VOL. f or f m^3J &-— XLVII tSegiatered Transmission Abroad. £

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A17D General H&corti of 2&ttti £f» anb jp oreisn Stoature CONTAINI NG A COMPLETE ALPHABE TICAL , LIST OP I ALL NEW WOR KS PUBLISH ED IN GREAT BRI TAIN AND EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD [Issued on tl:e 1st and 15th of each Month]

P*rc* 3d. November 15, 1884 SSl ml ^n

a o 3sr T" Ei 3sr a: s UTERAEY INTELLIGENCE 1190—1204 ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 1193—1196 OBrrUABYUDU UAJ\ X H111»»9G m !!!..* ... . • TRADE CHANGES ...../...... U97 LEGAL 1111979 7 CORRESPONDENCE 1197, 11 9s .....!...... * * ....!!!!...... /...!..... BOOKS RECEIVED .....!...... !...... !.!!...... 1198—1204 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND 15 1205—1207 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN FROM ifOVE IBER 1 TO 15 120 7—1213 AMERICAN NEW BOOKS 1213—1214 NEW EDITIONS AND BOOKS LATELT PUBLISHED 1215—1227, 1240 BOOKS ENT THE PRESS , 121G, 1220, 1226, 1227, 1240 tfKOELLANEOUS 1228—1233 BUSINESSES K)R SALE 1232 ASSISTANTS WANTED , 1232, 1233 " ' " WANT SITUATIONS ...... "!. I233 BOOKS FOR SALE 1233, 1234 * " 500X8 WANTED TO PIJRCHASE . ...."!...... I23fi—123D msriDiEix: to advertisers -[rrowmnith (J. W.), Bristol 1222 Harper ' s Young Peop le 1221 Olyett 1232 ^atotype (The) Company 1232 Hutt (C.) 1230 Pagen, (WT.) 1232 wn&Co 1230 Jackson (A.) 1239 Paper Mt/cers* Circular 1228 «»U Co 1228 Kent & Co 1228 Phillips (H. 8.) 1232 Jwler (a. 0.), Peterborough 1228 Letts, Son , & €o 1224« Phillips (S. O.) 1281 jnapmaa & Hall 1240 Lipsius & Tisclier 122$ Simpkin, Marshall, & Co 1224, 1228 Sf^a & Cie 1228 Low & Co 1218 , 12 10, 122 1 Sonnenscbein & Co 1228 £*>? (T. Gates) & Co 1230 Macmillan & Co 1220 Spalding & Hod#e 1229 K^Oo 1222 Maxwell (J. & K.) 1225 Spon (E. & F. N.) 1216 JjcWnson & co 1231 Mitchell & Son* 1234 Stillie ( Edinburgh) 1228 ds Taer ,n ¦ Q.) 1232 JJld 1224 Morgan & Scotb^.. , ^M . 1217 Stonoham (W. SSS N.) 1228 Morton (Joh ^C^THjSSSjv-••-• 1216vm Virtae & Go 1282 ^PBrr au Whittln gham & Co 123(J ft ' &Co - 1222, 1226, 1227 Nelson & V^ vij ^+WSS:' •• 5Kr?n > Adams, & Co...... 1224 Newinan^^\^4 *I^V^A... 1232 Young & Co. (Edinburgh) 1222 fl«W# Magoaim 1219 Novello,^^ M^3^S.).. 1230

s ¦ =r_ —- \?*¦ * » \ «^^,rpvjssi t ^ "i^tCTM-i -Tx {j»ift and ¦:- p resentation •> ^Sooks. a »M, as usual , for m a Summary of the PRESENT ATION BOOKS of the YEA R, and will be embellished with some of the choicest Illustratio ns, nea rly 200 in number.

*k ggduced Cost to the Retail Bookseller for Copies in an elaborate : Ornam ental Wrap per (especially designed this year ), with Name and Address , can be had on application. I , ... , . , .. . , , . , ' . , ... , ¦ . ¦ >—»*»! Jk\ ' ll^ ^ rfh^te^k^MMhjAri^tolftHlHril^flH^^II^^JIfllllHfllfl^^^ ... . ' ^A.rf^A^to^h^HUBfc . * ^^^^L^ ^^^^^^^^^^VV^Il^^iyil^BHMHBMtfMftHABI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^.^^^^^^^^MbA ^ ^ ¦, 1 ^^^^K^H 1) , ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ¦ : ; '^ ' ? ^ 1 II B ^^Tt l W - ' -vo v -^so ^^^ f 3! j 1190 The Pub lisher ^ Circular I NW. 15i l^j


I I The English publis hin g trad e have lost one of its most respected and honoure d

____ .______. __ __, ___ _ _ — — j — r — lost one of their — w A j ^. and many of the London charities hav e ^ members ^ , ^ most sta unc h^ ^ friends , by the death of Mr. Josep h Johnson Miles , who, on November 1, pass ed away to his well-earned rest , full of years , and , it may without exagger atio n be added , leaving behind him many golden memories. Alth ough, in th e best sense of the words , a man of business and to a great extent the archite ct of his own fortune , lie never allowed the calls of the counting-house to engross his atten tion , but , in the midst of the ever-increasing activities of the well-known firm over which ^b ._ ^_ ^k _. __. ^_h _ __. — ^h _¦_ ^B ____ ^B j_ ^ M _ ^ ^p. he presided , he found time not only for much careful thoug ht aaid benevolence

------_, _ __ ¦ towards the less fortunate workers of his own craft j but for those - —- -—-- . ». - ^^ ^ ^-, «^ _k , private ¦__ H ^^ chariti es ___ ^__ -___ _ 4_i^ ^V_-— _ ___> . ^ V 4 A ^_. ^_l V ^__ _. __h ph ___ I around his homestead at Highgate , where his name will long be gratefull y reme m-

' j bered. If the ' monumentuni sere perex nnius was his desire , lie has it in the Oilgood jl word of rich and poor , and in the eloquent witness borne by the lar ge assembl y at I his funeral to the kindliness of heart which marked his every action. I In glancing at the career of this successful * citizen of no mean city ' it may be II noted at the outset as one of the strange accidents of our commercial system that I the name of a man to whom the words we have written may justly be applied should never hav e been included in the style and titl e of the house of which he was the head , and in which he began life as far back as 182(3. Althoug h engaged from ^ ¦i ^ p^ ^p> *. ^h ^^ p ^^ k ^_ - ^m *^>^ ^ pip ^h* ^pfc M p^bk ^ p> ^ p. the first in the nnn of Hamilton , Adams , & Co., which he entere d under Mr .

- Hamilton on October 13,J 1826,J becoming^^1 a partnerf^ in 1832,/ to the outer worl d his— connection with the business was never indicated. Born on October 1, 1811, he

was the eldest son of Mr. John Miles ,j who was for manym yearsw senior J — ' -^ "^» ^» "^ ^ ^ ^ partner in Simpkin , Marshall , & Co. , and with the faniily of another leading member of that firm he was at an early period united by the closest ties, havin g married in 1834 the eldest daug hter of Mr. Richard Marshall. In the same year in which he becam e a pa rtner in his firm , Mr. Miles was elected to the livery of the Stati oners ' Com- pany, and by a hap py coincidence , after becoming Renter Warden in 1842, it was

——v ^^v^^r^^ in^^^^^^"^^ 1882^^^^ ~^^* ~^a^r ^^^^ —th—^ ^^v^n e^^p- jubileeh ^^^ ^^»^^» -^^ -^^^ of~^p^ -^^ his^^ h.^^^ 1.^ connection-^^ ^^^ ^^bi-^^k^^^ ^^ ^^^p -^^ -^^^ ^^ -^^ «^h^^ withY -^ -^^ -^^ ^^ ^^ the— ^^^-^^ -^^ Company-^^ -*^ —^^ ^ h ^^r^^ w whosev « ^^^-^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^^ int^V ^^^^ ^^ e~^V rests^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ T J~ he^^ fl^ "^^V eve"^^^^ ^ ^^ r^^ had^^ ^b^-^B ^ff^fe at heart—that he was placed in the Master 's Chair. The members of the Compan y have owed much to his constant attendance at their meetings and to his unweary ing devotion to the duties devolving upon him as a member of the court ; and when he reached its highest dign ity as Ma ster the event was hailed by the livery with genuine satisfac - tion. Of the trade charities Mr. Miles was a liberal supporter , and he acted as a trustee of the Booksellers ' Provident Retreat . It was only natural th at a man whose business qua lities soon secured for him a reputation in the commercia l world beyon d tbe limits of ' the Row 3 should be asked to take a prominent part in public organisations ; and we find that , among other posts which he filled , were those of director and trustee of the London Life Association ; director of the West I Middlesex Waterworks Com pany ; chairman , of Mudie 's Librar y Company ; and 1 director of the Imp roved Industrial Dwell ings Company. In his own trade circles 1 he was frequentl y called upon to act as arbitrator , and his awards were genera lly esteemed to be fair and judicial. In the management of the great philanth ro pic institutions of centra l London he took a share , and was a governor of St. Bartho lo- mew's Hosp ital, where for four years he filled the office of Almoner ; a governor of Bridewell and Bethlehem Hosp itals and of the Kin g Edward School , the committee

—™—^pp -^f p- -^^pF- ^F^ pr ^p-- ^PB£PPBP* «0B^ yg p ^^ > ^"^p» h ^^pp —• -- — — I I ¦ — — - ~-^^ "^^" ^^h ^pbh- BppK ^ ¦ h^ ^H-^^p ^^pp p^^ ^^a, ^^p r pi ^ -^pp pp p "^^" p p ¦ ^"—-^P" ^ "^ » ™» ^^ p^^— ¦ ^pP- ^ p^ b ^ pP> pBTPa -^ f- ppPI ^^p> p^ ^ PP^ ^ ¦tf meetingsP^^^™^^^^ ^^ of which he regularl yp^ attended*^^ ^ -^^^ — ^ ; and a trustee^^ for, thef^ h ^>^ p^P LadiesIPHp^^il^ pp V '^ t^ ^^* ^P"" "^^^ ' Cha^^ ri ty^^J School . That a man who thus filled- many offices outside his own house became

p» ^ r PPb ^ r pfpp* V ^P p-^ p> ^ Pk^ p* p^ "^ p> * '^r ¦ ¦¦ PW *^ p^ ¦ ¦ ^Phi • V Vhpr V ^ Afffc "^> **4b p^p fe ^pT p>I> » p« ¦ T p«K Mi ¦ ¦» p» r -%^ ~ p P^ p p ^ 1 ^^ ^ ^P V ^pW ^ p*^ ^^*a* ^^ "* ^ P | ^ p •** ^N^ ^ ^Up ^t*^^ *" ^"*^p> ^*" « ^^ f p ^^ *Vt «ff^ ^f V^p ^ ^^^ Pfpp P^_ * p^b— ^ p^ ^h** ^ pvp" ^V^p* ^"^* ^ p*^ * widely known , need scarcel y^ be said ;^ and it is pleasant to be able to add , on the I^M testimony of an impa rtial witness to his life-work , that amon g all his large circle

— ¦¦¦ ¦ -~ •»» «,( ¦ m. j». *.^>-W »- ¦*. e^p ' anm.-l> a-v *» enemy.^ ^ r > «i ^^ ¦ » At his funera l at Highgate Cemeter y, on the Oth instant , the service was con- -^Jfc. VftV WVXVJ&. «.Vb«A Jk A. VJL ^m ducted by*^W theVp<-ftV Rev.WM. ^r' ^f « * (Jr"v-^ .• S.r%^/ • Ramjm -^r ^+fMJLJL,j vicarV of\^ m. BournemouthJL~r- *~S *-* »- * AV^ * a -v .s V»i l>4«i4, andMIA JLVi formJL 1^ m.AA erlA yy vicarT A^/ft ^^* - of^^ — St. I Anne's, Highgate Rise, who cam e up to show his respect for Mr. Miles as an old I member of his congregation , the present vicar of St. Anne 's, the Rev. C. T. Ackland, I also tak ing part in the ceremony. Mr . Miles leaves a widow and a numer ous family I toi,n mourn his lossIors ,. and threethrift of hiHhis sonsrotir now constitutecon stitutf* thet.lm nriiifi r-m otof HaHamilton, milton, I Adains , & Co. , while his brothe rs are at the head of the nei ghbour ing firm of ¦ ¦ Simpkni, jVlarsiiail y & Co.

mm . i i ¦ . . -r=^SS 'mji iiiriw i iJirani' iii i iwi'i 1 . «, i "im i ..j ...i l • j ^^^ ^ b i n ..u . . a ^HPt * I ¦i p m ^ • * ' •

1 I The Publish ers Circular t 0* 1* 18*4 j ^ I 188 Fleet Street : Nov. 15. 1884 . | | fflHE fall of the leaf, which always claims its counterpart from the great human family, has brougour ht with it manyand losses in the comparatively limited circle of men who are I X already world books ¦ ¦ I concerned^«^rned in our wona of01 dooks anu book-making,uooK-maKing, andana theune deathaeatn of01 thetne Postmaster-GeneralJfostmaster-lxeneral iais double sense a loss to literature. As an author, Mr. Fawcett was chiefly known by his | | in a 9 I manuals of the science which he * professed at Cambridge, and as a disciple of John Stuart ¦ ¦ H Mill»r:i1 ? though+>innorh he wasWftS no mere servileServile copyistCODViat., he gavefirave in his little*little bookhonk a treatisetrwa/Hatt whichwhipJh wasw«.a I conspicuous at once for its point and lucidity. If the loss of sight had not hindered, though I it never crushed , his activity, he would doubtless have contributed more largely to our book- ¦ I¦ shelves,.uWfls. Mw.r. Fawcett'jp awceit s tenure orof tnethe neaasnipheadship ofor theme Post.rosr Officeuitice will bebe rememremembered,bered, amongamoncr other things, by the introduction of the Parcels Post, the value of which to publishers and I book-buyers has been considerable, by enabling them to send a volume securely packed at a ¦ I¦ moderatemnd arate tarifftarin, msieaainstead orof beingDeing compeueacompelled todo choosecnoose betweenDerween thexne cneapcheap book-rate,oooR-rate, withwitn its | | rule of l open at both ends,' and the still costly letter postage. It has often surprised us that | | Mr. Fawcett, with his strong common sense, did not clear up the ambiguity which still hangs I over the regulations affecting the transmission of partly-printed and partly-written documents I at the book-post rates, the varying practice of Post Office employSs in different parts of I the country being at present a serious nuisance. As matters stand, the authorities I at St. Martin's-le-Grand have ruled, for example, that a circular entirely printed on

^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^ UH ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ t ¦ H ¦ ™ ^^^ ^B ^'^^ ^^^ ^^ " " ^ ^^ — — -^^— ^^ ^ ¦ —^ ^^ ~~ — — ^^ ^ ^r - -^^ - K-^^r ^^r- -^ ~^<^r- -^ ^^v -^^ v ^ ^ ^^^* ^^^ ^P^V ^ ^^ r ^^^ ^H ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^"^ ^^^ .^V ^V^ ^^^ ^KB^^^^^B-^^ ^^^ r 4^fc I which^ a^k^V cuttin^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ g from an almanac is pasted for correction cannot^^V ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ber^^^* sentP^^ T ^ ^^^ ^^ ft ^ ^0 byV^^^ T ^V book-W^^F ^^^^^ ^^ ^^T ^ I*^B I post ; and in cases brought under our notice they have fined the receiver of such documents I by requiring him to pay letter postage for the little packet, although there was not a I line in manuscript upon it. When, on the oth er hand, the same cutting was sent on

¦ ^^^^^^^^^^^^V ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ ^^— ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^— ~— -^ — ¦ — — j^^J fc^^B W ^^ ^^^ *^ ^B^ ^^^^^ ^ ^™ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ h ^ ^-^ ^ — ^™ ^— ^ ^— — ^ — ^^^w ^^ ^" ^^ ^-^^^» ^^^" ^^-^ ^^» ^^»^ ¦ ^^ ^^^ ^^^» ^^^ ^ ^^^ w^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^"^^ ^"^ W W ^^^F ™^^" ^^^^ ( y ^^^ ^^B ^^ ^^ ^^^^* ^^» ^^V ^^^r ^^^*™^B ^B^ ^^* ^^ ^B^^ I precisely^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ the same printed form,y and the words ' Proof for revision * were written on the ¦ ¦ wrapper, it passed muster, was delivered without extra charge, and was duly returned to the B sender in the same way. It is in the details of the working of a great department that pre- I cision and uniformity of action are specially essential, and if Mr. Fawcett's successor can fol-

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ r ¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ r •¦* B ^ B ^ BH » ¦ _^' ^f^Bp ^B» ^B^ BBBJ ^B »" V^ ^iB^ ^^^ ^^ ^~^ ^^ " ^ ^^» ^^ ^^ « ^" ^ ' -™~ ~^ ^^ — ' ' ~~- —^^ ~^ ^ ^^ ' '^^ ¦ ¦¦ W ' ~^^ ~ ~"~ — ^ ^^ ™ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^~ ^ ^" ^ B/" ^ ^^^ '^^ ^^^ ^^ r^ ¦ ¦ B ^BBI H I Bl » V^ B ^^^ ^^p.V BBBPBkHB » ^B»^B»^P^»" ¦ ¦ ^^ ^^ ^^ J the reforms and improvements introduced by the lamented professor b dealing with. ' ¦ *BB ¦ _ A y ^^^^^^^^^^ E ^^ B^ _ _ , low up — ^ ^Bl BB» _ B l > _ Bh 4BI A ^_ ^ H the vexed question of what is and what is not entitled to transmission at the^^ book-post^ rate,

B ^ B ^ B ^ BB V^ K ¦ ^B JK ^Bfe ^ B» ^^ Bi ^^^ ^BB' ^^^ ^B^^^ ^^^ m ^^ ^^ ¦ ^^ ™ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^— ^ ^— ^^ ^ ~^ "^r ~ ' ^ BB^^k ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ m ^"^ ^^^~ ¦ i ^^— ^^ ^^^ ^» ^» ^^^— w » " ^^^ ¦ -^r^ ™ I ¦ ^v ^^^^ ^^ ^ —-~ ^^^ ^^^ ^^» " ¦ ¦ ^^» ^^^» ^^^ ~-^r ^^^B» W^^^^^^B^ ^^^ BBB.BB* ^ B^ ^^ » ^^» ^Bb ^ ^ ^ BBI ^B^ ^BBBV ^B^^B* ^BBk W ^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^b^ r a favour on a large body of literary workers. Another name in the obitu^ ^b^ ^^^^ ary of confe Bk H he will ¦ bB B B^B^B^B^B^B^E _ _ __ BBh a ^ A ^h ^K BB . ^BB tfBl Bk ^h ^ BB i^^ -^ H the fortnight which will be noted by a large circle of our readers throughout the country as

VBlBk BBBBBI — ¦ -- ^ » ^^ m - — —~ ™ ~^ ~-^— I 1B^ B^ B^ B^ B ^ B ^ BH V ¦ ^*^fciB B) ^^VJf **^ W ^^ ^B» -^" ^^^^" ^ " ^~^^ -^— ^ -^r-~ — ^^ ^ — -^^ H^ K ¦——' — ¦¦ — ~^ —~ —— ^— ^ ^^ » ^^— ^^— ^^H ^ ^— » ^ m^^ ^^ ^^ ^Bf '^^ ^*B^ BBB ^BT ^^BF '^^ BPBB ^B» «BBBBBBB ^^^ ^P^ —^ "^ B ^ H well as the London trade with very sincere regret is that of Mr. Joseph Johnson Miles,^ for H many years the head of the house of Hamilton, Adams, & Co. The account of this gentle-

BB ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ~—' BT B^ B ^ B ^ B^ B^ B ^V BB ^^^ BTatBi ^ * ^^W ¦¦¦> flBi BH ¦ ^BB ^^W "^BP .^ ^BB> V « ¦ ^ ^ ^^^ -^^* ~ ~^^ *^ ^^ '^^ -^ ^— — -^ BBB ^ V ^ ~^^ ^—^^m H ¦ ^^™" ^^ ^^^- ^^ -^^ ^~ ^V ^^ ¦ ^ ^^ ^ -^^^^^ ^"^^ ^— -^^ ^ ^ T W ^^ -^^ * T ^i^^V A* B* 1 4B ^ B. ^ B. ^BBT *^Bi ^B^BP ^ >BB^^ ^B> ^Br ^v^^^ H man sW^J career^B ^^^ ^B ' which^ we are enabled to give in another page^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ,V will show how ampV^^ ly he fulfilled _ , ' _ H^^^^^^^^^^fe the— good. old^^ ideal^» ^m b_^K y doing^A ^H his¦¦ ^ dut^B l — y inBl private^ b andBBk inBh public^ ^H ^ life^B A ^ ; and^Bl it^ is^ not too muchBBL to- H say that since his retirement from the active business of his firm his time had been spent in H good works for the benefit of all who came to him for help or advice. The elevation of aim H which marked the course of the late Master of the Stationers' Company may well be com- H mended to all who are entering on life in the varied branches of the associated trades as H worthy of universal imitation. Yet a third name stands before us, recalling a long service of H useful work—that of Mr. Octavian JBlewitt, the secretary for five and forty years of the Royal ¦ ¦ H Literary Fund, to which he devoted all : his energy and ability. ¦ ¦ Activity is the order of ihe day with the newly-constructed firm of Griffith , Farran, H Okeden, & Welsh, and their announcements of popular religious works show that this branch ¦ ¦ of business is receiving increased attention at their hands. Mr. Benham, the sometime pre-

¦ ¦ -" >w -v a b«V Jk ^^^^ H w •_• « .«. ¦. •BB.VjBhX.S AAA VAJ^^bS "»/» aV »W V^-W AT^VA. V^^ lfc W RSbV A4b »- "V ^ W A ~»^ I N.- ' '••VbB,"taZ V *»>b» "**^^* »« decessor of' ^*. Mr.• McClure^—^ * *-*.•. Vb» in the editorial"+ ** secretaryshi*•* ^^ V^ A ^^ * p* of the Societ^ ' y7 for*• ^"^ •*• Promoting"^** •*" ^^ .*Jk»^^ W l^ w Christian^"^ •••• ^ ¦ ¦ Knowledge, who has edited for Messrs. Griffith , Farran, & Co. the successful series of selected /II ll. ¦ ¦ b^ _ v^ i«k« k — 1 U V/VyXiJLAlJ.ii Cl/X Vil Ll l VU u sermons now coming tol/ V/ and i end^XlU ,j in1JL L monthlJli*V/iAUJ.i J.Jfy partsJ^/ Llt ^ , underU11VIUJI theIU1V titleV-I*/ «.»_/ ofVA SermonsKJVX 111 VjllU forJL V-»JL theVlt.* -> Church's ¦ ¦ Year,' has written a short history of the Episcopal Church in America, to which a portrait of H Bishop Seabury, the first prelate consecrated to the Transatlantic Episcopate, will form a ¦ ¦ frontispiece. The c Altar Hymnal,' which the publishers have nearly ready for issue, is a provi- ¦ ¦ sion for the wants of tha yearly-growing number of churches in which what is technically ¦ ¦ termed a ' Choral Celebration ' of the Holy Communion is the rule, and as in London alono | , |H , thelIl« practice"practice obtains in 2049fl4 churchesnh n rp.lipn outnnf. of 940040 withinwit.iiin a radiusrnrliiia orof VZ12 milesmilea., there would seem ¦j ¦j to be a public necessity for such a speciality. For Yule-tide the publishers promise a new series H¦I oVif carolscarois with music written bvby Mr. AlrreAlfred Kedliead"Redhead , ' a well-known ^Londonliondon organistorganist,, anaand., ifit I! ?e. '^member aright, a son of Mr. Robert Redhead, who has from the early days of All ¦I Saints', Margaret Street—the first home of musical worship in London outside St. Paul's ¦I Uthedral and Westminster Abbey—been a leader among our church, musicians. In general ¦I literature Lady Florence Dixie's * Waifs and Strays on the Pilgrimage of a Bohemian Abroad,' HI yhic ¦ h the publishersPublishers annminaa for im modi At a issiift. will attract consideraconsiderableble attention., itIt is ¦I J cate( announce for immediate issue, will attract II ?^ i by permission to the Empress Euge'nie. Another novelty from the firm is to be the u II 1 7» ?tralasian Birthday-book,' which is to be made up of extracts from poets domiciled in the ¦I mth quarter ' of the globe. tense Ill tli regret is beins* expressed on all sides among literary workers and searchers at ¦I X® announcement that Mr. Richard the popular and obliging head of the British g~ i__ __ Garnett, i_ .i_ xi ¦bHI i "f-*U8diin T?£x«/ic»v«. room—^ ~ i a _ n i _ l j j A- *c . x establish-«.i ,«ivl«.l> I me fUnVPe^*n » has been transferred to another department of the great ¦L J^- Poasibly translation may mean promotion, and promotion may mean adequate pecu- E 4* _ —" ^tg^j Psaj ^ B ^ Th e Publ ishers ' Circular n 92 Nov- i5, i8&4 B Garnett 's friends will rej oice ; but niary recognition , and in that case Mr. wha t they would I have pre ferre d would have been to retain the successful superint endent at his post and c to I magnif y th e office ' which lie has filled with so much credit to himself and adva nta ge to the 11 public. Alrea dy a proposa l has been mad e, and is sure to be generall y acted upon , to pr esent ¦ ______II m • • •* t • • 1 * £ . , ? *1 JL - _C _L _L_ -_. __ . X- - - - it. «>. -.l-!l 1_ • I___H him with a testimonial from the * readers ' but if, at the same time , they could keep him at I his desk they would offer their gift with far more satisfaction. ¦ H Mr. Edwar d Stanford informs us that th# onl y Gold Medal for Maps gained by any British I Exhibitor at the International Health Exhibition (Class 48, Education) has been awar ded I by the Interna tional Jury to his exhibit in the Roya l Albert Hall. A descri ptive list of the II ¦ ¦ _f__ ¦ _l w ^^^ n> _l «.»_ ^4b. _-•. ^w *_r _ _- _- ¦ «_ _k_tW|_ri_# ^_r _- fk ^ *. v^V-_ »-r ^_*- « ^^ |^^*' '*^*' -*v-' • i ^^ h I ^__> lication. I maps exhibited can. be_ had on app. __ _ _-^^ _t _h , ^k ^^-^^>__ ^k ^K ^h & ^^^^b. a ^M h ¦_^_^_^_l At the last Meetin g of the Directors of the Booksellers ' Provident Institution on the 16th I ult , Robert Farra n, Esq., in the chair , the sum of £117. 8s. 6i. was granted in relief to I members and widows of members . ¦ The geograp hical novelties of Messrs . Letts , Son , & Co. include an ori ginal map of Easter n I

¦— —*- ¦¦ -—— —»- ——— t —^^ r _ ^^w ^_—^ ~*"_*~™^ ^_^ —^^ -—i^ _ ^—• ——¦ —i_» —' —^—-—^^ -— —¦— —— i —^— ^r^ — "¦ —— —¦" — ~_m ——- — ——- —- —¦ — — — — — - — -—p — — '— — — — ¦ — — - — -m ~ — ~* "~^ ~^^» ~(^ Soudan or the district between" Dongola , Suakim , Khartoum , and El Obeid , from the latest^k^ LB U^^^ k ^ ft ^^^^^^^I H authorities and explorations , which gives, for examp le , the sites of recent battles. The dimen- I sions are about 28 x 24 inches. There is also a cheap map of the Soudan to enable newspaper I readers to follow the accounts. The characteristic of this map is bold type for the names of H

_- _- — -_— — - ______— _ — _ _ _ » -^ places. Both of these are in cloth cases ,j but the last-mentioned is not mounted. V^b^ft^^^ f^^^^^^ H te _t _h Another_h _ I a ^ _ m « • ^ ^ ^ ^% ^k . ^ ^ ^ A ^ m J_^_^_^H new publication is a bird' s-eye view, coloure d, of the country between Alexand ria and J -^_^ _^.^ p^^--'^^^^^B'^v^ p^ H. ~.a^ " .^^^v^-*^w ^H ^__* ^- *^-^ ~^_ ~ ^-» ~^~^ ~.^^^ ^^ ^—v —^ —^—¦» -——- - —b^ 1 —**- -^— ¦» — — —i —^———-—^ ^— ¦ v ——-—^ —^ ——— —^ ^—^ — _——'^^ -—^ — ¦— -^ -—- —- -—- ™——^ —¦- ——- ——— w- - ——- ——- ¦ ¦ - -— — ¦— -—-— — — ^^^^ » — -—- ——' —¦ -—- ——— — r ^_r Khartoum^^^ , including^^^ ^ the Soudan . In this the theatre of war is seen at a glance ; the^ ^^ ^^ ^^*^^^ l^^^^^^^^l as< fertile H - -^ ¦• ^r-^ _r - _i i «*«« aaI ft _. _ _ !______! delta^ « . of_-_- the« .N^ ile—* , the. deserts-* . of* Upper E*^ gypt• and the^ highlandsv of Abyssinia being* distin"^ • » • guislied H

-_- — _- -_- __- _- __- — ¦¦ " m — — - — -- — »- ¦ r m "—' —p^^—¦ ¦ ^ |^^^^^^^ H by^ suitabl e sketching^ an d tint. Messrs . Lett s, Son , & Co. also offer a new large-scale j l ¦ coloured __ . ______. __ ___ ¦ —_ ^^tf ^ _ a ^ » _l _K _^ _ ^Bi ^ k _ ^^BV^ __ _h __ a_ l_^_^_^_^_l map of China , in dimensions about^ 30 x 27 inches^ . It is derived from the best English and ¦

\j «« fc^ __ _ ¦ _-> .«¦ ^ >m M UVWV w> _/ %A_k. ^mS^*+*Jm «>_W»-»X--fc. ^•«.*'fc_» %JVm.a ±M-**+J^s a&*iw m-r -^/ .tm- _.a^- _-»«. . ._¦. ^_r *-_ ._ »_ >_b-i v^ >-^ »-^ %»»- w *-*• _^ » _fc "^-^ v^ n-i ^# • »-#A_k^irn f J> ¦ Chinese^•^ sources , and has an ' inset ' map extendin^-^^- g from Europe to the East , showing^ ^^^^ H the relative positions of the contending countries. We have also to draw attention to Letts ' H I County Atlas , now issuing in parts . A f ew of the features of this atl as are that in it lines of H colour distinguish rivers , canals , and town s of vary ing population , that S3r rabols are used to H

_' _ ^^_ _ _M VptfW ^r^^ ^^—i _—*^ ¦ ~^ ^^ ^^P ^_^ ^ ^B —^^ ^ ^-^ ^_ __ ^^~ ^ ^^ ^^ W ¦ ^^-^ _ J ¦ ¦ ^¦^^ ^^^r^ ^^*^_.^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^#^^ .HP ^f^^^ ^^'^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^*^^^ ^^^^ ^V ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ^^*^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^.^^^v^.* V_* V ^ |^ ^^ ^^^ _^^ V^~ ^^^~ VB _ ^^ ^^ ^r ^^^~ ^¦^^ ^"^^ ~ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^r — ^V ^^^^ ^~ ^^¦^¦^^^ ^^ , ^^^^^^^^^^^^^H «_^P^_ , &c. ; that market days of quarter sessions_^_» _. ^^^ seats of county courts point out post towns _&. _ , _ , _ H . ___ _ _>^ _ _ __ ^ _ ^a^h _h ^_i ^_ M^_^_^_^_^H distances fro m London , distances from towns , number of M. P.s., boundaries , &c , are also H j indica ted . Each pa rt contain s three such count y maps, coloured , each about 18 x 15. VTe H

wb^ p ~« ^ -b————^^ ~ ~ ~ ~^^ ~ ~^^ ^_b — — r ~krf^^_> ~^«^ ^_h r ~_*^_^ ~»*^ p ~«^ ^~— ~fc _^ ~* ^>^ hv « «^ ~—* ^b ——- —- ^^ ——> ^_ —^^——> —— —i- ¦ —v *v — —_^^_*^k_v v ^^^^ v*« 1bs^^^_»^^» _r ¦*^^F ~^k ~fcr *<^V «^^» «r w v v^^_b ~" j ^ . ~i^ ^ ^» ** ^^^^^p . ^^ ¦ ^^ ^^ » v ^^^^ * ^^ have still to^^^ name^k ^B * ^— a new chart of^^ * Forms^v^ ^«^ ^ ^ a^^ of^^ tlie Ear th 's Surface. ' On this , in an interesting ^^^^^^^^^H h manner , we see, as on a painte d picture , horizon , island , cliff, cape , volcano , preci pice, high and H

-—i^ —»- «^_^^_i ~¦ ¦ w^~v —i ¦ ^^ ^ ^ ^^—v^^h B^ P* B^ r V **vv ~^^ ^—> ~v~ «^ V ^9r ^0^r ^—b ~^^ «*~h—^""^^^^ ~v ^ H v^ ^^ ^ «. ^_tf ^p^_ > ~—P^^p ^m ~W~Vr ~h ^ V V ~^ ~ — ~— ¦^¦fe^— * ~—^ ~»_- ^ h*^ —|^ —.^ «» ^ » —i^ ^ » v» — ~_- * —' ^ i^ * ^ ^_» -—^ —' ——- —i^ i ^ —^— -—' ——' »—¦ —" — — 9_^ **^ to ' the' extent of fi fty-two varieties. Qn^ the forms of H^^^^^^^^^ g low Al lacier , tableland straits¦ , &c , p, g , __^ _ ^ ._. __ _b^ ______water are depicted twelve different kinds of steam and^^ sailing^ > vessels.^ This^p^i^^^ B S ^ comprehensi^ ve' H^^^^^^^^^^H educational chart measures about 40 x 36 inches. H We have received the trade list of Messrs . W . Johnson & Sons, Groug h Square . It coxa- H prises fancy leather goods , scrap albums , artists , stationery, self-supporting portfoli os, manu H script books. The priced descri ptions of the various articles in the leather departmen t are ¦ accompanied by particularl y well-execute d diagram s showing the aspect oi them. The art isU ¦ stationery part lias also its grap hic diagrams , and the cloth cover may be named as effectively ¦ indicating the contents of the catalogue in gold letters on a scarlet ground. ¦ Messrs. Schwenkert and Wallis , of Fleet Street , send us a selection of Christmas and N««" ¦ :—flonl H YeaT cards , man ufacture d by Messrs . Meissner & Buch of Leipzig. AmongolOA them are Ifimn oi-ro /-»»»r» m*cnj k withxiri ^-V> wordsTlT/ ^*" rl a ofnf greeting,rrvm ^i-i -n rr 18mo. size ;• floralfl l withtir»4 -l» words¦wirr\i *s-\ o ofr\t greeting,4- m fr also wintTtr i r» 4".*_T» er scenesaf»£»Tl PR , aboutADOU I H^^ 1 6 x 4f with gilt bevel and words on the back ; clusters of flowers , with word s, gilt and imitat ion ¦ bevel, word s on bac k ; flowers in combination with bird s, fi shes , shells , &c. , on tint ed boards- ¦ _ ^» wiw••-- giltgut , withw iLiL wordsw uiuts onun backuRVfilbevel ,. wiwit.lith wwnrrlaords on hankback , and a:_ numbenumber r orof siiuo"sniaili' hH varieties which we have not spac e to enumerate. H Withw ith tnetfift Df^nDecembereinhfir issueiftsiifi., theth e* BeTterkshirerkzhire. BellTtpJ l wwillill completernmT>lfttfi the tirstfi r«t yeavo.iirr otof its exisiei^existence •™ ¦ ' of a Christ u^5 ¦ and it is the proprietor s intenti on to commemorate the event by the publication ¦ Number , with stories , poems and essays y written by well-k nown autho rs , suclw* , , speciall 4 a Dr. Gordo n Stables , R.N., Captain Groves , Henry Grey, Stewart McRae , John Ha ll, | ^ H Chiltern y Llewellyn/ Miss L. ^ ¦ ,' &c., &c. Special contributions are also being prepared b ' " Sowdon , Mr. Francis G. Gladden , Mr. Henry Egby, ' Placidus / Mr. W. D. Wilt shire, .A' c " ¦ il il _l ««a^ WJIHV es. a «W_Jl\A IJr V V V L tJkA Jl _L _L^ B _L _L4J»»fcJ4J JLU «X*J W V> IL/V>V> a _L V_-Jll^ L C* _ A !_¦ A JL UJA1 J. AA UlkJVA t« l/ V^IA»Ji *«-—-^'pal ar tic and several high-classV^ artistsI** .* *U have****> been engage* > d\* tot^\-T furn*. ish illustrations to the prin^*_ ci ^^ h The subj ect of the photo will be the Right Worshi pful the Mayor (Arthur Hill, Esq. ). H Mr. T. Fisher Unwin will publish almost immediatel y what pro mises to be a very ^ ^f ^lH _ _ ¦______r- _ __ _ _»Vk A Blnli * ______i ing- vol« ume on Charles"-«• Dickens*_r*^ . * * . It• - is• fro m the. • pen of Mr.• George*^s_ Dolb-*— « y, andtill tells tk ejj ° • ¦ of the final reading tours in Great Bri tain and America , during which Mr. Dolby acted ¦ xn ¦ I manager and travelling companio n to Dickens. The boo k is wr itten , fro m an entirely V e almost . ¦ I point of view, for the author was more closely associated with Dickens th an ^ t ¦ ! else durin g_r the laatlast yearsvears of Inshis Me.life. It isi« full of anecdote , and will contain muchmucn iujmatter *f^-* h has not seen the light before . 'dt^ mB ¦ ¦ VV# 9TW VVV ^ »- _*J--^^ M-B ^ k __*V |^ »« _ L V _ _k W4MJ_. ^>_k ^ J ^ * J_,_V%_r^/_E_L 9 JL. H/Vt ^V ^T H'V* V VWV JL 9 VVWV 9 v **W%r 8df-Instructor^N-r*^* ^ — - * The firat part ¦m of^ ^ Ward* & Lock's*_ TechnicalW*f «^^ W_ Journal^^ and Industr ial X Ti ll V ______! __^r- ______« _ _k a _i _. _.__. ¦• • __ ^__T_t fl*lf!i X_ _7 ______! appear on November• 25— » , and* will include< a lar ge folding supp lement* . exhibit• _i • * ing al>°n U * H types of diiterent styles of domestic architecture. _ ^^ —-" =_ ^B _H The Publi sher s' Circular , v v 11O Ib^^^ KII «-.l a \# i<.^J r i88« ^r ^^F m ¦

