NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Report Number – 19/08

Reporting Period:

30th April – 6th May 2008


1. The Security Preparedness and Support (SPAS) Program is a concept of the Somalia Non-Governmental Organisations Consortium whose only concern is the safe provision of humanitarian and development Aid to the people of Somaliland and Somalia, therefore SPAS is an NGO project dedicated to the safety and security of the Somali NGO Consortium members. 2. SPAS is non-governmental. The SPAS Security Report is for the use of the Somalia NGO Consortium. The aim is to provide neutral and transparent information to facilitate security decision-making by Consortium members. SPAS assumes no responsibility for report accuracy, reliability or verification unless stated. 3. This report is the latest update on available security related information in Somalia and Somaliland. Situations may have changed and / or will change. 4. SPAS recommend that the NGO community use all best and available sources of information. 5. Security decision-making and protocols are the responsibility of subscribing NGOs. Security precautions are recommended at all times in accordance with respective organisational procedures. 6. SPAS do not provide security alert levels. The identification and provision of security alert levels/phases/thresholds are the responsibility of each organisation. 7. This report is distributed for the information and benefit of the Somalia NGO Consortium.

1 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)


Threat Map: 3

Executive summary: 4 – 5

Banadir Region: 6 - 7

Middle Shabelle: 7

Lower Shabelle: 8

Hiran Region: 8

Bay Region: 8

Bakool Region: 8

Galgadud region: 8

Gedo Regions: 9

Lower Juba Region: 9

Middle Juba Region: 10

Mudug Region: 10

Nagal Region: 10

Bari Region: 11

Maroodi Jeeh formerly W.Galbeed Region: 11

Togdheer Region: 11

Adwal Region: 11

Sanaag Region: 11

Sool Region: 11

Common Acronyms: 12

SPAS Contact Information: 12

2 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

The sole purpose of the threat map below is to visually represent heightened areas of concern for humanitarian actors. The map represents only the opinion of NGO-SPAS staff and therefore is by no means comprehensive. Service users should acknowledge that this representation is only as good as information received from actors on the ground. Therefore, agencies with specific information regarding the threat in a particular area are encouraged to contact SPAS for the benefit of all humanitarian actors working in Somalia and the Somali people.

Low/Variable risk – International & national staff

Medium/Variable risk – International & national

Heightened/Variable risk – National staff & Intermittent International Staff with conditions

Extreme/Variable risk - Essential National Staff only

Imminent Threat

Unknown status - Insufficient Data Available

3 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Executive Summary

The security condition in Somaliland remains calm apart from the electoral related stand off between the government and opposition legislators; is volatile with constant piracy related criminal activities and open fighting in the South and Central Somalia continued throughout the reporting period. Carjackings, stand off attacks, piracy, banditry, IED attacks, ambushes against AMISOM/ET/TFG troops, demonstrations, food aid looting and assassinations were all reported. The number of IED attacks against ET/TFG/AMISOM has decreased from 8 in the previous reporting period to 7 in this reporting period.

Reportedly a US military plane attacked a Dhusamareb town building in a pre-dawn air strike killing 15 people, including the al-Shabaab leader Aden Hashi Ayro whilst conducting a meeting. The insurgent group’s spokesperson promptly called for revenge attacks. The vengeance attacks will predictably affect the security situation in the entire southern and central Somalia in the foreseeable future. This might lead to direct attacks against humanitarian workers operating in the regions. The aid community is advised to exercise extreme caution whilst in the field during this transition period in the al- Shabaab’s top leadership.

The number of incidents against the aid community remains comparatively low to actions against the AMISOM/ET/TFG troops; however, they are significant and highlight the difficulties faced by humanitarian organizations in Somalia. In summary, the following incidents were reported; Three militias were killed after a clash within the premises of an NGO in Awdhegle, Region, carjacking of an INGO hired vehicle in ’s , harassment of a female INGO staff in Wajid, 3 food aid trucks looted in Beled Hawo, region and an INGO convoy attacked in Jilib. The continued inflation rates, food shortage, increasing commodity price is assessed to increase criminal activities against the aid community.

