Virginia’s Long-Range Multimodal Transportation Plan

Corridors of Statewide Significance: Western Mountain Corridor

Prepared for: Commonwealth Transportation Board

Prepared by: Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment March 2010


Corridor Overview ...... 1-1 1.1 Transportation Facilities ...... 1-1 Corridor Functions ...... 2-1 2.1 Corridor Functions ...... 2-1 2.2 Freight Connection to I-81 ...... 2-1 2.3 Multi-State Connection, Connection Through Tunnels ...... 2-5 2.3.1 Population Projections ...... 2-6 2.3.2 Levels of Service ...... 2-9 2.3.3 High-Crash Rate Areas ...... 2-9 Corridor Strategies ...... 3-1 3.1 Strategies for Western Mountain Corridor...... 3-3 3.2 Strategies vs. VTrans2035 Goals ...... 3-5

Table of Contents ii

List of Tables

Table No. Description Page

Table 1 Population Projections to 2035 ...... 2-6

Table of Contents iii

List of Figures

Figure No. Description Page

Figure 1 Western Mountain National Context Map ...... 1-2 Figure 2 Western Mountain Corridor Map ...... 1-3 Figure 3 Total Freight Tonnage and Value by Mode ...... 2-2 Figure 4 I-77 AADT and Truck Percentages ...... 2-3 Figure 5 Major Distribution Centers ...... 2-4 Figure 6 Freight Tonnage and Value by Direction ...... 2-5 Figure 7 Population Density 2010 Projections—Western Mountain Corridor ...... 2-7 Figure 8 Population Density 2035 Projections—Western Mountain Corridor ...... 2-8 Figure 9 Western Mountain Corridor Existing Conditions ...... 2-10 Figure 10 Western Mountain Corridor Future Conditions ...... 2-11 Figure 11 Western Mountain Corridor High-Crash Rate Locations Map ...... 2-12 Figure 12 Western Mountain Corridor Strategies vs. Functions Matrix ...... 3-2 Figure 13 Western Mountain Corridor Strategies vs. Goals Matrix ...... 3-6

Table of Contents iv

1 Corridor Overview

1.1 Transportation Facilities

The Western Mountain Corridor is mostly defined by , a multi-lane interstate that runs from to , with the northern terminus at in , Ohio and the southern terminus at in Columbia, South Carolina. It is a major north-south corridor in the eastern , providing a connection between major east- west corridors such as I-20, I-40, I-64, I-70, and I-80. It also connects with and , which are both north-south corridors. Figure 1 illustrates the entire Western Mountain Corridor in the United States.

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, I-77 serves as an important corridor for the southwestern part of the state, despite significant geographic challenges along its length in Virginia. I-77 travels for approximately 67 miles from the State Line to the north to the State Line to the south. I-77 traverses mostly mountainous terrain through Virginia and passes through the East River Mountain Tunnel between West Virginia and Virginia, with approximately half of the mile-long tunnel in each state. In addition, I-77 passes through the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel within Virginia. Figure 2 shows the Western Mountain Corridor throughout its length in Virginia along with all modal facilities.

The Western Mountain Corridor passes through three counties in Virginia: Carroll County, Wythe County, and Bland County, all of which are located in the Mount Rogers Planning District. It does not pass through any Metropolitan Planning Organizations, though it does travel through the Town of Wytheville. No direct connections to port facilities are available, though I-77 serves as an important freight corridor, as Norfolk Southern freight rail runs along the corridor where it overlaps with the I-81 corridor.

There are 17 total access points off of I-77 in Virginia, and none of them directly accesses a major metropolitan area. I-77 overlaps with I-81 for approximately 13 miles and also accesses U.S. 58 in southern Virginia and U.S. Highway 460 just north of the Virginia border in West Virginia. The entire length of I-77 through Virginia will eventually be signed as I-74 as well. I-74 is an uncompleted Interstate, running from Iowa to North Carolina. Currently, this Interstate exists only from Iowa to Cincinnati, Ohio as a continuous roadway, though some disconnected sections exist in North Carolina.

