THF 1*0 RT1AND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. INSURANCE. INSURANCE. The New Spanish Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Minister.—Don Jose THE PEESS. Polo de since Barnabe, 1W» R ar Admiral of POKTLANV PIBUHUVNG Room to STATEiflIKNT. CO.,* F. G. Patterson’s Real Estate Wanted Immediately. Let the Spanish navy and lately LARGE front Room, FRIDAY MORNING, NOT. 14. 1878 commander ofa At 109 Exchange St. Portland. a Gentleman and wife, a ROOM with BOARD furnished, without board, “TIME TRIED in the central of in the t» BULLETIN. in a te where there are no other A part the city. Address squadron Mediterranean, yet in the BY pnv family nol3.1lw Peoples’ Insurance Tfums1 Elpht Dollar* a Ye»t in advance Bonr appointment, coupled Mar- Pleasant Rooms com |.an lex, all of which are licensed to do smitten with an acute aud eng h of constitutes a “square.” *.Vitb Board, Loans on call. 94,400 00 iucurable attack of shal Concha, seems column, No. 42 Pleasant Street. Inquire at the business in Maine.— no certainly unfavorable to $> 50 tiist week; 75 cents nolOeodtf At having others,—viz,:— per square daily per HOUSEHou*e from 2 to 5 o'clock P. M. 30j High St., S. S KNI -HT. Cash on hand and in Bank. fifteenth century. the maintenance of w ek three or less, $1 coutinu- WANTED. 498 trieml'y lela’ionsbetween after; iubeiiiotth, 00; Portland. Oct. 13th. ocl3dtf 16 36 I the .ng other aftei tii st week, 50 cents. Interest due and accrued 23.680 97 United States and Spain. Admiral Polo eveiy day SAT.ERMAN House to be Let. of New York. Hall three insertions or less, 75 one WIDE AWAKE young in this CONTINENTAL, Office Furniture and Fixtures.. 2,000 00 Massachusetts State constables are now de Ban abe made hitnseif under square, cents; 1424. or UNFURNISHED. Located near prominent week. $1 oo; 50 cents per week after. A city. Adore s P. O. B‘x nnl2ecd3t tbe For Sale in the Town of West- the Park Si., ten finished to thr amounts of teign ot Queen Isabella, by Special Notices, one third additional. FURNISHED Church, containing 22 graded accoiding average advocating rooms. Gas and to Wm. H. Assets, $2,500,000 $301,004 violent measuies again-t the South Ameri- IJti'lo? head of “Amcsements,” and “Auction brook. Wanted. Seoago. Apply JERR1S, 2nd. 'beer rolled out—as Real Estate Agent. noSdlw double-barrelled, six-bar- can Sales”, 12 00 per square per week; three insertions FINE residence one-half liabilities: republics, aea:nst the repub- mile from the Railroad TENEMENT of tlir. e or f >ur rooms for a fam- particularly oi less $1 50. Losses and Claims but relled aud seven-barrelled revolvers. lic ot A Depots, Post-office. £o**d Schools and Charthes, ily ol turee. Address wiih I ca'ion and PHtENIX, of Hartford, adjusted unpaid none. Peru. He was so viols nt in his attack v veiiisements inserted in the “Maine A mice, To Lei. un and State six mile* fr m Portland; House and Ell two stories nol2d3L* Press Office. justed reported $5,000 on the government for what he called its Press’’(wli’ch baa a circulation in KENT, Amount, required to reinsure large every part thirteen finished rooms, double nirlorr with marole PARLOR and square room over it, with or outstanding risks, viz: to of the for $1 00 lor \ Assets, $1,GOO,000 50 per rent, of s r eceived on Doctor Dio Lewis truckling the United States and in demand State) pei square first insertion, mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in ■^x without smaller rooms. premia., says he will never7 and 50 cents for Wanted. board; also, tire rinks. a more pei square each subsequent inser- I good repair, (tainted and blinded, Barn 40x60 on the 4 Cotton Street. 960,038 8 * ing vigorous prosecution of the war lion. no7dtf__No. All otlier liabilities for never, never marry a woman with a small premises; grounds contain !5J acres, excellent land, TENEMENT of 4 to 6 rooms. scrip authoriz- that be was removed from his He Address all of ed to be redeem.si position. communications to well fenced. 30 apple ami pear trees, 4 acr** choice A Enquire at i)7 Street. Room to Let with Board. NATIONAL, Hartford, 5.030 ©O waist, though we were never never, never that the PORTLAND Spring predicted defeat of the Peruvians PUBLISHING CO. strawberries, three good wells of water u|»on the place nol2 This Company is licens-d by the lnsnrai.ee Com- #jw lront ROOM with hoard, at 33 State aware that with a small waste would ultimately lead to the restoration ol and good cistern in the cellar, cellar under whole Assets, $750,000 missioners of New York, Masa. hus. tts and Maine. anyworaan fine cement ground* ornamented FURNISHEDStreet,corner ot Gray. uo4dif Spain’s over all her former House, bottom; Wanted. OFFICE 160 FORE NT.. had asked him to. supremacy edo- BUSINESS with fine shade trees. This is one oi the finest resi- PORTLAND, uies in South America. While he incuried CARDS. dence* in the Terms of 3. R. ACTIVE intelligent and reliable MAN to To Let. county. easy. Enquire ORIENT, of Hartford, J. W. jnU VGEK. Apt. tbe disfavor of the roval Davis Oti- ANcanvass lor a n w Book, .just pub also to court, his violent & Co., Portland, or Brown, Westbrook. ished, well built Brick House situated on the wes- -x-27 eoddw A Csli'orr.ia man obtained a di- solicit advert isemenls for same. One had ex- recently denunciation ot the on this mar21tf having terly side and near the toot of Pearl street. government ques- J. H. perience preiered. Address Box 747. nolldtf THE Assets, vorce on tbe that “bis wile’s brother tion HOOPER, Enquire cf EMERY, WATERHOUSE & CO. $600,000 ground made hire quite popular among the hot- oc20 We are now our stole ten of and we headed Spanish And when lie FOR SALE. _ _dtf offering entire pounds pickled ;’’ politicians. Iloiise Wanted. was removed fronT bis UPHOLSTERER HOFFMAN, of New York, Stock of suppose if the thief had taken the entire command in lire navy LOT of vacant land, situated on the west side undersigned wishes to lease a house in a de- Rooms To Let. hog he was immediately chosen a member of U e Nos. 31 and 33 A of High, between Pleasant and Dan fori h, Sts. THEsirable location, lor one or ihr*-e rears. Gentleman and their wives aDd two or three the poor man would have secured a sum Free St, large Cortes, where he continued bis attacks < n This let has a front of about 61 feet and is about 194 B. BARNEY, JR., 30 Exchange street. TWOsingle gentlemen can he accommodated with Assets, $300,000 JVIen'g and feet i* Nov. 11. Boys* as the Caoinet. He has MANTTACTURfcB OF deep, and plan* have been drawn How, for a Portland, dtf pleasaut looms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf alimony. published a pamphlet block ol seven or nim genteel and convenient resi- entitled ‘‘The Future Greatness of Spain,” dences, and adapted for the same. of ATLANTIC, of Parlor Suits, Lounges, Spring Enquire Wanted. To Let with Board. Providence, Five getse eied in and which, in one of its treated re- EDWIN CHURCHILL, CLOTHING! recently California, chapters, the RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM at lations of to the Beds, Mattresses, No. 4 Portland Pier, suitable for a family of four: no child- —AT— on opening them it was fouud that each had Spain United States. Ad- mar28 From 12 to 2 o'clock. P. M. A ren. Address A 31J Spring street. Assets, $350,000 ntiial Polo contended in it that the Monroe McDonough Patent Bed lounges, En- nollutf BOX Portland. se30 tf absorbed grain gold enough to make a five- 1005, Greatly Reduced for Cash ! doctrine was an Insolent assumption on the ameled Chairs, Ac. SHOE & prices dollar piece. after there isn’t Tlie “Limerick To Let. LEATHER, of Boston, Perhaps, all, part ot the United States, and that Spain done. Furniture House,” so much iu the of the had more reason than any < ther E C^-All kinds of repairing neatly BOARD, large pleasant rooms. Suitable 500 humbug story goose ropean boxed and matted. oct5-*69TT&Stt BOY Assets, ... Overcoats, to anil FOR SALE- WANTED.