Fighting in Mogadishu and its environs after the killing of the al-Shabaab leader in Dhusamareb allegedly resulted to the killing of two TFG troops and three ET troops. There was a reported demonstration with thousands of people highlighting increasing food prices and high inflation rates. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, hurling stones that smashed the windshields of several cars and buses and looted from businesses. Food prices increase coupled with high inflation rates will be a constant cause for food related security problems in the region in the coming months. Aid community should heighten their security within their warehouses and whilst transporting food aid in convoys.

Impunity continued in some parts of Gedo/ Middle/ regions, with clan clashes, ICU militants, bandit attacks and sea port control fighting. The aid community should plan their food aid convoys to prevent attacks from bandits in the region. Nevertheless, the meeting called by the newly appointed regional administration for

4 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Gedo region with TFG MPs, traditional leaders, Lingo’s and INGO’s operating in the region to map out for an action plan for working together might impact positively on security in the region in the near future.

In Puntland the security situation remains volatile, with increased criminal activities and piracy. The pirates once more attacked a chemical tanker plying the Indian Ocean waters with the intention of hijacking it. The ransom has clearly continued to motivate pirates who are searching for ships to hijack along the Somalia coast. The authorities have reportedly asked the public to assist police through neighbourhood watch groups to curb the growing insecurity.

In Somaliland the overall security situation remained calm during the reporting period with the exception of continued stand off between the government and opposition legislators over Presidential term extension. The resignation of the deputy chairman to the NEC highlights the continued disagreements between the two actors. This may have an adverse effect on the security situation noting the grievances raised by the opposition legislators.

In conclusion there are doubts over the attendance of much awaited security and reconciliation meeting in Djibouti scheduled for 10th May, 2008 by AOGs. The recent attack of Dhusamareb is raising fears of al-Shabaab attendance as highlighted by their spokesperson; instead they might carry on with their insurgent activities. The recent wave to capture of towns in the southern central Somalia by insurgents and resignation by administrators in Beletweyne is assessed to affect the security situation of the entire region.

5 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Banadir Region:


PRP: RCIED Attack: 29 April 08, 7:00hrs, near former Jaalle Siyad Military Academy, : A roadside RCIED constructed from a land mine detonated in close proximity to an ET troop truck (Urel). No casualties were reported.

PRP: Attempted Assassination: 29 April 08, morning time, head quarter, Bondhere District: Unidentified armed militia opened fire against a vehicle transporting the Bondheere DC. The DC security guards exchanged small arms fire with unidentified armed men, no casualties were reported as a result of the incident.

PRP: Hand Grenade Attack: 29 April 08, 20:30hrs, Suq-ba’ad Market Police sub-office, : Unidentified young men hurled a hand grenade towards the above mentioned police sub-office. The grenade exploded in an open area without causing any casualties.

PRP: AOG Attack: 29 April 08, 17:30hrs, Former Taleh hotel & Teribunka Areas, Hodan District: AOG launched an attack against TFG forces based at the above mentioned location. Both forces exchanged heavy small arms fire, RPG-7s and mortar shells. During the incident 5 civilians were injured (hospital source), no casualties were reported from the combatants.

PRP: RCIED Attack: 29 April 08, evening time, Tabeelaha Ja’eylka area, Shibis District: A roadside RCIED constructed from a land mine detonated in close proximity to a vehicle carrying a TFG military officer passing at the above mentioned location. Two civilians by the roadside were wounded as a result of the incident.

PRP: Search Operations: 29 April 08, evening time, 1st May & former polytechnic institute areas, : A search operation was conducted by TFG police (from Waberi District Police station) at the above mentioned locations. 30 suspects were arrested during the operation.

