" "Stepi . lied anchor, new spars, up to 60 flat; all kindi of Jobs. Joieph Hoffman, $2 ALL STEEL TRUCK bodies built I bull- or doing maintenance work *• Holmdel 7032; We deliver. Warchouae, Whalapond road', West Long laundry tub, reasonable. Phone Red Down;" "Sweetest Dream;' "Red Biver flagpoles furnished and erected. Chsrles Harding road, phone Red Bank 1607. dozers, farm equipment repaired, farm have you. In exchange for use j! Branch, Bank 8083. Valley," "Give Me the Moon Over E. Burd, phone Red Bank 2821.* 'B.VDBTOIVMnwEXPERIENCEDn LAUNDRESY iTtVnDPDnS want! trailers built to order. Century Weld- 6-room dwelling. Phone KeJ FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED and made ONB TOGCEN8URG doe with two four- Brooklyn;" "It's Anybody's Spring.' men's ihirti, lady'i blouiee and Ing. Phone Middletown 364. Opposite 753-J. to order, slip covers nnd draperies FARM MACHINERY. One truck load Tustlng'i, 16 Monmouth strut.* BICYCLE — MAM'S 28-lncb, complete evefgreeni to be sold at auction every wceks-old kids by her side, and three with white wall tires, chrome fen- dresses to launder at home. Local ref- Middletown station. POWER LAWN MOWER, rest euitom made. Quality and icrvlce our Nubian bucks. Will sell herd for $70,; WIGIDAIRE, practically new, excellent ders, saddle eprlng seat, rack and stand. erence. Lula Jaycox, 206 Blvsr atreat. Cull William Price, Red- •tandard^-s. David Burnon, 21 Pearl Friday night. Keyport Auction Sales, Red Bank. IRON RAILINGS for porches, stairways, Street. Phone Ked Bank 2(57. State Highway 3*. Kcyport. also one rnm ready to butcher at $25. condition, price for quick sale $160. Excellent condition; $25 . Phona Red etc. Made to order by Seedorf Com- 8360-M.* , J. W. Seaman. Phoifa Eatontown ameron, Oak, Hill road. Phone Red Bank 3757-J.* 35-ACRB MEADOW land for rant for pany, It years at a West street, Red SMALL POWER LAWN mowe|i REMINGTON ELECTIIlC raior, elertrli GOATS—Slx-weeks-old kids for Easter. 102-W-2.* • Bank S3J5.* the senon, Call Broad Meadow Bank. Phone 2189. hair dryer, two leather foot stools, Deep Meadow Farm. Phona Atlantic DINING BOOM sit. hall raok, kitchen Middletown 360-J after 6:30? Highlands 970-J.* WESTERN SADDLE horsa, gray, ten COLONIAL ENAMELED kitchen range, table, A-l shape. (Do not call Fri- Farm, Nutiwamp Road, Rad Bank. WELDING AND MACHINE work, elec- BENCH LATHES, 10 to 12 ind with deer feet, three large pedestal years, complete with cavalry saddle with oil burmr, good condition, $60, day, thi 12th.) Call at Garage, Ollllg Phone 8845-W, jardeniers. one goose fenlhtr bed, crys YOl/NG CHEVIOT white faca lambs trlo and, acetylene, prompt service by 36 inches long. Henry Klelb and bridle, $125. J. W. Seaman. Phone Mrs. Margaret Lea, Union avenue, Bel. Estate, River road, Rumion." GENERAL contractor | top IOO, «ll~dlrt Monmouth, Main street. Phonal- tal set, large two.burner oil atove and $15, wonderful pets, one thoroughbred Eatontown 102-W-2.* ford.* other articles. All in excellent con- Cheviot ram, the best you can get for FRESH EGGS and poultry, broilers. clndirs, gravel, manure, wood lawing. Seedorf .Company, 19 years at > West burg 461-M." dition. For appointment call Red Bank breeding; also one eight-monthe-nld 00. H, P. FORD convertible, shaft, wheel LOT OF GARDEN tools. Including large frlcame; roisters and duclea: chicken Lionel Simon, phone Bad Bank 611 or street,NSUR- ERe YOUd BankR .HOME Phon,e business2189. , auto- COLORED . COUPLE would like Jl 1395. Guernsey bull: 17 Chavlot awes, ready and all hardware to place In hont. wheel hand cultivator: also lot ol manure, .Phone Bid Bank 20S1-J. $6. mobile and other property with Haw- -' ment or small house In town cjl LADY'S TWO-PIECE block satin dress, to Inmb, Shear-Wood, Colt's Keck. Can be seen and tested at Thomas Han- mason quart and pint glass Jars. Call Jamei John, 41 Marlon itreat. VACUUM cleaners repaired; any make, kins Brothers, • Real Estate and Insur- lty of Red Bank. Please wrlUJI size 88-40, worn twice; man's 10 Phone 1291-J. Ion, Mills avenue, Port Monmouth, Sun- Eatontown 142-J after t p. m.* ASPARAGUS ROOTS, Martha Washing- Allan Electrla Shop,. II White street. ance. 77 Broad itreet, Red Banlc Phone oflice Box 803, Red Bank.* day and Monday.* CEMETERY PLOTS, Including two, four Red Bank. '• , 862. per cent aoft wool overcoat, worn twice, THREE SAILBOAT rudders, $1 each ton, wholesale or retail, $$ a hundred. SETTING HENS. Call Bargain. For appointment, call R Colonial fireplace mantel complett WELL BUILT Rowboat. Inauira, 22 or six graves, In Madison Ruffln ceo- Strawberry and raspberry plants. Sal- IF YOV HAVE an/ wood to saw, or BED BANK FLOOR Waxing Co., floor 357-J-2. Carpenter street, River -Plaza, Red itiry. Inquire Madison Ruffln, Wait vatora Btranlero, phone Keyport 1140-J. . cillan to be pumped out, call How- waxing, iindleg and rafln«>hlng. Bank i39"6. 48*48 Inches, opening 25x34 inches, $li WANTED TO BUY—One or two sjl two seta double French doors, '2x86, $2 Bank.* . •. " treet. Eatontown. ROOFING AND SIDING, expirtly apt ard Tlltoi., Rumion 511-J. Homes, offices and -storei. Phone Red Bank 1481-J or 788-J. cow hay, baled or loos'a, Phj[ ONLY ONE /CLDR1CII oil -flrtd per pair; two screen door frames, 82x80, THINK OF ITI Nothing to change, STEIN WAY PIANO, upright, Call Rao: piled. Prices are right, Mo down pay- ATTENTION I Any tlnoleqm floor ter 6 p. m.. Eatontown 62t-f boiler and burner, rated at ftse 32x7 8, 50 cents each: one copper sercen nothing to store with Rusco all metnl Bank 2254-J after 7 p. m.« ment. Small monthly payments ar- scrubbed with special llnolium loap, REPAIR SERVICB on any make Frigid- door, $1; two plain doors, 26x67, $1 self 'storing windows. , Screens, , storm ranged, Call Red Bsnk 105, Honmouth alre, vacuum cleaner, wisher and REFINED WIDOW ot Independ feat, ' Pnly one. 1'aragon oil fired FOOT TRACTOR disc harrow, $15, 12 and up, Kitchens a specialty. Call would like to share home with)] carh; five doors, S0K77; one door, 34x81 snsh and wenther stripping (ln perman- naw bearing!, full lisa blades. Fur- Construction Co., 20 Wist atrset, Bid Red Bank 1481-J or 7$8-J for appolnt- ironer and electric range or water heat- boiler and burner, rated 'at 860 nnd one door 33x74, $4 eneh; copper, ent unit plus complete freedom from man Mason, opposite Centervllle school, Bank. ,* • mt. * • er, etc. 0, A D. Appliance Bsrvlce Co., woman or builneu coupl window arrcens, 2-15x29, 5-24x26, SO window cure.. For free demonstration, «0 White street. Phone , Rad Bank unfurnished, if unfurnti ftet, -Only one Silent Flame oil cents each; four 81x56, 11.50 each; 11 Highway »6.» •____ CORNKR WASH BASIN, white enameled, CUSTOM plowing, discing, lowing, har- rooms, also garage. Breakfi cnll Monmouth Construction Co., 2U new, never out of create, J, B. Rue, 1761-J. burner,, one to three gallons per window iFreen frames, 91x56, $1 each. West street. Red Bank. Phona 10D. DUMP TRUCK BODY. Apply or write veetlng, trie polling, ground deal' lunch In, Would consider „. hour with all Minneapolis-Honey- Walter Ilnich, Park avenue on river, William Webitar, U« Diver street, Jr., 11 Wast Bergen, Place, Bad Bank.* Ing, otori tractor work of any Mad by UU8EMOVIN0, rising buildings, mv of a builnsn gentloman'l home, J Rum-on. ' ONE FORDSON TRACTOR; set of double Red Bank.* -^ THREE LONG LADDERS, one extension acre, hour or oontratt. Flnt olane •on work, carpenter work and truck- dren. Prefer vicinity of well controls. Black and galvanised plows; one spring tooth hnrrow; 5x1) MANURE—Price reasonable. M. Cuba I2O| smill baiilnitte, $8; pot stove, equlpmmt. ' Ralph Mahar, Holmdel, N. Ing, Morris Home Impt, Co., Box 188 Write.. "Widow," gox 611, T BLDS—Full ,slze, one wood, one brass, steel cable: MOO clean bricks. Phone Keansburg.* iron \ pipe, up to two-Inch. Auto- # Haaddon's Cornar and Lincoln strait $1; rowing nuchlne, $3: portable type- *.1--* ' " _ ?1 **ol°"*ol Mil, MUST HAVE NEW foxhole wit, matic hot^water heaterj, 10 and 30 one ' metal, including mattress and Kcyport 483, Slate Highway 3". back of fire hou-i, Middletown.