
654 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022988 on 10 November 2004. Downloaded from REVIEW : applied pharmacology and use as adjunctive treatment in chronic

R Brown, C Kraus, M Fleming, S Reddy ......

Postgrad Med J 2004;80:654–659. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022988 This article reviews the unique pharmacological properties withdrawal. We then focus upon an approach to the prescription of methadone for the treat- of methadone and outlines its appropriate clinical ment of conditions. Finally, we application, with focus upon its use in the treatment of discuss the adverse effects of and potential drug chronic pain. Although methadone is most widely known interactions with methadone which may occur with usual clinical use. for its use in the treatment of dependence, methadone also provides effective analgesia. Patients who PHARMACOLOGY experience inadequate pain relief or intolerable side effects Methadone occurs in R-enantomeric and S- with other or who suffer from neuropathic pain enantomeric forms, with essentially all of its activity due to activity of R-methadone.15 may benefit from a transition to methadone as their Methadone exerts its activity through binding agent. Adverse effects, particularly respiratory to and activating m opioid receptors centrally and depression and death, make a fundamental knowledge of in the periphery. This activity produces the effects common to all m opioid agonists: analge- methadone’s pharmacological properties essential to the sia, euphoria, constipation, sedation, respiratory provider considering methadone as analgesic therapy for depression, nausea, and miosis. Additionally, a patient with chronic pain. methadone antagonises N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, which may increase its effectiveness ...... in the treatment of neuropathic pain compared with other opioids.16 ethadone is a synthetic opioid best known for its use in the treatment of Pharmacokinetics Mopioid dependence. Methadone is also an Methadone is a fat soluble drug which is rapidly effective analgesic agent, potentially with absorbed after oral administration. Time to peak increased efficacy in the setting of neuropathic concentration, however, varies from one to five pain.1–3 Patients experiencing inadequate analge- hours. Methadone induced slowing of gastric sia or adverse effects while on other opioids may emptying may account for longer time to peak also benefit from a transition to methadone.1–11 concentration in chronic users. Oral bioavail- http://pmj.bmj.com/ Additionally, unique pharmacological properties ability of tablets is approximately 60%–70%, but make methadone a useful addition to the care wide variation among patients exists.15 The provider’s arsenal of prescription analgesic analgesic effect of a dose begins within 30 to agents. 60 minutes after administration and generally Methadone’s excellent oral bioavailability and lasts for four to six hours.3 mucosal absorption, effectiveness as an analgesic Methadone is highly bound to plasma pro- agent, low cost, long half life, and availability in teins. In particular, a -acid glycoprotein is

1 on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. oral, parenteral, and suppository forms make it important, because disease states, like , an excellent alternative for the treatment of both may induce a rise in the concentration of this cancer and non-.8 Medication inter- protein and, as a result, affect the concentra- actions and the potential for serious adverse tion of free methadone.15 Certain drugs may effects (particularly central apnoea and death, influence a1-acid glycoprotein concentrations which have received recent attention in the and, in turn, methadone concentrations. popular press)12–14 make an understanding of Methadone may be displaced from plasma methadone’s pharmacological profile essential to proteins by drugs like propranolol, certain See end of article for the prescribing provider. phenothiazines, and imipramine. Other drugs authors’ affiliations Many individuals participating in methadone may decrease plasma protein and, theoretically, ...... maintenance treatment for opioid dependence increase free methadone levels. Examples of Correspondence to: seek medical care in the community outside of such drugs are carmustine and mechloretha- Dr Randall Brown, their treatment facility. An under- mine. Finally, drugs may also selectively compete University of Wisconsin standing of potential adverse effects and medica- for protein binding sites, resulting in situations Department of Family Medicine, 777 S Mills St, tion interactions is important when caring for where their own free levels might increase. The Madison, WI 53715, USA; this population as well, so that the provider can tricylic , progesterone, and lido- [email protected]. avert untoward events resulting from medication caine are a few examples. Although animal data edu interactions. suggest that dose adjustments based on protein Submitted 14 April 2004 In this article, we discuss the pharmacology binding may be necessary, there are no data in Accepted 10 May 2004 of methadone and briefly comment upon its use humans to suggest these interactions are clini- ...... in the treatment of opioid dependence and cally significant.17

