Inventory Acc.3721 Papers of the Scottish Secretariat and of Roland Eugene Muirhead National Library of Scotland Manuscripts Division George IV Bridge Edinburgh EH1 1EW Tel: 0131-466 2812 Fax: 0131-466 2811 E-mail: [email protected] © Trustees of the National Library of Scotland Summary of Contents of the Collection: BOXES 1-40 General Correspondence Files [Nos.1-1451] 41-77 R E Muirhead Files [Nos.1-767] 78-85 Scottish Home Rule Association Files [Nos.1-29] 86-105 Scottish National Party Files [1-189; Misc 1-38] 106-121 Scottish National Congress Files 122 Union of Democratic Control, Scottish Federation 123-145 Press Cuttings Series 1 [1-353] 146-* Additional Papers: (i) R E Muirhead: Additional Files Series 1 & 2 (ii) Scottish Home Rule Association [Main Series] (iii) National Party of Scotland & Scottish National Party (iv) Scottish National Congress (v) Press Cuttings, Series 2 * Listed to end of SRHA series [Box 189]. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE FILES BOX 1 1. Personal and legal business of R E Muirhead, 1929-33. 2. Anderson, J W, Treasurer, Home Rule Association, 1929-30. 3. Auld, R C, 1930. 4. Aberdeen Press and Journal, 1928-37. 5. Addressall Machine Company: advertising circular, n.d. 6. Australian Commissioner, 1929. 7. Union of Democratic Control, 1925-55. 8. Post-card: list of NPS meetings, n.d. 9. Ayrshire Education Authority, 1929-30. 10. Blantyre Miners’ Welfare, 1929-30. 11. Bank of Scotland Ltd, 1928-55. 12. Bannerman, J M, 1929, 1955. 13. Barr, Mrs Adam, 1929. 14. Barton, Mrs Helen, 1928. 15. Brown, D D, 1930. 16. Beaton, David, 1928. 17. Bairner, Mr J MacH, 1928. 18. Bell, Dr John: papers concerning Lion flag, 1916-34. (Printed material transferred to PB). 19. Cameron, C B, 1929-38. 20. Personal taxation of R E Muirhead, 1929. 21. Chisholm, Alexander, 1929. 22. Caribonum, Ltd, 1929. 23. Mansergh, Nicholas, n.d. 24. Clark, Angus, 1928-47. 25. Paisley Art Exhibition, 1929. BOX 2 26. Cameron, Peter A, 1929-37. 27. Civil Press, Ltd; printing of Scots Independent, etc, 1928-63. 28. Dunlop, George and James, 1928-49. 29. Young Scots Society, 1929-34, 1946. (1911 manifesto transferred to PB). 30. Donaldson, Arthur (Treasurer SNP); correspondence relating to case concerning, and Scottish Neutrality League, 1930-57. 31. Donald, William, 1928. 32. Dundee Printers, Ltd, 1928-9. 33. Dalrymple, James, 1929-32. 34. Easson, David, 1929. 35. “Forward”: correspondence with editor, 1928-58. 36. Personal taxation, R E Muirhead, 1929-32. 37. Fraser, Robert, 1929, 1934. 38. Ferrie, W S, 1929. 39. Forgan, Dr Robert, MP, 1929, 1931. 40. Fattorini, Thomas, Ltd, 1946-9. BOX 3 41. SNP office bearers: correspondence with Iain Gillies, 1928-43. 42. Grieve, C M, 1928-60. 43. Gunn, Gilbert, 1929-38. 44. SNP Treasurer, 1929. 45. Geddes, Arthur, 1938-43. 46. ‘The Thistle’: correspondence concerning, 1928, 1936. 47. Hamilton, Isabel C, 1929-33. 48. Hart, William J, 1929. 49. Henry, Arthur L, 1929-55. 50. Hume, E V, 1929. 51. Hunter, A C, 1929-45. 52. Holmes, Isa M, 1928. 53. Hogg, Robert, 1929. 54. Bute County Directory, correspondence with proprietors of, 1929. 55. Haughey, Neal, 1929. 56. Labour Book-Shop, Ltd, 1929. 57. International Press Cutting Bureau, 1929-32. 58. John, E T, MP, 1920-8. 