

USS Arizona Memorial Discovery Packet

Dece1nber 7,1941 The Legacy of

Experience Your America

l SS lm;u11a \kmunall'\i:ttll>lul Park ~cmccj ~~!:zC rt;1UkN iO: L .S. Dt·p;lrtmcnt of rhc lntcnm


FACT SHEET ,\nnually, 1 'i millrc>n \'ISJiors come w th<. l SS ln:;:oncJ J\.Iemon:U, making the shnoe a popular vtsttor tlesunaoon. To get the insJCJe gwde on how tO \1~11 the.: US~ lnf\_0/lt/ ~kmori:tf and what therc ts to ~ee, 1 1~11 page four.

PEARL HARBoR HISTORY On Sunda1, Dccc.:mbcr '· 1941, shonlv bct0rc.: H:Oit a.m., Japan attacked L-.S. forces across the ISland of ( >.thu, llawa1i. In less than nm hours, Pc:arl lla.rbor and sevc.:ral orhc.:r null[arv insralla t1on~ were left m ficrv rums.


The l 'SS lti':\_Otltt 1\femorial \\11!' dedicmcd nn i\kmori:U D.1~ 19Cl2. Since cr ~ton.

USS ARizoNA MEMORIAL MUSEUM ( )n e.ll.hiblt tn the museum an: arofacts of the: USS -~ti::;illla and hc:r cr<.'l\\ other l.S. PaCific Fleet sh1ps ;\ntl th( L'.S. Armo:d J·orcc:; from December 7, 1941 thwugh the Battle of \l1dwa\. The'e arnfact\ weave .1 ,-isual memoir uf Pe:1rl I !arbor in peace and \\~tr.

PEARL HARBoR SURVIVORS ( ln December-.. 1941, 2,.190 l1n·s were lost, hut thouJ.ands of ~crncc members sun·ivcJ, ~omg on m fight 10 .Ill thcarre' dur­ inA \\'orld \\ ar II. Regularl~. Pearl II arbor Sun iH~r~ come to the L'SS ln':;_llllll \lcmorial \'1~itor Center to tell their ~tory, hnn~ing hiswry to life.


lltO"T CO\'I>R K" ' \,1)1 1/ \kl'"" \ \II \lliRI II .\11 >1 P\1 '''"' I\Till\,

2 l'SS lm~onct ~lcmnnaJ jPn:s~ kltl THE NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM

_, ...... -- ...... -- .-- --r----- .__ ..


USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL ·n,c t'SS ~ lri::;o11a 1\lcmonalts one of nt-arh· 4{)() park strcs admimstcrcd b' the 'hoonal Park !x:n·tc<: (1\PS). The 0.P~ preserws the culmral, hmonc and naturallegaq of •\mcnca for the cduc;won, cnjo~·mem and msptmnon LOCATION- of future generations.

1 .r ltr;:r.>llll .\lcm

The l ':iS ~ lm;rm,, .\lcmunal \ Jsnor <:enter "~•catcd ;~mch.unch.t lntcnor responsible for protecrmg the 40 national park~ anJ mtlnumcms Hi~w:tt; nc.u the ,\luha Scuuwn, hcrwttn Ford J,hn n::tch rhc l SS '"~"11.1.\lclll"'ullmrn \\~rk•kl. ukc of the Department of the lntt:nor ts prou.:ct and prm·tde .tccess ro nur the I l I h<'t'\\':1~ tu the ,\upon \'i,tdult rnJ fullu\\ the 'IJlflS tu the l ,., tti ·.,11,; nanon's namral and culrural hcntage and ro honor nur truq respon~Jbth \k11li>0.11 ~XII I"'.. ties to tribes. l11c 1\.anonal Park Sen tee cooperates w1rh parU1ers u• extend benefits of narural ami cultuml rcwurcc const•ryanon and our­ door recrcanon throughout rhc cnuntry ami the world INFORMATION .\ddttwn~ to the '\:mona! Park System arc now gencraU1 made through .tcb of Cont,rrc:.s, and n:munal p;trh cnn lx cn:·atcd ()nh- thrnul{h ~uch acts. But rhe President ha' authonry, under rhc .\nciquirics ·\ct of 19ll6. to procbmt narional munumcnr.. on bncb r man~tL·mcnt.

'\ ;ltlo nal P;~rk Sen tee J FACT SHEET 'I

ADMINISTRATOR U SS ARizONA M EMORIAL I \I'\"-''· FoRt •-' T he :-.: .mu n;~l Park Ser\'ict· ha~ operated the ll S~ , ·n1c L SS h7:;!Jli• \ltmon.tl I' Joe. ttnl 111 '-tx b.mle· ready aircraft earn cr., ;tnd 25 Arizyfllt ~l cm o ri al si nce 1980. under a coopcr.nin~ P(.-arl I !arbor on the j,bml of ( >ahu. ' J lt~.· -;upport \·cssds made up the l:l'k I< >tel'. agreement with the V.S. N:\\1. The Nnuonal Park l ss m"zmld 1' the.: tin.U n."'ring plicl· ti,1 The carnc:r; bunched a total of l'ilt :nr Scr\"ICe as rt.'SpOI'L~hlc for the m:umgcmcrtt of the mam of the 1,177 "<.T\'icl· n·k:mlll'TS \\ilo It~ I cr.1ti ru p:!rttClp:ttc in the attack m.:monal ami ~horesklc: \~ l tor n 'flter, '' luch ~p a n-. ' mw' live~ on Dcn.·mlx.-r 7, I'J.ll. 'In~· I K4 II acres. The ~anonal Park Se:J,,ce 1s commmed tOot -lung (:)(• m) memorial 'PJns thl· mid· ,\\11 Rll '' FoRI L ..' to preset"\mgand Interpreting both the ta n .~i b l e pomon of the ~unken h;utleship. 'llw Twl·nty-ont• n·-;sds, mdudmg ~11 eight anJ imangiblc: htsturical n:sourcc:s and the mc:mo­ memorial con,ht' of thrc:l' 'l'CUon~: thl· first ·hn1.· h>tttle~hlp~. 1\'t.'ft' o;unk or d;~m m:s, .ltlitudes and tr2d111ons :ts.-.ociatcd \\ith the entry .md as"Cmi.Jh· nJevent)' aircrait wac :ttt:lck on 1\.':\rl llarhor. 'J'hc park 1s IOC:ltcd on and • dc:~1gnt-d for ct:n:mom~o~ .111d gcnc:ral oh~er de,trop:d. anJ 150 were druna~ed . adjacent to U.S. .Saval 1.3.1sc: Pt.'llrl Harbor. nmon; and the ~hrine r{)(Jill, when d,~,. : nan1e" of tho": k1lhl on thc l 'SS ln:;v11<1 VISITOR C ENTE R (\,1' \l.l ii ,UI TIII \ TI\CJo.. ure e~rnl·ttl on the marbll' I\ .til. Tht: l ' SS The: visitor center 1s the first stop for \'isnors lnz(l//a t-.lcmon;tl " nnh acc~.~,t hle h1 ( >n the: \ mcnc;\fl s1dc, 2390 'iCT\'ICl mem planning 111 tour tlw memorbl. I nca1ell v.ithin the boat. wluch dcpans fmm rh~ 1 Ntor cem~.· r: lx·rs .u,d onltart' were killt!tL mduclmg 1, 1Ti center nrc: rwu theaters, a mu!'Cum, n hookstorc., ~t ­ '>n the l 1S.'i 1t1:(!1//t1. ( )nlv 117 of d1c lri:;tlll nnd shore­ SIGNIFICANCE en.'\\ mlmll<:rs sunoi\W. 1\n:nt\ nine JafY.U'kX' line .:xhlhit~ outlimng the 1\:arll larl)(lf attack. The \ 1 S ;urcral t were losr. Fifty~&.·c:- atr cr1.'\\ mcm 'Inc l'.S.."i ·ln':;vlkl \lt.'OUIO;U \\~l' con,tnltll'd iror center from dc~k i ~ v.·hcre \'lsitor; pick up ~c to ll<'>nor ;tJJ \mcne;m "-'1'\'lt"l' n1t.1,1lx:rs \\ h< > ht•f' wt.:re killed four rmdgt·r ' rickcto; for the USS rlri~l14 Mcmonal progr.mt mur. wc:r<' 'unk, one caprun:d, and mnl.' ere\\' , lust their l11c.:' durin~ the :111ack on 1\:ui ml'fTIIX.'I' wc:re I..JIIed. INTERPRETIVE PROGRAM I brbor on Dl'Clnllx't 7. I1 141. 'Jnh an.~ck " When guests enter the \isnor center, they arc asked one of the mo't well rcmcmhen.·d and 'tg ARIZONA MEMORIAL to line up inr a numbered program ucket, \\inch mfic.r11 e1c.:nt' 111 thl' hl\tof! uf our nanon. S1>. military \ite\ on ( );Jhu Wt.'rl' .uuckcd, pro\1des free admissi11n to thl• memorial tour M USEUM AsSOCIATION kuling 2,31)(1 Americ:m,, 1k~rroysng or While waiting for the tour to begin, many ,.i,itors 1 damaJ.,ring over 32(1 :tircr.tit and ~mkmg 11r lncurpor.tnon Dare ~ep:cmber 2. I!F'I tour the \1Snor center and ns shoreline c:xhibns. mcluding the mu!\Cum and Rcrll(:mbrance C1rd e. d.un.!ging 21 '~,..,-.cb. TheJ.tp:tn~ attark on When thl· program number that appears on their Pc.trlllarl)( >r Jctt."tl ;1\ a C\Lll} 't hnnging tlw P URPOSE L.S. tully and a ell\ d} tnto \\'orld \\'.tr II. ticket is called, vi~tors an: a.~kcd t• 1 assemble at the ' I' PRI >Ill ( )R(,.\,IZ.\TII ,, "Rcn1<.:mlx:r P...M I Luh rr"lx.n cn to urut\ dK count!) dm>~.1glsout tht.• \\~11'. l'>Ur. The: tour of the u~ A ntpflt1 ~kmonaJ fk_.-c.uiSC thll'S.S lnynklal'l'T>ltnll.'tlli>r almo.,t 11 as formed to gin: the public an opp.. r include' n 23·minutc documcllllll)' film depleting the 1111111\ to prmtde o~omg support li>r half of tho~ C:ISLLdt:b, 11 h;s s hccoml' r ht.• armck on J>c:-.trl l larl11.>r. a shon boat tnp nnJ a self­ ccmral srmhol of comnll:momnon. th• l •:-s ln.-:o"" Memorial. Man~ ch.trtcr ~deJ exploration of the USS .;lri'!(O"•' Mcmonal. nwmb~.:rs of the \ ssoctomon had bt·t:n l·i>r \isiturs imcrt~tl'tl in a narratt.'CI tnur oi the LSS M USEUM involvt:d an the fundr:using for the con Jrizy1111 Mtn,orial and tht· ~~~It)' of D~'C<.'fllber 7, I '141. ~trucnrm of the Vi~ltor ( cmt:r The The.: mu"<-.'Um brings \Ntors clowr t• > tlw an 11udio tour ht~.lliSt-t i~ :t\-.ubblc for a small ft-c. The 1\,~oCJ;ltlon gn:w out of a des1rc ru con· ~ight~ ami ~oumls of the: Dc<.:cmhcr 7. 194 1, audi<.>lllllt is one hour in dur.lUon and take~ visitors to rmue tt 1 ~uppon rh1~ h1~toncal landmark attack on ( )ahu, \\,th fll'N >O;tl mt.:mor.thih.t, 2.3 Jnonanons. Acadcnw t\wanl \\lnner and ~:lY\' :1nd to c:n,ure '1st tor~ han: an :tpprecia­ Jramaoc photu~phs. artifact' of the h:mll' \'C'tt.Tan Emc:st Bor)..Jf\Jnc .namues the audio tour uon and understandmg of the •mack on rru;t and other exlubit-.. i-. :t\'lliW>Ic 111 SC\'l'fl languages: English, french. Pearl IIJ.rbor. Smce 1919, the Anzon;l Kon.-:m. Mandarin, German and Sparush. ~lemUJitl 2\lu._"<'UUll .hsoc1arion ha, pw Japanese. A TTACK ON P EARL H ARBOR Ylded more than S9 mtllron ro ass1sr BooKSTORE Tua \'1 r tl " the P.1rk wnh tts mrerpn:o,-e opernuon~ In adillrion w 'upporung rhe lntc.:rpretll e 1bc bookstore is 61k.--d With book<;, ''1tlcos, DVI>.;. audio Jap.tnc'c iorcc.:' armed undc.:rc.:cu·d just operauon at th~ l ::O.S lriziJIJa .\lcmon:tl, tape.. posters and nx:mcntos of the l .S..'\ A~ld, the 2_~1 mile~ north of rhe llawaiian l~t.md!'. 1\>arlllllhor :ut2ck and the \'\ar rn the Paafic. Visuor; .\t d.twn, 'L' ;urernit t.'llrricrs bundll'd tht.• org.tnuanun '' a.b • dedicate,! ro pre,ernng rhe h1u).:h a pro v ·Lmor C<.'flter or on-line at ~''\\l\.aozonamCJnntJal.mp. bomber~ and til!htcl"' 'tntek 1\:arl IIarbor ).:l'.lm of \ l"ill•r 't'f\ ices, pubhcari•m" The Ariwna ~ l emo r i al l\lu~c:um Assocaauo n. at 1:55 a.m. For rwu hour,, th1.· pbne~ a non-profir mganvauon, operate< the hoob tore roared 01 t.:rht.:rid \'\'ar II era related pl'{)(lucto;. bombs and rurpedtX·, on till' unsu'1x.-cnn'-: tl lemor1al \lu,eum \s,oct:tuon Jl.,1 'UP(" 1rts Kalaupapa National Historical The Assoaation\; main purpose: JS to prr.,idc t'lluc:•­ .\merican forces. The l.~nition of the ti>r­ riunal and antcrpretin· matc:nals to the public \\ith all ward nlasp:tn.

