-'•..v;<>r.c.,'. ^.

mam piLGSt; PuEstt., FiMistit—A Hure cure Tuomey Bros.—Dry Ooods. Lognl. legal. m^ • •. found at. lost. No one need Hufror. A sur« cure for tlio Blind, Bloeding, Itching and OUTGAGE SALK.-W11EUEA9, DE- OItTOAGE SAt,K.-DEFAUl.T HAVING Ulcerating PI Ion lias boon discovorod by Dr. fuiilt has boon nnulo In the conditions of u been made In tho pnyinont of two hundred Thnnday, October 18, 1881. Wllllamii (an Indian romody) ciillcd Ur, WII- Mcorlnin laortgago dated the Iwonty.Devunili day Mand twuiity-nix dollurs and twenly-tlvo cunts, llAms' Indian Ointment. A single box lias of JIarcli, A. D. 1871), cxeciiled by Kllitii J. Hiultli now clalinud to bo due and unpaid upon a cortaiu and (Jailnta Sinitli his wife of Dansvillo, Ingham jnortgUKo, bearing dato thu Iwcntjr-lifth diiy or cured the worst clironlooososof 23andi!OyonrH County, Michigan, to Silas Holt of nunkorhlll, .lunu, 1B70, uxccuiud by 8iirah ,1. Normandin to 0XEM08. standing. No one need suffer Ave minutes tiiglinni County. Michigan, which naid niortgngu Issue iitow, and recorded In tho oillce.of the Keg- after applying this wonderlnl soothing medi­ was recorded In tliu otflco of the Huuistur of inter of Deeds for liiKhuiu County and State uf John Winn and wife were in town Oocds of thu County of Inghuni, In liber 49 of MichlKun, iu llhcr itfty-ono nf inortgaaos, on cine. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries morlgnces, on page iSJ, on the l»t day of Angimt, pages Wa and 4iU. and duly asslgnod by said Isnnc over Sunday. do more harm tlmn good. Williams' Oint­ A. D. 1S71», at 10 oVIock A. M.; «nd. whercnB, tlio dlowe to Maria E. lago, April 23d, lil81, and re­ Mrs. S. A. Brown lias soiieto San ment absorbs the tumors, allays the Intense amount citilmed to bu duo on rnihl mortgage at corded lu the Kegiulur's ot'lcu alorusuld, upon the Hccond day of August, lasi, lu liber Afty of VOL. XXIII.-NO. 43. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1881. WHOLE NO. 1189. Francisco, Cal., to spend the winter. Itching (particularly at night after getting 2 the date of this notice In tlio sum of 92:2.7(1, the snmo buliigS1.S2,7.') of principal and 440.01 inslnll- inortungus, on page tlircu biindrud and lifty; No Br. A. F. Ferguson is repniring Ills warm In bed), acts as a poultice, gives Instant munts uf Interentnn the said mortgage according suit or proceeding nt law bavins been inatltulod and pntnlcsn relief, and Is prepared only tor to the tcriii!) Iherenf; and the whole amount to recover any jiart thercol, and tUo jiower of house, and bufidlng a new horse bnrn. claimed to be unpaid on suid mortgage Is the sale thoroin contHlnod having become absolute M. W. Barnes went to Mason yester­ Piles, Itching of the private parts, and nothing sum of $.142.76, and nn unit or proceeding at law by virtno of the statutu* in such caso made and Wo want all subscribers to square up PERSONALS. Tho Stockbrldgo fair was a success, On motion, the street commissioner Amusements. else. -JUST OPENED AT- or in chancery having been hiHIliiited to recover provided; Notice Is liurohy KJven, that upon was instructed to notify all the proper­ day, to attend tlio incetiug of tlic the mnnoys nooarod by "aid niorlgage or any part Bnturdiiy, thu twelfth day of November nu.\t) tholr arrearages this fall. financially aud as an exhibition. All board of supervisors. Road what the Hon. J. M. Colllnberry, of thereof; Now, thororore, by virtue of the power nt onu o'clock In the iifiernoon, I vhall sell Ml Alderman May is in Illinois, visiting departments were well filled and in ty owners on the north side of Maple Cleveland, says about Dr. Williams' Indian of sale coiitaiuod in raid niortgngu and the stat­ public auction, to llio lili;liest bidder, nt thu front For a short time only trial subscribers friends. street, from A street to B street, to con­ Mrs. Hattie VanHurn of Holton, ute In HUch case made and provided, iiotlcu IH door of thu Ingham County Court llousu. In tho PnUMSHCD EVEIiY TlIUIIilUAY, BY arc being taken for The Echo,the week­ spite of tho wet weather tho crowd struct a paved gutter, according to wlio lias been visiting at lier mother's Pile Ointment: "I have used scores of pile T U O »i: EJ IfcT 15 R O ^., hurobr glTon that on 'rhnrnday, thu twenty.iiliith City of Mason, (said court hnusc being the place RArNiopeRAHom, cures, but It alTords me pleasure to sny that I day of Uccombur, A. U. 1881. at one o'clock In the whuru thu circuit court for said county is hold,) V. .T. TEFFT. ly edition of Tho Detroit Evening Prof. W. M. Pease and J. C. Berry was largo, being estimated at about profile now on file in the city clerk's tlie past two weelcs, will return homo have never found anything which gave such afternoon of nald day at the WCKI front door of so much of the land duscrlhod In said inortsage have gone to Stanton to assist in a 4,000. Tho receipts were $1,000, which oflice, within ten days from said notice. Co-morruw. the );ourt lloiisu In the City of Mason, In the as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due, News, ut nominal rates. Any one can Sealed proposals for bids for Elm FRIDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER 21. Immediate and. permanent relief as Dr. Wil­ HANDSOMEST OF THE SEASON. County of Ingham and Slate of Michigan (that and all legal costs, together with an attorney foe On* yaar, tl.SO ; six tnonihi, 75 eanli; thrs* have a copy three months for tho tri­ concert. will pay all expenses and leave a sur­ liams' Indian Ointment." For sale by nil being the place for holding the Circuit Court for of thirty di.llars covunantod for thcrulu, Tho monihi, 40 oenli—in advtnet. street grade were presented. On mo­ ONE NIQHT ONLY. KINNIEVILLE. drugpclsts, or mailed on receipt of price, 91.00, the County of Ingham), I shall sell at public land unibrncud In said niortgagu Is Ihu north half lling sum often cents. Nothing cheap­ Geo. W. Brewer is at tho Chicago plus to add to their already handsome tion of Aid. Brown, the same were of thu Houthwuttqmrturuf suctlou one,In town­ J AS. E. DAVIS &CO., Wholesale Druggists, auction to the highest bidder the premises de­ AOVERTISINQ RATES. er in the way of a newspaper was ever exposition this week to return .next nest egg. On Thursday, in tho free laid on the table. Oool and frosty. scribed In said mortgage, which said premliies ship two iiorlli ol raiigo two cast, In Iiiisham Onrttdvertlaini; rates made known ntonloo. Detroit, Mich., Agents. are deicrlbed as follows: All that certiiia piece County, Stale of Mlchiuan. BualnosN cards $1 a lino per year. known. Monday. for all, some baudsonio trotting was Tho following claims were presented BOSTON MAL COHFAHT. Mrs. Stetlcris quite sick at present. or parcel of land situate In the Township of Ing­ and referred to the finance committee: diving tho finest rendition of Mrs. Beoohcr A word to the wise is sullicleiit. Xow is the best time to lay in your ham, In the County of inglinm and Statu of Mich­ Mason, August lid, IS,SI, Business locals tivo cents per line each and In class ouo at the county fair, G. P. Miss Cora True returned last Tues­ soon, as six fine horses started in tho Stowo's great immortal work orar wl^ Mrs. Libblo WJlkinson is visiting Why coniulnin timt you are billons, or of Indl- igan, and duscrlbud ns follows, to wit: Cum- .MAlilA E. lAGO, AHMlgnco. every Insertion. .\. .T. Tallman, to U nights' watcli 817 60 nossed on any stage, gOKtIou, sick liimdiicha or norvonn dotllity, whan Winter supply of mencliig at a point thirteen (III) rods north nnd I.UCIKN liKKii, Attorney for Aaslgnet. SlwlH Marringo, birth, and death notices Itee. Lindsay of AIaiedon,tookflrst premium day evening, from a four weeks'visit race. II. Dresser, to 3>j days' labor aeif and relatives in Chicago. giio box of Or. KuKXOTT'a I'lllii will citru you. tun flO) rods west of the soiitheaHt corner of tlio Obllnnry notices, rcsolntionH nf respect, • • • team 8 7S Onondaga township has raised be­ iiorlliwust quarter of thu northeast quarter uf cards ortunnks, etc, live cents a lino. for brood mare with foal. In classs!.\,j. to Detroit. Philip Nice, to iy. days' labor, man and UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, STATE 01' BAKIUS riJATT, DEC'E.\S. Tlio Ulpiitlieria. team '. ! lI 25 tween four and five hundred dollars in section niinibcr twenty-two (22) In toivnshli) Gil, Stutu of Miclilfjiin. county of Ing­ D. Lindsay took 2d promlum for pair ArtliurCarn and wife of Cheboygan, with all Its magnificent Tableau and Scenic money, provisions and clothing, for FOR SAZ.B. number two north of range number one oast, Eham, KH. At a BUKitlou of thu proliato court THE NEWS JOB ROOM James Kelly, to S?i days labor, self and Elt'eots. The Incomparable thence running west tire (5) rods, thence south fur siilil county, hold at the pruhatc olllcc, of working oxen Ave j'cars old. Tlieso who are well known hereabouts have There have been in all about 40 team , e 87 the Are suiFerers. I have a number of Spanish Merino nuclcs, eight (SI rods, thence east live (5) rods, tlieiice 111 tho city of >lii8on, oil tho aith diiy of IH snppliod with the best iniiclilnery that cases of dli)htheria in and about the John Kelly, to 2ji days' labor, self and from one to tliroo years old, of Pure nioor»llt»bIo Orohnnl—Kew Wire Fence, yourselves and children, than run the risk of paying fifty-two adjoining. Wo hope to be able to in­ G, ti. Barnaby, paid N, Mitchell, shovel­ In tho world. VomonulH. 2.Sth day of November, lail.iit one o'clock In the Iiul>ll»hed ill TiiK iNniiAM COUNTY NKWH, a prices before placing their orders. all tho wheat to be sent forward in one E. F. Meach and W. H. Morse in the ling.. :.:. : 175 O r\ Supported by tho Boston Ideal C)f\ by waiting until you are sick. We liave a full line afternoon, at tho front door of the Court House, iieWH)>ii|ier tiriiitcd iiiiil circiiluted in uald county form our readers next week that the Mrs. O. B. Leningwell is quite 111. in the City of Mason, In said County, all the of lii|;liiiiii.fiir tlirco ituccc'slvo wcckH previous to •WB atfAU-tSTEE PKIIPECT SATISKACTION, shipment. * , Big Rapids band. Probably neither G. L. Barnaby, paid Dopew 31 NASHVIIJIJE UNIVEBSITY STUDENTSJ Wiieat looks splendid for the time of Ladies', Gent's and Children's right, title nnd interest of .Mvron .Morton and iiiiid uny of Ijcarlii^j Olip. 1'. ail,l..^,M, of tho gentlemen will move to that cases are very few. One of tho six On motion council adjourned for H. G. RANSOM, Delos Morton, minors, in and lo certalu real es­ (A true co|iy) 85w:t Judge of I'ruhuto. The benefit of competing lines of one week, at 7.} o'clock. MABK'S D0NEE7, of year. tate in said County, described us ilie undivided NEWS NOTES. city. deaths is thought by some of tho phy­ —AND A— Iwo-Ilfllis of the south west fractloiial niiurter pSTATIi railroad is illustrated by tho following sicians not to have resulted from dlph- W."*!. M. VANVBANKEN, Husking corn hits fiUrly begun in KK Ml anil 143 Haiii St., and the south nest quarter of the south east OV l.UC'INDA ICEEhEll, BE. Mrs. L. Brosseaii of Charlotte, and PJICK OF SIBERIAN BLOODHOUNDS. this vicinity. i quarter of section si.'C (U) la tiiwu two (2) north of :lHCtl. State nr.Micliii;nu,ciiiintyufIii|,'hani, iTIlAVELERS' GUIDE. tran.saction : A "buggy" dealer wish­ theriiV, but from other disease. Sciiool City Clerk. JAOKSU.X. ll.tN IIIH XKW UDderwear and Woolen Hose at Prices range two (2) west, (Aurelius), Ingliani Co., Mich. HH. At n r^eMHion of the proliate court for the coun­ ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. ty of Iiitthiim. hiililen at tho prolmtu olllcc, In tho Mrs. Geo. Brasseau of Grand Rapids, Beaerved Neata, an and SO CEBTTS. G. W. Wilson's new barn is receiv­ MELVIN l,.1lAII,V. J., I.. A H, i>lvlnlaii M. t;. Knllroail. ed to get a car-Ioatl of veli Icles to Mason, will be closed for a week or two longer. _ EB^Seats now on sale ot Williams's Drug ing a coat of paint. Guardian of said Minors. city of MuKoii,ou tliu;.'tth day of Scplciulier.lii tho mother and sister of Jlrs. C. were vis­ Store. m Spring- Stoclt that will suit all. Dated October lOtli, ISSl. issw7 year mm thouuiud eli;ht hniidredand eighty-one. Trains leave Mason as follows, by Cliicago where there Is no railroad competition. BUSINESS LOCALS. Joseph Lake returned from Xcw i I'le.ient, ('I'o. K. (iilluin. Judge of probate. time, which Is sovonteon minutes slower tlmn iting Mr, and Mrs, W. L, Clark this B USINESS LOCALS. _ Ill the mutter of tho cHlato of Luclndn Keoler, Ma-son time. Through tlcUot.s cast or west He sent those buggies over tlie .1. L. Horse Stealing lu Alaioiloii. JVolicea iimler lltia heaa will be innerled at the • York last Saturday. for sale by M. .T. MiiiTuy, ticket agent. week. rate u/five cenlnper line, eachinaertion, No no­ OMMISSIONKHS' NOTICE.— THE UN- deceii.'^eil. & S. tlirough Mason to Lansing, tlion tice inncrted/or leas than twoUyflue cents. never Come to Sfaaon Mrs. .T. Nichols goes to Jackson fa C derslgned having been apiiolnted bv the On reiidiiig and lllliit,' thu petition.duly verlflod, GOING NOllTir. GOING SOUTH, E. S. Clark, father of L. Frank Last Thursday night, between ten county this week to vi.sit relatives. FURNITURE -We have an Klegant Idne of- I'robale Court fur ihu Coiinlv of Iiighum.'com­ of Enlieit Ji. Keoler pruylUK that adininlHtratian Mail 8:03 a.m. Jfiill liWlp.m, hired them drawn back to Mason by Without calling to see what Ford has toshow missioners on tho estate of Geo. W. .Slnifur. de. of said c.«tate uiay lie granted to the petitioner or Express Ti;\» p.m. Express 10:10 a.m. Clark of this city hasjus* returned from o'clock antl morning, horse thieves Shoulders, 7c. per pound, at you In his 5 i 10 cent bazaar. New goods ar­ ceased, to settle aud adjust nil claims against HOIllu other i{llittil>le perKoii. Way froldit.. ,S:0.5p.in. teams, and saved §10 by the transac­ Mrs. B. .T. Bulleii passed la.st week At Wliolu»alu mid Kutiill. Way freight.. OtiW a.m. took a span of liorses belonging to Col. A. IJ. 'VANDKUCOOK'S. riving dally. 87tf , in Lenawee county, among relatives. said estate, do hereby give iiolicu that Iliev will 'I'liereuiiDU 11 l* ordered, that tho 2llh day of Thro' fr'glit.. a:05 p.m. Jnck.son ft TtlSp.m. tion.—Kepubllcan. a trip to Central Illiiio i. He showed tiiill nnd Look at (lie Kcw .HlylcH. meet fca-iliat (lurpose at the oUlcu of Ge'o. W. Octoher \\v\\>t at ten o'clock in the forenoon, Burgess of Alaledon, harnessed them, Tokeoritxeu for Sale. '• Uncle .Tohn Vroman of Petoskey, Is l)rl.-,tol, in I he i;ily of Mason, .Mich., on the 12ili be asi^igiied lor thu heariiii; of aaid petition, Last Friday dipt. Cheney received us fine samples of f le agricultural Ijoak Koro. Paisley, Wool and Beaver Shawls day of November. 1S.S1, and on the 4th day of and that the huli'H at law of naid deccaciud, and New A«lvcrtlMciiiciit» Thi» Week. drove across the road to John Kibby's .•S.1I ncoounts duo me must be paid by Nov, Agood work team. Inquire of welcomed back to tills vicinity again. •aUiIXIJ([HIl.< products of that rcgiof, One sweet po­ April, 1HS2, at 10 o'clock in die forenoon of said all other itersoiiii iiitere»ted in find cintate aru re- orders to hold Co. IC in readiness to barn, hitched the team toKibb'ys two- 1st, as I tnu.sl liavo tlie money. MINOS MoBoBERT, D. B. .Tennings realizes an Income days. Si.v montlis from the 4tli dav of October, riiiireil toa]>|iear at a HUHHion ofritiid court, then to Hoston Iilciil Company. proceed to Muskegon to aid in repress­ tato measured 2,S{ by Hi Inches, of S175 from liis orchard, coutaliiiiig 'fwKNTV yuiir,* of cDiisttnitly iiicrtjiisinj' n.^c have —all Prices. Cloaks, Dolmans, A. D. ISSl. is the time liiiiiicd for the pre.seuia- 1)0 lioldeii at the |irohaiu olllce, in tho city of Ilnrdware-T. Uoirmnn, Dansvillo. seated buggy, put in the bufliilo robe Sutf. J. C. SruvES. Bond O. W. Glynn's "nd" In another ool. cstnlillaliiiif II ru|iumtkpn for Dr. KEH.MOTT'H Piil- tloM of claims. GUO. W. URIS'I'OIJ, Miisou, iiiid HiiDw cause, if any there he, why tho ing tlie riot which tho striking lum­ two acres of ground, this season. Iiniyer of the luititioiier Hliouid not bu granted; Hops iiiul Mulllliltcrs—Goo.P.Ilowoll ,t Co. and drove west. Who the scoundrels Furniture umn—"To the traveling public," jnonii."}'Ilali#uiii,i*ueoiid tone other Cou;;li Syrup. .1. K. EIJMEU, And it is I'lirtliur ordured, tliut said nutitloncr Carrlagos—L. Kriink Clark. bermen were reported to have started The new wire fence recently erected Circulars and Jackets. ^ Coiniiilssluners. OENEKAL COUNTV NEWS. were and wnoro they went is not yet Cheaper than ever at 89lf. UUNTLEV'S. We Want to Uny For Caali, Dated Oct. lOth, 1.S,S1. s.S\v4 give iiniicu lo llio persons iiiterostud in said o»- Guardian's Sale—T. W. Whitney. byC. S. Wilson, at the front of his 3leiit Market. titto of ttiu poiiduncy of sniil petillon, and the there. The riot proved to have exist­ known. Justlco Hammond i.s.sucd a «l(l,00O To I.onii. 9«,000 Wood, Logs nnd Lnmber. Any person having farm, gives It a decidedly improved huariii^' thereof by cuuslii'.ra coiiyof this order to New IliiHiiieNM LociilN. ed only in thecxcited brain of thcsher- Mi.ss Olive .Toy tetiches tho Leek Ash, Cherry, or Walnut, logs or lumber, will i:>KP01tT ni.' TJIK CONIUTION OV TlIK lie luihlishcd 111 the INHIIAM COUSTV NKWS, warrant for them on Friday, and I. H. Al 7 per cent, straight. Nobonns. In sums appearance. Charley labors for im­ J.V l-'lr.st Xalldiml liaiik, al. .'Mii.son, In iliu scIiool in Alaledon. do well to see us. Wood contrnoted for future a iiews|ta]ier ])rintcd and circiiliitetl in .said county Furnlluro—W. H. Huntley. i/r of Muskegon Co., who telegraplied of|2u0and iipward.H, on farm property only. provement. PAIIaAGi; .Slate of .Mli-higaii, at llio clu.su uf Iju.siiiess, ol' lajthMiii, fur llireu successive weeks prurions Vandorcook and Mr. Burgess started Two weeks notice reriiilred. Apply immedi­ delivery, Oflice »t N. A, Dnnning's store, or Outolicrl, IfiSl. to saiil liav of tieuring. Card of Tliatik.s-\V. W. Uowe, foraitt, aiidthe military men of Mtisoii I.saac Swan and wife of Whciitlleld, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW LINK DRESS in pursuit, leaving word that they ately at jVbstracl otlioo. SEY.MOUK FO.STEII. KRBIJKH & BUNNINO'S. DANSriLLE. liiKOUiiCia. (A true copy.) GEO. !•'. GIM.AM, Groceries—A. I.. Vnndcreook. are ea.sy again. .Strikes are always to have returned fi'oni their visit in west­ would return ,Saturday night if no GOODS AT 9c. COME IN AND SEE Loans and discount.i Sl)0,271 .fl .''IJw.'f Jiid^e of I'riiliato. Look Here-.!. C. Steves. Mason, Oct. 18, ISSl. 8Stf PeuslouM t PonKtons! Overilnilts SII7 77 be discouraged, as tlioy are often at­ ern N. Y. Ilotii'luir From iluMinPNH—MiiMlcal Ka- trace of the property was obtained. Teas, 'Si, ia, 10, SO, liO and 75 cents, at I Hin proparsd to proaecute pensions and Meat Market! THEM. NO TROUBLE TO I'. .S. Ilimils to si'ciiru elriniliillciii .'yi.OOil 110 DMlNISTUATOIt'.S SAMJ.-CY VIHTUE tended by most serious outbreaks, •Swan and Remington's mill boituty claims. Now is tho tlino to apply. Foa- torlatniiiciit, Ktc. Do not sell your Winter Applets till Tliey liave not returned yet.' AVord A. 1A, VAltnEIlCOOK'S. Diiulnini a|)|irovi'(l rc.sorveagc'iit.s.. Il.l.s:! .',1 or a license, lu nie liraiilcid. .on Ihc lUth day and aro nearly always disastrous in Mrs. IJ, Sawens Is getthig bettor. Due I'niiii oilier .N'atloiiui liiiiiU.-i l,'i,7.'ill ll.'i olSupleiiilierA , IS.S1, liy Oeiiri,'!! F. Gilhim,Judge you^GC HUNT & BLLm. in WlioatHold can make 120 barrels of has 1)0011 received that tho team passed sloiis iucreasod. Apply at fixpress Olllco, :Ma9on, SHOW GOODS. Iteakistali',riinilliin'..-uiil li.Nliin'S... •i;.-m no iil'|iriiliiiie ol'the couuly of iiighaiii. and slate of their consequences to the strikers; (^Il.OUtt.OU tw ItnlNO. Silch. 78tf H. WUITELT. 4 The band recently purchased a very Current(.•.xiii.'iisesaiKi In.Nos palil 1,212 110 elder 111 a day. through St. Louis. Tho team, buggy, .'\liclilguii. I shall sell at iiulillu uiiclliiu, on the but in this case the men seem to bo All notes and accounts duo, must be paid showy uniform. Cliocks anil other casli llciiis 220 4n .'nil day III Ndveiuher. iS.'^i. at one o'cliich in tho W. M. C'liiio'.s .son. Otto, died tliifs C. H. James of Ingham, is going to harness and robe are valued at 51400. by November llr.l»M Wniiled, A. P. 'VJVN DKITSEK, Hnvhif! bceoiiio Miormiu'lilv (.'niivlmii^il tlint l.ogiil Ii'iider iiiiti's (i.js-f IIO liiwiuu liiiiil, to wit: The south east iiiiarter of through the city in one train one duy Darrow Block. 71tt Mason. Mr.