I The Medical Chronicle , a monthl y record of the medical sciences, is the titl e of a new I magazine issued by Mr. J. E. Cornish , of Manchester . The magazine , which is edite d by I Dr. Niven and Dr. W. J. Sinclair , is published under the direction of a very influentia l ¦ ¦ committee. I Messrs . Marion & Co. are now publishing a new set of ' gilt rim ' photograp hs of raci ng H yachts. There are a good many varieties , showing the vessels under different aspects of light , I shade, and colour. The vary ing conditions of wind and sea ar e also represented , giving us I yachts in calm, in light wind , or stretching away with a good stro ng breeze. Some of these I craft have such a reach of mast and sail , that if the pictures were not photograp hic they might I be suspected of exaggeration. This length of limb , if one may use the expression , is strikingly ¦•¦» «-¦ ¦ ¦ x^**^* * " ¦» —.».— bh -¦-— __ —¦ uil I^^^ h seeaoum i inXAA one or^-^ two^ *" of— — the— gilt— rim — ——..-— pj-^ hotos^^ v .v Messr.•_.•-.*¦¦,-w»^ a » s.^« Marion.*».<^»x^»*bv ^-*- -v-v mid« v ^ « -^^ Co.^^ xv • are\s also%MA.*J *—J iI ust^4tJ 1/ issuing4fc?»J 141AAQL someQ\y^,|^ ^y ¦ ¦ instan ta neous photograp hs of the Lord Mayor 's Show , size 10 x 8 inches. Whitting ton and the

¦ ¦ ¦"• ¦ ^p 1 - ¦- ¦ ¦ H l I ll I ¦ ¦ fl^LJh bppb p *¦* ^"^ W* ^^ ^^ W — ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ — ^^ ^^ W^ ^^ — ^^ ^^ — ^^ ^^ '—~~ ^~^ " » ¦ bb ^^ ^p" ^b» ^p^ ^bbp- ^b*^ w -tib i *bb. «¦ «b b^bb ^ m * ^^^ ^pr as 4*, ^a p* w^bb, w w " ^ aW *\ f » ¦ I^^^^^ Indian Tr ophy are among^ ^ ^ the parts of the show selected. Owing to^ the difficulties^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ " ^b " ^ ^^ Q^^ p prese^^ ^^^ 1^ 7 ^ ^^ ^b nted ^L ^rf ^^* ^^^» ¦ ¦ by the crowds, by the atmosphere, and by having to catch a suitable moment, these pictures I may be regarded as a photographic achievement. The feat has never before been attempted. I In the January number of Longman ' s Magazine will be commenced a new novel by William I Blact, author of ' A Daughter of Heth,'

"^BT B* B^B^B^B^BBM ¦ w ^H ^B> ^ » ^BT ^i^^^^^ ^v^^ ^piBBt ¦ ¦ ¦ ^B^ ^BB ^B> 1 ^BJB ^h I than ^^ ^^ '^ "^ ¦ B*^ "^"~ ~^^r Bfe'^ IT BP ^*B* marked^^ ^^ -^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ diagonal"^^ ^^^ ^^ ^B"^ l » —^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ™ ^^"^ ed" ^^ geB^^^ S ^ " "^ ^^^ ^ " ^™ B - ^ ^^ ^m '^ '^ ^" ^^— ^N flBT ^^^ ^B» ^™ ^» ^^B* ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ *^^ B ^B^ ^B ^™ ^BB" ^V^B BB^p ^BF twenty pockets y at the somewhat like the index of B» a led ^^^^^^^ H| , a ^1^ 11 ^% VJ ^BB ^B _ ^h ^ b _ Bl — ^B BB Bl «BB K BB A ^K _ ger- H The files^ expand both in front and at the back, not unlik^^ e an harmonium, to a depth of^ some II twelve inches so here is gre a capaci y for holding documents. We may briefl indica e the , B^^>^^ Bh t t t — y t ^^^^ 11 a tt Bl dA i~ . _ BBJ BB) A. I I uses the index files^ may be^^ put to. For example, letters received^ ^^ in a morning^ from^^ various^

Bk SBb T r ¦ ¦ r ¦ r > ¦IBKBKBKBB corresponden ¦ ^ ~™ ^» ^ "^^ ^^ Wm ts^B» ¦ I J may^Bl flBVi Wk ^^T W atV^^ P ^ once^|B» ^B> ^k^ ^^^ be¦ *J ^BBT thrust^ ^ ^^ ^^ B ~^ ^ '^» ^ into^ —™ ~~- the"W ^^ ^^ ^B^ pocketsfj — ^ ^^ ^^ "^ ""^ answering^^ —¦ "^^ ™ » '^ " ^^" ^~~ ^V^m to^~ ^^ the^— " ~—' I initials^^ ^^ ^^ ™^ ^^ ^"^ "^ '^ ^Bf ^^^T of~*^ "^^ the^B ^^" ^" ^B^ writers~ ~ ^^^ ^^ '^^ ^B^ ^^ ^Bi ¦I names, thus lying at hand until the time for replying comes, while they are safe from obser- ¦ ¦ vation of a stranger who may chance to come in. An ample flap covers the opening of the ¦ ¦ pockets and keeps the documents from dust. The files also are instantaneous preservers in

bPS *^> ¦ ¦ bBb ^B> tfB> B1 ^fc^^ F ^ ¦^ H r^^r ¦ ¦ v ^^ ^- v^ i^r- ^^ h ^h ^ ¦ ^^ BJB BBm VH> ^Bl BBB) *^B «r ^ V <^p ^P ^ IB^B^B^B^B^BJ alphab^^ e^^ tical^^ ^ ^^ ^v^^ -^^m order~^^^p ^^rfV^ B ^K ^ bW of^h^^ r invoices.^B> ^B^ ^^B* ^B>B^ B^^T BB A4^^^ *^^^B largeB^b ^k^'^B' BB| BfB^k ^B^ house^^ ^B'W ^^^~ may^^ ^^ ^B> ^^ ^^ ^V fill* —^^ ™ one^— ^^v in^^^ ^^ ^^ a^ mon^ ^^ ^^ th^^ ^^ , and^^'^B* V>^ #B> '^^BT then*BB B>* willV V ^^1^ have^BV its^B> ^¦^^^ I year's invoices in twelve flat cases requiring no further care. Some of these files are made so

BP B, Bafe BB »~ »™ ¦ " ¦ W BBBBBBBBBn that -— W B**T ^BT #^f ^* ^W* ^*-^ rffc *M ¦ »•' B* aV* ^" ¦¦T F _T rf^ ^B** rfV B*, B>B| tfBb ^B^Bfc ^B^ 'B^ BJ 'I **^^ Bi 'B^ l "^ ^ ^B^ »^^ *•*- ^B«- ^ ^ i "^ -^^ ^B^ ^^" ~^» -^ - — »— -^ —— — »H^ — ^^B^ —^ -^^ ^ ^ P" B" "* ^ B^^ ^rf' *B-^ P^^B1 ^^ Brf Bl BBka '^B* ' BB ^BB ^ ^Ba)b| ^BpT ^ ^^ —-^ W ^ ™ I they stand on the shelf like a quarto book lettered ' invoices,^ ' and some are ingeniously I so contrived that one side attaches perpendicularly to the side of a desk. We have only space

«b# #B| BPBh • ¦¦) BB ¦ ¦ 1 r IBBBBBBB just— ^^ "^ BPh BBr ^Bfc "^b *1 «^B| J ^^ (fej ^^ Bj ^^ ^^b** B"B( "J V^VJr ¦ '^ ^^ B" T W ^^ ^»" B^ ^BBT ¦ Bi ^^^ ^^™»~ ^^» ' ^B* T^V " ¦ ' ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^— — ^^" ^B^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ' ^~ ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~ "^ '^ ^^»^ "^P^P" ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ "^ ^B" ^^ ^^^^ " BPB^~' ^p ~ ^» ^Bf ^B^BP ^^ ^ ^Bf^V ^^ B ¦ ¦ » ^ ^J ^^ » » "^^ to Bfe the name Bi pos al cards , which are constructed to hold _ ^^^^^^^^ | A ^_ t BBL _ a smaller_ variety of these files ^A - ^^ ^K ^ta ^b ^^^ B ^^VB _~ ^K . BBL 1 81^ 2e oi which makes them awkward to keep with letters. Makers of catalogues^^ will^ find the I post-card files convenient for holding slips of titles in alphabe t, until they are wanted for the ¦ ¦ pnnter. I ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. I [Previous lists will 6« found in our three former issues.]

¦ ¦ *r. George Allen, Orpington. b^H .. — ¦ ¦ The Pleasures of , Professor Ruskin's Lectures at Oxford for the present term, ¦ ¦ I. Bertha 4 9 II. Alfred to the Confessor, to Osburga, The Pleasures of Learning ; 4 ¦ ¦ * The Pleasures of Faith ;' III. The Confessor to Coeur de Lion, The Pleasures of I Deed ; IV , 4 The Pleasures of Fancy ; ' V. Protes- ' • ¦ '^^TT ^^^H 1 k «. 1 __ . Coeur_ de Lion . to Elizabeth_ . _ _ B- . -BBM-B m B^ . -% /">* % "V tf ¦ ¦ tantisin, * The Pleasures of Truth ; ' VI. Atheism, * The Pleasures of Sense ; ' VII.

I Mechanism ' " " A index. B^^^ H aP .SIBBI with _ . -___ BB -¦_> BB 'M W Tk • I — , * The Pleasures of ^ Nonsense/ I 1« Montibus Sanctis , studies of mountain form and of its v isible causes , by John Rua kin, ¦ ¦ part I. ; and Cceli Enarrant , studies of cloud form and of its visible causes , by l *J ohn Ruskin leted out of * Modern Painter s.' ^ _^_ , part I., each collected and comp l ^ A ^^^ B ^ bMMMM g AH ^^^ I ^ HMBM ^^^^^^ d ^^ MA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ d ^ B ^^^ hA g ^ HUd l ^ MdbHH ^ a i MB l MHkMA ^ gB l ^^^ A J M I MbMBM l ^ M ^ HHMM ^ Ate ^ g MH ^^^^^^^^^^^ _ ' ' _ " - 'f J ^^ l Ai -j t ^ * ^ ¦ k''T: ^^ 9^^^^^ B|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | ^ '^ mi l ¦ ¦ ¦ —^JLl2H - ^c1 ^ Il^^ l revised by Mgr. Crookhall and Herr Meyer^^ Lutz, second edition. 1 The Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, a history of the ancient Sanctuary of Our Lady of 1 Good Counisel in Genazzano, by the Right Rev. Mgr. George F. Dillon, D.D., also I an edition on fine paper, with coloured photograph of Pope Leo XIII. I

Messrs. W» A, It. Chambers. I Chewton Abbot, by Hugh. Con way, author of * Called Back.' I Messrs. Field 4l Taer. I A new volume of Poems, entitled Xiove Letters "by a Violinist. II Mr. £L. Gardner , Paisley. ¦ Nine Years in Nipon, by Henry Faulds, illustrated. I . . . ¦ BSessrs. Gonbaud 6l Sons. H ¦ j ^ B Myram 's Cookerym * Book,* being*-^ a new and -i-practical method of learning*—• Cookery^ and workingO out well-tried recipes. ¦ I ^^ l

Messrs. It. Grant 4u Son , Sdinbur grn. ¦ An Historical Account of the Scottish Communion Office and of the Communion Office ¦ of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, "by John ¦ Dowden, D.D. ¦ BSessr s. Gri ffi tn , Far ran , Okeden , &- *Welsn. I The Australasian Birthday Book , compiled by Miss Myra Marbron, with extracts entirely I from Australasian authors. I A Seventh Standard Reader for their popular series of Geographical Headers, by J. R. I Blakiston , completing the series. I A Short History of the Episcopal Church in America, containing a portrait of the first I American Bishop, viz., Bishop Seabury, engraved from the portrait in the vestry of ¦ St.u ii. Andrewxiuvucw 'so Churchvyj.a. uxuai. inxxj. Aberdeen.-tv l7ci.vi.ccii.. Ih A set of new Christmas Carols, the words by Mrs. Hernaman, and the music by Alfred ¦ Redhead, the composer of ' The Old Old Story. I ' ¦ vjueerQueer vjuoQuotes.tes, Odd JJokes okes tromfrom Frisco,Frisco, a collection 01of stories otof lifelite in the Earliiarlyv JJaysDays of01 m San Francisco. I A new edition of Our Sailors down to date, by ¦ ,* with a new chapterA. ,* bring«—* ingook , containinnontainin pr g selections iromfrom * The "LifJLitee 01of JfPrincess rincess Alice <*»andu ¦ the Queen's ' Leaves fro m Journal s of Our Life in the Hi ghlands .' I

' ¦wm ' * BmjmuaMMVorne "Words*jm- \M ta ' Office.^rutwt ¦ ^m ¦ The Crown of the Road : Leaves from Consecrated Lives, by the Rev. C. Bullock , B.V. The Two Homes, a story of Life Discipline, by Emma Marshall. , ¦ I Annual volumes of 4 The Fireside,' • Home Words,' * Day of Days,' c Hand and Heart. 8K«ssrs. Burst du Blaclcett. I ¦ Women of Europe in the 15th and 16th Centuries, by Mrs. N. Higgins, vols. 1 and 2. The (JardicsCardies, a novelnovel,, hvby WilliamW illiam Georere(jreorge WatersW aters,. 63 vols. I¦ The Witch's Head, by H. Rider Haggard, 3 vols. I Messrsjotessrs . XsblstxsDist er A.«. Co.t?o. m¦ r . r AFamil y Difficulty, the Sunday Magazine Christmas Story, by Sarah Dcmdney, »utb<> ¦ of ' Straiigers Yet,* illustrated by J. Bell. ___ —-=J ' ' ^^• - ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ T? =^- ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ -¦¦ ¦ ¦ — - -- ¦ -¦ - - - -rr ¦ W • - . : . . If„ T , ,884 The Publishers' Circular IIQ, I

» I Souls and Cities , a novel , by the author of ' The Cheveley N ovels «A Mod ern Minister ' I :' I and ' Saul Weir ,' Ac , &c. ;

Sampson Xiow, Itt arston , Searle , A, Ki vlngrton. I He**1** I Steam Boiler Incrustat ion and Methods for Prevent ing Corr osion and the Formation of I Scale, by Charles Thomas Davis, author of * A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture I of Bricks , Tiles , Terra-cotta / «&c. ¦ ¦ [ Vide page 1218. ¦ ¦ Messrs- Mac mlUan &. Co. I Mrs. Kings ley is editing a, series of selections from the note-book s, ser mons, private let- I ters , and published work s of her husband , ; the volume will be I issued under the titl e of ' Daily Thoughts. '

I tfef»r« - J- A- 3L- MCaxwell . ¦ ¦ Wyllard 's Weird , by Miss Braddon , 3 vols. [ Vide page 1226.

I Messr s. P almer &. Hove, IVK ancliester . I The Structure of the Wool Fibre , in relation to the Use of Wool for Technical Purposes , I by F. H. Bowman , D. Sc., F.R.S. E., F.L.S., profusel y illustrated with engr avings and I coloured plates. I Mr. Wm- Pat erson , Sdinbur grh. I Curling, the Ancient Scottish Game , by James Tay lor. I Social Life in Scotlan d, from Earl y to Recent Times , by the Rev. Charles Rogers , D.D., ¦I LL.D., volume 3. " ¦I Messrs . C P. Putn am 's Sons. ¦I Dr. Meynert 's Treatise on Psychiatrie , translated from the Germ an by Dr. Barney Sachs , II illustrated. ¦I Mr. 8. Quaritcb . ¦I Richar d IH. , facsimile of the quarto editi on, by Mr. Greggs.

HI Messrs. Th omas Ricbardson &. Son, Derb y. II History of St. Monica , by the Abbe' Bougaud , "Vicar-General of Orleans , translated by ¦I Mrs. E. A. Hazeland. ¦I St. Peter and the Cock , a, tale , by Tic Roma. II Manual of Prayers for Public IJse , Version authorised and prescribed by the Cardinal ¦I Archbishop and Bish ops of England. H 1 ¦I Messr s. Robson A. Kerslalce. I A volume of Poems , entitled Dramatic and Nar rative Sketches , by W. St. Clair Baddeley. ¦I Messrs. Stevens and Sons. I Local and Munici pal Government , by C. Norman Bazal gette and Geo. Hump hreys , Esqs. ¦I Dart' s Vendors and Purchasers , sixth edition. HI Hin dmarc h on the Law of Patents for Invention s, second edition . II Lownde s' Law of General Average , English and Forei gn, fourth edition. ¦ ¦ Lownd es on the Law of Marine Insurance , second edition. ¦I l^rideau x's Precedents in Conveyancing, 2 vols. , thirteenth edition. II Smith' s Compendium of Mercantile Law , by John Macdonell , tenth edition. H Smith' s Law of Contracts , by V. T. Thom pson , eighth edition . ¦ ¦ Chitty' s Ar chbold' s Practice of the Queen ' s Bench Division of the High Cour t of Justice H in Civil Proceedings¦ , fourteenth edition . ¦ L , ¦I Mr . Biitot Stock . «¦I -cvA new translationtransl ation of thetho "N"JN ewfiw TestamentTfiRtament ,. in whicnwhich modern EnglishJlingns n pnrasesphrases , eequivalentquivalent ¦I to the lan guag e of the Authorised Version , are used throug hout ; the transl at ion has ¦ ¦ been made by Mr. F&rrar Fenton. M Songs of the Heights ' and Deeps, poems by the Hon . Roden Noel. ¦ ¦ ^ . Georg e Stoneman . Berrie s being the Swnakine. B^—^^ , Christmas number of : ¦ " ¦ ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ " IV" - - : - ,y , , _ ";' ¦ ; _ ' " ^ v * ^ s ^ «^fe—— . . — — ^

11 1196 The Publishers' Circular Nov 1& j I

III Messrs. Trubner 6u Co, . ^ I¦ II A new volume of verse by Mr. Edwin Arnold, entitled ' The Secret of Death.' I Co, II Messrs. J. S. Virtue & I Life of Her Majest y the Queen, by Sarah Tytler, edited by Lord Ronald Gower, illustrated I in volume form. I Mr. James Wade. m Shakspere and Shorthand, by Matthias Levy. ¦ Messrs. Marcus Ward & Co. ¦ A Year-Book of Thoughts from the Works of Jeremy Taylor, with an introduction by I Archdeacon Farrar.Jb arrar. }I ¦ Messrs. Ward €c Downey. ¦ Court Life Below Stairs, by J". Fitzgerald Molloy, in 2 vols., new edition. H Great Porter Square, a Mystery, by J3. L. Farjeon , 3 vols. H John Ford , his Faults and his Follies, by Frank Barrett, 2 vols. m kj Leavesjueaves fromirom theme Lifeuiie ofor a Specialopeciai CorrespondentoorrespontieiiL, byuy Johnuoiiu Augustus^Liigusuus O'Sheaonea, 2z vols.., with I¦ portrait. I New and Cheaper Editions of Folly Morrison , by Frank Barrett ; and Grif , a Story of I Australian Life, by B. L. Farjeon . H MCeysrs. 'WtHting A. Co., Limited. I Cartularium Saxonicu m, by Walter de Grey Birch , vol. i. ¦ Messrs. VTllson &. IWCcCormick, G-lasgrow. ¦ Annals of Blantyre, by the Rev. Stewart Wright. H OBITUARY. I We regret to announce the death at Cambridge, on the Gth instant, of the Right How. H Henry Faweett, Postmaster-General, M.P. for Hackney, Professor of Political Economy a: ¦ Cambridge University. He was bom at Sali sbury in 1833, and therefore was only fifty-one H years of age. Brought up in the country and physically developed by athletic and fieM H sports, he was at Cambridge an athlete and a successful student. Having graduated high in H mathematical honours andi been elected a Fellow of Trinity Hall, he had entered as a student H in Lincoln's Inn, intending to practise law with the ulterior object of pursuing politics anil ¦ entering Parliament, when, in September 1858 , while he was out partridge-shooting, he was ¦

<»V/V/1V«V1X UWXA DllV U 1 1J. \J±l. ^s \jJ Vj£9 CblLXA. JL11O ba 11 tailUU UD1 V U.C7 JX. KSKX UJ. l t;. ill XUUU 11U fc/ w*A»»"« accidentallJy shot in the eyes and instantaneously deprived1 1 V of siDJLg gJ.ht. In 1863 he became H^^ H Professor of Political Economy at Cambridge, and in 1865 he was returned as M.P. for Brighton. ¦ He afterwards succeeded the late Sir Charles Reed as Member for Hackney. His first ¦ important literary work was the c Manual of Political Economy,' which appeared in 1863, and ¦ has passed through several editions. This volume was revised before publication by his H friend, Leslie Stephen, then, like himself , a Fellow of Trinity. ' The Economic Position ^B the British Labourer ' appeared in 1865 , and deals with Trades Unions, Strikes, &c. KbH based on his University lectures, and has been several times reprinted. ' Pauperism : its H Cfc C3\ IL»X ill. XUI JLU J.O U(mil *v-uv« ¦ VUU0VU uin-v * jL*\j»iivv».ivi3 d/p^/V^ i- A JLJ.JL CJ1CUU tJUcLOU VJJl 11-tQ XV>»gv/ of Causes and Remedies,j ' appeared in 1871.X. It is in effect ai* recasti of his CambridV^ ge lectures ^^ _ the October term of 1870. ' Free Trade and Protection,' which appeared in 1873, is an ¦ inquiry into the causes which have retarded the general adoption of Free Trade since its H introduction into England. WliirpR pJ Ftf awceu*awcett atH<»_ introduction into England. Itit is basedbased on the lectures deliveredfl iverRd bvby Mr. ¦ Cambridge. In this, as in all his other work, he had the help of his wife. A fourth edition appeared in 1878. Several of his speeches have been published in separate form, and aH nunxber were in 1873 collected into a volume and entitled * Speeches on some Current Politic^™ Questions.' The subjects embrace Indian Finance, the Education Act, the Nine Hours H «. \ma 4-n flip Rra QlOrfl*^Jj Househol1-1 nun CkVt /%! drl SuiTragfiiiflVo r *£ke, WomenWT r\m cki-« ' sa SuffrageSiiATm/vn , &c.XV« HeTT ^. contributed/.««i™k.,i,s--l a paper,~«-~^« on,^*^ stri

I CORRESPONDENCE . H To the Editor of The Publishers ' Circular . H Sm, —A gentleman , arriving latel y from Ameri ca, suffered at the hands of the officers of the H Liver pool Custom House the confiscation of two copyr ight work s, American reprints of which were ? H -found in his possession. H Theieupon , the sam e gentleman wro te to us , the publishers of the said works , asking us to authoris e H the Custom Hous e to return to him. the reprint s in question. This we, of course , declined to do. While H "tfe expresse d regret at the inconvenience suffered by our corre spondent , we add ed that we could not be H otherwise than pleased to hear of this instance of vigilance on the part of the Custom House. H Our corres pondent not satisfied , wrot e a second letter , and urged , firstl y, that all the other publishers ¦ ¦ to whom he had written had complied with his request ; and , secondly, that as the Custom House would H sell the books by auction , no ultimat e benefit would arise to us throu gh their having been taken from him. H As to the firs t point , we can hard ly believe that any publishers would act in a way so contrary to ¦ ¦ their own interests , to the interests of the trad e generall y, and (may we add ?) to the interests of literar y H int ^ commercial morality. As to the second point , our intention is to write to the Custom House , for , if H *6 re»d the Act ari ght , it directs the destruction of all such confiscated reprints. ¦ ¦ H p A Analuulil wordwoxa to our confrereconirere s. Thisinis incident proves thetne value of01 regi stration of01 copyngntscopyrights at thetne ¦ ¦ Ufltom House. Had these books not been registe red , the officers would hav e had no pow^r to seize them , VXA ^_ d -v ^ .uvmi VUDIU1U JUUUDQ 'H ^commend theC registrationXC^ IOI/fCbLlv VU atO.ti thebUO Custom House of«M allOil copyri\^VJ pJ llg ^hts. UlD. l H Your obedient servants ^ C Ki l^I H I Wfl areA.1*A matkOA/i 4-s\ lanm A»Am /-»ii*» /\r\imr\ +-Lf\-n A *in4-* a In44-<11* f l-i *!*- mr\ »r»n/>Vi tr -iOilon/ ^ft noa VlAATl annum lv« It h t • P*ea8ed to learn from our correspondent 's letter that bo much vigilance has been shown' by ^B ,6 kwer pool officials— quite contra ry, we believe, to general experience. One hard ly known which to . ¦ ^ mire toost : the impudence of a ' gentlema n * applying to publishers to permit the introduct ion of *-— M -^ « ^Plated <¦• » ^w ^w ^ i« ^ .^^ ^ ¦¦ • ¦ ^ i— — — — — - - -— -w — — —. — ——— ^ p- v m ¦ ¦¦ j^ P^^^^^^ B ¦f c — editionsf ^ "^^ ^^" ^ » ^i ^ t ^^ .¦ * ^ » ^^ * r^ ^^™ ^^ *^^ ^ ^ ^»v ^w .^^ -^^ p ^»*W ^^ -^^^ ^^ »^ ^ ^ V% ^^ ^^ ^ V ^^"" ^*" » ^ ^^ '^ •—— — ^^ ^^ —•* ^ "Wo^ ^ , or the folly^ of publishers who, according to him , have comp^^ lied with his request. reason :now that the impor ation of W cdV ons ^° *ed ' t pirated American edition s, and of the authorised Conti nental jH ^ publish by Baron Taiuchnitz , is greatl y on the incr ease. We are quite a.ware that the Baro n ever t Btttt y *"n£ that lie could possibly be expected to do to prevent his editions coming here , but still th ey ¦ jjBahr * i, 8anie pre cautio n ia, we know, taken by Messrs. Har per, of New York , and other Ameri can I ^ ¦ jfcners , to preven t the editions which they print by auth ority fro m coming hero. Our correspondent j I

^^^^ M «« • ¦ ¦ yy^ j^ : ; - -* "" ' msmmm

1 t io8 The Publishers ' Gircaliar Vwy ¦ j ^ ^ . i<.^fl ^ points to the best remed y for tliis evil by suggesting that pub lishers should register their public^ I the Custom House. Waterside officials can hardl y be expected to know intima tely what vorks? I , right and what are not. We are inclined to think that many books find their , way into priva te h^ " I j through the Post Office ; and it majr furn ish useful and profitabl e employment to the flagging enenHIG8 I ; *« TheTK * AuthorsA nfh/trs ' AssociatiA ju/wMAtionon * totn lookl nnlr intointA thesehhftsft mattersmattftrs ,. andnnrl toYn brinTrvnn t* g someanvnn, pressurenMoanm to«-A bearl_^_ 5& of ^ | oa th v t I : Office authorities to ind uce th em to keep an eye on suspicions-lookin g book packets eman ating frf • °! I Continent or the United States. Official inspe ction seems at least to be but ^ fitful and unce rtai n and 6 I , mention as a carious coincide nce that we have tried in vain to import books—as samp les—of Am 11 I editions of our own publi cat ions by post, and we know th at these books have been posted , bu t in n^ ^ 1 ey reached us; ornr supposition being that they 1 stance have th have been impounde d en route. On the oth I , a well-known Eng lish pub lisher , who has recentl crossed the * band y Atlanti c, tried the experi ment f I . importing certain Amer ican reprints of Engli sh copyright books with easy success. The books v*™ * I concealed , but openly shown to the Customs officer , who, after examination and refere nce to his sut^ H officer , passed them as non-copyright. The books apparentl y were not on his reg istered list, and his dntv I did not extend beyond that list. —Ei>. -P. C] ' v ¦

1 Books Received :— days of extradition treaties , he holds Ph ilippa ¦ From Mr. J * W. Aixo-wsxnrth., of Bristol .—' Dark to be safe , he is happy, and then he pro posesi tofl Days—Arrowsmi th 's Christmas Annual , 1884.' marry her. This p roposal she at first reiecta. 1 by Hugh Oonway, author of ' Called Back ' (F. and then, on his mother pleadin g his cause I J. Fargus). The story which the most success- assents , and the marria ge takes place . A ran tofl ful fiction writer of recent days here gives us is, England is followed by a return to Spain , where , fl as its name suggestsCTG» ' cast on tragO ic lines. Its one day some fellow- travellers talk of lerra ndsfl , and loves hopeles sly, a woman whom deathaeaun , pm hero loves anaand brineDnng : backoacK to J^niuPhil i ppa tJithee memorymemorv ofn? H¦ lowing words , and who has the crime , lie describes in g , which after her serious illness, had fl already married a husband under a false name. iadedfad ed trfrom om her memorv. Illness onr »ft mow p»nam *. her memory . Illness once more ensnes ; ^M^ 1 . Discovering the hopelessness of his suit he at she begs our hero to leave her ; he refuses,fl and then once despairs : they watch the pap ers to see if anj ^ | notice appears Iiife was no longer worth living. The spur of ambition . Suddenl y th ey li ght upon at ^fl -was-nms Unntnlblunted;: the desiredesire for famefame gonecrone ;: the interest which announcement that a poor man is to be tried for fl | I had hitherto felt in my pr ofession vanished ; ail the the murder. They rush to England , and thta sprinsp r ing g,, theutxc elasticitviAswviAbjr y,, seemedecuunt takenwfrcu outuuv ofvix myixijr beinucuig. g. Forrvi fl - . months and month s I did my work in & perfunctory man- comes the account of the trial , told with all the ^M ner. It gave me no satisfaction that my practice grew graphic touches which Mr. Far gus so well koovi h | larmerge ger. *. . Successounst ^sa gave meixic noixv» pleasure.yuca-oxMxa. Anau increaseuivicaoo toisu thewuc tki .» . ¦ «.. . -to ¦ t- * • ^« how to useuse., and toethft confession of the.hfi manm^n thal number of my patients -was positively unwelcome to me. So ^H long as .I made money enough to snppl y my daily needs he was guilty of the deed ! A written statement ^M whatWUBk wudid itiu matteruwgici ?« Ofwi whathuau useubd waswoo wealthntoiuu touv meuic ?i Itiu obtained later on completes the proof of tiie ^H could not buy the one thin g for which I craved. Of what man 's guilt , and hence shows that Phili ppa' use was life ? No wonder that such friend s as I had once s^B possessed all but forsooi me, My mood at that ti me was fevered imagination , acted on by the sight ot tie ^H noneuuuc ofui thevuc sweetest.Dwvcucau IJ. wantedw «*u i«\j i nouu friends.iiicuiu. Ij l wasnno alonecm.i/u«? murdered man , had made her convict hersel f of »^H ; I should always be alone. in the world crime of which she was innocent. For the ^%^H This picture , it wiU be admitted , justifies the ti tl e and for the powerfu l word -painting which raaii ^H npnn thetha book . wew^p. must referf-.fer our readers to tbethe bestowed on the l>ook. In the same chapter ^ ^M^H which thus introduce s us to oar hero he is think- littl e shilling volume , of which Messrs . Griffi th i ^M

_- ______— _ ^_ _ _^. _ _ -_-_ — ^- p Farroi n are the London purveyo rs . ing of better thin gs, and an approaching^ visit from ^M his mother nerv es him to» take a stronger view of ' life and its responsibilities , when on going to Fro m Mr. A. S. Barnes (New York). —' Watson s H Grap hic Speller , Ora l and Wri tten. ' The plan of ¦ the window he sees Phili —ppa I. —em pI haticall */y th e ** heroine of the tale—learns from her lips that the this book is to teach spelling, not only ora lly bat ^M baronet whom she believed herself to hav e -wed- by writing, and by the use of blackb oard and slate ^H ded has cast her off at the very moment when his work. The var ying sounds of the vowels in word« M spelj- child was born , and in his unsi gned letter bidding are classified with much success , so that by ^H is her farewell confesses th at when he went throug h ing a number of words in which the sound ^ ^H the form of marria ge with her he alrea dy had a larlar., the ear becomes accustomeaccustomed d to it beforebeior eua^™ it U^H votel wife. The next chapt er shows us our hero led on to anot her set of word s in which the ^H deep in reveng eful thoug ht over Sir Mervyn is diversel y used. ^M « ^^^^^ fl —~ —>~ ————, ——,- . — _¦¦!! — - - — — — — . — — — . 1 , ¦ — ^r y his villainy^^ ^ , and his letter. He leaves Fen -and , Fro m the same.—'A Descripti ve Astr onomy/ H the house to seek Phi lippa , finds th at she has muyfully illustra t*™ , JoeJoell DormanUorman ateeleSteele., Fh.VPh.D.. A i" ^™ fled, follows her overtakes hei\ when in a popular manual on astronomy , with diagram s, i^^B frenzy she cries , ' The wages of sin : on, on only in black and white, but in colour, /^fjfl till you see the wages of sin—the wages of sin/ planationsnlanationu aTeaw admirabJya «._»» €»» shot«^»»"i/ iruivu jLlf»t-r uuvi-i,iil/U juaju has fired the fatal which has stretched him or apparatus can equal the real i ty in the bv» . ¦ on the ground . Returnin g- home he finds ¦ , worthyworth y otof note bybv all who unu>rweundert ake to^ teU Ph ilippa there , ill and cleliriotic u After long r too rai»HH ' ' story of the stars , for such tea chi ng is fc* . nursing he resolves to take her abroad with his amongst us. H mother- j— — _._ ,^. who tuts_^.., in the meantime_. -. _.^, reached flo v England , While in town he reads of the dia- Fro m Moaflra . William Black wood A !?C 'fl . coverj of Sir Mervyn 'e body , in the snow, and Complete History of England for Ju nio r ^£».^ : . then veceires a letter telling him. that the Thi« volume of tha pub lishers' ^ .iaf' Tl ljta Wf r "^.H H . baj roneta ' first wife bad died three months before SeriesfWifift ' is\h literalVr tjKrttWlyv downdnwn totn datdate e, torfor ZhM9tm> I :. tfyo n«rriag« with Phili ppa who bocomes Lad y graph leaves General Gor don in ^ /^J glifl- j I Forrand * Reaching Spain , where, before the whither , according to the ™ x ^ j\\ . .. - - ... — --1 ^ * ^^ ~5-^k i l ¦PPf ^ : -V : ' . " • ¦

