Appendix Appendix

Conversion Factors Between Conventional Units And 5ysteme International (51) Units Blood (B), plasma (P), serum (S), urine (U), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), synovial fluid (SF), amniotic fluid (AF). All reference values is to serum unless otherwise stated.

Conversion Factors Analyle Conven· 51 units Conven· SI to Con· tional tional to ventional Units SI units units A etoacctate mgldl \lmol/l 97.95 0.0102 Acid pho phatase UII nkatll 16.67 0.06 ACfH pglml ngll I pglml pmolll 0.2202 4.541 Alanine aminotran (erase UII Ilkatll 0.0167 59.88 Albumin ( ) gldl gil 10 0.1 ( F,AF) mgldl mgll 10 0.1 Aldolase Uti n.kalll 16.67 0.06 Aldo terone is) ngldl nmoUI 0.0277 36.1 (U) mEq124 hr mmoUday I (U) \lgl24 hrs nmollday 2.77 0.36 Alkaline pho phata e U/I .u

998 Appendix ConversIon Factors Analyte Conven· SI umts Conven· SI to Con· tional !Ional to ventional Units SI units unIts Apolipoprotein A-lor B mgldl mgll 10 0.1 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) U/I jlkatll 0.0167 59.88 Base excess mEq/l mmolll Bicarbonate mEq/l mmol/! Bilirubin mgldl I'molll 17.1 0.0584 Calcitonin pglml ngll 1 Calcium (S) mgldl mmoll! 0.25 4.0 (S) mEq/l mmol/l 0.5 2.0 (U) mgl24 hr mmollday 0.025 40 (CSF) mEq/l mmol/l 0.5 2.0 Carbon dioxide (B, P, S) mEq/l mmo!/I 1 Catecholamines (P) Epinephrine pglml pmol/l 5.458 0.183 orepinephrine pglml nmol/I 0.0059 169.49 (U) (as norepinephrine) Ilgl24 hrs nmol/d 5.911 0.169 CO, partial pressure (pCO,) mmHg kPa 0.133 7.52 Carotene "gldl jlffiol/I 0.0186 53.76 CEA nglml "gil "glml mgll 1 Ceruloplasmin mgldl mgll 10 0.1 Chloride mEqll or mgldl mmol/I 1 1 holcstcrol mgldl mmol/l 0.0259 38.61 HOl·chole terol mgldl mmol/l 0.0259 38.61 lOl-chole terol mgldl mmol/! 0.0259 38.61 Cholinesterase U/I jlkalll 0.0167 59.88 Copper ( ) "gldl jlffiol/l 0.157 6.37 (U) Ilgl24 hrs "mol/day 0.0157 63.69 Coproporphyrins (I and III) "gldl nmolll 15 0.067 (U) "gl24 hr nmol/day 1.5 0.67 (F) "gig nmol/g 1.5 0.67 Cortisol (S) "gldl jlffiol/I 0.D28 35.7 ( ) nglml nmol/l 2.76 0.362 (U) - free Ilgldl nmol/day 2.76 0.362 Creatine (S) mgldl I'molll 76.3 0.0131 Creatine kinase UII jlkatll 0.0167 59.88 Creatinine (S,AF) mgldl I'mol/l .4 0.0113 (U) gl24 hr mmol/day 8.84 0.113\ (U) mgl24 hrs mmol/day 0.00884 113.1 (U) mglkgl24 hrs "mollkglday 8.84 0.113

Appendix 999 ConversIon Factors Analytc Conven- 51 units Conven- Sito Con- tional tionalto vcntional Units 51 units units clearance mUminJ 1.73 m' mUs/m' 0.00963 104 (CSF) mgldl 11J1l01ll 88.4 0.0113 17-0HKS (cortisol) mgl24 hr IlmoUday 2.759 0.3625 (U) Ilgl24 hr nmoUday 2.759 0.3625 Cyclic adeno ine mono- pho phate (cAMP) (5) Ilgl1 nmolll 3.04 0.329 (8) nglml nmoUI 3.04 0.329 (U) mgl24 hrs l1J1loUday 3.04 0.329 (U) mglg Crea- tinine l1J1loUmol 344 0.00291 II -Deoxycorticosterone (DOC) (5) pglml pmoUI 3.03 0.33 Dehydroepiandrosteronc (P) Ilgl1 nmolll 3.467 0.2 DHEA-S (5) Ilglml Ilmolll 2.6 0.38 (Pl Ilgl1 IlmoVI 0.002714 368.45 (AI') nglml nmolll 2.6 0.38 Dopamine (U) Ilgl24 hIS nmoUday 6.53 0.153 (U) Ilglmg crea- tinine l1J1lollmol creatinine 738 0.00136 Estradiol pglml pmoUI 3.671 0.272 Estriol J.lgl24 hrs nmoUd 3.468 0.288 Estrogens (U) (as e triol) mgl24 hr 11J1l0Ud 3.468 0.288 Estrone (Pl, (5) pglml pmoUI 3.699 0.27 Ethanol (P) mgldl mmolfl 0.217 4.60 Ethylene glycol (P) mgldl mmolll 0.161 6.21 Ferritin nglml J.lgll a1pha-Fetoprotein nglml J.lgII 1 I Folate nglml nmoUl 2.266 2.74 Fructose (P) mgldl mmoUI 0.556 1.799 FSH (P) mlU/ml lUll Gastrin pglml ngll I Glucagon pglml ngll I 1 Glucose mgldl mmolll 0.0555 18.02 (CSF) mgldl mmoUI 0.0555 18.02 GMT UII f1katll 0.0167 59.88 Growth hormone nglml J.lgII Haptoglobin mgldJ gil 10 0.1 5-HIAA (U) mgl24 hrs Ilmollday 5.2 0.19 Homovanilic acid (U) mgl24 hr Ilmollday 5.49 0.182 (U) Ilgl24 hr IlmoUday 0.00549 182 (U) Ilglmg crea- tinine mmoUmol creatinine 0.621 1.61

1000 Appendix Conversion Factors Analyte Conven- 51 units Conven- SI to Can- tional llonal to vcntional Units SI units units beta-Hydroxybutyrate mg/dl fllT!01l1 96.05 0.0104 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids (17-0HCS) mg/g crea- tinine mg/mol 113.1 0.00884 (U) mg/d I1moVday 2.76 0.362 17-lIydroxyprogesterone (P) flgll nmoln 3.026 0.33 Immunoglobulin G (CSF) mg/dl mgll 10 0.1 In Illin flU/m! pmoV! 7.175 0.139 Iron flg/dl fllT!oVI 0.0179 55.87 I ron-binding capacity flg/dJ fllT!oVl 0.0179 55.87 Iron saturation % Fraction aturation 0.01 100 17-KG5 (a dehydroepi- andro terone) (U) mg/24 hr I1moVday 3.467 0.2904 17-K (as dehydroepi- andro terone) (U) mg/24 hr fllT!oUday 3.467 0.2904 Lactate mg/dl mmoVi 0.111 9.01 (C F) mg/dl mmoVl 0.111 9.01 Lead (5) flg/dl fllT!oVl 0.0483 20.72 ( ) mg/dl I1mol/1 48.26 0.0207 (U) flg/24 hrs I1mol/day 0.00483 207.03 Lipid (Iotal) mg/dl gil 0.01 100 Alpha-2-macroglobulin mg/dl g/I 0.01 100 Magnesium ( ) mEqf\ mmol/I 0.5 2 (S) mg/dl mmoV! 0.411 2.433 (U) mg/24 hrs mmolJday 0.411 2.433 (CSF) mEq/l mmoVI 0.5 2 atrium (5) mEq/l mmolll I (U) mEq/24 hr mmol/day I (U) mg/24 hr mmol/day 0.0435 22.99 Osmolality mO m/kg mmoVkg o teoca.lcin ng/ml flgll I 0 , partial pressure (pO,) mmHg kPa 0.133 7.5 Oxytocin ng/I pmoVi 0.80 1.25 pH nEq/l nmolll Phosphate (inorganic pho phoru ) ( ) mg/dl mmoVI 0.323 3.10 (U) g/24 hrs mmol/day 32.3 0.031 Porphobilinogen mg/24 hr flmoVday 4.42 0.226 Pota ium (5) mEq/l mmoVI (U) mEq/24 hr mmollday

Appendix 1001 Conversion Factors Analyte Conven· SI units Conven· SI to Con· tional tional to ventional Umts SI unus units (U) mgl24 hrs mmoUday 0-02558 39.1 nglml nmoUI 3.18 0.314 Protein, total (S) gldl gil 10 0.1 (U) mgl24 hrs glday 0.001 1000 (CSF) mgldl mgll 10 0.1 PTH (S) pglml ngll (P) .uEq/ml mlEq/l Pyruvate (P) mgldl I'molll 113.6 0.0088 Renin (PRA) nglmUhr I'glUhr 1 1 Rever e T, (rT,) ngldl nmoUI 0.0154 65.1 erotonin (S) nglml llffioUI 0.00568 176 tandard bicarbonate (hydrogen carbonate) mEq/1 mmoUI I I TBG mgldl mgll 10 0.1 I'gldl I'gli 10 0.1 Testosterone (total) (S) ngld! nmoVI 0.0347 28.8 TSH I'U/ml miU/1 1 Thyroglobulin nglml I'gli T3 total ngldl nmolll 0.0154 65.1 free pgldl nmolll 15.4 0.0649 T4 tOlal I'gldl nmoUI 12.9 0.0775 free ngldl pmol/1 12.9 0.0775 Than ferrin mgldl gil 0.01 100 TRH pglml ngll I I pglml pmolll 2.759 0.362 Triacylglycerols mgldl mmolll 0.0113 88.5 Un aturated Vitamin BIl binding capacity (S) pglml pmol/l 0.738 1.355 Urea (S) mgldl mmolll 0.357 2.8 (U) gl24 hr mol/day 0.0357 28 (U) mUmin mils 0.0167 59.88 Uric acid (S) mgldl mmolll 0.05948 16.9 (U) mgl24 hrs mmoUday 0.0059 169 Urobilinogen (U) mgld I1mollday 1.693 0.591 Uroporphyrin (U) 11g124 hrs nmoUday 1.204 0.831 (U) ..gig crea· tinine nmoUmmol creatinine 1.1362 0.88

1002 Appendix ConversIOn Factors Analyte Conven· 51 units Conven· 51 to Con· tional tionalto ventional Units SI units units VaniLmandelic acid (U) mgl24 hr l1flIoVday 5.05 0.198 (U) Ilglg crea· tinine mmol/mol creatinine 0.571 1.75 Visco ity (5) Centipoise Same Vitamin A Ilgldl l1flIoVl 0.0349 28.65 Vitamin B. nglml nmoVI 5.982 0.167 Vitamin B" (cyanocobalamin) pglml pmoVI 0.738 1.355 Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) mgldJ l1flIoUI 56.78 0.176 Vitamin 0 (calcitriol; I ,25-dihydroxy-) pglml pmoVl 2.4 0.417 (25-hydroxy-) nglml nmoVl 2.496 0.401 Vitamin E (alpha·tocopherol) nglml nmoUI 23.22 0.0431 Xylose (U) mgldl mmoVI 0.0666 15-01 (U) gl5 hrs mmoU5 hrs 6.66 0.15 Zinc Ilgldl Il moVI 0.153 6.54


ConverSIOn Factors Analyte Conven· SI units Conven· SI to Con· tional tion,.1 to wnuonal Units SI units units Carboxyhemoglobin % 0.01 100 Fetal hemoglobin % moVmol (mayomil symbol) 0.01 100 Fibrinogen mgldl gil 0.01 100 Haptoglobin mgldl mgll 10 0.1 Her (packed cell volume) % volume fraction 0-01 100 Hemoglobin gldJ gil 10 0.1 (whole blood) gldl mmoVl 0.155 6.45 (plasma) mgldl l1flIoUI 0.155 6.45

MCH (color index) pg (or Ilg) pg pg fmol 0.06206 16.11 MCHC (saturation index) gldl gil 10 0.1 MCV (volume index) 1" (cubic microns) f) Platelet count 10'lcu mm 10' /1

Appendix 1003 Conversion Factors Analyte Conven- SI units Conven- SI to Con- tional tiol1alto venttonal UOits SI Units units RBC count (erythrocytes) (B) 10 IfIl or leu mm 10" /1 (CSF) or/mm' Icumm 10'/1 1 1 Reticulocytes leu mm 10' /1 0.001 1000 WBC count (leukocytes) IfIl or leu mmor cells x 10' 11 0.001 1000 (B) Imm' (CSF) leu mm Or 10' /1 1 leu fIl 10' /1 10' 10" (SF) IfIl II 10" 10 -


Conversion Factors Analyte Conven- 51 UOits Conven- SI to Con- tlon,11 tionallo vcntional UOits 51 Units units Acetaminophen Ilg/I IlnloUl 6.62 0.151 Amikacin Ilg/ml flnloUl 1.71 0.585 Amitriptyline ng/ml nmoUl 3.61 0.277 Carbamaupine mg/I flnl°UI 4.233 0.236 Chloramphenicol Ilg/ml flnl°UI 3.09 0.323 ng/ml nmoUl 3.176 0.315 Desipramine ng/ml nmoUI 3.754 0.266 Diazepam mgll nmoUl 3.512 0.285 Digollin ng/ml nmoUl 1.28 0.7SI Ethosuximide Ilg/ml )J.molll 7.0S 0.141 Gentamicin Ilg/ml IlmoUl 2.09 0.478 Imipramine ng/ml nmoUI 3.57 0.28 Lidocaine Ilg/ml flnlol/l 4.27 0.234 Lithium mEqll mmoUl 1 I Methotrexate ng/ml nmoUI 2.2 0.454 Nortriptyline ng/ml nmoUI 3.8 0.263 (.Ig/mI flnloUl 4.31 0.232 Primidone Ilg/ml )J.moUI 4.5S 0.21S Procainamide Ilg/ml flnl°UI 4.23 0.236 Theophylline (aminophylline. others) Ilg/ml flnl°UI 5.55 0.180 Tobramycin Ilg/ml flnlol/l 2.14 0.467 VaJproic acid Ilg/ml flnl°UI 6.93 0.144 Vancomycin (.Ig/ml mg/I

1004 AppendIX Cluster of Differentiation (CD) Molecules

CluSler Synonym Cellular Expression Designal ion CDla T6, Leu-6, R4 thymocyte. dendritic cells. Langerhans cell. CDlb Rl thymocyte •• dendritic cells, langerhans cells COle M24l,R7 thymocytes, dendritic cel!s,l ngerh ns cell COld R3 inte tinal epithelium, thymocytes.dendrilic cell. Langerhan cell COle R2 thymocytes. dendritic cells. langerhans cells C02 C02R, E-rosette E-rosette receptor-as oci ted T-cell, NK-cells. receptor, Til, LfA-2 B-cell , thymocytes (C058 receptor) C02R activated T -cells C03 n, Leu-4 T-cells, thymocyte C03deha C03d T-cells C03ep i10n C03e T-cell CD3gamma C03g T- ells C04 T4, UT4, W3/25, T-ceLls subset (helper/inducer), thymocyte Leu-3a sub et ,peripheral blood monocytes. Ii ue macrophages. granulocytes COS TI, Leu-I, Ly-l, Lyb-l. T-cells subset. B-cell ,thymocyte Lyt-l. Tp67 CD6 Tl2 T-cells sub et. B-cell subset, immature/ma• ture thymocytts, neurons subsct C07 fcliR.gp40 T-cells subset. K-cell., thymocyte, pluri• potential hematopoietic ceUs CDS TS. Leu-2. Lyt-2 cytotoxiclsupressor T-cells ub I, thymocyte subsets C08alpha Leu2, T-cell co-recep• T-cell ub et tor, T8 COSbeta Leu2. Lyt3 cytotoxic T -cells C09 p24. ORAP-27. MRP-l monocyte, pre-B-cells, platelets, activated T-cells, eo inophil • basophils. endothelial cells. brain and peripheral nerves. vascular smooth muscle. cardiac muscie. epithelia CDIO CALLA, common acule germinal center B-cell lymphocyte progeni• lymphobla lie leuk• tor cells. granulocyte T-cell precur or5. bone emia antigen,lS, nepri• marrow tromal cells Iy in. enkephalinase. gp I 00. neutral endo• peptida e, EP CO lla LFA-l (alpha chain) all leukocytes. macrophage.,lymphocytts, granulocyte • monocytes COllb Mac-l (alpha chain monocyte. macrophage. granulocytes. NK• ofCR3),Mol,alph - cells, ome T-cell ,subsets of B-cells. myeloid M-betal, C3biR. cells COlic plSO,95 (alpha chain), monocyte ,macrophages, granulocyte , Leu-MS, Axb2, CR4, B-cells ubset. K-cell. subset of T -cells leukocyte urface anti• gen p1SO.95

AppendiX 1005 Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designat ion CDwl2 myeloid antigen, granulocyte, monocyte, K-cells, platelets p90-120 COD MY7, aminopeptidase , granulocytes. monocyte • endothelial cells. AP ,gpiSO epithelial cells (renal proximallUbuJes. intestinal bru h border), bone m rrow tromal cell ,0 teo• e1ast • cells lining bile duct canaliculi. large granular lymphocyte CD14 Leu-M3, M02, LPS monocyte, macrophage. granulocytes, epi• receptor, LPS-R dermal cells CDI5 3-FAl., 3-Pl., LNFP Ill, monocyte., neutrophil, eosinophils Lacto- -neo-fucopen• taose III, Lewis X, Lex, SSEA-I, X-hapten CDI5s sLE, sialyl Lewis X, sLex, sialylated Lewis X, SLe-x monocytes, neutrophil. eo inophil CDI6a Pc, Rill, PCRIIIA macrophages, NK-cell ,granulocytes COl6b FCRIIIB macrophages, NK-ceIls COwl7 lacto ylceramide, granulocyte, monocyte • platelets. ba ophils. LacCer peripheral B-cell ubset. tonsillar dendritic cells COl8 beta chain of CD II a, b, all leukocytes c, bela-2 integrin, bela2, beta-2 integrin chain COl9 Leu-12, B4 B-cells. follicular dendritic cell. malignant B-cells C020 Leu-16, BI, Bp35 B-cells C021 C3d receptor (CR2), B2, mature B-cell • follicular dendritic cells. subset Epstein-Barr virus of immature thymocytes receptor, EBV-R C022 Leu-14, B3, MAG, B-cell BL-CAM, LybS C023 FcRII (IgE receptor), activated B-cells, macrophage, K-celLs. mo• 86, BLAST-2, FceRlI, nocyte ,FDC apical light zone (T-cell, plate• Leu-20, low affinity IgE lets, eosinohpils. neutrophiIs, Langerhans cells) receptor CD24 BA-I, heat stable anti• B-cells, granulocyte, epilhelial cells gen, HSA C025 Tac, beta chain of I L-2, actiYlltcd T-cells, B-cells, macrophage. IL-2 receptor alpha monocytes, HTLV-I-transformed T-cell lines chain, IL-2R, Tac anti• gen C026 Ta I, dipeplidylpeptidase activated T-cell ,B-cells, macrophages. thymo• lV, OPP IV ectoenzyme. cyte, K-cell, renal proximal tubular epithe• adena ine deamina e• lial cell, small intestinal epithelium, biliary binding protein, canaliculi, splenic inus lining ceUs ADA-binding protein CD27 S152. T14 mature T-cells,aCliv3ted T-cell .. B-cells subset, K-cells. meduIJary thymocytes

1006 Appendtx Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designat Lon CD28 p44(9.3). Tp44, T44 T-cell, thymocytes. pia ma cells. activated B-cells CD29 484. beta chain of activated T-cells VLA-4, platelet GPIlA, beta-I integrin. beta-I integrin chain CD30 Ki-I antigen. Ber-H2 activated T-cells and B-cell ,activated K-cells, antigen monocytes.large lymphoid cell in lymph node. ton ii, thymu .decidua and endometrial cell. Hodgkin's lymphoma, Reed- ternberg cells, Hodgkin cells. anapla tic large cell lym• phoma, pI omorphic and immunoblastic lym• ph rna. embryonal carcinoma. mixed germ celllUmor CD31 PECAM-I. platelet granulocytes. monocytcs, macrophages. B-cell endothelial cell adhe• platelet ,endothelial cell • leukocytes and pre• son molecule. end cam. cursors, NK-celis, ub ets ofT-cells platelet gpll CD32 Fc receptor granulocytes. macrophages, B-cells. eo ino• (Fc-gamma-RIl). F R II phil. monocytes. platelet CD33 MY9, gp67. p67 granulocyte/monocyte precursors, monocytcs, macrophages CD34 MYIO. gp 105-120 lymphohematopoietic stem and progenitor cell. small-vessel endothelial cells. embryonic fibroblast. some cells in fetal and adult nerv• ou tissue, emhryonic liver. aorta-associated hemat poietic progenitors CD35 CR I. C3b receptor. granulocyte. monocyte. B-cells, erythro• C3bR. C4bR. comple• cytes. eo inophils. T-cells. glomerular podo• ment receptor type one, cyte ,follicular-dendritic celis. some astrocyte immune adherence receptor CD36 platelet gplllb. GP IIlb. monocytes. platelets. macrophages. microva - OKM5-antigen. PA IV cular endothelial cells, mammary endothelial cell CD37 gp52-40 B-cell • some T-cell ,neutrophils, granulo• cytes. monocytes. myeloid cells CD38 TlO, Leu-17. ADP-ribo• syl cyda e/cyclic ADP-ribose hydrola e lymphocytes. progenitor cells, early B-celis, activated T-cell • plasma cells. brain. muscle. kidney CD39 gp80 mature B-cell • endothelial cell. activated K• cell. ma rophages. dendritic cell D40 gp50. Bp50 B-cells. plasma cells. basal epithelial cells, epi• thelial cell carcinomas, macrophages. mono• cyte • follicul r dendritic cell ,endothelial cell. fibroblasts. keratinocyte • interdigitating cell. hem poietic cell progenitors

AppendiX 1007 Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designation C040-L T-BAM,gp39 activated C04, T-cells C041 gpllblllia complex. glyco• platelet ,megakaryocytes, isoform 3 is upres• protein JIb. GPllb. alpha ed by leukemia. prostate adenocarcinoma lib integrin chain and mel noma cells C042a platelet gplX, GPlX platelets. megakaryocytes C042b platelet gpl B. alph • platelet ,megakaryocytes GPlb-alpha. glycocalicin C042c GPlb-beta. GPlb-beta, platelets. megakaryocyt<,s GPlbb C042d GPV platelets, megakaryocytes C043 ialophorin.leukosialin leukocytes (except circulating 8-cells) C044 Pgp-I. ECMR III, H-CAM, leukocytes. brain. erythrocytes. mo t cell types. HUTCH-I, Herme • Lu. (nol 31 platelets, hepatocyte, cardiac muscl .... gp8S kidney tubular epithelium. Ie tis. portions of the kin) C044R restri ted epitope on leukocyte. epithelial cells, monocyte lineage C044, 044v, C044v9 cells C045 T200,leukocyte common all hematopoietic cell ,lymphocyte .leuko• antigen (L A). B220, LyS cyte C045RA Leu-IS. restricted T200 T-cell ,B-cells. granulocyte • monocyte C045RB re tricted T200 T -cells ubsct. 8-cell ,granulocytes. macro• phage, monocyte C04SRO re tricted T200. UCHLI, memory T-celLs. B-cells. granulocytes. macro• gpI80 phage. monocytes C046 membrane cofactor leukocytes. epithelial cells. fibroblast • salivary protein. MCP gland ducts. kidney ducts. lymphocyte • en• dothelium, interstitial ti ues. muscle cells. tumor cells C047 Rh-a ociated protein, broad tis ue di tribution. hematopoietic cell • gpol2. intcgrin-a oci ted epitheliaUendothelial cells, fibrobla ts. brain. protein. lAP. neurophilin. mesenchymal cell, tumor cell lines ovarian carcinoma anti• gcm 3. OA3. MEM-133 C048 B MI, Blast-I,lIu Lym3. leukocytes OX-4S C049a VLA-alpha-I integrin T-cells. monocytes chain. very latc antigen a1pha-1 chain, VLA-I alpha chain C049b VLA-alpha-2 integrin activated T-cells, platelet. monocytes, some chain. platelet gpla B-cell • fibroblasts C049c VLA-a1pha -3 integrin T-cell. some B-cells, monocytes. brain. heart, chain endothelial vein cell C049d VLA-alpha-4 integrin monocyte. T-cell • B-cells. eosinophil, b 0 - chain phils. ma t cell. thymocytes. K-cell. den• dritic cells. embryo myelobla ts. myelomono• cytic cell. melanoma cells. Kupffer cells, mu ele cells. erythroblastic precur or cell , sickle reticulocytes

1008 Appendix Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designa! IOn C04ge VLA-alpha-S intcgrin T-cell. orne B-cells and monocytes, platelet chain. F R alpha chain C049f VLA-alpha-6 integrin platelets. megakaryocytes. activated T-cells. chain. pi telet gpl heart. kidney. placenta. colon, duodenum, myobla t • myotube coso ICAM-3. intercellular leukocytes. monocyte. granulocyte , epider• molecule-3 mal Lang rhan cells, endothelial cells, thymo• cyte • T-ceUs, B-ccll COSI alpha chain of vitro• platelet. megakaryocyte nectin receptor. VNR-alpha chain. alpha-V integrin chain COS2 CAMPATH-I leukocytes, thymocyte. T-ccll • B-cell ,gra• nulocyte • lymphocyte • monocytes, macro• phage. epithelial cells lining the male repro• ductive tract COS3 MRCOX44 leukocyte ,plasma cells COS4 ICAM-I. intercellular broad. B-cell • T-cell. myeloid cell, endothe• ad he ion molecule-I lial cells. monocytes. epithelial cells COSS decay accelerating raClor. leukocytes. cell throughout the body. eryth• OAF rocyte COS6 Leu-19. KH-I. isoform NK-cell .sube tsofT-cell .cerebellum.cortex. of -CAM. neural cell neuromuscular junctions. certain LGL leuk• adhesion molecule emia. small cell lung carcinoma ,neural• derived tumors. myeloma • myeloid leukemias COS7 HNK-I.Lcu-7 K-cell T-cell. subset. B-cells. monocytes C058 LFA-3.lymphocyte func• broad pectrum of tissues and cells. hemato• tion-as ociated antigen 3 poietic cells. non-hematopoietic cell .Ieuko• cyte • erythrocytes, endothelial cclls. epithelial cells. fibrobla ts C059 Ly6c. membrane inhi• broad spectrum of tissues and cells bitor of reactive lysis. MIRL. IF-SAg. H19. HRF20. MACIF. P-18. proteclin COw60 9-0-acetyl-G03 ubset of T-ccll • platelets, monocyte, thymic epithelium. activated keratinocytes. synovial fibroblasts. glomeruli, mooth muscle cell • astrocytes C061 integrin beta-3. platelets. megakaryocytes, macrophage GPllb/llla. beta3. ITGB3 C062E E-selectin. ELAM- I. platelet, endothelial cell. endothelium in LECAM-2 chronic innammatory lesion of the kin and ynovium, kin, placenta, bone marrow CD62L L-selectin. LECAM-I. B-cells, monocytcs, T-cells, granulocytes, plate• Leu-8. MEL-14. TQI. let, endothelial cells. K-cclls, spleen lym• LAM- I.TQ-I phocyte ,bone marrow lymphocytes, bone marrow myeloid cell • thymocyte

AppendiX 1009 Cluster Synonym Cellular ExpressIOn Designallon CD62P P-seleclin, granule mem• platelet • endothelial cells, megakaryocytes brane protein-140, GMP-140, platelet activa• tion dependent granule• external membrane pro• tein, PADGEM CD63 platelet activation antigen. platelet . monocytes. macrophages. dy pi tic LIMP. MLAI , PTLGP40, nevi. radial growth phase primary melanomas, gp55. gr nulophysin,ly 0- hematopoietic cells, endothelial cells. de• somal-membrane- oei• granulated neutrophils. ftbrobla t .ostco- ated glycoprotein 3. cia ts. mooth muscle. neural tissue LAMP-3. melanoma-a 0 - ciated antigen. ME491, neuroglandular antigen. NGA CD64 Fe receptor (Fc-gamma• monocytes. macrophages. blood dendritic cell RI), FCR I ub t, germinal center dendritic cells. early myeloid lineage cells CD6S cernmide-dodeca accha• granulocytes. myeloid cells ride. VIM -2 CD6S sialylated-CD6S. VIM-2 granulocytes. monocyte, myeloid leukemia cells. acute lymphatic leukemias CD66a BGP. CA-I60.biliary granulocytes. epithelial cells glycoprotein CD66b CD67. pi 00. CGM6. granulocyte. myeloid cells NCA-9S. carcinocm• bryonic antigen-related cell adhe ion molecule 6. CEACAM6 CD66c CA. CA-SO/90 myeloid cell. granulocyte epithelial cells. neutrophils. colon carcinoma CD66d CGMI myeloid cells, granulocytes, neutrophils CD66e CEA. carcinoembryonic myeloid cells, epithelial cells. adult colon epi• antigen. carcinoembryo• thelium. colon carcinoma nic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule S. CEACAMS CD66f pregnancy specific b I placental syncytiotrophoblasts. fetal liver, my• glycoprotein, SP- I. P G aloid cell lines CD67 now CD 66b monocyte ,macrophages CD68 mac:rosiaJin. gp 110 monoCYle • macrophages. dendritic cells, neulrophil!. ba ophils. mast cells. myeloid progenitor cells, sub et of CD34 hemato• poietic bone marrow progenitor cells. acti• vated T-cells, B-cells, ]jver, glomeruU, renal tubules. soluble form in serum and urine CD69 activation inducer mole• activated T-cells, B-cells. macrophage. cule, AIM. EA I, MLR3. NK-celJ ,thymocyte, neutrophils. eosinophils gp 34/28. very early acti• vation, VEA

