Quakes on Sao Jorge
’ \'- -t,. ■■■'V '-'■'’■ftW Pi ;' ' V A \ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1864 Averaie Dafly I<fet P rc« Ran rAGE StSTEBN For the Week Ended ' l>rsiiis|'‘s< ' maturWat^r lEoanins Hamid Ftbruary 16, 1964 “■■ ■ * ' Tbomaa P. Miaamro, a aea- Pfc. IHrvid W. Morriaaette (rf Sunset Coimcil, Degree of Po Fire Chief Francis J. Umerlck, Second Meeting FOR 1 3 ,9 0 1 ' Mmw man apprentice In the United the United Statea Army, aon of cahontas, will meet tonight at Supt o t Schoola William H. Windy, law ia About Town Mr. and Mra. WUUam W. Mor- 7 at the Holmes Funeral Home, Seniors Fill Curtis, Manchester Hig^ School Member of the Audit Statea Navy and aon of Dr. and Set Tonight on Bureau of ClrouIaUon day, Ugh M to u . ‘ Mrs. Joseph Maasaro, 02 HUl- riasette, 2Yl Autumn St., re 400 Main S t, to pay respects to Principal A- Raymond Rogers, Cosmetics ManehMm>^A CUy o f FUtagm Charm Kra. Jcha W. Owens, the f i x cwat Rd., departed Peb. 8 from cently participated in Operation Roy Jette, whose wife is a mem Town Chairs and Registrars of Voters Ed mer MbH Joan P. SSfiB, daugh Mayiport, Fla., aboard the de- Winter-Track, an 8th Infantry ber. ward F. Moriarty and Frederick Charter Changes' II iii4 ii»s atrcyer, USS Ault, for a tour Division field training maneu B. Peck. rrs ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 119 MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1964 (CIsasllled Advertising SB Pngs IB) Bldff, 11 Oonway Rd„ has been of duty with the Sixth Fleet ver near Gieaaen, Germany.
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