Corridor Overview 1-1


Virginia Statewide Multimodal MASSACHUSETTS Transportation Plan


24 6 684 7 696 86 84 287 12 375 380 46

180 478 678 278 78 81 9 271 80 280 476 480 195 680 422 276 176 277 295 NEW JERSEY 283 222 202 676 62 22 322 30 76 376 219 99 22

15 83 77 MARYLAND OHIO 695 470 795 40 68 670 70 270 11 DISTRICT595 OF DELAWARE COLUMBIA 395 33 66 71 50 23 81

79 17 301


77 29 VIRGINIA 895 64

664 60 460 464 581

119 95 220

58 81 77 23 85

381 52 64

181 421 440 264 NORTH 81 CAROLINA 73 70 640 1

19 321 129

240 401 40 321 277 13 74 485 74 95 75 585

77 385




25 285 20 520




0 25 50 Miles 16


FIGURE 1 Western Mountain Corridor National Context Map \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-national-context-Portrait.indd p3 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-national-context-Portrait.indd Virginia Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan


Key Location Map Legend I-77 Airport Railroad

VIRGINIA Greyhound Terminal 77 I-77 "P Park and Ride

County Line "P 52 MPO Area "P "P Wysor Highway "P "P "P "P "P "P "P Planning District "P "P "P " "P BLAND COUNTY P " "P "P "P "P "P "PP "P "P "P ""PP "P "P "P Lee Highway "P "P "P "P

Norfolk Southern "P "P ""PP Broad Street "P "P 52 "P "P "P 81 "P



Norfolk Southern 52 Exit 86 Citgo "P Fort TOWN OF Chiswell WYTHEVILLE "P"P 81 77 52 81 "P Farmers FLOYD Store 77 COUNTY

Norfolk Southern 52 WYTHE COUNTY

52 Floyd Pike "P

TOWN OF HILLSVILLE Twin County Danville Pike Airport

Carrollton Pike 77

Stuart Drive


Galax Bypass




FIGURE 2 Western Mountain Corridor Map \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd p2 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd

North of Wytheville in Wythe County, I-77 passes through the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, which allows vehicles to travel under Big Walker Mountain. The tunnel is approximately four- fifths of a mile long. Twenty miles to the north of the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel is the East River Mountain Tunnel, which is just over a mile long. This tunnel connects Rocky Gap, Virginia with Bluefield, West Virginia and passes through the state line between Virginia and West Virginia.

U.S. Highway 52 parallels I-77 or runs concurrently at times, such as in Wythe County, with it throughout its length in Virginia. U.S. Highway 11 also has a short stretch of overlap with I-77. I-77 also connects with U.S. Highway 58, another Corridor of Statewide Significance, in Carroll County.

Since the Western Mountain Corridor is mostly rural and undeveloped outside of Wytheville, there are few transit opportunities. There is a Greyhound station in Wytheville, which provides bus connections to North Carolina to the south, West Virginia to the north, and to Roanoke. In addition, there are multiple park and ride lots near Wytheville.

There is a single airport facility, the Twin County Airport, which serves as a community general aviation facility, as defined by the Virginia Air Transportation System Plan. It is located south of I-81, near the U.S. 58 in Carroll County. There are no facilities with commercial service located along the Western Mountain Corridor, though I-77 provides access to I-81 north to Roanoke. The two closest facilities with commercial connections available are at Roanoke Regional Airport, to the north along I-81 and Tri- Cities Airport in Tennessee along I-81, just south of the Virginia border. In addition, the Triad International Airport is located 95 miles to the south along I-77 in Greensboro, North Carolina.

There are no direct connections to any port facilities along the Western Mountain Corridor, though it is a heavy freight corridor, acting as an alternative to I-81 as well as connecting to it and to the U.S. 58 corridor. There are no direct rail lines along most of the Western Mountain Corridor. However, Norfolk Southern freight lines, specifically the western half of the Crescent Line, run along the part of the corridor that runs concurrently with I-81. Passenger rail along these tracks is not available.

