Delivering our long-term Plan for a Brighter Future

First year report and second year Plan March 2015 1 Delivering our long-term Plan for a Brighter Future Headed in the right direction

Returning to Government after 16 years has been a privilege and an honour, but also a The Hodgman Liberal Government is getting on with the job great responsibility. We inherited a State with significant challenges - an economy that had flat-lined, investment and confidence at record lows and unemployment at a decade-high. of delivering our long-term Plan for a Brighter Future Our immediate priority was to stimulate the economy, restore confidence and create jobs by delivering on our long-term Plan for a Brighter Future. Since the election, nearly 7,000 jobs have been created, and the gap between the Our vision is a : Our goals national and State unemployment rate has reduced by more than two thirds. Gross State • That is more self-reliant and open for business, where everyone has the opportunity to Product is increasing again, construction and building activity is soaring, retail trade had enjoy our enviable lifestyle, get a job and raise a family; its strongest year and business confidence is the highest in the nation. The new Government has set itself a range of Our Plan is working, and while it’s early days and there is a lot to be done, there are very • Where we grow the economy and generate wealth so that we can create jobs and ambitious targets and goals, including: encouraging signs for the future. afford better essential services like health, education and public safety, and; • Jobs - to reduce the unemployment rate Tasmania is now headed in the right direction. There is a renewed sense of confidence • With a responsible Government that lives within its means, has the right priorities and to at least the national average; and optimism about our future. can be trusted. • Tourists - to attract 1.5 million visitors to There is no doubt that stable majority Government and a strong, united team prepared Tasmania each year by 2020, creating up to make decisions has helped to provide hope, and restore confidence and certainty for Our long-term Plan for a Brighter Future will: to an extra 8,000 jobs; business. • Provide a strong and stable majority Government to get things done, giving hope and • Population – to grow the Tasmanian However, our job is not just to fix the economy and Budget, but to build something confidence for the future; population to 650,000 by 2050; better; to seize every opportunity and to capitalise on the unprecedented global interest • Deliver new jobs and economic growth. This is our number one priority; • Agriculture – to grow the value of the in our island State, and to aggressively pursue economic growth, investment and job agriculture sector to $10 billion by 2050; creation. • Fix the Budget mess. Tasmania cannot continue to live off the credit card. Fixing It’s critically important we continue to build on the momentum we have gained from our • Aquaculture and fisheries – to double the Labor’s $1.1 billion Budget mess allows us to invest more in essential services into the first year in office. annual value of our salmon industry to future, and; We understand there are no easy fixes and change won’t happen overnight, but we will $1 billion by 2030; • Rebuild essential services, to make our communities safer and so Tasmanians can get continue to work hard to clean up the mess we inherited, and deliver a Brighter Future for the quality education and health care they deserve; • Health – to have the healthiest Tasmania. population in by 2025; With a strong, disciplined majority Government, and by sticking to our long-term Plan, we • Education – at the end of the first six know that we can deliver even better outcomes for Tasmanians over the next year and Honouring our Promises years, to be at or above the national into the future. standard in every single NAPLAN There is a lot to be optimistic about in 2015, and I am very hopeful about the year • We are delivering on the commitments we made prior to the 2014 State election. measurement and meet national ahead. • This includes; $94 million for job creation and economic growth initiatives across Tasmania, benchmarks in reading, writing, maths On behalf of my team, we commit to working hard for Tasmanians to keep the State $64 million for education, $92 million for health, $35 million for police and $27 million for and science, and; heading in the right direction. community services and support to vulnerable Tasmanians. • Budget – to return the Budget to surplus within six years. • The election commitments were fully-funded by $500 million in savings measures announced well before the election. See our plan for the next 365 MP days on Pages 18-21 Premier

3 Strong, stable, majority Government “It’s early days, and there is a lot to be done, but there are very encouraging signs for the future.” delivering hope and confidence - Premier Will Hodgman

First year snapshot

• 6,800 new jobs since the election. “We said we would deliver stable majority Government • Unemployment rate down 0.8 per cent. Create jobs to get things done, and that’s exactly what we’re • The gap between the Tasmanian and national unemployment rates is delivering, with a strong, united team prepared to make at its narrowest point since October 2011, at just 0.3 percentage points. decisions.” Restore Business confidence • Business confidence is the highest in the nation.