¦ ¦ TMe Publishers¦ ' Circular ygg> Ig84 ¦ • ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦ • ¦ ¦ • tI9 M . ?L . , , , , , ^ , H £=^—~ III nut Alone, without money, without men , with out et Herlin g. The chapters devoted ( to Holland DOW engaged«»gagou in.ii- toyinwjiug g toxu bruj rm ing g thisiuia IIIII! A!*««imS and isIS no* ar e:—I. Devant Dordrecht; II. Cuyp ; III. Rot- III 8t region into a stat e of pea ce and quietn ess/ terda m, Paul Potter ; IV". La Haye ; V. Holbein ; ^ pa ragrap h of tlie history is a tribute VI . Pa ysag© de Nord. Hollan d II Thejj closing ef and the , Ruysdael ; Nl ftewspap pre ss; author ju stly cites VII. Leyde ; Vni. H6tel de Ville de ^aTlem ; t e __^» _rt ______) ^ 1 /% _ 1 • progress..___ ¦n <-m Motin among*»" ? ¦*-» _^^ fc4 the^ n K marvels*v% a^ MVfA l ofyv » "the ^ !• __ _—» IX* Rembr andt ; X. Utrecht , cimetiere des I its wonder ful ^ II a#e. * Wher easto it was thoug ht a great thing for Moraves a Zeist ; XI; La G-ueldre , pays mixtes, i publll> ishw «v|vvw vwuivn _. u« iwvvaj - newspapT\e}Vf9V c*V" er*- _T '" '** 20,000*copies in*» a week, au torn beau de Charl es le T6meraire. While, ^ tjjpre arQ now,' he reminds his readers , ' n ews- however , art is thus steadi ly kept in view, ihe napers both in London? and in the lar ger cities of author does not neglect to gi ve us the impres- EagSnaUnd.lanC*> that brinonng g out irorafrom zuu200,000uuu to 300iiwu .,uuu000 sions prod uced on his mind by the countr y and copies a day. ' The book seems to be well within the people. Rotterd am seems to him a second thetlip compasscomoass orof young minasminds , andana , whilewnue factsiacts andana London , in the movemen t and look of her people ; dates are not left out of sight , there is much read- and Holland a second England in the moral and able and descriptive matter. material sepa ration fro m the rest of Europe. The Mush WiertZ y the City of -London Publishin g Co.— in general little noticed by Fr om traveller s, ives occasion for an interesting essay v Ital Revisited : a Series of Pict ures. Sequel g y on the pictures and the genius of a very peculiar to Italy and her Cap i tal/ by E. S. G-. S. A ______i i _. t 1*1 •« t i • ^ painter. There are a few engravi ngs leasan t travel sketch which will hav e a special of buildin gs, I! p pictures , &e. II attr acti on for alL admirers of G aribaldi , as the ¦ I^^_| island^^^VB^fl^v* liome^^™ ^^ ^^ of the Italian patriot¦" — is one of the— --- HI _> _> A __i -^ A __l *ft _ _ From Messrs. J. Hetz el & Co., Paris. —' Signe II joints to which the authoress gives special atten- Meltro e, mceurs berlinoises ,' par Phili p Da ryl. || || tion. She describes the room where Garibaldi In the for m of a story . M. Dar yl here gives us a ___— ______^^ _- __ _ _ _ || || di^mM ed»* *pp>y, andm^~—— —— tells"^ — us that on a tabl e near— his— bed ,j collect ion of pictures oi life and manners in Ber r

¦ H w ^ pk ^^ - r , ^^" -^ ^^*^^ ^^r^r ^w ^w ^v^^ ^r ap ^p^v ^P^ ^ ^^P^ ^^ ^""^ ^p p ^ "^ P ^^^P ' ' * ^^"^ ^^^^ "^" ^* ^ p* ^^ ^v ^^^^p*^pr ^b^^^^ppv ^p ^BJP *'^ B* *B^' still covered with wreaths ^ ^^^ ^^ was a large ff*^ || || -which "was lin at the present day. That gentleman 's prev^ious ^ I and handsome editio n of the *Li fe of John work , which deal t with public life in England , ' ¦ I I¦ I Knox,3 ' and on anoth er the * * Divina Comm edia ,* -w as so accurat e and di scriminating that th ere is I of Dante. Capri forms the subject of an interest- fair presumpt ion , allowing for a little prej udice , ' || || ing chapter , and the imperial city comes in for that the , Prussians wUl not be too muc h cari ca- I it8 du« share of attention , t he Synagogue of tured. M. Dary l's book does, indeed , a little Rome feeing: one of the features of the account. remind us of M. Tissot 's sketches of the * Lan d ¦ It is a pleasant and readab le littl e book , and we ofnf thetViA MilliardsIS/TiHiofAa /* 'Hbutnf. it isia notrt f\t nearlnfl *} .i»lyv so«A bitter.hit +.t*v. ;. shall be glad to meet the authoress again in a » * ^ p^ b ^p^ ^^ ^^ F^ ^ ppf -^^ ^ p 1 -^^r ¦ 1 — ^^^^ » -"^ ^ — — , similar work. Fro m Mr.^ Jolm' ^ Hod ges.—* The Life of James Sea- bury , DJX , First Bishop of Connecticut and of the wpw p—pppp - w -^^^ p From —' — ™— —— ^ w ^ pi —* ^ v —-^^vppj * ^^^ ^ppw —^p»^ p»^ pppj»p—p» v v^_p* ^"^ _i »p_ -^^^ -^ r w ^m . Messrs. William Collins , Son s, & Co., Episcopal Church in the United States of America / Limited .—'H ygiene : its Princi ples as ap plied by E. Edward Beardsley, D.D., LL.D. , Rector of to Publi c Health / by Edw ard F. Willoug hby, St. Thomas 's ChurcChurch.h , JN"Newew JtlaveHaven. n, Conn. This ! M.B. w- - *m»-wvi « .*». J«v/ Ala/M U V^«a> l/U A fc ^ V I^ (V ^VB^ ^T Lond. The issue^^ of this volumeV^* ^* as one*-* ^^ volume comes to us as an abridgment of the tif the books in * Collins' Advanced Science Series ' ' and Corr espondence of Bishop Sea- is a author s 'Life I pleasant sign of the times, more especiall y publ ished in America in 1880. It tells , in as bury / we are told that it is ada pted to the require- au interesting way, the story of the eminent _j_, ment s ofv * thevs ^_/ elementUlV lltVii l ary»**. » andIJIA-lVt adranced«-*V4_ 1 CJMJAVWVA sMUItage4gV»Js of\7 & pphi ^v «v p^0p ^ h 1 m ™ ^v ^- ¦ •* » — ^ ^v w ~ — ^ p^ ^m PI P^^v P^^W v^ ^^. *^ P^ *^^ *^^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^m g after being^ sent forth b ^^ the Eng lish missionary "who, y Science and Art Department, and the Sanitary the Society for the Propag ation of the Gospel in Eliminations at the universities, thus indicating Fore ign Part s, became the firs t Bishop in the thatinat in two directionsdirections., a.t lfiast. sanitation is at least, pp^ ppi ¦ — ^ — — - - ^ . p ^pp^ ^ ^^p^ pp^ pp. ^pp- pi^ ^f ^^ ^rw -^^^ -^^^*~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ™ — — -^~ ~— ^ g State s y and the centenary^^^ receiving Chu rch of the United , its due measure of recognition. The was celebrated only yester- manualnmnuai of whose consecration dealsdeals in detail with dieteticsdietetics,, food stuffsstuffs., day by a special service at St. Pau l's Cathedral . ^ater, ventilation , and heating ; sewerage and ^ pPPj pPjPPb ^ pr V^ pr ~^— ^ PP.PPT PV P^P" ¦ ¦ ^" ^ ^ p ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^~ ^^ ^^ V ^ J ^ rise and draining, The book is, in effect, a histo ry of the and sanitary appliances ; meteorology Churc h and the personal its progress of the Amer ican , Jnd bearing upon the choice of sites for details of the men who took the chief part in its . uwweui"g-placeseUing-p|ace8 ;. habitshabi ts ofnf exercise«xAr<».is*» , restr^flfc., &e,&r» ;• pp> PSp» p»p*p^ »p>pp» -^^ b ™»-v — — - -~ h— — - — establishment^^ pr Ti .r ^*p^ p^ p^ p' ^ Pb p*pp* ^^ arei** ^^ -^^ full—" p ^^. ^— —- and— — ^" complete. The docu- Ajd clothing and personal iene. To the _, v# hyg quot ed, and the *j 13 merits bearing on the subject are chapters^—. on vnoDO Uli p ifl UlUb {1U.U.OU. CL these important subjeOUUjUULCS cts is added a a timel contribution to the histor y Bfrti on on whole work is y the treatment of injuri es and accidents , of a most inter esting period of Churc h progress. I and then follows an appendix with valuable stat istics and notes as to inj urious and unhealt hy Fr om Messrs. Lon gmans , Green , & Co.— ' Lord I , "ados and many other points. The work will Malmesbu ry 's Memo irs of an Ex-Minister , ' 2 vols. , I. ««tnot only bebe usefulUfiftfn i tn fh« Hfn ^Anf. biif fcrt t.hA to the student but to the The Earl of Malmesbury , according to Men of the > , *r+ mm. ¦%*» ^cher and wi th its s it •(W§ »» ».«»4j » w m. w^r *»—^ — — — — — - q Affairs ;r illustrative diagram TimeJL %/^J ,*y was Secre+*-*^f\J ^^ tary of Sta te for Forei gn Wat *l 6 r beDe mademade theth& ba.si I I ^vanta ge the midst all crowded popu la- , the author of the »ons minist ration , 1858-59. Thus , . , »» »-p-™ especiall 11/ JL, W fcifc * t-¥i»# « wi«vv «¦>•••-» -»-—-• —r —< — »-—— ^r ( y at a moment like the pre sent , y V/X U Hfvn befofc_/^* re us was twice in charge^^ of the , volumes ______. _r» .l _> • ¦ ¦ ,, n we aro threa tened * dirt diseases ' on, the most anxious , wl, . , with For ftign Office during ono of aides, *.»« ¦«» ¦ ¦ «vr__ -*•»- _-»•»•. j ..»—__ p^ —¦-¦>» periods|»C5L I' »\AO ofVI. • , our\*,ma history,•**" » ^j » the earlier par t rrr*, the 3^88ril- Hach etto - • ——————— ¦——— —- - —- — -— — — , , -t— — — n i ¦ of this theyl_£ y haveW V^ al so a permanentp*' '• value as a con^ibu-j I volume, tfiat the reader may see v ______._ • Wl« ;«. :_ t-u * -* • . ^^ r v « * • _* * • . ° extentof tote\ which-nrV >;^u it ia occup^^ ied:^j with:*u the ar«-?¦ t tion to moder n history . Not the least interesting j ¦^TK 1 11 Belgium and Holla nd. art of the book js the account fpven of , inter- , ? The chap ters ! p mmm, m-v« **'* de lk* 4km~ ^ •VJUlf D fHV III-* ambassadorsCl»i**»^«*«»«-" »V*^/«* fro\^ m forei^'"t gn ^ ^ court"^" ^f"ff* (and^— (; with' ¦ l **+-h • views¦' _ * ' _tfl ___ __! I Gaspard . __-. -_. . _. • % 4 Cray er _J^ Jean ' , Lfr ^ * ; • • * the difttculty of getting on smoothly }, with tlj em.of ; , Malmesbi iry writ ^ i LVlTT' ^^ les , Uand , Delft ; y. ^u^ens ; On MHrc h 1/i. 1868 Lord ^ I g l^ ^Jj fc ^ ^ tWEren«K .AtnW.8aclor ;— _^ ,1 mMbiUM ,. :. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦•• ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • •v ^ - • ¦ . ! , . - _ .. , ¦T 'mssBm ^ ^ zm I2oo The Publ ishers ' Cir cular Xov. 15, ^ I hope Persf gny is reall y going over, as I am sore it Lord Joh n Russell, Lord Ranelagh , &c. &c. Lord would be both difficult and disagreeable for me to have ' anythingto do with him. He is perfectl y untrustworthy, Canning s letter from Spain is a most vivaciona repeats everythin g to Lerd Palmerston. and even appea rs picture of intri gues going on th ere. Lord Derby's toUU acttWO accordintMJUUrulug g toi/u his-IXLO instructions.ui9U. uuuuiioa Tbei. uc firstuin timeviuic IJ. metuiv a have a particular interest as the impre ssions W'% • ST** of him at tbe For eign Oflfloe he literall y rave l, laying his ^ • A. * 1 hand on the hilt of his swoTd (he was in Court dress ) and a Pri me Minister on passing events ; but the shouting * Cest la guerre ! Cest la guerre ! • durin g which most importan t are undoub tedly the despatches scene I sat perfectl y silent and un moved, till he was of Lord Malmesbury himself to Lord Cowlev blown, which is the best way of meetin g suclx explosions our ambassador at the French Court , from fore igners. which will remain as testimony for the Forei gn Office long Ministers ' entryf shows that our Forei Anothe r gnt^» ^ after the newspa per attac ks have been forgotten . difficulties were not wholly with French ambas sa- dors, nor solely the lot of the author of these From Messrs. 8 amp son Low, Mars ton , ft Co memoirs :— '• Ouruur Han overian Kingsjvings,' byoy H.n. C.u. SKottoweSkottowe , March 23, 1854.—Colonel Rose (now Field-Harsbal Lord M.A.. is a short history of the Four Geor ges, Stra thnaim ) called. 3e tells me that we have lost the embracing the period 1714—1 830. Mr. Skotto we alliance of Pru ssia, chiefly throu gh Bunsen , who frightened thus explains the object of his book as intend ed hisU4D masterlUIKHICl outUUU ofXJK hisU.IO wits1T1VD by*JJ sendinO&UV4A.I•£, g him1UU1 a« ¦ planKfl»U for(V*. tbeVU« partition of Pru ssia, which he gave him to understand had to supp ly * a short history of the eighteenth cen- been arran ged between France and England. The first tury in England which should not be mainl y •tep the king took was to recall Bunsen , who, not liking VVTIU IOUIC AUVVtAl composed of forei gn policy and military cam- J.U toW lA^^eave CVVV^ hisU^ O comfortableVVl. houseUVWC ^ andOUU goodg£W\ **JL income^ in LondonAJVUVIVU ,f set about thinking how he should ret rieve his character pai gns Those who desire to tr ace out the as a zealous Prussian. The expedient he fixed en was to development of our system, of par ty governm ent «. a*w w/vui 4 i makeuau zv«* a violenttiuivuw sceneovcub withvv &vu Lord*^ v * Clarendon.v^ioiva -auvru.. He accord-u and the ' expansion of England " in the New ingly went to foe Forei gn Office , and complained bitterl y of tbe articles against Prussia in the English newspapers, World , will, I hope , with the aid of the tables at I and worked MmcA)f ud into such a passion, using such the beginning of the book , be able to fol low their I mperate langua ge, that Lord ClareAVIJUndon , not seeing his inte subj%j ect with suffici ent ease and accuracy/ The I 1V& m realX^O»& motiveUIVV4W % ^ for pickingptUlMAl ^ a«• quarrel\^UUA4V1« , lost hisU. &9 temperI^sUB pvj, ,y and«».14* * < told him never to set his foot again in his house. This contents are di vi ded thus :—I. Stanhope , 1714-21; I was just what Bunsen wanted. He immedia tely wrote off II. Wal pole, 1721-45 ; III. Pelham , 1742 -54 ; I to the King, giving a flamin g account of th e gallant way IVxv . Newcastlex^ewcastie, 1i/o754-56»-uo ; V*v.. thetoe Eldj ^iuer Pittx^iw, I in which , he had taken the part of bis countr y, and th e : 1757-61 ; VI. Break-u p of the Whi g oligarch y, I order for his recall was cancelled. 1 760-70 ; VII. Personal Government of George I \ Here is another odd incident narrated :— in. ; VIII. Final Strugg le with the Whigs, I • November % 1852.—Dined at Walewski' s. I tried to 1 782-84 ; IX. the Youn ger Pitt , 1784-1806 ; I \ per suade him what a mistake it was to assume a numeral X. Final Strug gle between England and France , :; thathatt would make difficulties. In sixsir months the monmonev.ey, I port raits, &c , would bear the style of Napoleon III. , and 1803-15. Preced ing the actu al narrative are I • everybody would call him so; but to force as and the grea t tables of the Protestan t successi on and the pre- I powers tojm gigive ve thewe lietic to historyHistory andauu stultifsiiuiviiy y ourselvesuurseivws as -MA M*« & « A ^ * A ^ tenders to it, also of the Hanoverian Kings ; and I to everything which , we had done and recognised for thirt y-seven years, seemed absurd. At first he flared up there are dated lists of con temporary pr inces, I andmi *\M. saidooivii itxw wouldti \***j .\ m bet ^ warnot tow refuse*ci unc itxv, bi»uwut endedv&swu. byv»jr admit-ouiuiv- Popes, archbishops , Lord Chancellors , Prime I ti ng * que j'avais raison et qu'il donnerait naes coaseils aa Ministers , Cha ncellors of the Exchequer , Secre- I Prtn oe.' vug au i-k taries of State. There is also a table showing the I November¦*3 ve t^i uuw s—An-m» article*u.ui«^»v; in*u the (English.kiu|£4iis paper)|«»j j ^ a. / from its corres pondent in Paris on the title ^oi Napoleon IIT. gro wth of our colonies and a series of notes A to I retailin g nearl y ever y word of my last conversation with G, explaining various points—such as the Bill of I Walewski, Ri ghts , Impeachment , &c.—in the Constitu tion. I "1 emit -u V« ¦ November¦4. ^ ^J , ^ \ 5.—Seft ^^ C4nt V for4.^^ A WalewskiV « t **^ T> CAA .* He,A AC confessedV^» # AI i ^^^ OwU thatw * C» W the French Government paid the ¦ , and tha t he saw Leadin g points in the body of the text are printe d I , the editor , every day. in strong type , an d toward s the marg in are I Th ose whose memories reach back as far as the late references similarl y printed. At the end are an I Lord Derb y' s Administration will remember how index and folding coloured maps. I pertinaciousl y the conduct of his Foreign Office From the same. — * Some Heretics of Yesterd ay/ by I was assailed in the press. Lord Malmesbury gives S. E. Herrick . The ' here tics' are Taule r and I a letter from the editor of one of the morning the Mystics , Wickli f, Hus , Savonarola , Latimer , I papers , adding Cranmer , Melanchthon , Knox , Calvin , Coligny, I This was in answer to a lett er which I wrote to Mr. , William Brewster , and Wesley. These pages ar e ¦ ¦ ¦ t%*\.X\She editoVUAM/1r ofW*. theWUC ~ j, foM.\JKr pra|T1 W-IQIising Uf£ myUIJ blUl ue-bookl&W'UVVO. onXfLM. thekllV ¦ Italia n war , after a long course of abuse. a course of lectures which were delivered by Mr. Herrick , on Sunday evenings , to the young men ¦ The A.publi cation of Ix>rd Malmesbury 's Memoirs ¦ •* w ithout has not un naturall y caused compa risons to be and women of his congregation , at first thouguiuu guhti ofua publication.jjuuiica-biuii. Thexuo authoauuiuri thusuiuo ^^de M¦ made between them and the diaries of Kaikes and 4 show that ¦ of Charl es and Hen ry G reville. It is interesting scribes the object he had in view : To the revol t (which we call the Eeformation) neither ¦ to observe \rhat is eaid of those books in these , it && III volumes began nor ended with Luther—if , indeed :— be f aid to be finished yet ; to follow it in it* ll ; I knew Bailees well, mnd read the original in manuscript, ggraduaradua l development in princinrinci plDle.e, and tr ace it]i in«» m¦ ; which , was much mor e amusin g than th e publication . expansio n ; at the H Almost all the racracv y anecdotes have been omitted. . . . its geograp hical and national ¦ A great deal has been left out in conseque nce of ita not same time to exhibit it concretelyconcretel y in the li ves u*of ¦ agreei ng with the political opinio ns of the editor , Mr. ita leaders , fee , and to bring the reader into » ¦ Charles Gre ville, who * being a Peelite, would not al low awak en »n ! ¦ anythiouj VUIU0ng against¦^ •utov Sirt-»u. Robertmvuui w Peela iwi tow beuc pubj iuuuount lished ,| soovr thatviwn personal sympat hy with them and the events of 1846 are suppr essed or garbled. . . . Mr. interest in personal investi gation , is the object ! ¦ Henry G revUle appeared very favourabl e to our Gover n- which I have endeavoured to accomplish/ M*- ¦ IIP UICIIVent ( ifU. soB **p >W U> ¦ » ¦¦ extraordinarBJkVI HWUUUH y VH HUg^ . M brotheUlUUU^l r ¦ m ; , it is an J chan ge. His Herrick is minister of Mount Vernon Chor chi Charles, who is Clerk of the Council , has never attended ¦ since Lord Derby has been in office , and did not conceal Boston. i^^ i LTOI * I^^ H hiJU -UBs omittinUUUIfUUK g toUP do\A\t soBV onV«i purpose.|^iaa |^RK3 . When1J XWUMM LordJLtLFl X * DerbUJ y 'sD From the same. The Snake-Dance of the Moqn« attentio n was called to th is fact, he paid *he had not —' ¦ || obser ved his absence, as he never knew whether it was of Arizona / by John G. Bourke , Captai n 3r d U£. ; John or Thomas who answered the bell/ Caval/*#» «r^ k ? ry.«mtf ThisT^ V% « ^» volumevr /x l * ¦ w* ^-k., opening^vv\At%«niw upwi ?> aA newHAW »»«&U " H| ^ | These volumes contain letters fro m. Lord Can ning, curious subject , on which hitherto very little lig^ I from Sidney Herbert , the late Lord Derb y, M. de has been thrown , is from , the pen of an America1 H Perai j rti y, Disraeli , Lord Ra glan, Lord Clarendon , offic er who has been , the publiwhera tell us inth ^f M mmm ^~~ w . — — " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' " ¦ ¦ #' %h- . : 1 Nov. ts,-iS84l The Publish ers ' Circular I2OI

bri ef prefat ory note , for a number of years an in this book he gives not merely argumen ts, but

¦ ¦ ¦ aide-de-camp to Major-General Crook , United data— — — — as— ^^ ^ to— -»- the— ™ ™ -~~ edibles ¦ ¦- '^ —» ^^ ¦ ^" to^"~ ^^ be¦ ^ ^^^ supp^^hv ^mr ^BW ^^lied ^" ^ ^^ ^^^ i. ,H the^^ ^^^^ ^^^ cost^^^ i^p* ~^^ ~^r of^^r ^^ States Army, and in that capacity has been cooking, the character of the menu , and all other afforde d unexcelled opportunity for stud ying the need ful particulars . Certain it is that , except on peculiaritie s of the American abori gines. He rare occasions, the Eng lish poor are ut ter was selected by Lieut. -G-eneral J. Sheridan to strangers to a well-cooked meal , and if local ! make an examination of the manners and cus- public kitchens could be esta blished on the plan

¦ ¦ j m M ^^*^ b V ^^^ ^^ — — — — — — — ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ toms^ of the Indians of the South-West Territories ,y here advocated , they would prove a boon to and it is from the mass of ethnolo gical notes thousands. which he collected that he has wri tten the pre- From the same-—• An American Four-in- Hand sent work. The Moqui Indians , of whose strange \ M _ — - * ^ — ^L I 1 . _„_ — ¦ - ^^^ ^^ ^^mm^ ^ta^» A ^k ^^k. ^«* ^fc M^k BPL «k a ^^h ^^ —^ _ ^«. dn Britain ,' by Andre w Carneg ie. This book , customs he writes , inhabit , he tells us, seven after being printed for priva te villages, circulation , and in differ ent situated a few leagues apart , a han dsome shape, for the librar y, has now reached and they are known to have lived in their present "wh"w h atat,, in manymanv respectsrespects,, is tha hash fnrm a hnnir since the S is the best form a book quarte rs paniards first entered this can take—- a shilling edition ; and it describes , in of America about the middle of the sixteenth __ __ part —» ._ __. . » ¦ ¦ wmm -_ — ~ ^B-- ~^r mtr ^^^m ^hb genialg J fashion ,^ ^^ 9^ ^ ^^ *^ ^^ ^^ v*^ ^^ ^h^ ' its author 's experiences of a century. Thus Captain Bourke s wor k has not coaching tour from the south to the north of ; only the excitement of a travel narrative , but has Britain , or , rather—for the stoTy begins with the I an attract iveness for the anti quarian and the — m — — — — — — —— — — —~ — — ¦ ^ p ^ j j ^» ^h ^.^p - *^ ^v ^^^ - ** w ^m^ m w^& ^ ^ r *^W voyage^ across the Atlantic —of ^^ ist, a journey by boat Arc haeolog the rites of the people being as and coach from New York to the North of ancient as they are peculiar. The descri ption of . Mr. Carneg ie aptly observes that the snak e dance , corni ng as it does fro m a qualified 4 there is everything in the way , is graph one takes things / eye-witness ic and astoni shing, and when and the reader of this pleasant sketch certainl y it is remembered that no steps had been taken to shows that he can take things in ri ght pleasant Tende r the reptiles innocuous either by the ex- style. He gossips of all he sees, and of the tractio n of their fangs or by drugs , and that they peopl e whom he meets ; and he shows, as in his are held betwee n the teeth of the dancers , who in summing-up of the merit s of the English Pa r - process ion circle round * the sacred rock / it seems liament—that * the interes ting debates are few almost impossible , as Captain Bourke says, to and far between '—tha t he does not fear to sp eak "believe th at such thiogs can be happening * within plainl y. Beginning at Brighton , the party started our own boundaries less than seventy miles from ^ for the north , and an exhilarating tri p they found the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad in the year of it to be. All, or nearl y all , of their experiences our Lord 1881.' The number of snakes used in are jotted down for the reader 's delectation , and the ceremony was more than one hundred , and the book , fro m the first page to the last , is bri ght the dancers ran backward s and forw ards so con- and attractive. fusedly that it was not possibl e to determine • certa inly how many times the whole division had From Mr. John Murra y.—' Men of Invention j changed snakes , but it must have been not less aud Industry / by Samuel Smiles, LL.D. The than four , and probabl y as many as five times. popular series of books titled ' Li ves of Engineers/ The ceremony included the depositing of the * Industrial Biogr ap hy/ and * Self Help/ here I snakes on the ground , where they were sprinkled receives an addition which will be welcomed bybv with sacred corn meal , after which they were all readers who have a taste for the most

_- - —— - — _^ - ^, — — — m. — — — ^^ — picked up, held by small boys, passed to the chief instructive form of biograp^^^ hy^ —the lives of the pr iest, by him prayed over and deposited in the great creators of indus tries. The men chosen for buffalo lodge or sanct uary, an d then they were the purpose are Pett , tlie shipbuilder ; Pettit

— — h ^m- — — — ^— ' —w~ H ¦ ¦ — ^ ^ —^ i ¦ ¦ ^-^ I taken up by a second division of men , who per- Smith , the introducer * of™ ^^" the^^ screw^^^ —^ ^^ • — propellerH^T ^^^m ^^^ H^^ ^^p ^^B ^^^H ^^ ^^^ ;^B form ed the dance with tHem in their mouths. J ohn Harrison , the inventor of the mari ne The pictur e of this revolti ng ceremony, ta ken at chronometer ; Thomas Lonabe , the introduc er of the time by the art ist who accompan ied t he aut hor , the silk industry into England ; William Murdock , gives a lively idea of its repulsi ve character. of gas-light fame ; Kcenig, the inventor of the Whi le, however , the snake dance is the central steam printing machine ; Walter , the inventor of feature of the book , the other pages are full of the Walter press , and the practical creator of the inter esting matter , and the dresses of the peop le, Times n ewspaper ; William Clowes, the inventor thei r reli gious uses, t heir modes of pun ishment , of book-printing by steam , and several Irish t heir curi ous and ancient pottery ,and their agri- ' self-hel pers. ' The day of the firs t piece of cultural implements are fully described and newspaper steam press working was Nov. 29, illustrate d by finely coloured lithograp hic platen 1814, and we are reminded of what now reads and diagrams. The book is in fact beautifull y likeJK * M±.\S aC-V strangeUUA IftllfikV incidentAI1VI \A>\JAMV of\S A. theIIIV birthdayUIJ. ISIAV* ••* T :• At«* ¦ »¦ 1/ prod uced , and is a notewo r thy specimen of the six o'clock io the morning Mr. Walter , who had enterpr ise which publishers exhibit nowaday s in been watching the working of the machine all brin ging out books of high scientific value. th rou gh tho night , suddenl y appeared among the press men, and announced that ' the Times is Fro m the same.— * Food for the Million : a Plan for alread y pri nted by steam .' Knowing that the

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ — — - -— — _~ ¦—¦ Star ting Public Kitchens ,' by Captain P. M. pressmenmfr ^^ "~^ ^^^ ^^ • " W^ ^^^ had^^^ bi -^rw vo^ ^ ^ wed» ^ *^ - "^^^^ vengeancer- ^" - ^ ^^ « ^"^ — - —~ -— againstm J the~^ — ^^ r Wolff, with a Preface by the Kev. H. R. Haweis , inA^entor and his inventi on, an d that th ey had J ^.A. This usefu l and practical handbook is the threatened * destruction to him and his traps / fruit of a paper read by Captaiin Wolff before lie informed them that if they attempted violence the Nati onal Heal th Society, in which he< su b- there was a force ready to supp ress it ; but niitted plans for the establishment of public that if they were peaceab le, their wages should kitchens , where the poor were to save fro m 30 be continued to every cue of them until they t-oto 60 perner cent.c«nt. ,. while-while those who invested their could obtai n similar employment . This prove d capital in the kitchens were to realise 17 per satis factory so far , and he procee ded to distribute cent, for their mon ey. The gallant officer has , several copies of the newspa per amongst them— , according to Mr. Ha we is, mapped out London the firs t newspaper printed by steam ! Thus into distri cts in which he propos es to start Another ' silent revol ution ' was worked in the i. kitchens at a cost of about ^5,000 a-piece, and greatest and most worl d-moving industry of the I i wo* The Publishers ' Circular :n<>*. 5, I J^ .J^_»^ .^ JM JJ 1 : ¦ *_ f ¦w tiftfh' -uT t --— ^ ^ —r *—^ i— n—i—r* -—^i— ^ — > , ^ . \ jage. The $kft ^ Works of Frances Kidley Haverga l.' In two operan di, and the following brief extract will be I volumes. We have often wonde red why the read with interest : I pub lishers who have given to the religious world My actual notes vrere a little too scanty to be "understood I soan rnanmanyv , ofnf thet.h fi bookshnnTrfi ofr»-f this giftedo-ifterl ladladvy delayeddelaved "by anyone trat myself, and therefore I have filled them up. I the issue of a complete edi tion of her hymns and The front of an ordinary envelope has frequently sufficed I to hold my memoranda ; but now that I find it needful to I poems, and we can promise for these two goodly write in a bolder hand I use the half of a sheet of note- I volumes , whiclt have at last come from th e press , paper. I sometimes wish that I had never used even this; I a very hearty greeting. The contents are classified for the memory loves to be, trussed, and the more fully it I is relied upon the more, does it respond to our confidence. I under a variety of head s with the dates of The preacbers who can entirely dispense with notes must I composition and the places where th ey were be few; but if their preaching is up to the mark they are I happy men. Some go on crutches, and read almost all the I written , two points which are always of consider- , ¦ able interest in reading a poem , as they not sermonRermon ;: this, as a rulerule,, must be a lame business. TheTim I most of us need to carry a staff, even ifcvj we do not often I oi'ic uiau iuico ua&equentl y throw light upon its meani ng and leanmail uponupuu ifc.J.\j . TheJ. UC pe^ciJ-C^uijrfectly able man requiresi nothingj iubuiu g ofUl IH its references. The poems are for the most part the kind. I am not one of these first-class brethren ; 'with I my staff have I crossed this Jordan,' and I hereby lend it I as bri ef as - they are beautifu—l and "they will form ., • • it . ,t •/ to any who feel that they can pursue their journey by its I a perfect treasure-house to preachers and teache rs Aid . . I for purposes of quotation , while many of them The notes will, we believe, be welcomed with all I will be found to be second only to sti ll more the greater sati sfaction , because th ey are upon I