-i. iSoutlnvard for .^SOo. the "pay a.s ymi jio" sysi.uni i.s ilie niily II'KHI- Keileiiiiuloii liiml wllli L'. .s. Ireii.'-- tile iinrili east ijiiarier of section ten (Il)i iu town John Travor of Whoatflold, teaches Although tho weatlier was disagree­ For which I will pay the lilgliost moi'kot TUOMEY BROS., iirer (•'iiiereuiil. iirolrciilalliin) 2,2."i0 00 two CJI iioMlii <.|' niiiiie iwo (:;) east (White Oak) inato wa.v of ilnlii.ur liiishiuss, I .slmll duso niv last wuL'lt. price. I am also prepared to do custom work llt*ney to I.oaH, Fought Glynn and wife of South Ly­ bnok.son lliu tlr.st. day oi'.Soptoiiiliui', 1S.S0, anil ill saiii criiiialv of liiL'liuni. The success of The Detroit Evening again at White Dog coriicrsand is now able liist night, a good sized and appre­ Total i202,7ll'.i 01 In cider and apple Jelly. ons, are visiting in town. ul'tor that (Into do a CIIAIII.ES A. II.VYKEIJ, Tlie live cent intornationiil jio.stago News litis been most wonderful. Prior attending schoool at Mtison. by the Real Hlitato Agent,' JOHN DCTNSBACK. I.IAIllt,ITJi:.S. ciative uudionco as.seiiibled at Dellin- llSSwSp. S^S. DKWEV. Mr. J. R. McKnlght lias been giving Opposite.Court House, OivdlJLSOISr, IMIIOia:: Adiiiiiii.stralorof the estatu of Jose|)li lirinln- .stamp will contain tho likene.'j.s of to its establishment no Detroit daily Money to Loan Caiillal .stixd; |iakl in $^-.0,Oi;0 1)0 siiMil. (it'ceiiHed Win. Vundei'hoof and Mr. Kanney ger's Opera House to witness this Golden .Syrup tlmt is warranted pure nt his house a general repairing. Surplus fund Daied tiu|it. u'Oih, 1.SS1. llSow" On long tlme^ C. H. SACKKIDEB. . Strictly Cash Business! President Garliold. had ever had a regular issue of over and wife of Ingham, have returned familiar play produced by tho Boston A. L. VAKUEUCOOK'S. N. S. Adams and family moved into Undls'liled |iriillt.s T'I';ISUS 10 Oaiiiion & l)ii IJois.—Hardware. Nalloiiiil liaiik nntos (iiit.stmuling... •1.0,1)00 llO Many are .sorry tliuy sowed their "),0110 copies. The founder of Tlic News Ideal Company. Tlio ])erforinance Iludmon Oc Heed. Boat Eatalo Agents. Mrs. Moroy'.s iiouso last week. Ami. a.s I shall liavo no poor accnunt.s, can r\itAiN co:ii.MitisiONKii'.s NOTICE.— from visiting In Now York state. #11,000.00 l» Knine. Diviileiids iiuiniid .|,7'il 00 .1.7 Niiitee is lieruliy u'tveii thai I will sell or hoped to gain 10,000 suliserlbors, but Mason, Mich. osti; iill'oril toKlvo my ciistoniors ilio ben- JlHllvidll;llilei)i)sil.ssilljJi.'cMiieliei-l: ;is,(io,-i 20 wheat so early a.s it is gettliiK too much Wiis better than any previous presenta­ AH notes and accounts due must be paid B. L. Biiyton who ha.s boon .sick cllt Ijy nialilii;,' a iiM liy contniet, in siihdlvlsioii.s lo the lowest The AVilliamston Enterprise says witli typhoid is able to bo out again. Deniiuul eortillcate.s uf Ui'iiosit .•12, i,-i; 21 bidilur, the digging and coiisinietiiiK of tlie Her- growth, and the Hessian liy is at deemed it would be a work of some tion the play lias had in Batavia, and by Novombor tlrst, as wo must have the Farm For Sale. roll Creelc enmity ditch, loeated iiii seetloiLS ilvu tliat the linr.se wliicli Frank Higgins 00 acres. Inquire of J. L. FUHEB. M. A. Carjionter has been home for Best Loin fitcak l.'Sc 'J'ollll i-2U2,7il» 111 work. years. Notwithstanding, tlie paper the freedom in wliicli tho audionco ap­ money. WEIIH & JIEAD, (.'0 ami ei;;lii ^^) in Alaiodoii. and sfctioim twuii- Wiis charged with stealing from .Sarali SSwa Clothiers. the past ten days on account of sick­ I'ork ISc Hliltf f>/Mirhiijdii, Ciilinf,'/ f'/.Ini/lt'llii .v...' ly (u'lJj, tweiily-iiiue (HI)), and tlilriy.iwo (.'K), in C. A. Holden's child, whieli w.ts so closed Its first year with a circiilation plauded Indicated tliat it gave satisftic- Barber Shop. ness. SlionUIorSlciiUs luul Una.sl.s.. I lie I, lliMiry r.. IIoiiiiei'SiHi, Cit.-Oili'r (ii'lhpiibuve Ilie township 0, ^leriiliaii, IIILJIIIIIU coiiiitv, ' Jane Normaiidin, is dead. Neyinnnr i'oNlcr Henry Reed in Hickman's shop, over H. M, iiaiiieil liniik, liii .sidi-iiiiiiy xWi'iir Hint tUr .MIeli.. at Hie liiiiisc of 0. A, lloshiiis, in said badly scalded last week, is improving, of 12,000. .-Vt throe years it had reach­ tion. Tlie troupe contains many artists .Slewln',' I'loco.s 0@7c IiMviisIiip of Mei-idiaii, on Hie *J7lli day of Octo­ The .Vbstract man. Invs this (Thursdiiy) morn­ Williams', will greet all of his old customers. I'rof. L. 0. Batoiiian i.s giving a iiliiivi' siiiii'iiieni I.s iniu lo Ilie l.icsl ol my ed 17,000, and 20,000 copies was tlien The draw bar of one of tlie cars of of uncommon merit, foremost among ing completed arrangements wlieroby lie can coui'.sc of locliires at tlic Baptist church kiiuwk'ilyeiiml lii'llef. ber. A. 1). l.S.Si, al 1(1 o'cloek in Hie foreniioii. and now seems to lie in a fair way to Anil Evci'.vtiiing I^lso in Notice is also given Hint I will lie at the liniise put atthe limit of po.sslbilitles. But an"exti'a" freight train, drew out them being Miss Blanche Slader, who loan n few thousand dollars itt 7 per cent, atoncy to Ijoaii this week. V •oiiorl ion. llK.NUV I.. irK.NIlKli.SdN-, fj;l.«liier. recover. On real estate at the olMce of J. M. Dresser, .'iuliscrihrtl 1111(1 swiini to ln-roru me llil.s SIli (if CI. A. Iloskirs, ill said townsliiii of .Merldiiin, 20,000 was reached and passed in the last Moiidfiy iiiglit, wlion about two took the part of. Topsy. The lady ren­ straliilit. -Viiiily early. SStf W. W. Heald sold lii.s lioii.so and lot day of OetobiT, l.-ifil. (•II the lilHi day of Oetolier, A. I). lt!.SI, al IU Tho wet wcatlier and tho almost im- over Lowe, Smead & Co.'s bank. Dotf o'clock III Hie rorellooll. to review my asse.^s- fall of 187S, since which period tho miles this side of Liinsing, tlirowing dered her part admirably, nnd was Some more of that good 2?e. Tea, al to G. W. Glynn for .?SOr). Ho moved JI. S. FlIM.KIi, nuiiit and apiioi'lioiiiiieiil of llio worl! of said pa.ssal.ile roatLs have made our usually Soalea! ScaloM! For Fonllr.v nml Annie, .Siiiccil ^'llllll•v I'liiiiii-. A. IJ. VANDKISCOOK'S. into it Monday. niitl CDuaty ditch. growth has heoti steady and constant, two Hat cars iicrass tho track and de­ loudly applauded. Little Pan.sy as 1 Iiavo taken tho agency for tho BulTalo Correct—.\ I tosl. Hated Hie 1st day of Oclolier, A. IJ, ISSl. lively city ilullor tlian its wont for the .^—^j PrcNNCd Ilccf. <'«!! at Sly Doyou want iiiiy'.' (.'til! iiiul oxiiinlny until to-day it e.\-ceedi 33,000 copies laying tliu express south four hours Eva, f<«' a child so young, acted hor Scales, and will fkirnlsh any size Scale at man­ .Tool Dennis and fiiiiiily have gone (.•JIAS. II. .SAI'KUlliKK,) •Srw.'l. ."^I. A. IlllAV. 'I'M TcnclierH, Sfni'kcl. our Stiii'lc of -M. .MoUOIlKifr. -DlnH'Inr.-. 'J'owiislilp Drain Coninilssloner of .Meridian. ii'-- l)ast week. ufacturer's Price. Farmer's platform scalca lo Hoojieston, 111. They intoiul to per day—a circulation sui'pa.s.sod by iind 20 minutes. part witli a spirit and aptness tliat was Ptibllo examinations-wlir bo held this fall make it their future liomu. JOir.N' -M. IIKK-^.SIOI!, J always on hand. o. E. EATON. ,1.S'J'ATE 01'' I.HMUUr. JlOltKV, DKCEAS- Some much needed work is being but few daily newspaiicrs in the United Tlie union scliool of Dansville, pa.s.s- irresistibly charming. Yankee ns tho asfollows: Miison,Oct.'-'3; Wllllamston,Nov. C'ha.s. MclCniglit was homo last J^]-^ d. State of ."\liclii;,'au, county iif lugliiiin, done in the graveling of Jltiin street. Quaker .tnd Gumption Cute, the Ytiii- 2; Dansvillo, Nov. 9; Ijesllo, Nov. Ill; com­ Saturday. He returned U> iOa.st Sagi­ It Is my iiliii to innkn tlui I'alaeo Mott .Mnr- Heavy and Slielf HARDWABE i"S. At. a session of the iirobato'cnurt lor liie States. And all this litis been won by ed very eulogistic resolutions in the IManon and OrK»nii. kol or Mii.soii I'ljiial lo any In Cciitnil Mich­ county of In'.'liain.holdeii at Hie iirobiiie olllce, in Now if some more of the gutters could, kee, has arrived at a degree of perfec­ mencing all) A. M. each day. Toacliors will We shall sell more pianos and organs this naw where ho intends to .stay. _ younroamnn 7lf you sheer merit alone. death of Fred Avery, who wtis held In bring penolls niul paper. Wo hope all per­ igan. —Full iLSfoi'tiuunt ol'— orinlsiiiess.wcaU- ' mini or Ii'i- the oily uf.Mason, on tlie .Sili day of Wepleni- only bu paved. tion in his part, as lias Mr. Fnmk D, year tlmn over before, for we are determined Prof. J. W. Lorangcr a.ssi.stcd Ijytlie onuil by the strain of tiT.

maintaining the faith in'their own pow- MICHI6A> >'EWS. evenly and vitk less exertion than here­ could not ha\e resisted the pressure if tofore ; and the luvontion cousiatB, juiu ors which jopables them to continue writ­ lowcied into tho vidley, aud tbe ingen­ |n$l)nm Otoittttti Itf;iw0,; DiPHTiiERiA is spreading;in.Zilwau- oipally, of a half having a flexible tube ious sailois realized handsome lortunes-, JHTeraon, will •ppear iw Bob Acres, in "The yentioD,' at Omaha, npminatod W. H, Monger ing for over forty years as Harrison Ains- kee. or smaller portio'i connected to a sec­ the Mayor thatany assemblage would bo sup­ The resolntiou ot', Mr. Itamar relative to the' IHASUiV, ini€III».«IV. out of tho laud that had beea hitherto- HUMORS OF THE DAT. worth, who still goes on "dropping tional metal distributor, which is pro­ BhaU*; J fbr.^upreme Court. Jiidgp, and Alex. Boar and' pressed. . Crowds gathered ontsldo of town and inter-lifceauicosnal'was ado[.tel on the .11th,' MANOELONA,'Antrim county, is to have WOttblcBB, ^. ,,|,j| I-,,.;/ 8. L. Brass (or Begonti of the University, and soon bronglit onaoinflict. The troops cliar{;ed swords land daggers" like Sheridan's a broom-handle factory. ,• ' w , vided with n' vnlyo and adapted to be as was the resolution offered ,by Mr. Edmunds, NBWS to bo found in every city—nve- • THURSDAY, OCTOBEK '20, 1881. swung from side to sido for ..throwing How to Bn Beautiful.If: : ") adopted a platform :.deelarUig for free-trade, several times, ^nd finally drove the people KAL.VMAZ00 has n greater wheat acre­ ;;«:Oapt.;B. H. Biddieberger, the Xleod- directinoi tlie .Judiciary Committee tO' inquire nueBil. beef eati^rs, even to this day, aud iiuds and Hcattorhig the grain, tho supply of Most people would like' to be hiind-' -—-^-T-^——-t- •li^• :•' ,:', ; honest monqy and ccbhomiosl' administration^ through Georgo street. The police in Den­ whetlii^r, tf 10 procoednigs for the extrudition of age this fall tlian ever before. 'jniter, nad OongrMtman George D. Wisc,'hsd multitudes of admirers whoj cliiiglo the grain from the bag being regulated by Bome, All cannot have good features— THUKSDAY, OOTOBER.20, ISSJ., and against the higb-UconsO' law. mark street fired on the mob. Many houses yinoouzd'Hebollo'have been proper and ill ae- THK' blind is never guilty of making .» duel' about ten'milea from Biobmond, Ts. ciordanee with law. The l-esolution offered by tho remark, " I will see you to-morrow !" THE State.ot Now york.haa had three genuine;old romance as a relief from the THE salt well at Clioboygau is now moans of the valve. they are as God made them;;.but.ajmost Four sbota were exchanged without aither of It is positively stated in tho chib- were wrecked, several persons wounded, and Mr. Sherman, calling on . tho Secretary down over live hiindrei'l feet.' THE lidvanco ory of civilisiation is Presidents, Martin 'Vau Biireu, Millard tea ond shrimps, the muilhis ami crum­ any one can look well, especially .with the combatants being biirt. Mutual explana­ houscs of New York that President Arthur in­ twentj arrests inade. Theolub-hoiiso was sub­ of the 'I'reasury for tho report of good health. It is hord to give rides in J. T. Jfoline, was laid over ono day. " more light! " And tho woodman's as. Pillmoro and Gen. Arthur, aud each of THE Northeastern fan- at East Sagi- Waxliiff the Dirt In. tions followed, and the "honab" of eaeh of tended to appoifit Itoscoe Coukliug Secretary sequently attacked, tho windows smashed, and pets, used so freely by Iiiokens, and iiaAv is claimed to have been a grand a very short'.space, but in'brief those NEWS OF THE WEEK. the Prchident sent in tho following uoniina blazes away. them ttrst served as Vice President, the combatanta was aatisfied. Another duel of the Treasury, and that the visit of tho latter tho ctreet-la nips extinguished. In Dublin a mob tions: Capl. ,Ioh:i G. Walker, Iowa, Chief of abused so cruelly by bis imitators. The success. Paris is a clean city outside. They will do; attacked a Congregational Church and de­ "•Way men is what staggers us," will scrub a stone bridge. Have seen DOMESTIC IMTSZXIOEirOB. between Biddleberger and a Itichmond jour­ to Washington was to effect a change of plans. the llnrnau of Navigation of tho Haw Depart­ perseverance and courage with which Keep clean—wash freely, ; AU the ment; William U. lliium, United States Slar- says a woman's journal. 'What men driuk Er.r BoiiETTP., of Deerfield, Lenawee men at work scrubbmg stone bridges nalist was to have come off on the same day, Complete returns of the result of tliq stroyed the windows. All oIllcerB of reginients THEODOUE STOOKJLVN died aniid filth skin wants is leave to act, free, and it • • ::; i: 'A) r. lMrii!Ci.Li, whole- Ex-Senator McDonald, of Indiana, called to oousider. the election of a Sooretai?. Drove him into his last ditch. And Good teeth ore a help to good looks. was. 38 years of age, and was engaged in field's Cabinet only Blaine, Windom and Kirk- music is the advortiBemcnt. . sale dealers in prpTi|BionB, baying; headquarters who is in attendance on tho Supremo Court at The Senate confirmed tho nominations of Noah sweet and gentle. Tlio newcomers are even Tlmckoray's ridicule could not iIoHN SxiioTZict was killetl at Detroit then ? And then I find my landlord ono Brush them with a soft brush, especially wood were of this class. Hunt, Liucohi, James C. MoFarland, of Kansas, for Commissioner of O.NCE in awhile an admiring friend ' '-iU'Phila<)olpliiej"with a braiiok house in Ohi-' bnukAg and insurance enterprises. During the Washington, urges upon the Domooratlo Sena­ seined, led into the m'niu hall, proseuted rouse into retort, has niarked his long by the accidental discbarge of a gun in afternoon skating nround my bedroom, at night. Go to bed with cleansed and Mac'Voagh have absolutely no value in tho General Land Ofilce; W. Silver, of Indiana, asks : " Are you tho funny man of the ...cagc,i. have '.stisjiahded,'. :Tl>o liabilitiea ^arc, war he served as a Captain in tlio Confederate tors the rejection of tho nomination of Marshal tlie hands of his friend jienry ,'«hallow. skating around with one shoe olTand the teeth. Of courso to have whito teeth it V THE GREAT poUtics. He thinks none will bo retained United States Consul at Cape Town, and a Derrick f " whereupon [ wo blush and with bouquets, kissed airectionatoly, and Iterary career. placed at £1,000,060, The iirm waii caugbt.ui army. •' Samuel D. McEnory, Lieutenant Gov- Dudley for Pension Commissionur, on tho large number of FostmaBters, among them E. SAUAU LUDINOTON, an old aud higlily- otlier on, and untler ono foot in a stock­ is needful to let tobacco alone. All permanently." reply by asking : "Do I look like a then shown tho pictures aud statuary in women know that. 'Washes for the JB VKLIWGION MO VTE. • )(t£ i&eiit Cliioagfa wheat corneiv '!"';;•{ ' ei-nor, succeeds hini. ground that ho prostituted his oflico to parti* T. Langley, Traer, lowas John M. Stiller, Cla- A connBS'.'DS'DKNT speaks as follows estoenied resident of Comstock, Kalama­ ing tied a big piece of beeswax. Where­ ^f No other lino runs Throe Through Fa&. rinda, lowaj Albert G. Siegcl, Girard, 111.; Jo- d. f. V'—Oil CI/// Jierriuk. the art gallery. teeth should be very simple. Aeid may •'"- -Dt.yjbaialiG. Hbiland,"poet itia nov- san work m the Presidential election. of tho gentlvniau in wlio.sc "cottage" zoo county, died lately at the ago of 80 with he was re-waxing tho floor. Which seiigor Trains Daily botwoon ChlcaBo, .Dea soph W. Sladdux, Carlisle, 111.; William ,L Nan- A IJ1TTI.II3 girl in a public school tho in French moans cleaning it. Presume whiten'tho teeth, but it takes oil' the Molnos, Council Bluffs, Omntan, Lincoln. Bt, . ' Iciiat, ibr eleven yeari;!, editor of Scribner's Mag- in80ELI.ANEOUS OZ.EANINOI. There 'were wrecked during tho fierce years. Joseph, Atchison, Topokn nnd RaDSaSf.Clty. WASHINGTON NOTE*. nioe, Cambridge, III.; Theodore M. King, Pax- other day was pursing the word "angel." WinoMT.iis will be iu the ascoudaaoy President Garfield ib'ed : " ^fr. Charles that the floor had been so waxed over enamel and injures them. m-ine, died suddenly' in New Vorli. Ho was ton, III.; Joseph N. Patton, Pana, HI.; Thnmas THE An Sable and Oscoda NCWH esti­ Direct conncctiona for all points In Konsaa, The Mexican Government has ap­ gales of last week 130 British and foreign ves­ Coming to, the geudcj', she stopped dis­ G. Friincklyii, who is first cousin to Sir Sleep in a cool room, iu pure au'. No Nebraska, Colorado, -Wyomlni?, Montana, No> jrvixini'in 1819., •••'!•',' .•''!')' r.: Tho aggregate expenditiu-es of the B. Tait, Knoxville. III.; Graft C. WiUlv, Galeiia, iu •Washington tliis season, as the Pri^si- mates the deaths from diphtheria in those 500 times, for the house is an old pointed a commission to arrange a commercial sels, the approximate value of which was $-10,- mayed, aud asked her teaohor if there Tho results any tidy housewife ono. ono can have a cleanly skin, who vada, Now Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and. .','., , Lauderberger's mill, on Bandolpk PoBtoffice Department for 1881 were .*S1),251,- Kan.; Simeon Donaldson, Caldwell, Kan.; dcnt is a widower, the new British JEin- Beach Cuiiard, Bt., and is noiv a gentle- places, within the past six months, at may California. „•,'•; treaty with ilio United States. 000,000. Of this sum *30,000,000 represent Brit, Francis Bower, Marion, Kan. were any men angels in heaven. imagine. Tho dust anil dirt of breathes bad air. But'more than all, in street, PhilndolpUin, burned. There were thjr- 730 1 receipts, *3«,7S5,397 ; deUcienoy, 42,-lOG,- ister is also, and so is Mr. Allen, the man of between Hh and -10 year.-i of agi.^ upward of one hundred. ages Tho Shortest, SpocdloBt and Most Comforta- A masked burglar at Wheeling, en­ ish losses. Some 278 persons, including HO Co.Nviiiiis.vrioN on a sea-side hotel ver­ accumulates in holes and corners, order to look well, wake up mind and bio Itouto via Hannibal to Fort Scott, DeniaoD, •.' : ty-fivo persoiis in the building, and jhoirshrielts 388. Tho dotlciency tlie previous year was fisliernien, belonging to Bournomouth and Eye. jti the Senate, on '.he I7tli inst.. Sir. Shermiv Hawaiian Minister, now the dean of tbe had been f(5r many years the Nov,- York AN Englishman, iinuied Karris, com­ But soul. When the mind is awa ke, the dull, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Galves­ raged at being discovered by a lady, forced anda betwi.'cn a young man aud an elderly ^ so long as the bctl is a big one and a high ton and all points in Tozas. . . , , -., were terrible.when they found tlio.staiiways in «i2,780,340, showing a reduction in deflciency insisted upon being favored with a co])y of the guest: Voting man—"I must have soon .'f:>.' mitted self-destruction, at Detroit, by one, and there are plenty of mirrors sleepy look piusscs away from the eyes. her to rise from bed witliout distiirbino month, England, are reported missing, and reiiort of the treasnrj' commission. The Presi­ diplomatic corps. There are also sev­ agent of the Ouiiard line of steamers, Tho uncqualed inducements offered by-tma llnnieK,^ ..Most of them jumped to the sidewalk, for the year of *320,002. putting a bullet througli his heart aud Lino to Travolors and Tourists, are ns follows: her husband and submit to the clipping of hei fif'ly-nine llfihermcn are known to have been dent pro teui. announced appointments to fill vou somowhero, sir?" Elderly gent— eral widowers in each hoii.se oi' Uoiigi'os.s. but concluded lii.sl winter to re-sign this and a French gilded clock under a gflasa eight being severely injured and six others Tyner, the First Assistant Postmaster " Very likely ; 1 aw a pawnbroker." thou jumping into the river. cover on the mantel-pieco, it's all right. Tho colobratod-: Pullman (10-whoel) Palace luxuriant head of hair, when ho took his de­ drowned. vacancies on tho committees, and the names lueralive po.sitiou on account of many Sloopintr Cars/run only on this LinOjX!., B. & b.idly bi^:ued. The loss is estimated at $70,- wore placed at the foot of the li»t. Among Among the Senatorial widoTvors are An­ Trin Lonawoe county fair, at Morenci, Tho French do like big beds. Bods C. ami N. W. Railway. .General,'has been invited to send in his resig­ parture, The British steamer Cyprian was Tin: correspondent who wrote from Q. Palaoo Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton a .000. „, •;: . ;T ., r, tho nominations sent in were those of Frank thony, David Davi.s, Garlnnd, aud .T(5ues, other business engagements, chief was one of the best ever lield ou tlio they must climb into with a stop-ladder. lio'clining Chairs. No extra obargo for Seats nation. It is believed that Frank Ilatton, of wrecked on tho Welsh coast, the loss of life Saratoga that " Miss A— 1ms the in Reclining Chairs. Tho famous C, B. & Q. Mrs, Abraham Lincoln, who is staying 51. Eastman, of Washington, to be Alforntiyfor among whieli' is the Presidency of the grounds. The entries wore large iu Beds seven feet wide. Beds big enough Burlington, Iowa, will be his auecossor. Blontana ; Charles H. Gould, of Nebraska, to dautiest feet of any belle, liero," had to of Florida. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars .J By'i the • burning of Landonberger's at a hotel in New York, is too ill to see callers, being twenty-two. every depiirtuient and of a fine (juality. for all out-doors. Bods with pillows fitted with Elegant High-Backed Rattan Re­ A Washington telegram of the l-ltli bo ltoci«ver of Pubhc Slonoys at Stiles Citv; leiivo town suddenly when tho paper Municipal GiLsliglit Company, and the mill at .Pliiladolphift about, twenty lives were and speuds most of her time in bed. An attempt has been mado to burn arrived with the superlative adjective THE late Czar's iipartmonts iu the and bolsters big enough for ordinary volving Chairs for tho oxcluslvo uso of first- inst., says: "PresidentArthur has determined Eben W. Cottrell to be Heceiver of Public Presidency of a silver miue in Utah, iu JSIU. Tjiti'P, of Deerlield, alleged to class passengers. . • _ , lost, Criininal caroioBsneas in. providing fire- Gideon Townseud, of New Orleans, is tho steamer Buthnia, in port at New York, liud Moneys at Detroit; Charles W. Pierce, liugister changed to " dirtiest." 'Whiter Palace nimaiii iu the same con­ have shot aud seriously injuret'l .siinie mattresses.—Prentice Mulford, in &ap Steel Track and Superior Equlumont, com­ that bo will not send in thenomin,ttions for the wliioli he is also a principal sharehohhn'. Pranoisco Chronicle. ' escapes is uharged to the onhers, paying $25 per $1,000 for Confederate bonds liossa's skirmishers are susjiected. of tho Land Oflico at Lincoln, Neb. Tlie Sen­ IT .MAV be well enough to "stoop to boys who were trespassing iii his viiio- caiw bined with thoir Groat Through Car Arrange­ dition as on tho day he was killed. His Cabinet until after the Vorktowii celebration. ate then adjourned to Friday in honor of thf ment, makes this, nbovo nil others, thof avorlto ••;•• The failure of John-Malion