• Reduced Labor’s $1.1 billion accumulated deficits by $450 million. Rein in Budget spending • Reduced projected net debt by around $350 million. Confidence returns Tasmanian and national unemployment 6,800 new jobs created rates is at its narrowest point since Since the 2014 election, confidence has October 2011, at just 0.3 percentage Since the election in March 2014, nearly • Record spending of $1.465 billion on health. returned and with it, business activity and 7,000 new jobs have been created. Improve the health system points. • Provided $76 million for additional elective surgery. private investment, increased consumer • Confidence in the property and Tasmania now has the highest number spending and an upswing in jobs and construction sector has increased by 17 of jobs since December 2008, and higher • Record $1.4 billion investment in education and training. economic growth. points - to be the third highest in the than any point under the previous Create a Job-Ready • Business confidence in Tasmania is now Labor-Green Government. Tasmania’s • Extended six high schools to years 11 and 12. country. Generation the highest in the nation. • Comsec says: our population growth is at unemployment rate compared with the • Employed 25 specialist literacy and numeracy teachers. • Private investment is increasing. its strongest in two and a half years and national average is now the narrowest • Tasmania’s participation rate shows a there are “brighter signs in Tasmania.” margin since October 2011. • Repealed the job destroying forest deal. Rebuild the forest industry strengthening in the jobs market with • Deloitte says: Tasmania’s “recovery looks Highest level of employment • Passed legislation to protect workers’ rights to earn a living. levels not seen since 2010. to have legs.” since Dec-08. Higher than at any point under Labor and • Building and construction is soaring. 6,800 new jobs the Greens. • Appointed an interim Regulation Reduction Coordinator. Building approvals in the nine months 244 Cut Red and Green Tape • Passed first tranche of legislation to create one statewide planning since the election were 31 per cent 242 scheme. higher than the nine months prior. The 240 value of construction work was up 15 per 238 Rebuild the police force • An additional 26 police on the beat since the election. cent in September 2014, compared to 236 the previous year. 234 Jobs (‘000) • Tourism up six per cent to 1.06 million visitors annually. • Retail trade had its strongest year. 232 Consumers are confident and are 230 Labor-Green Liberal • Commenced National Parks Expressions Of Interest process. spending. Annual retail growth is now 228 Boost tourism CommSec State of the States, January 2015 • Chinese President visited Tasmania, with an estimated 600 million the second highest in the nation.

• Tasmanian employment conditions Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-14 people watching the 10-minute television news item. have improved. The gap between the Labor-Green Liberal

4 5 Delivering our long-term Plan for “Our immediate priority on coming to Government was to stimulate the economy, jobs and economic growth restore confidence and create jobs.” Investment and jobs Getting behind and underway backing Tasmanian P Qantas – secured 246+ jobs business P Myer redevelopment - $100 million investment and 500+ jobs As promised, the Hodgman Liberal P RHH redevelopment - $657m, 4,000 Government is backing Tasmanian business. jobs, $1.6 billion in economic activity We have: P Mac1 hotel - $35 million investment, • Moved to restore international 100 construction jobs, 80 ongoing shipping from Tasmania to Asian export jobs markets, to reduce double-handling and P Parliament Square - $100 million costs for producers. An Memorandum economic activity, 400 jobs P Bald Hill mine – 180 jobs (45 direct of Understanding has been signed with Government’s job package, and a Small Business Jobs initiatives – the Whitelion Employment Singapore-based Swire as preferred Bonus to create jobs; Preparation and Placement Program, and 135 indirect) P Bunnings - $162 million investment in operator, backed by up to $33 million in • Partnered with industry and business to support 200 young people enter the creation plan working the State, with 655 new jobs over a investment by the Government; workforce or return to study; and the to create jobs, including a pilot project two-year period. Beacon Foundation program, to prepare • Passed first tranche of legislation to The Hodgman Liberal Government’s number with Tasmanian Hotels Association P Irrigation - $30 million State young people for work or study. ensure a fairer, faster, cheaper and one priority is jobs. In the first week in office to match job seekers with jobs in the investment towards five new irrigation simpler planning system; support and help our retailers adapt to we issued a whole-of-Government directive hospitality industry, and with the TCCI to schemes • Introduced a Buy Local policy and Local the changing online environment. to make reducing the unemployment rate to deliver a new training project to increase P Woolworths - $70 million investment Benefits Test that is helping Tasmanian the national average the Government’s top the work-readiness of job seekers, initially to create 1,000 new Tasmanian jobs • Delivered on our promised $1.5 million Unemployment rate priority. on the North-West Coast; P Burnie Port - $12 million port and rail businesses win Government business. for the hospitality industry (our third 8.0 A year on, nearly 7,000 new jobs have been • Created the Department of State optimisation project This has resulted in Tasmanian largest employer), to help with workforce 8.0 created and unemployment has fallen to a Growth to bring together all economic P Midland Highway – $16 million for six businesses winning 66 per cent of development, a customer service 7.5 36-month low. Under the Hodgman Liberal levers; priority projects underway, 180 jobs – government tenders (up from 61 per program and strategic plan; 7.0 Government, employment has grown by • Appointed a Coordinator-General part of $500 million total investment cent), and an increase in bids from • Delivered $2 million in strategic 6.5 an average of 680 jobs each month. We to aggressively chase down jobs and P TT-Line – multi-million upgrade of Tasmanian companies (up to 83 per cent initiatives to grow our IT sector 6.0 Spirit of Tasmania ships have: investment for Tasmania; and developing compared to 80 per cent); including free public Wi-Fi services 5.5 P Dairy - $14 million Edith Creek • Stimulated development by abolishing a Tasmanian Population Strategy • Launched the Think Local First targeting tourists and the Go-to-Market 5.0 manufacturing site, securing 110 water and sewerage headworks to meet our target of growing the campaign to encourage consumers to Incubator to nurture potential start-up 4.5 existing jobs charges. In the six months to December population to 650,000 by 2050; buy locally; businesses, and; 4.0 P Forestry - $15 million plywood mill at 2014 building and development • Extended the First Home Builder boost. Smithton, 90 jobs in construction, 120 • Directed all departments to pay bills on • Put in place a new Innovation assessments more than doubled, with Building approvals have increased 23 new jobs when operational time – bills of $50,000 or less must be Collaboration between the Government Jan-15 Jun-12 Apr-13 Feb-14 586 plans now assessed per month per cent since the election, helping an Aug-11 P Searoad - $100 million investment in a paid within 30 days, or Departments will and for three compared with 288 per month in the industry worth $2 billion a year which Labor-Green Liberal Australia roll-on, roll-off freight ship pay penalty interest; years which will focus on industry- same period in 2013; employs 17,500 Tasmanians, and; P $7 million Veolia investment - 20 new • Launched an enhanced Digital Ready research links, and innovation in priority • Put in place a payroll tax relief • Invested in new skills and training jobs for Retail program, with $800,000 to and emerging industries.

