Extensions of Remarks Hon. Bruce Alger Hon. Bruce Alger
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1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2317 MEMORIALS· bia to hear, determine, and render judgme.nt gion, Boston, Mass., petitioning consideration on the claim of James Buckler against the of their resolution with reference to Israel Under clause 4 of rule XXII, District of Columbia; to the Committee on and the Middle East; to the Committee on The SPEAKER presented a memorial of the Judiciary. Foreign Affairs. the Legislature of the State of New Jersey, By Mr. PATTEN: 682. Also, petition of Henry Stoner, Avon memorializing the President and the Con H.R. 9936. A bill for the relief of Giusep Park, Fla., to provide for a special appropria gress of the United States requesting the pina Restivo; to the Committee on the Ju tion bill to be called the independent regula National Aeronautics and Space Adminis diciary. tory agencies appropriation bill; to the Com tration to establish and locate its proposed By Mr. PEPPER: mittee on Appropriations. Electronics Research Center in the Delaware H.R. 9937. A bill for the relief of Gino 683. Also, petition of Henry Stoner, Avon Valley, which was referred to the , Commit Torelli; to the Committee ' on the Judiciary. Park, Fla., to require in the curriculum of tee on Science and Astronautics. certain schools and· colleges, aided by con gressional appropriated Federal money, PETITIONS, ETC. courses in the language spoken by more peo- · PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS pie on earth than any other language, Man:.. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private 'Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions darin Chinese; to the Committee on Educa bills and resolutions were introduced and and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk tion and Labor. severally referred as follows: and referred as follows: 684. By Mr. PATTEN: Petition of Alexan 680. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Chester der M. Jones requesting legislation to make By Mr. BLATNIK: sure the Treasury Department adopts special H .R. 9934. A bill to authorize the construc A. Johnson, president, Michigan Farmers tion of a dam on the St. Louis River, Minn.; , Union, Homer, Mich., relative to the nuclear procedures to guarantee fair, wide, and im to the Committee on Public Works. test ban treaty; to the Committee on For partial distribution to all the people of the By Mr. LANKFORD: etgn Affairs. United States of the new John F. Kennedy H .R. 9935. A bill to confer jurisdiction on 681. Also, petition of M. Jacob Joslow. half dollar; to the Committee on Banking _the District Court for the District of Colum- American Jewish Congress, New England Re- and Currency. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Loss of Freedom for Any Group Poses lective a_nd part in proportion to the work Where is the administration? Still off they do. · · making promises to buy votes at home, while Threat to All "Sponsors of the bill argued that legal fees the world smolde s and burns. were too high for ordinary people." Where is our foreign policy? Caught nap Commenting on the article, the Congress ping again. EXTENSION OF REMARKS man said "many lawyers seem unconcerned And how can we expect the same admin OF about the fact that some people in America istration, the same foreign policy fumblers would like to see the medical profession so who neutralized Laos-how can we expect HON. BRUCE ALGER cialized." Representative POFF, an attor them to do better in Vietnam? OF TEXAS ney and a member of the House Judiciary This new coup was a prates t against plans IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Committee, added: to neutralize ·Vietnam. But who invented "Because they are not personally and im the idea in Laos? The foreign policy advisers Thursday, February 6, 1964 mediately concerned, they have closed their of this administration. Mr. ALGER. Mr. Speaker, many of eyes and ears to the threat. Lawyers would Can anyone be sure that we will not for do well to come to the aid of their sister pro sake southeast Asia again? Will words alone our people are concerned with legisla fession. Who can say that the next proposal suffice to reassure the besieged Vietnamese tion only when they are directly affected might not be legal aid to the aged, and next and the threatened peoples of Thailand and as a group or as individuals. The im medical and legal aid for everybody." Malaysia? I say they will not. They cannot portant truth is that the issues we face if they come from the same mouths that let in Congress are of vital concern to all Laos die and still permit the agony of in of the people. No group can have its decisive battle to continue