Complex Nanophotonics Science Camp cumberland lodge Windsor Great Park Berkshire, SL4 2HP, UK 27th–30th August 2013 Bringing together early career scientists to bridge Nanophotonics, Plasmonics & Biophotonics of complex media. Jacopo Bertolotti Twente University, The Netherlands
[email protected] Otto Muskens COMMITTEE Southampton University, UK
[email protected] Sylvain Gigan Langevin Institute, ESPCI, France
[email protected],510 Riccardo Sapienza SCIENTIFIC King’s College London, UK
[email protected] Conference Secretary Julia Kilpatrick
[email protected] Niek van Hulst ICFO, The Institute of Photonic Science tracking nanoScale coherent energy tranSfer in Single light harveSting complexeS p16–17 SPEAKERS Stefania Residori Institut Non Lineaire de Nice , INLN–CNRS Self-adaptive holography in nonlinear media p18–19 Aristide Dogariu CREOL, Florida mechanical action in complex electromagnetic fieldS KEYNOTE p20–21 Rashid Zia Regine Frank Brown University KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology a multipolar emitter: can 1 tranSition the quantum nature illuminate 2 pathS? of random laSerS p22–23 p42–43 SPEAKERS Tomas Cizmar Jaesuk Hwang University of St. Andrews Imperial College photonicS in Single organic dye diSordered moleculeS aS Single environmentS and photon SourceS fibre baSed imaging and large optical nonlinearitieS on a photonic chip p28–29 p44–45 Wonshik Choi Andrea