6 7 Power prices coming down 70 Investing in Agricultural 60 Prosperity 50 40 The Hodgman Liberal Government has set 30 an ambitious target to grow the annual value 20 of our produce to $10 billion by 2050. To 10 achieve this, we have commenced the job 0 of sensible investment to help expand our -10 agriculture industries and food manufacturing capacity, including: Cumulative increase/decrease Cumulative • Increasing freight options for 2008-09 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2011-12 2009-10 2007-08 2010-11 exporters through our investment of up Labor-Green Liberal to $33 million into the restoration of Cutting red and Green the country, striking the right balance Making energy a • New policies developed supporting international shipping and putting in between food safety and regulation; competitive advantage energy efficiency for Tasmanian place a new business model for the TT- tape • Undertaken a comprehensive review of households and businesses; Line with 42 more day sailings scheduled the building regulatory framework; a again • Energy concessions properly over 2015-16, increasing freight As Liberals, we understand that one of the Position Paper is out for consultation; supporting the most vulnerable; capacity; best things government can do for business The Hodgman Liberal Government • Removed unnecessary barriers which • Identifying new opportunities to use • Investing $30 million in the second is get out of the way. We promised to reduce is committed to making energy a were delaying novice drivers from getting energy to attract new business and tranche of new irrigation projects red and Green tape by 20 per cent, and we’re competitive advantage for Tasmania, by their driver’s licence; industry to the State; and around Tasmania; on the job. We have: delivering the lowest possible power prices • Reducing red and Green tape by • Positioning Tasmania to take that are genuinely sustainable over the • Delivering on our promised $6.5 • Appointed an interim Regulation auditing and more appropriately listing advantage of our renewable energy long term. million to grow agriculture, including Reduction Coordinator. Legislation for properties on the Heritage Register resources. Under the previous Labor-Green helping farmers maximise their an annual red and Green tape audit will (recommended in a 2005 review), and; We are funding the investigation Government, power prices increased by investment and productivity in irrigation; regulation for the industrial hemp be introduced in 2015; of the case for a second Bass Strait • Commenced planning reform to more than 65 per cent over seven years. • Seizing new opportunities for industry; • Partnered with the Federal Government introduce one statewide planning interconnector and the expansion of Under the Hodgman Liberal Government, Tasmanian primary industries by • Establishing a new Brand Tasmania to establish a Major Projects Approval scheme. Tasmanian hydro generation output by 10 hosting the successful TasInvest forum Tasmanians have enjoyed lower power multilingual website that allows Asian Agency as a one-stop-shop for investors per cent, and have put in place a formal and participating in the Australian-Sino prices, with prices falling by 7.8 per cent or customers to communicate direct with to identify the Commonwealth approvals agreement with China to jointly develop 100 year agricultural partnership; required for significant projects; approximately $164 per year for a typical Tasmanian food and beverage producers, household. a Testing Wind Farm to demonstrate • Signing several MOUs with China during • Released Tourism Tasmania from while showcasing the State’s premium The Government has released a draft Chinese wind turbine technology in the the President’s visit. The Premier will also its bureaucratic strait-jacket and produce; comprehensive Tasmanian Energy Australian market. lead a trade and investment mission to established it as a results-focused, stand- Strategy with the key aims of: Aurora Energy has put in place the YES China in the first half of 2015; • Strengthening biosecurity by investing alone authority with a business-based • Ensuring State-owned energy (Your Energy Support) Program to provide • Establishing Agrigrowth Tasmania an additional $900,000, and; Board; businesses are run as efficiently as greater support for Tasmanians struggling to work with industry to encourage • Reviewing the Primary Industry • Ensured egg safety regulations for small possible to put downward pressure on with power bills before they become development and jobs growth, including Activities Protection Act to strengthen egg producers are the most practical in prices; unmanageable. removing red tape and simplifying the family farm and rural communities.