sacred words in the comfort which th ey will mm v Old-^—- ¦ Testament^^^ -^ —— — ^ — — — subj- — ¦ ects,j rang | -^ ing«j from Genesis— — to ' - Immmm afford to the sick or the dying. IMiss Havergal Proverbs. Mr. Spurgeon promises to complete I seemed to live so constantl y jn the pr esence of a the series by pub lishing a second on the Old Tes- I bri ghter worl d that her vers e is tinged with tamen t, and two volumes of notes on the Now. I and there is somethin g of * the light beyond / Fro m the same.— ' Fronded Pal ms: a collection of ¦ thi s peculiarity about her writings , th at , like the pr inte d papers on a wide range of subjects ,3 "by I works of nearl y all tru e hymnists , they will be mrm» ¦¦ ¦ w mM m*m+ ^r mm ^r -^^ «b^ m * • ^ -^ ^— — - — — -^ — ^ — ^— — ^-^ —^ —~ — — — W.1 9 Y.^^ ^ ihiller^^ ton , with over one hundred illus- I^^^ H welcomed by Christians of all schools of thought. tration s. A series of brief relig i ous paper s, with ¦ The beauties of nature , the happ iness of birds plentifu l illustration s not only in the way of I and of children , the solemnity of life at all its but in the similes and anecdotes I , picture page s, I crises the joys and affections of home- ^-t hese which ar e effectively used. Sunday-school teachers , I and kindred top ics al ways "had an inspiration and all who are engaged in the work of religious ¦ for Frances Ridley Haver gal, and fhe seldom eeducationducat ion , will find mucnmuch usefulusetui material readyrea dy to I¦ touched a chord which was not tunefu l. hand in this little volume. I c the —.^...^.»-- m Universit y ' Hel mfmr - - From Oxfor d Press. ps - m,-mmm mm — *«• m.m* m * m J. A. \J IMA. r A^VQMI ** m * Q lish I Fro m Messrs. Keg an Paul & Co.— Eng ^tM to the Stud y of the Bible , with a General Index , Sacred Lyrics. ' The publication of a volume of I a Dicti onary of Proper Names , a Concordance , 1 English Sacred Lyr ics ' in the * Parchment Series' I \/k/ ¦ and a series of Maps. ' This new edition of the Jm. m~mt KJ«l' ^-— ~ may11AC4 T almost\Jktm.KAM\JU\J be U^m/ regarded^.tC^XMml^-» ^. ^^ »- as^mr *^ a necessity*«^ \. I ;J for this ^^ _ well-known ' Helps ' which Mr. JB 'r owde ori gi nall y repres en tative set of books , so pleasant ly pro- ¦ added to his Teachers ' Bibles gives in a read abl e ducedrin p'Afl withTvi t.Vi thef-.Vi fi antiqueanfrimift paperT»ar >fir., uncutnnrf »n t, edftd gesflres., anaand I¦ type the valuable work which has called forth parchment cover , would have been incomplete if I ¦ from many eminent divines and scholars ex- sacreu. vurae iu ivo luiuux lyrma iitiu. notjw u l)eenwv- h sacred verse in its minor forms had _ « MmU pressions of surprise and adm iration . When adequatel y illustrated. Sir Rounde ll Pa lmer 's ¦ ¦ we see the book as a separate issue we realise *« Bookdoo k ofcm. Praisej rraiso * iniu thetut? « Goldenvjtuiuuii Tx reasuryi caauij Serieskwaiv" ' _ how much useful matter there is within it; in of Messrs. Macmillan & Co. is not likely to be I fact , it is npt only a concordance , and a Bible excelledftx^fillflfl asn.K an. collectionnollGfttion of piecesT>ieces of the nymhymnn ¦ ¦ atlas , but a compendiumJL of Bible natural historymf * for m, but in this volume we have sacre d poems and etymology, while the summaries of the books rather tlian hymns. The balance is fairly dra wn ¦ of the Old and New Testament, the harmony betweenh^txppp iTi thefr.h ft ancientsinri pTi t, andnnd thet.h ft moderntnnflfirn. , amongamonfiT tnethe ¦ of the Gospels, the numerous genealogi cal tables, former being Sir Wal ter Hal eigh, Sir PM lip ¦ and a host of other interesting notes make it an Bon ¦ Sydney,„_ Sir Henry "Wotto ny.v, John Donne, essential companion to all students. The present t^ r~i «^_—.^ TTiri»u« ~ ir n.« Quarln-.~~-~.i esno , Herb1TAi»T^prt. ert, Ill¦ J onson , George Wither , Herri ck, ¦ edition is well suited for presentation as a prize Mi lton , Crashaw , Tay lor , John Austi n, Dryden , £n Bible classes and Sunday schools, or for the Addison , Watts , the Wesleys, Cowper , and Top- III , , ., study table, lad y. Among: the mod ern s we find Cro ly, Heber , IM • , , Hemans , Lyte, Isaac Williams ¦ , Yrom Messrs. Parker A Co.— The Temple: Sacred Milman Keble Ad ¦ Poems and Private Ejaculations/ by George NealN^Alfi.e, MonsellMonKoll., GeoGeorgerge EEliot,liot, aandnd Aaei»iu«elaide ¦ it w ¦ ' - Herbert. A new edition. A daintily printed issue of Procter. The book is fiill of beautie tf , and ! pioi^jLy lju«j gregt at tr~-— uths wvm the time-hononrftdtime-honoured poemsnoems of theth6 ©axliereaTlier JLaureateIjauveate of pleasanpioaaani t touo findnuu hownovv comcuiu pletely the w**" have ! ¦ \\ tho Church, done on toned paper with a red of the broadest Christianity are tho ^e which - DOrdep to e*ch page, and pretty head-pieces and Btiwed the niiiee of the maioritv of the wnter» M ' _ .. , t*W* \, dm.. . . " . " ' ' . ¦- . tM ^P ^^T ^ i T"*" ' ' ¦ ' . ' i ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ --'- -— - - - - ' • • ¦ ¦ • Bg^ . , m Nov. 13, i8»4 Tt e Publis hers ' Circul ar ,2O3 I I — I hete quoted . In its own field this littl e wbrk is priestesses at Dodona , mcenads , &c. ' "•' Fair I «a book of gems,' and while we welcome it as an Rosamund M8 also a drama. Of it the aut hor I addi tion to a series alread y valuable in its excel- says : I lencc and comprehensivenes s, it strike s us also as a ' She whom our first Plantagenet too well loved, and ¦ ¦ ¦ P^r*^^ I book which is likely to stand alone , and to have a forAV* whomTV AIVUA he**%* built»^V*&&«f tbe^«^^^ marble^t ^Jt mazeI 1 Illffif, j "Was no rich crimson beauty of old lice, I large sale. A-s fabled in. proud histories and lays ; the same.— * Ori gin of Cultivat ed Plants / by ZNo Cliff ord, as 'tis boasted ; but, in fine, I From **A - *r VMW ¦ ¦— 14MVA V*«a A^m girl o* VV "J f delicatelyV« ^^ «*VS>VW ^W ^ made....^L&« x^ « 4 * V I honse de Candolle. This volume, which comes ^^ tbe country, Alp !Por jRo«a Mundi—of thi3 trnth be sure— I to as in the form of a translation , will have an "Was nature's rose, not man's; as ye shall see I interest for a wide circle of read ers ; for , apart In this sad tale of lovers' destiny.' I from the botanist and what may be termed the Four short lines will suffice to show that we have I professional plant-grower , there are many amateurs here poetry : ¦ I who will welcome a volume which tells them in a King. Before the funeral the eyes are buried. I pleasant and readabl e fashion the history of the Thy lips—already is the tender mouth J I pr oducts of kitchen and flower gard en. The book A rosy marble to the memory 1 I is exhaustiv e in all its parts ; it track s out the Of all past kisses. Lovely portraiture I I etymology of the plant-na mes ; it descri bes their ' Callirrhoe * tak es us back to the classic days I characte ristics and thei r development ; it tells us when fauns were. We wish we had space to I of all th eir varieties , their fruits , and their quote from its many beauti es. Messrs. Baker I flowers ; and it gives due honour to the men who & Sons, of Clifton , are the actual publishers I have discovered and introduced them.. The foot- of the volume. I notes , showing 1 the multifarious auth orities whom Fromjriuia Mr.j xlt. ElliotJB»JLiiOb StockDtoc&.. — * Popularir opuiar Supersti-oupersci- I the author has "consulted , give abun dant proof of r ¦ I the industry with which he has gone about his tion s : a volume of The Gentleman 's Magazine I work , and , while his book is so genial ly wri tten Library / being a classified collecti on of the I that a reader unversed in science will take it up chief contents of the Gentleman' s Maga zine fro m I with pleasure and profit , it will form a trust- 1731 ta 1868, edited by George Xawrence Gomme , I worth y text-book for those who wish to pursue F.S.A.. It is often a matter of regret th at so I tho subject further. much good literary work which the public de- £ mand for light literature in modest instalments ^b^^*^^b w^^n^^^^vv^v ^v ^^^^^v ^^^^ ^^^ ^^v I^^^1 From^^^0 ^^* ^^^ Mr. G-eor^^^^^B ge ^^^^ Bedwa^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ~ ^^^^^^ ^h^F y. ^^ — Tobacco^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^F ^^^^ ^^^F TalkS^^V ^^^^~^^h ^^^^^v and^^^^V ^^^vv ^^.^^v brings into the pages of magazines , but which I Smokers ' Gossip: an Amusing Mi scellany of Fact in days gone by would have take n its place in I and Anecdote relating to the " Great Plant " in all volumes of a more permanent characte r, should be I its Form s and Uses, including a selection from virtuall y lost after the seri als have been rea d and I Nicotian Literature .' A quaintl y got up, old-sty le laid aside , and this scheme of Mr. G omme partl y I little volume , forming one of * Kedway 's Shilling meets the diffi cul ty. In the volume before us I Series/ in which the praise of the fragrant weed is which form s a complement to that on 4 Man n ers I said and sung . The smoking tastes and practices and Customs ,' he has gathere d together a vast I of great men, the history and uses of tobacco , and amount of interesting notes on superstitious

I anecdotes selected from a b ^r — r ^^^^^^»* r ^»-^ ¦ ¦ -^^^ '^"'^ ^"^^" ¦ ™ ^^ ~> ¦ ^r — — ™ —¦ ¦ ~*-r- — — —— very wide Held , make customs^^ ^^^ p^^ as^^^w*^ to^r ^^v daysvb and seasons, quaint forms of I up a bud get "which will be found to be as fully relig ious belief, and various types of witchcraft . I flavoured as the plant to which it is devoted. The collection of notes on the days and seasons

I^^^H Prom— — - — — the' i" ¦ ^^^ same.¦ ¦ ™ ™ —^^^^r ¦ ^ — • The^^^v^ ^^ ^^b ^^^ Anatomy^^^ ^^^> ^K*^^*^^*^r ^t^ ^^^ ^H^^^a^ m of~^^r ^^^ Tobaccov^^^v ^^v ~^k^ ^w^p ^^^^ ^^^ ^V^F ;^H or^^^F ^^. ,H will be speciall y interesting to the clergy and

¦ ¦ ¦ -^m* ^*^ na ^ ^b^^^ b w^mmm w mm^m vbk ^y m ^ ^* ^^ «rfv«-> w —-— —— — — ^— |^» — ' — — ^-^ -- - I Smoking Methodised , Divided, and Considered Churchmen general ly,^ J and a large numb er of the I after a New Fa shion ,' by Leolinus Siluriensis , Pro- notes on Superstitious Customs and Beliefs are I fessor of Fumical Philosop hy in the University of also connected chiefly with religious matters. I Brentf ord . A clever and interesting book , done The notes on Witchcraft ar « classified under I with no slight infusion of scholarshi p and humour. various counties. The volume is produced in a I The definition s of the various kinds of tobacco form worth y of its contents , with thick anti que I are clever, and the popular , if common-p lace, paper and uncut edges, and publisher and editor I Birdse ye is thus glorified : are to be congratul ated on having given us in a I A pleasant and fragrant tobacco, adapted for common handsome form matt er of enduring inter est. I use by all ; not lacking savour, but not too vigorous. Yet I it is apt to be hot and fretful in the mouth, bo let such as Books received for Notice :— I be at all tender in that part use it but sparingly. Memoirs of a Cambrid ge Chorister , 2 vols. (Hurs t I Dividing Pipe Philosoph y into two parts—the & Blackett). I matt er (materies) and the manne r (nwdus), our We Two (ditto). I author gives the reade r a very entertaining book. Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (ditto). I c Fro m Messrs. John F. Shaw & Co.— Emblems of Invention and Industr y (John Murr ay), th e I Holy Spirit / by F. E. Marsh. A littl e volume kin & Co. ). I of religious essay s re printed from ' Footste ps of Pra tt 's Poverty (Simp I Tru th ,* in each of which the work of the Holy From Messrs. Hod der & Stoughton :— I Ghost is set forth under the emblems used in Story of the Life of Jesus— Cha rity Moore- liO JLi XV/ JL ^v^i^ ¦ ^^ VrVf 1U ^^ *»» »^«»— ^ -*^- White- - House— I Holy Scri pture , such as Oil , the Seal , Water , SlyKJXj hoots—Fro m Log Cabin to I Dew, Wind , the Har vest, the Dove. The book Meg's Mistak e—True Tales of Trave l and Ad- I has a commendator y note from Mr. O. Russell vent ure—Valour and Virtu e—Stanley Qraharae . I Hur ditch. Fro m Messrs . Cassell & Co. :-— Children I Fr om Messrs. Bimpk in, Marshall, & Co. —r Seventeen Cats—Little Mothers and the ir I ' Field' Creatu re s Wild — Creatures Tam e—Those s Callirrhoe and Fair Rosamund. ' Mr . —^ >V« "V~« • 1 i"4 1 1 I Micha el Field' s ' Callirrhoo ' is a dra ma of the Golden Sands —Some Farm Friend s—School I worsh ip of Dionysus, whose myth ' is the glorifl- Day Hou rs—O ur Pretty Pets—Indo ors and I cation of enthusiasm , whicli the poet believes to Out Little Folks* Out and About Book—Jack I he the gap of the Tre e of lafe, the spring and o' Lmntern , and other Bhymee—Kambl es round I ori giii of all good fruit. ' The scene is laid in London— Bo-Peep—Ca sseirs Saturday Journa l, I ' Cal ^on an d at Dodona. Among the characters VoL foT 1$84—Maga zine of Art , VoL for 1884 j L *ire a priest of Bacchus , citizens of Calydon , —Sunny Spain—O *er many Lands , on. many jll ¦ ¦ ¦i . 111 < " ' : •'¦ i ' ¦ .... . "." ;aa55sasa j ^ The ¦ I¦ »^rv^-~-t Publishers ' Circular ---.•n^^ «j .o.: ! * f 1004 ii

Seas—Quiver , Vol . for 1884—Greater London The Sunbeam of the Factory (Rel igious Tra ct Society).

%-»« ¦—«¦— » » ¦ ¦^ta.^ vb p^ p" ¦ * » »• ¦ p^ b ^ » w ^ p» "^ —• ™ ppp» ^-w — w j ¦ — ¦— — —— *pb * M ^^k pm _ y ^ k ^^ y Griffith & Farran —Fami ly Magazine for 1884—Sunday^ Scrap From Messrs. :— .^^^K ^_ i^K*_ _ ^ ^B « ^B ^K ^P^Pld _ A ^^¦¦^k A A ^ ^h Book of Bible Illustrated Stories—Baby 's Al- The Boy Slave—Grandfather—Th e Wild Horse- bum—Dolly 's Album—Fairy 's Album—Pussy 's man — Fai th —Hope — Charity — Mer cy and Album . Peace — The Grolden Text-Book — Cap vm e ^K ^ ^ ^i^PPPb^ Pk^ i^» Fairy Tales fro m Bre ntano (ditto). Nowell ! Nowell I Nowell ! (A. R. Mowb ray ). From Messrs . Marcus Ward & Co. :— Legend a Monas tica (ditto). cp Angelc^ Whispers—M• x. orning^7 and Evening—Forget-c* My Sunday Friend (ditto ).

pp. — — mWtrr ^W^ ^f _ > ^^r P» —^ Birthday Book (W. Smith).M mo-not—Heroes of American Discovery— Queen Daisy Cha in ^ ^ Amethyst—Nursery Numbers—A Picture Book Selected Occasional Sermons (ditto). of Play. Letters on Daily Life (ditto) .

p» ------^^ fc ¦ pp ^ v^ppp ^ - ^m ¦* -~ ' ' _ __ _ «p ^ ^^ ^ ^^ "^ F. Warne & Co. :— Messrs. .pi From _ _ »_ t ¦ Fro m S.P.C.K. ^ ^k. ^R* * « M ^M ^^ ^ Churchman 's Famil y Bible — Dawn of Day— Godfrey Maiden— St. Nicholas for 1884—Ol d Doll's Housekeep ing—Touch Him if you dare ! Bansom — The Land of Fi re — A Perilous —Littl e Boy and Wooden Horses—Winchester Venture. —Mission Addresses —Little Old Portrait—A Fro m Messrs. T. Nelson & Sons :— Small Rebellion—The Snow King 's Trumpeter Story of King Robert the Bruce—Story of A lfr ed Shado w and Sunshine Miles Lambert 's the Grreat— Pa cket of Cards—After Years — ^ — ^ pp_ ^^» ^ pV ^ ph ¦ ^^^F ° a « . ^ .^^A * ^^# — ^ Thre e Changes—Dadd y Darwin 's Dovecot — With the Bird s—Harry Bertram —Carpente r's Papa Poodl e and other Pets—An Old Story Snuff Box—Rock of Ages—Tru e to Himself—

'^ ppp' pppi ^ p»^ » ~*m ^ p» v.i shp^ shp«v vr v^ ppp ^p ^ p^ Mb ^ ^iw w^ p* "^^ «p» ^ppi '¦ — " """ — — — ¦ -----»— j ^j of*pp^ ^v Bethlehem—The^*m^^ ^pp" ^r^fa^B ^m -*** m ^^ -^ pr mm- ^ ^ -^pp™ Blue^m^ mmr ^^ Bells^ ^ ^ <^fc m^r on^^r ^h p& thepfc ^^ p.-* ^m* Lea—»^ p* Stories* ^ of Old Rome — Natural Hist ory^ for^^ The Prisoner 's Daughter—A Vamp ire—A Tur- Young Folks—On the Desert . bulent Town —Three Sixteen th Century Sket ches Ye Earlie Englishe Almanack e for 1885 (Pettitt & —Grifnnhoof—Mutin y on the Albatross-— _ -- —Not— Co.) in Vain. ^ The Training of Children (Salvati on Army Book From Messrs . Swan Sonnenschei n : — Stores).

» ¦ p^ta vv - ¦!¦ ~-^ »p» ^m »— K_r -y ^ VPk a. »— -»rf- -m ¦¦» ¦ p» The Children^mr ^ ^ -*~r 's Journe-**r y—Modern«Pk *^k ^ p^ ^p— ^^^ m Wonders* * ^^ »* V»W<. •—» of' m ' dk them* ^ r Grant & Co/s Christmas Annual (G-rant). World—Dora 's Boy—Tales of many Lands— Rou ghing it in Van Diemen's Lan d—A Haven Pamphlets and Magazines. of Rest—Ma rquise and Roset te—Story of Ten Some Famou s Hamlets (D. Bogue). Thousand Homes — In and Out—Harleq ui n The State and Education (Hod gson). -Nprf «^ p^ T»ppl> »pp^ -m -— ^ Pfc ^c, f - \^ Wm^ 1 • PPPPi ^ -« -w »»(^ ^v — » ¦ Eggs. ^ ^ J W House Sanitatio n (Eid gway).^

^^^^ ¦^ r ~-r ^v - —^^ —¦ ¦ ¦ i 1 Yule^^™ ^^"^ Tide™ »~ ^a^^^m ^^ » Christmas~^» —»¦ ^^*^v -^^ Numbe^^^h - b ^"^P* ^PPk ^^ » ^^^ r^P^ (LettsM ^P^PH^PPP ^^ ^ PJ" ^^F ^^ pP* &^ P^^ ff^P ^ PT Co.).^ ^^^ ^^^ W V ^^ Berkshire Bell — Rosebud — Penny Post—llerry Good Words , Vol. for 1884 (Isbister). England — Misl etoe Bough — Recent British

Sunday Magazine , Vol. for 1884 (ditto) . B^ pp ^ r att^p^^p^r ^ "^ ^^^ l^"^ es^ p^ *^^ ,^v Part^~^^™ ™ ^^^ —^ I.~— v —Old^^ — and— New Edinburg_ ^^ j h ,f Part Fro m Messrs . Sampson Low & Co. :— I.—Oas sell's Almanac for 1885. Under the Meteor Flag—Charmouth Grange

»v^ ¦ ^_/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ p» \S pm ^pp» ^ . ^ ¦ ^ ¦^ » ** ¦ mm -» -" p^ v ^r ~—-•— —"- ¦¦ «' — — —Chairman 's Handbook —Story of Viteau — WeV V ^^ have4& T_T ^ also\ ^ receivedJ * ^ it ^ :—The^ November number of Portraits of the 100 Greatest Men—Fl y-Fishing Sunday Talk, containing, amon gst a variety of for Salmon—Struggl e for Fame. contents , a remarkable study in the unseen , Walks in and Round London (T. Woolmer) . entitled « Behind the Veil ; ' an estimate of the Footsteps in the Snow (ditto). Duke of Argy ll, with portra it ; a scientific paper ,

M. \J 1 | Ul \ sJk.\S\.& Jk^ ¦ • *. V&JL *mT . M mtm™- XyJk *J^*X^»* W#» ^^^^ '"' " "~~ , |^ interior * Friends and Neighbours (ditto). entitled • Nature Experimen tingQ ;7 ' a fine Petland Revisited ( Longmans). * Roun d a Cobbler 's Seat/ by the author of the pre- Princess Nobod y (ditto).¦ — Epistles of Noah ; ' and the pr ize poem on the * ' ILay s of»/ Ancient Rome (ditto). sent political situation. As usua l, the magazine The Black Poodle (ditto). is profusel y illustrated. -»^ p^ -^ p- p ¦ ¦ ¦ m ¦» ^^ » ^bap^ ¦¦ ^ -V* V.PA Donal^ — ~^m- ~— G-^ — ran--^ ^^^ t (Kega^ k ^- ^ nw^ p> Pa^ ul).** • W m. \^<0,\jO,X.\J ^ \XWm ICtClVCU. XIJLCOO1O, O-IOJJ 4. Carey\ ^ *jm \Jj JBa ird King Fo, the Lord of Misrule (De la Rue). Catalogues> received :—Messrs. HenryJ Deserted Village (ditto) . & Co., of Philadel phia , send us thei r new- *. The Wonder-book for Boys (J. C. Nimmo). cataloguecaiaiu g uc ofkj l publicat^FiLc/ji .vx*L' -i\_»ii ionso in*ii practicalj ^/icn - i-iv.** and»*m~» scien-~- Stuff and Nonsense (ditto). tific books. It is an octavo of just 100 pages1 From Messrs . Blackie & Son :— includ ing the wrap per , which is utilised as an In Freedom 's Cause—Wreck of the Nancy Bell— index to subjects. The catalogue itself is dis- St. Geor ge for England—Traitor or Patriot ?— tingui shed by fulness of informatio n. The list of

W^mf i , ¦**¦ v A^pV a ' t«»4k w ^^ \ ^ ^^* hA ^^^ p^^^ pk ¦¦ P«pr k^ Jk ^^ * y*^ extenso True Jto the Old Flag—Menhardoc —Magna. conten^^^ v ^ ^J* ts to^ ^ each^v%A book is print ed in ^ of J. „ pages Charta Stories—Buny— i p Land.— — occupy ing in one case as much as th ree ^ stude nts will From Mr. John Hogg :— the Publish ers ' Circular. Distant ¦PB _pft A Pocket Dictionary of 1, 000 Chri stian Names— find this an immense assistance. —A catalogue of DiA3i DVii> yuv Lriabc ^ uuuuu n uvi vj[ »*»». stock~ — of Self-hel p for Women—Dainty Dishes—Fortu- theuuo stereoty pe plates, bound and quire" ^ nate men—Plodding on—Birthday Book of Art gift books , novels, reward and song book s, music and Artists — Guide to Natura l History—Storios bookshr»r»k/a , leIptterhtftr wri¦nrri tersfPT 'fl , recitersrf»nif«r« , catechisms^At.ftchism S., bhuBn^ out of School Time—Adventures of Mauric o other miscellaneous works, to be sold by auction, Drumtno re—Your Luck' s in Your Hands. by Messrs . Duncan Keith , Buchanan , & M' Clo-y, m- The Pri ze Vol. for 188 4 (Wells Gardner ). 41at 1 Batjdu ,ihu StreetoimoL, GlasgowuuvB guw, onvu. Tuesdayx uvauay nextuu-».v,, for— Chatterbox Vol. for 1884 (ditto) . ing the entire publish ing departme nt of Messrs. relin- PM# - ^^ BJ..BA m ~ " ¦—¦ — ~~ ~~ ¦ ** ^^^* -^~ ~mm ' ^" ^m * ~*^r n^ m ^ ^^^ pm ¦ are ^^ ^^ ^^* ^ Daily^ Text for the Little Ones (ditto ).^ John S. Marr & Sons, Glasgow, T?ho At the Sign of the Blue Boar (ditto). quishing this section of thei r busines s, t hat th«y Old Highway s in China (ditto). maywirv derotedevote theirtheir exclusire atteattent ntion ion toi" the From Messrs . James Nisbet Station ery Department. —Ca talogu e, No. 25, ^oi ip ^ Pj ^A A ^ i^^ Pk pH ^ ppt ^ ppj & Co. :— _ _ ^^ ^ . M — •»»». 0I Twi ce Bought — What a Man Soweth — Old AncientAUCioiJb andcpvuva Modernju u-\j*jlr^* 11 Booksj l^v^wjvo, , in*»* all class©*^~-~- . Umbrel las — High Aims—M y Grandmother 's literatur e, oflfered by Messrs . H. Sothera a & ^>- » Pictures . 49 Cross Street , Manche ster. jk Nor. 15, 1884 xne i-uDiisne rs ' circular ,205 " - ¦ i. — - 11 I, — ^ > Index to the Books published totween November 1 and 15. The Words in Italics art those under which the Titles are given Alphabet ically in Jull, with the Publisher' s Name.

Advent, Some Thoughts , la. Commercial Handbook, Warned , 5?. After Tears, a Story of Trials and Triumph, Bradley, 2a. Common Lav, Digest, Fisher' s, 7 vols. 252a. jUnsley's Exercises, Nautica l Almanac, 1882, 6d. Common Praye r,in Order a* Used, Morning, Is. 6d., Even. 6d. Algebra, Gross (E. J.) Part 2, 3rd edit. 8a. 6d. Commonwealth, English , Rise «fe Fall, Picton, 3rd ed. Is. 6d. Aleonquin Legends of New England, Leland (C. G.) 8a. Congoongwon Uton (Lord(LK)rd ) Memoir.Memoir, 2s. Bd. Allegro, Penseroso, and Lycidas, Milton, by Storr, new ed. Is. Corporations, Mnnicipal, Act, Rawlinson (Sir C.) 38s. ilm Is. Ants, Bees, and Wasp3, Lubbock (Sir J.) 7th. edit. 5s. Death of Alexan der , Newdigate Prize Poem , Bourf iower , Is. 6d. Archbishops of Canterbury, Hook, Vol . 12, 2nd edit. 15s. Death Shot, Reid (Maync) 3s. G

¦ ¦ f * m • - - , - / ¦ - - ^ . . . , ,, y .:¦ ^ '*^ *wmmi ^m

1206 The Publishers * Circular A]»ovY « TP h . i "** *5» 15^5^ ¦

Health in Civic Life, Health Exhibition Literature, 7, 7b. 6&. >rounfc, Moments on the, Matheson

— India,* Bradburyvx (J.) * 4s. 6d. Old World and the New, Ballantin * (Serj.) 14a. H ) India, the Land and the Peopl e, Caird (J. new <»dit. 10s. Gd. Old World Questions & New World Answers. Pidgeon, 7s. 6d. H Inner Life, Aids, Hutchings, 7?. Onuu neut badinei^icvv»i.J»t ; paspf»o avecoicvj rAmourx ^i.j aivju.1, Musset^m hoiici , byuj r Pollockj l vxiwa., 9. Ou ^2s. 6d. ^M^^ H Insurance, Laws, Porter (J. B.) 21s. Our Darling, Vol. 3, 5s. & 3s. H Intestinal Obstructions, Treves CP«) 8s 6d. wnf LuuK B. - Our Ownv^wu "Mapazineaaiue , Vol.r ui. 5u, 2s.^ ^m^H Jesus, One Hundred Poems about, Lvff (W.) Is. 6d. & Is . Out and About Book, Little "Folks' , 5p. ^m Jesus, £fcory of the Life, Told in Easy Words, 3s. 6<1. Out of Town, Weafherly (F. B.) Coloured Plates, 6s. H John, Gospel, Short Expository Headings, 5s. Out-of-the-Way Place, An. a Story, Stuart (Esnoe) 2s. 6d. H Journ&e d'Enfant, Marie (Adrien) 20 planches, 24s. 2s. 6<3 2e. Paj ?es in Waiting, Pi*^6* (B.> . & ^B Jubilee Singers, Marsh (J. B. T.) new edit. 3s. 6d. Pansy, King' s Daughter. Is. Gd. ^B Jumping Frog, &c, Humorous Sketches, Twain (Mark) Cd. Paris in Old & Present Times, Hamerton (P. GT.) 21s., 1. p. 84s. 5s. , ^B Just as It Ought to Be, Conklin (J. M.) Paternoptcr PilgTims, Helliar (A.) 4<1. ^B Justice, Economic, Homology,5 s. Pathological Museum, Middlesex HospL, Fowler & Sution, 12p. ^B Keraban the Inflexible, Verne (Jules) 7s. 6d. Pauperum, Biblia, 10s. 6d. ^H Kings* Book 1, Analysis, 6d. Peoples of the World, Brown (R.) Vol . 4. 7s. 6d. ^m King's Scholars, Ridley (M. L.) 3s. 6d. Perilous Venture, Meyern, translated, 3s. 6d. ^B Kitching (GL) Poems and Tales, Is. 6d. Photography, InPtruction, Abney «. ^^ A.^ ^ 1 . * _^ ^^ ^^ • ^^ 7 ^ A N ^ I ^^^^^^B , Plants, Cultivated, Origin, ite Candolle (A.) 5s. ^B Bennett (GL L.) new 3s. . Latin Writer, First, edit- 6<3 Plants, Dictionary of English Names, Miller (W.) 12s. ^B Legal Maxims, Broom' s, 31s. 6dt. Poe (B. A.) Worlca, by Stoddard (R. H ) Vols. 1, 2, 6s. each ^B Leighton(Archbishop) Short Biography, 3s. Gel. Poems and Songs for Young People, Illustrated, 5s. ^H Letters in Daily Life, Sewell (Elizabeth M.) 6s. Poi?on Tree. Chatterjee (B. C.) 6s. ^B Letcard(Frank) Memorials, 7s. 6d. Portraits, Hundred Greatest Men, new edit. 21s. ^H Librarianship as a Profession , Tedder (IT. ) Pottery, French, Qarna ult & Garnier, 3s. ^H Light of Asia, Arnold (E.) illus. edit. 21s. Practical Man, Rouse (Holla) 16th edit. 10s. 6d. 1 ^M Little Ready-Cry, Colornb (Mad.) 3s. 6d. Primer, Longman s Introductory, 2d. ^H I Little Ted, Jones (Jenkin) 9d. Prize Pictures for Painting, Pyrrt (T.) Is. ^B Liverpool , Charge, Ryle (J. C.) Is. Psalter, with Translation , &c., Rolle (R.) 2 vols. 21s. ^H Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker,

Medicine,r Practical,w Cartel- (A.¦» H.)w 3rd edit. 9b. Shadow, Our of the, Is. H Medici Somnia, Good child (J. A.) 5s. Sheridan (R. B.) Works, by Browne & Moore, 2 voIb. 21b. ¦ Menagerie, Travelling1, Camden (O.) 2nd edit. 2a, (Id . Sinfi'lehearfc «nd Doubleface, R*ade (O.) new edit. 3s. CJ. ¦ Mcnhardoc, Tale of Cornish Miners, Fenn (Gh M-) Gb. &1-Yu-Ki, Buddhist Records, Beat {S. ) 2 vola. 24s. H Miilbank, Memorials, OriffUJu (A.) new edit. 12s. Skippo, &c., Tales, Is. Cd. H Montcalm and Wolfe, Parkman (J.) Vol. 1, 12a. 6d. Smollett,Novels , fl vols. 63s. ¦ ¦ W- ¦ Montefiore (Sir Mosea) Centenary Biography, 10b. 6d . Snobs, Book of , & Travels in London , Thackeray, n. c. 108. I Mother Bunch, Austin (Stella) 3s. 0&. Social Dfagnonis,

Speak , Extempo re, How to, by an Old .Orator , Is.' Toy Books, Aunt Louisa's, new varieties , Is. eaoh Spirit Footprints , Foster (Mrs. J.) 3s. Cd. Trigonometry, Elementary, Pinkerton (B. H.) 2s. 6d. gpitalfields Genius, William -4M?», 4s. €d. Trottings of a Tender Foot, Wolley (C. P.) 7s. 6d. Soudan, with Hicks Pasha, Colborne (Col. J.) 6s. True to the Old Flag, Henty (G. A.) 6s. Stanley Graham, Stables (Gordon) fig. Truth , Criteria of Diverse Kinds , McCosh (J ,) 2au Starestars, Among thetne, Oiberneatoerne CAgnes)( Agnes; 5s.58. Twice Found, Smith ( Marianne) nev? edit. Is. State and Education, Schaible (0. H.) 6d. Two London Handfl, Green (Evelyn E.) 2s. 6d. Statutes, Practical, of 1884, Paterson (W.) 103. 6d. Two Sisters, The, Meade (L. T.) Is. Statutes, Public, General, of 1884 , 4«. 6d. Uncle Tom's Cabin, Stone (H. B.) new edit. Is. 6d. Stock Exchange Law & Customs, Melsheimer, &c, 2nd ed, 6s. Vagabundnli Lib«llus, Symonds (J. A.) 6s. Stratford on Avon, Lee (S. L.) 21s., 1. p. 84s. Van Bensselaer, Sister i/ouise, 2s. 6d. Strawberry Hill, FiJwc* (Clara) Is. 6d. Varnished Faces, <]. I Temple, Sacred Poems, &c.f Herbert (G.) 2s. 6d.

