reality the British army is the police force of com- a dog, and whose practical limit of aspiration is the out what it conceives to be an error in my recent lo- she gave a refined, ladylilfe conception of a loud, THE CAPITAL, merce and provost guard of civilization; and every chevrons of an orderly sergeant. It is a strange an- cation of Mr. Ernest Seyd of London, as " an agent hoydenish part, there being nothing in it that could jar the taste of the most fastidious auditor. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT dollar expended in its maintenance brings back a omaly that, while our country is the mo3t democratic of the syndicate to influence legislation in Congress," The other members of the company ore all, with THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY hundredfold in trade and in the financial results of in the world, its army is the most oligarchical; that etc. My attention was also personally called to the few exceptions, well known here, and in the main 037 D street, Washington, D. C. power to those who pay the bills. while any civilian may aspire to the presidency, only same matter by Mr. Z. L. White, whose authority, 1 their performance was excellent. The chorus in gene- the selected'son of the constituent of some ephe ral, though small, was very good, singing in tune—a For our $18,000,000 we get about 1,000 Indians killed am free to say, would be legal-tender for fact with me most remarkable thing for opera choruses. Coupled DONN PIATT, EDITOK. out on the plains and in the Rocky Mountains, and meral congressman may hope to become a captain of upon any subject wherewith he professed to be con- with this, the women are very good looking. Of the fifty or a hundred girls married off in Washington dragoons. versant. It is possible that I mistook the significance operas given the Chimes of Normandy was the most TERMS: Per year, (including postage,) $2.50; six satisfactory. The plot is not deep, but is one that has and other social centers. We may say that it costs the These three propositions comprehend the most of Mr. Seyd's visit to this country four years ago. been musically well treated by Eobert PMnquette: The months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance. people of the United States $10,000 to kill an Indian urgent of the needs of the three regulation arms of But if I did, several distinguished gentlemen shared solos and concerted numbers are remarkable for their "Single copies, 5 cents. and $100,000 to make a match between a pretty girl and the service. The various departments of the staff- my misapprehension. My inference was that Mr. beauty, and, as a whole, have much more character CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, 020 in advance, than the music of the modern French school of opera a staff officer. I do not speak of the really valuable pay, medical, subsistence, &c., and the engineer Seyd's chief work in this country tended to the boufl'e, without any of its Immorality. The Song of with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 work which the engineer corps is doing all the time, corps, must be treated with special reference to techni- passage of the declaratory legislation touching the the Chimes, that reoccurs constantly, Is very taking. in advance, with one copy free. The whole opera Is full of so many pretty airs that it because my $18,000,000 includes only the net cost of cal details, which would encumber my present space, intent of the law authorizing the then recent issues is only possible to speak of it as a whole. There pay, subsistence, etc., for the three main arms of the and to their treatment should be applied a discrimi- of gold-bearing bonds. Probably my intent was not is plagiarism it Is true, but considering it from an service. However, my space is too restricted to multi- nating intelligence and a comprehensive understand- clear upon the face of what 1 wrote. That, 1 regret opero-bouffe standpoint, it is a beautifully oonoelved REVIEW OF THE WEEK. idea without any originality. A Summer Night's ply illustrations. ing of military ethics, for which 1 fear we shall long to say, is frequently the case. However, I still Dream, by Ambrosie Thomas, does not do that com- I have pointed out certain facts which ought to carry look to the average congressman in vain. At all nourish suspicions that Mr. Seyd's visit to this coun- poser justice, requiring as it did a bit of downright CONGRESS AND THE AltMY. stealing to make it effective; Its performance was fair. their own logic with them to any ordinary mind. The events, when we have to start at such poor begin, try was not wholly with a view to recreation. Two facts have been made conspicuous by the con- Villar8' Dragoons was withdrawn to make room for defects of our military system are patent enough. We nings as a chairman of appropriations who does not • gressional debates on the army bill: First, the utter Balfe's Bohemian Girl and Aubur's Fra Diavolo, have neither an effective organized force proportioned know how many men there may be in a cavalry regi- much to the regret ol many who are tired of hearing old » ignorance of congressmen regarding military science ROSCOE SHOULD BE CONCISE. operas over and over again, and want something new. to our outlay, nor have we even the cg,dre of a possible ment on a peace footing, the outlook is not encourag- and its application to army legislation. Second, the Senator Conkling consumed several minutes of Mr. Cooney has done exceedingly well in his transla- 1 force to meet any emergency against which such an ing. It is not, indeed, to be expected that every con- tion of the librettos. The orchestra, though small, in raving demagogy of the utterances in which the aver- valuable time the other day in framing an elaborate expenditure ought to be supposed to provide. Let us gressman should be versed in all technologies. But general playod fairly. It Is to be hoped that Mr. age congressman proclaims his ignorance. For two or disclaimer of a reputed interview which appeared in Hoss will come a train this season, and, should he do so, see how the leaders and reflectors of public opinion certainly the chairman of our appropriations commit- •'throe years our pitiful farce of a military establish- the New York Herald. The able senator should have the public will give him a good reception. propose to rectify the defects: tee should at least know how our cavalry is organized, ment has been the political foot-ball of a horde of con- remarked simply that the interview in question was if for no other purpose than to give himself the airs at gressional creatures whose sole notion as to the public " Reduce the army to 15,000 men!" howls one editor, produced by George Alfred Townsend. That would least of a student. But this is not quite to the point. •welfare consists in the devising of expedients to re- who stops then and there. have exhausted the vocabulary. To my friend Roscoe • »elect themselves, and whose eiforts at legislation have Cut off the allowances of Sherman's staff!" Our army unquestionably needs remodeling. Let 1 would repeat his own advice to Jim Nye on a certain LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. «been directed,, not to the effect which might be produced shrieks a congressman, with one eye on the Speaker that task be gone about by those charged with its cog- memorable occasion: " Be concise." A. C. B. upon the public at large, but to the eclat which partic- and the other on the late election returns from his nizance in Congress, intelligently, earnestly and with From the Border. ular acts, speeches and votes might give them in "deestrick." And that is the end of his profundity. a view to joining correct theory with proper practice. GALVESTON, November 17.—A special dispatch to ' their own districts. There is always a mass of purely But from no quarter comes any rational suggestion of Let them acquire at least the rudiments of military YESTERDAY was a day long to be regretted the News from San Antonio says information has been comprehensive plan covering all the points and cal- administration as presented in the experience of those and remembered by every Democrat in America. received at headquarters from the border that several v-local or sectional matter beiore Congress, in regard to large parties of Indians—one of them composed of which it is legitimate and proper for every member to culated to place the organization of the army on a armies which, by reason of producing the greatest They have, alter the hardest political struggle that thirty-five bucks—have crossed Into Texas to raid. act with a view to the immediate interests of his con- legitimate and stable footing. Each, congressman efficiency at least expense, commend themselves as ever occurred In this country, (that of 1876,) sent one General Ord has notified the frontier people at vari- and each editor has discovered some one imperfec- models. Then let the general knowledge thus ac- hundred and fifty-odd representatives to the national ous points where the raiders are expected to be on -stituents, and thereby for the promotion of his own their guard. This is the most formidable invasion that * personal fortunes. But the army—at least since the tion, and upon that he narps. quired be applied, with due allowance and reserva- Congress, which is a clear working majority. Not- has been attempted yet. Indians were seen twelve •wise policy of Mr. Hayes has withdrawn it from the Now I presume the number and character of those tion, to our own special system, and a comprehensive withstanding this fact the minority or Radical side miles west of Fredericksburg yesterday. They have plan adopted in accord with the logic of the investi- carried the day by a concurrence in the Senate stolen a lot of horses in the neighborhood. Citizens sphere of politics—is not in any sense a local, sectional who maintain that the army should be abolished al- are in pursuit, and tho military have boen notified. •or partisan affair. It is, on the other hand, the most together are not respectable enough to necessitate gation. But let's have an end of this pitiable nibbling, amendments to the House's army appropriation bill This is supposed to be one of the large parties reported thoroughly national concern with which our legislators argument to show that a regular military establish- with amendments here and hair-splitting objections by a vote of the House of 134 to 130, showing that on a raid. This party is going westward. ment is among the needs of the country. If the there, whichhas disgraced the army legislation of nearly twenty Democrats were absent or voted with BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, November 17.—The trial of ••-iiave to deal; and if there is any subject of legislation General Escobedo, for a violation of the United States that ought to be protected from visitations of congres- authority of the Federal Government is worth sus- Congress for three years. Under the present system the Radicals. The President called the extra session neutrality laws, has resulted In his acquittal, because sional stupidity, selfishness and demagogery, that sub- taining at all, then it should be sustained; and it any sensible man would rather have a captaincy of to legislate upon this matter, and the House commit- it was not proven that the armed men. to the number needs no argument to establish the fact that authority cavalry in the British service than a brigadier's com- tee reported a bill fixing the army at 20,000, and sent of two or three hundred, who were in camp with him, . ject is the regular army. actually Intended to invade Mexico. During the trial' of any kind can be sustained only by physical forces mission in ours; and all because in the one case the it to the Senate. That body returned it amended, I do not by any means intend to maintain that the Judge Morrell of the United States court made present or potential; for that is a trite truism in the army is one of the popular and permanent institu- augmenting the number to 25,000. some remarks from the bench, which the counsel for present organization of the army is perfect; that its philosophy of human nature. The need of an army tions of the State, while in the other it is the helpless the defense regarded as reflecting on him, and which methods of administration are beyond criticism, or The House Committee on Appropriations, through they promptly repelled at the time. Ex-J udge Kus- being taken for granted, the pertinent questions football of ignorant demagogues and the passive play- «•that Congress should not address itself to any task of its chairman, General J. D. C. Atkins of Tennessee, sell, one of the counsel for the defense, subsequently arise, How large shall it be? and How shall it be thing of self-seeking political slangwhangers and addressed a note to J udge Morrell, asking him to dis- rectification. On the other hand, I do maintain that referred it back to the House with the recommenda- organized 1 swashbucklers. claim reflecting on him, which Judge Morrell refused -our army presents a dreadful mixture of obsolete sys- tion of non-concurrence to the Senate amendment. to do, whereupon Russell slapped Judge Morrell's tems; that it is top-heavy in organization, unwieldy Let us take the present force of 25,000 men. That is Notwithstanding this fact the Senate Amendment car- face in the street alter the close of the trial. THE PRESIDENT'S "WICKED PARTNERS. ST. LOUIS, November 17.—The Globe-Democrat's «in administration, and, upon any great emergency, small enough. Now it is a fact which needs no demon- ried, by the above vote, through sheer carelessness Whenever Mr. Hayes follows his own instincts and and unnecessary absenteeism. There has been great special from Houston, Texas, says : It Is rumored that 'weuld prove instantly impotent in execution. Indeed, stration to men who know anything about the admin- Colonel Yillareal has Invaded Mexico, fifty miles acts upon his own judgment he seems to do that which -it is not an army, as that term would be understood, istration of military establishments, that the expense boasting of capturing the Senate, and amidst of the above Matamoras, in the interest of Generals Escobedo is right, and which consequently reflects credit upon ior example, by a British soldier, but a sort of digni- of maintaining armies is by no means in ratio to their jollification of the prospects, behold the minority of and Lerdo and to stir up a revolution in Tamulipas. his Administration. But when he defers to the coun- Viilareal's forces are small and inadequate to cope fied pension list for a vast array of society men with- strength after the establishment is once set on foot. the House step in and capture the Democratic strong- sel of John Sherman, Carl Schurz or Mr. Sanford- with General Canalis' command in Tamulipas, but he out fortune, savants without pupils, disabled poli- For example, the expense of maintaining two corps hold itself. These gentlemen have lost an oppor- expects to be loined by the adherents of Lerdo. The Evarts, the result never fails to be unhappy. Within ticians without constituencies, and Falstafflan briga- d' armee, under any given set of conditions, is set tunity of sustaining their own supremacy, and wick- latest advices say that Lieutenant Bullis has un- a few days he has made three nominations. One was doubtedly destroyed an Indian camp at Saragassa. It diers without commands. Its field and staff are down by the British authorities as only about fifty-five edly acknowledge that a Radical Senate knows better that of Isaac Chauncey Filley, to be postmaster at St. is certain that parties of Mexicans and Indians from taught, by traditions carefully perpetuated at West to sixty-five per cent, greater than the cost of one, and the needs of the country than a Democratic House. Chihuahua and northern Mexico have crossed into Louis. A second one was that of Effingham Law- •Point, to believe that the country, which they have the relative outlay decreases in a quite uniform ratio What will their constituents think? What will the Texas on the warpath, in revenge for the invasion of rence, to be collector of the port of New Orleans. Lieutenant Bullis. General Oril has cautioned the graciously permitted to educate them, owes them an with the increase of force. With our army the stand- laboring men think of an increase of the army ? Who The third was that of Sanford as minister to Belgium. inhabitants of the threatened district to be on their -easy living in consideration of that distinguished ard must be modified somewhat, because we have a are the men upon whom this grave responsibility rests ? guard. The first of these nominations was made in defiance honor, and that the society of the land is an institu- disproportionate preponderance of the two costlier The answer is,Rea«i. the Record on Monday and analy ize The latest from El Paso county is that that entire of Schurz, and, so far as regards fitness for the duties region is under the control of a Mexican mob, backed tion kept up for their especial delectation and amuse- arms, cavalry and artillery, over the more economical the vote, and put a black blotch opposite the name of and capacity for the responsibilities "of the place, was by Mexicans south of the river, defying the United ment. Of its rank and file not more than thirty- arm of infantry. Our excess of cavalry is proper be- each absentee or sleeping sentinel at his post. States authority, and claiming allegiance to the as good a selection as could have been made. The live per cent, are of American birth, and the pri- cause of the peculiar exigencies of the service upon The party (we mean the Democratic party) needs Mexican flag. General Ord declines to interfere in a only strictly mean thing 1 have ever known Filley matter that concerns the State of Texas. Major vate soldier occupies a place in the social scale the border. We have ten regiments of cavalry capa- to do was last spring, when, at the instance.of Schurz, organization and leaders, and more brains on the gen- Jones, commanding the Texas frontier battalion, is at about half way between the common laborer ble of a maximum of 1,200 men, against twenty-five EI Paso; but has not force enough to put down the re- he used the forces of the St. Louis post-office to pack eral -average. - •• - > • - and the penitentiary convict. I venture to say battalions of infantry at a maximum of 1,000 men. volt. He believes If General Escobedo is acquitted at a city convention to nominate for mayor a person his trial before the United States court at Brownsvllla -that out of every one hundred recruits at least That is to say, our army is the cadre of a force of 12,000 called Overstolz, who, as his name imports, is of POOR PONGO is dead and Europe is with- he will Immediately attempt to precipitate another -ten can be found who signed the enlistment papers as cavalry and 25,000 infantry; whereas the proportion in revolution in Mexico. Dutch' antecedents, and is the friend of Schurz. out a born gorilla. Never mind, Sanford has been an alternative to jumping into the nearest frog-pond. no other establishment is less than six of infantry to In •consideration of this important service to the nominated minister to Brussels, and the savants will "This force amounts on paper to 25,000 men. It costs one of cavalry. The British army has thirty-one regi- Arrest of Counterfeiters. Schurzian cause of Universal Dutcnification, Filley have an opportunity to continue their investigations «on an average $18,000,000 a year. 1 say $18,0o0,uu0, ments of cavalry averaging at this time 600 men each, NEW YORK, November 17.—For some time past received from Schurz assurances that he would not be of the Darwin theory. True, they will miss the tail, •because it is just, in speaking of the expense of the or about 18,600 in all, as against 161 battalions of in- there has been in circulation a large number of live disturbed, but should remain firmly fixed in the but the stomach is there. and ten dollar counterfeit bills op the Tamaqua Na- -army proper, to deduct from the sum total of the mili- fantry averaging over 800 each, or 130,000 altogether, meridian of the St. Louis post-office for another four tlal Bank of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania. Detectives to- tary appropriation such moneys as are devoted to the in round numbers. night arrested the principal members of the counter- years. This is what Mr. Filley intimated to me in a numerous objects which are cared for by the War De- WE ARE GLAD to know that, through feiters of these notes. Their names are James E. The cost of maintaining 1,000 cavalry, including re- conversation 1 had with him at the Ebbitt House last Wright, Richard Seymour, Frank Morris, George partment, but are not properly part and parcel of the the solid recommendation of two State delegations, mounts, forage, harness, blacksmithing, etc., is sot spring. Schurz will doubtless deny it. He denies Thompson, alias Kerrigan, alias Irish Tom ; Charles army establishment. So 1 say about $18,000,000 a " Roberts'" little boy was put upon the pay-roll as J. Clayton and Henry Williams. Against Wright, down by the best European authorities at two and a everything—including the divinity of Christ. But a year in round numbers are devoted to the maintenance one of the pages of the House. The indignation felt Seymour and Morris complaints have been obtained, half,times the expense of 1,000 infantry in time of question of veracity with him long since ceased to be and enough evidence, it is thought, has been obtained •of the army proper, numbering 25.000 men on paper. over the dismissal of this lady is deeper and wider peace, and this disproportion is- considerably aug- formidable. However, after Schurz thought he had to convict thom when tried. They have been identi- than those officials suppose. fied by a number of storekeepers on whom they The British army numbers on its present footing mented in war time. This is an important fact, and squeezed Filley dry, he tried to get another, and, as passed counterfeit bills. Wright a short time ago 208,000 to 211,000 men of all arms, corps and descrip- must not be overlooked in any careful comparison of he supposed, more juicy friend appointed in his place. was a man of good standing in society and temper- tions, and its maintenance costs the people of Great our establishment with those of the old world. Then, To this end he urged that Filley was too active a poli- AN EXPLANATION. — We have been ance advocate, but latterly he had been addicted to drink. Two of the other prisoners are notorious pick- Britain about X13,500,000 or $87,000,000 a year. The again, our army is cut up into myriad little detach- tician to hold such an office ! Whereas the greatest taken to task for asserting that our friend Geo. T. pockets. The prisoners will bo arraigned for exami- -French army is a force of 550,000 men subject to the ments—a squadron here, a company there and a ser- activity Filley has ever shown in politics was exerted, Keen, 414 Ninth street, makes the best-fitting clothes nation on Monday. The amount of spurious money in the city. We never intended to cast any re- tap of the drum, together with nearly 900,000 more geant's file of men yonder, whereas no other army has as 1 have pointed out, at the special instance of now In olroulatlon and credited to Tamaqua bank is flections on his competitors, but since we have been said to be over fifty thousand dollars. liable to various established conditions of mobiliza- its units of service so dislocated, and it costs about as Schurz and in behalf of one of the latter's Dutch called upon to give our reasons we do so without hesi- tion. This force costs France about 450,COO,000 francs much to keep three or four companies at as many dif- friends! tation. in the first place, Mr. Keen employs the Yellow Jack. a year, or in the neighborhood of $85,000,000. But it ferent posts as it would to sustain a whole battalion, finest cutters in the country, and we suppose none I have never heard of any treachery comparable will deny this assertion. In the next place, Mr. K. JACKSONVILLES, FLA., November 17.—An official would not be fair to compare the compulsory French at any one point. Having made due allowance for statement this afternoon announces that there are with this, except a practice of the Washington police, has his own workshop, employs only skilled workmen system with either our own voluntary plan of servioe these drawbacks, we may address ourselves to the in- and pays the highest price for the same, and last, but only five cases of yellow fever in'the city, and all are who dress themselves in civilians' clothes, make or that of Great Britain. Moreover, there are special quiry as to how economy and efficiency may bo secured not least, being a thorough workman himself, he is improving. No new oases are reported. A cool north- assignations with frail women, and then take them to enabled^to see that his work is finished In first-class east wind has been blowing all day. Some excitepient Teasons why the rules of military economy in force in spite of them. Three general propositions may be was created yesterday by the announcement of fever the calaboose, instead of paying them for the enter- manner. We trust that the public at large, who are among the French cannot be applied to us. The set down: First, the disproportion of officers to rank the only parties interested in the controversy, will In the oity, and many left the town; but there was tainment ! So we observe that Mr. Hayes has French army is a domestic institution, massed in large and file should be reduced to something like a fair cail on Mr. Keen and decide for themselves. no exodus to-day, and business is going on as usual. foiled the sly and sinuous Dutchman, by reappointing The present cases are confined to one locality. bodies at home and in the midst of populous districts, ratio. This should be done partly by opening the re- Mr. Filley, which does credit alike to his judgment 'where facilities of transport and convenience of mar- tired list, thereby placing the army on the same foot- National Dog; Show. and his sentiment. —The author of " Helen's Babies" made his debut kets reduce the expense of supply to the minimum. ing as the navy; partly by maintaining no greater PHILADELPHIA, November 17.—The arrangements But no such exceptional advantages present them- number of regimental establishments than is neces- The nomination of Lawrence for the New Orleans as a lecturer in Chicago, instead of trying It on Osh- for the grand national dog show to be held In this •selves when we view the British army, and those who sary to the proper distribution of the force that we collectorship is a snub to John Sherman and a mortal kosh first. A large and brilliant audience struck terror city, commencing November 26, and ending Novem- ber 30. have been completed, and thejoxhlbltion prom- have studied the matter sufficiently to be conversant employ, and then keeping those establishments up to thrust right into the region of the diaphragm of John's to his soul, and he failed. u ises to be the most extensive and attractive ever held •with a mass of detail that cannot be introduced here, some permanent footing of strength; and the rest, congenital proteges, Wells and Anderson. John —The original Champagne Charley " is dead. His in this country. The show will be held under the had a man by the name of King appointed last May. name was Charles Thrope, a young Englishman, with rules adopted by the National American Kennel will admit that comparisons can justly be instituted whatever that might include, must be accomplished Club, and silver prizes to the amount of $1,300 will be between its managementand our own. The rank and by simple muster-out upon some equitable plan. In two weeks King was discovered to be a thin and an income of $50,000 a year, inherited. Thirty-four awarded. A large number of entries have already .file of the British army numbers nearly 200,000. It is diaphanous mask for the returning board. In six years of age. London. been received. Second, the iron-bound military monopoly of West rmanaged by about 11,000 officers ;' a little less than weeks he was discovered to be personally unfit for —Effingham Lawrence has been nominated collec- Point should be smashed, and that school should be twenty men to each officer, counting all. We have even the position Of figure-head. At last Mr. Hayes tor of New Orleans. He and Governor Warmoth are ShootluK Hatch. run as an educational institution where an unlimited could stand the pressure no longer, and took the New partners in the magnificent sugar plantation "Mag- CINCINNATI, November 17.—Tho shooting cham- • about one officer'to every nine men. Here, at least, is number of young men might acquire knowledge, fit- Orleans custom-house out of Sherman's control al- nolia," below the city. pionship of Tennessee was won by H. C. Prltchettof a suggestion of fault; the pay of our officers, avera- Nashville. In the $300-purse match Kleinman was ting them for service in time of need, but of which together. He even went so far as to intimate that he ging the grades, amounts to nearly or quite $2,200 a first, with Martin second, Leland third and Newman the graduates should not be thrown into servioe in ex- saw no reason why he should purchase the silence of fourth. In the second match Martin was first, with :year per head. The pay of our enlisted men amounts cess of the demand for them. It may be all very well the returning board, and that if Wells and Anderson MUSICAL. Hughes second and Kirkman third. In a match «to an average of $174 a year per head. The average to have a hundred odd professional idlers turned out between teams of four from Franklin, Tennessee, and had any sins lying heavy on their stomachs, he had HESS' ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY.—English opera Memphis, the latter were defeated by the Franklin pay of British officers is about $1,380 a year per head, upon the nation's bounty every year to dance them- no disposition to delay or repress their confession. of late years has become both popular and fashionable* team killing 64 birds outof 80, and the Memphis team and that of enlisted men $100. Our total pay of offi- 63. selves into the affections of rich girls with a penchant Anderson, finding that King was certain to be with- This is due to the fact that excellent talent has been cers is twenty-five per cent, more than the to*al pay engaged, and also that the public have found out for brass buttons, but the people who pay the bills are drawn, ofiered to take the collectorship himself! Mr. of the men. In the British army the pay of officers getting restive under the pressure of so much and that American or English vocalists can sing and act as The €Igar-9takers. Hayes, deeply touched by this display of magnanimity, well as those artistes who have high-sounding Italian, PHILADELPHIA, November 17.—The cigar-makers amounts to about $14,000,000 a year and that of the such oostly social ornament, and the fact that any immediately sent the namex>f Lawrence to the Sen- French or German names. The opera companies that held a large meeting to-night, anil listened to speeches •men to about $22,000,000. system is unsatisfactory to those who foot the bills is ate. The President should observe that whenever he have consisted of one or two singers, and the balance from Messrs. Harris, Jacket and Emmeke, all of New York, on the condition of the strike in that city. We are accustomed to hear the British army spoken the best practical argument that it is a bad system. of the cast " dummies," have invariably of late como 1 coppers Schurz and Sherman he wins. Gumpert Bros. hands, numbering ninety, are on a •of as a rank and file of mercenaries officered by an Let the nation educate young men at West Point. to grief. The public won't stand it, and at last have The nomination of Sanford to be minister to Bel- strike, because the employers would not accede to ^aristocracy of birth : that there is no hope of promo- But let them not be taught as part of the curriculum demonstrated the fact by staying away from perform- certain demands relative to the sanitary condition of gium is a horse of another color. This is not the act ances given under the direction of parsimonious the factory. The question of wages does not enter tion for the private soldier. But in point of fact more that the country owes them a living anyhow, and of Mr. Hayes, nor is it the product of his better j udg- managers. Amidst the failures of many operatic into the dispute. -commissions have been given to enlisted men in the takes its chances of the misfortune of war to get its ment. It is an affair involving payment of the board ventures, Manager Hess in the main has been success- British army in the last ten years than has been done money back—which, I grieve to say, is the chief les- ful, not from the reason that his company contained bills of a young man of the name of Seward, who owes Leprosy. -in our service proportionately to the strength of each. son inculcated at that institution now. Let them be stars, but that the talent he employed was good. Me- his distinction to the fact that Thurlow Weed was the NEW YORK, November 17.—The Sunday Mercury^ I have now beiore me a copy of a single order issued taught rather that the country is their benefactor, diocrity properly trained will be more satisfactory than in its Issue to-morrow, will have an article on the im- friend of his father, and is now the friend of Evarts. one star with poor support. Theodore Thomas exem- vfrom the headquarters of the Anglo-Indian forces, that she gives them a training meet for the pursuits portation into this city of leprosy by Chinese arrivals Morever, Evarts had some of the chicken-pie as well. plified this in the original organization of his now for California. A reporter of the Mercury states that directing fourteen non-commissioned officers of the of peace, and at the same time prepares them to take The difference between the two is, that while Seward famous orchestra, as has also Mr. Hess in the manage- he saw a case in a Baxter street tenement, where a Royal artillery, and five from the regular British the lead in mobilizing her citizen soldiery whenever, had board, lodging and washing, with fuel and lights, ment of his opera company. The troupe that sang at Chinamen lay slowly dying of disease. He visited •••cavalry regiments now serving in India, to be selected in extremity, she may need their services. But for the National Theater during the past week is a good the Chinese hospital, where he saw two children of at Sanford's diplomatic restaurant, Evarts only took Irish-Chinese birth suffering from the same disease. vfor examination for commissions ih> Her Majesty's God's sake let us quit educating American youth to illustration of this fact. his meals there. Thurlow Weed came in on the East Indian army. The fact is there is no civilized a professional pauperism which is only more respecta- In the present company many familiar faces are strength of an old steal, to which Sanford owes the The South Carolina Cases. army in which promotion from the ranks is so difficult ble than the commoner variety by reason of tradi- seen. Mr. and Mrs. Seguin* Messrs. Castle, Peakes fortune that enabled him to board Seward and Evarts and others, are all well known to the public. Mrs. COLUMBIA, S. C., November 17.—Judge Townsend as in ours ; no army in which the distinction between tions which itself has built up, and of toleration has overruled the motions for new triols in the Car- luxuriously. Thus we'observe that the President has Seguin's impersonation of the roles assigned to her the patrician who wears straps, and the plebeian who which is growing less and less genial every day. The care has always been marked with an ease and grace doza and Smalls cases. Motions In arrest of j udg- been led to execute the edicts of a hierarchy of theft rarely seen on the lyric stage, and she demonstrated ment were then made, which the court held under • carries a musket, is more rigidly drawn and more in- fundamental maxim of American education is that on one side and gluttony on the other. Playing clearly, during the week, that in opera bouffe, or in advisement until Monday, the 26th Instant. flexibly maintained. every fellow shall look out for himself. Why should any lyric works of a higher order, she is equally a Evarts and Seward open, he has lost—been whip- Leaving out of question the mumbers of men rel- West Point run counter to this wholesome maxim good actress and vocalist. Miss Melville, the soprano sawed, in fact, at a brace-game, which he did not of the company, is new to us, having lately arrived FOREIGN NEWS. atively employed, let us see for a moment what and breed a select race of helpless gentlemen, taught understand. from England- She won her way Into the hearts of VIENNA, November 17.—The Political Correspon- the British government gets in return for its annual the tastes of lordlings and given the incomes of her auditors from her first appearance. Pretty, with dence publishes a rumor that the Montenegrins have Mr. Hayes has the reputation, of a good man. And captured Antivari by storm and are marching on - expenditure of $37,009,000, as compared with what clerks ? a line figure and a good voice, she cannot tail but to whenever he is guided by those impulses of his own to become a great favorite. She seems to be a natural Daleigno. our people get for their outlay of, say, $18,000,000. The Third, the embargo which West Point has put upon actress,: but has a slight tendency to overact and CONSTANTINOPLE, November 17.—The Turks have which that reputation is due he enhances it. But he British get, to begin with, the physical force required the ranks should be removed, the law which provides pose. Her voice, in the upper register, at times Is a expelled the KussiansTi'om the village of Berkootcha. is surrounded with advisers who, if they had fulf little hard, but is flexible. IN singing she varies a -