8 9 14.8 per cent average decrease in fares; annual value of our salmon industry to $1 Security for our resource • Is investing in the third stage of the billion by 2030, creating new jobs. To achieve Three Capes Track; this, the Government is: industries • Has invested $500,000 in a marketing • Delivering on our promises to the Restoring certainty to our resource industries campaign so that the Great Eastern sector, including investing $500,000 into has been a priority of the Hodgman Liberal Drive can take its place amongst the Fish Health Centre of Excellence Government. We will continue to strongly Australia’s iconic road trips; at the Mt Pleasant Laboratories in support our forestry and mining industries to • Is preparing the groundwork for Launceston, $500,000 to the University grow into innovative, modern industries. international capacity with the upgrade of Tasmania’s Institute of Marine and The stability of a majority Liberal Government of the Airport; Antarctic Studies for salmon industry is leading to increased investment, including • Has invited the world to dinner by research, $200,000 a year over three Forico’s $14 million investment in its hosting Restaurant Australia’s grand years to the Tasmanian Shellfish Hampshire and Bell Bay mills to lift production finale dinner, showcasing our wonderful Quality Assurance program, and capacity, and Australia’s first new bauxite food to 80 of the world’s most influential securing the long-term future of the rock mine in more than 35 years at Bald Hill, near foodies and a global audience of more lobster industry with a Rock Lobster Campbell Town, creating 180 jobs. than 400 million; translocation project; There is still a long way to go before • Has hosted the Chinese President’s our resource industries recover from the visit and signed MOUs with China; • Seizing new opportunities by hosting resource industries to delegates • Is investing an additional $16 million devastation of the Labor-Green Government. A tourism bonanza • Has established Tourism Tasmania as a the successful TasInvest forum, signing from around the world, and signed a into tourism marketing over the next To support these industries and their growth, stand-alone authority with a renewed several MOUs with China during MOU with CDB, the world’s largest The Hodgman Liberal Government has a four years; the new Government has: results focus; the President’s visit to strengthen development bank, to pave the way long-term Plan to grow our tourism industry • Will be leading a trade mission to China • Torn up the job-destroying forest deal • Has facilitated a landmark MOU opportunities for Tasmanian industry. for new investment in industries such as to 1.5 million visitors per year. The industry in early 2015 to further strengthen and unlocked the 400,000 hectares Labor between the Parks and Wildlife Service The Premier will also lead a trade and mining; says this will generate another 8,000 jobs, tourism and trade; and the Tourism Industry, and; investment mission to China in early and the Greens locked up; • Is opening up our wilderness areas to • Kept promises to fund relocating on top of the 28,000 Tasmanians already • Has introduced an online parks pass 2015; • Established a review into Forestry sensible development through an EOI Mineral Resources Tasmania to Burnie employed in the industry. purchasing system to make it easier for • Delivering security for the industry Tasmania to put the company on a Latest figures show Tasmania recorded its process; sustainable footing; and develop a Mineral Exploration visitors to access our National Parks. by committing to no new Marine Investment Attraction Plan, and best ever tourism numbers, with 1,062,700 • Has put in place an unsolicited bid Protected Areas; • Protected workers in our resource framework for innovative and unique review and extend the Regional Forest tourists travelling to Tasmania, up six per cent • Fast-tracking a $5.2 million road upgrade industries from radical protesters who ideas and investment by the private Agreement to help rebuild the forest on the previous year, with visitors staying at Strahan to support the region’s stop them from earning a living; sector; industry; longer and spending more ($1.74 billion, up World-class aquaculture growing aquaculture industry; and • Commenced a review of the Permanent 15 per cent), and record high occupancy rates. • Will increase access to our State by a Native Forest Estate Policy; • Supported the West Coast community • Approved an increase in Tassal’s marine Regional Tasmania is sharing in the growth, renewed focus for the TT-Line to grow with decisive action and funded projects and wild fisheries farming lease at Nubeena, securing jobs • Provided assistance to forest with the East Coast recording an 18 per cent passenger numbers by 64,000 bringing contractors to support them to manage following the shutdown of the Mt Lyell in the local community. increase, the North up six per cent, the South in an additional $220 million in tourism The Hodgman Liberal Government is investing debt and continue operating; mine, and; by seven per cent and Cradle Coast by nine spend to the State by 2023, an extra 42 in Tasmania’s world-class aquaculture • Commenced work on a new Southern • Invested $752,000 over four years to per cent. day sailings each year by 2018, a major and wild fishery sectors, to grow our wood fibre export facility as an explore the economic potential of To capitalise on global interest in Tasmania, refurbishment of the ships showcasing international reputation for the highest alternative to Triabunna; biomass and options for value-adding of the Government: Tasmanian produce and products and a quality seafood. We want to double the • Hosted TasInvest to showcase our forest residues.