•vmrnntmafssuei W'^!*^T'!7T'^"^^I i'VI". .'tv^

0te yesterday, though the results of BnnnelPg Model Glothlng House. T. HoflCman.—Hardware. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Probate L'onrt. MASON MARKETS. theBesstoaofan hour and a half wore J. II. Fnller—Boots, Shoes and Millinery. §n%im€0nviti!§m» ^ntflmn&mmtti^tm Following are the proceedings in the Carenilly Correoled ITp lo Tlinrsdajr of importance. Judge David Davis, THE WIIIOW'S MELONS. robate court up to and including Kooii or Knch WoRk. senator from Illinois, was elected pres­ IHuniaf, Oetpbtr 80^ 1861i A CEI^TURT AGO THIS WEEK \ Thiirsilay, October 20, 18S1. BY AX ONONDAQA HOY. Sct. 18: onAix. ident j>i!o tempore at the senate, in Oct. 7.—Inventory filed of tlioeslnto of Kutli WHEAT, , 1 2001 32 FALI7^4M0TM:!EME]VT Tho niitumii sun was sinking In T. nennctt. decousod. .\pprnlscd nt8;ll!8.02. CORN, in tho car, per buKhel.. ,.. -am its FHOCbUIATIOK BT THE GOT* place of Senator Bayard, by two major­ The plncld western sky. Oct. 10.—Ttio adinlnistrntor of tlio estAto of ity, all the republicans and Mahone It Will Pay liiislness Cni'ds. It's llithiK beams weru mingling with Dcborali Forrls, deceased, files report of snlo OATS, white, per bushel ... SS® 40 •••. :v-iV;.>;:::; ' EIMTOB.-'•v;;;;:;:-^- '• •,,. To Buy The shadows passing by. of rcul cslnto, and sale confirmed. OATS, mixed, per bushel ... ® 28 voting for Senator Davis, and Messrs. ATTORNETS. It shone on rustic ronsof toil, 'Tho guardian of tho estate of Anna M. TIMOTHY SEED sells at giS 25' TO TUEl :;: EXXOITTIVa OFFioBi'MlORIOANii . Shono on llioir woes nnd Joys, Youngs, n minor, lilcs report of sale of real S'/'I^KSilto, October 18,1881. / Davis and Bayard not voting. Pre­ Wro. CHATTERTON, Slioiio on a mlghl,v melon patcli, estate, and sale contlrinod. CLOVER SEED, (old) ... %i JiO vious thereto. Senator Edmunds's res­ TTORNEY AT LAW, JIAHON, MICH.- Shono On two huimry boys. License issued to guardian of the estate of MISCELLANEOUS. Under idaWpf October 8tb\i received A HavintjS yeiiiH expcrlcnco iis .IiiilKU of Myron Hiid Deles Morton, minors, to sell real ; from the (Committee bharged with the olution, that the'committees of last, rrohiitc, I iiiaico piobiito priiclIco ii Hpcclalty. Sam Snnirtnnd 1 were paelng up ostntc. SALT, Saginaw, per barrel ®1 « And down ids dad's back yard, Oct. 11,—Cims.AV. Rubort, appolntod guar­ BEANS, wliito, iier bushel ....1 G0®3 25 session be continued, the vacancies to LORD CORNWALLIS Wo are togolher some, of course. duty of raising a Aitid |^f6r the ereotion C. F. NEWKIRK. dian of the estate of LIbblo \. Rubort, umi- PO'TA'TOES, (new) per bushel For Hani Is aiy old paril. GO® G5 of a monument iover the grave of ;Our be filled by the president pro tempore, TTORNEY AT LAAV. INSURANCE AND nor, and inventory of the oslato (lied. Ai>- EGGS, fresh, per dozen IS Surrendered at Torktown, and with banners gaily- flying the oeilecUonKKpociiiltiis. Weliberviiio.Mlcli. A liuuf-'ry llRlit was In his eyes. pralsod atSi,liO. ® 'Was adopted by two majority, the re­ HARD A Said he: "Old fellow. Dob, Uct. 12.—I'iiobo Thayer, gtiardinn. llocnsod LARD, por pound 11@ 12 late president, JaidwA, Oartield," the WARE R In Onondaga, Is llmre not, publicans, Davis and Mahone, voting army has marched away to help celebrate the event. A. B. HAVNE8, .Some melons we can lob'.'" to sell real oslato of Ira 'Tliaycr, a minor. BUTTER, por pound ® 20 following: \ A TTORNEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR On tlio estate of .lolin F. Krunibocic, doecas- 21 CLcvBtiAKs, O., October 8,1881, aye, and the democrats no. The vacan­ ed. Tlie commissioners on claims tlio report. IJUTTER, choico tub, per pound,, ® Jn. In cliiincory. Collections a (ipoclnlty. Thctwlllgiit shadows settled round, APPLE.?, dried, por pound 5® 8 Gov. David H. Jorame: OniRe soiilli of Court Iloii.so, Mason. Inventory Hied of the esliito of Franklin T. The commltteo having in chargo the movo- cies will be mied by those selected In 'i'lio sun was going down. Waggoner, an Insane person. Ap]>i'alsed nt CHERRIES, dried, por pound ® 8 -AT- Wo looked oir toward tiio distant fields, The Largest and Most Complete Stock of mcnt already begun to geouro a (Und for the republican caucus. An amendment -AT- 88in.75. PEACHES, dried, por pound 8® 10 ereotion of a monument over tlio grave of RUSSELi. C. OSTRANOER, Whore lives the wlilow Hrown. Oct. in,—Tho commissioners on claims In D Within her garden, wended clean. our late president, James A. Garflold, at Lake of Senator Garland, restricting the TTORNEY AT LAW. ROOM 22 1'. O. the estateof .leromo II. Waldo, docea.sed, lllo ONIONS, por bushel 75® oo Vlow cemetery, which ahall bo a worthy tMb- RuiUlliii;, Lnnxlni;, Mich. And hoed eacli day, theregrew. report. LAND PL.\STER, per ton 5 dO.ljio 56 uto of the American people to hl8 name and organimtion of committees to twelve A The biggest cabbages and vines. BUNNELL Oct. 11.—'The gtmrdlan of Cimrlotto Growl, WOOL, per iiound 30" above days. I'll inllmato ho lies. L. J. Ford.—llazaar. H. B. PAYNK, Sluirp briars expeditions made, JOS. PERKINS. sion could not beat eight, democratic A. B. CAMPBELL, M D.. .\nd pierced us througli ami llirougli. Alaicdon—.lessu M. Tyler. J. L. FULLER. In compliance with the above request Howard Si Son.—Groceries. liijfia'o wo reached our.|onriiey's end. Aiirelius—.Tiinios T. lUilleii. senators numbering thirty-seven only Make You Happy. [YSICIAN ANi> SUKOEON. OFFICE We both looked pretty blue. Buiikerhill—Will. H. Howlett. and for the purpose of affording all an are not able to overcome thirty-seven over 11. M. AViiiiains' Arag store, itiison. FOi'sIaiTcillzM At last, that illstnnt goal was roaohed, Delhi—.lohii Ii. Cook. Cniinon Si Du Kois.—Hardware. opportunity to subscribe to this fund, republicans, one assistant republican DR. C. C. SHERMAN, Ifow sweet tho .scone illil soom. Lanslnj?—.lolin Holbrook. I hereby respectfully invite the co-op­ and one independent. Don't delay too long, for goods are advancing, and present OMCEOP.vnirc PHYSICIAN AND Ripe fruits wore looming there licforo, Iiif^luuii—Kichol.'is V. Weinplc. H Sur^'coii,. lliiusvlllo, Mich. Olllco on Like an olyslan dream, eration of the treasurers of each county prices cannot be maintained. But if you come early you will Main Kt. over Nhns' llarnctss shoti. Udlco lint, when we climbed Ihn idckot fence, .Leslie—.hinies Bluekinore. President Artliur and (he menil:)ers liours from 1 to II i'. M. Will be found atihc Tluvt, hcilged the spot so nico, Lcroy—.lohii iS. Hii.ston. • in the state to act as receiving agents get the benefit of present low prices. onieonlichts. .•\nd .sat upon llic siuirponcd slakes, Ijoeke—A. X. Gregory. .1. of all contributions for the above object of the cabinet, according to the present It was no panull.se. prograninie, will leave Washington WINTER IS COMING! DENTIST. JMeruiian—M. W. Jianics. made within their respective counties. R. W. IT. MOIiSEMC . OFFICE IN THE .Springing Inslilo with deftly leap. OnoiRlaga—Henry Grain. early on j\Ionday morning next for Don't freeze your hands but come to our .Store and buy a pair of .Sw()Ot block, Sam made his way among In order to have a state record of these D 'The bushes, vines and loaded trees, Stock bridge—,S. 1'. Kcyiiokls. contributions, I hereby designate Gen. Yorktown, on the Talliipoosa. York- 1 follov.'ed close along. Vevay—Jj. }t. Ives. town will bo reached the same night. AltCIIirKCTN A5i'l» nilll.ItKIIS. Spreading around, before, behind. AVhiteOak—Win. H. Smith. Benjamin D. Pritchard, state treasurer, To right, to left, each side, Williaiiistoii—Siiiieon Clay. tern Xansing, to be the central treasurer, to On the same evening the French "~~~'"~1B? ArPADDOClTi COT ~ M'oro Uixnries iniknown to us, guests, accompanied by Assistant .Sec­ A RCHITKCTS, CONTIt.VCTORS, AND 'The widow's Joy and pride. "Whealflokl—John .7. Eelile. whom remittances, with lists of the' The Model Clothiiia House ^\. llHlldnrs, nnd proprietors of Mio.Mii.son Lansing, Ist ward—.L W. Iliiieliey retary Hitt and otliers from the state To keep them warm. All we ask you Is (he wholesale price as we want luinboryard and planln); mill. Sash, doors, These wore unripe, unlit to eat; 11 "' Sd " —U. D. Ward. Do you want any ? Call and examine donors, can be made by each county and blinds at wholesale and retail. We must luivo something moro. our Stock of treasurer. Gen. Pritchard will for­ department, will leave on the Excel- to close 'them out. 'Tho object of our nightly trip, it ;Jd " —.r. H. Jloores. Carrying glad tidings which so interest tho [ slor, stopping at Mount Vernon. In Lay tcmptingjust beforo. i( •1th " —Eugene Angell. people, saving small fortunes to largo fani- ward freeof cost all moneys so donated, Is fairly loaded down with goods of the latest styles; and .II'S'I'KIKS. Yes, there they were, and no mistake. ti ilies by Informing them whore tho most regard to the present outlook ,'it "!i'oi'k- Inviting us to come, .5tli " —Alfred Wise. goods can be bought for tho least money. and will be authorized to receipt for satisfaction is giiaranteed to purchasers. You will also want a XJ^IMIIP these long evenings. MILTON RVANT"" Hy dozens, gross nnd great gro.ss too,— n (ith " —11. J. Sliiink. Heavy and M HARDWARE! such remittances on behalf of the town, so far as the arrangements for the Come to our Store and get one cheap, us we have the USTIOICOF THI'; PEACE AND CONVIi-.Y- Hoth stood completely dumb. Hasoii, 1st ward—.loliii C. Cannon. Wcsoll for C.V.SH and make enough money public are concerned, it cannot be said anccr. CoilcctlonK a specialty OlUceln it to pay our freights and whack up the —Full assortment of— Cleveland committee to the donors largest line to be found in the city. JDnrrow block, second lloor. Throe clips ofSamnel's sharp edged knife, 2d " —Asa I. Barber. prollts Willi our customers. through the proper channels. I be- to be a favorable one. The place is Tho melon lay In halves. Tho following staiuiing conimitttees -Kemember that we keep tho- I've since wished I had fed It to weroannounccd by Chuirinan Huston : Among our Ten Cent Goods are two fpiart spealc for this commendable under- already crowded, and each steamer IIAItXKNN. The widow's iiogs and calves, ciivered 'Tin I''ail.sl , 10-foot Clothes Lilies, STOVES ! brings others to add to the throng. "Citrons, we're sold," I (julckly growled, Ways and Jleaiis—Wise, Weiriple, Mason Wash Hoards, largo Curry taltlng generous contributions from nr|U|r|U|Qrn We have the largest, lightest and hand- "~ ~^~^^ GREGORY^ .•\nd something el.so beside. Barber. Combs, Horse and Siioo IJrllrnshcsn • . Including the CKOWNINO GLOBY, the Little progress has been made on the .VNUFACTUUKit 0I-' llAItNESS, AND Wo threw them down In blank despair. Efiuali/.ation —Blackmore, Biirnes, Violin Strings, and everything best Stove ever oflercd for sale. the people of Michigan. nClYlLlYlDIIll) somest store in the city. You caa see Best 50-Cent Tea and the Best 25- dealer In saddles,whips, etc. liepalrini,' And ueilhor said divide. that can possibly bo sold building, tlie main iwivilion still be­ M Clay, Hinchey, Howlett, .Ives, Wi.se, for ten cents. Local papers are respectfully a.sl Cent Roasted Coffee Our long expected bll.ss? J^elile, Aioore, Smith, Ward, country. WHIPS! WHIPS! .lflSC'KI.I.AXK4»IJN. While Sam more forcllily remarked, Con.stable Cinlnis — Cook, Angell, (Signed) DAVID H. JEROME, ing accommodations for ladies, there "Lot's digrlglit outof this." Our line of Tinware iscomplete. Everything Unnirinic I.iiinnii aiMl C'linnilcIlorM, Governor. To be found in town. AVe also buy Bullen. will be none, and lady visitors will IJC BOO KT AN b STAT id N ER V' ^""^ ' Hark! What was that'.* Did someone speak? from a Pint Cup lo a Clothes Holler. 'I'uble mill I'ocktit tliitlcry. MASOX, MICH., October 19, ISBl. Come and See Us. M. M'OOD KKEi'S HOOKS, KTATION- .•V voice rang .sliarp ami f|ulek, County J'oorand .IiLsane Accounts- X\\ warranted perleet. compellctl to go to Old Point, Norfolk, cry and News. I'osfolllce block. .\ soiHtd came through tho shrill iiiglit air, Hinchey, Holbrook, Gregory. In furtherance of tlie above lauda­ Butter, Eggs, Lard, Potatoes, Beans, Dried Apples, and a few G, Treasurer's .\ccoiiiita—Ives, We have a largo,lliieof IlucUeyo Suspenders ble enterprise in wiiicii very many or Ricliiiiond, to sleep. Col. Corbin "Twas "Sic 'em. Towser, sic." AVein- for men and boys from JO to ,'iu cents a pair. Green Apples, and pay you the money. F. W. HAVENS, Delay? Not much at fuch a time. pie, Crain. Shears, etc., same as before. will feel lilie contributing something, estimates that there are slee])ing ac­ UCTIONEEIl. ALLr.usiNEssrnoMi:'T- Too frighlenoil too get mad. Sherifr's Claims—Hewlett, Shank, HomGiiibcrwo have the leail in 'Ton Cent Hos­ commodations for periiaps 2,100 per­ ly attended to. I.onit experience and 'i'owser did sic with all his might, iery ami arc bound to keep it. be it ever 80 small, I will state that a B.espectfully Yours, ciiargoA s inodcrale. .Apply In person or ail- And i|Ulloast/>re ho had. Cannon. perfect record will be kept in thisofflce sons. Some relief may be aflordetl l.iy D. V. BUNNELL dress at FltchlnnB, Mich He longed to have a piece of .steak ; Apportionment and A.ssessment Glassware one of our specialties. the proposed anchoring of iiuiiieroiis Ho didn'tfilop to beg. Boll—Beynolds, Blaeknioro, Jioores, WON i DUBOIS. for inspection of any and all, with A. P. DRAKE, It seemed as though that savage brute, Clay, Bui Ion. L. J. FORD. names of every donor. It is desirable steamers ofl the town, where people JACKSON, MICH., OCT., 1881. HOWARD & SON. OUNTY SUUVEYOlt. LEVELS T.vKEN Had taken my rigid, leg. l.'ublic JUiilding,s—Cannon, .Shaiik, will be fed and lodged. The grand C and land surveyed on short notice. Drain lletreat? I rather guess wo did, and hoped that every church and all work a specially. Itcsldcnce at Mason. From that Ill-fated ralil. Reynolds. Newconib, Emlicott & Co. civic societies in this county will take stand used at the Farragut celobration Moscow's retreat was nothing liko Drain.s—Barber, Wise, Hinchey. L. Frank Olark.—Carriages. Sajors & PIiclps.—Mai'dwiire. FARMERS' MUTUAL The(|ulck retreat we nuuic. I'riliting—Gregory, Angell, Cook. hold of this matter at once and for­ here, lias been transported to York- IRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF INO- Next day a warrant summoned mo, town, and will be placed ardiiiul the hnm county, .Safest, cheapest, best. For 'To come beforo tiio court. Salaries—.Smith, Ward, Kelile. NEWCoSirENDilCO^^ Tuoiiiey Bros.—Dry Goods. ward their money with a list of the InformatioF n write to O. F. MIflor, secretary, I gave a pretly good round .'•uni, General Claims — Crain, Tyler, Importers. .Tobbers, Itotallcrs nnd .Manufac­ persons to whom tliey wish the credit monument. It will bo used for.gov- Eden. Samuel Skadan.president Dansvllie. To settle that night's sport. ^loores. turers, Dr.v Goods, Panc.v Goods, Furs, Jill- ernment olHeiais, masons and promi­ HARDWARE! HARDWARE! nw lliiory, carpets. Upholstery, Cloalts,ete, given, tlie receipt of which M'lU be ac­ It took live dollar bills to p.a.v County Farm—liarnes, Holbrook, knowledged througli tlie p.apers. nent visitors. Mnson J^iisincss Directory. For that dog's bites and rents, Tyler. rairSeasiin^SsT. TlKUigh for Ids services again Hon.O.M.Barnes presented his report Wo have opened up the present .sea.son witli J. P. BOND, Nothing detinite is known as to tlie ~ nic<»ci:its. I wouliln'tglvc live cents. tho llnest lino of Goods over brouglit to De­ WInco then, I've sadly moralized. as representative from Ingham coun­ troit, and hirgely of our own Impormilon— County Treasurer. exact time wlien Gulteau, tlio assas­ Ami given thne for llionght, Would aiiiunmco to the public SAYERS & PHELPS I{T~A. DUXNfNG, dealer In groceries, ty, on tlie state board of equalization. NIMlH. sin, will be arraigned, Init the geiionil Xl . crockery, and provisions, Ash street. E.tliorlcnce with chastisement, , Vl,VSU¥S. IT is reported that ex-Senator Fro- that lie lias tho tlnest .still keep jiace with the times in lias nuin.v les.sons taught. For his services on the state board, he iiHd IIIC«t(;.4»KS, opinion is that the event will take variety of A. irOWARP & SOX, draUrs In i;rocorlo« I'l.'VE IIKK.SN nOODN. llughcysen is to succeed Blaine as sec­ . and provisions, Ellsworth block. Call! licware the thousand llltlo things, Wits tendered a unanimous vote of iiiKi iiKiii c4i.s-rii.nKs. place on Monday noxl;. District At­ \ A In earthly struggles rife, thanks. retary of state, and that Gen, Bcale torney Corkliill says (liat tlie arniign- It, D. W. IIALSTEIJ A CO., dealers In Km- licware the nniuy obstacles, ru< cerles, druKS, sewing niachhies, elcete. That strew tho patli of life, AsubiKona was i.s.sued by order of Ill Oiir Millinery I)c|iiirtmciit will be secretary of the navy. ment will certainly bo made on or be­ \ Carriages, D Ileware tho doulilful wa.vsuf vice, Wo aro showing the nowcsl Ideas In Mats, liov.-aro of drinking grog, tlie ehairnian of the board, comniond- and lionnets, sullablo forall occasions, fore Wed ncsdaj' next. The assassin's nnvuuiHts. liewaro tho widow's melon patch, and obtained by ns from tlio THE democratic senators gained lit­ liewaro that llerco bull-Uog. Ing, I. B. Woodhouse, former county leading establlshmcntM -JUST OPENED AT- condition is unehangod, save that liis X~/ Wagons, and M.WILLI.VMS.drnjrulstanirapothocary, at Iinmc and tle by their brief assumption of au- They have Just reeeived another car-load of those famous 0; - , Proscriptions carefully compoundeil. drahi eomuiissloner, to appear before tliority in electing Mr. Bayard presi­ nervousness hourly increases. H Wniilein ^[ason, Ttie.sdiiy, weehnne- the board and answer such fjuestlons abroad, "W. II.