I Abn ey (W. De W.)—Instruction in Photograoh y. 6th Armies of the Native Stat in of India. Reprinted ¦ ¦ edit. 12mo. pp. 348, sewed, 3s. 6d- { Photographic Hnndv from the Times. Post 8vo. pp. 180, 4s Cha pman [6056 ¦ ¦ Books No. 1) , Piper [6043 Arn old (E.)—The Light of Asia. Illustrated edit. 4to. r»p. ¦ ¦ Adam s (Est elle I>.)—Ulustr ated Floral Text-Book . 32mo. 200, 21s Tr ubner [ 6057 ¦ ¦ 2s Hack [6044 Atmt Loui sa' s London Toy Books. Home Fairies. ¦ ¦ Advanced History of England. With Portraits , Six Little Maidens. 4to. sewed, Is. each. ,,..Warne [6058 ¦ ¦ Maps , &c , adapted to the late st requirements of the ¦ ¦ Edu cation Austen (Jane ) —Letters of. Ed i ted, with an Introdactfon Department. 12mo. pp. 326, 2s...Nelsons [6046 and General Remarks, by Lord Brabourne. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. ¦ ¦ Advent ures In Field , Flood, and For est. Stories of 710, 24s Bentley [605 9 ¦ ¦ Dang er and Daring. Illustrated. Post 8vo. po. 250, 2s. 6d. ¦ ¦ Au stin (S.)—Mother Bnncli : a Story for Boys and Crirls. H , BlackioDJttCKlO [604[OUt 6U pp. , Gd blasters [6060 ¦ ¦ ^gttos tlo'a Progress (An) from the Know n to the Un- Post 8vo. 230 3s. ¦ ¦ known. Post 8vo. pp. 262, 5a Williams & N. [6047 Babcock (W. H.)—Cypress Beech. 2 vols. Cr. 8vo. 21s. I Aids to the Inner Life. Edited by Bey. W. H. Hntch intrs . pp. 414 Sonncnschdn [6061 ¦ ¦ 0 vols. in case. 7s Hiving tons [6048 Ballantin o (Serjeant )—The Old World nnd tUe New • H being a Continuation of His Experiences. 8vo. pp. ?5fi , AJ nsworth ("W. H.)—(^uy Fawkes : or , the Gunpowder Eentley [0062 ¦ ¦ Tr eason : an Historical Romance. New edit. 8 vo. pp.186 . 14s ¦ ¦ sewed , 6d Rontledge [6049 Bann ing : (H. T.)—Treatise on Marriage Settlements, with ¦ ¦ Allen (WO—The Spitalflelds Oenins : the Story of William an Appendix of Statuto*. 8vo. 15s Stevoais & 8. [6063 ¦ ¦ Allen, re-told by J. Fayle. With 3 Illustrations. 8vo. pp. ht nfter^parlnean : ¦ ¦ 208. 4s. Cd Hodder [6050 Baretow (C. H.)—Old Ransom : or, Lig IUM X-^ » ^.»* *.»ww« -* w..., a « u » r^^^f aCm StorykJUVFt. J ofV*. Streetkftl V.VJ W LifeJL-iAiV ^.* W¥* ith Original•J ij ****^* Illustrations. So.• ¦ ¦ Analysts of the Firs t Book of Kinga . Pre pared ex- 16mo. pp. 86, Is Warae [6064 ¦ ¦ pressly for the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examin ationn . ¦ ¦ 12mo. pp. 64, 6d Longmans [605 1 Beal (S.)— Si-Yu-Ki. Biufdbist Records of the Western ¦ *" -««».^.« V¥ UI lUt JL miBlt»\J\:\l u utu w»«\-< Chinese»^..««»v.»^k oP Hiuen Tsiang^.^M ^mtmft, ¦ ¦ World. Tran* slated from the Ander son ("W.)—The Unique Gr andeur of the Bible : 1)eing 24s. ( Triltmer s Orienta l ¦ ¦ a (A.D. 629). 2 vols. 8ro. pp. 620, ' Now Plea for an Old Book . In Six Chapters , Post 8vo. Series) TrUbner [6065 ¦ ¦ PP. 260, 5s Hatch ard a [6052 TJfe of Bam nel Beabury, fi rst Bishop ¦ ¦ Ant«l Whi sper a to the Littl e Ones. By the Author Beardsle y fE. E.)~ * Blble of Connecticutnnnneoticufc., and of tho Episcopal Church in tho TJnlt k-*v^v w «A a. v«. j • , from England, Betbnne (A.\ and J.)—Tale3 of the Scottish Peasantry. Calderwood of Polton Holland, and the I "With Biography of the Authors by John Ingrain. Post Low Countries in 1756. Edited by Alexander PerguBson I 8vo. (Glasgow, Morison) pp. 3.50, 3s. 6d..... Hamilton [6072 8ro. (Edinburgh, Douglas) pp. 530, 18s.... Hamilton [6102 I Bibli a Pauperum. A Smaller Biblia Panperom con- Cam den CO—-Hoity Toity, the Good Little Fellow. "With I teynynpe thyrtie and cyghte wodeenttea, illustratynge the numerous Illustrations. 2nd edit. 12mo. pp. 200, 2s. 61. I Lyfe, Para biis, and Miraclis off Oure Blessid Lorde and Sonnenschein T6103 I ww a. v»v# 9*J%m v tvia ¦ v» v t.i voi *o v^«, iowi vM.m wuv **- vr ^ ^*^ -*_^ ^/w ^* » j muvj (C.)—The Travelling Menagerie. Savioure Jhesus Crist, with the proprer Deacrypciouns^ Caxnden Illustrated by I thereon!extracted fro the Orfginall Texte off John Wiclif F. Mahoney. 2nd edit. 12mo. pp. 166, 2s. 6d. I Prefaceby the late A. P. Stanley. 8vo. 10s. 6d. TJnwin [6073 Sonuenschein [6104 I

Biblical0J.Ul.lVm Treasury.AXCnBUl Jr< VolT Ul.. 2:*r . Exod\i3U.VVUUO tow* Deuteronomy.i/cuitiuuviiuji Catnoens—LyHcks (Sonnets, Canzons, Odes, and Sextines) I New edit, revised and re-arrang-ed, 8vo. pp. 256, 2s. Englished by Richard F. Burton. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 540, I Sunday School U nion [6074 16s Quaritch [6105 I Bir thda y Reminders from Lon gfellow, in Prose Carter (A. H.)— Elements of Practical Medicine. 3rd edit. I and Poem. 32mo. Is. ....Dent [6075 post 8vo. pp. 456, 9s. .• Lewis [610G I Bisllop of London ' s Char ge* Fire Years in the Diocese Cassell' s Hi?tory of the War between France and Germany, I of London. 8vo. Is Skefflngtoii [6076 1870-1871. Vol. 2. Roy. 8vo. 9s Cassell [6107 I Bisset (A.)—Koiteon the Anti-Corn Law Struggle- Post Cassell's Saturday Journal. Vol. 1. 4to. 5s. I 8vo. pp. 290, 9s...' i%.. •, Williams & N. [6077 Cassell f6108 I Chatterjee (B. C-> ~The Poison Tree : a Tale of Hindu I Blake (Robert ), Admiral and General at Sea, based oa Life in Ben gal. Translated by Miriam S. Knight. With I Pamily and State Papers. By William Hepworth Dixon. Preface by Edwin Arnold- Post 8vo. pp. 320, 6s. I New edit . With 10 Illustrations in Permanent Photo- Un win [6109 I graphy. 8vo. pp. 314, 7s. 6d. Bickers [6078 Clark (G. E.)—Complete Passport to the Civil Service. I Blight CJ. T< )—Churches of West Cornwall. With Notes 3rd edit, post 8vo. pp. 176, 3s Simpkin [6110 I , post 8vo. pp. 240 of Antiquities of the District. 2nd edit . Class History of England. With numerous Maps and I 5s. Parkex [6079 Illustrations. 12mo. pp. 408, 2s. 6d...... Cassell[6111 I Bloomfield (Lord) —Memoir of Benjamin Lord Bloomfield 9 Colborne (Col . the Hon . J J —"With Hicks Pasha in the I Edited by Georgians Lady Bloomfleld. 2 vol3.8vo. pp. 642. Soudan ; being an Accountof the Senaar Campaign in 1883. I ^^F^^ A ^b. M ^i^k^ -m. 28s. Chapman [6080 Post 8to^^ . pp. 288^^ , 6s^^ Smith.^^^ ^ ^ &^ E. [6112^ .^ — I^^^H Boudoir Table Boob : a Register of Birthdays and other Coleridge (S. T.)—Tahle Talk and Omnia. Arranged and I Events, with Selections from the Poets. 4to. pp. 368., edited by T. A she. 12mo. pp. 454, 3s. €d. (Bohn' s Standard I 10a. 6d M. Ward [6081 Library) BeU [6113 I Boughton (G. H.>—Sketching Rnmble3 in Holland . Withi Collins * Improved Illustrated Reader. Third Book. With I Illustrationsby the Author and Edwin A. Abbey. 8vo. pp. 20 Illustrations. 12mo. pp. 180, lOd. {Collins* School Seriet) I 334, 21s Macmillan [6082 Collins [6114 I Bonltbee (Dr.) —Qniet Strength : a Memorial Sketch of Colomb (Madame)—Little Ready Cry ; or, the Sorrows I the Life and Work of tbe late Rev. J. P. Boulttee. By the of Six: Years Old. From the French, by C. A. Jones. Sq. I I I Rev. Gordon Calthrop. 2s. ; large paper, 2s. <>d. 16m16mo.o. dd.pp. 180.180, 3s.3s. 6d Masters T6115[6115 | I W. Hunt [6083 Con gleton (Lord)—Memoir of (• Not of the World '). By I Boutflower (C. H.)—The Death of Alexander. Tne Great Henry Groves. Revised and reprinted from the * Footsteps I Newdigate Prize Poem, 1884. 8vo. (Oxford, Shrimpton), of Truth/ Post 8to. pp. 130, 2s. 6d J. P. Shaw [6116 I pp. 18mo. sewed , Is. 6d r Simpkin [6084 Conklin (J. M.)—Just as it Oujrht to Be ; or, the Story of I Boy Mart yr (The) : or, Mampesti's Page : a Story o>f Miss Prudence. Post 8vo. pp. 460, 5a J. F. Shaw [6117 ¦ 1567. 18mo. pp. 96, 9d J. F. Shaw [608 5 Convray (H.)—DaTk Days. 12mo. pp. 178, sewed, la. I Bradbur y (J.) —India : its Condition, Religion, and Mis- CArrowsmith's Chi-istmas A nnual) Griffith & F. [6118 I sions. Post 8vo. pp. 246, 4s. (>d Snow [6086 Cooper (Lina O.)—Chaiity Moore : the Story of a Stray. I Bra dley (I. W.) — After Y-ears : a Story of Trials an-d With Illustrations by T. Pym. I2mo. pp. 128, Is. Gd. I Triumphs: Sequel to ' Culm Rock.' 12mo. pp. 242, 2s. Hodder [6119 I Nelsons [60S7 Corbett (RXrs. G.)—Cassandra : a Novel . 3 voli. cr. 8vo. I pp. 1292, 31a. 6d Sonuenschein [6120 I Brave Swiss Boy, and other Tales. I2mo. pp. 144, Is. ( Chambers ' Juvenile Library) Chambers [6088 Courtne y (J.)—Boiler-Maker's Ready Reckoner. 2nd edit. I (^i tcvt Kjy xj. jv. I revised^oviocu andauu editedi by D. Kinnearivuiuciu Clark.\jlhl 12mo.j.j >u-iir, pp,|-'t / < 358"vyji, 4s.*"~ I¦ Brea d-Winners (Tlie): a Social Study. New edit. I2mc. and 6b. ( WeaWsSeries) Lockwood [6121 I pp. 310, boards, 2s. Warne [6089 Cowen (Jane)— Tales of Revolution and Patriotism. Post I Bretano — Fairy Tales Told in English by Kate W. Svo. pp. 340, 3s. 6d W. Scott [612? _I , Kroeker and pictured, by F. Carruthers Gould. Po3t flvo. 8vo. I pp. 278, 5s Unwin [6090 Cox (S.)—Balaam : an Exposition and a Study. Post pp. 210, 5s Paul [6123 I Bri fiTbt (J. F.)— HUtory of E ngland. Period III. Constl- Crabb (O.)— English Synonyma Explained in Alphabetical I , tutional Monarchy ; William and Mary to William IV., ¦¦ viuci wiiiu wupKuua j.iJLUHtin,i< £ij lmlu (/icc dr^.•.awn.- — I_ 1889-1837.1680-1837 - With MapsMads and PlansPlans.. 4th edit. Cr.dr. 8vo.8vo p»p.nn Order, with copious Illustrationsi(Jiia anduxiu Examples, .RoutJed^D [6124 I 716 , 78. 6d Bivingtons [605) 1 from the Best Writers. Cr. Bvo. 3a. 6d. . Capples ( Mrs. Q.) — Tappy' s Chicks, and other Links I Brodie (Emily) — Norman end Elsie ; or. Two Little 12mo. pp. I Prisoners. Post 8vo. pp. 220, 3a. <>d J. P. Shaw [<5032 between Nature and Human Nature. 3rd edit. 810810., 2s. 6d Sonnenschein [0i»[612C I Broom ' s Legal Maxims. A Selection, of Legal Maxims, 8vo. I Classified and Illustrated. 6th edit. De Candolle (A-)—Origin of Cultivated Plants. Cr. Bv H. Francis Paul [612« I Manisty. 8vo. 31b. 6d W. Maxwell [CO93 pp. 468, 6s. (Internation al Scientific Series) Crusoe. I Lost on the Moor De Foe (D.)—Li fe andl Adventures of Robinson Brown (Annie)— ; or, the Story of o-ur rs [6U7 I Geordie. 12mo. pp. 126, Is. 6d J. P. Sh-aw [0O94 12mo. pp. 272, Is. 6d , Chambe Directory of Buil ding : Societies , cont aining a List of I Brown. (R.)—The Peoples of the World. Vol. 4. Koy.8wo. Societies Ac*—1, I¦ 7b. 6d CafiBell [«O95 eocieiiesSocieties incorporated unaerunder znethe Buildinglyuuaing f^wwwo *•. 1874. Compiled l>y Horace Kent and V.M. Braund. 12roo. I Brown (J. C.)—The Ethics of George Eliot's Works. 4th pp. 410, 68. . : .... Offi ce [6128 edit. 12mo. pp. 114, 2b. ttd. Black woods [6096 Dixon (W. H.)~Her Majesty's Tower. 7th edit. W Browne (Mrs. T. If.)—Dorothy : a Tale. With Illustra- IHustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. pp.«d. 0300SO., 21a Bickers [oi[61^JJJ ** tion *. Post Byo. pp. 224, 2s. 6d. p Suttaby , [ftOU7 1, Dlxon (W. HO—The Holy Land. New edit. With 1J Browne (Mrs . T. M.)— Kot My Way ; or, Good out of llluBtrationsAimBtrauons byDy Daviduavia Jtw>DertsBoberts, reproducedreproaucou Iniu Pennaneiw1c1"**^" oq ' BtII : a Tale. With 3 Illustrations- Post 8vo. pp. 210, Photography, and numerous Woodcuts. 8vo. PP« *5S I 2». «d- Suttaby f6008 7s. 6d. ..:... Bickers C^ 8 I mI . ^ini wrnWf I ¦ ¦ 1 "'" ¦ ¦' ¦;¦ ' i P ^ P ; ¦

Nov. 15, 1884 The Publi shers ' Circu lar J 2O9 -

DobBon (W. Z».) and Humphrey s (T. D.)—£20 Prize Greenwood (J.)—Tag, Rag, and Co. : Skebche * of the .m^^ -N^ w A. «««W* fc\4 VtAV*VWD EssayHrH &ifc Y inJ-JJ- CutV/ ** W */*m tinJ»C> g byml Block PatternMO *). I W»• ith*WU Additions^ andC««_ft^4 People. New edit. 8vo. pp. 152, sewed, 6d. .. Warne . [6165 Pract ical Rema rks on. Practical Tailoring. 4to. sowed, 2s, Simpkin [6131 Griffi n (Sir I*. H.)—The Great Repub lic. 2nd edit, post 8vo. pp. 184, 48. 6d Chapman [6166 Donaldson (J.)—The Rol ler Mill Annual and Millwri ght' s Almanac for 1&85 ; containing Rales, Tables , and Informs- Griffiths (A.)—Memorials of Millbank , and Chapters in for Millers , M illwrights Prison History . JNe w edit. 8vo. pp. 4»58, 12s. tion useful , and those concerned Chapman [6167 with Mill and Grind ing Machinery . 12mo. 2s. Simpkin [6132 Gross (E. J.)—Algebra. Part 2. 3rd edit. cr. Svo. pp. 357, 8s. 6d. (Rivington' s Mathematical Series) ..Rivingtona [6168 Douglas (J. M.)—American Rail way Bon.4 and Share - holder. 6d E. Wilson [6133 Guernsey (Lncy E.)—Loveday 's H istory : a Tale of Many Chan ges. Post Svo. pp. 366, 5s. J. F. Shaw [6169 Powell (S.)—A History of Taxation and Taxes in England Earliest Times to the Present Day . 4 vols. f ivo. A tale of the changes which passed ever Englishmen from the between 1538 and t/ie reign of Queen Elizabeth. pp. 1,690, 48s. *..... Longmans [6134 (Mrs. e (Lad y)—Summer land Grange. 18mo. pp. 15*2, Hall S. O—Boons and Blessings : Stories and Danb oyn -»v/-' ww w 4«av»v)wi i« v\ . WUV -¦-¦-- " Sketch~-*-*»-*s es to illustrate the Advantages*—1 I 1 ' of^^ Ar Tem^ VUiperance |/VI MtlVV *. NewA1VTF ls. 6d Nisbet [6135 edit. Svo. 6s National Tempe^ rance Depot [6170 (C.)—Advanced Duxbur y Gr ammar of School Gra mmars. Hamerton (P. G.)—Paris 5th and enlarged edit, post 8vo. pp. 250, 3s. €d. in Old and Present Times. With ^^M^^ m\ m ^f ^t m ^ii¦ ^m wm^L-m m Especialr B^ ^^ ^^F ^ ^W^ V Reference0m^ ^P ^^^^ ^^v ^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ tok^ the^^ ^ ^ ^^ Chanm^^ ^^B^-M ges^^K ^^^ \w inA%^^^ m itsm\^J ^^J Architecturem^^^^^^m ^ ^^ ^H^^^L ^^v and^^^B^^^L^^^^L Dux bury Bros. [6136 Topo graphy. With 12 Etching s and notueroas Vignettes. Eastwar d Ho ! Vol. 1. 8vo. pp. 496, 3s. 6d. Folio, 21s.; lar ge paper , £4. 4s Seeley [6171 W. W. Gardner [6137 Hamilton (E.)—Recol lections of Fly-Fishi ng for Salmon , Ea stwoo d (Frances )—Marcolla of Rome : a Tale of the Trout , and GrrayGrravlinlinge ; with Notes on their Haunts.Haunte , Habits ,. Barly Chu rch. New edit, post Svo. pp. 328, 6d. and History. Illustrated by a Mezzotint Engraving by J. F. Shaw [6138 Fra ncis Seymour Haden , and other Woodcu ts. Poat 8vo. pp. 170, 6s Low [6172 Elsom's Kingston Arithm etical Test Cards , in Seven Stan - dards. 32mo. packe t , Is. each M arshall [6139 Hammond (A.1 — Rudiments of Practical Bricklaying . 6th e iit. carefull y revised, with Additions . 12mo. pp. 116, Eva ns (H.)—Our Old Nobilit r. By * Noblesse Oblige. ' 2nd Is. 6d. ( Wealfs Series) Lockwood [6173 edit. 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. pp. 320, sewed , Is. .. d ickers [6140 Hard y (I. D.)—The Love that he passed by : a Tale of Fami ly Herald. Vol. 53. 4to. 4s. 6d. . ,W. Stevens [6141 Santana City . 3 vols. Cr. 8vo. pp. 734:, 31s. 6d. Fam ous Men : being Biographic al Sketches from Chambers ' F. V. White & Co. [6174 Miscellany. 12mo. 2s Chamb ers [6142 Harte (B.)—The Luck of Roaring Cam p, and et her Stories. Fen n (Q. M.)—Menhardoc : a Story of Cornish Nets and New edit. 8vo. pp. 122, sewed, 6d Routledge [6175 Hines. With 8 full-page Illustrations by C. J. Staniland . Har ri s (Amanda B.)—Littl e Biographies of Pl easant Post 8vo. pp. 340, 5s. Blackie [6143 Authors for Young Folks. Pose 8vo. (Glasgow, Bryce) Fenn (G. M.)—The Eosery Folk : a Country Story. 2 vols. pp. 188, 2s. 6d Simpkin [6176 cr. 8vo. 218 ...Chapm an [6144 Lives of Sir W. Scott, Miss Mitford , Charles Lamb, Gilbert White, Jane Austen, Leigh Hunt, Charles Fish (D. T.)—Bulbs and Bulb Culture. Illustrated with Kinysley, Ac. 117 Wood Engravin gs. Pp. 465, 5s Bazaar Office [6145 Hawker (R, S.)—Corn ish Ballads , with other Poems, in- Fisher 's Common Law Digest. 7 vols. roy. 8vo. £12. 12s. cludin g a new edition of * The Ques t of the Sangraal .' 2nd Stevens & S. [6146 edit, post 8vo. pp. 214, 58 Parker [6177 Flemin g (G.)—Vestigia. New edit. 12mo. pp. 196, 2s. Hawtliorne (N.)—Nathaniel Hawth orns and his Wife . IMacmiU an [6147 By Julian Hawthorne. 2 vols. post Svo. pp. 1,070, 24s. Foster (Mrs. J.)- -Spiri t Footprints. Sq. 16mo. pp. 246, Chatto [6178 3s. 6d JSTishet [6148 Hawthorn e (N.)—Our Old Home : a Series of English Ht ligi ous poems. Sketches. 12mo. pp. 288. 2s. ; sewed , Is. (Paterson' s Shilling Fowler (J. K.) and Sutton (J. B.) — A Descriptiv e Library ) Paterson [6179 Catalog ue of the Patholo gical Museum of the Middl esex Hay dn (Jose ph). By Pauline D. Tuwnsend. Post 8vo. Hospital. 8vo . 12s. Chur chill [6149 pp. 130, 3s. ( Great Music ians) Low [6180 Francillon (Ifc. E.)—A Keal Queen : a Roman ce. New m m m Ai W0^^ %)!**++ %^ »» mm 9 ^—m.^^mmmm^m.mt^*-m. v t ^m1m. ^m0 vmm *A^ tfkWAMAVIVAA •mtmMm tm> W^m ^mt ¦ V Health in the—«^^ Health Exhi bitionmm Literature. Vol. 2 : edit, post 8vo « pp. 314, 3s. 6d Cha tto [6150 Dwelling.^^-^ _ » * 8vo.^t 7s. 6d**. « Clowes^^m j [6181mm jm* ^ .^^ ^ Franklan d (E.) and Japp (F- R.)—Inorganic Chemistry . Health Exhibition Literature. Vols. 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, With Illustr ations. 8vo. pp. 814, 24s Churchill [6151 1111., 12. 8vo. 7s. 6d. each Clowes [6182 Frost (A. B.) —Stuff and Nonsense . Folio, board s, 6s. Health Exhibition Literature. Vol. €: Health in JNiramo [C152 Diet. 8vo. 7s. 6d Clowes [6183 Comica l pictures nonsense Thynies y tic. * Health Exhibition Literature. Vol. 7 : Health in Garde n Annu al, Almanac , and Address Book , 1885. 12mo. Relation to Civic Life. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Clowes [6184 sewed, Is , Office [6153 Heat ley ( El. R.)—Grrecula : a First Book of Greek Trans- Gasna nlt (P.) and Gtarnler (E.)—French Pottery . With lation. 2nd edit. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 88, Is. 6d. Rivingtona [6 185 Illustr ations and Marks. Post 8vo. pp. 190, 3s. (South Remington Handbooks ) Chapman [6154 Helliar (A.)—The Paternoster Pilgrims : an Impossible Sketch. Cr. 8vo. 4d . , 2s. trations by . Sq. l Gino. pp. 386, (5s. Blackie [«157 Blackie [6188 Goodchild (J. A.)—Somnia Medici. Sm. cr. 8vo. 5s. Her Wor ld. By C. H. Cr. 8vo. 6a. Paul [6158 Literary Soc. [6189 Gould (A. P.)—Elements of Social Diagnosis. 12mo. pp. London 578, 7a. 6d Cassell [6169 Her ber t (G.)—Temple. Sacred Poems and Ejaculations. New edit. 18mo. pp.dd. 248248., Is. oud 2a.2s. Gd Parker [6190 Gould (B. Barin g-) and Slieppard (H. F.)—Church New edit. 38mo. Eonga. Cheap edit. 2s. 6d. and 2a Skefflngto n [6160 Hero dotus. Literal Translation, with A nalysis and Short »'-* wim ««»^v» --v»— mmmm^ ¦w -w m^^mm Notes.ATWI/^O * Book4-*VV«X VII.W JLJLm (arranged\ «•* * «**»f%^^ « for interleaving^ with tbevm*^r Gr ant (J.) — Recen t British Battles on Land and Sea. ______^ ^ *^« . * *- -m ft ^ m* ofA9 BftlW*^ V ¦ iol.f _ B Post^^^ h _ -a- 8vo.^^ k v ol. 4. Roy. J)s Oxford Text) by a Firat-CIaB» Man ' 8vo. pp. 550 Oasaell [6161 (Oxford, Shrimpton) pp. 160, soweil, 2s. 6d. \ Ojford Trans- Gr een. (Evely n Everett- )— Two London Homes ; or , lation of the Classics) Simpkin [6191 Ma rjorie and Muri el pp. . Post 8vo. 100, 2s. 6d. Herr ick (8. E.)—Some Heretics of Yesterda y. Poat 8vo. „_ J.%m . Fx" . 8hawaiww C6162[_ v> j iu^ Low [6192 Wr «enwoodi (J.) — Dinin g with Dnke Hum phre y ; or , pp. 320, 8a Curi oBitleB of Life. 8vo. pp. 166, sewed, Cd. .. War ne [616a Heywood (J. C.)—Herod ias : a Dramatio Poem. New edit , sm. or. 8vo. 6s Paul [6198 Gr eenwood (J.)—Odd People in Odd Places ; or , the <*reat Residuum. New edit. 8vo. dd. 166. sewed. 6d. HIU ( B.) and Cooper (A.)-Btndcnt' a Manual of Venerea ] I ii t Warne [6164 DiBeaeee. 3rd edit. 12mo. pp. 1*J4> 2s« 6d Lewis [6194 \ ~" ' W ' & The Pub lishers ' Circular . l8 tarn ^ iS 84

Hissey CJ - J.)—An Oldfasliioned Journey through England Z*alanne (M.)—-A Treatise on Etohia?. Text and Plates and Wales. 8vo. dd.pp. 384.384, 14s BenBentleytley [619&[6195 Translated from, the 2nd French edit, by S. B. Koehler' A descriptio n of a recent tour in a pha eton. 3rd edit. roy. 8vo. pp. 70, 12s, 6d Low [6226

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1 Nov. 15, i««4 ^^ e Publish ers Circular I2n

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F.Shaw [6293 , , I Municipal and other Elections. '2nd edit. 8vo. pp. 4L6 10s. Our Darlings. Vol. 3. Roy. 8vo. pp. 3J)0, 5s. ; boards, 3s. I Waterlow [G264 J. F. Shaw [6294 I Maurice (F. D.) —Life of. Edited bv M=v son, Frederick Our Feather Farm , and other Tales. 12mo. pp. 144, I Maurice.Maurice. 2nd edit. 2 vols. 8ro.8vo. pp.do. 13201320., 36s. se wed , 6d. ( TcOesfrom Chambers ' Journal) . .Chambers [6295 I Macmillan [6265 Our Own Magazine. Vol. 5. 4to. 2s Office [6296 I Meade (L. T.)—Scarlet Anemones. 18mo. pp. 104, Is. I ladder [6266 Out of the Shadow ; or , Love comes to the Lovin g. I A relig ious &tot*y. 12mo. pp. 126, Is J. F. Shaw [6297 (F. A.)—Creek Wit : a Collection of Smart Sayings I Meade (L. T.)—The Two Sisters. 18mo . pp. 9^, Is. Pale y Q I Hodde r [6267 and Anecdotes. Tran lated fro m Greek Prose Writers. I A tale for girl *. Two Series in 1 vol. 3 2mo. pp. 250, 2s. Gd Bell [6298 I Melsheimer (H. E.) and (W.)—Di Parkman. (F.)—Montcalm and "Wolfe. 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Post 8ro. pp. 300, 3a. 6d CJiatto [6302 I Milton (J.)—L' Allegro, II Penseroso, and Lycidas. With Pedley (A.)—Northern * Quartet *. Test Cards. Standards I Life of Milton, Introduction, and Notes. By E. Storr. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 32mo. packet, Is. each Simplcin [6303 I New edit. Fop. 8vo. pp. 61, Is. (English School Classics) Pelle (W. O.)—West of Swardham : a Novel. 3 vols. post I lUvingtons-[6271 8vo. 31s. 6d Hurst [6304 I Minister 's Pocket Diary and CLer teal Tade Mocum , 1885. I 12mo. 2s. ; tuck , as Hodde r [6272 Philli ps (E. C.)— Gran dfather. Post 8v«. pp. 222, 2s. 6d. I A • »»• v mj+ ^*m * i*. • ^r «^ v^ %^ ¦ G^—* riffith & P. ^[6305 I Mr. Brad laugh. and the House of Commons , from A tale f or children. ¦ ¦ a Hindoo point of view. 8vo. pp. 54, 6d. Sonnenschei n [C273 Picton (J , A.)—Lessons from the Rise and Fall of the I Moleswor th (O. !¦•)—Pocketbook of Useful Formu lBe and English Commonwealth. Six Lectures. 3rd edit, post 8vo. iau ¦ I¦ Memor—-—»*»«.uiiu andac* fortui Civilui«ii anduuu Mechanicaliucuutuiii ^ni Engij ^ugiiineers.cuis. 21stA edit.cuii, pp. 152, la. 6d Alexander

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By Thomas Geary. 8vo. po. 1086, 38s. a 4th Series of ' Something ior Sunday.* 4to. packet, la. I Maxwell [6317 J.-T F.1? ShawSVlorw [6S4-4tpr, , . I Reade (C.) —Good Stories of Man and other Animals. With Shaw (C.)—Echoes from the Bible ; being a 3rd Series of I Illustrations by B. A. Abbey, Percy Macquoid, and Joseph * Something for Sunday . 4to. packet, la. J. P. Shavr [6J45 I Nash. Post 8vo. pp. 280, 3s. 6d Ohatto [6318 Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man. Illustrated with Photo- I Reade (C.)—Singleheart and Doubleface : a Matter-of-Fact gravures from Original Drawings. 4to. 5s. and 10s. 6d. I Romance. New edit. Post 8vo. pp. 226, 3s. 6d. TJn win [6346 I Chatto [6319 Sharp e (C. K.)—An Historical Account of the Belief ia I Reid (Capt. M.)—Quadrupeds : a Boole of Zoology for Witchcraft in Scotland. Post 8vo. (Glasgow, Moriaon) pp I Boys. With 25 Engravings. 12mo. pp. 210, 2s. Nelson [6320 260, 4s. 6d Hamilton [63i7 I Reid (Capt. M.)—The Death Shot : a Sfcory Re-tnld. Poet Sheridan (B. 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Englieli Words : the Pronunciation carefully revised toy ¦ W. Maxwell [6330 Kev. P. H. Phelp. Roy. 8vo. pp. 1,230, half-bound, 31s. 6d. ¦ «ow h¦ Rovrsell (Mary C.)—Number Nip ; ot, the Spirit of the _ .. ______BlackwoodsuiaoKWOoua. _____i[6358_____ « ______¦ Giant Mountains. Post 8vo. pp. 276, 2a. 6d. Stor y of the Iiife of Jesus , told in Words easy to Read ¦ Sonnenschein [6331 and Understand. By the Author of « Story of the BiWe.' ¦ With 40 full-page Illustrations. 4to. pp. 220, 3s. (id. ¦ St. John (Bayle)—Maretimo : a Story of Adventure. New Hodder [6359 ¦ 1 edit. 12nio. boards, 2s. (Select Library}.... Ward & L. [6332 Stowe CH. B.)— XJncle Tom's Cabin. 12mo. (Edinburgh, ¦ Sandwith (Hum phr y) . A Memoir. Compiled from Gemmell) pp. 4?6 Is. 6d. (Anchor Series}.,. .Simpkin [(W6« ¦ A, UL , j" » Vfr ¦^WjkS._.a__lV-'Mf«. *.* \J\JKt r A*U j_ ____ l VU1A\J 11VUAUM ¦* » JL__U £/<-__ __¦. M. Autobiographical\*\J*jm^rfo NotesX* by*^-*J his* Nephew* ,9 Thomas"^ HumphryJ Ward. 8vo. pp. 260, 7s. 6d Cassell [6333 Stuart (Esmd)-A n Out-of-the-way Place : a Story. Post I Suttaby [6361 ! ¦ Sannde rs (G,) —The Healer Preacher : Sketches and In- 8vo. pp. 290, 2s. 6d _____¦» •-» ¦ i cidents^_ > ^^ a ^j vm ofv ¦• Medical^-»*. v^*-«^ ^^ »-^« Mission«ju. &uv/*v^ »* Work* » ^^ & . With*¦»»¦*»* Illustrations._*. ___.___ > «4M m* •_• »**x_r uu< Post•*. ^- r *-» *_ > Sweet (H.)—IFirst Middle English Primer. Extracts from I 8vo. pp. 222, 3s. 6d. J. F. Shaw [0334 the Ancren Hiwle and Ormulum. With Grammar and ¦ 2s Frowde [6362 ¦ Scholastic C hri stmas Annual . Edited by William Glossary. 12oao. pp. 104, Andrews. 8vo. (Hull, Brown) pp. 106, sewed, Is. Symonds (J. A.)—Va_rah«nduli Lihellus. Post 8ro. pp. I Simpkln [6335 218, 6a. Paul [6M3 ¦ %V Ol/ *L ^ VM/Vf IVl'W *'» f f\sKf \Sf Ul//I'/(C,I^U« 1 Tales, sketches, and poetry. 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M.)-The Book of Snobs, and Skotchea

¦ •^ »«-»*-* » W*l«« JL, -*¦ i«4V| VfA A. Id IW WV» JL T A ___#%_ pp. » ¦ Anne• of^-*M* GeiersV^» ^J* V-l*.•» tein. FairM*A Maid*" of Perth.¦ *. V** *J * »¦• Pirate. Ivan&<** hoe.*-£* /• and Travels in London. (Works, Vol. 14). 8vo. *Jf Kenilworth. Talisman. Rob Roy. Waverley. Post 8\ro. 10s. 6d Hmith & S. [W67 IB gilt ed£63, 4s. each Longmans [G338 Tnuc ydides. Book IV. Edited, u ith Notes, by A. T. IB Scri pture Illu str ated by Scenes of Everyda y I«lfe Barton and A. S. Chavaeec. Post 8vo. pp. 120, 5s. ft H *•*• ~1 mwai _¦*»» ¦ pill [W» ¦> Br ^** ¦ ¦ ¦ MT " ~~ " w» » « _•» W^ «HI V in^ J the^^ East.«* With<* 20 Engravings.. ' -^ ^ *™ f^ 12^ mo.^ pp.K^ X^ 160^^ ^* ,W Is.^ ** Longmans ¦ Nelson [6339 Varieties, with Trevea (F.)— Intestinal Obstructions : its ¦ -^ v« ^_*4rf ^ ^ir««____-m —h-r ^>^ w —> -- JftC*»J Sealer (J. R.)—The Municipal Elections Act, 1884. With their^ ^ Pb athology,^*v ^ 'v ^ ^ ^P7___ F 9 Diagnosis^^*^ ^ __> ^^"^ , and^'^ Treatment. The _/\_r I ^______l¦ .-{nn _>_(«„ _r._r»,> _-# -» T__> _ _r> _n_r. 11_r>_«_r__ S\f DS «V* ! ¦ Introduction and full Index. 12mo. pp. 92, Is. Warne [6340 nian Prize EssayTi*

Vanc e (Clara )—Barb ara : a Story of Cloud and Sunshine. Wilson (A. 8.)—Songs and Poems. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh , 12mo. (Edin burgh , Gemmell; pp. 292, Is. 6d. (Anchor Douglas) pp. 320, 6s Hami lton [6386 I Simpkin Series) [6871 Woolley (C. P.)—The Trottinsra of a Tenderfoot : a Visit I Van ce (Clar a)— Strawberry Hill . 12mo. (Edinburgh , to the Columbian Ffiorda and Spitzbergen. Post 8to. pp . I Gemm ell) pp. 362, la. 6d. (Anchor Series) ..Simpkin [6372 846, 7s. 6d Bentley [6387 I Vanc e (Clara )—The Talbar y Girls. 12mo. (Edinburgh , World of Wonders. A Record of Thin gs Wonderful in Oemra ell) pp. 350, la. 6d. (Anchor Series) . .Simpkin [6373 N ature , Science, and Art. "VoL 2. Roy. 8vo. 7s. 6d. Oassell [6388 Vern e (J.)-Keraban the Inflexi ble, Capta in of the Guidara. Illu stra ted. Sq. 16mo. pp. 224, 7a. 6d Low [6374 Yate s (E.)—His Recollections and Bxperiencea. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 740, 30s BeDtlej r [6389 Walford (E.)—Greater London : a Narrative of its Hi8tory , its People, and its Pla ces. Vol. 2, roy. 8vo. pp. 560, 9a. Tates (E.)—Pages in Waiting : a Novel. 12mo. pp. 324. CassellV/««OCV&A [6875I V t/I V 2s. 6d.; board s, 2a J. & R. Maxwell [6390 I Walt on (I.)—Lives of Dr. John Donne , Sir Henry "W otton , Vonge ar d Hooker , Mr ; George Herbert , and Dr. (C. M.)—Daisy Chain Birthday Book, gathered Mr . Rich Rob ert from the Wri tin gs of Cha rlott e M. Yonge , and Dedicated Sandersom. New edit , revised by A. H. Bullen. With to all English Daisies Tzaak Walton by Willia m Dowling. 12mn , by Badgybh. Sq. 16mo. pp. 182, Memoir of . pp. 2a. 6d W. Smith. [6391 460, 5a. ( Bohn' s Illustrated Library) Bell [6876 Wan der ing: Ma y ; or , * Come unto Me.' By Author of ' Lonely Lily.' New edit. 12mo. pp. 142, 13. 6d. J. F. Shaw [6377 BOOKS REDUCED IN PRICE. Wa rne 's Standard Commercial Handbook : a Complete Bri ght (J.)—Life and Opiniona. By F. Wat t. Post 8vo. Dictionar y, Gazetteer , Calculat or , and Practica l Country 2s. 6d Sangater [6392 House Companion . With a Collection of Forms, Terms , A-bbrea hhrcviations. viationa , ReadyReadv ReckonersReckoners. . HanHandv dy MeasurersMeasurers. , In- Bund (J. W. "Willis-)—State Trials . 3 vols. post 8vo. 30a. terest Computers , Trade Rules , and Technical Tables ; One Cambridge Warehouse [6393 Hund red and Fifty Thousand References. Edited by Gladstone (W. E.)~I**e. By J. B. Ritchi e. Post 8vo. Willia m John Gord on. Post 8vo. pp 636, 5s. Warne [6378 2s. 6d Sangater [6394 Wa yside Flowers : an Illustr ated Birthday Textbo ok. Lenpol t (C. B.)—Further Re collections of an Indian Mis- 32mo. 9d Ma ck [6379 sionary. Post 8vo. 5a Nisbet [6395 Weath erly (F- E.)—Ont of Town. Illustrated in Colour by Linnie Watt ; Monoti nts by Ernes t Wilson. 4to. boa rds, Stein 's Life and Times. By J. R. Seeley. 3 volti. 8vo. 6s .Hildesheimer [6380 30a. Cambridge Warehouse [6396 Poetry for children. Stephenaon (G.)—Life of. By Samuel Smiles. Cente nar y Weise (A. J ,)—The Discoveries of America to the Year edit. Post 8vo. 2a. 6d Murray [6397 1525. 8vo. pp. 362, 15s Ben tley (6381 Stuart (EBme*)—The Pate of Caatle L'awen gard : & Stor y Welcome (The) : a Magaz ine for the Howe Circle. Vol. of the Daj s of Luther. Post 8vo. 2a. 6d Suttaby [6398 11. Folio, 7s. 6d Partridge [6382 Tremenneere CH. S.) — Manual of the Principle s of Wbitniim ("Walt )—Poet and Democrat . 8vo. (Edinburgh , Government. Po8t 8vo. 3s. 6d Paul [6399 Brown) pp. 56, sewed, Is. ( Round Table Series, IV.) Twinin g (L.)— Recollecti ons of "Workhouse Visiting. 12mo. Simpkin [6383 2a Paul Whitt aker (T.)—Life's Battles in Temperance Armour. [6400 With Portrait. Post 8vo. pp. 378, 7s. 6d Hodder [6384 Wordsworth (W.)—Birth day Book. 3 2mo. plain , Is. 6d.; ^4n account of the Author' s journeys and lectures in the gilt, 2s . .Paul [6401 cause of temperance. "Words worth (C.)—Scholee Acade mic©. Post 8vo. 10a. 6d. Wilde (Lady)—Driftwood from Scandinavia. 8vo. pp Cambridge Ware house 290, 9s Bentle y [6385 [6402 Travels in Sweden, and Norway? with legends, Wri ght' s History of Nepal. Roy. 8vo. 10s. 6d. poe try, &c. ^ Cambridge Warehouse [6403

AMERICAN NEW BOOKS. Iyer (N. W.)—A.meirica n New8pap er Annual , 1884 : con- Bush (J. H.)—The Evidence of Faith . 12mo. (Boston) taining a List of all Newspapers and Periodicals published London , 10s. 6d [641 8 In the United States, Territoriea , and Canada , with infor- Butterworth (H.)—Zigzag Journ eys in Acadia and New •uhviv u J. VylAlt»UJ.V/*4 JLOOUC UO UQ VI ^^ u«i»w«»»jt» matio n, regarding«3f$CkJ UlUg theirUUUU circulationm^ii , iesue, date of establish - wa-« ^^ m^m^^ **+mf^ France.*. • miaavvi InAak* whichw*A^AV^a>« the Zigzag Clubv^*<-««^ visit* *kj * w Nova^^ V v W ScotiaK/wwtCV andmmMl\M ment, political or other diatincttve features , and advertising Acadia — * the Land of Bvangelin e * — New Brunswick , rates , population of cities and towns , and of the counties .Canada , the St. Lawrence , Montreal , Quebe o, ,ivu % viVU ^/JL Jk Km*m\j % •«. jl*« wm..m*%AA* vma » v *«* ^»^» ed in the Keatorationi VV*I of Pine Ornamental Wares. 1784-1884. Compiled from Official Record s and other (Philadelp hia) London , 6s [6408 sources at the req uest of the Dir ectors. With Illustra tions. Belt (H. P.)—Ma rjorie Huntin gdon : a Novel. 12nao. 8vo. (New Y ork) London , IBs [6418 (Philadelp hia) London , London , 7b. 6d [6419 mm! Physic ians. 9th edit, thorou ghly revised , and in many of Bicycling. Illustrat ed rpar ~" ts rewritt"vnni/ TOH en, byUJ hisJLIIO sonDUII, ClementU1CWCUV BiddleX>l«ltAAC , M.D.,JUX.X^., Assistant-AOOlOIUUb - Foster (S.)—Wheel Songs : Poems . Burgeon , TJ .S. Navy , asalsted by Henry Morria , M.D. Oon- 8vo. (New York) London , Da [ 6420 tai ning all the additions and changes made in the last C.)—Homes, and all about them. Illustrated. reyiaion of the United States Ph arm acopoeia. 8vo. (Phila- Gardner (E. delphia) Revised and corre cted. Or. Bvo. (Boston) London , lSe. 6d. London , 21s [6«10 [6421 Itowrinot (J. GK)-~Parliamenta ry Procedure and Practice. f With Guy (S. H.)—Life of James Mad ison. (Vol. 10 of American an Introd uctory Account of the Origin and Growth ) 16mo. (Boston ) London , 6b [6422 or Parli ament ary Institutions in the Dominion of Canada. Statesmen Series. I wo. (Mont real) 2«s [641 1 Guernse y (X. E.)—Loveday 'a History : a Tale of IdTany : Chan ges. 12mo. (New York) London , 7a. 6d [6428 H B«>)me (W. H.>—Mar yland. The History of a Pala tinate. | | vol. & in the Series of ' American Common wealths/ With Haml in (C. W.)—Legends of L« D6troit. 12mo. (Detroit) II ¦L ""f- i«mo, (tioaton) Londo n., es..» [041^ London , 10a. 6d ..[6424 II r D ^ : f" " ' ' ' "' The Publi shers ' Circular ,i I4 Nov. I&^ lgg4

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Nov. 15, 1884 "I""6 Publishers ' Circular 12,5 j E. & F. N. SPON 'S NEW BOO KS .

