IN COOPERATION WITH THE POTENTIAL WILDERNESS AREA GROSSVENEDIGER A report to the Wild Europe Initiative The Potential Wilderness Area Grossvenediger, page 1 THE POTENTIAL WILDERNESS AREA GROSSVENEDIGER A report to the Wild Europe Initiative published by: WWF Austria, 2014 written by: • Bernhard Kohler, Head of Austrian programme, WWF Austria, Ottakringerstr. 114-16, 1160 Vienna, Austria,
[email protected] • Michael Zika, Wilderness officer, WWF Austria, Ottakringerstr. 114-16, 1160 Wien, Vienna, Austria,
[email protected] • Vlado Vancura, Director Wilderness Development, European Wilderness Society, Dechant Franz Fuchs Str., 5580 Tamsweg, Austria,
[email protected] Citation: Kohler, B., M. Zika & V. Vancura (2014): The potential wilderness area Grossvenediger. A report to the Wild Europe Initiative. WWF Austria, Vienna, 92 pp. Download from: Acknowledgements: The present study was produced by WWF Austria, on behalf of National Park Hohe Tauern Salzburg, with support from the European Wilderness Society. Maps and various data have been kindly provided by the National Park administration. Our thanks go to director Wolfgang Urban, vice-director Ferdinand Lainer, Barbara Hochwimmer and Kristina Bauch. LIST OF FIGURES Fig.1. The visiting group (from left to right): Bernhard Kohler and Michael Zika (WWF Austria), Vlado Vancura (European Wilderness Society), Wolfgang Urban (NP Director) .......................................................................................16 INHALT Fig.2. Zonation of Hohe Tauern national park: core zones in dark green, external zones in light green, special protection areas in yellow. Provincial borders of Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia shown as dotted red lines. ......................................18 Fig.3. Sign announcing core zone ...............................................................................................................................................22 Fig.4. Delimitation and zonation of the proposed wilderness area.