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Methadone is also widely distributed to tissue, and, with effects (constipation, euphoria, nausea/vomiting) or inade- continuous use, tissue levels may exceed levels in plasma. quate analgesia with other prescribed opioids may benefit This extensive protein and tissue binding is responsible for from a transition to methadone.57 Additionally, methadone the long plasma half life of the drug, particularly with often provides analgesia superior to other opioids in the continuous use.9 setting of neuropathic pain syndromes.3 Furthermore, a Metabolism of methadone to inactive forms is the principle reduced level of tolerance to analgesic effects and less means of elimination.15 Less than 10% of an oral dose is constipation has been reported for methadone as opposed extracted by the liver during first pass.9 The drug is to other opioids.6 metabolised both by the liver and by intestinal CYP 3A4 Given the short duration of analgesia (4–6 hours) relative and, to a lesser extent, by CYP 2D6. Some of the variability of to methadone’s half life, the use of methadone as an enzyme activity in different people likely accounts for the analgesic agent requires a more frequent dosing regimen large differences in clearance and half life of methadone seen than the daily dosing used for the treatment of opioid within a population.15 For example, due to a polymorph of dependence. Usual analgesic treatment regimens with CYP 2D6, a subset of the white population, less than 10%, are methadone require dosing every eight to 12 hours. The long considered to be poor metabolisers of methadone.18 Estimates half life of methadone in the setting of more frequent dosing of methadone half life vary from 15 to 55 hours. In addition creates the potential for drug accumulation and adverse to metabolic inactivation, parent drug and metabolites are effects. Many protocols for a transition to methadone from also eliminated in the faeces and urine.15 other opioid have been put forward in the Age does not appear to have a large influence on clearance literature.1242930 These methods are of two basic types: (1) and generally no change in dose is required for persons over a rapid transition in which the previously prescribed opioid is age 65 years. For patients with impaired renal function, completely discontinued with institution of methadone methadone clearance via faeces will increase and no dose analgesic therapy, and (2) a slow transition in which the adjustment is necessary. For patients with end stage renal previously prescribed opioid is tapered in conjunction with disease, some experts suggest a 50% reduction in methadone titration of methadone dosing. Equianalgesic doses of the dosing. Because methadone is highly protein bound, little is most commonly prescribed opioids are provided in table 1. expected to be removed from the plasma with dialysis. Boxes 1 and 2 provide examples of each protocol (slow and Patients with chronic, stable liver diseases may be able to rapid) for transition to methadone using milligram tolerate usual methadone maintenance doses. For patients equivalents. with acute hepatitis and elevated liver enzymes, higher doses Though not generally a first line agent, methadone may be of methadone may be required.15 19 considered early on in the treatment of neuropathic pain and/ No relationship has been established between plasma or in situations where cost issues are compelling. This concentration and analgesic effect.9 For the treatment of situation mandates caution because, in the opioid naı¨ve chronic pain, treatment should be titrated to clinical effect patient, methadone may precipitate respiratory arrest. A rather than a drug level.3 history of sleep apnoea, severe asthma or respiratory failure, right heart failure, morbid obesity, or the concurrent use or CLINICAL APPLICATIONS abuse of sedative drugs (for example, alcohol, muscle relaxants) increase the risk of respiratory depression or arrest Methadone for opioid dependence Since the enactment of the Narcotic Addicts Treatment Act in with methadone. The first visit with the care provider should, 1973, methadone prescription in the United States for opioid therefore, include a detailed medical history to screen for dependence or opioid withdrawal has been (and continues to these high risk situations. A methadone regimen for chronic be) legal only in the setting of a federally licensed methadone pain in the opioid naı¨ve patient may then begin with a low http://pmj.bmj.com/ maintenance facility.20 Resources for the care of health issues dose (5 mg or less twice daily) and be gradually (an unrelated to substance abuse are often limited in these additional 5 mg daily every 72 hours) titrated upward to pain relief. Total daily doses exceeding 120 mg are rarely facilities. Methadone maintained individuals, therefore, 1 frequently seek medical care from community providers. required to provide adequate 24 hour analgesia. As needed Over 150 000 opioid dependent individuals are enrolled in doses of short acting analgesics, such as , hydro- methadone treatment centres in the United States. The codone, or short acting morphine preparations, may be United States Office of National Drug Control Policy considered for the treatment of breakthrough pain. estimates that these services reach one in 10 to one in eight An optimal concentration of methadone for maintenance on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. actively opioid dependent individuals in the United States.21 therapy for opioid dependence is considered to be 400 mg/l, Methadone maintenance treatment has been shown to although in some studies, designed to determine an effective decrease use of heroin and other drugs; reduce the acquisi- concentration, a threshold was not found. On the other hand, tion and transmission of HIV,22 23 hepatitis B, and hepatitis some patients will have a reasonable clinical response with C24; reduce criminal behaviour25; and has been shown to be a lower serum concentrations and other factors such as cost effective treatment for opioid dependence.26 Most of the receptor sensitivity, social support, and psychological issues benefits of methadone maintenance have been shown to be may also play a part. Therefore, therapeutic drug monitoring related to methadone dose and to duration of treat- ment.20 27 28 Table 1 Opiate milligram equivalents*