4 liSS l1i!{illla ~h:morral jPress 1-..ttj -- S ECURlTI' ~tru:t 'ccurm nll'·''llrl.'s proluhu pur,co;, to 5~~0 p.m. \'t,ttnrs rna\ U'l' till' S:lllll' lncl,l'l' I andh!lg,, Cutn) p:~rk~. hackp:tl'l-.', camera .tnd p:1rkm~ ~ullti•r allrhn:c tou"' l1.1_g,, dt.tpcr h.t~s. IURl!·'J:tl and/or other '>..:curi~ mca:;un:, :lfc 'rrictl) cntim:c.:d ;u all tim..... · item' thai otTer conce;alrncru. \'"itor' m: Pelf! ~brhor nsltor de~tinaunn,, lhk·ral hi\\ hring a om era and 'idee, reconl.:r. ,\ ~toragc cnfi>rccmcnt otticc:rs and Sl'CUrity h1kc pam>l' cnnt:ur t:r ' •arl.thle tor 'ist • r' c:. •min_g monitor the parkm_!.: l<>ts. llowc\<·r, it rs not t• tl1. l \\ lriznnll \krnonal, l \\ fl. oji11 recommended that item~ ol v:tlue be 'ecurnl <;uhm rnc \lmcum ami Pa·~. 1nd the m n:hidc-... Be safe; do not trawl \\ith \'3lu;thk·s gatlll",htp Hi•rnNn. and usc the ~toragc lockc.:r The storagc container cnn lw found 111 thl MEOlA (F1u1 P ER.\u n ) SF.ClJRtn \ ISHor n·ntl'r parklfl,l! lor, The .tJjan·m \lcmhas of the mctlta ~hnuld npc:n to l s~ Hn!IJIII \uhm:trltll' .\lll'l'llll1 and P.trk ha' e their equipment checked h\ 1\. PS I :1\\ operate~ tlu' storagl' com.uner wht:rl purse~. Enforcc:mcnt hcfun enH:rtn~.t the l 1SS hanJhag,, fanny packs, h:tckpack,, c:tmt:ra ./ lfiVJIIII .•\lcmonal \'tstmr Ccmt:r. 1\11 r~<:~onnd hag', diaper hags .md/ or other 'mall ucms must ha'c: mednt crcdenll


VI~JTOR STA& ,.,nc..u INfORMA no :-~ PEAK MONTI IS '\1ncc thl l \:-.. In o11 \kmor1.1l opened, \'I<;U:aucm ha' .J 't,_ltl\ "() \.t.L'T 822.2~1 IYHO lllCn.:;l~Cd h} mor\: th~n perC<: Ill. In I more th;lll 851,.320 11)81 t.noo w.2. In the P·''' tiH· yl-:tr,, thl l \\ lrizQ/In 122,000 people cantl' tr• 'Cl' IlK· memunal. Today. 1.5 1.148,561 IIJH2 Memorial ha• .t\l·r~l·d o\cr .t,IMMI '''•fl•r- a mtlhun pcoplc from nrc•uml 1he world \ j,n the n:nional tla~. ,\ nauonal n:'ur~cnn· 111 p.uriori,m and a 1.153.286 1983 mcmC>ri.d <.':lclt y<.':lr. h 1s one of the mr "' ,,,nl.. l "IIC' In llawau. rcntahzed UW'l' ,ftip cconomy in llaw.u1 bas 1.376,816 1%-l kept <1 'l<.':lJr ,.,"tauon 10 the memon.tl. The 1.336,'192 IIJX5 shrine '' a 'r..tto1 tk...,omnon lc •r hot h nanonal 1,435.885 1986 Md lntl-m;toon.11 tr.t\der... Though nowds can 1.522,635 IIJ87 IX' cXIX'Cll'tl \l':lr round,\ hitauon rl•.tdl"' tts 1..+62,396 1988 peak lx·tween :\ltnleln;tl D.11· .tnd l.'lhor L);f\'. 1,446,639 1989 NA I IONAJ VJ<;J fORS 1,469,915 1990 70% 1,496,915 IIJ91 1,546,827 1992 ' 1,460,149 1991 1.-1-62.391 1994 1,381,181 1995 I ,42),805 19% 1,412,484 199"' I' \ 1 \ :\I I I I 1,366,499 ! 998 It 1,41ll,21S 1991) 1..+52)04 2flt)(l 1,443,956 2tllll 1.so- ,56o 20112 1.-l84.196 21)1)3 32,875,601 TotaJ

T.~ 1 \thud ufth<' I:>' '"'-*"•' ~kmun~l "'ll.tllull '"""'' lrumlurc!!!lltrJ\dcn lirudll•l't'• Jtc 2\atbhlc ~~the \lI!O. L.m~ IC>f 1ltc l ~~ '"''Ill" \krnurul an ~trc:,·h lx\·unJ 1he n•\ ""~ 'I hough the line OW\ <• .mnnal I'Atk ~I'\ lee hcJ;JIIIllJn"'!"'l! thcl S:> l"to"'·' \lctllhiiAIIIt Jthh.lc t..illl t"\t.l'c-d l\\"tlltt•ut' \\luk \\2ltUl~ \1'-lt•,u• l.':an tour l 111ill, nl".rh B nulft.,ll (t•:upk luh· "'ncJ rhc mcmun.rl. Dcuh· l.l••• "''""' 1hc mu'-"1111l, \\"l\~Hit.: \."Xh1h11 ..., hou~Sfon: ur rem illl.luiliu tru~r t•ltnt tt• ch ..• mc:m"n.,l In tlw "urmnu \t'll uon "'~·'""' UJ 4.h4Mi

Bu_o\\ \' 1 ,u, 11 ~ di"<~Ullh.trk 1 :'\.\\"\ !i.huttll ho.u t 11r M1 qur 11t th~o: lrs:o., Rc.."t.jU'-''"' lnr lulc.hunnJlpuhlu U"'l. Jntorm.won un tht..· :'\.tunn:t.l ll.1rk ~m 1n· 'houkl hl" :aJJn.:.... c..J , lnt\OI/ol ,\fw 1 .,n~1 ht tht \,p:, Suu.tl ''"'"' "'"W 1m l'uhh< l'·~ ..... tthllr, I >tticc. Ttkphunc: no'l 'IX- f•'l'>- t H1~:hc•l Vhll.ttiun H'.Jr 'llw ,,.. u t;,lf.,\\IOJ.t tlw 'itttlt l'




Jusr a" rhe luster of a pt:.lrl 'ccm' II> u ncr h.trbor could acrually be accc<~ed hy .change wtrh tht; shrfting lighr ol day, \o complcrcl~ r..:mm·m11: the obcue' necdeu to est.tb~,J- :1 ~rccn ()asrs ~lntcrs wah 'cenrc, l11st•1nc pcrnunt·nt w:~y stariun rn th<.: PaCLtic to anJ srrmcgtc tmport;lnn· th.u pred:ltc'~ 11\;'\Jnt:Un control of the Phihppinc:s. Th~:n, the attack that drcu• the l ntrnl ...,tatt' imo for tilt: tir...t nmc:. rhe Amencan gon:rn \\orld \\ar II. Lung hciorc thl. mornin~ m~:nt hc~an to understand the 'lratc:j.(ic ot December-. Ir h.td tnlport:tnce oi ( hhu. Annexanon 'oon been c:tpti\':ltln~ p~:ople wuh tt' dr.llllJtic t'ollow..:d, hut en:n then linlc: \\'as done I<> beauty and prm·ocaun: htstnry. titnti\' tin: area or capt~tlize on the \'a' t The llawwan\ called tht' arc-:t \\'at ~h>1m pm~:~ual of Pearl Harbor. ftnally. he~'ln lnernlh. me "\\:ucr.of lbuf. or .. POlrl \\7ucr." nmg m 1902, the entry channel \\'a' The swecpmg ~horc:hnc thar c;tr~:"ed rlw drnlgt:d. deepened :md \\1denc:d t• > clear P HOTO Clltllll' rn~onc bay aJ,o hoast~:d the mmt ti'h an openin~ ,,t thl' I !arbor ~:ntrancl' . l'hun• I ' ~·nds of an) area Ill the t'hnl l'.uk '"' I« Pho111 ( " "" f1nnJ Dl·sptre rhe of massi1l under ur:tl abundance madt· \\.u ~lomi a prim~: :-.;,. •I -.l.tu"n l't·ool lluho1 t:tkinl.!. Con!o!rt:ss t~d nm <•ftici:illl create :t location for tishtn~ and dtnng. ,\ccordtng n:l\.11 h,,,e .n Pt..~trlllarbor unttl IIJO~. l ·.1cn l'ht :ihl l to legend, a hcm:volent 'hark gmldl'" I' 1111•11all' 1rk ~en lr< l'hu111 Coil" llniiJ then, the tirst large sh1p dtd not cnrcr rlw who .w:uchcd o\'cr rhrs ptccrou' ll;l!ltr:tl Furd J...l.ulcl ( Ulllrut • l U\\"CI channel and anchor off rhe Pt.-arl llarlxu resourct protected the .tre:l. Just as tlw lllu'ir.lltl\ 0 Ul\fii((Utf :-.:J'-.1 l SS ( ,r/itnmltl cros~cd the threshold 111 I in I~~~~ . •1 coral Pearl I brhor was a focal point of the r..:c:f barred the entr.utn• oi tlw pltce known transuion; hl'comin,c humcport for much a~ \\'ar ~lomt, makmg it untl of th<.: for the 'J\"\ to begin t• • r1.co~nile the furur1.·. Irs leg;~c~ 1~ the as\urance we w11l potcnual of Pearl I Luhor Dunn~· ,, rouunc nc\'l'r tiH~et Pearl Harbor ,urY<.:\ ot th~: area tn I 840, :tn cntcrpming na\·al ofticcr determinnl that tht dc~:p * KEY .· Pn::;~nt LocatrOn'i .. -- ...... -... ·. oo Memorial


.. .· 0 0 11\\l..,ll't~l.:d lw U~k A oden~nn VESSELS UNDER ATTACK: PEARL HARBOR D ECEMBER 7' 1941 POINTS OF INTEREST long r~mgc parrol planes and earner :urcratr most frequent!\ usetl d1c I'or oH•r IflO yc:trs. the l'mt.:d St>ttes '\a''' has used Pearl llarhor ••~ mile-long tslantl. On the: west ~horeltne, the light cl'lill'et~ Detrotl and a na\ al pore 'I he lllu~tr>ttll!n abo\ e .,ho\t s na' al postuon~ 10 Rn~~'l/1. d1e ~eaplane tend.er '[a,~,.rand the t~>et ship l ftl/1 'wre moort-d Pearl lllrhor on December 7, 19-11 ( >n J yu1et ~und:t~ morntng, .1 ill an area often used for aJrcrafr e11mc~. 'l11c hest rargecs, the rhn:e L.~. da\' before week Ion~ shtp maneun:-rs, approxtmatdy I B5 n:<.~ds c:trnl"''S. were gone. The L'~ 1LXrl!f!/011 \\'a.< m route to Mtdwa\' to dcli,·er of d1e U.S. Pac1tic Fleet. tncludinf! v:trd ;tnd dlstrtcr craft. were a ~quad ron of r-.lanne bombers. The l'SS \'amlogtl was m San D1q::_o for moored in the shallo\\: continc:s of Pearl llarb•x. on:rluul. The l 'SS f :llklpmr wa~ rerurrun~ from a ~upph· O\ISSion to \X ake Isl;tnd. Th.: ·\mcncan a.trcmfr carnc."''S would csctpc an almo~t ccr B ATTI.ESH IP Row tam death; the L'SS { 1111> dJJ nm share d1e 'Wne fortune. She \\1\S sunk ( )n the eastern ~bon:!me wert· mtK>n:d the 1-,l'fCat \\ ;trshtps that composed \\-1thtn a f~.:'\\' mmur~.:~ of the Japanese attack and is tcxL"l) (lOt' of rwo shtps the ma.tn b:mlc line of the l ~"· Paafic r:let't. r-.Iocored tight!} together ~uU re~tmg 111 PL-arlllarhor. "\ s a n...~drof the ar:rack on December "'. 1941, wah no atrcraft carrier~ 111 pun, han.le~hips hec:une the Japancst. a men1onal ro Ult' the l'SS { '""\\a~ placed 1n 19~2. anators' mam obtccm·e. 111t.: m•Jst dc,c occurrl'tl here. USS S OLACE C>f rhe ~cYen hartleshtps moored, Ji,·e wc:rc: sun!-.. ami rwo were dam aged. It woukl he forc\'cr kno\\ n a~ "Uattleshtp Rtnr of h>rd lsktnd, the hospital ~hlp \'ofar,• was along Battlc~hip Row incrc,tsed the danger for ~htps .tnd men.The muored. This spm marks the locauon~ where ,\rnn Joctor hnc oiler "\coxbo c:~capcd fin:' b~ g~.:tting under wa\, rhu' Jvmdmg .1 Haaken.,en capmred the bombing and :-mkmg of the LSS lnzrmu terrihle ll\ tauon fuel cxploston. \eros~ rhe harbor 1n Dry Dock No. I, 111 I (lmm tilm Tht~ footage 1~ 'hown rn rhe LS~ lnzol/a \lemon a! the J:.panc~e targeted rhc bault·,hip Pellllll'll~miti am] the dcscmyers theater pn:~c:ncacion. l.a.r.rm .md Drm11e.r. In lloatin,l!. Dry Dod. '\o. 2, the USS \l1t111 \\'3' CONCLUSION p1erced h\ three Japam:~<.: bombs lt:aJin.g to rht· e\plosion of the \'\hen the :m:.tck was mer, n T·ortl hland, numerous aJrcraft were FoRD I SLAND dcstmyed and st'\cral hangers h<.:':l\'lh damngcd. Itt< 1mponam to no1c

The t .S. '\i;.~'! btult a runway .md 'eaplane ba'c on rord I sl.md tn the there wen: militar) :urtields spread across Oahu. The dt•Yastaunn earl~ 1920\ :1nd Ill the late 1930's addt-d •• 'uppl\' depot :md e:xpandtd of Pearl I Ltrhnr \\-:Is ~harcd on the airfield' of l lid,am, \'\'heeler, I-'\\ a, the ha~c w a naval au· ~tatum. \mphthtt>Us :urcr.tlr such a' thc Pl3\ Kaneohe ami Helin\\'$. ( ollectt\d\, ( >:thu \\':lS a banklicld. '\:monal Pari-.. Scn·tc<.:: 7 P EARL HARBOR H ISTORY Time-line



SEPTEMBER 1 JUN E 10 SEPTEMBER 27 Poland 1s 1n":.dcd bv ltalv cnwrs war nn the sJtlc Tnparutl' Pact signed br MAv 10 German). ltnh .md Japan. '\;Ill ( icrmany. llulcr 1~ of (;cnnany, declares war \\ mston Churchill ~n:n an ulumnnnn from on Crrt:at Britam and becC>mes Pmn~: jUNE 22 Crrcat Britatn and hanc~:. h'Mcc. h:th mv:u.b :. \·ltmstcr of ~m 1cr l'nmn 1m ;tdcd h~ . ( >rt·at Bm:un. SEJ.'TEMBER 3 D1 n :\1111 R 7 I IJ' 111 llt.ll'k, I\ 111 11.111>"'· l'luhl'l''',.' .tlhi ( ou.tm lrrc;tl Britatn and hancc declare war on Germany. D ECEMBE R 8 l '.S. declares war on Japan.

