Cooperative Agreement F18AC00122: Inventory and Monitoring for Listed Plants and Pilot Study for the Restoration of Varronia rupicola at the Vieques National Wildlife Refuge Final Performance Report May, 2019 Erick N. Bermúdez-Carambot Wildlife Biologist CALLE FLAMBOYÁN 138 • VIEQUES, PR 00765 • 787.741.8850 • 787 741-2844 (fax)
[email protected] • Pilot study for the restoration of Varronia rupicola at the Vieques Wildlife Refuge and monitoring of other listed plant species present in Vieques Background The island of Vieques is small by US continental standards, yet, it exhibits species diversity and endemism. There are several and diverse habitats, which include some of the best examples of native flora in the archipelago of Puerto Rico; endemic, threatened and endangered plant species. The Vieques National Wildlife Refuge (VNWR) occupies approximately half of the island and borders two other protected areas. On the Eastern tract of the VNWR it borders the Vieques Bioluminescent Bay Natural Reserve (VBBNR), under the jurisdiction of the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (DNER) and co-managed by this Agnecy and the Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust (VCHT). On the Western tract it borders Cerro El Buey Nature Reserve, managed by Para La Naturaleza which is the land management branch of the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust (PRCT). Several listed species populations or individuals are believed to be found within these protected areas in Vieques: Varronia rupicola, Stahlia monosperma, Goetzea elegans, Eugenia woodburyana, Calyptranthes thomasiana and Scaevola plumieri. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) calls for re-establishing populations of ESA Spp. within protected areas, such as the Vieques NWR and the DNER Vieques Bioluminescent Bay Reserve.