Methadone for chronic pain Drug Equianalgesic doses Federal and state regulations restricting the use of metha- Codeine 180–200 mg done in the setting of opioid dependence and withdrawal to 25 mg transdermal specially licensed facilities do not apply to the prescription of 30 mg Morphine 30–60 mg oral methadone for chronic pain. Therefore, the care provider may Oxycodone 30 mg consider the use of methadone as an analgesic agent for the treatment of chronic pain. *Methadone conversion is not included due to varying In addition to being effective treatment for opioid conversion ratios at varying prior doses of other opiates. See dependence, methadone provides effective analgesia with boxes 1 and 2 for appropriate conversion to methadone based upon morphine milligram equivalents. several unique properties. Patients experiencing adverse

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Box 1: United Kingdom model for switching from Box 2: Edmonton model for switching from morphine to methadone (rapid transition)1 morphine to methadone (slow transition)2

N The use of the previous opiate is stopped and replaced N Day 1: Decrease morphine dose by 30% and replace by a fixed dose of methadone. A patient who was with oral or rectal methadone every eight hours using receiving 300 mg or less of morphine milligram titration equianalgesic morphine-to-methadone dose equivalents daily would have the dose replaced at a ratio of 10:1. ratio of 10 mg morphine: 1 mg methadone. A patient N Day 2: If pain control is adequate, decrease the receiving greater than 300 mg of morphine milligram original dose of morphine by another 30%. Increase equivalents daily would receive a fixed dose of 30 mg the dose of methadone only if the patient experiences methadone. This dose is then used at intervals of not moderate to severe pain. Treat transient pain with less than three hours as needed for analgesia. rescue doses of short acting opioids. N On day 6, the amount of methadone administered over N Day 3: Discontinue the last 40% of the original the previous two days is converted to a regimen morphine dose and maintain the patient on regular delivered regularly at 12 hour intervals. methadone administered every eight hours plus about N Methadone requirements should be expected to 10% of the daily methadone dose administered as a decrease during days 2 and 3 and reach steady state rescue dose for breakthrough pain. on days 4–5.

taper generally should not exceed 1 mg/day.31 A 5 mg/week is not recommended routinely for all patients receiving taper is convenient given methadone’s availability in 5 mg methadone maintenance.15 No relationship has been estab- 9 and 10 mg tablet forms. lished between plasma concentration and analgesic effect. Aching muscles and joints, insomnia, nausea, and mood For the treatment of chronic pain, therefore, treatment 32 3 changes may indicate opioid withdrawal. If the patient should be titrated to clinical effect rather than a drug level. begins to experience opioid withdrawal effects, symptomatic treatments on an as-needed basis may assist in the manage- CESSATION/TAPER OF METHADONE ment of a continued taper if necessary. Clonidine or a b- Should cessation of methadone treatment be indicated, blocker may alleviate sympathomimetic symptoms (tachy- gradual tapering will minimise withdrawal symptoms. The cardia, lacrimation, stuffy nose, sweats). These

Table 2 Drug interactions associated with enhanced methadone effects

Pharmacokinetic effects Clinical effects Type of evidence Possible mechanism Reference