10 11 Delivering on our Plan to “Tasmania cannot continue to live off the credit card. The Liberal Government is fixing the $1.1 billion Budget mess, so that we can pay for essential services into fix the Budget mess the future.”

First Liberal Budget starts Getting spending under Support for the first Liberal Budget repair work control When Labor and the Greens left office in March “Tasmanian farmers today gave the For three years from 2011-12, the Labor- “First Liberal budget charts course for last year, Tasmania was facing accumulated thumbs up to allocations in Treasurer Peter Green Government spent $750 million more growth.” deficits over the next four years of $1.1 billion Gutwein’s first Budget … the Government than it budgeted for, despite receiving $171 – Tim Johnstone, State President, and projected net debt rising to more than has delivered on their promises and those million more than budgeted in revenue. Property Council $400 million. The public sector wages bill The previous Government had a spending promises largely coincided with what we alone had blown out by more than $150 million problem, not a revenue problem. “With the Tasmanian economy really have been seeking, and seeking in some higher in 2013-14 than it was estimated in starting to move you don’t want to cause cases for many years.” Labor and the Greens also spent every cent 2011-12. Tasmania’s credit rating had been any shock to it, so it seems to be a really – Jan Davis, Chief Executive, TFGA of the $1.5 billion of the Superannuation downgraded, resulting in higher interest rates smart approach. I think that most sectors Provision Account – money set aside to pay on debt. would be happy.” for the superannuation entitlements of public “Pleasing to see Government deliver The Government is determined to fix this mess – Michael Bailey, CEO, Tasmanian sector workers. In 2014-15 a quarter of a on its pre-election commitments ... so we can pay for essential services into the Chamber of Commerce and Industry future. Our first Budget halves accumulated billion dollars has to be found from the budget The Government is demonstrating its deficit, cuts projected net debt to around $50 to pay the superannuation of retiring public support for the seafood industry.” “... fair in the current circumstances, million, and puts the Budget back on track servants. – Neil Stump, Chief Executive, Tasmanian it delivers all of the Government’s for a surplus in six years. It delivered on all Seafood Industry Council The Hodgman Liberal Government has a long- election promises, and provides a our commitments, and began laying the term Plan to get the State’s finances back on solid base from which to halt the foundations for the future. track. We are reducing spending through a decline, grow the economy, jobs and sensible savings strategy, without harming investment and ensure essential “RACT welcomes injection of funds to roads and road maintenance … the Fixing the Budget mess the economy and without introducing new frontline services in education, health Budget includes significant funding across -0 taxes. This includes a three per cent reduction and police are improved … establishes the forward estimates for state road -50 in the size of the public sector this year (after a sound footing for economic funding.” -100 the Government’s preferred wage freeze was recovery.” – Harvey Lennon, CEO, RACT -150 rejected by Labor, the Greens and unions), a – The Source – Font PR – $m -200 pay freeze for all MPs and Ministerial staff, a 2014-15 Budget Summary -250 reduction in the cost of Ministerial transport, “We think the sort of priority -300 office accommodation and personal staff, a “This Government has talked a lot given to the community sector, for -350 reduction in boards to save $7 million, and a about tourism both in opposition and example the $9 million every year -400 sensible reduction in the cost of supplies and in government and they have put their for the next four years to make up consumables, including consultancies and money where their mouth is.” for the Commonwealth shortfall

Actual Actual Actual Actual advertising. – Luke Martin, CEO, Forecast Forecast Forecast Forecast 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 in concessions is a very important Tourism Industry Council funding amount and will ease the The graph shows Labor’s disastrous budget burden for struggling Tasmanians.” The Revised Estimates Report showed that the budget is on track to outcomes, with the white showing the massive – Tony Reidy, TasCOSS improvements in the Budget under the deliver what we said we would in the 2014-15 financial year and we Hodgman Liberal Government. remain on target to deliver a surplus within six years.

12 13 Delivering on our Plan to We are rebuilding essential services to make our communities safer, and so rebuild essential services Tasmanians can get the quality education and healthcare they deserve. Making our communities Health reforms to focus safer on patient care and