Corridor Overview 1-4

2 Corridor Functions

2.1 Corridor Functions

The Western Mountain Corridor is a short corridor through Virginia that serves primarily as a multi-state connection, linking North Carolina and South Carolina to West Virginia and Ohio and provides connections to the Midwest from the Southeast. I-77 offers an easy north-south connection across the between North Carolina and West Virginia due to the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Functions of I-77 Tunnel, which is located on the Virginia-West Virginia border. The Western Mountain Corridor is also an h Freight connection to I-81 important freight connection, linking the important I- h Multi-state connection 81 freight corridor and the Virginia Inland Port with h Connection to tunnels points to the Southeast, such as the Carolinas, , and Florida. The Western Mountain Corridor also connects to U.S. 58.

2.2 Freight Connection to I-81

The Western Mountain Corridor is an important freight corridor, with most freight movement accomplished via trucking along the highway, though other options exist, including rail and air. Trucking accounts for three-quarters of the freight movement, and freight rail accounts for most of the remainder of the total freight movement, which is along Norfolk Southern rail lines. Figure 3 shows the tonnage and freight value by mode along the I-77.

Corridor Functions 2-1

Figure 3 Total Freight Tonnaage and Value by Mode

Tonnagee Value

(Source: Statewide Freight Study)

As seen in Figure 3, most freight alonng the Western Mountain Corridor is handled by truck despite the presence of Norfolk Southern rail lines. While almost three- quarters of the total tonnage is handled by truck, over 99 percent of the total value is handled by truck. Rail handles virtually all freighht not handled by truck, as there is very little air or water transport.

Figure 4 illustrates that trucks account for over 20 percent of the total traffic along I- 77 through Virginia. This again illustrates the importance of I-77 as a freight corridor and as an alternative to I-81. It also highlights the fact that a larrge amount of freight is moved by truck.

Total traffic is fairly low along I-77, with the highest volumes occurring through Wythe County, where there is an 8-mile overlap section with I-81. Truck percentages are also highest there, though the percentage is not significantly higher than through either Bland County or Carroll Countty.

Corridor Functions 2-2

Figure 4 I-77 Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) and Commercial Unit (CU) Truck Percentages

20,000 26.0%

18,000 25.0%


24.0% 14,000

12,000 23.0%

Weighted AADT 10,000 Total CU Truck %

22.0% 8,000

6,000 21.0%


20.0% 2,000

0 19.0% Bland County Wythe County Carroll County

(Source: Statewide Freight Study)

Figure 5 shows the major distribution centers in Virginia. As seen in the figure, there are some distribution centers located near I-77 in the southeast part of the state, though most distribution centers in the western part of the state are closer in vicinity to the I-81 corridor.

Corridor Functions 2-3

Figure 5 Major Virginia Distribution Centers

(Source: Statewide Freight Study)

Figure 6 shows the freight tonnage and value by direction. As seen in this figure, virtually all freight along I-77 is through freight, as trucks use I-77 to travel between North Carolina, West Virginia and Ohio and avoid the busier, more truck-intensive I- 81 corridor. There is very little inbound and outbound freight along the Western Mountain Corridor, and there is virtually no internal movement.

Corridor Functions 2-4

Figure 6 Freight Tonnage and Value by Direction

Tonnagee Value (Source: Statewide Freight Study)

Freight volumes along the Western Mountain Corridor will continue to grow and will be influenced by a number of factors leading to increased transportation demand. Population growth along the corridor, while less than the overall population growth in Virginia, will play a major role. In addition, changes in national and global logistics patterns and the corridor’s evolvinng industry structure will lead to increased demand for freight along this already heavy freight corridor.