1010 Appendix Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designation C070 C027-ligand, activated T-cells, activated B-cells, macro• Ki-24 antigen phage C07l T9, transferrin receptor proliferating cell. macrophages.leukocyte • capillary endothelium in brain, reticulocytes, erythroid precur ors CD72 Lyb-2, Ly 32.2, Ly-19.2 B-cell C073 ecto 5-nucleotidase T-cells ubset. 8-cells subset, dendritic cells, epithelial cell, endothelial cells C074 cia II MHC, invariant 8-cells. monocyte, macrophages, activated gamma chain, Ii, cia 11 - T-cell. activated endothelial and epithelial specific chaperone cells COw75 mature 8-cell. ubpopulation of peripheral blood T-cells, erythrocytes CDw76 mature 8-cells, T-cells ubset, endothelial and epithelial cells subsets con Pk blood group antigen, follicular B-cells, Burkitt's lymphoma cells. Burkin's lymphoma anli• follicular center lymphomas gen, BLA. ceramide tri• hexo ide, CfH, globotria• o ylceramide, Gb3 COw78 Ba 8-cells C079a mb-I, Ig-alpha, MBI B-cells C079b B29, Ig-beta B-cells CD 0 B7, BBl, B7-1 activated B-cells, activated T-cell, macro• phages COSI TAPA-I 8-cell ,hemopoietic cells. endothelial and epi• thelial cell lymphocyte OS2 R2, IA4, 4F9, 03, KAII B-ceUs. activated/differentiated hematopoielic cell ,leukocyte COS3 HBI5 8-cells, activated T-cells. non-follicular den• dritic cell. circulating dendritic cells, Langer• han' cells. thymic dendritic cell ,Iympho• bl. loid cell line • germinal center B-cells C084 GRb m ture 8-cells, thymocyte, T-cell subset. monocytes, platelet, ti ue macrophages CDS5 VMP-S5, CH 1/75 B-cells. pia ma cell, germinal center cell , hairy cell leukemia. tissue macrophages, sub• population of NK-cell in peripheral blood CD86 FU -1. BU63, B7-2. B70 8-cell • interdigitating dendritic cells, Langer• hans' cells. peripheral blood dendritic cell , memory B-cells, germinal center B-cells. centrocyles, monocytes, T-cells ub et CDS7 UPA-R, urokinase plasmi• myeloid cells. T -cells, N K-ceLls. monocytes, nogen activator receptor neutrophil. va tular endothelial cell. macro• phages. fibroblasts. smooth muscle cells. kera• linocytes, placental trophoblasts. hepatocyte , tumor cells (breast. colon, prostate carcinoma, melanoma)

AppendiX 1011 Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designation C088 C5aR,Oa receptor myeloid cells, granulocytes, monocytes. den• dritic cell, macrophage, ma t cells, hepa• toma-derived cell line HepG2, a trocytes, microglia COS9 Fc-alpha-R, lgA Fe myeloid cell, activated eo inophils, alveolar receptor,lgA receptor and splenic macrophage, monocytes, gra• nulocytes, B-cell subset, T-cell ub et C090 Thy-I myeloid cells, hematopoietic tem cell, neu• ron, connective ti ue, fibrobla t line, tro• mal cell line, thymocyte, peripheral T-cell, C034+ cell in bone marrow, lymph node HEV endothelium,lymphoblastoid and leuk• emic cell line C09! alpha-M-R, alpha-2- myeloid cell ,monocyte macroglobulin receptor, low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein, LRP COw92 GR9 myeloid cells, monocyte ,granulocytes, peri• pheral blood lymphocytes, fibroblasts, endo• thelial cell, epithelial cells, platelets COO3 GRll myeloid cells, monocyte, granulocyte, AML blasts, myeloid cell lines, endothelial cell C094 KP43 K-cell ,in vitro activated K-cells, T-cell ub et C095 APO-l, Fa ,fas antigen, activated T- and B-cell tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member, TNFRSF6, apop• tosi antigen I,APTI COO6 TACTILE, T-cell activation activated T -cells increa ed late expres ion COO7 GRI activated T- and B-cell ,monocytes, macro• phages, dendritic cell, granulocytes COOS 41'2,21'3, I'RP-l, RL-388 T-cells, B-cell, K-cells, granulocyte activa• ted and tran formed cells, all human cell lines CD99 El, MIC2, C099R, MIC2 T-cells, lymphocytes, thymocyte gene product COIOO BBI8,AS,GR3 T-cells, most of hematopoietic cell, germinal center B-cell COIOI BB27, BA21, IGSF2, Pl26, monocyte, macrophage, granulocytes, den• V7 dritic cells, activated T-cells COI02 ICAM-2, intercellular leukocyte ,vascular endothelial cell ,re ting adhe ion molecule 2 lymphocytes, monocyte, platelets CO I03 HML-l,ITGAE, human antigen I, HML-I, integrin-a1ph E chain muco allymphocyte leukocytes, intestinal intraepitheliallympho• cyles, lamina propria T-Iymphocytes in the intestine, intraepitheliallymphocytes in bron-

1012 Appendix CluSler Synonym Cdlular ExpressIOn Deslgnallon chi, inflammatory kinlbreastl alivary gland, tumoral epithelium. peripheral lymphoid or• gans, enteropathy-associated T-celllympho• ma ,hairy B-cellieukemia. adult T-cell leuk• emias a oeiated with HTLV-I CDI04 beta-4 inlegrin chain. leukocyte • epithelial cells, Schwann cells, lumor pecific prolein colon. placenta, epidermi • lung, duodenum. 180 antigen. TSP.180. heart, spleen, to mach. tumour cells bela-4 inlegrin 0105 endoglin endothelial cells, smalUlarge VI' scl ,activated monocytes.ti sue macrophage, stromal cells of certain tis ues, pre-B-cells in fetal marrow, erythroid precursor in fetaUaduh bODe mar• row. YDcytiotrophobla t throughoul preg• nancy, cytolrophoblasls during firsltrimester COI06 VCAM-I. va cular cell endothelial cells, macrophages. dendritic cell adhesion molecule-I. I CAM-IIO CD107a 0 orne-as 0- Iy 0 omal membrane. dcgranulated plalelets ciated membrane pro· lein I COI07b LAMP-2,ly 0 ome-. so• ly 0 omal membrane. degranulaled plalelets dated membrane pro• tein 2 CDwl08 GR2. John-Millon- Hagen. erythrocytes. leukocytes, circulaling Iympho JMH human blood group cytes,lymphoblasls/lymphobla tic cell lines, anligen some tr mal eel! COI09 SA3. 701. EI23, GR56 endothelial cells, activated T-cells. platelets COIIO thrombopoielin receplor. hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, mega• TPO-R. myeloproliferalive karyocyte progenitor, megakaryocytic line• leukemia viru oncogene, age eel! • platelet MPL,C-MPL COlli poliovirus receptor hematopoietic cell. neuronal cell ,endothelial related I. PRR I, HcvC, cell. epithelial cells, brain, spinal cord.tra• nectin-I, herp viru chea. prostate, placenta, kin. kidney. lung. Ig-like receptor, H IgR pancrea • . liver. erythroid lineage. fibroblastic cells CDI12 polioviru related hematopoietic cells, neuronal cell, endothelial receplor 2. PRR2, herpe - and epithelial cell, pro tate. placenta. kidney, virus entry mediator B. lung. panerea • thyroid. liver. fibroblastic cells HVeB. herpe virus entry protein B, poliovirus receptor-like 2. PVRL2, nectin 2 CD1I4 CSF3R. HG·CSFR. granulocytes, monocyte, mature platelets. granulocyte colony• endothelial cell. placenta. trophoblastic cells, stimulating factor cuhured tumor cells receptor. G-CSFR

AppendiX 1013 Clu ster Synonym Cellular Expression DeslgnatlOn COliS C F-IR.colony-stimu- myeloid cell, osteocIa t ,placentaltrophob• lat ing fa tor I R, M-CSF R, I.stic cells, bre. t during normal development c-fms,M- FR and laclation, microglia, neuron. astrocyte myeloid leukemic blast cells, breast and ovar• ian cancers, va cular smooth muscle cells in atheroma COl16 GM-CSF R-alpha monocy tcs, macrophages. neutrophils, eosino• phil, endothelium. dendritic cells/precur or COll7 c-KIT, stem cell faclOr hematopoietic progenitors, acute myeloid receptor. CFR leukemia cells, tissue rna t ceUs, melanocytes, reproductive system, embryonic brain COIlS I I' -alpha, beta R broad cellular expre ion COwl19 IF -gamma R, IFNgR, monocytes. macrophages, B-cells, endothelium IF gRa COl20a TNFR type I, type I nOn/hematopoietic cells, epithelial cells tumor necro is factor receptor, pSS, TNF-R5S, TNFAR, T FR60, pS5-R, FPF COl20b T FT type 2, TNF-R-II, non/hematopoietic cells, myeloid cells, timu- T F-R75, T FBR, lated T-cells, timulated B-cells FR80, T FR2, p7ST FR, FRII, p7S, T FR pSO COl21a IL- IR type I, typellL-IR, thymocytes, T-cell interleukin I receptor type I, IURA, 02S1473, IUR COl21b IL-I R type 2, type2lL-1 R, monocytes, macrophages. B-cells IU R2, interlcukin I recep- tor type II COl22 IL-2R bet.a, interleukin 2 NK-cells, re ting T-cell subpopulation, B-cell • receptor bela chain monocyte , macrophages COl23 IL-3R alpha. IL-3 receptor bone marrow stem cells. granulocyte • mono• alpha subunit cytes, megakaryocytes COl24 IL-4R mature B-cells and T-ceILs, hematopoietic pre• cur or cell CDwl25 lL-SR-alpha basophils. eo inophils. activated B-cells COl26 IL-6R-alpha. interleukin-6 activated B-cells, T-cell, monocyte. plasma receptor cells. most leukocyte ,hepatocytes COl27 IL-7R, interleukin-7 bone marrow lymphoid precursor. mono• receptor. IL-7R alpha, p90 eytes. pro-B-cell • mature T-cell COwl2 a IL-SR.IL8RA,CXCRI. ba ophils, neutrophil • T-cell ubset interleukin-S receptor A, CMKARI COwl2sb IL8RB. CXCR2, inttrleu• neutrophil. T-cells subset kin-S receptor B COl30 I L-6R-beta, gp 130 activated B-cell • plasma cell. mostleuko• eyte • endothelial cell. almost all cell type

1014 Appendix Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression DesignatIOn COwl31 common beta subunit mo t myeloid cell ,early B-ceUs, monocytes, granulocytes, eosinophil COl32 IL2RG, common cytokine T-cell, B-cells. K-

AppendiX 1015 Cluster Synonym Cellular ExpressIOn DesignatIOn CDwl45 endothelial cell CDI46 MCAM. Al2. MUCI8. endothelial cells. melanoma. smooth muscle. Mel-CAM. melanoma• intermediate trophoblast. activated T-ceILs. CAM,S-endo follicular dendritic cell CDI47 SAil. basigin. CE9. HT1. leukocyte. erythrocytes. platelets. endothelial M6. neurothelin. OX-47. cells. lymphocyte • myeloid cells extracellular malrix melalloproteinase indu• cer. EMMPRIN. gp42 CDI48 HPTP-eta. high cell granulocytes. monocytes. resting T -cells, den• density-enhanced PTP I. dritic cells. platelets. fibroblasts. nerve cell • DEP-I. p260 Kupffer cells CDwl50 SLAM. IPO-3 signaling thymocyte. T-cell ubset, B-cell subset, den• lymphocyte activation dritic cells. endothelial cell molecule CDISI PETA-3. FA-I endothelial cells. platelets, megakaf}llcytes. immature hematopoietic cell ,epithelial cells CDIS2 cytotoxic T-Iymphocyte• activated T-cell. activated B-cells associated protein-4. CTLA-4 CD1S3 CD30 ligand. CD30L T-cells CDI54 CD40 ligand. CD40L. activated T-cell T-BAM. TNF-related activation protein. TRAP.gp39 CDI5S polio viru receptor, PVR myeloid cell CDI56 ADAMS, MS2 human neutrophil, monocytes CDIS6b ADAMI7.adi jntegrin all cells and metalloproteinase domain 17. tumor necro is factor alpha converting enzyme. TACE, snake venom-like protea e. c VP CDIS7 BP-3/1F-7. BST- I. MoS granulocytes. monocyte, macrophages. B-cell progenitor. bone marrow stromal cell lines, myelomonocytic leukemia. human umbilical vein endothelial cell , rheumatoid arthriti - derived ynovial cell line , follicular dendritic cell lines. reticular cell of peripherallym• phoid Ii ue (spleen, lymph nodes. Peyers' patche ) CDI58a EB6. MHC class-I specific K-cell • T-cell receptor, pSO.I, pS8.1 CDIS8b GL183, mc da. -I K-cell, -cells pecific receptors, p50.2. pS8.2 CDI60 BYSS antigen, NK I, K28 peripheral NK-cells. T-Iymphocytes with cytolytic effector activity

1016 Appendix Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Dcsignallon COl61 KLRBI. KR-PIA. killer K-cells. T-cells sub ets, ubset of thymo• cell, lectin-like receptor cytes. {clal liver T-cells subfamily B member 1 COl62 P GL-I. P GL T -cells. monocytcs. granulocyte • B-cells. bone marrow cell COl63 GH1/61, M130. RM311 myeloid cell COI64 MUC-24, multi-glyco y• myeloid eel! • T-cell. epithelial cell. bone lated core protein 24. marrow strom. cell. small intestine. colon, MGC-24v lung. thyroid, colorectal aden arein mao pancreatic adenocarcinoma COl65 AD2.gp37 sub et of peripherallymphocytc • immature lhymocyte • monocyte. platelets, T-cell type acute lymphoblastic leukemia cell. central nervou sy tem, islet ceUs of pancreas. Bow• man' capsule of the kidney CDI66 BEN. OM-GRASP, KG• neurons. activated T-cell, aClivated mono• CAM, neurolin. C-I. cytes, epithelial ceUs. fibrobla t • NK-cel! • activated leukocyte cells platelets, thymocyte. activated B-cells. adhesion molecule. eosinophil. endothelial cells, keratinocyle ALCAM COl67a DORI.tyro ine kinase epithelial cells, mammary gland. kidney. lung. receptor E. TRKE, cell colon,thyroid. brain islets of Langerhans. adhesion kinase. CAK, tumor (breast. ovary. esophagus) epithelial discoidin domain receptor precur• sor I. EOOR-I.discoidin domain receptor family COl69 sialoadhesin. Sn. Siglec-I, resident and inflammatory macrophages sialic acid-binding im• (spleen. lymph node. bone marrow, liver, munoglobulin-like lectin 1 gut, lung) CO 171 LlCAM. -CAM LI. epithelial cells, cell of lymphoid and myelo• CAMLI. LI cell adhesion monocytic origin, T-ceJIs subset. B-cells. mono• molecule cyte • monocyte-derived dendritic cells, hu• man post-mitotic neuron ,glial cell .Schwann cells of the peripheral nerv u y tern COl78 fa L. fas-L. tumor T-lymphocytes, non-activated K-cells, necrosis {actor super• parenchymal cells of the retina and cornea, family. member 6, retinal pigment epithelial cells. neutrophils. TNF F6. apoptosis anti• autoimmune thyrocyte ,keratinocytes. astro• gen ligand I.APTILGI cyte • microglia. mature erythroblasts. breast epithelial cells. va cular endothelial cells. pla• centa. various tumors COl79a VpreB. pre-B lymphocyte early prc-B-ceLls. pro-B-cell gene I. VPREBI. immuno• globulin iota chain.IGVPB. immunoglobulin iota poly• peptide chain. IGI

AppendiX 1017 Cluster Synonym Cellular Expression Designation C0179b lambdaS, IGL5, immuno• pro-B-cells, early pre-B-cell globulin omega chain. immunoglobulin lambda• like polypeptide I. IGLLl. IGVPB COISO RPI05 mantle ~one B-cells. marginal rone B-cell • mono yte ,dendritic cells COl83 hemokine CXC T-cells. B-cells ubsct, K-cell ub et, malig• receptor 3. CXCRJ, nant B-cells from chronic Iymphoproliferative G protein-coupled di order, pia m cytoid dendritic cells. receptor 9, GPR9, CKR-L2, eosinophils, GM-CSF activated C034 hemato• IPIO receptor.IPIO-R. poietic progenitors Mig receptor. Mig-R COI84 chemokine C-X-C blood cells. B-ceIls, T-cells, monocytes, macro• receptor 4, CXCR4, fusin, phage, dendritic cells, granulocyte, mega• leukocyte-derived seven karyocytes, plat let, lymphoid and myeloid transmembrane domain precursor cells.endothelial and epithelial cell , receptor, LESTR, neuro• trocytes, neuron pept ide Y receptor Y3. NPY3R. HM89. FBn. LCRI C0203c neucleotide pyrophos• ba ophil ,mast cell, uterus, pro tate, glioma phata e 3. PP3. pho - cell phodiesterase I nucleotide pyrophosphatase 3. PO P3. BIO. gpI30RBI3-6. ecto• nucleotide C0206 mannose receptor. C-type sub cts of mononuclear phagocytes, hepaticJ lectin lymphatic endothelial cells, immature den• dritic cell, retinal pigment epithelium, me angial cells C0222 cation-independent ubiquitou Iy manno e-6 phosphate receptor. man-6p recep• tor. CIMPR. insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor. IGF2R. IGFII. man- no e-6 pho phate receptor. M6P-R C0226 platelet and T-cell activa• NK-cell ,platelets, monocyte, T-cells sub et, tion antigen I. PTA I, thymocytes o AX acce ory mole• cule-I,O AM-I, T-lineage-specific activa• tion antigen I, TLiSA I C0227 MUCI, mucin I, epi ialin. apical surface of all glandular and ductal epi• PUM. PEM. EMA, OF3 thelial cells, all circulating monocytes, bone antigen, H23 antigen marrow hematopoietic mononuclear cells conI AIS, T-cell acute Iympho• T-ceU acute lymphoblastic leukemia, neurob• bla tic leukemia a socia- lastoma cells, normal brain neuron, acute Iym-

1018 Appendix Cluster Synonym Cellular Expn.'ssion Designation ted antigen I, TALLA-I, phoblastic leukemia cells, neurobl tom a cell transmembrane 4 uper- family member 2. mem- brane component. X chro- mo orne. surface marker I. M)( I,CCG-B7 CD233 erythrocyte band 3. anion erythrocyte pia rna membrane, basolatcral exchange protein I. AEI. membrane of a-intercalated cell of the distal anion tran port protein. tubules nd collecting ducts of the kidney solute carrier family 4, Diego blood group. EPB3 CD234 GPFY, Fy glycophorin, erythrocyte. endothelial cells. epithelial cells FY glycoprotein of kidney collecting duct. lung and thyroid. neurons CD244 284 K cell activation• K-cells, gamma/delta T-cell. CD8+ T-ceLLs. inducing ligand. All., monocyte • ba ophils p38

Some Important Polymorphism Frequency in Slovak Population DNA polymorphism Control group Genotypes Alleles +/+ +/- -/- + - CTLA-4/Bbvl Om5 0.475 0.500 0.2625 0.7375 CTLA-4rrru[ 0.05 0.125 0.825 0.113 0.887 H P70-UP tI 0.27 0.330 0.400 0.439 0.561 ACE in .Ide!. 0.247 0.460 0.293 0.477 0.523 Apo B/Xbal 0.262 0.510 0.228 0.517 0.483 Apo B/EcoRI 0.262 0.510 0.228 0.900 0.100 Apo B/Mspl 0.810 0.190 0.000 0.910 0.090 Fibrinogen/Hael [[ 0.670 0.260 0.070 0.798 0.202 FV-Leiden/Mval 0.960 0.040 0.000 0.980 0.020 GIIIA! cil 0.670 0.310 0.020 0.830 0.170 Allele frequency - name/frequency Apo ElHin6 E2 E3 E4 E- non-3 0.047 0.862 0.091 0.138 IL-IRA VNTR 2 4 5 0.191 0.796

Inflammation Mediators

Function Mediators [ncrea ed small ve sels permeability Histamine, serotonin. bradykinin. Oa. C5a, p 02, P E2, LTOI, activated Hageman' (actor, high-molecular weight kininogen fragments, fibrinopeptides

AppendiX 1019 Function Mediators Va oconstriction N-formylmethionyl peptide. C5a. TXAl, LTB4. LTC4. LTD4 Smooth mu cle contraction C33. CSa. histamine. LTB4. LTC4. LTD4. TXA2. erotonin. PAF Increased endothelial cell adhesivnes IL- I. T F-alpha. MCP-I. LTB4. LP Ma tocyte degranulation Oa. CSa. MCP-I. I L-S Phagocytes IL-3. G-CSF. GM -CSF. M-CSF proliferation G-C F.GM- F.M- F. IL-I mobilization from bone marrow iOb.lgG. fibronectin.lectins adherence and aggregation C5a. LTB4.1 L-S and other chemokine • PAF. hi - chemotaxia tamine, laminine. -formylmethionyl peptide. collagen fragments. chemota tic fa tors pro• duced b). lymphocyte • fibinopeptide lysosome enzyme release C5a. I L-S. PAF. mo t of chemotactic factors. phagocyto i oxygen r active intermediate CSa. TNF-alpha. PAF.IL-S. phagocytable parti• products cle • many chemotactic fact r phagocyto i Ob. iC3b.lgG (Fe-part). fibronectin,lF -gamma incren e Fc-receptor expre ion granuloma creation IF -gamma. TNF-a1pha.IL-1 Pyrogen IL-I. T F-a\pha. IL-6. PGE2 Pain PGE2. bradykinin

(Ferencik M. Stvrtinova V. Hulin I. Inflammation. With kind permission Rovensky J. Reuma• tol6gia v te6rii a praxi V [Rheumatology in theory and practice V] . Martin: Osveta 1998. p. 146. in Slovak).

Efficient and Regulatory Macrophage Products

Agent groups Single products Microbicide and cytotoxic uperoxide, hydrogenperoxide. hydroxyl radical, hypochlorite, chloramines Reactive intermediate of oxygen itrit oxid. nitrites, nitrates Reactive intermediate of nitrogen eutraJ protea e , acid hydrolase ,lysozyme. defen• in Thmoricide H.O., O. TNF-alpha, 33, protea • arginase.thymi• dine" Tis ue damaging H,O,. 0, T F-alpha, neutral protta e Endogenous pyrogens IL· I,IL-6,T F.alpha,MIP-1 InOammation regulator Bi03C1ive lipids Prostaglandins, prostacyclin, thromboxanes.leuko· triene BioaClivc oligopeptide Glutathione Complement component and faClor CI, C4. C2. 0, CS,factor B. D. P.I. H Hemocoagulation factor V, VII, IX, X, prothrombin, plasminogen Cliwtor, pia minogen activator inhibitor Cytokine IL·I,IL·6, TNF·alpha, IF -gamma, macrophage in· Oammatory protein (MIP. I. MIP·2, MIP-3). regula· tory growth factor (M· F, GM-CSF, G-CSF, PDGF)

1020 AppendiX Agent groups Single products eutral protease Elasta e. collagenase. angioten in convertase. st ro• melysin Protease inhibitors alpha-2-macroglobulin. alpha-I-protease inhibitor. pIa min and collagenase inhibitor, plasminogen acti• vator inhibitor Acid hydrola e Acid protea es (cathep in 0 a L). peptidase .Iipases, lysozyme and other glyco idase • ribonucleases. pho - phatase ,sulfata e Stre s proteins Heat- hock protea e Involved in tissue reorgani2.ation EI tase. collagenase. hyaluronidase. regulatory growth factor, fibroblast growth factor. (FGF). tran forming growth factor (TGF-alpha, TGF-beta), angiogenesi factor Others Apolipoprotein E. inhibitors IL-I, purine and pyrimi• dine derivatives (thymidine. uracil. neopterin)

(Ferencik M. Stvrtinova V, Hulin I. Inflammation. With kind permission Rovenskj j. Reuma• tol6gia v te6rii a praxi V [Rheumatology in theory and practice V] . Martin: Osveta 1998, p. 134, in Slovak).

Serum - Plasma - Whole Blood - Sampling Rules

(Guder WG, Ehret W, da Fonseca-Wollheim F, Heil W. Miiller-Plathe O. Topfer G, Wisser H. Zawta B. Serum, Plasma oder Volblut. Welche Antikoagulantien? DG Klin. Chern Mitteilun• gen, 29.1998;3:81-103)

Citr - citrate, Hep - heparin

Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hcp EDTA Citr Acetaminophen + +a,p +a Acetyl a1icylic + +p +p (+)p acid Adrenocortico• + Add aprotinine tropic hormone 400 U/ml, mercapto• (ACTH) ethanol 2 .,tImlto stabilize Alanine amino• + + + (+) tran fer e (ALT.GPT) Albumin + +! + (+) I suggested bio• chromatic te t for colorimetric methods Aldosterone + + Alkaline phos• EDTA complexe phatase +1 (+) essential zinc Aluminium special probe

AppendiX 1021 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Citr Amikacin + + +(3 (+)(3 + + + HPLC Amitriptyline + + HPLC Ammonia -T (+)T + add serine (5 mmolll) and bo- rate (2 mmolll) for in vitro ammonia production block- age, do nOI use H.-heparinate Amphetamine + + + Amylase - total + + + (+) Amylase - pan- creatic + + + (+) + Angiotensin con- verting enzyme (ACE) + CD34 antigen + Antibodies against Rickettsia + Antibodies against rotaviruse + Anticonvul ants + see phenobarbital, , valproic acid Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) + Freeze plasma. Antithrombin III +! ! Pharmacia CO. test Antithrombin III, imunochemically +S (+)S Alpha-I-anti- trypsin + +y +y APC re i tance (screening - functionalte t) in high heparin concentrations add heparin-binding agent APC re istance (factor V Leiden, genotypization) Apolipoprotein A I +T +y,S 'y,S (+) see CEP rccomm. Apolipoprotein B +T +y,S 'y,1i (+) see CEP r('comm. Aspartate amino- +T + (+) transferase (AST) Aspergillus anti- + Ben evidence

1022 AppendiX Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Citr

Aspergillus pp. +? hemocuhure

Barbiturates (see + + also Pheno- barbital) Benzodiazepins + + Bicarbonate + + see also blood gase Bilirubin (dire t. + + + (+) total) Blood gase u e titred heparin (CO" 0 ,) CA 125 + +y +y (+)y CA 15-3 + +y +I}y (+)y CA 19-9 + +y +y (+)y CA 72-4 + +y +y (+}y Cadmium special tubes Calcitonin + + tabilized with aprolinine 400 U/ml Calcium + + -J. + Calcium - ionized - (+) + u e calcium titrat- (free) ing heparin Candida antigen + evidence Candida spp. +? hemoculture Carbohydrate- + + method dependent deficient trans- ferrin (COT) Carcinoembryonic + +I}y +I}y +y antigen (CEA) + +I}y(\ +I}y (+)I}y Catecholamine (+) stabilized with (adrenaline. nor- EGTA and/or glut a- adrenaline) lhioner 1.2 mg/ml Ceruloplasmin + + + Chloramphenicol + +1} +1} Chlorides + + + Cholesterol + + + (+) HOL-cholesterol + + +3 LDL-cholesterol + + Choline tera e + + + Coagulation factors II - XI II Cocaine + + + aF recommended to stabilize Complement C3 + + +y (+)y Complement 01 + + + (+) Copper + + u e special pipes

Appendix 1023 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Anaiyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Cltr Cortisol + + +y C-peptide + C-reactive protein + (+)l! (+)1 (+) !method depen- (CRP) +IX£ +IX£ dent!! lower results dependent on patient Creatinine + + + (+) Creatine kinase + +~ +136 (+) Creatine kinase + + (+)6 MB,enzymatic Creatine kinase + +13y +f3~ +y MB,immuno- analysis Cryptococcu + hemoculture neoforman Cyclo porine A '13 CYFRA 21-1 + +y +y (+)1 Cy tatine C + + Cytomegalovirus - DNA amplification Dehydroepiandro- + sterone sulfate Diazepam + + + Digitoxin + +131 +y Digoxin + +(113y +(113y (+)13 D-dimers + Disopyramide + + + (+) D A and RNA + heparin inhib- analy i - fter its Taq-poIyrne- amplification rase and restric- tion enzymes; LiCI 1.8 molll eliminate this inhibition Dopamine + Elastase + Elasta e - pan- creatic + Erythrocyte 1 cilrate porlion, sedimentation 4 blood portions rate (ESR) Erythrocyte count (+) (+) Erythropoietin + + CI -e terase + +E (+) Pia rna tabiJized inhibitor by refrigeration. Estradiol (£1) + (+)y (+)y (+)y Estriol (E3) (+) + Ethanol + "13 +13 (+)~ +1 !lO gil NaF recom- mended to stabllize Ethosuximide + + +

1024 Appendix Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Cllr Hep EDTA Citr Ferritin + +13yl) (+}!y (+}y !method dependent Alpha- !-feto- + +13y +l3y (+)py protein (AFP) Fibrin degra- (+)! (+)!! ! pecial tube dation product stabilized with 10 U thrombin and ISO U kallikreinlml blood !!aprotinine or tryp- sin inhibilor from yoabean, pecial tube Fibrin monomers Fibrinogen, imunochemicaJly Fibrinogen Clau ' method Fibrinopeplide A Folic acid + + +13 (+}13 +13 hemoly ale, created from 0.5 ml blood +4.5 ml orbic acid (2 gil). a-he- parinate interfere with Axsym test (13) Follicle slimu- + +py +13y (+)y laling hormone (1'1i) Free fall y acid + (+)t! (+)l ! Iipa e a tivation with heparin Free Iriiodolhyro- + +13y +py (+)y method dependent nine (IT3) plasma differences Free Ihyroxine + +13y +y (+)y Free thyroxine + +py +l3y (+)y capacily (T4-uptake) alaclo e-I-P- + RBC (Beuller's te I) uridyhransfera e Gamma-glutamyl- + + + (+) IFCC ( za z) Iransferase Gaslrin + '! + (+) ! add aprOlinine (2000 KIU/ml) 10 slabilize Gentamicin + +13yl) +Pyl) (+)13 Glucagon + add aprolinine to stabilize Gluco e -l + +J. (+) u e whole blood Glucose, capillary - (+) with univer al gly- colrsi inhibilor (mano e, fluoride) Glulamale dehydrogena e + + + Gold +

