![Pile I .Ikl Rkl'out OP COM.MITTEE.S](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
-'•..v;<>r.c.,'. ^. mam piLGSt; PuEstt., FiMistit—A Hure cure Tuomey Bros.—Dry Ooods. Lognl. legal. m^ • •. found at. lost. No one need Hufror. A sur« cure for tlio Blind, Bloeding, Itching and OUTGAGE SALK.-W11EUEA9, DE- OItTOAGE SAt,K.-DEFAUl.T HAVING Ulcerating PI Ion lias boon discovorod by Dr. fuiilt has boon nnulo In the conditions of u been made In tho pnyinont of two hundred Thnnday, October 18, 1881. Wllllamii (an Indian romody) ciillcd Ur, WII- Mcorlnin laortgago dated the Iwonty.Devunili day Mand twuiity-nix dollurs and twenly-tlvo cunts, llAms' Indian Ointment. A single box lias of JIarcli, A. D. 1871), cxeciiled by Kllitii J. Hiultli now clalinud to bo due and unpaid upon a cortaiu and (Jailnta Sinitli his wife of Dansvillo, Ingham jnortgUKo, bearing dato thu Iwcntjr-lifth diiy or cured the worst clironlooososof 23andi!OyonrH County, Michigan, to Silas Holt of nunkorhlll, .lunu, 1B70, uxccuiud by 8iirah ,1. Normandin to 0XEM08. standing. No one need suffer Ave minutes tiiglinni County. Michigan, which naid niortgngu Issue iitow, and recorded In tho oillce.of the Keg- after applying this wonderlnl soothing medi­ was recorded In tliu otflco of the Huuistur of inter of Deeds for liiKhuiu County and State uf John Winn and wife were in town Oocds of thu County of Inghuni, In liber 49 of MichlKun, iu llhcr itfty-ono nf inortgaaos, on cine. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries morlgnces, on page iSJ, on the l»t day of Angimt, pages Wa and 4iU. and duly asslgnod by said Isnnc over Sunday. do more harm tlmn good. Williams' Oint­ A. D. 1S71», at 10 oVIock A. M.; «nd. whercnB, tlio dlowe to Maria E. lago, April 23d, lil81, and re­ Mrs. S. A. Brown lias soiieto San ment absorbs the tumors, allays the Intense amount citilmed to bu duo on rnihl mortgage at corded lu the Kegiulur's ot'lcu alorusuld, upon the Hccond day of August, lasi, lu liber Afty of VOL. XXIII.-NO. 43. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1881. WHOLE NO. 1189. Francisco, Cal., to spend the winter. Itching (particularly at night after getting 2 the date of this notice In tlio sum of 92:2.7(1, the snmo buliigS1.S2,7.') of principal and 440.01 inslnll- inortungus, on page tlircu biindrud and lifty; No Br. A. F. Ferguson is repniring Ills warm In bed), acts as a poultice, gives Instant munts uf Interentnn the said mortgage according suit or proceeding nt law bavins been inatltulod and pntnlcsn relief, and Is prepared only tor to the tcriii!) Iherenf; and the whole amount to recover any jiart thercol, and tUo jiower of house, and bufidlng a new horse bnrn. claimed to be unpaid on suid mortgage Is the sale thoroin contHlnod having become absolute M. W. Barnes went to Mason yester­ Piles, Itching of the private parts, and nothing sum of $.142.76, and nn unit or proceeding at law by virtno of the statutu* in such caso made and Wo want all subscribers to square up PERSONALS. Tho Stockbrldgo fair was a success, On motion, the street commissioner Amusements. else. -JUST OPENED AT- or in chancery having been hiHIliiited to recover provided; Notice Is liurohy KJven, that upon was instructed to notify all the proper­ day, to attend tlio incetiug of tlic the mnnoys nooarod by "aid niorlgage or any part Bnturdiiy, thu twelfth day of November nu.\t) tholr arrearages this fall. financially aud as an exhibition. All board of supervisors. Road what the Hon. J. M. Colllnberry, of thereof; Now, thororore, by virtue of the power nt onu o'clock In the iifiernoon, I vhall sell Ml Alderman May is in Illinois, visiting departments were well filled and in ty owners on the north side of Maple Cleveland, says about Dr. Williams' Indian of sale coiitaiuod in raid niortgngu and the stat­ public auction, to llio lili;liest bidder, nt thu front For a short time only trial subscribers friends. street, from A street to B street, to con­ Mrs. Hattie VanHurn of Holton, ute In HUch case made and provided, iiotlcu IH door of thu Ingham County Court llousu. In tho PnUMSHCD EVEIiY TlIUIIilUAY, BY arc being taken for The Echo,the week­ spite of tho wet weather tho crowd struct a paved gutter, according to wlio lias been visiting at lier mother's Pile Ointment: "I have used scores of pile T U O »i: EJ IfcT 15 R O ^., hurobr glTon that on 'rhnrnday, thu twenty.iiliith City of Mason, (said court hnusc being the place RArNiopeRAHom, cures, but It alTords me pleasure to sny that I day of Uccombur, A. U. 1881. at one o'clock In the whuru thu circuit court for said county is hold,) V. .T. TEFFT. ly edition of Tho Detroit Evening Prof. W. M. Pease and J. C. Berry was largo, being estimated at about profile now on file in the city clerk's tlie past two weelcs, will return homo have never found anything which gave such