With increases in freight demand, it is important that capacity to carry the expected volumes of freight will exist in the future, not only along the hiighway facilities but along the rail facilities. There are planned improvements to Norfolk Southern’s Crescent Corridor, which runs along the I-81 corridor and briefly along the Western Mountain Corridor. These include expanding single-line tracks to double lines, adding passing sidings, realigning curves, improving connections, and adding track signals and signal systems. These proojects will increase capacitty for freight in western Virrginia. It is important that with these projects, more freight is moved to rail to connect with national markets as well with the Port of Virginia (including the Virginia Inland Port) and the distribution centers. This will improve capacitty for both freighht traffic and passenger traffic along the I-77 highway facilities and improve safety.

2.3 Multi-State Connection, Connection Throughh Tunnels

The Western Mountain Corridor serves as a north-south connection between South Carolina and Ohio, traveling throughh North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. It provides connections to multiple other interstates along the waay, including I-20 in South Carolina; I-85, I-40, and I-74 in North Carolina; I-81 in Virginia; I-64 in West Virginia; and I-70, I-80, and I-90 in Ohio. It also connects to U.S. 58, which is another Corridor of Statewide Siignificance.

Corridor Functions 2-5

I-77 provides access through Big Walker Mountain and East River Mountain via tunnels, allowing for an easier trip through the mountains of southwest Virginia. Prior to construction of the tunnels and I-77, the trip over the mountains, especially into West Virginia was an arduous, winding trip over Route 52. The construction of the tunnels streamlined the journey for travelers and made the connection between the Carolinas and Ohio much smoother. The Big Walker Mountain Tunnel is approximately four-fifths of a mile long and is located just north of the overlap section with I-81. The East River Mountain Tunnel is just over a mile long and is located at the West Virginia border. Both tunnels are two lanes in each direction, and lane changes are allowed within them, though these lane changes are now discouraged.

2.3.1 Population Projections

The Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) completed a report as part of VTrans2035, detailing population and employment trends and projections to 2035 for these socioeconomic factors. Increases in population will impact the amount of traffic on the roadway, impacting all traffic along the roadway, both local and through traffic, and it will impact both passenger and freight traffic along the corridor.

Table 1 details the population projections for 2010 and 2035 based on two different sources, one a private vendor (NPA Data Associates) and one a public source (Virginia Employment Commission - VEC). Projections by both of these sources only extended to 2030, so linear regression was used by VTRC to project to 2035. The data was organized by Planning District. Figure 7 illustrates the population density projections for the year 2010 at the Planning District level along the Western Mountain Corridor, and Figure 8 illustrates the density projections for the year 2035 and the increase in population density from 2010 to 2035. The Western Mountain Corridor passes through only one Planning District, the Mount Rogers PDC.

Table 1 Population Projections to 2035

Annual Effective 2010 Value Midpoint 2035 Forecast Percentage Increase Growth Rate PDC VEC NPA VEC NPA VEC NPA VEC NPA

Mount Rogers 189,461 190,050 196,549 204,663 3.7% 7.7% 0.1% 0.3%

Statewide Totals 8,010,340 8,057,350 10,278,943 10,926,181 28.3% 35.6% 1.0% 1.2% Source: Virginia Transportation Research Council

Corridor Functions 2-6

Virginia Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

Legend Planning_Districts_Pop Population / Square Mile X010_POP_S OHIO 36.164450 - 40 - 40.00000 MARYLAND

40.0000140 - 75 - 75.00000 50 81

75.0000175 - 100 - 100.00000 37 17 55 100.00001100 - 250 - 250.00000 WASHINGTON 66 50 81 D.C. 250.00001250 - 500 - 500.00000 17 11 55 50 66 50 55 29 500.00001500 + - 3000.00000 66 29 95 1 Corridor Highlight DELAWARE


1 17

WEST VIRGINIA 250 220 29

11 301 250 81 Chesapeake 17 11 95 Bay

252 250 29 1 250 64 220 17 64 250

11 301 95 13 64 252 220 29 64 60 60 60

60 250 64 81 301 29 250 60 220 60 60 64 1 60 81

17 460 460 460 60 460 460 KENTUCKY 13 460 52 220 29 460 460 11 81 460 64 77 95 60 1 13 52 301 58 60 81 17 460 11 220 58 58 64 460 13 81 11 58 58 58 58 58 77 58 29 58 81 58 17 58 58 13 58 1 95 52 220 58 301