- WITHloi families or single gentlemen. $350,000 that laid the goiden eggs. country disregard defy it. The author At 52 F ee then tf also tried to prove, from iiccuments offers ror sale his ITotel Street._Jn24*lw lelating The Bw-cnber A Boy 16 or 17 years old is want- 1000 Pairs to the war the in Limerick York Conntv. of Pants, against rebell’ou. that the ag- HEKRY F. T. MERRILL, nroj rty Village, To Let* ALLEMANMIA, Cleveland, The wisest woman is to he the The houst has 22 rooms all in ed at THIS OFFICE to learn the supposed eiessivc strengm of the United States was far good repair, OF THE BEST OFFICES ON EXCHANGE *hed and twr stables adjoining: 500 Dross and one who stews inferior to t ial of that tbe Ameiican COUNSELOR AT LAW iwi’.h large Printing Trade. None need ONESTREET. Enquire of Assets, $450,000 accomplishes oyster and egg- Spain; 'two wells of water on the premises, and apply was to GEO. A. WHITNEY & CO,. in order to her at avy unable cope with the No. 30 8t., Portland. every convenience for a first-class Hotel. unless have heeu one or more nog keep husband borne Spanish Exchange they mar24tf No. 46 Business and that a war The “Limerick House” is well situated for Exchange St. Suits, fleet, between the two coun- and securing of evenings; but she is not aware, Formerly of the U. S. Treasury Department liberal pa Menace. years in the High School or have WESTERN, Toronto, probably tries would be certain to end in favor ol in all the courts in of ohimbia, Spaiu Aturney tbeDisuict Enquiie further of the owner, STORE TO LET. 300 wise as she that (here is much amuse- the more so as ecrs teiur2 tbe served one or more at the Boys Suits, is, Spanish priva could not will attend to the prosecution of iaims JOSEPH G. HARMON, years Assets. Court of Claims the at $900,000 ment in the game of seven to see who only greatly ^injure, but totally destrov, the and various departments marl3dtf Limerick. Me. trade. large brick store In the Raeklcfl Block, corner up Washington. octll-*f All Styles, Colors, tirades and Sizes at f.rei ,n trade ot the United States. After the A of Middle and Ceurcb streetB—basement and Also, with the great shall pay for them. fltBt tinialied aud overthrow of Isabella in For Sale. Wanied—situation. floor, eleganlU adapted to jobbing Queen September, ir, goods oi otuer similar trade. LOW, ISOS, Admiral Po o was reinstated in his lor- house on Slate Street, bv the un- YOUNG MAN, (North Germm.) recently ar- to TAMES F. occupied Apply ALLEN HAINES. Mutual Life Insurance Co. Utilitarianism. Last summer a citizen of mer and PICKERING, THEdersigned. This house is thoroughly built of A rived tri m P rtn Rico, inii versed in Kngdsh, LOWER, position, became the most tai.hful brick and stoDe and has all modern conveniences. Spanish, German, Danish and Swed sh languages, __scptlldif Kansas was presented by a frierd with an adherent, of Admiral Topete, under whom be WILLIAM ALLEN HAINES. wants to lie enp o>td in a merrani. le house. Good Of at one time held HOBSON, 1STew York, LOWEST PRICES. Indian scalp. The other he was the position of Assistant Portland, Sep. 18th, 1872. •epW-tl recommendations on hand. Apply 10 R'lssrS. Pldn- .TITST PUBLISHED- day showing Now is the time to Secretary of the taken a" uc- > AT 1 A ney & Jacks. n. 223 Ccmmerci ) St., or M KESCR- CASH buy your Winter Clothing. it to 9ome friends who had never seen Navy. Having OTJ S ELLOR S W, ASSSETS, S86.UOO.OOO Come and s« e ns save any- t.ve in the EK, 123 Cumberland St., Ne.il’s Court n 6e (iGt* The American Railroad Manual. and your mon *y. part intriguts which led to ihe Every Garment of our own make auu thing of the kind. He asked bis wife for 35 OLD ST^TE HOUSE, The combined assets being nearly $75,000,• warranted, i., e.ection of King Amadeus he was rewarded EDUCATIONAL. For The Uuited State* and Canada. Barley Wanted. 0’*0. lffttcs an low 8 others rf.liaule companies. and found she had woven it in with her own with a prom a ion ami placed in command of BOSTON. CHEAP INSURANCE not the best. fflHE HIGHEST market will always Orin Hawkei the tleet in the Medittrranean. fie .Ill 6iu price be paid for By EDWARD VERNON. & Co., hair for a front switch. Spani-h St. School for Coys, X BARLEY at 138 Foie street, non the m?i ket by lias ever sinfce been a lavorile at tbe Court of Augostin’s ocdl)(J3m Late Editor of the Travellers’ Official GEO. E. COLI P.McGLlNCHY, 290 & 292 be new monarch. As regards the Cuban INS, 45 Danforth Street. Me. Euilnay Guide. Congress Street. Portland, A horae constantly driven by one person be- Admiral P do has voted in WORK, com prises a history of each road, to- W. I). Little & wlm-15 question. always Rev. A. P. Visitor. O. L. Wanted. Co., comes the Cortes FHOTOGKAPHJC AKTJST, Rt. Henry Neely, P., THEgether with »he fullest particulars of t e mileage pliant and fitted,like a clove,to that sin- in favor of the most rigort us Billing-', Principal. Send for Circular. oclitf more energetic and reliable cat ital bon >ed earnings and measures for the of ibe lehellion. stock, debs operating Dissolution of hand. It does him no more to be driv- suppression SALESMEN.—7women to introduce our goods; uue lor “York” cost o' coii'truc i and the Copartnership. gle good .116 CONGRESS STREET, expenses, equipment, >n, OFFICE, The new Ambassador is said tube a n 11 and one for .** at pc. “Androscoggi County. Apply once fullest statisrias of all roads now bui t or in e-mrse of en bv some other, however excellent a driver F° »o make all the various of Card or enclose for is hereby at the tire-eater and lo entertain ti e most prepared styles School of Elocution ! stamp particular*. MTLL-iKEN & construction. Also a series of 14 State (doublet given copartnership exagger- <&«'.. from 68 No. 49 1-2 NOTICEheretofore un'er th- t!nn n mo of or devoted a an Pi«-tnrri>. Rraebrant, Vlerinlliou, CO.. Middle Street, Portland, M3. oc28eodtf Maps, in counties, nl a temple1 e Railroad Map Exchange St. existing fiend, tl it would do your ated ideas of tbe power and greatness of !■▼•••. we ROUN1H5. SAKGENT CO. isbe Rrlourhed I\>4g» By this proems of the t\ bole of the Uuited S'ates and Canada. A1 o no3 (13w & ebv dissolve*! by 0*1 ri*» of Firrlilc*. lt»olcn nml other im- mutual consent. SAMUEL best bools or gloves to be worn bv some ex- £pain. Wanted. direct/riei of all »hr offices of t e Roads:—1st the Ex- ROUNDS, of fhr Nkin. For all of which no MJRS. ROBERTS, perfrrfiouiii e- utive: 2d the and 3d the Mechan- GEO. H. BOUNDS, cellent and Christian will be made. All work warranted to Is to receive iu all the of MAKERS at 167 Transportation, friend, philanthropist extra cliaige prepared Pupils principles Middle street. Best price ical Departments. E. H. SARGENT. “Plon-Flou’— The ! oul riquet of Napo- llease. Call amd examine for yourselves. mchl8dtf Practical Elocution, and Voice Culture; iith«r in paid. He may be the best man of bis COAT In imperial 800 extra bevelled 720 pp. ATLANTIC philosopher. class or For terms or < cloth, leon Jerome I xplai. t d. private. Ac., apph personally c25dtfC. H. CPESLEY. Price $7.50. but be will fit aud by letter to NO. 8 CASCO TREET. Notice. generation, spoil your your SAMVEL H. JO>*E, •‘To R ilroad men a»d peosons having commnni- Copartnership the way, I sbou'd tie References—Hon. Benj. Jr., Rev.A. Wanted. hoise’s worth for your By explain meaning AND King-bury, “tioiis to m ike with them, th s Diiectory i< of iucs- driving. ARCUIlEtT BOLDER, K. P. Rev. Charles B. Pitblado. ocldtf * have this formed'a of the nickname Plot Small, Gentlemen of steady hnbits can fnd good “timable value.