have my permission to do as you please," said the leading paper. If Mr. Alonzo Bell Is confirmed it Bella, you are taking on In an absurd manner about " Don't go, Mrs. Dawn, for 1 have something to say For THE CAPITAL. even-tempered writer as he continued his work. He will be, or ought to be, a lasting lesson to him to treat this clerk, who is, after all, a great scamp." to you. I have been so occupied this winter I have A RALLYING CALL. neglected knowing the widow ot my old friend as In- was not so busy, however, that he did not see the dirty, people as 11 they were human beings. I will give, " No, he is not. I care nothing for him, but 1 will To tho front, all ye workmen! exultingly stand I timately as I wished, and, Mrs. Dawn, I have ne- iat man approach Podauger and work his countenance poor as I am, live dollars and a chromo l'or every ten pot hear him abused. He Is a noble fellow and so With the sweat on your brow and the brand In your glected my own household. I am a widower with an Into the most elaborate wink any countenance was persons who can be found that Alonzo Bell ever spoke handsome." a civil word to after he entered on his "offioiai duties.'* hand. only child, a daughter, who needs something more ever capable of. While the right ej e remained wide '' How do you know ol his nobility ? You know While on this subject I wish to say that last week. As favors, no longer your rights humbly crave. than a father's care; she is devoted to you, Mrs. Dawn. open, and the right side of the face continued calm, absolutely nothing, you goose, about the fellow." In looking over my memorandum hastily, 1 made a. Stand forth and demand them as freemen and braves. Why can you not come to my assistance ?" the left orbit of vision went into a sort or convulsion, "Yes 1 do. Mrs. Dawn told me all about him." mistake In regard to Assistant Secretary Bell. He- " I shall be only too happy to aid you with any ad- into which the neighboring muscles were drawn In the Tho' long unrequited, ye children of toll— "Who?" was not reduced, nor was he dismissed. In June* vice most alarming manner. To this demonstration Pod- Ye sons of proud fathers who fought for the soil " Mrs. Dawn—Mrs. Hamilton Dawn." auger's countenance made no response; whereupon '74, he was degraded from his position as head of a. " No, my dear friend, I want to give you the right. Now sustained by your labor, bedewed with your tears, "So, ho! these two are working together—a lovely the gentleman of an agriculturist tendency to soil re- subdivision in the second auditor's office for."insuf- I shall only be too happy to give you the privileges of Give your hearts to tho fight, to the winds all your pair!" stored his countenance to its normal ugly condition ficiency." In June,'77, he was recommended lor dis-- a mother'if you are willing to take the incumbrance fears. " No they are not—they are enemies. Edward, Mr. and seated himself opposite Podauger. missal by the second auditor,but through intervention, with It of me for a husband." Redmund, abused her before me. He (sald some of friends, with Secretary Bristow at the head, he was • Lo! this is your day and this fs your hour! Mrs. Dawn was startled, and well she might be. An hour went by with the three remaining un- dreadful things, and in my presence." detailed in the Treasury Department, In 1875 he was • For the Lord of Sabboath is coming In power; She, the social outcast, the much abused and cruelly changed as to position, when the dirty man remarkod: " Well, well, well—with my clerk as your lover and appointed by Secretary Chandlor as chiefclerk of the The rights for the poor and the needy to claim, slandered woman, saw offered her a triumph in " As the the governor of South Carolina once re- that woman your friend, ! am in a pretty complication Interior Department. It was then that the second And his earth long usurped for himself to regain. the hand of a Secretary, a wealthy man, whoso posi- markod to the governor of North Carolina, this Is get- of domestic affairs, to be sure." auditor, in his decided manner, (and if put on oath it - tion rendered her's beyond question. But the vision ting monotonous. I'll go see If 1 can find the chief." In the high court of heaven your case is now known. " But you will protect him?" can be proved,) said "Bell was totally inefficient a^ a of Podauger, the undivorced husband, rose between And so he left, and In a short time returned Your wrongs and your groans have gone up to God's "No, I cannot agree to that; but if you promise me clerk in my 'offlfee; and if he shows no more execu- her acceptance and the possibility. The honorable He had not found the chief, but he had found to cut Mrs. Hamilton Dawn and have no further in- tive ability there than he did here (second auditor's ; throne. Mr. Nichol saw tho hesitation, and he said: a decided odor of bad whisky. Ere long the Hear! Hear! with rejoicing his royal decree: tercourse with this clerk of mine, I will not dismiss remark of the governor returned to the mind of office) he will be a failure—a decided failure." All " Don't decide hurriedly, take your time to consider "The oppressor shall fall and the captive be tree. Mr. Redmund for the present. Come, now, is not the detective, for he again withdrew and again came this can be proved. I work openly. 1 have caused of It." that reasonable?" back, but this time smelling of gin. Tho wise and this man Bell's confirmation to hang lire. If he Is * .»"Every man shall repose in the life-giving shade "No, Mr. Nichol, I cannot be your wife ; 1 can do "1 don't care for Mr. Redmund ; I only thought 1 original observation of the governor took the gentle- confirmed I will make it lively for him, for the hair Ofhis fig-tree and vine, and none make him afraid." better—I will be your friend." was to blame. Yes, I promise I will have nothing to man out frequently thatat last he showed evidences has not been told. While a share In the fatness and fullness of earth And she held out her firm little hand, and the two BO say to either." of intoxication. It was after the last of these visits I want to call attention to the bui eau of printing Shall make him rejoice in the land of his birth. clasped in a compact far more enduring than friend; " Well, now, run away, for I must hasten to my that he approached Podauger, and giving him a and engraving. There Is a movoment on foot to have • ship or love, the compact that bound each to each in Then gird on your armor and stand In your might, office." whack with the open hand between the shoulders, Congress appoint an investigating committee to hooks of steel forged from self-Interest. Mr. Nichol For God and your country, for Christ and your right. The little girl kissed her indulgent father and, re- cried: thoroughly overhaul this bureau of corruption. The bowed out the relict of his old and cstemed friend, and Your foes may be fierce and outnumber you all, lieved of the heavy moral responsibility attending daily papers teem with glowing notices—paid for in returning to his library, stood lor a moment with one "Pod., you damned old hog, wake up." But united you'll stand and divided you'll fall. her late conduct, she hurried to secure a hearty some way—of the charming manner in which this hand pressed upon that part where his animal economy Mr. Podauger obeyed in a most extraordinary man- «Prophecy, Mleah, chap. 4, 4. •>• T- breakfast, the demands of which now made them- bureau is conducted. Great stress Is laid on the is supposed to be, while the other rested on the table, ner. He arose from his chair and knocked the Ine- selves known. economical way It is run. Yes, perhaps It is economy;.. and then he said: briated detective over a sofa Into a corner of the room. It was the Hon. Nichol's fate not to see his office but it is the blood ot starving, helpless women that Is SOCIAL GOSSIP. "Whata devil of a woman!" It was difficult to determine how much the blow and how on this eventful morning at the hour he generally de- much Intoxication had to do with the fall. The man, used to present this pleasing tableau to the country. MRS. SINGLES WITCH BUYS A PARROT. voted to a reception of the motley crowd that however, seemed to be mixed In his motive as to wheth- When 1 say blood 1 do not use the teim in a fanciful Mrs. Singleswltoh was a lady of some adipose and Our Boarding-House. gathered in his ante-chamber. As he turned to leave er he would return to his enemy overor under the sola. manner, but 1 mean-it in a stern, matter-of-fact sense.. (No. IT.) considerable sentiment, who cultivated pets and rented his library, mail in hand, he enoountered Mrs. Ham- He was still in doubt and using very profane language, The work has not decreased, but tho bureau Is run rooms ready lurnished. She it was who had Edward CONSEQUENCES. ilton Dawn, who came In unannounced. The Hon. when the door was thrown open and Redmund en- with less than half of the force, and the money comes Redmund as a lodger; also, Mr. Storkinning, likewise Secretary was a rather cool, self-possessed gentleman, tered. to one of the rooms with blood on it from the bands of The arrest of Redmund, on a charge of an attempt Colonel Rogueman and the venerable gentleman in but he could not restrain an exclamation of surprise at the women forced by task-masters to do so much, and to kill, which followed the wounding oi Ellerton, had the attic, known to his landlady as Mr. Smith, but to "What is the meaning of this?" the young man the unexpected appearance of this lady. this blood had to be washed off before the money was two results. One of these was the promise made by our readers as Mr. Podauger. demanded sternly. Bella to her father never again to see his private " I beg your pardon, Mr. Secretary, for thus intrud- "Some drunken ruffians, who, for some reasons sent down stairs finally. Mrs. Singleswitch occupied the basement, and had secretary, and the other in Mrs. Singleswltoh, the fat ing upon you," she exclaimed, rather hurriedly, " but known to themselves, have invaded your rooms," re- I am not telling allegories or talking at random p it filled with flowers in pots, birds in cages and dogs little widow who rented the rooms' occupied by Red- my business admits of no delay." spbnded Storkinning. these things are true, and can be proved. It is no un- in everybody's way. Mrs. S. was a widow without mund, purchasing, for and in consideration of the sum " And what is it ?" asked the Secretary coldly, common thing i'ot women up. their to faint under their children, but in lieu thereof she had two mocking Podauger hastily retreated through the bod and of twenty-five dollars, a noisy old parrot. without offering her a chair,' for he was offended. duties. The man Irish who, it would appear, " runs "'" birds, an unlimited supply of canaries, a trained bul- bath-rooms, but the gentleman who had so well re- " A matter in which you may be surprised at my the bureau, was ia charge of a penitentiary before he The Hon. Secretary of the Department for the Bet- flnch and three terriers. She lacked but one thing membered the wise remark of the governor of South being interested, and I have not time to explain why. came here, and conducts the bureau the same as whenu ter Development ot Fraud had gentlemen to break- to make her life complete, and that was a parrot. Carolina was not so fortunate. The exit was hurriod Mr. Redmund, your private secretary, was arrested he bad charge of convicts. He has a daughter who . last with him. He h'ad his breakfast and his guests There was a dealer on the Avenue possessed of a par- by Redmund seizing him by the collar and swinging this morning for shooting with intent to kill. 1 have has an appointment in the Interior Department under- - without the graceful presence of his daughter, who rot. This parrot had a peculiarity unknown to any him out, and in the hall his rapid transit continued, looked into the affair and find that there is no founda- my friend Schurz. Now "God is good to the Irish,"" plead that excuse and female ill contained in the one parrot ever trained. It would respond to one when lor Colonel Rogueman, who had witnessed the affair, tion (or the charge. Mr. Kandolph Ellerton shot him- they say, but there is no particular reason why the - word, headache. Among the topics discussed by the addressed. True, the response was sure to be gave the unhappy detective a kick that sent him roll- self with his own revolver." Government should be. If he cannot support» his- gentlemen was the event of the night before at the profane, and sometimes vulgar as well; but instead ing to the bottom of the stairs. " Beally, Mrs. Dawn, you must excuse me ; but family on his very good salary, and if he looks to the- gambling resort, made of especial interest to the com- of being like other parrots and babies, declining in a The poor fellow rose to a sitting position, and was whether Redmund shot Ellerton or Ellerton shot him- Government to help him, why not put her in his-chain pany by the part taken in it by the honorable host's stupid manner to make a display in company, this evidently striving to gather his scattered wits, when self Is a matter of entire indifference to me." gang, over which he is king. private secretary. poll would join in any conversation in a cheerful way, Mrs. Singleswltch's accomplished parrot cried out: " 1 thought you were much interested in him." "That young fellow has disappointed me," said the generally beginning with the assertion that she-(the " We've had a hell of a time; hell of a time." In these times there are so many women who have "Not to the extent of following him to gambling Secretary, " he was in the beginning so steady and in- parrot) was a condemned son of a female dog, and seen better days, women of culture and refinement, hells and excusing his drunken rows." dustrious that his late career is to me incomprehensi- ending with tho remark that she and the company had who are brought right down to starvation, who come Mrs. Dawn faltered, indeed she shrunk as from a ble." suffered from " a h—1 of a time." GOSSIP BY ROBERTS. here and ask of the National Government work, in " Of course you cannot retain him as your secretary," blow at the utterance of those hard words. She rallied, recognition of what their husbands, fathers, brothers The dealer asserted that this parrot was well worth however, at once. did for it when alive. They are willing to do any- Bald one of the guests. a hundred dollars, owing to her wit and accomplish- "1 breathe once more my native air," (and very bad " Then you abandon him ?" thing to earn bread for themselves and those de- * To this the Hon. Mr. Nlchol made no reply. The re- ments, but the bird was so extremely vulgar that she air It was.) This is what I gently hummed to myself " It seems to* me, madam, that he abandons him- pendent on them, and willing to take, in lieu of any- port of a vacancy files over Washington with a speed had been returned upon his hands until the price fell as I meandered through tho halls of Congress. 1 wish self." thing else, a place in the engraving ljureau, where. that defies the telegraph. The Secretary knew from to twenty-five dollars. Mrs. S. and the bird fancier the Cave of the Winds would do away with the penny- " You cannot surely be so cruel as to discharge him they are treated as convicts or as women in a "reform. sad experience that even the Intimation of a possible had been in negotiations lor some seven months, she catching booths scattered around Its intellectual halls. now." sohool." vacancy brought about a horde of applicants of the most offering less and the man firmly adhering to the figure It only lacks a lager-beer shop and an asthmatic " It would create considerable astonishment were I persistent and irritating sort. The conversation soon he had fixed as the value of this wonderful ornitho- organ to remind one of a side-show in a circus, and I One voung girl whom 1 have known here for.a long to retain him alter his late conduct and In the face of passed to topics of more interest to the company at logical specimen of profanity In a cage. Mrs. S. felt implore the members of the Cave to do away with this time sat down in my room and cried bitterly,.not this immediate scandal. However, 1 am not called breakfast, being no less than a collector's office In the herself too poor to pay that sum. The lucky day ar- ridiculous feature. I wandered to the gallery, where long since, over the Insults she had to bear. She had- upon to act at once, and I intend waiting until this Secretary's State, for which the President was called rived at last and in this manner. I sank gracefully down in a seat next to an African, been put in the "press-room," where men were in a upon to furnish an incumbent. The qualifications, of matter is investigated. I have no wish to pry into who evidently enjoyed the droppings ot wisdom, half-nude state, and obliged to listen to the vilesi The morning of Mr. Redmund's arrest,|and it oc- •the candidates thus discussed turned solely on their I your aff airs, Mrs. Dawn, but this sudden interest in because he was fast asleep. When I went in Chitten- language. curred before the young man left his rooms for break- political Influence, not available lor the party, but lor this handsome young man seems very strange." den of New York seemed to be torn up in his mind on fast, there was of course a stir In the house and neigh- I don-t want any one to say I am hitting at tho certain men in the party. This Is what we mean by There had been polished rudeness in the Secretary's the finance question—which is one that Is enough to borhood. Among the first to tender his sympathies printers, for I am not. I know some of them outside,, official patronage. Each man has a following, which manner there was a like polished insult, not in the vex any one. One thing is peculiar about Chittenden: and services was Mr. Storkinning. Young Red- and know there are gentlemenly ones; but I am still augments in numbers from the leaders of hundreds to words, but their utterance, that made Mrs. Dawn's when he is speaking, and the Speaker's gavel comes mond thanked him lor the sympathy, but declined the telling the truth, and it is not confined to.that room, >the leaders or thousands, and could Oarlyle's doctrine heart give a jump as if, like a caged beast, it had down, " time up," ho drops down as if he had been service. As the private secretary was passing out, alone. No woman can work in any part of that bu- of hero worship be found in any part of the system, it thrown itself against the bars of its prison. A cold, shot out of a Gatling gun. As long as he stands up Storkinning reminded him that Mrs. Hamilton reau without undergoing daily gross Insults. might be healthy, but these followers and their steelly look came into her eyes, her nostrils slightly he is all right; but he reminds me of a jumping-jack— Dawn's papers were in Redmund's possession, and he No such despotism ex ists in the country as In the dilated, and two lines running from the base of those he is weak in the knees and doubles up on the slight- leaders have no-love of or respect for each other, the asked permission to take them away. bureau ot engraving and printing. It is now run,by whole concern being held together by what Is known nostrils to the corners other mouth arched themselves, est provocation. piece-work. If a woman is late even one minute - " Certainly," responded the young man, " Mrs. Sin- as the cohesive power of plunder, aided by a certain while the mouth itself, from lips that could be kissed, she is compelled to lose one fourth of her day, though gleswitch will lock the door after you leave." While sitting in the gallery I heard Randall say, in ignorant prejudice whioh makes a man call himself a changed imperceptibly into something to be fear : d. by the hardest work Bhe can make only $1.50 a day. And Storkinning was left in possession. that melodious voice of his: "The gentleman from Democrat or a Republican without being able to give It was the expression Horace Vernet put on the face of It was stated in one of our very willing papers that,. " Madam." he said to Mrs. Sincleswltch, "1 shall Georgia has the floor," and I heard a strong though any reason for his party affiliation. his beautilul Judith, as she bared her arm to smite the among other very delightful things in this bureau, be some hours sorting out these papers. Please keep rather piping voice saying something. 1 looked -all However, we are not writing an essay on political brutal enemy of Israel. the experts were to be promoted. I can prove that up the fires." around for the fellow who was talking, and heard a subjects, and dismiss the breakfast party much sooner Mrs. Dawn paused for a second, not.daring to thin, squeaking voice, but with a great deal of force the said "experts" were all new appointees. And he placed In tfte hand of. the senUmental and than the Hon. Mr. Nichol found it possible to ac- trust her voice. Nature has given every animal the in it. After awhile I saw it was Alexander H. The whole bureau is a sham and a fraud, which can fleshy widow a ten-dollar note, new and crisp. Mrs. comphlsh, for his guests held to the subject of their inEtinct by which to know its enemy, and in that Stephens of Georgia. He has the best seat in the be very easily proved it Congress will appoint an In- S. thanked him, and after putting the bed-room In mission with the tenacity of -a low lever. He at last pause the knowledge passed through the Secretary House, because he goes on wheels, and, like the leopard, vestigating committee, which 1 am trying to have better order, she withdrew to encounter Mr. Podauger succeeded in bowing them out, and turned to hisl that there was danger in the woman belore him. At can change his spots, or rather his seat. It is a bit of them do when tho regular session begins. There is no in the hall outside the door. library, intending to seize his mail, which he was last she spoke in a low, measured tone she always as- sarcasm on the part of the Cave to put Mr. Stephens use in any one going through to " see." They wil E "I beg pardon,mum," said Mr. Podauger, "the wont to turn over, opening certain private letters as sumed when excited: as chairman of " Weights and Measures." When he learn nothing of the true inwardness of its workings. doctors have ordered me to take salt baths for my he drove to his office, when he encountered Bella. "1 have stated but part of my business; it is a Is well and fat he weighs—so he tells me—ninety Over a year ago I felt called upon to denounce the rheumatiz. As this young feller has gone to quod I The girl held the morning paper in her hand, while grievance." pounds; but now he only weighs eighty pounds. working of this bureau—and it was nothing to what it s'pose 1 might use his bath-room." her inflamed, swollen eyes gave evidence of a sorrow " Grievances will keep, Mrs. Dawn, and as I am ex- In marked contrast to him Is old eight to seven Davis, is now. After the article appeared 1 was sent for by And he accompanied this remark with a gold piece that had found reliel in tears. ceedingly pressed this morning, I beg of you to call who broke up, so to speak, the electoral count, and the the chief and "properly talked" to, and two very of the value of ten dollars, that made Mrs. Single- "Father," she said, "haveyou seen this dreadful again." other day broke up a chair paid for by the Fog-bank. polite gentlemen were sent around with me to show switch see how very reasonable was the proposition. affair?" " 1 think you will say, when you hear it, that this is Willis of Louisville, Kentucky, Is a man to be re- me the bureau entire. 1 have naturally a fair share of The old lady's good luck did not end here, how- " What affair, my child ?" one that will not keep, Mr. Secretary. Now see," she membered ; he is young and, as I understand, un- common sense, and I saw that the Intention was to see ever. She was disturbed by a knock upon her door, and " This shooting of Mr. Ellerton by—by Mr. Red- continued, taking out her watch, " I give myself three married, but his ideas are good and well worth follow- who in the bureau 1 spoke to, so as to spot that indi- upon opening it found Mr., or rather Colonel, Rogue- mund." minutes, at the end of that time, if you say leave, I ing. Butler, my favorite old Ben, was the observed vidual who was unfortunate enough to know me ; con- man in his elegant attire, twirling his slender cane " Certainly." leave." of all observers, and I am oredlbly Informed he has sequently I spoke to no one, although 1 saw several I with that nonchalance so peculiar to him. " Well, what are you going to do ?" " Well, what is it?" enough " dead wood " down on certain parties in high knew, who afterwards said to me : "1 saw you going , "Mrs. Singleswitch," said the Colonel, so called be- " Nothing, Bella. X don't see that lam called to "1 have been set upon by detectives, infamous life to make the regular coming session lively. through our bureau the other day, and felt hurt that cause he was born on American soil, and of course interfere save by informing Mr. Redmund that 1 have creatures, who have dogged my steps, watched every you did not speak to me." I thought to myself, " You born to be a colonel, or judge, or governor. "Mrs. 1 have not visited much the Fog-bank, but 1 can say no further use for his services." movement, and even broken into my rooms to rob me would have been more hurt if I had spoken to you." Singleswitch, that young man, your lodger, has been it wants its Sharon. Perhaps no one earns his bread " Oh, don't do that." of my property." arrested by us on a charge of murder. I find It my by the sweat of his brow as does Sharon, the gilt-edged No, there is no use In going up there or talking with , Well, Mrs. Dawn, 1 am not accountable for that. " And why not ? He certainly cannot expect me to duty to put an officer In charge of his rooms, madam. senator from Nevada. He was elected, if I remember the officials of the bureau. They have all got soft These detectives are controlled by other hands than retain in my confidence a man who lrequents gam- As this will inconvenience you somewhat, here is a aright, four years ago, and has Eerved perhaps three things at good salaries, and will talk very last and mine, and 1 cannot see how 1 can aid you." bling hells and gets arrested for shooting another small sum of money," and the whatseemed tho Inevi- months during his whole term. Every one is glad "explain" everything satisfactory l'or themselves; I know what you tell me; but these creatures are gambler." table ten was put in her hand. that Nevada Is so well represented. I suppose friend but wait until Congress investigates, and I will put at work, they claim, for you." Sharon draws his salary regularly. I have never parties on the track who to ask confidentially in this " Yes, I know. You can discharge him hereafter, Mrs. Singleswitch was amazed. Mrs. Singleswitch For me—Impossible." - ' heard ot any ef those men who did not. matter. I am In earnest in this thing, and have meant but to do so now will appear to the world sis if his only was delighted. She was moved to feel, to use the For you. It seams that my late husband, your Jones, who has a well-written work on tho Dutch for sometime to air this bureau of corruption, but 1 f riend had turned upon him." phraseology of her sect, that Providence had in- friend Hamilton Dawn, had intrusted to him a million Tramp, Is doing the honors for Nevada. He looks like intend to do it in an effectual manner. " Well, I think, Bella, it is about time for the one tervened in her behalf, and she celebrated the event by of money to pay Indians who never existed. It Is as- a gold diner out, and as if he could tell a good story, friend to leave a man who has been so untrue to him- an immediate purchase of the accomplished parrot. I have been both enraged and amused at the valiant serted that in his unexpected death this million dis- and from the record he has already made, it is safe to self." Twenty-five dollars for the parrot and five dollars for daily papers here, who, for striving after Government appeared, and, believing that I murdered my hus- inter that the silver-mounted senator from Nevada "He has not been that. He has been foeliBh, 1 a cage exhausted the sum Divine Providence threw pap, are afraid to say their soul is their own; who have <= banl, am possessed of this lost million." has brains as well as an appreciation or a good joke. know. I don't mean that. He has been desperately in her way for a wise purpose. been praising up this bureau lately, not knowing wicked, but he is not so much to blame." Mrs. Dawn, you amaze me. This is all new to me. McCreary or Kentucky can turn the best hand- what they were talking about or caring, so they It pains us to write that poll did not seem to appre- " What, not to blame for being desperately wicked. And who dares " spring in the Fog-bank. pleased the Mogul. ciate the favor of D. P., for that extraordinarily Well, that is a new doctrine. Why, what do you " I beg your pardon, Mr. Secretary, my time is out. Spencer, the bridegroom of the Senate, Is looking wicked bird, on being spoken to by her new owner, I do know what I am talking ahout, and 1 never mean ?" •Shall I leave ?" better than ever. He has changed his winter quar- cocked its head on one side and called Mrs. Single- shirk. I Would not now be viewing the outside of the Poor Bella colored to a crimson flush over her fair By no manner of means. Do sit down, my dear ters and does not dye the side locks of his hair now, switch the male progeny of a female canine doomed Agricultural Department had 1 treated the German- face, under the cold grey eyes of her father, as he Mrs. Dawn; your late husband was one of my oldest and consequently his appearance is improved. to eternal perdition. silver gentleman in a "slobbering" manner; and, asked this question. She ended her embarrassment and most trusted friends, and I assure you that what Voorhees stalks around and winks with his left eye at whatever Carl Schurz has to say of me, he can never Mr. Storkinning was busily engaged copying papers as girls are wont to do on such occasions; she burst you say is all new to me. Do proceed." Conkllng, and says " 1 have adopted the Duke's motto, say I "backed down" In his presence. I acknowledged in Mr. Redmund's parlor, when the bath-room door into tears and threw her arms about her father's neck. 1 thought it strange, knowing your relation to- 'I am here.'" what I had said and stood by my guns, and I do this . opened and a gruff voice said to him; " Why, Bella, what does all this mean ?'