Extensions Oe Remarks Hon. Bruce Alger

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Extensions Oe Remarks Hon. Bruce Alger 1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 1457 EXTENSIONS OE REMARKS Washington Report chases under what is known a8 section 32 more recently our attention has been funds in the Agriculture Act of 1935. Un­ focused on the selection of subcabinet der the broad power of this legislation and appointments and appointments of EXTENSION OF REMARKS the interpretations which have grown up OF around it since 1935, the Secretary has al­ chairmen and members of regulatory most unlimited power to de9lare any agri­ agencies and commissions. HON. BRUCE ALGER culture commodity in surplus. The act em­ In this connection, the President is to OF TEXAS powers him to declare surplus any farm be particularly commended in the selec­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commodity which, in his opinion, is not tion of Mr. Joseph C. Swidler, of Ten­ being sold for a fair market price, at the nessee, nominated to become Chairman Monday, January 30, 1961 present time considered to be 90 percent of of the Federal Power Commission. It parity. Under section 32, he may then use Mr. ALGER. Mr. Speaker, under these commodities . to feed people in need. is most important that this Commission leave to extend my remarks in the REc­ The President's order of last Saturday goes have a capable, competent Chairman ORD, I include the following newsletter: even further, it not only proposes to feed and in Mr. Swidler, the President has WASHINGTON REPORT those in need, but to insure a nutritious made a most excellent choice. (By Congressman BRUCE ALGER, Fifth diet. We are now treading on the dangerous Mr. Swidler is a very able lawyer, a District, Texas) ground of bringing about a pure socialistic fine administrator and thoroughly program wherein the Government will not JANUARY 28, 1961. knowledgable in the power field. More­ only feed the people but decide for them over, he is a .dedicated public servant. The Rules Committee change (see news­ what is a balanced tliet. There are other in­ letter January 7, 1961) or packing of the herent dangers in this action: ( 1) Govern­ The FPC possesses great powers affect­ membership (from present 8 Democrats, 4 ment buying creates a false demand for these ing the consumers of this Nation, and in Republicans to proposed 10 Democrats and commodities and may jeopardize the market his many years of public service Mr. 5 Republicans) is a tremendous power strug­ causing higher prices to consumers; (2) Swidler has proven his dedication and gle with features easily misunderstood or temptation of those not actually in need to obligation is to the public interest. unknown to some. (1) The Democrat lead­ participate in the program bec;:ause of added ership wants more liberal control of the pro­ Mr. Swidler, a native of Chicago, is a foods; (3) it's an open-end program; an esti­ graduate of the University of Illinois. graming of legislation to strengthen the mated 3Y:z million people could be eligible northern liberals and weaken the southern­ now but this figure could be doubled under As General Counsel of the Tennessee ers who are less liberal, (2) despite the gen­ the loose interpretation of who is needy; Valley Authority, where he served for erally publicized view, the Rules Committee (4) cost-once the program starts and pres­ a score of years, Mr. Swidler had a most cannot· block legislation, it can only delay ent funds are expended, Congress will have outstanding record. Following his resig­ it pending study, (3) some Members ap­ to appropriate more because you can't stop nation from the TVA, Swidler has en­ prove of the delay or attempted blocking of feeding people once you have started. One gaged in the practice of private law in legislation they don't want before the Hpuse other point to remember, section 32 deals for consideration and a recorded vote; mean­ Nashville, in my State of Tennessee. only with surplus foods; it does not au­ Mr. Speaker, I am most pleased that while, the Rules Committee can be blamed, thorize welfare programs. The President and (4) changing committee membership is secretary of Agriculture refer to the Execu­ President Kennedy appointed Mr. Swid­ properly within the majority party's juris­ tive order as a "welfare measure," but the ler as Chairman of this important diction since the ratio of Republican-Demo­ lawyers in the Agriculture Department very Commission and I predict a record of crat Members changes each Congress. Fur­ carefully avoid this and insist on calllng it dedicated service and a performance of ther, the Rules Committee must be able to a surplus disposal program. Once again it which the President and the people of program the legislation the majority party might be well to consider whether the Fed­ the Nation will be proud. The important wants to consider since as the majority party, eral Government is intended and so consti­ it is their responsibility. Hence, the 2-to-1 programs of the Federal Power Com­ tuted