DECEMBER 11 C~er many and 1~;~ 1 ~ dccLtrc w:u un lht· L'n1rcd St;ltes.

D ECEMBER 7, 1941-

6:00a.m. 6:30a.m. 6:45a.m. 7:02a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:20 a.m. 7:48a.m. I - S<:cond wave nf Fu-.;t w.wc of ( ll'·'n.t R td.tt 't.llt<>n !'" k' 167 Japanese ).tpancsc attack force pns1uoncd .130 l ss lfon/ Japa.ncse plane~ llj' .I I .! ~· \, ! I I. 'l . I I I I] 1 ' It planes launched nu l...~ otf ( }Jhu\ north ~horc. l·trst w:l\c norificJ bv reache' Oahu. of 11-!3 Jap pana Radar S t :~tton 8 40 Ka t ~ Torp~.:do Bombcn. ~tghllnJ.! off t:ss ll'lml closc:d m advtsed to not worn · about C) 51 \'al DIYC Bomber~ the t:nrr;~nct o( on .J apan~.:sc mtdget ~lj!;htln~ a~ a formation nf 0 43 Zero hghrer~ Pearl llarbor ~ubmannl', upcns ftre B 1-·5 were expected 10 hmmg rht: \'t:S~c l \ from the mainland. conntng tower

In the early hours of Dccembcr 7, 1941, the believed sabotage was the Japane!>e launched five greatest thrcal to tsl:lnd w1dc mid .~t't ~ubmarincs in hopes installauons and bascs. Phnes S1x atrctaft earner~ were u~cd in the of entering Pt:arl Harbor and and ship!> m:re placed in close Japan~e air r:utl on Pearl I !arbor. releasing rheir rorpcdoes. proximity ~o dlC) \muiJ rcmaJn 1\dmtral lsoroku Yamamot() de51).,rned under a watchful eye. the iniamous attack plan. SEPTEMBER 8 j UNE 6 l t.tl~ Surrender~ D D:n MAYS Battle of Coral Se:t APRIL 12 - FOR t.lics, l larq Truman become~ Pre~id t·m of the l mtcd State~. J UNE 4- jLNE 6 Banlc of ;\ftdwal'

AUGUST 6 .\ mmtc Bomb dropped on l lt.ruslum.t.

A UGUST 9 .\ romtc Bo mb d ropped on :\lagasakt.

7:53a.m. 7:55a.m. 8:05a.m. 8:50a.m. 8:54a.m. 9:45a.m. 10:30 a.m.

\ ':tl Di\e Bombers hit Second \'\'a\·c <)f T he attack cnck .J~pa n e~c I· ord I ~Lmd and Bdlnws Japanese p l ane~ Commander atrcraft return to thetr carrtc~. \trtldd. J.-.:ue Toqwdo Fuchtda racLus code reaches ( )a h u and l ltgh-l .c\·cl Bomber~ Japanese Heet Japan oftictall} tlcclarc' w hu Pearl l l.trl)l)r "Tor:t, Tora, Tom," ap:mew begin sccund \\':1\ e of art:tck. war on the L! nucd Srare" tndicaring that 0 54 !

l ncomestcd, the Japam:se bomber~ hit ruwal .ur Statton~, cLw Japanese atmck bombcrl> htt Pearl l larbor ~ hl p '- llnd ligh t~ squadrons /.Crt> tn on airfields and ships. The ~O;ll is to create e nough At the conclu.~ton of the damage on the air artack, 2,390 pt:opk are L'.S. Pacific Fket killed or mortally woundt.'tl. to impede ,\ merican IOYoh ement tn thc a pcrftt.1 htt ~1nJ..-mg the mtght) Pacitic Theater for LISS l'zt!'"''· 1hc '-lllkir~ uf the stll. months. LSS .·ln:t"'.w ro.ult..:din thc!,rn.."UC$• ,\ lung Battk~hip Rm\; \'cssels ot ,\mcrica's """' of liii.: on •1 na\ "31 warship 10 mighn ~a\y are moored tt•gcthcr 1 •\mt:ric: an hhtO!). L(lst on the 1 !)6 as the iruual at !lick begins. Twt:ni)-Qnc A~ wen: l,!Tt x'l'\10: tn..:mh..:.s' \'CS~ds wuukllx: sunk or tlun.1gcd during 'lh: ,hrp woultl nm be >;d\~l)(u.l the aruck, cnpp~ng the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

1\.aaonal Park ~en icc IDEA TO ICON


The L'S~ lri:;onn1~ thl final re~ong place for the n'ktlonry of the ~hlp\ 1,1" Cl'l'\\ ml'mlx-r.; who I<>St rhc1r lt\'l'~ on DL'Ct:m bcr '. 194 1. The • • • • • • • • • • IH-1-fom mcml>nal strucrurc, '>panrung tht· m1d pornon of thl sunken hartlc~h1p, \\':1$ UUIIt to honor nor onh th.: f;t]lcn crew mt:mlx:r.; ot thtc THE PAtlnt WAR MEMORIAl COMMISSION L'SS llif\"lltJ, but the member" of tlw L .S. ·\rmL'tll·orccs whu dJLXI as a result of the Pe-Arl I brbor attack. ';~':iRrc:· ELY IS PRESLEY WITH lll·STAR ·n,c llS..o;;, . l1~11t1 Memori:tl1s om: of \mt:0C1\ mo~t l'e\ enx.l and sacn."CC * CA$T * !llll"'i. It'~ a place of qmct amu:mpboon, where \1snor; cnn reflect on d11: AT BLOCH ARENA PEARL HARBOR Saturday, Mardi25Ut 8:30p.m. Wt':U sacnticc m.1de ~ l:ho<;c \\ ho g.m: their LIYCS w dcf~o"'d our fu:<.'tlom. MAIN FLOOR Doon Open 7:15 f-rom tht: :.oanng beauty uf the memonal. to tht: achmg n::ah£) of the men entombed 10 thl' sh1p thm lrl's bcnL-ath, \'tSiturs from 33 around the world expenence a per\':1~1\'C.' sense of l o~s along with $100 SECTION an cnormou~ surge of gramudt· and pndc. Within the memorial itself, visitors will sec three distinct areas: FUNDRAISING Pn:stdem Et~cnhower s1gned Pub~c Law 85 344, authonzmg the TIK Entry Room holds th~ of 1 li7ZVIIII J rh l' nin~.: states for whom the cigh t crcntmn of the LSS Memonal on !\larch I 5, 951!. The Pubhc sopulatcd thar the monument would be built wtthout great hattbhip~ and the l SS { 'tah L-rw \n:re nantcd. Tod:l\, thL liSS { 'tah federal tundmg. T he Pac1fic \\ar ~kmunal Comm1ssion was to still rest~ in Pearl I !arbor. tasked with raistng the $5011,000 rcyUJred bUIIt.l th~ structure. Sl!\·eral orgaruzauon~ and mdt\·tduals helped m the effort ro ra1se rhc amoum. In 195H, rhe Termon· of I l:!waii contnbuted the uu nal $50,000. ( )n December .), I 958, the popular telc,·JSJOn sencs The Assembly Room •~ an open "Th1s i~ 'tour Ltfe," hosted bv Mr. R:Jlph Ed,vards, featured .\lcdal area where ccremorut.-s arc held and of llonor Rcclptent Samuel Fuqua, rhe senmr sun wm~ officer 11sttors ma1 rellc..'Ct and more closd~ from rhe USS l!izoJul Tim broadcast I..tckcd of! the public fund examine ilie ~h~dmw remruru, of l:h~: rrustng camp;ugn. Over $95,llOU was ra1sed for rhe nc\\ permanent { 1SS ·11i:;ylltl lx·low. structure. Three n.-ar; larer, ~mgtng legend Eln' Prcsle~ bc"tcd a hem·fit concert on March I), I% I , at Pe,lrlllarbor'~ Bloch \rena, raJsmg m·er $64,000. The Fleer Rcser\"C \ssoctaoon (FR1\) parr The Shrine Room d1~plays the ncred wuh Rc\'cll !\ll>del Compan) to sell plasnc models of the names ol thL I. I ...., ~n1cc member.; hanJe~htp lm;rmo. Enclosed m~1dc the kn was donanon miurma that pcnsheJ on d1c: LSS lnf\fllltl. don on the 1nstrucoon sheet. Th1s led to the conmbuuon of It al~t) honors the L S~ lnznu,, S40,1lOO. Finally, nn September 6, 196 I, lrcshm.m llawau Senmnr ~un·tnJrs who han: been imcm.xl Damel lnr)uyc secured federal funcllng, wh1ch cuntnbuted rh~ final m the ~htp tn recent vcars. S I 50,1100 ro complete the construcoon. In the enJ, public money wa$ reylllred w meet the goal of the P\X"~IC:. The lcgislauon stat ARCHITECT /DESIGN cd that the memonal was "to be maintained in honor and com mc:morauon of the members l touch, the l'SS 1nzo11tl. The concan· ~ilhuu~ue ~) mbohzc, \mtnca \ tnJtial OJ OIL\110:\ C:IRL~t( ,,, defeat and ultunatc \!CU>n tn \\<,rid \'\'ar II. The one fC'ature pur The: ~oaOJlj! stntcrun: \\as dcd.tcatcd ()n \ kmonal Dm, \ lay 3ll. 1962. posclv dcsa~ned IIHO the structure: II' the "I n:c.. nf Ltfe, a uni "Upon this sacred spot, we honor the specific heroes who Yersal symbol ot renewal that abo graces the: entryway uf the surrendered their Jives ....While they '''CCC in full bloom, so !hat 'ISHtJr center. we could have our fuiJ share of tomorrows."

Ill L'S~ .lnzolltl 1\lemonal [Pre~s "-ul CONSTRUCTION OF THE MEMORJAL

DL~t<.N Srr.unc \Tto!\~ structur.- Is 1H4 fe~t lung, 31i f~ct w1de and 21 tt:el h1gh m the tl~ m-c:r the: sunken bmtlesh1p. The Pac1lic \\'ar ~lcmonal Cumnmsmn tapering to '27 fc:ct ''1dt: and 14 fet·t h1gh .11th<: centt.r. \1-Te~tk-tl \nth concern~ ovcr the mcs~;tgc and the appropnalenc:s~ of the prop<>~ccl memorial for YL':It> lx:ti>re ~c.:nhng on the final tle~1gn.

I() Con~tructton on the mc.:nwnal then began tn I9611.

final layout wa<; rmn:tgcxl h~ Johnspn & Perkins, Pr..:l~ ,\ssoclatc:~ Th~ memonal was de~1gned to g1Yc the appt·aranc~ of tloacin?,gracc construction of the: archstectt1ral desl)o-.'11 was handled b\ the fulh oYer the ln;;:_o11a. In tmth, two 2:iO-ton stec:l )..'lrdcrs and 36 con \\ alker Mrxx:ly ( .rmsrrucoon C:ompany \\1th the a~s1srance of tht: Pearl crete p1lmg<:, dnnm deep mto the bed of rhe harbor, supporr rht Harbor Pubbc \\'orks Centt:r and Yanou$ subcontractors. The tic;t tor bwldmg. T'hrs sohd and tmwm·enng foundaoon rs an apt rnetaphc)r mal rccognioon of the l lSS Jli::;_ouo, attcr the anack, came on l\larch ti1r our remembrance ot rhc arrack on Pearl ! !arbor, which honor~ 7, 1910, when . \dmLral Arthur Radford ordered that the, \mcrican flag the patnoosm, hra,·er\', honor .1nu dun· C>f all that ~cneu here.

Early stages of the USS ~Memorial constr uction. Drawing illustrating the placement of the USS Ari{Oifll Memorial. The concrete columns that are driven 80 feet into the silt of Pearl Harbor support the memorial, which spa.~ midsection of the ship. Opposite Above: Elvis Presley, though not the main fundraising eontributor, made a major contribution to the memorial campaign by hosting a benefit concert at Bloch Arena.


PuBUC AFFAIRS MESSAG E "It is important that permit applicants understand that, because of the irreplaceable resources and values \\dcome 10 the LlSS. hT-\_0110 1\!.:monal. Tho: encompassed within the national parks and the unique mcmonal is :1 unit ot the '\!auunal Park sy~tem. which pro!cct~ and cares fl}r spccJal and stringent laws that govern the National Park System, places for funm: ~ent:ratlon,. national park areas are managed under regulations,

The l'SS 117\_0/ltl r-.lcmonal\ mi~s1on I'\ to policies and guidelines that are different from those that pre-.erve the culrural and histone mtc~nty of guide many other federal, state and local agencies." the liSS IJr.;rHkl am! to provide a framt:\\nrk fot \1!>lto~ to under~t:md d1c c\·cnrs thai unfolded on December.,, 1941 lnaccompbshmgth1smi).· sion, theN PS maintains a retleccivc ,tmloo;phcrt' on the mLmorial Herr. \'JSitof). ha~ the oppur runm to rt:mt:mbcr those who p::l\'1.' thc1r last full measure of dcnmon.

The L'SS lnzou,, Memonal \ ISttor Ccnrer Cl>\'cts I l acres and 1~ located on l .S. t\.ayaJ Swoon Pcarlllarbor. Rcsung 10 Pearl llarhor, the mt:monal span!> the mtdscction of the famous . The memona! wns des1gned b) Alfred Pre1s and dedicated on ~lemonal Day, 1962. The nanonal shnne honors the Umted States

. \ Ji, ing te~r:unent to ,·alur and pt:r$eY.:ra.nce, the shnne ~~a tangible.: pl:lce for -\mencan~ and the world to \1~11 and p

One of .\.menca\ mosr recogmn:d <;,mhols. APPLICATION PROCESS the L1SS lnzntTa Memon~l n.:ccl\·es nauon~l mccLa atrenaon and fn:t[UCnt film permit \U ptTmJl appl!cam~ will hc charged :1 non refundable $100.00 app~caoon lee. Th1s une rcr a.ll field pc~onncl ass1gned to the u~c. a!> well a-; all ncct.'<.AAry support per­ e\'t:nt \ Importance un a naoonal ;md Into: rna- sonnel such a<> manage~ :md ~upcn·isor\ d1spatcl1Lr', mamtcnance, puh!Jc health nona! le,·el. i officers anJ any olhers tn\'olved. The recm·erahlc costs als(> mdud~: any charges for premiUm pa\' and :lll m iscellaneous personnel CO!;rs. mclutlmg trnmmg. Thank \'OU ti>r rour tmcrcst 111 the l'SS 117\fJI/tl ~femonal and the '\.:monal Park St:mce. ln Q l\latcnal and supph costs, mcluJmg mlsccllancou' suppltcs and matcnal>. equtpmenr purchase or renral; purchased sen·1ces such as pnnnng; ,\DP obtaining th1s packet. you han:: compl~:rcd the mtual step In obtamin~ a ~pecJal U<;e sen·1ces; and phorogmphte rcproducuon. comracttl:ll ~en·1ccs and postage etc. 1 pernm. The L'SS ln'zfJ/trt \lemotial Maft' lonb Fees as~oCJated wuh recouping personnel costs w11l be assessed lor a m1mmum of four forwan.l to ~nur '~sit. ~lahalo. lor makmg the (4J hour-. and for each addmonal hour. If a pcrtmt acrint\ 1s deemed to exceed the 101 permit appltcatlon process successful. nal fee. the 1\.anonal Park ~en·1ce \\'Ill c~umatc the cost neccss:lr) to reimburse the park. Cummcrc1al phoiugraph~ mcludmg mouon p1cwrc~ and rdc\l<;lon mu't not 1mpact dll \'l'llor experience. ,\JI filmmg m rhc park will he done tn 'uch a m.mner that pro\ ales tor the protection of park re~ources olnd for lh(• P'lslm·e experience uf rhc \'lsiror. J"ilm Bradford Baker. w>n lines mu'r fall under rhe m1sston of rht l'SS ln:;:,rillf/ ~lcnwml and the "\arional PuhlJc \ffaJr< ( )fticcr I Park ~t:rnce. The mcmurtal 1~ re~en·ed a-, a plact: of rctlcctum :tnd tranquilith tilmtn~ on rhe ffi('mtmalts R roll. background formar only I men 1cw~. sccnl·~. etc., will be con ductcd at :tn appmvcd locauon .u the Yi~itor center. Interference\\ lth any \hi tor acce~~

12 l SS lrizotTo Mt:munai!Pres~ ~Jtl P E RMIT PROCESS

Step I. Complete.