* Such a woik as no person whose undersigned day copart- -plon. 5fou have seen Mr.fl Porllan.l. under the name of No 10 rollon TWOFoard and pleasant rooms at 125 “hiterests are in Railroads can afford to overlook.”— THEnership by enquiring The those little leaden soldiers, which are so con- Office Furniture, Bonk Cases. Desks and Hard Oxford Street. oc25 tf Boston Daitji Advertiser. MUTUAL grand jury of Suffolk County have structed wnnd Doors, made to order. seltMmthentf 3^F“The *‘Mauualt’ will be supplied at the aboue SAMUEL ROUNDS & fouud indictments in the that, being placed upon their leet, WING & SON’S Wanted. named price by SON, Kelsey case against two men tor murder in toe second they prove top-beavy instantly, turn over ACTIVE and reliable agent in this*. :r ) €. K. CHISHOLM & and will continue the business of deale's in degree. BROS., and stawd W. L. KEILER, one of t.lie oldest Life n on their heads. Flench children ANrepresen'! Companies Young Kelsey, it may be r-meiubered, wa« the country. Address with referet-ces no!2tf__Portland. sty.e these ‘‘PENN** Lock Box 55 P. O. INSURANCE COAL A\S> WOOD first tarred and feathered, then mutilated in playthings "Plon-Plon,’’that is, FRESCO PAINTER, The "made ol aud J>17tf Philadelp iaPa. Celebrated a manner aud then lead, you can understand how PIANOS! at the old stand of the late firm of Rounds, Sargent shocking murdered; and NO. 333 CONGRESS STREET, ridiculous such a nickname rendered the Rooms Wanted. & Co., we don’t see, under these circumstances, liuw Ptiuee, whenever he was startid off a CUCUMBER indictments could have who, RESIDENCE 6 TO \ V STREET. pleasant part of t he cii y. furnished or unfur- WOOD 36 Commercial St., head Franklin Wharf. been found for any- IN with or wilhoui board. COMPANY upon any military mission, was inevitaby nished, thing more serious thau in the Address E. B., 37 Iftvwn St., Portland. SAMUEL ROUNDS, manslaughter recalled ju>t m the men ol time to make it Portland Me. to W ING & tr (Successors DOANE, CUSHING.) mt*14tf GEO. II. ROUNDS. third degree. seem that he was running hum possible JyfT PUMP! Portland, Nov. 1873. 10, Uaugei. The French are keenly alive to the OF NEAT Jimmy was his name. He was a New York and seized the J A TOES C’DONNFIA. HO I ELS. YORK, N. B.—Mr. E. H. Sargent will be found at the o d lidiculous, they eagerly upon THE stand 36 Commercial offered tor a or SIMPLEST, street. nol2*llw rough, but now his bones are bleaching upon opportunity laugh sheer by COIJH SELLO R AT LAW, tue nickname ul the aud it became Moat the arid of Southern Colorado. Priuce, Durable and Cheapest Pump in plaius Jimmy an ha? removed to The American Piano. accepted idea that he was a Cowa.d. COMMERCIAL Use. Fall and Winter saw a road a HOUSE, Styles to fortune. He was cook for This impression gained ftorn tne tact INSURES ground NO. 84 1*9 MIDDLE STREET, AGAINST party of six buffalo hunters at Two Buttes, 'hat when challenged by the Duke d Au- CORNER CROSS AND FORE STS. They neither Runt, Poison nor give the slightest —OF— in uiale. some years since, to a duel, aud (2nd door below CaDal Bank,) taste to the water, heuce, are much superior to met- Bent county. The hunters had valuable light RECENTLY al or other w<>oden Pumps Made by accurate ma- having let It appear that he would meet tne M AIN E. EIRST PREMIUMS. ENLARGED outfits and Jimmy j ut aisenic in thtir collee. POK1L AND, chinery, perfect in all the«r parts, raising a large HATS & BOANETS: Duke, the Piinee rece’.vtd the Imperial man- amount, of water with little labor; durable and re- The hunters a and there no TO ACCOMMODATE held trial, beiug date to refrain, tlse there wouiu be au im- Commissioner of deei> for sereral States. liable, they are acknowledged, after > ears of thorough Marine Risks Illinois State Fair, 1870. trial, the est and the Cheapest Pump made. Send Only and a choice stock of cbem cal experts to testify, th-y wasted some mediate cutting off ot the liberal pension fehin__ One Hundred and Fifty Guests. or a circular. which then enabled the Prince to revel in a Alabama State 1871. powder and lead on Jimmy and lett him to Fair, very existence, the Terms $2.00 pep day. one half dollar KENDALL & WHITNEY, —ON— MILLINERY GOODS, the wolves. Capuau spent among J. If. lamsok, members of the Ohio State Fair, 1871 & 1872. each. Lower fates by the week. leading demi-monde.—Letar General Agent for State oflVTaine. to the Louise itte Vowier. Texas State Fair, 1872. Jyl9 dtf to be found at se3 d& wtf & Vessels Murillo’s Lore Story. PHOTOGRAPHER, Numerous County Fairs. Cargoes, Freights Wedded Life. According to the love- BUSiiNESs EASTMAN & DIRECTORY. CUTTS’, THE idyl of the pet iod, when Laura aud Charles No. 152 middle Street. ANDREW MULNIX, the Year. BEAUTIFUL FACE WHICH HE BF.PRO- by afiet unheard-oi DUCED IN ALL THE GREAT PAINTER S MA- Henrv, obstacles, are finally dealer nr No. 1, U. S. Hotel PORTLAND, MB. Agency for Sewing Machines. Building. un trr,n! E(ftcard Hoffman, the celebrated riauist DONNAS. ted, si. cares and tribulations and respon- W. N. No. 9/9 Middle St. All dtt and done »o order. ^enlious,y ** *eve that your Piano is in DYER, oclO_ sibil t.ei Copying enlarging "I con kind* of TOachine* for sale and to let. slip from their sleek backs like a m°*t maf>n^ceut instrument ASSETS: the new Medallion every respect Repairing. Turning over the of the “Art Treas Christian s All styles, Berlins, Rembrants, OFFICE (.ages buideu. Tne idea is a pretty Jhe Porcelain, or Mezrotim card, and the retouched ** PARLOR, ~500~ ures of one ottier Form' Germany,” finds, among ibeoret like sou e Card, which new we rid of freckles — — one, cally, but, of those by process get become Bakers. AND good a very romantic and readable ac and nil of the skin. Call "The Andean Pia ^““Tedly things, models in tue Patent UK.cc aL moles,wrinkle?