* ' writer, $20, Call S5'Washington strait, BXPEET CARPBT laying,- repairing, DOGS BOARDBD, washed, clipped, •prlnga; perfect condition i pm chlftcrotii waaki for lolf, wife and biby,| gallons. Extra heavy SO.gailoh FIVE I'llUFMilllCATEp thicken coopi Red Bank, Phone 714.J.* frhnfing, binding snd renovating. •tripped and conditioned. We show ilir rent your four-room apartm ' and one china closet. Can be seen at and eiuht prcfnbrlcnted gnrnRes, an JOHNSON «H ,H, P. outboard ^n»pt»r, braadi at all shows, Olve your dog a water tankt, Toilet outfits, Com- 131 Oakland street, Red Bank,* completely reeondlUonid by factory, LARGE BLACK alld. white poMtUln ygur five or sbt-room bunf Inrffa plnte glnss 5x5, Phone Keyport Call Rumson 111.* smooth top ens range, In good con- Weak, Board it at a reglit.rid kennel. veteran Infantry* OfllcaK'Hiio bination'link faucets. Sink strain- OUTBOARD MOTOR, 5% horsepowar, 483, stnto ltlghwny 35.* [till crated. Forty years experience. Vlmy Rldga RESTAURANT COAL atove and brollir, dition, res.ions.bli, 100 Willow itrest. OARDNEB'S BROAD itreet barber ihop or Rumson 1178-J.* ers and numerous other plumbing •Watrnvitcli Used oha season. Call 50 LBcTllORN LAYING chickens, ten Fair Haven, . . eonvinlmtly loeatid In heart of bui- Kennels, registered, South street, Eaton- Rrd Hunk 453-W. 154 Hudson avinue, Bsksr Shop, Port Monmouth road, IneM' nellon.' Children's hair outtlng • town, at Wyckoff road, Honmouth eoun- TO BUY—Trloycla, large sisal aU * and heating* supplies* American raonths old, Mrs. Hnmer, Edwards Eait Kenniburg.* FROZEN FOOD storage roomi, reach-In mower. Call Red Bank 674.P Hrd Dunk,* ' avenue, Kclford, next door to Ofllcer ipiolalty. In Goldln building at Broad ty'i leading dag hotel. Frecier. * Appliance Co.,. Route 86 ' or walk-In. Any ilia for my pur' and Mechinlc streati. 15 TONS COW manure. . Phona after i Leek, •_ , • _.. .._ ... >n»j »*»sr, «o»'. Phona Mlddlitown Refrigeration PAINTING, handyman, light hauling, COLORED COUPLE would Ilk Oakhlll roncl, !{«<]' Dank. Fhont ; P. m.. Eatontawn 621-M.' Call or write, R. Dice, 79 Avenue of Jn nice quiet home. Nice famf! STlfAWBERRY PIJANTB, Dig Joes; used complite with oar loeki. Call Long and Gold Storage . Construction, Hlfh- 0UPPER8 SHARPENED. Barber, hone, Ing to pay price. Write, Po BOAT—Flat' bottom, mote* boat) 18 Locust posli, Thomas Mcfiulre, Van- Branch aa8.W,» ' way »'• MldJIetown, phone 989; • do«, ihiap, .all klndi, at the Bvintt Two Rlviri, Rumson, Phone ' Rumion PHBASANT EGOB. Ooldan, Lady, Am- 776 after » p. m. 80$, Red Dunk.* feet lor»K, five.foot beam, Model A denburg.* DIAMOND AND aapphlre. lady'i little Slaekimlth Shop. .. Phone Ked Bank Ford motor, motor out • of ,boat, Just hunt, Niptsl, Silver, R, Ho)mrl), l'hone aVjtontowif 294, •vintii, Uonttio. Phone, Atlantic Bli «lub,s aid' hom«i,' brand new, govirn' gun, llrialo tolootlvt trlggrr, altomntlo demonitratlon In R«d Bank vl'lnlty, In HUV'KIUIIHATOIU'—BaleIFRIQ * * SarVICI, 17 STSCOBDIIANU lia ilngle mint surpl'll, vitarproof, cpnipleta wltl 8BVEN'SHIRTS, il»i 14^, Rood con- ejictur, llhi nsw, IHOi Colt and Smith youc Bonn, Spire parti >nd npatri. M0OTR1C BABY liomri lumntr won , yein axpa.rlen.ci, on all maku, See ' Phone Rid DMik.l4I0*W.*' aabla af'l^ia Iloat'smin'i Shop, 8( Whnr dlllont thru lull dren shirts, tVA, tnrgat pistols, ,Vi • cnllber, now conDon'. t di|«»v Phom, tod«», Rid Btnk coil, Ilk* rjiw, tin 18 longi two wort kuiv wavuBTMnuiQi Hilton Jfrown* tlii new, ironing, Admiral Duil.Timp nnSB AUULTH DEfllKB, avenue, )ted Bank, almoit mwi Tour full dress mllor unl. (IKIon, otlilom built turf roil, 7-(6ot,tlri, 2351.J, ' eoitii II rtmltr. In good eondlttc* - -or't In, vropilitor. Slip Oo»lt'Appll«nct Co., 116 Wilt Front roomi,, vlalnlly of Red f jiatr roller skates In- fair, new, nfw Finn /ml wlih Ashnwny line, Unl« $0 »rm» trouiin, 81 and 631 'rompt; lertloi, eipirt worki ' iti Phom, Bid Bunk 8089. , t m DANTAlW8--Di»Utllul* «»»$. «nd laying •ilfti, iiiy i5Va.aat. two • , Bid. Bank JCH. KtoUa'i Sport Zobel Yacht Works, teaBright . Little Silver- bungalow, iteam - heat; Eoliton Waterbury, RialtM, 1« Welt " roomi i _ _ Ing. Ells Wiltshire, Realtor, Al Bread serve dinner, no cooking, light laundry,, 'EN-ACRE APPLE orohsrd. (rontlnit on II East Front limit, Itr.et, ,h... Hed Bank 2161 BXP8BIENCEO tret trimmers watt«4 at permanent position (or nice girl. Phone garage; conveniint location. 18,000.'Rar Front strait. Phone S50«,* . $0,000 t« $ll,Q0«. Sat HoWwa onclj'spply Bialtr Trie Expert Go,, van Horn Agmey, Fair Havin, Phone Llncroft-Holmdil road, city water ana bury, Eeilter. II Wait Am» VBTBeUN, W1F1J arid lS-monthl:old ion Bed.Bank ZtOa-J. ' DOUBLE HOUSE, (1-63 Bergen place, , JTANKEB TBADKB ere* bur >>»r Rmnson, W. J.. phone Bumson Hi.. Bed Bank 28«,e . ilestrldty, 13,(00, Boynton A Boynton, Red Bank, six rooms and bath,..all "'hone »600.* need apartmenv with bath or emsll GENERAL HOUSEWORKBR or couple, I Drummond place, Bed Bank. Phoni 11 ' 4ne porcelains, china ornaments, house, anywhere thll-vart of state. In- HAN D1BHWAIHER wanted at oncei JAY VAN HORN AOJYmI Improvemetiti; lot 60*200; twp-car gar- 'S^W •*• •*»jfe|l"***SjSP 4^ ST4L . vv . rr- -«- v.n V ^^ T» - — good pay, misls; six dayi k week, two in family; roust have own ear, 152. ' • , ' . • v age; house In very good condition, Sale It. rari Jewels, antique furniture, in «ul.-e or writ! (81 Ocean avenue, fee .FarnMl Farmil We have some Hns FORTY ACRES OOOD farm land at Lin. lirtmpryTemmUl locitael la ton Mar Strand Restaurant, .SMI Broad itreet, Phone Bed Bank 482. price 19,000, Apply Mn..J, J. (Julllir •opplf fiater, 11 0. values In the JI8.000 to 135,000 ../croft: ruhnlne; brook,• $8,000. Bo'Tn* Mattr,. i|,S00, ^^JjJJ* |' end old sllTer plecel, itiw, money. Red Bank, phone 8841. . ' . HOUSBWORKER—live In or eut, excel- 89 Neptune avenue. Deal. Phone WsUrbury, Realtor, 1C M-BETlVICJi SAN; wife and small >rackete. .Bay' Van Hern Afferiey,• Fair ton ft-Boynton , 8 Drummond plasi. Red and books., I trade (air and-open WQ SALBSOBLS (sr bakery. Apply lent home with doctor's (smlly. Phone Raven. Phone Bed Bank J8I.I -177.W. gtteet. Pbom 8500, child desire apartment In or near. Bed Bed Bank, 684; ' . , • Bank, Jhone »SiL • |t"above boari, For courtiiy dialing Bank. Ebgne Ukawood 281-J-l, or WyckoS'i, <»« Broadway, Long BAY VAN HORN AGENOxV-Seeluded MODERN COLONIAL hpmi son- aAY-rTtONT HOMemmV >a MTPorl intli Branch or U Mala street, Eatentowm letting of old appla tries, Larze liv- THREE TRACTS of approximately wvin , til* kaU. till kWia. oil furperi ipliue 'contact Yankee Trader, R»d write' Casavllle, N. I-i Box 10. - . EXPERIENCED WOMAN for general acres each .of tillable landi.'in L4n> talnlng six rooms, lavatory Arit Door. MANICUBTBT.TTReady position, good housework, one day per ' week. It, ing room wltl\ firetjaei and dlnins al- team heat with oil burner; attached Bandix waihlng machlai, electric Iw box. | '-••B.Dk. Mr. Horrlll. Phon. E.d Bank cove) two 'large bedroomi, tiled bath, tro(t, 42,000 each. Boynton ft Boynton,' new modem deck; garage, $11,0(0, fe* salary! also finger wiver. Call Dial plus carfare, Phoni Bed Bsnk 3874-M. I Drummond Place, Red Bank. Phoni garage; In excellent condition; fully in- H». Evening! call horns, Deal 5881. modern kitchen, utility room, hot water Ulated; atorm wlndowi. icreeni, large Roister. Waterbury, Eealtor, li Weat REAL ESTATE FOR RENT COUPLE—To manage real estate do. leat, oil fired. 111,000. Immediate pos- 58. "• . • • creened porch; restricted neighbor- Front itreet. Phone 3100,* YOUNG' MAN to make survey for local - velopment eompany near Re'd^Bank. session. Ray Vin Horn 'Agency, Pair AT 126 BAY AVENUE, tw6-famlly loqd. See Rolitoa Watirbury. Reiltor, {•meet)-paid for gllis, chin*,. JOU ar looking foi Darjaloa, see P. . construction firm; 928 . weekly- toMust t>e Degressive and able toVakl RIVBR-FBONT LOT, witi) e»«r tiyttt t Haven. Phone Red Bank 283.* " ' houie, perfect condition; alio lultibll, 6 West Front street. Phoni 8500.1 o( riyer (ronts , >»!•• ||,0»p, r*a It ftgurss, Itnpi, furniture, buttons, P" Kennedy. Uet you IOUSM (or aali Itart, Earnings up to 1100 a week. Ap- complete charge. Company now.build- lurnished rooms;. garsfte attached. 