* wards Mr. Dawn, you should have taken such steps ; Burnslde has disoarded the little dome he used to in relation to the bureau of engraving and printing. " Any objection to my leaving this door open while But no answer other than sobs came trom the hidden for, Mr. Secretary, my husband, after he left for the wear, and looks the better for It. Don Cameron- I know its workings, and unless the whole thing is I bathe? Rather cold in here." lace of the poor girl. Mr. Nichol said: far West, corresponded with me regularly, and his let- well I cannot express myself on him this week, as the very materially changed 1 am strong enough to knock "All right," responded Storkinning, without rais- " Bella, Is it possible you have been silly enough to ters, lately in my possession, tell where that money widow Oliver Is sitting next to me, and her howl is that bureau, and have facts which will gladden the ing his head from his work. entangle yourself with that young man?" Is." for more. "They say" when the persimmon crop lails hearts of the employés. For the space of twenty minutes nothing was heard A faint" no " came back between sobs. Money is! God bless my soul, that money has all Maryland is done for. Well, when the Cameron tribe One by one our illusions fall. Bob Ingersoll says but the splashing of water and the scratching of a "Why under heavens, then, are you going on in this been accounted for long since; and these scoundrels die Pennsylvania is sat down on. Solomon is an idiot. The next thing he will prove is pen. At the end of that time Mr. Podauger entered way about one in whom you can have no interest?" dared assert that I employed them ?" Taking up the Washington daily Union, accident- all aglow, and approaching the grate, said: that the Oneida chief has softening of the brain. " Because—because," she answered, hesitatingly, " Certainly." ally—beoause no one ever takes a Washington paper A new bill has been introduced in the House of " Guess I'll warm up a little if you have no objec- " because he loves me, and because I was cold to him " And how can I remedy the wrong ?" unless he holds stock in lb—I read an article signed Representatives to regulate the practice ef pharmacy and went with that Mr. Flintbum; he! oh, he! (sobs) "By releasing Edward Redmund. 1 was robbed tion." " Justice," in favor of one Alonzo Bell, who has been in the District of Columbia. I hope It may pass, and got bold and desperate and went on toots!" some time since of a box in which 1 kept my most val- " None whatever. It Is not my fire nor my room," for two months suspended In the air for confirmation every citizen is equally Interested. It is a measure ef "On what?" uable papers. This box fell accidentally into posses- replied the scribe, continuing his work. At this Mr. as assistant secretary ot the Interior. Now, Bell Is the greatest importance, and we all hope the Cave of "To—ts—toots," sobbed the girl. sion of your private secretary, and he has It, in a very Podauger, with his back to the grate, removed his like the Irishman who was told In court he should the Winds will not give it the go-by. " Bella, between your nonsense and your slang I careless manner, In his room. While he Is under ar- coat-tails, and planting his stout supports apart, pro- have justice done him. "But sure, your honor," says The caterership of the House of Representatives can make nothing of what you say—what do you mean rest these detectives may again get possession of it. has been ¡riven to outsiders. It seems hard that we ceeded to gaze earnestly at Storkinning through a Pat "I don't want justice, but mercy." The National to put up With Congressand all the ills that flesh You see now why I am so anxious about this young Save by toots'?" pair of goggles of blue glasB, that served the double Union is a solemn affair, and very good to read when r.j.is heir to5 , and! no t havha,-e. ano.n-oy- onf thfthet benefits. 'Tha1 Hatt the I " Oh, drinking, gambling and shooting members of man." purpose ef strengthening the sight while hiding the one is in the depths of woe, but I never heard of any old incumbent, is gone every one is glad. His idea Congress. Oh, I feel as If I did it myEell—I am so " Of course, of course. I never heard of a more In- eyes. He was engaged in this study when the door one reading It for news. Still It Is very amusing; but was to charge as much as he could and give as little; famous outrage. I will see that the poor fellow is re- but there wire applicants who were Washingtonians wretched." opened, and a man, a lat, dirty man, entered briskly. as life is short, and 1 want all the amusement I can and reliable men who ought to have had it, and 1 " Bella, I don't know whether to laugh or scold; leased at once," and he rung for a servant. "Iam The new-comer stared a second or two, and then said: get I read it every morning, and got my money's think the members of the Cave will agree with me before they get through. . . who put' that nonsense In your little head—has that so sorry you did not confide this to me before." To the "Come, vamose, you two. I have an order from the worth In part last Wednesday morning In the article The Irving Library has opened for the winter at fellow dared ?" servant; "Send my messenger to me." "It would chief of the secret servloe to take possession of these signed " Justice." In that article every one who does only have made me glad to protest you. 1 need not 1411G street, and any one who wants a good book or " No," fiercely, " he never said a word to me about rooms." not believe In and swear by the Hon. (?) Alonzo Bell a pleasant chat with a lady of t^e old regime will do It; but I know without his telling me. Oh! now pa., tell you, Mrs. Dawn, that as the widow of my es- " Compliments to chief," said Storkinning, without is called some playful pet names. If the article Is well to caU. ROBERTS. you protect him this once, won't you? Ifyou don't, I'll teemed friend, 1 should have been but fulfilling a duty moving, " and say that when he gets an order from aimed at myself, 1 will say I have never written any- kill myself!" to protect you. Ah, here, Triplet," he continued to the criminal court* the coroner, chiel of police, or any- thing under an "assumed" signature. 1 am well JOHN R. KELLY, "No, you will not do that, Bella, you'll take a good the messenger, "Jump in,my.carriage and hurry to body, I will obey, and not before." known, and my whereabouts easily found—Carl Dealer In FIRST-CL ASS cry and forget all about it." Thompson's; tell him 1 want ball put in for my pri- As for Podauger, he signified his readiness to obey Schurz knows that. BEEF, LAMB, vate secretary, let the amount be what it may. As The little head shook violently in the negative as by seating himself In an arm-chair and stretching out 1 cannot devote valuable space in a prominent paper VEAL, MUTTON) EU you return stop at the department, and tell Foghorn I the fond father gently stroked the soft hair. Suddenly his legs with the air of a man who meant to stay. to answer the article right through, as 1 would like, want him to appear before the coroner's Inquest as CORNED BEEF A SPECIALTY. she looked up fiercely through her tears and said: " Then you won't go ?" asked the detective. and in the vein whioh the very clownish article lays attorney for Mr. Redmund. Now hurry." Stalls 628, 629 and 630 Center Market, Ninth street " No, I won't kill myself, but I won't have that Mr, "Certainly not," replied Storkinning. itself open to. "Is he not a Republican?" Yes; so wing; and 206 and 208 Northern Liberty Market or ad- "Now, Mr. Secretary," said Mrs, Dawn, rising, I Flintbum you like so much. There, now, just con- "Well, I'll remain until the chief returns, and he'll was Belknap and a hall dozen others. Well, the dress Box 713 City Post Office. Marketing delivered » will take my leave. 1 have not words to lhank you sider that settled." whole article Is too poor to give prominence to In a free of charge to all parts of the city. declO-lyS remov"Vere yyou. good" . You can go or you can stay. You "So much the worse for poor Flintbum. But, for your kindness." THE CAPITAL.--NOYEMBER 18,1877. 3

tinguished New England lady who, when Joaquin since without informing any of his friends of his JEWELBY, LITERAKY NOTES. Miller made his first wild-Mexican-a-horseback entry movements or intentions. The papers of that city Into our poetical literature, is said to have warmly noticed his sudd en disappearance with some appre- THESTE,NAU 1 1 "UJTDERBRU3H," James T. Field's little book of es- and gratefully " thanked God"—we should like to hension of its cause. The gentleman had come to JEWELRY CO.'Si ;FOR CHS BOLLASI! ™ - Chicago with direct and fierce iatent to call out" CASKET« says, published a i, w weeks ago, has readied a third see her reading, for example, the passage in which And New Illustrated Catalogue, with instructions how to become Agents. edition. Mr. Miller sings the song of the lady of pills, so to the physician v hom he regarded us the deseorator of speak, In this second division of his poem; or that his home and the destroyer of his peace. The doctor "THAT WIFE cm MIME," if ope mayjudge from the other passage, in which the belle from Cincinnati is had been informed of Mr. Binckley'3 arrival in the current advertisements, is likely soon to become the poet's figuratively pork-fatted theme. We fancy city and its purpose, and was prepared to defend him- common property. the New England lady alluded to would suddenly self by force or by craft, as he might prefer. The re- PROFESSOR TEITCH, a Scotchman, has in prepara- come to the conclusion of all true critics, that ten lines ticence of the physician with regard to meeting his tion a book on the prolific and interesting subject, of simple, sincere, unblatant poetry—a sonnet of accuser has certainly a strange aspect, but it can "The History and Poetry of the Border." Wordsworth, for example; an ode of Keets, or an idyl readily be accounted for by the fact that he was be- like Tennyson's Dora, each being an image of what yond doubt fully aware of Mr. BincKlcy's irascible PARKE GODWIN'S "Cyclopaedia of Biography," Keets described as and fierce temper, and understood the peril in whioh published many years ago, is announced for early re- he stood therefrom. Mr. Binckley, calling at his " Might half-slumbering on its own right arm," publication in a new and greatly enlarged edition, by office several times, was never able to find him in, each powerfully held within the delicate but lasting Hiird & Houghton. and finally wrote a letter to the physician, challeng- restraints of art, is always worth more than reams of ing him to " mortal combat " and declaring that" the " VOLTAIRE," by Colonel E. B. Hamley, is pub- •uch Sybilline leaves as fly fast, frantic and furious fight must go on until one is dead." The doctor lished by J. B. Lippincott Co.,|as the second install- from the pen and fingers of the long-haired " poet of then, acting under the advice of his lawyer and his ment of the series of " Foreign Classics for English the Sierras." own fear of personal injury, swore out a warrant Headers," edited by Mrs. Oliphant. THE third and last volume of Henri Van Laun's. against Mr. Binckley for threatening his life, and had A LEIPSIO publisher, Herr Grunow, has in prepara- "History of French Literature" has been published by him arrested and bound over to keep the peace. So tion a series of German translations, edited by the G. P. Putnam & Sons, and has reierence to the most the matter stands, and all of his many friends hope well-known novelist, Paul Heyse, from the Italian interesting and important period in the literary his- that with this it will end; that time and the sooth- novelists of the nineteenth century. tory of Franoe following the reign of Louis XIX., in- ing help of friends may gradually restore the worn cluding the great French Revolution, and down to the and anxious mind of Mr. B inckley, and remove from THE " Narrative of a Blockade Runner" is an inter- close of Louis Philippe's reign. The volume is divided it the sad delusion which has broken up his home and esting volume by J. Wilkinson, who was a oaptain in into four books, entitled, "The Forerunners of the separated from him his loving wife and children. the Confederate navy and frequently ran the Federal Revolution," "The Revolution," "The Empire and the blockade. It is published by Sheldon & Co. A good deal of excitement has been aroused among Our Imperial Casket contain*) one pair of Lady's Bracelets, one Roman Neck Chain and Locket, one set Restoration," and "The Reign of Louis Philippe." or Studs, one pair of Sleeve Buttons, one Lady's Set (Ear-rings and Pin), one Seal Ring, one engraved "Friend- us of late by- the frequent recurrence of robberies, " A KNIGHT OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY," Kev. The literary and social atmosphere of France preced- ship" Ring, one Plain Ring, one embossed Collar Button; all of which are the finest gold-plate, warran- large and small. The details of the Palmer House ted to stand the test of solid erold, and exactly as represented by the engravings in this announcement. E. P. Roe's latest novel, (E. P. Dutton & Co., pub- ing and during the Revolution is sketched with clear- On receipt of One Dollar we will send this grand array of elegant Jewelry, securely packed in a beau- robbery are too long for use here. After that was made tiful morocco casket, postpaid, to any address. Our illustrated catalogue accompanies every casket free. lishers,) has the characteristics of that writer's pre- ness and reasonable fullness of detail; and the au- public, the peculiar circumstances connected there- "Having one of the Imperial Caskets in our possession, we must say, that, while the articles are n thor's picture of the new literature whioh arose with solid gold, they are beautiful imitations and very pretty, each particular piece being equally as good as are vious fiction, and is gaining the same remarkable with were found to bear so striking a similarity to the new order of things—with his extensive survey sold in the city Jewelry stores."—EDITORS' HOME AND FARM. popularity. those of previous thefts, that people became suspi- " An honorable house, entitled to the confidence of their patrons."—EDITOR CHRISTIAN WORLD. of poets, historians, critics, novelists and dramatists "We endorse the high order of respectability attached to the Steinau Jewelry Co."—ED. BOSTON GLOBE. cious that these were but items in the plans of a THE third volume of Theodore Martin's "Life of whose only survivors, perhaps, at the beginning of the " To assure our patrons of our responsibility, we refer to any reliable business house in Cincinnati, and regularly organized band of thieves. But the ques- by permission to the commercial agency of Tappan, McKillop andtCo." Mail all orders to the Prince Consort," which will be published next present year were Thiers and Victor Hugo—is no less tion of deepest interest to us, is how far the police are month, will include the Crimean war period, and will satisfactory. Mr. Van Laun's three volumes make, STEINAU JEWELRY COMPANY, No. 5 Arcade, CINCINNATI, 0. acquainted with the intentions and plans of these therefore have great interest in connection with the without doubt, the best and most comprehensive work We know, and the detectives know, that Chicago is We have the best Imitation Gold Watch In the Market for Trading Eastern question. onFronch literature yet written in our language. • Purposes. The metal is a composition of other metals, so closely resemo- made every winter the rendezvous of an army of i ling gold that the best Judges find it dlili- "THE Green Yault in Dresden," by Dr. Graeife, ? cult to detect tho difference, except by a "MONDAY CHATS "IS a volume of selections from tramps of more or les3 desperate character. But director of the world-renowned Saxon treasure-cham- * chemical test, and it has tho virtues re-', the famous "Causeries du Lundi" of M. Sainte- why, with such a force of detectives, should it seem i quisite to make it the best substitute i ber, is illustrated by one hundred plates, which include lor gold known. ©GENUINE AMERI- Beuve, the great French critic, translated by Profes- absolutely impossible to obtain any trace whatever of CAN MOVEMENT. EXPANSION BAL- drawings representing three hundred of the most im- •ANCE. BEAUTIFULLY ENGRAVED OK sor William Matthews, LL, D., and published byS. the perpetrators of these crimes? The police have portant objects in the collection. ENGINE TURNED HUNTING * CASES, C. Griggs & Co. of Chicago—the book being printed, been put upon the tracks of these villains, not once, and equal In appearance to a COLD WATCH THAT COSTS from "MILTIADES PETEIIKIN PAUL: His Adventures," it is reported, on a paper manufactured out of mummy- but dozens of times, but that no result has followed $ 150 to $200. ATTRACTION! Goethe's parents, and finally the poet's letters to CHICAGO, November 5, 1877. monte. Their whole souls and bodies seem absorbed ¿Sophie Laroche from 1772 to 1775. The correspondence The weather and the election continue to constitute in the game. Their restless eyes wander only from Over Half a Million Distributed. and papers included have been in the possession of the most engrossing topics of conversation among us; the cards to the nickles and "bits" which they lay Herr V. Bernus oi "Stift Neuburg," and will for the but as these are of like disagreeableness at present, down. They speak no words; the dim light falls on a crowd of motley figures, red-sashed, silver-buttoned, 908 Pennsylvania Avenue, Louisiana State Lottery Company. first time be made public. the former as monotonous as the latter is exciting, we This institution was regularly incorporated by the will waive them for the present. The momentous attired in all the bravery of the Mexican fashion, or Legislature of the State for Educational and Charita- DONALD G. MITCHELL ("Ik Marvel") has prepared question of" the best man " is to be decided, in the covered only with the remnants of nondescript gar- ble purposes in 1808, with a Capital of $1,000,000, to . a book for the young folks entitled, "About Old Story- ments ; and the silence is deathlike. They do not which it has since added a reservo fund of $350,000. several instances impending, by to-morrow's ballots, ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DRAWINGS will Tellers," giving the history and literary gossip of the and none better than Washingtonians know the re- quarrel; a knife flashes sometimes, and that ends it take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. great stories of the world and their writers, with ire- sults of a free use of money and whisky on such at once. WASHINGTON, D. C. Look at the following Distributions: • quent summaries of the stories themselves, in his own important occasion«?. Wherefore, it is not worth San Antonio has changed wonderfully in the last GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, agreeable fashion. The Arabian Nights Tales, Robin- my while to risk my opinion as a prophet by promul- fifty years. From a quaint Mexican oasis in a desert During which will take place tho ¿son Crusoe and its author, the Brothers Grimm, Wal- gating predictions concerning either side. When the of Indains it has become a thriving G-erman-Mexican We are prepared, with every facility, for ter Scott and his stories for the grandchildren, " Paul suffrages of the public have settled the matter, I can Extraordinary Semi-Annual Drawing, town, with modern improvements that fill the oldest At New Orleans, Tuesday, December 11, under the and Virginia," and other tales from the French—these come in for a sort of postthumous reputation by tell- inhabitants with sad amazement. personal supervision and management of are some of his subjects. The volume will be pub- ing you through what signs and tokens 1 always "It is so different now," said a middle-aged Texan GENERAL G. T. BEAUREGAKD of Louisiana Engraving and Printing and GENERAL JUBAL A. liAELY of Virginia. lished, with many illustrations, by Scribner, Arm- knew the nature of the ultimate result. matron, trying to repress a regretful sigh," there used- CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. strong & Co. to be right smart of Injlns here. Many a time have 1 A far different matter from that of the quarrels of •fl®*Notice.—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, local politicans, and one which is, doubtless, of much looked out of our door and spied 'em killing emi- THE new volume of hitherto uncollected, and for the $5. Quarters, $3.50. Eighths, $1.25. greater interest to the readers of THE CAPITAL, is that grants in the mesquite bushes. It is different now." most part unpublished, prose and verse, by Thomas BANK NOTES, BONDS ANI) COMMERCIAI. LIST OF FRIZES: of the unhappy domestic affairs of Mr. John M. No doubt the worthy lady finds it dull after so much 1 CAPITAL PR IZ E OF «100,000....:.... $100,000 Moore, is obtained chiefly from Moore's own manu- 1 GRAN 1) PRIZE OF 50,000 50,000 Binckley, a gentleman who, previously for some excitement; but then there is an occasional murder to : scripts and other fresh material, for whioh Mr. R. H. 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 20,000 20 000 years a resident of Chicago, has for the past twelve keep things lively, and one has the delightful -Shepherd has ransacked every literary nook and cor- WORK OF EVERY KIND, &o. 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20,000 months lived in Milwaukee. All those who remem- consciousness of knowing that the murderer may. 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000 20,000 ner of England. It will include his " Note Books 20 PRIZES OF 1,000 20,000 ber the slightly bent form, prematurely old, the heavy come out of jail in a few months and kill somebody and Commonplace Books," much fresh correspond- WM. H. PHILIP, President. 60 " 500 26,000 eyebrows vailing the kindly grey eyes, the plain else. Nobody is ever hung for murder here. A man ence, the original draughts of his principal writings, GEO. T. JONES, Vice President. 100 " 300 30,000 features that yet wore the stamp of the real integrity ought to be hung for horse stealing, but for murder!— JOHN W. WATERS, Secretary. 200 " 200 40,000 " M. P., or the Blue Stocking," a comio opera in three 600 " 100 60,000 of the man's character, and lighted up so wonderfully that is too much ! Justice is justice, but justice aots, his original manuscript notes for the " Life of J. M. VAN BUSKIRK, Treasurer. 10,000 " 10 100,000 by the rare smile, cannot but feel a touch of pity at shouldn't be expected to destroy the bone and sinew Lord Byron,'? the suppressed portions of "Lalla APPROXIMATION FRIZES the thought of the sad story of his life. Still more of the country. I 100 Approximation Prizes of $200 20,000 Bookh" and many uncollected songs. will those who knew the man, his line culture of mind 100 do do 100 10,000 The people here don't seem to care half as much 100 do do "5 7,500 " SURSUM CONDA" is the slightly affected L»'in and the sterling goodness that underlies his idio- about the Rio G-rande business as we of the North do. THE PARKER GUM. title given to a collection of verses, mostly of a re- syncrasies, feel Keen regret at knowing of the shadow The fair has opened, and that is of much greater im- 11,279 Prizes, amounting to $622,500 ligious character, gathered from the by-ways rather that has darkened that mind, of the strange delusion GEN. G. T. BEAUREGAKD of La.,) portance. Unfortunately the race-track was spoiled GEN. JUBAL A. EARLY of Va„ $ UemmiS than from the highways of poetical literature, by the that has robbed the struggling life of the little bright- by the rain. Write for Circulars or send orders to editor of " Q,uiet Hours"—an earlier collection of some- ness which fate has granted it. Some of our dainty demoiselles de la haute volee M. A. DAUPHIN, P. O. Box 692 New Orleans, La. what similar character—whioh Roberts Brothers of Mr. J. M. Binckley is of Southern origin, and, should see the Texan girls ride in for the fair; Boston have published in a neat little volume. Its previous to the war, was a clerk in the Department mounted on hardy little mustangs. Sometimes the MONTHLY DRAWING, Tuesday, Jan. 8,1878. aim is to uplift, cheer and spiritually strengthen in- of the Interior in Washington. Whllo there he mar- rider and mustang are nearly covered by a huge sun- Capital Prize, $30,000. Tickets, $2. each. Halves, $1. novll-4t5 valids, such as are sick in soul or body. The poems ried his wife, a beautiful young girl of one of the first bonnet; at others, the rider boasts a rechauffe of chosen are, for the most part, simple and unpreten- Virginian families. Resigning his office later, he former fashions borrowed from an ancient fashion- SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR tious, many of them from dead or living American pursued his profession (of law) in thecapftal, and be- book. I saw a fair creature in a hooped gown canter THE PERFECT TEA STEEPER. writers, who are hardly to be classed as poets at all, gan also the pursuit of literature. Under the admin- into one of the plazas, evidently conscious of being PARKER BROS and some of them poetioally commonplace enough, istration of Johnson he was appointed assistant at- perfectly " point device in her accoutrements." The but yet, doubtless, wellsuited to reach and minister to torney general, an office which he held for nearly hoop was not very graceful on horseback, but it had a WEST MERlDENjCT. the mind or heart diseased, for which they are inten- three years. At the close of the term he lost this novel eflect, and was greatly admired by some of the ded. office, and then came to Chicago and began the prac- critical loungers, of whom there are always plenty. tice of his profession here. He did not meet with the Sep23-ti7 JOAQUIN MILLER has not added to his reputation as A Texan girl, if she live in the country, generally success which his talents really deserved. Though IEL.IX DESFOSSk'S a poet by the publication, through G. W. Carle ton & possesses one unique accomplishment. She can lasso possessed of fine natural abilities and exceptionally FRKN€H BAKERY. Co., of " The Baroness of New York," as his latest the wildest cow while you would be thinking of F wide attainments, his whole life has been one of (Established 1859.) production in verse is called. It is a sort of " half-alll- mounting your horse. This lassoing business re- 18 YEARS OF INCREASING- SUCCESS. struggle. He is one of those men who are never gator and half-horse " production—the alligator part, quires a well-trained horse, a firm seat in the saddle FELIX DESFOSSE, valued by the world as they deserve, simply because The well known and only real French Baker In Wash- a growth oi tropical luxuriance, being its first divi- and a steel-like strength of wrist, besides long prac- they cannot flatter and fawn upon wealth and power. ington, is now at No. 2012 H street N. W., where he has sion, located somewhere on the Mexican-Pacific coast; tice. She delights in long curls that flow down her He was connected for some time with the Lakeside greater facilities than before tor the manufacture oi while the second division has to do with Fifth avenue back. She is as healthy as an Amazon should be, and the best French and American bread. Monthly, a periodical which, like kimself, was nover and Central Park in New York city. The first part is sometimes very pretty. If she live in town, she does FRENCH BREAD A SPECIALTY. justly estimated in Chicago. During the struggle to N. B.—French Bread is recommended lor persons oi poetical after Mr. Miller's poetical manner. His chief not do much, for colored labor is cheap, and it is a maintain his family here in the position to which delicate health, especially for those suffering irom poetical power consists in a sort of wild and reckless rare thing to find in San Antonion households young dyspepsia. Beware of imitations. se2-ly3 their birth entitled them, his wife, patient, gentle, description of savage nature, with something of " The ladies who have any knowledge of household affairs. true, was ever his kind coadjutor. Strange indeed light that never was on sea or land"—but certainly Emigrants are pouring into Texas, and the trains was it that the effect of failing health and burdened very little of "the consecration " that should accom- southward are filled with them. The colonies will no J. F. ELL8S & CO., This valuable improvement consists in the combina- mind should be to turn his heart from her—his one SOLE AGENTS FOB pany this—thrown, here and there, luridly in. Strik- doubt do well. A little capital goes a great way here; tion of Lamp, Boiler, &c., with tho Teapot; the steam and best comfort in life. The green-eyed monster en- passing around and through the center oi the pot, ing in occasional phrases, lines and passages, we find but men, waiting for something to turn up, without tered this quiet, humble household—a strange resort THE CELEBRATED CHICKERING steeping the tea without boiling, thus securing in each of his books of verse pretty much the same capital or an expectation of having hard work to do, indeed for a spirit so heartless and so cruel. During A PERFECT CIII' OF TEA. thing repeated over and over, until his manifestly had better stay at home. the family's residence in Chicago they had made the " easy "-free-and-easy—" writing " proves, according A great wrong has been done by the unprincipled FAMOUS WEBER PIANOS acquaintance of a rising young physician, and the DIRECTIONS FOR USE.—Make the tea as usual to somebody's happy and familiar critical diction, representations made, presumedly in the interest of young man had been on intimate terms in the home with boiling water) and nil the boiler about half full of the railroads, of the unequaled facilities which Texas d—d hard leading." It has rhythmical music, but for several years. It was against this friend that Mr. hot water; set the pot on the boiler and let it stand on offers to poor settlers. It has advantages, no doubt; THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN! tho stove, and the water boiling in the boiler will steep* it is a cheap music, borrowed largely from Swinburne, Binckley's suspicions were turned four weeks since. the climate is invariably pleasant, land is cheap and, the tea without boiling in the pot, it being a well- (who distinguished himself in it rather than invented Pianos and Organs Careiully Tuned and Repaired known fact among experts in tea that It;) it has force, but it is a rude, muscular force, with Being a man of quick and fierce passions, to sus- as a cattle-raising country, it is without peer ; but it by skillful workmen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tea Boiled is Tea Spoiled. none oi the restraint of art whioh in all the greatest pect in the slightest particular was to fully believe is not an agricultural country, taken as a whole* 937 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NEAR TENTH STREET and best poetry disguises force in grace; what else has the offense committed, and he thereupon charged his Parts of it contain extremely rich land, on which al- wife with criminality of the worst character. To this most anything will grow easily, but the majority of its it? It has no thought to speak of; little, if any, R. F. HARVEY, For sale at wholesale by ideal beauty; little, if any, suggestiveness, since the reply of denial was of no avail, and the unhappy land is fit only for cattle. In Western Texas water is the public is never content to leave anything un- wife went home to her relatives in Virginia until her even more valuable than land. M. P. E. ELASTIC LAMP CO., said. The second geographical division of the husband's angry feelings should pass away, taking "poem"—and Mr. Miller's poetry is, perhaps, her children with her. But, left to himself, the 58 Murray Street, Netv York. jealous man did not come to reason. Brooding upon —An ex-Maryland senator said he was going to "the 933 F Street Worth-west. best desoribed as geographical—is fearfully and won- Theater Comi-cue to see Milly Rosy dance." He had his fancied wrongs, he left Milwaukee a few weeks At retail at all Crockery and llouse-Furnishlng derfully made. up. We should like to see that dis- seen Mile. De Rosa advertised. decl9-tfl Stores. my20-ti8 4 THE CAPITAL.--NOYEMBER18,1877 . 3