- imperfection* ®°..ba8 W. c rORR, No..9Nnnd 30 Pearl Street. count of Washington, and for iustvimeut. ! OYERCOATS Murillo’s courtship. It will be re judge yourselves. very popular On direct ronte between New Custom $15,571,206 it doe n t wotk. Charles does not — Henry AND — membeied that Murillo has been called “the go tiff* HI olio—Gooil work at Nloderate Honse and Post Office, near the Jlarket. COOKING on sitting at Laura’s leet and Timo- c,irt* °* tlie ®* STOVES, painter of conceptions.” We are told reading Prim. Aim to Pirate. may 20 Purchasers' testimonials from ait'' (as Titcuiub to her tie much the number of thy forever; reui ot tiie Booksellers and by representations he lias the Stationers. REEFERS, cottage by sea .alls due with prosaic i\ g- Dividend to Policy Holders on left as by anything else) that he was very HOYT, EOGG A BREED, No.91 Middle & Walker Furnaces -OF A- ulatity; there are bakers and butchers and WM. M. MARKS Ranges fond of painting the Immaculate ll tree t. Conception babies aud tax collectors and doctors and Premiums in FAILGD STOCK OP CLOTHING, —the strange mystery ot the woman clothed Terminating 1872, undertakers s of & Job WARRANTED SEVEN TEAR* 39 CENTRE with the with the moon uuderbt-r aud; inetm.es, gentleman Book, Card Printer (7) Book Binders, STREET, just received from New York, which I guarantee to sun, ieet,ai.d the lobe 11 jury, a'tended to. Wedded Ido is s at retail at LOWER FRIC/KM than can be upon her h.ad a crown of stars. Almost in- 109 EXCHANGE .’W. A. UlIINCY, Room U, Printer’. BETWEEN FREE AND CONGRESS. uot oue long with recurrent AT., obtained in any Wholesale Clothing House in Boston one face these amatoiy poem .. No. Ill St. variably tppearsin -bange, Exchange se29 tf or New York, at conceptions rhy tnes of love and dove, and ki-s auh bliss. & 33 Plam —the face of a virgin wonderfully sweet (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) SMALkl SHACK.FORD,No. 50 STet when the average sentimental novelist Prices Low for the PER CENT, Sew York St 171 Fore St.. where one studies it; the eyes cist down, and Quality. Street. Clothing we, has supplied bis hero and heroine with their of WATCHES, yet their the face oval: Every Description work promptly and careftilly revealing loveliness; bridal outfit and attended to this little math r and at the lowest the small and t nder'n their xecuted, price*, Confectionery. J. F. SISK. lip; expression, ot the at.22 te maniage certificate, he usually turns Chronometers and Policy Holders in this obtain se- dtf a id yet over all a look of ot di- It. J- PERKINS Company perfect _ mJL"r"?S™.0S?,‘l" Clocks, nolZ_ superiority, oil" the gas, puts up his shutters, aud haunters and curity, costing far less than to insure in anv ther vine le that forbids too familiar an in- fancy Candle., Po^la.id Me. erve, off with bis bauds in his Of and company in this country. pockets, as if tl.e ROSS & wanted tor terri- Foreign American Make, BAKED BEAU'S terest in her lovely being. In order to under- STURDIVANT, Responsible Agents unoccupied day’s busiot ss were ovei. But we, who are In localities where estab- sratid to whom this face aud the tory. agencies are not yet belongs rea- honest dealers in real file and Bui.'<*ers* — — and Uisoain to Wholesale coal dealers lished, until such are established, we will sell Pianos Carpenters Spectacles and Jewelry, AND son of its frequent repetition, it will be nee- to the public at. Factory Wholesale Prices. Send f WHITNE1 A- Pearl give short weight, know be tor. The MEANS, OFFICE, essaiy to clip a page from Murillo’s lile. 179 circular to posite Park. business is by no means it is e- Commercial 8t., Portland. BROWN About the time tnat Murido to over; just A.t 54= St. BREAD. begin paint yun. It is nut Christian off Ins Exchange in his own there lived in bit native throwing Sole agents in Maine for the sale and shipment of Dye-House. studio, pack fur good and at:, but Christian —BY- 166 FORE STREET, PORTLAND, Be for towu of Seville an Audalu ian of taking the Celebrated Coal mined by Messrs. Ham- FOSTER’S Dye Honae, 94 Union Street.* ready your Hot Baked lady high up a load heavier and more Uitticul t than wiiva & rank and w-alth. This lady was not over any mett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. soar, Beans and Brown Bread when he has carried.—[Aldrich’s ‘’il.ijorie Daw you eighteen years of age, was a cultivated and We have also for sale at lowest market price, Furniture—Wholesale and Retail. WNI. and other People.’’ SENTER, hear C. ardent admirer ot art, aud had taken ? de- iVilkesbarre, Scranton, and Pittston WALTER COREY & CO., Arcade, No. John YV. Hunger, W. COBB’S Bells coming Lackawanna, cided to Murillo and his The Coals, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- IS Free Street. .'or the Superior Walthnm Wntrhr*, SATURDAY fancy pictures. An Anecdote or the Panic.—“How do sels pmcuitl for the franportation of coals from 417 Broome New York. GEORGS A. No. 96 Ex- their well earned EVENINGS, between artist himself was poor, timid, St., WHITNEY, AGENTwhich maintain reptua'ion comparatively you said a wife to rt of shipment anr desired. all kinds get along?’ berhu-band, point tfat>r27 PIT ly change St. Upholstering of for time'eepiug a.'1'' reasnnaole price. In every vaii- CORRESPONDENT. five and seven o’clock. unknown, and yet leeling even then Ihe pow done to order. and silver face and hunters, in Ibe midst of the ptv of gold cases—open OC10 tf er that lay undeveloped in him. That lie panic. “Ob, I sbal* >esa, rr a Kev winders and stem finders. mvl2-d9mo feb!7 dlmeodHm&w6w PORTLAND loved ihe Don u a Beatrix de Cabrera e Soto- weal her tbe storm, but I wish I bad ouly a © Furniture and Honse Goods. ft ,_. ^ Furnishing inavor is not to be wondered at ^ 53 ^ aidentl.v f w hundred Vte *6 Ufd and dollars more.” “Don’t m REN I. ADA JI8, cor. Exchange Fed- when we consider that was you ^a-os®. 1 J Life is a ! GUNS. her figure fine J/'c: 3S2.5® X Hw gW B2 Upholstering. upwards. Well, my dear, you ntnt BIOMETRY a DAVID W. DEANE, No. S9 Federal St. Furnishing House, Please call and examine at lovely bloom by the soft zephyrs ot to a champagne supper seven years'ago, and STATIONARY AND PORTA- All hind. eringand Repairing : a rich flow of da' k brown hair—is it on iur MARINE, o ft ofCpbol. Spain y returi finding navigation around the » OSS ?; done to order. to be wonde.ed at 'hat Muril o HLE STEAM ENGINES. 4 I®; ft 2» 347 CONGRESS STREET. The Measure of Life ! STORE AO. 4, abjectly sui- room rather difficult, deposited hat, shoes, rendeied his timid heart to this A daluslan a $ "88“| W ?• Goods and Toilet Articles. gloves, and large roll ol bank-bills on the PORTLAND, MAINE. m Hair Under United States Hotel. Portland, Me. was •— Of^ > betuty? She his patron. She aided liis carpet. I put tlie and unit'd ap!4 tf R ss-lr y h? J. F. SHERRV, No. 9 Clapp’. Hlorb Childrens’ Clothing or air kinds, money away studies; she sat lor his she loved thtee weeks for lo Congre." Ntreet. oppo.ite Old City Hall, Made aad Made to Order. LABOR TERM INSURANCE I no6dlf UENBV DEAN. madonnas; you inquire if I had seen k 3 “--?1 H H H IS-3 Ready too. hut she never let. tnis conflict with when him, It, finding you were u-hamed to do so, J. N. Mct OI & CO. hi- advancement. He was young; he bid I invested it ami here you have it,” Horse Shoeing and Carriage repairing L. R. MARTINI. value of a Han to his x :® The Pecuniary r.o reliance in h he must out into If he was a IQ 5-?s= 5 e manner S, rnself; go p.ior navigator, he chose a Door In the bent pon.ible by eod3m good Fore St. ocl3 Family. the woild beyond the narrow limits ol Sev'lle mate” aud ROOFERS. 2 3-2» 0 M a* YOUNG Sl CO.. No. 109 purser. 2 H 2 and study Higher ait, until he oould com- Manufactures and Sole proi rietors, in this State g * w a .r, and Fine Watches. mand all hi* genius; and so, when the time Jewelry Minimum Co«t, Maximum Results. A fresh of |i=i imj>ortatien Dsubl and Single GUNS. came, she insisted that he should not- Poes Advertising Pay?