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FEMA Utilities Programmatic Environmental Assessment Utility Repair, Replacement, and Realignment Commonwealth of Puerto Rico DR-4339-PR August 2020 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Region II Puerto Rico Joint Recovery Office 50 State Road 165 Guaynabo, PR 00968 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ ii APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... iv LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... iv ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... v 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 8 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED ............................................................................................................ 9 3.0 PROJECT LOCATION AND BACKGROUND ................................................................... 10 4.0 ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 Alternative 1: No Action Alternative ............................................................................................................ 11 4.2 Alternative 2: Repair, Replacement, and Upgrade of Utilities ..................................................................... 12 4.3 Alternative 3: Realignment or Relocation of Utilities ................................................................................... 15 4.4 Alternative 4: Combination of the Alternatives ............................................................................................ 17 5.0 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS ........................................... 18 5.1 GEOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND SOILS ................................................................................................................ 19 5.1.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 19 5.1.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 20 5.2 AIR QUALITY ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 5.2.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 23 5.2.2 Potential Impacts and proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 24 5.3 WATER QUALITY/WATER RESOURCES ............................................................................................................... 26 5.3.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 27 5.3.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 30 5.4 WETLANDS ........................................................................................................................................................ 32 5.4.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 32 5.4.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 33 5.5 FLOODPLAIN ...................................................................................................................................................... 34 5.5.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 35 5.5.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 35 5.6 COASTAL RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................................ 36 5.6.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 37 5.6.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 38 5.7 VEGETATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 5.7.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 39 5.7.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 40 5.8 WILDLIFE AND FISH............................................................................................................................................ 41 5.8.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 41 ii 5.8.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 42 5.9 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ........................................................................................................ 43 5.9.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................... 43 5.9.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation .............................................................................................. 46 5.10 CULTURAL RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................... 47 5.10.1 Historic (Standing) Structures ................................................................................................................. 48 5.10.2 Archaeological Resources ........................................................................................................................ 50 5.11 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE .............................................................................................................................. 52 5.11.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 53 5.11.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 55 5.12 LAND USE AND PLANNING............................................................................................................................... 56 5.12.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 56 5.12.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 57 5.13 NOISE .............................................................................................................................................................. 58 5.13.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 59 5.13.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 60 5.14 TRANSPORTATION .......................................................................................................................................... 60 5.14.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 61 5.14.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 61 5.15 PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 62 5.15.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 62 5.15.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 63 5.16 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ........................................................................................................................... 65 5.16.1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 65 5.16.2 Potential Impacts and Proposed Mitigation ............................................................................................ 66 5.17 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................
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