Step II. Summit a copy t>f your insurance naming the '"United S[lltcs Gm·ernmcm" a.c; addloonallr msured.

Step III. ~ubmtt a check for $100.0(1 l '.S. D ollars/ l 1.S. Bank) made out to the .

In onler to process your •lpplicaticm, the fullm,~ng inform.1tion must be suhmitt<.-d: ryp~: of production, l ocation~. proposed dates., hours of filming, number 1>f crt."\\; number of vehicles, CtjUtpment and props and/ or number of actor:;. Please all()\\' four (4) business days for pcrmit considerauo n. All permitS arc issued on a first come - first s.crwd bas1s.

or enjoyment of an area is prohtbi tcd. \ltcong.. monng or cbsturbmg PARK FILM POLICY :10} park ti:arure ts prohibtu:J. The park \\ill :tss~'11 a morutor to your 0 l'SS ·Jn"zo1111 Memonal filnung ts H~"::Ut} Roll fB-RoiQ on]~ . .l.tfoup fur part or all uf rhc shooong. The monitor \\ill pro\1dc csSt:noal resourc..: pmtccoun. safer\ mt(,rmaoon ~nd inform other n~itor~ $ I nte r vlC\\'~ and/ or dlabg is res en cd for the \'IS ttor cem~:r. about tlw spcaa.l use actwtt\" The l SS 1rrzorm \lemona.l ts rntwrcd €) h l nun~ ts not perminetl in thL theatres. to rccon~r all costs assoct:ucd wtth facilit:aunp. thc pcrmn. !:lubmn all pcrmJt mqwres to tht: us:-, ' lnz011t/ ~ l emnnal pubhc affrurs ofticer. 0 Yellow matung or "afetr rape ts required tor all wiring.

F1 hmng ma~ nm Interrupt the publrc"s .tccess tn the park. P ermit E valuation Criteria ADDITIONAL G UIDELINES I. \\ "Ill your acnvtt~ hdp th, 1\,auonal Park Sen tee 0 Commerrul nooccs or advcmscmcnt" sh;tll not he displayed, acenmph"h ns puhlic sen·tce/ cducatinn nhjecnn:~? posted M Jisrrihutecl on fctlcr.tl land \\ tthnut the wrmen 2. \'\'til \'OUI .tCU\ tt.ie~ uamage thl· park? consent of the supcnmt:ndL11t. B,,.us .uc arc under 3. \\'ill your .tcoYitic~ interfere with puhltc u~c? opernr..:d h\ the l.'.S. '-a\'\' :md ti.:deral .,afet} guidelines; s[llnUi ng i' proh•bit..:d un boat~. 4. \\"til your ;tcridril.:~ contltct wtth park nperanons? i'"~ ngagtng tn soltcuauon tn the park, except m accordance 5. \\'til mur film create safcl\ hazard"? WJth the pernut, 1!- p ruhibm~d. lntcn·il:\\ ing of the p~rk h1stonan, Pearl H:t rbor Sun·i\'ors, 6. \\" tll your film mu;Jead tl11: public concermng nacion

\\'til your lCU\'tt~ tmpJ>· 'p::-, cmJorsement of ,I Lhe p.trk supcnntcndcm. product or sen·icc:. \II hags and cqutpmc:nt \\'Ill bc checked, and credcnnals must bt: worn at a.ll umcs. Naticm:'ll Park Scr\lce U FILM PERMIT APPLICATION (NPS Form 10-931} (OMB No. 1024-oo26) (New10/oo} (Expires OIIOII2oo6}



Date 1st Unit 2nd Unit GENERAL INFORMATION Company Name Project/Client Name Type of Project Tax ID or Social Security ______Address City/State/Zip Producer Phone Fax# E-Mail Photographer/Director Set Contact Local Contact Location Manager Pager (On-Island) Hotel Phone FILM AND/OR PHOTOGRAPHY SCHEDULE Date Start Time End Time Rain Date Start Time End Time Summary of Activities and Scene(s):

REQUESTS PuRPOSE OF INTERVIEW AND/OR SAMPLE QUESTIONS: Park Spokesperson (Yes) (No) Pearl Harbor Survivor (Yes) (No) Park Historian (Yes) (No)

Use of Roads and/or Trails (Yes) (No) Maximum Number of Cast and Crew Number/Type(s) of Vehicles Description of Equipment/Props

I hereby state that the above information given is complete and correct and that no false or misleading information or false statements have been given. All estimates are reliable to the best of my knowledge, and I have the full authority to repre­ sent the applicant entity and the project described above.

Signature ------Print Name Date·___ _

Title Company Name ------14 USS Arizona Memorial [Press Kit) NOTE This IS an application only and does not serve as permission to conduct a film1ng prOJect or any other use of a Natrona! Park If your request IS approved, a permit conta1n1ng applicable conditions and regulatlons will be sent to the person designated on the application. The permit must be srgned and returned to the park prior to the event. Paperwori< Reductron Act Statement Thrs 1nformabon is being collected to allow the park manager to make a value judgment on whether or not to allow the requested use All the applicable parts of the form must be completed. Estimated Burden Statement Public reporting burden for thiS form is estrmated to average 30 mrnutes per response 1ndud1ng the time it takes to read. revtew rnstructrons and complete the form. Direct comments regarding thiS burden estimate or any aspects of this form to the National Park SerVIce Program Manager, Speoal Park Uses, Ranger Activities Division, 1849 C Street. NW., Washington, DC 20240, and to the Information collection Clearance Officer. Washington Admrnistrative Program Center, 1849 C Street, NW. Washrngton, D.C 20240. APPLICATION FEE lnformatron provtded will be used to determrne whether a permit will be issued. The completed application must be accompanied by an applrcation fee rn the form of a check or money order rn the amount of S100.00 Please make checks payable to the National Park Service All applrcation and administrative charges are non-refundable.This completed form should be mailed or faxed to. Office of Public Affairs, USS Arizona Memonal - NPS #1 Arizona Memorral Place Honolulu, HI 96818 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE All insurance certificates must be with United States carriers Fore1gn Insurance will not be accepted The Nat1onal Park Serv1ce must be additionally insured using the following address. USS Arizona Memorial - NPS • #1 Arizona Memorial Place • Honolulu, Hl96818 Attentron: Bradford Baker • Phone: (808) 422-2771 Ext.123 • Fax (808) 483-8608

Photo 1 Pearl Harbor backdrop where most tntervrews and narrated sequences are filmed Photo 2 The Remembrance Crrcle provrdes a n1ce spot · ­ for narratron Photo 3 The VISitor center back lanar prov1des ample film opportunities wrth shots of palms trees, ---­ Pearl Harbor and the USS Anzona Memorral Photo 4 Aerral vrew of the USS Arizona Memorial V1sitor Center ILLUSTRATIONS A & B Indicate the visitor center back lawn where narration, scenes and intervrews may be conducted c Morning check-rn at secunty checkpoint D The Navy water taxi launch . Camera crews are allowed to go to the memonal via the water taxi Crews must rematn seated and All interviews and narratron are to be follow Navy safety regulations. conducted at the vtsitor center. '\Janon:ll Park Serncc 15 USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL MUSEUM



A walk through the USS Arizona Memoria] Museum allows visitors the opportunity to experience the human c;ide of the Pearl Harbor ston.

'Ih.: t·-.;~ I :;:;110 \ll·monal ~(u,~umt' :t nchlr hutd \, the\ m<>H' thn>uJ.,rll the..' mu~cum, ,,,ttorc: ar~ rap• tl') ot mt·mone,, .1 muvmg tl'stlmnntal to drawn tmo tht: plca,ant rhythm of pre \\'ar hie tht• brn\ ery :and honor of tho~t· who ,en·cd :u Pt-arl ll:!rhor. Pnogr.lnh ior concert' t"l-arunng the :tnd tht· dwus:~ncls who d11:d tn the nnack on 'htp\ award \\'tnnmg ht~ h~nd, photogr:tphs Pearl llarhtor, Dcccmlx·r ~. l'l41. It h :m tntnn,tc ,IJ0\\111~ ,,ulor~ :11 \\'>rk and pb~ anJ a dt,pl:w case p.lft of the mcmon:d c~pt:ncncc. carr~in~ our packed with trophtc' and nctor~ photo" can be tt>CU\ from the gr.1nd 'cope of :1 \norld·ch:mv;ing ncwcd. Pcrhap' the mo'r haumtng of all are the t:\ cnt down to tht: mo't h.I,JC lcYd oi the letters Wnttl'll to rlw rolb h:lck homt:. Tug.:rher tndi' tduo\J, who ll\cd and dtcd there. tht·) wt'.lH' .1 n'ual memotr of ,Juphoard life tn a ume of peace. In s1ark comra~r to 1hcs" casual ami happ) papcr can.:fulh· prcscrn:d for tlccatlcs h1 fam memenros, there are other reminder\ of the ihes \\1th nothmg else lcf1 to C()nncct them to cata,rrophlc c..-enr of December 7, 1941 their lol'ed one:~ In another case, a row of There's n Jramabc model of rhe Japanese :1ir medals gleam'> ~oftly in mut<: te~t.tmcnt to the cralt earner 11\IS IA.'.l!l.!i, A~ship of the dead! ~ hran:n of a young sailor \\ ho ga\'e hi~ !J ti: for a1tack force. \nmhcr modd shows the L'SS h1:-. counrr\'. The fa mille~ of tht:st: fallen sailors ln'zmltl as she.: appe:1rcd bctore the auacl. ha\c graciously donated :til of thr.:sc preciou~ Visitors admire the proud \'esse!, anti :u the k.:epsakes to rhc liSS lri'-"'ltl Memon:tl su same timc :.uddenh 'en~c the ma~irude of they can be displayed for the world to ~t:c. rhc: dc:~tructivc force that sent ht:r to the The Anzona 1\lcmon:tl ~ l uscum IS a powerful botwm in JUSt ntnl; mtnute~. In other d1spl:lys, rnbure m rhc men u·ho gave thctr li1·es dunng fra~enrs of Japanese: warplanes and phmos the an.1ck un Pe:trl llarbor. It holds Wltlun It~ of ;I beached mtnl sub carry ,-isltor~ throup:h wall!' the memory of great camarndem:, stun the mu~cum on a wa1•e of rcCOj.,'lliOon nnd rung hcro1~m and ulumard~ unspeakable loss. remembrance. There's c1·en the m1sred metal It dcbn:r; a mc~~agc thllt tran~cends nauons rem:uns of a Japanc.:se wrpeuo rh:tt was and gcnerauuns peacc '"a precious gifr, and headed toward~ Battlc~hip Row before It got we must ~teadt}\stl} preserve tht: memory and lodgt:o m the harbor floor, savmg perhaps honor of those who fought to secure: It hundreds of saalot:$ from ItS dt:aUir mtended purpose. The L SS ln:;'IJ/ttl ~!cmon:tl was decltcarcd on 1\femori.tl Da~ I %2 to commemorate rh~ \long the way, thc:rc arc also t•v~:rslzccl ~crncc personnel who sacnficcd thci r II' e~ photograpluc murals «howmg the fur} oi the fonhcircoumn Dccemhcr~, 1941. In 1989 ragtng fires that burned f<>r da~· s along the L!SS ·lriz(//111 was dc~i?;fl•Hed a "l:nion:tl !3anlcshtp Row. Even after more than a half­ llistoric l.andmarh. '-.ince 198~ I, the: ~a tionaI cemury, rht:se and other cycwuness picrurc.:s Pari- Scn·icc has opcrared rh~: mcmon:~ l and of the att;tck some: c1·~::n mken b) Japanese.: the \ isimr ccnrc.:r m ~:n'>ure the prcservauon ptlot.~ clearly convey the tragic talc. and lntcrpreLauon of the tangtble h1stoncal Thi" museum WtItors enthralled l·or tho~e too rnung ro rTL'llnt:rumng d11s lusronc ~1rc. In fact, funding remember. nr not \'Ct horn. the museum for rhc l SS ' ln!?QIItl .\Iemorml IS prm·idcd 111 csrahhshc~ an Important hnk to the h1~ron pan Ill the ,\nzona C\.lcmonal .\luseum of rhe

P HOTO ABOVE \'1snor~ c.:xllminc a Japanc.:~c torpedo in rh" L SS . lntolltl Memonal \fus~::um. '1 ht: 18 · foot w~::aron was used at Pearl Harbor \\ nh trcmt:n· duus succ~::s~ and was one ot Japan's premier wcarons throughout \\'orld \'\u II. This detonated rorpedo was found 111 1990 clur1ng a drcdg~ng proJeCt 1nsidc Pearl Harbor

P HOTO I Visitors \It:\\ rhc the pre.; attack worn m the: mu~eum. In the foreground is a mudd of the LS~ .· lri!:i_Oiltl.

P HOl 'O II \Iodd of rhc l ~ ~~ ln:,r,Jfa1\k"'ll<>nal \\1W the ~unl.en Jn~l/11 rc~un~ am1d~cction l>eiW<.'Cn 1h~ shnnc\ ~uppnrt columns.

P HOTO Ill \'i,itur~ get an oppornanit~ w ~ce rh~ cundiuon of the fam()u~ b:mlcshlp as It curreml~ rest~ 111 Pearl H.trbor.