NORTH CAROLINA 0 15 30 Miles

FIGURE 7 Population Density 2010 Projections - Western Mountain Corridor \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Population-Maps-statewide.indd p9 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Population-Maps-statewide.indd Virginia Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan

Legend Planning_Districts_Pop Population / Square Mile X010_POP_S OHIO 36.164450 - 40 - 40.00000 MARYLAND

40.0000140 - 75 - 75.00000 50 81

75.0000175 - 100 - 100.00000 37 17 55 100.00001100 - 250 - 250.00000 54.8% WASHINGTON 66 50 81 D.C. 250.00001250 - 500 - 500.00000 17 11 55 50 66 50 55 29 500.00001500 + - 3000.00000 37.3% 66 29 95 1 Corridor Highlight DELAWARE X.X% Population Increase 81 43.8%

1 17

WEST VIRGINIA 250 220 29

11 301 250 81 Chesapeake 17 11 95 Bay 79.5% 18.9% 252 250 29 1 250 64 220 17 64 250

11 21.9% 38.2% 301 95 13 64 252 220 29 64 60 60 60

60 250 64 81 301 35.9% 6.7% 7.9% 29 41.1% 250 60 220 60 60 64 1 60 81

17.6% 17 460 460 460 60 460 460 KENTUCKY 13 460 52 220 29 17.2% 460 460 11 3.2% 81 19.9% 460 64 77 95 60 1 13 52 11.5% 301 58 60 81 17 460 11 220 58 58 64 460 5.3% 13 81 24.7% 11 7.6% 5.1% 58 58 58 58 58 77 58 29 58 81 58 17 58 58 13 58 1 1.0% 95 52 220 58 301

NORTH CAROLINA 0 15 30 Miles

FIGURE 8 Population Density 2035 Projections -Western Mountain Corridor \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Population-Maps-statewide.indd p10 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Population-Maps-statewide.indd

2.3.2 Levels of Service

Figure 9 shows the existing levels of service (LOS) along the Western Mountain Corridor, with red areas indicating undesirable levels of service (i.e. LOS ‘E’ or LOS ‘F’). All areas not marked in red are where acceptable levels of service (i.e. LOS ‘A’ through LOS ‘D’) currently exist. As seen in Figure 9, there are currently no areas of deficiency along the entire corridor in Virginia.

Figure 10 shows the future levels of service along the Western Mountain Corridor, with the same color coding. As seen in this figure, there are areas that are expected to degrade to undesirable levels of service in the future. One area is the overlap area with the I-81 corridor around the Town of Wytheville. This area has been identified by multiple sources as an area of concern for capacity, as the two interstates meet for eight miles. Without changes, this area is expected to degrade further in the future. In addition, there are expected to be areas of deficiency to the south of Wytheville, including near the North Carolina border. The areas near the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Tunnel, however, are not expected to degrade to unacceptable levels of service.

The future levels of service take into account projects along the roadway that are planned by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). Even with planned expansions of the roadway and other programmed improvements, the highway facilities of the corridor are expected to degrade by 2035. To combat this, localities, Planning District Commissions (PDC), and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) should identify the worst areas and plan for improvements to these areas. In addition, multimodal coordination should take place to attempt to remove some single-occupancy vehicles from the highway facilities. The TransDominion Express (TDX) is planned in Virginia to provide passenger service between Bristol and Roanoke along the I-81 corridor, including the section of overlap with the Western Mountain Corridor. (From there, the TDX would connect to Lynchburg, Charlottesville, Richmond, and Washington D.C.) In addition, while studies are underway to identify and choose improvement options for the I-81/I-77 overlap near Wytheville, where levels of service are expected to be undesirable in the future, there are no definite plans for additional capacity at this location as of this time.