Transportation extraordinary would be That is beautiful. It is so original that it THE WASHINGTON c0RRESP0NDENT0f the THE North American Review, in its latest number, gives us an Illustration of the slavish subser- THE CAPITAL. avoided from far stations, at Government defies translation. It is like Bully Bottom's New York Tribune Is responsible for the following dream, which Bully B. said a man were a yarn: viency of the press to the money-power. This number expense, to this penal settlement for hein- " In this connection Mr. Evarts is said to refer to an opens with six short articles on resumption of specie pay WASHINGTON CITY. ous crimes, such as missing an observation, stuffed ass who tried to translate it. Pro- incident of which ho has personal knowledge, where ment. FIi e o: these are by as many noted writers audi fessor Masson made the attempt, and we Mr. Sanford's success in dinner-giving proved very speakers on financial subjects, including the Hon. W.. ormaking aninvidious distinction in a figure useful to the Government and the country during tue between form 4 and form 22, and abetter had to lock him up in a closet to keep him war, when French opinion was not as cordial to tho D. Kelley and Hon. Thomas Ewing. We learn from• SUNDAY ÏIOKMNG NOVEMBER 18, 1877. United States Government as it was desired it might class of men would enter the service. Let from palling out all his remaining back these gentlemen and the publication itself, that they be, and when the rebel ship Shenandoah was In a were called upon by tho editor to furnish their essays the Military Committee go on where their hair. port of France. Mr. Dayton was our minister to France, Charles Francis Adams our minister to within twenty-four hours, on the ground, as under- THE CAPITAL has a Larger predecessors in the last Congress left off, Happy thought. Let us send over an England and Mr. Sanford our minister to Belgium. stood, that more time could not be given before the Circulation, both Local and by Mail, American boarding-house. We will aston- Mr. Evarts, at the request of President Linooln, went publication of the Review. The gentlemen thus ap- and recommend that the weather service be to France for the purpose ot bringing about a better than all the Other Sunday Papers of transferred to the Treasury Department, ish the foreigners and get clear of one nui- understanding between our Government and that of pealed to hurried on their hastily-expressed opinions,, Washington Combined. where red tape is not so paramount and sance. the French. Upon arriving there he found that the and now learn that their essays were forwarded in. stories he had heard of Mr. Dayton's inability to es- proof to John Sherman, with a request that he should, military glory is not. tablish intimate personal relations with the French tgp Our contributors and communicants government were true. He had never been Invited to review them, which this elongated financial agony- We have striven in this article to speak MINOR NOTES. dinner by the French premier, Drouyn De L'Huys; modestly did. are requested to get their matter in the had never entertained that minister at the American calmly and without feeling upon this mat- This was a trick of which arural editor of thecounty office by or before Thursday. This will be THE POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT, from the legation, and seemed to have no ability to place him- ter; but the fact is that the so-called signal fact that its destinies have been entrusted to an ex- self in close personal relations with the French printing would be ashamed. It is a shameful breach* apt to insure its publication in the succeed- servioe is such an illustration of the ten- government. Mr. Evarts, In order to accomplish the of trust, that ought to fetch upon the editor of the- Confederate general and a Democrat, excites a curi- object of his mission, desired to have a tew hours ing issue. dency to extravagance in our Government osity, not unmixed with hope, among all those who are social chat with the French premier. After spend- Review the just condemnation of honorable men. that we lose patience in its discussion. It well-wishers to tlie present administration. Judge Key ing several days with Mr. Dayton he found that he Why Messrs. Kelley and Ewing should be sub- had made no progress, and that it seemed almost Im- jected to the wrong and indignity of having tlieir- THE SIGNAL SERVICE. is of a confiding, unsuspicious nature, and under the possible to get access to the French administration is a wasteful expenditure of money based hastlly expressed opinions, or any opinions, submitted The experience of the last lew years has guidance oi' the unscrupulous chief officials by whom through any facilities which the American embassy on the profoundest ignorance. The average he found himself surrounded upon his accession to could offer him. In the meantime, and while attempt- without their consent to the criticism of any man,., fully developed the extreme utility of a congressman who reads the weather report the Cabinet, finds himself Secretary in but little ing to devise some means ot reaching the French makes a question we are unable to answer. But the premier, Mr. Evarts spent a day at the capital ot weather bureau, and the necessity of a suffi- in the morning over his abominable coffee, more than name. In the interest of the public, by Belgium, and incidentally at dinner mentioned the Insult is aggravated by the reviewer being John Sher- cient number of stations for meteorological to know whether he shall take his cotton which and for which THE CAPITAL exists, we intend, purpose of his visit to Minister Sanford. The latter man, a man whose Ignorance, of financial subjects is from time to time, to turn the blaze of a calcium light Immediately replied that It Mr. Evarts wished it, he only equaled by his impudence. He has not enough observations, with telegraphic facilities for umbrella to the House or not, regards one of (Sanford) would arrange it so that, he could drink ability to be called a charlatan. the transmission of the same to some cen- the simplest processes as a profound mys- on the dark and devious ways of the P. O. D., that wine all of the next night with the French premier. he who runs may read." Mr. Evarts said that that was What he desired above • tral point at which the probabilities are tery. This is shared with the average citi- all things; that it was, indeed, the principal objeotof Under almost any remembered administration that cast for the ensuing twenty-four hours. his mission. Mr. Sanford, who, according to Mr. THE FINANCIAL SOLONS who advocate a zen ; so that to keep up the wonderful prog- department has been open to' animadversion and hos- Evarts, seemed to be on the most friendly terms In England, and a great part of northern paper currency are amazingly confused In their ideas nostication money is poured out like wa- tile criticism. Its mail contractors are, and seem as a with the king of the Belgians, immediately visited the king and told him of his desire that Drouyn De concerning the subject. Thus wo have the assertion- Europe, the weather service observations ter, without question and of course without class to be, with few exceptions, bold, bad men, un- L'Huys should invite Mr. Evarts and a friend or two planked in all their platforms, that It Is necessary to- are taken from the numerous telegraph sta- scrupulous in their methods of obtaining contracts to dine with him the next Wednesday. The Belgian investigation. have su fflclent currenoy to meet the wants of trade— tions by the operators, the government of and corrupt to the measure of contemptuous insolence king, without hesitation, acted upon Mr. Sanford's An investigation would develop a waste- suggestion, and immedintely communicated his re- • Then from the same people we hear that the currency in their fulfillment. A rich ring, powerful, adroit and Great Britain furnishing the necessary in- ful expenditure of money that is growing quest to the French minister. The result was that must be gauged per capita. Now, if currency is con- more thoroughly organized than any ring which ever Mr." Evarts received the invitation he desired, and struments therefor, and the probabilities trolled by trade, it cannot be measured by popula- upon us from year to year, and the fact, as existed under the scarlet shame of Belknap and the Issue of his social chat with the French premier are foretold with far greater exactness than was that he obtained a written order prohibiting the tion. If, on the contrary, it Is to be fixed in volume we have stated above, that the signal part Kobeson in the War and Navy Departments, controls departure of the Shenandoah from the ports of by population, it cannot be measured by trade. " N ou in the United States, at a cost of only ten the expenditure of the vast sums paid for the carrying France." of the concern belongs to West Point and pays yer money, (and very bad money it is,) and ye thousand pounds sterling per annum. This of the public malls by steamboat, stage and rail. No the Naval Academy, if anywhere, and in its Now this is the monstrous manner in which grave takes yer choice." system," at a comparatively trifling cost, ad- wrong, however gross an outrage of justice, is too diplomatic events go to record. The facts are these: present position it is a costly whim carried If per capita is to be the rule, why not strengthen mits of several hundred stations, whenoe great for this ring to perpetrate. It is wary as well as Sanford was in Paris when the Hon. William M. on for the gratification of one officer, and of our position by taking, say, the interior ol Africa,, safe to strike first at the head of the anaconda; then Evarts and Mr. Dayton were hanging about the for- returns are made to the central office, where heads are abundant and trade is nix; or take no sort of use to the Government or the the tall will die. eign office, like poor boys at a frolic, with not the re- from which orders emanate for the display Congress, where trade is heavy and heads nix ? We country. Brady, second assistant postmaster general, with- motest hope of getting an interview. His Imperial of cautionary signals along the coast, the think of opening a^class for financial beginners: Easy Tyner, assumes to run the Post-Office Department, Insignificance, Louis . Napoleon, was in a very prognostications of probabilities are sent lessons for feeble minds. We may be over-confident,., disregards the action of the Postmaster General, and bad humor, and the fear prevailed that if HEWITT'S AMERICAN KITCHEN. but we believe that by giving, say, an hour a day to forth, and weather maps issued for distribu- in their struggle to re-Mortonize the department, are Messrs. Evarts and Dayton went about the our esteemed iriend, the Hon. Plg-lron, we cau get a tion, in such a systematic manner as to give An average congressman, who comes to plainly intriguing for his downfall. palace of the Tuileries they would be kicked correct financial idea in his congressional skull some warning everywhere in due time of the the surface ,only in a call of the House, or out by some of the imperial flunkies. Sanford It is only recently, in a case before the department, time before the Lord relieves us of his presence, by was, as we have said, in Paris, pushing tho sale of a probable meteoric changes, for the benefit when the yeas and nays are demanded, and he persistently misrepresented the facts of record in removing him to that other world, where, owing to lts- patent ointment, when he heard of Messrs. Evarts of mariners, agriculturists and, indeed, then responds to the name of Hewitt, is very his office to the Postmaster General as many as three caloric condition, a paper currency is impossible. every one likely to be affected thereby. anxious to have an American kitchen put different times, and caused the Postmaster G-eneral as and Dayton's trouble. He immediately set about a remedy. He knew that the reason of the emperor's on show at the Paris exposition. many times to decide the claim adversely to the claim- The preceding facts suggest the idea that ant. On the first deolslon the counsel lor claimant bad temper was a cruel attack of that disease which WE ARE gratified to learn, from the al- there must be something extravagantly and We do not know Mr. Hewitt personally. asked for a review and submission of the question to eventually proved his death. This Imperial Highness most unanimous testimony of the Georgia press, that, radically wrong in the modus operandi of We believe he answers to the christian ap- the Attorney General for his opinion, which was was so afflicted that he had to eat his meals from off a the tendency of the canvass for the legislature now- he weather bureau, otherwise known as pellation of Abraham, and does something granted, and through Brady's instrumentality the mantel-piece, and would howl like a Camanohe In- pending in that State is to assure the re-election of dian whenever he attempted to hinge upon his center. the signal service of the United States. in the way of glue. We have a dim recol- case went to the Attorney General, not only on a false General Gordon to the Senate. The South always- statement of facts, but upon a false issue, eliciting an understood the secret of power In deliberative bodies,- As retrenchment is now the order of the lection of Abraham being mixed up with Sanford consulted Drouyn De L'Huys, who called in opinion, not as to whether the claim could be paid, (the the High Custodian of the Bootjack, who volunteered and acted upon it by re-electing its representative men. day it is the duty of the national legisla- our one-eyed one, Sammy Tilden, in some real issue,) but as to whether it could be paid out of a as long as they were physically able to per- scandalous manner, which led to Sammy's to have some of Sanford's soothing life-saving oint- tors to enter deeply into the question of certain appropriation, (which question the most igno- ment tried upon himself, to prove that at least it was form the functions of office. No Southern senator hao- what causes such an enormous outlay of loss of the presidency and our grief. The rant employé of the department could have decided harmless. This experiment being a success, Saniord greater power and prestige than Gordon. No other money (about one million annually) in at- particulars of this scandal have quite es- without the aid of any one.) was introduced into the palace, disguised as an Indian man who might be elected could hope to replace him taining ends that in no way compare as to caped us. We believe, however, Abraham Counsel again asked reconsideration by the Post- root doctor, and as such applied with his own hands in the estimation of his colleagues and of the whole- country. He is in the prime ol life and at the thresh- reliability with those of our transatlantic wanted an action of Ejectment, or a suit of master General, and was this time only able to get the patent Sanford soothing life-saving ointment. The Forcible Entry and Retainer—perhaps it the real facts partially before him, and in consequence emperor experienced such relief that he created San- old of that commanding Influence which nothing neighbors. but experience can bring to a member ol the Senate. was Replevin, can't remember—before a the case was again decided against the claimant. ford Count d' Hemorrhoids and decorated him with an In the first place, there should be a Counsel again appealed to the Postmaster General empty bottle suspended from a blue ribbon, and then Georgia, which is the Empire State of the South,., Court of Common Pleas, to get possession searching investigation into the records of for a reference to the Attorney General for his opin ion ; gave him the order restraining the sailing of the could ill afford to displace Gordon. That her people of the President's chair. Any way it was are aware of this fact is attested by the press reports the chief signal office; to ascertain if it be the case was again so referred, and through the in- Shenandoah, which Mr. Sanford handed the unhappy something quite feeble and depressing. fluence of Brady another false statement of the facts diplomates that night. of the progress of the canvass to which we have al- essential to have over one hundred clerks luded. And now the Hon. Hewitt, of patent glue, was certified to the Attorney General for his deci- This is the true story. The above absurd one origi- and seven officers to receive and work up sion on them. reports from only seventy odd stations, and which in the presidential affair did not nated in the egotism of Mr. Evarts, who must mix Counsel obtained copy of reference, and seeing that himself up in a prominent way with all grave events. IT IS A PITTY that so clever a gentleman why it is necessary for a large portion of stick, instigated by the devil, in a heart the case was again Bradyized, remonstrated against the Of course he drank wine with Drouyn De L'Huys. and ripe a scholar as Pelxotto should be banished to them to be employed in correspondence prone to evil, with malice aforethought, outrage and appealed to the Postmaster General, tell- Don't doubt it. We are prepared to make affidavit Russia. What particular grudge Secretary Evarts- with the observers at the stations aforesaid, wants our Government to set up an Amer- ing him that Brady had imposed upon him by falsely that the two were blind drunk every night. But what hps against Mr. Pelxotto don't appear; but It does on subjects that in no way are concerned ican kitchen at the Paris Exposition, that representing the facts in the case, and asking the has that to do with Sanford's ointment (patent) and seem to us, If the Government wished to recognize the. with the weather or, meteoric observations Europe may see in amazement how corn privilege of a personal examination of the records. the Shenandoah—eh? services of one of the most gallant and meritorious of or changes. Then it is suggested respect- dodgers are created. Of course American This was granted, and a transcript taken. The Post- the officers of the United States civil servioe, a better master General then ordered the custodian of the re- fully that the amount of mail matter re- coffee will be added. That strange and sub- position than that of the desolate capital of the Czar cords to certify to their correctness, which was done, VALUABLE BOOKS now on hand and ready tle compound we call coffee, which tastes Peter might have been found. However, as Mr. ceived be a subject to engage the attention and then, for the first time, was the Postmaster Gen- for delivery: Pelxotto has finally concluded to accept the post, we,, of the inquisitors, and to see whether there like Hewitt and dish-water flavored with eral made acquainted with the true facts in the case. HEWITT ON HOT-CORN. in common with his host of friends—and their name is not a great deal of useless repetition of re- old moccasins, must of course be added to He promptly sent these facts to the Attorney General, This is a very useful work indeed, being dyspepsia Is legion—ought to be satisfied. Hitherto our rela- turns, that only increase work without any wash down the corn dodgers, so that Euro- and he as promptly decided the case in favor of the in print. tions with Russia have been of a purely sentimental- benefit accruing whatever. It is necessary peans, seeing and tasting, can say, "This is claimant. EVARTS ON EVARTS—in nine hundred and ninety-two character, in which the Muscovite has had all the ad- that full an^d complete observations of all the diet of a people possessed of a constitu- The day after .this decision was rendered the Post- volumes and three sentences. vantage, as he palmed oil on us that dreary waste meteoric changes should be taken, but, as tion and a Hewitt, and yet they live." master General left the city and Brady became Post- This work is a library in itself that no public man known as Alaska. At a time when we are seeking to- master General pro tern. He had said from the start should be without. It teaches him what to avoid. build up our commerce and spread our manufactures we said before, the telegraphic observations It was Dogberry who boasted of his losses that the claim should not be paid if he could help it, CONKLING'S ADVICE TO THE ALMIGHTY. Satin sur- Russia ought to be one of the countries where we ought are the only ones on which, with the ex- and set the world upon the grin; but it re- if the Attorney General should decide in favor of its face, gilt edge, hot pressed and bound in calf. to succeed ; and 11 this be possible, Pelxotto is the man perience of the recorded data of former mains for us to brag of our boiled, baked payment. A most extraordinary work. to cultivate such relations as will tend to this end. BUTLER ON SILVERWARE. years, the probabilities are founded. The and fried dyspepsia. Brady's first act as pro tem. was to send for a corre- local observations are granted to be spondent of the New York Times, showed him the de- Very costly. We are a brave people. Small doubt of HON. PIG-IRON KELLEY ON INFLATION OP THE LUNGS. of the greatest importance, and as cision of the Attorney General and dictated a false THE NATIONAL INDECENCY of sending. that. We defy the Indian tribes to mortal A very remarkable book and cheap. In the name of Henry Sanford to tho Senate as min- year after year rolls by, each with and scandalous account oi the case, which was pub- combat, and after swindling them out of lished in said paper with the flaming heading : "The HON. TOM EWING ON PARLIAMENTARY LAW. ister to Belgium has received a darker tinge from the a full record of barometric and ther- their guns and blankets, put them to igno- Treasury Thrown Open to another Grab from South- Q.uite rare. fact published by General Boynton, that this man ia- HON. SAM RANDALL ON HOW NOT TO DO IT. mometric ranges, winds prevailing, hu- minious flight. We stand up before the ern Claimants." not only implicated in the Infamous Belgian musket This work has won two prizes at agricultural lairs. midity and other atmospheric phenomena, civilized world unabashed by Credit Mobil- Brady's statement, as published under this head- affair, but he is charged with that other infamy,, BAXTER'S CALL TO THE UNCONVERTED. known as the contracts for shoddy, that shared at they will become more valuable to the iers, Pacific mails, post-traderships and ad- ing, is teeming with falsehoods and misrepresenta- scientist. But the question arises, what good tions not only as to the facts in the case, but as to the This new edition of an old classic shows how, if one the time the wrath and disgust of the people. ministrations whose policy is a conjugation asks, much will be given, and is of immense value to can be achieved by voluminous weekly re- decision of the Attorney General itself. This State Department Is making the late Admin- of the verb "to steal." We cannot be made This newspaper scandal being fulminated to his sinners, as it proves that God's salvation reaches even istration respectable. General Grant was charged cords sent to the chief signal office, the provost marshal's office. to blush for our average congressman, Hew- satisfaction, he then referred the case again (for the with giving office in return for favors; but he never repeated every month, triplicated every itt, to wit. But when it comes to making third time) to the solicitor of the department on a HON. JOHN P. JONES, "THE DAMNED DUTCH TRAMP." got so low as to pay hie board bills with foreign mis- three months, quadrupled every half year question that the Attorney General had already de- Comic, illustrated with cuts. sions. an exhibition of our awfnl food at Paris, ESSAYS BY MCCLELLAN, MARCY, INOALLS, AND D. P. and embodied in the annual reports to that olded, and it is presumed for the base purpose of where cooking is a fine art, there will be a ON MOTH, MOLD, MILDEW AND WATER REFEL- By the bye, here is an opportunity for our Oonfe anomalous individual, the chief signal offi- call for true courage. treacherously causing the solicitor, by a prostitution LANTS. llng to give proof of his one great quality, and that is- cer of the army ? ot his position, to reverse the decision of his superior Rich and rare. pluck. Let him take this Sanford with a pair o£ To make the thing as perfect in its abom- officer, with the hypocritical reliance on the political HON. 1)IOK THOMPSON ON NAVIGATION OF THE RO- tongs and drop him from the nearest window of the humbug of civil-service reform sustaining Brady's MAN SEA AND CHURCH MILITANT—with dissertation Senate, and then send word to Messrs. Evarts an I And now for another subject that seems ination as possible we want Hewitt, Abra- on canons of the church, (principally smooth-bores,) shameful conduct in this behalf! rather mysterious to the uninitiated, but to ham, sent along to superintend. He can and a learned dissection of the Pope's toe. Bound In Seward to come and pick up their pet. those who have had some insight into the toss out the corn dodgers—don't doubt it— Judas Iscariot betrayed his master ; Andrew John- calf. son was impeached, traduced, vilified and ruined by " Ways that are dar-k and tricks that are and make the coffee—who cannot? And false and intriguing friends, and it is yet to be de- THE FULL-STOMACHED, well-dressed, gold- THE HON. JAMES A. GARFIELD is a gen- vain" of the perfecter of the system inven- we have, no question that he would do it termined whether Butherford B. Hayes may not fall a rimmed gentlemen who made up the Wall street dele- tle man of singular consistency. He is the reputed ted by Democritus and Cleoxenes and with the cool audacity that would fill Thom- victim of misplaced confidence in relying upon such gations opposed to the remonetization of silver, were author of the Cleveland platform, and in the canvass stolen from Lieutenant Felt, the meaning asson, the dynamite fiend, with amazement. men as Brady in so responsible a position as he occu- sorely troubled In their financial minds by the conduct that followed in Ohio, In Its promulgation, either advocated the sliver proposition or sung low in that is as plain as though graven on a scroll. We The French are a brave people. They pies. "He knoweth his master," but "whom doth he of Senator Jones and the Hon. Bland. The delegated serve ?" "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his money-bags not only had questions put to them they part of his political music. Last Friday he made a refer to the many new stations lately have an inquiring mind, of a scientific turn, bitt er attack on the monetization of sliver. opened in Texas, that for any benefit to master's crib." could not answer, but Messrs. Jones and Bland spoke especially when awakened on culinary sub- in a loud and unseemly manner, shocking the nerves What a cloud the Senate throws upon the brain ;_ commerce and agriculture are as useful as Such a man as Brady is a scandal to his master, a jects—witness their experiments on horse- disgrace to himself ahd an unsavory object of politi- of the bloated bondholders, bankers, brokers and other and that cloud had a silver lining that, gone from the fifth wheel of a- coach, but in making a flesh. We can imagine their solemn inves- cal corruption in the estimation of every honest man. busy B's. Sad, very sad. sight, leaves our Garfield to grope in outer darkness. After all, Garfield is clever. The Senate being no report to the War Department, showing so tigation of the corn dodger and coffee. One By the bye, the distres.s«eviiiced by these gentlemen longer available, the money of the bondholder and many stations at an average expense, by can see the savan, alter the experiment, over the indelicacy of Senator Jones' position is quite ban ker delegation, so lately here to favor a foroed re- Colonel Myer, they are invaluable. The with his head between his shoulders, WE LEARN from an authority not to be refreshing. Senator Jones, they assert, is financially sumption and oppose a fair coin standard, will be of returns from these new stations are un- disputed that Secretary Schurz sent the name of interested In remonetization of silver, as he owns silver his hands clasped over his abdominal re- use in the honorable member's district. reliable and uncertain, and not .used nor gion, and his face livid in agony, and then Alonzo Bell to the Senate as assistant secretary of the mines. This is not true; but if it were, the uneasiness Interior after offering the position to three acceptable of men who have calmly witnessed heavy manufac- even displayed on the weather maps. his report: persons. But the pay is too low to secure the services turers, bondholders and national bankers making Six detective policemen walked solemnly The military telegraph is another subject "Ah! Monsieur Ewitt, ze corn dodgair un of a gentleman—hence this Bell. But we would laws for the benefit of their own pockets without at the side of Governor Hayes' carriage as he rode down that may be closely scanned. It is nominally ze caffe, zay is good for ze mal du tate, ze humbly suggest that on this principle the Secretary remonstranoe, who are now stirred up to intense ex- Pennsylvania avenue to be inaugurated. They were for the benefit of commerce and agricul- bad acid on ze stomach un ze colic. Zat is might have secured quite as capable a man and paid citement over a supposed remote contingency in there to protect his Excellency from assassination— less money. If the Hon. Secretary will go through ture, but on those lines, especially the all, Mez Sacre, Mon de Dieu! it ees snuff." Senator Jones, argues well for the possible regenera- a scheme conjured up for his own nefarious purposes the poor-houses and penitentiaries he will find talent tion of money-getters. All things are possible with coast lines, no merchants nor farmers are al- by one of them. Three of these pretorians were Why limit ourselves to corn, as it appears as available as Alonzo's for little or nothing. They God and John Sherman, and if specie resumption can Maxwell, Perkins and Benson. Maxwell, who was lowed to send any messages whatever. ground and baked? Why not also give certainly would be as well-mannered as the the pro- be accomplished by the one, why may not the other characterized in open court last Thursday by General They seem to be constructed and these foreigners a taste of the cereal in its posed assistant secretary, whatever they may be on endure a procession headed by Jay Gould, Yander- Butler as " a thrice-perjured witness," has got his, re- used solely for the benefit of Colonel Myer, liquid form? Whisky—Robinson county, the score of honesty. bilt and Tom. Scott, to march along the streets of tho ward in a second lieutenancy in the regular army. who is as arbitrary over them and despotic Old Rye, Bourbon,'Red Eye, Benzine and We must say that the objection made to Alonzo on New Jerusalem, that are paved with gold and precious The State and the Treasury Departments now await as a chief signal officer who has achieved all. As Ex-President Grant remains in Eu- account of lil-breeding is not altogether just. He is atones ? The way to perdition is said to be paved with Benson and Perkins with anxiety not unmixed with such distinction in perfecting the inven- said to be impatient, overbearing and Insolent to his good intentions; but if the New J erusalem Is correctly alarm. rope, let the Ex-President visit the kitchen described it is not paved with Whitelaw Relds. tions of the ancients can be. subordinates, and very humble and subservient to his daily—he will be glad to do it—and show superiors. But this is part of our precious system. Lastly, attention is called to Fort Whip- the Parisians how to drink, and the pleas- THE ATTACK upon Major Runkle in the "Under the republic a common soldier is a dog, and latest Issue of the Sentinel i.s so brutal that it answers ple and the army signaling, drilling, hum- ing effects thereof. Our minister, Noyes, this military idea has been transferred to our civil MR. EDWIN DE LEON, once so familiar to Itself. However, lor the better protection of the com- bug and starvation therein contained. It can attend and deliver a little discourse in service, and a clerk is a man subject to all the drill Washington, appears again upon our streets, as munity, we will publish in our next CAPITAL the true . would c ertainly redound more to the wel- the French we taught him, on the effects of and discipline of th^ army. Under this state of fact human, handsome and as liable to debt as ever. We inwardness of this move made by a gang of black- fare of the people, though perhaps less to whisky in developing American nature and any ruffian is good enough, so there is no use saying, gather from the English reviews that Mr. De Leon is mailers, that, composed of shysters, office-brokers and in the language of JLord Byron, " Oh ! Alonzo, how, the author of a very successful work entitled " The the military glory of Albert J. Myer, M. D., paralysis. It may be that the Frenoh wil\ carpet-baggers, have left, in their own threats, letters how can you go on so !" Khedive's Egypt," that the Harpers are about to and acts, proof enough of their villainy. A. M., brevet brigadier general assigned, not understand the Hon. Noyes' noise; but There Is another fact that has come to light In this publish for the United States. Mr. De Leon is a keen if instruction in army signaling were trans- if he hold to the Ex-Presiient as an illustra- controversy, and that is, that Secretary Schurz re- observer and a graceful writer, and has enjoyed a va- ferred t o West Point, where it belongs, as tion we will wager a year's subscription to lieves Bell of the charge of elevating a little ring, ried experience in the country of which he writes. He HOT-CORN HEWITT, who headed Sammy navy signaling does to Annapolis. True, THE CAPITAL that they comprehend. Here withbut the sacred process of a competitive examina- was for a long time, it will be remembered, consul Tilden's kitchen cabinet, wants an appropriation to the reign of terror of that delightful mili- is what the Hon. Noyes will say: tion, by sayipg that he did it himself. Well, now, j general of the United States at Cairo. The tact that get up an American kitchen at the Paris exposition. tary reservation would be over; but why did the Secretary set aside his heaven-born com- the London Times. Spectator and Pall Mall Gazette H. H. is a violent case of son-in-law, having married " Le yisky mes amis ne pas fait l'intoxica- speak in the warmest terms of the work is.enough to into the family of the memorable Peter Cooper. Bet- there is very little doubt but that petitive system for that little lot ? Answer, Oh ! tion suilment il fait le grand stupidity cum Schurz. But it is a comfort to know that it was done, Insure a wide circulation here, for those journals are ter stick to old expansion, Abraham; stick with the the weather service would go on. slaw." and that our " Roberto" is solid on the foots. not wont to pr&Ue books of American origin. tenacity of glue. 3 THE CAPITAL.--NOYEMBER 18,1877.

