7 VOLUME LXVIII, NO. 42. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 11,1946. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO "Stew" Van VHet Benevolent Group Guest Preacher Quinn Enter* Big Riverfront Red Cross Drive At. Crossman Ca*e 82 Per Cent Mark Veterans Figure In Now Associated Welcomes Vets For Community John J. Qulnn of the Red Bank Showplace At Holcombe Ward, chairman of the The Red Bank Benevolent asso- law firm of. Qulnn, Doremus, Mc- 1948 Red Cross fund campaign of With Stout Agency ciation tendered a welcome home Lenten Service Cue and Russell, ha* been ap- Locust Sold the' county chapter, today an- Local Realty Deals dinner to it* 3S returned service- pointed ohlef counsel in the defense nounced that 82% of the assigned men members Tuesday night sit the of Dr. Lyman W. Crossman of quota baa been contributed and ,. Regirter's Surf, Field ' Pleasant Inn. ' Rev. M. Stephen James Maple avenue, who is charged with Ray VanHorn that three branches—Bridle, Sea Peter Flavo, president of .the assault by Mrs. Lucille O. Neale of Girt and Spring Lake—have gone' . Van Horn Reports A Dozen And Stream Editor To group, delivered the welcome ad- To Preach At Reformed 48 Wallace street • Agency Broker over the top In the drive. To date dress, \ Other speakers wsnt Dr. Two other Red Bank attorneys, $111,178.08 has been collected. ' Attractive Places Sold Recently Sell Real Estate Leo C, Rocco and Edmunds^ Oan- Church April 17th Theodore D. Parson* and - Leon In*Recent Sale Branch percentages collected as rona. Joseph Palmier), vice presi- ReuseUle, personal friends of Dr. Of.Saturday are as follows: Long The Ray "Van Horn Agency, Real-J . - ?.« „• Stewart VanVllet or Sycamore dent, outlined future plans of the Crossman, will be associated with Branch, 96%; Manasquan, 95; Bel- association. '. " ) Rev. M. Stephen. James, D. D., Mr. Quinn. • The Ray Van Horn Agency, Real- tors, of River road, Fair Haven, re-,) \\£ J It j . Vt avenue; Shrewsbury, has become as- professor of Preaching and Practi- tors, of River road, Fair Haven, re- mar, 87; Keyport,. 80; Matawan, 70; .soclated in the insurance and real Tribute was paid to the memory When reached for comment, Mr. Anbury Park, 69; Mlddletown, 68; port the continued strong demand /VlireQ FlenOerSOn of Philip DeCarlo, formerly a mem- cal Theology at the New Bruns- Quinn said, "Only one side of this port the sale of the lovely river- for the purchase of homes of all |'_ _ ~ , _, '••'•• -V- estate firm of R. V. R. H. Stout, wick Theological seminary, will front estate Owqed by Williamson Unjon Beach, 61; Red Bank, 57; sizes and in a wide price range in trading as Hendrlckson and Stout, ber of the club, who resided at story ha* been heard. When the Freehold, B6; Keansburg, 52; Atlan- East Westslde avenue, who was preach the sermon at the Union other side Is heard it will be quite Thomas and Richard R. Thomas, the Red Bank area. with offices at 77-79 Broad street, Mid-Holy Week service, which will located on the high bank of the tic Highlands, 45, and Jersey Home- In Rumson, on the west side of Graduates Temple over the J. J. Newberry store, a» killed Inaction. " apparent that the'accusations made steads, 40. • Addressing the gathering on be- be held at the Reformed church, at by this lady were totally unfounded North Shrewsbury river on Nave- Forrest avenue- the A. W. Handy Has Medical Degree; half of the. servicemen were Joseph 8 o'clock, Wednesday, April 17. and have, been a great injustice to sink River road at Locust, in Mld- property has been purchased by Mr. Bharabba, secretary, and Chris- Rev. Mr. James has held pastor- the doctor." dletown township. The purchasers and Mrs. Henry T. Walford of Fair Studied At LaSalle topher Paoluccl. Joseph DePietro ates In the Methodist church in are Mr. and Mrs. Gorden MacLeaa Red Banker Haven. The property Includes a I* treasurer. • . Revere, Massachusetts, and in the of New York. The property has two-story house built a short time First Methodist church in Pitts- been owned and occupied for 22 before the war which is modern .Dr. Alfred R. Henderson, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henderson of field, Massachusetts. In 1932 he Paul R^Stryker years by the Thomas family. Honored By throughout, with five rooms and 1 was called to the historic First Re- The residence has 12 rooms, three bath, oil heat, insulation and an at- Spring street, has completed his Highlands Girl baths,* an elevator, oil' heat, and' tached garage on a plot 100x160, studies at the school of medicine at Announces Sales many Interesting architectural fea- Telephone Co. enclosed with a white picket fence, Temple university and recently re- tures, including a broad porch fac- M»f» and Mrs. Handy have pur- ceived his degree in medicine. Scouts