1'\annn:ll P;~rk ~c.:rnce II STOCK PHOTOGRAPHY

USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL PIIOTO ORDER FORM (Przces Subject to Change) Instructions: I. Please complete the following form. 2. Fax or mail your completed form to: c/o Daniel Martinez - Photo Archives USS Arizona Memorial 1 Arizona Memorial Place Honolulu, HI 96818 FAX number: (808) 483- 8608 3. Fees for photo reproduction, shipping and handting as follows: For each 8 x 10 photograph: $10.00 Jr For 150 image CD: $25.00 Photo Order Form Name: Date: Publication: Date Required: Address:

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Order: 150 tmage CD· 8 x 10 photograph: '\lumber of photographs: ____

Checks Payable to: Aruona Memorial.\1\useurn Assoc~ation

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IX I'SS lri\fl/ltl ;\lcmonal [Pres~ "H[ B t.ACK & WHITE L\11\GES

3!1!1DPI \ppro11.m1nt.:l~ l:! 11. I 0 B & \\' HISTORIC FILES PHOTOl \dnural kJ.mmd, Adnural Pactfic Fleet, confers wtrh hts staff: ( left m nght) Captrun \\:S. Kclam:~ (Operauon~ Oflicer), \dmtral llu~banJ 1-,.tmmcl and Capum Wilham Smtrh (Chid of St:tt"t)

PHOTO 2 \ fireboat pours \\'lltcr unto the burnmg banlcshtp II t.rl I lf'..'l,l!lla fulluwm~ the: attack b1· Japanese naval rurcr:aft.

PttOTO 3

Japanese torpedo plnnc nsc~ after a ilircct torpedo lm on battleship II' rJI I tfJ?.t/1111. This dramauc image capmrcs dtc opcntng s.:qucnces of the ;IUack on Pe:trl I Iarbor.


\Japanese mid~ct submannc lies beached ar Bellows Ftcld, on the wmdward stde of Oahu.


This image was captured h) a JapancM; naval m L·uor Ill rhc opcnmg moment~ of the. :\llack on Pearl llarbor Torpedo tracks mn llt seen headed wwards Smukc rises in rhe dtstancc from lhe hurning atrcraft lit llickam l'tcld. CONTEMPORARY FILES 11111 DPI \pproXJm:udy R" Ill CY\11-: PHOTO 6

:--..tV) personnel attempt ro <;ave a burrun~ PH'\ pm:rol plane :u 1-:aneohc ~aval . \tr ::..rao


LSS lli:::pti

PHOTO 8 Photo A Photo B PhotoC l 'SS lri:;?llltt undcrwa\~ ctrca 1930's.

PHOTO 9 Dense \rnoke rises frnm lhc t{>rw:tnl and mid ship~ portion nf lhe L'SS lliifJIIil. JuM aheaJ of her (1 -R) the sinking L''iS ll'r.rt I iiy,inia outboanl wuh the slight!~ damaged L1SS ., i'llne.f.ft'c inhoard.


Photo A Oil from the l 'SS lrizo!li• ~rill seeps to the ~urface. Photo B Pearl Harbor Sunimr Dick fiske at the mem1 >rial. Photo C P.trtial ne\\ of the ~ubmcrgeJ L1SS · lti~n,, \\ith the mcmori;tl. Photo 0 l'SS lti~tlil \lcmorial ceremony \\ith li.S. J\larim:~ ar :mcnoon in rhc ~hnne room Photo E l lSS ln1(flllrll\lemorial \'t,itor Center sJgn. Photo F \ 'isaors watt m line ;It the llSS l1it_OIItl t.kmonal \'i~itor C:cntcr. Na11onal P:~rk Scn·tce I

PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS Thc attack on Pearl llarhor W•l ~ a pivot;tl l·or "ku~an and hundred ~ o( ueber \uun~ men cn :nt in thc great \ meri can l>~>l, reshapmf! hardy p:t't hoyh<"K.I, fe;tr \vas " natural and our dc!> ttm and unders tandable rt-actH•n te l th~o· dc\asmuon d1e) ushenng in an cr;t of \\itm:s.scd. Yer, tht·t n 1se abo\e it and wt:nr on to tc rrt f\'tng contltct serve wnh hum •r .md 111 many ca.~cs. great hero1sm. lllswrian' can gtve " \'<'e -.r.utc:u hearing ~umeun ~· tap ping from us the d ct:Hb of inside the hull." the C\"Cn t what - Rich:1rd Fi.,ke happcmxl, wha r k,d up to i1 and what Richard f"iske was a t\ lan nc bugler sernng on fo llowed. But bc\·ond the batdeship L'!:l!:l lr,·.;/ I "'!!.""" ar the 11 mc. these facts and schol T he ll'lo.r/ I l'f.lllltl ~u ffcrc d a cnpplmg hn m tht arh mrcrprctanons, first few mmurcs • 1f the atmck and san!.. ljuickl~. there IS anmher ~ ton. 'There's one thmg I rcmcmber m partlcul.u," It ts t h~ nvcbng t:t.lc h ske n:cllkxl. "( >n ~ l tJnda), the d.t~ after the oi the men wh<> were atta~ wt: st.trled henrmg somc<>nc rnppmg A cross the American landscape thcrc thar fan:ful day. It 1s thc ut.lc of the ~un• 1vor.. from lllstde tht: hull. It echnc:d rhrnugh tht there exist.~ hundred~ of historic ~ttcs slup, and we: went throughout the supc:r<.truc­ Pearl l lnrhor ~unwnrs ha\·~ someth111g to pre~crved ro tell the American story. tur.: tr)mg w find out where we heard the share that 1 ~ more mm•tng, more personal and !·rom hattlelicld~ to courthou~cs, the nutse T hat t~p pmg \\l.:nt un all week long. 11le) more mcanmgfi.d than an) ohjecuve thml echoes of our torcl:'lthers re,•erhcratc scm dtver<; down 14 ttmcs to lind thost ).,'liY"­ part) accfJUnt of rhc attack could e\·cr be. our storied pa"t. llowevcr, few of I tnalh, around Decemht.:r 18th or I '>th, rhcy lud Pearl I I arbor sun 1\'0r<\ ~hare an emonnn­ these places have the torrunc of first· to stop lI half ccntUI) ago. Underground Railroad ~peak of \X ith o iWICIUs d1fticulq. h ske went on: hope: and fear. ") joined up to sec the: world, not to fl¢u a war." " \'\'hen we went into dq dock on June I H. - Joe Morgan 194 2, we found rhem. Thc:v were 111 rht 1\t the CSS . 1rizMu ;\[emonal, Pearl Joe \ lorgan wa~ the honorar\' chaplrun of the last watertight cnmpanmem we opened I L'lrbor Surn\·or$ ,·olumecr their nmc l ~~ , l d!i:lllltl M~mo n al. ( h·cr th~ years, he \X e found a calendar and a clock with them. to tell the Pearl llarhor story. These \\'a~ a~t.. cd to perform burial ceremomes for Fo r me, thar clock IS nne of the most prtcious "ciuzen soldiers" take vi~itor~ back many L SS ln'((llltl sun 1\ CJr' who had chosen aru fact~ found because tt ren11nds me of d1osc in rime sharing pcr~onal storie5 and to be tnttrrcd w ith their 'lhtpmatt'" on the gu\'S. I ofrcn wond er what the1 were thmkm~ lctung \isitors into rhc heart ant.! soul ~unken \ c~~cl. Fh 1\ l or~an·~ own of htston - people. account, war was the laH thtng he expected when he 10111cd the f\.;wy as a As hi~tory· continues forwanl, new t.:cnager. · I jOtncc.l up to sec the world, itwcncions, e\'enr.s and figure~ till the nut 10 tight a war. \\ hen the attack rimclinc of the ,\mcrican experience. starred, I wa~ ~ca red and looked for a Daily m all boat:. ?"' has not ~one unnoticed. Seven of and shooting back at the a trcrait roaring ptd.ing gttys out of the water as they floated up.'' the memortal's fi.tll.rime P.."arlllarbor overhead. Survi,·or ,·oluntccrs were recently - Warren Verhoff recogn11ed by the GO\·crnor of llawaii, The horn~\mg memon.:s u( the: attack .m: "( Jere I was, :1 tr~incd gunner htdtng in an tht: Secrct.'ll)" of lntcnor and the burned on rhe hearts and minds o f tilL sur· 1-hcam, and I began 111 feel a'>hamcd l)f 'IHIT". "T here arc some f-tghtf- W>U remtmher President of the United States ior myself," he: saul "T he '>hame overpowered my ~u \\eU, '>atd \\;uren \ 'crh<)ff, en:\\ membcr on the1r outstanding commun1ty scn1ce. fear. I went into rhe "rmoq and p:rahbcu n the l'SS N'fl.ranqw. " l hot\ e ;t \'1\ td memory of madtine gun tn ti~ht hac!..." gumg around l·nrd Island anu ~ecmg thts Bill ~pccr had JUM stepped out of Ius morrung "\\c started w wonder "hcthcr it woukl one gu1· hangmg tn the riggmg. I k must ~hower on the l!ghr crwser LtS,-; l-ltJI/OIIIhl hun more w bt: shut b~ :t 25 caliber bullet h:l\'e been up there moq ot the week when the attack began. "I saw a corpcdo drop, from a Japane<;t weapon, than nur 11\\ n bccau~e we wen:: just tO(l hus1 UOWTI beJO\\ 10 anti our guns were finng before they'd e\·en 30 caliber rifle:.." ~l up there anJ lnwcr h1m. ( .rt·ws \\'cre ~otng ~ounded general quaners," h~: satd. "I ran to - R()bert Kimdcr aroUnU in SmaiJ boats ptckmg gU\'S OUt oi m1 hanlc M:won and went through the rest nf Ruben Kinzler. current prestdenr of the the.: water as the\' floated up. Many of thl'se that da\' Without p.cttJng fi.lil~ drc~sed ." l lawau Pearl llarbor !:>urvt\'UI"S \ssoc1anon 'tlnatcr<;,' as they \\'Crl' calbJ, cune up ,,,u, no ::.peer tells of 1he deep ~ormw tht:y felt dur chapter, \\~\s not nt Pearl I Iarbor when tht· arm'>, no lt:gs, dungs like that. It\ ~ometh111g in~ those firM terrible hour,, "\X'e could bombs began to faU. lie wa' srntioned r m•JSI uf the men cau~ht in the merc1lcs~ Ro11 from uur pt>~l. ;\t one potnt \\'<: w<:r<: ft:\\ m1le~ from rhc inferno in the harbor. surprise, the att;lck seemed to last fore\ er, .til just standing there wah rears m our eyes blll the expenence was nonethdes~ gnppmg. though tt wa~ iiCt'ltall~ on I~ a couple vi hour~ w.uchmg the de\ a~rauon and feeling help­ "J remember the sound of the fir:.t bombs lonl(. \'c:rhofi cononuetl: "I remember bc:mg l<:s~. \\1th nCJthmg tu lx: dune about n:· htll!n~ \X'heder \11ticld." Kinz:lcr s:ud. mad all through the da\'. Bm thcn, m the "There were 353 pl:lnes 10 thc :ur that da,· J·or man} sun 1vors. "dotng somethln)1. about e\·cnmg we started w get scared bccau~e we bm I onl) rcmembcr hc:trtng one." it" meant getting hack to their posts as qwck didn't know what would happt·n next. f-or h· as pos~il>lc, even tf the~ w~:re m,urctl. 01 "\\chad to pa<;<; Pearl llarhor 10 get 10 our months I dreamed abour pbnes." the hundr..-d-; o( men woundcu 1n the attack, b:ntle st:mon across town. at Roose' cit "The cuunt l)n the OlelalJoma \\~ts the onh to perccm ~r.n·ed m their hosp1tal beds ll1gh School, and we could sec huge second large 'it lm;s of lite." more than a dav. The rcs1 went almost column~ of tl11ck black ~moke anJ Jeep -Richard C. Husted 1mmedtard\' hack to thetr dunes. ''That htJ\'C" orange flames rt~in~ up from P<.-arl I !arbor. vou ;tn td~ of our patnnusm.'' ::,peer ~;lHI We felt totally pn\\'crless and we began tfJ Seamen rirst Cl.lur own ~(I caliber nile<:. had alread~ capsized, taktn~ more than - l-\ercll H) land \\'hen you're 19 and fac111~ such rhtng~. 400 of his ~hipmares tu thetr deaths. "1 had For d1ose who were the mo~t 'en~rcl) wound ~'our m1nu goes to a srmnge pl.tce." left m\· uncle at Schofield where he wa~ st•1 - etl, o;;uch heroism was <;impl) not an option. tioned and from there I rc.tlh don't know Evercu llrland \\'ns standmg on the deck of For each of thc~e men and the other!> ''·hn ho'' I made it w rhe mull boat harhor the l'SS Jlnmrylt'dllltl when she took a direct h11 JOin them in th~ ranks of surnYor~. Pearl That's when I was rold about tht' L SS from .1 ')flO lb. bm11b. "\Xe'd ~ot 10 rhrou~h Harb1>r ts more th;ln a Jay that wtll lt,·e 1n Ok.labrlllltl,'' l lusted s:ud rhe ti~t wave of tht ;mack oka,-:· he: recalled. tnf:tm\·. It was an e\ent that completely ;\ti:er coll econg Ius composure, I lusted connn "l ntorrunarcly. we weren't so luck\ wHh

ueJ, ··she was my first sh1p and u's uifticult to the second. I happened to be standm~ near redctined rhetr h1·es. and left them wrestling mlk alxmt. The count on the r )k/nlw/111 \\'a~ 1he where the bomb e\plodcd \\'hen It hit. It the Immutable quc~tlon "why me?" \\'ith n <:econc.ll.trgest loss of life. Tlw fact rhm I \\'as knocked me rhmugh the ;tlr and I bnded catch Ill h1s throat, Rtchard Fiske sums 11 up 1101 abo:ml uio;rurhetl me tix nl.ln~ ;l year, hut llar on m~ face.''llyland <:Littered multiple With eloquent s1mplic1t\': "I pray even· day I rt':llly didn't talk about lt. \r tht· ~lith woumh ;tnd ~e,·crt• burns on ht~ hands <~nd because.: the good Lurd was w1th us." reunion, I jotned rlw Pe:trl !Iarbor ~urYtV• •rs face. Oi Ius enllrt ~<.juac.l, he \\as thc only \\ e are fortunate to ha1·c these m.:n In uur .\ssoctation, anc.l I could finally \tart t.llkmg ­ one to 'un t\'c. "I rhtnk it's a baste part of mtd~t. They enrich us wJth .1 d~:ep <~~:n-.c nl It sort uf freed me up. Betng out :u the humamry, the will to sray ah,·e" he "atd. l'o dul\, honor and country; and, the~ teach memorial as a 'nlumecr ts -;orr ot' .1 cathaN<;, matter how ~eYerel\ mjured, we w1ll tight u~ \'aluable lt's~on-. about courage. fear, lx:causc I wasn't there \\hen it happ<:n~:d ." for life." It would bt· nine long months \\ ar, peace, anger and torgi\'CI1es,, \\ c uwe aftt•r the: .1ttack bef<>re llyLtnd would t'\'en "l saw a torpedo drop and ourguns were~-" them uur graurude, and uur freedom. )!Ct nut of the hospital. -Bill Speer