'For M •clocks, VUM, Will boy linglt piecel or or real. I.ban many proepecta. t, P.ply a..m. only. 20 West strict, Bid jhs; G -I -homei ai will. - ai rental of BAY VA"N HORN AGENCY—Riverfront OUTSKIRTS OF RED BANE, six rooms, Rolston Waterbury. JUalt»r, M Weat ippointmcnt, write. Charles Mefllmra, "bsth; lot 50x160, 16,too. "Six ftjoms, |eollictloni. All articles must be old. Kennedy, 21 Peters place. Bed Bank 4i4, ispk. . apartment houiis snd complete man--, town house, 8 roottis, bath -and extra 26 Bay avenue Highlands. front itr«»t. Poona 1500,1 Oilmu, .1* Bprittf street, Bad 12 AORsW •nVLA.BlX, In txsallrot son- atement of men, materials, ete. Wonder- '.ollet; garage; boathousei' stone bulk& sll lmorovamenti, $7,000;. ill rooms, MAN OR WOMAN to supply customers LEONARDO—Five-room bungalow, an ill Improvement*, ateam heat, with oil ditlon. Price f 100. . Yellow Brook with famous WatKini products in elty ful future- for reliable couple. When an- head. 111,000., Bay Van Horn Agency, Notice of Settlement of AccetuM. •wiring, state age, references, trust* Fair Haven. . P>ni Bed Bl»k »8«.« •outh -side of Monmouth avenue, )urner; $8,600. See Kolston Waterbury., , _ ono, any sin, for Farm, Colt's .Neck. Call Freehold of Red Bank, No Investment. Earn- nown as the Dobbin's property. Sepre* Realtor, II West Front Itreet. Phone Jbtate of MaTy «. gliaal«r, eUsefMd. 272-W-l. ings average %iQ weekly, start Immedi- worthiness and record for the past tea BAY VAN HORN AGENCY- Excellent J'ltudlo, no dealers. Write, "Planoi," years. Write, "Couple,'' Box ill. Bed isntatlves .of the estate will. be on thi J50I).' (Trust under Seventh Paragraph •* • HJ, Bad Bank, NEAR RAUB TRACK, (our acras. Urge ately. Write, J. R. Watkine Company, location; six rooms, hot water heat; premiiei between 2 ind 4:80 p, m. on Will.) Notice la hereby given that *«* Dept, C, Newark, N. i. Bank, , bath; slats roof. Porch I garage, Plot FABM—With 68 acres lmd and old Co. . ION potiltrynsen. farmers, butt*. waterfront, ll-nvm reildence, six bed- April 12th. to receive bldi (or lame. lonlal home with nine, rooms, all Im- lerond Intermedlite aceosntr of the liib. roomi, .three bstbs, (or Uty, /urie. July, SALESMAN—lien's wear, experienced. 122x120. iLpw taxes, (8.600. Bay Van scrlben, truiteei of the eiteta of f; ers, have you u; poultry M be WOMAN—For general, housework, live lorn Agency,, Fair Haven, phone Red MONMOUTH BEACH—Four beautiful provements, fireplace; taxes S86?'usual ssed, if you hare. Itt us do it lor for partieulirs apply & t. IPlebler, real- in. Water front property, Little Sll. Write, "Salesman," Box ill. Bed deceased will be a«dltld a«Md ItateaItateJf br Bank. Bank 283.* lots, a very exclusive section, •five mln- outbuildings. Poiiesilon 90 days;" 827,- .;»•/•» FouHry F»rm, SlBtb itreet, tor, 1 ID Broad street. Bed Bank, Phone ver; thlee'.4n .family. Must be good tei from railroad station, and bus; 500. See Boliton Waterbury, Roaltor, the Surrogate of the County of JJon- Mt Keantburg, N. J, phone Keans- cook and able to drive car. Permanent BEAUTY OPERATOR. Steady position, RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Farm and cheap 4o quick buyer. ' Gall evenlngi 16. Welt Front street. Phone '8500.* mouth and reported (ol ||ttlemis(t to HOUSE TO LET—Baviin artistic rooms, position for. right person. Write, "Gen- good opportunity. Apjrtftia.Kather- t*S houses; seven rooms, oak floors, and ' Saturday, Sunday all day. Uri. the Orphans' Court of laid County, on eral Housework,' Box £11, Bed Bank. Ine's Beauty salon, 4f Monmouth street. automatic heat; 85 acres, creek. •Four- GOOD SIX-ROOM house, tile bath, hot Thursday, the twenty-third diy of Say, WOUND phonograph!, music two bilhi, fireplace; (grnllhed or not. Button, 259 Port Monmouth road, Ideal water heat, fireplace; lot 50x300; 3- boxes, organs, «nue, Lonw Branch. telligence rather than business exper- TWO BLOCKS FROM ocean: bungalow, 8ee Rolston Waterbury, Realtor, 16 Rid Bink. ... ience. Must have imitative and pleas- cy. Fair Haven, phone Red Bank *.8«.* the allowance o(tcoBiBiiiiIoaa DM fflnn- FOtm-RQOM bungalow, with bath, gal six rooms, bath, fireplace, hot water West front street. Phone 3(00.* il f ee». - . ' ' '-- INTERNATIONAL Hat body dump and electric. Inquire Zsremba, phone ng personality. Write, "U. W,," Box REAL ESTATE FOR SAlE RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Red Bank, icat, coal furnace*,, two.car farage; lot 611, Red Bank. Bumson; just completed. Large liv- BUILDERS ATTENTION 1 Eight-room Dated; April 4th, A. D,, 1MI. truck. Nelson M. Raub, Boi til, Atlantic Highlanda.JIT.- 55x110 feet. Price 19,000. Occupancy home, badly in need o( 'repairs. Lo- THB NATIONAL JT Port Monmoutb. LEONARDO—Six rooms, bath, hot air ing .room with fireplace: modern kitch- May 1, Ray Stillman ft Assooiatel, gP.AClOUS 10-FOOT yacht, available to heat; taxes ItO; lot iSxltO, Asking en, modern bath; two spacloua bed- catid on Patton avenue, Long Branch. SEX BANKfNG 0011 AND BOARD (or elderly people, responsible party appreciating unusual SALESLADY—Experienced, wom- Eatontown 7.1 Price $2,500. See Rolstdn Waterbury, : 16,000. Walker 4 Tindall, Realtors, 7 rooms. Oak ftopn, copper plumbing, In- NEWARK. at reasonable ratei, la town or coun- •ummer home; one hour from New en's westing apparel, good salary, sulation, air' conditioning;, oil-fired. 6 ACRES of ground on the north ilda Realtor, It West Front street. Phone . By t William IB. Hocku, Write "detalli to F. 0. Box 692, Mechanic street, Bed Bank. Phone 2771. Yortt; protected anchorage; all conven- steady work. Apply Simon "Nice Open Saturdays.* ' Large plot; gsrage; S10.600. Ray-Van. of Main road at Uncrod; also a lot 3500> ' Trust Offlcir, Bank. lincei; accommodates all. Address Sher- '0x17* on tin north side of Hgbth •«•- 744 Broad itreet, Things." 6» Broad street. LEONARDO—Nice neighbor., high Horn Agency, Fair Haven, phone Red THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW, that must PHT PIANO, In good condition, wood Sporting (Joodi, ' Broad street, Sank 283.* cue at Neptune. Price of lot tSOt eaih. be moved from -present location; wired, . Newark, if. 1. Bed Bank. Phone 4i.* ground; seven rooms, all conven- "erinla.C. Layton. Uncroft, N. J. JOSEPH 8ANFOED Call Bed Bank 111. • ances, hot air heat i one-car sjarage; RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Modem for electricity, $3,000, See Roliton FIVE-ROOM BUNOAUJW. f 100 secur- WAITBE8BHB—Apply Ctrand Reataur. Waterbury, Realtor, li West Front 1048 Park Avenue, ant. 6i Broad street, Red Bank'. taxes 169. Owner occupied. Price U,- six-room bungalow. Enclosed poroh, REAL ESTATE and iMoranei. Paul Naw Yorkk, N. Y. ity, US « monlb year round; hot air too. Walker * Tindall, Realtors, 1 Me- tiled bath, fireplace, oak'floors, oil heat, itreet. Phone 8600.* * MISCELLANEOUS system. Monmouth Parkway and Un- SALESLADY.. Good salary, stcr.dy po- & Strykir, ipecl«ll|ng In farra«, Trusteas. chanic streat, Red Bank. Phone .2771, Insulation; attached garuge. $12,600. BIG OPPORTUNITY. Eight-acre farm, TTNEY, HARDIN, WARD tlcn avenue, East Keansburg. Call Sun- sition. Apply Yanko, 90 Broad street, Ray Van Horn Agency, fair Haven. country homes and estates. State list-room house, largo barn; located rsmnwiel ATTENTION, top easb prieis Bed Bank. -, /-^Z Open Saturdays.* . * BRENNAN, paid lor aQI klnd.of cattle, ulves or day. Phone Bed Bank 283." Highway No. 14, Holmjal, pbnm 181 Portaqpcek avenue, 1,000 feet from MAN—>to cuturaas and care (or'lawn. -BELFORD—Five rooms, bath, sunporch, National Newark Bldg, uaofi, Order, taken tor spring delivery STORE OR OPFICE. with living quart- race, trace, full price,( $12,000,- Joe Phone Red Bank 22)45. ' hot air heat, inlaid linoleum; icreeni, BAY VAN. HORN AGENCY—Two acrei, Holmdal 6101. Newark. 