
Estimating Distance (American) Name: Determine which letter best represents the / height. Answers (in) (ft) (yd) (mi) An inch is about the A foot is 12 . 1 yard is the same as 3 feet. A mile is 5,280 feet. Most 1. C distance of the last joint The length of a From the floor to a door major roads are at least a of your finger. . knob is about 1 yard. mile long. 2. B

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. D

1) Refrigerator 2) Bug 3) Bicycle 7. B A. 1 foot A. 1 foot A. 10 inches B. 12 inches B. Less than 1 inch B. 1 yard 8. C C. 6 feet C. 3 C. 3 yards D. 4 yards D. 3 inches D. 3 inches 9. C

4) Clothes Iron 5) Flash Drive 6) Football A. 2 feet A. 2 feet A. 2 feet B. 15 inches B. 2 inches B. 1 inch C. 8 feet C. 6 inches C. 1 yard D. 6 inches D. 11 inches D. 11 inches

7) Hat 8) Hammer 9) Ball A. 1 yard A. 1 yard A. 7 inches B. 1 foot B. 4 inches B. 1 foot C. 4 inches C. 16 inches C. 3 inches D. 2 feet D. 1 inch D. 2 feet

1-9 89 78 67 56 44 33 22 11 0 Math www.CommonCoreSheets.com 1

Estimating Distance (American) Name: Answer Key Determine which letter best represents the length / height. Answers Inch (in) Foot (ft) Yard (yd) Mile (mi) An inch is about the A foot is 12 inches. 1 yard is the same as 3 feet. A mile is 5,280 feet. Most 1. C distance of the last joint The length of a From the floor to a door major roads are at least a of your finger. ruler. knob is about 1 yard. mile long. 2. B

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. D

1) Refrigerator 2) Bug 3) Bicycle 7. B A. 1 foot A. 1 foot A. 10 inches B. 12 inches B. Less than 1 inch B. 1 yard 8. C C. 6 feet C. 3 yards C. 3 yards D. 4 yards D. 3 inches D. 3 inches 9. C

4) Clothes Iron 5) Flash Drive 6) Football A. 2 feet A. 2 feet A. 2 feet B. 15 inches B. 2 inches B. 1 inch C. 8 feet C. 6 inches C. 1 yard D. 6 inches D. 11 inches D. 11 inches

7) Hat 8) Hammer 9) Tennis Ball A. 1 yard A. 1 yard A. 7 inches B. 1 foot B. 4 inches B. 1 foot C. 4 inches C. 16 inches C. 3 inches D. 2 feet D. 1 inch D. 2 feet

1-9 89 78 67 56 44 33 22 11 0 Math www.CommonCoreSheets.com 1