VOL. f or f m^3J &-— XLVII tSegiatered Transmission Abroad. £ TITB ^wpPf ^£AK A17D General H&corti of 2&ttti £f» anb jp oreisn Stoature CONTAINI NG A COMPLETE ALPHABE TICAL , LIST OP I ALL NEW WOR KS PUBLISH ED IN GREAT BRI TAIN AND EVERY WORK OF INTEREST PUBLISHED ABROAD [Issued on tl:e 1st and 15th of each Month] P*rc* 3d. November 15, 1884 SSl ml ^n a o 3sr T" Ei 3sr a: s UTERAEY INTELLIGENCE 1190—1204 ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 1193—1196 OBrrUABYUDU UAJ\ X H111»»9G m !!!..* ... • TRADE CHANGES ...../............ U97 LEGAL 1111979 7 CORRESPONDENCE 1197, 11 9s .....!........* * ....!!!!...................../...!..... BOOKS RECEIVED .....!. ..........!..........!.!!.......... 1198—1204 INDEX TO BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN BETWEEN NOVEMBER 1 AND 15 1205—1207 BOOKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN FROM ifOVE IBER 1 TO 15 120 7—1213 AMERICAN NEW BOOKS 1213—1214 NEW EDITIONS AND BOOKS LATELT PUBLISHED 1215—1227, 1240 BOOKS ENT THE PRESS , 121G, 1220, 1226, 1227, 1240 tfKOELLANEOUS 1228—1233 BUSINESSES K)R SALE 1232 ASSISTANTS WANTED , 1232, 1233 " ' " WANT SITUATIONS ..... .."!. I233 BOOKS FOR SALE 1233, 1234 * " 500X8 WANTED TO PIJRCHASE . ...."!... .............. I23fi—123D msriDiEix: to advertisers -[rrowmnith (J. W.), Bristol 1222 Harper ' s Young Peop le 1221 Olyett 1232 ^atotype (The) Company 1232 Hutt (C.) 1230 Pagen, (WT.) 1232 wn&Co 1230 Jackson (A.) 1239 Paper Mt/cers* Circular 1228 «»U Co 1228 Kent & Co 1228 Phillips (H. 8.) 1232 Jwler (a. 0.), Peterborough 1228 Letts, Son , & €o 1224« Phillips (S. O.) 1281 jnapmaa & Hall 1240 Lipsius & Tisclier 122$ Simpkin, Marshall, & Co 1224, 1228 Sf^a & Cie 1228 Low & Co 1218 , 12 10, 122 1 Sonnenscbein & Co 1228 £*>? (T. Gates) & Co 1230 Macmillan & Co 1220 Spalding & Hod#e 1229 K^Oo 1222 Maxwell (J. & K.) 1225 Spon (E. & F. N.) 1216 JjcWnson & co 1231 Mitchell & Son* 1234 Stillie ( Edinburgh) 1228 ds Taer ,n ¦ Q.) 1232 JJld 1224 Morgan & Scotb^.. , ^M . 1217 Stonoham (W. SSS N.) 1228 Morton (Joh ^C^THjSSSjv-••-• 1216vm Virtae & Go 1282 ^PBrr au Whittln gham & Co 123(J ft ' &Co - 1222, 1226, 1227 Nelson & V^ vij ^+WSS:' •• 5Kr?n > Adams, & Co. ........ 1224 Newinan^^\^4 *I^V^A... 1232 Young & Co. (Edinburgh) 1222 fl«W# Magoaim 1219 Novello,^^ M^3^S.).. 1230 s ¦ =r_ —- \?*¦ * » \ «^^,rpvjssi t ^ "i^tCTM-i -Tx<ir ^ «ii ra : */ — .. , —-———-—-======—__——— CIR Nj Eg^F tffe^ ' 7^^ PUBLISHERS ' CUmC&g0^DECEM8ER 1 , 1884, w/7/ &//«r Chr istmas > {j»ift and ¦:- p resentation •> ^Sooks. a »M, as usual , for m a Summary of the PRESENT ATION BOOKS of the YEA R, and will be embellished with some of the choicest Illustratio ns, nea rly 200 in number. *k ggduced Cost to the Retail Bookseller for Copies in an elaborate : Ornam ental Wrap per (especially designed this year ), with Name and Address , can be had on application. I , ... , . , .. , , . , ' . , ... , ¦ . ¦ >—»*»! Jk\ ' ll^ ^ rfh^te^k^MMhjAri^tolftHlHril^flH^^II^^JIfllllHfllfl^^^ ... ' ^A.rf^A^to^h^HUBfc . * ^^^^L^ ^^^^^^^^^^VV^Il^^iyil^BHMHBMtfMftHABI^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H^^^^^.