\LSTi:.\|i, dealer in drn|.'H, medl- cd into tlie famous hostelry of our old Wo iiave opened a new Department for tho dent ^sro ply anything in as the republicjui senators were sworn Bound Oak Heating Stoves, 0 time friend AVni, Clark, and foundhiin be put to him. tills line. in, the gentleman was succeeded by lUtO'l'.S .4>'l> SIIOKN. dispensing food (o tlie hungry traveler y ANEW V- !Maiuifa(;tui'fd at Dnwaijiac, iind are bniiiid to sell them at prices to suit the TUKSD.VY. Our Cai'iiet DcpartiiiGiit HANDSOMEST OP THE SEASON. Senator Davis, who is big enougli to L. FULLER, dealer In lioot.«, shoes,mil­ In his usual liberal and freehearted The superintendents of the poor pre­ ContJilns everything now nnd choice in Fine fiiuo.H. .Do not let otliL'r dcaleis jiut you ofl'with an inferior Hound linery, .and fancy gooils. .Main street. way, at prices that do not ruin the Goods, nnd especial attention lins been fill any position, and as an imie- ivi E D IC r N E^ sented their report. It showed that given lo the selection of 'Tasto- peudent, can hold out no bid to the Ever Shown in this City, Stove telling you they are cheaper and Just as good liociUisc they G. HUNTINGTON, oxclnslvc dealer In liocket-book at the exjiciLse of it full i?10,070,•'iilS has been expended for the All and .Vrtlsile designs in HOPS & MALT BITTERS \ are not and by eallingoii us we will convince you. We c , boolsandshoos, KepaUini; done cheap, medium gmdcs, to partisan assassin, and can hold the stomach, Clark .says ho is bound (o relief of the poor, as follows : Burials, supply tho A word to the wise is sulllcient. Now is the best time to lay in your ^Itesnlate the Uver, pnaltlvolyoiirn ICE UliOS. manufacture and repair boots demand balance between the equally divided DyiDopiilR, IiKllacntian. ana Sick All made of Finest Material, whieli will bo sold at prices that also continue (o liecp a large a.s.sortinciit of the and slioos. Shop In express building. run the cheapest hotel in town, and ?S9..50; medical expoii.se, ?i!10.40 ; fuel, Ilondncho, proront Cloimtlpnilan, ro- for Winter supply of senate. / movo JllllnUMncMH, roliuvu of Ithciiiiia- defy conipelitioii, that is not .saying it is not one of the f21S.S2; clothing and bedding, ,?430.- DKSIUABLE GOO US, at Popular Prices. tlnntf purify tho lllaadtcleitimotho KliU CONVEYANCING. iicim, correct tho MtomacU audUowula, best,—Eaton naj)iils ,TournaI. &i \ keeper and help, i?0.Sf).2O; provi.s- itnu aulKlue llUcaiio. C. KKLLY. OONVEV.V.NCEl! AND NO- In Upliolsfcrj'. WASHINGTOJr. , lary I'libllc. Special allf'Utkin given lo ions and groceries, .S],,'3,'U.,s;!; trans­ E A C'urtI or'riiiinhK. Wo have the newest things In Curtain Goods the transacllon oriiuslni'ss with tho stale do- portation to house, I?fl7.r)0; tomiiorary and Furniture Coverings: (From our rcf/iilar CorreijionileiH.) , -tlH/-/OPS IMch In tho tnntorliil& MALTB thnC Naur - partmeiits. Olllcc l.'ill Waslilngton .Vvenue, iHb, InvlBorntOLPurify and Stronntli; CALL AND BE COHVINCED! Lansing, .Mluh. W'o desire, through .vour pa|ier, to express relief, Si!,7()ll.O;!; medical and outside AN"TIQ,UI';, OUIPUUK, and WASUTNGTON, D. C, Oct. 17, IS81. niir IhaiiU'sto the friends and neighl.iors for N(yrri.\GHAM LACE CURT.VINS, UNDERWEAR and nn. Tlieysupplyllraln, JMuRCiiliirand t( their assistance and sympathy In our Into attendance, !57i;!,-10| funeral e.\pon.scs, Nerve forcB, VlEaF to tho Enfeobloil, WINDOW SlIADKS, FIXTlTltES, It seems so certain that the- presi­ Tonnand Strcnutn to tho Exhauatuil. Among wliicli are the Winners, tlie .ni.s«;i':i.i..4\E':i»it.«>. bcrcaveinont In tho death and burial of our I5447,.'30; superintendents'and super­ COUN'lCi;S, rOLKS, Etc. and Nouriwliiiipntto tho Young and Aijcd. And oblige yours respectfully, son. and especially to Dr. W, W. Hoot for Ills dent will not send in any cabinet nom­ T FltANlC CLAKIs', blacksmith and line constnnt ciirc and fall hfulno.ss. visors' pay, ifiWS,iO; permanent im­ Samples sent, and Mail -Orders Solicited. WOOLEN HOSE. inations until after the Yorktown cel­ HOPS & MALT 13,A.]V]VER- COOIil, Jj. cjirriagebuilder, Uejiairlng neat,cheap. .Ml!. A.Nll Jilts. W. W. Rowii. provements, l?5!1fl,.')0; horse purchased,' Estimates given, and Workmen sent out. ebration, whatever may have been liis Ko MATTKB What yonr eon(lttlfla,or uow mnch ororcom. hy dlacano, TRY miKKI. It crcAto i% OCCIOEIVT, and LAIUv HOUSF,, Wm. II. ClarU, proprietor. iJllO.dO; 1?20S.:31; farm imple­ 190 to 198 Wiioiward A?e„ Detroit, Mlcli. tioAlttiy utlnn or llio VlTAt. FoHcRIi, .tlmitlAtlnc L. FRANK CLARK. Host one dollar a dayliouscln tho city, Advertl.seil Letter List. desire at first, that the gossip on this Si,un()iiin Ciiicni.ATtaTf nnd promalliie Oooii l>i- c ments and liarncss, ?(ii).l(i; furniture, subject has decidedly decronsed. Many OEHTroN, Oi.iua COMl'bXXloN, £Mi;uuY,aDd Vioou* .TE>VEL COOIi. .M. nUKSSKlt loans money, buys notes, MA.SON. Oct., 17, ISSl, S'L.Si; transportation, S1.S0..S.5; mis­ QUA llKAt.Tn. , and maUi.-s collectUuis; also lire Insur­ lUirroughs, .\ugusta l.angdon,.Mr.s, Candace Me«t Market—H. Peters. go so far now as to say that no cabinet M. J. Uiick.—Fiirnitiirt!. \ Jance agent. Over Lowe's baiiU, .Main street, Crane, Iloury .Meach, Ezra cellaneous cxiicnses, .'rll7y.47. Better pay two or three dollars NOW for good, warm Clothing for 'i'ho Crown Jewel Coal Stove ].\ike.s the Lead. Fritz, .\I.,I, Olive, nichardC. nominations will 1)0 sent in until De­ "" 'll.\/.KL'.t .MI'lil.AN, propVielors of'clty Gilbert, Mrs. L, Rogers, .Mrs, ,1, 11. Tlie supervisors have e.\poii(icd for yourselves and ehlklren, thau run the risk of paying flfty-two cember. This would seem plausible or It your lirntn Is overtaxed, ntnanlCK F balcery. l'"re.sh bread, pies, and cakes. Goodman, .Mrs. Ed. 2 .Swan, Allrcd temporary relief, tis follows; Alaicdon H-0-O-P-E-E. by waiting until you are sick. We have a full lino and N vrvoa Wcakonoil l>y loss of elcim Goodman, -Aiinlo Simons,Smith W. were it not tli.it Attorney-General Mc- or nppotito, or DuslncsBS strain, they will We have received our AVinter .Stoclc of CROSS-CUT SAWS, and wo sell AYEIIS it I'HULI'S, dealers In hardware, Midibanl, Ml.ssNottIo Somorvlllo, M'lllio 31.5.00; Aurelius, 944.00; Buiikerhill, of Ladles', Gent's and Children's Voagli still insists on leaving the cab­ Nourish. Strengthen ond RoBtnro you. stoves, tlnwans nails, gla.ss, putty, etc. Hubbard, G. W. Vanghan, AIl.ss Fanny .'?lS;l.o.5; Belhl, 61,'?."5; Ingham, 1J200.- thcni as cheaji as they can be found in the country for lir.st-class Saws. S Iving, .Ml.'is Kllzabctli Wattors, Sarah Jlnrla 71; Leroy, $119,24; I.eslie, .'?]l11,(i(l; inet. He has everything iiaeked up ( F. llliriWN, nMiufr. and dniiler In harness, rorsons calling for the above hitters shfluld Locke, $2,00; I/ansing city and town- ready to go, and had intended to leave C/, sadillcs, wlilps, rolies, Irnnlts, etc., etc. .say udverll.scILES! PILES!! rir.ES!!!—A sure cure Library Lamps, Chandeliers, Braclcels and Bracket B foundry and inachlne shops, Uopalrlng. tal, l?!i,!)27,53. known, desires above ail tilings to give fouml at Inst. No one need siiirer. A pupils in .District No. 7, Aurelius, who Lamps in all Styles, also Chimneys and EHB * MEAD, oxclnslvo dealers In The general health of the inmates Now is the time. Meat is tlie secretaryship of the treasury to siirociiro for tho lUlnd, illocdlnt;, ltchint,'itn(l liavo boon neither absent nor (iirdy has been fe^ood. Ton deaths luive oc­ When in Lansing don't fail to Call on Shades of all Kinds. clotiilng and gonl.s' furnishing good.s. New York, but cannot do it wljile Mr. UIcorutliiK Piles hns been dlscovoroil by Dr. w during the school mouth ending Oct. curred during the year, but they were high, and the farmers give it Wo have an Elegant Lino of WlUlnmB (an IiuUnn remedy) called Dr. Wil­ J V.VNDERCOOK, C.VRRIAOE WORK James retains his place, of which the and general blucksinltlilng. Mth, :S,S1: tho result of old ago or chronic dis­ liams' Indian Ointment, A SIIIKIO IJOX hns ^ eases. to the butcher, so that all he president is also desirous. Ho has Kellio iStark, George I'eterson, cured tho ^vol•st clii'onlcciiscsof a5andilOyears Nails, Crlass, Putty, Etc. .Alertie ifale, Bertha Beterson, •riie number of persons tomiiorarily Htnndini;. No one need sullcr live nilnnles •|npictu>tfl^uid7ranYesr'Cf rout building; Paisley, Wool and Beaver Shawls surmounted this difficulty by urgent­ S.^' iiii'd Waters, "W'ard I'ratt, relieved can not be given, owing to tho gets is clear profit and he can ly requesting Secretary Windom to re­ after applying this woadbrlul sonthhiK niodl- » •"< . T^KICEM. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE David Watoi's, i'^redtlie Jriittesoii. failure of the supervi.soi's to ropiu't, but clno. Lotions, Instriimenls and KUjeluarIi;K D. W. and M. J. BUCK. \J, In Itaynor blocic over Clly RaUcry. the number in Lansing was 422; in just as 'well trust you as not. CLXKKNCE M. C.VSLKR, —all Prices. Cloaks, Dolmans, main in the cabinet until December. do more harm than (,'ood. Williams' Oint­ AVe have a full line of House Furnishing Goods. Whine: o«rf :^ra.soll, ,53, TIIO number in tho town­ Tliis Mr. Windom will probably accede ment absorbs tho tumors, allays tho intense m ANNON.t DiJliOIS, ni'IAf-EliSl'-V HEAVY Teaclier. Lashes. Bird Cages. We still contimie agents for Jackson and Shelf Ilardwaro. Maple street. ships is somewhat increased, Come to to, for the Minnesota legislature can­ Itolilng (particularly at night after (.'otllnx c Tlie expenditure on account of tiro Circulars and Jackets. warm in bed), nots as a poultice, KIVCS Instant At 103 and 105 Washington Avenue, or Fire Clay Company and can fumisli TILE in any riuantity Delhi riihlio .School. not elect him until a week from Tues­ MWW.l.VMfi, county-house proper, was S3,7.S7.t8, and painless relief, und Is propaicil only l'>i' iimkii'ig 840.04 for each of the 87 in­ day, by which time the senate will Piles, ItchinKof the jirl vale parts, and nothlni,' ^LT^V.SCULVEil, tioalor In v.'ardie.s, clocl.-s, Moiitlil.y report for tho school moiitli <\ Ii Jewelry,silverware,etc. Repairingtlonc. eommonciiig, iSept. '.SI, and ending, mates. The inmates remained an av­ HENR7 PETERS. doubtless be adjourned. He can there­ else. Till, Copper and Sheet Iroii-ware I Oct. 'SI : erage of hSfi days eacli. There were in fore retain the treasury portfolio until Read what the lion. J. M, Coainborry, of C. ni':HRY,.|owoler,and dealer In watches, n UA.W.ltAIl DUI'.VnT.lIEN'l'. the house, Oct. 1, 18,S0, 43; admitted HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW LINE JDRBSS: , cloclcrt.jewoliy, silverware, and nnislcnl He keeps a large stock of lie tal^cs his scat In the senate, next Cleveland, says about Dr. MMIllams' Imllan InstrumentsJ , Repairing a specially. Call! Total number of scliolars enrollod, 11. during the year, 39; total, 87; dis- Pile Ointment: "I have used scores of pile of every Description. A.vcragc dally atlondanco,.'!!). cliai'.ged during tlie .year, 30;'died, 10; GOODS AT 9c. COME IN AND iSEE^^ ^ December, and thus render it possible A class, average standing, A\ Choice Meats constantly on euros, but It affords mo jileasuro to say that I At 122 and 124 Washington Avenue, and see tlio Largest and Cheapest B clas.s, average standing, SO. sent to Coldwater school, 3 ; indentur­ THEM. NO TROUBLE TO for James also, to remain! It is stated liavo never found anytliln;; which Kave such Iiisurniicc. Stock of FURNITURE in the city. Will give you Our Shelf Hardware is Unsurpassed this noi.T, Of tlONOIt. ed, u; total, 48; remaining, 39, hand. By the way, if you as a certainty that, in addition to Frc- Immediate and ponnanen't rollof as Dr. Wil­ Jllnnio Irwin, I.ottio -Mdrlch, Lowls Rleo, Tlie following crops wero raised on SHOW GOODS. llnghuysen as secretary of state and liams' Indian Ointment," Vov sale by nil side of Detroit. FARMERSHNSURAJSTCE Ilattic AVolch, .-VU'red Cloats, ,lohii Volz, Cora the farm: Wheat, l(i5 bushels; corn, happen to have the money at Xiincoln as secretary of war, ex-Scna- druggists, or mailed on receipt of prU;o, SI.00, Aldrleh.natlleRlacK-, 000 bushels; oats, fllCi bushels; pota­ RESPEOTPULLY, ' "'''M-^ tior Howe, of Wisconsin, will also be ,1AS. K. DAVIS it CO., Wliolcsale DruiiKlsts, i'ut.M.\i!Y 3)I:I'AUT.MI;NT. toes, 2.50 bushels; beans, 7 bushels; hand he won't be mad if you Detroit, Midi., Agents, veiy\!h™St """"'''' """' ^" ""'•^"•''^""^ ""'^ Customers as cheap as the THE CONTINENTAL INS. CO., 'J'otal number of scholars enrolled, 17, hay, 7 tons; straw, 4 tons; clover ill the cabinet, but In what capacity, BOTTOM PHICES FOE CASH! Average dally atlemhineo, HO, ResiiectCully Yours, OfN. Y., Is tho host and cheapest company A class, nvoragostanding, 7.S. seed, 4 liushels. pay him for your meat. is not yet determined. J. W. KmiMnTT, M. D., duvotos cspcclnl nl.tun- lor farmers. Bo sure and see tlie agent bofor.i II class, average standing, 02. .Sundry claims wero allowed, and MV?:i>' tlon toDlsoaaosof thu I.iin?s, Cntnnh niul all Insuring. Notes taken In payment of prem­ O class, nverago standing, 70. other clironic nfl'ootlons. Ofllcc, 20.S Wimdwfird iums when dosirod, tho hoard resolved to visit tho county HENRY PETERS. There was no excitement in the sen- Elegant New Stock in Everything-. D cin.ss, avorago standing, 47, Avonuo, Detroit. 8,1yl SAYERS & PHELPS. A. B. HAYMES, Ag't FKED W. DOVK, Principal, farm on Wednesday. They returned Olllco south of Court Houso, Vinson, SUch. ,Er.arE JIAUVIN, .\sslstant. last uight. South side Court-House. Opposite Court House. mmm ,^^'

X iJui!iV.%<*!^aj*;jriE:iT^ wmwmmmmmm. :B^: y.-^: LOlVOIlVOt* ittitQ lier tearmi .face, "1 love :^bn as day-Iabbr alone—ne bad accumulated 00R6E0U8 PALACES. fl'taut compared with the primeval times ;treU,.indeed:iMtter, at this moment't^^ from hia labor Buflioient-to pay his first of our planet, when beings existed upon, -If I'Wenft.rttlnwd.brftkainibt''"'-; •.•.•;•,':••>.',• Tlic IIonivM o( ilib Vandurbllln in : XM hbUertbeataUoni RbpUlu' ' ever I did^buti'.wernoi'i4 In, ' and tho groat variety about Coi>o Coil of tables ami many kinds of salads, cooked our engagement is a mere mockery, be- missed from your service a QlerU named cabinet work in details. A band four feet and -were bustling rapidly toward tho rare or well dwio, shoidd bo expressed surely of morolinpoi'iniice to those who sull'er A:i;id.^ on my feet, hair and hazel eyes, who does not live a member of tho family whi«h held a fn- Fifteen minutes and fifty cents will put Jackson, and hero is the ai'iount owing Tliere are two of these bauds at ditVor- littlo mim -vvith a yellow vajiso Hhuflled terms. Well-bred iieopio never handle ' Kor to hiiudto t|iljiK--4guiit1y, wlum u\\ my pay ' "Oh!" exclaimed tho gu'l,wounded to many miles from Aliddli-tow-.i, and wlm uioiis iouuion at Nantucket, August Ifi, half a dozen dishes and relishes on my JUHt kept nie lu broad and muut. to you, with mterest at 5 per cent, l through tho gateway, and, seeing a few tho glass, silver or china unnecessarily, the quick by a sentiment she misunder­ had been readin.g the story of the iiies- was born at Boston, and when a child table, including a bottle of wine, 'The have boon unable to pay you sooner, or The ihreo houses referred to above are passengers in front of him, bolted at full or the food; they never make bread-pills If T\rnrQ a railroad coitdnctnr, stood. Krtgo written on an egg, conceived the lived for some years on Capo Cod. Sir etiquette of the house allows mo to ask I should most gladl.Y have done so. throe stories high, surmounted by a . speed toward tho cars, not oven pausing or drink or speak with food in thoir Af) throURh the train I'd go, ., "Do not mistake mo," said he, taking iilea of doing something similar. She Isaac eitmo to this coiintrj' soon after the Mademoiselle'Cplostine to dine with mo. I'dhavo for every qiioHtinii thoy'apked Now, to my great relief, I am able, and toiirtli, the windows of which are hidden Cl'hin uiiKra-.'Inc riiiiroiimti ttifl lung* In a Uunlthy stnt*.) mouths, or leave the table while eating, lier by the hand, and struggling to sub­ is the dauglit.i r of a farmer, but- as the when ho had put every ono else behind war of 1812, and during tho voyage ho She sows for a living twelve iiours out TldHaiiHWor all ready—** Don't know." beg in addition that you will accept my l.iy an opsn fretwork of stoiio. Tho only or complain of tho dinner. I'd iniHH conuectlQUB for Jotn of nion, ' ' due his own strongr emotion; "I love you product of eggs was net very large and him. Ho hurried along with an anxious stated to tho bfrioors of his fli\g-sliii5 that of twenty-four, Lives in n bit of a I'd ran lone pnHfieitRcn) pa.st. dearly, and that is the reason I do not most grateful thanks for the forbearance material except' brown stone which is the home demand was hri.-^k, she could expression of countenance, hi.s port- AVlien tho child is strong enough to room, without fire from year's end to • I'd toll them 't\v«H olijht, wlion I knew 'twaa ton you exercised toward me on that dis­ usc'.l in the facades is bronze, of which when they reached Cajie Cotl ho would And I'd Hwciir tliolr watplicH were fat^t, wish you to remain bound to wliat may not get her niossage to liiarket in that A STANDARD REMEDY mantoaii bumping against his logs, and show them lobsters that weighed ninety manage a fork, give him one uistoad of a year's end. Earns fifty cents per tressing occasion,". . . . an elaborate cresting is used at ditl'orent Por I couldn't uft'ord to bp* civil, never be fulfilled on my i>art. You, I way. .-Vr. opportunity ollered itself one at lust dropiied breathlessly into a seat pounds ! The rules of a quarter doc-k do spoon, and when the dignity of ii knife day. Has a cough aud pain in lier side. •\Vlieu I knew every man in tbo !o:id know, would be faithful and true; but Surprise for a time-held tho merchant points. The main staircase, thu'toen day. She overheard lier father say that IN MANY HOMES. iu ono of tlio numerous empty eiu-s, A is arrived nt, tench him to use it, nnd Comes up the seven pair of stairs at 8 •\VouId look at my watch audriuR, niid Ray, mute, but when h« recovered he stretched leet wide, is of oak, oilod. The stair not ]ierniit you to flatly contradict an '* He fitoln tlH'in thlURs from the. road," why should you waste tlie bloom of your ho must take his ajijilesto town, as there For Cou'rhn. portuni- forth his hand to the workman, and, well of the house rises to the roof and were more than the family needed. The otlHtriitriMitinnHnf tliH Thruiit mid l4lJ'\OH(ttit*ndl " Tnis man must surely have known that fork, to lay thorn in close parallel across some charcoal, and in tho other a few nnriviilQil iinil utterly biiyond all cuiuputitlon, trust was visible on tho countenances of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 ties you will have of making yourself when ho received that of tho latter, iloods tho inside of the house with light, ajiples were accordingly laid in the thero were at least tea ears standing, tho plate, the haiullos to the right. sticks of macaroni, out of which she shook it warmly. He thou requested coming through some good sjiecic^ens of the Captain and Iiieutenants who stood •• ' happy, for tho of a man you may •wagon-house over uiabt, to lie marketed upon the track, every ono of them var Teach liim to use a spoon properly, to develops her dinner. For her my table VE&BTABLS COMPOUND. Walter to relate what had befallen him glass-work. On the second floor is Mrs. iironiid. "Well,"said Sir Isaac, "if never see again ? No, Mary; you shall in the morning. The romiintic (.'irl IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES cunt. What can have been the olgoct lay it iu his saucer wliilo ho his is a princely feast, and how she does since their separation, Walter did so N'aiiderliilt's room, finished in white you doubt it, I will malco you a wager IjaPosItlv^nre ' NEVER DESPAIR. not do so ; from this moment you are wrote on a littlo piece of mus'in, in in­ ot his Imsto?" Tlio mystery -was not that when wo reach Capo Cod I will tea noiselessly (holding the cuij by tho relish hor claret! Wo aro commanded in a lirief but clear and unresorveil niarbli>, rosewood and ebony, the walls It RpprORctlPB no ndnr a Hiiiiulfla tlml "N'lnoty-fiTe" p«t (krall thai* Fslnrul Oanslatnt* nS WcakaMM* — I free, aud may heaven bless you t" delible ink, her name ta li-'tilioiis one), emit, arn puriii'iiKintlr ciinid. wlliiro ttui ilireotlona art elucidated by the almost equal precipi­ l-iroditco a lobster that weighs ninety handle) to leave it in tho saucer if tho to feed the hungry, and I am doing it. •oeommoa tooBrkMtfoiniiU ptiPMlaUon. inannci'. being hung with .silk. The ceiling is to •trictly coniplii.'il witti. 