AppendiX 1025 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hcp EDTA Cltr Hep EDTA Citr Hant viru - + D A-amplification Haptoglobin + + + HBsAg + +Ii +Ii (+)Ii HbeAg + +~ +~ (+)~ Hematocrit + Hemoglobin A" hemolysate Hemoglobin F + (HbF) Hemoglobin - blood Hemoglobin - (+)i + hemolysis during plasm coagulation Hemogram Heparin (anli Xa) Heparin- soOated + HIPA-test thrombocytopenia Hepatiti B - virus; + + DNA determi- nation Hcpatitis C- + + viral genome typizatioll (RNA) Hepatitis C - virus; + + R A amplification. qualitative. quan- titative Hepaliti 0- viral + + R A amplification Hepatitis 0 -anti- + viral antibodics Hepatiti E- + + (after stay in Asia) amplification RNA HHV6-.7-,8- 0 A , mplification HIV 1 (provirus) - o A amplification HIV l-R A + amplification. qualitative, quanti- tative HIV- l. 2 anti- + +~ +~ (+)P MEIA, ELISA, bodies immunoblolling HLA-B27 NH.-heparinate - (blood) HLA DR - typi- 1.3tion HLA ABC - typi- H.-heparinate - zation (blood)

1026 Append iX Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Cllr Hep EDTA Citr Homocysteine + + + (+) probe with EDTN citrate (0.5 moVl). tore in 0-4 0c. Avoid he moly i if possible. HTLV-I anli- + bodies (T-cel! leukemia) HTLV-I (pro· virus) - D A amplification HTLV-J - R A + + amplification Human chorio- + +Py +Py (+)y gonadotropic hormone (beta-hCG) Human growth + + hormone (hGH) Hydroxybutyrate + Deproteinized blood lmmuno- + complex C (in blood circulation) Immuno- + +)'0 +)'0 globulin A Immuno- - y globulin D Immuno- cr.&: --l+S {+)E globulin E antigen pecific + E IgE Immuno- + +)'0 -.1 globulin G IgG subcla ses + Immuno- + +)'0 -ly globulin M +S Insulin (+).1. + + Iron (Fe) + + - .1 IS viruses - D A amplification (PML) Kalium (+)1 + dependent on serum platelct count Lactate -1 - 1 -t (+) u e tubes \vith inhi- bitor

Appendix 1027 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyt~ Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Citr Lactate dehydro- (+)1' + (+) be aware of also on genase (LDH) platelets LD activ- ity dependence during separation. tore at about 8 • Lead (Pb) + (+) use special tube Leukocyte count + (+) Leukocytes - K, or K)'DTA. ma- differentiation chine dependent Lidocaine + +~ +~ Light chain + +y +y kappa. lambda Lipase + + EDTA binds cal- cium (activator) Lipoprotein (a) + +y +y -y Lipoproteins - electrophorc is Lithium + +! ! no Li-heparinate Lupus inhibitor (lupus antico- agulant) Luteinizing + +~ +~ hormone (LH) Lymphocytes - (+) speci I tabilizer subtypes recommended (CyflX II) Lymphocytic choriomenin- gitis -viral D A amplification Magnesium +1' + -J. separate blood cells before analysis Malaria Plasmo- whole blood micro- dium pp. opi examination Mea Ie ,viru - R A amplification Mercury + special tubes Methadone + + Methotrexate + Microfilariasis + + concentrated sam- ple, microcartridge Alpha-I-Micro- + globulin Beta-2-Micro- + +y +y (+)y globulin Mycobacter- (M. tuberculosis iu.m pp.D A and atypic myco- amplification bacteria) Myoglobin + +YE +& (+)YE

1028 Appendix Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Cltr Hep EDTA Citr N-acetylpro• + +~ +13 (+)~ cainamide Natrium + + +! ! use heparin (8-12 IU/ml blood) stabilized with 140 mmoVI a etilmicin + Neuron-specific +t t in thrombocytosis enolase ( E) Nitrazepam + +~ +P (+)~ Opiates + + Oro omukoid + +y +y (+) Osmolality + + Osteocalcin use 2500 kU/ml aprotinine to stabi• lize Paracetamol + +P +~ (+)~ Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Partialthrombo- plastin time Parvovirus BI9, D A amplification Phencyclidine + Phenobarbital + +~yl) +13yl) + 13yl) Phenytoin + +~yl) +~yl) ( + )~y Pho phate - in- (+)t + depends on SCrum organic platelet count Pia rna renin + activity Platelets, function pecialtube et Platelet count (+) (+) heparinized/cit rate blood in EDTA- pseudOlhrombo- cytopenia Pneumococci hemo ulture Prealbumin + +y Primidone + + + (+) Procainamide + +~ +~ (+)~ Procalcitonin + & Proge teron + +~ +~ Prolactin + +~ +~ Propafenone + + Propoxyphene + + Prostate pecific + +y +y antigen - free (P A) Pro tate specific + +y +y (+)y antigen - total (PSA)

Appendix 1029 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyle Hep EDTA Cllr Hep EDTA Cilr Protein C Protein S Protein S I 00 + Prothrombin lime (fast) Pyruvic acid -J. - J. + deproteinized blood Quinidine + +Ii +Ii (+)Ii Reptilase time Reticulocytes (+) K, or K,EDTA, count mel hod dependent Rheumaloid + +y (+)y factors (RF), subfractions IgA, + IgG Rubella - virus; DNA amplificalion Salicylate + +~ +~ (+)~ eJen + special tube set erum amyloid A + (SAA) Squamou cell + carcinoma antigen (SCCA) urface blood cells + + special tabilizer markers (immuno- recommended cylomelry) (Cyfix II) (FK 506) Teophylline + +IiY +liy(i (+)PY Te tosterone + +Y +y (+)y Tetrahydrocana- + + binol acid (THCA) Thrombin - kinelics Thyrogl bulin + Thyrotropic + +IiY +IiY (+)Y hormone (TSH) Thyroxine (T4) +Py +Py (+)Y method dependent plasma difference Thyroxine-bin- + + ding globulin (TBG) Tobramycin + +~ +~ (+)P Total proteins +J. +S (+) higher in pia ma (fibrinogen) Total erum (+) in heparinized plas- protein - eleclrO- ma proe ing. phoresis fibrinogen mu t be taken inlo a counl, can be abolished

1030 Appendix Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Citr Tran ferrin + + +y Treponema pallidum - DNA amplification Triacylglycerols + + (+) Tricyclic anli- + +P +P (+)P depressant + (+)iP-rO melhod dependent (Tl) plasma differences Troponin I + + + + method dependent Troponin T + +y (+)y Trypanosoma (+) ideal: blood stain gondii from capillary sam- pling Urates + + +l (+) Urea + + + NH.-heparinate cannot be used + +P-rO +P-rO (+)Py Vancomycin + +P +P (+)P Varicella-zoster. viral 0 A ampli- fication Vitamin A + (retinol) Vitamin B, + + (thiamine) Vitamin B, + + (riboflavin) Vitamin BO' (pyri- • doxal phosphate) Vitamin BI} + +P .p (cobalamin) Vitamin C + tabilization with (ascorbic acid) 60 mgll m-phos- phate Vitamin D 1.25-dihydroxy- + cholecalciferol 25-hydroxy- + cholecalciferol Vitamin E + (tocopherol) Zinc + special lube et. prevent cork male- rial conlamination

Appendix 1031 Part II

Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Cltr Antibodies and DNA amplification in HSY 1.2 (and + for serum) Antibodies: anti-HAY + +13 +13 (+)13 anti-HB AG + +135 +135 (+)135 anti-HBc + +13 +13 +13 anti-HBe + +13 +13 (+)13 anti-Hey + +13 +13 (+)13 anti-HEY + Antibodies: Pappataci + fever Antibodies: Q-fever + Antibodies against + complement adenoviru cs rlXation test. EUSA. [gG. [gr.[ Antibodies against + Aspergillus spp. Antibodies against + (cat cry disease) Bartonella pp. Antibodies against + Bordetella pertus is Antibodies against + Ell A. We t- Borrelia burgdorferi ern bioI Antibodies again t + brucellae Antibodies against + Campylobacter jejuni Antibodies again t + Candida albicans Antibodies against + Clostridium tetani. toxin Antibodies against + orynebacterium diphlheriac. toxin Antibodies against + (Q-fever) Coxiella burnetii Antibodies against + +13 +13 (+)13 Cytomegalovirus Antibodies against + Echinococcus spp. Antibodies against + ECHO viruses Antibodie again t + Entamoeba histolytica Antibodies against + entcroviruscs

1032 Appendix Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Cur Antibodies against + Francisella tularensi AnLibodie again t + (hemorrhagic fever hantaviruses + renal disease ) Antibodie again t + ELISA, virulence Helicobacter pylori factors immuno• blotting examina• tion (cag A and other) Antibodies against + (HHV 6) Herpe virus 6 Antibodies again t + chlamydia (C. tr cho• mati ,C. pneumoniae) Antibodies against + Legionclla spp. Antibodies again t visceral lei hma• niasis Lei hmania spp. Antibodies against + Lepto pira spp. Antibodies against Lis- + teri monocytogenes Antibodies against + Mycoplasma pneumo• niae Antibodies against + cis eria gonorrhoeae Antibodie against Par- + vovirus B19 - (Erythema infectio urn) Antibodies again t + Pia modillm malariae Antibodies again t + polioviruses 1-,2-,3· Antibodies again t + reoviru es Antibodie againSt + re piratory syncytial viru (R V) Antibodies against + +~ Toxopla rna gondii (IgA,lgG,lgM) Antibodie again t + TPHA, 1FT, ITA • ab ., VDRL, irnrnu• Treponema pallidurn noblotting Antibodies against + thyrotropin receptors Antibodies against + Cox ackie viru e

AppendiX 1033 Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Anal}'!e Hep EDTA Citr Hep EDTA Citr Antibodie again t IC + (progre ive multi• viru es focalleukoence• phalopathy, PML) Antibodie against + encephalilis viruses Antibodie againsl + Dengue virus Antibodies against + Ep tein-Barr virus (anti-EB A, -VCA, -EA),lgG, IgM, IgA Antibodies against + encephalitis viruses F ME virus Antibodies again \ + innuen~ virus A, B, C Antibodies againsl + parolilis virus Anlibodie again I + measles virus Anlibodie again I mea les virus - RNA amplification Anlibodies againsl + +13 rubella viru Anlibodies againsl + Varicella- to ler viru Antibodies againsl + Yer inia enlerocolitica Anticardiolipin anli- + bodie Anti-D A anlibodies + Antimilochondrial + anlibodies (AMA) Antineutrophil eyto- + plasm anlibodies (A CAl Anlinuclear antibodies + (A A) Anlistaphyloeoccal + anlibodie (anli• Slaphyloly in) Anlistaphyloly in + +y +y Anlislreplococcal + anlibodies (anli• hyaluronidase) Anlislreplococcal + ,nlibodie (ani i-DNase B)

1034 Appendix Serum Plasma Whole blood Notes Analyte Hep EDTA Cltr Hep EDTA Citr Antistreptococcal + antibodie (anti trep• tolysin 0, anti trepto• kinase) Antistreptodornase B + Anti treptokinase + Anti treptolysin + +f3y1i +f3y1i Antithrombocytic + + antibodies Antithyroidal + antibodies Autoantibodie Cold autoantibodie +1 blood incuba• ted in 37·C, water thermo- tat Cytomegalovirus antigen (PP6S) Heterophil antibodies + against Epstein- Barr virus LCM antibodies + Lymphocytic choriomenin• gitis listeria monocyto• gene - DNA ampli• fication

ote recommended material + can be used without analytic rcsuh innuencc (+) restricted u e (e notes), in itrate pia rna the re triction is needed for citrate solution volume not recommended J. lower (J.) or higher (t) results can be awaited in comparison to recommended material CEP ationa! chole terol program (USA)

ompany Ource 0. Ortho: Vitros f3 Abbott: Axsym y Roche- B ehringer: Ele ys 1) Beckman: ynchron(s) £ Dade-Behring: ephelometer analyzer

AppendiX 1035 English Synonymous Vocabulary

A Amnestic syndrome amnesic sy, amnestic-confabulatory sy, Achalasis dysmnesic sy cardiospasm, esophageal aperistalsis, Anal fissure megaesophagus fissure in ano, anal ulcer Acoustic neurinoma Angioedema vestibular Schwannoma, acoustic neu• giant urticaria, angioneurotic edema roma, 8th nerve tumour Ankylosing spondylitis Acute bacterial pyelonephritis Marie-Striimpell disease acute infective tubulointerstitial neph• Anorectal fistula ritis fistula in ano Acute epiglottitis Anthrax supraglottitis malignant pustule, Woolsorter's disease Acute intermittent porphyria Anxiety neurosis AlP, Swedish porphyria, pyrroloporphy• generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety ria reaction Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Aortic arch syndrome trench mouth, Vincent's infection, Fuso• Takayasu's arteritis spirochetosis Aortic dissection Acute nephritic syndrome dissecting aneurysm, dissecting hema• acute glomerulonephritis, postinfectious toma glomerulonephritis Arteriolar nephrosclerosis Acute stress gastritis intercapillary nephrosclerosis, glome• acute erosive gastritis, acute stress ero• rulosclerosis sion, acute gastric ulcer, acute hemor• Arthrogryposis mUltiplex congenita rhagic gastritis multiple congenital contractures Adams-Stokes syndrome Atopic dermatitis Adams-Stokes syncope, Stokes-Adams infantile eczema, atopic eczema syncope, Morgagni-Adams-Stokes sy Atrial septal defect Addisonian syndrome ostium secundum, sinus venosus Addison's disease, primary/chronic adro• nocortical insufficiency, bronzed disease Adrenal virilism B adrenogenital sy Banti's disease Adult respiratory distress syndrome congestive splenomegaly, Klemperer's ARDS, shock lung disease, splenic anemia Adult rumination Barret's syndrome merycism Barret's esophagus Alopecia Bartter's syndrome baldness juxtaglomerular cell hyperplasia Amebiasis Basal cell carcinoma entamebiasis rodent carcinoma

1036 English Synonymous Vocabulary Basedow's disease Calve-Perthes disease Graves' disease osteochondrosis of the capitular epiphy• Beef tapeworm infection sis of the femur Taenia saginata infection, Taeniasis sagi• Candidosis nata candidiasis, moniliasis Bekhterev's disease Caplan's syndrome ankylosing spondylitis rheumatoid pneumoconiosis Benign giant hypertrophic gastritis Carbohydrate intolerance Menetrier's disease lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, Benign prostate hyperplasia disaccharidase deficiency, glucose-galac• benign prostate hypertrophy tose malabsorption, alactasia Benign nephrosclerosis Carcinoma ofthe kidney hyaline arteriolar nephrosclerosis hypernephroma Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Carotid sinus syndrome posturallpositional vertigo, cupuloli• carotid sinus syncope, Charcot-Weiss• thiasis Baker syndrome Bernard-Soulier disease Cat-scratch disease Bernard-Soulier syndrome, giant platelet benign lymphoreticulosIs, cat-scratch disease fever, regional lymphadenitis Berylliosis Celiac disease beryllium disease/poisomng/granuloma• gluten enteropathy, nontropical sprue, tosis celiac sprue Besnier-Boeck disease Cerebrovascular disease sarcoidosis stroke, cerebrovascular accident Biliary calculi Chagas' disease gallstones American trypanosomiasis Blastomycosis Charcot's disease North American blastomcyosis, neuropathic arthropathy Gilchrist's disease Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease Blue disease Charcot-Marie atrophy (syndrome), Rocky Mountain spotted fever peroneal muscular atrophy, Marie-Tooth Bornholm disease disease, Tooth's disease epidemic pleurodyma Chediak-Higashi syndrome Bronzed disease Beguez Cesar disease, Chediak-Higashi Addison's disease anomaly Brucellosis Chlamydial pneumonia undulant Malta-Mediterranean-Gibraltar Taiwan acute respiratory agent fever pneumonia Budd-Chiari syndrome Chorionepithelioma Budd-Chiari disease, Chiari's disease, choriocarcinoma endophlebitis hepatis obliterans Chromomycetoma Buerger's disease chromoblastoma, verrucous dermatitis thrombangiitis obliterans Chronic bacterial pyelonephritis Bulbar syndrome chronic infective tubulointerstitial neph• Dejerine's syndrome ritis Chronic fatigue syndrome Iceland disease, benign myalgic ence• C phalomyelitis, chronic Epstein-Barr virus Cacchi-Ricci disease infection, chronic mononucleosis, epide• sponge kidney mic neuromyasthema Callus Chronic lymphocytic leukemia tyloma CLL, chronic lymphatic leukemia

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1037 Chronic myelocytic leukemia Crohn's disease CML, chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic regional enteritis, regional ileitis, gra• myelogenous/myelogenic leukemia, nulomatous ileitis/ileocolitis chronic granulocytic leukemia Croup Chronic nephritic/protein uric syndrome acute laryngotracheobronchitis chronic glomerulonephritis, slowly pro• Cryptococcosis gressive glomerular disease Buschke's disease, torulosis, European Circling disease blastomycosis Listeriosis Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis Claude's syndrome fibrosing alveolitis, idiopathic pulmo• inferior syndrome of red nucleus, rubro• nary fibrosis, diffuse interstitial pulmo• spinal cerebellar peduncle sy nary fibrosis Coal workers' pneumoconiosis Cushing's disease coal miners' pneumoconiosis, black lung Cushing's syndrome, secondary hyper• disease, anthracosis adrenocorticism (pituitary) Coccidioidomycosis Cystic disease of breast San Joaquin Fever, valley fever, desert chronic cystic mastitis, fibrocystic dis• rheumatism, California disease ease, fibrocystic disease of breast, Cold injury Schimmelbusch's disease frostnip, frostbite, accidental hypother• Cystic disease of lung mia, Trench foot, chilblains, pernio pseudocysts of lung, pulmonary pseudo• Colonic inertia cysts atonic constipation, colon stasis, inactive Cystic fibrosis colon mucoviscidosis, fibrocystic disease of the Common variable immunodeficiency pancreas, pancreatic cystic fibrosis acquired agammaglobulinemia Cystine disease Congenital erythropoietic porphyria cystinosis CEP, Giinther's disease, erythropoietic porphyria, congenital porphyria, congenital hematoporphyria, erythro• D poietic uroporphyria Decompression sickness Congenital glaucoma Caisson disease, the bands infantile glaucoma, buphthalmos, hydro• Dengue phthalmus breakbone fever, Dandy fever Cooley's disease Diabetes insipidus beta-thalassemia Dr, central diabetes insipidus, vaso• Cori's disease pressin-sensitive diabetes insipidus glycogen storage disease, type III DiGeorge anomaly Corrigan's disease DGA, DiGeorge syndrome, thymic hypo• aortic regurgitation plasia, 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch sy Creeping eruption Di Guglielmo's disease cutaneous larva migrans erythroleukemia Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease Discoid lupus erythematosus Jakob's disease, subacute spongiform DLE, cutaneous lupus erythematosus, encephalopathy chronic DLE Cri di chat syndrome Disseminated intravascular coagulation cat's cry syndrome consumption coagulopathy, defibrina• Crigler-Najjar syndrome tion sy congenital hyperbilirubinemia, congeni• Dahle disease tal nonhemolytic Jaundice syphilitic aortitis

1038 English Synonymous Vocabulary Down syndrome Esophageal webs trisomyG Plummer-Vinson sy, Paterson-Kelly sy, Dracunculiasis sideropenic dysphagia dracontiasis, fiery serpent, guinea worm Euthyroid goiter disease simple goiter, endemic goiter, nontoxic Drug dependence diffuse goiter, nontoxic nodular goiter substance use disorders, drug addiction, Exanthema subitum drug abuse, drug habituation roseola infantum Drug eruptions Exogenous/exogenic allergic alveolitis dermatitis medicamentosa allergic alveolitis, extrinsic allergic Duhring's disease alveolitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, dermatitis herpetiformis allergic pneumonitis Duchenne's disease Exophthalmos spinal muscular dystrophy, bulbar proptosis paralysis, tabes dorsalis, Duchenne's muscular dystrophy Duke's disease F Filatov-Dukes disease, scarlatinella Fabry's disease Dyschezia angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, dif• disordered evacuation, dysfunction of fuse angiokeratoma pelvic floor/anal sphincters Fahr-Volhard disease malignant nephrosclerosis Familial Mediterranean fever E familial paroxysmal peritonitis Echinococcosis Farber's disease Echinococcus granulosus infection, Farber's lipogranulomatosis, ceramidase hydatid disease deficiency Engel-Recklinghausen disease Fibromyalgia osteitis fibrosa cystica myofascial pain sy, fibromyositis English disease Fiedler's disease rickets Weil's syndrome Eosinophilic endomyocardial disease Fifth disease Uiffler's endocarditis erythema infectiosum Epistaxis Filatov's disease nosebleed mfectious mononucleosis Epstein's disease Fish tapeworm infection pseudodiphtheria diphyllobothriasis Erb-Goldflam disease Focal scratch dermatitis myasthenia gravis lichen simplex, neurodermatitis Erythema infectiosum Foiling disease fifth disease, Parvovirus B19 infection phenylketonuria Erythema multiforme Forbes'disease erythema multiforme exudativum! glycogen storage disease, type III bullosum Fourth disease Erythroblastosis fetalis Dukes'disease hemolytic disease of newborn Fourth venereal disease Erythropoietic protoporphyria specific gangrenous and ulcerative EPP, protoporphyria, erythrohepatic balanoposthitis, granuloma inguinale protoporphyria Francis'disease tularemia

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1039 Frei's disease Gunther's disease lymphogranuloma venereum congenital erythropoietic porphyria Friedlander's disease endarteritis obliterans Friedreich's disease H paramyodonus multiplex Hagner's disease Frommel's disease hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropa• Chiari-Frommel syndrome thy Functional cardiovascular disease Hamman's disease neurocirculatory asthenia pneumomediastinum Hammond's disease athetosis G Hand-Schuller-Christian disease Gas embolism chronic idiopathic xanthomatosis, air embolism cholesterol thesaurismosis Genital warts Hansen's disease condylomata acuminata, moist/venereal leprosy warts Hashimoto's disease Gerhardt's disease autoimmune thyroiditis, Hashimoto's erythromelalgia thyroiditis/struma, struma lymphoma• German measles tosa, chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis rubella, three day measles Hay fever Giant cell arteritis allergic rhinitis, pollinosis temporal arteritis, cranial arteritis Headache Giant platelet disease cephalalgia Bernard-Soulier disease Heat stroke Globus sensation sunstroke, hyperpyrexia, thermic fever, lump in the throat, globus hystericus siriasis Glycogen storage disease Heine-Medin disease glycogenosis poliomyelitis Goldstein's disease Hemochromatosis hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia iron storage disease, iron overload, Gonadal dysgenesis hemosiderosis Turner's sy, Bonnevie-Ullrich sy Hemolytic disease of the newborn Graft-versus-host disease erythroblastosis fetalis GVH, graft-versus-host reaction Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Graves's disease Korean hemorrhagic fever, epidemic cachexia exophthalmica, diffuse toxic nephrosonephritis, nephropathia epide• goiter, exophthalmic goiter, Flajani's dis• mica ease, tachycardia strumosa exophthal• Hemorrhagic shock and encephalopathy mica Newcastle sy Guillain-Barre syndrome Hemorrhoids GBS, acute polyneuropathy, acute poly• piles radiculitis, infectious acute idiopathic Henoch-Schtinlein purpura polyneuropathy, Landry's ascending Henoch-Schiinlein vasculitis, anaphylac• paralysis, acute segmentally demyelinat• toid purpura, allergic purpura ing polyradiculoneuropathy Hepatolenticular disease Guinea worm disease Wilson's disease, hepatolenticular dege• dracunculiasis neration Gumboro disease Hepatorenal glycogen storage disease infectious bursal disease glycogen storage disease, type I

1040 English Synonymous Vocabulary Hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia Hypertrichosis Rendu-Osler-Weber disease hirsutism Hereditary nephritis Hypochondriacal neurosis Alport's syndrome hypochondriasis, atypical somatoform Herniated nucleus pulposus disorder herniated/ruptured/prolapsed interver• Hypophosphatemic rickets tebral disk, disk sy vitamin D-resistant rickets Herpes zoster Hypopituitarism in children shingles, zona, acute posterior ganglio• pituitary dwarfism nitis Hypothyroidism Herpes zoster oticus myxedema Ramsay Hunt's sy, viral neuronitis and Hysterical neurosis ganglionitis, geniculate herpes conversion reaction, conversion disorder, Hers' disease dissociative reaction/disorder glycogen storage disease, type I Hiccup hiccough, singultus Hirschsprung's disease Ichtyosis congenital megacolon dry skin, xeroderma Histiocytosis X Icterus Letterer-Siwe disease, Hand-Schiiller• jaundice Christian disease, eosinophilic granuloma Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome Hodgkin's disease disseminated eosinophilic collagen Reed-Hodgkin disease, Hodgkin's lym• disease, eosinophlic leukemia, Uiffler's phoma fibroplastic endocarditis with eosinophilia Hookworm disease Idiopathic primary renal hematuric ancylostomiasis protein uric syndrome Hordeolum 19A nephropathy, Berger's disease stye Immunodeficiency disease Human Immunodeficiency Virus immunodeficiency disorder, immunode• Infection ficiency syndrome HIV infection, acquired immunodefi• Immunologically mediated renal ciency syndrome, AIDS diseases Hyaline membrane disease immune renal diseases HMD, Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Inclusion conjunctivits RDS inclusion blenorrhea, swimming pool Hydaticmole, Hydatidiform mole conjunctivitis cystic mole, vesicular mole Infectious gastroenteritis of uncertain Hyper-lgE syndrome etiology Job-Buckley sy traveler's diarrhea, intestinal flu Hypernephroma Infectious mononucleosis renal cell carcinoma glandular fever Hyperlipoproteinemia I Influenza exogenous hypertriglyceridemia, familial grippe, grip, flu fat-induced lipemia, hyperchylomicron• Inhibited orgasm emia retarded ejaculation Hypersensitivity pneumonitis Intestinal lymphangiectasia extrinsic allergic alveolitis, diffuse idiopathic hypoproteinemia hypersensitivity pneumonia, allergic Iron-deficiency anemia interstitial pneumonitis, organic dust anemia of chronic blood loss, hypochro• pneumoconiosis mic-microcytic anemia, chlorosis,

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1041 hypochromic anemia of pregnancy/in• Letterer-Siwe disease fancy and childhood acute disseminated histiocytosis x Iron-transport-deficiency anemia Lipedema atransferrinemia painful fat syndrome Iron-reutilization anemia Lipid storage disorder anemia of chronic disease lipidosis Iron-utilization anemia Lobstein disease sideroblastic anemia osteogenesis imperfecta Iron storage disease Lunger disease hemochromatosis pulmonary adenomatosis, atypical inter• Irritable bowel syndrome stitial pneumonia spastic colon, mucous colitis Lyme disease Lyme borreliosis Lymphogranuloma venereum K lymphogranuloma inguinale, lympho• Kala-azar pathia venereum visceral leishmaniasis, dumdum fever Kaposi's sarcoma multiple idiopathic hemorrhagic sar• M coma Macroglobulinemia Kawasaki disease/syndrome primary macroglobulinemia, Walden• mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, strom's macroglobulinemia infantile polyarteritis Maduromycosis Keratinous cyst Madura foot, mycetoma wen, sebaceous cyst, steatoma Malignant nephrosclerosis Keratomalacia hyperplastic arteriolar nephrosclerosis, xerotic keratitis, xerophthalmia Fahr-Volhard disease, malignant nephro• Keratoconjunctivitis sicca angiosclerosis keratitis sicca, dry eyes Maple syrup urine disease Kinky hair disease MSUD, branched-chain ketoaciduria Menkes' syndrome Marasmus Kussmaul's disease infantile atrophy, inanition, athrepsia polyarteritis nodosa Marchiafava-Micheli disease paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Marie-Bamberger disease L hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropa• Laughing disease thy kuru Marie-StrOmpell disease Lead poisoning ankylosing spondylitis plumbism McArdle's disease Legionellosis glycogen storage disease, type V legionnaires' disease, pontiac fever Measles Leigh disease morbilli, rubeola, nine-day measles subacute necrotizing encephalomyelo• Memitrier's disease pathy giant hypertrophic gastritis Leprosy Meniere's disease Hansen's disease recurrent aural vertigo Leptospirosis Mental retardation Weil's disease/syndrome, infectious mental handicap, mental subnormality jaundice, canicola fever

1042 English Synonymous Vocabulary Meyer-8etz disease N idiopathic myoglobinuria, familial myo• globinuria Nail-patella syndrome Miller's disease osteoonychodysplasia, arthroonychodys• osteomalacia plasia, onychoosteodysplasia Milroy's disease Nanism Meige's disease, congenital lymphedema dwarfism Minimal change disease Neonatal conjunctivits foot process disease, minimal change conjunctivitis neonatorum, ophthalmia glomerulopathy, lipid nephrosis, lipoid neonatorum nephrosis Neonatal sepsis Mitchell's disease sepsis neonatorum erythromelalgia Neurogenic arthropathy Mobius' disease neuropathic arthropathy, Charcot's joints ophthalmoplegic migraine Niacin deficiency Mood disorders pellagra affective disorders Niemann's disease Morbilli Niemann-Pick disease, sphingolipidosis, measles, rubeola sphingomyelin lipidosis, sphingomyeli• Moschcowitz' disease nase deficiency thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Mucha's disease acute lichenoid pityriasis o Multiple endocrine neoplasia Obsessive-compulsive neurosis multiple adenomatosis, familial endo• obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessio• crine adenomatosis, type I (Werner's sy), nal neurosis type II (Sipple's syndrome), type III Oid-oid disease (mucosal neuroma syndrome) exudative discoid + lichenoid dermatitis Multiple myeloma Onchocerciasis plasma cell myeloma, myelomatosis river blindness Multiple sclerosis Orchidectomy disseminated sclerosis orchiectomy Mumps Osgood-Schlatter disease epidemic parotitis apophysitis tibialis adolescentium, Murine/endemic typhus Schlatter's disease rat-flea typhus, urban fever of Malaya Osler's disease Myasthenia gravis polycythemia vera, hereditary myasthenia gravis pseudoparalytica, hemorrhagic teleangiectasia, Osler• Erb-Goldflam disease, Goldflam's dis• Vaquez disease ease, Goldflam-Erb disease Osler-Weber-Rendu disease Mycoplasmal pneumonia hereditary hemorrhagic teleangiectasia primary atypic pneumonia, Eaton agent Osteoarthritis pneumonia OA, degenerative joint disease,DJD, Myelodysplastic syndrome osteoarthrosis, hypertrophic osteoar• preleukemia, refractory anemia, Ph-chro• thritis mosome-negative chronic myelocytic Osteodystrophia cystica leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leuk• osteitis fibrosa cystica emia, agnogenic myeloid metaplasia Osteodystrophia fibrosa Myelofibrosis osteitis fibrosa cystica myelosclerosis, agnogenic myeloid Osteodystrophy metaplasia osteodystrophia