PRP: ET troops: 29 April 08, evening time, KM 18 Check point, Mogadishu: ET troops took control of the KM 18 check point, dispersing TFG forces based at the point (Border between Lower Shabelle and Banadir regions). The ET troops withdrew from the check point two days later on 1st May 08.

AOG Attack: 30 April 08, 14:45hrs, Al-Arafat neighbourhood, Yaqshid District: AOG launched an attack against ET troops based at the above mentioned area, both sides exchanged heavy fire, no casualties were reported.

RCIED Attack: 01 May 08, 11:20hrs, Airport road, : A roadside RCIED constructed from a land mine detonated in close proximity to AMISOM Burundian troops whilst in transit, no casualties were reported.

AOG Attack: 02 May 08, 18:15hrs, Macmacaanka area, Dharkenley District: An attack occurred using hand grenades against 4WD vehicles carrying TFG police forces passing at the above mentioned location. 2 TFG officers and 3 civilians were wounded during the explosions. More TFG police backup arrived in the area and arrested suspects.

Mortar Attack: 02 May 08, 17:45hrs, Mogadishu stadium, Wardhigley District: AOG launched an attack (10 mortar shells) against ET troops based at the above mentioned location. In a retaliatory attack ET troops fired mortar and other heavy artillery shells to neighbouring areas (Gubta and Tawakal) wounding 2 civilians.

6 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Mortar Attack: 02 May 08, 18:30hrs, former defence Ministry building, Hodan District: AOG launched a mortar attack against ET troops based at the above mentioned location; no casualties were reported during the incident.

Search Operation: 03 May 08, 18:30hrs, industrial road, Hodan District: ET troops conducted a search operation along the industrial road which passes near their bases (former defence Ministry, Stadium Mogadishu and Spaghetti factory buildings), no suspects were arrest during the search operations.

Hand Grenade Attack: 03 May 08, day time, Horsed neighbourhood (Suq-Ba’ad Market), Yaqshid District: Unidentified men armed with hand grenades and pistols hurled hand grenades against the TFG Police sub-office commander. TFG officers opened fire after the explosions, 2 civilians and 1 TFG officer were wounded as a result of the incident.

Carjacking of an INGO vehicle: 03 May 08, evening time, Dharkenley district: A private vehicle hired by an INGO was carjacked at gunpoint with a staff member on board. No casualties were reported, the vehicles whereabouts remain unknown.

TFG technical vehicle Collides with Mini bus: 02 May 08, evening time, KM13, Mogadishu: A TFG technical vehicle collided with a passenger mini bus at the above mentioned location. This prompted the TFG officers to open fire on the minibus. 8 people including 2 TFG officers were wounded as a result. The TFG abandoned the technical vehicle which was burned by local people shortly there after.

RCIED Attack: 04 May 08, day time, Towfiq Market, Yaqshid District: A roadside RCIED constructed from a land mine detonated in close proximity to a Mark II vehicle carrying 3 ET forces escorting a water tanker. During the incident the 3 ET forces were killed while the water tanker was saved from the explosion. More ET troop’s backup arrived in the area and opened fire resulting in 1 civilian casualty.

Mortar Attack: 04 May 08, evening time, Stadium Mogadishu & former Ministry of defence building, Wardhigley and Hodan Districts: AOG fired 30 Mortar rounds against ET troops base in the above mentioned areas, no casualties were reported during the incident.

Violent Demonstrations: 05 May 08, day time, Dharkenley, Medina, Hodan, Yaqshid Districts and Bakara Market: Thousands of people gathered at the above mentioned locations highlighting the rejection of the 1000 Somali shilling note and high cost of living standards in Mogadishu city and its 16 Districts. The demonstrators threw stones and looted shops & stores, during the demonstrations 2 people died and 4 others were wounded.

Hand Grenade Attack: 05 May 08, 17:00hrs, Via Liberia, Waberi District: AOG men hurled a hand grenade against a TFG technical vehicle conducting a patrol. During the incident 2 civilians were killed and 5 others were wounded including 1 TFG officer.