'I'liiiru ia no uliiimlcnl or otbai n will our* antlnlr tlia worat (onnoframaKOom. In the private ollice of a London mer- I her address, and the two words ; "Write itturtiiliiinta to litirni ttiu yuunv or ulil. tation of a half dozen others, botli men pounds." Tho wager was made under cup is to IKS refilled, and to place it in AVho would not rather do so than endure The girl hung down her head anci "So tho moment you loft this ofUoe j ]i|^ "yoyLnvd with a jiaiiitilig by the me." She then rolled it up iu a very pUlntt, all orarUn troubleB, Inflammation and tTloci* chaut, 0 young man, verging iipon his | [,'r7. and wonioii, who followed hard upon the the gracious ponnis.siou of tho .'Vdinu'iil, the empty CU]J when done. the pains luidpunishments promised those tlon. Falling and Dlaplacemente, and tba conaequwl SiKt j'oar, stood befoits Iiis employer in • cried bitterly, for she felt that lier young you .determined to make rostituticjii f French artist, Lefobre, representing the small roll, cut out a little pieiu- of an a|'i- AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. heels of tlie winner ot tlie race, jVn.\.ious iiid when thoy arrived there Sir Isaac Young people should not bo allowed wiio do not." It pays to do gooil. Vir­ (plnal Woaknau, and la paitlcttlarlj adapttd to tlw tlie charnoter of a culprit. Tlie fnoo of | liopes woro aljout to be withered. .said the uiercliaut, smiling, evidently dawn of day. Tliron;.;:li all the rooms of ple near the :-ti;ia, put in the lull aeil IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM, to know tlio ciuiso ot tlie.'estries, silver, uiarblo and dill'erent with tho lot for market, in aiiont a her bonuet. That is a simple o.\tin- Ka carl/ atago of developmont. Tho tendenoy to-oao^ tho littlo man who liad first attnietod iiis •in he said : " Well, they don't happen on the plate; neither should they sop up serotu humors there la checked -ver/ipcedlly by Ita UM. calls dogged resolntiou was the prevail-i duty required tho sacrifice, and it should temjited to do worse tirst." costly woods i)olislied to a mirror-liko week she hoard from her message. The CI.VOIXXATI, o. guisher of her good looks, Celestine attention, and iTiquirod: to be hero just now, tint I will obtain gravy or soup •with bits of broad, or Iowa, on tho 21st of Doceiiibcr In.sl ; was seized It rerooTesfalntneaa, flatulency,deatroyaal l craTlnc ing element, : ^ •• | bo made. Undoubtedly it was one of " Indeed ! How? " inquired the mer­ surface. The height of the ceiling is letter was written to Ihe address iianied, will ill a few years die of consumption, the gi'oatost ho could have made, for ho lifteim feet. The gas fixtures are from "Why,may I ask, were you aud those the allidavits of the old llsliormen to scrape their plates clean or tilt their with a Budilen attack of neuralgia .?n the chest, foritlmolanta, and rcUeveaweakneaa of thoBtomaoli. " I toll you again," said he, •' I can- ; chant, whose curiosity was roused. and was evidently from some tninqi or FOR SALE BY ALL 0RUG6I8T8. l>i'ovo that thero are such lobst<'i'.s." and hor bones help fill up tho catacombs giving me e.Ncrueiatliig jiiiiu and iu..iost prevent­ It onraa Bloaeing, Boadochea, Kerroua FroitratloB, might have played u])oii the fjirl's credu­ ihe linn of Darlieiiienne k Co., of Paris. other [leoplo running?" soup plates iu order to diain them dry, ing lirentliing. .My jiulse. usually 80, fell to 2b; not—will not overlook your offense," i "By thinking I could never redeem vagaliond, who had perhaps stolen the .Viid lie produced a pile of allidavits*, and add their mite to tho subterrauean Oonaral DablUty, BlaepIeHnoa, Depreaalon aiad ladi. lity, ami maintaiuod litis position as lover Much of the woodwork of the second The man thrust his chin forward, and or take" the meat or bones •with tlioir intense nausea of the stomach succeeded, and a (estloa. " Believe me, air," ai^pealed tho youth, I my lost character," answered Walter. apple from some grocer's sbuid. Almost riliowuig that when there were liahernien sepulchral eiu'iositios of Paris. Hard cold, clammy sweat covered my entire body. without tho remotest prosiiect or inten­ story—the cariiets, tajiestrios, li.'athcr, rabbed his temple -n-ith his knuckles, fingers. The mouth should bo carefully That (eellnt of bearing down, canting pain, walghl "I had no criminal intention; the fault ; '" What sa,ved yoiT? " a.sked the mer­ every word was spelied wrongly, and ill early times lobsters tliat weighed work, poor faro and a room permanently The ntteuding physician .could do nothing to re­ tion of bee^nuing her linsband. But silk hangings and decorative paintings— •WTinklmg his brow nt the same time with wiped before drinking, and tho glass or lieve mo. .Mier sull'ciiiig for three hours. I and backache, la alwaya permanently cured byltanaa. was entirely luipremeditated—it was an \ chant, eagerly. tho tone of the letter was coarse. The ninety iiotinds were as common iis without fire will kill lior. On Sunday vith the resolution to do right comes a also eonie fri nil there. .V series of eighty a puzzled expression, goblet lifted without putting ftie fingers thought—OS I had Iicen using .ST. JACOIIS OIL with ItwUlatalltlmeaand under all clrciunjtancaa act ta act of folly, wliich I shall never—oh, I "Twowowls," said Walter, aglow young lady never ro]>lied to it, and it- is (fOSTETTEuj liuekieberries on the Cape. Then it was over the brim. alio serubs her don. Its furniture can good eM'ect for rlieiimatiu pains—I would try it. kannonr with tha law* that goTem tha female aTatam. consideration for others, which weaUeiis small paiuApaintiiigs, done in Paris at I saturated n pleeo of llaaiiel. large onougb to air, never repeat." I animating liis naturally line countenance: safe to s.ay that she will not malte any "Because," tho reporter continued, left to an umpire to decide, which had be carted oil' in a wheel-barrow.—Pren­ For the core of Kidney Complaista c( althar m ttala the natural soUislinoss of the heart, and a cost of SllilJ each., will adorn the ri.se Table manners forbid aH unnecessary cover iny chest, with the Oil, aud nppliedlt. The One of those cold and horrible smiles : " Never despair." more experiments in tliat direction. "you know there was a long train witli- lost and which had won, and by him so tice MulfoTd, in San Franoisco Chron- relief was almost iiislantaiieous. in one liourl Componnd la anaurpaaaed. gives it the jiower to make those stern of each step in the chief stairea.«e, two clattering of knives and forks. Salt is LTDIA E, PINKIIAlI'a TXGETABUE COM* •which so forcibly express incredulity ! The uiorchant saw a kindi'cd spirit be­ out a soul in it, and you could not have concise a judgment wa,s given that if idle. wus entirely free from pain, nnd would have .siicrilices wJiieh honor so frequently ottleafor|9, BentbrmtU waved his hand as if ho wished the in- ; versation for some time. In the conrso Pi'iil'cssioiiid Bi'iiiitlos, "Why," said the man, brightening vacant •Judgeship in tho Mnssochusetts Kundcd mo. As it was. 1 took the night train for ray In the form of pUla, alaolntha form of loiengva^ Mi try, or gold cloth U]iou which jier.sons on the fork. The hand is the proper home, in St. Louiis, aud liave not been troubled terview to be terminated. I "Now, for my mother," thought he, of many revelations which were olitaiiu.'d illarpi-r'rt 3I:i;,';ii;iiifH.I up, " it wasn't for tho room, but I al­ .Siiproin.e Court, if all his decisions wore ICii. K. Pujicr.Lt,, No. n Ann street, Nmi raoalpt of price, |1 per box for either. Un. piaUuuB are expf'eteJ to walk ujitind down stair.s. medium for removing grapo skins and eiuce. TUe young man, wiiotio conntoii:incij I and trembled at the interviev.- tjelbre from him, he stated that he had found And what are "professional beauties?" ways mnko it a pomt to got at the head equally goo Ro family ttaould bowlthontLTDIAX nSKHAM* with shame, now bueami! dtiiully ])ale ; labor, and that some of tho sweetest bras.--. that the maiden he had parted with anniz 'ineut at American society, but no Some of tlie people at the gate kept me to(itlvpick. UVEB mxs. Ihey enra eonatlpatlon, tlllnnif^ he saw liisomployor'sdiileriuinat.i.m M-a.-i hours he had spL^it were those devoted The distinguished member of tho Cof­ Wluxi BifcnmeH of Dcnil Hints! l>70 A WEKK. •lBada7atfantneAa.|tyinada. Ooatl> not to be slnikcM, and tliat disgriinu should have been acquainted with his newsiiapers anywhere in this country back or I should have boon out sooner, Vegetables are generally eaten with a W I ^ outfit frm. Addraw Tnuc A Co.. Aucutta, Mu •ad tupldltj oftballrer. KeanUparbos. to study. The houses of I\rrs. Slu.'pard and Mr.s. fin family, writing to his friend C^immo- JV Said by all DracsUta. -«• sfeired liim hidcou.slj- in tlie I'iiue. Hu error, tjian that his mother, his irre- could truly record tliat abject snobliish- but I managed to got ahead of them fork or spoon. Asparagus may bo taken How strange it is that, considering tho They parted, but from that d;iy forth Sloane are extravagantly rich in decora­ dorc Isaac Hull, in 181C, says : "Many made a vain c4iort alanothor ai'jjfal, but liroaeJiablo mollier, should have known iiess of conduct which tho English after all. No, sir, it takes a good press­ in tho fingers; wator-oressos, celery, millions of birds born every year, dead BoTOlvarl. Cataloiaa fm. ^dilra^ a friendsliii) was estatilished between tion. One of the liest bits of work is a thanks for your kind exertions; soiul Brut Wen. Oaa Worki. Pliubsrab. rw tho words died on his lijjs, mid a I'oeling that he had brought sliaiiie on the name ing man to beat yours truly," radishes and olives are always so eaten. ones are so seldom seen. 'To each littlo Vi'alter and the great city lUiMvliant, maiitel|iii'co of oak, inlaid with red mar­ journal impatiently stigmatizes as the the ninety pound lobster when you can. GVXS of despair utterly oxtingnislied tlio i'aiiit of the parent who had been .so honored iu.hei'etit llunkyism of English society. "You gain a good deal of satisfaction CJieose is generally taken with a fork. songster in turn comes tho tradegy— jftli -fn ftOn por day at home. Bamplaa worth 9B fro« and when the latter died he left him a ble, in the hall of Mrs. Shepard's hnuse, My reputation -will be saved, although 90 bO 9r ct. our liir(:a nnd Hiniill chroninn, AddnwB V, GLXCASON Tho merchant's hard foat^urtts slightly etl'eeted, and, on the evening of the day "fnll-sij'.ed " biiiise of i'l feet wide and a wntnaii who owes her distinction and uy,' I say, 'mind you don't let the peo­ Still my friend Sir Joseph Banks longs NATioxii, PonLiaaiNO Co.. Olilco«o. 111. A 00., 4ti Suininur Strutit, Botiton, MILBB, islands was scut to York county jail for table, aud iirovents noise. featlier may not betray the hidden relaxed—pcrliaiJs he loved his inocluir on which they took possession of the t.'.0 feet d.'i.'p. The house of Mr. W. H. siua'i.-.ss to the countenance of a Prince. ple get ahead of you,' And that boy for one of ninety pounds." Whether ^T"^^^ 1-^ T'orllnalncRa at the OldoBt * Beet some oll'enee comnutted against tlie law.s mau.solenm. It is ociious to think that . Giroularfree. dearly; but tho tolling, whatever it two apartments wli.cli were thenceforth A'andei'bilt is coimecled with the others The society in which she'moves may bo felfflR^Iliiiiiiiif«li.Thobt*HtcliancQofyourlifotonmko- the young man from liis grief,' "I tell was di.-.salislied with nu.'," rejilied Wal­ and no one knew the name or nature walk at that ])()int consisting of (.me snob papers could not have been WTitten nnil Ifl in iivcry way iTOiuIuoivti to litfaltli iir.:i nurvii re- " What if everybody tried to bo fir.st?" nil the siilijeet .said : " There luii't Ijoen with order and regularity, and if wo had iSHMA. monoy. Bowaro of "ontohjumny" linltatifina. Thiw is tb» Hnmaii nature is easily iill'ected by tho only nutliontio nnd fully illustnitod life of our ninrtyrod you ouco again, my mind is made up, ter, slightly blushing at the, eqnivoea- of them. They grew luxuriantly, lievr- enormous slali of blue stone, l.j feet iu this country, r.nd part of our interest ponn, Anotliwr innrUod nunlity irf Itri L-Dnlrol ovor I'tjvor "Why,, then, we'd give tlieni a sharp no sicli Inl'slei'sseenou Capo Ann durin' KIDDER'S PA8TILLE8.ga?.°.^ibymaU. Stowell^bCo^ . i atnies[ihei'e with -whieli it is surrounded; but eyes to .see them wo should lind if'hi Proiiidunt. l-1no HUIDI imrtruita. Kxtra toruiH XM Auunta.. and tho sooiaiv you leave my ollice tlie tioii. iug fruit of a large size aud unu.snal ap­ wide and li." loii.g, which weighs forty in readmg them lies in their revelation nnJ n«ni-', aiiit It.s powi-r of pr<PrW(«C^Aildriaiis Jay Urouaon, Dotrolt, MldL seo or hear from you again." iant red, and become an object of won­ each 13 feet wide and 15 feet long. The 'i.'here' is no class of persons auywhoro in be proud, I thinli." The IPurcHt and lioiit Modloino «»or Hade. .something in nil this 1 don't uuilc rstaiid; I'l' wuiild he. siiii]iosoil fi'cmi its ]iO]inIiU'ity for tlie hniisi'keeper begin in seeing that first, you bid j\Iary farewell, then yon der and admiration to all the inmates of inside of Uio portico is a room -1,0 feet tho country whose social i)ositifin is such "Do you get rich faster for yom- tli:il I'inly niie Kuhsiiiiice is uowlcnown to tlio Aeolmblnatlon ot HopSt BuohUt Man; The dolini'xuont, awed by that iron her trtble is ni>at and attriietive, and cal­ 'J'li.vT pniu in the back is n sure rti«ii tlint yoii AKOMATIC MliaC. the jail. Mrs. Klinetfelter, the lady square, the walls being paneled in that their presence at a fair would draw HOLMAN'S PAD inish ?" wiirld I'lir tlii> I'ellijf of I'lieuiiiiilisnL and that A pJuiiBant, pil r A draklQ and Dandelion, «-lth oil the l>e»t and induce me to leave Cloiulesly street, culated to ins]iire cheei'fulness; from it i!od to taku a packiife'e of ICidnoy-Woit. mostoluratlToiiroportlia of oil other Blttei-a, will, mochaniually turned upon his heel keeper, cautioned all the iirisi:iiiers Scotch granite, highly polished. the world. This very Summer there aro " Well," said the man, ruefully, " if I lsSt..JiieobsOih—.'s/j.^oi(/.s(.^Uo.) 7>in/)(i(o/i. Hpdudy euro for I | L E* d and now yon toll mo you have left yiwr she sbonld banish as far as pussiblo all Onu iwtoknfio—four CIOSOB mniea^thOBroalestBICOtl Purifier, Ll»er and left the oiliee. StuniiO{i and bewil­ against eating any of the fruit, as she rosy swarms of beautiful women by the don't, my hoy will," THE chi.ssienl ancients had white walls Rea" \ator,'uid life mid HoaltU matorlng ollice, Walter, luy dear sou, do not Mr. Vanderliilt's and I\Irs. Sloane's A rnHlfgioiis Worker, vexiiliuns, cares and worries. —will euro in uvory caso. dered liy the Ciitastrophe wliiuh had, in was snro it was pois(.iiious, and beside sea" .and among the hills, but among At this point the engine whistled aud on purpose for iii.scriptions in red clnilk Agent oil conceal anything from me." houses are entered from tho portico, tho CURES g Simply Price ouotloUar. Sold liy •one moment, crushed all his young that she had promised the man who had In general terms it has often been re­ PilesOR . 1,. II. UAUlUrS, No dlaeaao oV«n POMlWr lo"* »»•* where Hop them all there is not one "professional the little man suutehed uj) his portman­ —like our handbills—of which the gates Walter's lips quivered and his eye entranee to Mrs. Siieiiard's house being ItriiKirit-t^ or M*nt bymidl. BlttenBaS^ nXedVoTarled and parteot ar. their heart's hoj:)i'S, he moved along the planted tho .seed that she would endeav­ teau aud gitthered liimseU' together for peated that President Garfiold'was what lie Wiko mill lluiip)-, ot Pompeii show instances, avoideil his mother's steady gaze, but on Fifty-second strei't. The doors of beauty." IMiiNhiirifli. I'a. operatlouB.fli^^ ... . ., . ' . streets like a man drunk, or bending or to jireserve specimens of it for liiiii the rush. No sooner did tho speed ot i J'^QuooI u Elizabeth called Su; Walter Ka­ IT you will stoij nil yoiii' oxtniviiyiint mid i\lr. Vandei'bilt's house are to be of WlthDut ffw^ by « A KFrFr-«-An.iTitH wanted for tho UfunfProHi- beneath a burden which exposed him to making a great ell'ort he soon recovered slnaild he return in time. the train slacken than he dived from his li, "a prodigious worker." One wriiug iiotioii.s in (louteniiy yoni'Holl' and raini- I'litis and jn«Ki|iiitoVliy lie l.iiuglicil. lioH with e.\puiiHlve doctors or liinul)uti ciiro- In (.Tin-It. liy Mm omiiiunl. bincraiihor, L'ol. Coiiwull. tho merey of tlie jjassor-by. Pressed liini.self, and seeing that ho must bo cool seat and leaped upon the platform. In might add he was a worker of prodigies. 15c. box "ItonKb on Rats" keepsahonso free ItrniKs nil rniidy fnr dolivifry. An ulnKantly-illnhtraiiid ty oCrhetoria"*urinaiT "'S'SSd'iftlmnl^Sr The entrance to the house is narrow con­ [From till! l)i.*Irnii ]*n.-i iiiiil 'rril>iiiiit.] jiih. Unit do liiii'iii ulwiiys, and iiHoo;.'.ly imiaru'B volnniu. Kniloi-swl i-ditinn. IJlitinil lurniH. A;ronW nntmnn AnnntlKsrW TOHIC MXamUd BtimnUnt, and weighed down by a lu>iivy fear, he. and firm, or all would bo explained, and .Tust when the fruit was fully matured MEDICINE'It^TJAIlsorptiOII /t< a moment he had disapjieared through Yet I doubt if ono person of a tlnaisand from flies, bcd-bugH. ronohos, rats, mice, etc. sidering its immense size—7-1 feet wide Kiiiiplii reiiiodicH for nil yoiii' alliiiciita—yon will t«k«nnliTb fnr fn»ni!^.Ho frit rntiiMH dally. OutinllM niiy went from that nois(jme »\ncu to ramble perha|)s so sliock his mother as to do the Bermuda prisoner revisited the jail Several men were making purchases the gate, struggling maul'ully to distance has any adequate idea of the ImrdsHiiis othur IKKIIC mri tn oim. Ammiii niivisr ni«do iiinnoy wi loatlng* Mi—_ .. by lio fec^t deep. The ceiling is 17 feet IJU ttisi!, well and liiqJiiy, iiud siive (ji'Ciit ua- Da. WiNCHKLL's Teotnmg Bymp baa never iiihi.. 'I'liu bonk H«Ilii ItKdlf. Kximriuiu-ti nni, noutisaary, like a iallen spirit until the hour at Jier serious injury, he addressed himself and asked to see the plant. This re­ .11 a Detroit store, when a man who had a gaunt competitor, who was, no doubt, of stiiily, privation and trial whiclijll'res- jioiiHe. 'J'liu (,'rciilt!Kt. I'oiiiody for this, tlic freat, Falliiro unltnmvn. All nvakii imnumbi> prclitw. IMvato No mutter TChatyour fowUnffi or Bymrtomt hi.gh. -.Facing the visitor who crosses failed to giro immediate relief when used in twrniB frtM), CJKOIIOK STINKON A Uo., roitland, Maino. are what the disease or alt%P«n* la «so Hop3it- whieh he usually returned frcjm bis la­ to hor in the er, aeeu looKiug out of the window for some The Only True Malarial Antidote. compelled lUtiiuattily to yield to the su­ ideut Chirlield was subjected to, esi.ieeial- wiBO and good will toll you, is lloiiJjiUci's—rely cai5CB of Summer Complni'at, Cholora-infnntnm, the threshold is a monumental tireplaeo tera. Don't wait untUyottami* tick but If you bors to the iHime wlu;re he was welcomed Ho explained that ho had lieoii dis­ salt and vinegar, and, to tho hornn' of :ime turned and said: DK. HOLMAN'I PAS It no gueti-worli remedy— perior enterprise of tho energetic littlo ly iu the later years of his life. Ashe on it. Moo aiiotlier coliiinii.—.J'rfsn. or pains in tho stonmch. Mothern, when voiu only fcol bad or nilaoraUlo*"*^''"™ •? <">eo» as wide as it is high, ascending to the Itmaysavoyourllfe.ItbaaV^^oa nttndrodi.