The Summer Holidays As a Health Factor. 11521
The Summer Holidays as a Health Factor. 11521 Editorial Chat : Temperance Falsely So-Called, The Beet Thirst-Quencher, Christian Science as Taught and Practised, Alcohol and Tuber- culosis, Consumption Reduced in Ireland, Prosecuted for Selling Horseflesh, Flies the Filthiest Creatures. The Summer Holiday as a Health Fac- tor.—Illustrated. 229 What Is Consumption 933 Summer Diseases and How to Avoid Them. —Illustrated 235 How to Become a Good Swimmer.— Illustrated 237 The People of Japan.—Illustrated 239 Fruit Juice for Babies.—///us 242 Questions and Answers 246 Page for Women 248 Food and Cookery 250 Published for the Proprietors by SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, HAMILTON, KENT, & CO., LTD., 23 Paternoster Row, London, E.C. TO BE IMMUNE FROM CHILL following violent perspiration, use "Sanis" Underwear. BROMOSE ••••••••••••• ••••••1.1110. The Food that Makes Good, Red Blood Quickly. 004 BROMOSE is invaluable in all cases rem of anmmia, wasting disease, debility, malnutrition, etc. BROMOSE makes good blood, good brains, good muscles, good energy, and good nature, and gives a good return for its cost-1/6 per box of 30 tablets. (Combined with fruit, the same price.) Fmn Supplied also in fine powder form, known as MALTED NUTS, which are This perfectly healthful underwear is of the delicious sprinkled over Grano se, finest colonial wool, soft to the skin, pervi- Avenola, etc., or stirred into hot water ous and porous, allows the noxious vapours OP milk. lb. tin, 1/-; 1 lb, tin, 2/-. to escape, yet conserves the natural heat of Sample BROMOSE and MALTED NUTS, the body. Post Free for 2d. Stamps. Descriptive pamphlets and patterns sent FREE ON APPLICATION to G.
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