59. Johnston, Thomas, MP, 1925-57. 60. Kerr, W D, 1928-58. 61. Kirkwood, W H, 1930-7. 62. King & Son Ltd, 1930-5. Copies of King’s Monthly List, transferred to PB. 63. Kirkpatrick, Joseph, 1929-37. 64. Kerr, Robert, 1929. 65. Kennedy, Thomas, 1926. 66. Murray, Rev Walter; correspondence with and with wife of, 1928-43. 67. Milne, Miss A, 1928-31. 68. Mackenzie, John, 1929. 69. Murray, St Elmo, 1929-38. BOX 4 70. Munro, Samuel, 1929-37. 71. Matthews, L S, 1929. 72. Mackie, J, 1928. 73. Milne & Hutchison, (Scottish Notes and Queries), 1929. 74. Mid-Scotland Ship Canal National Association, 1927. 75. Forward Publishing Co, and Board of Trade, 1929-52. BOX 5 76. Muirhead, R E, correspondence with Nationalist figures, 1918, 1929-62, n.d. (Printed material transferred). 77. McNicol, J N, Organisation Committee, NPS, 1929-38. 78. Muirhead, A Buchan, 1929-47. 79. Gibson, T H, 1929-52. 80. MacCormick, J M, 1929-39. 81. Spence, Lewis, 1928-31. 82. MacKechnie, D C, 1929. 83. Nebon, Montgomery, 1930, 1951. 84. New Zealand High Commissioner, 1929. 85. New Zealand House of Representatives, 1929. 86. Newspaper Enterprise Association of America, 1928-9. 87. Power, William, 1928-50. 88. Postmaster, Glasgow, 1928-52. 89. Paisley & Renfrewshire Gazette, 1929-60. 90. Pape, A G, 1929-59. 91. Park, James, 1929. 92. People’s Yearbook, 1928. 93. “Round Table”, 1929. 94. Rationalist Press Association, Ltd, 1929-56. 95. Reid, John (Lochwinnoch Agricultural Society), 1929-38. 96. Roffey & Clark, Ltd, 1928. BOX 6 97. Rosyth Public Library, 1928. 98. Russell, Judge, (Trinidad), 1929. 99. “Scots Year Book”, 1929-38. 100. 101. Press Reports (handouts, etc) on SNP matters, 1928-36. 102. Letters to Editors, mainly to “Scottish Co-operator”, 1929-60. 103. Verbatim Reports of SNP meetings, 1930. 104. Debate on Scottish Education, 1930. 105. Empty 106. Agenda, SNP meeting, 1930. 107. McOuat, John M (Rochester, NY), 1929-51. 108. Macdonald, J Ramsay, 1924-31. 109. McGrouther, Mrs A, 1928-32. 110. Macdiarmid, J M, 1925-37, n.d. (Printed material transferred). 111. 112. BOX 7 113. Brown, W Oliver, 1930-60, n.d. (Printed material transferred). 113A. Misc correspondence and notices, 1929-30. 114. Graham, R B Cunninghame, J P, D L, 1920-35. 115. McIntosh, Th Hon Hugh D, 1929. 116. Macaulay, T B, (Canada), 1930. 117. Thomson, William, 1929-61. 118. “Cynicus” (M Anderson), 1930. 119. O’Brien, William, 1928. 120. Oliveand, A G, 1930. 121. Scrymgeour, Edwin, MP, 1928-30. 122. Stewart, Alexander, correspondence with, 1928. 123. Third Spalding Club; correspondence with secretary of, 1929-31. 124. Smith, James C, 1929. 125. Saint Andrew Home Rule Society; correspondence with secretary of 1938-9. 126. Smith, Alfred, 1929. 127. MacKay, Jessie (New Zealand), 1928-37. 128. McCormick, N A V, 1929-39. 129. McBroon, William, (Canada), 1930-48. 130. McLeod, J G (Canada), 1930. 131. Mackinnon and Browning, 1929. 132. Maccabe, C E, 1929. 133. McCallum, Jeannie (New Zealand), 1927. 134. McCallum, R (New Zealand), 1927. 135. MacKinnon, Donald, MA, 1930-42. 136. McWilliam, Archibald, A (New York), 1930-1. 137. MacKenzie, John, 1929. 138. MacDougall, P, 1929. 139. Macpherson, Malcolm, 1928, 1944-51. 140. Stirling, Sir George, 1928. BOX 8 141. Circulars (Inward), mainly undated. 