FASHION HERALDS.—Messrs. Taylor & Hufty pre- WANTED. —Mr. William Henry Hurlbert of the World fears do not expect any candor from Mr. Bryan. His course PERSONAL. compels me to state why I resigned. Mr. Bryan had sent their credentials in the form of carefully and that " Bob" lngersoll's bursts of Peoria rhetoric and sought a conversation with me, in which he professed specially selected invoices of foreign wares of finest WANTED. want of knowledge of the metaphysics of the dinner- to have for my professional talent the greatest admira- texture and finish. They announce for gentlemen two cases of neck- —Foster Blodgett of Georgia is dead. ner table will make him unacceptable in polite and tion, and to entertain for me the feelings of a "brother '—a gushing statement which rather sur- scarfs in the much-sought for Polo-Dane, Eutland and learned German society. The inference to be drawn Derby styles. A small IMPROVED FAEM, on the line of a rail- Ceramic art is pronounoed as if—K. prised me considering our very short acquaintance. road in Maryland. Would prefer a place with a by the dispassionate student of monumental egotism He then informed me in a confidential manner that A great variety of English and Canton silk hand- Cigars are now molded in New York. kerchiefs In virgin-white and fancy borders. Store attached, or where a business could be estab- is, that Mr. Hurlbert would exactly fill the bill as a terrible combination had been formed against me; lished. —The Shepherd art sale brought $9,000. that it Included the morning papers, the Sunday pa- Also, a fine assortment of English suspenders, of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to superior finish and comfort-giving shape, fresh from Addresss for one week, giving price and allparticu- -Ex-Congressman Joe McKibbin is at Willard's. pers and the press generally of the city ; that a groat ulars, J- M** the ICaiser's court. many persons had called upon him to make com- the famous manufactory of Messrs. Welch, Margetson —Marshal MacMahon wears an old, worried look. & Co., Cheapslde, London. All the articles before lt*7 634 Louisiana avenue. —One may travel a long summer's day and not find plaint of me; that committees had waited upon him —Morrissey is nursed by Lawrence, his old trainer. for the same purpose, and that he had received a mentioned are of Messrs. Taylor & Hufty's own direct —Lydia Thompson fig-leaves the stage next season. four finer-looking men and keener politicians than great many letters on the subject. He men- and personal importation. The favorable considera- FOR SALE OR RENT. ex-Governors Warmoth, Packard, Penn and Pinch- tioned particularly tho Nation and THB CAPITAL as tion of the ladies is invited to a gorgeous array of fans, —Stoughton has got another Black eye.—Boston fn whloh are presented the latest Parisian novelties in back of Louisiana, or more agreeable gentlemen than among my future and immediate assailants. I must "PIOK EENT — Post. confess that as Mr. Bryan told this to me in the mostaf- that line of goods. Spofford, Eustls, Jack Wharton, George Sheridan The most casual examination of the splendid wares —Senator Morton's son, Ollie, will matriculate at fectionate manner, and with tlie peculiar twinkle of A LARGE HOUSE, and Captain Dapontl. The Louisiana delegation now his benevolent eyes which has gained him such in store at 933 Pennsylvania avenue will convince the Comfortably furnished. Kent moderate. Yale. celebrity, it rather impressed me. public of the efficacy and thoroughness of the prepara- References required. In Washington, in style, address and brains, would be tions made by Messrs. Taylor & Hufty for the accom- —Aleck McClure of the Philadelphia Times is in But, as within the next two or three days both the No. 732 Twenty-first street. lt*8- a credit to any State. Nation and the Star had published articles highly modation of their legion ol customers during the holi- day season, now so close upon us. townBill. y Florence calls the society papers " Prepared —A statue of General Grant, life-size, with the per- complimentary to me, I thought little more ol the OB EENT- Opposite the Capitol, a nicely-furnished petual cigar between his fingers, adorns a niche in matter until, on the 4th of October, Mr. Bryan sought F Mush." another conversation with mo, in which ho was more VICHY, Kisslngen, Seltzer, Bethesda and all mineral FEONT AND BACK PAELOE Hayes' Ohio home. There is also a picture by Weber waters at Koss' Pharmacy. ap29-tf and —John Brougham, Morrissey and Anna Dickinson gushingly friendly and more tulsomely flattering ; in of Mrs. Hayes standing by the bed-side of a wounded which he reiterated his statements and advised mo OFFIOE-EOOM. Ladles* No. 30 North B street, Capitol Hill. lt»S are better. soldier, holding before his misty eyes, dim with tho " as a brother" to resign. I had by this time dawning upon me the idea that Mr. Bryan had made very im- —Jim Casey says Grant is quite comiortable pe- Dresses of all kinds, wool, silk, satin, velvet, &c., &c., shadow of death, the photograph of some loved one probable statements. I therefore next morning ad- handsomely cleaned without being ripped apart, and OCTOK C. H. BOWEN cuniarily. for a farewell glance. dressed him the following letter: spots of grease, lee cream, &c., effectually removed D [Private.] without cleaning tho whole. Superior kid glove —A little boy spelt foregoes, go, go, go, go. Bless —Tho financial policy of the Secretary of the Has Removed his Office to 1322 F street. 821 Four-and-a-half street, October 5, 1877. cleansing, 12% cents per pair; kid gloves dyed, equal Offlco hours—8% to 11 a. m., 3)4 to 5 p. m., 6 to I his little soul t Treasury suggests the " Hunting of the Snark." Thomas B. Bryan, Esq.: to new, 30 cents per pair. AU-wool dresses dyed with- p. m. nol8-t£2 out being ripped apart. Crape veils dyed, oleansed —The Harvard boat club's morning hymn is, " Oar- " They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with DEAR SIB: On reflection I have decided to take no care. step whatever for the present in regard to the client of and refinlshea equal to new. Feathers cleansed and TROTTING. ah pro nobis 1" whom you spoke. Subsequent inquiries have con- curled In a superior manner, and dyed black, brown, They sought it with forks and hope. blue, crimsoD, cardinal or any desired shade. —Our Eoscoe is not so pathetic as he is epithetic in vinced me that you may have been mlsinfoimed as to They threatened its life with a railway share the extent of misapprehension on the part of men Offloe of E. C. Douglas, under National Theater, tf BBIGHTWOOD PARK, conversation;—Judge Jerr; y Black is of counsel for Mrs. Lo Bau And charmed it with smiles and soap." whose good opinion I would prize. Before acting, vs. Vanderbilt. BROWNING'S BITTBBS will cure dyspepsia, indiges- —Frank Olianfrau .grew Indignant at the glances an therefore, upon your impressions, I must request you —Keputations are scattered around South Carolina to furnish me with the names of the persons who have tion and eonstlpotion. For sale by the druggists, tf Purse, $200. like autumn leaves. nsurance man named Durand cast on his pretty wife spoken to you on the subject, the names of committee- at a breakfast table in a Milwaukee hotel, and drove —The best cold meat in a house is a dead mother-in- men and the bodies they represent, with the originals Welcker's. TWO-MILE HEATS. him out of the house with a chair. Mrs. Chanfrau or copies of any papers they may have sent you or left law.—Independent. The crowd still continues to congregate at Welcker's, implored, entreated and sobbed, but the "Jibbe- with you. (opposite Treasury Department,) where the finest Best two In three. —Koscoe says "1 cannot tell a lie, George Alliired Also, please state dates of visits to you as nearly as nainosy" was roused, and naught but blood would liquors and cigars, as well as the best cold lunch in Townsend did it." you recollect them, with the substance of any state- the city, can be found. What Pete Welcker don't pacify him. ment made by any ofthem. —Senator Voorhees is fifty, stands six feet one and know about the business of a first-class restaurant is Good Day and Track. —A rural youth from Alexandria, with $160, named Please state who told you that the Nation and CAPI- not worth learning. We advise the public to call, on weighs over two hundred. TAL were about to assail me. Mushback, visited Washington and got very drunk. He Pete and see for themselves whether we are correct or —Senator Dennis has been taken seriously ill at Very respectfully, WILLIAM: BIRKKY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1877.. proved a diamond-back to one "Jim" Baker, who went not in our assertion. Mr. Bryan's answer covered five pages, but did not Barnum's Hotel, Baltimore. H. Middleton enters Jersey Boy through him for $135. The remainder had fortunately give me any part of the information I asked, except Merchants' Lunch. —Table-talk and terrapin won the appointment for been permanently invested in dividend-paying whis- as to THB CAPITAL. Here is Mr. Bryan on that A. T. Whiting " Ned Buckley.. Sanford.—Cincinnati Enquirer. point: . . . ,' ' Our friend John Koss has made the Merchants' ky. Mushback didn't get his sugar back. Lunch the fashionable resort of the city. Merchants ADMISSION 30 cents. —Milton Sayler is a man of peace. He did not vote "As to the papers, I mentioned to you that the —Captain Moss of the Lindell Hotel, in St. Louis, weeklies seemed to be united against you, and you re- and bankers can be found at all hours of the day at for the army appropriation bill. e matched to eat thirty quails in thirty days, for fifty plied that THE CAPITAL had not joined in the crusade, this cosy little establishment, and John Is not only happy, but is fast becoming a bloated bondholder. —The Florences opened in Norfolk to jammed dollars a side. We've got a Baltimore bun man we'll but that it was prevented by your personal appeal to WHITING & MOSES, Those who desire the luxuries of tho season should t8 PEOPEIETOES. ¿ouses. In Kiohmond next week. match to eat sixty terrapins, which are more corpu- Colonel Piatt to prevent the Insertion of an abusive article," &c., &c., &c. call at the Merchants' Lunch, 309 Seventh street. —Jim Bennett is going to build a new city on Jer- lent than quails, in thirty days, and sherry throws in, This statement by Mr. Bryan was one of his peculiar sey sands. The sand's all ready. if any one will pay Losekam's bill. fabrications. 1 had told him no such thing; nor was THB BBST wholesale oyster market in the city is at AMUSEMENTS. DeAtley's, 415 Thirteenth street, only a door or two —Miss Anderson played Evadne, Parthenia, Meg —The stentorian senator from Texas, Mr. Cook, ad- It true that 1 had even made such an appeal to Col- onel Piatt, or even spoken to him on such a subject. north of Pennsylvania avenue, where all the finest -J^-ATIONAL THEATER. SHAKSPEARE.. Merriles and Pauline in New York. dressed his State from his Beat on Wednesday. The He said also: " My colleagues exonerate you from oysters known to the trade can be found in any —Morrissey got the worklngmen's vote because he lusty-lunged senator's words will be re-echoed in all blame, and testify emphatically to your profes- quantity. Families who desire oysters should leave Mr. JOHN McCUIiliOUGH. sional worth." their orders with M. DeAtlev, who will deliver them to makes a living picking up "chips." Texas. A soft, low voice is an excellent thing in a new their residences free of charge, and guarantees that the OTHELLO, the Jealcrus Moor, senator. His voice and the Senate's long, suflering Next morning I wrote Mr. Bryan briefly acknowl- —Emilie Melville, the English opera prima, was edging receipt of his letter, saying that professional best in the market can always be procured at his With a Noble Assignment of Characters. formerly an actress in San Francisco. ears stood the strain for three hours. business prevented me from answering fully, that place of business at the lowest prices. —Senator Morton's estate is about $25,000. The sig- "private" on my letter meant only "non-official," Mr. McCullough as The Jealous Moor and he might show it, and closing as follows: How to Get a New Salt. Mr. Levfck as lago nature was his last. All to the wife. BOOK NOTICES. " Nor was it intended to be formal," and 1 certainly There are several ways to secure a new suit of clothes Mr. James as Oasslo- —Farjeon's Christmas story is published by Carle- had no expectation that It would be termed by you for the winter that are known to the wealthy, but to Mr. Lawrence as Montano THEO by Mrs. F. N. Burnett, published by T. B. ton. It is entitled, "Solomon Isaacs." "very formidable." It was hurriedly written, cour- those In moderate circumstances we wish to say a few Mr. Lanagan as Brabantio Peterson & Bro., Philadelphia; sold by Mohun. teously worded, 1 think, and amounted to no more words in the way of advice. Examine last winter's Miss Carey as Desdemona —Jack Wharton calls them Pinchkin and Pitback. The great success of " That Lass o' Lowrie's," one of than a request that you should communicate to me suit, and if it is only whole, take it to A. Fisher, 906 Mrs. Allen. as Emella The latter has put back to New Orleans. the most charming of novels, hurried the fair au- the names of persons who have called upon you to G street, and have it cleaned and pressed. It will be thoress into the field with the one before us, that is not The management presents the cast of Othello as the —The hyenas, failing to rifle the old Commodore's make statements unfavorable to me, with a copy of returned as good as new, and one will have a nice most complete of any Sbakspearean play for many at all remarkable. At least we are so impressed, be- such statements if written, and the purport of them winter suit. We advise every one to follow our advice, fortune, are now busy rifling his grave. cause we read " Theo " under the glamour of that Lass, seasons, and confidently invites the most rigid criti- if oral. for we know what we are talking about. We have cism. —Tom Ochiltree's thirty-eighth birthday was cele- and it must of necessity appear poor. But an in- The fact that you have attached importance enough been there, as the boy says. veterate novel reader at our elbow says to the contrary, Tuesday—Bulwer's RICHELIEU. brated in Galveston by a public dinner. to such statemenls to mention them to me as having that Theo is good. , • ,„ . been made, obliges me to ask who made them and A FINE assortment of perfumes j ust received at Koss' Wednesday—Sheridan Knowles' VIEGINIUS. —Jack Wharton says a good wife is a pleasant com" From Harpers, through Mohun, we have " Contem- what they are. Pharmacy. ap29-tf It2 Thursday—Shakspeare's KING LEAE. binltion of nurse, housekeeper and mistress. porary Art In Europe," by S. J. W. Benjamin. This request is reasonable, and I respectfully Insist [Union, Star, Critic.] This is a superb yolume in its get up, being one of Haeerty. —Itichard Grant White says another man did the upon it. * * * * *** Harpers' best in that direction. The print, paper and I Very respectfully, WILLIAM BIRKET. MThe authority for everything in the way of first- QPERA HOUSE. "seducting." Is that pure English, Mr. White? illustrations are luxurious. The matter of the author I To this demand Mr. Bryan never returned class dinners and pure liquors is our friend Dave —Chicago reminds Clara Louise Kellogg that ec- seems to be more a compilation of critical opinions an answer. After waiting a few days on hfm I Hagerty, whose elegant saloon is the resort of every NOVEMBER 19—ONE WEEK ONLY. centricity belongs to genius, but rudeness does not. than original views of the art treated of. The volume ceased to have any personal intercourse whatever gentleman who desires to enjoy the luxuries of the is one of value, however, let its origin be what it may, with him, regarding him as having attempted by season, as well as to soe Dave manipulate a hot drink. S —Evidences of early mince piety may be expected and no more exquisite holiday gift could be found. false statements, invented by himself, to carry his We do not know a more genial gentleman than Dave, From Harpers, through Mohun, "Our Children's UNCLE T0M YOWBFNATION. among our boys and girls about Thanksgiving day. point of inducing me to resign. This view of his or a finer dining-room in the city. The ladies' Presented in a style never before attempted here, Songs." This is another holiday volume full of sweets character was strongthened by the opinion of several dining-saloon is one of the best in the city, and has —Two thousand citizens pray for the confirmation and beautifully illustrated. It is made up of old consisting of the original and only gentlemen who knew him far better than I did, and become one of the most fashionable resorts of the city. GEORGIA CABIN SINGERS, of Commissioner Bryan in a petition lorty feet long. familiar faces from Mother Goose to Lord Byron. We whom I asked to tell me what sort of a man he was. miss from the collection tho sweetest and saddest of In their own special version of —John McCullough is playing Othello and the old The first one to whom I spoke, an eminent public UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, Cardinal in Baltimore. At the National this week. all singers for and of children, Mrs. S. M. B. Piatt. man known throughout the country, answered me: The copyright robs us of those. The only beverage that exhilarates, but does not in- As performed by them "What! Bryan, the tricky little Jesuit." The others toxicate, is coffee. It is almost necessary to one's ex- OVER FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY TIMES, —The Boston Gazette pays the Post's Washington Charles P. Somerly sends us "Aliunde; or, Love's gave a similar opinion, one adding that he was "con- Adventures." .We tried.to read this volume with the istence, and yet it is generally adulterated; and Including 142 consecutive nights in New York city. correspondent, Mr. Luther, a deserved compliment. stitutionally incapable of telling the exact truth about beans- and peas are sold in large quantities for pure most honorable intentions, but failed. It is a volume anything." A GENUINE COLORED UNCLE TOM, —Eamsdell says it was not Sanford who ought to unadulterated coffee. The best place fn the city for And the world-renowned Georgia Cabin Singers,intro- to take up any time and drop immediately. I found also that he had uttered the foulest slanders have been appointed. It ought to have been his cook. "The Anti-Biled Shirt Club," from the Authors' one to purchase what they desire in this line Is at our ducing their Plantation Band, Songs, Shouts, Re- against every man whom he had intrigued, Insulted friend Dowling's, corner 1 and Seventh streets, where frains, Patter Boys and the —Counsel for the claimants assert-that Cornelius Publishing Company, New York, has all its fun in the or brow-beaten outof office. There was nothing what- title. Cheap and easy. nothing but the pure article only will be found, and COTTON-PICKING SCENE. Vanderbilt, jr., is the Commodore's only legitimate ever in the matter of the Market Company suit whioh at the lowest market prices. Don't forget Dowling, " Day-Dreams," by P. L. M.—publisher too modest Nothing ot the kind ever produced by others. could not have been arranged between me and the corner Seventh and 1 streets. Admission, 25, 50 and 75 cents, No extra charge for son. to give his name. We read the opening poem of two commissioners in ten minutes if I had had confidence verses and hauled off to repafr damages. Here is a reserved seats. - lt3 —Secretary Evarts' salutation to his colleagues at a in the good faith of Mr. Bryan. But further personal Bubant's. [Union, Star, Critic.] Cabinet meeting Is, " Gentlemen, with jawl greet specimen: intercourse between us was impossible, and I there- "All its graces and all its splendor, fore addressed, October 10; a note to Governor Denni- The rush to our friend Ned Dubant's continues un- you!" May ye evermore attend her— son asking that my successor should be named, and abated. His fried and steamed oysters are the talk of Benefit of the Woman's Christian Association, —The St. Louis Republican says the dashing, light Make her perfect as your air. saying: . v :' the town, and our friend is on the high road to pros- When thy roses from their cold tiance " In the existing state of my personal relations with perity. Everything that is suitable for one to eat or MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 19,1877, comedian, James W. Collier's "Baby," is a big thing Wake and yield their living fragrance ! drink can be found at this popular restaurant, corner Judge Bryan, 1 decline any interview with him ex- AT in babies. May their presence breathe the memories I fain would cept on purely official business. „• I Seventh and N streets, and at prices that enable all —The Paris Oaulois, Bonapartist organ, abuses have them hear." " The resignation prevents embarrassment on this to enjoy the luxuries of the season. We advise our friends and the public generally to call on Dubant. AT LINCOLN HALL. Grant, and says our women dress like bar-maids.— " What He Cost Her" is a novel Mohun sends us, I account." ^ ^ ^ ^ from Harpers, by James Payn. This is a popular The'public will see from the statements why Mr. GRAND CONCERT BY Graphic. novelist, and " What He Cost Her" one of his best. Bryan goes into a frothing rage whenever my name is Emmet House. MME. EOSALIE McNATT AND MISS EVA MILLS, —Oakev Hall hasn't been proved guilty of any The latest number of Appleton's Journal—the one mentioned, and why he flies at me like a man berett We had the pleasure of meeting the proprietor of Assisted by Prominent Musical Talent of this city. great crime, but he intends to lecture all the same. - for December—contains a beautiful poem, entitled "In of his reason. It was my misfortune that he forced this popular hotel last week, and he was a living illus- the Art Gallery," by our contributor, Edward Eenaud, upon me the duty of convicting him of willful and tration of good times and the personification of success. LECTURE BY N. O. Pic. with a full-page illustration. A high compliment, malicious inventions. Now he seeks to end this con- Dan. informed us that his business was never better, MME. NAP CROMWELL OF MISSISSIPPI. troversy by pledging himself that his rejoinder shall —A correspondent says Don Cameron has "a bronze but not more than is deserved. and remarked: "You can't get war prices these days, SUBJECT: "OUR PEOPLE." mustache and a steel-blue eye." Don must be a man Harpers' Magazine for December, sent us by Mohun, be his " final response " and the sooner one makes his prices suit the times the is unusually rich in good things. I think, hpwever, he will hardly contain himself. better he wfll succeed." This is sound advice, and RECITATIONS BY of mettle. He will say again, " Now let us hold up again the while our friend lowered his prices, he still continues E. B. HAY, ESQ. —Mrs. Louis J. Jennings—Madelaine Henriques— lantern of truth, that wo may clearly see the facts in to have all the luxuries of the season, and the Emmet Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence has presented her husband with seven daughters in A MOST EFFECTIVE D OCBMENT. this case." ' .J has become one of the popular resorts of the city. After my expositions the public will probably think at 8. eight years. General Blrney's Reply to Mr. Bryan'» that Mr. Bryan has no light in his " lantern of truth." FOR TOUR money's worth in all the latest styles of Tickets, fifty cents; at Ellis', Ballantyne's and all —How to save gas in newspaper offices : Burn your Final Response. My exposure of Mr. Bryan, the public will bear cloak and drees fabrics Brown's, 314 Eighth street, is the principal stores. It5 witness, has been literally forced from me by his un- exchanges as soon as run over, and cut off the demand WASHINGTON, November 17, 1877. the place to go. For black and colored cashmeres, THURSDAY» truthful libels. WILLIAM BIRNKY. for black and colored silks, to Brown's you should go. INCOLN HALL. for circus tickets. To the Public. Ii The rejoinder of Mr. Bryan to my letter was seen America's Unrivaled Songstress, MISS EMMA —The allegations one set pf the Vanderbilt by me in the Star at such a late hour in the evening THE BOSS mattress manufacturer of Washington is children are making and another set are oombatting as to make any notice of it almost impracticable. LOCAL ITEMS. Lloyd, 905 D street. Manufacturing his own goods, he oan guarantee the contents and workmanship, are simply hideous. He begins with a lusty crow over what he fancies MONDAY AND TUESDAY EVENINGS, are the dead bodies of all his assailants except one. A IiHcky Lawyer. and can sell a good article as low as common goods November26 and 27, —At an auction in New York Henry Ward Beecher's He compliments me as being thé only survivor. I are sold elsewhere. Feather-beds and mattresses Assisted by the distinguished artists, Colonel Jack Brown of Georgia, a successful claim autograph brought thirty cents, while poor Theodore's shall probably survive all his malioe. steamed and renovated. JOSEPH MAAS, Tenor: W. T. CARLETON, Bari- Mr. B.'s style is obscure. It Is difficult to find a attorney before the committees of Congress and the tone ; Miss ANNA BEERE, Contralto; went for only fifteen. plain assertion of anything. His effects are sought Departments, has just been the recipient of a $2,000 And the Great American Pianist, retainer fee to prosecute a number of cotton claims for Benefit of the Women's Christian Associa- —A stenographic machine has been invented by a to be reached by sneers and inuendoes, by suppression tion. MR. S. G. PRATT. of important facts, and by suggestions of what is un- parties in New Orleans, amounting in the aggregate Turin professor, by which every public man can Ife MRS. NAP CROMWELL IS the eloquent lady who The strongest Conoert Organization extant, in two- true. to upwards of $1,000,000. extraordinarily Brilliant and Varied Programmes. his own interviewer. He says of the tax collector : " It is to to be sup- addressed the Tennessee Democratic Convention at Nashville by Invitation, with great eclat on the 9th Admission $1. No extra charge for reserved seats. —Colonel Corbin, secretary of the Sitting Bull com- posed that he is guided by the legal counsel provided WEATHER strips at Hamilton's, Y. M. C. A. build- Sale opens at Metzerott's THURSDAY, November by the District." Mr. Bryan, it is true, is extremely ing. day of August, 18T5. Thanks were tendered her for mission, is back. He says Field Marshal Bull was the rare intellectual treat afforded, and her address 22. It7 raw in administrative matters, never having been be- The Boys' Clothing House, sassy to General Terry. iore, as I understand, in any administrative offloe ; was published in the Daily American, August 10, 1877. —Terre Haute has the Seoretary of the Navy and a but he certainly knows that legal counsel do not at- 909 Pennsylvania avenue, B. Kobinson & Co. Mrs. McNatt is a distinguished pianist; is well known "l^rATIONAL THEATER. AIMEE. tend to executive duties. The cunning way in which in the city, and is the daughter of Professor Bruhn of United States senator, and she Haute Terre be very he puts bis false statement under an "it is supposed" Wonderful. Hall College, Butler, Georgia. QUEEN OF OPERA BOUFFE. proud of herself.—Boston Post. will not escape attention. $6, $8 and $10 overcoats at Eoman & Cox's, 507 MONDAY, November 26, —Delmonlco's, Fifth Avenue Hotel, Gilsey House, Mr. Bryan further says that the compensation paid Seventh street. . The Chesapeake. First production, with entirely new Costumes,. Properties, &c., the last European and New York suc- Brunswick and other hotels complained of for violat- me by the market company commenced immediately What an opening there is in the very name of good after my appointment as assistant District attorney. CORNS, Diseased Nails, etc. Dr. White, opposite cess, LA MARJ OL AINE. ing the excise and Sunday laws. Willard's. : ; augl9-tf eating! Canvas-back duck, diamond-back terrapin, It is a matter of no consequence whether it did or not, red heads, sliders, &c. To the bon vivant there is no Tuesday, Nov. 27, LA JOLIE PARFUMEUSE, In. as I had a perfect right to act as attorney for that com-" —Massachusetts is called the President's right- I® YOU want plumbing repairs done promptly and name that has such a magic spell as the "Chesa- which Almee sings "Pretty as a Picture." pany, but Mr. Bryan knows that he is stating what is Wednesday, LA FILLE DE MME. ANGOT. bower. Well, she did make a good deal of, a jack of not correct. I was not at first engaged by that com- reasonably, go to Hamilton's, Y. M. C. A. building. peake." And here we may say that Finley & Supplee have all in the way ot delicacies to be served at their Thursday, Thanksgiving Matinee at 2 o'clock. herself, that's a fact.—Boston Post. pany exoept for special matters, and it was without Thursday night, GIROFLE GIROFLA. Boys' and Children's Overcoats restaurant that swims in the water or flies in the land. —Pongo, the only gorilla traveling in Europe, is any agreement as to compensation. Alter my engage- Friday, gala night and AIMEE BENEFIT. ment the company was harassed by many suits, in At the boyB' clothing house of B. Eoblnson & Co., Their cuisine is simply unapproachable when those are consideredwho'appreciate delicate eating. Saturday afternoon at 2, last Matinee. dead. He died In Berlin, and may turn up again as whloh 1 was successively employed, and I was con- 909 Pennsylvania avenue. Saturday night, LA BELLE HELENE. the missing link in a bologna sausage. tinued as their counsel probably for the same reasons First floor admission, $1; reserved seats, $1.50. Sec- which led the District commissioners to employ me Illggs Honse. —The idiotorial department of the Ass. Press says $30 overcoats reduced to $20; $25 overcoats reduced ond floor admission, 75 cenes; reserved seats, il. for several years, and to raise my salary from time to to $17. Other fine goods proportionately low at Ko. Family circle, 50 cents. time. If there is a hotel in the District of Columbia that the Marquis of Lorne will be elevated to the peerage. man & Cox's, 607 Seventh street, opposite Post Office, deserves patronage it is the Riggs. We advise every It3 [Union, Star, Critic.] Let Gladstone be made a commoner. Mr. Bryan says " we had no one to represent the one who wishes to stop at a first-class hotel to go to the —The tall, handsome form of ex-Governor War- District in that important litigation without employ- FOR stove, range and furnace repairing go to Hamil Riggs. Old Sam. Ward told us confidentially that THEATER COMIQUE. ing a fourth attorney." ton's, Y. M. C. A. building; he employs the best work- there was only one hotel in the District that a gentle- moth has been seen lately on the Avenue, and not This is not true, as he states it. He suppresses the men to be had and does all work promptly. man should stop at, and that was the Riggs. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19—NIGHTLY AND nnt'requently in the halls of the Capitol. important fact that before I accepted the office of at- WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEES. torney the District commissioners had agreed to em- —Eev. Talmadge says Bob lngersoll's nomination Koss, at Seventh and Boundary streets, keeps the Coleman. First time here of the eminent comedian, ploy counsel for that oase. The case had been in the best Soda Water and Boot Beer. ap29-tl MR. GEORGE A. HILL, makes him smile. That's nothing. If he was a real hands of Messrs. Stanton & Worthington, and as Mr. We are In favor of anything that will cleanse the who will appoar in his thrilling border drama, enti- friend he'd get gloriously drunk over it. Worthington was indisposed, the argument could USE J. BURT'S Pipsissewa, a positive cure for body politic. We do not refer to either Democrats or tled ON THE TRAIL; OR, THE DEMON 0» THE BOR- have been made with ability by Judge Lander, who gravel, dropsical swellings, ulceration of the kidneys, Republicans, but to Coleman, whose bath-rooms are —Advice to Farjeon: Eat our dinners, but don't was in the employ of the District. DER. bladder, urethra, &c. It has also proved a specific in kept open evory day in the week, including Sundays, The people's ravorlte motto vocalist, lecture us! Be warned by the late of the author of In his further notice of the boat club Mr. Bryan sup- diabetes, catarrh of the bladder, incontinence of urine, at the corner of Eighth and D streets. WILL H. MOETON, " Helen's Babies" and Stanley Africanus. presses the fact that the license was obtained from the' gleet and leucorrhsea. Sold by all druggists. se30tl who will present for the first time in this city his United States. This Mr. Bryan knew perlectly well, Everybody —A stage whisper reaches us that the beautiful STEREOPT1CAN SONG, but he Insinuates the contrary. In his usual cunning THE reason why all housekeepers and others use the Should bear in mind that the Old Dominion res- introducing life-like pictures of Hayes, Tilden, Hamp- Mrs. Housby ran away from her engagementin Liver- manner he says that that "sounds strangely when Aladdin Security Oil is, that no accident has ever taurant, 927 D street, below THE CAPITAL office, is ton, Lee, McClellan, Grant and many other local', pool. The manager appealed to the courts. read in connection" with an extract from a written occurred from its use. It Is the best in the world. All still at the front, and proposes to continue so by dis- celebrities. , opinion of mine. But if Mr. Bryan had been candid pensing to Its numerous patrons the best wines, —The army appropriation bill passed the House like storekeepers sell it. Try it, and you will have no First time here of the acrobatic, pedestal clog and enough to give the entire opinion anybody would have other. Take nothing but Aladdin. liquors and beer in the city. The daily free lunch, song-and dance artists, Messrs. a cavalry charge through a Piegan village. Historical seen that the passages quoted by him referred to a The above oil can be had at Geo. Eyneal's, jr., 639 from 12 to 2, proves quite an attraction, and justly so, matter not at all connected with any professional duty McAULEY AND BELL. accuracy forbids our saying a Sioux village. D street. sepl6-3mos* as the bill of fare is changed daily. Give Charlie a First time of the dazzling serio-comic, Miss to the club. Mr. Bryan, with the records of the Dis- call, if you appreciate proper treatment and good ANNIE CAMPBELL. —The niece of the ex-EmpreBs Eugenie was married trict before him, wllltully suppresses the fact that I • Books and Stationery Sundries. oheer. Friday night, November 23, complimentary benefit to the Duke d' Ossuna, one of the wealthiest nobles made no application whatever to the commissioners on behalf of the club, and that the commissioners took Fancy pictures for decorating; gold, silver and col to William O'Neill. lt»3 ' In Spain. The wedding presents were $1,600,000. no action on the subject. or^d glazed paper; ladles' box papers a specialty; carte Billy Wright. —Thomas Winans of Baltimore has bought lour devisites of celebrities, and a general assortment of Mr. Bryan has conjured up in his very lively im- books and stationery. MILANS & WILKINS, There's a land that is fairer than day, and it is Bussian trotters, and .now expects to measureamile- agination meetings of "a band of men in secret con- 607, second door above F street. located on F street, near Ninth, where the gallant THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC» off in less than was ever done before.—Boston Post. clave" at my office. To make the picture more fearful Billy Wright rushes things around and furnishes and resemble a midnight conclave of political con- table and liquors that, being things of beauty, will —James Gordon Bennett has bought a tract of land EASTLAKE polished brays chandeliers at Hamll Office 800 Seventeenth street northwest. spirators, he asserts in the present tense, in order to ton's, Y. M. O. A. building. eontinue, we trust, as joys forever. in New Jersey on which he will lay out a city after fhe make it more impressive, "the meetings are mostly at For all that the heart yearns after we recommend fashion of A. T. Stewart's Garden city experiment. night." EVERY MAN who smokes a cigar likes to smoke Billy Wright. Affable, genial, pleasant and a king in his business, Billy wins over all who come near him, —Messrs. Corcoran and Xtiggs attended the dinner Now, my poor excitable friend and brother, you good one, and we don't know a better place to indulge have been imposed upon by some wag who knows the propensity than at Frank Loughran's, Wo. 612 and one who visits him once will be very certain to «3 1/3: t: •«."•<:. at Delmonlco's to Junius S. Morgan, the London your weakness. This terrible nightly conclave is a Ninth street, opposite the Patent Office. come again—induced by the courtesy of the host and banker and business partner of the late George Pea- fabrication; I have not been at my office at night be- the character of his outfit. fore this evening for a month, and the spies you have body. IT IS of very little use for us to speak of the reduc- employed have taken your money without telling you tion made In board at the Morton House, No. 922 F WE DESIRE to call attention toth e advertisement of MR. J. REMINGTON FA1ELAMB, the Director, —Darwin went from London to Liverpool to call on the truth. street northwest. Every body knows that meals of the Mrs. Selma Ruppert, which appears in another col- whose own studies were .made in the connecting link, Pongo, the learned gorilla. Pongo He says also "the forces are marshaled at the Capi- best quality can be obtained there for a less price than umn. The well known reputation of this popular tol " under my "leadership." This is also an inven- lady is a sufficient guarantee that everything adver- was said to be as intelligent as our learned guerrilla, elsewhere. The proprietor of the Morton House was PARIS AND FLORENCE, tion of Mr. Bryan's. I have never been at the Capi the founder of the system of good meals at cheap tised will be found as represented. Mosby." toi with anybody except the Senate Committee. prioes in the city, and he should therefore be —Seoretary Evarts has transmitted to Minister Mr. Bryan also, in the ambiguous way peculiar to patronized. ——. MADAKE WASHINGTON, our fashionable modiste' And who superadds thereto the practical experience- him, again insinuates that I was dismissed from the has fairly set our belles crazy by the number of differ- from twelve years' successful teaching. Welsh his letter of introduction to Queen Victoria. employment ol the District. He does not say that 1 Children's Suits ent styles and their ravishing beauty. Madame She will know that forty millions of people take sugar was, but it would suit him to have the public believe At the boys' clothing house of B. Eobinson & Co., Washington keeps up with the styles of the northern Indorsed by Mme. Christine Nilsson, Signor Errani, In their'n. that 1 was If he can effect this without saying so. I 909 Pennsylvania avenue. cities, and therefore her parlors are crowded daHy. Mr. and Mrs. Seguin and other artists. novl8-tf5 THE CAPITAL.-—NOVEMBER 1 rj 1877 0IG-AES AND T0BA000. of art worthy of the peerless Eugenie herself, fresh medioal. manager oi the Kellogg organization, who found him- For RHB CAPITAL. from the ateliers of Worth; a train of pale blue silk, self unable to stand the wear and tear ol thatprima's the front breadths of pale blue embossed velvet, with A MELANCHOLY ODE ANENT THE stormy tomper. Hotels find the divine Kellogg's ex- dropping fringes of seed pearls down the center of the TELEPHONE. actions hard to fulfill, and hail with joy her going to a High O'er the roofs there floated tree and clear, front and at the sides oi the velvet frontage. The VEGETINE rival hostelrie, and stage managers fairly run from cuirass waist was of pale blue silk, with a vestoi the Through hall and court was wafted everywhere, her. The lovely Melville, the prima of Mr. Hess' W embossed velvet. One unhappy female, determined Cigars & Tobacco r Wholesale jEollan murmurs, echoing far and near. present troupe, is all light and sweetness. In the new Purifies tlie Blood, Renovates dealer In Im- With goose quill poised each scribbler stops to listen, French comic operetta, A Summer Night's Dream, to sed all there is to see in Europe, actually went in a and Invigorates the ported and With added luster eye of clerkess 'gins to glisten. playing a sportive, idoallstic Elizabeth, Queen f dark stuff walking-dress and brown plush bonnet. manufacturer ol 0 Whole System. 1233 the Cactus, La England, she "makes up," unintentionally, no doubt, She brought her Kankakee escort arrayed in a '"Tis wondrous sweet," they say, "yet soft as weU, ITS MEDICAL PROPERTIES ARE fW Manola, La Roose, as Undine, and sings like a siren to complete the tweed suit and a mangy-blue cravat. Marshal g£ and Stockton Cigars. • So faint indeed, it seems but ghost of sweetness. Tennnsylvania charm. Her beautiful shoulders and arms are dis- MacMahon was In simple evening dress, wearing Agent for the Ambro- Then far aloft doth silvery tenor swell, Alterative, Tonic, Solvent and Diuretic. sia Fine Cut. The trade played with great beauty and effect, and her play of the Grand Cordon of the Legion of Honor. In tone so rich in its completeness juices ot supplied direct from the the eyes and grace in acknowledging the bravas of the The aristocratic looking Duke de Broglle was there, VEGETINE is made exclusively from the factory at the very lowest New That darting swallows pause and prick their ears carefully selected barks, roots and herbs, and so audience are marvelously effeotive. and the Russian Ambassador, Prince Orloff, with a York and Baltimore prices. And swear 'tis fabled music of the spheres. black patch over his eye. It was said by the foreign strongly concentrated that it will effectually eradi- Our old favorite, Peakes, a famous Devllshool in cate from the system every taint oi Scrofula, scrof- 1 bon-ton to have been a thoroughly enjoyable enter- Montgomery pipes, "like dews of ulous Humor, Tumors, Cancer, Cancerous "Too soft, by fa! the Bohemian Girl, who sings Falstafl, makes up, un- tainment in every way; a crowd but not a crush, Humor, Erysipelas, Salt Jtheum, Syphilitic even; consciously ot course, as General Van VUet, with sil- Diseases, Canker, Faint Hess at the Stomach, I as-Retail branches at Wlllard's, Metro- beautiful in decorations, every room exquisitely poUton, Arlington and Imperial Hotels^ Too soft, yet sweet, 1grant1 , as airs lrom heaven;" vered hair and beard. Curiously, you will also find and all diseases that arise from impure blood. decorated with flowers and tropical plants, and every Sciatica, Inflammatory and Chronic Jtheuma- Then straight uprose, as 'twere upon his ear, in Castle's Shakspeare a ludicrous likeness to Dion window tilled with feathery-foliaged plants to the very tism, Neuralgia, Gout and Spinal Complaints, That elongated basso, quickly drawing near, Boucicaultwith a black mustache and imperial. top. The affair, gratifying to our national pride, can onlv be effectually cured through tho blood. DANIEL LOUGHRAN, Girded his loins about him, careful took the key, For Ulcers and Eruptive Diseases of the Slctn, John McCullough informs me that he has just passed off without a regret, except the shudder of hor- Pustules, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Tetter, JOBBER OF And, massing all his strength, went straight ibrthat completed a good engagement in the Southern cities, ror which paseed through tho saloon at the appari- Scald-head and Itingworm, YKOETINB has never high Si with a magnificent reception in Nashville imprinted tion of the brown plush bonnet and the mangy-blue failed to effect a permanent cure. _ pleasantly upon his memory. He plays soon in Balti- For Pains in the Sack, Kidney Complaints, OIGABS AND TOBACCO, A crash, a roar, a sound of shivering glass! cravat. PAROLE. more and Washington. McCullough has much of the Dropsy, Female Weakness, Eeucorrhwa, arising OPPO- Who erst in listening eestacy were sighing, from internal ulceration, and uterine diseases and NO. 1408 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, force, fire and rude energy of Edwin Forrest, tem- General Debility, VEGETINE acts directly upon the Now, pale with fear, that fiercely struggling mass, HOTELS AND KE8TAUÜANTB SITE W1LLARDS' HOTEL. In eager haste, with pallid lips, were flying. pered now by scholarly study of the best models. causes of these complaints. It invigorates and Without the picturesqueness of Edwin Booth, he has strengthens the whole system, acts upou the secretive mar25-ly8 A thousand unimagined woes their thoughts assailed^ organs, allays inflammation, cures ulceration and (E'en Upton's mighty adipose got up and dusted,) none ol his affectations and bilious, slaty tempera- EBBITT HOUSE, regulates the bowels. ment. McCullough in heroic parts is the best actor For Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costive- While irom the wreck Montgomery feebly wailed, 00AL AND WOOD. we have on our stage. His Othello is a grand, gloomy ness, Palpitation o) the Heart, Headache, Files, "That d-d old sounding board has gone and busted! HEADQUARTERS ARMY AND NAVY, Nervousness and General Prostration of the JOHN T. GIVEN. figure, gorgeous and lurid as one oi Dore's pictures. Nervous System, no modicine has given such per- H. A. CLARKE. His Viginius has received praise from high quarters, fect satisfaction as the VEGETINE. It purifies the and leaves him admittedly without a rival as the WASHINGTON, I). C. blood, cleanses all of the organs, and possesses a con- trolling power over the nervous system. Coal and Wood. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. noble Koman. The remarkable cures effected by VEGETINE have A quiet laugh goes around at the expense of a well- C. C. WILLARD, Proprietor. induced many physicians and apothecaries whom we know to proscribe and use it In their own families. -The known Washingtonian, the provocation of which is so There's Millions In It-Old Tanberbilt's Vices In fact; VEGETINE is the best remedy yet discovered amusing and characteristically New York that your IMPERIAL HOTEL, for the above disease, and is the only reliable CLARKE & GIVEN, Horse Leech's Daughters-Fallacy of Detective popular fellow citizen will pardon mo if I relate it. BZOOD PURIFIER yet placed beiore the WASHINGTON, X>. C. Mr.—call him V. B.—made a bet with William Turn- public. Evidence—A Queer quartette of Celebrities in a New WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN bull, Esq., a rich, retired butter merchant here at the PREPARED BY Operetta-John McCnllough's Othello-Hary Ander- FIKST-CLASS AND LOW BATES. BOARD Windsor, that Ten Broeck would beat Parole. The REDUCED to $50 and $80 per month, according H. R, STEVENS, BOSTON, MASS. WOO» ASD COAL. son's Sew York Debut-Farjeon's Judgment of checks, two for $75 each, were put up in the hands of to location of rooms. TABLE BO ARD $30 per month. America-A Washington Man's Bet-Ainerican the gentlemanly cashier of the hotel. As you know, Transient rates $2.50 and $3 per day. Ten Broeck did not start, having a Dad cold, and V. je3-tf8 JAS. S. PEIRCE, Prep'r. Ladies'Toilets Abroad. What is Vegetine ? Dailv arriving, cargoes ot select ANTHRACITE New Yobk, November 16, 1877. B., who had returned to Washington, thought no WEST END HOTEE, •It is a compound extracted from barks, roots and and BITUMINOUS COAL, lor families, steam and Our new millionaire, Wm. H. Vanderbilt, has more about the matter until he received a letter from GEORGETOWN, D. C. herbs. It is Nature's Remedy. It is perfectly harm- manufacturing use. the cashier, saying that old Bill Turnbull claimed the y SHIÎÏÏÏ proprietor less from any bad effect upon the system. It is •scarcely settled down to the enjoyment of the fastest This hotel is conveniently located, being situatedon money under the gambling "play or pay" rule. V. nourishing and strengthening. It acts directly upon KINDUNG AND CORD WOOD. double team in the world, in which respect at least he the line of the Washington and Georgetown City Pas- the blood. It quiets tho nervous system, ltgives you B. is said to have remarked, in a disdainlul sort of resembles the old Commodore, when the hydra of senger Railroad, the cars of which, irom the Railroad good, sweet sleep at night. It is a great panacea fOT COAL STANDARD-TON 2,240 lbs. way, "If Turnbull can aflord to take it I can afford to and Steamer Depots, pass the door every two or three our aged fathers and mothers, for It gives them Family Discord again rears its horrid head to devour lose'it." Of course " Old Bill," an intimate of Van- minutes. The guests of this house can reach any ol strength, quiets their nerves and gives them Nature s Best Quality, Fair Prices and Fair Deajing. his millions. Scaroely had the echoes of the con-* the Public Buildings of the National Capital, or any sweet sleep, as has been proved by many an aged per- derbilt's by the way, could afford to take it without place of amusement, &c., by a pleasant ride of a tew gratulatioris on the betrothal of his daughter son. It is the great Blood Purifier. It is a soothing NO. 424 TENTH STREET WESJ, E ^ ^ regard to oost. pis oronies, who play poker and drive minutes. Board per day, $2. By the month at re- remedy for our children. It has relieved and cured died away, when his sister, Mrs. Alice La Bau, trotting horses with him, say, with a laugh, that " Old duced rates. sep26-tt8 thousands. It is very pleasant to take; every child BRANCH YARD, cornor Twelfth and C streets resumed the contest of the Commodore's will. likes it. It relieves and cures all diseases originating northwest. Butter-Tub will take anything but a cold or a 10-inch from impure blood. Try the VEGETINE. Wve it a The suit is brought in the interest of Cornelius Vander- AMERICAN HOUSE, fair trial for your complaints; then you will say to bilt jr. Cornelius has been in some respects a mau. gun." your friend, neighbor and acquaintance, " iry it; it ue^nd TMrtee^-Tnd-Shtìf^'tMet?61 ^^^sepMK6" vaU tujet. His enemies called him dissolute, idle and I fear the days of John Brougham are numbered, Comer Pennsylvania Avt. and Seventh St., has cured me." a spendthrift. Certain it is. that in early days he and one more added to the histrionic death-roll of the TOTCEHTS- evidenced none of the money-making faculty of the past year. Not long after Barney Williams went COKE DOWN Davenport, Ben DeBar, George Fox and poor Edwin VEGETINE, for the complaints for which It Is recom- father, and but little of the money loving nature of TABLE BOARD, $20 PER MONTH. mended, Is having a larger sale throughout the Adams, whose grave is yet moist with the tears of a ,2.20. the family. United States than any other one medicine. Why f 40 BUSHELS DELIVERED FOR nation. John Brougham's death would eclipse for Vegetine will cure these Complaints. ' Cornelius would borrow money with the recklessness my28-ttl SCHOFIEL» & DUFFY. Proprietors. the moment the gayety of even our mercurial oity, so of a cavalry officer 6n leave of absence, and was GAS-LIGHT OFFICE, equally careless of wjom he got it or his prospective universally is he known, admired and esteemed. Rheumatic gout is his ailment. PALAIS ROYAL Cannot be Excelled. means of repayment. Notably he borrowed, irom 411 and 413 Tenth street. time to time, large sums ot Horace Greeley, giving in Mary Anderson, the Western meteor, blazed upon CHARLE8TOWN, MASS., March 19, 1889. ¡at the Fifth Avenue Theater last Monday night. 1 Mr H R. STEVENS : Dear Sir—This is to certify exchange his notes of hand, which valuable relics that i have used your "Blood Preparation';_lni my Her first night, heralded by noisy blast of trumpet MECHANICS AND ARTISANS. were found among Horaoe's unpublished manuscripts RESTAURANT, family for several years, and think that for Scrofula to the lively tune of $39,000. The Greeley girls still and seasoned paragraphs of anchovy flavor to provoke or Cankerous Humors, or Rheumatic Affections, it the appetite, was distinguised by a crowded and dis- cannot be excelled; and, as a blood purifier and hold them among the assets of their father's estate, spring medicine, it is the best thing 1 have ever used; D. M'MENAMIN. »" DESMAN. probably marked " uncollectable and of no value." tinguished assemblage. The President elect, Mr. SHEPHERD'S BUILDING, and i have used almost everything. 1 can cheerfully McSIENAMIN «SC CO., Tllden, sat erect and smiling in a proscenium recommend it to any one in need of such a medicine. The Commodore once broke into Greeley's sanctum Yours respectiully, ,„„„„,,», Marble, Granite and Brown Stone Monumen- in a towering rage, alter hearing of a loan young box, and divided the favorable attention of the evening with the fair young debutante. MRS. A. A. DINSMORE, tal and Building Works, "Cornell" had effected from his good-natured old Twelfth Street and Pennsylvania Ave. 19 Russell Streot. friend: " Do you suppose 1 am going to" pay a damned Actresses who have not received the imprint Corner First street East and Venn, ave., WASHINGTON, D. C. cent of that money you lent Cornell?" he demanded. of metropolitan approval are only debutantes when they appear for the first time In the real capital. Washington and Georgetown Cars and Chanots "Whothe hell asked you to, Commodore ?" replied ALE THE MARKET CONTAINS. Gives Health, Strength and pass by the Establishment. sep30 ám» Greeley, who was struggling over his desk with an Comparison was invited by Miss Anderson's advisers Appetite. in casting her for Pauline, in Lord Lytton's sugary editorial, turning his benignant old face up to the My dauahter has received great benefit from the use STEPHEN F. GILL, angry money king. The Commodore gave th^iri^ sweetness, the Lady ol Lyons. It Is only just to Misa At the Lowest Prices. of the VEGETINE. Her declining health was a source Plain and ornamental $10,000 at Greeley's death. Anderson to say that she delighted her friends and of great anxlely to all of her lrlends. A lew bottles of surprised the mere "lookers-on In Vienna." the VEGETINE restored her health, strength and ap It is claimed by Scott Lord, counsel for contestant, PLASTERER, that the grossest injustice has been done the son, Cor- For once those beagles, who hunt in packs, the MORTON HOUSE. P6tUe- N. H. TILDEN, critics, were unanimous in laudation. Winter, who 40« Eighth street northwest, Washington, D. C. nelius, by the will, and that this had been done by the »83 AND »34 F STREET NORTHWEST. Insurance and Real Estate Agent. is about the only representative of combined honesty No. 49 Sears Building, Boston, Mass. funnier-nieces Caps. Brackets, Statuary, &c., always Commodore, not voluntarily, but because of undue in Centerp Repair!^ and Calsomiming promptly fluence exercised alter his mind had become enfeebled. and brains left on that old public trull, the New York on hand, apf22-"tl8 PRICES FOR BOAKD. ecuted, As it now stands, should Cornelius live to be anl Tribune, says that "she has the precious gifts of youth, hundred years old, he can only reoeive live per centJ beauty and enthusiasm." The Sun, cynical, caustic Per month PREPARED BY H. K. STEVENS. BOSTON, MASS. and caviling in art, calls her "a picture of tragic Per month, if paid in advance ».«V JOHN BARRY, on his $200,000, while he must forever go and come at Per week 3.50 -Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists.^ his brother's bock and nod, and remain completely strength." The Graphic said that "she has true Breakfast or dinner ; • • 25 under his control, and at his beck and mercy. The dramatic fire and force, unquestioned passion and Lunch Plumber, Gas & Steam Fitter power," and capable of the "highest classic tragedy." 23 meal tickets daughters have not been so badly treated, but they 10 00 The critic, perhaps in the interest of the regular 47 do do 1319 Seventh Street, bet. X and O N. W. claim that bequests of $200,000 and $500,000 from his MORTON HOUSE was the first one in the city to colossal fortune were utterly insufficient to Batisfy the| avoirdupois actress, thins the wine of his praise by lower the prices for board, and thus save .the people ¿STALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. expectations which he himself had raised. saying that " there was a little shock of disappoint- from $4 to $5 per month. my6-tf2 ment when a very tall, thin, somewhat angular girl BEST BOARD IN THE CITY. Wm. H. Vanderbilt, Mr. Lord alleged, had! made her appearance as Pauline." Tho vibration of Hominy and oat meal lor plotted for the result for twenty-five years, had sub- the shock was probably most perceptible among the OTSMfiB^^ mitted to all his lather's commands, whims and ca- fat women in the audience. Her angularity displeases 922 and 924 F street northwest. AKCHITECTg, prices, of which the willful old Commodore had many; N B —No beer, liquors or tobacco of any kind sold. your average New York critic, who only likes a good, seplC-ly6 NO. 703 ANFIFTEENTD NEWH YOR SJ;;REETK AVENUE. ^BETWEE. N G had never contradicted him, had plotted with him to square girl. The Herald, in an unusually clever crit- febl8-tf« send the mother and wife to an asylum, and, after her ique, says that "in Miss Anderson the American release, to keep her in a separate house, while a stage has gained a woman of fine person and high J! BANKERS, BROKERS, ETC. strange woman was introduced in their mother's stead, I abilities oarefully cultivated." against the wishes of all the children except the old- lO CENT LUNCHES. est, Wm. H. He had neither will nor action of his Mile. Corinne Boullgny, a niece of Mrs. Boullgny of WILSON & CO., own, but looked and worked and waited only for the yoilr city,-made a good impression on musical people BEST IN THE CITY. inheritance of his father's fortune. at a concert In Steinway Hall. The young lady is of New Orleans parentage, and has already sang at con- Corner Eighth and D Streets N. W. " This father, then," said Mr. Lord with startling certs in Parts. She will return to Europe to pursue emphasis, "during the later years of his lite had not febl8-ly BUTTS & RUSSELL, Proprietor». Bankers & Brokers, her musical studies, and her numerous friends in fash- been sane. He was the slave of a vice as injurious to ionable and musical circles here have high hopes of the mind as to the body." He was the subject of men- her future. MARBLE SALOON, Dealers in Stock Privileges, V. S. tal and physical disease, a sufferer irom Bright's dis- Corner Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue, Bonds, Cotton and Miscellan- ease of the kidneys, from hernia and cystitus. He was The Lotos Club, of course, gave Farjeon, the'Engllsh novelist, a dinner. An American edition of his best eous Securities, &c. obliged to use constantly opiates, and spent thousands The Bar is stocked with the purest Wines, Cigars, and of dollars, this old man ot calculating brain and in- known book, "Breadand Cheese and Kisses," the our Old Hickory Whisky we claim to be the best in DB. J. LIVERPOOL, domitable will, on clairvoyants and mesmerists, in club furnishing the bread and cheese, while a little America. Our Ten-Cent Lunch from 11 to 2 is supe- The greatest opportunity ever before offered for rior to any in the city. •which impostors or theorists—as you please—he be- American girl, the daughter of Joe Jeilerson, has taken a life-contract to supply the kisses, with oc- LEWIS & CALLAHAN, made from investment of $200 in 30 days. lieved. augl9-3mos6 Proprietors. THE GREAT INDIAN HERB DOCTOR OF Smaller amounts invested will pay in P™P~ casional sauce thrown in, as the best wife knows how In M Cornelius had reformed and adopted comparatively investments, large or small, can be trebled in du to do when it is needed. Farjeon is pleased with good habits for a long time before his father's death, BALTIMORE, d America; says we "excel IB canvas-back ducks, corn- X> sell or purchase, as desired, five shares ot stocks and although he never regained the old man's confi- WALSH'S NEW bread, pumpkin pies and Indian corn, but that we AND dence, stood well enough with him, it was supposed, Will be in his office, 711 SEVENTH STREET, every Americans do not give our intellects full play." That ol &Irope and America, Issued for the convenience of Terms • Payable monthly as you take treatment. Farjeon belongs to that intellectual race to which we spiracy to prevent the natural distribution of the mil- All modern improvements have here been provided, Main Office, 132 North Eutaw street, Baltimore. owe August Belmont, Disraeli and Judge N oah. One and no pains will be spared to maintain a first-class WILSON & CO., lions. On October 22,1874, an agent went to another sep30-lyT of the members of the club, in an after-dinner speech, reputation for the establishment. nov4-lmo 35 and 37 Broad Street, New York. State, procured detectives and secured a man to per referred eloquently to a book of Farjoen's which was DB. LEON, son ate Cornelius. This man was followed by de- found by a fellow member with a taste for dates to Losekam & Weaver, F. O. Box 2485. (Near Gold and Stock Exchange. tectives for a month into all manner of vile dens, and have been read nine years beiore it was published. (reports of his conduct were made to his father, utterly The Oldest Established Spe- ruining the real Cornelius in his estimation, while he FRENCH FASHIONS. E STÄURÄ^S was leading an exemplary, industrious life. Ladies, a word in your pink ears. From a letter 1 AND cialist in the City, W. N. ROWE, The revelations concerning the employment of de- learn that at General Grant's reception in Paris there Can be consulted confidentially every Tuesday, Wed- BEAX, ESTATE BROKER, tectives, who serve the justice or the rogue with equal was a great display of American beauty. The daugh LADIES' CAFE. nesday and Saturday at No. 512 F street N. W., one square east of Post Office readiness for pay, have stirred the Army and Navy ters of Freedom admittedly outshone the French fair No. 806 SIXTH STREET, ABOVE H ST. N. W., Oc28-4t' Pa. ave., adjoining Wlllard's Hotel. Washington, D, C. " cittb and other social resorts into renewed disoussion ones, not only by their personal charms, but in the from 1 to 9 p. m. of the recent appointment to the regular army ol a HOUSES, LOTS, AND FARMS ON SALE. elegance of their toilets. 6 5 The Doctor gives scientific treatment, amd guar- d detective, whose name is given in the Washington The beautiful Mrs. Torbert, wife oi our consul gen- I ' A. M A. N" ' S antees a thorough and speedy |p| Wtfc»f&Ortest time Houses Rented. Rents collected. Mon^ ™ dispatches as Maxwell. If, as is alleged by the Union possible, of all ACUTE and CHRONIC SKIN. VE; and carefully Invested. novo * eral to Paris, wore a rich white silk of crepe de Chine, Restaurant, CEREAL and NERVOUS DISEASES. LADIES League Club defenders of the Administration, he riohly embroidered with white floss silk and trimmed sep30-tl8 316 Ninth street northwegt. suffering from irregularlties,;or any oomplaint peculiar ' really saved Mr. Hayes from assassination, why not /^ONGRESSMENS' PAY ^TIOIPATED. with white fringe. A single white rose at the breast, IF I I MiilMF.Y TO LOAN ON COLLATERAL make him a consul, or a post-office agent, or commis- half opened, completed her exquisite toilet, all purely V T nw BATES VOUCHERS BOUGHT. AT L°^BURYG ipPLEMAN& MUMPER. sioner to the Paris Exposition1 In the latter capacity white. Mrs. Dan Sickles, in a cloud of point lace, Improved Farms Wanted. ^Office and Residence: No. 3, Monroe street West he might bring his peculiar talents into play by with diamond roses in her splendid Spanish cheveleure, Baltimore. sep30-tf7 OC21-tl2 "shadowing" his oollegues and well-known Ameri- was one of the most admired belles present. Mrs. Lin- PARTIES DESIHING cans in the gay capital. The disclosures would doubt- coln's dress was a long, perteotly plain skirt of heavy A..T. WHITING'S, " jess be useful to Mr. Evarts and amusing to the wives white silk, edged with two narrow plaited ruffles, the Loans at a Low Valuation AVENUE, of the "prominent citizens," as well as other men's No. 1229 PENNSYLVANIA 934 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, upper one pink, the lower one, the edge of which only Between Twelfth and Thirteenth Sts., wives. A remunerative engagement as correspondent showed, of moss green. A scarf drapery of white bro- on Improved Farms WASHINGTON CITY. of the New York Sure wculd follow as a matter of caded silk, spotted with small pink rosebuds with REFERENCES : course. Tho poor, uniortunate army has suffered Col W K. Rogers, Private Sec'y to the President. STRAW AND EELT HAT BLEACHER?, moss green leaves, was arranged over this skirt and vom »ac-w-JE: -STKAM®! Gen Wm G. LeDuc, Commissioner of Agriculture. sufficiently by the neglect of a paternal Government, fell behind In two long ends, each furnished with a sew- Hon'. John .1. Knox, Comptroller of Currency NOW BEAD! FOB BEFINISHING IN AIL THE but it does seem like adding insult to Injury to turn REAlf ESTATE I.OAN AND TRUST CO., Senator McMillan, Gov. Alex. Ramsey, Gov^a K. ing silk tasseled fringe of white, intermixed with pink oc28-ly2 FALL STYLES. mar26-tt it Into an Asylum for Decayed Detectives. and moss green. The corsage was of the brocade, cut No. 631 F street northwest, Davis. &c. Mrs. Le Bau asserts that Wm. Vanderbilt promised square, with half-long sleeves furnished with crepe Washington, p. P., P. O. Box 74 jyi-iys CHILDREN'S Zaw and Patent Offices of lisse ruffles, above which was placed a torsade of pink, Cornelius in her presence to share with him to the ex- fH m tent of a million, and that the general settlement white and green silk. This elegant yet girlish toilet 1304 H Street N. W. BOOTS, SHOES, &C,. No. W La- Ave", Washington, D. C., opp.Cit^Halb I with all the discontented heirs was made with the un- was from Worth's ateliers. Mrs. Grant was In Window Cornices, Walnut, Oali, Gilt and Fancy Pic- At extraordinary high cash prices, at JUSTH'S old ture Frames, Fasse-Partouts, Bronzing and Regildlng, REFERS BY PERMISSION TO : »ON RLOJ street, near 6th N. W. You are being treated this week, I see, to the Eng- Business promptly attended to U. S. Commissioner grace of our envoy's charming wife. It was a triumph and Examiner in Chancery. iel7-tt lish Opera Troupe, managed by C. D. Hess, formerly 3 THE CAPITAL.--NOYEMBER 18,1877.