8vo. eloth, 65. THE DEPREC IATI O N OF FACTORIE S, AND THEIR VALUATION. By Ewme Ma/theson, M.Inst.C.E. Royal 4to. cloth, £2 10s. HISTORY AND DESCRIPTION OF THE MANCHESTE R WATE R WORKS , By Joh n Frederic La Trobb Batbmax, F.R.S.S. Lond. and Edin., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., &c. &c. With 57 Plates. 4to. sewed, 3s. 6d. THE STAB ILITY OF SHIPS. Explained simply, and calculated by a new Graphic Method. By J. C. Spencb, Mem.Inst.N.A.


8vo. cloth, 5s. THE LIFE AND WORKS OF THOMAS GRAHAM, D.C.L ., F.R.S. Illustrated by 64 Unpublished Letters, prepared for the Graham. Lecture Committee of the Glasgow Philo- sophical Society by Dr. Angus S mith, LL.D., F.R.S. Edited by J. J. Colema.^, F.I.C.,°F.C.S.

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Svo. sewed , is. SANITARY PROTECTION : A Course of Lectures, delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Dublin Society, 1884, uader the auspices of the Dublin Sanitary Association. By W. Kaye Parry, M.A., Bac. Eng. T.C.B.


8vo. sewed, ijd. ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING IN REL ATION TO HEALTH : a Paper read at the International Health Exhibition, South Kensington, under the auspices of the Society of Telegraph 1 Engineers and Electricians. By R. E. B. Crompton, Member. I

In demy 8vo. cloth, over 600 pages, and 1 ,420 Illustrations, 65, SPONS' MECHAN IC 'S OWN BOOK : a Manual for Handicraftsmen and Amateurs. [Nearly ready. Contents :—Mechanical Drawing—Ca sting and Founding in Iron , Bras =f , Bronze, ami other Alloyfl—Forg-ing and Finish- ing Iron—Shcctmetal Working—Soldering Brazi ng, and Burning—Oar pe itry and Joinery, embracing description* of some ] 40O Woods, over 200 IHustratiom of Tools and their Usea, Explanations (with Diagram-0 of 116 Joints and Ilingci, and Details of Conatruction of Workshop Appliances. Rough Furniture , Garden and Yard Erections, ami House Building — Cabinet-Making- and Veneering—Carving and Fretcuttin# — Upholstery — Painting, Orainfng, and Marbling—Staining Furniture, WockIs, Floors, and Fittings—Gilding, 'Dead and Bright, on various grounds — Polishing Marble, Mofcals , txud "VVood— Varnishing —Mechanical Movements, illustrating contri vances for transmitting Motion—Turning in Wood and Metals—Masonry, embracing Stonework, Brickwork, Torra-cotta, and Concrete—Roofi ng with Thatch, Tiles, Slates, Pelt, Zinc, &c.—Glazing with and without putty, and Lend Glazing—Plastering and Whitewashing— Paper-hanging Gas-fltting— Bell-hanging/ ordinary and electric systems—Lighting- —Warmlns?—Ventilati ng—Roads, Pavements, and Bridges—Hedges, Ditches, and Drains—Water Supply and Sanitation — flints on House Construction suited to New Countries. __ Lond on: E. Ac F. N. SPOiN ", 16 Char ing Cross. I Kow York : 35 Mu rray Street . ¦ ¦ —— i - ' : " -- - ¦ ¦• • . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ l T 9 : ^ B i3»6 The Publishers Circular Nov. 15, - ^ T. NELSON & SONS' NEW BOOK S.

BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS BOOK FOR THE YOUNG. THE CHILDREN' S TOUR ; or, Everyday Sights in a Sunny Land. By M. A. Paull , Author of ' Tim's Troubles ,' ' The Meadows Family. ' With numerous Illustrations. Small 4to. cloth extra , gilt edpes, price 6*. [Nearly ready. ~~ CHARMING BOOK FOR THE YOUNG. BIBLE STORIES SIMPLY TOLD. -By the Author of < The Story of the Beacon Fire.* With numerous Illustrations . Small 4to. cloth extra , gilt edges, price 6*. [Nearly ready. STORIES OF OLD ROME. THE WANDERINGS OF AENEAS, AND THE FOUNDIN G OF ROME. By Charles Henr y H anson , Author of • The Siege of Troy, and the "Wanderin gs of Ulysses ' &c. With 62 Illustrations . Post 8vo. cloth extra , gilt edgep, price 4*. j NEW BOOK BY LOUISA M. G RAY. MINE OWN PEOPLE , By Louisa M. Okay, Author of ' Nelly's Teachers ' &c. Crown 8vo. cloth , gilt ed ges, price &s. uggssfive mulating book foryoung women.' ¦ ' A whoUsom*^ s , and wisely-sti IN ELEGANT BINDING. NATURAL HIS TORY FOR YOUN G POLKS . With Fifty-six Illustrations by G-iacomblli . By Mrs. C. C. Cam pbell. Crown 8vo. clotU extra , 228 pp. and 56 Illustrati ons, { pri ce 3*. Qd. I Evidentlythe result ef years of research The book is thorough ly entertaining *—Saturda y Review. j AUTHOR 'S EDITION. ON THE DESERT : a Narrative of Travel from Egyp t throu gh the Wilde rness of Sinai to Palestine. By Hen*r y M. Field , D.D.,r New York. Author ' s Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth extra , with I Fifteen full-page Engra vings, price 4.«. I Canon Parr ah says :— 'I found it so interesting that 1 could, not lay 'it down till I had f inished itJ I NEW AND IMPROVED EDITION. SIR DAVID WILKIE : bis Life and Works. By the Rev. Adam L. Simpson, B.D., Derby. With Eig"h t Tinted Engravings. New and Improved Edition. Foolscap 8vo. cloth extra , price 2*. 6rf. I A Biography of the great Scottish Artist , combining the Story of 7iis Life with Descriptions of his Works. Illustr ated by I Engravings of his most celebrated Paintings. I NEW BOOK OF SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATION. SCRIPTURE ILLU STRATED by Scen es of Everyday Life in the East, Domestic Custom s. Idolatrous Customs. With Twent y Illustr ations. Large fcp. 8vo. cloth extra , price Is. I NEW TEMPER ANCE TALES. OUT OP THE DEPTHS. A Temperance FRED TURNER'S FRIENDS. A j Tale . By the Rev. W. Evans Darb y. Lar ge foolscap Temperance Tale. By the Rev. B. N. Hoare , M.A., I 8 vo. cloth extra , price I*. 6d. " Author of ' Heroi sm in Humble Life.' Price 1 *. 6rf. I NEW ILLUST RATED GIFT BOOKS. FORMING APPROPR IA TE CHRISTMA S SOUVENIRS. I Foolsca p 8vo. cloth extra , bevelled boards , gilt edge s, price Is. 6d. each . In same style as ' Abide w ith me.' The Designs I by CiiARK Stanton , A.R S.A., and other Eminent Artists. I NEARER , MY GOD, TO THEE . I BOCK OF AGES. The Favourite Hymn . The Favourite Hymn. With 16 Illustrations. I With 16 Illu strations. I COMPLET E NOVELTY —BEAUTIFUL SERIES OF CHRISTMAS , NEW YEAR, & BIRT H DAY CARDS. Combinin g a Selection of Landscape Views of well-known English and Scottieh Scenery , with various I complimentary Mottoes. I Beautifully printed in Chromo-Lithography on Handsome Cards with gilt edges. I * * Fifteen Sorts , prick Sixpence bach. I Scenes. * Mottoes. I 1. Thi Nkbdles , Isl e of W3ght Wishing you a Ha ppy Christmas. I 8. Cabibbrookb Castl jb, Isle of Wight With many Loving Wishes for Christmas . I 3. The Silver Strand , Loon Katrine Wishin g you a Merry Christmas . 4. Loch Lomond , from Mount Miser y To one and all a Ha ppy Christm as. 6. Elizabeth Castle , Jerse y Wishing you a Ha ppy New Year. 6. Hoi-trooi * Palacb , Edinbur gh W ishing you a Merry Christmas and a Ha ppy New Year . In thhs Pass op thb Trobachs With the Best W ishes of the Season . 17.8. PwifCKS Strket , Edinbur gh With the Compliments of the Season. 9. Ben T-omond, from near Luss Many Happy Return s of the Day. 10. The CoiiBrKRB Rocks. Jerse y With Affectionate Wishes. 11. Loch Lomond , fro m the road to Stronach lacher With Kind est W ishes. 12. East and W est Cowes , Isle of Wight Best Wishes to Tliee and Thine. IS. EDrwuuB QH, from the Calton Hill Best Wishes to Thee and Thine. 14. INkw Town, Edinbur gh, fro m the Castle With Man y Loving W ishes . . | I 15. Ellen 's Isle , Loch Katrine To my Frien d, with Hearty and Loving Greet ings. I THOMAS NELSON & SON'S, 35 Paternoster Row, London , B.C. ; I . Edinbu rgh and New York * t % I Nov. 15, 1884 The Publishers ' Circular 1217 MOR GAN & SCOTT 'S PUBLICATIO NS. A NEW QUARTO VOLUME OF SACRED SONGS, DUETS, CHORUSES, AND ANTHEMS. THE CHRISTIAN CHOIR. I By IHA D. SANKEY & J. McGRAltf AHAN. Tinted covers, Is. ; d. limp, la. 6d. ; el; boards, 2s. 6d. I May be had in either Old Notation or Solfa. Book of Words, tinted covers, Id. ; cloth limp, Id. I This Volume has been used alternately with i Songs and Soros ' during the great London Mission of Messrs. Moody and j I Sankey. Mr. Sankey and Mr. McG-ranahait are already known by their Hymns all the icorld over. • f 4 I As fine a collection of sacred airs as is anywhere to be found.'—Oldham Chronicle. \ j 1 by r>. jLj . moody. THE "WAY T O GOD : a Series of Ad- SOVEREI GN GEACE : its Source ; its I dresses on the "Way of Salvation. Tinted covers, 1 s. ; Nature ; and its Effects. Tinted covers, 1*. ; cloth I cloth limp, 1$. Gd. ; cloth boards, Us. Gd. limp, Is. Gd. ; cloth boards, 2*. Gd. I « Full of racy freshness and power.* * These short and telling Addresses are just the sorb of I Irish Congregational Magazine. message men need. Ordinary difficulties , hindrances, and \ B He abJe tiOnS> &re B he ' POW 0 V U ¦ ° " " ""*" Co^J egaliona, M^Xr*.v I ,Secretf off ISSuccess ^in ChristianSFf 1?Life andj %'Christian T **» * \ Work. Tinted covers, 1*.; cloth limp, ls. Gd. ; cloth PREVAILING* PRAYER. Tinted covers, I boards, 2s. Gd. cloth limp, 1*. Gd. ; cloth boards, 2«. Gd. I 'A series of earnest and solemn addresses.* ' Illumines the subject with the ligbt of Holy Scripture I The Clerical World. and Christian experience.'— Christian Age. HEAVEN : its Hope ; its Inhabitants; its „,- J tprrvtL WOT *TT 1f *FX r> TTTF TXrrYRTT t Eiches ; its Rewards. Tinted covers, 1a ; cloth limp, " L?, *" *f W H. ^T S£. t" 1 W UJ*7^J I Is. Gd. ; cloth boards, 2s. Gd. Exhortations to Christians. Tinted covcra, la. ; cloth | limp, . 6d. ; cloth boards, 6d. I ' Mr. Moody's pointed anecdotes, apt illustrations, and , 1* 2*. f I thoroughly practical and evangelical spirit, -will make the Sach Addresses form a splendid tonic for the Christian \ I book a healthy stimulus to Christian minds.' 6Oul 5 one should rise from the perusal of them with new I I General Baptist Maga zine. devotion for the Master, and a deep love for men." CONVERSION, SERVICE, and _„.-._ ,„ ,„_ *££££ " " I GLORY. A volume of Mr. Moody's Addresses, suit- GRACE, PRAYER, aaCl* WORK. 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MAX O'RELL. J ohn Bull's Womank ind i • ! (Les Filles de jfotin JBu/ty

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1 ^a vi\ ^ I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hl^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^L^H ** (3 4i% ^^ 1^1 q ^^ on 9\ t^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ K^^^^^ K^Bf ^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ti n * 1 ^r Ki S ^ 5 Jfe § ^^^^^^ H3P ^HflH? Sfl^^^^^ H §s* ^p P ^n ^ •S \^^^^^^^^ W^K ^i ^^^^^ M ^

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of a New Volunie the XN issuing the Prospectus , Proprietors I haTe inuch pleasure in informing the trade that they have I determined—without in any way reducing the quality of the I magazine—to lower its price. I FOR THE FUTURE , THEREFO RE , INSTEAD OF BEING I SEVE NPENCE PER PART , IT WILL BE I REDUCED to 6d, MONT HLY, I as it is believed that at this price it will be found more generally I acceptable. • I As already indicated, though it is intended to reduce the price, I the high quality of its contents will be maintained throughout. I Some of the old features will be continued, while many new and I interesting subj ects will be introduced. Arrangements have been I made for I A FI RST- CLASS SERIAL STORY I from the pen of George Manville Fenn, Esq., entitled " The I Star -Gazers ," being the tale of some household troubles ; also for I a series of short stories, each to be complete in a number. I IN THESE WE SHALL 13E A.IDED BY I Miss ROSA MULHOLLAflT D GEORGE MANVILLE FBNN, Esq. I Mrs. G. L.EOTJEUS BANKS GORDON STABLES, Esq. M.D. E.N. I ANNIE THOMAS (Mrs. Ponder Cudlip) THOMAS ARCHER, Esq- I MAGGIE SYMINGTON F. M. HOIjMES, Esq. I Mrs. B. BLAITHWYTE ALFRED H. MILES, Esq., ttf ff ttt tf ^» t M>i > ttf » tt ff»tttf ftf t f ^ fttTf f ttyfff y t f f t ttf»'' I J ^KTTS, SON & CO. LIMIT ED, 33, KINO WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRID GE. || .^ ft jk ,^ ^*^gp^^ [ ^ ' ¦ "" ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - "^ ^ ^ WF , - ' . ¦ ' •• ' • - • " ' " ^3 t ^* ^ ^^^ ^^^^ FiS^^^^^ S^S*** __^_ ¦ ' " j BHi P ^. l5, 1884 The Publishers' Circular 11

M " ' ,i ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ -^^ M'^ * ' " ' ™"™ — ^ ^^—— ¦—— *p — 1 ¦ Mi, ¦ ¦ '¦*¦ ¦ ^— ¦ 1 ¦ — mi ¦ ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ -— ¦ 1 — . - ¦ ¦ . ,^^ r 1 ' ' ' '' ' *' ™ "* " '"' ' - public —— If * t Patromis ed by HER MAJESTY ^ JJI ^ B i ii! ^ PRINCIPAL THE QUEEN , ^Ja ^ ^ MJ^^ P co mpanies, 1 and the | THE ROYA L FAMILY. SSSs ^^ K ye5S2l^ S«S y\ NOBILITY and GENTRY ; The GOVERNMENT OFFICES, ^ ^ = ^ O ^ 0 ^^^ « of the UNITED KINGDOM. and ^8 ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ?Xcttg «, , ,j . *t** *?* *?* *?* *?* ' ?* *?* ' ?* ' ?* ' ?* *?* *?* *?' *»' *{* ' ?* *?' ' ?* *?' *?* 0•!• •?• •!• ?}• i** •}• •*• •}• •}» D* I * A ? R * I ¦'¦ R ? fll ? ? ?• •?• •?• • • • #J, •?• .J. •}• •{• »J* •{• •}• •}• «J« »J« •}• •{• »J» # • .J. • ? ?• «|» .J. .J. ,J, ,J# ,?. ,?, 4J, ,J# ,J^ ^•| 1885 |—?• for-< 1 1885 h» Meet every requirement, being- the Cheapest, the Best, and the Most Practical kind in use.

No Stationer's or Bookseller's stock is complete without them* Ready in October for delivery to the Trade.

An ASSORTED, parcel, collected from the most SALEABLE I EDITIONS, containing 12 @ 6d., 10 @ Is., 6 @ 1/6, and 2 @ 2/6, (or a selection to same value, if pre ferred) with a snpp ly of "Window Bills, Ao., sent on receipt of Cheque or P.O.O. for 20/-

These well-kn own, and old-e stab lished. Diaries ARE PUBLISHED BT ONLY BY "W LETTS , SON & CO. LIMI TED, 33, , King William Street, Loiif Iridce. HI . - :£$" . " " " •^: wL From whom Price Lists and CataJogue q can be taM ), Jj Wm^a ^-^ F . The Publ ishers' Circular No»» »<elfl ILett g'0 DIARY WALL ETS.

Now is the time f or placin g your Orders f or these pretty, handy and I usefu l Novelties* I ^^^^^^^^ *|M ^^^^

IHBHH 9 RUSSIA BANK-f* WALLET. I ^ HH ffl H ! ^^ H *>v v


^^^SBl^^^B^Hi ill nil Best Russia, four pockets lined calf, and stamp I ; BBI«HllsBifflfli I 'Ilil pockets, extra strong- and highly finished , fastening . 1

gsB ^mms BBmm GILT LOC K wall et. I

I f t C/ mlV l *-S f ~ • ^^ |

FRENCH CARD BB^ BUcf SB MOROCCO I JH^ HIBHH WALLET. I ^^^^^^^^ H iIIIhbH ^^H *tr .*• 4-I •*.- <4-^» jI ^H ^^^^^^ Hi ^^^^^^^^ HIIIi ^^^^^ hD^^^^ I 11u eat ' - - r ei , tening with ¦ ¦^I^^^ BIlll ^HB ^H ^^ l ^ % two pockets lined silk fas ^I^Hl ^^ ^llfl rmm strap or band . Price from, 3/- . I

? ^^ ? ^ ?? ^^ ?^ ^ ^ ?•^^ ?^ ? ^ ^^ ?^?^?% *y > 4> ?£¦»• ?!•*•*~ 1 * ^ ^ ^ *S* '%'* ^ ^*S^ S**'j *' *2*' *2**2* *2*'*i "**C"* ^!*'•w**"I "**I'**2* •*•!"*•*y* ?I'*' *v* »^»^ii^^ — -' H , bETTS, * SO|>J * & * ©O. ^ Lijviiteis) I 33, KING WILLIA M STREET , LONDON BRIDGE. I sy^ ^ IP^ ier e >u^i^ 3> ' - In t 15. l884 ^ ^ Okicida *' 12*5 NEW TBBOMM ^vj -Hlt ^rmOLl XOVEI ,. CNEW N OVEL S. NEW NOVELS.! RGAR ET'S. By Stack pqol OT)bli,, OLD ST. MA E. Phren plogiat. NEW NOVEL BY A 2TBW AUTHO R .' . ~ Now ready , in 3 vols. at all Libraries . l OYAL, BRAVE, AND TRUE. By Alice O'Connexl. « The grand-dau ghter of the great Ir ish liber ator has writt en a noveF of genuine and sterlin g value/ NEW AND ORIO-INAIi NOVE L, IN ON"B VOLUME. —NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED. Now ready, price 2s. picture board s ; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt (posta ge 4 (postage id.) RE STORE D. B7 E. Spbndee , Author of 'A Tru« Marriage / ' Son and Heir / ' Kingsford / &c. ' This book is so noWe that we ar e fain to regard it from the stand point of true art. ' —Spectator. NOW READY IN ONE VOLUME. Pr ice 2s. picture boards ; 2s. 6rf. cloth gilt ; 8*. 6d. balf-moro cco (posta ge id.) TOZER ' S. By Tighb Hopkins. 1 A collection of tales, replete with delicate humour and frequently marked by tender pathos/ NOW READY IN ONE VOLUME. Price 2s. picture boards : 2s. 6d. cloth gilt ; Bs. 6d* half-morocco (postage Id.) * HARD REALITIES . By M. L. Barr y. ' A collection of stories illustrative of the life of poor and hard-worked London. * NOW READY IN ONE VOLUME. Price 2a. picture boaida ; 2s. 6. « The style is bri ght the fun rollickin g.' NOW READY IN ONE VOLUME. Price 2*. picture boards ; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt ; 3*. 6d. h alf morocco (posta ge 4 London : J. & R. MAXWELL , Milton House , 14 & 15 Shoe Lane , Fleet Street , & 35 St. Bride Street , E.C.; and at all Libraries , Bookstalls , Booksellers , &c. At lessrs. LIP SITIS & TISCHER , Publishers , in Kiel, To be published shortl y, the THIRD EDITION of

THE31 SURGEONtreatment of 'Sjounced HANDBO in T&ax. OK: A PRIZE ESSAY. BY IDtt. JFttT 'ElJD ttTCDTEL EJSI s^E-A-I^CH , Pr ofessor in Chirurg ical Science, and Director of the Chirurg. Clinic at Kiel ; Pr ivate Counci llor, General Military Surgeon , &c. &c.


THE TRANSLATION RIGHTS of above Work are to be Sold,

Purc hasers will receive the Proo fs of the German Ori ginal directl y they come from the press ; also a« th© Electros of the Engravings , bo that the tranu lation might appe ar simultaneousl y with the original. The above Prize Esaay has been thoroug hly reT ised and improve d, and several new illustrations have been added. It is a valuable acquisition for any Publ isher. Further particulars on app lication to I LIPSIUS & TISCHER , Publishe rs, Kiel , Germany. 11 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :r ¦ ¦" ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - " ¦¦• ¦ " ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ " r^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . -v -; : - > : ,.. ' ¦- v ^ . . > . , / ' > ''" S-^ iliilBi ^^^^^ l ' I v Tise PnM ishers* Circular ' s . I I *aa6¦** JVovM , f c tfl bt 1 IS "• •'"^if GRIFFITH, FARRAN, & CQ.'S NEW BOOKS, READY, THE REV. H. C. ADAMS' NEW BOOK.

THEBy the MYSTERYAuthor of * Hairbreadth Escapes/ OF * Who didBEECHEY it ? * * College Days at Oxford ,* &c. Well Illustrated, o, ; 8vo. cloth elegant» bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 5s. . GRANGE.***• wrown ' A story for Twys very well told . . . there is a great deal of moving incident and. adventure . . . assuredlv n» k^v will be a favourite with lads wherever It is seen/—Scot sman. •> Me °°ok ~ STELLA AUSTIN'S NEW BOOK. TWO STOR IES OF TWO. By the Author of ' Stumps/ ' Somebody/ &c. Profusely Illustrated by Miss S. F. Basevi. Cro ' wn 8vo cloth elegant, price &*. 6d. • Ufearlp ready. ~ JUS T P UBLISHED, MRS. HERBERT MARTIN'S\ NEW BOOK | GUIDE , PHILOSOPHE R , AND FRIEN D. With four Illustrations by Mias Brittairu Crown 8vo. cloth, price 3*. €d. Girls* Own Favourit e Libra ry, Vol. XXIV. '¦ » ; * An agreeable and clever story ; the plot is a good one/—Academy. . . . * A story that girls will delight to read/—Scotsman. " ~" I JUST PUBLISHED. HER TITLE OF HONOUR. By Holme Lee: ' Illustrated. Crown 8vo. cloth elegant, price 34. 6d. | Girls * Own Favourite Library i Vol. XXV. 1 : * A tale so elevated in tone, of such eloquent pathos, and written in so ptre and graphic a style, is in our day a 9 real f mra avis. —Mokning Post. | Cloth elegant, price 6^. || MABEL IN RHYMELAND ; Or, Idttle Mabel's Journey to Norwich, and her Wonderful Adventures with the Man in the Moon and other Heroes I and Heroines of Nursery Rhymes. By Edward Holxand, CCS. Fully Illustrated by A. Chasemore. [Ready shortly. 1 MISS E. O. PHIL LIPS' NEW BOOK. 9

By the Author of ' Bunchy,* •Punch,'

2TEW VOLUMES IN THE CHERRYSE RIES of EIGHTEENPENNY BOO KS. Presents and Prizes for Boys and Girls- Thirty Volumes, well Illustrated, printed an good paper, and bound in I elegant cloth boards. The African Cruiser. A Midshipman's Adventures on the West Coast. By S. Whttohurch Sadler. Aunt Mar y's Bran Pie. By the Author of ' St. Olaves.' With Five Illustrations by E. Bvana and others. Tittle Tattl e, and other Stories for Children. By the Author of * Little Tales for Tiny Tots ' &c. Pa rte d : a Tale of Clouds and Sunshine. By N. D'Anvers. Starl i ght Stories. By Fanny Lablache. Illustrated by . Sunn y lan d Stories. By the Author of * Aunt Mary's Bran Pie/

NEW VOLUMES IN THE H AWTHORN SERIES of SHILLING BOOKS. Presents and Prizes for Boys and Girla Thirty Volumes, well Illustrated, printed on good paper, and strongly bound in elegant cloth boards. Amy'3 Wish. A . By Mrs. G. Tylee. CHb and Fly; or, the Story of Two Terriers. The New Baby. By the Author of ' Gerty and May/ I Neptti rjl^ 9 or > *^e Autobiography of a Newfoundland Dog. ' Geoffre y's Great Fau lt. By Emilia Majrkyat Norris. , What becam e Of Tomm y. By Emilia Mabktat Norris. Blustratea by John Absoloxu ' - ' 1 n , I, -- | J ^Hp ^^ ^ ¦ 1 1 * ¦ ^^ IRIS nK ^y ^',^ '-v;.'* '^ ' '"-' ¦''* ' ^^^ agjM ^MBi ^^B^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ J ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ J W ^^^^^ ^^ Pt i^ffWBmBI ^^ I^^ ^^^^^^ B ^^^^ Si ^^ SI^Mji nii ^^^ i&lgll^^^^^^^^ ElJJJ g^^ BB ****^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ W .*" Ti ^^w^" J VTUW " ^ ^ ^"^ . '! ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•^^ ¦¦¦•^ ^•^ ¦^^ •¦P ^IIWB BBWWHMWBBMBPBHBiBH BBPM ^^ HH f ^BuMsIotps^ » drcjulSr ¦ 1$¦ n jg n^ »s>« *8K > ^ ^ • ¦ L ^^ ; II GRIFFITH; fAKRANt , & 00/S NEW BOOK ^-^^^^ I J/# . HENRY GREY 'S NEW BOOK. I TROWEL , CHISEL, AND BRUSH : I A Concise Manual of ArcMtecture, Sculpture, and Painting, Ancient and Modern. By the Author of * Classics I for the Million,* ' Key to the "W averlej Novels,' &c. &c, and uniform with them. Fcp. 8vo. cloth boards, la. I • a surprisingly interesting and useful mfinual.'-—Aberdebjn Free Press. I «A wonderfully clear and concise manual—makes a convenient book of reference.'—Christian Woirld. I NEW BOOK BY MRS. R. M. BRAY. I FAMILY FEATS ; I Or, tie Oia Home. By the Author of * Ten of Them,' «We Pour,' &c. Well Illustrated. Crown 8vo: cloth I elegant, bevelled boards, gilt edges, price 2*. 6tf. [Shortly. I TWO BOOKS BY DAVID KER. I i. TH E WILD HORSEMAN OF THE PAMPAS. I Well Illustrated. Crown 8vo« cloth elegant, price 2s* 6d. [ Ready. I H. THE BOY SLAVE IN BOKHAfiA. I Crown 8vo. uniform with the above, cloth elegant, price 2s* GriL [Ready. I BEAUTIFULL Y ILLUSTRATED GIFT-BOOKS. engraved under the supervision of George T. Andrew, on toned paper and elegantly : , I All printed and ^ bound, cloth , bevelled I boards, gilt edges, 2s. 6d. each. I THE SWEET BY-AND-BY. I ANNIE AND WILLI E' S PRAYER. I THE RAVEN. By Edgar Aixan Poe. I THE EVENING HYMN. By Rev. John Kkble. I H ARK ! THE HERALD ANGELS SING. By the Rev. Chakles ¦ ¦ Wesley, M.A. With Illustrations from the Old Masters. I MR. DOUGLAS B. W. SZADEN'S NEW BOOK. I A SUMMER CHRISTMAS . ¦ ¦ By the Author of ' Frithjof and Ingebjorg-,' ' Australian Lyrics,' * A Poetry for Exiles,' &c. &c. Small crown 8vo. ¦ ¦ cloth, price Qs. ¦ ¦ A story of sport, country life, and love in the Antipodes, with the following legends introduced : * Sairta, the Beloved ; ¦ ¦ of the Calipb/ * Odysseus in Scheria,' « The Song of Nausicaa,' ' Helen at Sparta/ « The Ltist of the Bxitons,' « Ethel,1 * San i ¦ ¦ Sebastian : a Lay of the Rank and File,' ' Sappho,' and 4 The Seven Fairies.' b I THE DISK: a Prophetic Reflection. I By E. A. Robinson and G. "W. Waul.. Sewed, price Is. ¦ ¦ This is a most startling and daringly original story, somewhat resembling Gaboriau in hitricacy of plot, and Jules ¦ ¦ venie in wealth of scientific detail and vivid imagination, but entirely different from both. I WI TH FRONTISPIECE BY FRED. BARNARD. I A VOICE FROM THE DIM MILLIONS. I Edited by C. Despard. Price 1*. I * Wo heartily commend this little book to our readers/—Church Bells. I ' Grimly and yet pathetically told/—Citizen. I I ' A very realistic bit of work—tlie very moderation of the piece *is regards the vices and greed of the sweaters, will I I **** »ta own effect/—British Quarterly Review. i I CAPE COD FOLKS. I A Tale of American Humour and Pathos. • By Sally Pratt M'Lban . Now and Cheap • Edition. Fcp. 8vo. I Paper cover, price 15. . * ^e nave ¦ ¦ I *w»t BeenL *ew stories that opened so many unusual views of mankind aa *' Cape Cod Folks." For those who I «we* omusement there fa something to make the reader chuckle on every page/—Athhw^um. I] 'An excellent story/-—Mohnin& Post, II ~ ^ IJ GRIFFITH , FARRAN , QKEDBN , & WELSH , |L West Corner , &t, Paul' s Church yard , London. *~~ ~ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ «» • ¦ ¦ , .. ... , , ¦ ... ¦ ¦¦ ¦ \ - - , . -, ' f ^ ' " " • • • • • • ¦ -^ " ^ ¦ • • ' • - ¦ ¦ • - ¦ - - ^^^^ ¦ ' ¦ • ¦ • ¦ " ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦¦ ::: • '- ¦• -r : : ^

W ¦ 1228 The Publishers * Circular Nftw vj l

!!. • IS\ FO ^VLER , I^hrenolo gieal Publ isher fl * IMPERI AL BUILDINGS , LU DGAT E CIRCUS , E.C. ' The Dr. PABKE B BIRTHDAY BOOK. By Th e HEALTH MISCELLA NY: a series of iw A. M. Fowijbr. The Mottoes for the days are selecte d on Health Topics. Price u. We have collected toilX? * II from the Prayers of Dr. Parker , Minister of the City a number of papers on importa nt subj ects rekin II Temple, London. Price 2j.,6

3STOW READY, price 6d. oeion'8 ^l:m :a.:n\ac FOR 1885. ! London : SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. ; and W. KENT & CO. 1 Peterborough: GEOROE C. CASTER, Market Place. STILLIE' S ANNOTATED CATALOG -UE . SECOND SERIES. I Containing many Valua ble and Rare Books, and including a Humorous Sketch by Sir I (not in his works). Price Sixpence, post-free. 1 Also Penny Catalogue of Cheap Useful Works, and American Book List. 19 George Street , Edinbur gh . THE ! ^f ctper fakers' Circular.

| Pnblisliecl on tlxe lOtli of each Month. .

i The Oldest Established an d the Recognised Repre- ! sentat ive of the Pa per Trade in G rea t Britai n.