2.3.3 High-Crash Rate Areas

Figure 11 illustrates areas along I-77 that have been identified as high-crash rate areas, according to VDOT. As seen in the figure, there are several high-crash rate areas south of I-81 and a few to the north. The junction points at either end of the I- 81 overlap are considered high-crash rate areas. Safety improvements should be considered at these high-crash rate areas, especially at the junction points near Wytheville.

Corridor Functions 2-9

Virginia Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan


Key Location Map Legend Over Capacity County Line

VIRGINIA MPO Area 77 I-77 Planning District


Wysor Highway


Lee Highway

Broad Street

52 81



52 Exit 86 Citgo Fort TOWN OF Chiswell WYTHEVILLE 81 77 52 81 Farmers FLOYD Store 77 COUNTY


52 Floyd Pike


Carrollton Pike 77

Stuart Drive


Galax Bypass




FIGURE 9 Western Mountain Corridor Existing Conditions \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd p1 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd Virginia Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan


Key Location Map Legend Over Capacity County Line

VIRGINIA MPO Area 77 I-77 Planning District


Wysor Highway


Lee Highway

Broad Street

52 81



52 Exit 86 Citgo Fort TOWN OF Chiswell WYTHEVILLE 81 77 52 81 Farmers FLOYD Store 77 COUNTY


52 Floyd Pike


Carrollton Pike 77

Stuart Drive


Galax Bypass




FIGURE 10 Western Mountain Corridor Future Conditions \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd p2 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Multimodal-Corridor-Study-Maps-Portrait.indd ^_ ^_^_^_^_^_^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ ^_^_^_ ^_^_^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_

^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ ^_ ^_

^_^_^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ ^_ Virginia Statewide Multimodal^_ ^_^_^_ ^_ Transportation Plan^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ ^_ WEST VIRGINIA ^_ Key Location Map Legend ^_ I-77 Railroad ^_ High Crash Location

VIRGINIA County Line I-77 77 MPO Area Planning District 52

Wysor Highway


^_ Lee Highway

^_ Norfolk Southern Broad Street ^_ ^_ _ 52 _ ^_^ ^_ 81


^_ PULASKI COUNTY 81 ^_ Norfolk Southern 52 ^_ ^_ TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE ^_ 81 77 ^_ ^_52 81 ^_^_ FLOYD 77 COUNTY

Norfolk Southern 52 WYTHE COUNTY ^_

52 ^_ Floyd Pike


Carrollton Pike 77


Galax Bypass




FIGURE 11 Western Moutain Corridor High-Crash Rate Locations Map \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Tourist-Areas-Portrait.indd p2 \\vavna\projects\37975.00\graphics\figures\37975.00-Tourist-Areas-Portrait.indd

3 Corridor Strategies

This section discusses the general corridor strategies for the Western Mountain Corridor, which have been formulated to improve safety, mobility, and capacity along the corridor. The functions of the Western Mountain Corridor are listed below, and Figure 12 presents a matrix that shows how the strategies relate to each function.

Functions of Western Mountain Corridor

h Freight Connection to I-81 h Multi-state connection h Connection through tunnels

Strategies were formulated based on trends, system performance, issues/challenges, elements of the VDOT Six-Year Program, the Constrained Long-Range Plans for each MPO, visions and plans for the various Planning Districts, and any available Comprehensive Plan visions and strategies for each county and jurisdiction within each corridor. A Regional Planning Forum was held in the spring of 2009 with transportation representatives from across Virginia, including VDOT, Planning Districts and MPOs, transit agencies, the Virginia Airport Authority, the Port of Virginia, and other stakeholders in the Virginia transportation system. Public meetings were held in four locations in June and July of 2009 (Northern Virginia, Richmond, Hampton Roads, and Roanoke). Corridor deficiencies and what could be done to alleviate these deficiencies were discussed, with this information playing a major role in the formulation of these strategies. These strategies are part of a continuing planning process and are designed to be used as a guide for future transportation plans along the corridor within Virginia. They are not the explicit policy of the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB), though they are designed to assist the CTB, state and local transportation agencies, and local planning organizations in their planning efforts along the corridor. Specific corridor strategies and improvement recommendations will ultimately be developed as part of subsequent planning analyses at the State and local level.