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1043 P Poliomyelitis infantile paralysis, acute anterior polio• Paget's disease of bone myelitis osteitis deformans Polyarteritis nodosa Papilledema periarteritis nodosa choked disk Polycystic disease of the kidneys Papillitis polycystic kidneys, polycystic renal optic neuritis disease Paracoccidioidomycosis Polycystic ovary disease South American blastomycosis Stein-Leventhal syndrome Parkinson's disease Polycythemia vera paralysis agitans, shaking palsy erythremia, erythrocytemia, polycyth• Parrot disease emia rubra, splenomegalic polycythemia, psittacosis myelopathic polycythemia, erythrocyto• Partial trisomy 22 sis megalosplenica, Osler's disease, the cat-eye sy Vaquez's disease, Vaquez-Osler disease, Periapical abscess primary polycythemia dentoalveolar abscess Pompe's disease Peripheral atherosclerotic disease glycogen storage disease, type II arteriosclerosis obliterans Pork tapeworm infection Peripheral ulcerative keratitis Taenia solium infection, cysticercosis marginal keratolysis, peripheral rheuma• Porphyria cutanea tarda toid ulceration PCT, symptomatic porphyria, porphyria Pernicious anemia cutanea symptomatica, idiosyncratic anemia due to vitamin Budeficiency porphyria Peroneal muscular atrophy Portal-systemic encephalopathy hypertrophic interstitial neuropathy, hepatic encephalopathy, hepatic coma Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Dejerine• Posadas-Wernicke disease Sottas disease coccidioidomycosis Persistent pulmonary hypertension Premature ovarian failure persistent fetal circulation premature menopause Pertussis Premenstrual syndrome whooping cough premenstrual tension Pfeiffer's disease Pressure sores infectious mononucleosis, glandular bedsore, decubitus ulcer, trophic ulcer fever Primary dysmenorrhea Phenylketonuria functional dysmenorrhea PKU, phenylalaninemia, phenylpyruvic Primary thrombocythemia oligophrenia essential thrombocythemia Phobic neurosis Progressive supranuclear palsy phobic disorders, phobic reactions Steele-Richardson-Olszewski syndrome Phycomycosis Progressive systemic sclerosis mucormycosis zygomaticus scleroderma Pinworm infestation Protein malnutrition enterobiasis, oxyuriasis protein-calorie malnutrition, PMC, kwa• Pituitary nanism shiorkor, protein-energy malnutrition hypophysial infantilism Pruritus Plummer's disease itching toxic nodular goiter Pseudogout calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition

1044 English Synonymous Vocabulary Pseudotumor cerebri Rice disease benign intracranial hypertension beriberi Psittacosis Rickettsial pox ornithosis, parrot fever vesicular ricketsiosis Pulmonary air-block syndrome Rocky Mountain spotted fever pulmonary interstitial emphysema, spotted fever, tick fever, tick typhus pneumomediastinum, pneumothorax, Roseola infantum pneumopericardium exanthema subitum, pseudorubella Pulmonary embolism Rubella pulmonary thromboembolism German measles, three-day measles, Pulseless disease rubeola in French and Spanish Takayasu's arteritis Rubeola Purpura simplex measles, morbilli easy bruising Pyogenic granuloma granuloma teleangiectaticum S Salivary gland disease cytomegalic inclusion disease Q Sander's disease Quincke's disease epidemic keratoconjunctivitis angioedema Sandhoff's disease gangliosidosis, type GM2 Scabies R itch Rabies Schaumann's disease hydrophobia sarcoidosis Rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome Schistosomiasis rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, bilharziasis crescentic glomerulonephritis Scrub typhus Recklinghausen's disease Tsutsugamushi disease, mite-borne neurofibromatosis typhus, tropical typhus Recklinghausen's disease of bone Seborrheic keratoses osteitis fibrosa cystica seborrheic warts Regional enteritis Secondary dysmenorrhea Crohn's disease acquired dysmenorrhea Relapsing Secondary polycythemia tick-recurrent -favine fever secondary erythrocytosis Remnant removal disease Secretory otitis media familial dysbetalipoproteinemia serous otitis media Renal glucosuria Senile nanism renal glycosuria progeria Renal nanism Sexual arousal disorder infantile renal osteodystrophy erectile dysfunction, impotence Respiratory distress syndrome Shigellosis hyaline membrane disease bacillary dysentery Retinopathy of prematurity Sickle cell disease retrolental fibroplasia HbS disease, drepanocytic anemia, Riboflavin deficiency meniscocytosis ariboflavinosis Small-for-gestational-age infant dysmaturity, intrauterine growth retardation

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1045 Smallpox Thiamine deficiency variola beriberi Spontaneous abortion Thyrocardiac disease miscarriage thyrotoxic heart disease Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome Toxocariasis Ritter-Lyell sy visceral larva migrans Still's disease Trachoma juvenile rheumatoid disease granular conjunctivits, Egyptian oph• Strabismus thalmia squint, cross-eyes, heterotropia Transient tachypnea of the newborn Strongyloidiasis neonatal wet lung syndrome threadworm infection Traumatic hemolytic anemia Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis microangiopathic hemolytic anemia SSPE, Dawson encephalitis Trench fever Subacute thyroiditis Wolhynia fever, shin bone fever, quintan granulomatous thyroiditis, giant ceWde fever Quervams thyroiditis Trichinosis Sydenham's chorea trichiniasis chorea minor, rheumatic chorea, St. Trichuriasis Vitus' dance whipworm infection, trichocephaliasis Syncope Trigeminal neuralgia fainting tic douloureux Syphilis 21-Trisomy lues Down syndrome, mongolism SystemiC fungal disease Trypanosomiasis systemic mycosis African sleeping sickness, Chagas' Systemic lupus erythematosus disease SLB, disseminated lupus erythematosus Tularemia rabbit-deer fly fever Tunnel disease T decompression sickness Takayasu arteritis Typhoid Fever pulseless disease, arteritis brachiocepha• enteric fever, abdominal typhus, Salmo• !ica, brachiocephalic ischemia, Marto• nella typhi fever rell's sy, reversed coarctation, Takayasu's Typhus Fever disease/sy, aortic arch arteritis/syn• epidemic/exanthematic/exanthematous drome, young oriental female arteritis, typhus, Ricketsia prowazekiityphus, occlusive thromboarthropathy European/classic/louse-borne typhus, Temporal arteritis jail/prison/ship/war fever giant cell arteritis, cranial arteritis, Tyrosinemia Horton's arteritis tyrosinosis, hereditary tyrosinemia, Tetanus hepatorenal tyrosinemia lockjaw Tetany of vitamin D deficiency infantile tetany U The eosinophilic pneumonia Uremic bone disease pulmonary infiltrate with eosinophilic renal osteodystrophy sy, Uiffler's sy Urinary calculi The common cold nephrolithiasis, urolithiasis acute coryza, upper respiratory infection Urticaria angioedema, hives

1046 English Synonymous Vocabulary v Wilson's disease hepatolenticular degeneration, familial Vacuolar nephrosis hepatitis, pseudosclerosis hydropic nephrosis, hypokalemic neph• Winiwarter-Buerger disease rosis, osmotic nephrosis thrombangitis obliterans Varicella Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome chickenpox Aldrich's sy Variegate porphyria porphyria variegata, protoporphyria, South Mrican genetic porphyria, Royal X Malady variegate porphyria X-linked agammaglobulinemia Venous thrombosis Bruton's a., congenital a. thrombophlebitis, phlebitis Vertigo dizziness Z VIPoma Zollinger-Ellison syndrome diarrheogenic tumor, Verner-Morrison gastrinoma sy, WDHA, WDHH (watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, alhypo/chlorhydria), pan• creatic cholera Vitamin A deficiency night blindness, xerophthalmia, kerato• malacia, retinol deficiency Vitamin B, deficiency thiamine deficiency, beriberi Vitamin C deficiency scurvy Vitamin D deficiency rickets von Gierke's disease glycogen storage disease, type I von Recklinghausen's disease neurofibromatosis von Willebrand's disease angiohemophilia, vascular hemophilia

W Wards verrucae Wegener's granulomatosis lethal midline granuloma Werlhof's disease idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Werner-Schultz disease agranulocytosis Whipple's disease intestinal lipodystrophy Wilms' tumor nephroblastoma

English Synonymous Vocabulary 1047 Literature Used

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Literature Used 1061 Register

acetoacetic aCId - renal tubular a. 617 A - blood 40 -- distal renal tubular a. abacavir (Ph) 822 - urine 544 (type 1) 617 abciximab (Ph) 822 acetohexamide (Ph) 823 -- proximal renal tubular a. abetaglobulinemia 614 acetone (type 2) 617 abetalipoproteinelDla 614 - blood 40 -- renal tubular a. (type 4) ablatio of placenta 614 acetophenazine (Ph) 823 617 abortion N-acetyl-beta-D-gluco- - respiratory a. 617 - incomplete a. 614 salDlDidase 41 -- aCId-base balance 373 - mISsed a. 614 acetylcholine -- acute respiratory a. 617 - septic a. 614 - blood 41 -- chronic respiratory a. - spontaneous a. 614 acetylcholine chloride (Ph) 617 - threatened a. (imminens) 823 -- compensated respiratory 614 acetylcholInesterase a.617 abruptio of placenta 614 - amniotic fluid 381 aciduria 618 abscess - erythrocytes 420 - hereditary orotic a. 618 - amebic liver a. 615 acetyIcysteine (Ph) 823 - L-glyceric a. 618 - appendix a. 614 acetylsalicyhc acid (Ph) 823 acipinlOx (Ph) 823 - Brodie's a. 614 achlorhydrIa 616 aclarubicm (Ph) 823 - cerebral a. 615 aClclovIr (Ph) 823 acrIflavine (Ph) 823 - cerebral epidural a. 615 acid beta-galactosidase acrodermatitis enteropatica - Douglas' space a. 615 - tears 542 618 - mtraperitoneal a. 615 acid phosphatase acromegaly 618 - kidney a. 615 - blood 42 ACTH (Ph) 823 -liver a. 615 - pleural fluid 504 activated protem C resistance -lung a. 615 -urme 544 - blood (H) 421 - myocardial a. 615 acid protemases actiVlnA - omentum a. 615 - cerebrospinal fluid 393 - blood 43 - pancreatic a. 615 acidIty actual bIcarbonates - pelvic a. 616 - gastric fluid 415 - aCId base balance 371 - periappendical a. 616 aCIdosis 616 acute-phase reactants - perinephnc a. 616 - dIabetic ketoacidosis 616 - blood 43 - peritonsillar a. 616 - hyperchloremic metabolic a. Addison's sediment - prostatic a. 616 -- acid base balance 373 -urme 544 - spinal epidural a. 616 - hyperkalemic metabolic a. adenosme (Ph) 824 - tubo-ovarian a. 616 -- acid base balance 374 adenosine deaminase abuse, androgen 616 -lactate a. - blood 45 acarbose (Ph) 822 -- acid base balance 374 - pleural fluid 505 ACE inhibitors (Ph) 822 -lactic a. 617 adenylate kinase acebutolol (Ph) 822 - metabolic a. 617 - cerebrospinal fluid 394 acetaminophen -- acid base balance 373 - erythrocytes 421 - blood 40 -- compensated metabohc a. adhesive molecules acetaminophen (Ph) 822 617 - blood 45 acetanilid (Ph) 822 -- hyperkalemic metabolic adipiodone (Ph) 824 acetazolamide (Ph) 822 a. 617 adnexItis 618

1062 Register adrenocortIcotropIc hormone -- aCid base balance 375 alpha-galactosidase - amniotic flwd 381 -- acid-base balance 373 - tears 542 - blood 45 -- chronic metabolic a. 619 alpha-glucosidase adrenomedullin - respiratory a. 619 - amniotic fluid 385 - blood 46 -- acid-base balance 373 - seminal fluid 517 adult T-ce1lleuke1llia-derived -- compensated respiratory alpha-ketoglutaric acid factor a.619 - urine 578 - blood 46 alkaptonuria 619 alpha-mannosidase afibrinogenemia 618 allergy 619 - tears 542 agammaglobulmemia 618 allopurinol (Ph) 825 alprazolam (Ph) 825 agenesis 618 alopecia areata 620 alprenolol (Ph) 825 - ovarian a. 618 alosetron (Ph) 825 alteplase (Ph) 825 - renal a. 618 alpha globulins altretamme (Ph) 826 - testicular a. 618 - pleural fluid 509 aluminium agranulocytosis 618 alpha-l-antichymotrypsin - blood 58 ajmaline (Ph) 824 - blood 76 - sweat 531 alarune alpha-l-antitrypsm -urme 546 - blood 47 - blood 102 aluminum hydrOJode (Ph) -urme 544 - pleural fluid 505 826 alanine (Ph) 824 - stool 522 alveolitis 620 alanine aminopeptidase alpha-I-antitrypsin - allergic exogenous a. 620 - blood 47 phenotyping - fibrosmg cryptogenic a. 620 - urine 545 - blood 103 amantadine (Ph) 826 alanme aminotransferase alpha-l-fetoprotem amenorrhea 620 - amruotIc flwd 381 - amniotIc fluid 384 - primary a. 620 - blood 47 - blood 177 - secondary a. 620 - urine 545 - cerebrospinal fluid 400 amidotrizoic acid (Ph) 826 albendazole (Ph) 824 alpha-l-globulms amifostine (Ph) 826 albumin - blood 187 amikacin (Ph) 826 - blood 50 alpha-l-microglobulin arnilorlde (Ph) 826 - pleural flwd 505 - urine 584 amineptine (Ph) 826 albumm (Ph) 824 alpha-l,4-glucosidase ammo aCid profile albuterol (Ph) 825 - tears 542 - amruotIc fluid 382 alcohol dehydrogenase alpha-2-globulins - blood 58 - blood 52 - blood 188 amino aCids alcoholism 618 alpha-2-glycoprotem - blood 58 aldatense (Ph) 825 - cerebrospinal flwd 402 - cerebrospinal flwd 394 aldesleukm (Ph) 825 alpha-2-macroglobulin - urine 546 aldolase - blood 258 ammo aCids (Ph) 826 - blood 52 - cerebrospmal fluid 407 aminoacidemia 620 - cerebrospinal flwd 394 - pleural fluid 511 - Isovaleric a. 620 aldosterone alpha-2-pregnancy-associated - - methylmaloruc a. 620 - blood 53 glycoprotem - propionic a. 620 - urine 545 - blood 294 aminoaciduria 621 aldosterone (Ph) 825 alpha-adrenergic blockers - argminosucCinic aCid a. 621 alemtuzumab (Ph) 825 (Ph) 824 - beta -aminoisobutyric acid alendronate (Ph) 825 alpha-ammoaruplc aCid a. 621 a1kaline ruuretics (Ph) 825 - urme 547 - rubaslc a. 621 alkaline phosphatase alpha-arnmonitrogen - dicarboxyhc a. 621 - amruotic fluid 381 - blood 57 - generalized a. 621 - blood 54 - urme 548 - glutamic aCid a. 621 - peritoneal fluid 498 3-alpha-androstanediol - glutaric acid a. 621 - pleural flwd 505 glucurorude 62 - IsovaleriC a. 621 - urine 546 alpha-fucosidase - methylmaloruc a. 621 alkalOSIS 619 - tears 542 - propioruc a. 621 - metabolic a. 619 aminocaprOic acid (Ph) 826

Register 1063 aminoglutethimide (Ph) 826 - autoimmune a. 623 angioplasty, percutaneous aminoglycosldes (Ph) 827 -- autoimmune hemolytic a. transIuminal coronary 627 aminohippuric Acid (Ph) 827 623 angiopoietin-l aminolevuIinate dehydratase - dyserythropoietic a. 623 - blood 63 - erythrocytes 421 - fetal a. 623 angiotensin I ammophenazone (Ph) 827 - hemolytic a. 623 - blood 64 ammophylline (Ph) 827 -- acute hemolytic a. 623 angIotensin II aminopyrme (Ph) 827 -- chronic hemolytIc a. 623 - blood 64 aminosalicylic acid (Ph) 827 -- familial nonspherocytic angiotensin-I -convertmg amlodarone (Ph) 827 hemolytic a. 624 enzyme amitriptyline (Ph) 827 -- microangiopathic - blood 64 amlodlpine (Ph) 827 hemolytic a. 624 - cerebrospmal fluid 395 ammonia - heredItary a. 624 anion gap - blood 59 -- hereditaryelliptocytic a. - acid base balance 371 - urine 548 624 anistreplase (Ph) 829 ammonium chloride (Ph) 827 -- hereditary spherocytic a. annexmV amobarbital (Ph) 828 624 - blood 65 amodiaquine (Ph) 828 - hypochromic a. 624 anorexia nervosa 627 amoxapine (Ph) 828 - macrocytic a. 624 anovulation 627 amoxicillm (Ph) 828 - megaloblastic a. 624 anoxia 628 amphetamme (Ph) 828 - microangiopathic antacids (Ph) 830 amphiregulin hemolytic a. 624 antazoline (Ph) 830 - blood 60 - myelophthisic a. 624 anti-deoxyribonuclease B amphotericin B (Ph) 828 - normochromic a. 624 - blood 78 amplcillm (Ph) 828 - permcious a. 625 antiarrhythmlcs ampicillin-sulbactam (Ph) - posthemorrhagic a. 625 - blood 67 828 - SIckle-cell a. 625 antiarrhythmtcs (Ph) 830 amprenavir (Ph) 829 - sideroblastic a. 625 antibodIes amrinone (Ph) 829 - sideropenic a. 625 - against Bartonella henselae amsacrme (Ph) 829 - thalassemia 626 -- blood 67 amylase -- alpha thalassemia 626 - agamst beta-2 glycoprotein I - blood 60 -- beta thalassemia major -- blood 70 - cerebrospinal fluid 395 626 - against Bordetella pertussis - pentoneal fluid 498 -- beta thalassemia minor -- blood 67 - pleural fluid 505 626 - against Borreha Burgdorferi - urine 548 -- beta thalassemia trait 626 sensu lato amylin - vitamin Bl2/folate -- blood 67 - blood 62 deficiency a. 626 - against Brucella amylnitrite (Ph) 829 anencephaly 627 -- blood 68 amyloidosIS, primary 621 anesthesia 627 - against Burkholderia anabolic ateroids (Ph) 829 - spinal a. 627 pseudomallei anagrelide (Ph) 829 - total a. 627 -- blood 68 analbuminemia 622 anesthetIcs (Ph) 829 - against chlamydia anastomosis, portocaval 622 aneurysm, dissecting aortic -- blood 68 androgens (Ph) 829 627 - against Cocadioides immitis androstenedione angiitis, hypersenSItivity 627 -- blood 69 - blood 63 angina pectoral - against Coxiella burnetii anemia 622 - unstable pectoral a. 627 -- blood 69 - a. in chronic diseases 622 angina, pectoral 627 - against Fasciola hepatica -- a. in chronic liver dis- angiocardiography 627 -- blood 69 eases 622 angioedema 627 - agamst Filaria -- a. in chronic renal - acquired a. 627 -- blood 70 diseases 622 - hereditary a. 627 - against Francisella - aplastic a. (hypo- angiogenin tularensis proliferative) 623 - blood 63 -- blood 70

1064 Register - agamst Hehcobacter pylori - against Thermomonospora -anti-Hu -- blood 70 viridis -- blood 85 - against Histoplasma -- blood 76 -- cerebrospinal flUId 396 capsulatum - auti-acetylcholine receptor - anti-human papilloma -- blood 71 -- blood 66 VIrUS - against influenza virus - anti-adrenal -- blood 85 -- blood 71 -- blood 66 - anti-lgA - against LeglOnelia - anll-alanyl-tRNA syn- -- blood 85 -- blood 71 thetase - anti-insulin -- urine 549 -- blood 66 -- blood 86 - against Leptospira - anti-arbovIrus - antI-intrinsic factor -- blood 71 -- blood 66 -- blood 86 - against mumps virus - anll-cardiolipin - anti-lsoleucyl-tRNA -- blood 72 -- blood 76 synthetase -- cerebrospinal flUId 395 - anti-centromere -- blood 86 - against Mycoplasma -- blood 76 - anll-Ku pneumoniae - anti-cytomegalovirus IgM, -- blood 87 -- blood 72 IgA,IgG -anll-LKM - against Parainfluenza virus -- blood 77 -- blood 87 -- blood 72 - anti-deconn - anti-MAG - agamst Parvovirus B19 -- blood 77 -- blood 87 -- blood 72 - anti-DNA - anti-Mi2 - against Purkinje cells -- blood 80 -- blood 87 -- blood 73 - anll-endomysial - anti-microsomal - against RabIes virus -- blood 80 -- blood 87 -- blood 73 - antI-enterovirus - anti-mitochondrial -- cerebrospmal flUId 395 -- blood 81 -- blood 88 - agamst Respiratory - anti-Epstein-Barr virus - anti-myelm syncytial virus -- blood 81 -- blood 89 -- blood 73 - anu-GaINAc-GDla - anu-myeloperoxidase - against RIckettsIa ncketsli -- blood 81 -- blood 89 -- blood 74 - anti-GDla - anll-myocardial - against Rickettsia species -- blood 82 -- blood 89 -- blood 73 - anti-GDlb - anll-neutrophil - agaInst rubella VIrUS -- blood 83 -- blood 90 -- blood 74 - anll-glomerular basement - anti-neutrophil cytoplasmIc - agaInst rubeola virus membrane -- blood 90 -- blood 74 -- blood 83 - anti-nuclear - agamst Saccharomyces - anti-glycyl-tRNA syn- -- blood 90 cerevisiae thetase - anti-nuclear antigen -- blood 74 -- blood 83 -- blood 92 - against salivary duct - anti-GMI ganglioside - antI-ovanan -- blood 75 -- blood 82 -- blood 92 - against Sch,stosoma specIes - anti-GQlb - anti-p53 -- blood 75 -- blood 83 -- blood 93 - against spermatozoa - anti-heparan sulfate - anll-pancreatic islet cell -- seminal fluid 516 -- blood 83 -- blood 93 - against SI. Louis encephali- - anti-herpes slffiplex virus I, - anti-parathyroid tIs virus 2 -- blood 93 -- blood 75 -- blood 84 - anll-parletal cell -- cerebrospinal fluid 395 - anti-hlstidyl-tRNA -- blood 93 - agamst synthetase - anti-phospholipid Thermoactinomyces -- blood 84 -- blood 94 candidus - anti-histone - anll-poliovlrus -- blood 75 -- blood 84 -- blood 94

Register 1065 - antI-red blood cell - glutamlC acid decarboxylase - blood 88 -- blood 95 -- blood 195 - urme 549 - antl-retIculm - human immunodeficiency antineoplastics (Ph) 831 -- blood 95 virus antipsychotlcs (Ph) 831 - anti-nbonucleoprotem -- blood 212 antipyretics (Ph) 831 -- blood 95 - human leukocyte antigen anllstreptolysin 0 - anti-ribosomal Po -- blood 213 - blood 97 -- blood 95 - human T-cell antithrombin III - anll-scleroderma lymphotrophic virus 1111 - blood (H) 422 -- blood 95 -- blood 216 antithymocyte Globulm (Ph) - anti-skin -- cerebrospinal fluid 403 831 -- blood 96 - hydatid aplasia 628 - anti-Sm -- blood 216 - congemtal pure RBC a. 628 -- blood 96 - IgA, IgG, against Epstein- - germinal a. 628 - anti-smooth muscles Barr vIrus vIral capsid - lymphOld a. 628 -- blood 96 -- blood 218 apohpoprotems - anti-spermatozoa -leukocyte - blood 105 -- blood 97 -- blood (H) 452 apomorphme hydrochloride - anti-SSA and anti-SSB - lymphocytotoxic (Ph) 831 -- blood 97 -- blood 257 apoplexy, cerebral (stroke) - anti-striated muscle - pemphIgoid 628 -- blood 98 -- blood 285 appearance - anti -sulfatide - pemphigus - peritoneal fluid 498 -- blood 98 -- blood 285 - pleural fluid 505 - anti-teichoic acid - platelet - sputum 519 -- blood 98 -- blood (H) 480 - synovIal flUId 533 - anti-tesllcular - polyspecific appendicitis, acute 628 -- blood 99 -- blood 291 aprindine (Ph) 831 - antI-tetanus tman - prenatal mfectious disease apronal (Ph) 831 -- blood 99 -- blood 295 arbekacm (Ph) 831 - antl-threonyl-tRNA - syphilis ardeparin (Ph) 831 synthetase -- blood 318 argatroban (Ph) 831 -- blood 99 anticoagulants (Ph) 830 arginine - anti-thyroglobulin anticonvulsants - blood 107 -- blood 99 - blood 77 - cerebrospmal flUId 396 - anti-thyroid anllconvulsants (Ph) 830 - unne 549 -- blood 100 antidepressants argmine (Ph) 831 - anti-thyroid perOladase - blood 78 argminemia 628 -- blood 100 antidiuretIc hormone argininosuccmate lyase - antl-lhyrotropin-receptor - blood 78 - blood 108 -- blood 101 - cerebrospmal fluid 396 arnifostine (Ph) 831 - anti-toxocara antiepileptics (Ph) 830 arrest, cardiopulmonary 628 -- blood 102 antigen arsenic - antl-loxoplasma - carcmoembryonic - blood 108 -- blood 102 -- cerebrospinal flUId 397 - haIr 419 - anti-trichinella - respiratory syncyllal virus arsenic (Ph) 831 -- blood 102 -- blood 309 arterial blood gases - anti-tubulm - tissue polypeptide - acid base balance 371 -- blood 104 -- blood 328 artenosclerosis 628 - anti-typhOld p24 antigen 82 artentls 629 -- blood 104 antihemophilIc factor (Ph) - cranial a. 629 - anti-varicella-zoster virus 830 - Takayasu's a. 629 IgG and IgM antihIstamines (Ph) 830 - temporal a. 629 -- blood 104 antihypertensives (Ph) 831 arthritis 629 - GALOP syndrome antimalarials (Ph) 831 - a. associated with hemo• -- blood 184 antimony chromatosis 629

1066 Register - chronic a. 629 atransferrmemia 633 balanitis 634 - fungal a. 629 - acqwred a. 633 BAO - gonorrheal a. 629 - congenital a. 633 - gastric fluid 415 - hemophilic a. 629 atresia 633 barbiturates 114 - infectIous a. 629 - biliary a. 633 barbiturates (Ph) 833 - Juvenile rheumatoid a. 631 - duodenal a. 633 basal secretion of the gastric -Lymea.629 - esophageal a. 633 juice - psoriatic a. 630 - urethral a. 633 - gastric fluid 416 - pyogeuic a. 630 atrial natriuretic peptide base excess - rheumatoid a. 630 - blood 112 - acid base balance 371 - septic a. 631 atrial natrIuretic peptide basthximab (Ph) 834 - syphilitIC a. 631 (B-type) basopluls - traumatic a. 631 - blood 113 - blood (H) 423 - tuberculous a. 631 atrIal natrIuretic peptide (Ph) - cerebrospmal fluid 396 - uratic a. 631 832 beans 697 - VIral a. 631 atrophy, muscular 634 beclobrate (Ph) 834 arthropathy 632 atropine (Ph) 832 beclomethasone (Ph) 834 - Charcot's a. 632 auranofin (Ph) 832 benazepril (Ph) 834 - crystal a. 632 (Ph) 833 bendroflumethiazide (Ph) 834 - destructive a. 632 IA2 autoantIbodies 114 benfluorex (Ph) 834 arylsulfatase A autoantibodies benorilate (Ph) 834 - blood 108 - anti-tissue transglutaminase benoxaprofen (Ph) 834 - tears 542 -- blood 101 benserazide (Ph) 834 - urine 550 - blood 114 benziodarone (Ph) 834 asa 964 - thyroxine benzocame (Ph) 834 asbestosis 632 -- blood 327 benzodiazepmes (Ph) 834 ascites 632 autocrme motlhty factor benzphetantine hydrochloride ascorbic aCId (Ph) 832 - blood 114 (Ph) 834 asparaginase (Ph) 832 autohemolysis benzylpeuicillin (Ph) 835 asparagine - blood (H) 422 benzylthlOuracll (Ph) 835 - urme 550 azapropazone (Ph) 833 bepridil (Ph) 835 aspartame (Ph) 832 azathioprme (Ph) 833 beractant (Ph) 835 aspartate aminotransferase azloct!hn (Ph) 833 berylliosis 634 - amniotIc fluid 382 azoospermIa 634 beta globulins - blood 109 aztreonam (Ph) 833 - blood 188 - cerebrospmal fluid 396 beta-2-glycoprotein I - urme 550 - blood 200 aspartIc aCId -urme 571 - urme 550 B beta-2-microglobulm aspergillus precipltins bacillus Calmette-Guerm - blood 268 - blood 112 vaccine (Ph) 833 - cerebrospinal fluid 408 asphyxia 632 baCItracin (Ph) 833 - pleural fluid 511 asplema 632 baclofen (Ph) 833 - saliva 515 aspoxicillin (Ph) 832 bacteremia 634 - urine 585 assault, sexual (rape) 632 bacterIa Beta-Adrenergic Blockers AST I ALT ratio - perItoneal fluid 499 (Ph) 824 - blood 112 - urine 550 Beta-Alanine 47 asthma, bronchial 632 bacterIal antigens beta-alanine - allergic bronchial a. 632 - cerebrospinal fluid 396 - urine 545 ataxIa teleanglectasia 633 - synovial fluid 533 beta-aminoisobutyric acid atelectaSIs, pulmonary 633 - urine 551 - urine 547 atenolol (Ph) 832 bacteriological pIcture beta-carotene and carotenoids atherosclerosis 633 - bronchoalveolar lavage - blood 126 atopy 633 fluid 389 beta-endorphins atorvastatin (Ph) 832 - pleural flwd 506 - blood 168 atovaquone (Ph) 832 - sputum 519