142. Circulars (Outward), 1924-34, n.d. 143. Leslie, James (Florida), 1930-1. 144. Stevenson, W M, 1929. 145. Stables, J, 1929. 146. Tait, John Gavin, MA, 1928-55. 147. Taylor, D P, 1930. 148. Turnbull, Arthur, 1928-61. 149. Ministry of Transport, 1929. 150. Twaddle, William, 1928-30. 151. Thomson, W, 1929. 152. Thomson, Robert, 1928-49. 153. Watt, H A, 1929. 154. 155. Wilson, D A, 1930. 156. Wilson, J Claude (California), 1929-38. 157. Westwod, Joseph, MP, 1929. 158. Wallersted, Charles (St Louis), 1929. 159. Balderstone, H, 1928-32. 160. Mackenzie, Compton, 1928-57. 161. Patterson, Hugh, 1928-52. 162. Longmans Green & Co, Ltd, 1928. 163. Cooper, Miss K M (Montreal), 1928-52. 164. National Co-operative Publishing Society Ltd, 1930. 165. Scottish Society for the Protection of Wild Birds, 1930-54. (Printed material transferred). 166. Andrews & Co, 1930-57. 167. 168. Gad, G E C (Copenhagen), 1930. 169. McFadyen, H, 1930. 170. Pias, V (Copenhagen), 1930. 171. Wiksells, Allemander (Stockholm), 1930. 172. HM Stationery Office, 1930-60, n.d. 173. Lumsden, Harry, 1930. 174. Linton, Mrs Violet, 1930-36. 175. Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1930. 176. ‘Eleventh Hour’, periodical, 1934. (Transferred to PB). 177. Weiner, J Ltd, 1930. 178. Johnston, J W (Rochester, NY), 1930-3. 179. Buchanan, Donald, 1930. 180. London Renfrewshire Association, 1935. BOX 9 181. Erskine, Hon R, of Marr, 1925-53 182. Wilson, J B, 1927. 183. Watt, Rev Lauchlin MacLean, DD, 1927. 184. Murray, Mrs Isabel Grant, 1930. 185. Connell & Anderson, 1930. 186. Murdoch, W G Burn, 1930-37. 187. Stevenson, Sir D M, 1929-42. 188. Nansen, Alexander (Oslo), 1930-1. 189. Lochwinnoch Amateur Athletic Association, 1930. 190. Overseas Secretaries, list of, n.d. 191. Nationalist Dramatic Club, 1930. 192. Sproat, B, 1930. 193. Steel, Andrew, 19300-43. 194. Price, C E, J P, 1930. BOX 10 195. Lamont, A, 1930-58. (Printed material transferred). 195A. Lamont, A, 1959-60. 196. 197. Aberdeen, Earl of, 1930. 198. Europa Year Book, correspondence with editor or, 1930. 199. Walker, Alexander, 1930. 200. Blackie and Son, Ltd, 1930, 1935. 201. Hamilton, Sir Ian, 1927-30. 202. Lyon, W K, WS, 1930, 1938. 203. Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1929. 204. No More War Movement; papers concerning, 1930. 205. Caledonian Society, Isle of Man; circular of, 1930. 206. Housing; pamphlet on, n.d. 207. Brown, James, MP, 1926-7. 208. Hamilton, R, 1930. 209. Menzies, John & Co Ltd, 1938-58. BOX 11 210. Valentine, James, 1928. 211. “Greenock Telegraph”; correspondence with editor of, 1930-59. 212. “Gourock Times”; correspondence with editor of, 1932, 1954. 213. “Greenock Herald”; letter to editor of, 1930. 214. “Glasgow Evening News”; letter to business manager, 1929. 215. Scottish League for Taxation of Land Values; correspondence and papers concerning, 1930-52. (Printed material transferred). 216. Taylor, W H, 1933-7. 217. Hogarth Press, 1930. 218. Fraser, Misses Jean and Mary, 1930-5. 219. Gryfe Tannery Limited, 1930-43. 220. Nicol, John J P, FEIS, 1930. 221. Gibb, Andrew Dewar, 1930-57. 222. Clark, J, 1930. 223. Graham, R, Bookseller, 1926-31. 224. Grant, Robert, Bookseller; papers concerning, 1930-44.
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