afternoon of nald day at the WCKI front door of so much of the land duscrlhod In said inortsage have gone to Stanton to assist in a 4,000. Tho receipts were $1,000, which oflice, within ten days from said notice. Co-morruw. the );ourt lloiisu In the City of Mason, In the as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due, News, ut nominal rates. Any one can Sealed proposals for bids for Elm FRIDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER 21. Immediate and. permanent relief as Dr. Wil­ HANDSOMEST OF THE SEASON. County of Ingham and Slate of Michigan (that and all legal costs, together with an attorney foe On* yaar, tl.SO ; six tnonihi, 75 eanli; thrs* have a copy three months for tho tri­ concert. will pay all expenses and leave a sur­ liams' Indian Ointment." For sale by nil being the place for holding the Circuit Court for of thirty di.llars covunantod for thcrulu, Tho monihi, 40 oenli—in advtnet. street grade were presented. On mo­ ONE NIQHT ONLY. KINNIEVILLE. drugpclsts, or mailed on receipt of price, 91.00, the County of Ingham), I shall sell at public land unibrncud In said niortgagu Is Ihu north half lling sum often cents. Nothing cheap­ Geo. W. Brewer is at tho Chicago plus to add to their already handsome tion of Aid. Brown, the same were of thu Houthwuttqmrturuf suctlou one,In town­ J AS. E. DAVIS &CO., Wholesale Druggists, auction to the highest bidder the premises de­ AOVERTISINQ RATES. er in the way of a newspaper was ever exposition this week to return .next nest egg. On Thursday, in tho free laid on the table. Oool and frosty. scribed In said mortgage, which said premliies ship two iiorlli ol raiigo two cast, In Iiiisham Onrttdvertlaini; rates made known ntonloo. Detroit, Mich., Agents. are deicrlbed as follows: All that certiiia piece County, Stale of Mlchiuan. BualnosN cards $1 a lino per year. known. Monday. for all, some baudsonio trotting was Tho following claims were presented BOSTON MAL COHFAHT. Mrs. Stetlcris quite sick at present. or parcel of land situate In the Township of Ing­ and referred to the finance committee: diving tho finest rendition of Mrs. Beoohcr A word to the wise is sullicleiit. Xow is the best time to lay in your ham, In the County of inglinm and Statu of Mich­ Mason, August lid, IS,SI, Business locals tivo cents per line each and In class ouo at the county fair, G. P. Miss Cora True returned last Tues­ soon, as six fine horses started in tho Stowo's great immortal work orar wl^ Mrs. Libblo WJlkinson is visiting Why coniulnin timt you are billons, or of Indl- igan, and duscrlbud ns follows, to wit: Cum- .MAlilA E. lAGO, AHMlgnco. every Insertion. .\. .T. Tallman, to U nights' watcli 817 60 nossed on any stage, gOKtIou, sick liimdiicha or norvonn dotllity, whan Winter supply of mencliig at a point thirteen (III) rods north nnd I.UCIKN liKKii, Attorney for Aaslgnet. SlwlH Marringo, birth, and death notices Itee. Lindsay of AIaiedon,tookflrst premium day evening, from a four weeks'visit race. II. Dresser, to 3>j days' labor aeif and relatives in Chicago. giio box of Or. KuKXOTT'a I'lllii will citru you. tun flO) rods west of the soiitheaHt corner of tlio Obllnnry notices, rcsolntionH nf respect, • • • team 8 7S Onondaga township has raised be­ iiorlliwust quarter of thu northeast quarter uf cards ortunnks, etc, live cents a lino. for brood mare with foal. In classs!.\,j. to Detroit. Philip Nice, to iy. days' labor, man and UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, STATE 01' BAKIUS riJATT, DEC'E.\S. Tlio Ulpiitlieria. team '. ! lI 25 tween four and five hundred dollars in section niinibcr twenty-two (22) In toivnshli) Gil, Stutu of Miclilfjiin. county of Ing­ D. Lindsay took 2d promlum for pair ArtliurCarn and wife of Cheboygan, with all Its magnificent Tableau and Scenic money, provisions and clothing, for FOR SAZ.B. number two north of range number one oast, Eham, KH. At a BUKitlou of thu proliato court THE NEWS JOB ROOM James Kelly, to S?i days labor, self and Elt'eots. The Incomparable thence running west tire (5) rods, thence south fur siilil county, hold at the pruhatc olllcc, of working oxen Ave j'cars old. Tlieso who are well known hereabouts have There have been in all about 40 team , e 87 the Are suiFerers. I have a number of Spanish Merino nuclcs, eight (SI rods, thence east live (5) rods, tlieiice 111 tho city of >lii8on, oil tho aith diiy of IH snppliod with the best iniiclilnery that cases of dli)htheria in and about the John Kelly, to 2ji days' labor, self and from one to tliroo years old, of Pure nioo<l north eight (8) rods to tho jilace of beginning, Sot'tuiiihor, ill the year of our Lord one tbons premiums, in tho list of awards pub­ a son, born Oct, 10, ' team :.„ 8 87 BLANCHE SLADBR, The fiincral services of old Mrs.
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