2, N. J. bf feeder steers. Drop a card or call ers and Improvements, Leonard road storm lash; large lot; taxes 115. Price Fair Haven, 10-roqpa residence, 30-foot .Malta. Phone Ixing Branch 917. Proctors. ffayllr Palmer Engllihtown. N. J., phone •nd Lenmrdo hlahwiy. Bmll Bollinek, AVON PRODUCTS, INC., needs sales 16,609. Walker * Tindall,. Realtor!, 7 living room, fireplace, hot air heat; gar- SHADOW LAKE PARK. Alexander THREE-ACRE FARM, six-room house, 1 representatives, pleaiant, - profitable i ' Mlddlctown, .Highway 35. Phone Mid- Mechanic street, Red Bank, Phone 2776. Me. 115,000. *»y Van Horn Agency, tlon, acre ploti; a modern restncti all Improvements, large barn; three- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JER3RV illetow.n Alt. work. Opportunities available 'in Bed Open Saturdays.* Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank 283.* esidential development. F. H. 'A. ap- car garage; near highway, located South 155/263 YOUR JOB, Free catalog describ- THIRTY ACRES of tillable land. Wil- Bank, Shrewsbury, .Rumson. Write, proved; ichool adjplning, ilou to rail- itreet, Eatontown. Can be seen any- "Avon Products," Box &11, Red Bank. RIVERSIDE HEIGHTS—Flvi rooms, BAY VAN HORN AGENCY—One of TO: FLORENCE ELIZABETH HAUTF- ing 400 business and technical liam Umln«r. Hi«id« avenue.' . Mc-nmputh'e most attractive farms; road station, lake privileges. A few Una time. Joe Raasas. Phone Long Branch bath, hot air Holland heat; ene-car 1832. ' MAN,. ALSO KNOWN AS FEAVCES coursei, Phone or write Interna- LAltliE STORK, suitable for automobile HANDY MAN to work on grounds, two xnrnxe: lot 60x150, Asking ' |7,iOO. 130 acres. Completely restored authen- homa sites still available. 8se your real- ELIZABETH HAUFfMAN: days "a week. Call Atlantic High- tor; also E. Alexander, on the premises. tional Correspondents Schools 11 show room or* super market. Bent Walker ft Tindall, Realtors, 7 Mechanic tic. Colonial residence constructed 1763: CORNER LOT, -9.3X150, Riverside By virtus of an Order of- thi §oart HOD |icr month. See Rolston W»t»r- lands 101. street, ed Bank. Phone 2776, Open hund-hewn beams,, paneled dining room: Pojtornce. It. D. No. 1, Dox 4. Bed Bank. Height!, fronting Highway. 35; no of Chancery of New Jeriey, made an ^Commerce street. Newark 2. liury, Realtor, II West Front street. GARUKNEB WANTED—For vegetable Saturdays.* three maBter bedrooms, two baths; DEAL HOME, attractive, modern, A-l broken. Phone Red Bank 2272. the 1st day of April, 194«, in a certain MArkct Z-1164. I'hone S^lO' ond flower gardens, l&wn on smnll maid's room, modern kitchen; hot water condition; automatic gas hot water FARMS—Country Estates, acreagi, lots. cause, wherein Albert' Hau9man, alio RED BANK—Seven rooms, bath, laun- heat; good barns, box stalls and stan- DOCTOR'S OFFICE, ideal .location, suR- place ]n Sea Bright; experience preferred. dry, steam heat, oil, electric water heat; desirable location; owner occupied. Frank B. Lawes, Newman Springs known ai Alfred Wilckir Hauffmu ii Write. "I'.. J. B," Box 511, lied Bank. chions'; garage, chicken house; 30 petitioner, and you, Florincs Elliabeth ^AKsiEEU and truck growers will BIO e for doctpr or dentist, Phone AC- heater, new roof, aunporch; taxes 1140; Call Long Branch 3421. rold. Phone Red Bnnk 2875.* . a acres woodland; 100 acres tillable, four Hauffman, alio known al Fnnqei ]|lli read/ market for-their produce by lantic IllKlilanJs' 19-J. SALESMEN ATTENTION—E<-8ervice- lot 60x146. Price <9,000. Wnlker 4 UUY, *ell or rent all types ot real eatate KEANSBUBG—On Main, street, sis: •dvertfilag Is) Tbi ttegUur'i elasslDed Ane streams; *36,00O. Will divide. Make abeth Hiulfmnn, arf defendaaL yoi| are STORE—Call after 6:!0 p. m.. Red mcn. Are you interested, in a sales Tindall, Realtors,. 7 Mechanic street, offer I Bay Van Horn Agency, F|ir through Constance Smith Agency, 14 rooms, all improvements; steam heat. slomnr position, paying a salary of $25 per Red Bank, Phone 2776, Open Satur- Maple avenue, Fair Haven, phoni Bed required to appear and plaid, answer Bunk. J0S2-W. • Haven, phone Bed Bank 283,' Home In plrfect condition; for quick or demur to. petitioner'! petition on or JSTlNUg wanted, If >ou Dave a house' week and commission7.,,,Our commod- days.* Haven, phone Bed Bank 283.' Bank SI08. sale $«,900. Constance 'Smith, 14 Ma- (or eale; buyer! waiting. R. V. R. H. ity can be delivered at-once. No recon- RAY VAN HORN AGENCY—Attractive before tke 3rd day of June, 1»48, or In ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Nine rooms, ^i ion iiuiii! nufliiu*—nknokim FOR'.SALEh-Llncoln avenue. Atlantic ple avenue. Fair Haven, phone' Red default thereof such deenree wll{ be' Hout, 11 Broad meet, phone Red Bsnk version or future delivery. Write for * bath, newly decorated, fireplacesVe - BroaBd d streettt residenceid ; iheightt rooms, Highlands, near Seventh avenue, nlci Bank 2301. an interview to P. 0. Box 411, Wood- taken ^against you ai the Chancellor APARTMENTS netian blinds, hot water heat, oil; lot (wo tiled bnths; hot water heat: fire- location, lot 75x105.. Price f 1,250, Part shall think equitable and Just. bridge. ' place; oak floors; tiled kitchen. Large SIX-ROOM HOUSE, steam heat, oil bur- bvxlOO; 3Q .days occupancy. Asking brick cellar snd floor beams and .rough ner, -garage; on bus line; low taxes. The object of said iuit li to o|(aia TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. MAN WANTED—For general store woTkT I9,S'J(I. Walker Si Tindall, Realtors, ? rarage. *l",SO0. Ray Van Horn Agency. floor. Other lots 1200 and up. J. L. FOR EXCHANGE ?hone'Eed Bank 888,* • Pr|ce 18,500, Frank B. Lnwes, New- a decree of divorce diiaolrlng the eaar- Adults only; ISO per month. Phone must have driver's license and ref- Mechanic street, Red Bank, Phone 8776, Sculthorp, 123 First avenue, Atlantic man Springs road. Phone Red Bank riage between you and the laid pe- ""TTlttEE-ROOM apartment. Atlantic Highlands 961. erences'; steady, position, good salary. Open Saturdays.* EXCELLENT NEIOHBORHOOD. Bun- Highlands. 2875.1 titioner. , Rent $47.50 monthly. Fine residen- galow with ill conveniences, 15 acrei, Apply J. Yanko, 30 Broad street. Red ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—10 rooms, FOR SALE—Improved lot, '0x100, I5D0; Dated April 1st, 1946. tial section of PlainrUld. Convenient to Rank. 10 minutes to Red Bank station. 110,- QESIRABLE LOT. 90x163, about three bath, hot alr.h'eat, all conveniences, also barn, partly tnsde into house, miles north ol Red Bank on Highway EDWARD W. WISE. train and shopping district. Will ex- SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNli MAN-Sobcr, wlllinit worker, 000. Bay H. Stlllman & Associates, $1,101); $2,100 for both. 681 Patten Solicitor of petitioner, ihange for small house in Red Bank furnished; immediate occupancy; two- Highway 4-N, Estontown, ' Phons 7.* 35, 81,500. E. R. Stnnaberry. Thone for small estate, near Red Bank, One car-garage,; lot 120x130. Asking 110,000. venue, Long Branch, ^ Mlddletown 477-J. Middletown, Five 6( ?ro4d [rca, modern Improvements. Write, T, YOUNti MAN would like part time po- u is fond of animals. New four-room SEASHORE—Main house and extra du- Bed Bank, . Terrara, 217 'East 7th street, Plain- Walker & Tindall, Realtors, 7 Mechanic SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, bath, two-car Comers. sition. Call -R..1 Bank 28B9-J.* ^gHment and bath for riffht young Btrcct, Red Bank. Phone 2776. Open plex liungalow with sll conveniences, garage, work sh.op, large lot. Asking 1114. man who proves eatiafactory; moderate facing Shark River, beach rights, large ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS. In residential Notice ol Settlement ,f Account. Saturdays.e 16,000. Phone Keyport IE1-R. section, convenient to stores, schools B trET -US HELP you with your em- salary, Opportunity for quick advance- grounds, will landscaped, Price f 15,000. Eitate of Geoigo O. Vaternan, if ment'. Write' age. full detail! to "VBUMSON—6 rooms, 2 baths~hot air SEA BRIGHT—Ideal summer home, ilt- and transportation, 11 roomi, tiled ciaiid. Notlci Ii hereby given that, the ployment problems. Robert's heat: river rights; one-car , garage; Ray Stillman ft Associates. Phone Eaton- bath, running water in two bedrooms, ROOMS FOR RENT M," Box (11. Hed Hank' town 7.* ' uated between ocean and river, with accounts o( the lubscriberi, trmteei of Employment Ag«ncyf 77 Broad taxes [£.'