- by a mother's smile and fund attentions. charged by Jlr. owintc to his being the good lady, eommenet'd to eat of tlu' "Well, that's a bad case." •• feeble Iv^tatlv* •zperimeiit —no purloinet ' man. grew stronger, after ho had reached the little darlings aro putrcring from these or"kin- ceilin.g, one nia.ss of carvr'il wood and I Having a C'oiiipclciicy. drsd cnuscH, do not liosituto to give it a trial. *^ tBOOwIUbepaldforacalM they will not' Hardening himftolf to play a ilceoptive extremely dissatisfied with him, aiul supposed pioisonous fruit with a relish "What is it," inquired two or throe at hod^e podge '•< ioine other Inventor'aidca ; it is maturity of his wonderful intellectual euro or help. Do not Bu(rorV>f let your frlondi; niarl)le. The wjills aro frescoed in red Vou will surely lio pleased with tho chnrming part in In r prwornvj, be a"j)proiiehed the i that, as he never intended to return tothat that astonished the beholders. Afti'r 3 nee. the original and only genuine cnr« ]>')> 4;n<>ii ••r«Mi(:Ciiii;r. power and greatness, he caiho to be in ! I have a neighbor who is always so •u(rer,hutUB«andurffe thom^"^ HOP tt t.'rW:- and gold, very solid and bright. To the oHect. Eo sure to buy Dr. WinohoU's Teothing Ileinomber,HopBIttonitoii6^7""» rffu^d door with a eonfuliinoe wliieh his eon- I line of business again, it was necessary, enjoying tlu,' strange ri'past, he informed "Well, I don't know who is the hus­ Atlve Pad, the only remedy that hiis an hon- No man cim f WIIT WABTI MOhari TAAc Rfcr. ar tM. I at this instance of lilial devotion, "but At tills one of the men iiegan to Tit's business of selling lithogiTiphoil j for it was wisely said by a man of great vl^^ If Ttu wASt ft Lnkiirlknl m.uituh.. iawliif xeiiilers more acute. and goodly borcaii,di of I'orU. For porcelain. There are sixteen panels (with its AdJuvantsJ luch complete and unfailing man since Clay aud AVebster, lie was I K: ri Q •rhlakm or % kttT* KKfih tr and sreiieral pnliiie favor. ciiiisidered extravagant for most draw- ;iand." largely, lavi-ldy, on this immense store Fon Headache, Constipation, Liver Complaint THAN A.VYTIII.Va IN MXUICINB I" elei'gyiniin who is too indnlent or too Let us not repine, or so much as think • MIJJtUAKIl 1IUOH., C'blcuBu, III. LECTHffiU@T!=i to cold indilVerence. But, when, he had myself demands that I should witlnlraw Hig-rooms. The western half of Mr. W. ".Vi'e von? And you are laugliing over of vital and nerve force, as if ho had I and all bilious dornngcmenta of the blood, there . n3r-NKRV0US DKUir.I'l'Y. 1^,: .MAshood, , the gifts of God unequally dealt, if we only himself to deal wiili, the aetor for- | from her society. Our pnsiticju toward H. Viinderbilt's house is given up to a the flirtation?" The auccens of HoLXAN't PADS hat inspired Im- ignorant to prepare an original sei'imm never thought of there being any limit ' is no remedy as sure nnd snfo aa Eilerl's Bay- i-nd InilmtrHd itnucra cm-Kd Ijy M.V'ru''i-:\V3^'' Dishes M:\i\e of I'aiier. seo another aliouiid iu riches wlieu, as ligijt Liver Pills. They utand unrtvallod in r'e- Improred KlB.itni-IMiiKnolic Holt niju AIj.-"-b«nt.« £ot his part, .and once more l.ieeanie ihe • eacOi other has uuilergone a ehaiige ; picture gallery -IS feet long, HO feet wide "[—T can't help it," ho said, as ho hntors who olTcr Pads similar in formi if.nIOL,MA?v S'JKa. one, wliieli, if platted on liis jiuljiit and God knows, the cares that iire the keys nio'v'ing bile, toning the atomnch aad iu giving ItlmiiB larytir tluin oUmra. Do mil. tM\n.-li H- K71»> •conseience-slriekeu man of guilt. I she is in the .same cnmlitioii, while I'aiii anil :',ii feet liigli. There' is. a smaller iveut i-jll'liiU'.^liiii,g. "Just think of him patiently, earnestly, in compar.ative ot> : • otd-fityli< $i!(i llolta wliuii ymi cun ect th*. Ittut.t.. adojjtiou of i>ap<'r plates by scuue of tliL Beware of thene BoKua and Inil. that keep those riches hang often so hoaltbynctiou.totho liver. Sold by siU druggists. Despair, with its harrowing convieiiiais, poor, very poor; and love and poverty room adjoining to be used for water col­ tlirtin.g aiiil si rutting up and down doing read to his eiingre_iiiitioii will leiiil them sciu'ity, and, il' I must say so, I happen j •Ilniirurod for Si!. '• Ktwitrir LtKlit." a 'J^.ci.lumaj greiit restniiriuits and eafi.'s in lii'i'liu. tatlon PadM, Kotten up to ncll on lieavUy at tho rich man's gircUe that they Ipaper. hent frcti nniiMiliid; Mialod. iJu. prostrated the wliolo of his fa'eultios, rarely agree." ors. A balcony iu tho picture gallery the iiurty, when theohl woman out there to believe it is his own composition and to kn-.iw ho felt it keenly. Once, sitting j .-l 'i'oiii'ir) liver is iin notivo ciiuso of nuicli • 1). a. \>. M.V'I'IIK^VS .t CO.. and ho moaned in the helpli.'ssness. of The innovatiun •v^a^ lir.st iiitrodueed dur­ will be uscil by the orchestra at lialls. has iieeu stone blind for seven years—ha! tlie reputation of ttae GEKVIl'^Q peiuimn.ship. 'This is a bniinnza' to ii in the ollice of the Gibson House in I clog him with -weary days and restless human suiroriufj. .\11 that iiitoriial applicn'iion I'oir C733.111I9 and "S^o-xrcie M. 86 and 68 ilfl.b Avenun. Ohlonca. la. HUI^MAM PAD. bis conditiou. He throw himself un­ " Toil know little yet of a woman's ing the snnimi'r of last vi.-ar by the ad- Lia! ha!" eoi'tiiin class of pi'eachoi's, and will re­ Cincinnati, after ho had glanced warily nights, even where others sleep quietly. ean accomplish is to stiuiulutu violently. JJu', AND ALL DISEASES rf the proper course is to apply Uu. HOL3H.S''E Cunacil by Miiliirlal INilaoiilnir uf the BlofHl, 0. N. U. No. 43 dressed on the bed, and yielded to the heart, Walter," said his mother, smil­ veiiluroiis laiullnnl of a Miueh-fri-iinent- yh: ^'anderllilt went tii Europe with Encli Genuine Holtnnn Pad heart lieve flicnn (if initeli of tlie drudgery and with a purd'onablo air of disappotut- We seo but tha outside of the rich man's J'AW luid have tlio cure uindo p'ormancnt ijy its "tVrilK.N WKII'INJJ TO AUrRICTI .„ liori'ors by which he saw himself on all ing, "or you wtnild be aware that, pro­ ed open-air rest.ani'ant. J^^very eu.itomei Hester to order all the glasswork, clinii- lirakcsinoii. the Private Iteveuue stamp of m* which iiiakes pnstoral labor irksome, nieiit at the Cincinnati dailies, he asked hajjpiuess ; fow consider him to be like A "WAEBANTED CUBE. vided a man retains his honor, she cares who ordered luvad lUid lMUr..'r, mils, HOLMAN P.VD COMPANY with the aU^ the silk wni'in, that, when she seems to absorption properties. Tho pad iu death to I • .1 ."'•">«<-• »">• you aaw tho udvvrtiai-utuul sides surrounded. di-Uei'.-i, carpets, Innigings, marble work Tho principal duties of ii lirakesman and caii.scs (;iii'ly ileeiiy among t!ie minis' siidly; "AVhydo the edittn's hero treat liver ailmontK. Price, J$ 1 .OO. For sail; by all Druggiata. •II tills iniiicr. little in hor youth about tho trash which eaUi-S, Villus or siinihir artiine.s, hail them Trade Mark printed in green. ]ilay, is at the same time spiiiiiiug her Ho moaned and ho cried, and then he iiud most of the i'urniitire. 'Tho only art ai'c to smoke cigarettes, sit with the try. Cerlaiii elorg.viiieii who have iic- me so unkindly?" I rejilied at once, the world calls wealth." served to him, on a little papiu' plate, iiirwsboy in the smoking-earandroail the own bowels and consunung herself. Ajid Oxj-y tlio Kouuino nxlo grenso has .the name iJSiKtcraednntfreee , clenched his fists and beat tho air—exe­ done in this cnnntry for the bouse are FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, i|iiii'ed a i'i-'|iiitatinii for briiliaiiey Inivo "Jjecausc, General, tiiey have great meu fmantlrd Ikv MtemaiM.' This remark caused Walter to turn made of light pajiier maehe, aunruiid the bronze railings around the bouse and J'o/uii: .!Vt,'«w. Ho is also required to rush ilniio sn by piekiiig up the ]iniili-hed of their own. Hoadloy, Pendleton, this many rich men do, loading them­ of FniKcr on every package, aa4 weus longer Icial profemmian, fort crated himself, then others—and finally Willi a pretty hunler in relief, and hav­ Ot tent by mail, pott'paid on receipt of Ca.Ofta selves with corroding cares to keep what than any other. pale as death, and almost to fall from the bronze crijsting around tho roof. out on till? ])laiform at intervals to put a seriiinns of eiiiiiietit niiuisr.'i's. This is Young, Matthe\rs, Cox, and so on for a I jaebiHip, flamaie JMa-1 sprang from tho bed like a savage darting ing, at till.' tirst giauee, a great they liavo already got. Let us, there- inty, .fiamaie JMa-1 ids .seat fainting. His alarmed mother This work was done hi nine months bva man oil' his seat on a thing that looks uiti'iided with grout risk, and is almost quantity. You live out in the country, Fon Rhonmatism, Sprnint and Braises, nsa I eaa««, tfaut of F«al> I uponhisprey. Hise;,---ri.'iparkled,hischest similarity to iioreelain. Guests, HOLMAN PAD CO., loi'o, be thanklul for health and conipe- |<(lf, S»rt>aum^romtra-\ (lew to his assi.-itance, and beseeclied Philadelphia linn fi.ir S'l'^,000. Tho cliau- like the horizontal Uy-wheel of a copy­ f sure to be fiillnwed by e.Niiostire, when away upon tholJeservc. But your time Uncle isniu's Nerve and Bono Liuimeut. sold by \tion, MtMi CanvalM.I heaved, and his whole attitude wa.s tliat waiters ami hosts were all [/>. 0. Box '-'iril »44 HroailivaK. f*. \. ' tenco, and, al.iove all, for a quiet coii- him to make a conlUlmit of her ; for she delii rs, incluiiing one of .solid silver ing press ; and screw the tiling around somebody who has happened to read will come by aud by, when they will vio all druggists. iecnr«/k'pm£V«*r«,A«.f of Menace and deliance. lileased with the novelty. It saved seiencc.—jzcirik Wnlluii. wm^rfm was sure, she said, ho had something weigl'.ing half a ton, for the ball-room or with an earnestness that makes it a mat- sticli .sei'iiions in print di.'-'eover.s wliat with each other in the attempt to praise " Since I cannot go back," thought concealeii injm uer wmeii caused luuj tliu waiters niaa.v a dediietion from ttlCMJV'.'^ t'AICIiOI.K^ .s.tl.VH the picture gallery, were made by .Uar- tcu' of wonder that !.e doesn't dislocate the lii'illiiiut clergymen have beoj' iloiiig. and flatter you." Ho smiled satlly, but aujed alm-oat imri^idlSti-^ind^ondirfil re-^luT Theold7n%T»1«nTnS'«"d I'fSTnd that* m? he, sotting his teeth firmly together, "I the most poignant distress. their wages i.m aeeount of bn.'akagos, iH thi- r.i:sT SAl.Vli ftrrCiil^. Ilniisi's. Scirus. UlriTH. bedieiuie, of Paris, From careful esti­ the baggage car, or twist the train oH' tho The business of stijiiilyiiig sermoti niaii- said nothing. I rather thought that ho TUR Oltuwii (Kan.) UrinihUiMn tlius jaanot pormanf ntly nhated. I hn»e naed thiee bottlaaof the TonirBlnoBMiiilt I.iiy,-;-don have done twice tha la. will go forward ; and wo be it to—" With the utmost dilliculty he rea.q- which the very di'i'test and ch^verest, ean track. T'liere are other duties thatdevulve I Salt lnu;imt.'r<-[lt)i-. C'li;t|tp('tl Ilai.itn. (.Iliillilaiiis. C'nniti, With tha tranqnll n*rw mates it is tlunight that the three bouses useripts ill lithograph is a speciiill'.y by believed what I said, but I was never (piotes: Jlr. lliirvoy ].!. F. Keller, Kocorder iiiiii all l;in.lhMl Sliin iMiipHinis. l'i..ti!kIi'K aiui l*inipli-s. ^5'JS5.'„VJ::5'''J"' "•• •••°.* ""•.dnrina mr Ulneaa, aad with doubl. thSSK With thj trananll nat» sured hor, and, when both woro more scarcely avoid when In.' handle.-, hnn- At this critical moment his glance foil in that one plot (if Around will have cost, on a brakesman. He must be able to | ilsell'. The houses wiiieii dn it di'i lull sure of it. That was less thau two years of Deutls, says: I liave long been convinced fli'l llH.VliV'S l.'Al;l!Hl.li; SAI.VK. asall (.rhirh aro nd Tl«or of body, haa coma alas a^clearaeM of tboiwbt narar befora aaioied. ItW%nlo haa Bard!>nS 2? cuim, ho solemnly requoated her to di'iiils of p;i.!ee-i of eri>ol;ery iluria.y a hurl the name of evi.'ry station becomes I (if the iiiorits oC St. ,Ti«;obs Oil, and URO it on a picture hanging against tho wall ; when readv for house-warming, about lilhugi'apli Ihe senuoii.s ui ianions di­ ago,—Coi: Chioafio Tribune. I'.iinnl'.-rli'iiH. I'rk-ii,'.ficiilH. ork,7kao« Dot what. I.i»lt th.credit, ^" J-P. WAT»oll.lgf& ChrtithlVffi" ^T,)?'" **• it waa the head of our Savior, and the grant him a favor. .siiigli! afti-rnoou and evouing. The pa­ S'-i, noo, UOO." to through Ihe length of the ear, so that j in my family for rheumatism suocessfully. vines, but keep iu their (Miqihiy sevei'sl IHJ. «il.T:KN'.'^ K.\V(ii:.\.\T|-;i> lilTTKIi.«< rmie Irwa Hanto im a\ f^SS^^^^^S^^^SSS^SSSS^SBS^BSg^BBmrmum fiift of his mother,' A long, long look did "What is it? " she inquired. per plates were so elie!',p thab the laiiil- the jjassengers can't catch it, and at | loi'il did not cure li> assert his ownership cle'.'gynieii wlio write scrmniis tn cu'der Ih III!) I t!;il. ifiiiiMt.v lor l>.V(*ln'lisIa. HilUiusinih'L .Val'iria, lie take at the mild face wliioli smiled so " Trust mo," replied he, falling on his Diiiiiliou »r the Sun. night lie isreiiuired to run through the i An Open .Made to Urdor. Marrying flic Dead. hiili^itsliiin. and Uis--am»sof IIIL- lllipuri. Kidn*;;. I.ivtT, over them ami. his customers were al- fnr till! piirjiosi!. The English cniieerns Hweetlj' from its r|,nvas, and then ho knees before lier. 'f'l'ore are extinct suns. Tho fact that cars every twenty minutes aud wake up An oxtriiordiuary marriage eeremony Klilii.i'H'. •_ Ic^wcd to carry tlieui away like the pret­ sleeping pass.'iigers by knockinv;- their I keep a large and well assnrteil variety of In my kitchen tliore is a table which Jjiu'st into tears, 'liiey were tho best he "I will!" she emphatically ex­ there are such lends new weight to the took place at Portsmouth, Knglniul, not IllJU.NO'S CATAIUltl SNUl'l' cim'sall niriicUonsof /M^rM/C. ty serviettes of thin ).iai)er used in so sei'inons on hand, as they have to meet I cordially recommend to every house- MMBfACTMHI il Till DR. MAKTEit WBDICIWB CO., H. ZU MMTMMAIM ITItlT. »T. Ultifa liad ever shed, for they 0]>eiied n\) to claimed, falling on his neck ; and from reasiins wirieh liermit us to conclude hats oil'with his liintern. Good brakes­ I a great while ago. A Sliss JIaiiiwaring, the iiiiicfMiH iiKfinlirano. ol* ttiu tiiiAtl and tliroiit. liiany restaurants in Holland. There Secpet. I^S all manner of roquironients, both as to keo]ier. It is a perfect treasure. It is liim the fountains of a now life, and ex- men, who tire not killed when coupling that day forth tho subject was never that our sun also is a body which slowly three feet six inches long, twenty-six iu- the daughter of an army olUcer, was Mt. .MOTTS LIVMU PILLS am tho btut Oatliartia tingiiished those unholy sparks which was also a coiisideraVdo saving on tirj cars, beconio conductors in course of subjects and tho way of treating tlieiu. renewed between them, gives out its store of heat, and thus will Tho fiict is well uiidcrsfood clies wide and thirty inches high. The about to ho married, and her ti'ous.seiiu ]l<>£ulntorft. vrote upon it, in a very large, round World, Iron, iu speaking of a uew industry re­ ture. that v.'hieii I lia'.'e assumed in tlia' cal­ secret" wlien we explain that with a nice doth over it, as a sido-tablo niont. Her Viody was, tliereinro, taken •should pursue. Many and various wore hand, the talismanio words, " Never do- cently sprung uiJ in England, says it f in the coffin to church, followed iiy hor siJau-! " and then fastened it to the cur- culation. 1-Int we know of no natural promises well. This is the manufacture "Mustang" penetrates skin, The Mississippi iitiil Trihiitarieg. .his tliou,glits, but they all partook of the Convoi'sathiii nt Home. When we wish to move the dishes friends in wedding costume, the de­ tauis at tho foot of his bed, so that lie l)roeess which could sjiare our sun the of fire bricks from flint, at works which Jlesh aM mnscle to tho very tone of one grand, all-commanding - \ pamphlet on the His.s'issippi rivov fi'om the kitchen to the diniug-ronin, or ceased's wreath of ornnge blossoms be­ miglit have the sentence before him to Children hunger perpetually for new fate which has manifestly fallen on other have Ixieu started at Charlton, Kent, by bono, removing all disease inent; aud by that he was resolved to .''iiid its tributaries gives the following vice versa, we roll them on this tuble. ing placed at tho head of the cofiiii. read night and morning, lde8.s. They will learn plonsuro from tlio suns. This is a thought which wo only tho Thames Flint Fire Brick Company, and sorsiiess. No other lini­ ETROLEUM JELLY ha ffiiided. The coiuago of his brain statenicnt of the mileage nf tho naviga­ When we nre enoking nt tho stove, this Several clergymen nlilclated, and, utter lips of iiarents what they deem it drud­ reliictanily admit. .11 iM-iems to us an in­ of which Mr. E. 1'. Salway is tho mana­ viis ilistiiledin th.at best of all alembics, It was a mighty task, and no blood­ ment does tills, hence none ble jiorljon of each of the followiiig- table .is rnllcd close to the stove and reading t.he marriage sei'viee, that fir Used and approved by tho leading FHYSI- gery to study in books; and, oven if they sult to tlie beiiericent creative power ger. The bricks arc manufactured un­ (hi! heart; and gradually there was ac­ stained knight ever couched lance other is 80 largely ii.sed or uamod rivers id lOvc its mouth: Jlissonri, serves to hold whatever we wish to put funeriils was ]iroceeded with, after liiivo the misfortune to bo deprived of which we othi.'rwise lind at work iu or­ der Sir Henry Edwards' iJiitent. Those I CIANS of EUROPE and AMEEICA. cumulated withm him a geutly-Uowing against a fixs more gallantly thau dioiis (Iii'd.) ScnIliiiH. , von Yuelint Toi^t given in pleasant conversation, and what reaching for good, noble in design, be­ I flOBSS, ODI& CHIIBIAIKS an aaparlw t<. tMt tlaOlar j^f.:;;;. lormed; that was to part, perhaps for unless criminal and dishonorable. At if we follow it far beyond our written Crook, 116; Tensas, 112; Monongnhela, WirBN others aro suffering, drop a word of unconscious, but excellent mental train­ neficent iu results and worthy of the fSaSR IIISEABE8, BRETO&nSK ever, with the girl he loved. the end of six years, by dint of the most history, into the era of the lake dwell- 110; Kentucky, 105; Bartholomew, 100; kindness and aympatby. If tboy are BufToring VniK>l} MFM '' '"O ""<><1 •"•mTelocriiphjIn OAXABBB, EEKOBBHOISS, Xto. Alio for ing is lively, social argumenti most respectful recogultiou. Ue^^feffl;'ialJaAX'"d If -19 MEN ore like type. They frequently I UUnil InEII (our mnntlii. and lie certAln o( a ait indefatigable labor—and hard, common ingt) o'v tho mam moth, it is but an iu- Kauawha, 9-1; Musldufiura, O-l; Chip­ from « Cold, give thorn Dr. BnU'sOough Syrupi nation, (ddreu VAI^KNl'INB BRO&, JanMviUe,Wla. Coaghi, Coldi, Sore Throat, Croup ud OlphtlicrU, ate " Alary," said he, gazing mo Mi-SUATTAH BOUI CO.. U W. ItU. tk, X.T. t.O. loTttM make a poor imprcssiou, and are often Aa avreMbteifoaiaftidti i ^ u pewa, iH); Iowa, 80; Big Hnt^hio, 75; a few dosei of this valuable romody will afford lodiod up, nnd numbers of thorn event­ la^itj them. , SS, and SO oeat ihea of •U;biir. gooda,. ' •Wp-ANTANTJCD—bd] t Anntt la.M«ff iiij;: St. CroLx, 05; Book, 65; Black (La.), iuHtant relief, and a twonty-flvo cont bottlo iriU ually find their way to the "hell-box," "-- MABTIM'S^UBIS" '- t 88 CBITO ABOX ^^i^if- 'Btnil tor oln» vtxKvn nrsAi. AT TTZT. vxajca% vunoK Exposmdiv! 01; Macon, GO; Bcouf, 53: Big Horn, —.BiUiTue. SrK»i«, Cur—..TObe paaltiTl * euro tho worst Cough, Ur. OB.HABTUt k 00., iMUBtiMt,Olilc«fa ; , VILVBB UtOAt, AT TUB l>AI tM BSJ>«MttlOII.. r<3LQAT£^kC0ijri£

•1-m. n?rT??V ..•<•'i-'','-'':•••;.v.-r^; '.•'•,'..•-./-*•• ••''••, f f i!^ 'mym SBiiilliSSiiliiil-^