—'There ts ns in- — — 195 Middle Street. go, OF THE AktNER 1,0WEI,I., RIFLES, REVOLVERS and PTSTO. S. Alno all stance on record a ® LOOK HERE—Farmers and Horsemen ! he * ith tears in of well sustained of A.tent. for Howard Watch Company. kinds of SPOUTING GOODS. Wholesale and re- withstanding pleaded bis system h judicious of suicess. v-:s?H A vl to do vou a v luablo service in The above documents are published ly the tail. eyes that lie near her. Murrillo's advertising failing ELASTIC SOAPSTONEROOFING. prepared might stay success s vmir Horses* Teeth. One ird of “My owing to my in ad- s Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. I limiting ap .tl G. L. BAILEY, reluctance to go to England was more than liberality ®5Ii ^ the'oi.n.’ Muses are on account of their vertising. '—Bonner. Towns nntl Individual Right* suffering half occasioned the fact that au old ac County. J. A. M RIt HIM. & CO., 139 Middle St. CHEEK TEE'III ! The usual by has furnished me sig»'s accomanving 4 S TCxohan.ee St. “Advertising with a com- this difficult' a e coarse American ot Pedro de an artist For Sale at tlds Office. J. A. lit KKILL. A. KEITH. hair, dull eyes, d-* uot g ilia Popular quaintatiee his, Moys, petenc -."—Amos Lawn not. f III® K their ee I. stan I as it an 1 woen started give ot had returned Irom ‘I asleep, rennwu, recently Van advertised my pmdnctious and made mon- leak &??* a wild and s’ait,ei look. Tfte Cheek Teeth blind Agent for I)u Punt’s 6nnpowder. Al«o boxes of prepared cement lor repairing of Valises and Evke’s studio to Seville, had taken up his ey. —Nicholas l.onifworth roo h and fb'nulov.ui'ers Trunks, the best ot you*- h >rs s, an*’ make bad drivers and rel3 dtt gutter*. LIFE IUSURANCE CO., ab ide there in one <>e the and had “Constant and l>istent Slat* roofs am1 re- puller-. Horsts from diseased leetb are palaces, |K advertising is a sure leaky roris of all descriptions Carpet- Bags. sutfe.ing to A. S. hard to in condition, and if once fallen in love with the beautiful prelude wealth.—St n Girard. paired. LIHAFPS DURAN A 171 Middle and very keep good poor desperately ph Tin and j' R CO., almobt impossible to fat them, A horse un- NOTICE! Beatrix de Cabrera. “He wlto invests on* dollur iu business Shingle Roofs Painted. federal Street". havii.g and are ror free distribution at A. Robinson’s Book should *116*k dergone my treatment will become fat in six or . HOUSE. Co., winning, is known by s. The Internal ar- [Advertiser copy.l jy23tl prices, at the Daily Press Printing House 101) rangement Is such that a current oi ctuil 5 Poor* East of cold ah is Kept **ter* experience? Exchange St. Ww. Temple It., constantly moving over the contents of Pattern and Model ft,. M.Marks. the Reftli.r- f°"* *' ■11 ■ dhWERC HANTS ftid MANUFACTUR ator. Ihe Patent upon this lots Hard Pine Timber 410 & 401 BROADWAY, been fnllv tested in J. I. BARBOUR. !*59 Fore Stre. il VIRUS will best insure their sl.ipmems to ltf | Care of Cows in Autumn.—An enter teen^c* validity established in eiyh- Cross. ForiL«ml. II Vtbeir des’inatin by using ^AS AND WATER fe,Co,’rt* On hand and sawed to dimen l0ns. New York commu- and For LICENSE, NEW 1TOBK. U ■i\ DKNNIS''N»8 prising farmer of Western Uouqnets CutFltwers» RIGHTS, &c., ap|,]y to Photographers. 1 lPITKNT NHIFPIHO TAON Two to us his ce in the A. S. Hard Fine Flank, hard **ine Flooring li IVV Jver Hundred Millions have been nicated recently pract SCOTT D. DAVIS A CO.. No. SO Middle Street. AM persons of the same are not insured at the PIPING. JORDAN, age a*=e*l within the past ten years, without c m- of his cows the season J. II. same but itli lived ancestry, management during I would ap21tf CAMSON, 15‘J Midd le St.,cor. Croon. AND STEP BOARDS. rates, persons long pl lint of loss bv Tag becoming detached. All Ex respectfully announce that I with good habl.s. non 1th vocation, residence, &c., agent for via ini:, y p*e«es Co's, use them. when grass to fall. He says the grea* &c., who are sound are taken at much begins will keep during the coming .season at | liysicnllv Mold by Printers and Stationers every- Plumber's. by STETSON & POPE. lower rates ilian in the old plan, where the Ion* secret of rearing and feeding stock successful- Mr. Lowell’s TIIE PORTLAND No. 2 Park Street or No. SO Middle lived where. sel8eodCm Abuer New Jewelery Store, St., JAMES ffllMEB,.t(. HI Federal Street. FOi^sale pay tor the shoit lived, while those h-ss tavured ft and with rute6. to wbat get—to save every to wta'm all Dock, First, corner of E Street long 'ived ancestrv must pay higher ly is, keep you loo Middle *t.,a fresh supply of lto> applications rhonM be marie, ami who at quets hat* State street. Boston. my3codly Any person may be rated tree by calling either New Cider for Sale. and fat that is The full uower to nettle inli insnenipnitj. mrb leodrf Office. No. of pound of flesh produced. and ltose Buds, Kerosene Oil Plasterer, Stncet, Worker, &c. „_____ the offices of every morning. Orders Company — ——- -- charge. Address, CO., 33 Spring Street. FOR SALE BY AGENTS. MANUFAG ■ butter in one of those autumn months than »r'11_ Kebdsp.hi. Oil. renders it a matter of justice t« our- *(yaii S.ROEBUCK & C2 NEW.YORK & BO. 38# Maine Sanford’s Improved Refrigerators. selves, as wt ll as to bat some no- | CoDgrc. 81., Portland, in other month of the season. I FROF. safety consumers, GEO. W, Sil eer and any grazing PORTER’S tice should betoken of these facts. Therefore, we LORD, Plated V are. ocl7 3m The tbreo ot excellence which I claim, are, points have a tin cup of flaring sides, that Copirn and ! again present an ad vert I call atten- ABNEK of hold', liiMractioon in IVnum■a»bip it.ement, an* would rovSdtf Pnil.ADEI.PRIg, PA. LOWELL, IJJ Middle Street. 1st; constant and thorough circulation pure air; tion to the high no when in and heaped up full, about two standard of our < tils. The Refined .015_^ 2nd; ryness, no dampness monld nor taint; 3rd; dipped pdeotlflc way of the fire the com and rpHE quicker, c capost an Stair Biiil these and Iiipini ft •«!■*. we would * Copii'R also, env, that w, are determined in mnin .« St., in D- leno’e Mill, lias' and near Leavitt Burnham my sy-tem will tween Cross Cotton sts., school $1 b' tain tb. ir long esfiib'ished HAVE the and best stock of f** f Sis., where she tee Portland. Me InfUtf of management. With every fifteen bushels ing necMsary. rc„„taTinn largest Ship Knees j. HOOPER, Cor. Vork „nd ^'-eiiire ft Co.p Home, £*•’ R *'*gJJ PORTLAND K Also best Sc Maple NO. 17 PLUM STREET. FANCY Frly KKOSENK UH.'cOMPAKY. I in the state. inallty seasoned White netii. keen «»'' assortment ol of corn and oats I mingle, before it is gr und, Portlan.i, Maine, and '’an furnish nol311w* Oak Treenails, H McVEY late of Foster House of this '<* Utiildr ns’ Underwear about one bushel ot flax seed. This We fn m 39 U. S. Dye lioOUs a. improves quote chap. 1R71, the title has the Dve H use No. 17 Portland Bank, tor *. of said Watches, Jewelry, &c. MR.City, reopened Sebago lor Sale at Savings the quality of the feed foi animals of llorsc chanter being and sale of Hackmatack. Hardwood or White where lie is to oo all kinds of dye- H>asonab,c any “Inspection Manufactured IV. A II. II. Plum St.*, ready °“d '*•"« as flax seed when traveller, kind MCDCFFEE.Cor. Middl s Machine kind, ground mingled wiih venn* nl.l, good sound, and Articles.