>. Asking 110,00(1. Walker as elgnt furnished rooms, two bstbi, lav- steam heat, oil; occupancy In 30 days. the estate of said deceased, will be TAKING APPLICATIONS for siilesliKlies, Tindall, Realtors, 7 Mechanic street, Red TEN ACRES. Modern two-story home, atory and attached, garage. The itudio Suitable for two families or rooming .U.')MS. S3 south ttreiL, Uii Bans, street, Red Bank. Phone Bed Bank audited and stated- by the Surrogate of quiet and comfortable; hot wslei at all age 17 to ih. Full or part time work. Bank. Pt.one '2776. Open Saturdays.* •tx rooms end bath; three-car garage; type living room extending the full house. Prlci $9,000. Conltanci Smith, ttle County of Monmouth and reported ilroei. Plenty ol parking space. Hod. 180S. Good starting salary. Apply, F. W. Wool accommodations for 9,500 chickens. depth of the home, hai a cheerful open 14 Moils avenue. Fair Haven. Phone 1 KEYPORT—Eiijht rooms, bath, hot air Price' $15,000. Convenient location. Hay for settlement to the Orphana Coufi o( Irate prices- Phone 1114. worth Co.. Red Bank. heat; newly de<-6rnted ; fireplace; slate fireplace. There is n plpeleas furnace in Ri-d, Bank' 2308. said County, On Thursday, tbe aeeond Stillman * Associates, Phone Eaton. the cellar, The delightful porch is cop- NE OK KEIJ Hank's most convenient DINNERS COOKED and served (or par- GlliL—For day's work this week roof; two-car garage; lot 75x150.; one town 7,e RUMSON—Five-room noun, needi lome day of May, A. D., 1946, at 10:00 I location*; both single and double ties and ipeclu! occasions. Pbone Mid- sbTit. Call Itumion i~!i. month occupancy. Price 110,000, Wai per screened, as are the wlndowi snd improvements. Lot 50x150, $8,160.o'clock B. m., at which time application RESIDENTIAL—Convenient to transpor- doors Price, with Immediate 8Ol«e»- noma. Mrs. II. T. liuwitra, 'I Maple dletown «J-J. SALESLADY In drug and cosmetic de- fctr 4 Tind-all, Realtors, .7 Mechanic Term-.. Schwartl-Macklln, S White will be made for the allowance of epm- •venue.- Red liank. fhune 1184. street. Red Bank. Phone 2771. Open tation, schools; modern home, usual fdon, $13,000, through John'L- Mlnugh, street, Bed Bank. Phone 8U1- missions and counsel -fees. - TWO-YUUNII BOYS dellde work week- partment. Apply Whelnn's Drug broker, Bumson road. Sea Bright.* end! ir after school hours. Write, ilore, Broud and White street, RedSaturdays.' liv,lng quarters and four bedroomi; two< Dated. March 14. A. D., 1»48. car garage. Price 812,500, Ray Still C.Y. FBONT turnUhed bedroom, Y.iB," lio« 511, Bed Bank.e Bank, -l., MIUULETOWN TOWNSHIP. Four-room TWO-FAMILY HOUSE, near high school REFINANCE AT i\i%. II you own THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK AND man ft Associates, Highway 4-N, Eaton .. TRUST COMPANY OF RED BANK hen privilege!. Inquire after 5 v-MALE VOCALIST, with voice training hungalow, elettrlr, slate roof; lot business and residential lection; six a home and it is financed with a 276 Mechanic ft.reel, Red n&nlc. town. Phone 7.' roor:s on one side, eight on other; new . By; Ralph S. Pearee, experience, detlre's audition with or- MEN—To. work In. nursery, atcady 20t'xl(i0; taxes 144. Price 11,400. Wai- mortgage, come and let us ihow you ?honc lt>i| Bsnk im. -.-•'. k«r & Tindall, Realtors, 7 Mechanic heating system, baths; two-car garage. Trust Officer, ULDLK FUUNlaliEI) bedroom, reii- rluilrn. •Write, "Voculist," Box 511, employment, good wages; one. SOUTH SHREWSBURY river, third Business shop. Price $13,000. W. A. how you can lave • considerable Red Bank, N. J. lied llf.nl:.' street,. lied Bank. .Phone 2776. Open J deniial icctlon. Phone Red Bonk bltick from Boro bus line.- Phone - Saturdays.• acre; immediate possession. Liqui- Hopping Agency. Phone Red Bank 397." Florence Howard - Brooks, 1'RACi'ICAI. NURSE, available. Phone money Ih Interest ' payments and BllB-J. - . iIA N, Red liank i2fj<). Lovett'a Nursery, i.'EAlt URADB SCHOOL,. Six-room Buttonwood, Shrewsbury, UMUjllTAliLK bUN'NV mom, in mud- Red U»nk, 1461 or calll at 970 RRivei r FOR INVESTMENT. Nine acres, three- dating estate; eight rooms, two . have a'debt-free home by refinanc- Inc., Little Silver. car garage with apartment, nine-room bathi; automatic, heat. Asking house, steam heat, oil burner: gar I em private home, convenient relidcn- road, l-'dir Havnn. age. Price $9,000. W. A. Hopping ing It on the Direct Reduction Plan.' Trustees. --•' ' lal section; JO McLsren street. Phone UXrEKlENCED COMPETENT house- house, heat, large four-room lodge; Idea' (15,000. Heirs will consider of- Applegate, Stevens, Foster location for further development in acre Agency. Phone Red Bank 197.* Schwarti-Macklln, 8' White street, led Bank 3198-H. - keeper withes position with Sundays STRONG BOY or youni: man for full- fer. Chaa. E. Sweeney, Monraouth k Reussille, ctT. No objection to children. Ref- time, satisfactory employment, op- plots. Asking 520,000. Bowtell Agency, WE HAVE ACREAGE for sale at Lin .Red Bank, Phone 3121. Red Bank, N. J. erences furnished. Phone Red Bank portunity for advancement in this fgkt I'hone Atlantic Highland* 116. avenue, phone Rumson 1492. croft, near concrete road, list-acre Proctors. IEWLY FURNISHED double rooiJT 2717-M. growing concern. Wright Stg#*js, 30 SUMMEB COTTAGE—Five rooms, bath, tracts, Price 12,000. W. A. Hopping \ luitable (or couple or busim-nt m&n. Monmouth^streetj Rfcd Uank^^ live lots; attache'd 1,'aratee; situated BEACON BEACH lots, .Keansburg, Agency. Phone Red Bank »87.* VETERANS. — Exclusive listings. Rumeon, on bus line. Phone Rumson CAI'AIILE YOUNO womnn wishes odd Jobs for evjniruii. Do plain cooking, COOK—"Smairfamily,. good salary. Call in the hills with a fine view; fully fur- 60x100; south side Crescent street, BERGEN . PLACE. Semi-bungalow, Irat Your Honorable Discharjs Is Ui-i. j Rumson eoE-R. nished; Only S8,500. Two miles from between Morningside and Atlantic ave floor, large living room, fireplace, — GET OUR—W- AROK LIViHT houitktepina niom with it»-in,-, lerving, stay with children or your down payment. invalid! evenings after 5 ,or Saturday YOUNG WOMAN (or general housework, c:e«n. Bontell Agency. Phoni Atlan iiuea: Si50. K. Jacobien, State High- dining room, laundry, kitchen, bedroom, Westlidi of Red Bank—Double bouse. .kitchenette And runnintr water. Adulti tlc Highlands 116. way 36, Port Monmcuth, N. J., phone till bath; second floor, three bedrooml, HICH CASH PRICE Jnly. i% Harding road, Red Bank. (Op- Afternoons. Refercncee furnishld. Call part tine, good salary, l'3cna:jnt sur- !orner property, $B,000. Approximately lied Bank 2717-M. roundings. Phone Red Bank U0S5. Keansburg 8." bath. Price 112,000. W. A. Hopping .,36 monthly carrying charge under G. lolite high nhool.) MODERN HOME—Seven rooms, bath, Agency. Phoni Red Bank 397.» • ALL MODELS TIVELY' furniihcd room, 391CHAUFFEUR AND Uardener wishes po- CARETAKEB-HANBYMAN'. Middle-aged TENNENT AREA—82 acres excellent I. Bill. Rid Bank—Double house, near large kitchen, oil, hot water heat; two- potato soil, nice'brook; main dwell- FIFTY-ACRE KARM estate,. converted railroad station, good condition, $6,900, Broad Urtcl. INext to Lea Rertrudei sition with living quarters, references. man to live in and, help with odd jobs car garage, Areplace. oak floors, sun • ALL MAKES Write, "U. H.," Box til, Red Bank. around property. Steady position and ing burned; good outbuildings, four- farm houii, all Improvements; occu- Approximately *48 monthly carrying OOM—With kitchen privilegei, $1! porch, LlixlHH; 10 days occupancy. IC- room tenant house.' Price 110,000. Ray pancy Hay 15. Attractive letting. Ap- charts under G. I, BUI, Little Silver • ptr week. Apply 20 Wall street or TRUCK DRIVER-Watchman wishes iab good w&ges. Apply by letter, "Care- •VH'. 19,000 cash. Bowtell Agency. ply, C E. Plchler, realtor, 140 Broad • ANY YEAR laker," Box 511, Red Bank.' Stillman ft Associates. Phone Eaton- —six rooms, steam heat, garage; lot •hone Red Bsnk 260>. with living quarters, references, Phone Atlantic HiKhlandi Hi. town .7,* itreet, Phone Red Bsnk 166.