Middle Shabelle Region:

PRP: ICU Supporters: 29 April 08, Evening time, Bal’ ad Town: ICU Supporters took over control of the above mentioned town for the third time this year without resistance.

7 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

ICU supporters: 30 April 08, day time, Town: ICU supporters arrested 5 bandits who were robbing personal effects (Mobile and money) from people in Jowhar Town. ICU supporters requested the people in Jowhar to assist them to identify bandits in/out of Jowhar town.

TFG Forces Attack: 30 April 08, 20:00hrs, Raghe Eele Town: Reportedly, 2 TFG officers from Middle Shabelle region attempted to rob a passenger truck travelling on the coastal road at the above mentioned area, 70-80kms East of Jowhar Town. Passenger truck security guards and the 2 TFG forces exchanged small arms fire resulting in the killing of the 2 TFG officers.

ET Troops: 03 April 08, Midday, Abshir Ali Gurre area, Jowhar Town: ET troops (11 Urel trucks) reportedly departed from Afgoi District to take control of Jowhar Town. ICU supporters left the town before their arrival.

Lower Shabelle Region:

Clan Militia Fight: 04 May 08, day time, Deemaay village, Sablaale District: Two clan militias (Jiido Clan- Safar & Wejis sub clans) fought over the ownership of grazing land and water point located at the above mentioned area 12-15kms north of Sablaale District town which is 24Kms west of Barawe town. In the incident 4 people were killed including one civilian woman, 5 others were wounded.

ICU Supporters: 02 May 08, 01:30hrs, Awdhegle District town: ICU supporters in a minibus were stopped by Awdhegle District TFG troops at a check point 1-2 Kms out of the town. The ICU and TFG District forces exchanged small arms fire prompting INGO security guards who thought they were under attacked to open fire. During the incident 3 people were killed (1 INGO guard, 1TFG and 1 ICU supporter).

Hiraan Region:

PRP: Assassination: 29 April 08, 23:30hrs, Buunda-weyn neighbourhood, Beletweyn Town: AOG members shot and killed Col. Abdullahi Farah Juni, a former TFG Hiiran divisional military commander. A motive for the incident has not yet been established.

Resignation of TFG Officials: 30 April 08, 13:00hrs, Beletweyne Town, Reportedly Eight of the ten newly appointed members of the Hiraan regional administration resigned from their positions.

Bay Region:

Hand Grenade Attack: 30 April 08, 7:30hrs, Afar-irdood area, Baidoa Town: Unidentified men hurled a hand grenade against ET troops passing at the above mentioned location prompting ET troops to open fire. During the incident 8 people were killed including 1 ET soldier. 2 civilians were seriously wounded.

Bakool Region: NSTR

Galgaduud Region:

8 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Air Strike: 01 May 08, 03:00hrs, Dhusamareb District Town: 3 missiles reportedly hit a building in the above mentioned area where Al-Shabaab leaders were holding a meeting. During the incident Al- Shabaab chairman Mr. Aden Hashi Eyrow (Al-shabaab forces chief commander for Defence) died along with 19 other combatants including 9 Al-Shabaab lieutenants.

Gedo Region:

Clan Clashes: 3 May 08, 6:30hrs, , Taraban village, 35kms Northeast of Luuq Town: Armed clashes over land ownership have resumed between rival sub clans of Macalinweyne and Gadsan of Rahanwein and Dir clans at the above mentioned location. More than ten persons have been killed on both sides and at least more than the same number wounded. Tension remains high and more clashes are predicted in the near future.

Meeting: 3 May 08, morning time, Garbaharey town: The newly appointed regional administration for Gedo region met with TFG MPs and traditional leaders and called for an action plan of working together as a new team and assists the local population towards living in peace and harmony in the region.

Food aid looted: 1 May 08, 12:30 hrs, Beled Hawo, Section 2 and 15: Reportedly 3 trucks carrying food aid were looted at the above mentioned location. The food aid was being distributed by an NGO, no casualties were reported during the incident.