Antibiotics Ciprofloxacin Sedation/respiratory Single case report; ciprofloxocin Inhibition of CYP1A2 39 depression/confusion reintroduced with same outcome and/or CYP3A4 Fluconazole 35% q AUC; 27% No signs/symptoms of Randomised, double blind, Inhibition of CYP3A4, 38 http://pmj.bmj.com/ q peak, 48% q trough, methadone overdose controlled trial; 13 possibly others 24% Q clearance reported participants received fluconazole methadone 200 mg/day

Antidepressants Fluoxetine Some patients had None reported Nine case reports of serum levels Inhibition of CYP2D6 40 moderate q plasma level, of methadone after addition of but this was less marked fluoxetine; two participants had

than with fluvoxamine also use fluvoxamine previously on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in the two patients Fluvoxamine q serum methadone Hypoxemia, hypercapnia Single case Inhibition of one of 41 level several enzymes: CYP3A4, CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 q serum methadone Patient unable to achieve Single case Inhibition of one of 42 level effective methadone level several enzymes: despite high dose. Had CYP3A4, CYP1A2, increased methadone level CYP2C9, CYP2C19 with fluvoxamine and decrease in withdrawal symptoms Paroxetine q R-methadone plasma No side effects reported Prospective administration of Inhibition of CYP2D6; 43 levels in eight CYP2D6 by patients and no signs paroxetine in 10 methadone- also possibly CYP1A2, extensive metabolisers of intoxication were noted using patients (two poor CYP2C9, CYP2C19, but not in poor metabolisers, eight extensive and CYP3A4 metabolisers metabolisers) Sertraline q methadone plasma level No significant difference in Prospective, 12 week, Inhibition of several 44 26% with addition side effects between groups randomised, placebo controlled isoenzymes (CYP2D6, of sertraline trial; 12 patients received up to CYP3A4, CYP1A2, sertraline 200 mg/day CYP2C9, CYP2C19)

Adapted with permission from Eap CB, Buclin T, Baumann P. Interindividual variability of clinical pharmacokinetics of methadone. Clin Pharmacokinet 2002; 41:1153–93.15 AUC, area under the curve.

www.postgradmedj.com Methadone and chronic pain 657 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022988 on 10 November 2004. Downloaded from may also alleviate some of the subjective irritability common medication side effects, and may assist the practitioner in the in opioid withdrawal. Prochlorperazine or promethazine management of these side effects. assist in the management of nausea and vomiting. Methadone acts upon central opioid receptors, as do the Loperamide will alleviate diarrhoea. Dicyclomine calms other opioid drugs. This action may reduce hypercapnoeic abdominal cramping; and a limited supply of a benzodiaze- and hypoxic ventilatory drives resulting in respiratory pine such as lorazepam, might be considered to assist in the depression. The most severe potential consequence of this control of insomnia and irritability/anxiety. effect is central apnoea. Many cases of mortality due to this effect have been reported. In most situations, medication SIDE EFFECTS OF METHADONE interactions were missed, medical risk factors ignored, or Familiarity with the profile of methadone will doses increased too quickly.22 Methadone toxicity can also assist the practitioner in the appropriate titration of a result from inadequately spaced dosage regimens (dosing methadone regimen, will obviate the unnecessary laboratory more frequently than every eight hours) due to the drug’s investigation of signs and symptoms known to be common long half life and consequent drug accumulation.17 Careful

Table 3 Drug interactions associated with diminished methadone effects

Pharmacokinetic effects Clinical effects Type of evidence Possible mechanism References

Antibiotics Fusidic acid Total clearance No side effects were Randomised, prospective trial, Induction of CYP450 46 antipyrine q in group reported by patients; some placebo controlled. Ten enzymes using fusidic acid 6 patients in 28 day group patients received fusidic acid 28 days developed signs of 500 mg/day 6 14 days; 10 underdosage patients with same dose 6 28 days; 10 patients received no additional meds. Antipyrine clearance used to assess effect on CYP450 system Rifampin Q methadone plasma Methadone withdrawal Case Induction of CYP3A4 12, 47 level symptoms

Antivirals/non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors Efavirenz Marked Q maximum Nine patients described Prospective trial of 11 Induction of CYP3A4 48 plasma methadone symptoms of methadone patients using methadone concentration, Q AUC withdrawal and beginning therapy with efavirenz Nevirapine Three of seven records All seven records had Retrospective chart review Induction of CYP3A4 49 had a documented evidence of opiate of 800 records of HIV- decrease in methadone withdrawal infected patients trough level or subtherapeutic level 36% reduction in Six of eight patients Prospective administration Induction of CYP3A4 50 maximal concentration reported withdrawal of nevirapine to eight patients of methadone, symptoms http://pmj.bmj.com/ significant Q AUC

