BRITISII-CANADIAN CENTENNIUM, 1. 759 -1.859. GENEll~\L JAMES WOLFE, HIS LIFE" .A.ND DEATH: ro ~1trefrMte1t~ DELIVERED III THE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE HALL, MONTREAL, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1859, BEING FOUGHT A CENTURY BEFORE. IN WHICH BRITAIN LOST A HERO AND 'VON A PROVINCE. BY ANDREW BELL, Author of "Men and Things in America"; "Historical Sketches of Feudalism, British and Continental"; .. Lives of the Illustrious"; .. New Annals of Old Scotland"; &c. ~ontteal : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOHN LOVELL, ST. NICHOLAS S'fREE'r j QUEBEC: STE . .ANN~ ST,REET, ~PER TOWN, AND FOR BALE AT THm BOOK STORES. 1859. [Prlel'l ~6 Cent•• Entered, according to the Act of the Provincial Parliament, in the year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, by JOHN LOVELL, in the office of the Registrar of the Province of Canada. CENTENARY LECTURE ON THill LIFE OF GENERAL WOLFE , AND THE CONQUEST OF CANADA. I N~ED not remind you, my fellow-countryfolks and others, now met in this Hall, that just one hundred of the most eventful years known to metropolitan or colollial Britain, have revolved since the ever-memorable battle ofthe Plains of Abraham took place. Think ing, a year ago, that the recurr~nce of such a notable cycle in the course of time ought not to pass unheeded by the populations upon this continent whom it most concerned, and having been all but disappointed in my expectation, I determined that, in my personal capacity at least, I would make a further attempt to prove to the few within the sound of my feeble voice, as to those lately within the limited reach of my pen, that it was a fit occasion for a demon stration of intermingled sympathy, first in grateful memory of our British forefathers who triumphed, next of participation in the regrets of the race they vanquished; all which might be turned to profitable account, by soothing rather than irritating every alien feel ing in the country of my ajoptivn.
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