Friends of Darlington Railway Centre and Museum Newsletter July – September 2010 Free to members The Museum annual report Chris Lloyd on Edward Pease A Life on North Eastern Railways Intro', index and other stuff BOILERPLATE: you probably won't read Contents Features Edward Pease Chris Lloyd 5 Life on the Railways in the North-East Derek Reeves 10 Talks Darlington Railway Museum Report David Tetlow 3 Views from the Footplate Brian Bell 14 Lambton Locomotive Works Colin Mountford M.A. 16 Diary Friends talks, Museum exhibitions and events. 21 Introduction This is the first issue of the newsletter since I inherited the editorship from Vic Branfoot. I'm still not quite sure how I got talked into it but I have to concede that there is a good deal of overlap between this and the web-site which I set up at the end of last year. I hope I can maintain the standard you are used to. On the “if it ain't broke don't fix it” principle the content remains a mix of articles, reports of the evening talks, announcements, etc. If you have any notes, criticisms (preferably tactful) or praise (preferably unstinting) contact details are below. Timothy Ruffle, Editor. Contact If you have material for the newsletter, be it an article, photo' or just a short anecdote to fill the last few lines on a page, do send it- it might not get in but it will be considered. (Information and announcements for members may end up here and on the website too but such things are best sent to the Committee.) I much prefer to be contacted by e-mail, especially if it saves me some typing, but, if you lack Internet access, you can reach me by post:
[email protected] 38 Denebridge Row
[email protected] Chilton County Durham DL17 0HN.