tyj •:;V'';'v:'''^f:^^;oKBJios;;;./'. Legal. L^nl. W» Ifpved—Flre-nnnnwAyT-Obitnnrjrt etci SUPERIOR .?H'C'.V UAKDIAN'S 9ALE.-BY VIltTUE OP OHTOAGK SALB.-DEPAULT HAVING 6. Laylln baa moved to Mecosta. G licen.jolicense, to llime gniiifedgrunted, on the tenth diidajy M been made in the payment of two hnndrod thiunday, pbtober 20, 1881. Geo. Baldwin and sister returned October, 1881, liy Ueorge l*', Cilllam,.lni1i;e of I'l nnd twenty-six dollars and twenly-llve coute, hntu of the County of lagliiim, and titute of now cialmud tii be duo iind-iinpald upon u certain lust Friday. —/a CONVEmENCE,— Michigan,! aliall BOII at public auction, on tho mortgage, bearing date tlie twenty-nfth day of •••••••:';v';^^::^:{>v:LESLIE.^.' • J. Phillips, sr., has gone to Oakley ffltli day of Novembur, 1881, ut one o'clock In the June, 18711,executed l>y Sarah J, Norinandin to afternoon, at the Iront door of the Court Ilnuso, iBuac Stow, and recorded in the ofllce of the Itog- to visit his son who ia quite aiok. til the City of Mason, In HUUI County, all tho ister of Deeds tor Inghnin County and Slate of OURABILin, ECONOMY, right, titlu and interest of Myron Morton and Michigan, in liber Iffty-ono of mortgaguo, on . A. Jonea and wife, formerly of thia Uelos Morton. ininorM, In and lo certain real os- pagcB IIM and -131, and duly ussigiied hr siild Isaac ,. J. E.Hall. Isatliome. Hia mother, place but now of Lealle, buried their tuto In Buld County, described as tho nndivided Stowe to Miirla E. Iiign, April 2i)d, 1881. and re­ VOL. XXIII.-NO. 43. MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1881. Mrs. O. Hall ia no better. two-llfths of the soiitli west fructhMiid niiurter corded In the Itegisier's ul!lc'e alorosatd, upon WHOLE NO. 1190. only son last Saturday. Many fViends and the siaitli west otnirter of the soatli eiist the second day of August, 1881, in lltinr llfty of Mrs; I J. Young of Vlcksburg Is vis­ sympathize with them in their bereave­ GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. quarter of section six (l>) In town two (Dl north of mortgages, on page three hundred and llfty: No iting her friends In this pluuu. ment. range iwo(tj) weat, iAurellus), Ingham (ju.,Mich. suitor proceeding at law having been hiBtitiitod MEI.VI.N I..TtAIl.y. to recover any iinrt tbereo), and the power of 6EXEKAL COUNTY NEWS. PERSONALS. A BorlouN Accidoiit. Mre.'Peacock, mother of James Pea­ lA\st Wednesday niglit Clias. Secly, Ounrdiuii of said Minors, sale therein contained buviug become absolute at the county farm, and of temiiorary JB USINE88 liOCALS, Dated October lOth, 1881, SSw7 by virtue of the statute in such case made and relief, were paid by orders drawn upon cock, of this place, died Sunday aged mail carrier, left bis horse standing at Diplithcria in Willlnmaton. Will Gregory is at home again. • 84 years: thedopot without being tied. Thonight BUY^EBEST! irovided; Notice Is hereby given, that upon Luke Aseltine, residing three miles Sejmonr Foster SOLD hitinday, the twelfth day of November next, this fund. Under tbe new system, Dr. A. C. Manly, G. W. P. of the train coming in frightened him and OMMISSIONKHS' NOTICE,— THIS UN- i Puiir.isiiKn EvKiir THUIISBAV, By Htironi Bristol snys tlmt in Aureliua Another old pioneer gone. "Chan." east of tho city, ia the owner of a Win­ Tho Abstract man, has thin (Thursday) mom* BV C dorsigncd having been iijipointed by the at one o'clock In the afternoon, I shall sell at each township und city will estimate Ing completed arrangements whereby ho cnu O. E. ,&., reports a good time at the he ran about two miles, bringing up in LEADING DEALERS EVERYWHERE. ™w,« I'rohate Court for the County of Ingham, coiu> liublic auction, to Ihe highest bidder, at the front seven inclics of ruin fell during the Oshorii is married. chester breech loading rifle, with which door of the Inglium County Court llouse, In tho T. J. TEFFT. and raise the amount needed to sup­ loan a few thousand dollars at 7 per cent, session held at Middlcville lost week. the yard of C. \. Hosklns. No dam- inisslonerH on the estate of (leo. \\\ tibufer. de* he was preparing to make a hunting ceased, to settle and itiljnst all claims against City of Mason, tsald court bousu being tho place first ^ days of this month. Kate Stephens has returned to Ma­ port its poor from year to year. The straight. Apply early. 88tf ago was done. said estate, du hereby give notice that they will wiiere the circuit court for said county la lield,> 'W'ednesday the departments In the the Hermitage to Nashville, Murfrces- year, $1.50; liii monlht, 75 canlii expedition into the north part of the On the night of Oct. 12tli, Freeman Mont Mnrkot. meet for that purpose at the odlce of Ueo. W. so much of the land described in said mortgagu OM three Tlic pic-nic season has closed at Pino son, after a two months'absence. cost of tfemporary relief will be paid Union school commemorated the an-' boro. Lookout Mounti\!n, Mission lliLslol, In the City of Mason, Mich., on the 12lh us shall be necessary to satisfy tlie amount 'uuo, monllii, 40 eenii—i« idvinee. state. He loaded his owii cartridges, Ono-Tbivd iBtereat In Sitw nnd Plan­ • iiiversary of, the surrender at York- Bray's barn burned, together with live d!i.v of November, ISSl, and on the Itb day of and all legal costs, together with an attorney foe Lake, and the Hardy brothers report Mrs. L. J. Ford is visiting friends from the township or city poor fund. ing Mill in nansvllle. For Sale. - Ridge, Chlcamauga, Dalton, ^[arietta, ADVERTISINO' RATES. making the balls. Last Saturday 'v.towni by exercises consisting of egsayB horses, four sets of harness, about 50 and through nmny other battle April, 188'.', at JU o'clock In ibo forenoon of said of thirty dnilurs ciivennnted for therein, Tho the best season they have ever had. in the southern part of the state. Persons permanently indigent will be Has paying business the year round. tons of hay, and some tools. Cause of PAIiACS days. Six iuontha from the lib , sured for !?1,C00. ' .1. K. Hr.MEII, Conuty, State of Michigan. «very Insertion. White of Will|ani.ston, is in Washing­ expense of tlie township or city send­ be seen what is raised in that section, Mason, August 2d, 1881, yesterday to the Detroit female semi­ swedged sufllciently to let it into the SOtr. Dansvlllo, Mich. C'ominisslonors. Marriage, birth, and death notices l^ee. ton. He states that lie will soon re­ ing them. Persons without residence AURELIUS. how they do it, what they do with It, MAlilA E. lAGO, Assignee, Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, nary. barrel easily. Ho crowded the cart­ FITCIIBUItG. Meat Market! Dated Oct. lOtb, 1S8I. SSwl «ardB of thanks, otc, five cents a lino, who have to be tempororily cared for, To Teaetaera. Southern life in all its forms will be LuciKN liKKii, Attorney for Assignee. 81wl3 turn. Judgo of probate .lames Paddock ridge partially in when, finding it too Public examinations will be liold this fall TlilH Town "(In Iteok" Once nore. portrayed, and a general knowledge of UAKDIAN'S 8ALK,-IN TIIK MATTEl! will be maintained as county charges. B. W. Stark has gone north on a I>lcc|iiirliir« - - Wew nrlck things In that part of our country can I the estnto of Klliert A. Wbltney, minor. STAT~~E OHJ^^IiUCINpA KKELEle, DE- The mail route lias been extended and .lohn Raynor of .St. Louis are in large, he tried to draw it out. But it asfoliows: MasouiOct.28; Wllllamston.N'ov. niut'k—viipiiiiiir< Kte. GNotice Is hereby given, that in pursuance ton E ceased. StaleofMlcblgaii. ...-.,....,_, count_ y of Ingham„ , THiB NEWS JOB BOOM For defraying such expenses, and for 2; Dansville, Nor. 9; Leslie, TSoy, 10; com- deer hunt. be obtainerl at a cost that can be met ss. At n sesslonof the probate court foforr "th o coun­ from Uiiiidilltt to ,Stockbridge so tlmt town. would not come out, and he tried to Mrs. Joseph Asqulth is very sick, license to me granted by the lion. ,litmeH Pad­ Is supplied with the best machinery that paying the superintendents and over­ menoing at D A. M. each day. Teachers will E.iiny weather at tlie Corners apd by almost anyone, I am sure from A NEW DEAXiI dock. ,}adge of Probate In and for the County of ty of Iiigliam, holdeii at the probate ollice, in the the mails reach tiiatoillce iiiucli sooner force it in, A companion near told Plenty of rain and nmd at present. having been over the ground that no Crallotnnd state of Michigan, 1 will sell ut pub­ city of Mason,on liietiltbdayof Supteiuber,ln tho money ciin buy, fltted for steam power, a largo Ilev. E. VanderHart was in town seer of the jioor, it will still be neces­ bring pencils and paper. We hope all per­ plenty of mud. lic unction, nt the front door of the Court House year one tbonsaud night linndredand elgbty-one. assortment of tho latest stylos of Type, Bor­ than before. Mr. Aseltine to stoj) or ho would ex­ sons applying for license to teach, will oomo one will ever regret havinggone there. Present, Coo. t'',Gillam, Judge of probate. a few days this week. He found Miss Etta Bond and Eddy Gibson Mi's. T. Poxson fell and broke her In the City ol Masnn. Inubaiu County, State of ders, etc., enabling us to do Job Printing on sary to have a county poor fund. The prepared for a critical examination. shoulder. Dr. Conlan is attending Yours respectfully, Michigan, on Monday, the lll'lli ilii.r <»r Ho- In the matter of the estate of Luclnda Keeler, A new congregational church has many old friends glad to greet him. plode the cartridge, and,fearingthecon- arc added to the sick list, IlavliiB bocoiiio thoroughly convinced that, culiilicr, A. D. 1881, utoue o'clock la the after­ deceased. 'Short notice, at low prices, nnd in tho care of the iiiresent inmates of the poor- The third grade certlticato issued, requires ' her. N. A, DUXNINCl. tliu "pay as yon KO" system Is the only IOKIU- On reading and llllug the petition.duly vcrlfled, been dedicated at Williainston. About seqtiences, started away. Hj^liad gone William Turbush and Frank Beeves niale way of IIOIDI; business, I shall eloso my noon of said day, all the right, tillit uiiil Interest J. C. Cannon had to be excused house will be charged to the township about the same qualiflcations as tlie recent An old gentleman by the name of of Buld minor in tho follon'lni; described reul of Egbert K. ICeeler praying that administration BEST POSSIBLE MANNEE! $4(X) were rai.scd at tlio dedicatory ser­ but thirty paces wlien be heard the and wife from Isabella county, are vis­ books on the nrsl. day or ,Scptfiinbur, ISSO, and crtlale, viz: Tliu west ouo-bulf of the north we.st of said estate may be granted to the petitioner or from his duties on tho board of super­ or city to which they belong. The second grade. Tho second grade, as the recent Purdy, has opened a boot and shoe alter that date do a some oilier siiltaiile perstui. report and ran back to find Aseltine first, nnd tho llrst grade will demand very iting friends in and about Aurellus. ENGLISH AM) AMEUICAN MILLIMS. oae-fourtb of secllim tldrty-ibreo, unil the west Wo do as uood work as can be ohtitinod any* vice, leaving an indebtedness of.$700. visors this week, owing to tlio sickness overseer will still be paid a salary, and shop at th Is place. one-bulf of the south wusi onu-rotirib of scGtJt)n Tberuupoii it Is ordered, that the 2Jlh day of lying on the ground with his high BoUolarsblp and experience, Married.—Oct. 13, by Lucus Hnw- twenty-eigbt In tnu'nsblp one iiwrlb, of range October next, ut ten o'clock In tile forenoon, 'wliero, and parlies in need of commercial or If a resident of White OaU wishes of hisdauglitcr, Erma. tho superintendents of the poor will Iclns, justice of the peace, Jlr. Henry Alljert has sold his farm to a The really great eflbrls made on the Strictly Cash Business I two cast, la the county uf Ingham, Slule ol Mlch- be usslgiied l»r the bearing of suld petition, •fancy Job Printing of any description nro face and eyes filled with powder, and E. E. QnAKOBK, Fresident, gentleman from Waterloo, for four­ jiart of the milling fraternity on the anil that tlie heirs ut luw of siiid deceased, and requested to call, examine styles, and obtain to coniinuiiicatc by letter with aciti/cn Mrs. .1. Shaw returned last night look after the poor farm and buildings. 'W. A. BOWE, J. Marvin to Miss Mary E. Bates, both all ottier persons interested in said estate are re­ badly scorched. Help was summoned, J. J. OAtKiNS, Secretary, from Eaton Kaplds. teen hundred dollars. occasion of thcExiiibition at the Agri­ And, us I shall have no poor accounts, enn "buted at St. Louis, Mich., Oct. IS, A, I). 1881. quired toappear ut a session of said court, then to prices before placing their orders. of Stoekbridgo, six miles away, he from Indianapolis, where she has been The work of temporary relief will be all'ord to KIVO iny ensioiners the bon- T. W. WIIITNUV, bo boldun at I be probate ollice, ih the city of when it was found that his left eye Board School Kxamlnors. Mr, and Mrs, Lewis of Detroit, are cultural Hall ill May hist, appear to SIhv" ttiiardiaii of said .Minor. AVK GUAB.VSTKK PEIIFKCT SATLSFACTION. mails his letter at White Oak, wlience attending Fred Biirch through an ill­ done entirely by the supervisors. The Tlio Good TemplarsJ have broken have exliiuistcd mu'cli of their super­ olil by inaklii!; a Mason, nnd show cuiise, if any there he, why tho was destroyed. The right eye may be ground for a new hall. I think the visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. prayer of tbii iietltloiier should not be granted; it goes to Dansville, thence to Wii- ness, bringing Fred back with her. pay for the care of the poor at the School Books cheap nt Wood's. Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, and Mr. abundant energy, judging from the Host Loin .Steak And It Is furtiier ordered, that said petitioner saved,but his face is so filled with pow- building is to be 25x60 and 20-fo6t l.'Jc give nutlce to the persons iiiterestud In said os- NEWS NOTES. lianistoii, thence to Lansing, thence to county-house will be arranged between Physicians say If opa and Malt Bittors aro and Mrs. Lawrence. general inactivity prevailing since the I'ork G. K. & I. It. R. Co. dcros to resemble spatter-work. With posts, a hall ahovd and a hall below. close of that E.\liibition. It is true . Viv. tale of tlie pendency of suld petition, und the Jackson, thence to Chelsea, tlience to the superintendents and the town­ tho best. Sirs. Adeline Schofleld, died at the iHhonlderSleaks and llonsl.s,. lOC heurliig Ilieieof by cuuslnga copyoftbls order to The frame work of Mary Ann tlie exception of tlie loss of an eye, his tliat the Exliibition was the means of be piibllsbed in the INOIIAH COUNTV NKWS, TUAYELEBS* GUIDE. re.riideiKM) of her brother, Chas, E.nrl, SlowInK riocos «@7c SURE REWARD ! Uniidilln, thence to Stockbrldge—a Gunii's house has been comincnccd. ships. As there is no city and town­ Remember that Howard & Son's Mc.vican NORTH Jt VRGLIUS. attracting some importtint orders to a u news|ia|ier printed aud circulated in said county recovery will be rapid. Roasted colfeo boats them all, at 2« cents. at this place. .She has been a terrible of liigbuiii, fur three successive weeits previous J., I.. A- S, nivlNlon HI. v.. Ilnilronil. distance of nearly 12.') niile.s. Tlmt'iH ship poor fund raised now, a resolu­ ,'xnibitors, but it is no lo salii day of bearing. The diphtheria has hardly afl'ccted Obllnnry' -I'ersoii III—Took II Tiiinlilo, suil'orer for several years, few of the large e And Ercrylhiiig El.se in rruporliun. Trains loavo Mason ns follows, by Chicago what would be called a direct route tion lias been jioascd providing that Come Onei Come All, Kto. secret that the general rciiults to the business in Ma.son. Children have F. S. Fitch and the grangers have (A iruu copy.) GEO. F. GILLAM, time, which is sevonloonnilnulcs slower than with a vengeance. BUBOLAKY. tiie §8,000 voted to bo raised for tbe both great and small, and settle up your ao. Eain fell every day last week n this broken ground for a wagon and black­ majority of tliu exhibitors have not CHEAP HOMES .SIhv.'i Judge of I'robute. Mason time. Through tickets east or west been kept at homo, and persons coming counts at once,/or/ mutt have Ihe money, jilaee. been so good as might well have been forsiiio by M. J. Murray, ticket, agent niiio, Niilcoil anil D.IIINISTRATOIi'S SALK.—IJY VIRTUE OOtNQ NOllTII. • ".^r*--nOINQ" SOUTHu"T , to trade liave incurred no danger. OStr. 0. G. HDNWNOTON. expected. From tliis we gtitlicr that 1 Mall in;ivtp,ni. Tiie Methodists will jiut new fur­ Koltlicil. ed as follows: li;3,000 ;to constitute the The Eaton Kapids fair wua a moist ing. It will be 21 I'eot in widtli by 4.S I'rvMNCil Ili!cr, ('nil Hi ny In IKEichigan! A of u license, to me granted, on tho lOlh tiny Mail...... feet long, ai.d 28 feet high, Fitcli only a few out of the many millers of of September, ISSl, by (leorge V. tilllum, Judge GxprcNH Express lO;.!!) a.m. naces ill their church. The diiihtheria in Mason is abating. On Sunday night last burglars en­ county poor fund, and the remaining Oo to Wood's for School Books and Station­ success. the United Kingdom have yet seen Sliirkol. of probate of the comity of Inghum, nnd state of Way freiglit.. Way freight., .'hn.'i p.m. ery, Frank i'errin has rented lua farm owns the land, and will have the (irst their way clear to adopt the iiewost .Michigan, I sball sell at public auction, on tho Thro' fr'ght.. Jackson ft 7;l>'i p.m. Tlie board of supervisors will proba­ We can learn of no new cases in the tered the hardware store of Cannon & ,?5,000 to be credited to tlie several and moved to Mason. story, Tlic grangers arc to build and •.lb day ol November, 1.S81, at one o'clocK in the m DuBoia, in fliis city. They first Mohool liookM t Soliool BookM t and most ajiprovcd process of (lour aliernoou, at the residence of Amanda Drlnin- bly adjourn this weok. city. Tlie worst that can be .said of it townships and cities, in jiroportion to own the upiiur stoiy. When complet­ Slew A>il>*<'a"lh Augustus Potter, infant son of Allen which to shoot propliccios. Leonard of Hour nmi'iulacture, until the acme of NiirvDiiii Iliiadiiclin, Monltil ncpi'e.'J.>'f(ni, I.tisf of KDU HAl.r. BY circle, reached tlirougli the door, drew care in tlie expenditures for temporary Potter, died at his liome last Tliursday Mumory, Speriinuoniium, Inipoltdicy, Involuii* U.M.N COMMKSSIONEU'S NOTICE.— Come and Settle ITp-S. I", Stroud & .Son, hear Lumbard, the celebrated violin At the time the Jackson, Lansing & Wood, Logs and Lumber. Anj^defton having Aretino, an Italian of the 14th cen­ perl'ection be secured, thus rendering D Notice Is jiereby glviMi Ibat I will sell or out the bolt that fastened it, und en­ relief. Ash, Cherry, or Walnut, logs ^f jfimbcr, wHl night, Oct. ly, at 12 o'clock, of dysen- tury, predicted that tlie end of tlic their conipetilimi with the British, t:iry Kmii-f*toiit=, I'ri^inulurc Old .At^t!, canned hy GRAND RAPIDS & INDIANA R. R. CO, h'l by coiiuucl. in subdlvislnns to the lowest soloist. .Sagiimw riiiiroad wiis put through, tary. Funeral held at Nortli Aurellus over •oxen ion, yuir-tiliusu or ovur-indiilu'eitco, bldiler, the digging and constnietlag of the Iler- COME AND SETTLE UP! tered. There was an alarm caji on tho In op]iosition to this it can be urged do well to SCO us. Wood con|ract«d for futuns world would occur Nov. M, ISSl, He and Etiro]ie,'in millors generally, all which luudH to nii.sery, deciiy and death. *)n*! roii t.'reel; ciiiiuty dilcb, located on sections live Wo have; to thank L. .T. Ford for a Iiighaiii comity issued ;54i'l,OflO wortliof delivery. Ofll6d at N. A. Uunnlng's store, or church, Monday, conducted by Rev. was given to details, and arranged tlic tile more dilllcult to overcome if, Iiiix will ciii'u rc'ci-iil ciiiioH. t'.ach box containH Wc must have the mono)/. door, but its explosion did not frighten that while tlie bills of the superin­ one nionili'.s trertinieni. One dollar a IJOX, or ICitlli'oiwI 4.'oiii]il(!ii'il Tlit-<)iig:li tU'Uirr (.'j) anil el^bt (S) la -Maledon, and sections twen- hand.sume bust cast of the late Presi­ bonds for tliat aiiioiint of stock. TliLs KKEI.En & DUNNINO'S. Thurston of Dimondale. following bill of particulars: Nov, 1 ,— indeed, Kuropuan millei's will ever be III' I.IIIKIN, tv C-;!!), tweuty-iilnu (SI), and ihlrty-two (.'K), in ,S', P. ,S77fO UD & SON. them. tendents will be reduced, those of the i«ix boxes lor :lve dolhirs; Hunt, by mail prepaid die tuwiisblp of .Meridian, Ingbaia counry, dent GarlieK'- Tt is very life like. stock WHS afterwards sold to O. M. The ocean will overflow its shores, able to overcome it, Tlie most tlitit on receipt, of price. Wi; :;iiarftiitee .-ix boxeri to supervisors will be increased ; that the PonMlons t PenHloiiM I Jlicli.. at llie house of C. .^. Hosklns, In said Applcn till Once inside, they emptied many I sin proparod to pi'Oiiocuts pensions and ALAIEI)0>'. Nov, 2,—The earth will bo soaked with the latter can hope to do is to keep in emu any ca-^u. U'ltli eiich order receivtid by us ])o not ;,'o Wwl, or Smitli, until yuii towiisblp of Meridian, on the liTlli day of Octo­ Do not NCll ijotir Winter Thi.s reminds"'^ ''o .say tliiit Ford's .5 Barnes for ?10,(iOO, which was put into fornix hoxe.-', accompanied with live dollarf', we k'lirn wliiit Mi(/liii,'aii olll'i's inti'lli,!.'(;iit fJOU HOB HUNT it ELLIS. boxes of the best pocket knives, leav­ old plan distributes the burdens as bounty cluinis. Now is the time to apply. Pen­ water, Nov, y,—The (isli in the rivers check iho movement of Amerietiii will nend ilio purchar^L-r our written u'tianinleu to ber, A. 1). 1S8I, ut II) o'clock In the forenoon. & 10 Cent Baz;''''as doing a land ofllce a sinking fund and loaned. The se­ PcrHoiinlH—TIiievoN at tVork. Kit.*. will die, Nov, 1.—All the water fowls flour to tlii'se shores, and, possibly, to return the mouey fl'ihe treaiineut doet* not ellVct fanuL'i'.s, Ymi (.•;ui do hottur with le.ss Noilee Is also given tbiit 1 will be at tlie house business, and prl!> iiises to be ajilensaiit ing the boxes, took ten or twelve re­ equitably as the new, that the propo.sed sions Increaaod. Apply at JCxprcss Oince, Mason. of C. A. iioskli s, la said towiisblp of .Meridian, curities taken were in many cases bad, Mich. 78tf n. WiilTBLV. School closed in the Canaan district will die, Nov. o.