The Hodgman Liberal Government is prevention delivering on its promises to increase The Hodgman Liberal Government inherited police numbers and support police to a mess in health, with unacceptably high do their job, improve road safety and waiting lists, the RHH redevelopment in chaos, invest in fuel reduction strategies to help some of the worst public health outcomes in prevent devastating bushfires in our local Australia, and a duplicated and costly health communities. To make our communities safer, system that was failing to deliver the services the Government has: Tasmanians deserve. • Recruited 26 new constables as part The Hodgman Liberal Government has begun of our commitment to employ an the process of rebuilding health services and additional 108 new police officers redesigning the system to ensure patients on the frontline. We have established a are at the forefront of every decision. To Serious and Organised Crime Unit, which sentences; flexible safety barriers, road widening, achieve this we: will have a cold case capacity, after it • Invested more into community youth audible edges and removing roadside • Will move to a single Tasmanian Health was axed by the former Labor-Green justice programs; hazards; Service from 1 July 2015, to deliver Government; • Commenced the roll-out of checks • Changed novice driver speed limits to significant savings to reinvest into health • Passed legislation to help protect for those who work with children, improve safety and traffic flow; and get our hospitals working effectively patient plan, a new hyperbaric chamber use of cannabis-derived products, police from assaults, with a minimum to reduce the incidence of abuse, with • Commenced work on a new 10-year together; and an extra $2.4 million for mental subject to a proper evidence-based mandatory jail sentence for those significant subsidies for volunteers; Tasmanian Road Safety strategy; • Have established the Health Council health; approach, a strong local regulatory convicted of causing serious bodily harm • Delivered our promise to invest $28.5 • Provided a $1.5 million investment in of Tasmania to provide expertise and • Are investing $300,000 into grassroots framework and appropriate approvals to on-duty police officers, and invested in million into bushfire management, Learner Driver Education, and; strategic advice to Government; mental health support through from national regulators; new multi-use integrated protection vests establishing a Fuel Reduction Unit and • Delivered a range of cycling safety • Released a Green Paper on delivering Neighbourhood Houses; • Have significantly reduced ambulance for all police officers; completing burn-offs on public and initiatives. Safe and Sustainable Clinical Services in • Have commenced the Rethink Mental ramping at the Royal Hobart Hospital • Built new police stations at Dunalley private land ahead of the bushfire Tasmania; Health project to improve coordination by reopening a four-bed unit; and Glenorchy, and invested $5 million in season. We have also invested, with the • Are investing an additional $76 million and provide the strategic plan for the Fuel reduction • Have employed another six graduate a new police vessel; Australian Government, in improved into elective surgery, as part of a record next decade; 14000 paramedics onto crews in the North- • Signalled major changes to the Firearms aerial firefighting resources for Tasmania; $1.465 billion spending on health in • Have undertaken a major report Act in 2015, with increased penalties • Provided our Surf Life Saving Clubs with 13500 West; 13000 2014-15 (up five per cent on last year’s into drug services in the North- and mandatory imprisonment for a major funding boost; budget); West, and committed to acting on • Are delivering on our promise to 12500 possession of a stolen firearm; • Invested in eight new fixed speed recommendations as part of our rebuild reintroduce child and youth health 12000 • Are gradually increasing the number of • Passed legislation for tougher penalties cameras as part of our plan to save lives of essential services; nurses into schools, mid-2015, and; 11500 graduate nurse placements each year, for vandalism of war memorials; and reduce serious injuries on our roads; burnt Hectares providing an additional 85 placements; • Have ended the commercial use of • Have opened a new hybrid theatre • Commissioned the Sentencing Advisory • Commenced a significant upgrade of 11000 10500 • Have put the RHH redevelopment back solarium tanning units; at the Launceston General Hospital to Council to investigate alternative the Midland Highway, with six projects Labor’s last Liberal’s first on track, while adding a helipad, a safe • Are supportive of trials and the potential deliver better health outcomes. sentencing options for suspended designed for improved safety, including 5-year average half season