Lower-Juba Region:

Robbery: 1 May 08, 14:20hrs, Afmadow, Warabesta village, 25 Kms from Afmadow Town: Reportedly, two minibuses carrying IDP’s from Mogadishu were stopped by bandits and all properties of passengers robbed on their way to Afmadow.

A Bandit Killed: 1 May 08, 17:00hrs, Afmadow, Warabesta, 25kms Northeast of Afmadow Town: Reportedly ICU militants killed one bandit and arrested another after a robbery.

Anti-Aircraft Missiles Attack: 2 May 08, 9:00hrs, Kismayo town: Initial information received indicates that militias loyal to Barre Hirale attacked the Kismayo seaport with anti-aircraft weapons causing a number of ships to leave the Harbour. One person was wounded in this politically motivated attack between Barre Hirale and Yassin Radar over control of the town.

Meeting: 3 May 08,16:30 hrs, Afmadow, House of prominent traditional leader: Reportedly a national assistant security officer for an incoming INGO met with a prominent leaders over the threat issued two months ago against INGO’s operational in the region. The outcome of the meeting was not communicated.

Cinema Houses Closed: 3 May 08, 19:00hrs, Afmadow town: ICU militants patrolling the town have allegedly ordered all cinema houses to be shut down. The order was obeyed without resistance from the owners of the cinema houses.

PRP: LNGO Compound Attacked: 31 Apr 08, Afternoon time, Kismayo, near Tawakal Hotel: Reportedly a former security guard for an LNGO who quit after being suspected of fraud and armed robbery has attempted to exhort money for the INGO.

9 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)

Attempted Assassination: 5 May 2008, 9:30 hrs, Kismayo, Hotel Tawakal: Militias loyal to Mr. Barre Hirale allegedly attempted to assassinate a security officer based in Hotel Tawakal in Kismayo Town. Another security officer from was shot and killed in a cross fire between the body guards of Mr Warfa and the attacking militias.

Meeting: 5 May 08, 10:00 hrs, Kismayo, Hotel Baranwaa: Reportedly the Acting Governor met with MPs led by Barre Hirale and traditional elders from Marehan clan at the above mentioned. The main agenda of the meeting was the increasing insecurity in Kismayo Town.

Robbery with Violence: 5 May 08, 8:30 hrs, Kismayo, Argo junction: Reportedly freelance militias robbed a businesswoman of unspecified amount of money and jewellery while shopping in a mini market at the above mentioned place. No casualties were reported during the incident.

Crime: 5 May, 08, 21:00 hrs, Kismayo, Alanley village: Reportedly a Reer Hassan man of Marehan clan was shot dead by an unidentified perpetrator. The motive for the murder has not been established.

Middle Juba Region:

INGO Convoy Attacked: 30 Apr 08, 16:30 hrs, Jilib town: Reportedly militias of Marehan clan from Kamsuma village attacked an INGO convoy carrying food for four villages in Jilib District. The security guards of the INGO over powered the clan militias but the distribution was suspended.

Meeting: 2 May 08, morning time, Buale Town, House of a traditional elder: Reportedly a local leader with strong links to the Asmara group held a meeting at the above mentioned location. The motive of the meeting is allegedly to seek support from the local population for the Somali Liberation Alliance.

Mudug Region:

Court Decision: 30 April 08, 11:00hrs, Waberi District: Reports state that a Sharia Court found a Kenyan national not guilty of rape of a nine year old girl.

Arrests: 02 May 08, 06:30hrs, Isra District: Reportedly eight refugees from Ogaden had been arrested by the local authority. Additional reports indicate that an official from the local government stated that the refugees were sought by the Ethiopian authority linking them to be members of ONLF (Ogaden National Liberation Front).