'The pilot and the machtne gunner \\'C re no \\ord h.'!d ~~on:en b.Jd. w dJt• m.un Japan~-...: llcrb \\eathcru'a.'\': \\'a.~ born on June 3, I 9 I;, in more than SO fet•t from us," Kinzler s:ud. launch force ••. the~ had nus~t'r hrcak fa ~t . J\ t rdt-aseJ !heir lxnnh> at the ~.1111l' umc. M"ll' assib'llcd ro the !98th lnfanrrr Regiment at that moment, the huglel' began to plar and Radioman 2nd((,,.,, E\ereu I l)l.md ne\H e\~'0 Schofic:kl Barnt~ m Honolulu, . the alert call s1gnaled everyone to meet. ht'llrJ d1cm !-'0 uti. 'The onl~ tlnng I remember \Iter hearing on the radio rh:u Pearl Harboro a< I was !laton m~ face," ht• rt·called. " I p1cked The romp:lll} lt..'llrncd rhar ('('llr( I I arbor wns wa..~ undt.-r attack, \\-t.."athcrw:~x got a ride tc • my,cff up on ahe fant:ul righ1 up clo~t· to ahl· under smack h}' thl· Japanese. Thq :li~ o &hl'lfidd Barracks.. En route, he pa.~sed Pearl gm1 crew. and the gun crew w.1s ~onl·." lcnrned that th(· plane the} had seen ~'":lrhcr l larlx>r :md saw a large swelling mass of smoh· had bombed \X'hedcr hdd, which wa~ almost \fcm~mcs of tht· nnK hefurt• tlut fate ful rising m•m Battleship Rm\: The hanbh1p a mile uw·.t}· Thl' $oldu:rs 1mmcd1atcl) ~ct off morrun~ an: "fuzzy" for I :wr.:tt l lylo!nd Ho rn • ln~nn III:Lf engulfec.l in flamt-s. The bus kept to their pssigned bank• ~rnurm and •1~ they on \ farch Ji. 192\ m ~umford. C.onrwcucut, goin~o: by Schotield and passed by \\"heeler cleared Pipa Gulch on the I lonolulu ~1dc. [H:rt:tt recalls ho\\ hft: \\a~ hard lor lm l;lllltil Fteltl. There he saw airplanes destroyed and became eyewitnessc~ to the ongoing attack. Ill rn\: Dutch farmtn~ countr~ ..r no rrh~.l~tl;rrt hangars on fire. "\Xc gor to Schoticld Barr.tck~. Pennwh·ama. \ t I "i, he Jrm :md jn," remcm "There w:ts a tremendous \'olume o f ''as promprl} ktckL'<-1nut Soon altt.•r, ht. JC>tned l~ered \X't..'llthl'T\\'ll.x. '1lu:n I got a call to f.,~' black ~moke from the hurnmg o 1l," the '\an. Ewrclt \\":h tran~ferred 111 the liSS hack to nw st:ttion that was on the l>f>pOSttc Mtle remembered Kmzler. " Periodically, w11hm Pcmmlm11it1 ,j:~, month' b.:torc tht· mr r.ud on of the mountain. The Jl~~Xl"cse had struek seven that black smoke there would be a Jeep Pc-.1rl Harbor. Prc."'llknt RcxN:\clt \\~toted rhe lhffcrem mihtar} insu.lbtion~ at one nme - it orange colured tlamc which m1ght ha\·e t'k...:t In the Paofic. amlthe I~ yc·.u old r.uhom:m wa..;n't Just Pearl I !arbor. \\c wan.t.'t hn I \\~Is pan of what the) oil tlw ... ~2nd Infantry Regiment, 69th Thli~100 . The: un, according to Kinzler. Some of thc ano anrenn.a rcpa.Jr me to (.~lch P"rt. \Jntl of rx·c:k I lUI ro 'l'l' wh;H crossed Europe; at was tembk;" \Xearherwa.x said. b) 4 p.m. around llonululu, and there \\'llS a was goifl)! on; one of Lht· thi~" I '-l\1' \\ J'll:< 1,Je "\Xi: W\.-nt through Fr.mcc. Delgium and German) curfew from sunset to sunnsc:, .l' gernng off Lhc Jn:;p11t1 ).(OIO!( hand owr lum.l on f.xl ~ nothing but destruction. It wa.~ the tirst \ftc:r Pearl I larlx>r, Kin~ler was Stationed at .1 hnc to tl1e 'h1p n.:xt 10 them." time I s.'\\\' what war does tn pe;.IJ>lc:. The ck".ldl, the Canton Island ("1rihati), wh1ch 5crved a~ a Ck.~tniCtion, there "'tte so m:my )~JUng pt'llple that 'x:1 t'l.'d~ '"l•undt'CI, Rawnman Hyland ''"s to refueling point for airplanes. I lc was assigned wtn: lciJk:d. It W:tS a terrible o:periencc:, hut it was spend 1he llc:l\1 runc monrn:> Cllfl\~tJt-,.o ng. tiN at s a radar operator on C'lntnn to monitor so a relict: When \\'e ~lined up \\ith the Russians, me Pc:u-1 HArbor '\a1 al I lospit.!l and then .n a incoming bombers making sure aircr.tft at \\'1: knew that the war was corning to ru-t end.'' hospn:al m C:ttifum1.1. \ ttcr hc \\'a' rek~I"-'CI tc• '>1..-:1 Canton had ample time to tly otT bciorc the dut): he scrn:d on bo;ml .1 light cnu'Cr. the LS.\ Japanese bombers flew m for the1r ra1ds. :\ficr the war, \\'earnet\\'LX took ad'':lnt:tgc of tht· \ lmtpf11.r. \';"hen Lht> \\ ~u t>ll (i I Bill and t:nten:d an dc:ctrical school in \ftcr the \\'llr, Kinzler went back !I> college '\l'\\ 'lork to be: di-ht c.:ltm,;nt:J.r\ 'Chool COI'IleS to the l'SS .' fiitona Memorial 10 share his 'ugac. After retinng from C&H m 1985. 'CIC'f'ICC and ~fll.'11t .)J \c':U'!' m l .:t' \'tl·'' '\l'\·. .J;1 iall.>ha spmr wtth vi.'\ib.lr;. Captain Kinzler became a NPS vulunteer. WARREN VERHOFF RICHARD FISKE TOM UNGER uss KEOSANQUA- us NAVY uss WBJT VIRGlNIA - us NAVY ROTC - HONOLULU CMLIAN

\X'arren \ 'crhoff was hom onJ\pril4, 1921. He Marine Pm·;u:c Bu~<:r Fisk'l.: \\':t.' on tht' quarter On the mormog of December ~th, 1941. grew up in the qutet surrounctings of Oenwr, deck of the U$.'-, Ire.rt I 1'Jit1111 when the .fap::mesc Thomas E Lngerwas 18 rears old and bad C.olorndo. \'crhoff joined the: }.;a\') right afwr: arrack on Pt":lrl Harbor began. ''h nm a dismnce just gradu:ned from Roosevelt lli~h School. high school. lie remcmbc:r:. an UUlocent ouung they looked likt ours so ~:e didn't pa1 an\ arren After gracluat:lon, L nger "cnt to work for d1e to the movie wicl1 fncnds that ch~cd hi~ life oon to tt." rcmcmlx:rcd M:mer Sergeant ltlchard Standard Dredging C.ompany building a sen · fim:Yer. ''\\e saw a '\a\)' mm1t:, and d1en wc 1-'i~ke "That IS when the first of five torpedot:s plane runw.ty m Kdui ],::•goon. Dunng th1s saw this .\Iarine movie." he said. (Aftct the hn!" Two of the ti,·e torpl'does hu the l 1SS orne; he was also pla)ing sem1 pro foothall. f le movies!. One l,'ll\' srud, let's all go down and Ok./aboiJ/11. Bur when rhc other three lm the had been a star fuiJback on RoosC\·clti; foor:ball jom d1e 1\Lannes. So we aU wem down ro the I SS H' r.rl I 'iryputJ, Piske kne' \ this meant \\':tr. ream. Now he pbycd lor dle "'a Alii in the recruiringoffice. I WllS the only one ,,·ho pac;scd llonolulu seruor l~'l'llc against many tomball "I ~aw !'rom n:f) close rh:u they were torpedo aU of d1c tcsK I was obli~:,>ated then. I couldn't stat'S of d1e d:t}; such as Jackie Robmson. plant"' commg 1n from the \X':tianae ;\ l oum:tin~" back down. I ended up jouling the Na'"· hc said. \" the attack 1-x:~;an, the hrsr Sergeant Viewing the btllm\rmg ~mokc from the din."C­ "On December 7, rhert.' were 90 - ~, anJ llL'J.£ two hours, h skc s.ud, " It was onc rorpcdn Cross on the radill ur~t.·nrly rt.X(UI.'Sting all;lblc- ship yard crafts." stan~d Verh•>ff: Th.u's after another!'' 1.> lC.bed men, especially truck dnvcrs, tu report what a lor of pcoplc don't realize. They d1c grounds. The l JSS ll'r.rt I 'ifJ!!illll was lm 1)\ a total of rune Jmmt.'tliarcly ru lulani P:1lace ''1 rhink that only the .l'lri:;plltl was then- [but] I jumpeu imn my Model _\ and sped through torpeJoe~ "•\ fr.er the -!nzyna blew up, \\'e wert: was on u tug boat, the l 1SS F\rorr1111JIIt1 i\T 313, s1ning un the: bmtom," F1ske recalled The crew the city to the palace gmuncb," he said. "Once and thar morning, we had a Job to do. ,\t then; I leapt on bo:tnl a lumber truck a' ir W:t.\ oi the lr(.r/ 1 it.l!!illrl was ordered to abandon 6:10 a.m.. we got undcn•·a} to mecr the heading out for Pearl ~!arbor.' ' slup b~ 9 a.m. as the~ swam tm\-.trJ,. Ford b l o~nd ba.r~e. On the way down the channel about through oil sbckcd waters and burnmg dehns. Directed mto Hickam Airticld. Tom tim half war down, we saw a $Ubmarine suh "Our sh1p hnd fuel and 1.65fl,O(Ml p!>Wld.~ of helped rescue men out of a blazing b'uard­ merge. \'\ '~· thnught it w:t~ one of our!. !hut) ammunition. I wameJ to get the hdl awm from housc. '·Lacer, at: the retartcd." rhe att;lck, F1ske hecamc an ass•st.mt platoon troop <:hips were ofF..hore ahour ro send in Looking up towards the sky. he rcmem leader fur 1.hc landmg at h\uJ una. "C >ut of 22,1 KXl uoops. h \\"aS a hell of a rughr." bers: "The~ came from o\'cr the mounrain 1 Japan= solc.hers d1at \\'I:!I'C on the tslancl. d1e L.S. range and got closer and closer. We tho~ht At dayhreak, Unger met a group of hij..>h school ;<.larinc:s only rook :n~ pmoncrs," recalled those were ours until the\ rumed and ynu R( rrc cL-J~qmateS Carf}ing rifle~. r k wcm 10 I 1skc. "The\' wouldn't surrender." could see the markin){S on rlw ~ide:. \\'c were the armory where he was is~uc:d a riflt.', khaki gctung strafed bv machme-gun fire, and tht·y In 1991, Fiske and ~e1 cral other Pearl II arbor urutom1 and an armband tor tht.' m:wlr o•},':IJliZ(."c.l were launchmg torpedoes at . \'Ce ~UI'\ 11 o~ meet with a group of .J.lpancse pilots I L'l\\':tll TerriLOrta.l Guanl A \\U:k larcr, he \\':1.' thought it was never gmng w encl. I'll never who took p.trt m the PL>arl lla.rbor :urack. O ne "'"um in tu the l.Tnm:d Stares \nny at H.1n Shafi:er. of the pilob Fiske met that da~ \\'as Colond forget that morntng;" ;\frer scning a \"Car on Sand Islam~ Ln~cr /en ji \be. Wtth whom ht became dust: Verhoff served on thl." LTSS BJJJh for tht was sent to Porr Sam I lousron 10 and fncnds. h ske pL'ICcd t\\U ro~t:S at the l'SS _ lri\!)1111 rcnuintler of \Xorld War II. Dunng the 1"-on.-an :tssigncd to the 88th (nf:tntry Di,·ision. II..: ,\[cmnrllil t.'Yet) monrh. ''( >n ... rose \\'ll~ for War, he semxl on two battleship~. tbt· USS '\ 11 saw combat 1n thn;e I tllli:m c:tmpa1gn~. htm, and une was for rne,"satd r1skc. " It was ~m