14 15 A hand up for Tasmania’s care for people living with autism • In partnership with Save the Children, most vulnerable invested in the expansion of youth justice diversion programs; The Hodgman Liberal Government • Supported Tasmanians affected by delivered on its pledge to help Tasmania’s sexual assault through additional most vulnerable, providing a record $235 investment into professional training million to the community sector in 2014- and expansion of after-hours services; 15. This funding has bolstered Tasmania’s support system and provided greater • Strengthened delivery of child and certainty in the Community Services youth services to families in the sector. We have also: North West through co-location of professional teams; • Commenced the development of a joined-up human services support • Developed a three strikes policy to system in partnership with the respond to anti-social behaviour in community sector; Housing Tasmania properties; • Appointed a Commissioner for • Funded a new parent advocacy • St Helens and St Marys district • Secured the future of school chaplains Children with a strengthened tenure service that provides families in the Creating a job-ready Child Protection system with better high schools, in partnership, in Tasmanian school communities; and role; access to advice and support; generation resulting in an increase of almost 30 per • Released a discussion paper on the • Continued to support the National cent in year 11-12 enrolments in these Disability Insurance Scheme, by • Invested additional funding to family The Hodgman Liberal Government is investing 20-year-old Education Act. The review schools, based on preliminary figures; increasing State Government funding support services including the new million to the community sector over a record $1.4 billion into education and canvasses all aspects of the legislation • Invested in new skills and training to $232 million at full rollout plus an Kentish Family Support Service and four years, to supplement the current training in 2014-15, with a minimum five per including compulsory starting and initiatives for young Tasmanians - the additional $2 million for those outside provision of emergency support levels of indexation; cent increase in the cash component of school leaving school ages; Whitelion Employment Preparation and the NDIS trial cohort; including respite care to families; resource packages for every public school, and • Committed to providing TasCOSS with Placement program, to support young • Supported TasTAFE to transition to a • Delivered on our promise of $1.7 • Committed to the National Plan to laying the foundations to create a job-ready extra funding to effectively measure people entering the workforce or return more competitive operating model; million to Neighbourhood Houses Reduce Violence Against Women generation. We have: outcomes; to study; and the Beacon Foundation • Commenced a Centre for Educational to continue supporting local and their Children and launched the • Appointed 25 new literacy and • Launched the inaugural Women and program, to prepare young people for Attainment in partnership with the communities; Second Action Plan, Moving Ahead numeracy specialists; Girls in Tasmania Report; work or further study; University of Tasmania to ensure an • Commenced the development of a 2013-2016; • Increased teacher assistant hours; • Finalised the transfer of 35 per cent • Established an autism-specific unit to evidence-based approach to improving 10 year State Affordable Housing • Committed to the purchase of land of Housing Tasmania properties to • Provided additional funding to extend be piloted at Lindisfarne North Primary Strategy; for a new youth residential and community housing organisations, six high schools to year 11 and 12 in educational outcomes in Tasmania; School (commencing Term 2, 2015); • Developed a new framework to training facility for the North West; and; rural and regional communities; • Fully funded the state’s contribution to • Partnered with the University of strengthen support for vulnerable • Reviewed and overhauled the • Launched a new Gambling • Scottsdale High School; Gonski over six years, and; Tasmania on the Bigger Things Project children and commenced Stage 1 of Homeshare and Streets Ahead Assistance Program, an accredited • Established an independent task force • Smithton High School; in a pilot between Huonville High and Out of Home Care reform; housing schemes; training resource to assist General • Huonville High and Dover District Hobart College for five years, to support to examine support for students living • Established the Autism Advisory Panel • Delivered on our promise of Practitioners in responding to patients High schools, in partnership, and; students, parents and teachers; with disabilities. to develop a Statewide continuum of additional operational funding of $9 presenting with gambling issues.

16 17 The next 365 days ... The following non-exhaustive list provides a snapshot of the Government’s planned achievements in the coming year.

Quarter 1 (15 March-30 June)

• Stage Two of Expressions of Interest to invest in our national parks and World Heritage areas commences • Premier’s Trade and Investment mission to China • Implement China Engagement Strategy • Determine International Shipping agreement with Swire Shipping • Finalise governance arrangements for the Royal Hobart Hospital redevelopment project • Release A Safer Midland Highway 10-year action plan • Deliver the Hodgman Liberal Government’s second Budget on May 28 • Launch the Tasmanian Energy Strategy • Release One State, One Health System, Better Outcomes White Paper • Release review into Mental Health Services to improve outcomes • Announce Round Two schools for Year 11 and 12 extension • Introduce new approach to career and life education for year 10 students – My Education • Introduce legislation to strengthen penalties for firearm offences • Tasmania Police recruit course graduation and new recruit course intake Quarter 2 (1 July - 30 September) • Appoint Infrastructure Tasmania Chief Executive Officer and announce forward work program • Implement 2015-16 Budget Initiatives Management Bills • Contract announcements for TT-Line refurbishment project • Introduce legislative changes to reduce red tape in the building • Introduce legislation resulting from Liquor Act Review • Complete public consultation for the new draft Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area Management Plan industry • Finalise MOU with Beacon Foundation to assist students to continue • Launch marketing strategy for Great Eastern Drive • Undertake major refurbishment project on Spirits of Tasmania education, training or become job-ready • Decision on Southern woodchip export option investigations • Launch Beer Tourism Strategy • Commence School Health Nurse program in schools • Merge three THOs into single, state-wide Tasmanian Health System • Release government response to the independent review of the • Finalise new events funding model (THS) education of students with disabilities • Release draft Statewide Planning Scheme Legislation for consultation • Implement changes and redesign services arising from the Health • Commence Stage 2 of Out of Home Care system reform • Introduce Director of Public Prosecution and Solicitor-General Act Amendment legislation White Paper • Ensure a job-ready workforce for the full roll-out of the NDIS • Legislate victims of crime representative on the Parole Board • Progress draft of Integrated Freight Strategy • Resource the development of 15-20 food cooperatives throughout • Implement reforms to improve the effectiveness of the response to • Introduce Criminal Conviction Levy legislation Tasmania family violence • Introduce Right to Appeal legislation on the basis of fresh and • Receive Legal Aid Commission Review report • Launch Affordable Housing Strategy, to drive innovation and supply compelling evidence • Release Women on Boards Strategy 2015-19 over the next decade • Receive final report from Office of the Anti-Discrimination • Reset our relationship with the Tasmanian Aboriginal community • Sentencing Advisory Council investigation into alternatives to Commissioner on expunging historic convictions for homosexual acts • Introduce legislation to streamline the process for dam works approval suspended sentences progress report delivered • Finalise Population Strategy • Announce tender opening for rollout of free Wi-Fi across the State • First tranche of legislation for the mandatory treatment of sex offenders • Second police recruit intake for 2015 • Continue partnership with University of Tasmania to establish a Centre for Educational Attainment • Commence Project Endeavour to acquire replacement police vessel • Receive legislative and governance review of the arts sector report • Initiate first Education programs for the Developing Our Workforce initiative • Introduce Charter of Budget Responsibility Bill and Financial • Introduce Statewide Planning Scheme

