T-1364-21 FEDERAL COURT B E T W E E N: REBEL NEWS NETWORK LTD. Applicant - and - CANADA (LEADERS’ DEBATES COMMISSION/COMMISSION DES DEBATS DES CHEFS) and THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA Respondents AFFIDAVIT OF EZRA LEVANT I, EZRA LEVANT, of the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, AFFIRM AND SAY: 1. I am the founder and principal of the Applicant, Rebel News Network Ltd. (“Rebel News”). As such, I have personal knowledge of the matters described in my affidavit. Where my information is based on information obtained from others, I have indicated the source of that information and believe it to be true. BACKGROUND 2. This Application is for judicial review of the decisions of the Leaders’ Debate Commission (the “Commission”), refusing Rebel News’s application for the media accreditation required to cover the official French Language Federal Leaders’ Debate taking place Wednesday, September 8, 2021, and the English Language Federal Leaders’ Debate taking place Thursday, September 9, 2021 (collectively, the “Debates”). 3. On or about August 16, 2021, the Commission published a press release inviting media representatives to apply for accreditation (the “Accreditation”) for the Debates. The press release also provided instructions to media representatives who wished to cover the debates, noting that they must apply for accreditation by sending an email to
[email protected]. The period during which media representatives would be allowed to apply for Accreditation spanned ten (10) days, closing at 23:59 EDT on August 25, 2021 (the “Announcement”). Attached and marked as Exhibit “01” is a copy of media Accreditation Announcement.