^^^^^^^^MbA ^ ^ ¦, 1 ^^^^K^H 1) , ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1 ¦ : ; '^ ' ? ^ 1 II B ^^Tt l W - ' -vo v -^so ^^^ f 3! j 1190 The Pub lisher ^ Circular I NW. 15i l^j I DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH JOHNSON MILES. I I The English publis hin g trad e have lost one of its most respected and honoure d ____ ._ _ _____ __. __ __, ___ _ _ — — j — r — lost one of their — w A j ^. and many of the London charities hav e ^ members ^ , ^ most sta unc h^ ^ friends , by the death of Mr. Josep h Johnson Miles , who, on November 1, pass ed away to his well-earned rest , full of years , and , it may without exagger atio n be added , leaving behind him many golden memories. Alth ough, in th e best sense of the words , a man of business and to a great extent the archite ct of his own fortune , lie never allowed the calls of the counting-house to engross his atten tion , but , in the midst of the ever-increasing activities of the well-known firm over which ^b ._ ^_ ^k _. __. ^_h _ __. — ^h _¦_ ^B ____ ^B j_ ^ M _ ^ ^p. he presided , he found time not only for much careful thoug ht aaid benevolence -------- _, _ __ ¦ towards the less fortunate workers of his own craft j but for those - —- -—-- . ». - ^^ ^ ^-, «^ _k , private ¦__ H ^^ chariti es ___ ^__ -___ _ 4_i^ ^V_-— _ ___> . ^ V 4 A ^_. ^_l V ^__ _. __h ph ___ I around his homestead at Highgate , where his name will long be gratefull y reme m- ' j bered. If the ' monumentuni sere perex nnius was his desire , lie has it in the Oilgood jl word of rich and poor , and in the eloquent witness borne by the lar ge assembl y at I his funeral to the kindliness of heart which marked his every action. I In glancing at the career of this successful * citizen of no mean city ' it may be II noted at the outset as one of the strange accidents of our commercial system that I the name of a man to whom the words we have written may justly be applied should never hav e been included in the style and titl e of the house of which he was the head , and in which he began life as far back as 182(3. Althoug h engaged from ^ ¦i ^ p^ ^p> *. ^h ^^ p ^^ k ^_ - ^m *^>^ ^ pip ^h* ^pfc M p^bk ^ p> ^ p. the first in the nnn of Hamilton , Adams , & Co., which he entere d under Mr . - Hamilton on October 13,J 1826,J becoming^^1 a partnerf^ in 1832,/ to the outer worl d his— connection with the business was never indicated. Born on October 1, 1811, he was the eldest son of Mr. John Miles ,j who was for manym yearsw senior J — ' -^ "^» ^» "^ ^ ^ ^ partner in Simpkin , Marshall , & Co. , and with the faniily of another leading member of that firm he was at an early period united by the closest ties, havin g married in 1834 the eldest daug hter of Mr. Richard Marshall. In the same year in which he becam e a pa rtner in his firm , Mr. Miles was elected to the livery of the Stati oners ' Com- pany, and by a hap py coincidence , after becoming Renter Warden in 1842, it was ——v ^^v^^r^^ in^^^^^^"^^ 1882^^^^ ~^^* ~^a^r ^^^^ —th—^ ^^v^n e^^p- jubileeh ^^^ ^^»^^» -^^ -^^^ of~^p^ -^^ his^^ h.^^^ 1.