18 19 Quarter 4 (1 January - 14 March, 2016)

• Implement 2015-16 Budget Initiatives • Final consultation on penultimate draft of contemporary Education Act following review and extensive consultation • Commence rollout of Round Two schools for Year 11 and 12 extension • Continue implementation of the School Health Nurse program • Launch a new Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy • Prepare for demolition of ‘B Block’ and ‘B Fan’ as part of the Royal Hobart Hospital Quarter 3 (1 October-31 December) Redevelopment • New police vessel project completed • Implement 2015-16 Budget Initiatives • A Safer Midland Highway: commence Perth-Breadalbane highway • Release the State of Our Roads 2015 State • Following industry consultation, introduce to Parliament the duplication and further safety improvement projects Industrial Hemp Bill • Launch Macquarie Point EOI process Road audit • Commence the relocation of Mineral Resources Tasmania to Burnie • Commence the one year review of the police assault mandatory • Unveil draft 10-year Roads For Our Future plan • Release draft of integrated freight strategy for stakeholder and public sentence provisions consultation • Launch Tasmanian Climate Change Action Plan • Announce with Road Safety Advisory Council • Establish an independent process to review child death and serious • Complete Stage Two of the Three Capes Track the new 2016-2025 Tasmanian Road Safety injury • Install first free Wi-Fi locations Strategy plan • Introduce Commissioner for Children legislation • Release the Data Centre Action Strategy for Tasmania • Analysis of the Queensland safer distance trial • Call for expressions of interest from schools for Round Three of Years • Launch second round of EOI process for sensible development in our 11 and 12 extension wilderness areas (A Metre Matters) • Launch the refurbished TT-Line Spirits and expanded sailing schedule • Launch our Fair Share of Defence Spending Strategy • Sentencing Advisory Council investigation into • Sentencing Advisory Council to advise on mandatory sentences for • Develop a strategic plan to grow jobs and investment in the creative sex offenders sector alternatives to suspended sentences final report

20 21 Flashback: Why Tasmania needed a change of Government Your Tasmanian Liberal Team

Will Hodgman Michael Ferguson Leonie Hiscutt Shop 96, Channel Court Shopping Centre Level 1, 53 St John Street 36 King Edward Street Labor and the Greens left the Tasmanian economy and the Budget in a mess. Kingston 7050 Launceston 7250 Ulverstone 7315 Ph: 6165 7830 Ph: 6777 1032 Ph: 6429 8784 The economy had flat-lined, thousands of jobs had been lost, essential services erew [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] slashed, and business confidence was low. At the 2014 election, asmaniansT voted Dr decisively to change the Government and change their future. 43 Best Street 3/90 Clarence Street 80B Wilson Street Devonport 7310 Bellerive 7018 Burnie 7320 Ph: 6478 6050 Ph: 6212 2304 Ph: 6477 7538 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Elise Archer Matthew Groom 62 Main Road 237 Sandy Bay Road 27 South Arm Road Moonah 7009 Sandy Bay, 7005 Rokeby 7019 Ph: 6212 2210 Ph: 6165 7835 Ph: 6165 7825 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Australian , 29 November, 2013 The Examiner, 19 June 2011 Guy Barnett Joan Rylah 76 Emu Bay Road Ground Floor, 53 St John Street 65A Emmett Street The Examiner, Deloraine 7304 Launceston 7250 Smithton 7330 Ph: 6701 2170 Ph: 6777 1007 Ph: 6477 7536 13 December, 2013 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Adam Brooks Paul Harriss 80B Wilson Street Suite 7, 16 Main Street 10a Marlborough Street Burnie 7320 Huonville 7109 Longford 7301 Ph: 6477 7530 Ph: 6121 7020 Ph: 6324 2080 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ABC, 27 May 2013 Mercury, 29 November, 2013 53 St John Street 9 Gordon Street Launceston 7250 Sorell 7172 Ph: 6777 1013 Ph: 6265 6600 [email protected] [email protected]

Mercury, 16 February 2013

, 17 September, 2012 The Advocate

22 Authorised by Sam McQuestin, 2/24 Murray Street, Hobart 7000