FONTES E BIBLIOGRAFIA I.FONTES 1.Arquivos National Archives II, College Park: *Department of State Records. Record Group 59
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FONTES E BIBLIOGRAFIA I.FONTES 1.Arquivos National Archives II, College Park: *Department of State Records. Record Group 59. Lot File, Entry 5177 *Department of State Records. Record Group 59. Lot File, Entry 5339 *Central Foreign Policy Files. Record Group 59. Electronic Telegrams, Gerald Ford Library, Michigan: *Presidential Country Files *National Security Adviser Files *Presidential Handwriting File *White House Files U.S Department of State, Washington D.C.: *Kissinger Telephone Transcripts, *Freedom of Information Act released documents Central Intelligence Agency, Langley: *CIA Files, FOIA Electronic Reading Room, Arquivo Histórico-Diplomático, Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Lisboa Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril, Coimbra: *Arquivo de Costa Gomes Arquivos Particulares: *Arquivo Particular Alan Lukens 2.Fontes Impressas Amendments to Request for Foreign Assistance and Department of State Appropriation for Fiscal Year 1975. 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