JANUARY, 2011 Zion Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Cover Feature on Pages 28–29
THE DIAPASON JANUARY, 2011 Zion Lutheran Church Wausau, Wisconsin Cover feature on pages 28–29 Jan 2011 Cover.indd 1 12/9/10 11:45:20 AM Jan 2011 pp. 2-19.indd 2 12/9/10 11:46:25 AM THE DIAPASON Here & There A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred Second Year: No. 1, Whole No. 1214 JANUARY, 2011 Washington National Cathedral January 23, Carol Williams; March 13, Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 continues its organ recital series: Janu- Stephen Tharp; May 8, Cameron Carpen- An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, ary 2, Robert Costin; 1/9, Kyle Babin; ter. For information: <www.laphil.org>. the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music 1/16, Craig Williams; 1/23, Lee Dettra; 1/30, Brink Bush; February 6, Kristian Presbyterian Homes, Evanston, Il- Schneider; 2/13, Jochanan van Driel; linois, continues its organ recital series at 2/20, Robert McCormick; 2/27, Karen Elliott Chapel: January 24, Julia Brueck; CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA jbutera@sgcmail.com Christianson; March 6, Roman Kras- February 28, Harry van Wijk; March 28, 847/391-1045 novsky; 3/20, Jeremey Filsell; 3/27, Flo- Massimo Nosetti; April 25, John Ou- FEATURES rian Wilkes. For information: rensma; May 23, Andrew Peters; June Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON <www.nationalcathedral.org>. 27, Colin Lynch. For information: Thirteenth Anniversary jrobinson@sgcmail.com <www.presbyterianhomes.org>. by David Spicer 19 847/391-1044 Emmanuel Church, Chestertown, Maryland, continues its music series: The Church of St. Luke in the Southern Harmony Revisited— Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Harpsichord January 5, Evensong; 1/21, Tom Shee- Fields, New York City, presents its mu- in the pew and on the organ bench han; February 18, Ahreum Han; March sic & arts series on Thursdays at 8 pm: by Charlie W.
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