Offices : 160* Fleet Street , London , E.C. ; and at 19a Cursitor Street , Chancery Lane , Lond on , E.C. ORNAMENTS OP TEXTILE FABRICS. I We request Publishers of Works about Ornaments of Textile Fabrics to send us ! the titles and prices of such Works. : CH. CLAESEN & C1E. Booksellers for Architecture and In dustrial Arts. ; ALexandrinenstrasse 92, Berlin , Germany.


F* O lEt S^JL. JH , I ELECTROTYPE S of upwards of 150,000 WOOD ENGRAVINGS. * f i Specimens and Terms upon applicati on to CASSELL & COMPAN T (Limit ed), ; La Belle Saurage Yard , Lnd gate Hill, Londo n , E.C. ; N,B.—Examine thi s Stock before orderin g new subjects. , ^ 1 m m9StA The Publishers Circu lar 122O-*^ HI »JaC ttt ****** V

^^^^^^ ^

^ H I^^ RMBsSSZAM|^SB2sM2r(i ^^ ^^ C^^^^^ & ^^^^ S'i ^ &S ^ii3tc?3£££i ^0^ ^ffsE%2z ^^^JS B ^fl9Ev! ^£± ^R\ l^ r nBfR i^^^ H ^ H j^ I^w/MBM KyB^^ 9 r i^ Hy HAkS^ HpWBEA ^ ^^Ss&J ^^cCF^^ •^^ 9^^^^ 5^3^^^^ £*E^Sn^^^ P9k^V^B^ L K>^H ^^ 1 t ws Jnl ^^ ^^^ ^^ Ht^^ ft ^w ^^ Br ^VS^^^ tv'^Sft K^ B/l uHe^ ^ ^ MnP^ ^ C^&^ B^ u^^ r!^^^ L ^^^ HW^2wl ^^^ V/Jt ^^ I

I ^ JSTpaltitns an * Ectoge, ?v I Manufa&urers of I Fine Printings & Plate Papers, I ALSO Tf^ritings I Hand -made Pri ntings and ^ I GLAZED OR UNGLAZED,

I 'BANK VSQO TE & CHE Q UE-BOOK 'PAPERS TO ORDER, I PRICES AND SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. I * * * • I LONDON, I Warehouses, 145-6-7, Drury Lane. I City Office, 34, Cannon Street, E.C. I PARI S, I 20, Avenue Victoria,

I ^ BbS^ P^ ¦ i * , " ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^W^ i^ ^ B ***» Th6 Ftibl isbers ' Girctilar - ; ¦ NQVELLO , EWER, & CO. I PUBLISHERS ' BOOKBIN DERS I ^team t@otft£ : ' ¦

111 <£r 113¦ Southivark Str eet, S.E. I • -. -— : — . ¦ MESSRS. NOVMiLO & CO. beg to inform the Trade that they are prepared I to undertake every descript ion of Wholesale Bookbinding in cloth or leather I and to submit Estimates at the lowest possible rates. H ¦ M EDAL AWARDED, PARIS EXHIBITIO N, 1867. ¦ @ /t. w. saijsi & eo. @| PUBLIS HERS' BOOKBINDE RS ,! @onttttercidi ^SuiI6mg^, I 8.O G-BAY'S I3ST2sT ZRO-A-ID. I T. Gates Darto3SrC3- n & Co. I 3^ ^2STTJ ^-^OTTJ3 =^I 33OOKZ33i nST3D3I!DEeS |l 7 & 8 KIRBY STREET, HATTON GARDEN, LONDON, E.C. I Save newly erected jpr ^wiises, supplied throughout with Engine power, at the above H add ress. Tlie y are central , accessible, anyple, and convenient , and furnish ed with I H machinery and implements of the newest and most approved character for Bookbinding \ H and a large variety of JBlocks . ||H

DESIGNS AND ESTIMAT ES ON APPL ICATION * I . j i , ¦ _ . : . 1 / • . % -* ' ^^^^H RINTING ¦ L^^^ !|| -— CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO., OF THE Lane, ¦ |l §§ jS CH7SWICK &KESS (JEstablisJied178 9), 2zy Toqks Court, Chancery ^ ¦ ffj m B^tk Sa London, have pleasureitt offering tkeir servicesas General Letterpr essPrinters. tJw TCgS5tA*n Havinga large and experienced staff, and also a unique and beautiful collection of tntf *~, I ¦ letters, head and tail pieces, and orna mental borders, in addition to large f ountsof typt * "°™ modern and old style, and an assortment of foreign and English hand and machine-made p apers at tnnr m command, they are able to under take the best class of bookwork and editions de luxe. Special f acilities m t are offered for Catalogttes {illustrated or ot/terwise), pamph lets, legal, and other work. Samples of types m and specimen books of init ials and ornaments are available for inspect ion at their office , and ar vtceJ* I respectfully offered as to the printin gof catalogues of libraries or privatecollec tions. Esta blished in I7fi9* ¦ ions recei ved Every Fortnight I XTEW AMERI CAN BOOKS. —Importat I ¦ - " -which include all the New Books of interest, in advance of, or immediately upon, American publication. Any work not in stock will be obtained within six weeks from order. I ¦ ¦ * London : SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE, & KIVINGTON, English and American Booksellers and Publishers, 188 Fleet Street.,. ,„. _^J«¦J * — mT^m %he Ptablisfae^ Circular ,23, | JOHN DICKINSON & GO. I MILLS 400, 401, 402, 4Q3, 614, 693.

I Wholesale ane> Export Manufacturers op I Pr intin g, Plate , and Litho Paper s ; I Hand and Machine-made Writin gs & Printin gs ; I Tinted Wri tings, Cartrid ge, & Blottin gs ; I Tissues and Copying Pa pers ; Enamel Pa pers ; Cards, White and Coloured ; Envelo pes and Note Pa pers.

LONDON WAREHOUSE : 65 OLD BAILEY, E.C, THE 5TATI0NEB, ZFDR/HET GEVEJ K/, AND eg is I an Hirab c 5 '^ tex. 5 cb I London : 160a Fleet Stbeet, E.C. T BEG to intimate that the time is approaching f or the publication of tfie ^ CHRI STMAS NUMBER of this old-established Trade exponent, which mil as usual be beautifully and ela bora tely Hfustr&ted f and printed upon a specia l p late p aper. , Publishers will find this Number of specia l value and importance , as it will contain \ ; reviews of Christmas G ift and New Year Publications. The I ssue, which will be a very extensive one, will be specially circula ted amongst all first-class Booksellers, Stat ioners, &c, th roughout the United Kingdom, Europe (generally), America, India, qnd our Colonies. Publishers and the Tra de in general are invited to forward Publicatt&nal spec imens, *nnauncemen t$, do. , for revie w. Illustrated Advertisements will be revivednot later than November 25; ordinary Adverthcntents, November 29. 1 S* CHAS. PHILLIPS , Manager and PuMuhtr. || ~ i i2« The Publishers ' Circular w - j| WILLIAM G. STONE HAM, WHOLESALE and EXPORT BOOKBINDER and BOOKSELLER, 13 & 14 CHARTERHOUSE BUILDINGS, E.C., £§£* has much , pleasure in drawing the attention of the tr ade to the fact that he is in a position to Bound Books on the most favourabl e terms. Cata logues on applicat ion. *

pAKLIAMENTA KY EEPORTS : an VALUATIONS FOR SAIE OR PROBATE. •«- assorted Stock of all interesting sub j ects. WILLIAM PAGEN, 1 Mar ket J Pll Olyett, 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , W.C. * Whiteh aven , begs to offer his services , 4 * ai Valuer to Booksellers , Stati oners , Bookbinder* Printers , and Newspaper Propri etor s requiring AUTOTYPE, Valuati ons to be made. Term s moderat e. Business*. A UTOTYPE BOOK ILLUSTRATI ONS (Sawyer' s Wanted and for Sale. Inquirie s invited. --*- Ooij lott pe) are printed direct on the paper with suitab le ^^^^^ " ' —" '~ II margins any size up to demy, 22 inches by 17 inches. This ELECTROTY PES pr ocess is noted for its excellence in OF SUPERI OR COPISS OP ANCIENT MANUS CRIPTS : WOOD ENGRAVI NGS. COPIE S OP COINS , SEAXiS, MEDALLldNS ; COPrES OP PEN-AWD -INK SKETCHES : HPHE Publish er s of the Art J ournal COPXES OP AIL SUBJECTS 03* WHICH A PHOTO- respect- GRAPH CAN BE TAKEN ; ¦*- fully announce tha t they have on hand a large and is lar gely employed by the Trustees of the British Museum , and varied Stock of Wood Engravings , which have the Palaeogra phie s!, Nnmisnaatical , Antiquarian , and other appeared in that Journal , aad in other Learned Societies , and by the leading Publishers. Illustrate d ! ' The Autot ype Printin g Process, or tbat which , vre have Works issued by them ; and tha t they ar e now first briefl y described , affords many advanta ges for certain prepared to supp ly Electrot ypes of the best qualit y purp oses of book illustrations , the chief amon g the se bein g from these Blocks, guarante ed to work equall I absolute fidelity, and ,as compared with any kind ,of engravin g, y as considerable economy in the preparation of small editions. A well as the ori ginal Wood Engravings . photogra phic or other portrait , a photograph of any object , They comprise a larg e Miscellaneous Collection, an etchin g or otber monochrome drawin g can be copied pre- amounting in all to cisely, the drawing as it left the hand of the original artist , ¦without the possibility of any inaccuracy from the work of SEV ERAL THOU SAND. intermediate persons. Times, April 17th, 1873. '— Cop ies may be seen at the office s of J. S, VIRTU E To adorn the Wa lls of Home with Copies of Artistic Master- & CO., Limited , 294 City Koad , London ; or further pieces, visit inform ation will be furnished by post. THE A1TTOTYPJB PINB -ABT GAXIdSRY , 74 INEW OXFORD STREET , TT.C. A very extensive stock of Engra ved S TEEL Catalo gues, 124 pp. , Sixpence, Free by Post. PLATES , in good condition, are also available for • Printin gf rom, on very Moderate Terms. AUTOTYPEWith Three INIllustrations RELATION, 21 pp.TO freeHOUSEHOLD to any address. AJWV THE AUTOT_TPE COMP -__. _«- "3T- BUSINESS FORJSALE, ETC . XTEWSPAPER , PR INTING , and STA- -^ TIONERY BUSINESS. —To be DISPO SED of, immediatel y, as a going concer n, an old-esta- blished NEWS PAPE R, with PRIN TING and STATIONERY BUSINESS , in a Market Town, Eas t Yorkshire . Newspa per has a good adrer tising connection. Convenient premises in the princ ipal street. Plant and Stock at a valu ation. Small imount for good will. Portion of purch ase money may remain a short time on appro ved secur ity. For farther particulars app ly to Mr. W. Draw bri dge, 74 Newboroug h Street , Scarboroug h. Scarb oroug h, 1st Not. 1884. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ t^^ t^^^^^ E ^^^^^^^^^ B^^ t^^^ K^^^^^^^^I K^^^^^^^^ m^^^^^^^ k PRINTING BUSINESS (Small).— JL Wanted to PURCHASE. —Address , H. Turn er , EXPEEUGElSrO ED TRADE VALUER. 84 Toronto Road, Buckland , Ports mouth. ^ JOHN JS/IORTON, T>OOKSE LLERS , STATI ONER S, and JL > FANC Y.—Advert iser, with Cap ital afc com- Printer , Boo ks ell er, Stationer , dc. mand , 29, energetic , experience d, is desirous ol BOSTON , LI NCOLNSHIRE. hearing of a sound BUSINESS, capable of exten- sion, with a view to Share or Pa rtn ersh ip, a well- , Kar a, Auctioneer and established London firm preferred .—Addre ss MR. GEO . NEWMAN , care of Mr. Pink , Stat ioner , &c. Upper Richmond Vainer to the Trade , offers his services in aL ___ matters of Sale, Transfer , or Valuations for Pa rtner- Road , Putney , S.W. ______ship ox Probate ; his long experience and tho rough knowledge of the) various branches enable him to BOOKSELLERS WANTIN8 ASSISTANTS. render rery valuable assistance to either Vendor or , Experienced m Poichaaer on very moderate terms. No expens e MANAGER WANTED ddr ess, in placing part icnlam on this lUgister. Offices : the Educat ional pub lishing tr ade.—A Str and L ¦ 61 London¦ Wall, E.C. with full particulars , Mr. Bacon, 127 J ' , 3JL-• . . . * ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ .... . - ______wHW rr , n i . .. . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " l t l i _ ~ ~ - ' • T i u » * »^ -i- h L ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^PIH^^MHQ^V^'V^ L ¦» £ < n J "* ' ' - ' "i"~. r»^i'*».i^ J . ' " r _ • * , . \ . : * . - ' t • j I . J* * , p ^ t * . ' ' Hi' 'It ' £ T f - ' * J ^ , '* > * ¦ '". ' i - . * ' jj w w ¦ * n L * '¦ h t - >*T* - " ,*^ * ^ ^^ T^ ^7 |f ^ , ^ —

If -- , The Publish ers' Circular I2T, 11 ~ h »'- -—.— ; =: 1^. ^—^ ^ ^ ANTED, a th oroughly efficient ASSIST- TO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , &c. \ f ANT, with good knowled ge of modern books . Advertiser seek s an APPOINTMENT as ¦ ¦ i fltAt iiifir age and other particulars, to Bickers Principal or Managing Assistant , either Wh olesale $& Sest f r Square , London , W.C. or Retail , having experience in both ; several years I Hi an ASSISTA NT head of a departmen t in the form er. ghest testi- ^^ED ^mea iAteij, monials. —Add ress , J. T. C , 112 Shenley Road , W for the Sunday School Union Book Saloon. Camberwell. haTe a thor ough knowledge of Biblica l I Ttfnst h letter only, statin g age , I Sara tu re.—Apply, y EE-ENGAGEME NT w anted by Young I nnaliflcations, and salary req uired , to the Trade Lad }', by December 1, in Book , Stationery, I Ln ^er. 56 Old Bailey. Fa n cy and Li brary . Good references and several I ^ ^TE D, a JUNIOR ASSISTANT or years ' experience. —Address , H. KirshaVs Library, I W Impr over to the Bookselling, Stationery, and Worthing. I Pancf Goods.—Kempster W. Kni ght , Royal , Wor thing. T>OOKSELLTNG ». ¦*- Wanted , by a Yovmg IVtan , just out of his time , I ^ Young Lad y leaving school , to the FANCY a SIT UATION as Improver. Accustomed to I STATIONERY. Age 15.—Add ress, D., 118Wbi fe Cireula tinp r Library .—Address , H. P., c/o Mr. C. I Ladies ' Road , Clifton , Bristol . Clark , 15 H i gh Street , Colchester. BOOKS FOR SALE. I Subscribers9 Advertisements are inserted under this heading at 3d. per line, prepaid. I A. B./ Publishers * Circula r * Offi ce, 188 Fleet Street Jefferies , Charles T. y 2nd**AA\Jm. edit.VU1V* cl.V *• £1.f *^ • 10s.» Hamilton's (Sir W.) Campi Philegrsei, royal folio, morocco I Seven Lamps, orig. «dit. ruseia extra, £6. 1 Us. Inatrnmenta Ecckeiastwa, 37 Plates by Toovey, text by I Forbes's (Colonel) Leslie's Early Races, 2 vols. cl. £L. 10j. Weale, f oUo, half rerd Braybrooke, Portraits, 6 vols. A.ckermann'8 Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. 4to. hi. rus. 1812 8vo. boards, 1828, £3. 3*. Knjghfs Pictorial History of England, ri vols. Oliver Twist, 2nd edit, original cloth, uncut, 3 vols. post Cadell's Scott' s Poetical Works, 8vo. 12 yoIs. 8vovuio. 1889ioo 7, £2.a&^ « 10*.j iv/0. Swift's Letters, 6 vola. Keelintr's Liturgias Britannicae, 1st edit. 8vo. cloth, uncut The" -~ Rum"" iiuici vuia. i bier, 4*_ vols. 1771i < < (Pickering, 1842), 125. whewell'll /K „ 111 H AnalogyA on Old nnrl New Testament The Sportsman, 2nd Series, vols. 43-40, 7 vols. half-calf, Keea Cyclopaedia, 8D volfi. IS 19 1860-63, £1. 12*. 6d. MackbouiiR 's History of the Bible, 2 vols. folio, 174*2 Chr. Wordsworth's Greok Testament, 4 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, Hooker's Works, 2 vola. rnlf 1861 , 30*. LWiuB•LjlViUR., cOllrnura TwissrT1 «»r ioa , 4A vola.-.r ^.1 .-, cal^. ..lff American Expedition to Japan, by Francis L. Hawks, I wey's Works, C vole. 1823 JIIub. imp. 8vo, cloth (TrUbner, 1857) , 16*. -wotheaHomeri Odyssoa, calf , 18:tl Bok o's Dipcoveripfi of Sinai in Arabia «fcc. illus. roy. 8vo. , Arnold'B ThncydUloB, 3 voM. calf half-morocco (TrUbner , 1878), 10*. vmmhuiiu vriui *. vj ^yugerydge's MiltonMilton'nH Poetical Worka ,. cnlf JnrviVH•I ill Vlh ft DonU^lll Qui\^\lA/*\JM\i.xote, illus.l*«Mn. byvj Tonyx vn ^ Jo h an notw(, 3« vole.» roy.t At^ neneauin, 1863-5 Rvo. cloth , uncut (Finch 1840), £1. 18,i . ^ly's Shakspeare, 8 vols. miniature Tales of Wonder, by M. G.*Lewis, 2 vols. in 1, roy. 8vo. calf jy'' arburtonUTDurton'e bhakesDeareShakespeare,. 8 vola-vols. 1747 (Buhner, 1801), 15*. BoBweil' s Illuminated Mag. illus. by Leech &c. 4 a ]noLife of Johnson, 4 vols. 1824 Dougla* Jen-old' a °C^ ht>fenop taud, 3 603 vola. imp. 8vo. cloth , 1845. 16*. Anna Williams' MiscellaneoiiB Poatry, 4to. 176« WinterbothanVs America, Afaps, 4 vols. 8vo. cnlf , 17W5, 8*. w^/«^^ •'•w »'«^y ¦—- Journals^M \/l4 All|Alf} of^# *. IroJ | ¦ l/mn and¦«¦! «<» Stool^»V I*•* nstitute««»^^"^ , 1876*»^i^ w -*r ,m 1878¦" — ^ ^ ,f 187^ 9,W 8 *2 *lJ W*roitRoad , A.I K vols. parts 1880-82, cloth, 6 vols. 20*. S****' Handbook of the British Floro, 2 vola. S^o. 18<55, Roxburgh Ballade, large paper, 3 vols. 4to. 1874 (pub. , p * An t/\ . 1 A. II t ft JC< ^. XV8.J,- 1VO, « ¦ Q**>T ii^ 2S!?' i . _^__ ¦ '

1. r ; ¦ ? - — ————>~ - • •- - ^j ^m 1 1^34 The Pu blishers * Circular Nov> II

i BOOKS FOR SALE— continue d. 1

¦_ ¦ .. —. . . - - — ¦ '- H ' Mitchell <£ Sons, 50 A 36 ParliamentSfreet , Westminster Mitchell A Sons, 50 Taylors Philip vaa Artev«lde , . 12mo. MM , 3*. «• ft •^ m -•- f ^ ^ • - 1834.834, 5s. 6<2.&Z. Joe Thompson 's Life and Adventures , Vol. 2 calf fDnwi Jack Sheppard , 3 vols. original cloth , uncut , 1839 (dama ged 1750), 2*. ' " ^Wi*. in places ), £t . 10*. . Hermit in London , Vols. 1 and 3, 2 vols. half-calf fLoni^« jl *»w« v w»non , Galton 's Tro pical South Afri ca, small 8vo. cloth , 1853, 4s. • 1821),•a.^**« y^ 3*. 6r^-***-«t, Gray's History &c of China , 2 vols- 8vo. cloth, 1878. 11s. G-il Bias, by Martin Smart , Vols. 1 an^I 2, original board * Fbrbes * Iceland , its Volcan oes &c., sm. 8vo. cl. 1860, 10j . 6ict.> folio, calf , good condition , 1775, 18s. Macaula y's England , Vol. 5;8vo . original doth , 1861, 8#. W, I Icono grra phia Storica degli Ordini Iteli giosi e Cavalleresch i Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal , edited by Frinscp, ¦ Opera di Gallano Gia cci, 3 vols. in 1, folio , half-calf Vols. 1, 2, and S (Calcutta , 1832-34), 3 vols. 10j. ¦ (Roma . 1836), 12*. General Stud BookBook., Vol. 11., Svo. calfcalf., 1808.1808, and Vol. 33., boardsboards., ¦ The Extrava gant Shepherd , or the History of the Shepherd 1832, 2s. 6d, each ¦ Iiysis, translated from the French by J. Davis, small Selby's Illustrations of British Ornitholo gy, Part 1, Land ¦ folio , calf (London , 1654), 18*. Birds (Edinburgh , 1825), 8vo. board s, nncut , 3*. Bd. ¦ More Hints on Eti quette, Cuts by G. Cru ikslank , 12mo. Transactions of the Horticultural Society, 1823-26, 14 parts , ¦ doth, 1838, 5*. 6rf. 4to.41O. 7*.#5. 6c?.OCt. H¦ Amadis of Gaul , by Vasco Lobejra , translated by R. Sonthey , Trollo pe's A Summer in "Western France , Vol. 1, 8m ¦ 4 vote, in 2, 12mo. half-calf , 1803, 28,?. ori ginal cloth . 1841, 4*. 6d. ¦ Tnssaud' a (Ifadame ) Memoirs &c. , edited by Hervo , 8vo. Osburn 's Monumental History of Egypt , Vol. 2, 1854, 8ro. ¦ cloth, uncut, 1838, 7*. 6d. original cloth , 9*. ¦ Heraldic Anomalies, or Rank Confusion &c , 2 vols. hoards , Curti ns' History of Greece , translated by Ward , Vol. 3, Svo. ¦ 1823, 8J. 6d. cloth , 1870, 5*. ¦ Wells Cathedral , its Histor y gers' Poems, Svo. cloth , uncut , imperfect , 1834, 15** I 6d. each ¦ EncyclopaediaBritannJca , 8th edit. 20 vols. and Index , each Kinglake' fl Crimea , Vols. 5 and C, 8vo. cloth , 5*. ¦ vol. half-bound in division * and inserted in the original Voysey's The Sling and the Stone , Vol. 4, small 8vo. cloth , cloth c«ae, £5. 5*. 1I 86i>860,. 2s. Gd. Little's (Thomas) Poetical Works , 12mo. half-calf . 1833, 4.i. Moore 's Ireland , Vols. 1, 2, 3, 3 vols. cloth , 1835, Xs. M. Sympeon's Book of Cyph en* ( 600), cr. 8vo. half-calf , 7s. 6d. Life of the Prince Consort , by Theodore Ma rtin , Vol. 3, 8vo. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ UV>I> *«I»^^* J I/es_ P|_ l P FablesJL,'DVSV4J d'EaoU rm~ J pe " I - PlirygicnJk +*-*. J f^ ¦*_' ,f avec«« W ^^ V des MoralesA*».^»*_ etc.^_rft/ ^V>* par|^ «-«A. cloth ,. 55.5j. GdGd.. jESaudoin, fine old plates , 2 vols. small 8vo. calf (Paris , Quarterl y Journal of the Geological Society, Vote. 23 to M 1659), 18*. inclusive (1867- 83), paper -wrappers , £6. 10.?. Letters of Abelard and Heloise , plates , 12rao.cal f, 1722, 6x. 6d. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, Volfl. 23 to 4' 1 Ftanda of Romish Monks and Priests &c., 2 vcle. 12mo. calf , inclusive (1853-77), in all 26 vols. 9 vols. in cloth, 16 in 1725, 15*. paper wr appers , £2. 18*. . Thicknesse 's Travels , plates , 2 vole. 8vo. cal f , 1778, 11*. 6

Bincrham & ' j *v* /. A., 21 Broad Street , Oxford Co., 8 A 9 Broad Street , Bristol I Chen's Indian Evidence Act The Queen. Feb. 18 and Nov. 25, 1882 Vol. 7. (Beeto) Ws Magazine. __ _ Blackwell, E. J . A F., %b A 31 Market Pla ce, Reading ' Snthatn (Jeremy) Works. Parts 15 to 22 Genesis, Oottage Readings in (Nisbet) Restitution of All Things JSm? Brook A CTirystal , Manchester Fra nkfor t-o.-M., Germany MIT Co., ¦—¦»-¦ m±m- •*¦ / & •*-r ——» p-» *• ¦ • -^—¦ r -»-^ • ¦•- * ^-^r^ ^»^^ *a *»« ^v* <* f^-»W ^«^ V^» ^0*W m**\^m¦ mm IT J j »/,*• Dante's Inferno,y by"^ 9 B. Nicolo Minola (Beaton% & M., Edin.> kind's History of Physics. 1725-26 ' mm Davies amounting Microscopic Objects ¦ ¦ ¦¦» » —¦ am »— - ry ^» wwa «^»^v^ Arcbffiologia.ff*f|>#*

v^v^ h.4 ¦ ¦ l¥— bij j ^j ' ^i^ yifc -« ^ v ^ ^h "- n . .k w t ti Debret^ ^ t's^^ Peerage.j^ ^V ^^^ ^™ 1880r ^^ or^^^ any dat^f v e^^ sinceb^^ ^ ^»^ ^^ ^^^ Engravings relating to Hull Grockford's Clerical Directory. 1880 or any date since Broun , Wm , 26 Princes Street, Edinburgh Barthis ct Lotee.ll, 14 <7rw d Marllorough Street, W. Anderton's Colonial Sheep Farming Hogarth, illustrated by John Ireland, 3rd edit. Vol. 3. 1806 Engraving of Sir Walter Scott and his Literary Friends fl Jo^~ urnalW of4t theft « Microscopical^^ ^K ¦ ^K « Society.pi t A d ^P^^ a Burns' Tarn o' Shauter, illustrated by Facd : Quarterly Complete Punch. Original issue. Vols. 6, 7, 8, 46, 65 Set Lever's Roland Cashel. Original edit. Tol. 2 Biblioman ia, 53 Queen' s Road , Reading Broun , W., A Co., 40 & 41 Old Broad Street, E.C. V*>»* BlakJ /1W1*Ve (Wm.)I • » Ml • t ,f D-¦—' evww*scriptive X*^ ^^ CatalogueX_^*-* V^l^ V« V>* of^-'* » hisUMJ WorksI I ^T » A^thf, * 12m^.Mt MlVIo. 1809* . ^/V 1/ Landor*s (W. S.) Poems. 1798 Hazard's Cuba (American) Shakspeare, Original Letters of Sir John Falstafl. 1796 Bult , A.y 25 New Quebec Street, Portrnan Square , W, Garrad's British Orders, folio. 1800 Lewes' Physiology of Common Life Prevost, Hisloire de Manon Lescaut, 12m o. 1731 F6nelon's T6l6maque Bumpus, ./., 350 Oxford Street, W. , 2 vols. 12mo. 1717 Annnal Register. 1841 and 1859 Bickers & Son, 1 Leicester Square, W.C. Browning's (Robert) Poems. 1863 (Chapman & Hall) B•VMAUI\urke < 'sKf Extinct^—m^m.m j "^ i_f V Baronetage,^"T~J T f ¦ J_T_ f If IT* T_f Cornhill Magazine. Vols. 25 to Betant's Lexicon Thucydideum Motley's Netherlands, 4 vols. 8vo. or Volfl. 3, 4 What to do with Cold Mutton Lytton's Harold, 2 vols. Library edit. (IBlackwood) K» V/ UIIJ I Vaughan's Sermons in Harrow School Chapel. 1847 Philipot'.J. UA«4^/\/ U s VillareV llliU. Cantianum.V^>-* *- A V1 W« &^1 • 1659A w «^ ; ¦ ! ¦ ! Illustrated London News. May 29, Jnne 12, 1869 ; April Sowerby's Botany, 41 vols. i ¦ I¦ 12.12, 26.26, 1879 ;: Oct.Oct. 2727., 188318fi3 ; Jan. 1212., 1919., and March 17 ,_ 18841RJU Sinclair on Grasses, coloured ¦I Abbofctford Waverley. Vol. 11 or Part 113 Sala's Twice round the Clock. 1st edit. : ¦I Austin's Season, a Satire Letters from Boundbead Officers (Bannatyne Club) ¦I Loch's (Jaraes) Account of Sutherland Improvements. 1826 Wellsted's Arabia, 2 vols. : ¦I Vanity Fair Albu m. 1876 to Watson's South American Republic ¦ ¦ Historic Gallery of Portraits. Vol. 7 Cole's The Peruvian ¦I Lane's Arabian Nights. 1st edit. Vols. 2, 3, or 3 vols. Collins' Cruise upon Wheels Punch's Pocket Book. 1842 I Birmingha m Free Libraries, Reference Dept. (J.D. JMullins) Dailinger's First Age of the Church ¦ i I¦ i Bur—•n*» 'su (R.)v«i; J»j usticeuduh ^c ofui theLilts Peace.K Vnw. 18^69XOUJ7 Church and Churches ¦ ¦ Deane s (J. P.) Effect of War upon Neutrals Monthly Packet. First 30 vols.

«r«^ I War, its Effect upon Belligerent States N.*. * ational«^ V«\/MI<«I, RifleJLVIUV As.4-A.* soI>JV ciationVAM l/JIV**. ReportsA«V|/VI. •^-' .• 1862• vw «|, 1864^a. -w v ^ to 1869«»^1^^^ »^ ¦ ¦ _, —Jones »..vo ' Quotationsxuuuauuuo in BlackstoneJ3in.uii.ai/ont5'sh Commentaries.v^uiunit;iituriea. 1823iozo Clara Vaughan, 3 vols. uncut and clean ¦ ¦ Kenny's (C. S.) Law of Primogeniture in England. 1878 Cradock Nowell , 3 vols. uncut and clean Pothier (R. J.) ,Pandectes de Justinien, 24 v. 1818-23 (Paris) Maid of SkerSker., 3 volsvols.. uncut and clean Kogron (J. A..), Code Napol6on expliqu6. 1859 Lorna Doone, 3 vols. uncut and clean ! Savigny~-"b«j (P.\a- « G.),\jt. _;, Histoirexxiaiinre duuu Droitju»rtut roruiiiuuimain , par Guernouxv^ruernoux Spelman a (Si Carson Bros., 7 Graf ton Street, Dublin ' JbW WAV r H.) English Works, with Portrait. 1723 «-* lalU 4h ***» «.*V A^ k-* K >^>> »¦ ¦ ^ V ^ ^«K«~B V -*TM ¦ * H Htory s (Justice) Conflict of Laws. 1872 Tregelles^b ^ pSf ^ ' RevelationsV %/ •* in Greek^^" ^^ , with^ W^ En^»« Arf» ^Jglish Version^ ^^ . Hill's McDonnells of Antrim > Constitution of the United States, 2 v. 1858 Facsimiles of National Manuscripts, Ireland. Part 1 v Uns kaw Dictionary. 4th ed. with Supplement Van Espen (Z. B.), Jus Bcclesiasticum Catholic Ireland. Vol. 1 voet Battle of Gabhra &c. • (J> .),•/} Commentariusvuutuiouvctli ua adlk\X PandectaB.^. ailUGVJUUOa 1734SlOt: r~~ translated. 1876-78 Festivities ab the House of Conan &c. Jjante, Opere, 6 volfl. 1830 O'Neill'a Irish Crosses Dancumb's Herefordshire Cassell d- Company (Limited) , Ludga te Hill , E.C. I Wnelon , (Euvres, 10 volfl . 1851 Johnson's Typograpliia { French Theatre. A good set an Chapman , J. C , 86 Coney Street, York J SSuea re The&tre. A good set } inefttrec francaiarrancaia ancien.ancien, narpar ViolIet-le-DViollet-le-Duc,. 10 v. 1854-57 Pictures and FablesFables,, coloured J ^Mackenzie's (B.) Newcaetle-upon-Tyne Cohen , L.y Chichester Pla ce, Harro w Road , W. j Jalkin's (B. AlllCl n JL/ l . XJ.. UUIUIUUD I H.) South Wales. 1807 Adler's ^(Dr. H.).J Sermons « Mudle'a Marks' (Dr. W.) Sormona. Vols. 1, 2 Newman's '" -i.w^Vi > < : r- '--y •¦ - v-? ? ., . k^ ^ :^>^ ;« ^KC ^ ? ^ R*s"Wl S raB ^^^^^^^^^ M

¦ I r*36 The Publishers ' Circular Nov TO BOOKS WANTED PUBCHASE —conti nued. ^ I

f Collins. W. P., 157 Great Port land Street, W. Gee, TT. i/. , 28 J7i0rA Street, Oxfor d I ui ' original blue cloth. 1867, 1868, 1872 , 1882 Goniogtonwvtuuguuu o a^oiimiiiiivu ^uaujc iyj ua ' Science Gossip, 's Agamemnon of iBschylus I^H MoIlttSca ofthe Cragr. 1&55. Pt. 2 (Palaeontograpbical Soc.) Palmer's Treatise on the Church, 2 vols ¦ Smith's British Diatomacese, 2 vols. or Vol. 1 Ticknor's History of Spanish Litera ture ¦ Microscopical Journal. Farts 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 17, 36, 82, 84 Coxe's Bourbo n King s ¦ Ibis. 1st Series. "Vol. 2 Puller 's Ger manic Constitution H Lindsay's Lichens, square 12mo. Baillie's Letter s on English Revolutiou H Mivart's The Cat Ottle y's History of Engravin g H Cornish Brothers, 37 2TewStreet , Oldfield' s History of Repres entative Gover nment in Wn»i ¦ \ Huttoa's History of Birmingham Liverpool (Lord ) on the Coins of the Real m nglMd ¦ Student's Blackstone George' s Sons, W., top of Park Street, Bristol I Tro lope's West Indies and the Spanish Main. Original Town and Country Magazine for 1771 ¦ edit. Oalcott's Tractatus.Tractatus, 4to.4to. 1738 ¦ New Zealand Original edit. Australia and . The Supreme ....Elohim , a Sermon, M Corn ish , J., & Sons, 297 High Holbom 4to. X1% DugdaleXfUKUMAV'aCT MTonasticoniilLVUHOIAWMI) 8VJ vols.T VIOI Kersey's English Dictionary. 1768 or earlier I Blagdon's Memoirs of G-eorge Morland, by Orme. 1806 Stodart's Angler's Companion to Rivers and Lochs. 1864 Gilbert & Field, 67 Moor gate Street, E.C. I Lewis* Comparative Grammar of Romance Languages Keller's Amazon and the Madeira River* H i Bonwick's Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought I Huber's Natural History of the Honey Bee Sully's Sensation and Intuition ¦ •! Corn ish J. E.f 83 Piccadilly *Manchester ¦ , Price's Currency and Banking I . Kingston's Fresh and Salt Water Tutors. Two copies Merivale's Letters of Junius ¦ Southey's Love Sfcory Ye Outside Fools ¦ "Wood's Adam Grainger, Two copies Francillon's Earlfs DeD« Gladding, J., 28a Patern oster Square * E.C. I Gaskell's Wives and Daughter*, 2 vols. 1866 Hutton*s Mathematics, by Rutherford. Key only

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ 1^ 1 *»"»^ »J ¦» ¦ .• W ^ U ¦ A ^— * ¦ ^a^ •-• ¦ ) Remains of Mrs. B. TrenchV* Cicero's Academics, by Reid, 12mo. 1874 (Macmillan Books on the History of Tithes ff amblen, T. Leamin gton, ¦ Irish Dictionary t ¦ Bulwer's Historical Sketches Froissart*8 Chronicles of England , 2 vols. Mother's Friend. Vol. for 1883 I Dulau & Co., 87 Soho Square, W. Hamilton, Adams, A Co., 32 Paterno ster Rote , E.C. I Airy's Mag-netisin Francis History of the Bank of England, 2 vol*. I_ Todhunters Attraction of the Earth ' ' Ha rtley* E. J., Bookseller, Banbury ¦ Shelley's Poetical Works. 3 vols. Moxon , 1847 Fuller s Worthies. Best edit. I Keats' Poetical Works, a vols. Moxon , 1847 (two copies) ' Any ¦ tzapfel Handbook on Copper Coins, Medals, and Tokenp. Hugo Hernani, Hol Our Curate's Budget. Vols. 14, 15 I Edwards , F., 83 High Street, Marylebone * W. Hone Bacrte. Twelve copies I Percy Anecdotes. Yo>l. 40, Domestic Life Scenes from the Boyhood of Great Painters I Sala'B Atflerica Revisited, 2 vols. cloth Hawkins, T., Bridge House , Newbwy I Comte'8 Philosophy, translated by Martineau, 2 vole. Secret Correspondence of Lady Hamilton Phillips' Oivil Wars in. the Welsh Marches, 2 vols. Memoirs of an Aristocrat. Whitaker. J858 Roberts* Tillage Sermons, cloth. Vol . 3 Goulbourn"\Jf\J\A±*~l\J\AM.MX oni-JJLM. the\»kA%^ CollectsVV*4VV»I»" Edwards, C. F. % 4 Wind Street, Swansea Speaker's Commentary History of County of Durham Life of Bishop Gray Cox's History of Monmouthshire Hickma n , F. f High Street, Dorking Spencer's Principles of Psychology Mrs. Brown's Visit to Paris Locke on Government HUcoke A Son, 1 Castle Terrac e, Richmon d, Sur rey Venn's Symbolic Logic Trevelyan's Cawnporo Logic of Chance Walker's (Rev.) Poetical Works fl Iono JSstes A:Lauriat , 301 Washington street . Boston ^ U. S.A. Cory' Columoun, _!,„- ¦ ¦ _ ¦¦ ¦¦¦»¦ !¦ p Comp. of Chesterfieldl !>¦_ HP ¦'*_ 's» Letters«4VVV\MWf, 8vo.I. ; VV* VolsV ^^ •** .a 4*|, 5V^ Family Library : Baatile, CervantPB, Jesce's George Selwyn. Vols. 3, 4 Humphrey's Clock. Title and Index to Vol. 1 , Foster's (Birket> I^ower Khine 4to. cloth TJitchin an, J., 51 Cherry Street, Birmingham Macanlay'u EngLand, 8vo. Volts. 1 , 2, 5 L'Estrange's Church Bella of Norfolk Gait, J., A Co,, 3 Corporation Street9 Manchester Thoroton e NottinghamBhlre, folio Aa 4g , 49 ivw -— 44, *»»,i° J J ft .»¦**•* ^« ^ <»». •«. »™^» <" 7 - ,» 81,r 37, * V llfftH K/\^V*»rf *' #y • 26, B0 Gardiner* (Dr.) Christian Cyclopaadift. Parts containing Chaucer^^ Society. lst Beries. Fts. s : pp. €97 to 786 and pp. 968 to end (Blaokie) Architecturftl Society's Repor t for 1851 Yor kshire , 2 voIb. Jk /U Potter'* TiajifllEtlon of Eurlpidoa Hunter 's South :^ > ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ - -^j-^— i--r ^ r ^SSS^ -*niH ~-~~-~~---~-— ------~~-----m~m~». . _ . _ . , 3/r .,. ,1 _*^H Hpjsi £»«• 1! • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ iS$4 The Publisher s' Circular *23J f i . ——______—- -———I ^^ H ' - . - m-z^^ ¦ ¦ BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE—contin ued.

