Aviation Board Meeting
Aviation Board Meeting April 02, 2020 Call to Order & Introductions Approve Consent Agenda February 11, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes Public Comments Limited to 2 Minutes per Speaker OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION Directors Update April 2, 2020 (503)378-4880 3040 25TH STREET, SALEM, OR 97302 WWW.OREGON.GOV/AVIATION ORAVIATION ODA Office operations • Teleworking/On-site staff Office open, by appointment only Minimum of two staff in office majority of staff are teleworking no end date, planning for this to continue until end of April • New staff Andrea Abrahamson– Fiscal Analyst, started Monday the 30th Anthony Beach – State Airports Manager, starts April 13 Hiring two summer temporary helpers for landscaping • Mary B. Baby boy, born 3/16 on maternity leave until mid-June Impact of Fuel tax revenue reduction Expecting significant decrease in fuel tax revenues, amount and duration unknown. March fuel tax #’s available mid-May. April #’s available mid-June, and will be the litmus test for how low they will go. We are guessing about 50% drop in March, and a 90% drop in April. Beyond April is difficult to estimate, depends on when distancing measures are relaxed, and how soon airlines resume prior schedules. 86% of annual operating revenue comes from the fuel tax 5% of revenue from aircraft registration 3.5% of revenue from leases 5.5% from fuel flowage, tie-down, special use, inspections, etc. These funds pay for agency operation as well as the grants programs. Annual operating cost (excluding grants and PMP) about $2.5M. Federal assistance for airports From the $2T CARE Act passed by Congress last week 1) $50B to airlines, $10B to airports 2) Of the $10B, $7.4B goes to the commercial service airports, $2B for AIP eligible projects, $500M for waiver of local match on 2020 grants, $56M for Essential Air Service, and $100M for NPIAS GA airports.
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