Killing: 04 May 08, 02:00hrs, Agarweyn District: Reports state that a pirate was shot and killed after allegedly refusing to lay down his weapon and surrender. Additional report adds that a female companion of the pirate was wounded in the incident.

Demonstration: 05 May 08, 10:00hrs, Governor’s building: A group of approximately three hundred people gathered in front of the Governor’s building demanding an end of the harassment, intimidation, and forced extraditions of Ethiopian refugees particularly refugees from Ogadenia territories.

Nugal Region:

Ahmed Khayr arrest their criminal militias: 30 April 08, 09:00, Hawlwadag District, Mayor’s office: The Nabadon (Peace maker of the sub clan) of Ahmad Khayr sub-sub clan of Isse-Mohamoud sub clan announced that their sub clan had agreed to deal with any member who got involved in criminal

10 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS) activities as a part of their support for community policing initiative. They asked other clans to apprehend criminals from their clans as a means of dealing with crime in the region.

Bari Region:

Killing: 01 May 08, 15:00hrs, New District: Reportedly the authorities have killed three men and seriously injured two men, all wanted for the kidnapping incident of an INGO staff in March 2007.

Pirate Attack: 04 April 08 around 1300, Indian Ocean: A Chemical tanker was fired against by pirates in two speedboats in the East coast of Somalia in the Indian Ocean.

Maroodi Jeeh Region:

Deputy of Chairman of NEC Resigns: 30 April 08 at 10:00, Hargeisa, NEC Conference Hall: The deputy of NEC Mr. Hirsi Ali Haaji held a press release at NEC headquaters and stated that he officially resigned from his post as the deputy Chairman of NEC.

Nomination: 4 May 08 at 11:00, Hargeisa, Presidents office: The spokesman for the President of Somaliland published a bulletin which nominated the new regional administrators and their deputies. 1. Mohamed Abdi Liiban regional administrator of Oodd-weyne 2. Dahir Aden Baxnaan deputy of the administrator of Ood-weyne 3. Ismail Mahamed Jamac regional administrator of Buuhoodle 4. Hasan Ali Jamac deputy to the regional administrator of Buuhoodle

Togdheer Region: NSTR

Awdal Region:

PRP: Sea Pirates: 29 April 08, daytime, East coast of Saylac: Five fishing boats belonging to Yemen fishermen were taken by pirates East of Saylac.

Sanaag Region: NSTR

Sool Region: NSTR

11 Somalia NGO Security Preparedness and Support Program (SPAS)


AOG Armed Opposition Group RCIED Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Device AT Anti Tank VBIED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device ACG Armed Criminal Group IDP Internally Displaced Persons RPG Rocket Propelled Grenade ET Ethiopian TFG Transitional Federal UN United Nations Government IED Improvised Explosive UNDSS United Nations Department of Device Safety and Security IAS Internal Administrations NSTR Nothing significant to report Somalia SPAS Security Preparedness and UXO Unexploded Ordinance Support AMISOM African Mission in Somalia ISF International Security Forces ICU Islamic Courts Union

David Richards Armstrong Maina Program Manager Senior Security Officer NGO-SPAS - Nairobi NGO-SPAS - Nairobi Tel: +254 20 3743147 Tel: +254 020 3744105 Mob: +254 735 421198 Mob: +254 0734 211098 [email protected] [email protected]

Hassan Mohamed Abdi Yusuf Abdi Hassan Project Officer- Security Field Officer NGO-SPAS - Nairobi NGO-SPAS - Hargeisa Tel: +254 20 3743147 Mobile: +252 2 4416065 Mob: +254 735365056 [email protected] [email protected]

Guled S. Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Sheikh Osman Field Officer Field Officer NGO-SPAS - Garowe NGO-SPAS - Merka Mobile: +252 579 4232 Mobile: +252 1 5567111 [email protected] Mobile: +252 1 5567000 [email protected]

Mowlid Ali Osman Field Officer NGO – SPAS - Afmadow Mobile: +252 1 5595528 Thuraya: +8821643331436 [email protected]