Corridor Strategies 3-1

Figure 12 ‐ Western Mountain Corridor Strategies vs. Functions Matrix

Functions Multi‐State Connection Freight Connection Strategies Connection through Tunnels to I‐81

Increase roadway capacity of I‐77/I‐81 overlap near Wytheville.

Increase north‐south capacity along the corridor, especially around the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Tunnel.

Implement Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) throughout the Western Mountain Corridor as appropriate.

Strong Correlation Medium Correlation Some Correlation

3.1 Strategies for Western Mountain Corridor

Strategy: Increase roadway capacity of I-77/I-81 overlap near Wytheville.

The section of I-77 that overlaps with I-81 near Wytheville has been identified by VDOT, the Town of Wytheville and the Regional Planning Forum participants as being deficient in terms of capacity. It is one of the bottlenecks along both the I-77 and I-81 national corridors. As I-77 northbound approaches I-81, a single lane merges onto I-81 northbound and a single lane merges onto I-81 southbound, causing some merging delays. In addition, if there is an incident along I-77 to the north, such as at the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, traffic is backed up onto the overlap section with I-81 in one lane. This leads to two lanes traveling at speed while one travels slowly or is stopped, which is a safety issue.

The I-81 Corridor Improvement Study (Tier 2, I-77/I-81 Overlap) has been implemented under the VDOT Six-Year Plan to study various alternatives to improve capacity, including different roadway alignments to separate I-77 traffic from I-81 traffic. The best solution is likely a new alignment for I-77 with no overlap with I-81. This would improve capacity for through traffic between North Carolina and Ohio, and it would greatly improve capacity for freight traffic along these roadway facilities.

Strategy: Increase north-south capacity along the corridor, especially around the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Tunnel.

The Regional Planning Forum identified capacity issues at both the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Tunnel. If there are incidents at the tunnels, severe backups and delays occur along I-77 while the incident is cleared. As stated in the previous strategy, an incident at the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel could affect traffic along the I-77/I-81 overlap near Wytheville. In addition, there are steep grades entering both tunnels northbound, which with heavy truck traffic, leads to backups at times when there is not an incident. Truck climbing lanes should be constructed leading to the tunnels. In addition to providing lanes for slow-climbing trucks, this would also provide an additional lane to store traffic in case of a tunnel incident that closes the tunnel temporarily.

The VDOT Six-Year Plan calls for refurbishments to both tunnels along the Western Mountain Corridor, which could improve safety through the tunnels as well as add some capacity. In addition, stop gates will likely be installed at the entrances to block traffic from entering the tunnels in the case of an incident in the tunnel, allowing for better emergency response and incident management. There is also the potential for additional tubes at the tunnels in the future, though this is a very expensive proposition and a long-term vision at best. However, it would significantly add capacity and allow traffic to continue to flow through the tunnel in case of an incident in another tube. In addition, hazardous materials are currently not regulated at the tunnels. Improved monitoring, regulation, and/or rerouting of these materials should be considered.

Corridor Strategies 3-3

There are currently no viable alternate routes to I-77, especially for truck traffic. U.S. 52 runs parallel to I-77 near the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel, and Route 598 (Old Route 52) runs parallel near the East River Mountain Tunnel. However, neither of these two-lane roadways is suitable for truck traffic due to steep grades, curves, and other geometric factors. Traffic usually reroutes to U.S. 460 through Blacksburg and Christiansburg and on to I-81 or to Route 19/460 through Abingdon, which adds a significant amount of travel time and distance. An additional north-south connection between Claypool Hill and Saltville, which would connect Route 19 and U.S. 460 with Route 107 and eventually to I-81 in Marion has been investigated in the past. North-south capacity should be increased in some way, which could include the construction of a new alignment as suggested or another alignment. Another option could include improvements to U.S. 52, which runs directly along I-77, making it more suitable for truck traffic.