Register 1067 beta-glucosidase - pericardial fluid 496 calcitorun - blood 193 -sputum 520 - blood 120 beta-glucuronidase - stool 523 calcitorun (Ph) 838 - blood 194 - urine 552 calcitriol (Ph) 838 - cerebrospinal fluid 402 blood culture calcium - pleural fluid 509 - blood (H) 425 - blood 120 beta-gucuronidase bombesm - urme 554 - gastric flwd 416 - blood 118 calcium carbonate (Ph) 838 beta-hydroxybutyric acid bombesin (Ph) 836 calcium chloride (Ph) 838 - blood 216 bone morphogenetic proteins calcium dobesilate (Ph) 838 beta-thromboglobulm - blood 118 calcium gluconate (Ph) 838 - blood (H) 492 bopindolol (Ph) 836 calcium-channel blockers - synovial fluid 540 bOric acid (Ph) 836 (Ph) 838 betamethasone (Ph) 835 bradykinin calculi betaxolol (Ph) 835 - blood 119 - urine 555 bethanechol chloride (Ph) 835 bretylium (Ph) 836 calfactant (Ph) 838 bevantolol (Ph) 835 bromfenac sodium (Ph) 836 calgranulms bexarotene (Ph) 835 bromides (Ph) 836 - blood 123 bezafibrate (Ph) 835 bromocriptine (Ph) 836 calusterone (Ph) 838 bicalutamide (Ph) 835 bronchiectasis 634 candesartan (Ph) 838 bicarbonates bronchlOhtlS 634 cannabinoids - acid base balance 372 bronchitis 634 - urine 555 bicarbonates (Ph) 835 - acute b. 634 capecitabine (Ph) 838 blguanides (Ph) 835 - chronic b. 634 capillary fragility test bile bronchodtlators - blood (H) 425 - gastric fluid 416 - blood 119 capreomycin (Ph) 839 - stool 522 bronchopneumoma 634 captopril (Ph) 839 Bile aCids 114 bucmdolol (Ph) 836 carbamates (Ph) 839 bile pigments budesonide (Ph) 837 carbamazepine (Ph) 839 - stool 522 bulirma 635 carbarsone (Ph) 839 b!lirubin bumetamde (Ph) 837 carbemcilhn (Ph) 839 - amniotic fluid 382 bunitrolol (Ph) 837 carbenoxolone (Ph) 839 - blood 115 buplvacame (Ph) 837 carbidopa (Ph) 839 - urine 551 buprenorphine (Ph) 837 carbimazole (Ph) 840 biopsy of prostate 634 burns 635 carbohydrate-deficient biotin bursitis 635 transferrin - blood 118 buserelin (Ph) 837 - blood 123 bisacodyl (Ph) 835 busplrone (Ph) 837 carbohydrates bisantrene (Ph) 836 busulfan (Ph) 837 - stool 523 bismuth salts (Ph) 836 butorphanol (Ph) 837 carbonic anhydrase bisoprolol fumarate (Ph) 836 butyrophenones (Ph) 837 - blood 124 bitolterol (Ph) 836 bypass 635 carbonic anhydrase inhibitors bivalirudin (Ph) 836 - aortocoronary b. 635 (Ph) 840 bladder catheterisation 634 carboplatin (Ph) 840 bladder tumor antigen carboxyhemoglobin - urine 552 - blood (H) 425 bleedmg time (Duke's method) C carbutamide (Ph) 840 - blood (H) 424 CA125 carcmoembryonic antigen bleedmg time (Ivy's method) - peritoneal fluid 499 - blood 124 - blood (H) 424 cachexia 635 - peritoneal fluid 499 blockage, subarachnoid cadmium - pleural fluid 506 spinal 634 - blood 119 cardiac glycosides blood - urine 554 - blood 125 - amniotic fluid 382 caffeine (Ph) 837 cardiomyopathy 636 - cerebrospinal fluid 396 calcifediol (Ph) 837 carfenazine (Ph) 840 - gastric fluid 416 calclpotriene (Ph) 838 carisoprodol (Ph) 840

1068 Register carmustine (Ph) 840 ceftazJdune (Ph) 843 cholecystitis 636 carnitine ceftlbuten (Ph) 843 - acute c. 637 - blood 125 ceftizoxune (Ph) 843 - chronic c. 637 - urine 555 ceftriaxone (Ph) 843 cholecystokmin-pancreozymin carnitine (Ph) 840 cefuroxime (Ph) 843 - blood 131 carnosine celecoxib (Ph) 844 cholecystopathy 637 -urme 556 celiac disease antibody prome choledocholitluasis 637 carnosinemla 636 - blood 129 cholelithiasIs 637 carprazidil (Ph) 840 cehprolol (Ph) 844 cholestaSlS 637 carprofen (Ph) 840 cells of mflammauon - famihal mtrahepatic c. 637 carteolol (Ph) 840 - blood (H) 426 cholesterol (Ph) 840 cellular constituents - blood 132 caspases - bronchoalveolar lavage - cerebrospinal flwd 397 - blood 126 flnid 389 - peritoneal flnid 499 castration 636 - pleural flnid 506 - pleural flnid 507 - female c. 636 - sputum 521 cholestyramme (Ph) 846 - malec. 636 cellulitis 636 cholinesterase casts cephalosporms (Ph) 844 - blood 137 - urine 556 cerivastatin (Ph) 844 - cerebrospinal fluid 397 catabohsm 636 ceruletide (Ph) 844 chondrocalcinosis 637 catalase ceruloplasmin chorea Huntington's 637 - blood 127 - blood 129 chorioamniorutis 638 - erythrocytes 426 - synovial flwd 534 choriomenmgitis,lym- - urme 557 cetinzme (Ph) 844 phocytlc 638 catecholarnines chemokines chonoruc gonadotropin (Ph) - amniotic fluid 382 - blood 130 846 - blood 127 chenodeoxycholic acid (Ph) chorioretinitis 638 - urine 557 844 chrOiruum catecholarnines (Ph) 840 chenodiol (Ph) 844 - blood 138 catioruc antilrucrobial chloral hydrate (Ph) 844 - half 419 protein-37 chlorambucil (Ph) 844 - urme 559 - blood 128 chloramphenicol (Ph) 844 chromium (Ph) 846 CD antigens chlordiazepoxide (Ph) 845 chromogranin A, B, C - blood (H) 426 chlorheXidine (Ph) 845 - blood 139 cefaclor (Ph) 841 chloride chylomicrons cefadroxil (Ph) 841 - blood 130 - blood 139 cefalexin (Ph) 841 - cerebrospinal fluid 397 chylothorax 638 cefalondine (Ph) 841 - saliva 514 chylus cefalotin (Ph) 841 - stool 523 - urine 559 cefamandole (Ph) 841 - sweat 531 chymotrypsm cefapirin (Ph) 841 - urine 558 - blood 140 cefazolin (Ph) 841 chloridorrhea, congenital 636 - stool 524 cefdinir (Ph) 841 chloroquine (Ph) 845 cibenzoline (Ph) 846 cefeplfne (Ph) 842 chlorothiazide (Ph) 845 cidofoVlf (Ph) 846 cefixirne (Ph) 842 chlorotrianisene (Ph) 845 cilazapril (Ph) 846 cefmenoxime (Ph) 842 chlorphenarnine (Ph) 845 ci1ostazol (Ph) 847 cefmetazole (Ph) 842 chlorpromazine (Ph) 845 clfnetidine (Ph) 847 cefonicid (Ph) 842 chlorpropamide (Ph) 845 cimoxatone (Ph) 847 cefoperazone (Ph) 842 chlorprothixene (Ph) 846 cinepazide (Ph) 847 ceforanide (Ph) 842 chlortalidone (Ph) 846 cinoxacm (Ph) 847 cefotaxime (Ph) 842 chlortetracycline (Ph) 846 Clprofibrate (Ph) 847 cefotetan (Ph) 842 chlorzoxazone (Ph) 846 ciprofloxacm (Ph) 847 cefoxitin (Ph) 842 cholangiopancreatography, circulating immune com- cefpodoxime (Ph) 843 endoscopic, retrograde 636 plexes cefprozil (Ph) 843 cholangitis 636 - blood 140 (Ph) 843 - primary sclerosing c. 636 - pleural fluid 507

Register 1069 CIrCUlatIOn, extracorporeal cobalt Ba, Bb complement 638 - blood 142 - blood 145 cirrhosIs 638 - urine 560 C3, C4 complement - alcoholic c. 638 cocame hydrochloride (Ph) - pleural fluid 507 - carmac c. 638 850 C3-complement - hepatic c. 638 codeine (Ph) 850 - synovial fluid 535 - posthepatitic c. 639 colchicine (Ph) 850 C4-complement - primary biliary c. 639 cold agglutinins - synovial fluid 535 cisplatin (Ph) 847 - blood 142 complement citalopram (Ph) 847 colestipol (Ph) 850 - blood 143 citrate sodium (Ph) 848 colestyramine (Ph) 850 -C1 citric acid colfosceril palmitate (Ph) 850 -- blood 145 - blood 141 colistin (Ph) 850 -C1q - urine 559 colitis 640 -- blood 145 citrulline - collagenous c. 640 - C1r - blood 141 - pseudomembranous c. 640 -- blood 145 - cerebrospinal fluid 397 - ulcerative c. 641 - Cis - urme 560 collagenosis 641 -- blood 146 citrullinemla 640 colonoscopy 641 -C2 cltrullinuria 640 colony-stimulatmg factors -- blood 146 cladribine (Ph) 848 - blood 142 -C3 clanidanol (Ph) 848 color -- blood 146 clarithromycin (Ph) 848 - amniotic fluid 382 - C3a clavulanic aCid (Ph) 848 - bronchoalveolar lavage -- blood 147 clebopride (Ph) 848 fluid 389 -C4 clemastine (Ph) 848 - stool 524 -- blood 147 climacterium, precoccious - sweat 531 - C4a 640 - turbidity -- blood 148 (Ph) 848 -- cerebrospinal fluid 397 -C4d clinofibrate (Ph) 848 colour -- blood 148 clobazam (Ph) 848 - pentoneal fluid 499 - C5 clobetasol (Ph) 848 - pleural fluid 507 -- blood 148 clofazimine (Ph) 848 - seminal fluid 517 - C5a clofibrate (Ph) 848 - sputum 520 -- blood 149 clometacin (Ph) 849 - synovial fluid 534 -C6 clomiphene (Ph) 849 - urine 560 -- blood 149 clomipramine (Ph) 849 coma 641 - C7 clonazepam (Ph) 849 - c. m acute insufficiency of -- blood 149 clonidine (Ph) 849 adrenal cortex 641 -C8 clop amide (Ph) 849 - diabetic c. 641 -- blood 149 clorazepate (Ph) 849 -- hyperglycemic -C9 clot formation ketoacidollC diabetic c. -- blood 150 - synovial fluid 534 641 -CH50 clot retraction -- hyperosmolar non• -- blood 150 - blood (H) 426 ketoacidotlc diabetic c. - synovial fluid 535 (Ph) 849 642 complement CH50 clotting time (Lee-White) -- hypoglycemic diabetic c. - pleural fluid 507 - blood (H) 427 641 complete blood count cloxacillin (Ph) 849 - hepatic c. 642 - blood (H) 428 clozapine (Ph) 850 -- endogenous hepatic c. complex, AIDS dementia 642 coagulation, disseminated 642 concentration test intravascular 640 -- exogenous hepatic c. 642 - urine 561 - acute d. i. c. 640 - myxedematous c. 642 conditions 642 - chronic d. 1. c. 640 - pituitary c. 642 - convulsive c. 642 coagulation tests - hemostasIs - urenuc c. 642 - febrile c. 642 - blood (H) 427 - hemolytic c. 643

1070 Register - hemorrhagic c. 643 creatine - pancreatic c. 646 -- prelabor hemorrhagic c. - blood 154 - renal c. 646 644 - urine 563 cystathlOne - hypercoagulable c. 643 creatme kinase - urine 565 - hypoXic c. 643 - amniotic fluid 383 cystathioninuria 646 -- acute hypoxic c. 643 - blood 154 cystatine C -- chromc hypoXic c. 643 - cerebrospmal fluid 398 - blood 160 - unmunodeficient c. 643 - pleural fluid 507 - urine 565 - painful c. 644 creatinine cysteamine (Ph) 852 - post-myocardial infarction - amniotic fluid 383 cysteme c.644 - blood 157 - blood 161 - postartrography c. 644 - peritoneal flUid 499 - unne 565 - postlabor c. 644 - unne 563 cystinosis 646 - postsurgery c. 644 cretimsm 645 cystinuria 646 - posUransfusion c. 644 CfISIS, acute adrenocortical cystitis 647 - psychiC c. 644 645 cystoscopy 647 -- acute psychOSIS 644 cromolyn (Ph) 851 cytarabine (Ph) 852 -- anxious psychiC c. 644 cryofibrinogen cytokine mhlbltors -- depressive psychic c. 644 - blood (H) 428 - blood 161 -- manic psychic c. 645 cryofibrinogenemia 645 cytokine receptor families - septic c. 645 cryoglobulinemia 645 - blood 161 connective tIssue growth cryoglobulIns cytokines factor - blood 158 - blood 161 - blood 151 cryptococcal antigen cytological examination consistency - blood 159 - cerebrospinal flUid 399 - stool 524 - cerebrospinal fluid 398 cytological picture constipatIOn 645 cryptorchism 646 - bronchoalveolar lavage contraceptives (Ph) 850 crystals fluid 390 contusion, myocardial 645 - synovial flUid 535 - pentoneal fluid 500 copper - unne 564 - sputum 520 - blood 151 cyanocobalamin (Ph) 851 cytophagocytic mononuclear - cerebrospmal fluid 398 cycle, anovulatory 646 cells - synovial fluid 535 3, 5-cyclic adenosine mono• - synovial flUid 536 - urine 561 phosphate cytosme arabinoside (Ph) coproporphyrins - blood 159 852 - urme 562 cyclic adenosme mono- cytostatics (Ph) 852 cor pulmonale 645 phosphate cortlcOids (Ph) 851 - cerebrospinal fluid 398 corticosteroid-bmdmg - urine 564 globulm cyclic guanosine monophos- o - blood 152 phate dacarbazme (Ph) 853 - blood 160 dactinomycin (Ph) 853 - blood 152 - urine 565 dalcizumab (Ph) 853 corticotropin releasing cyclobenzaprine (Ph) 851 dalfopristin (Ph) 853 hormone cyclofenil (Ph) 851 daJteparin sodimn (Ph) 853 - cerebrospinal fluid 398 cyclopenthiazide (Ph) 851 danaparOid (Ph) 853 cortisol (Ph) 852 danazol (Ph) 853 - amniotic fluid 382 cyclopropane (Ph) 852 dantrolene (Ph) 853 - blood 152 cycloserine (Ph) 852 dapsone (Ph) 853 - urine 562 cyclosporine daunorubicin (Ph) 853 cortisone (Ph) 851 - blood 160 death, fetal 647 cotinine cyclosporine (Ph) 852 defect 647 - unne 562 cyproheptadine (Ph) 852 - neural tube d. 647 cotnmoxazole (Ph) 851 cyproterone (Ph) 852 - tubular renal d. 647 coumarin (Ph) 851 cyst 646 defensins - ovarian c. 646 - blood 163

Register 1071 defibrillatIOn 647 - potassium d. 650 dextropropoxyphene (Ph) 855 deficiency 647 - purine-nucleoside dextrose (Ph) 855 - ll-beta-hydroxylase d. 649 phosphorylase d. 650 dextrothyroxine sodium (Ph) - 17-alpha-hydroxylase d. 649 - pyruvate kinase d. in 855 - 17-beta-hydroxysteroid erythrocytes 650 diabetes msipidus 651 dehydrogenase d. 649 - thyroxine-binding globulin - central d. i. 651 - 17-0H dehydrogenase d. d.650 - nephrogenic d. i. 651 648 - xanthine oxidase d. 650 - psychogenic d. i. 651 - 18-0H dehydrogenase d. dehydratation 650 dtabetes mellitus 652 648 - hypertonic d. 650 - insulm-dependent d. m. 652 - 21-hydroxylase d. 648 - hypotonic d. 650 - non-insulin-dependent d. - 2,3-DPG d. 648 - isotoruc d. 650 m.652 - 3-beta-hydroxysterOld diabetes, phosphate 652 dehydrogenase d. 649 - amniotic fluid 383 dialysis 653 - adenine phosphoribosyl- - blood 163 - hemodialysis 653 transferase d. 647 dehydroepiandrosterone - peritoneal d. 653 - adenosine deammase d. 647 sulfate diamorphine (Ph) 855 - alpha-l-antitrypsm d. 647 - amniotic flwd 383 dtarrhea 653 - Cl-esterase inhibitor d. 648 - blood 164 - acute d. 653 - cholesterol desmolase d. delavirdine (Ph) 854 - chronic d. 653 647 delirium tremens 650 - d. due to laxative abuse 654 - coagulation factor II d. 647 delta bilirubm - osmotic d. 654 - coagulatIOn factor V d. 647 - blood 118 diazepam (Ph) 855 - coaguiatlOn factor VII d. delta-aminolevulic acid diaziquone (Ph) 856 647 -urme 547 diazoxide (Ph) 856 - coagulation factor X d. 647 demeclocycline (Ph) 854 dtbekacin (Ph) 856 - coagulation factor Xl d. dementIa 650 dibenzepin (Ph) 856 648 - dtalysis d. 650 dtclofenac (Ph) 856 - coagulation factor XlI d. - serule d. 650 diciofenamide (Ph) 856 648 demyelination 651 dicioxacillin (Ph) 856 - cobalamm d. causmg denileukin (Ph) 854 dlcoumarol (Ph) 856 neuropsychiatric disorders denznnol (Ph) 854 didanosme (Ph) 856 648 II-deoxycorticosterone dienestrol (Ph) 856 - copper d. 648 - blood 165 diet 654 - d. of glucose-6-phosphate I1-deoxycortisol - high purme d. 654 dehydrogenase in erythro - blood 165 - non-carbohydrate d. 654 648 deoxypyridinoline - pure carbohydrate d. 654 - disaccharidase d. 648 - urine 566 - vegane d. 654 - folate d. 648 dermatitis 651 - weight reduction d. 654 - fructose-l,6-dtphosphatase - allergic d. 651 diethylpropion (Ph) 856 d.648 - exfoliative d. 651 diethylstilbestrol (Ph) 857 - glucuronyl transferase d. - herpes d. 651 differential white cell count 648 - seborrheic d. 651 - blood (H) 428 - glycogen-synthase d. 648 dermatomyositis 651 diflunisal (Ph) 857 - growth hormone d. 648 dermatosis 651 digitalis (Ph) 857 - hexokinase d. 648 desiprantine (Ph) 854 digitoxin (Ph) 857 - IgA d. 649 desmopressin (Ph) 854 digoxin - d. 649 desogestrel (Ph) 854 - blood 165 - L-carnitine d. 647 desonide (Ph) 854 dtgoxm (Ph) 857 - lactase d. 649 desoximetasone (Ph) 854 dIhydralazme (Ph) 857 -lecithin-cholesterol (Ph) 854 dihydrotachysterol (Ph) 857 acyltransferase d. 649 dexmedetomidine (Ph) 855 dilantin (Ph) 857 - lipoprotein hpase d. 649 dexpanthenol (Ph) 855 dilevalol (Ph) 857 - orruthme carbamoyl- dexrazoxane (Ph) 855 diltIazem (Ph) 857 transferase d. 649 dextran (Ph) 855 dilution test - phosphorylase d. 649 dextromethorphan (Ph) 855 - urine 566

1072 Register illmenhydrinate (Ph) 857 - neonatal hemorrhagic d. - myeloproliferative d. 666 (Ph) 858 658 - pancreatic d. 666 D-dimers - NIemann-PIck d. 658 - peripheral vessels d. 666 - blood (H) 429 - oasthouse urine d. 658 - pleural d. 666 - bronchoalveolar lavage - Paget's d. 658 - prostate d. 667 flUid 390 - Parkmson's d. 658 - psychiatnc d. 667 dimetlcone (Ph) 858 - pelvIC mflammatory d. 658 - pulmonary d. 667 dinoprost (Ph) 858 - polycystic kidney d. 658 - renal d. 668 dlOdone (Ph) 858 - Raynaud's d. 659 -- acute renal d. 669 dIphenhydramine (Ph) 858 - Refsurn's d. 659 -- chronic renal d. 669 diphenoxylate (Ph) 858 - Rendu-Osler d. 659 -- mfectlOus renal d. 669 diphenylhydantoin (Ph) 858 - Rh-null d. 659 - rheUlllatic d. 670 2,3-diphosphoglycerate - serum d. 659 - skin d. 670 - blood (H) 430 - silo-filler d. 659 - spleen d. 670 dipyridamole (Ph) 858 - stomach ulcer d. 659 - thyrOId gland d. 670 illrithromycin (Ph) 858 - Tangier d. 659 - urmary tract d. 671 d,sease 654 - von Willebrand's d. 660 -- mfectious urinary tract d. - Alzheimer's d. 654 - Weber-Chnstian d. 659 671 - Behcet's d. 654 - Whipple's d. 659 dIseases, infectious 671 - Berger's d. 654 - Wilson's d. 660 - actinomycosis 671 - Bornholm d. 655 - Wolman's d. 660 - acute bacterial i. d. - cehac d. 655 diseases 660 -- acute bacterial i. d. 673 - chromc granulomatons d. - allergIC d. 660 - acute i. d. 671 655 - arterial d. 660 - AIDS (HIV pOSItiVIty) 672 - chronic obstructive - autOImmune d. 660 - amebIasis 672 pulmonary d. 655 - biliary tract d. 661 - anthrax 672 - cold agglutinm d. 655 - bone d. 661 - ascanasis 672 - coronary artery d. 655 - cardiac d. 661 - aspergIllosis 673 - Crohn's d. 655 - central nervous system d. - babeSIOSIS 673 - Cushing's d. 655 661 - bacterial i. d. 673 - duodenal ulcer d. 656 -- infectious c. n. s. d. 661 -- chromc bacterial i. d. 673 - Fabry's d. 656 -- mflammatory c. n. s. d. 662 - balantidiasis 673 - Gamstorp's d. 656 -- parasitiC c. n. s. d. 662 - bartonellosIs 673 - Gaucher's d. 656 - congemtal heart diseases - bejel 673 - Gdbert's d. 656 -- cyanotic c. h. d. 662 - blastomycosIs 674 - graft-versus-host d., acute - connective tissue d. 662 - borrehosis, Lyme 674 656 - gastromtestmal tract - brucellosis 674 - graft-versus-host d., mflammatory d. 663 - campylobacteriosis 674 chronic 656 - immunologically mediated - candiillasis 674 - Graves' d. 656 d.662 - cat scratch disease 673 - Hartnup d. 657 - mflammatory d. 662 - cholera 674 - hemoglobin C d. 657 -- acute inflammatory d. 662 - chronic i. d. 674 - hemoglobm D d. 657 -- chronic inflammatory d. - clonorchiasis 674 - hemoglobin E d. 657 662 - clostridial i. d. 675 - Hurler's d. 657 - inflammatory pulmonary d. - COCCIdIOidomycosis 675 - immune-complex d. 657 668 - coccidiosis 675 - inflammatory bowel d. 657 - intestme d. 663 - cryptococcosis 675 - ischemic cerebral d. 657 - jomt d. 663 - cryptospondlOsls 675 - ISchemic heart d. 657 -- degenerative d. of Jomts - cystICercosis 675 - Jacobs-Creutzfeld d. 657 664 - dengue 675 - Krabbe's d. 657 -liver d. 664 - diphtheria 675 - Leterer-Siwe d. 657 -- acute liver d. 665 - disease, legionnaires' 675 - maple syrup urine d. 657 -- chronic liver d. 665 - dysentery, bacillary 676 - Menetner's d. 658 - lymphoproliferative d. 665 - ehrhchiosls 676 - mixed connective tissue d. - muscular mflammatory d. - erysipelas 676 658 665 - erythema infectiosum 676

Register 1073 - exanthema subitum 676 - measles 680 -- miliary t. 685 - fascioliasis 676 - mononucleosis, infectious -- prostate t. 685 - fever, Colorado tick 676 680 -- renal t. 685 - fever, hemorrhagic 676 - mucormycosis 680 - tularenua 686 - fever, paratyphOId 676 - mycoplasmosis 680 - typhus, epidemic 686 - fever, Rocky Mountain, - mycosis fungoides 680 - varicella 686 spotted 676 - nocardiosis 681 - variola vera 686 - fever, typhoid 677 - opisthorchiasis 681 - viral I. d. 686 - fever, yellow 677 - paragonimiasis 681 -- acute viral i. d. 686 - filariasis 677 - parasitic i. d. 681 - yaws 686 - fungal I. d. 677 -- acute parasItic I. d. 681 disopyramide (Ph) 858 - giardiasIS 677 - parotitis, epidemic 681 disulfiram (Ph) 858 - gonorrhea 677 - pertussIs 681 diuresis 686 - Hantavirus pulmonary - pinta 681 - forced d. 686 syndrome 676 - pohomyelitis, acute - osmotic d. 686 - herpes simplex 677 anterior 681 diuretics (Ph) 858 - herpes zoster 677 - protozoan i. d. 681 diverticuhtis 686 - histoplasmosis 677 - pseudomalleus 682 DNA-testing - hookworm disease 678 - psittaCOSIs 682 - amniotic flnid 383 - I. d. caused by adenoV!ruSes - Q-fever 682 - cerebrospinal flwd 399 678 - rabies 682 dobutamine (Ph) 859 - i. d. caused by cestodes 678 - rickettSiosis 682 (Ph) 859 - I. d. caused by chlamydia - rubella 682 dofetilide (Ph) 859 678 - salmonellosIs 682 dolasetron (Ph) 859 - i. d. caused by coxsackie - scabies 682 domperidone (Ph) 859 678 - scarlatina 682 donezepil (Ph) 859 - I. d. caused by cytomegalo- - sdustosonuasis 682 dopamine Virus 678 - sporotrichosis 682 - blood 166 - i. d. caused by Haemophilus - streptococcal i. d. 683 dopamine (Ph) 859 influenzae 678 - strongyloidiasis 683 doxapram (Ph) 859 - I. d. caused by Helicobacter - syphihs 683 doxazosin (Ph) 859 pylori 678 -- neurosyphiliS 683 doxepin (Ph) 859 - i. d. caused by NeISseria - tapeworm mfestation 683 doxercalciferol (Ph) 859 678 -- t. I. caused by Diphyllo- doxorubicin (Ph) 859 - I. d. caused by bothrium latum 683 doxycyclme (Ph) 860 Parainfluenza virus 678 -- t. i. caused by Echinococ- drainage, ileostonuc 686 - i. d. caused by parvoviruses cus granulosus 683 droperidol (Ph) 860 678 -- t. i. caused by Hyme- drowning, near 686 - I. d. caused by nolepis nana 683 - freshwater d. 686 Pneumocystis carmii 679 -- t. I. caused by Taenia - seawater d. 687 - i. d. caused by Pseu- saginata 683 drug allergies detection domonas aeruginosa 679 -- t. I. caused by Taenia - blood 166 - I. d. caused by resprratory sohum 683 drug monitoring syncytial VIruS 679 - tetanus 683 - blood 166 - I. d. caused by Yersinia - toxocariasis 684 dysautonomia, familial 687 enterocolitica 679 - toxoplasmosis 684 dysfibrinogenemla 687 - i. d. caused by Yersinia pesti - trachoma 684 dysgammaglobulinemia 687 679 - trichmosis 684 dysgenesis, reticular, with - influenza 679 - tricltomoniasis 684 aleukocytosis 687 - intra-amniotic I. d. 679 - trichostrongylosis 684 dysmenorrhea 687 - leishmaniasis 679 - trichuriasis 684 dysproteinenua 687 - leprosy 679 - trypanosomiasis 684 dysrrhythmla 687 - leptospirosis 679 -- Chagas' disease 684 dystrophy 687 - listeriosis 680 - tuberculosis 684 - acute hepatic d. 687 - lymphogranuloma -- adrenal t. 685 - muscular d. 687 venereum 680 -- CNS t. 685 -- Duchenne's m. d. 687 - malaria 680 - -lung t. 685 -- progressive m. d. 687