1 know of no actor who would look at home on the TO TRAVELERS. splendor, and as proud as the Fecoad cousin of a Con- ants sleep with the doors of their one-story houses stage of the Tragic Theater, where gorgeous tragedy federate goneral or an admiral In Government office, ajar for 1'ear a midnight earthquake may jam them ODR CORRESPONDENT IN NAPLES. in dceptered pall went sweeping by two centuries ago. JALTIMOBE AND OHIO BAILEOAD. even when as poor. The ladies of the upper classes, fast and bar their escape to the open street. Vesuvius, All these and more I might describe until patience I am told by my landlord, Signor Taglarini, never go though not the largest, is the most active volcano in Bceolleetions of Edwin Adams' Hercntlo In Verona- or the hour gives out; but Taglarini, my obliging host, The great double track. out unless to ride; and 1 am inclined to believe, from the world, and not infrequently playfully covers NATIONAL BOUTE AND SHOBT LINE is smiling and scraping to announce three different The Dolce Far Niente Neapolitans—Pastimes of the actions of a contessa across the street, who dresses Naples with a shower of fine white ashes as an earnest TO THB ot what she can do in a genuine oruption of volcanic macaronis, some fish and a bottle of Musoadine. Northwest, West and South. Neapolitan Ladies-Sweetmeats, Scandal and Song— herself all morning in the balcony opposite mine, to NOVEMBEB 18, 5:16 p. m. mud or streams of red-hot lava and ashes which have 1 have but little more than an hour to catch the A Poor and Proud Nobility—A Flirting Contessa—The float around the shrubs and flowers on the roof all the evening mall, and one cannot eat his dinner under evgnlng, that he did not exaggerate In saying, "The fallen to the extent of 60 to 110 feet. Vesuvius is A. M. Leave Washington : Custom of the Country ¡—Excursion to Sorrento—A an hour with that luxurious ease of action and in- 6:00 a. m.—Baltimore and Way Stations. ladies, "bah! all they think of is to waste time on their about two hours' carriage ride from Naples, rising in French and an Irish Toast—The Bine Grotto- the midst of the plain oi Campania, surrounded on dependence of thought which should accompany the 6:60 a. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Stations. beauty and fine clothes to fascinate us men." Tagla- t8:00—Baltimore Express. most important event in the domestic eoonomy of the Belies of Ancient Art in the National Museum— rini swore by the eleven thousand virgins of Cologne the north and east by the Appenines, open to the 8:10 a. m.—Piedmont, Strasburg, Winchester, plain or Naples on the west, and on the south its base 24 hours. The Xmas festivals are merry affairs in Hagerstown, Point of Bocks and Way Stations. Psyches, Fanns and Danoes—The Secret Cabinet- that she was a real countess, and hadn't paid him a Is washed by the sea. The height of the eruptive Naples. Already the bag-pipes of the Abruzzi are 8:80 a. M.—NBTV YOBK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON AJID cent of rent for eight months. " But, per bacco! what BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Visit To Vesuvius—Pen-Portrait of The Crater- flocking in to play hymns and songs under the can I do? If I turn her out her brothers will kill mo cone has been reduced to 3,400 feet during the past f8:40 a. m.—St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and figures of the Madonna, and thereby pick up a few Pittsburg Express. Valley Branch. Hagerstown, Biblical Nomenclature—Contrast Between Vesuvius some night when I am alone, and if she some time few years. pious ducats. Their appearance is somewhat striking except Sunday. and 0. 0. Howard in Action—Six Hours in a Bnined captivate some rich Inglese she will pay me wisout A celebrated author, who takes a deeper interest in vol- t9:00-rBaltimore and way stations ; on Sunday con- to the untutored eye of a New York peasant, wfth Koman City—Pompeiian Villas, Temples, Theaters doubt—oh, yes!" canoes than Sir Charles Coldstream, when he looked nects for Annapolis. their pointed hats, brown cloaks, sandals and their down the cfratcr and said "there's nothing in it," says: +10:00 a. m.—Baltimore Express. and Fountains—John McCullough's Virginius in the I found Taglarini a good sort of fellow, very oblig- bag-pipes. Yours truly, o. B- [P. M. „ ing, but somewhat loose, like nearly all his fellow- •;To gain a distinct conception of the aspect of the hill, 12:10 p. m.—Baltimore, Annapolis, Elllcott City Ac- Óreat Tragic Theater. citizens and all his class. He would with joy and shape out for yourself by a mental effort the following commodation. HOTEL ras BKETAGSB, NAI'LBS, October 31. objects: First, a sloping plain three miles long and "WEARING APPAEEL. tl:S0 p. m.—NEW YORK AKD PHILADELPHIA EX- pride have gone out Into the Strada di Toledo, a main PRESS. On Sunday to Baltimore and Way Stations Between Milan and Venice there is but little to treet, dragged in an English duke or a French mar- three miles broad, stretching up with a pretty rapid only. Connects for Frederick. interest your readers in narration. The Verona of to- quis, and held him down by the throat before la Oon- ascent to an elevation of more than 2,000 feet, very 3:30—Baltimore and way stations. day is no longer the Verona of Borneo and Juliet, and 4:30 p. m.—Baltimore and Laurel Express. tessa until the prostrate noble had promised to cover rugged in the surface and covered everywhere with Wiswall & Gwynn's all the Italian cities on the great lines ol traffic are f4:36 p. m.—Frederick, Point ot Bocks, Hagerstown, madame with diamonds and pay her bills. The good black, burnt stones, like the scoria of an iron furnace; Winchester and Way Stations. busy, modern and dull. Though the jingling spur of Taglarini, obliging, complaisant and smiling, would second, at the head of this plain, and towering over OPENING OF NEW +4:40—Baltimore. Annapolis and Way Stations. the Austrian hussar no longer clatters on the spots +6:30 p. m.—Philadelphia, Norfolk and Baltimore as willingly have brought the countess to milord if the it, a cone of the same blace, burnt stones, with sides where once poet's sang, sculptors carved, painters Express. Bladensburg, Laurel and Belay. PASEEBGEBS service were rewarded. In brief, the padrone was, in remarkably straight and uniform, shooting up in the dreamed and noble youths and lovely maidens TOR NORFOLK TAKEN IN THE CARS DIRECT TO BOAT. literal translation from the liquid Tuscan, "a man blue sky to a farther elevation of 1,500 feet; third, t6:50—Baltimore and way stations. laughed life lovingly away, the old Italian cities have behind this cone, a lotty circular precipice (the front FALL ADD WINTER DRY GOODS +8:55—CHICAGO AND COLUMBUS EXPRESS. Win- lapsed into modern respectability, dull, cold and me- without shame," anglice—a procurer, like all his class. chester and Hagerstown, except Sunday. of Monte Somma) 1,400 feet high and three miles diocre enough for John Welsh, the Philadelphia sugar The baseness of the Neapolitan exceeds oven the t7:30p. m.—Baltimore Express long, standing like a vast wall, and of tho same burnt •f9ri!6—St. Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville and Pitts- trader, who 1 see has been made our minister to the powers of invective of my good old friend Jerry Black. appearance; fourth, at the lower side of the plain, be- Monday, Nov. 5, 1877. burg Express. court of St. James. He ought to have been sent consul The honor of their own sisters and wives are held as tween tho burnt ground and the sea, a belt of land |g:30 p. m.—NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BAL- to Manchester, if a necessity existed to send lightly as they hold their own. Fawning, false and TIMORE EXPRESS, t Dally. two miles broad, laid out In vineyards, but intersected him abroad. Still, even here in Italy, the shameless, they submit to any indignity, if it is paid All other trains daily except Sunday. every one or two furlongs by terraces ol the same 1 500 Yards Black All Wool Cashmeres, 62%, 75, 87J& All trains stop at Belay Station. sun is republican. Great kingdoms may dielo r afterwards. When angrily remonstrated with for »1.00 and $1.25. One and quarter yards wide. I black, calcined matter, projecting like offshoots from For further information apply at Ticket Offices at and pass away, and cities that were spots sending a very pretty laundress to my room one One CaBe Beautiful Colored Merinos, very wide, only Depot, corner New Jersey avenue and O streets, 486, morning, only twenty minutes before I expected the the center mass, and now and then unvaillng old cur- 57K, sold at 87%. One Case Finer Goods, 77yv 801 and 603 Pennsylvania avenue, and 613 Fifteenth of light may sit in darkness, but the sun which 3,000 Yards Colored Cashmeres, all the New Shades, American consul to accompany me on a drive to Pom- rents of lava from beneath them.'.' street northwest, where tickets can be procured and makes Italy beam with voluptuous verdure plants Its only 20 cents, worth 37H- — , . orders will be taken for baggage to be checked and re- fiery image equally on woman and man. "What is peii, he bowed and salaamed, salaamed and bowed It is on these vineyards that the Lacryma Christi Beautiful Basket Cloths, 25 cents. New Plaids, 11J4 ceived at any point in the city. fancy in colder climates grows into passion here. The with a deprecating smile, "Ah, excellenza, it is the (Tears of Christ) wine is made. Without the smallest sold at 20. , P W. M. CLEMENTS, Asst. Master of Transportation. Five Cases Heavy Canton-Flannel, from auction, 8 small rivalries which touch with sparkling liveliness custom of the country.." One of the most agreeable thought of irreverence the Latin races use the names L. M. COLE, General Ticket Agent. cents, worth 12V. Better Goods at 10 cents. febl-tf6 GEO. S. KOONTZ. General Agent. our best society and political contests become revenge excursions in all Italy is the drive to Sorrento. of the Virgin and the founder of the Christian religion 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, only 24. Best 5-4 only 12Vj. under the sorching heat of the Peninsula. Blankets! Blankets ! $1.50, $1.75, »2.00, »2.50, »3.00 Besides the fact that To-so was born there, It is the as an exclamation of surprise, tho title of a brand of GBEAT wine or even the name of an individual. A Spanish »4.00, »5.00, »6.00. PENNSYLVANIA scene of " Agnes of Sorrento," than which there are Ladies would do well to examine our goods and 1877. BOUTE 1877. The day I left Verona for Naples X saw in the woman will exclaim. " MatIre de Bios !" if the saddle few moro charming books, familiar, of course, to your prices before buying elsewhere. TO THE NOBTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. American Register the cable announcement of Edwin cultivated readers. Iwas driven there in an open of her mule turns under her. " Lacrymte Christi" is WISWALL & GWYNN, Adams' death. Poor Ned, 1 knewhim forthesemany Doable Track, Steel Ralls, Splendid carriage, with postillions. When it was necessary to the designation of General Vallejo's beautiful country years past, and loved htm for the mingled sweetness oct28-4t2 7»5 MARKET SPACE. Scenery, MaRnlflcent Equipment. accelerate or decrease the speed of the horses my seat in old Sonoma, California, and I have known of and manliness of his nature, his gentle treatment of NOVEMBER 18, 1877. traveling companion, an eccentric young Englishman a famous Mexican horse-thief tried and convicted un- Trains leave Washington, from Depot, Corner of women, without thought of their age or degree of life, Sixth and B streets, as follows: offortune, who ran through Italy and his fortune simply der the name of "Jesus." Italian scientists claim GEO. T. KEEN, and his frank, jocund, generous way with men. that more minerals have been found in the vicinity of For Pittsburg and the West, 10:10 a. m. daily, with do ubt if Ned Adams had an enemy in the world. It pour passi les temps, would throw an empty pint bot- Parlor Oar to Pittsburg, and Sleeping Cars to PlttB- Versuvius than in any other spot of tho same dimen- burg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Ohioago; 7:40 was the God-given gifts within him, added to a mag- tle of champagne at him. The supply of ammunition seemed to be inexhaustible. As fast as Louis, his sions on the face of the globe. About eighty-two dif- p. m. dally, with Palace Car to Chicago. nificent voice and graceful presence, which made his ferent species are known to have been discovered. Merchant Tailor, BALTIMOBE AND POTOMAC BAILEOAD. Mercutio the best ever presented on our stage. courier, would open one my young English friend For Canandaigua, Bochester, Buffalo, Niagara would toss it oft in a bumper with the devil-may-care The stony matter of Vesuvius consists of lava form- 414 NINTH STREET N. W., Falls and the North, at 7:40 p. m. daily, except Satur- The streets of Verona, as their lamps receded from toast, " A la guerre, comme la guerre," (literally— ing long, narrow bands on the surface of the hill. May- day, with Palace Car to Watkins. For willtamsport, me in the night, looking back from the little railway Lock Haven, Elmira and Watkins, 10:10 a. m. daily, make the best of things.) I would reply, holding the flowers grow here which are unknown elsewhere. The WASHINGTON, D. C. coupé I had taken for the long ride to Naples, brought except Sunday. glass before mV face to conceal my embarrassment at plain below is as fair as a picture, studded with plan- For New York and the East, 1:40 a. m. and 9:80 p. to mind the last time 1 saw him in the character. It my inability to respond in French, "Here goes; tations, vineyards, villages and white country houses. Our Stock for Autumn and Winter m. daily, with Palace Cars attached; Limited Ex- was the night of Edwin Booth's opening of Booth's Every yard of the ground save the roads is in a high press of Pulman Parlor Cars, 9:20 a. m. daily, except God's good to the Irish !" Will be fully open by August 21. It will be the theater years ago. Adams' Mercutio was the redeeming Sunday. , . „ state of cultivation, and yields three crops a year. choicest we have ever offered, and the largest variety and perfect portraiture of the evening, fop Booth can- We visited the house of Tasso on the sea-shore and For New York and the East, 1:30 p. m. daily, exoept The luscious wine, (not at all a bitter wine, as a to be found in the city. Sunday, with Sleeping Cars from Washington not play Borneo and little Mary McVickàr, now his the caves of Ulysses. Having a day to spare we went learned Brooklyn paper once put it in drawing a Our styles will be, as they always are, the latest and to Boston. For Brooklyn, New York, all through wife, 1 am told, was wofully inadequate for Juliet over to the Island of Capri in a rcw-boat, propelled by freshest; our goods reliable in every way. trains connect at Jersey City with boats, Brooklyn labored Illustration of a Talmage sermon,) fs scarcely The prices wo name will be the value of the goods : The frank, gallant bearing, finished ease and quick four red-capped rowers. Of course we visited the gem and Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton known in reality, the production being small, and no more no less. Those goods are cheapest which sell street, avoiding double ferriage and journey across intelligence of Adams fairly carried a coldly fashion- of the Bay of Naples, the Blue Grotto in Capri. The that all reserved for the royal cellars. The Vino] quickest, which best attract and satisfy consumers. New York city. '' _ , < Taking that fact into consideration our old customers able house by storm. In the scene in front of the visitors have to lie in the bottom of the boat while it is Grceco is justly celebrated, as well as tho Muscadine For Philadelphia, 1:30 p. ml daily, except Sunday, cathedral, where Tybalt and Mercutio fight, and the being pushed through an arch some three feet high know and our new ones will learn that from UB they and 1:40 af m., and 5:25 and 9:30 p. m. dally. wines. buy the best goods not only but the cheapest. latter is killed by a false thrust, he fairly blazed That is not difficult; an old traveler can lie almost Limited Express, 9:20 a. m. daily, except Sunday. Accommodation for Baltimore, 6:55 and 8:30 a. m. and with dramatic fire. Fortunate for Booth that Shaks- anywhere. The Blue Grotto is one hundred feet | After ascending gradually among cultivated fields] GEO. T. KEEN. aug26-3mosl 4:20 p. m. daily, except Sunday. peare thought it best to kill Mercutio in the second wide by one hundred and fifty long. It is difficult land vineyards we reached the Hermitage, an old con- For Pope's Creek Line, 6:55 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, act, élse there would have been few eyes cast on Borneo to describe its almost surpassing beauty. Byron or vent fthere the monks keep a sort of an inn for visit- except Sunday. ' By For Annapolis, 6:55 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. daily, except that night. 1 recalled from among the pleasant memo-, Coleridge might have done it. The time to visit it is ors. There we learned from Professor Palmier!, who Gloves! Gloves! Gloves! ries in my brain the many delightful evenings I had high-noon, and the traveler should remain a full half [stays at his post in the government observatory during ALEXANDB1A AND FBEDEBIOKSBUEG passed with Ned and those now eminent actors, Mc- hour to accustom his eye to its gorgeous blue. leruptions with the enduring courage of the Boman BAILWAY AND ALEXANDB1A AND WASH- Oullough and Billy Florence, at Delmonico's, lit a Isentinel, who was found in his armor embedded in The Best in the World for Gentlemen's INGTON BA1LBOAD. . i. - It was on this Island of Capri that the Emperor For Alexandria, 6, 7, 8, 9:10, 10,11a.m.; 1, 3, 4:20, 6, cigar and silently smoked, thinking, as I looked out [lava on the walls of Pompeii, that there have been Wear are the Tiberius built twelve palaces to his particular divini- 6:00 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at 9:10 a. in. and 1 and 7 of the car window, how much they would have en- forty-five eruptions since the destruction of that city ties, and also enriched his favorite place of dissolute joyed the swift moonlight ride through the olive and Herculaneum. When in action Vesuvius, like CITY MADE GLOVES For the South, via Blchmond, 2:45 a. m. daily and resort with fountains, baths and aqueducts. These 6:36 p. daily, except Sunday. trees and castled crags of this picturesque part of [Phil Kearney and Murat, presents a magnificent 5Q. were destroyed after his death by a virtuous senate. —OF— Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6,7,8:10,9:10, Italy. (spectacle, exceeding the headlong dash and fireof O. 10,11 a. m., 1, 3,4:20, 5, 6:00 and 7 p. m. On Sunday at The most important and interesting public building O. Howard ln his fiery spurts after my pet Indian, 8:10 and 10 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. in Naples is the extensive and celebrated Museo Nazi- Tickets, information, Sleeping and Parlor Car ac- " See Naples and die," say the Neapolitans, mean- [Walla-Walla Joseph. Jets of liquid lava have been onale, called the Borbonico before the unification of Fisk, Clark & Flagg. commodations can be procured at the offices: North- ing, I suppose, that alter Naples there is nothing left Ithrown up to the heigth of 10,000 feet, presenting the Italy. It has a vast number of apartments richly east corner Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania ave- to long for in the world. The skies are blue and [appearance of a column of fire. In 1793 millions of nue, northeast corner Sixth street and Pennsylvania stored with relics of ancient art. I spent two days, be- The Best Kid Gloves, cloudless: the waters of the -beautiful bay are tran- red-hot stones were shot into the air. The depth of avenue, and at the Depot, where orders can be left for quil and dotted with pretty little craft. The scenery tween a ten o'clock breakfast and six o'clock dinner, the checking ol baggage to destination from hotels the fail may be imagined when we remember that all The Best Dogskin Gloves, and residences. ' is romantic in its natural beauty, and every cliff, In looking at the riches recovered from the buried an- vestige of Pompeii, a flourishing city, was lost for L. P. FABMEB. headland and hill is crowned with historical interest cient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, besides The Best Driving Gloves, Gen'l Passenger Agent., 1,800 years and only discovered the last century. An and picturesque associations. Away to my right Ve- other noted localities of Naples and Sicily. The first FBANK THOMPSON, eruption in 1862 caused an immense loss of life and The Best Coaching Gloves. suvius sends up a small spiral column of smoke,and be- objects of interest to the scholar or the artist as he en- Gen'l Manager. property. In 1872 I was in Borne when the new fore me lies the little island of Capri, out in the bay, ters the grand vestibule, are a colossal statue of Alex- crater opened; the velocity of the lava caused the like a blue enameled breastpin on the breast of beauty. ander Severus, Flora, genius of Borne, and a Melpom- LIVEKY STABLES. ~ death of many spectators who had assembled to wit- AT RETAILTVERYWHERE. Pompeii and Herculaneum are within a pleasant ene taken from the theater of Pompey at Borne. There sep30-3mos3 ness the spectacle. The stream of lava was over a J. L. SMITH. drive, and commanding shore and sea are the bold is a collection of ancient frescoes found at Pompeii THE BEST AND A. B. KEYES. half mile wide and twenty feet deep, and ran down to Oalabrian mountains, stocked with goats and brigands and Herculaneum containing 1,600 objects of ancient the town of St. Sebastlono, part of which was de- HATS CHEAPEST HATS, and pretty peasant girls. art beautifully portrayed. Notably, Hercules killing stroyed. the Nemean lion, Achilles -delivering Briséis to the The figurative constituent of Senator Spencer, who heralds of Agamemnon, the Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Pompeii is one of the most satisfying sights in Eu- K.EYES tfc Oo- had rather be a door-knob in Mobile than a whole UMBBELLAS and Medea contemplating the murder of her children. rope. It gives the Impression of a Boman town of two UMBRELLAS, palace in Europe, has never been in soft, balmy, lazy, A fine fresco of the Danzatrice or dancing girls, re- lovely Naples. The dolce-far-mente (sweet Idleness) thousand years ago in all the circumstantial reality of AND CANES IN markable for their graceful positions and singular its existence. So vivid and intense is this impression is the rule of all in Naples ¡.'the lazzaroni, ragged and THE CITY. costumes, recalled our modern Can-Can dancers, who that it requires but a small eflort to place ourselves happy, munching macaroni in the sun: pleasure- COA CITES, loving Italian gentlemen, coaxing shop-keepers, pan- are remarkable for their singular positions and grace- among the multitudes which once thronged these CANES, dering landlords and swarms of high-breasted, olive- ful costumes.' A very beautiful piece of Greek statu- streets and theaters and occupied its now voiceless AT ary is that of a Faun conveying the boy Bacchus on his complexioned women, with oval faces and glorious chambers. The expression so often used that you ex- OPEN BRETTS, black eyes. About all the ladies seem to do on earth shoulders. A colossal bust of Julius Caesai in carrara pect to see the inhabitants walk out or their houses is to sit or promenade on their flat house-tops in gauzy marble looks like the late E. L. Davenport. A statue and salute you, is scarcely a figure ot speech. You WALTER KER'S, garments, and eat sweetmeats and talk scandal. The of Caligula, broken into fragments by the Bomans, see a street before you carefully paved and well-worn, LIGHT WAGONS, .burden of their tales may be found in Boocacio's "De- determined to obliterate their oppressor's memory, and bordered with trottoirs in good state of preserva- cameron" and the tales of La Fontaine. Along the was restored by Brunelli. Art outlives dynasties and tion as if it had been in use on the-previouB day. The 1419 Pennsylvania avenue. the hate of men. OC29 tl3 shore any warm, sunny morning—and ail mornings houses generally extend in unbroken lines. The SADDLE HORSES, are warm and sunny in this lotos-eating land—may In the Hall of Jupiter is the most lovely Psyche in doors and windows, indeed, are all open, but so they be seen groups of Masaniellos, in red, tasseled caps, existence, delicate in form and attitude, and beautiful generally are in the modern houses of Italy ; and the qo talking, gesticulating and wrangling over a boat- s s in countenance. The Hall of Atlas contains the busts sombre brown tints of the walls is not very different $ K o E . m i g load of fish or a passenger's fare. Despite the lazza- a sä and statues of many of the world's great men familiar from what is seen in the decayed towns of tho same - e ' " "a H roni, though, Naples is lovely and all to be admired. g B ' 8 O D O UBLE and SINGLE B TJG GIE8 on our lips. 1felt almost as much at home as though country and the present day. Poetic license was justifiable when Bogers wrote : § * ® Q "S C® in the rotunda of our own Capitol, when I sat down Here we were shown, and the pages of classic " This region surely is not of the earth. s o>- TJÏ W comfortably in a chair provided by an attendant, and authors seemed to spring to speech and life, Was it not dropped from heaven ? Not a grove, £ and all other vehicleB promptly furnished. Baw Herodotus, Homer, Cicero, Demosthenes and as we looked upon it, a Boman forum, with * % 5» Citron, or pine, or cedar, not a grot. XA OK W many other old friends around me. One hall is de- all its accompaniments of temples, porticoes, ? tg S? Sea-worn and mantled with the gadding vine, curice, &c., not exactly perfect, but only so In- But breathes enchantment. Not a eliti but flings voted exclusively to the Venuses. I came into it un- ? 2 jured that what Is missing can be replaced, and what Ko On the clear wave some image of delight, awares, and hurried away, of course, shocked, as a oc 49- Orders left at the Arlington Hotel or at the- i S SS Hj© Some cabin roof glowing with crimson flowers, good American or Englishman should be when the is mutilated restored. We wandered in and out oi S 4 es p Some ruined temple or iailen monument, naked truth hits him unexpectedly. 1 lingered long many shops, with their utensils of trade in them, and 5 Mç. h-3 o To muse on as the bark is gliding by." enough, however, to discover that the principal figure about a hundred private houses ot all descriptions, 5 a>ü * s Ra TJl Stable, day or night, will receive prompt attention. Naples was originally a Greek colony, and long re- is the Venus Callypge, a statue discovered in the from the poor cottage to the patrician mansion. At S* I 3- 3 a mained, even under Boman rule, to all intents and Golden House of Nero. A feeling of extreme delicacy last wo were enabled—my young friend from hop- TU ä § S3 H B purposes a Greek city. Its inhabitants spoke the prevails among the present management of the blooming county Kent and myself—to gain a distinct S3 i» ci a ^ Close Carriages for wedding calls and receptions. museum, as nearly all the naked figures which were idea of the form and arrangement of a Boman house, i s MoP" Greek language, and were distinguished for their at- a tachment to the manners and customs of their ances- scattered around in the different halls have been re- with its baths, »leeping-rooms and feasting hall 5 B tors. It was for this reason, if we may believe Taci- moved to this one. The Farnese Hercules and the The public baths are almost entire. The tout tus, who I am now reading with a Boman accent Toro Farnese, of which every one has seen copies, are ensemble of the walls, gates, streets, forum, houses, FURNITURE, Boarding and Liyery Stables worthy of the distinguished Washington advocate, here and generally surrounded by foreign visitors. temples, fountains and theaters, associated as they Mr. John Ennis, that Nero selected Napoli to make Among the greatest curiosities in the museum is a are with each other, gives a conception of a his debut on the stage, the proceeding there being less bronze water-faucet containing water which has been Boman town which sends one back with awakenod in LACE CURTAINS, AT WILLABD'S HOTEL STABLES, offensive and not so repugnant to the refinement of hermetically sealed for eighteen centuries. terest to the pages of classic authors. the age, than in Borne, where aotors, gladiators and In the gallery of tho Bronze Statues, containing The walls of the city are nearly twenty feet thick christians were held in equal contempt. Fancy a lit- Comer Fourteenth and D streets, Washington, D. C. the finest collection in the world, I passed the pleas- and about as high, faced with blocks of lava inside LAMBREQUINS, tle, old no-aocount Boman emperor, or one of the antest afternoon indoors sinco I have been this time In and out. Many towers rise above the ramparts and Horatii, looking down on Joe Jefterson or John Mc- THB PALACE BOARDING AID SAIE STABLE, Italy. There is an exquisite Venus and a beau- pierced with arches. We approached the Villa of Cullough ! We gladiators and christians have got the E street, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth streets N. W.» tiful specimen of bronze discovered at Pompeii, Diomedes by the Applan Way, a very interesting CORNICES &C., &C. best of the nobility in the light of the nineteenth cen- Washington, D. C. the Dancing Faun. A Mercury in repose brought to specimen of a suburban villa, opposite the tomb of tury—Mr. John Welsh of the cantankerons, hell-bent, BOARD FOB HOBSE AND CABBIAGE $20 PEK mind the famous New Almadén claimant, who is Diomedes. Near the garden gate of this villa was bound.-to-save-you-anyho . i w churchi... , ministeminiefarr fiTt.rafirdi-extraordl MONTH. never in repose. The Secret Cabinet, now open to found the skeleton of the owner and his attendant, A Most Complete Assortment Just nary to England, and honest John Morrissey a State The very best care and attention paid to Horses and gentlemen only, 1 did not visit. My young English one holding in his hand the keys of the villa, the other senator, not forgetting Sanford—peace to his hashes— Carriages. Attentive, Polite and Experienced Grooms. friend from county Kent, down ;among the South- carrying a purse which contained one hundred gold Received at who is again on the tapis for Belgium, 1 see by the J. H. CPPEBMAS, Prop'r. downs, came out after an hour, and first order- and sliver coins of Nero, Vitellius, Vespasian and aug26-ly5 cablegrams in the Neapolitan gazette; i-uiegrauia in ». «f. ¿ , its ln Louis to "fetch a bottle of Bass, and look alive Titus. The House of the Vestals occupies the space be- The matchless scenery of Naples, the mildness oi ics mg - „, .. about it," said to me confidentially It was '' awfully tween two streets. The walls of the bed-rooms are HARMON, BOSWELL & CO.'S, climate and the luxury And effeminacy of its inhabi- stunning, but not at all the kind of place a fellow richly painted. It seems almost difficult to realize tants,"make it a favorite resort of wealthy English, would like to take his sister, you know." I knew al- that vestals had bed-rooms. They ought to have had NATIONAL TOY CO. Bussian and French nobility, and rich men from the ready that no lady was allowed to enter the room, nor stoves or match-boxes. The House of the Faun is sup- 313 Eighth street, northern Italian cities-Turin, Genoa, Milan and would want to if she knew the contents. The Danas posed to have been the largest and most elegant of Borne—in the winter. Notwithstanding the calami- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. by Titian is in the Sccret Cabinet, and for a small fee the Pompeiian houses. It contains a great mosaic of (NEAB PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE.) ties it has suflered from war, earthquakes with vol- HEADQ.UABTEBS FOB TOYS AND FANCY is shown to anybody. It was painted by the artist for the battle of Issus or Granicus. J The Temple of Venus canic trimmings, it is the most populous, as it has GOODS. LABGESt STOOK EVEB Octave Farnese at Borne, ¡and is considered that artist's is one of the most superb of all the temples in Pompeii. always been one of the most interesting, cities in Italy, OPENED IN THIS CITY. best work. Also the temple of Augustus, called also the Pan- with about half a million people. Nothing can well Don't Fail to Examine tlieir Stock and get Your correspondent's hammock has swung in tho theon. It was richly decorated. Among the paint- be conceived more beautiful than the country around ings found here was one of Ulysses in disguise meet- Naples; rich in scenery, seated on a spacious bay and shadow of Coquimbo, the great Central American their Prices before Purchasing. 439 Seventh Street The volcano, the smoke ol which tnce covered the earth for ing Penelope. decked withLL magnificent villas and —gardens . i , ,, , , oc28-4t2 NORTHWEST. I might desoribe the Amphitheater, more ancient streets are straight and paved with blocks of lava miles with darkness, and whose ashes.it is alleged, than the Coliseum at Bome, and the Great or Tragic THEY WILL NOT BE UNDEMSOZD. laid in'motfcm resembling the old Boman roads, some | fell on the island of Jamaica, three hundred miles WORK FOR ALL distant. I accept the statement as tho Panamenos do Theater, where it would be worth a month's salary to of whiih may be seen in comparatively good state of ' In their own localities, canvassing for the FIRESIDE a cigarette, swallowing the smoke, but knocking oft hear John McCuliough recite the grand lines of Vir- VISITOR, (enlarged,) Weekly and Monthly. Largest preservation. The mildness of the climate saves shop- the ashes. There is another towering outlet to the ginius. McCuliough leoks the Boman, as I Bee the They take pleasure ln SHOWING GOODS. Paper in the World, with Mammoth Chromos Free. rent for a host of small traders who accost you and Big Oommissioni to Agents. Terms and (Outfit Free hidden fires within our globe near the city of San Sal- ancient one represented in casts, busts and statues importune your custom as you drive or walk through They guarantee all theirwork. no4-3moaS Address P. O. Vickery, Augusta, Maine. ocU-emosl the streets. The nobility are fond of great show and vador, in which quiet retreat for invalids the inhabit- around me. In majesty of manner and noble profile THE CAPITAL.--NOYEMBER 18,1877. 3