as to be able to feed, clothe, or house mission should be greatly improved in ratio of Democrats to Republicans, even people. I don't think so. though the House ratio is 5 to 3. The task forces reporting to President Ken­ the public interest. Few dispute the reasonableness of this nedy have one thing in common. Each di­ arrangement. Then why the fuss in add­ rects its attention to a particular field of ing two Democrats and one Republican, in­ study. It is easy to see how recommenda­ asmuch as the same ratio is maintained? tions for increased spending and Govern­ Back-Door Appropriation Bills­ Because this move will be a liberal victory ment participation in each can, when com­ and a conservative loss. However, at this bined, make a staggering total, far beyond Scope and Extent point like-thinking Members disagree. Some our purse. Even justifiable additions to Fed­ feel the change will clarify the basic liber­ eral jurisdiction are unwarranted when Fed­ alism of the Democratic leadership for the EXTENSION OF REMARKS eral income is exceeded. Perhaps a task OF benefit of all better to recognize and under­ force of fiscal responsibllity to correlate stand the legislative forces at work in Con­ spending recommendations is needed, dedi­ HON. THOMAS M. PELLY gress. Some, like myself, recognize a far cated to a stable currency, a sound dollar. more sinister danger; namely, the changing It appears certain that the 220 campaign OF WASHINGTON of the ground rules of debate. promises of President Kennedy, paralleled by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Each bill comes to the House with an the task forces recommendations, must be Monday, January 30,1961 accompanying rule from the Rules Commit­ wholly or partially abandoned. tee governing its . consideration, debate, Mr. PELLY. Mr. Speaker, it is safe amendment, and recommittal.- This pro­ posed change can easily result in rules which to say that not more than a handful of waive points of order, limit the time for Members of the House are aware of the free debate, prevent amendments from being Federal Power Commission Chairman­ amounts of money involved in the back­ offered, and generally throttle the normal door appropriation bills or the scope and democratic legislative procedure. There­ designate Joseph C. Swidler Com· variety of Government programs which fore, we face not only more radical legis­ mended they finance. These are the types of lation but different ground rules limiting bills which now secure their financing or preventing legitimate disagreement. Some may quickly recognize there an apparent EXTENSION OF REMARKS outside our traditional annual appro­ contradiction-liberals stifling freedom of OF priations process. They are the types debate rather than championing it. This House Resolution 115, which I intro­ recognition could easily lead to a further HON. JOE L. EVINS duced, along with identical resolutions thought that many liberals today are rad­ OF TENNESSEE by the distinguished chairman of the icals, not really liberals at all in the true IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee on Rules [Mr. SMITH] and sense. For my part, I shall oppose the Rules the distinguished gentleman from Ari­ Committee change as I shall any disruption Monday, January 30, 1961 of the democratic and orderly process. zona [Mr. RHODES] would, if adopted, President Kennedy's first Executive order Mr. EVINS. Mr. Speaker, America require.annual review and appropriation directed the Secretary of Agriculture to buy has watched with great interest and through the regular established congres­ eggs, pork, and beans for distribution to peo­ much approval President Kennedy's sional appropriations process as are all ple in so-called depressed areas. The Sec­ selection of Cabinet members to serve the hundreds of other programs of retary is given authority to make such pur- with him in the new administration and Government. i458 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January- 30 The House, which has the constitu­ done to the budget and to the Treasury. both as to totals involved and the diver­ tional responsibility to originate the . N'o wonder we . spend money we do not &ity of programs encompassed. I hope appropriation bills, surely cannot con­ have for things we could get along with• every Member will note especially how sider the bills intelligently -when it per­ out or defer until we could afford them. many of these bills originated in the mits, as it now does, several committees other body-although this House, under to write checks against one checkbook In order to show the dimensions of and no one keeping the checkbook stub these backdoor bypasses of the tradi­ the constitutional interpretation and up to date. Under that kind of slip­ tional appropriations procedure, I in­ practice, has the exclusive responsibil­ shod procedure, no wonder we wind up clude tables listing the backdoor bills of ity for originating bills - withdrawing the session not knowing what we have the last 3 years.
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