Media Plan Institute in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Media Program for South East Europe implemented the project “The Internet: Freedom without Boundaries?” The goal of the project was to use results of monitoring and analysis of influential web portals to stimulate media professionalism and the public which uses the Internet in order to actively respect professional (journalistic) and ethical postulates of communication on the Internet. THE INTERNET - FREEDOM WITHOUT BOUNDARIES? Sarajevo, November 2010. Publisher: Media Plan Institute, Sarajevo
[email protected] Editor: Radenko Udovicic
[email protected] Translation from Bosnian: Kanita Halilovic Language of the edition: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian (as chosen by the authors), English Cover and Layout: Mirza Latifovi} Print: CPU Sarajevo Circulation: 500 copies 2 THE INTERNET - FREEDOM WITHOUT BOUNDARIES? Sarajevo, November 2010. 3 THE INTERNET - FREEDOM WITHOUT BOUNDARIES? 4 Introduction Introduction DEPROFESSIONALIZATION OF COMMUNICATION Radenko Udovicic Information technologies are changing the lifestyle of individuals and the community. The internet has become the most democratic means of com- munication and offers unimagined development opportunities. Internet portals and websites of mainstream public media (press, radio and television) are increasingly occupying people’s attention. The trend of internet use in Bosnia-Herzegovina is rising. Portals are not just carries of information provided by news agencies and mainstream media; they are increasingly becoming exclusive sources of information in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Basically speaking, new media primarily means new channels of communi- cation. Whenever we start using old media in a new way, we get new media. This term is often used by popular journalism which by new media denotes the Internet, network sites, computers and computer games, as well as dif- ferent kinds of consoles (PS2 and 3, Nintendo), CD-ROMs, DVDs and so on.