* 75xl7f, 15,760. Approximately 140 Drive In or Phona Write, "T. W,," Bo> til, Bed Bank. MAINTENANCE-UTILITY man for iten- GOOD LOCATION, Convenient, home ACTIVE-fiverooms, furnished, converted into two apartment!, each NEAR OCEAN. Lot 60x80; bungalow BES1DENTTVL PROPERTIES, in price monthly carrying chsrgs under G. I. I near bui linet or four rooms unfur- CURTAINS, 8CARr8, table cloths, e,re! maintenance work. Steady po- Bill. Fair Haven—Flve-room bungalow. PACKARD—RED BANK sition and good wages. State exper- having four rooms and bath; oil heat; five rooms and bath, hot air h«st; nua of fl',000, I14.C0D, 118,000; liihed. Call after 5;lO p, m. Inquire laundered, starched and stretched. large lot. Frlre 112,500. Ray Stillmnn two-car garage. Price 17,500. Ray In Red Bank, For particulars, lee C. E. $5,500. Approximately $38 monthly Ciaglia, II Weltslde avenue, Red Mrs. U Nitt'o, H DeForelt avenue, ience and salary expected. "Maintenance carrying charge under the G, I. Bill. Kelly Building Man," Box Sll, Red Bank.* & Associates, Phone Eatontown 7,* Stillman ft Associates. Phone Eaton- Fichler, realtor, 140 Broad itreet, phone •nil.' ' Red Bank. Phone Bed Bank J459-B. town 7.* Red Bank 166.* Bumson— 7 rooms, garage, itenro* hebt. Harding; Bond at Broad St. YOUNG MAN to do chorea <,n place K1VBR KBONT. Within walking distance 11,600. Approximately |43 monthly IfSHEli KBONT double room, with KBFINEIl WOMAN, college graduate, rc- ol station, nice location; seven roomi, RIVERFRONT PLOT. Fair Haven. Beau- NEAR RACE TRACK—Four awes, large ccnlly widowed, no encumbrances, Saturdays, or elderly man for two carrying charge under G. I. Bill. private bath, In Fort Monmouth, Call bBth, hot water heat, oil; one-car gar- tifully located wooded plot on high waterfront, occupancy 40 to 10 days; Sohwarti-Macklin, 8 White street, Red istontown 1S6-M." withes- position as companion or hotel days a week, Suit own time. No heavy R.B.428 or laborious work. Phono Red Bank ngc. Price 115,000, Ray Stlllman * terrace; fronting on sheltered cove with furnished or unfurnlihed, spaolous res- Bank. Phone 3131. RNISHEl) ROOM. ID Wiverly hostess; drive car. Write, "Beflned Associates, Phone Batontown 7.* deep water anchorage: paved street, with idence; six bedtoomi, three baths, eleo- Woman," Box G11, Bed Bank. • It! for Interview.* i Plarc, Red Bank.' DWELLING LOT.. A/ fine lot, "0x98, all utilities. Exclusive, listing, Price trle kitchen, C. E. Fichler, realtor, 140 YOUNG MAN wishes evening and week- GOOD PRACTICAL nurse to live in. Call 16,000. Joseph G. McCue Agency, Rial- Broad itreet. Phone Rid Bank 118.' BOMFORTABLE, attractive, reasonable, for Interview, the Elea-dor Rest on a fine residential street, George W. |, hot water day and night, shower, Con- end work. E. H, Gownley, 777 Blver Bray, 77 Broad street. Red Bank," tor. Phone Rumion 444 or Red ifsnk EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. Three river road. Fair Haven.* Home, 515 Summerfleld lavcnue,. Alfaury 1470." font to nil transportation, one min* Park.' properties. Price! 111,000, $21,000, - . to railroad station, SI Shrewsbury YOUNG MARRIED woman wishes part LOT— 76x125, in Red Bank. Phone Red SHREWSBURY BOROUGH. 10 acre! of 150,000. For partlculin see C. E. Plch- Do you with to SELL or BUY real estate ? |venue. Phone Red Bsnk 1110-M.* time employment In ihop or doing TYPIST AM) BOOKKEEPER. Exper- Bank <610-R. business and residential property on ler, realtor, 140 Brosd itreet. Fho.ni light office work. Call Bumson »34. , Ience on books not required, but must 17,500—SIX-ROOM old house and bath; two main highways; eight-room house; Red Bank Ui.* . RGE BEDROOM, on bus line, Ons have some knowledge. Business located and half miles from Fort Monraouth, YOUNG MAN, colored, dtilrta position Immediate posieislon; talent acres of two-csr garage. I Price JJJ.,000. Joseph BED BANK—Near bus and ihopplng LIST your property or your requirements with on First * avenue, 'Atlantic Highlands. land, outbuildings, big ihed, oiiicken G. McCue Agency, Realtor. Phoni Rum< Vlthin walking distance of Red Bank • I chauffeur with private family. Ap- Write, "T. A B.." Box 611. Red Bank. dlitrlct; leven roomi, hot air heat; hopping center. Call morning! before ply or write lit River street, Red coops; very good loll, pear-orchard. son 444 o.- Red Bank 1470.* extra lavatory on first floor; garage. Ideally located l*i miles to Mlddletown ll a. m. and after 4 ». m.iRed Bank Bank.e COOK—Light downstairs work, for fam- RED BANK—Substantial hollow till, Immediate occupancy. Price 18,500, |tll-M. ily of five; sleep In; generous wages, and approximately four from Red Bank. Comtance Smith, 14 Maple avenue, COUPLE WITH experience, cook and Don't miss out on thli excellent buy. stucco, beautifully decorated, Three C. F. BORDEN—Realtor and Insurer •ood home. Write, "Cook," Box 611, bedroome, tile bath with ihower, and Fair Haven,- Red Bank !IO8, useful butler. Write,-Box 26, Sea Red Bank.* S. Walters Agency, call Middletown 283. Girt." modern, kitchen; hot .water heating by ATLANTIC HIGKLANDB. Overlooking G. H, NEVIUS—Aisoclate. I REAL ESTATE WANTED WOMAN—To take care of three-yaar- HIGHLANDS, 231 Bay avenue, room Oil; one-car garage; residential lection, bay; Ideal location for all-rear hotel old child, sleep in, own room, light Ing house; 20 roomi, hot water heat Convenient. (12,500. Joseph G. MtCui type boarding houn lor eonvaleisent \lOD REWARD if found satisfactory. housework, four nights and Sunday off, on two floors. Corner property 60x200. Agency, Realtor, Fhom Ruroion 441 or homi; 14 rooms, four bathi, extra lav. I Permanent civil service employee HELP WANTED Al Krueger, Fort Monmouth road, East Red Bank 1470.* ' Broad Street, Shrewsbury Tei Bed Bank 1M1 (Borden) Irinti four-room ipartment or smill Call Atlantic Highlands 060-J. atorln. Boomi are irrangid for light EXPERIENCED FRUIT and vegetable Keansburg, phone Keimhurg 114. housekeeping apartmenti with a good Louse. Three adulta. unfurnlihed. Write HOUSEMAID—To do general work, t FAIR HAVEN. River road, near Grange Inoomi. Largi eneloied porch; hot Tel, Bad Buk 1MW (Nerlna) fSatlsfactory." Bon 111, Hed Bank.' a. m. to 1 p. m., Monday through man, (or retail. store; good working LARGE COLONIAL dwelling, (our bed. avenue, nice location, dlip lot; living roomi, maid's room, three baths, lav- water heat, oil, Purehase price. $17,- TiDULTS DESIRE to rent 7 or 10-room Friday, half day Saturday, no Sundays, conditions. Phone Red Bank 1377.* room, dining room, kitchm and three 600. Terms arringed. Available May no children, 125 a week. Write, "D, atory, sui porch, 11 replaces; double gar- bedroomi nnd bath, steam hiat; tsxei ouie in Bed Bank or vicinity, im- nt;e, acreage, oil* hent. Price M6,uOO. 15th, Comtance Smith, 14 Maple ave- nedlatdy. * Six months rents! payable P.," Box (11. Red Bank. EXPERIENCED WOMAN for house- about' $100. Garage,' New roo(, but nui. Fair Haven. Phone Xed Bank 2308. Frank B. Lawes. Phone Bid Bank 187E.* need! some decorating., 110,000. Jouph M advance) If desired; solid reference*. work, two days a week, Wednes- TWO ATTRACTIVE ^four-room opart- Bare of property guaranteed. Call Kiy* MSN—To work In greenhouses and DEAL—Immediate possession, beautiful- G. McCue Agency, Realtor. Phone Bum< day »nd Saturday, phone Red Bank ly furnished modern home, Including son 414 or Red Bank 1470.' meniivone avallabll May lit, modern |ort 5.11 or write Boi 2. Keyport. pack orders; also man to work on IHtlnga, new root last fall. Pries $9,500. ILL PAY UP to 115,000 for a modern 38JM " •• ' baby grind piano; In excellent con- MILE FROM RED BANK station, Biml- RAY VAN HORN AGENCY farm. Apply In person, Peter Hen- dition; three bedrooms, music room, two ID Memoriil Parkway, Atlantic High- home, 6 or 6 rooms, Red Bank or vi- bungalow type, three room! on flnt lands. Phone Red Bink 761.* llnlty. Occupancy September lit or Oc- drlckson ft Co., • Newman Springs SALESLADIES, for dresses, coats, suits, buthl, itenm heat, oil fired, Price 120,- floor, two bedrooms and bith on no- lob.r 1st. Write, "Newark Couple," Box millinery and' accessories; nlso girls 000. Westmoreland Steven and Llisner, ond floor, front porch, hot air heat; AVAILABLE MAY 16TH, 8-room stucco Call Us Regarding Your Real Estate Needs road, Red Bsnk. Inc., 102 Norwood avenue, Deal, Phono ill, Red Bunk. ; for Saturdays only. Good inlnry, ;>eV- Bnrags In basement. 