** I* uion **•». ing and ole insing of gent leraer garments. Satisfac- Stitch.;'** ST. ie from *o if Oak Timber and Plank NO. 91 EXCHANGE is far better for 1;'„i«,ni*.” twin A. S'., ot tion guar nteed. to Order. grain, cows, tor for EIGHT1 Sect. 31. F.very person and corporation horses, B MilX’cHAKl), 1> St. Hi igl lvil'e. encased H. (Fosters Scotch one dollar and com- for oil nr at the lowest cash prices. McVEY, Dyer), deposits of upwards lattening sheep, yout.g stock <.t Elizabeth. in manufacturing petroleum, coal burning fluid No 17 any kind, tio8*tw au'WdlT Plum street. mence interest on ihe tin:1 of the m<»ntb than oil sow a _Cai-e shall cause csk or o1 hei vessel thereof to he Books than ALL day meal. I little flax seed every L TAYLOR Cheaper Ever. he date of d/Miosit. every go nsf»ectcd and marked, by a sworn inspector. And following for the A Fin** Bu»Iim*3S Opening Portland. l>ec. tl tlANR NOYES. Treasurer. year express purpose of having the if am on manufactures or sells such oil or 30.1R72 A RGEST stock in ti e State, and lowest Maine Savings Bank. roa\2y-d»f per binn- prices. seed to mingle with the that is fonnje or mi (Idle aged man ot mii. x* rpfiona- fluid not so and marked in this I'J Vll our real estate in Maine hug been old grain ground ing inspected State, except I FmoKbh-cnaraoei Kxi'ertentvd aerfluntmt and on# so and tw<» 'stnsll farms wild) we will •‘almost, sive IOO iflidilie rocery store for sale. into meal for cows and other stock. or that has not been inspectefl marked as un- molasses ! away/’ No. Mtrect, Portland. my tliotttaml tlol'ar. capital. hiveMuaMon i» >n?ited for illun inn ting put poses, he shall a “O’d man .Colby” has post noned oing t. New Or- CNI Flour, Grain, Wood and Coal business connect- believe this is the true to make money— 4,|flre*i* H«» 1 l|H V* safe pay fine ar'' loverp or way Five Hundred dollars or be \ nice freshly made Molassfff lean s till sometime i' December, as »ie efers in this Bank on the first ed: is doing a successful business 1 his is not exceeding imprison- p “Jack deposited day pa\ing to save all that is made without losing any ed six montlife in the county jail, upon indictments Qrow’s w^,at' they wan4: at Alien Fro* t” to Yellov Jack.” Call so n, for most ot of any month begins on interest th- same day. one of the best chances ot tbe kind ever offered for at 3(6 MONEY The little losses abstract the profits. I'UISTI.Mi promptly and ucstly eie. whe e he u '’"«grew» Stre t, our I took* will be shinped,*outh before “t.he old pen- t on any other day, begins on interest the a tnan with moderate capital. TAYLOR CO., 3 portion. | therefor. St at ,bc deposited Block, cute*I at this Office. iDg la* P' »<*> of 20 cents per dent an” goes. ALBERT COLBY & 119 Fx- first, dav of the month. For Sale bv E. A. JOY, Flnent Opposite Mass, Herald. JOB Portland, Me., April 21, 1873. »ep20dtf Sound , following au21UJm State St., Boston, *ol3d3l —2V. F. nolltf chai ige Street. oc!8dtf junl7d&wtf A. M. BURTON. Treasurer. New City Hall, Portland, Maine. a of fm yard ribbon between lier outstretched Bangor Letter. carpets of her own manufacture, which it SM Antwerp 27th nit. barque Robert Morrison, | SPECIAL SPECIAL seeking. rrid-JM PiiKss. arm and her would be hard to beat. They were woven NOTICES. NOTICES. Seavey. ^NTEHTAI NM ENTS. nose and counts niches by a by SM ini Bui n s Ayres Carrie Miss Lizzie A. Hall. If any young lailv, who Sept IP, brigs Bertha, metrical S *ule. snd San C r; s. Atherton for scale made and is to sneer at this MThomas; L2J, upot fingers joints. Business at Bhvigor—A inn seine n pluys divinely, disposed item, o Buck, Blanchard. for II ■? 14. 1»78 It the fa—Tb© THE GLORIOUS WORK GOES ON. NOTICE. .jue Henry ma. HU DAY MOBKIKU. ^OV. mea ure fails it is we asssure her that Miss II. is equally at home Ai at Montevideo 26. ill it it succeeds Sept baique Btunswick True.* MUSIC luck, finrrey #f the £hore Line etc. from aletter fiom IIALL—Portland it is inspitation. Railway, at t lie loom or piano. [Exrract Bar Mills. Me.l Eastern and Maine Central Rati* Puri laud, (Jui.e 26.) is furnished Ar at do. «I:Ip S F Hersey. Small, Cardlft. Kvky re .ular attache of the Pkkss The American says the granite quarries at Mr. Loring-Dear Sir: 1 feel that I owe roads. Nov. Dr. James is In port Sept 23. bar«iu»- Couiser. Saturday Evening, 15th. T. Possibly tight; hut unless he Suilivan are to look Mur*den, dis^; with a card certificate countersigned by Stanley beginni ig up. you a debt of gratitude for tbe wonderful briu Or«*m«K-ro. McAllister, for New York. is a remarkable Nov. Trains on steamboat au i hole man, he will con- Bangor, 12,1873. KENNEBEC COUNTY. cure ou me The PnuenRrr both of these Kail- At Rio Janeiro 4th Pullen, Editor. All railway, very wisely performed by your excellent ult, barque Csiella. Loiin*s* NINETEENTH ANNUAL TOUR the and others. us clude that To Editor of the Press: road. arrive at and leave the Eastern Railroad di*g; a favor uj»oii by demanding Dorchester Farr ii Co.’s sbirt SPKCTFIC. For two n k suffered all — — managers will confer sewiug circles aud tfa Hamlin. manufactory at yea Ar at St John. 11th AND As usual the Commercial Mireet. foot of State NB. in«t. schs Sprine Mid Mc- claiming to represent our months of October and Novem- West Waterville, caught fire Tuesday after that it is possible for mau to suff-r from dlaliiii, and crcd 'ntials of ever.' person ! paities will be too hot for him during the Leau, Aurora Borealis, Hamm. Portland; M P that several ber have neon and tlie building was badly be- Street. GEO. BACHEL* >KR, Biown. and as we have information “hum- 1 slightly quickened the shipping busi- damaged CeXSTlPATIilN and Dt SPEPSIA- Saladin. Brent-.n, do. IMMENSE SUCCESS journal, pending sea on. Id the meantime he can be The loss ij U. R. Cld sell in fore it could extinguished. not General Eastern & Maine Central Utn, Kutie — — mers’* are seeking courtesies the name of the ness, and our wharves are lined with duriug that time I was coafi ied to my bed Agent Stevens, Anderson, lor Phila- OK thinly The tire from a delphia. devoie his time to an elaborate far from ®N(J0. eaught defec- Portlan 1873. an limit we have no to getting up for four mouths. All 1, Aug. 11, Pistes, and disposition be, even pas- vessels loading lumber, potatoes, hay, slats tive medical treatment 'or chimney. tively, a party to such fraud system of measures the kitchen aud paste am) bricks. Of failed and I gave up all hop. of recovery. NPOKKIH. That Comical Itrown the first important staple the The .Journal says the rumor is in circulation COUNTY BONDS. last a ** each directions for breau In Way friend prevailed no n mo to .. ^on -■* ►hip Pocahontas. with bis upon making light shipments are the others are the that tiie Hallowed Manufacturing Co., have re- CITY. BONUS. ^ W, Duncan, light; (with liOSINB’S ironi Bombay for Liverpool. We do not read utionyuiou* letters and communi- and duced the of their twenty try SPEL'IPli'. I fell rel ov- pastry that will not entail dyspepsia. exception of to those wages operatives per nCIIOO.. DISTRICT BONDS. Sept; 6. lai 6 53 N, 1 »n 23 42 W. sliii> United States, perhaps bricks) fully up has not been from the first dose Musical and Mirthful Variety eations. Tho name and address are in eeut. This intelligence ed Daily 1 iuerrased nom Liverpool for Company. of the writer Should he succeed in so laudable an under- of confirmed, REAL ESTATE 9IORIOAGE8. Calcutta. preceding years. More than the average its Hallowed and Hundreds turned awav unable to hd- all doi however, by correspondent. iu strength vigor. «.n«l when I had nightlv gain casesindisi*ensab e, necessarily for publication 10 to 12 *n. and induce all to set be- amount of hay will he this fall. All enrefnllv selected in the west, paying missi Press ami public loud in tbeir | raihe of the taking housekeepers shipped The Journal understands that the Vassal- tak«n bu oue-hnlf a bottle. I was chang- but as a guaranty of good faith. Hiijerior nn riis of thin rw 4>i which There has or uext per cent interest. Very safe as well as ptofitable. g»i.iziHion, fore their h utsehoids food that will make not, for many years, been so com- boro Mills Co., will this week make a ed from a confirmed invalid to a NEW AD f the W caunoi tin lertake to return or reserve eom- strong, VrE11TISEMENTS consists following star erfjrtners: reduction in the of their forever lo.