—The birds in the k'sscii it. Let the Jirilisli mille'r re- a cure. Ciiiaraniees Issued inily when the ireut- iiioiu'y iieai'oi' lionie, on till! '-Mill day of October, A. D. 1881, nt 10 The inud has made everything dull. volvers, two or throe dozen plated method is not so simple, and will lead iiiember tlint soiiietliiiig over ,52 per nuMii. Iri ordensd direct from iir*. Addrens, .JOHN flxture in Ma.son,, Mr, Ford is a stir­ and tlie county met with losses, last Friday. lir will die, Nov. 0,—The houses will ijiiiitls I'icli, dry, atid K<-'"".V foiling, o'clirck 111 the forenoon, lo review my assess, to confusion. nentlatry. 7.—The rocks will cent, of flour is imjiorletl to 72 \wv cent, C. \\'I':.ST tt CO., bole jiropiietori;. ISl & Ih'.'I W. iiii'iii and appiiriluiiiaunt of the work of said Examination of teachers in this city ring business miTn, and deserves the knives, throe dozen razors, etc. The Mrs. Mclvin Haight is visiting in fail down. Nov, Miidinan .St., CliiciiLM, III, Sold Iiy all druu'li'iHtf. 'JMinborc'il iiiniiify willi .StiHiii'Ariijili', Wiien County Treasurer Bond enter­ Best Upper or JMVIOT sets Teeth, (Celluloid S.—The earth will of wheat, the imports of tlio former A. lUri.iKTT, \Vhok*«ale Ayui:!, l>ctrotl, Mich. Kock \i\\\\, j{ji.s.su'ooil, Asli, liufoli, coiiiitv ditcli. value of the property stolen amounts At least time will tell which is tlie Shiawassee county. fall down. Nov. Duled the 1st day of October, .\, D. ISSl. to-morrow. success he is receiving. ed upon the duties of his ollice, the or Rubber Plates) only K Cash. — The mountains rcaehiiig, in the sciisoii just closing, 1177yl Hc'iulouk, otc, imdiii'o wuil watofoil liy 87w:i. yi. A. IIIIAY, to about $300. better plan. tromble, Nov. !). A. P. 'VAN DEUSEK, Kate Black closes her school in the —Tlie men will be- the cnornious amount of over 2,n()l),(iiHI laljt!.s, rivoi'.s and s|ji'in;^' huok.s. Township Drulii Commissioner of .Meridiun. Tompkins & Cliapninn now have a We are surprised and delighted to securities remaining were charged at Bobbins district tliis week. will fall. Nov, 10, The scoundi'cla left no clue by which Darrow Block. 71tl Mason. Slicks ol'.5811 lbs, and llicii let liini ask .Sti'oiij,' soil.s, (iiio (M'oji.s, hoallliy (di- pleasant otllco iu the Cook block. have to record the marriage, yesterdtty, ,nii<>«—Iliiiinn'ii.v W, U. llnHton to,), 11. ami .1. K. liaii^'li- llers which could have been seen in the County of Iiiebaml, I shall sell ut public WOIKI iieigliboi'hood, so that school day ill Noveiuber. Amanda tinaliy left him, and, taking Slltf, J. C, Sri'iVES, Tcniii—All Acvlilciil. arl, a parfic'l on suciion 1, Lanslii); -1,000 full work on any day of the ivecnt iinteed. Bny .Toiirmaelilnory at home, where CEO. W. CLYNN. uuctlon to the iilKbest bidder the premises de­ Cannon & DuBois received tho follow­ repairs can ho qnlckly oblalnod. Planoa and OrKona. .Tohn C'raildncic (by wliIow iind lii'Irs) to scribed III suld iiiortijaHe, wblcli suld premises has closed tit the Pink scliool-house. part of her goods, last weeii came to Moro floods, moro Clerks and more trade, Miss Minnie Atwood is visiting in lOUza .A. .Mlnoi', II narctl on .suction ul, K.xliibitidn at the Agricultural ball, are described as follows: .Ml tbatceriain jilece The .Detroit Echo contains a com­ ing telegram: We shall soli more pianos and organs this where millers coiilil n/ally lesi tin.' lier father's to live. On Monday last at Ford's Sit 10 Cent lla'/.nnr. Chicago, r.csllu 1,000 JARVIS. BARNES X OO. It you aro a mnn^ fit you aro a or parcel of luiid situate In Ihu Township of Ini,'- It is reported that on tliu niglit of plete weekly summary of all the im­ CAS.sui'or.is, Micil., Oct. Z'l, lasi. year than ever before, for wo are determined L, Geer and S, P, Hendricks have h. .Swoi't. to.)no. 10. Swofil. lots ,'i, I, ."i and relative value 01'tlie.-;c machines, and of r>llH[llt!H.-4,W<)ak< 1 ' mun of I^t^ ham, In thd County of Iii:;liani und hilute of Mlcb- Newman flooded his stomacli with CvN.soN A DulloiS!—Two younu men hero to undersell them all, and tlmt Is thekey.note (I, hlocjk 1, l''Isher'.s addition, Woljljcr- judge for themselves of tlie dliciicy of i' thu ntmlaof tlil'fltOilillKOV Inau, und described as follows, to wit: Com- Cannon & Bu llois's burglary, a suit of portant home and foreign news, origi­ tills inornlni? sellinf; cutlery anil silvorwaro Fnriilliiro gone north to hunt deer. nii;tit wur).-, to ro.i ilieiicliixut u point tliirtuen (1:1) rods north und wlilskey, and after getting in good to success. Organs from 850 and Pianos ttota vlllo BOO "this as well as iilmost of every o'tlier T\rKN"TY yi'rti'^ fircniisliinllv l(,creii?;ln;' n.-'cliiive ynur tliitUiH avoid turu liMiin iiL>i vonnU olotlies wa.s stolen out ol' tlio depot at nal and selected stories, .spicy state In two sacks. C'amo In on Grand Trunk from Cheaper than over at 89tf, IlUNTr.EY'S. ,T, .1. lUudt to Win. H. Jintik, nndlvld(.Mi;-.< HtitnulEintsaiut uuo liva.stu, U.SU Hop f3. ten (lu^ rods west of the southeast corner of the tho norlli last nislit. Uiidoubtedl.v your 8103 upwards. Write to us for terms, T. I-Iofrman has purchased a portion class of mill niacliinery. I'sliilill.-lKiiI 11 r(!|iiiiiiti(iM I'or'Dr. KKii.MOTT'rt Pal- Hop Bittera. northwest iiuurter of tlie nortlieiist (piurler of figiiting shape came to Mr. Cook's to ot' 11 iM 72-100 aorcs of w'-.; ol'sw}.; Hi'el Ion niuii)i.''y liiilsiiin.Huceml to no oilier Cou;^li Sjnip. (niifrurlnKfroni any In* Holt. items, pungent editorials, clioice mi.s- men. J. IT. KKKNR, Marshal. of'^^^ W. Hcald's stock of hardware. II), Delhi .'. aX) If yrrn aru youtiff nnd Itlun [ if .vi)ii am mar* section iiuniher tweiiiy-twn ('.':') In township interview liis wife. He emphasized «IH,000 T» I.onn. 811.000 BAKEK dc THAYER, rcter,!, Molnot. to Oodl'n.'y WaUonhiit, I l][riLTl--liOIl (If tliHHijm l,vt>uiiK, wiirl'Hiiw fnuu niiinher two north of ruii;;u nniiibur one east, Of tl)fii?4.'!2.-ltoxi»ended the piistyeiir cellany, and carefully prepared niiirk- Keeiie was tolegraplied to arrest the At7 percent,.straight. Nobonus. Insums IM Mead Block, Lansing. !Miss Ada Buttlcr was called to aiiros on scutlon ,5, l.iin.slni; .ViO rlui, t IK'UUIur .'•IntclLI or laii^ulsls old ori IttiK oit a toil ot tiiuk' tbeiico rnnnlnii west live (6) rods, ibeiice south his conversation by flourishing a coup­ [lour jBittors* et rojiorls of The Evening News, and men and hold them until the arrival of $21X1 and upwards, on farm property only. J. L. Bement is tho authorized ng'cnt for Mason Tuesday, by the sickness other Horatio .Suymonr to (JUO. lloniburnur, It has long been the expressed con­ rt'!{.\irt:RK. iio.i.s, n-ly OIL Hop el^lit (S) rods, tlience east live (."i) rods, tlieuce by Mrt.sou and A'eviiy Ibr temporary le of jiistols, and thieateniiig the whole­ M'liouvur y o u arc, fi Ttiouttanttsdlo tin- north el^'lit(,S) rods to tho place of lieKlnnhiH, Two weeks notice roqnircd. Apply iminodi- Mason. . sister. lot 10, bloulc .'lO, Lansln'.' -m viction of many Aiiiericaii millers wIiomiTcr you ruei f|J iiuiiUy fr u 111 (joiuo for tho.se not favored witli a daily of an ofllcer from Mason, "i'esterday ClirlMtophcr Clinton lo II. II. Ilawley, n containing' forty (III) sipinre rods of laud. relief, Vevay disbui'sod $2.S'^ tind Ma­ sale slaughter of the entire Cook fam­ ntcly at Abstract ollice. SEV.IIOUU FOSTEH. .T. W. Loranger'.s concert is next that at some future dale the manufac­ tlmt yii 11 r :iy.'^(i;iti I form or Kidney mail .service, The Eclio meets every Sherid' Call started for Cassopolis. Money to I.oan, wKol su'!/( and a)-', of .s\v;-<.section li'l, tured artidcwill almo.stentirely super­ llui-iU cluaiisllik'i toil- ' I iU:jL>a^o taut lulKtit lJated(\\\v)/\ HI. Jl. ATwooii, Attorney. S7wl;l Fisher, next .Saturday evening, at his sleeves and danced before her like it 10 Cont ria/.aar man, is tlxin' for um, Dr, Baxter's mandrake bittors aro a snpcr- section 7, Ononda^'a .'^OOO is almo.-it an idle boast; but to do tlie for tlie money tlian iiiij- weekly in tlie two and three o'clock, on the night lor combination of barks, roots and herbs, band hall, Friday evening, Oct, 21, fur Americans justice, llicy are stopjjiiig k 141 aiil m Main 81, ITftToyr.iKfj/*. Armory hall, in ids inimitable iier.son- a Comanche Indian, giving premoni­ Ihe benefit of the band. Bill, hi) cents. ,Tas. K ,Ioy to Caleb T, .Smllh, lot -1, lih.clc jifpf/ii. K'iitiu'ijg D. I. O. IClllGAN .STATI3 LANIJ "0FK1C'K1-I country. .Single cojiies one year sev­ of the burglary, and during tho .same (jlll.000.00 to RnlHc. not attained by any other manufacturers of 10,'), Lanslnj,' 500 atnotliinglo bring about this icsiilf. .I.UIKSO.V, lUN IMS ,\UW vriivinarucnm IH ail Ab.Holuto I.AK.si.s-d, ,Sept. .'iDtli. ISSl. ations of clinnicler. tory symptoms of an attempted flagel­ Smith BanlclH ot al„ to ,Ias. SI.Tmner, I pluint, diKiinHi) enty-live cents; four copies two dol­ night the hardware store of J. .Staiii of All notes nnd neeounts duo, must be paid bitters. Frank Owens' team, finding them­ New mills arecroiipiiig up every wlierc, of ihu 5f(ifii(i(.7i, and liTosiKta- Motleo IH hereby Klven, that tlio I'OIIOWIIIL' lation. His antics were cut siiort by e'/,n( uv/'/i see. 23, Lansing' .•!,200 hniirlt*, lilond,' hln euro lor iloseribed Primary Seliool nnd .Stnto ItiilhlliiL' Who says Ingham county isn't a by November llrst, as wo must havo the selves free, ran into the barn, and -MlebP. luul .Tnllii M, I'nddy tdOllhort and not long ago we gave, in one of S p !• i n g- S t o c l£ (lrutiI(uiiiios3| lars. Lansing, was burglarized of !iil2,5 wortli Keep in the stable und always at hand, livcrovncn'ca t\ iiHi) or opium, r.iinil, sitiialecl In the City of l.aiiNlnK anU jiaradise, wlien November produces his step mother's picking up a heavy money, WKUII & MEAD, Henry ISE Johnson's arnica and oil Itnnmont, came in contact with Geo. Grandy's Itowlcy, nojitlei,i::93ll St., Portluiid, Miiliic, ,W.l I.ot nniiiber 1 bloelt W, kinds of goods were taken at Lan.sing All notes and accounts duo must bo paid season, when ail tho rest ofus'hiive been sick Rev. D. J, Odell officiated. department at Washington, show that New Illustra­ .Wt I.ot niiiiiber ,1 block 'iilL art of Owos.so, for tlie (Ine three year created much merriment. The acting tried on one complaint next Friday. so much, nnd havo had the doctors visiting people, I fear, who realize the splen­ rm I.ot nninljer (I liloek ;;i,. as here, would give color to this theory. by November llrst, as we must havo the did opportunity now presented for vis­ while in 1S77 2!),;;iO per cent, of the ted Pricc-List ,'il)a Lotiinnibor 7 hloelc a:l", old mare, "Cora Bell," Cora Bell of little Eva was superb, Topsy was money. WKnn & JltiAD, us so often T" KINNIEVflLE. iting tlie south. There is in progressa total exports of wheat and Hour took Br. G. R. BRO Viriff^ No. 30, i'oT (I.Sd l,ot number I block Ml. trotted a half mile in 1:22 when only good, and Marks was a burlesfiuechar- 88w3 Clothiers. "Brother Taylor, the answer Is very easy. I tli'e shape of the manufactured article, (i.S7 I.ot niiiiiber ,'> block SKI. used Hop Bittors in time, kept my Ihrally cotton fair at Atlanta, Gcorgiiv, which FullftmlWin- 711 I,ot number -1 block i;i;i. two years old. Last spring slie trotted acter well taken. The quartette of Prciiiliiiii fnr'Kcw Subscribers. rilE COUNTY poon. Dlnrrieil—AppIoH Rntllnic—FlNhinR: llio continues until December first. Its ob­ the percentage droiiped to ]."»,02 in 1,8,S0 Rt7 I.otnumhor ShIoeUI'Jil. Ame, the linrber. well and saved thedoctorbills. Threedollars' ItiiKC—llniitlNt Hociiil, Etc. and was 1!),01 per cent, in the 12 ter of ISSl, Free to any atldrosa. Con- 'SIS Lot number 0 block I'Jii. a half mile In 1:1.S, male voices sang nicely, and tho audi­ jects are to exhibit the various pro­ With a view to increase our circula­ The New Nclieino for CnriiiK for Theiii. Will give you a bettor shave or halr-eutthan worth of it kept us well and able to work all Mrs, H. Gibbs is on the gain. months ended .lune HO, 1,S81, Even tuins full description o(aU kinds o( gooth am Lot nil 111 I ler l block ill). ence manifested its ajipreciation by re­ nny other'barber In the city. Shop 1st door the time. I'll warrant It has cost yon and ducts of that section, and induce pco- 1)11 I.ot nninbi.'r 7 blouk ,11), Samuel Stitts ol'# Leslie, got drunk tion, we make the following liberal By reference to our synopsis of the I F. W. Winters is repairing his house. jilo from the north and west to come allowing for the great increase in the for pcrsoniil and family u.se. \Ve deal 1(11.5 A strip eoninieiiclnK' 111) feel, s ofn peated cneorcH. Taken all in all the north of postofllce. Hair work In Inteststyle the neighbors ono to two hundred dollars exports of wheat during the past three last week Monda.v, turned liis family out ofl'cr: To each of our subscribers and proceedings of tlie board of supervis­ Hair iMMight and sold. apiece to keep sick the same time." Mrs. Chas. Cogswell is quite poorly and sec what they are, and at the directly ^vith tho consumcri and sell all lliio ol lot no, 1, block 169, rnn- ])lay was a pleasant one. lat present. same time look at that portion of this years, this Is not a very alarming nliiK H IW) loot, being n uiiU «100 doors and conducted himself otherwise readers wlio will before the first day of ors, it will be seen that the board is "Deacon, I'll use your medicine horcaftor." augmentation of the flour exports, and goods in any quantity at wholesale prices. feet wide, Tho Buckeye Ladles' nnd QontJi' Shoulder country. Tliis fair Is the result of HfATK IIUII.DINO I.ANH. obstreperously. Ho wiis tried last Col.Burgess who went with I.H.Van- next March send us the name of a new endeavoring to restore the system of E. L. Rossman is laid up with ery­ wo have still to see whether, as far as You can buy better and clieaper than at Brace—best In the market, for sale nt Ford's HALL'S VEOBTABI,!! SlOILIAir HAIR BE- sipelas in his hand. brains and money from the best busi­ • fltl Lot nnnibor II block 21(1, Tuesday, convicted of drunkenness, dercook in pursuit of tho thieves who subscriber to our paper, with pay for relegating the care of the poor to tho ness men in the south and north as the U, K. Is concerned, our millci-s will humc. •rfr H&IO Cent Bazaar. llWtf. MEWEB Is n scientiflo combination ot some A Stetler lost a fine horse by sick­ allow themselves to bo almost entirely Surgfeon Dentist, •ji/ricuraAN s'Lvriii" LAND OWICE,- and .sentenced to twenty days in the stole Burges-s's team and Kibby's bug­ one year in advance, wo will send a respective townships and wards. of tho most powerlUl restorative agents In tbe well, and is not contined to cotton non*t Die In Ooapalr. ness a few days ago. alone, but to all their products, their supersetled by their American cousins. Will attend to nil bu.slncss promptly andKuar- MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Noticticn i1.sS herebherebyy L'lvon.liiat tho followln., county jail. Olllcer Lumbard brought gy, an account of which was given in receipted bill for one year for the Cot­ Tills aclieme has been tried in several yogotablo kingdom. It restores gray hair to ! Lee S. Cobb now sports a bran new With the great tide of Immigration anteo Bfttlfifactlon In OTory ease, will insert doficrlboiriboill 1Primar" • y .Seliooi and Swamn Lui ^ No use of it, yonr catarrh may lead to con­ Its original color. It makes tb'e scalp whito culture and manufacture. It is a rare ft ftiii Plato of teeth for S5,00, IrroKiilarlty of 9.27 and 220 Wak-iah Avcmie,Cliicngo,Itf. situate him to Mason yesterday. last week's NKWS, has returned. Trace tage Hearth (of Boston), an illustrated counties, and is claimed to work satis­ sumption, which mny bo averted If you will rig—horse, buggy and harness. chance, and a good time of the year to into America during the past few children's teeth u spoeially. Teeth cleaned nt .to In InL-ham County, forfidi, i jGr noi. and clean. It cures daudrnir and humors, ixiyincii:icnt ofr Jntercs;,wllinterest, will f,bo ollcrcolld'odforHalo'iVd for mi 0 ,.tt of tho property was found at Carson Magazine of home arts and home cul­ factorily. The details of tho workings use Hall's Catarrh Cure. Don't say you do j Fishing is now all the rage, and go. Cotton picking has commenced, years, it Is natural that the milling tlio sum of SO eonts, and lllllntfs Insortod ac­ niibllc anetlon at thia olllco Novoinbor lOlli We have received a copy of tho Port and ralllng«nt of the hair.- It Ai'mlshe's tho capacity there must be increased, the cordingly. All kinds of uuiesthotlcs adminis­ Or. Uerwln'g Electro-BIaffnstlo Belt. ISHl, ut toil o'clock A, M,, uiilefl.i iirovlousiy City, where it was oH'ered for sale and ture, containing portraits and sketches of the proposed system in Ingham not know where to get it, ns it Is for sale by nutritive principle by which tho hair. Is nour­ kerosene oil is in good demand. but not through, for you know it docs tered for oxtrnetlng tooth. Extracting, 25 ets, Huron Times, containing tho Port not ripen like wlieat, all at nncc, and homo consumption having made roUociiicd acconilnc to law. accurately described by persons who of distinguished persons, superior home county are not complete, but, as near all druggtslH at 75 cents per bottle. ished and supported. It makes ,tbe linir j Misa Lizzie Trefry has been engog- rapid strides.—Corn Trade, (Eng.) Itoomn Wvor (lis FirMt ^Tiitloniil niiiik, JAAIIiS M. NEA.SMITH, Huron side of the relief fund .S(]uabblc, borvested altogether, but blossoms un­ I.CHliC, Mlltll. music, choice poetry, stories and ad­ as can be learned, tlioy are are as fol­ moist, soft and glossy, and la unsurpaasod as ed to teach the winter term of school. Journal. ConiinlSHloiier, with the request that we publish it. sawit. Thethleves appearto bcinsome Wood for Bale a ball dressing.. J(,.|^;the.most: eoonomlcal evenly, and is gathered whenever and Board nt D. Hownrij'a, South WoodworlJi St. I-KIJIAHY Hciioor. I.AHTI. ventures, ornamental and fancy work, lows : In quantltlea to suit anyone. BUM wood anil I The first Baptist eocial of the season in whatever part of the Held It Is ready. No. of Cor- We do not know much about the mer­ of tho lumber camps, coming out occas­ prepimUoa,eyer,9|Ppi^ii|d'ito tho,pui^lto, as Its is to be held at T. M. Cransou's thia tillcate. I»e«.Tlptlon. Bcc, Town. naiiBo. the latest fashions, the mother's chair, block wood. Rensonablo prices and prompt The railroad fare from Jackson to At­ (tfifi aweoklnyonrowntowii. Tcrm«aiidS5outflt .WSl no f) of nw q in 4 n its of tho ijuarrel. Both sides seem to ionally to negotiate a sole of their stol­ Under the old system tho board elfoota reinnin a loniiUnio',. making only an ' evening. ipUU froo. AddroBS S. HtUttt A {t„ ftrtlundMniuu, 2o dealing. KIEI.BR A DcNlfllco. lanta and return Is only 914. The "Don't Know Half Tlioir Vnlno." 7n.5.S Hhofahofnori l« 'iji So bo in fault. We do know, however, en property. Mr. Vandercook was left to the student's corner, the young folks' have, each year, estimated tho amount boeaaloiial'fippUoation''^nebesa4ry. It Is nee- 071)2 nw n of fiw q ]fl In 2o omm'endM and vAiA''h^. 'eminent medical I Charley Smith's Infant son died of route is not only delightful, but his­ "Theyourod mo of Ague, IBllUou.snoHS and sWAjtr* i.ANn, that It is a burning .shame and disgrace follow up tho trail with tho under­ window, ctc.,all fully illustrated, price' needed for tho support of the poor; Gents—over titlrly varieties at Ford's S iJi 10 torical and full of intcreat. Starting KIdnoy Complulnt, nR rccominondcd, 1 had dSno newiird! nor w li of nw q 0 ,1 n nieh,iuidoflloially eiidohMd'bjrthb-'atate a»> inflammation of the lungs, on Monday nlinirbottlolcft, wliloli I used for two lltMo So to Michigan that her leading citizens standing that ho was to return Tues­ $1.50 per year. this has been apportioned among the CentBaraar. llOOtf. night last. south from Chicago, you go through girls who tlio doctorii nnd nclf;hbors nntd Wo win pay the above rowiird for ony cnso of. 870U no q of no q 13 In 2o layer of BfaMochuMtts. The^ popiUarl^ of Illinois and part of Indiana to tlio could not bo cured. I would havn lost both Liver Ooinplnlnt, Dytpojisin, Sick ilonduchu, cannot take hold of a work of love and day night unless ho got fresh inform­ By a little personal exertion each townships and wards, raised by tax, Important t« Travelers. :HtkU<«Jla(r,Ilenew«rbM IncNMiedl.wlUi tiie I i Married, at the rcsldonco of the of thcmono nluht If I bad not elvcii thorn IndlgtBtion, Connlipiitian or Coj

MY' 'Mri^^i^l .^/feiV;'