The Cowl Vol
Weekend Forecast: Spring! Sunny, near 60 degrees The Cowl Vol. LX No. 19 Providence College - Providence, Rhode Island April 18,1996 Murphy’s Election Controversy Memory the election on March 28, people be Arms presided. A number of witnesses by Theresa Edo ‘96 gan making comments to her concern appeared for both sides of the argu Editor-In-Chief ing further improper practices in the ment. Walsh was additionally repre After a hearing held on Tuesday, campaign. On Saturday, March 30, she sented by Matthew Albanese ’94, and Kept filed a complaint with Mike Dever ’98, April 9, newly elected Student Con his father, Daniel M. Walsh III PC '64. gress Executive Board President, Mike Chairperson of the Committee on Leg- “There were a lot of inconsistencies Walsh ’97, was suspended from his du and flaws in the process,” said Alive ties on Congress until November of Albanese. “The issue was raised about 1996. Until that time Maureen Lyons whether certain students could associ ate with other students. This is a vio by Erin Piorek ‘96 ’97, the newly elected Vice President lation of basic liberties and free News Writer of Student Congress, will preside over the 47th Congress. This action follows speech,” he continued. The Senior Class Giving Program is a an unprecedented legislative process Kateri Walsh, Mike’s mother, also three year program at Providence College within the Student Congress. attended the proceedings and was vis set up to raise money for scholarships and On April 9, The Committee on Leg ibly disturbed. “Their purpose is to in financial aid.
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