-e plete a stagnation of the lumber business as wage* employes. hear y tuna. 1 am now able to attend to CHARLES M. IUHKES Itlrs. I.ooic Nhiallcr, th-v charming mimicatioiih that are not uscu. uieu eupeptic, the woild would young Small has made its in aud bare VceaUs*. Planihf. Guitarist and Bn- jo hoi- hi. during the past season. The opera- pox appearance Au- business nut lod b tone dnyf.>r the destructive features of so called independ- lumbering 06 MIDDLE STREET. I?lr. Owrar MlnifTcr, eccentric Comedian, Vo- tions last gusta. six months. lOIJB HPbUFIC NAVKD Protect Your calist and Delineator. ent winter were light, and further, by | Buildings! STATE OF JflAim journalism. Simon B. Norton, a Gardiner merchant, left Ml’IilFE- I want you «o this for JunIS«r.'f ». A Howard Rnxton. fbe Tenor reason of the publish WHICH MAY BE DONE WITH eminent the unfavorableness of season, inst. with much ONE-FOURTH THE Balladist and home on the 6tb money ou ins the benefit x A PROCLAMATION. the distresses of laborers should be alleviated good spring for driving, logs A child at the Rockland Aims House was JOSEPH O. JLNKIIVS office will be open for the sale of stats at 10 A. The annual of the Widows’ Wood M. on the of have reached the there will be a com- burned to death Thursday week, her clothes Me meeting Society AGENTS WANTEDIN EVERY TOWN. iia> Concert. as far as b" all the booms, by Bnr Wills, Oct. .‘lOtb. 18/3. Doors For the of peace and possible having municipal fire. for the choi e nl officers for the ensnine >oar will be otsju at 7 o’clock, Concert at 7J. continued enjoyment plenty; number left over in the booms catcliiug tho aoove to be verv woilt them that it is and then paritively small I know true, word. SAMPS N, Agent, for the maintenance of civil and loligious given possible, PENOBSCOT COUNTY. WM. heltl at its office on FRIDAY EVENING, November A roof may be covered with a very cheap shingle, _nolfr'Ct_SAML. liberty; millions as H. DYER, Bar Mills. this season—twenty nearly as can and by application of iliin »l tie be made t: last from tor tho evidences of increasing Christian charity: for goes on to say that the General Government Lumbering parties nave aireauy gore to 14th., at 7J o’clock. be millions last for C 20 »o 23 \. ars Old roo s can be p itched and c at d, PH estimated—against fifty year. on ihe Penobscot, there six Coring’* S|>ecific nstipation and Dysiiensia. AISEMEETIKG health aud prosperity, and tor the other in- it obtains the au- cauip being inches C. C. HAYES, Secotary. much uetter and las than new general might, provided necessary Price %I.OO. THOS. *«. I.OhINO. luokitig iug longer or Drug- — There are fifteen twenty millions more in of snow in ttie woods. AND — numerable blessing* which a kind Prosidence basso Proprie or. Trade bv J. VV. Perkin.-* Portland, Nov, til shingles without the Slate, lor thority from Cot gross. If cities have work gist, suoplied 7,1S73. the waters of tlie Penobscot, new at will W. F. <£ aDd graciously bestowed upon our people lurin the pa t upper The bridge Kenduskeng cost <5c Co., Phillips Co., Whipple Brothers, One-Third the of to such men as arc to It is built in a n *8 dsutf To Lei. Cost Re-Shlnglinsr reason give willing labor, Of tbe Grand of tbe about S:l,000. It sub- year, we have abundant, fir thankfulness. I entertainments, Army thoroughly Grand Sacred Concert will be stantial manner, witu sidewalks each side of four storied Brick No. 57 The expanse of Slatiug new Shingles i« onlv about in aejordanee with a venerated cus- good but tax-payers in small are a cornnifylloug Store, do, therefore, policy, Republic giving series, which commenced c* oi the roadway. ~french language. THECommercial Si.—immediate popeesmn given. the st b.mplv laying them. The Slaie is IRE and in conformity to the recommtndation of cities will see the ot last with a Inquire of ELIAS PROOF irks or as be tom, hardly propriety finding Friday evening concert by tlie Ca- about four THOMAS A CO against pp living embers, may Sunday Evening, Nov. 16th, A little girl, aged years, daughter No. 90 tested and P of the Unite 1 and the ad- Commercial St. by any one. appears from the fact — the csident States, with work just to men The milla Urso Professor has L. easily AT — keep employtd. policy Company. Tripp of .John Holler of Omno,was left bv her mother JULES HURIZAIM, Or of W. W. THOMAS. Canal National Lank. that Insurance Co’s make the vice of the Executive Council, appoint is Uut so objectionable as that of the been lecturing ou“France and in 1848.’’ lor a few minutes while she went to get some «*enil2sntf making Europe OB’ PARIS, ___ wood to lieht a fire in the cook Same Tariff as for Slated Roofs. CITY Thursday, the Twenty-acrentit Day of No- General Government an bureau. The Penobscot Musical Association will hold a dry stove, Tues- HALL. employment and In FOR PAICHES. FRECKLES vember day evening last, probably attempted to Insirtnctor French at the High. MOTH, e Next, the 2Slh since its com- For tin and iron it has no mal, as it expands by In the first it could not session, establishment, build the fire in her mother’s absence, And TAN, use PERRY’S Moth anl Freckle ADDRESS BY place, give employ- when her School. heat,contracts by rold. and never cracks or sea « e. &g a of Public and Praise. Let Nov. 18th and four Lotion. It is r liable and harmless. day Thanksgiving ment for one in ten thousand of the men who mencing continuing days. clothing took fire and she was so badly burned Sold by For Ce*i etery ft-nc* s it R paiticula as it wbero. 