FREE Please support our advertisers who make this free guide possible PLEASE TIP Cape Town EMPOWERMENT VENDORS GATEWAYGUIDES The Castle of Good Hope Castle of Good Hope Over the centuries six different flags have flown over The Castle yet in all that time not a single shot has ever been fired in anger at it or from it. Muizenberg 1 False Bay To advertise here contact Hayley Burger: Cape Town • South Africa 021 487 1200 •
[email protected] One of his first tasks was to The style of this new castle was Peak. The present day site of the Castle is 1 The reason for a fort at the 4 5 Cape of Good Hope build a fort as the interests associated with the renowned French probably the best of a bad situation. This Cape Point With the expansion of world trade by of the Dutch East India fortress engineer, Sebastien Vauban. position is about 230 metres south east the European powers in the 1500s, Companies latest assets had Menno, Baron van Coehoorn, a Dutch of the old fort. The site is close enough 6 trade routes were vital to economic to be protected at all costs. artillerist and military engineer, was to anchorage, within firing range of the also associated with the outcome of the town and close enough to fresh water. History and facts power. The main trade route to the The first fort built at Castle’s design. The defensive system at the Cape was East used to be overland; but in 1453 the Cape of Good Hope Constantinople was captured by the This design was based on the fact that slowly rectified over time by means of of the Castle including Two days after setting foot Turks which effectively closed off this firepower due to technology had greatly many defensive structures placed around on the shores of Table Bay, 3D illustrations, trade passage.