1074 Register -- progressive m. d. (limb- - postvaccinal e. 691 - perItoneal fluid 500 girdle) 687 - St. Louis e. 691 - pleural fluid 508 - myotomc d. 688 - VIral e. 691 - SynOVial fluid 536 encephalocele 691 -urme 567 encephalomyelitis 691 ependymal cells - acute disseminated e. 691 - cerebrospmal fluid 400 E - acute viral e. 692 ephedrine (Ph) 861 ecchymoses 688 - amebic e. 692 epidermal growth factor eclampsia 688 - epidemic myalgic e. 692 - blood 169 eczema 688 encephalopathy 692 epididymitIS 693 edema 688 - arseuical e. 692 epiglottitIS 693 - bacterial e. 689 - druge. 692 epliepsy 694 - cardiac e. 688 - hepatic e. 692 epinephrme - cerebral e. 688 - hypertensive e. 692 - blood 170 - hepatic e. 688 -Ieade. 692 epmephrme (Ph) 861 - malignant e. 689 - septic e. 692 eprrubicm (Ph) 861 - perIcardial e. 689 - Wermcke's e. 692 epoietin (Ph) 861 - perItoneal e. 689 endocarditIS 692 eprosartan (Ph) 861 - pleural e. 689 - bacterial e. 692 eptmbatlde (Ph) 861 - pulmonary e. 688 - LOffier's parietal fibro- ergocalciferol (Ph) 861 - renal e. 688 plastic e. 692 ergonovine (Ph) 861 - rheumatoid e. 689 - rheumatic e. 692 ergosterol (Ph) 861 - traumatic e. 689 - subacute e. 693 ergot alkalOids (Ph) 861 - tuberculous e. 689 endometnosis 693 error, inborn, of amino acid Ca-EDTA (Ph) 837 endorphins metabohsm 694 EDTA (Ph) 860 - cerebrospinal flUid 399 erythema 694 efavrrenz (Ph) 860 endothelins - e. multlforme 694 effusion 688 - blood 168 - e. nodosum 694 elastase endralazine (Ph) 860 erythroblastosis, fetal 694 - blood 167 enflurane (Ph) 860 erythrocyte sedimentation elastase-l enkephalms rate - stool 525 - blood 169 - blood (H) 432 electro acupuncture 689 - cerebrospmal fluid 399 erythrocyte survival electromyography 690 enolase - blood (H) 434 embolism 690 - blood 169 erythrocytes - air e. 690 - cerebrospinal fluid 399 - blood (H) 434 - amniotic fluid e. 690 enoxacin (Ph) 860 - cerebrospmal fluid 400 - cerebral e. 690 enoxaparin (Ph) 860 - peritoneal fluid 500 - fat e. 690 enoxolone (Ph) 860 - pleural f1wd 508 - mesentenc artery e. 690 enteritIS 693 - synoVIal fluid 536 - paradoxical e. 690 - Idiopathic e. 693 erythrocytic folate - pulmonary e. 690 - infectious e. 693 - blood (H) 437 - renal artery e. 690 - necrotizing e. in infancy 693 erythrocytic mdices emphysema, pulmonary 690 - tuberculous e. 693 - blood (H) 437 empyema, pleural 691 enterocolitis 693 erythrocytic protoporphyrm - subdural p. e. 691 enteropathy 693 - blood (H) 438 enalaprli (Ph) 860 - necrotic e. 693 erythrocytosis, familial 694 enaprilat (Ph) 860 - protein-Iosmg e. 693 erythromycm (Ph) 861 encephalitis 691 eosinophil cationic protein erythropoietin - acute hemorrhagic e. 691 - blood (H) 430 - blood (H) 438 - aseptic e. 691 eosinophil chemotactic factor erythropOietin (Ph) 861 - bacterial e. 691 of anaphylaxls erythrosme (Ph) 862 - cytomegalovirus e. 691 - blood 169 Cl-esterase inhibitor - e.lethargica 691 eosmophilia, tropical 693 - blood 170 - herpetic e. 691 eosmophlis estradiol - Japanese B e. 691 - blood (H) 431 - blood 171 - postinfectious e. 691 - cerebrospinal fluid 399 estradiol (Ph) 862

Register 1075 estramustine (Ph) 862 factors, mterfering 694 -- fish oil 699 estriol - age 694 -- garlic 698 - ammotic fluid 384 -- adolescents 694 -- gelatin 698 - blood 172 -- children 695 -- glucose 698 estriol (Ph) 862 -- elder people 695 -- grapes 698 estriol, free -- healthy adult people 695 -- horse radish 699 - blood 173 -- newborns 695 -- kalium 699 estrogens -- postmenopause female -- kiwi 699 - blood 173 695 -- legumes 699 - urine 567 -- smaller of twins 695 -- lettuce 699 estrogens (Ph) 862 - body posture 695 - -leucine 699 estrone -- supine b. p. 695 -- meal (postprandial) 699 - blood 174 -- upright b. p. 695 -- meat 699 estrone (Ph) 862 - dIUrnal variatIOns 695 -- milk 699 ethacrynic acid (Ph) 862 -- early morning 695 -- milk in children 699 ethambutol (Ph) 862 -- evening 696 -- mushrooms 699 ethanol (Ph) 863 -- mormng 696 -- nuts 699 ethanol gelation test -- sleep 696 -- olive oil 699 - blood (H) 439 - environment 696 -- orange 699 ethanolamme -- cold e. 696 -- pepper 699 - unne 568 -- heat e. 696 -- pmeapple 699 ether (Ph) 863 -- high altitude e. 696 -- plums 699 (Ph) 863 - exertion 696 -- proteins 700 ethionamide (Ph) 863 -- active athletes 696 -- rhubarb 700 ethosUXImide (Ph) 863 -- hyperventilation 697 -- salt 700 ethotoin (Ph) 864 -- physICal exertion -- soya oil 699 ethoxazene (Ph) 864 generally 696 -- spinach 700 ethylestrenol (Ph) 864 -- prolonged physical e. 697 -- sunflower oil 699 etidronate (Ph) 864 -- strenuous e. 697 -- tea 700 etodolac (Ph) 864 - fasting 697 -- tomatoes 700 etofibrate (Ph) 864 - hyperventilation 697 -- water 700 etomidate (Ph) 864 - nutritIOn - increased intake -- yeast 700 etoposide (Ph) 864 of 697 - nutrition - insufficient etretinate (Ph) 864 -- animal lipids (fats) 697 intake of 700 etynodiol (Ph) 864 -- avocado 697 -- calcium 700 euglobulin lysis time -- banana 697 -- cholesterol 700 - blood (H) 439 -- beans 697 -- chromium 700 eunuchoidism 694 -- beets 698 -- iron 700 exanthema, VIral 694 -- cabbage 698 -- magnesIUm 700 exudate 694 -- caffeine 698 -- phosphorus 700 - pericardial fluid 496 -- calcIUm 698 -- proteins 700 - pentoneal fluid 500 -- carbohydrates 698 -- salt 700 - pleural fluid 508 -- cheese 698 -- selenium 700 -- cherries 698 -- total parenteral nutrition -- chewing gum 698 701 -- chlonde 698 -- vitamin A 701 F -- chocolate 698 -- vitamin Bl 701 factor B -- cholesterol 698 -- vitamin B12 701 - blood 174 -- cocoa 698 -- vitamin B2 701 factor D -- coffee 698 -- vitamin B6 701 - blood 175 -- dressings 698 -- vitamin C 701 factor H -- fatty acids - -- vitamin D 701 - blood 175 polysaturated 698 -- vitamin E 701 factor I -- fatty acids - polyunsatu• -- vitamin K 701 - blood 175 rated 698 -- water 702 -- fibres 698 -- zmc 702

1076 Register - psychic conditIOns 702 fenyramidol (Ph) 866 fluconazole (Ph) 866 -- emotions 702 feprazone (Ph) 866 flucytosine (Ph) 866 -- fear 702 ferritin fludarabine (Ph) 867 -- radiation therapy 702 - blood 176 fludrocortisone (Ph) 867 -- radiographic contrast - blood (H) 440 flunarizine (Ph) 867 media 702 - cerebrospmal flUid 400 flumsolide (Ph) 867 - variations, seasonal 702 fetal hemoglobm fluocinolone acetonide (Ph) -- autumn (fall) 702 - blood (H) 440 867 -- spring 702 fever 706 fluorides -- summer 702 - familial Mediterranean f. - urine 568 -- winter 702 706 fluondes (Ph) 867 fadrozole (Ph) 864 - rheumatic f. 706 fluorme failure 702 fibrin degradation products - blood 180 - adrenal f. 702 - blood (H) 441 5-fluorocytosine (Ph) 867 - bone marrow f. 702 - pleural flUid 508 fluoroprednisolone (Ph) 867 - gonadal f. (female) 702 - urine 568 fluoroquinolones (Ph) 867 - gonadal f. (male) 703 fibrinogen fluorosis 707 - heart f. 703 - blood (H) 442 5-fluorouracil (Ph) 867 -- fetal heart f. 703 - cerebrospinal flUid 400 fluoxetme (Ph) 867 -liver f. 703 fibrinolysis, primary 706 fluoxymesterone (Ph) 867 -lung f. 704 fibrinolylics (Ph) 866 fluphenazine (Ph) 867 -- acute lung f. 704 fibrinopeptide A flurandrenolide (Ph) 868 - ovary f. 704 - blood (H) 443 flurazepam (Ph) 868 - pituitary f. 704 fibroblast growth factors flurbiprofen (Ph) 868 - placental f. 704 - blood 178 flutamide (Ph) 868 - renal f. fibronectin fluticasone (Ph) 868 -- acute renal f. 704 - blood 179 fluvastatm (Ph) 868 -- chromc renal f. 705 - bronchoalveolar lavage fluvoxamme (Ph) 868 famotidme (Ph) 864 fluid 390 folic acid fasciitis 705 - cerebrospinal flUid 400 - blood (H) 443 - eosinophilic f. 705 - peritoneal fluid 500 folic acid (Ph) 868 - necrotizmg f. 705 - pleural fluid 509 follicle stimwating hormone fasting fibrosis 706 - amniotic flUid 384 - factors, mterfering - - cystic pancrealic f. 706 follicle-stimwating hormone exertion 697 - pwmonary cyslic f. 707 - blood 181 fat - retropentoneal f. 707 - urine 569 - stool 525 filgraslim (Ph) 866 follitropin (Ph) 868 fat emwsions (Ph) 865 finastende (Ph) 866 fomepizole (Ph) 868 febrile agglutinms fipeXide (Ph) 866 fomivirsen (Ph) 868 - blood 175 fissure, anal 707 foscarnet sodium (Ph) 868 feedmg, breast 706 fistwa 707 fosfomycin (Ph) 868 felbamate (Ph) 865 - arterio-venous f. 707 fosinopril (Ph) 868 felodipme (Ph) 865 - esophago-pericardial f. 707 fosphenytoin (Ph) 869 femmization 706 - gastric-duodenal f. 707 fractures, healmg 707 - adrenal f. 706 - intestinal f. 707 free fatty acids - f. in children 706 - lymphatic f. 707 - blood 181 - testicwar f. 706 - pancreatic f. 707 free oxygen radicals fenbufen (Ph) 865 flavoxate (Ph) 866 - blood 182 fenclofenac (Ph) 865 flecainide 866 - bronchoalveolar lavage fenfluramine (Ph) 865 fleroxacm (Ph) 866 fluid 391 fenofibrate (Ph) 865 floctafenine (Ph) 866 free thyroxine index fenoldopam (Ph) 865 flow cytometry - blood 183 fenoprofen (Ph) 865 - bronchoalveolar lavage fructosamine fenoterol (Ph) 865 fluid 390 - blood 183 (Ph) 865 floxuridme (Ph) 866 fructose fenliazac (Ph) 865 (Ph) 866 - blood 184

Register 1077 - seminal fluid 517 -- Waldenstrom's macro- glomerulonephritis 711 -urme 569 globulinemia 709 - acute g. (streptococcal) fructose (Ph) 869 - polyclonal g. 710 -- membranoproliferative g. fructosuria 707 ganciclovir (Ph) 869 711 fungi gangliopathy 710 -- postinfectIOus g. (non- - peritoneal fluid 500 ganglIosidosIs GM1 710 streptococc 712 furazolidine (Ph) 869 gangliosidosis GM2 710 -- rapidly progressive g. 712 furosemide (Ph) 869 - Sandoff's disease 710 - chronic g. 712 fusidic acid (Ph) 869 - Tay-Sachs disease 710 - subacute g. 712 gangrene 710 glomerulosclerosis, diabetic - diabetic g. 71 0 712 - gaseous g. 71 0 glucagon G - muscular g. 710 - blood 189 gabapentin (Ph) 869 - penis g. 710 glucagon (Ph) 870 galactokinase in RBC - pulmonary g. 71 0 glucocorticoids (Ph) 871 - blood (H) 444 gastrectomy 71 0 glucose galactorrhea 707 gastric inhibitory polypeptide - amuiotic fluid 385 galactose - blood 185 - blood 190 - blood 184 gastrin - cerebrospinal fluid 401 - urine 569 - blood 185 - pericardial fluid 496 galactose-1-phosphate in gastrin tetrapeptide (Ph) 869 - peritoneal fluid 501 RBC gastrItis 71 0 - pleural fluid 509 - blood (H) 444 - atrophic g. 711 - synoVIal f1wd 537 galactose-1-phosphate uridyl -- chronic atrophic g. 711 - urine 570 transferase gastroenteriti D-glucose (Ph) 871 - blood 184 - eosmophihc g. 711 glucose polymers (Ph) 871 galactosemia 708 gastroenteritis 711 glucose-6-phosphate gallium nitrate (Ph) 869 gastroenteropathy, allergic dehydrogenase GALOP syndrome antibodies 711 - blood 193 - blood 184 gastropathy, hypertrophic glucose-6-phosphate gamma globulm (Ph) 869 hypersecretory 711 dehydrogenase in RBC gamma globulins gatifloxacin (Ph) 870 - blood (H) 444 - blood 188 GC-globulin glucuronic acid - cerebrospinal fluid 401 - blood 186 - urine 571 gamma interferon-inducible gemcitabine (Ph) 870 glutamate dehydrogenase protein 10 gemfibrozil (Ph) 870 - blood 194 - blood 234 gemtuzumab (Ph) 870 glutamic acid gamma-aminobutyric acid gene probes - blood 195 - cerebrospinal fluid 395 - bronchoalveolar lavage - cerebrospinal fluid 402 gamma-glutamyltransferase fluid 391 glutamic acid decarboxylase - blood 196 - pleural fluid 509 antibodies - cerebrospinal fluid 402 gentamicin (Ph) 870 - blood 195 - urine 571 gestagens (Ph) 870 glutamme gammopathy 708 gigantism 711 - blood 196 - benign monoclonal g. 708 g1afenine (Ph) 870 - cerebrospinal fluid 402 - malignant monoclonal g. glial fibrillary acidic protein -urme 571 708 - cerebrospinal fluid 401 glutathione in RBC -- heavy-chain alpha disease glibenclamide (Ph) 870 - blood (H) 445 708 glimepiride (Ph) 870 glutathIOne peroxidase -- heavy-chain gamma glipizide (Ph) 870 - blood 198 disease 708 globulins glutathione peroxidase in RBC -- heavy-chain Mu disease -blood 187 - blood (H) 445 708 - bronchoalveolar lavage glutathione reductase in RBC -- plasmocytoma IgA 708 fluid 391 - blood (H) 445 -- plasmocytoma IgD 709 - pleural fluid 509 glutathione S-transferase -- plasmocytoma IgG 709 - urine 570 - blood 199

1078 Register glutethimide (Ph) 871 growth hormone-releasing - intravascular h. 715 glyburide (Ph) 871 hormone - mechanic h. 715 glycated hemoglobin - blood 201 - medicamentous h. 715 - blood (H) 446 guaifenesin (Ph) 872 hemoperfuslOn 715 glycerol guanabenz (Ph) 872 hemopexin - blood 199 guanethidine (Ph) 872 - blood (H) 450 glycerol (Ph) 871 guanfacine (Ph) 872 - pleural flwd 510 glyceryl trinitrate (Ph) 871 guanine deaminase hemophilia 715 glycme - blood 202 - hemophilia A 715 - blood 199 guanoxan (Ph) 872 - hemophilia B 716 - cerebrospinal fluid 402 gynecomasty 714 - hemophilia C 716 - urine 571 hemorrhage 716 glycogenosis 713 - acute h. 716 - type I (von Gierke's - anovulatory h. 716 disease) 712 H - cerebral h. 716 - type II (Pompe's disease) halcinonide (Ph) 872 - chronic h. 716 713 hallucinogens - esophageal varices h. 716 - type III (Forbes' disease, - urine 572 - gastrointestinal tract h. 716 Cori's disease) 713 halofenate (Ph) 872 - intraamruotic h. 716 - type IV (Andersen's dis- haloperidol (Ph) 873 - intracranial h. 716 ease) 713 halothane (Ph) 873 - neonatal h. 717 - type V (McArdle's disease) haptoglobin -- mternal neonatal h. 717 713 - blood (H) 447 -- twtn-to-twin n. h. (donor - type VI (Hers' disease) 713 - pleural fluid 510 twin shows) 717 - type VII (LewJ.s-Thompson HDL-cholesterol -- twtn-to-twin n. h. disease) 713 - blood 134 (recipient twm shows) 717 - type VIII (Tar-rui disease) heat shock proteins - subarachnoid h. 717 713 - blood 202 - subdural h. 717 glycol hematOCrIt hemorrhoids 717 - blood 200 - blood (H) 448 hemosiderin glycopyrronium bromide hematoma 714 - urine 573 (Ph) 871 - subdural h. 714 hemothorax 717 glycosarninoglycans hemochromatosis 714 heparin co-factor II - pleural fluid 509 - neonatal h. 714 - blood (H) 451 - urine 571 - primary idIopathic h. 714 heparin sodium (Ph) 873 glycosuria 713 hemoconcentration 714 hepatitis 717 glycosylated albumin hemodilution 714 - acute h. 717 - blood 200 hemoglobin -- acute fulmmant h. with goiter 713 - blood (H) 448 hepatic fiulure 717 - adenomatous g. 713 - stool 526 -- acute hepatitis A 718 - nodular g. 713 - urine 572 -- acute hepatitis B gold salts (Ph) 871 hemoglobin A2 (convalescence) 718 gonadorelin (Ph) 871 - blood (H) 450 -- acute hepatitis B (high gonadotropins (Ph) 871 hemoglobin F, hereditary infectivity) 718 gosere1in (Ph) 872 persistence 714 -- acute hepatitIS B (late, low granisetron (Ph) 872 hemogiobmS mfectivity) 718 granulomatosis, Wegener's - blood (H) 450 -- acute hepatItis B 713 hemoglobinopathy 714 (recovery) 718 grepafloxacin (Ph) 872 hemoglobinuria 714 -- acute hepatitis B (Ph) 872 - march h. 714 (serologic gap) 718 growth 714 - paroxysmal cold h. 715 -- acute hepatitIS C 718 - physiological body g. 714 - paroxysmal noctl1rnal h. -- acute hepatitis D 718 - physiological bone g. 714 715 -- acute hepatitis E 718 growth hormone hemolysis 715 - acute viral h. - amniotic fluid 385 - acute h. 715 -- acute viral hepatitis (hepa- - blood 200 - infectious h. 715 titis A, B, C, D, E) 718

Register 1079 - alcoholic h. 719 Iustamine human soluble vascular cell - autoimmune chromc active - blood 207 adhesIOn molecule-I h.719 - urine 573 - blood 215 - chronic h. 719 histamine (Ph) 873 human T-celllymphotrophic -- chronic active hepatitis B histidine virus III! antibodies (progressive) 719 - blood 208 - blood 216 -- chronic hepatitis B - urine 574 - cerebrospinal flnid 403 (chronic persistent) 719 histidine (Ph) 873 hyaluronic acid -- chronic hepatitis B (high histidinemia 722 - peritoneal fluid 501 infectivity) 719 histiocytosis X 722 hydantoins (Ph) 873 -- chronic hepatitis B (late, histrelin (Ph) 873 hydatid antibodies low mfectivity) 719 HIV-I RNA - blood 216 -- chronic hepatitis e 720 - blood 208 hydralazine (Ph) 874 -- chronic hepatitis D 720 homocysteine hydrazines (Ph) 874 - hepalltls B (HBV) 720 - blood 209 hydrocephalus 722 - hepatitis e (HeV) 720 - urine 574 - non-obstructive h. 722 - hepatitis D (HDV) 720 homocysteinuria 722 - obstructive h. 722 - hepatitis E (HEV) 720 homogentisic acid hydrochloric aCid - hepalltls G (HGV) 720 - urine 574 - gastric flwd 416 - infectious hepatills (HAV) homovanilic acid hydrochlorothiazide (Ph) 874 720 - urine 574 hydrocodone (Ph) 874 -lupus h. 721 hormones and hormone-like hydrocortisone (Ph) 874 - neonatal h. 721 substances hydromorphone (Ph) 874 - peliosis h. 721 - blood 209 hydronephros 722 - postmedicamentous h. 721 - reported to be produced hydrops, fetal 722 - toxic h. 721 by cancers hydrothorax 722 hepatitIS A 202 -- blood 211 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy- hepatitis A antigen human chorionic gonado- mandelic acid - stool 526 tropm - urine 576 hepatitis associated anllgens - amniollc fluid 385 hydroxybutyric dehydro- and antibodies - blood 212 genase - blood 202 - cerebrospinal fluid 403 - blood 217 hepatitis B 203 - urine 575 hydroxycarbamide (Ph) 874 hepalltis e 205 human hematopOietic growth hydroxychloroquine (Ph) 874 hepatills D 205 factors 17 -hydroxycorticosteroids hepatitis E 206 - blood (H) 451 - urine 579 hepatitis G 206 human immunodeficiency hydroxycortisone (Ph) 874 hepatocyte growth factor virus antibodies 18-hydroxydeoxy- - blood 206 - blood 212 corticosterone hepatopathy 721 human leukocyte anllgen - blood 217 hepatosplenomegaly 721 antibodies 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid heptabarbital (Ph) 873 - blood 213 - cerebrospinal fluid 403 hernia 722 human leukocyte antigen - urine 575 - diaphragmatic h. 722 system 17 -hydroxyprogesterone - Iuatal h. 722 - blood 213 - amniotic fluid 385 heroin (Ph) 873 human placental lactogen - blood 217 hexosaminidase - blood 214 hydroxyproime - blood 206 human soluble endothelial - blood 218 - urine 573 cell leukocyte adhesion - cerebrospinal fluid 403 hexosaminidase A - blood 214 - urine 576 - blood 207 human soluble intercellular hydroxyproline, free - tears 542 adhesion molecule-l - urine 577 hexosammidase B - blood 215 hydroxyprolinemia, heredi- - blood 207 human soluble vascular cell tary 722 hirsutism 722 adhesion molecule 1 hydroxyurea (Ph) 874 - cerebrospinal fluid 403 hyperadrenalism 723

1080 Register hyperalbwninemia 723 hyperphosphataserrna 727 hypokalemia 731 hyperaldosterorusm 723 - benign familial h. 727 hypolipoprotemerrna 731 - prlDlary h. 723 - benign transIent h. 727 -HDLh.731 - secondary h. 723 hyperphosphatasia 727 -LDLh.731 hyperammonemia, congenital hyperpitnitarism 727 hypomagnesemia 732 723 hyperplasia 727 hyponatremia 732 hyperbetaalanmemia 723 - adrenal cortex h. 727 - hypervolemic h. 732 hyperhIiirubinemia, familial - benign prostate h. 727 - hypervolemic hypotonic h. in infants 723 hyperplasia of thyrOId C-cells 732 hypercalcemia 723 727 - hypovolerrnc h. 732 - familial hypocalaurIc h. 723 hyperprolactmemia 727 -- extrarenal hypovolerrnc h. - h. of malIgnancy 723 hyperproJinemia 728 732 hypercalciuria, renal 724 hyperprotememia 728 -- renal hypovolemic h. 732 hypercapnia 724 hypersplenism 728 - isovolemic hypotonic h. hyperemesIS gravidarum 724 hypertension 728 732 hyperfibrinogenemia 724 - arterial h. 728 - normovolemic h. 732 hyperfibrinolysis 724 - intracranIal h. 728 hypoosmolality due to hypergammaglobulinemia 724 - malignant h. 728 hemodIalysis 732 hypergiycemia. chronic 724 - portal h. 728 hypoparathyroidIsm 732 hyperglycinemia 724 - pregnancy induced h. 728 - idiopathic h. 732 hyperhydratation 724 - pulmonary h. 728 hypophosphatasia 732 - hypertonic h. 724 - renovascular h. 728 hypophosphaterrna 732 - hypotonic h. 724 hyperthermia, malIgnant 729 hypopItuitarism 733 - isotoruc h. 724 hyperthyrOIdism, primary - selectIve h. 733 hypermsulinlsm 724 729 hypoprotemerrna 733 hyperkalemia 725 hypertriacylgiycerolemia 729 hyposplenism 733 hyperlipiderrna 725 - familial h. 729 hypotension 733 hyperlipoprotememia 725 hypertyrosmerrna 729 - fetal h. 733 - chylorrncron h. 725 hyperurIcemia 729 hypothermIa 733 -h.I725 hyperventilation 729 hypothyrol(hsm 733 - h. II 725 hypervItammosis 730 - central h. 733 - h. III 725 - nicotinic acid h. 730 - h. m children 733 - h. IV 725 - VItamin A h. 730 - prlDlary h. 733 -h.V 725 - vitanIin C h. 730 - secondary h. 734 -HDLh.725 - vltamm D h. 730 - tertiary h. 734 - IDLh. 725 - vitamm E h. 730 hypoventiiatIon 734 - LDLh. 725 hypnotics (Ph) 875 hypoxia 734 - LDL, VLDL h. 726 hypoadrenalism 730 - central nervous system h. - VLDL, chylomicron h. 726 hypoalbummemla 730 734 -VLDLh.726 - hypoanabohc h. 730 hyperlordosis 726 hypoaldosteronism 730 hyperlysinemla 726 - primary h. 730 hypermagnesemia 726 - secondary h. 730 hypermethioninemia 726 hypocalcemia 730 IbopanIine (Ph) 875 hypernatremia 726 - hereditary h. 730 ibuprofen (Ph) 875 - essential h. 726 hypocaprua 731 idarubicin (Ph) 875 - natnum overload h. 726 hypocorticism, central 731 Idiocy, familial amaurotic - water deficiency h. 726 hypofibrinogenemia 731 734 hyperorruthinemia 726 hypogammaglobulmemia IDL-cholesterol hyperosmolality 726 731 - blood 135 hyperostosis, diffuse hypogiycerrna 731 idoxundine (Ph) 875 idiopatluc skeletal 726 hypogonadism 731 ifosfamide (Ph) 875 hyperoxaluria 726 - central h. 731 IgA, IgG antibodies against hyperparathyroidism 726 - maleh. 731 Epstein-Barr virus vir - primary h. 726 - peripheral h. 731 - blood 218 - secondary h. 727 hypoinsulinism 731 Ileostomy 734

Register 1081 ileus 734 infarction 735 inswin-like growth factor - gallstone i. 734 - adrenal i. 735 bmding protem-3 - mechamc i. 734 - cerebral i. 735 - blood 231 - meconium i. 735 -liver i. 735 inswin -like growth factor - postsurgery i. 735 - mesentenal i. 735 bmding protein-4 iminoglycinurla 735 - myocardial i. 735 - blood 231 - familial i. 735 - pituitary i. 736 inswm-like growth factor Imipenem-cilastatin (Ph) 875 - placental 1. 736 bindmg protem-5 imipramine (Ph) 875 - prostate i. 736 - blood 231 Immaturity, pwmonary 735 - pwmonary i. 736 inswin-like growth factor immediate hypersensitivity - renal i. 736 bindmg protein-6 mediators - spinal cord i. 736 - blood 231 - blood 219 - spleen i. 737 inswin-like growth factor I Immobilization 735 infertility 737 - blood 228 immunodeficiency 735 - male i. 737 inswin-like growth factor II - cellwar i. 735 - primary female i. 737 - blood 229 - common variable i. 735 inflixlmab (Ph) 876 mtegrms - severe combined 1. 735 inhibins - blood 232 immunoglobwin A - blood 226 mter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor - blood 219 injection 737 - blood 232 - cerebrospinal fluid 403 - intramuscwar i. 737 interferon - pleural fluid 510 - mtrathecal i. 737 - cerebrospinal fluid 404 - saliva 514 injury, endothelial 737 interferon alfacon-1 (Ph) 877 - urine 577 inosiplex (Ph) 876 interferon alpha (Ph) 876 immunoglobwin D inosItol interferon alpha-2a (Ph) 877 - blood 220 - blood 226 mterferon alpha-2b (Ph) 877 immunoglobwin E insufficiency 737 interferon alpha-n1 (Ph) 877 - blood 221 - adrenal i. 737 interferon alpha-n3 (Ph) 877 immunoglobulin G -- primary adrenal i. 737 interferon beta-1b (Ph) 876 - blood 222 -- secondary adrenal i. 737 mterferon gamma-1b (Ph) - cerebrospinal fluid 404 - cardiac i. 738 877 - pleural fluid 510 - coronary i. 738 interferons - saliva 514 - corpus luteum i. 738 - blood 232 immunoglobulin M - gonadal i. 738 interleukin 2 (Ph) 877 - blood 223 - hepatIc i. 738 mterleukm 6 - cerebrospinal flmd 404 - hypophysis i. 738 - amniotic fluid 385 immunoglobwins - i. 738 - cerebrospinal flmd 405 - blood 224 - ovarian i. 738 - urine 577 - bronchoalveolar lavage -- primary ovarian i. 738 mterleukins fluid 391 -- secondary ovanan i. 739 - blood 234 immunoglobwins (Ph) 875 - pancreatic i. 739 - bronchoalveolar lavage lllullunoreactive Insulin - placental i. 739 fluid 391 - blood 225 - renal i. 739 intestine, blind loop of 740 immunoreactIve proinsuhn -- acute renal i. 739 intolerance 740 - blood 226 -- chronic renal i. 739 - disaccharide i. 740 Immunoreactive trypsin - respiratory i. 739 - fructose i. 740 - blood 226 - testes i. 740 - monosaccharide i. 740 immunosuppressive acidic inswin mtOJocation by 740 protein - blood 227 - acetaminophen 740 - blood 226 mswm (Ph) 876 - acetone 740 Immunosuppressives (Ph) inswin-like growth factor - aflatoxin 740 875 binding protein - alcohol, acute 740 inamrinone (Ph) 876 - blood 230, - 231 - alummum 740 indapamide (Ph) 876 inswin-like growth factor - Amanita phalloides 740 mdinavir (Ph) 876 bindmg protein-2 - ammonia 740 indomethacin (Ph) 876 - blood 231 - aniline 741