in Vietnam. freedom taken away without the free Fumbling of Foreign Policy Basic Issue, This Nation has a great and fateful de doms of all other Americans being put in cision to make in Vietnam. It cannot make Says Goldwater it while its eyes are fixed on the hypnotic peril. gimmickry of vast new domestic spending This is something to think about when programs and political promises. It cannot we are asked to pass legislation which EXTENSION OF REMARKS make it under leadership that whistles past could lead to socialized medicine and OF the graveyard of its past mistakes, refusing putting the doctors under Federal con to face the hard facts of a hard and cold trol. I can assure all those in the other HON. BRUCE ALGER world. professions. it would not be long before OF TEXAS Panama shows this, too. Cuba shows lt. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An entire hemisphere, troubled and pierced they, too, would become the victims of by Communist subversion, shows it. bureaucracy. Thursday, February 6, 1964 Where has Lyndon been while Panama The following editorial from the AMA burned? Fiddling with his political prom News sounding a warning issued to law Mr. ALGER. Mr. Speaker, as the ises, telling the Nation that Republican criti yers by my good friend and colleague, problems confronting the United States cism amuses him-or maybe listening to his the gentleman from Virginia, Congress throughout the world multiply daily as Bobby Baker stero set. man RICHARD POFF, is well worth calling the administration seems more and more In Panama we didn't even have an Ambas to your attention: unable to cope with them. it is good to sador on hand when the shooting started. know that we do have a national leader We'd had warnings, but there was no one to "LEGALCARE" NEXT? who is speaking out for a firm policy in listen. And where does the situation stand Representative RICHARD H. POFF, of ,Vir defense of freedom. Under permission today? Stuck in the mud of indecision, as ginia, urged every lawmaker and law prac usual. titioner to take an interest in a recent news to extend my remarks in the RECORD I What has happened to the wall around paper article datelined Warsaw. He placed include an address by Senator BARRY Cuba that was supposed to keep it from ex the following news story in the CONGRES GOLDWATER at a luncheon meeting in porting murder and subversion throughout SIONAL RECORD: Minneapolis, Mi,nn., on February 3, 1964. Latin America? The wall crumbled even as "Poland's 5,700 lawyers w111 be forced into Senator GOLDWATER makes sense. He it was being built. Today it's not even a collectives under a measure ending private is speaking for the American people and chicken-wire fence. legal practice in the Communist nation. I am confident the overwhelming major Maybe this administration thinks that a "The bill was passed • • • by Poland's ity of them agree with him. public housing program for Castro would Communist-dominated parliament with only solve all the problems. Or more trade. Or five opposing votes. Although a client may Senator GOLDWATER'S address follows: more patience. still select his own attorney, fees will be set EXCERPTS OF REMARKS BY SENATOR BARRY Patience ls a virtue. But when patience by the government and paid to the lawyers' GOLDWATER, REPUBLICAN, OF ARIZONA becomes procrastination. it is a deadly vice. association. Part of the income w111 be di There is a new coup in Vietnam and the I say that this Nation has put otf its for vided equally among all members of the col- war there is drifting toward disaster. eign policy decisions long enough. CX--146 2318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE February 6 Now it is time to put up. Now it is time million residents. It is one of the most the New York State Legislature and since to produce, not just promise. I do not say progressive of all the 50 States. And coming to Congress. But let me say to the that I have, or that any one man has, all the with our State's growth and progress opponents of this bill, that it is the duty of answers or even most of the answers. this Congress to pass the bill; that failure to But I say, and I think that most Ameri have come growth and progress to do our duty will invite terrible consequences cans, most free men everywhere, say that we Lapeer County. too awful to contemplate. The most power have got to have those answers before it is The courthouse and the Press each. ful social revolution in our history is gaining too late. has played important parts in this prog in momentum; the Negro is demanding his This is the great issue of our time. Can ress. The courthouse is aging, but the constitutional rights now; we must recognize we and will we lead in the cause of free Lapeer County Press seems ageless.