Antivirals/nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors Abacavir Administration of Two patients of the five Prospective administration Abacavir not expected to 51 both abacavir and reported symptoms of abacavir and ampenavir induce CYP3A4 activity; ampenavir associated consistent with withdrawal to five patients using the protease inhibitor, with median 65% methadone ampenavir, is a known

decrease in methadone inducer of CYP3A4 and on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. concentration more likely the cause of Q methadone concentration

Antivirals/protease inhibitors Amprenavir (see abacavir statement) Nelfinavir Complaint of opiate Single case report nelfinavir Induction of CYP3A4, 52 withdrawal within six weeks 750 mg three times a day possible induction of added to drug regimen P-glycoprotein Ritonavir/ 40% Q AUC in S- No evidence of withdrawal Prospective pharmacokinetic Ritonavir: induction of 53, 54 saquinavir methadone and 32% reported study of 12 patients using CYP3A4; possible induction Q AUC in R-methadone methadone who began of P-glycoprotein, induction 400 mg ritonavir and of CYP2C19 and/or CYP2B6 400 mg saquinavir twice to explain greater induction daily of S-methadone v R- methadone. In vitro comparison of inhibition protency against metabolism of methadone is ritonavir . indinavir . saquinavir

Adapted with permission from Eap CB, Buclin T, Baumann P. Interindividual variability of clinical pharmacokinetics of methadone. Clin Pharmacokinet 2002;41:1153–93.15 AUC, area under the curve.

www.postgradmedj.com 658 Brown, Kraus, Fleming, et al Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.2004.022988 on 10 November 2004. Downloaded from dose titration, a thorough history for medical risk factors, and 80% in vitro, many of these agents do not exhibit the same cognisance of medication interactions should avert this degree of inhibition in vivo.15 A summary of medications potentially catastrophic effect. associated with increased concentrations of methadone are Due to central opioid receptor activation, somnolence is found in table 2.44–50 quite common during the first weeks of treatment before Drugs which induce enzyme systems responsible for tolerance to this drug effect is gained. Methadone may also methadone metabolism may result in lowering of methadone interfere with rapid eye movement sleep and sleep stages 3 levels. It is thought that chronic abuse of alcohol may and 4. When these changes persist during chronic treatment, increase liver enzymes and reduce methadone levels.19 51 insomnia may occur.18 Patients experiencing this side effect Seizure medications like , phenobarbital, and have lower sleep efficiency, less rapid eye movement, and less are classic examples of CYP3A4 enzyme slow wave sleep accompanied by sleep disordered breathing. inducers that may lower methadone concentrations.15 Of Additionally they spend more time in sleep stage 2.19 the antibiotics, rifampin has been shown to interfere with Methadone maintenance patients may also experience methadone. Of the antiviral medications used for the subjective cognitive slowing. Objective, controlled data on treatment of HIV, the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase this phenomenon are scarce. Tolerance would be expected to inhibitors increase the metabolism of methadone. Drug this side effect as has been demonstrated with the chronic interactions resulting in lowered methadone concentrations use of other opioid medications. A European study examining can be found in table 3.17 52–60 the cognitive effects of chronic methadone therapy concluded Methadone levels may be affected by competition for that methadone treatment was not, in itself, predictive of enzyme metabolism. For example, some feel that binge impairment in cognitive psychomotor skills; inferior perfor- drinking of alcohol may prevent appropriate metabolism of mance on tests was more strongly related to sociodemo- methadone, temporarily increasing concentrations.19 One graphic factors.33 A second study demonstrated that example of preferential metabolism of methadone is its psychophysical performances and driving aptitude are not interaction with zidovudine, where increased zidovudine significantly related to methadone dose.34 levels have been described.15 On the other hand, methadone Weight gain is a commonly reported side effect among appears to decrease the concentration of stavudine and patients on methadone maintenance. The precise aetiology is didanosine by apparently decreasing their absorption.61 unclear but may involve appetite increase and/or non- Finally, both alcohol and benzodiazepines have been asso- cardiogenic peripheral oedema. Previous studies have indi- ciated with increased risk for respiratory depression in cated an onset of weight gain three to six months after patients using opioids.18 initiation of methadone maintenance treatment or after a sharp dosage increase.32 35 CONCLUSION Sexual dysfunction is also a common complaint of In summary, methadone has important therapeutic applica- individuals on chronic methadone. In men, orgasm dysfunc- tions beyond methadone maintenance for opioid depen- tion and a decrease in libido are the most common concerns. 36 37 dence. It is a viable choice for patients with neuropathic pain, Spermatic dysmotility has also been described. Whether for pain resistant to treatment with other opioid analgesics, or not fertility is adversely affected has yet to be firmly and for situations where dose limiting side effects occur from established. Several studies that indicate subnormal levels of other opioid agents. Practitioners who prescribe methadone plasma testosterone in men maintained on methadone may need to be familiar with its unique pharmacokinetic profile, account for these side effects, though a dose effect relation- 38–42 side effects, and potential drug interactions to ensure safe, ship has yet to be discovered. Women may experience effective use of this agent.