1082 Register - antacIds 741 - manganese 744 iodme - antimony 741 - mannitol 745 - blood 240 - arsenic 741 - marijuana 745 IOdme-contammg prepara- - baryum 741 - mercury 745 tions (Ph) 877 - battery-mdustry environ- - methanol 745 iodothlOuracil (Ph) 878 ment 741 - methyl bromide 745 iopanOlc acid (Ph) 878 - benzene 741 - mining-industry envIron- Ipodate (Ph) 878 -- chromc mtoxication by b. ment 745 iprindole (Ph) 878 741 - mushroom 745 iproniazid (Ph) 878 - beryllium 741 - naphthalene 745 irbesartan (Ph) 878 - bismuth 741 - narcotics 745 irinotecan (Ph) 878 - botulotoxin 741 - nickel 745 iron - bromide 741 - nitrite/mtrate 745 - blood 240 - cadmium 741 - mtrobenzene 745 - urine 577 - carbon dIOxide 742 - opiates 745 iron preparations (Ph) 878 - carbon disulfide 742 - organophosphates 746 ischemia 748 - carbon monoxide 742 - oxalates 746 - cerebral i. 748 - carbon tetrachloride 742 - paraldehyde 746 - hepatic I. 748 - chloroform 742 - paraquat 746 - intestmal I. 748 - chronnum 742 - pesticides 746 - myocarrual i. 748 - cobalt 742 - petrol 746 - renal i. 748 - cocame 742 - petrol-mdustry environ- lSocarboxazid (Ph) 878 - copper 742 ment 746 Isocitrate dehydrogenase -- acute mtoxication by c. 742 - phenacetme 746 - blood 242 -- chronic intoXlcailon by c. - phenols 746 - cerebrospinal flwd 405 742 - phosphorus 746 isoenzyme BB of - coumarin 742 - plastics-industry envtron- g1ycogenphosphorylase B - cyanide 742 ment 746 - blood 243 - drugs (chronic) 742 - rodentlCldes 746 lSoflurane (Ph) 878 - dyes/pamt-industry 742 - salicylates 746 Isoleucine -EDTA 742 - selen 746 - blood 243 - electro-industry 742 - sllver 747 - cerebrospmal fluid 405 - ether 743 - smeltmg-industry environ- - urme 577 - ethylene glycol 743 ment 747 ISoniazId (Ph) 878 - fluonde 743 - snake venom 747 lSopamm (Ph) 878 - fluorme 743 - spIder venom 747 isoprenaline (Ph) 879 - food (staphylococci, - steel-industry environment isopropanol - methanol clostndia, salmonella) 743 747 - blood 243 - formaldehyde 743 - strychnine 747 isopropanol (Ph) 879 - fungtcldes 743 - styrene 747 isoproterenol (Ph) 879 - glass-industry 743 - tetracIllorethane 747 lSosorbide dinitrate (Ph) 879 - glycerol 743 - tetracIllormethane 747 isosorblde monomtrate (Ph) - gold salts 743 - thallium 747 879 - halothane 743 - toluene 747 Isotretinom (Ph) 879 - heavy metals 743 - trichlorethylene 747 israrupine (Ph) 879 - heparin 743 - turpentine 747 itraconazole (Ph) 879 - herbicides 743 - vinyl cIlloride 748 - heroin 744 -water 748 - hexachloride 744 - weapons-mdustry - insecticides 744 environment 748 J - iron 744 -xylene 748 jawtruce 748 - isopropanol 744 - zinc 748 - hemolytic j. 748 -lead 744 mtrmsic factor -- congeuital hemolytic j. -Iipld-Iowermg drugs 744 - gastnc fluid 417 748 -lithIum 744 mulm (Ph) 877 - hepatocellular j. 749 - magnesium 744 iodides (Ph) 877 - mechanIC j. 749

Register 1083 - neonatal j. 749 lamivudine (Ph) 881 - hairy cell I. 751 - obstructive j. 749 lamotrigine (Ph) 881 - lymphatic I. 751 josamycin (Ph) 879 lansoprazole (Ph) 881 -- acute lymphatic I. 751 latamoxef (Ph) 881 -- chronic lymphatic I. 752 laxatives (Ph) 881 - megakarocyte I. 752 LDL-cholesterol - monocytic I. 752 K - blood 135 - myelogenous I. 752 kalium sparing diuretics (Ph) LDL-receptors -- acute myelogenous I. 752 879 - blood 248 -- chronic myelogenous L 752 kanamycin (Ph) 880 LE ceIls -- juvenile chronic myelog- ketarnine (Ph) 880 - blood 248 enous I. 753 ketanserin (Ph) 880 - pleural fluid 511 leukemia inhibitory factor ketobowes - synovial fluid 537 - blood 251 - blood 244 lead leukocyte esterase (Ph) 880 - blood 249 - urine 581 17-ketogenic steroids -urme 580 leukocytes - urine 577 leothin-cholesterol acyl- - blood (H) 452 ketones transferase - cerebrospinal fluid 406 - urine 578 - blood 249 - pericardial fluid 496 ketoprofen (Ph) 880 lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio - peritoneal fluid 501 ketorolac (Ph) 880 - amniotic fluid 386 - pleural flwd 511 17 -ketosterOlds leflunomide (Ph) 881 - stool 526 - amruOtlC fluid 386 lepirudin (Ph) 881 - synovial flwd 537 - urine 579 leptin - urme 581 Ki-1 Antigen 81 - blood 250 leukocytosis 753 kwashIOrkor 749 lesion 749 leukodystrophy, meta- - chorOId plexus I. 749 chromatic 753 - eNS I. 750 leukoencephalitis, subacute - hypothalamus I. 750 sclerosing 753 L -liver I. 750 leukotrienes labetalol (Ph) 880 -- toxic liver I. 750 - blood 251 lactate dehydrogenase - minor myocardial I. 750 leuprolide (Ph) 881 - amniotic fluid 386 - pituitary gland I. 750 levamlsole (Ph) 881 - bronchoalveolar lavage - renal I. 750 levetiracetam (Ph) 881 fluid 391 -- toxic renal I. 750 levobetaxolol (Ph) 881 - cerebrospinal fluid 405 - skeletal muscle I. 750 levobupivacaine (Ph) 881 - peritoneal fluid 501 letrozole (Ph) 881 levodopa (Ph) 882 - pleural fluid 510 leucine levofloxacin (Ph) 882 - synovial fluid 537 - blood 250 levomepromazine (Ph) 882 - urme 580 - cerebrospmal fluid 406 levonorgestrel (Ph) 882 lactation 749 - urine 581 (Ph) 882 - vegane mother I. 749 leucine ammopeptidase hdocaine (Ph) 882 lactic acid - peritoneal fluid 501 light chains - blood 244 - urine 581 - blood 252 - cerebrospinal fluid 405 leucine anunopeptidase and - urine 582 - gastric fluid 417 leucine aryl-amidase lincomycin (Ph) 882 - peritoneal fluid 501 - blood 250 linezolid (Ph) 882 - pleural flwd 510 leukemia liothyronine (Ph) 882 - synovial fluid 537 - acute I. 751 lipase lactic acid dehydrogenase - adult human T-ceIl 1./ - blood 252 - blood 245 lymphoma sy 751 - peritoneal fluid 502 lactoferrin - basophilic I. 751 lipid associated siahc acid - blood 248 - chronic mye1omonocytic I. - blood 253 lactose 751 lipids - urine 580 - eosinophilic I. 751 - blood 253 lactulose (Ph) 880 - erythroleukemia 751 - urine 582

1084 Register lipodystrophy 753 - pericardial fluid 496 - hair 419 lipoidosis 753 - peritoneal fluid 502 - urme 583 - ceramide lactoside I. 753 - pleural fluid 5ll manmtol (Ph) 884 lipoprotein (a) - synovial flmd 538 MAO - blood 254 lymphocytotoXlc antibodies - gastric fluid 417 lipoprotem lipase - blood 257 MAO inhibitors (Ph) 884 - blood 255 lymphogranuloma ingumale maprotiline (Ph) 884 lipoprotein X 755 mastocytes - blood 254 Iynestrenol (Ph) 884 - blood (H) 459 hpOXInS Iysergide (Ph) 884 mastocytosIS 756 - blood (H) 456 lysine matrIX metalloproteinases liquorice (Ph) 882 - blood 257 - blood 263 hsmopril (Ph) 883 - cerebrospinal fluid 407 mean corpuscular hsuride (Ph) 883 - urine 582 hemoglobin lithium lysozyme - blood (H) 460 - blood 255 - blood 258 mean corpuscular hemo- lithium (Ph) 883 - cerebrospinal fluid 407 globin concentration hver, fatty 753 - pleural fluid 5ll - blood (H) 460 - acute fatty liver in preg- - salIva 514 mean corpuscular volume nancy 753 - urine 582 - blood (H) 461 lomefloxacin (Ph) 883 mean platelet volume lomustine (Ph) 883 - blood (H) 462 long-acting thyrOId measles/mumps/rubella stImulator M vaccines (Ph) 884 - blood 255 macroamylasemia 755 mebendazole (Ph) 884 loop diuretics (Ph) 883 macrophage inflammatory mechlorethamine (Ph) 884 loperamide (Ph) 883 protein mec10fenamIc acid (Ph) 884 loracarbef (Ph) 883 - blood 259 meconium lorcainide (Ph) 883 macrophages - amniotIc fluid 386 losartan (Ph) 883 - cerebrospinal flmd 407 medroxyprogesterone (Ph) lovastatm (Ph) 883 - synovial fluid 538 885 low-molecular weIght B-cell magnesium mefenamic acid (Ph) 885 growth factor - blood 259 mefloquine (Ph) 885 - blood 256 - cerebrospinal fluid 407 mefruside (Ph) 885 loxapine (Ph) 884 - stool 527 megacolon, toxic 756 lupus 753 - urme 582 megestrol (Ph) 885 -eNS\. 753 magnesium (Ph) 884 melanocyte stimulating - discoid \. 753 magnesium salts (Ph) 884 hormone - drug-induced I. 753 malabsorption 755 - blood 266 - systemic \. erythematosus - folate m. 755 melanogens 754 - intestinal m. 755 - urme 583 lupus inhibitor - Iron m. 755 melanoma growth stlmulat- - blood 256 - methionine m. 755 ing actIvity luteinIzing hormone malate dehydrogenase - blood 271 - blood 256 - amniotic fluid 386 meloXlcam (Ph) 885 - urine 569 - blood 261 melperone (Ph) 885 Iymphademtis, mesenterial malIgnant cells melphalan (Ph) 885 754 - cerebrospmal fluid 407 meningitis 756 lymphadenopathy, malnutrition 755 - acute purulent m. 756 angioimmunoblastic 754 malone dIaldelIyde - aseptic m. 756 lymphangiectasis, intestinal - blood 261 - bacterial m. 756 754 mammary-derived growth - carcinomatous m. 757 lymphangitis 755 inhibitor - chemical m. 757 lymphocytes - blood 262 - chrome m. 757 - blood (H) 457 manganese - cryptococca1 m. 757 - cerebrospinal fluid 406 - blood 262 - m. in amebiasis 757

Register 1085 - m. in anthrax 757 metamizole (Ph) 887 mianserin (Ph) 890 - m. in brucellosis 757 metandienone (Ph) 887 miconazole (Ph) 890 - m. in coccidioidomycosis metanephrines microangiopathy 759 757 - urine 583 microscopic examination - m. in cysticercosis 757 metaplasia, agnogenic - cerebrospinal fluid 408 - m. in herpes simplex virus myeloid 759 microscopical picture infection 757 metaxalone (Ph) 887 - sputum 521 - m. in herpes zoster virus metergoline (Ph) 887 - stool 527 infection 757 metformin (Ph) 887 trudazolam (Ph) 890 - m. m leptospirosIs 757 methacholine (Ph) 887 (Ph) 890 - m. in Lyme disease 757 methadone (Ph) 887 milrinone (Ph) 890 - m. m measles 758 methandriol (Ph) 887 mineralocortlcoids (Ph) 891 - m. in mumps 758 methanol (Ph) 887 minocycline (Ph) 891 - m. in rabies 758 methapyrilene (Ph) 887 minoxidil (Ph) 891 - m. in sarcoidosis 758 methazolamide (Ph) 887 mirtazapine (Ph) 891 - m. in syphilis 758 methemalbumin misoprostol (Ph) 891 - m. in toxoplasmosis 758 - blood (H) 462 mithramycin (Ph) 891 - meningococcal m. 758 methemoglobin mitocltondrial aspartate - Mollaret's m. 758 - blood (H) 462 aminotransferase - mycotic m. 758 methemoglobinemia 759 - blood 268 - ricketsial m. 758 methenamine (Ph) 887 mitomycin (Ph) 891 - serous m. 758 methimazole (Ph) 888 mitotane (Ph) 891 - tuberculous m. 758 methionine mitoxantrone (Ph) 891 - viral m. 758 - blood 271 moclobemide (Ph) 891 -- acute anterior poliovirus - cerebrospinal fluid 408 modafintl (Ph) 891 m.759 - urine 584 moexipril (Ph) 891 -- acute viral m. 759 methionine (Ph) 888 mole, hydatidiform 759 meningocele 759 methocarbamol (Ph) 888 molindone (Ph) 892 meningoencephalitis 759 methotrexate (Ph) 888 molybdenum - amebic m. 759 methoxamine (Ph) 888 - blood 268 - m. in mumps 759 methoxsalen (Ph) 888 monoclonal proteins meningoradiculitis, Garin- methoxyflurane (Ph) 888 - blood 269 Bujadoux-Bannwarth 759 methyclothiazide (Ph) 888 monocyte cltemotactic meniscectomy 759 methyldopa (Ph) 888 protein-l menopause 759 3-methylhistidine - blood 269 menotropins (Ph) 885 - urine 584 monocytes menstruation 759 methylmalonic acid - blood (H) 463 mepacrine (Ph) 885 - urine 584 - cerebrospinal fluid 408 meperidine (Ph) 885 methylphenidate (Ph) 889 - synovial fluid 538 mephenazme (Ph) 886 (Ph) 889 montelukast (Ph) 892 mephenesin (Ph) 886 methyltestosterone (Ph) 889 moricizine (Ph) 892 mephenytom (Ph) 886 methylthiouracil (Ph) 889 morphine (Ph) 892 mepmdolol (Ph) 886 methylxanthines (Ph) 889 motilin meprobamate (Ph) 886 methyprylon (Ph) 889 - blood 269 mercaptopurine (Ph) 886 methysergide (Ph) 889 moxalactam (Ph) 892 mercurial diuretics (Ph) 886 meticillin (Ph) 889 moxifloxacin (Ph) 892 mercury metirosine (Ph) 889 mucin clot - blood 271 metoclopramide (Ph) 889 - synovial fluid 538 - urine 583 metolazone (Ph) 889 mucin-like high-molecular mercury preparations (Ph) metoprolol (Ph) 890 glycoprotein 886 metrifonate (Ph) 890 - bronchoalveolar lavage meropenem (Ph) 886 metronidazole (Ph) 890 fluid 391 mesalazine (Ph) 886 (Ph) 890 mucopolysaccltaridoses 759 mestranol (Ph) 886 metyrosine (Ph) 890 mucopolysaccltaridosis mesuxirnide (Ph) 886 mextletine (Ph) 890 - m. I (Hurler's sy) 759 metahexamide (Ph) 886 mezlocillin (Ph) 890 - m. II (Hunter's sy) 760

1086 Register - m. III (Sanfilippo's sy) 760 - sweat 532 neutropenia 765 - m. IV (Morqwo's sy) 760 - urine 586 - idiopathic n. 765 - m. VI (Maroteaux-Lamy necrosis 761 - irmnune n. 765 sy) 760 - adrenal cortical n. 762 - periodic n. 765 - m. VII (Sly's sy) 760 - intestme n. 762 neutrophil chemotactic mucoproteins -liver n. 762 factor - blood 270 - pancreas n. 762 - blood 275 mucus - renal n. 762 neutrophils - gastric fluid 417 -- cortical renal n. 762 - blood (H) 466 - stool 527 -- tubular renal n. 762 nevirapme (Ph) 894 Mlillerian inlublting substance - skeletal muscle n. 762 niacm (Ph) 894 - blood 270 - tissue n. 762 (Ph) 894 myasthenia gravis 760 (Ph) 893 niceritrol (Ph) 894 mycophenolate (Ph) 892 ne1finavir (Ph) 893 nickel myelin basic protein neomycin (Ph) 893 - blood 275 - cerebrospinal fluid 409 neonates, premature 762 - urine 587 myelitis, acute 760 neopterin nicotinamide (Ph) 894 myelofibrosis 760 - blood 273 (Ph) 894 myocarditis 760 - urine 586 nicotinic acid - bacterial m. 760 nephrectomy 762 - urine 587 - rheumatic m. 760 C-3 nephritic factor nicotiniC acid (Ph) 894 - viral m. 760 - blood 274 nicotinyl alcohol (Ph) 895 myoglobin nephritis 763 mfedipine (Ph) 895 - blood 270 - interstitial n. 763 niflumlc acid (Ph) 895 - urine 585 -- acute interstitial n. 763 nilutamide (Ph) 895 myoglobinuria, paroxysmal -- cluonic interstitial n. 763 nimodipine (Ph) 895 760 -lupus n. 763 msoldipme (Ph) 895 myopathy, inflammatory 761 - postradiation n. 763 nitrates (Ph) 895 myosin - salt-losing n. 763 nitrazepam (Ph) 895 - blood 271 nephrocalcmosis 763 nitrendipine (Ph) 895 myositis 761 nephrolithiasiS 763 mtrites myotonia 761 nephropathy 764 - urine 587 - atrophic m. 761 - analgesic n. 764 nitrofurantoin (Ph) 895 - congenital m. 761 - chromc lead n. 764 nitroglycerin (Ph) 896 myxedema 761 - diabetic n. 764 nitroprusside sodium (Ph) - hypercalcemic n. 764 896 - salt-losing n. 764 nizatidme (Ph) 896 - sickle cell n. 764 nocloprost (Ph) 896 N - urate n. 764 nomegestrol (Ph) 896 nabumetone (Ph) 892 nephrosclerosis, malignant nomIfensine (Ph) 896 nadolol (Ph) 892 764 non-cellular constituents nafare1in (Ph) 892 nephrosis 764 - sputum 521 nafcIilin (Ph) 892 nerve growth factor non-protem nitrogen nalidixic acid (Ph) 893 - blood 274 - blood 276 nalorphine (Ph) 893 netilmicin (Ph) 894 - stool 528 naloxone (Ph) 893 neuroleptics (Ph) 894 non-sterOid antiphlogistics naltrexone (Ph) 893 neuron -specific enolase (Ph) 896 nandrolone (Ph) 893 - blood 274 norepinephrine nanismus hypophysa1is 761 - cerebrospinal fluid 409 - blood 276 naproxen (Ph) 893 neuropathy 765 norepinephrme (Ph) 896 narcolepsy 761 - diabetic n. 765 noretandrostenolon (Ph) 896 narcotics (Ph) 893 - motor n. 765 norethindrone (Ph) 896 natrium -- multifocal motor n. 765 norethisterone (Ph) 896 - blood 272 - sensory n. 765 norethynodrel (Ph) 896 - saliva 515 neurotensin norfloxacin (Ph) 896 - stool 527 - blood 275 norgestrel (Ph) 897

Register 1087 normal buffer base - cerebrospinal fluid 410 oxycodone (Ph) 899 - acid base balance 375 - urine 588 oxygen satl1ration nortriptyline (Ph) 897 ornithine - acid base balance 376 novobiocin (Ph) 897 carbamoyltransferase oxymetholone (Ph) 899 nuclear matrix protein 22 - blood 278 oxyphenbutazone (Ph) 899 - urine 588 orosomucOld oxyphencyclnrune (Ph) 900 5-nucleotidase 276 - blood 278 oxyphemsatine (Ph) 900 - synovial fluid 539 - pleural fluid 512 oxytetracycline (Ph) 900 nystatin (Ph) 897 orotic acid (Ph) 898 oxytocin orphenadrme (Ph) 898 - blood 281 osmolal gap oxytocin (Ph) 900 - acid base balance 375 o - blood 279 obesity 765 osmolality p obstruction 765 - blood 279 - biliary duct o. 765 - stool 528 pacemaker, atrial 768 - fetal intestinal o. 765 -urme 589 (Ph) 900 - intestinal o. 766 osmotic diuretics (Ph) 898 palivlzumab (Ph) 900 - intracrarual o. 766 osmotic gap pamidronate (Ph) 900 - intrahepatic o. 766 - stool 528 pancreatectomy 768 -lymphatIc o. 766 osmotic resistance of pancreatIc polypeptide - pancreatIc duct o. 766 erythrocytes - blood 282 - pyloric o. 766 - blood (H) 468 pancreatitis 768 - spinal cord channel o. 766 osteitis fibrosa cystica 767 - acute hemorrhagic p. 769 - superior vena cava o. 766 osteoarthrItIs 767 - acute p. 768 - urinary tract o. 766 osteoarthrosis 767 - chronic p. (relapsing) 769 occlusion, renal artery 766 osteocalcin pancreozymin (Ph) 900 octreotlde (Ph) 897 - blood 280 pancuronium (Ph) 900 odour osteochondritis dissecans pancytopema 769 - pleural fluid 511 767 - blood (H) 468 - seminal fluid 517 osteochondromatosis 767 panhypopItuitarIsm 769 - sputum 521 osteodystrophy, renal 767 panleukopenia, autOImmune - stool 528 osteogenesis imperfecta 767 769 - urine 588 osteomalacia 767 pantoprazole (Ph) 900 ofloxacin (Ph) 897 osteomyelitis 767 pantothenic acid olanzapine (Ph) 897 - cranial o. 767 - blood 282 oleic acid (Ph) 897 osteopetrosis 767 PAO oligoclonal bands osteoporosis 767 - gastric fluid 417 - cerebrospinal fluid 409 - primary postInenopansal o. papaverine (Ph) 900 olsalazine (Ph) 897 767 para-aminobenzoic acid (Ph) 897 - primary seuile o. 768 - urine 590 omphalocele 766 otitis 768 paraaminobenzoic acid (Ph) oncostatin M otorrhea, CSF 768 900 - blood 277 ovulation 768 paracetamol (Ph) 901 ondansetron (Ph) 897 oxacillin (Ph) 899 paraldehyde (Ph) 901 oophorectomy, bilateral 766 oxalate paralysis 769 opaaty - blood 281 - familial periodic p. 769 - urine 588 oxalates - progressive p. 769 opioids (Ph) 898 - urine 589 paramethadione (Ph) 901 oprelvekin (Ph) 898 oxalosis, primary 768 paraproteinemia 769 oral contraceptives (Ph) 898 oxametacin (Ph) 899 paraproteins orchidectomy 766 oxandrolone (Ph) 899 - blood 282 orchitis 766 oxaprozin (Ph) 899 parathyroid hormone (Ph) 898 oxazepam (Ph) 899 - blood 283 ornithine oxcarbazepine (Ph) 899 parathyroid hormone (Ph) - blood 277 oxprenolol (Ph) 899 901

1088 Register parathyroid hormone-related - constrictive p. 771 phosphalidylglycerol protein - idiopathic p. 771 - amniotic fluid 386 - blood 284 - purulent p. 771 phospho ethanolamine parlcalcitol (Ph) 901 - traumatic p. 771 - urine 591 paromomycin (Ph) 901 - tuberculous p. 771 phosphofructokinase in RBC parotilis 770 - uremiC p. 771 - blood (H) 470 paroxetlne (Ph) 901 perindopril (Ph) 903 phospholipase A2 parlial carbon dioxide pressure pentonitis 771 - blood 288 - acid base balance 376 - bacterial p. 771 phosphohpids partial oxygen pressure - granulomatous p. 771 - blood 288 - acid base balance 377 - tuberculous p. 771 phosphorus partial thromboplastin time perphenazine (Ph) 903 - blood 288 - blood (H) 469 pethidine (Ph) 903 - cerebrospinal fluid 410 pefloxacin (Ph) 901 pH - saliva 515 pegaspargase (Ph) 901 - acid base balance 378 - urine 591 pellagra 770 - cerebrospinal fluid 410 physiological finding pemoline (Ph) 901 - peritoneal fluid 502 - stool 528 pemphigoid anlibodies - pleural flUld 512 phytanate - blood 285 - seminal flUld 517 - blood 290 pemphigoid, bullous 770 - stool 528 phylate (Ph) 905 pemphigus antibodies - urine 590 phytomenadione (Ph) 905 - blood 285 phagocytes pilocarpine (Ph) 906 pemphigus, vulgar 770 - blood (H) 470 plmozlde (Ph) 906 penicillamine (Ph) 901 pharyngitis, acute 771 plnacidil (Ph) 906 penicillin G (Ph) 902 phenacemide (Ph) 903 pindolol (Ph) 906 pentagastrin (Ph) 902 phenacetin (Ph) 903 pioglitazone (Ph) 906 pentamidine (Ph) 902 phenazone (Ph) 903 pipecuronium (Ph) 906 pentazocine (Ph) 902 phenazopyridlne (Ph) 903 plperacdlin (Ph) 906 pentetrazol (Ph) 902 phencyclidine (Ph) 903 piperidlnes (Ph) 906 pentosan (Ph) 902 phenelzine (Ph) 903 plrazolac (Ph) 906 pentoses pheneturlde (Ph) 903 pirenzepine (Ph) 906 - urine 590 phenformin (Ph) 904 plribedil (Ph) 906 pentostatin (Ph) 902 phenmdlOne (Ph) 904 plromidlc aCid (Ph) 906 pentosuria 770 phenmetrazme (Ph) 904 pirOlQcam (Ph) 906 pentoxifylline (Ph) 902 phenobarbital (Ph) 904 plrprofen (Ph) 907 pepsin phenolphthalein (Ph) 904 pltynasis rosea 772 - blood 285 phenothiazlnes plvampicillin (Ph) 907 - gastric flUld 418 - blood 286 pivrnecillinam (Ph) 907 pepsinogen phenothlazines (Ph) 904 placental lactogen - blood 285 phenoxybenzamme (Ph) 904 - amniotic fluid 387 C-peptide phentolamine (Ph) 904 plasma cells - blood 286 phenylalanine - cerebrospinal fluid 410 N-terminal atnal natriuretic - blood 287 plasma volume peptide - cerebrospinal fluid 410 - blood 290 - blood 320 - urine 591 plasmapheresis 772 perazine (Ph) 902 phenylbutazone (Ph) 905 plasmatic coagulation factors perforatIOn 770 phenylephrine (Ph) 905 - blood (H) 470 - Intestinal p. 770 phenylhydrazine (Ph) 905 plasmin - peptic ulcer p. 770 phenylketonuria 771 - blood (H) 477 - spontaneous esophagus p. phenylpropanolamine (Ph) plasmmogen 770 905 - blood (H) 477 pergolide (Ph) 902 phenytoin plasmmogen aclivator perhexiline (Ph) 903 - blood 287 inhibitor periarteritis, cerebral 770 phenytom (Ph) 905 - blood (H) 478 pericarditis 770 phlegmon 771 plasmocytes - bacterial p. 770 phosphates (Ph) 905 - blood (H) 478

Register 1089 platelet adhesion polydipsia 775 -- secondary coproporphyria - blood (H) 479 polyestradiol phosphate (Ph) 10 anemia 778 platelet aggregation 907 -- secondary coproporphyria - blood (H) 479 polyglobulia 775 10 malignant tumors 778 platelet antibodies polymethyl-methacrylate - variegate p. 778 - blood (H) 480 (Ph) 907 porphyrms platelet derived endothelial polymorphonuclears - blood 291 cell growth factor - peritoneal fluid 502 - stool 529 - blood 290 - SynOVIal fluid 539 - urine 593 platelet denved growth factor polymyaigIa, rheumatic 775 postmaturity 778 - blood 290 polymyositis 775 potassium platelet factor 4 polymyxin B (Ph) 907 - blood 292 - blood (H) 481 polyneuritis, acute 775 - gastric fluid 418 platelet serotonin polyneuropathy 775 - saliva 515 - blood (H) 482 - wornc inImune de- - stool 529 platelet-actIVating factor myelinating p. 775 - sweat 532 - blood (H) 479 - peripheral p. 775 - urme 593 platelet-associated immu- polyp, rectal 775 potaSSIum chloride (Ph) 907 noglobulin G polyspeeiflc antibodies potassium citrate (Ph) 907 - blood (H) 481 - blood 291 potasSIum 10 RBC platelet-specific polythiazide (Ph) 907 - blood (H) 485 alloantibodies polytrauma 775 potaSSIum iodide (Ph) 907 - blood (H) 482 - abdominal p. 776 practolol (Ph) 907 platelets - chest p. 776 (Ph) 908 - blood (H) 482 -CNSp.776 pravastatin (Ph) 908 pleuritIS 772 - electrical p. 776 praziquantel (Ph) 908 - exudative p. 772 - heart p. 776 prazosin (Ph) 908 -lupus p. 772 - joint p. 776 prealbumin - rheumatoid p. 772 - kidIIey p. 777 - blood 293 (Ph) 907 -liverp. 777 - cerebrosp1Oal fluid 410 pneumoconiosis 772 - muscular p. 777 predIIisolone (Ph) 908 pneumoencephalography 772 - pancreas p. 777 predIIisone (Ph) 908 pneumonia 772 - thermIc p. 777 preeclampsia 779 - aspiration p. 772 porphobilinogen pregnancy 779 - atypical p. 773 - urine 592 - I" trinIester p. 780 - bacterial p. 773 porphobilinogen deaminase - 3"' trinIester p. 780 - eosinophilic p. 773 - blood (H) 485 - ectopic p. 780 - mycoplasmal p. 773 porphobilinogen synthase - multiple p. 780 - p. caused by Legione11a 773 - blood (H) 485 pregnancy-associated plasma - p. caused by PneumococCi porphyria 777 protein A 773 - acquired p. 777 - blood 294 - p. caused by Pneumocystis - acute intermittent p. 777 carinii 773 - ALA-dehydratase defi- -urme 594 - p. caused by Staphylococci ciency 777 pregnanediol (Ph) 908 773 - congenital erythropoietic p. pregnanetriol - p. caused by Str. 777 - urine 595 pneumoniae 773 - erythropoietic - viral p. 773 protoporphyria 778 - blood 294 pneumothorax 773 - hepato-erythropoietic p. 778 prematurity 780 POlyanglltis, microscopic 773 - hereditary coproporphyria prenatal infectIOUS disease polyarteritis nodosa 774 778 antibodies polychondritis 774 - p. cutanea tarda 778 - blood 295 polycythemia 774 - secondary coproporphyria pressure - wornc relative p. 774 778 - cerebrospinal fluid 411 - p. vera 774 -- hepatic secondary copro- prilocaine (Ph) 908 - secondary p. 774 porphyria 778 prinIaqnine (Ph) 908