VIDEO TELECONrERl N< lNG A 21 century connection to perspectives from the past

r~\cry )l':lt, l.'i mllhon \hltor' •m all mer the world rt:l\"· '1111.' lf' tllltJJ ''' I liJtory 1\:trll Ltrl•>r 1nrcn1e\\ 'Cne' offi::r.. a d 111 Pt·arl I brhor and the l "' lrizomi ~lcmori:tl. Thl·y di,ranc~: ll":\minA opporruru~ hke no other '\.n\\~ 'rudt.'!lt' comc w honor dw nwn .mtl '"•men who _ga\ c their It' c~ han~ an :utcrn.u:iw way to k:am :tbout our hl,tn~. IlK'\' ~er tn on Den:mher - , ITam' likt.> the :til ag..-' lntcn lc:\\ and d1scu'~ tlw \\"'urld \\ ar I I era Pc.1rl ll.trhor lntt·nlc\\' "'ne,, ,rudcnr~ nanunwlllc can w11h Pc.~rl llatl>rJr '>un 1\'l>t~ rhruu~h thc u't of ndco !t-arn :thmu tht· t'\'t'nt' 'llrruunJmg December 7, IIJ.J I. tt:!cconll'a·m·t• tcchnolog~: Part u.:1p:uion IS irce. 'llw ll''thMJ lo IIIJiory \ideo tdccunh:rcncing TIIERI: Aftll r\\0 "ERIES OfFERED: progrm ts 'PI'""'rl·d h} hotl tht '-aoonal 0 Pearl Harbor Interview Series P rk '>c:n·tce and thl' l 'nttc:J -.,tate<. '-a'1 These 1'\\'o organiz.Hton' h:!\" \l·stcd toter Tht<. progr:tm supplcments tht hts~onal stck· org-.uuz.aD< •n lkxhc;lll'd to tinanct:Uly support­ of the c\ cnt. Tlw per,unalt~auon prm adcs mg tht: '-aoon.1l P.trk Sen·tce\ c:Juc:uiunal \·ounger gt•ncr.lllc•n' \11th a cunmltln con and imcrpreon- tniuatiH''i. 'l11c:1r support of nccuon to umJt.r,t.md the mat.:nitude ot' the the Jisrancc learning program Ius hmuJ..,tht !he l'\Cilt 'w>llll' oi the: \<>IUntt·cr' who h:tH' prohrr:un nauonal and tntl·rn.ujon.tl accolade~. told thctr ''""c' rncludc 9 '-:Ulllf from tf,, l S~ f'om.i'f/l't/11111, ;\ bugler from I he· l SS II' 1/nas /fl 1/iJt"') prm tdc:s educauonal 11 .r/ I 'i'l!,iui,,, two "'choficld Barracks sol pro~~ fur students .tcross thc glulx \i;t dtcr... ;In .\rmy \tr < .urp::. bomlx-r paint .md dNantlc:umng. 1\s ot"Junc 2110·t,thc program .tn \rnl\ mar'>t. B) t;llking dtrecth· to l'\'l' ha,; rl:achetl on:r :ii!P student-> 111 seH·n ~t:ltes witnc.,,c, 111 an tntcnte\\' t\'pt· 'etttng, and one lorctgn ct ntntn )..rr.un '' m.1dc po'-'lhk· by th..­ 8 Ins tdc the Vault: The Curator's Series lkdtcaouo and ~uppmt ol the P~-:trl Harbor 'llu' f.tcct of rlu, progr.Ull .Jill\\" 'tuck·m~ to -..un·t\Ors \,,ociaunn ,\loha Chapter. 1\ \'11:\\ :1rttfacts currcnd~ nut on ci.Jspl.ty. ltdan~ \'utce, th~·~e \ oluntet:r' arc: am(lng Fuchtd.i\ hrblc, 'thcrwan: otT tht: l.~. Plctlic c~ l' \\ the last vf the Hnl'"l'' oi thl' atrack. Fk't:t\ capit.tl shtps, rht: Jincrh~ I r.,plw Teacher' rccLIYc a aderunlcrencl· sun·a\ur :t\\~lr,kd at thl· lbuk uf thl· Bamb DeccmiJt'r yu<..~cion11a1re to outhttc ah~, d.ts\rcKllll dasam "1 6, I 'J41. Thest an: a fl'\\' Of the mcreci.Jhk .artl w11h rhc PL~trl l1arhor Sunl\'or. T~':tchcrs t:tns pn:scncd from chc cn:nt. \ho on dt' l'l'Ccl\0: ,UJ l'l.luclOnrtallx>el~lc:t th.u pm\icle~ .1 pla) 'tre r.trt.; tm.tgc' from thc Hth "-.11 .tl hhtoncal h1Ck!:muml .,f ahc: J;1panc~c air DNnct IJi,toric Photo Culk-ctton. Tht·l tiJu, ~mac~ \\;th lc:amtng C\c:rtipment ot Pc-..rl I Ltrbor, tlw Below 1~ a (i,, of 'nmc c,f the dasl'U.''ion p<•in[!.: J.ipant:'l' al!!lck and the rna,~ilc ':11\1\t.:l' "(X'r .vinn whtch li>llowl·d. I ll''h,,, 11<11 au mrm~ fLTJ lih in tllf' mililan P HOTO ABOVE I~J&t-r tk ''""' kr Contact Information: The l ~s !nzOIIa, Dccc:mhc:r .., . I'J41, \ uko Confcrl·ncc Dtrcctnr l . II' l•rn nt·rr )·nu.md 11l1t11 uar )'"II doll~~ duril(l!, Pearl I !arbor llaw:w. \ftc:r the: t~nnit•n \\'um·" to 111'-ton Program 1/1( ,,1/arkt ui thl· forwan.l powder mag:~11m II\ #I lli!(flllil 1\h:mon.tl Placc thl· l'Xplo~ton ol a I, 7(111 lb. Jap.tnc:s~ J /)it! )Oil Jmr_IIJI' !lit 11'11/tlllltl, r II/ ll~t J/ilr( ll •o. llnnolulu, lla\\<111 IJ6H II:! armor piercing bomb, rhe (,lit; loot ular~r Tclcphonl·: (!lOHl -~ 1 442H banlc:sl11p sank in nine mmute' The (HOH) H60H .J. /)iff tl>oJ(/JJ a/ \tplmthn II . .!001,/trill~ /I,Jck. Fa\: -liB cxpo<.ed ~upc:r,trucmrl· conttnul·d to 7 c nutl: 1 ),, •n e1 h • ~ 1 r 1 11 .my llttti/(Jn(.• Jmm I )urllllxr , /9.f It hurn for three: J:t~ '·

Pnoro I \dnur:U Kldd lhspl.ty :1r the l \~ ~n!\_01/il \lc.-morial ,\lus~.·um. ·n c pro~ U'

PHOTO II P~'al'! I brl"' •r ..,111'\t\ 1 )r R<1lx-n 1-..tnzlc:r tdl' 'tutll'llts of lw; )Jt'N>n.tl COilliCCil'lll .md mtli~;m· n1k· during the !Jt:ccrnhcr ~. 11)41, ur r.ud.

Puoro III l'nucl\\:ttL'I' W\'1.1> dnll COR' s:llll [~k-:-. 1m tht: LSS ln:::>'llkl. l ndt.1\\~ttt-r arch~.·dogr .md the 'htp's tunm: •~ lh~cu~~l durtng thl leeturl·~

"\.mon:d P.tr~ ... Cr\Ke z:; RELATED SITES & CONTACTS

St:B ~t ERGED R£sot:RCES U:-..1T


One of tht l S~ ln:;olltl t\ lemonal\ m;qor tmu.nrw-; '' educanon. f.n·n ~car, rht· .\nzona t\lcmon;tll\!uscum ;h,octauon m conjunction With th~ :'\:auonal (>;u\.. :-.c-rvtt:t' pro\"ldcs c:Juc.IUon;tl oppornmmc~ to snlllc:-nts across the: wodd. Thc:se prugr;tms .lrt' more than tours - tht·y are hwh arounJ nauonal :-.t.lllllards of lt:Mmng and 'upplcnteru teacher lcs,on pbns, \\'hcn the: t\:monal Park ~<:r\1ct' lx:gan mana~ng rht· l \..'> In\!""' in I 9Ro. WI] lmlc was kno\\11 s, hrin~ing his1nr~ w life. <.chon! tntcrc't 111 tl1( l "" ln~nna ,\lcmonal has aho .II 1h~ condmon of the rtled .1 29":. mcreasc in imhc:~tc:·J th;u the 'hlp h~d hn·n rdi.tdcd 1n thc offiCial <.chool \ ' lSI!' durtng this tame span.< lnc: reason forth.: tncn:a'e '' tht• da\' pnor tc• the arock. Dunng tlw 'ah,tgc:· cflim• attention Dc:·ccmhcr 7, 1CJ 41 , has rccctvnl. The mm tc p,.,r/ llar/JIIr, and the 611 :1ftn Dt·ccmbcr ~. 1941, no .ttkmpt was nutk· to ,-\nni\·cr'>.tr~ of 1he :m:tck ha\c brou~ht the Pt•;Jr) I l:trbor 'ron· 111 the forefront of rt:movc tht r~:·matmng nil. 'I ct, c\'cr)' day, coil kak' 1\ 111l"rtC:lll Const:llll"ness, out ot' d1t· sh1p rnw Pearl l lo~rhor. 'lio proper!~ ;\ ~itc \ 1s1t saustics v:nums ~tare and JUIIotul st;tndards ot' lcarntng. Plc;tsc cont.lct man.1gc the t 'iS fn'zy11n. ir \\':1~ m·ct.•ssal] '''deter Education ~peciahst ls..t·ntbll l\lcCrc;try, (HIIH) 422 4.25i, for all cducanon I.Jllt·stions mitw tlw slup', condition and an,\\'t'r I,: the tiN l.EAR.'-liNG Pou,:Ts: Mcp' to timhnl• tht~ m!.·wers when tlwy I~Cf,.Ul .1 'c:·m-.; ,f dtv~.~ un thc LS..'\ lnzr'"'' m IIJXJ lh:'' I. Rl'g!O!l, I ..\mho Is nl lla\\'aii 11 rst rt'St :trchcrs wt:n: archcol~>!!N fn 101 rht· \.. 1>:-. 2 Re~ton, l .onuons & Places - <:cograplw !Bound.lfic:s of the: lJnncd St:ttcsl ~uhmc:-rgc:·d Hcsnurcc~ Ccntcr, .m r '1}.\•lnv.uion dcd 'l ~lap ~k tl b I .S. Presidential l'lccunn ~L1ps ~e.ltt'(l ro srudpng under\\ att:r ;trchcolo).,'lCtl ric Phmo (;alh.:r~ ;tnd n;trur;ll m.mnc envm.nments. \..;tv\' di,,·t'~< from ~ l"lmthnc Oatt· J..:cy' to :\mt•nc;t\ Past \loh1k Dl\1ng and Sa.l\';lj.!l' I rut < lm: jnint·d the (,, Pwple, Place,, & I \·em' lmc:rprct Pnnnn ~murce Document~ \..P'> dl\<.:r.< 111 Pl!\6 Togcthcr, thc:·y rnmpletnl the -. P~.:ople. Place,, & Events - Pnlitic.tl Cnnuon' hN m1p' of the ~hrp smce her 'mku~ Thou,L!h '•Ycr h.1li of the recc.rdcd 'chool visit-. arc lrom ll.twait school'. the pro~rJrn The t·,~ lnzonu .\lemonal Dtw Tt-am \\"!IS ere ts a\·:ul.thlc '" any .. chool. Th~.: l SS ln:;hlltt .\lcmnri.1l makes limited res~n aunns for utcJ to pronde dJnn!-\ ~upport wuh rt''t·arch .;chon! !-!roups Mudyin~ \'\orld \\ar Two <111d o~\mcrican histol)·. Educauon rcscn":tuons cap.1hrluics. Tt:am ml'mbt:~ conduct dl\"t" cwry arc hmirc:d to two cl,rs,~·s or up ro 10tl 'tud~·nt,, Tht•rt· mu't he one adult ch.tpc:ronc:• rwo \\t"l'k~ to monaor anti rccorJ the condmon for every ten student~. Rcs~n·aoons arc taken no I:Hl'f than twn weeks hcfnfl' ;tnd no ot' ":\cml cmcks on the deck of rile ship, to ~oonc:·r than one \ c;tr 111 .tdV:lncc of the proposed \'IS II . rcmm·e oh)ccts dropped h\' \ 1~1tors to the memorial, to mvcnwn obrccb on thl" surl.lct• of the slup :1nd to rccm·er .tnt! dcplo~ sctcnnlic TABLE I In a three· year 'P•ln, education progr:mh han: incrc.tscd 2'1'' "· In momtortnt.: instrumenrs recurdrng erwrr.,nmcn .20115. 21,4H3 -;rudc:m~ parucip;ttcd in p;u k cducatiS ln:;mra Dire Team lrom H\,40.1 \IUl.lcnt' m 2\lll). ( ht:r the: I:N thrt'C )l"ill", 6-1,-15 srudcms member:- tnter tht: ashes of sun 1\·ors un bo!lrd h:~n.• embraced the: Pl-arl ll:trhor ""ry. the ,Jup and :1ss1~t ,.,,toni! rc,c.uchcr· wah TABLE II Educ;mun program' arc aquJ.thk· liom ~th I!Ude up. I hgh sd1• K>l 11ngomg prowns. ,\lc:mhcrs of tht l '>'> ln~1111 \ 1'11' arc: the most pupul.tr. 01H Tt-am :trc chosen from tlw \..;Jilotul Park ~cr\·lce ~t.1t'l ;Uld qualitinl \·oluntccrs. USSAIIIOI\I MtMIMIII Tlw rest•arch efforts ,,f the \..auonal Par~ \cn·tcc 611\IUioelfiProttltll ami its p;mner cnsmc fo lc:.trn mort· about oll, corroston, tnrnmcnt, photol!1':1phs and audio \ NJal i"o• Hag~ on the l'S~ ln:;l)"''· plea~e contact tl1( US\ lti:;u""

J\lcmonal D1re Officer. ~000 10000 15000 20000 25000 )0003 RELATED SITES r· ' TI1c: park •~ opc:r;tted hy 1he: non-profit Pac1 tic neet Submarine: ~lemorial ,\s~ocmuon. Proceeds from admtS$HtOS :md gtft 5hop ~ales arc u~cd to conumtc the prescn·auon and re~torauon of the . -- liSS R1111/i11 (SS-28") The park ts open daily from ----- 8:00 a.m. w 5:(10 p.m. The: last tour starts at 4:30 p.m. The l S~ Bou_tin, launched on December 7, IIJ42, was ruck named t.llC "Pearl I {arbor \vcnger." ~he ~ank 44 enern\' ~hlp<> dunng the course of her mnc extraordina11 war patrol'. Take ume to rctkct at the water front memonal, whtch stand<; to remember thL 52 \mencan suhmannes and the \'-'-: •ad,. Pnu:t (l'l ,..,, ....-t..,fln..-ltt• 'I 1&'41 t:··~ more 1han 3,500 <;ubmanncr<> lost dunng \\oriJ \\ ar II. 1\r-..n.,..,.,fll,...... ,,..,or.,,_,.,,.._,,,rl •n IJ, •rt'ii.J.111l'"J.J;: .... M fllo.,-•'IN•¥'1•of.l ,.,.ty__.,.,.,,.,.,"Jhf , ...,.._ ,.-.J,., _,.• .W....ur.""""'ft-J~r...J-rw.. t.l.t ..,.,.,.t~~~ .. rr.• tu ...... , •• ...... _., ~f•• ·-· ,f'Jf~Jf,,,.,., •.., ... ~,.,.IJI-...,~­ . \ general aJnusston pnce gets you aboard the ..\ .. J' ,.., .. pt,~n •~"<• •·IJn/•"'._,1 ""'' "'"""'lwl.n ....,,,...... ,••• l

:\;\lJ l"-\1 \11 \IOiliAI C1 \ Th~ '\ auon:U \ Iemonal Ccmetcr~ of the Pacltic ts often rcfem:d tu as the "PW1chlx>wl"; It lic5 m the middle uf Pu•>wama ( ratc:r, an cxonct volcano. ·n1e Punchhowl wa~ offic1allr dcdtcated on September 2. 1949, vn the: fourth ;mnj, ~·rsa11 nf \' J Da~. Rvughly tr:ln~btcd. "Puo\\'\una'' means "Con~ccratcd Hill" or "lid! nf Sacnf1ce." The cemetery ts open 8:CXl :t.m. to 5::A.l p.m. September 3(1 t- hrch I; 8W :t.m. tn 6:30 p.m. M-uch 2 Scptc:mber 29: and 7:1X) a.m. to 7f() p.m. ~lemuoal 0:11:

Tht· L~!;) lnzo/J(t ,\lcmonal designed a Jumor liiil.. ltii ..~M Ranger Booklet to help chtldrcn embrace hi~mrv. The 1de;~ of a lumor Ranger Booklet IS not OC\\, as n:ltlooal pnrk~ throughout the: countn· h:m: long tr:tdJUnn~ of cMabhshed Jumor R:tngcr pro~rams. The booklet gmdcs ·mung sn1dcms through the eYents of the anack These acm'ltles mclude: Opana Radar ~muon. Target Oahu, \fidget ~ubmannes. Battleship Ro\\, <.ode­ Breaking ;>.Iagle. \'\ arume C.1\·ili:m I Jte, and Mcmonals and J\lemortcs. The hooklet approaches hi$ tor~ with a yolll1g $n1dem in mind. which 1s the primary purpose of the Jumor Ranger program. Jumor Rangers not onh (;'arn .1 badge, bur ther learn the story of December-. 11J41, gauung an appreCiation tor rhc l SS Jm~oun l\lcmorial anJ the Nauonal Park Sen·tcc m1s~u>n The I IS~ Jm;,onn Memonaljlll11nr Ranger Hooklet can he obcuncJ for free at the \'l~llnr center fr<~nt Je.;k The gwdc I' mrenJed for ynuth$ (age~ ~ I 2). , \ Jumor Ranger badj.!C ,,.111 lx: gwen upon compleuon. ·\ ~c:cond a,h·cn­ ture hooklet 1~ ;w:ulahle ti>r ~ale ill the park lmnkstorc for $'i.9">. This booklet comes \nth a collcctur's patch.

