Manifesto Program of the (new) Italian Communist Party March 2008 We dedicate this Manifesto Program to all the heroes of the first wave of the world proletarian revolution. Commissione Provvisoria del Comitato Centrale del (nuovo)Partito comunista italiano Web site: email:
[email protected] *** Delegazione: BP3 4, rue Lénine 93451 L’Île St Denis (Francia { XE “Francia” }) email:
[email protected] Manifesto Program of the (new) Italian Communist Party (Preliminary note: With the asterisk (*) we indicate that this Manifesto Program is using a category, a concept that in our conception has a precise meaning that the reader cannot understand by the current meaning of the terms. The Manifesto Program itself will explain below what this category or concept means) Introduction The world we are living in is shaken by heavy con- is the transformation the humanity has to carry out. vulsions from end to end. They are the convulsions of The bourgeoisie imposes to the popular masses so the old world dying and the new one rising. The old cruel and unbearable conditions that the struggle world splits in two, one part going to die and the other against it explodes in thousand ways. Where the com- going to give birth to the communist society, a new munists are not yet able to be their direction, other phase in humanity’s history. classes are doing it, with the limits and forms consis- The bourgeoisie took advantage of the period of tent with their nature. decay the organized and conscious communist move- However, in the struggle to face the devastating ef- ment (*) went through in the second half of the last fects of the contradictions of capitalism, made again century.