dysfunction of libido as well as oligomenorrhoea or amenor- http://pmj.bmj.com/ 32 rhoea. The aetiology of and potential treatments for these ...... effects are unclear. Authors’ affiliations Up to 65% of patients report constipation as a direct effect R Brown, University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine and of methadone.32 Tolerance to this peripheral opioid effect may Department of Population Health Sciences, and Madison Health Services not develop, often necessitating a scheduled bowel regimen Methadone Treatment Facility, Madison, Wisconsin, USA during treatment with methadone.43 C Kraus, University of Wisconsin Department of Pharmacy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA

M Fleming, University of Wisconsin Department of Family Medicine, on September 30, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. DRUG INTERACTIONS WITH METHADONE Madison, Wisconsin, USA There are many potential drug interactions with methadone. S Reddy, University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin, However, it is difficult to study drug interactions because USA methadone has a long half life, and time to steady state concentration after a change due to a drug interaction may REFERENCES require up to 10 days. Many of the drug interactions cited in 1 Morley J, Makin M. The use of methadone in cancer pain poorly responsive to 19 the literature have not been rigorously investigated. In other opiates. Pain Reviews 1998;5:51–8. addition, even though statistically significant change in 2 Bruera E, Pereira J, Watanabe S, et al. Opioid rotation in patients with cancer methadone concentration may occur as a result of a drug- pain. A retrospective comparison of dose ratios between methadone, hydromorphone, and morphine. Cancer 1996;78:852–7. drug interaction, the clinical outcome may not be significant, 3 Ayonrinde OT, Bridge DT. The rediscovery of methadone for cancer pain since methadone has such a wide therapeutic window, and management [comment]. Med J Aust 2000;173:536–40. because methadone’s half life varies significantly between 4 Bruera E, MacMillan K, Hanson J, et al. Palliative care in a cancer center. 44 Results in 1984 versus 1987. J Pain Symptom Manage 1990;5:1–5. individuals. In the setting of a potential drug interaction, 5 Crews J, Sweeney N, Denson D. Clinical efficiency of methadone in patients therefore, it is reasonable to institute a dosing regimen as refractory to other mu-opioid receptor agonist analgesics for management of described in tables 2 or 3, and monitor the patient closely for terminal cancer pain. Cancer 1993;72:2266–72. signs of supratherapeutic dosing (sedation, euphoria). 6 de Conno F, Groff L, Brunelli C, et al. Clinical experience with oral methadone administration in the treatment of 196 advanced cancer patients. J Clin Oncol Drug interactions with methadone most commonly occur 1996;14:2836–42. due to inhibition or induction of liver enzymes. Although 7 Leng G, Finnegan M. Successful use of methadone in nociceptive cancer pain drugs like older macrolide antibiotics (troleandomycin), unresponsive to morphine. Palliat Med 1994;8:153–5. 8 Mercadante S, Casuccio A, Fulfaro F, et al. Switching from morphine to ketoconazole, and diazepam are able to inhibit CYP3A4 methadone to improve analgesia and tolerability in cancer patients: a metabolism of methadone to its inactive metabolite by up to prospective study. J Clin Oncol 2001;19:2898–904.

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