17,800. Joseph semi-bungalow, till lath, fireplace I manent position, advancement. Jncey's, Deal 1201 or 1267. O. McCue Agency, Realtor. Phone Rum two-ear iirggi. Price $7,500, 686 r_ELONG .RESIDENTS of Red Bank Women's Shop, 21 Broad street, Red •on 444 or Red Bank 1470.* Ooein Boulevard, Sea Bright, Furniture, [wish to rent a 8 or 7-room houn MAN OR BOY. Steady light work, 32« BAY AVENUE, Highlands; a two- Broker* Bank,* fnmlly house, perfect condition; alto Including 0. S. lei box for isle $$10, i Red Bank by May 20. Must move good pay. Apply Lester C. Lov- Phone Red Bink W.» , om established home of 17 years. Guar- FLOOR MAID. Also general house- partly, suitable for (urnlihed roomi'; NEAR RED BANK, teautlful lltate L J. SCHILLING anteed care of' property. References ex- •tt, Little Silver. Phone Bed Bank worker. Phone Mlddletown 169. garage attached. Can be aeen by ap- area, 100-acre dairy (arm, eight- N HOUSE on Plntkniy road ,ln pointment at tbe above addrisi. Little Silver, with eight roomi and Tianged. '• Write, "Llfelontr," Box 511, 220.0. • room home, remodelid; fencing, led Bnnk or nail Bed Bank »048.n. SALE8L.AD1ES. For our various TWO ONE-FAMILY dwellings, one two- tile bath, modern kitchen; lot I1K826; JOSEPH F. HUNTER dairy and utility birni; splendid flniihed baieraint with playroom, laun- MESS COUPLE desire four or five- WELDER, ELECTRIC, with some woman's department!. Steady nil- family dwelling. Kelrney itreet, Key- port, Cash. Peter Bogardui, 29 Kenr- condition; (30,000, Chns, E. Swei- dry and lavntory, hud wood loon, In j room unfurnished ipsrtment, er small acetylene experience, steady work, year nround position!, Straus Com- excellent condition. Prloi |U,0OO, W, W. RAYMOND VAN HORN louse, No children, For May lit oo- Herrltt Machine Shop, 24 Mechanic rcy street. Keyport. , >. ney, Monmouth avenue, phone pany, Hid Bank, 0, Weart, 42 Broad itreit. Phoni Bid lupaney. Allan S, Ccnklln. Phoni Rid itreet, Rod Bank. • LOT—North slid Rumion rond, Little Rumion 1W,' Bank 2240.* • FLORENCE D. VAN HORN lank M18-M, * WOMAN—To . do housekeeping, three Silver, 60x179. 1450. Call Red Bank WOMAN '1X1 C A HE for three children 13S-R.* INVESTMENT PROPERTY I ' building .. YOUR PROPERTY with us for dayi a wpek, 0 a. m. to 6 p. m, A IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Eight-room ood joh with pleasant lurroundlngi, . of working mother, Two attending with thrie (our-room apartrnentii ill I Tint or sale. .Buyen waiting. Rob- BUNdALOW—K,|ve roomi and bath. very doilrabli home In Red Bsnk, Improvem-nti, bath, heat, etc, ilio two' Secretaries ?or the right person, Call Red Bank school, • Good homa for right party. No Soon by appolntrnint only* Phone J. Marrln, Hlgoyr-y li, Ultawin, heavy housework or laundry, Plenty of (pur bedrooms, oil burner, Price |l0,* jloi-os. Open for an offer. Biaaon (or Matawan B41.J. 1588-.J, between 8 ind 8 n. m.« Long Urnnch 1042, C00. Ella Wlltihfri) Agency, 77 Broad selling: 111 health o( owner. A, B. Din* MAN—By. contractor, for garden work, Jrio time, Cnll Roc) Bank 2711-W, Htrect, Red B«nk.' Phone 2.161.' SHIRLEY- Jfl. KINGSLAND BTINO8 WANTBD, All typ«l «• Mgn, 1 ABOUT 20 ACRES lund, no house; suit- nett, realtor,| 310 Naveilnk avenue, mouth county propirtlei, for isle or "Call EltSMOwn BU.M after . 6 »,; m.* tfMBN^boBb£iam^d^ogoUbT; oblo ilevolopment) ' fronting three mnn. Uail Ked Bank 2680 for Inter- LOTS FOR BALE,—We, huvi lilted >avi phone Highland! 1801. ;1-^_. (jut. John L. Mlnugh, Broker, Rum- Bravul roadl unil creek 1 near Highway ernl very choice lots In fine reililen 'RUTH CRAWFORD . view. Steady position. aO.Weit Keamb'urg; ailiolnlng new Phoni Rumion TWO HANEY MEN lor' genirnl tlnl. section! of Shriwibury, LlttU 811 houae hiving four ipartmintii Income work and gardening, on Buuion SOBER MAN, experienced In raising volopment. Telephone, eleotrlo, Qwnor, ver, and Rumson. Elln Wiltshire chlekem, good inlnry nnd .commis- P. O. Box 88. Kcnnsburg.* nvcr li»o per month. Price 116,000. •IKK PAY UP to 110,000 (or small Agency, 77' Broad itreet, Red llink, Taxes |144 yurly. - Day Btlllman * Ai- ••Intel itandy emiiloyment. Fhont sion, Kine home with all conveniences, Phone 2161, | home with lome ground, one to Avi Rumion u«( alter 7 P< m. Bntur- Wonderful opportunity for right nun, RlVBHFliONT -LOT, 16 fut on Con loclatoi,' phons Matontown 7, Ray Van Horn Agency, Realtors Must be nenr itl|rohd itntlon. over l,nn«; beautiful lite fqr dwell BUNOALOW—Five roomi, tiU bath dtif and Sunday «, in, - . (llvi nilo ind experience. Write, THOMPSON AOBNOY — Old colonial ,'ooupiinoy anytime up t,i Ootober lstt Bobor Man,, " BoBx ill, .Koi.Kol Bifnk, Ing. 16,0011, John T, Lawley, Agent, two-cur Karngo, chrly possession, liirgi home; brick lined] eight roomi and ll<». • Addteis, "Station," Dox 511, Rod Klverilile Drive, Red Bank, Phons Hed lot. Price H,G00, Kiln WllUhlru Imtli; mold's quarters | two fireplacei, Phone Red Bank 283 Fair Haven, N. J. YOUNO WOMAN. FoT iBleiwomnn, HALES Qlias— Wo IIUVB good jobt oimi Bnnk 410. ' , Agency, 77 Broad, itrcot, . Rod Unnk, In itnre ai dorks, Phono, Rod Sank wlds board floori, Acre plot, barn, givr- 'I'O itBNT dlriet or through' bookkeeper, knowledge of lewlng help- BUNflALOW—rFour ropmi and' bate), Phone 21191, ful. Apply 4a Monmouth 'itreet, Rid 2680.' • ilonit $16,0011, Thompion Agency, 81 A few of our attractive listings appear in the f, 7 i or (roo(.room houii, QQee- Within bin line and ihopplng arim COLT'S"NECK—Fnrm, eight roomi, two Emt Front ilnet, phoni 700," Rank, MAHBIBD WOMEN. We hnvo good Pirt •»*••>"» eviiiliv e*||ejBj|.l, |>||W(|1J |UV( P»noy anytime.ti' ' CCan off rropettty lttcuted nt ( Tllton-flvinue, Conlsot J, births, two bnthi, outbuildings, lilonl THOMPSON AGKNCY—Hlverfront, lult- mrantisJ, Solid nnnnclnl ridnneii, OAKIJHNUH—On prlvnte Htati, five or time jobs In store in inlei clerks, llonkor, Ph,oni Bed' BinLJU.,.. „ for YeUrlnnrlirnYeUrlnnrlnn, IMPrlcIi $21,00(1$31,001), EllaElla, ' claisified column, of today's issue. •l> tlaya a wiix, mod wiges, Call flood Phy, convenient houri. No night ahla for Innorni pronirly or dootor'i »^ month's tent or moro In advance 11 FARM LOANS;'4% Intersst, Up to 40Wiltshire > Agency, 17 Broad itroit, i^ililonoei, throe nriiirtmenti, hot water Phoni numiQn 740hon« 7O0,« ' . » Wilt Main itrei.t, Fnihold, RIAL MTATn Hliimin or womin, for work or Bundnyi, Hotin to lult yaur No-wonU avinilf, Uiil, rhui^e Dmll-iet* 000 fur quic-'-'•k mil!,'(!,.,.nil, * Wlltihlt. wnnti, Phono lied Pnrlk l»»5.' • Itttit, Red Bank. AdkNtfY-isIa ruom. .ltd Before you Buy or Sell,, Con»ult . ooupli' dill Ml will oitabllihid rinl MtMt and Iniur. AKonty, ' 7T BroBd" ill bathi Hlddletown location I plpid hot thni.roora ipnrtmint, furnlihid or •nee offloe,, Wrlti, "Hii Eitati," Box (IBNElfAIj HOUUEWORKEIl, Two. or SLraltl)—Six roam houii, /ully In* Phoni !il«l, VT* air hinti Inrge plot! modorn kltehln, j'lirnlinm, Ca'l ift.-l p, m,, Kuni- thrio dnyy i n weekek, or ftvo hnlCduys til, n*d Hunk, ' 1 minted, nil Imr-roveminti I nttachetl SfifitfwfBtiW~8l!i.roorri houii wTtK gn|ni roomi onc-cnr f/ittniril" IH.EOrl. «MkMk| ilitn In or.outort ; own room endd 1 gnrngii hot walor hint, inoloMd 'porch, bothLbtL ;. aTnrngi. i. ho1^ iA —Hutt .. 1 r.. Btintu A, I. I Thampian AitWi »1 lt«il rrcnl tttut, N—VoVirif, eilsTrefllVI, a man smth. Phone Rid Bunk 1H4.J, rm. lenvinlini t»' a work, mint ki iJW.n, ql thro! ihlgkin houm on (our oormr vooil floorit lit good condition, honi TOO,' loti, •tortn • •ylndqwi 'and lmiln 41O.H09.. VV.