AUCTION SALES, HOTELS. KEEN'S WORKSHOP.—Mr. George T. Keen, AT THE CITY HALL. merchant tailor, 414 Ninth street, has made a great the capital addition to his facilities for executing orders, de- There was ah utter lack of anything like Stir- manded by his rapidly accumulating business. His about at the City Hall yesterday, and "the dull fat 10.EÖ & WEEKS, reputation as a first-class tailor, abreast with all the weed that sleeps by Lethe's wharf" wasn't a circum- «UNDAÏ MOUSING -NOVEMBER 18,187 latest fashions in goods and styles in make-up, seems stance to the actual condition1 of affairs, although the HOUSE perfectly well assured. Mr. Keen has rented ana famous case of the Phoenix Lite Insurance Company fitted up with all needful appliances a large room in vs. A. Grant, involving, as it did, opposing sallies.from AUCTIONEERS, NOTICE. Davis Block, 719 Market Space, where his large force Messrs. R. T. Merriok and B. F. Butler in the course Our patrons and the public are informed that THE of iourneymen find ample space and conveniences -lor of proceedings, kept the court in a state of jolly hu- Comer Seventh and G streets N. J>7, making up suits. It is also a method of his to employ mor, well flecked with judicial pleasantries. It Is a •CAPITAL does not employ any looal advertising Washingtonians upon his work and to encourage home tangled-up case anyhow, but we would be willing to agents, or allow any commissions for advertisements. industry in every way. This workshop is already a bet against the iusuranoe company on general prin- Solicit consignments of every description of merchan- ciples. They will all steal If they can. The case is dise £o be sold at auction. Sales of real estate, house- Parties wishing to advertise with THB CAPITAL should hive where the hissing of a dozen iron geese, the hum Mr. C.W. Spofford, Proprie- of a dozen sewing machines, the clicking oi many nbt yet concluded, and will come on again next Sat- hold furniture and merchandise, oither at the store or communicate with the business office, »27 D street. urday. i ,. on ¿he premises, promptly attended to on as favorable shears, tell the visitor that business is brisk. Mr. terms as any housein the District. Returns promptly Keen deserves the great success he has won, and this —But one solitary marriage license was granted by the clerk of the court, Mr. Meigs, yesterday, and made. For THB CAPITAL. new workshop adds something to the general pros- Having had twenty-five years of practical experi- perity. that was to Ohurchwell Weathers and Mary Clagett tor of this New and Most THERE'S ALAND THAT IS FARO AND of Prinoe George county, Md. ence in the above business, (Mr. Charles Weeks, lately —There was no business transacted in the circuit with Duncanson Bros.,) the public can rely with con- SO FORTH. BRIGHTWOOD PARK.—The question as to court yesterday. The assignment for to-morrow is as fidence that all business entrusted to their care will whether Buckley can beat Jersey Boy or Jersey Boy follows: 49 Schultz vs. Jones, 150 Clark vs. Wilson, receive prompt attention. DEDICATBD BY PBRMISATOH. pluck the laurel wreath from Buckley will be settled 205 Gait, Bro. & Co. vs. Adams Express Company, FORD St. WEEKS, Auctioneers, on Thursday next. The friends and admirers of both 267 St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum vs. McDonald etal., novl8-tfl Corner Seventh and G streets. Complete of Washing- horses are enthusiastic over their merits as trotters. There's a land that is Faro than day, 208 Waters vs. King, 271 District of Columbia, use of While we would like to see both horses win, if it were Matthews vs. Connolly et al., 285 Perry & Bro. vs. THOMAS DOWLISU, Auctioneer. And by night we can see It alone; possible we cannot refrain from thinking that Jersey King, 298 Todd vs. King, 300 Travers vs. Mediord, For the dealer sits over the way Boy has not only the bottom but the speed to make 303 Oreswell et al. vs. Deane, 307 Schneider vs. Smith, ton Hotels. And slips out the cards one by one. Ned Buckley show his best paces to win the race, li 310 Hudson vs. Gordon, 319 Howard vs. Sharp, 320 there is a game trotter it is Jersey Boy. If Old Ned Burns vs. Stenemagle, 321 Bartley vs. Bicksler, 323 On the ace, on the tray, put your chips whore you may; defeats him in the two-mile race he will show himself Bowen vs. Fischer & Gwinder, 327 Weaver vs. Boston, CATALOGUE SALE On the queen, on the king, your coppers may fling, the gamest and fastest horse in the District. What- 330 Doe on demise of Key vs. Gunton. DESIRES TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE In that land that is Faro than day. ever the result may be we are satisfied it will be the —The following is the assignment for the equity gamest and best race ever trotted in Washington or court to-morrow: 24 Wilson vs. District of Columbia, They play in that beautiful land, this vicinity. , 25 Walker vs. F.S. and T. Co., 26 Capitol, North O and South Washington Railroad Company vs. Wil- PUBLIC TO ITS ADVANTAGES OF LOCA- Wines and cigars frescoing the scene; WE SEE PARTIES who are unable to with- liams, 29 Fowler vs. Moulton, 31 Carpenter vs. Second The appointments and buflet are grand, Co-operative Building Association, 32 Bennett vs. stand the thought of the winter days that are to come TION, ITS CONVENIENCES, AND THE And the angels all gamble on the green. McCauley, 33 Armer vs. Bigelow, 34 Hasher vs. TJter- in spite of the fine weather, and it Is because they mehle, 35 Bruehl vs. Douglas, 36 Hare vs. Bennett. In that sweet buy and buy they purchase their chips know full well that the winter king will blow upon —John A. Clarke, Esq., assistant auditor of the su- as they may; them with his breath, and that then they will need to preme court District oi Columbia, has resigned his EFFORTS HE IS MAKING TO MEET muffle themselves in furs and overooats, and where position to enter upon private practice. Business man, senataire, cosmopolite and gambol- could they go to better themselves at any other place . aire, —The following suits were entered yesterday: At than Katzenstein's ? He has every description of law—Belle E. Chevallie vs. Fred Douglass, replevin ; ALL REQUIREMENTS OF POPU- In that land that is Faro than day. clothing under the sun. He has suits of turs, flan- George Green vs. Smith & Robinson, certiorari. In nels and woolens to meet every demand, and he is ttie equity—George E. Kirk vs. George W. White et al., SUPERB LIBRARY of the latc EDWIN And the marker he smiles a quiet smile prince of clothiers for our city, and what more can be judgment of creditors bill to subject certain property LAR ENTERTAINMENT. As he gazes on the festive throng; said' We deal in no matter of hyperpole when we to sale; Washington Market Company vs. Martin W. L. STANTON, Esq., state that Katzenstein & Co. are the best in their line. Lease et al., creditors bill to annul deeds and for sale; " All ready 7" and the dealer takes the pile, Andrew J. Rock vs. Richard and William Kothwell, This Hotel is located on the corner of Fifteenth, the And this is the burdon of their song: trustees, bill to compel compliance with sale, etc.; Miss KATE GOODALL, the popular young To which lias been added an Extensive Law List\ em- Avenue and G streets, opposite the Treasury Depart On the ace, on the tray, your chips you may play; vocallBt, is going to have a benefit on the 7th of De- Ferguson vs. Gulick et al.; Robert B. Ferguson vs. bracing George F. Gulick et al., bill to compel performance of On the king, on the queen, but the bank will skoop cember at Willard's Hall, in which the best vooal and agreement; Fred. L.Williamson, assignee, vs. J. E. ment, and within two minutes' walk of the White them In, dramatic talent in the city will participate. Miss Kennedy, bill to vacate and set aside deeds of convey- DIGESTS, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN RE- Good all's popularity generally, together with her ance. , . .... House. Its table is à special feature, and the proprie- For the land is much Faro than day. well-earned reputation as> a singer of tho first order, PORTS, TEXT BOOKS, STATE AND G. DOUGLAS. —Court in'Banc.—Yesterday in this court Mr. Isaao FEDERAL REPORTS, &c., &c., insures for her a crowded house. All who have ever S. Lyon applied for admission to the bar, and his case tor challenges competition in the excellence of his heard her sing will certainly be present, and all those was referred to the examining committee. The official In Fine Library Condition, cuisine. Its rooms are newly and luxuriously fur- who have not we advise to avail themselves of the op- bond of Mr. Nelson Chapman as justice of the peaoe To be sold at my Auction Rooms, corner Pennsyl- RECORD OF THE WEEK. portunity. Miss Goodall is young, handsome and, was approved. Fenwicfc vs. Mullett et al., writoi better than all, talented. She ought to be successful, error, coram nobis, refused, Justice Humphreys dis- vania Avenue and Eleventh Street, on MONDAY, nished, and the arts or modern architecture have been senting. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVENINGS, NO- and we venture to predict that she will. exhausted in securing light and ventilation. The A BENEFIT is to be given Professor Seth vs. Grant, on motion to discharge receiver; argument VEMBER 26, 27 and 28, 1877, commencing at 7:30 Abbott, paternal author of Miss Abbott, in the shape in progress. Adjourned to Saturday next. JAKE BUDD, professor of cork and prince o'clock. staff of assistants iscomposed of Messrs. Ben. Sheckells, of a concert at Musio Hall, Ninth street, on Thursday negro—niggah, we mean—comedian of the universe, —District Court.—Judge Humphreys.—In admiralty Catalogues now ready. evening next. A treat in music may be expected. astonished even our own natives by his acting at the —Benjamin Tolson vs. schooner J. D. Faunce. Order Chief Clerk; J. T. Stover, Book-keeper, and Ooswell Comique. It is a positive fact that this pond-lily of to deliver property to claimant on deposit of ¡5100 and Terms Cash. bond, &c. In bankruptcy—Abner B. Kelly, authoriz- COMPTE D'HAGERTI, an Italian of noble black perfection actually excelled and surpassed him- ocl8-2t2 THOMAS DOWL1NG, Auctioneer. and Hae, assistants, and the office is conducted sololy self. The Budd blossoms and the fruit thereof is that ing A. B. Kelly to collect and apply rents. birth and most noble reputation, sends us a cheque, with reference to the wants of guests. which all men like to taste and laugh over. Y B. C. BROOIiER. Jr.. Auctioneer, double the amount of his regular advertisement. The MARRIED. noble son of sunny Italy says that THB CAPITAL S EILS—QUIN N.—On November 1st, at Epiphany B The Hotel has telephonic connection with the livery advertisements are worth double to him, as the tem- IN THESE days of cheap, trashy outfits (Marble Building,) ohurch, by the Bev. William Paret, B. Edward J. perance hurrahers always refer to him thereafter in thrown at the public and misnamed olothing, it must Eils to Florence Quinn, daughter of the late Emmett Northwest cor. Eleventh St. and Penna. Ave. stable, and is otherwise provided with instant means their orations. "They quote," says the "Compte, your be a relief to find one place in our city that has not (¿uinn. No cards. notice, and then inveigh on the seductive influence degenerated in either the quality, labor or trimmings GRAND ART SALE. of communication to all important points in the city. •of my pure brands. Acceptthis," hecontinues, "and oi what constitutes a desirable garment to wear. Such POSITIVE CLOSING SALE OF SEVENTY-FIVE Jiut it in the conscience fund." ahouse is that of A. Saks & Co., 318 Seventh street.— I>IEI>. Special inducements are ottered to persons of more We accept it, but don't know where the outfit of the Star. BANGS;—T-e funeral services of Colonel George SUPERIOR OIL PAINTINGS, RICHLY or less permanent residence in the city, who may conscience f. aforesaid is fitted out. S Bangs will be held a t 4 p. m. to-day, at 9391C street OUR ATTENTION was directed to several northwest, aiter which his remains will be taken to FRAMED; COMPRISING WORKS OF ES-desire for themselves and families the comforts and AN ALEXANDRIAN visitor to our munici- life-size heads of children, exquisitely finished in Chicago for interment. pality of magnificent distanoes and munificent mud crayon, at Rice's studio, We supposed them to be STEARWELT.—Suddenly, of diphtheria, Mattie, TEEMED AND FAVORITE ARTISTS OF conveniences of a home. -was badly treated last week. Having in his posses- eldest daughter of Andrew and Maria Stearwelt, aged sion—what is as remarkably rare for an Alexandrian ideal until assured by Mr. Riee that they were irom eleven years. EUROPE AND AMERICA. The proprietor thanks the public for the liberal as it is strangely peculiar for every inhabitant of life. Funeral will be announced hereafter. another part of the hemisphere—one hundred and WE ARE PLEASED to learn that Messrs. [Cincinnati papers please copy.] The entire collection to bo positively sold at public patronage which has met his first year ot effort to keep thirty-five dollars in cash, a pickpocket who escaped Lewis & Callahan of the Marble building have leased . from the Richmond vigilants relieved him of the same. auction for the benefit of the artist contributing, on a perfect Hotel in Washington, and finds encourage- Detectives McDevitt and McElfrejh—able, efficient, and intend to open the Opera House as a first-class SPEOIAL NOTICES. and so forth—scooped in the thief, and his case has variety theater on the 26th instant. MONDAY EVENING next, November 19,at 7 o'clock, ment in the fact that no guest has ever left his house -g»ne to the grand jury. 808, 810 AN» 813 TWECFXH He will follow his case via the petit jury, and finish at salesroom as above. to seek more engaging quarters. He would therefore streetl elegantly furnished rooms, and strictly first- •up in the Maryland penitentiary. GREEN-ROOM GOSSIP. Now open for inspection. class board, on hotel plan. Transients taken. respectfully say that he is at all times ready to stake ONE of the most agreeable and pleasant novll-2t8* • B. C. BROOKER, JR., Auctioneer, social parties it has been our pleasure to attend, was FORD'S OrKitA Honsa — MAD-CAP VIOLBT.—-Thel (Marble Building.) Northwest corner Eleventh street the reputation of his house upon one day's entertain- .that of last Friday evening at the residence of Miss performances of this pretty play, dramatized from the ROCKBRIDGE Ml«. and Pennsylvania avenue, lt3 KENTUCKY BLUE LICK, Emma McNerhany in South Washington, tendered well known novel of that title, have been well re-J Y THOMAS l»OWMN«, Auctioneer. ment of any person who knows whata first-class Hotel that estimable young lady by her gentlemen and lady ceived by lull audiences. It is what actors call a porl BUFFALO, , LITH1A friends. High carnival held pleasant sway until the trait play, but some of the secondary parts gave a fair CHOICB E GOODS AT AUCTION FOR THE wee sma' hours indicated to the fair and happy party BETHESDA, field ior talent to some of the other members ot the and other natural Mineral waters, for sale in quanti- HOLIDAYS. -that daylight was dawning upon their pleasant fes- cast Mr. Joyce as the Gamekeeper was good, also The rates are as low as can possibly be made con- tivities and, like all things else, must have an end. ties to suit, at > J J On WEDNESDAY MORNING, November 21, Mr Dennis as Mad-Cap's lover. Miss Annie Ware MlLBURN'i DRUG STORE, All separated with pleasant recollections of an even- was excellent in the part of Mrs. Dowse, and little 1877, commencing at 10 o'clock and EVENING at 7, sistent with the excellences of the house. novlS-tfl ing well spont., and one to be long remembered by je3-tfB 1429 Pennsylvania avenue. Miss Eva Henderson extremely good as the Flower- and-continuing at these hours until the whole stock is those who were fortunate enough to participate in the ART I-ESSONS.—LESSONS IN LADIES' GOODS. gayeties. B disposed of, I shall sell for a gentleman retiring from The idea of the wild, romping girl, beautiful, Incorl DRAWING and OIL PAINTING given by rigible and fascinating, caught suddenly in the T. SEATON DONOHO, at studio, No. 904, Penn- business, comprising fine Silver-Plated Ware and WE HAVE on our desk the third re- tragedy, is finely dramatic and immensely effective sylvania avenue, or residences of pupils. Drawing, Table Cutlery of the best American manufacture. (¿3; Painting, $5 per month. ju8-6mosl port of the board af trustees of the public schools of on the stage as rendered by Miss Stockton. The French China Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Magolica Mrs- S. L. Ansman the District of Columbia, a neatly-printed pamphlet, young lady displays fine talent as an actress, and may be also complimented on the dramatization, which is __ INVENTORS. Vases and Urns, and Ornaments of every description, suitable for light reading and holiday presents. her own Her style in this character is necessarily HHl _ No charge until Patent together with many useful and ornamental articles OPENED, In this volume the board display their admirable -PATENTS-If "emotional," as it is called, which word expresses, in is granted. Circular of Instruction free. not necessary to enumerate. This sale is one worthy management of our public schools in happy lan- accepted critical technology, though why we arc H. J. ENN1S, the attention of the public, as the goods are first-class guage plain figures and one quotation irom Ovid. unable to say, the melo-dramatlc power of modern Solicitor of Patents, ON WEDNESDA Y, OCT. 24,1877, As Latin is not one of the languages taught in these stage renditions which are not purely classic. novl8-Sm*8 Box 442, Washington, D. C. and must be sold. Will be on exhibition after MON- schools, we suggest that Ovid be dropped in future, Miss Stockton is fortunate in the delicate perception DAY at my salesrooms. Terms cash. A CHOICE SELECTION OF and intelligent United States be served up straight which in talented women is a grand thing tor her pro- ASHINGTON FEMALE SEMINARY —A -hereafter. fession, and is generally much keener than in men. Boarding and Day School—will be reopened on [Star.] THOMAS DOWLING, Auctioneer. ltO The present board of trustees appear to be an en- The best actors often fail to treat the character sub- WMonday, September 10, 1877. Circulars can bo ob- terprising, worthy set of gentlemen, and it is a jectively enough, and they never can get rid ot them- tained from the principals, Mrs. Z. D. Butcher and New and Elegant Styles in Millinery pleasure for us to advertise the fact. Miss M. C. Douglas, 1027 Twelfth street northwest. MISCELLANEOUS. selves and look the individual they try to play. aug20-3mos6 TO WHICH SHE INVITES THE ATTEN- WHILE visiting Madame White's dress- High intellectuality and delicate feeling are both necessary to a real artistic achievement on the stage, TION OF THE LDDIES BEFORE making establishment, 707 Fourth street, our atten- PURCHASING ELSEWHERE tion was attracted to avery handsome black silk dress, and with these natural gilts the faults are of little ac- WRIGHT AT LAST! count for study and experience will soon work tliem WINTER STYLES. made princess style; also to a rose-colored silk, with off All this applies highly to Miss Ella Stockton,^ street, between Eleventh and brocade tissue over-skirt and garniture of flowers. and it is with assured confidence, therefore, that we 1101) F "The latter dress was worn last evening at one of our foresee a high reputation ior her. Twelfth streets. fashionable receptions by the wife of one of our most In the change from the gay, laughing girl to the m octl4-lyS prominent members o! Congress, and attracted univer- n? heart-broken woman she appreciates the fine dramatic ON sal attention from the fair sex. The want of space antithesis and renders it with great -effect. The young prevents us from describing the diflerent novelties in lady's general bearing is highly refined and elegant, course of completion which Madame White oflered to while her countenance is very expressive and intel- 1. A, M'CORMICK, us for examination. Our lady friends are invited to lectual, and if we have forgotten to call her pretty, it «all and see what novelties Madame White oilers to is because her fine talents held the admiration monopo- .her patrons. 533 NINTH STREET, "MISS Jackson, Miss Levy and Mr. Keen deserve Monday, November 19, BILL! WEIGHT has Purchased and FOR OUR bores and all other beasts whom complimentary mention. (St. Cloud Building,) Mad-Cap "Violet may be pronounced a success. -it may concern: We have gotten rid of our guardian Opened the angel, the watch-dog that chewed up heterogeneously AIMEB.—Our citizens will no doubt hail with •the calves and lungs of our enemies. pleasure the coming engagement of this most fas- WILL ©PEN MY COMPLETE STOCK OF On Wednesday last we shipped him to Ohio. Our cinating and irresitible exponent ot opera boutte. FINE MILLINERY, FLOW- revered chlet and senior editor having an idea that She brings with her a mammoth company of eighty the influence of Washington associations was bad on artists. Monday evening. November 23, Is the open- •the dog, seized him as his personal property and boxed ing night, which will introduce to us Lecocq's OLD BON-TON, •Mm "this side UD with care," to Mac-a-Uheek. last and greatest success, La Marjolaine. During NOBBY PIECE GOODS ERS, FEATHERS, &c. Ho was a noble'brute—the dog we mean—and leaves Aimee's engagement of one short week we are us much lamenting. How many fleas he transported, promised a change of opera at every performance, and Corner F and Ninth streets, •dead-head passengers, over the Baltimore and Ohio, the repertoire will consist of the following : La Mar DRESSMAKING IN ALL ITS •we wot not oi, but will guarantee that it a dividend of iolalne, La Jolie Parfumeuse, (in which Aimee intro- Jihis flea population were declared it would more than FOR WINTER WEAK, •indorse an investment in live stock. duces her English song and dance, "Pretty as a BRANCHES. Picture,") La Fille de Madame Angot, Crirofle- ap29-tio He loft us howling in his cage, with a host Oi Glrofia and La Belle Helene. And will be pleased to see his Friends small colored children following in his suit, more ter- Speaking of this troupe, we clip the following from rible in their curiosity than an army with banners or To which I specially invite the attention of the public. ¡the Galilean Fishermen of a Sunday with a corpse. a New York contemporary : " The theater last even- ing was crowded. Opera bbnfle is always welcome. and the public at his new place MRS. J. P. PALMER, •He left us, but he leaves his odor still. Our press- Being a practical tailor, I Intrust the cutting of my imen, ancient men and true, assert that they can smell Breaking into tho monotony of a season ot comedy and melo-drama. it is invariably cordially received, 1107 F st., bet. 11th aud 12th sts., \him still, though he is gone, and one of the illegiti- 1 of Business, mate Africans in our back alley continues to limp and no more so than when its production is attended garments to no one, but in person supervise all from the eiiects of his bite. by an excellent troupe well managed. Mile. Aimee Has now in Store French Pattern BONNETS and promised that her present company was the best she Although our bull-dog has departed, we are no cutting and the manufacture of all garments made at Corner F and. 9th sts. HATS, untriihmed FELT HATS, In all the Jess terrible than before, and our shot-gun is well oiled had ever brought together, and she had every reason new shapes. .-and heavily loaded, while we continue to have a per- for saying so. The company is unquestionably the my establishment. >mit from police headquariers to carry concealed and most talented of the kind that ever appeared before a HANDSOME BROCADE AND SILK VELVETS, •dangerous weapons. . ___ „ New York audience. Every artiste appears to under- Persons leaving their orders with me are therefore SATINS PLUSHES AND SILKS SATIN AND Bores, exchange fiends, pickpockets and other Ke- stand his business thoroughly. Among the voices PLUSH RIBBONS, FANCY AND OSTRICH ipubllcaus please take notice. last evening were several new ones, and among them sure at all times ot FEATHERS. none made a more decided impression than Mr. FOR PARTICULARS SEE OUR S EXT. A COUPLET of good jokes anent the Presi-1 Jouard whose rich baritone, deep and clear, was an sep30-tfl FRENCH FLOWERS, ORNAMENTS AND LACES; dential trip to Richmond are being recited in the extra treat every time it was heard. The audience appreciated it highly and applauded It loudly." O THE LADIfS. Sunday-school classes of the District. Perfect Fitting Garments, ALSO, THE JUGLA AND MONOGRAM KID We have heard both in our protession as Sunday- JOHW MCOULLOUGH opens here for the first time this T Your attention is respectfully invited to my large and GLOVES, IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. school teacher, and venture to enlighten the public as season, and under exceedingly favorable circum- select assortment of sep30-lyl to each and either. stances. We have been looking for our noble Jack MADE IN THE Special attention given to orders. When the President and party arrived in the city of BERLIN ZEPHYRS, GERJIANTOWN WOOL, ihese many days, and he comes with a cast of char- KNI1T1NG-YARNS and gg§|||| Seven Hills and the capital of Virginian-one Rich- acters to sustain him that it' he be not the greatest mond well known in North Amorican history—a gang success of the season the fault must lie with the au- of pickpockets, ex-congressmen, etc., followed them Latest and Most Becoming Styles, BURLAP, BURLAP FRINGES and NOVELTIES MRS. M. J. HUNT, and achieved a brilliant harvest of forbidden fruit by- thors of his plays. ; _ . in fancy worsted work. .their deftness of handiwork. The play-bills might be accused of sublime boldness EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, SLIPPER CASES, There was a great push of people at Governor Kem- in calling his support "a noble assignment ot char- AND IN THE CUSHIONS, FOOT RESTS, TOWEL No. 631 and 6Q3 X> street, acters," were it not the names are given, when the truth RACKS and EIGHT SCREENS. per's residence, where the Democratic party of Re- Calls special attention to her importation of the cele- publican proclivities were entertained, and among of the assertion is highly manifest. Suoh men as John Fine selection oi SILK and WORSTED FRINGES, them a ltterateur, business man and noted wit of McCnllough, Milnes Levick, Louis James, backed by Children's MERINO CLOAKS and VEL- brated. Richmond. When presented the said literateur, wit, Messrs. Lanagan and Lawrence, do not oiten appear Most Durable Manner. VET CAPS a specialty. etc., said to Mrs. Hayes: " You have a very taking In the one cast. ' rt. , ,, MB8. 8EEMA RUPPERT, Monogram Kid Gloves: . crowd with you. The pick-pockets have taken the Mr. McOullough's best characters aro Richelieu novl8-0t5 614 Ninth street, opposite Patent Office. and Hamlet. There may be a difference of opinion $1.00 pocket-books of about one hundred people!" 2 BUTTONS. "I can assure you, my dear sir," reparteed Mrs. about the latter, but we regard him as about thé finest . 1.25 Hamlet who visits Washington, exceeding Barry GEO. T. KEEN, 3 BUTTONS. 1.60 lHaves, "That we have not gotten your pocket-book." 4 BUTTONS (It is written that everything is lovely when the Suilivan in that performance, though by no means as markedly as the serene Irishman exceeds McCul- 6 BUTTONS ••• vgoose hangs high.) . oc7-ly5 Joke No. 2. When His Excellency—one Hayes of lough in Richard. , ,. It7 414 Ninth Street. MERCHANT TAILOR, •Ohio—was presented to the committee on reception, Othello will be very interesting, as a comparison ot 1414 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, the atmosphere phenomena was more dismal than the the relative merits of McCullough and Levick as act- tors; the former playing the title role, the latter lago, MAKES THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING IN THE Md'me De Courcey White, face of one who has just listened to a joke of Tucker CITY. „„ Blake—and the rain poured down more incessantly— we can estimate for ourselves the muchly mooted ques- tion of their relative superiority as actors. IMPORTANT TO TAX-PAVERS! ENGLISH CAS8IMERE PANTS §6 00 (LATE OF LORD & TAYLOR'S, NEW YORK.) but never mind its incessatlon,