impuls . International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music impuls . Festival impuls . Composition Competition impuls . Composition Workshop impuls . Concerts and Music Communication Programs


Dear friends of contemporary music, hereby i would like to invite you again to join the impuls Festival 2017 - be it as participant of our impuls Academy, as visitor coming to Graz in person or be it just digitally.

From February 10th to 21st impuls offers various programs taking place at different locations throughout the City of Graz – in galleries and in public spaces, small art institutions such as esc and kunst.wirt.schaft, at the Kunstuniversität Graz, Minoritensaal, Helmut List Halle and other venues also beyond classical concert stages . Concerts, presentations, lectures, discussions and other music communication programs are offered on a daily basis, partly with free admission . Unconventional formats such as the impuls MinuteConcerts (18.2.) or Day on Campus and in the City (19.2.) hereby allow to get in touch with contemporary music in a very casual way and meet up with artists on eye-level.

More than 240 young musicians and composers coming from more than 50 nations and 4 continents will join the impuls Academy this year and also present themselves at our Festival along with various renowned musicians such as Klangforum Wien, Trio Accanto and this year´s impuls tutors . With various premieres and young composers performed, lots of discoveries can be made at the Festival and of course you also will not have to miss already well established composers and their works.

For furher info check our homepage, and scroll down for a quick summary of some of the daily highlights.

Hope to see you in Graz soon!


Ute Pinter secretary general

Our newsletters can be downloaded as pdf on . On you can also find further detailed infos on former and upcoming impuls activities. You are welcome to pass on the information to friends and other people interested. In case you would like to unsubscribe from our newsletter, please send a short email to [email protected] mentioning the address you want to be deleted.

Vienna: 8.2. | 18.00 | Proberaum Klangforum Wien , Diehlgasse 51, 1050 Wien Composition and Interpretation . Open Rehearsal, Round of Questions, Discussion

Further on in Graz:

11.-21.2.2017 Daily Lectures with Mark Andre, Pierluigi Billone, Agostino Di Scipio, Brice Pauset, Enno Poppe, Stefan Prins, , Frank Gratkowski, Manon-Liu Winter a.m.o.

13.-15.2. 2017 | 17.00 | kunst.wirt.schaft Elisabethstraße 14, 8010 Graz Salon . Music . Talk . Exchange

10.2. 2017 | 18.00 | 19.30 | Helmut List Halle Waagner-Biro-Straße 98a | 8020 Graz 18.00: Composers´Talk 19.30: impuls Opening Concert | Klangforum Wien | Enno Poppe Dirigent Premieres of Adam McCartney, Carolyn Chen, Michalis Paraskakis, Diana Soh, Lorenzo Troiani

11.2. 2017 | 19.30 | KUG . Florentinersaal Leonhardstr. 15, 8010 Graz Meet the Composers

12.2. 2017 | 20.00 | Großer Minoritensaal Mariahilferplatz 3, 8020 Graz ... - Solos - Duos - ... Tutors ´Concert I Works and premieres of , Bernhard Lang, Giorgio Netti, Stefano Pierini, Enno Poppe, Nadir Vassena a.o.

13.2. 2017 | 17.00 | 19.30 | KUG . Florentinersaal Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz 17.00: Identity and Self-Branding. Self-presentation for artists 19.30: Boon and Bane of Music Publishers

14.2. 2017 19.00 | KUG . MUMUTH . Proberaum Lichtenfelsgasse 14, 8010 Graz ... - Solos - Duos - ... Tutors´ Concert II Works, premieres and improvisations of Mark Andre, Maurizio Azzan, John Cage, Bernhard Gander, Beat Furrer, Paul Méfano, Manon-Liu Winter/Frank Gratkowski, anemone actiniaria

15.2. 2017 | 10.00-21.00 | KUG . Florentinersaal Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz Symposion Film + Music

16.2. 2017 | 19.00 | 20.00 | KUG . MUMUTH , Lichtenfelsgasse 14, 8010 Graz 19.00: Yaron Deutsch | Pierluigi Billone 20.00: Trio Accanto + Stefan Prins | Works and premieres of Mark Andre, Stefan Prins, , Vasiliki Legaki, Misakii Goto

17.2. 2017 | 20.00 | KUG . MUMUTH . György -Ligeti -Saal , Lichtenfelsgasse 14, 8010 Graz Ensemble Schallfeld Works and premieres of Agostino Di Scipio, Raphaël Cendo, Eiko Tsukamoto, Joan Gómez Alemany, Sylvain Marty

18.2 2017 | 10.00-22.30 | diverse Galerien , Graz impuls MinuteConcerts . Walk through Galleries with Music

19.2. 2017 | 10.00-22.00 | KUG . esc, various locations, Graz A Day on Campus and in the City . Concerts, Lectures, Presentations …

20.2. 2017 | 17.00-00.00 | KUG , 8010 Graz MarathonConcert Works, premieres, improvisations of Mark Andre, Aurelio Cattaneo, Franco Donatoni, Alberto Posadas, Claude Vivier a.m.o.

21.2. 2017 | 19.30 | KUG . MUMUTH, György -Ligeti -Saal , Lichtenfelsgasse 14, 8010 Graz Final Concert Works of Anton Webern, Friedrich Cerha, Beat Furrer, Rebecca Saunders, Franck Bedrossian, Enno Poppe

For further info check: impuls Festival 2017: + impuls Academy 2017:

Many thanks to our Cooperation Partners 2016/2017

as well as

Many thanks for supporting impuls 2016/2017

impuls is part of

Many thanks also to other partners such as

Impressum impuls . Verein zur Vermittlung zeitgenössischer Musik . Brandhofgasse 21 . A-8010 Graz artistic directors of impuls Academy + board of impuls: Beat Furrer + Ernst Kovacic secretary general of impuls: Ute Pinter [email protected] .