^ O,A Wi«.rt, « THOMPSON AGENCY leC m m&h mmm •'Jiii&a-i r«rt4t*rir,"co.".t1ii lw toni ttriiti a lomes estates pio-i -".:&* PftirA, Sixteen. ' BED BANK BBGISTEH.' APRIL 1L1946- Service League Eatontown . . ' 4 BOYS' ALL* WOOL Elects Officers (Ti. JM Bank BtcUter ctlita tcught ATTENTION I .. '. ATTENTION! Clodlmer* Melons, local tontorial Mr*. T. H. Lufon artlit, mid Ralph Morris ire on a vacation trip to California. ' ^ Bob & Charlie's \ WINES and LIQUORS SUITS NeW President Vioyd Crosby, ton of Mm. Mary Crosby of South street, who -was a Mrs. Thomas H. I«fon of Rum- tail-jrunner on the as. Yorktown, 39% BROAD ST., RED BANK son was elected president of the airplane carrier, is spending «. 30- *° Fix-it Shop \ Junior Service league of Red Bank day leave at his home. • at tbe annual meeting held Tues- ^•Firemen No. 1 team has regained COLLINA BRAND 100% PURE day at the home of Mrs. Frank the lead in the local pin tourney by Connolly on McCIees road, Middle- taking three games from the REPAIRS Made on BOYS' SPORT- town township. Others elected were Chumps. The victors were back .in Mrs. Albert Gagnebln, Fair Haven, form again with two of their games . Anything From 7 P. M. to 10 R M. * CALIFORNIA WINE treasurer, and Mrs. William Scott, In the 900 class. The Builders took Rumson, secretary. two from tbe Cops In their regular- • PORT + SHERRY • SHERRY ly scheduled matc"h and later in the ; Call B. B. 1497 Between » A. M. and 7 T. H. ' ' week duplicated tbe feat when they rolled off a postponed match. The ASK FOB OHABLIE—CALLED BOB AND DZXIVKBED. r\ Outcasts took two from Firemen 6Qe 85c 1.607.98 BOYS' No. 3 team. - . Pvt. Edward Wolf Is enjoying a \J%/ HOxyJfJ Qt i Half ^ Full ten-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Sr. He is returning to Fort Bennlng, Geor- MANISCHEWITZ Sacramental gia. His brother, Sgt. Fred Wolf, SLACKS Jr., Is stationed .near Tokyo.' ' WHAT THE BEST William Bernet, son of Mr. and CONCORD Mrs.. Louis Bernet of South street, DRESSED BOATS who'served in the European and Wine GRAPE South Pacific theaters, has received his honorable discharge from the WILL NEED THIS Gal. m Gallon Army. • . Janet VanBrunt of Broad, street, SEASON who has been quarantined with, 1.00 2.25 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS measles, is out again. Mrs. William G. Davis and daugh- ter Lois visited Mrs. Davis' brother, $1.5O-$2.O0-$2.95 Robert ° Stevens and family of •BELLOWS Res. 24 Wrlghtstown, Pennsylvania, last week. WHISKEY Blend Qt Card and Easter parties and other We Carry, 4 social'events planned by Pride of IMENS CAPS Crescent Council, Sons and Daugh- A Complete \! ters of Liberty, have been called off Buy Your GIN By The Case MRS. THOMAS H. LAFON. because of the death of the asso- Stock of Quality SPECIAL .The. league voted to contribute ciate councilor, Miss Anna B. Wake „ DISTILLED FROM J00% PURE GRAIN |10 monthly tot one year to the of, Keansburg. Marine Hardware Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klein' have . Fifths CASE MEN'S MEN'S. Farmlngdale Tuberculosis Preven- torium for Children, to be used to returned from their honeymoon Have your craft ship« 16 92 supply monthly motion picture .pro- and have moved from New Bruns- GILBEY'S...... ^...... J 37" wick into an apartment on Broad; shape with the latest grams, t^A contribution of $10 was 32 84 UNDERSHIRTS SHORTS also given to- the Northern .Mon- ilreet. He and his brother David j marine fittings. Our GORDON'S J 3§ mouth County Council of . Girl recently purchased the Monmouth Scouts. • Market from Ira Wolcott. | hardware items, con- 4 $1.00 each $1.00 each Mrs. Thomas S. Beers, chairman Eatontown Legion post auxiliary trols, running lights FLEISCHMANN'S J" 38"° of the league staff which will man- will hold a regular meeting next and all nautical acces- 58 96 MEN'S ALL WOOL age the new blood bank at Mon- Tuesday night in the postroom at SEAGRAM'S ANC. J 4Z" mouth Memorial hospital, reported the borough hall.' sories are built to that the project will be In opera- A regular session of the mayor withstand rigorous 09 08 SUITS $19.95 to $33.50 tion as soon as the new blood bank and council will be held tomorrow CARSTAIR'S.. J 37" aboratories' and offices are com- night . wear from water or MEN'S COVERT ALL WOOL pleted at the institution. Mrs. G. Mrs. Edwin Blossey has returned weather. MILLSHIRE 3" Bailey Harrison was named chair- home from Hazard hospital with 09 TOPCOATS 32,00 man of the closing luncheon meet- her Infant daughter Betty Ann. DIXIE BELLE ..J ing in June. Mrs. Edith Lewis has been enter- Mrs. Lafon named the following taining relatives from Maine. 9 budget committee:. Mrs. Gagnebln, Mrs. Florence Kromelbein of KINSEY'S^ Q-rt J ? Mrs. Samcs R. Clarke, Jr., Mrs. John Neptune highway, returned home Hawkins, Mrs. Stanley O. Wilklns, Friday from Rlverview hospital, Mrs. F. F. Blaisdell, Jr., and Mrs. where she was a surgical patient. JERSEY MARINE COMPANY, Inc. Lester F. McKnight. She will ap- 24 Wharf Are WE HAVE ALL STANDARD BRANDS OF F fl C T 0 Boys can make pocket money by .polnt standing committee chairmen and board members at the next ex- selling the Register—Advertisement WHISKEY BY THE CASE ecutive board session. Florenoo Terhune of R. H. Macy'»; interior decoration department, who" NOW Is the Time to BUY! 42 West St. Red Bank spoke on "All Through the House," explained the use of color, fabrics and wallpaper in interior design, CALL RED BANK 3334 ALL BUSSES STOP M BLOCK -FROM OUB STORE as well as furniture arrangements, and the use, ol decorative acces- sories. Dr. Stanley O. Wilkfns, recently discharged officer of the Army med- ical corp3 who saw service in the European theater of war, will speak at the next meeting Tuesday, May 12, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Cross Williams on Conover lane, Rumson. Port Monmouth I The Red Bank Regliter c»n b. bought 1 • Port Monmouth from F. Dark* and harles Quackenbuah) .1 A stork shower was given last vjok for Mrs.- Carmine J. Centanni y the Ladies' auxiliary of the Vet- .ans of Foreign Wars of Keans- ui'g'at the V F W hall. Albert Gardner and grandson, Jnmes Murphy of North Arlington, vcre Sunday guests of-'Mr. an* Mrs. Charles Quackenbush. Miss Mary Carr spent part of last •. eek. at Plainfteld. Mr. and Mrs. William Willett had •is Sunday visitors, Mr. and Mrs. i lurry Clay of Fair Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Walker of • ,ong Branch visited Mr. and Mr3. William Miller over last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. David Minor and laughter Joan spent Saturday with relatives at North Bergen. ifr. and 'Mre. Cornell Lyke of NTcw York city visited Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Lyke, Sr., over the week- end. • . -.' Boy Scouts of Troop 88 will at- tend the district four Court of Honor tonight. Mr. and Mrs. William Runge, Jr., nnd children of North Bergen were woek-ond guests of Mr. "arid Mrs. Let Us Re-Upholster William Runge of Monmouth ave- r.ue. Irving Gillette of Jersey City is v'.sltlng his sister, Mrs. Roy Kolb. Your Furniture • e • "Natural gas" is In reality hot ano gag but four—ethane, methane, propane and butane. "'We'U Call For And Virtually Rebuild It.-. . If It Swims —We Have It Deliver It To You Practically Like New! THE ORIGINAL We carefully reglue and redowel all frames... affer your Hennessey furniture has been stripped of its old fabrics... and replace and reset bottoms of all pieces with extra strong webbing. Springs are reset, too... and rotied. New fillings are added Bed- in. amounts required. Finally, frames are repaired, tight- Monmouth Bonk, St. , .N. J. ened and metal-braced and tightly woven linings are plaSecT over all seat platforms. When exposed wood parts are all Phone 1377 We Deliver refinished, effacing traces of old scratches, your furniture is LENTEN SPECIALS ready to be recovered with fabrics of your choice and returned WHITING .: ..-..-..i to you,... looking like new.! --—•- ••• •••••., I'AN FLOUNDERS 2fc FLOUNDER IM>E ... 800 tb. remains ..:.„... 85o tb, Call Our Decorators Today At' The loveliest way to say Happy Eaiter is with one of our smartly styled Corsages, Hoston MACKEREL I1UTTEHF18H ..,...,'.. 40f BUCK SHAD b Asbury Park 4000 __h t a beautiful blooming Plant or an exquisite box of Cut Flowers, Spanish MACKEREL 45 CODFISH STEAKS .1 PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY ! STRIPED BAS.S ...... UPHOLSTERY, /Ifth floor SEA BASS '' i BLUEFISH