^ connection-^^ ^^^ ^^bi-^^k^^^ ^^ ^^^p -^^ -^^^ ^^ -^^ «^h^^ withY -^ -^^ -^^ ^^ ^^ the— ^^^-^^ -^^ Company-^^ -*^ —^^ ^ h ^^r^^ w whosev « ^^^-^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^^ int^V ^^^^ ^^ e~^V rests^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ T J~ he^^ fl^ "^^V eve"^^^^ ^ ^^ r^^ had^^ ^b^-^B ^ff^fe at heart—that he was placed in the Master 's Chair. The members of the Compan y have owed much to his constant attendance at their meetings and to his unweary ing devotion to the duties devolving upon him as a member of the court ; and when he reached its highest dign ity as Ma ster the event was hailed by the livery with genuine satisfac - tion. Of the trade charities Mr. Miles was a liberal supporter , and he acted as a trustee of the Booksellers ' Provident Retreat . It was only natural th at a man whose business qua lities soon secured for him a reputation in the commercia l world beyon d tbe limits of ' the Row 3 should be asked to take a prominent part in public organisations ; and we find that , among other posts which he filled , were those of director and trustee of the London Life Association ; director of the West I Middlesex Waterworks Com pany ; chairman , of Mudie 's Librar y Company ; and 1 director of the Imp roved Industrial Dwell ings Company. In his own trade circles 1 he was frequentl y called upon to act as arbitrator , and his awards were genera lly esteemed to be fair and judicial. In the management of the great philanth ro pic institutions of centra l London he took a share , and was a governor of St. Bartho lo- mew's Hosp ital, where for four years he filled the office of Almoner ; a governor of Bridewell and Bethlehem Hosp itals and of the Kin g Edward School , the committee —™—^pp -^f p- -^^pF- ^F^ pr ^p-- ^PB£PPBP* «0B^ yg p ^^ > ^"^p» h ^^pp —• -- — — I I ¦ — — - ~-^^ "^^" ^^h ^pbh- BppK ^ ¦ h^ ^H-^^p ^^pp p^^ ^^a, ^^p r pi ^ -^pp pp p "^^" p p ¦ ^"—-^P" ^ "^ » ™» ^^ p^^— ¦ ^pP- ^ p^ b ^ pP> pBTPa -^ f- ppPI ^^p> p^ ^ PP^ ^ ¦tf meetingsP^^^™^^^^ ^^ of which he regularl yp^ attended*^^ ^ -^^^ — ^ ; and a trustee^^ for, thef^ h ^>^ p^P LadiesIPHp^^il^ pp V '^ t^ ^^* ^P"" "^^^ ' Cha^^ ri ty^^J School . That a man who thus filled- many offices outside his own house became p» ^ r PPb ^ r pfpp* V ^P p-^ p> ^ Pk^ p* p^ "^ p> * '^r ¦ ¦¦ PW *^ p^ ¦ ¦ ^Phi • V Vhpr V ^ Afffc "^> **4b p^p fe ^pT p>I> » p« ¦ T p«K Mi ¦ ¦» p» r -%^ ~ p P^ p p ^ 1 ^^ ^ ^P V ^pW ^ p*^ ^^*a* ^^ "* ^ P | ^ p •** ^N^ ^ ^Up ^t*^^ *" ^"*^p> ^*" « ^^ f p ^^ *Vt «ff^ ^f V^p ^ ^^^ Pfpp P^_ * p^b— ^ p^ ^h** ^ pvp" ^V^p* ^"^* ^ p*^ * widely known , need scarcel y^ be said ;^ and it is pleasant to be able to add , on the I^M testimony of an impa rtial witness to his life-work , that amon g all his large circle — ¦¦¦ ¦ -~ •»» «,( ¦ m. j». *.<k ofA-' 4M. acqT »¦ 1 ¦ 1 ¦ u* * aintances¦ » ¦ *¦*» ¦!! ¦ » ^--" ^ ¦-- »^ he^-^ wasv w m. m •1.-' never» •¦» v ^B^r j ^ known^ m *u. V-^ » W » -* to*-* ^ -^ mak^ *%- A>^>-W »- ¦*. e^p ' anm.-l> a-v *» enemy.^ ^ r > «i ^^ ¦ » At his funera l at Highgate Cemeter y, on the Oth instant , the service was con- -^Jfc.
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