Through truck climbing lanes, better incident management, tunnel refurbishments, and/or construction of a new north-south roadway or improvements to U.S. 52, capacity improvements at Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and East River Mountain Tunnel are needed. Improvements at these deficient points would assist in both movement of through traffic and freight traffic.

Strategy: Implement Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) throughout the Western Mountain Corridor as appropriate.

ITS could include variable message signs along the highway to warn drivers of incidents. Currently, there are too few of these along the roadway, and they do not give adequate information to drivers concerning incidents at the tunnels, leading to longer backups and not allowing motorists to take alternate routes. More variable message signs closer to the tunnels are necessary along the Western Mountain Corridor.

In addition to variable message signs, other ITS measures could include opening lanes to traffic in case of an incident or congestion, such as utilized along I- 66 in Northern Virginia. Also, potential truck climbing lanes near the tunnels could be opened to all traffic in case of an incident. Near the Fancy Gap area, south of I-81, ITS measures are needed for fog detection and mitigation. However, there is no adequate power supply in this area as it is relatively uninhabited. Power and telecommunications lines would need to be constructed. Various ITS measures would significantly aid in traffic flow, especially with regards to incident management.

Corridor Strategies 3-4

3.2 Strategies vs. VTrans2035 Goals

The above strategies relate to the seven goals of VTrans2035, and Figure 13 illustrates a matrix showing this relationship. A discussion of each of the goals is below.

h Goal 1: Safety and Security—Provide a safe and secure transportation system. All of the strategies relate to the safety and security of the roadway. In addition, refurbishments to the tunnels and the addition of truck climbing lanes should directly result in greater safety. If backups from the tunnels when there is an incident no longer back up onto the I-77/I-81 overlap, safety along this section of roadway will be greatly enhanced. h Goal 2: System Maintenance and Preservation—Preserve and maintain the condition of the existing transportation system. All of the strategies help to achieve this goal, as the existing transportation system is maintained and preserved, and in each case, improved. While alleviating the capacity issues near Wytheville may include constructing new roadway facilities to bypass I-81, the existing roadway facilities will remain and should have less congestion and be safer. h Goal 3: Mobility, Connectivity, and Accessibility—Facilitate the easy movement of people and goods, improve interconnectivity of regions and activity centers, and provide access to different modes of transportation. All of the strategies promote increased mobility, connectivity, and accessibility. Any increase in capacity along the roadway assists in achieving this goal, especially with regard to mobility in and around Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and East River Mountain Tunnel. h Goal 4: Environmental Stewardship—Protect the environment and improve the quality of life for Virginians. Any increase in roadway capacity that minimizes the amount of time vehicles are on the roadway, leading to fewer emissions, helps to achieve environmental stewardship. h Goal 5: Economic Vitality—Provide a transportation system that supports economic prosperity. With the completion of construction in and around Wytheville to alleviate the capacity issues along the I-81/I-77 overlap, there is potential for increased economic development along any new interstate facilities and at any new interchanges. h Goal 6: Coordination of Transportation and Land Use—Facilitate the effective coordination of transportation and land use to promote livable communities. Any construction to improve capacity should be accomplished in coordination with land use decisions, especially any construction around Wytheville to alleviate capacity concerns at the I-81/I-77 overlap. In addition, local planning efforts should protect airspace and ensure that airports are not compromised by encroachment of incompatible land uses.

Corridor Strategies 3-5

Figure 13 ‐ Western Mountain Corridor Strategies vs. Goals Matrix


System Mobility, Coordination of Safety and Maintenance Connectivity, Environmental Economic Strategies Transportation Security and and Stewardship Vitality and Land Use Preservation Accessibility

Increase roadway capacity of I‐77/I‐81 overlap near Wytheville.

Increase north‐south capacity along the corridor, especially around the Big Walker Mountain Tunnel and the East River Mountain Tunnel.

Implement Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) throughout the Western Mountain Corridor as appropriate.

Strong Correlation Medium Correlation Some Correlation