I .__./»_ 187 P iccadilly'<, W. Jones, E.y 17 Queen Street, E.C, ^_ from_,_ __ ¦ ¦ *<—- ^, /(Holme)HOlDuw «cg«**v»_Legends . ^-— —Fairyland _~-_, .—-- _ Keltie'a Highland Clans, 2 vols. y Crook's Beet-root Sugar, 8vo. ttii - 1Me Carpenter arid Nasmyth on the Moon, 4to. I SSfe 2ss55fs3rast 2r Camoen.8f Lusiad. Fanshaw's translation Musgrave's translation de Valois. 2 vols. Mitchell's translation I iSs lEtfgnerit e g ¦ ¦ S eria l Calen dar , 1820 Stephen's (Leslie) Essays on Freethinkin ¦ ¦ ESS Job n) Aids to Conten tment Higgins' Anacalypste ¦ ¦ SSK cHomoe) Hand y Book of Cotta ge Catrd's Philosophy of Kant I c*!th's (Sydney) Memoirs by -Lady Holland. One volume Chapman's Elements of Art. 1848 (Bogue) ¦ ¦ iS son's Billiards on the Scientific Principle on the Side Sport ascTapiana - Stanley's Sermons in the East ___T Sterling's Essays and Tal es Buncurnb's Herefordshire ¦ ¦ o*ri4»' » hartle y) Poems Howard on the Lazarettos of Europe ¦ ¦ St citUnd the Castle _ _ Combe's Dance of Death ¦ ¦ ^tier's (Bob) original edit. Elmea' Dictionary of Fine Arts ¦ ¦ Bailey's Festus Stevenson's Alsace and Lorraine. 1873 ¦ ¦ Wentwortti'8 (Ben) Kevenge Thrupp's Alsace and Lorraine. 1870 ¦ ¦ tfarryat's Pott ery Bully's Intuition and Sensation I Trelawney's 8helLey and Byron, 2 vols. Guizot's Shakspeare and his Times I Waverley Novels. 25 or 43 vols. bound in leather Sevign6's (Madame de) Letter*, in English. A good copy I Richard's Military Topography Sharp's Memorials of the Rising in the North -v —v -—¦ ¦ ¦ Wogan's Proper Lessons, 2 vols. 8vo. Chambers\> UMUl 4# VA W * Lives-¦ +m V ^^*J of%r& Illustrious^ ¦¦ T^rrT T Scotchmen|» *^ r«rw» """" »^ ""| , 5^ vol9.* V 8vo.-^ » w Laishley's Birds* Eggs ¦ ¦ Bodjet, FiggU,& Co., 104 Grafton Street, Dublin Kenan's Life of Jesus, in English, 8vo. .IF I VT"!"' " ¦" Ik' ^_r*-> v <»*_f^_»*_ -•»-_-. W^ _-_> _«* r—' -_W--4_V_«%r _ ¦ ¦ _-_-_H ThoI Itflj-UOUAAmson' s" Memoirs of Viscountess^ Sandon*-- Constitutional Monarchy in France ¦ ¦ stud Book, any recent vols. Song of Songs ¦ ¦ Hall's Ireland. Vol. III. (How & Parsons) Studies of Religion ¦w-__, ._ ¦ ¦ ^^m Lloyd'Xj ttjj \» sO Wave» »*•¦*-* Theor-fc -fc^-^vr- ^y^f of Light--¦-.£}-h*- w History and Criticism ¦ ¦ Grote'8 Plato. Vol. I. Babbage's Passages in the Life of a Philosopher ¦ ¦ Buskin's Modern Painters Turner's Anglo-Saxons, 3 vols. 8vo. ¦ ¦ Works of Landor Robinson's Hardy Flowers. A copy of an early edit. ¦ ¦ Edinburgh Review. Vols. 57-74, 93-100 Page's Handbook of Geological Terms ¦ ¦ Beanies. Elmbam Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti. Oxford, Field and Fern, 12mo. ¦ ¦ 1727 Boccaccio, Heptameron, Cervantes' Exemplary Novels, ¦ ¦ ifelville's The Wha le, or Molly Dick Count Hamilton's Fairy Tales (Bohn's extra vols.) I Tait's Recent Advances in Physical Science Elliot's (Mrs.) Diary of an Idle Woman in Italy

¦ ¦ — — Eatherford's Histology Pictu^ b AvVM#resVu of^r^ Old^^ ^^"^ Rome^k^^^^HM*^' ¦ ¦ Philosophical Magazine, January 1881 Diary of an Idle Woman in Sicily ¦ ¦ BaiUie's Letters and Journals on Public Transactions. ¦ ¦ 1775 (Edinburgh) Kerby & Endea n, 440 Oxford Street, W. ¦ ¦ Ditto, edited by D. Laing. Edinburgh 1841-2 Dubois' Cosmopolitan Cookery. 16s. edit. on the lives of the Welsh Saints, enlarged I Boliich, C. W., db Son, 14 Queen Street Rees' Essay ¦ ¦ * 0*1* Buckle's History of Civilisation in England, 8vo. Vol. 2 Ibillips' Illustrations of the Geology of Yorkshire the Horse ¦ ¦ Rivers, Mountains, &c, of Yorkshire Rowlle's Book of ¦ ¦ Chambers' Book of Days, 2 vols. Allen's History of Yorkshire, 4to. Vol. 1 ray a Works, with Cruikshank's plates. 5*. ed. A set ¦ ¦ Incraledge. Vols. 1, 2, for 1882 Thacke ' ¦ ¦ Cassell's Old and New London, red cl. gilt edges. Vola. 5, 6 Chaffers on China ¦ ¦ Sp SpnrgeoanrReoa on the Psalms. Vols-Vols. 5.5, 6 Kerr & Richa rdson, 89 Queen Street, Glasgow plough ') Works I Ir tiale, A.t Fleet Street, Torquay Somerville's (* one who whistled at the ¦ ¦ Per y Rellques. 1st edit. Vol. 3 h Du~ *****nrav«nw t v&i 's*J TheO. JJC7 GreaV» X «-C*Ut BivideX^X V X14VZ c 's ¦ ¦ Bain's Mental and Moral Philosophy ¦ ¦ Torn Dutt. Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan Lachton, P. C , 4 Colebrooke Roto, S. _ ¦ ¦ Steph-«v|/.lvuin/ u V1X XXCU, U^JUI O Pottlefcon Legacy. Part 9 ^H iv • enson» k • on Harbours _ _ . ¦ ¦ Haines- * Monumental Brasses. 1861. - Hood's Own. Nos. 6, 11 ¦ ¦ Dolby's Church Needlework Villon's Poems. 1876 ¦ I¦ &l&savssaya andand ReviewsRovifiw«. 8vo.ftvn Paddiana, 2 vols. Sketches by Boz, 2 vols. 183C I Jarr old £ Sonsy London and Exchange Streets Norwich Tale of Two Cities. 1859 I Jinney 'a Systematic Theology, by Bedford ^ (Tegg) I Soldsmith's Poetical Works, by the Etching- Club (Long- Leightcn, J. A J., 40 Brewer Street, Golden Square , If*. ¦ ¦ mans) Fre eman's Historical Geography , 2 vols. 1867-68. Nos. 1062, 1074 , 1076 , 1092 Motley The_ Owl_ . a ^_ ¦ .d I ^ , ^^B*^h A A M 4 's Dutch Republic. Library edit. ^^ ^^ ^V ^4 I Newman's Position of Catholics in England Langdale's Mrs. Fitzherbert. 1856 I Uttle Folks. Part 86 Bleak House. Nob. 17, 18, and last I The Welcome. Feb. 1883 Browning's Bells and Pomegranates. 1844. Part 6 Montalembert's Monks of the West. 4-7, or a * et I Jam es, T. A Co., Book Emporium, Southampton I Newton (Bishop) on Revelation he Soudi er, II., 174 Boulevar d Saint-Germain , a Paris of Species. 1871 (London ) I 51. anl'fl Analogy of Nature and Grace Mivart's Genesis I White's Warfare of Science Wright's Poems attributed to Walter Mapes. 1841 (Lond.) I Jonnston's Royal Atlas, or the Handy Royal Atiaa Reliquiae Antiquce. 1841. 1846 ( London) I MaJdoa'a Lectureson Painting. Vol. 1 The Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets. 1873

da •"WtflPl.1 /T fP f * O** ~ . /aij »^«r« T\-«* v n.j .vj r < »_i.>^> Lewis, W., Duke Street, Cardiff wT ^" C' T > A tons ( Old Book Dept. \ RedcltffStreet , Bristol Nov. 1881 wick a Towers and Spiers. 3rd Series Magazine of Art. -«»«u«rsnames * Monumentalmonumental , Jones Brasses, 2 vola. Lipp tncott, J. B., & Co,, 16 Southa mpton Street. Strand, W.C. 'Brecknock. Vol. 1 Newman's Lectures on University Subjects Rough's Camden'e Britannia, 3 vols. folio Pennant' Pearce'a Violins and Violin Players s Wales, S voH. 8vo. Echoes of Life Edgeworth' s Works , 18 vols. cloth fc ;, ^ 80 2TW»^ «r«r, Cambrtaye De Qnincey's Works, 16 vola. cloth , anity' a8 Ol(1 a« tho Creation JJaiu «om», S!J ,flh '8 Commentar Ubeofr d. Genesis Longmans dt Co. (Export Dept.),B9 Paternoster K.C. PoltticaJ System Europe and ita Stephe n s (Leslie) Playground of Europe. 10*. 6

¦ -, i > i *»3» TH ^^^^ r8l Ch'Clllar ._- Nov. ij; — ^ ^ __ ia- 1 BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE—continued. I

Xocfta oooJ (Crosby)A Ok, 7 Stationers' -Hall Court, B.C. Norton, W., Bookseller, Cheltenham I Va]py*s Shaks peare. 1833. Vol. 4 ' Cydopsdia of Surgery, folio - & . a. V ft ¦ • - M Bloxams • Gin sbur g's Introduction to Rabbini cal Bible Pri tcba rd' s Infusoria —— Masaoreth Syntax ' s (Dr.) Napoleon B&mpton Lectures. 1850, 1854, 1875, 1876, 1878 Daly's Diamond Shakspeare. Vol. 7 Tracts for the Times. A set London Society. Oct. and Dec. 186 5 Reynolds' Youthful Impostor Berridge 's Wor ks Field ing's Works. 1808. Vol. 11 Zotte, C, Broad Street Corner * Birmingham Bewick's Birds , roy. Svo. 2 Palmer & Howe, 7$, 75, «fr 77 Pri ncess Street. Manchester Iires of the English Saints. Odd parts Dickens' Works , 30 vols. Edit, de luxe Martin' s Prince Consort. Vol. 2 Parkerp aricer Aa uCo.,o., 6e Southamptonesouinampton Street.street, StranStrand d., W.C.W C Oliver Twist. Vol. 3 Neale' 8 Ayton Pr iory Huish 's Geor ge IV. Vol. 1 Shepperton Manor Punch. Vol. 1. Brown cloth Crusius , Turco-GTsecia Diary. Vol* Evelyn ^ . 1. 4to . 1819 Donaldson 's Histor y of Ancient Greek Liter atu re OKver.Twist. VoL Brown cloth Walker 's Sufferings of the Clergy Cowper. Vol. 4. 12mo. Baring-Gould' s Some Modern Difficulties of the lives of KngliRh Saints. Odd parts Day Parsons, B.,A5 Brompton Road, S. W. MaclachlanA Stewart, 64 South Bridge , Edinbu rgh Pritchett 's Brus h Notes in Paris. 1871 Arboricaltoral Transactions , Ed inbur gh. Vol. 1 or parts ' - Allingha m s Ballad Book. 1864 Geikie a Geology and Scenery of Scotlan d Child' s English and Scotch Ballads. 1864 I Stark (Dr. ) on Ulcers cored by Herbs. 1855 Stillman ' s Horse in Motio n 1 Title and Index to British Medical J ournal. 1883. VoL 2 Vidal on the Violin , 61 Si. Vincent Street Glasotnt Ruskin 's Stones of Venice. 1st edit. Vol. 3, MacLehom^ James, " ¦ x-' V-r *^ V/»J " Selectr— 'v>»^^-v^«r M ethodsx>v»av^«.«!. ina*& Medicalmavv« »vk*^ Science*_'v J-»v^ -*-*-- Hall' 8 Travels in Canada. 1819 Student 's Blackstone. 7.t. €W. edit. Two cop ies Jones* Ancient America. 1843 Kerr 's Blackstone , 4 vols. Helps to Meditation . Vol. 1 (Masters) MUcheli, R. J., A Son *y 50 Parliament Street, S. W. ; More Bab Ballads Redway, O., York Street, Covrnt Garden , W. C. [ P. O. Xu Directory, 1884, with Map Heptameron. English translation. Any | Bayldon on Rents and Tillages . Last edit. Trollope '8 Sports and Pastimes ! Penfold on Batin g. I860. 4th edit. Box's Work on Cricket [ Henry 's (Matthew) Commentary, 8vo. Part 49 (Cassell ) Cricket Scores and Biographies. Vols. 1-4 j Denison 'a (W.) Cricket , Skcitches of the Players i Murray, F., Moray House, next to SL Peter' s Church , Dttty Oily white 's Cricke ter 's Aaaual. 1875-78 \ Lodge's Portraits. VoIk. 6-8 (W. Smith ) ; r Richardson A Co., 13 Pall M(cll. S.W. i < ; Barke s Seats and Arms. VoL 1 Goodfel low' s Merchants amd Shipmasters ' Bea V^V^^H^v l^^^**.r~^^ ^fcJ^BS^r ' \ Morr^^ is* British^^ ^^ Moths^^ Benn s ( Mrs. Apbra) Works I : Clarke's History of Booth well Rambles in Java I : Arthur O*Leary. 1st edit. Robson & Kerslake, 23 Covent ry Street, Hayma rk 't, W.C. Art J our nal. 1883 Iiife of Robert Blake , of Bxidgewater i Barry Corn wall. Any 1st edits. Johnson ' s (8.) Life, by Bir John Hawki ns ' Mnseey' B SecretHistory of Romanism t Roche, J. r X Southamptoti. Row, Holborn , W.C. I i Calvin 's Letters. Bennett' s edit. 1_Vote. 3 to end m W i _ 1 • __ /n._l^i.l ^.«_ Xi.. C T JC _ T * *% A. J Illustrated London News, Vol. 72 I *6 Christian ity in India. Vols. 3 to^ end-^ | | Hot i«li Cibbcr ' s (Colloy) Play s | \ MidlandEducational Co. (Limited), Birminr/hmn HawliiiBon'8 Herodo tqa. VoIh. 3, 4 1 * Warerley Dictionary, or Concor dance to Scott' h W orks PeakH , Pasfles , and G locicra, 2 vols. II ¦ ' ?' SailSail., G~G n Bookseller.Bookseller, KimrKing Street ., Yarmouth Wal rwle s Geor ge II ,, a vols. 8vo. I \ Joamal of Llewellyn Penroe , a Ikaoutu . 2nd edit. 1826 totndell A Smith, 136 City Ro 'Jtd, ICC. I 1 Butt, />.„ 270 JStran *. W.C. HomiUat. Vols. 11 , 12, Jil , 19, 2SI I

^^^v '^V'W^^ ¦¦"-^-—i ^.^ jm ¦ ¦ ¦ scy' B Sling and Htono. Vols. 1 and 4 II ¦ | ]¦ | Oell'' a¦•» Itinerar^P^^" ^^*^r-y of-^ -^^ the-^ — Korea*^ ^—— —' ^ — Voy _ JV Jiiimf^^^t^^r . ^^^ _^^^ tf s.^^ Journal^^T ^^ ^^^ ^K^^^^k .^^ H ot.^^^^Sj & .^i% Tour^T1 j^k^^B ^^A inft ^^v^ Greecea^' ^^b ^^ iri j-^ ^^^ Hcn gBtenberg ' H Pealmfl. Vol. 3 I ; Bjthner's Hebrew flnunmar "VVatHon'a Works , crown 8vo. Vols. 4 and 0 M II - P«lnM

^WF^ 1884 The PubUsh ers' Circular a, ¦ ¦ TZ - — ' ' == - ^ BOOKS WANTED TO PUBCHASE— continued.

V^^^ Jg ^t Teal. J t , 16 Southgate, Halifax ...... Maurice's Tracts on Christian Socialism ifro. ^ ^A n ^t cloih: Vols. Vol. 1 Boehme's (Jacob) "Works, 4 vols. S^ Xcrimears^ V^^37* Roberts' Sermons : The Miracles SSwWs Lavengro , 3 vols. Two copies Plain Sermons for the Year. 1st Series ^r" beU'noil's Chancellors, 8vo.avo. Vol.vol. 4 Courtenay's Commentary on Shakspeare Simp Markham s General '^m ^ Fairfax Street E.C. ^^^ m m s k m. ^m ^ * * ^^ __ «snic Aug., 30 Lime , Stanley's Church and State, Essays, 8vo. ^ffi nical News. Index Tola. SO, 32 SSJSrLihxmomist. 11873873, 18187474, 1875187& 7%e County Library, Wcymoufh nu W.U UQ w# of the University of Edinburgh Ma•¦¦—¦.*'»-xw ^ *? ell'v^aa sw (Stirli^ft^rw **, ng)y J fc> V* rjlrwIII ¦ V T w *«?• V t A W W t'a Story ^ Artists of Spain, 8 vols. 8ro. 1848 SSn Stories Milton Tiltonill fcOIl 'sO Swadwc»bian"" -— — ~ 's Works, 8 vols. 8vo. 1851 Lieber's Life and Letters Bnnyan's Works. Early edits. in Early Christian Times, 2 vola. Prince Dorus Anderson's Scotland , or the Lonpr-noBod Prince. 1810 ¦ Stephen's History of Thought in the Eighteenth Century Lamb's Elia.Elia, 2 vols. 1823-33 ' 1I Herbert's Temple. 1G33 I Simms*, ., S.sr W.,w GeorgeOeorae StreetStreet., Bath Piozzi's Letters Thin, J. % Edinburgh - I Sir John's Sutherlan d Heasey's Biographies of Kings of Judah, 12mo. I ^^^-^w^^ ^ h ^ k ^^^ mm ^m*^ ^b ^ ^^ h mmW . ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ WildW V ^^^ ft^^V Sportsr> I ¦ ¦ ' ^ i^ ^^ m^mMW of^mr m^ Highlands Brougham's Life and Times, 8vo. Vol. 3 11 Smee's My Garden Napier's Peninsular War, post 8vo. Vols. 3, 4, 5 (Bocne) fi ! Kobinsoh's Flower Gardpn. Thirlwall's History of Greece, ¦ ^ " ¦ ^ m%\ 8 voIb. 8vo. i » ft ^»^k «¦ ¦ ^ . ^ ^ — a t ¦ Chateaubriand'¦ fiftliHfl li \r l 1.1* *•**¦ a*** Memoires^.»-»-v^»»*^^»*. «»/»-» d'xjb> outre-tombe^# b>«. v«- ^^ »y** ^m *\ +*r\* Hartman's Deaf mutism, translated by Cassels Hare's Memorials. Vol. 3 Prejevalsky's Mongolia, 2 vol8. 8yo. ! Smith, TT., 97 London StreeC, Reading Lingard's England, fcp. Vol. 11 {j ¦ ¦ mm I -rl l^ll V/ JVj V*^*^^ ¦ ^» ^mmvm^ ^ff"* ^^^ ^" ^ ™ ^ » mmm Vmmrm^ m^^ mw mf^ mmm •" ¦•» •-» *fc ^-^ fc^ ¦ v » v-'Aft ^ft v w m , ' ^nt A ^ ^^^ *^ ^^^ '^^ ^^^ ^^ Meyer•/ ^*™ 's Birds^ ^ ^-r ;!' Harrison s German Literatur e 7 vols. 8vo. ~ , MA and M twick ^* erbp I J Bell's Anatomy of Expression Parnel's (Jas.) Works, 4to. 1675 \ i m. %j ^^ «t ^r«A ~*m*--*-*-- »»**-fcft j -i iox o fv/t 4L» a. j »pf^ ' *, fy-t * s Landscape* *£*¦** Painting. ****, ^ Naylercvjr 's CJas.\ vo»o * )y Workstt vri. axo ,y 8^ vo. v }| ia Barnard' __ _ _ _ i_ ^j 1716«_ _ Grosart's Elizabethan Poets. Any Pennn .„_ '•s (Wm.)/Tit v Book-plate.t ^ i AboutA ^ a. 1703•« *v /\a ^ !i -' Fiske's Man ual of Classical Literature Miller's History of Doncaster, 4to. 1804.. Plates only I ( Homer's Odyssey, demy Sro. Classical press Walmsley, G. O.. 50 Lord Street, Liverpool i ¦—— t« -v^r «>ft»Jt UVf V%t \ GraverVltUI V> Thoughts-*¦ *-* V *—q »— »#•— of a Country^r t *** *** Parson.^». l-i * -I. A.A. lliJVA. ft* V**V*. * W« _ m\ Illustrated edit. ^ ^^t a^V mt m ^ m* _~ _> Life and Labours of Hablot K. Browne. 1884 (Chapman Si H.) i i WV/ Lapidary "Work. Any practical book .&. 1. W ^L^J.UO# T VAO« X \/ UVWiUU VI. ii-I. -i. ^ \/D« J Tit Bit3. Vols. 1 to 6^, bound or in Nos. i \i W right's Wanderings of an Antiquary CheapaT—ii '• s_ FirstT?f» «_ Day"TN. _ . _ of_ rff the*_ % _ Week*«^» _ _ l j1 *| t ¦ Smith, W. H.y & Son {Book Dept.), 186 Strand , W.C. Last Day of the Week j

m\ VUJ*4 mm^mm.^^ '^^mm ^T -mT ~ - dis m^mrm. « ^*^ S mJ^ ^ «» *•» V | T V< ftb •> t ^ E Decoration and Furni British Medical Journal. Aug. 30^^ ' ture of Town Houses i! Nicholas Blundell of Crosby H all Grindon's List of Plants ; j Stanford , E., 55 Charing Cross, S. W. Warburtcn d' Co., 86 Oracechurch Street, E.C. \ ¦¦ ¦¦ Uk. Lewis' History of Islington . . . j Morsem» *-*-\f+ wv' «s Shellr-^»»v^»- * Mounds^."Jta *^ •-* » ^-- «^» of*~r ft, OmoriA»^ A4J V^ «. JL Tokio.V/AiV/ • A * / \_-T VT ^Mk m 1880 Dodge'^ s Hunting^^^^^ . m Grounds^^^^ ^^ ofmm\ the. ^. Great> _ West.^^ . 1878* _ « ^^ History and Antiquities of Canonbury House at Islington i Hay's Brighter Britain (No. 49 of the Bibliotheca Topograpliica Britannica) 1 , maww w^a^-w »£^Awa. ««««*-v«-«.-» U««4 VWJL Washbourne R.f 18 Paternoster Roto I Palestine* Exploration4^ — Fund**. k*a^V» QuarterlyX|J * r StatemenMVMWUAVii ts.**•¦»• Dec.•-* ^^ W» , , E.C. \ l«70 and March 1872 Art of Illumination, with Essay by Digby Wyatt j Waters O. E.y 97 Westbourne Grove Stevens, B. F., 4 Trafalgar Square, W.C. , , W. \ Grimm s Life of Michael Angelo, 2 vols. Lloyd's Scandinavian Adventures {; I ! Knott's (Kev. J. A.) The Gift of Go Specimens 9 • •* * m "»" ^ • • .. j * "r p * •*f • d» • • . i -m -i" •• l.¦^ of Ancient Sculpture. Vol. 1 (Dilettanti Society) Literary { J ¦ ¦ Turner's Annual Tour. 1838 Dibdin's Eeminiacences of a Life, with the Index, ¦ ¦ Viollet-le-Duc 2 vola. 8vo. 1836 I j 'B Architecture, 1C vols. Badcliffe's (Mrs.) Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne ¦ ¦ Howell and Cobbett's State Trials. Vols. 4, 24, un ?ut ; j Sicilian Romance ';,, I *^*. &; «2 Paternos terRow , B.C. Castle of Otranto • < ¦II "-•-*6Marigoldviv Window.n wuuw. 1849J .O4V (Long-man*)j-iongmanH ^ ¦ ¦ III * ^ WyHie * />., A Son, 167 Union Street, Aberdeen II Bayly'B History of Swanscombe. J875 Mozley 's Parochial Sermons ¦II Angeireac St. Mary's Church, Valence. 1874 Foster's Lectures. Secondhand [ s «iwu vj ¦ ¦ »S^^ -^ ', | ^' Parish Churchuurou. ofut GillinghamumiiiKimui. 18G8louo 4«J, |AVr*ll All *'* sk# Ministry_*!.«. A A~*fckl WA. V ofX^Xa Nature.*1 •-• »/»-¦» *-* SecondhandV^ V» > V^ »-¦»^»-» %^ , i I¦II ^77Adams Macmillan' |ll ' Historical Account ot Kochester Bridge. 1863 Two Worlds are Ours. Secondhand . j j III *S n » ^^ /7*» 130 Por tland Street , Manchester Bcclesi astio. A set j _.. Minofs HI Poems-. vutu a, editedcv4V (^3U byK/y Ritsom.JC VlbaUIJ. 1795J. < i/t» Yule, J., 7 Aberdeen Wa lk, Scarboro ugh ! 2nd ^it. 1825 History of Whltby ! III iTTr » ; I " Syntax's Tours. 1st odit. Vol. 1 History or Kirbymoorfliae III ^ " rte's Intere st Table s History of Hull . ; | | Humourist, 4 vole. History of Filey « Annala ; HI of Sporting , 18 vols. History of Soalby _. , . ___ ^ = . j III TO 1 \^AKTED PURCHASE , BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE , WALPOLE' S I ll«»tr atcd by , Doyle, '» LETTERS, 0 vols., Bentley ; Bourrlonne'a • Napoleon, H &a * Rowlandflon , Oruikshank, Leoch ) H S«L porti nff Bks ; Illustrated French Works of the Last 4 vols. ; Knight'w or Fisher's * Portrait Gallery ' ; also Portraits ¦ ¦ lXSr y ; Fir8 t Bd*tions of Koteemcd Auth ors. Offors In Yolumea or Collections. Boolca purchased in any quantity ¦ ¦ SIS ir Bl8° 8econdhand Oatalo «u«B. Li»t of Want » read y. for Cash. Catalogues gratia. A. Jackson, 824 Groat Portland m ^imriea Hnti. Clement 's Inn Gatewa y, Strand , London. Street/ London, W. " ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦n.i ' ' ¦ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ r ^^^^^^^^^^^^ -^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ f i \^=SBS *mm m .n in ;. i!. ' Mii n " '" .) . ¦ IIMlMHHVV ^MVBHBHiVHHHHIVVVI ^HBHVVBflBH ^^ V^HP ^HRHBBVH ^H ^VHHI ^^^^ ^^^^^ nPHI ^^^ HVi^Bi^Bi^HffHSBl ^^^ ^^^^^^^ M^^ BBHBiVBVHMHiSVVVi ^PHHiVB ^BV^B ^^^^^^^H^^ ft |h 3 I m i34O me iruDiisners uircuiar ^ NovA v ¦.¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - " ^ -~~— ---- .-^ ¦ ¦-¦¦-1. - - — -^.... ¦ " ¦ ¦¦! ¦¦ ¦ w - . . _ ^ " r - 1 ™ t«u• *r?w ^ im : ' *5> CHAPMA N & HILL' S PUBLICATIONS.

LOR D BLOOMFIELD S MIS SION TO THE COURT OF BERN ADOTTE . By Geor gian *, Baroness Bloomfield , Author of • Remini scences of CWt and Diplomatic Life .' Two vols. demy 8vo. with Portrai ts, 28$. EPISODE S OP MY SECOND LIFE. By A. Galienga. Two Vo)g demy 8vo. •_ ...• [7» November. ANNALS OF THE FRENCH STAGE . By Frederick Hawkins. With . Portra its. Two vols. demy 8to. [In November. HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART IN PHOENICI A, CYPRUS and ASIA MINOR. By Geor ges Perrot aud Charle s Chipirz. Cont aining about 500 illus- trations . Two rols . royal 8vo. [In November, LEAVES FR OM A PRI SON DIARY ; or, Lectures to a * Solitaty ' Audience. "By Michakl Davitt. This Book was written during the Author 's confinement in Portland. Two vols. crown 8vo. [In November, ENGLAND . By T. H. S. Escott. New Edition. Demy 8vo. [In November. THE ARMIES OF THE NATIVE STATES OF INDIA. Reprinted by permission from the Times. Crown 870. 4*. THE FIRST NAPOLEON 'S LETTERS AND DISPAT CHES, a Selection from, with Explanatory Notes. By Captain Hon. D. A. Bingham , Author of • Marriages of the Bonapartes. ' Three vols. demy 8vo. 42*. LOUDON : A Sketch of the Military Life of Gideon Ernest, Freicherr von London , someti me Generalissimo of the Austr ian For ces. By Colonel G. B. Matll esok, C.S.L Large crown Sro. with Maps, 4^. Forming a New Volume of Military Biograp hies. A POLI TICIAN IN TROUB LE ABOUT HIS SOUL. By Aubbeon Herber ?. Crown 8vo. 4s. INTERNATIONAL PO LICY. By Eredbkick Habrisok, Professor Beesly, Hichar d Congrkve , and others. New Edition , crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. THE SCOTTISH HIGH LANDERS. By Professor Blackie. Crown 8vo. [In Novembtr. BRITI SH DAIRY FARMIN G. By James Long. With numerous illustrations . Crown 8vo. [/» November. ENGLISH EARTHENWARE : A Handbook to the Wares made in England during the Seventeenth and Ei ghteenth Centuries , as illustrated by Specimens in the National Collections. By Professor A. H. Church. With 65 illustrations , crown 8vo. U Published for the Committee of Council on Education. FRENCH PO TTERY. By Paul GUsnault and Edouard 0-arnier. With 49 Illustration s and Marks. Crown 8vo. 3«. Published for the Commit tee of Counci l on Education. RUSSIAN ART AND ART OBJECTS IN RUSSIA : A Handbook to the Reprod uction of Goldsmith 's Work and other Art Treasures from that country in tne South Kensington Museum. By Alfred Mabkf.ll. With 49 illustrations. Crow n 8yo. 4s. 6a. Published for the Committe e of Counc il on Educati on. MEMORIALS OF MILLBANK. By Major Arthur Griffiths. A New edition. Demy 8vo. with numerous illustrations , 12*. New THE GRE AT REPUBLIC. J3£-Si5 Lepel Grifj™ > K.C.S .I. A Edi tion , with Alterations and Additions. /<£f&BkrDF $jcbK 45. 6(7. f _ * . V*\ ( i «No84 I CHAPMAN & HALLj^^iTED^tenrietta Street, W.C.

1 Pri nted by 8POTTI8WOODH At OO., of 5 New-street Squire, in the Olty of London ; trad Published Jar tb* - Proprietor*, 8AMF8ON IiOW, MAB8TON; 8HABLH, A RIVItTOTON, at the Offi ce, Crown Building* in u& bw u& wipa j ' imp man bhrxh ^ w*o riurwu juuummu wiwm*—wururuuy f jxweinoer xv, aosv *