Elect And Of Three Farms ing the river. Outbuildings Include Edward W. Taylor chased a residence in Long Branch. a garage, barn with apartment and Mr. Walford; Is associated with the Plan For Sale a boat house. Retires After 40 Satter Lumber company- In Red Guerin Todd, Buys The' property commands a fine Bank. view up and down the river and of Years Of Service On the riverfront In Rumson, Florence Maxson I* Sixty Acres In the Opposite Rumson shore line. Mrs. Emilio Fanjul of Fair Haven Th» elevation of the ground affords Edgar W.' Taylor of West Sunset has purchased the residence of Mrs. Narned President.At Atlantic Township a view out to sea across the Sea avenue, who recently retired from Marjorle Thiers Kling;. The prop- Bright peninsula. the New Jersey • Bell Telephone erty Is situated on River road on a Meeting Of Troop Paul R. Stryker, Holmdel.realtor, Mr. MacLean is an executive and company after 40 years in the tele- large plot, extending to the river has sold to Guerin Todd of Shrews- technical director of Allied Food phone service, was honored yester- with 100 feet of bulkheaded river- Officers were, elected and plena bury, the 60-acre farm acreage on Industries, Inc., with offices in day by his old associates and com- front and a sandy beach, The resi- for a cake and bread sale Saturday Clover Him, road, Atlantic Town- Perth Amboy. dence, which has recently been morning, April .20, were made at ship, owned by Edward F. Cadmus completely decorated, has six the last meeting of Olrl Scouts of of East Orange. rooms, oil heat and two enclosed Highlands. The sale will take place This farm ha* a frontage of sev- Eleven Churches porches, A twOrcar garage Is on at the Bay avenue meeting place. eral thousand feet on Clover Hill the grounds. STEWART VANVLIET Proceeds will be used for charitable road and on the rear adjoins Fred- Also in Rijmson on Blngham ave- work and donations will be appre- Unite In Holy nue, opposite Old Farm Village, the ciated. erick . J. Burghard's Big Brook Mr. VanVUet U widely known Pheasant farm. There are several same agency reports the sale of the throughout Monmouth county, Florence Maxson. was elected, exceptionally fine building sites on Week Services Plummcr property to Mr. and Mrs. through his Surf, Field and Stream president, Edna Robinson vice pres- this farm affording a long range Thomas J. Phillips of Dumont, column which has appeared weekly ident, Connie Smith secretary, N. J, ' The residence is of -Cape Dolores Araslh treasurer, Loretta view of the Colt's Neck and Holm* In The Red Bank Register for del valleys. Several members of First To Be Held Cod design and has six rooms, two many years. Fo the past 25 years Andrews ssalstant secretary and REV. M. STEPHEN JAMES baths, a wood-burning fireplace, r Ruth Beck assistant treasurer. Mr. Todd'* family are planning to he has maintained an Insurance build for their own occupancy as Monday Night In sundeck and attached double ga- agency with his office at hls» resi- Through the generosity of Ed- formed' church In.Albany, New rage. ward Finley of Ed and 'Doric' store York. He served there until 1942, soon as possible. About 40 acres : dence. During the recent war he are tillable and the. balance Is In Navesink Methodist In Fair Haven, on Grange ave- DR. ALFRED D. HENDERSON ; became attached to the motor on Bay avenue, the girls received when he was elected to the faculty nue, the Maffeo property has been a box of toy* which will be put in of the New Brunswick Theological woodland and meadow through transportation branch of the Army which' there are two brooks. Eleven associating churches In purchased by Mr. and Mrs, M. A graduate of Red Bank high Signal Corps at Camp Cole, where order and distributed to sick chil- seminary. "V"' the bayshore area have arranged Stout of Little Silver. The house school, Dr. Henderson received his he covered many thousand* of dren in hospitals. The secretary 'Since coming to the seminary, he Mr. Stryker has also sold to Mr, special services for Holy Week has five large rooms, hot water heat pro-medical training at Temple and miles 1° military convoys. wag instructed to write a letter of has been received as guest preacher and Mrs. Marshall C. Beeman o: starting Monday night, at 8 o'clock and a wide porch. There is. a one- LaSalie college in Philadelphia. Mr. VajiVllet is treasurer of the thanks to the donor. in many outstanding churches. Highland Park, New York, a six- with a service in Naveeirik Metho- car garage. Mr. Stout is a veteran While at the university he was art Shrewsbury Republican club, a A letter from an army chaplain The Reformed church choir *lll acre farm on the south side of the dist church, where Reik-'Spurgeon ' of World War II.
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