1090 Register primidone prostate specIfic antigen, free puberty 781 - blood 295 - blood 302 - delayed p. 781 primidone (Ph) 908 prostatectomy 780 - male delayed p. 781 probenecId (Ph) 909 prostatic acid phosphatase - precocious p. 781 probucol (Ph) 909 - blood 302 -- female precocIOUS p. 781 procainamide - seminal fluid 517 -- male preCOCIOUS p. 781 - blood 295 prostatItIs 780 puncture, lumbar 781 procainamIde (Ph) 909 prostheses, heart valve 780 purpura 781 procame (Ph) 909 protantine sulfate (Ph) 911 - allergic p. 781 pro calcItonin C-reactIve protem - autounmune Idiopathic - blood 295 - blood 306 thrombocytopenic p. 782 procarbazme (Ph) 909 - cerebrospinal flmd 413 - Henoch-SchOuiein p. 782 prochlorperazine (Ph) 909 - synovial fluid 540 - thrombotIc thrombocyto- C-terminal propeptide protein C pemc p. 782 procollagen type I - blood (H) 486 pus - blood 321 protein S - stool 529 proctItIs 780 - blood (H) 486 - synOVIal fluid 539 proctocolitis, idiopathic 780 protein S-100 - urine 599 progabide (Ph) 909 - blood 303 pyelitIs 782 progesterone protemosis, pulmonary pyelonephritIs 782 - blood 296 alveolar 780 - acute p. 782 progesterone (Ph) 909 proteins - chromc p. 782 progestogens (Ph) 909 - blood 303 pylephlebitis, septic 783 promsulin - broncltoalveolar lavage pylorostenosIs 783 - blood 297 fluid 392 pyoderma, streptococcal 783 prolactin - cerebrospinal fluid 412 pyometra 783 - amniotIc fluid 387 - peritoneal fluid 502 pyonephrosis 783 - blood 297 - pleural fluid 512 pyopneumothorax 783 proline - saliva 515 pyosalpinx 783 - blood 299 - stool 529 pyoureter 783 - cerebrospmal fluid 411 - synOVIal flmd 539 pyrazmarmde (Ph) 911 - urine 595 - urine 595 pyrazinoic acid (Ph) 911 promazme (Ph) 910 protemuria, orthostatic 780 pyncarbate (Ph) 911 promethazine (Ph) 910 prothrombin fragment 1+ 2 pyridostigmm (Ph) 911 propafenone (Ph) 910 - blood (H) 487 pyridoxine (Ph) 912 propanidId (Ph) 910 prothrombin tIme pyrimethamine (Ph) 912 propanthelme (Ph) 910 - blood (H) 487 pyrimidine-5' -nucleotidase properdin protIOnamide (Ph) 911 - erythrocytes (H) 488 - blood 300 protirelin (Ph) 911 pyroglobulins propIOnate sodIum (Ph) 910 protnptyhne (Ph) 911 - blood 305 propofol (Ph) 910 pseudoaldosteronism due to pyropoIlalocytosis 783 propoxyphene (Ph) 910 mgestIOn of licorice 781 pyruvate kJnase propranolol (Ph) 910 pseudocyst of pancreas 781 - blood (H) 488 propylthiouracil (Ph) 911 pseudogout 781 pyruVIC aCId propyphenazone (Ph) 911 pseudohypoaldosteronism - blood 305 proquazone (Ph) 911 781 prostacyclin pseudohypoparathyroIdIsm - blood (H) 485 781 Q prostaglandin E2 (Ph) 911 pseudomyxoma peritonei 781 prostaglandIn F2-alpha psoriasin qumacrine (Ph) 912 - ammotic fluid 387 - blood 305 quinapnl (Ph) 912 prostaglandins psoriasis vulgaris 781 qmnethazone (Ph) 912 - blood 300 psycltoactive preparations quinIdIne - cerebrospmal fluid 411 (Ph) 911 - blood 306 prostate specific antigen pterins qmnidine (Ph) 912 - blood 301 - urme 598 qumme (Ph) 912

Register 1091 retardatIOn 784 salicylamide (Ph) 915 R - growth r. 784 salicylates rabeprazole (Ph) 912 - intrauterine growth r. 784 - blood 310 rachitis 783 reteplase (Ph) 913 sahcylates (Ph) 915 ragocytes reticulocyte hemogiobm salmeterol (Ph) 915 - synovial fluid 539 content salpmgitis 785 ramipril (Ph) 912 - blood (H) 490 salsalate (Ph) 915 ranitidIne (Ph) 912 reticulocytes saqumavir (Ph) 916 RANTES - blood (H) 490 sarcoidosis 785 - blood 306 reticulocytosis 784 - CNS s. 785 Rantes 306 retinoid (Ph) 913 sarcosine rauwolfia derivatives (Ph) retinol (Ph) 913 - urine 600 913 retinol bmding protein sargramostim (Ph) 916 reactIon 783 - urine 599 schizophrenia 786 - acute phase r. 783 retmol-bindIng protein scleroderma 786 - graft-versus-host r. 783 - blood 309 sclerosis 786 -leukemoid r. 783 reverse triiodothyronine - amyotrophic lateral s. 786 - posttransfusion r. 783 - anmiOtlC fluid 387 - muluple sclerosis 786 H2-receptor antagouists (Ph) - blood 309 scurvy 786 913 Rh iSOlmmunisation 748 secobarbital (Ph) 916 red cell distributIon width rhabdomyolysis 784 secretin - blood (H) 489 rheumatoid factor - blood 311 reducing substances - blood 310 secretin (Ph) 916 - urine 599 - pleural flwd 512 sedatives (Ph) 916 reducing sugars - synovial fluid 540 sediment - stool 529 rhinitis, allergic 785 - urine 600 rejection 784 rhmorrhea, CSF 785 selectm - transplanted heart r. 784 ribavirin (Ph) 914 - blood 311 - transplanted kidney r. 784 riboflavin (Ph) 914 selemum - transplanted liver r. 784 rifabutin (Ph) 914 - blood 312 remOlopride (Ph) 913 nfampicm (Ph) 914 - urine 600 renin rifapentine (Ph) 914 senna (Ph) 916 - blood 307 riluzole (Ph) 914 sepsis, neonatal 787 repaglmide (Ph) 913 rimiterol (Ph) 914 serine reptilase time risedronate (Ph) 914 - blood 312 - blood (H) 489 rispendone (Ph) 914 - urine 601 resection 784 ntodrine (Ph) 914 serotonin - small intestine r. 784 (Ph) 914 - blood 313 - stomach r. 784 rituximab (Ph) 914 sertraline (Ph) 916 (Ph) 913 rofexocib (Ph) 915 serum amyloid A resistance, antunsulin 784 rokitamycin (Ph) 915 - blood 313 resorcinol (Ph) 913 rosiglitazone (Ph) 915 serum factors suppressing respiratory acidosis roxithromycin (Ph) 915 lymphocyte activity - acid base balance 378 rupture 785 - blood 314 respiratory alkalOSIS - aortic aneurysm r. 785 sex hormone-binding globulin - acid base balance 379 - bladder r. 785 - blood 314 respiratory syncytial virus - esophageal r. into pleural shape antIgen cavity 785 - stool 530 - blood 309 - tubar pregnancy r. 785 slufted oxygen saturation response, allergic 784 curve - delayed allergic response - acid base balance 380 784 shock 787 - immediate allergic response S - anaphylacbc s. 787 784 salazosulfapyridine (Ph) 915 - cardiogenic s. 787 resusCItation, cardJo-pulmo• salbutamol (Ph) 915 - electrical s. 787 cerebral 784 salicine (Ph) 915 - hypovolemIc s. 787

1092 Register - renal s. 787 specific gravIty sucrose - septic s. 787 - pentoneal fluid 502 - urine 602 - toxic gram-negative s. 788 - urme 601 sucrose (Ph) 919 - toxic s. 788 spectinomycin (Ph) 917 suction, gastromtestinal 791 - toxic s. (Staphylococcus spermatozoa count sulfacetatrude (Ph) 919 aureus) 788 - seminal fluid 517 sulfadtazine (Ph) 919 - traumatic s. 788 spermatozoa motility sulfadimethoxme (Ph) 919 short-term cultures - semmal flwd 518 sulfadoxine (Ph) 919 - bronchoalveolar lavage spina bifida 789 (Ph) 919 flwd 392 spmal anesthetics (Ph) 917 sulfamethizole ammonium shunt, portocaval 788 splrapril (Ph) 917 (Ph) 919 sialoadenitis 788 spirogermanm (Ph) 917 sulfamethoxazole (Ph) 920 sialolithiasis 788 (Ph) 918 sulfamethoxypyridazine (Ph) slbutramine (Ph) 916 splenectomy 789 920 silicosis 788 splenomegaly 789 sulfanilamide (Ph) 920 - pulmonary s. 788 spondylitis 789 sulfapyndine (Ph) 920 - silicotuberculosis 788 - ankylosing s. 789 sulfasalazine (Ph) 920 silver - psonatic s. 789 sulfate-containmg prepara- - blood 314 sprue, tropIcal 789 tions (Ph) 920 - urine 601 stanozolol (Ph) 918 sulfathIazole (Ph) 920 (Ph) 916 starvation 789 sulfhemoglobin sinorphan (Ph) 916 status eptIeptlcus 789 - blood (H) 491 sinusitis 788 stavudine (Ph) 918 sulfinpyrazone (Ph) 920 slfolimus (Ph) 916 steatorrhea 790 sulfizoxazole (Ph) 920 smoking 788 stem cell factor sulfobromphthalein (Ph) 920 sodium bicarbonate (Ph) 916 - blood 317 sulfonamides (Ph) 921 sodtum chlonde (Ph) 916 stenosis, renal artery 790 sulfones (Ph) 921 sodium lactate (Ph) 917 sterility, male 790 sulfonylurea (Ph) 921 sodium polystyrene (Ph) 917 steroids (Ph) 918 sulindac (Ph) 921 sodium salts (Ph) 917 stibophen (Ph) 918 suloctldil (Ph) 921 solubleCD4 stilbol (Ph) 918 sulodeXlde (Ph) 921 - blood 315 stomatitis 790 sulpiride (Ph) 921 soluble fas-hgand - angular s. 790 sultiame (Ph) 921 - blood 315 - s. aphtosa 790 superoXlde dtsmutase soluble granulocyte macro• stomatocytoslS, hereditary - blood 318 phage colony sttmulatmg 790 suprofen (Ph) 921 factor receptor 315 storm, thyroid 790 (Ph) 922 - blood 315 strangulation, mtestinal 790 surface differentiated soluble interleukin 2 receptor streptodornase (Ph) 918 molecules - blood 316 streptokinase (Ph) 918 - bronchoalveolar lavage soluble interleukm 6 receptor streptomycin (Ph) 918 fluid 392 - blood 316 streptozocm (Ph) 918 surgery 791 somatostatin stress 790 - abdominal s. 791 - blood 316 stroke 790 - CNS s. 791 - cerebrospmal fluid 413 - heats. 790 - heart s. 791 somatostatin (Ph) 917 - sun s. 791 -lung s. 791 somatostatin analogues (Ph) strumectomy 791 - prostate s. 791 917 strychnine (Ph) 919 - spinal canal s. 791 somatotropm (Ph) 917 styrene metabolite profile suxamethonium (Ph) 922 sorbitol (Ph) 917 -urme 602 sweating 791 sorbItol dehydrogenase substance P sympathomimetics (Ph) 922 - blood 317 - blood 318 syndrome 791 sotalol (Ph) 917 succimer (Ph) 919 - adrenogerutal sy 791 sparfloxacm (Ph) 917 succinirnides (Ph) 919 - Alagille sy 792 specIfic antibodies succinylcholine (Ph) 919 - Alport's sy 792 - cerebrospmal flwd 413 sucralfate (Ph) 919

Register 1093 - autoimmune Iympho- - Hand-Schueller-Chnstian - primary antlphospholipid prohferative sy 792 sy 795 sy 799 - Bassen-Kornzwelg sy 792 - HELLP sy 795 - Raynaud's sy 799 - Beckwith-Wiedemann sy - hemolytic-uremic sy 795 - Reaven's sy 799 792 - hepatorenal sy 796 - ReIter's sy 800 - Behce!'s sy 792 - Hermansky-Pudlak sy 796 - Reye's sy 800 - Bernard-Soulier sy 792 - hyper-IgE sy 796 - Rotor's sy 800 - Blackfan-Diamond sy 792 - hyper- IgM sy 796 - Sezary's sy 800 - breast-milk jaundice sy 792 - hypereosinophilic sy 796 - Sheehan's sy 800 - Buckley's sy 792 - iatrogenic Cushing's sy 793 - SIADH sy 800 - carbohydrate deficient - insulin autoimmune sy 796 - SJogren's sy 800 glycoprotein sy la 792 - irritable bowel sy 796 - sleep apnea sy 800 - cerebellar sy 792 - Joseph's sy 796 - Stein-Leventhal sy 801 - Chedlak-HIgashi sy 792 - KawasalG sy 796 - Stevens-Johnson sy 801 - chronic fatigue sy 792 - Kimmelstiel-Wilson sy 796 - systemic capillary leak sy - Churg-Strauss sy 793 - Klinefelter's sy 796 801 - chylomicron sy 793 - Leigh's sy 796 - testicular feminizatIOn sy - CIDP-like sy 793 - Lesch -Nyhan sy 796 801 - CREST sy 793 - Liddle's sy 797 - Turner's sy 801 - Crigler-Najjar sy 793 - lymphoproliferative sy - Waterhouse-Fnederichsen - crush sy 793 linked to X-chromosome sy 801 - Cushmg's sy 797 - WDHHsy 801 -- iatrogenic Cushmg's sy - Marfan's sy 797 - Weil's sy 801 794 - MeIgs' sy 797 - Werner's sy 801 - Cushmg's sy 793 - MEN sy (type I) 797 - Wiskott -Aldrich sy 801 -- Cushing's sy due to - MEN sy (type IIa) 797 - Zollinger-Ellison sy 801 ectopic ACTH production - MEN sy (type lIb) 797 synovitis 801 793 - Menkes' sy 797 - crystal induced s. 801 - defibrmation sy 793 - Mlkulicz sy 797 - icbopathic eosmophillc s. 802 - DiGeorge sy 793 - milk-alkali sy 797 - villonodular s. 802 - distress sy 794 - Mliler -Fisher sy 797 syphilis antibodIes -- adult respiratory dIstress - motor neuron sy 797 - blood 318 sy 794 - Nelson's sy 797 -- fetal cbstress sy 794 - neonatal thick blood sy 797 -- neonatal respiratory - nephntic sy 797 distress sy 794 -- acute nephritic sy 797 T - Downsy 794 -- chrome nephntlc sy 798 tachycardia, atnal paroxysmal - Dressler's sy 794 - nephrotic sy 798 802 - Dubm-Johnson sy 794 - OKT3-induced tacrine (Ph) 922 - dumping sy 794 cytokinerelated sy 798 tacrolimus (Ph) 922 - empty sella sy 794 - paraneoplastic sy 798 tamoxifen (Ph) 922 - eosinophilia-myalgia sy - pickwickian sy 798 tannic acid (Ph) 922 794 - Plummer-Vinson sy 799 taurine - euthyroid sick sy 794 - POEMS sy 799 - blood 319 - Evans' sy 794 - postantrectomy sy 799 - cerebrospinal fluid 413 - Fanconi's sy 794 - postcardiotomy sy 799 - urine 602 - Felty's sy 795 - postcholecystectomy sy 799 teicoplanin (Ph) 922 - Forbes-Albright sy 795 - postcommissurotomy sy (Ph) 922 - galactorrhea-amenorrhea 799 telopeptides sy 795 - posthepatectomy sy 799 - blood 319 - GBS sy 795 - postpericardectomy sy 799 - urme 602 - Goodpasture's sy 795 - postradiation sy 799 temafloxacin (Ph) 922 - gray-platelet sy 795 -- acute postradiation sy 799 temozolomide (Ph) 922 - Guillain-Barre like sy 795 -- chronic postradiatIOn sy tenecteplase (Ph) 922 - Guillain-Barre sy 795 799 teniposide (Ph) 923 - Hamman-Rich sy 795 -- mild postradiation sy 799 tenoxicam (Ph) 923

1094 Register terazosm (Ph) 923 thrombophlebItis 802 tolazoline (Ph) 927 terbmafine (Ph) 923 - cerebral t. 802 tolbutamide (Ph) 927 terbutaline (Ph) 923 - septic t. 802 tokapone (Ph) 927 terminal deoxynucleotidyl thrombopoietin tolfenamic aCId (Ph) 927 transferase - blood (H) 493 tolmetin (Ph) 927 - blood (H) 492 thrombosIs 802 toloxatone (Ph) 927 testolactone (Ph) 923 - acute t. 803 tonsIlhtis 804 testosterone - carotid t. 803 topiramate (Ph) 927 - blood 321 - cerebral vein t. 803 topotecan (Ph) 927 testosterone (Ph) 923 - deep venous t. 803 torasemide (Ph) 927 testosterone, free - mesenteric vein t. 803 toremifene (Ph) 927 - blood 322 - renal vem t. 803 total blood volume (TBV) tetany 802 thromboxane A2 - blood (H) 494 tetracosactide (Ph) 923 - blood (H) 493 total iron-bmding capacity tetracyclme (Ph) 923 thYmIC hormones - blood 329 tetralIydrocannabinol (Ph) - blood 323 trandolapril (Ph) 928 924 thyroglobulin tranquilizers (Ph) 928 tetralIydrodeoxycortlsol - blood 323 tranquilizers and hypnotics - urme 603 (Ph) 925 - blood 330 thalidomide (Ph) 924 thyroId-stimulating hormone transcobalamm II thallium - blood 324 - blood 330 - blood 322 thyroidectomy 803 transferrin - urine 603 thyrOIditis 803 - blood 330 thenalIdme (Ph) 924 - autoinImune chromc t. 803 - cerebrospinal fluid 413 theophylline (Ph) 924 - lymphocytic t. 803 - urine 604 therapy 802 - subacute t. 803 transferrin receptor - electroconvulsIve t. 802 thyrostatics (Ph) 925 - blood 331 - malIgnant tumor t. 802 thyrotoxicosis 804 transferrin saturation thiabendazole (Ph) 924 thyrotropm (Ph) 925 - blood 332 thlamazole (Ph) 924 thyroxme transforming growth factor thIamine (Ph) 924 - blood 325 - blood 332 thIamphemcol (Ph) 924 thyroxme (Ph) 925 transformmg growth factor thiazides (Ph) 924 thyroxme autoantibodIes beta thlethylperazme (Ph) 924 - blood 327 - bronchoalveolar lavage thIoguanine (Ph) 925 thyroxine, free fluid 392 thiopental (Ph) 925 - blood 326 transfusion 804 thIoridazine (Ph) 925 thyroxine-bmding globulin - exchange blood t. 804 thiotepa (Ph) 925 - blood 327 - fetal-maternal t. 804 thiothixene (Ph) 925 tIapamii (Ph) 925 - mcompatible blood t. 804 thiourac!1 (Ph) 925 tibolone (Ph) 926 - massive blood t. 804 thiourea (Ph) 925 ticarcillm (Ph) 926 - maternal-fetal t. 804 thoracentesis 802 tIclopldine (Ph) 926 - multiple blood t. 804 threonme tienilic acid (Ph) 926 - old blood t. 804 - blood 323 timolol (Ph) 926 - plasma t. 804 -urme 603 tIocarhde (Ph) 926 transketolase thrombasthema, heredItary tiopronm (Ph) 926 - blood 333 Glanzmann's 802 trrofiban (Ph) 926 transplantatIon 804 thrombm time tissue plasmmogen activator - heartt. 804 - blood (H) 492 - blood (H) 494 - kidIIey t. 804 thrombocytopenia 802 tissue polypeptide antigen - hvert. 805 thrombocytosis 802 - blood 328 - pancreas t. 805 - primary t. 802 tizanidine (Ph) 926 - skin t. 805 - secondary t. 802 tobramycin (Ph) 926 transudate thrombolytics (Ph) 925 toclllmde (Ph) 926 - pentoneal fluid 503 thrombomodulin tocopherol (Ph) 926 - pleural fluid 512 - blood (H) 493 tolazamide (Ph) 927 transudation 805

Register 1095 tranylcypromine (Ph) 928 tryptase - hemangioma 809 trauma 805 - blood 339 - hypophysis t. 809 - blunt t. of abdomen 805 tryptophan - intracranial t. 809 - penetrating t. of abdomen - blood 339 -- astrocytoma 809 805 - cerebrospinal fluid 413 -- dysgerminoma 809 - t. of aspiration 805 - urine 604 -- ganglioblastoma 809 - t. of chest 805 tryptophan (Ph) 930 -- ganglioneuroma 809 - t. of head 805 TSH alpha-subunit -- neuroblastoma 809 trazodone (Ph) 928 - blood 339 -- paraganglioma 810 tretinoin (Ph) 928 tuberculostatics (Ph) 930 - Kaposi's sarcoma 810 triacylglycerols tubocuranne (Ph) 930 - kIdney t. 810 - blood 333 tubulo-epithelial cells -- hypernephroma 810 - pentoneal fluid 503 - urine 604 -- nephroblastoma 810 triamCInolone (Ph) 928 tumor lysis 805 -larynx t. 810 triamterene (Ph) 928 tumor marker - left heart atrium myxoma triazolam (Ph) 928 - CA242 810 trichiormethlazide (Ph) 928 -- blood 344 -leiomyoma 810 trichloroacetic acid - CA 549 -liver t. 810 - urine 604 -- blood 344 -lung t. 810 tricyclic antidepressants (Ph) -M2-PK -- non-small cell broncho- 928 -- blood 344 gemc t. 811 tnfluoperazIne (Ph) 928 tumor marker CA 125 -- small cell bronchogenic t. tnfluperidol (Ph) 929 - pleural flwd 513 811 tniodothyronine tumor markers - lymphosarcoma 811 - blood 335 - blood 340 - malignant lymphoma 811 trnodothyronine, free - cerebrospinal flwd 414 -- Burkitt's malignant - blood 336 tumor necrosis factor lymphoma 811 triiodothyronine resin uptake - blood 349 -- cutaneous T-cell - blood 336 tumor necrosis factor (Ph) malignant lymphoma trilostane (Ph) 929 930 812 trimetaphan (Ph) 929 tumors 805 -- Hodgkin's malignant trimethadione (Ph) 929 - adenoma 806 lymphoma 812 tnmethoprim (Ph) 929 -- a. of hypophYSIS 806 -- lymphocytic malignant trimethoprim- -- adrenocortical a. 806 lymphoma 812 sulfamethoxazole (Ph) 929 -- pancreatic a. 806 -- non-Hodgkin's malignant trimetrexate (Ph) 929 -- thyroid a. 806 lymphoma 812 trimipramine (Ph) 929 - adrenal t. 806 - maskulinizing t. 812 triptorelin (Ph) 929 -- adrenal medulla t. 807 - mastocytosis, systeffilc 812 trisomy 805 - bladder t. 807 - melanoma 812 - t. 13 805 - bone marrow t. 807 - mesothelioma 813 - t. 18 805 - bone t. 807 - myelodysplastic syndrome (Ph) 929 -- osteosarcoma 807 813 (Ph) 929 - breast t. 807 - ovary t. 813 trometamol (Ph) 930 - carcinoid 807 -- masculinizing arrheno- tropomyosin - carcInomatosis 808 blastoma 813 - blood 337 - cerebral t. 808 - pancreatic t. 813 troponin I - cervix uteri t. 808 -- glucagonoma 814 - blood 337 - chorionepithelioma 808 -- insulinoma 814 troponin T - CNSt. 808 -- pancreatic head t. 814 - blood 338 - colorectum t. 808 - pheochromocytoma 814 trovafloxacin (Ph) 930 - embryonic t. 808 - placental t. 814 trypsin - endometrium t. 808 - pleural t. 814 - blood 338 - esophagal t. 809 - prolactinoma 814 - stool 530 - feminizing t. 809 - prostate t. 814 trypsin (Ph) 930 - gallbladder t. 809 - renin secreting t. 814 - gastrointestinal tract t. 809 - reticulosarcoma 814

1096 Register - retmoblastoma 814 vanilmandelic acid - sarcoma 814 U - urine 607 - seminoma 814 ubidecarenone (Ph) 930 varicocele 818 - somatostatinoma 815 undernutrition 817 vascular endothelial growth - spmal cord t. 815 unsaturated vitamin B12- factor - stomach t. 815 bmding capacity - blood 356 - sympathoblastoma 815 - blood 351 vasculitis 818 - teratoma 815 uracil (Ph) 930 - allergIC v. 818 - testis t. 815 urapldil (Ph) 930 - necrolizing v. 818 - thymus t. 815 urea - urticarial v. 818 - thyroid gland t. 815 - blood 351 vasculopathies 818 - uterus t. 815 - cerebrospinal fluid 414 vasectomy 818 - VIPoma 816 - peritoneal fluid 503 vasoactive IntestInal tumors, malignant, - urine 605 polypeplide metastases into 816 urea (Ph) 930 - blood 356 - bone 816 ureal creatinine ratio vasoactive mediators -- osteoblastic bone tumor - blood 353 - blood 357 metastases 816 urenua 817 vasopressin (Ph) 931 -- osteolytic bone tumor urethrilis 817 VDRL metastases 816 uric aCid - blood 357 - central nervous system 816 - amniotic flUid 387 - cerebrospinal fluid 414 - gastromtestinal tract 816 - blood 353 ve1aciclovir (Ph) 931 -liver 816 - urine 605 verapamil (Ph) 932 -lung 816 urinary gonadotropm verteporfm (Ph) 932 - pancreas 816 peptide vidarabine (Ph) 932 - prostate 816 - urine 606 vigabatrin (Ph) 932 tumour marker urobilmogen viloxazme (Ph) 932 - cancer antigen 125 - stool 530 vinblastme (Ph) 932 -- blood 343 - urine 606 vincristme (Ph) 932 - cancer antIgen 15-3 urokmase (Ph) 931 vinore1bme (Ph) 932 -- blood 342 urolithiasis 817 vIOmycin (Ph) 932 - cancer antigen 27-29 - calcIUm u. 817 virilism 818 -- blood 342 uropepsin VISCOSity - cancer antigen 50 - urine 607 - blood 358 -- blood 343 uroporphyrm - synovial fluid 540 - cancer antigen 72-4 - urme 607 vitamin A -- blood 343 uroporphyrinogen carboxylase - blood 358 - carbohydrate antigen 19-9 - blood 355 vitamin A (Ph) 932 -- blood 342 ursodeoxycholic acid (Ph) vitamin B-complex (Ph) 932 tumour marker BCL-2 931 vltamm B1 - blood 341 urticana 817 - blood 359 tumour marker BTA uveitIs, acute anterior 818 - urine 608 - blood 342 vitamin B12 tumour markers - blood 362 - pleural fluid 513 vitamm B12 (Ph) 932 tumour-necrosis factor alpha v vitamin B2 - bronchoalveolar lavage vaccination 818 - blood 360 fluid 392 vagotomy 818 vitammB3 tyramine (Ph) 930 valine - blood 360 - blood 355 vitamin B6 - blood 350 - cerebrospinal fluid 414 - blood 361 - cerebrospinal fluid 414 - urine 607 Vitamin C - urme 605 valproic aCid (Ph) 931 - blood 363 tyrosine (Ph) 930 valrubicin (Ph) 931 - cerebrospinal flUid 414 tyrosinemia 816 valsartan (Ph) 931 - urine 608 vancomycin (Ph) 931 vitamm C (Ph) 933

Register 1097 von Willebrand's factor vitaminD y - blood 364 - blood (H) 495 vitamin D (Ph) 933 vulvovaginItis 819 yohimbme (Ph) 933 vitammE - blood 365 vitamm E (Ph) 933 vitaminK W Z - blood 366 warfarm (Ph) 933 (Ph) 934 vitamin K (Ph) 933 zalcitabine (Ph) 934 vitiligo 818 zaltidine (Ph) 934 VLDL-cholesterol zidovudine (Ph) 934 - blood 136 X zileuton (Ph) 934 volume xanthelasma 819 zimeldme (Ph) 934 - amniotic fluid 387 xanthine (Ph) 933 zinc - gastrIC fluid 418 xanthme oxidase - blood 367 - pericardial fluid 497 - blood 366 - hair 419 - peritoneal fluid 503 xanthinuria 819 - urine 611 - pleural flwd 513 xanthochromatosls 819 zinc (Ph) 934 - seminal fluid 518 xanthoma 819 zinc protoporphyrin - sputum 521 xenazOlc aCId (Ph) 933 - blood 368 - stool 530 xerophthahrua 819 zolpidem (Ph) 934 - synovial fluid 541 xipamide (Ph) 933 zomepirac (Ph) 934 - tears 543 xyhtol (Ph) 933 zonisamlde (Ph) 934 - urine 608 xylose zoxazolamine (Ph) 934 vomitmg 819 - urme 611 zuclopenthixol (Ph) 934

1098 Register