:-\ational Park Servtce 27 TOURISM SURVEY


1 () L' nawarc of the approarhtn.l!, Jap.tnc~t· tlonlla, the L.S. l\avy ( 185-plu~ LS. slups) was moun:d in small • p;rnups throughout Pc.trl Harbor tn defen~e of po~sible sabot.ag~.; ancmpts.

The Japnnc<;c tltf;td: on the 1sland of ( l;tlm, Dt..><:cmhcr "", 19..J.J, acu:d as

Tht.. ma1om~ of the L.S. Pac1tic !'leer wa.; moved to Pe.ul llarbor 10 1940 as peace ne~onauon< s. hegan faltt..·nng With Japar\.

7. Tht..· l ~..., J,. •I sank 10 nrne minute~ ami burned for on:r rwo day~.

C). ·n,~..· rs no lon.~.ter :1 commi~~ioned n:wal

li. TI1Ltc 1.\'Ltc I A m11l1on gallons ot fud on the !,y when "he sank. < )Yer W Year< later, approx1mardy two <.jU:Irt~ ll Ja,· still -.urf:!ces from the sh1p. Pearl I !arbor ~Uf\1\'ors refer to rhe otl droplet:s a.o; "black tear!'."

4. ( )n th~ 1.1 ~- 'en·1ce members perished, mak111g ll the greatest lo~' of hfe on any L.S. \\ ar~hip 111 \mcrican hiw)~.

J. The bond between l ~' shipmates went lxyond !Jt:mg comrades: there were J7 set:. nt brmhcr' as~tgneJ to the l "-' 1~ , on December ~. 194 I

l nlikc the hatdet1ekl- ot ( rem·, burg and \nocram, the story oi Pearl !!arbor IS sull aiJvc 1n the memoru.!s 2. of those who wltncs"cd the anack The Pearl llarhor ~urn\'ors who \'olttntecr at the memonal tell their 'lory ro the puhhc they truly :tre U\'in~ history

1 The llllJOrll\ of the crew membcrs went down with the 'hip; howeYcr, n- scr\'lCL mcmlwr' • sun·l\'cd. Todm, uuerments fnr dc:cca~ed 'un·1\·o~ are conducted on rhe sh1p. ( h·er 211 mrcrmem h:t\·e been conducted nn rhc 2!1 L S~ _lnzwm Mcmorral jPress k.ttl uss ARizoNA MEMORIAL - SrTE Su RVEY FACiliTIES & SERVICES

EXPhRI t:NCil \C) I,; II o\.\11.1\JCA Yf-'$ Street Address : 1 Arizona Memorial Pl ace ~~' FOOD City: Honolulu State: Hawau Postal Code: 96818 Phone: (808) 422-2771 Fax: (808) 483-8608 .S1'1; .\I,I\. ll.\R (LIMI11 ·D) 0

Website: : 1ttp.//w... • ••• .n,.Js .go" . ..1--· \ 'l·.'

RI :..'>T,\IIR.\~1~ 181 Operation: Managed by the National Park Service I'ICKIC. & UI'..;C H ARI >.\(!>) Hours of Operation: Sunday - Saturday (Seven days a week) 1181 7·30 a.m. to 5.00 p m I RESTROOM(S) + First program (Summer) 7 45 a.m . 8:00 a.m. (Winter) + Last program 3 00 p.m II;Jit.\IJ. 0 + Closed Thanksgivtng Day, December 25 and January 1 .\1,\IJ' 0 Entrance Fee: Free. first come, first served t1ckets TllAPf:R t H,\M:ING T.\lll.h 0 Restrictions: No age restndions H .l f)I'.;G .\REA 181 Program Tour: The tour is 75 mmutes 1n length and includes a 23-mmute documentary film, a shuttle boat I l.llCKl'.R R<)\) .\1 181 nde and memonal visit. 181 Narrated Tour: Narrated audiO tour available for small fee at --- - visitor center front desk (23 stops) ~IEDICALMIR Multi-Lingual: Paper Matenal ava1lable in 35 Languages RSll OR on<:roR o-.: -!>rn. 181 Audio Serv1ce available in seven Languages l _\f~ W.\11 ~\ll l H 0 Dress Attire: Civi lian Shoes, and sh irt; no ba thing su 1ts Military: Dress whites or better, Servtce equivalent Ill( tSI'iT\1, '1 ~\RI\\' 0 Strollers: Strollers are allowed in the VISitor Center; however, 1 RAlr-..Jol) S'f.\1'1 0 strollers must be stowed before beginmng the USS Anzona Memonal program tour EXHlliiTS Pets: Except for VISitOfS w1th seMce an1mals. pets are not alloiNed 1n the USS Anzona Memorial Visitor Center: II \RllUR-~IDE DISPI.WS

Addition Information: \'!DH 1/1•11 .\1 0 ~ Special Events: Pearl Harbor Day Ceremony. annually on December 7 DISABIUTY ACCESS FOR EXHIBn:sr- Shopping: Bookstore and l1m1ted snack bar on-stte Hh,\RI!\G I\11'.\IRHD 1'.\t.II ITII:.'> 0---+1- Nearby landmarks: Untted States Naval Base, Pearl Harbor USS Submanne Bowfin Museum and Park SfGifl I MPA I R~>() I \UIJTII.S Battleship M1ssoun Memonal WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBILITY -+ H ONOLULU W EATHER 1-.\< II .IT\' ,\I'CJ:SS (R ·\\It>:>) 0 AVERAGE P RECil'JTATION - H ONOJ.UL U, HAWAII \'illl f:l.CII t\IRS .W\11 ~ \BU , 0:0.: srrH 181 I'' 1113 \1·\R \I'R \1" Jl' ill \[1( \IITf ()(I '1,()\ 1)1'( 3.6n 2.20 2.20 1. c;n 1.1 o .sn .6o .-ttl .Ro 2.3n J.on 1.so ms.\JIJIJT\' I'ARKIM; (11\'f> SP

Average Temperature High & Low (Fahrenheit) OVERNIGHT FACII..ITIES Minimum Period of Record. 30 Yeart + I ll\-SITI 181 100 ~------. 80 ~1 •.\RBY 0 60 40 l;.WPGRI K~O(S) 20 0 MAY JUN JUl AUG 1 SEP TRANSPORTATION • High eo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ern: Ill'S (NU.\ffit.R~ 20 & ~2) • Low 65 65 I 67 ~ ~ n n ~ n n 70 0 T,\.'\1 ( IAXJ ST,\:O.:D Cl'>;-Slll:) 0 12 Month Period ~ N:monal Park Serncc 2<'J F UNDRAISING & THE FUTURE ffhe Pearl Harbor Memorial Fund l'Vl<' THE PROBLEM


Onginall) butlt on a landfill de$tgnnl ro scrrle I!:! mehe~. tht• mu~eum nured l!.S. 113\ :U tradition ,( r"ndcring honors to the bu\ e le,·eltng protect.' to mamnun rhc: facthty\ support structure h crt-ated crack" crew of the l 1SS !>ociation ten ycnal \'tsiwr Center. Park Service 1:; dedicated w keeptng the L'SS lti:;:_1111t1 1\lcmori;tl \'isito>r Center open and to pro\'lde a safe cnnronmem fcor the puhlic.l lowt·wr, fururc pl:mning This new factlirr wtll b.: a wurld class repoSitory of must he dtme to en~ure the Pearl l larbor legacy ts sccurt· for fururc gcneraoons. .lrufacr~ :tnd mformation surroundmg the Pearl llarbor attack. It "'ill house a stare-of rhe-arr muse· 8 LACK OF SPACE urn ami a new research and educattonal tdecunfcr­ The memorial's rcarh \'ISttatmn IS douhle the o ngtnal tment. Ourmg the stte'~ cncing center, designed for dtsrance leariltng. peak 'ea.,on, \lemonal Oa) Labor Da~, crowds ilood rho: mustum and tmpm,·ed curatorial facilities and enhanced :unent­ 'tsitor center caU$11lg congcsuon and prolonged pro~ ram \\'a its. \ l'>ll:lrt<>n w ties to enrich the visitor c.'11ericnce. The enlargc..·d the L'SS 117!(1111£1 Memorial is expected to tncrease tn upcommg yeJrs as the facilitY will impnwc Yi:;itor comfort by arnchoratin~ «tate of l lawai1 rc\'ltalizes trs tourtsm tndustry. An mcrca,t· tn mternatiunal ,·isitor congestion due to current space cnnsrratnts. ant! m:unlantl \ tsttor~ IS forecasted as I I await market~ vacannn packa.~e~ l'he new facilit) ts .1 JOint project bt:rwccn . \:\ll\1,\ ahroJd and new Ia\\ s restructuro: the crUt~c ltnc mdustry. and the l\aLional Park :,ervtce. The l'snmatcd cost C) I NAOEOLlATE ML'SEl iM CON DITION The exisong museum lacb suffictent space to tusplal mam of the rhousands of arritact5 that have been donarcd and rcmmn tn \\":\rehouses una\'l\llable ro the \ tstung public. The current des1gn of rhe museum, ongmalh· bltllt wtth open a1r exl11 lms to take ad\·anra)!C ot rhc warm llawauan weatht.:r. docs not allow for adequate atmosphcrtc comrol and pro>hilms the d.tsplar or m:Ul~· trreplan.-ai>k arnfans. l·.xhihu are:1s arc often over·cmwded


\X'htle powerful. the current museum tdb only the baste HoT\ nf Pearl I !arbor. The nc\\ e:-..hibits will allO\\ for a more comprehensive stor~ :md bt:tter rccogmrion uf those who feou!{ht and ~acrifict:d at Pearl I ~t rhor. In order to reach the fundmistng goal for the new visttor center, A?\ IMA has esmhlishcd tht• Pcad THE PLAN Harbor Memori.tl Fund Camp:ugn, a mult1 facett'tl 0 NEW V ISITOR CENTER capt tal 1m pro\ ement campat~,''ll to n\ISl' the nearly S34 m.tllion needed from public and prhatc SI)Urce~. In 20rn, a \ iston wa~ born w crea te a ne\\ mu<;cum and dstror center The campaign con<>isrs of fi>ur fundrai~mg cftims '"ith hcctcr ablc ro accommodate the thou<;ands of daily nsttors. better able to srrong local and n:nional support: G r:~ssrnots, preserve ami sharc the wealth of historical artifacts anJ memorabtha and Major Gtfrs. Planned G tfrs and Grants. hcm·r able w rell a more complete story of the attack on Pearl I !arbor nnd the.: early \\ .lr m the Pacific. The new Yi'

3fl LlSS ln'io1111 1\lemonal I Pre~s !-..ttl HISTORY Tht.> l'SS lrizonr~ i\lcmoraal \'tsuor Center\\<\~ built 10 Jl)8(t by the Unired State> !\:a\ y for \isiwr~ ru the LISS l1izo11rl Memorial The 'isnor center functions a' the ,):wrdint: support faciltry provtdm,g cue, comiort, t:ducatiun ami tnterprt:tin: ~ernc.e~ w 1.5 mill tun \ tstror~ yt:arly. 0:111\', 4.500 vbiturs rake the tour to tht· USS 1ri:;;_olltl ;..knwrt;tl, and man~ more \ •~it the mu:.t.>um and ,hordinl' t:xhtbtt~ The currt:nt \'tsitor ccnn:r includes a must·um, bookstore, limned snack bar, re:.trooms, rwo 152 scat theaters ami tnterprt:m·e thsplay ~ on .m II acre stte Vtsitors spend on an:mgc 2 5 hours at the l 'SS ln:;;_o11a \1cmona1 \'isttor Ct:nter.


To build ant\\ l 'SS lntlllltl \lt·nHmal Vistmr Center


$34 ~lilllon

CONTACT: Pearl Harbor ~h:monal f-und \n;-onn i\lcmonal Museum . \~soCJatiun Telephone: (808) 487-DH- 'loll hce: (866) DE<..- 1941

The nt•w museum wtll mcre;tse the current t:Xhtbtt capactt) and showcase Pearl I !arbor ~univors' memorabtlt:l and otht't anif.1ct". \hon· ts a drawmg ut :1 potenttal.. lfJbb\ destgn . -..,...,..,:.:~- ~-= - _.._._..__ --..,-- ~ ----· --- !III


Till Stte plan abm·c: IS one uf tht: cunct"ptual blucpnnrs rh:u has hccn prc:sc:nrcd tu assess the: needs of the rncmonal museum and \ 'ISllor center.

National Park Service 31 USS Arizona Memorial Discovery Packet

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA Tht 1'\auunal Park ~en ICl c.m s ltlr ~recta l places '•ln:d b~ tht \mcncm people: ~o that .tllm.t\ cxpenence our lwm.t~t· .