49 Bond ly adapted, ns, on that day, in our places of public and private T. Root of will that she died 3 APPLETON BLOCK. Druggists ever} Depot, St N. Y. will not c irro 'e In the m >st exi*o«ed Hoofs Rev. W. aro more Geo Chicago, direct it. It is Wednesday morning. pines. George Bieknell. likely to be idle, and in the second cove ed wttn Tar Sheat> Felt cau be made worship, wit our sins, offer the tribute of grateful place precedent 000 this season. WOOD’S, ESTEl’S and SMITH’S The Slate Jr aiu is CHANDJjEK’S during the winter. au2 sntt band. to the Bountiful Giver of all our blessings, and im- which is that the Washington standpoint, Tlie for the Shore Line According to the Commercial, Bangor is the REED ORGANS. survey Railroad, un- ea.yii ciuciy tueup VOCALISTS: plore Divine aid for our future gui lance and pros- nation was made for the it is proper residence of a man who possesses a lovely tem- CAN BE capital, der charga of Col. L. L. has been CONSUMPTION CURED Sh et Music, Mus:c Books Guitars Ac- Mr*. “It is a 1 to thanks unto the Buebland, per. when drunk, if at no other time. He was Violins, two gallons will over a hundred feet of Shin- C. K. llnwra, perity. goo thing give aud that sums of oordenns, Strings of the best uualitv, and all kinds of square expedient large money and estimates arrested on of the ale roof, or over fiur hundred of Tin or Iron, Price Mi«* Annie Lord, and singprai-e* unto thy name, O Most High.” completed prepared. From complaint neighbors On SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP, Musical Iosirumenis aud Merchandise, Wholesale Lenritt, should be in a beautiful of last the Qiao’s wife had to re ply for use is so cents per gallon, with a liberal “Let the O all the expended making Warren Nickerson, civil I learn that Friday week, get and Retail by C. K. H VWES. Mins Mnflie W eeks, people praise Thee, God,let peo- engineer, from bed and discount o the trade. We furnish an-1 apply the of hut there are some outside up hide her new born babe, only 7 Mid leSt. Mr. pral«e Tliee.” city it, people the route is favorable for a with SCHENCK’S SEAWEED mafe'-inl tor $2.50 per 100 square feet ia New York Annie* Whitney, of Boston, ple good road, one old, in tile attic, because she was af- TONIC, Particular attention given to orders. day and vicinity. Mr. (wen. Given at’ th' Council Chamber, in Augusta, tbiB of the district who have very positive notions easy g'ades and curves, the heaviest gride fraid that the father would destroy it. sel2 sn3mos A, Thomna. twenty-sixrh day of October, in the year of our Miaa i on the other side of the A few necessary being78 feet to the mile. The earth COUNTY. SCHENCK’S MANDRAKE PILLS, So Tar is used la this I.e•«fj bumller, Accompanist. Lord ouo thousand e ght liun ired and seventy- question. PISCATAQUIS Composition, o of the United excavation will not MARRIED. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 35 three, a id the In impendence thousand men be crowded into the exceed 10.000 cubic yards Tlie stage running between Guilford and therefore it does not affect the water-from the cents; only u. might Are the only medicines that will cure Pu? nonary roof, t .vo rows in res. rved. Sale at IIuw s’ States of America, the ninety -eight Lake is uow on if turned off from the cistern for the tirst one Balcony Music per mile, and there is but little to be en- Mnosehead runners, and sleds consumtuion. or two ■t re SIDNEY PERIIAM. navy yards to work cn ships begun so long ledge rains. luesday morning, Nov, litn. nolOdtit and sleighs are in geueral use in that medicines that will a will of- In this Nov. Rev. E. Y. Cbas Bv the Governor. countered. Gravel for ballast is abundant, a region. Sometimes stop cough city. 12. by Hincks. ago that the first built are rotten or The Point has a but is UbokuAG. oi S ate. posts SOMERSET COUNTY. ten occasion the death of the patieut. It locks up the H. Foye and Miss Mary E. Hale, both of Portland. very heavy body, easily ap- Stacy, Secretary portion of the route plied wihh a 4 or b inch brush. worthless, but it woullbefar better to give large being along “horse liver, stops the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage In this city. Nov. 12, by Rev. S. F. Wetherh e. An- paste & George Crocker, an ex-Reform school boy, In the action of the drew »J. Parker of aud Miss Susie O. Au- On Army Course. backs.” The bridging will be light, the long- follows, and. fact, clogging very Deering decayed shingles it fills up I be holes and pores, Navy them outright the amount of money that was arrested in St. Albans, Friday, for steal- organs that cause*' the cough. (lrews of Portland. hardens them and a new substantial roof Tlie Case. est 123 feet. At gives that Virginius span required beiug Pleasant the horse of S. A. Norton of Reudfieid Liver complaint ana dyspepsia are the causes ol In this city. Nov. 12. by Rev. S. F. Jones. James will l..st tor tears. Curl d or THE would be paid as wages and hire the vessels ing warped '•hinelrs, it The horrible of the of River a 500 feet will be ueees- two-tbiids of the cases of consumption. Many are W. Handy of St Andrews, N. B.. and Emma A. Na- brings to their them there. It fills tidings slaughter pile bridge long Mr Silas Bates of Fairfield, says he don’t placeami keeps built in yards where the contractors mean now complaining with dull pain in the side, the bow- son of Portland. up all hales in Tin or Feltr o >fs, an 1 stops the leaks, SECOND ENTERTAINMENT of the crew of the sary. Tbe Shore Line R lilroud runs a know of such a thiogas mice in a horses forty-nine persons Virgin- through breeding els sometimes costive and sometimes to loose, tougm one coat be ng equal to tire of ordinary pafni. business ami mean labor. it he swear a wages and well head,b is ready to that horse of coated, pain in the shoulder blade, feeling som imes The color of the Slate when first is ius by the savage Spanish volunteers in Cuba farming ship buildiug country, inhab- DIED. applied dark of this course will be givm at his recently erected a live mouse troui his uos- very restless, and at other times drowsy ; the food lu about a mouth to a ited for most of the distance. At lints purplf, changing light unifoim has excited a very deep and wide spread feel- In 1372 the revenues of the State of Penn- many p trels while in the act of sneezing. that, is aken lies heavily on the stomach, accompani- s'at) color and is are for there superior facilities manufacturing. e I with acidity and of wind. These symp- the WALDO COUNTY. belchiug In ibi<» city. Nov. 12, Jesse W.. son of Thomas T. ing of indignation throughout country. sylvania amounted to $5,907,761.50, two- Most of the towns tlie line have voted toms usually irom a disordered condition ot CITY along originate and the late Mary J. Kicha ds, aged 23 years and 9 To all Intents and purposes Slate. HALL, The ut'er disregard of international obliga- thirds of which was derived from a direct tax to subscribe five per cent of their valuation to- The Journal ihtimates that the fire in Bel- tiie stomach or a torpid liver. Persons so affected, it months. they take one or two and if the in Although a si »w dryer, rain will not affect it in the wards the construction of this road. The route fast Friday night was set for the purpose of heavy colds, cough [Funeral services this Friday a Item oon at 2 o’clk. On Nor. the baste of the as if to and the balance from cer- these cases be the liver and lea t one hour af er Tuesday Evening, 18, ’73, tions, murdeiers, upon corporations as Buckland commences at the I of the The suddenly stopped, lungs, at the Sireet VI. E. Church. Relatives and applying. surveyed by Capt. trying spee engines. building stomach and remain and Congress sent to any os the clog, torpid inactive, and friends are invited to attend. Packages part Country by Ex- avoid conference with the United States au- tain licenses. The amount received from at tbe terminus of the fired was — — Bucksport Bangor & unoccupied. before the patient is aware of his the press, C. O. D., at the following prices: BY situation, lung>- In Callao, 3, Capt. Charles S. Merr.man, of the defiance ot the Bucksport railroad, passes through Orland, Iri Belfast W. are a in iss of and ulcerated, and death is the Sept. If less than 5 gallons, or if oide ed to be 6ent as thorities, and apparent railroads was $2,318,807.48; ftom insurance intheC3seof Issue Larabep, sorer, Brunswick, aged 4J years. Hayford’s Mills, crossing Toddy Pond at the charged with burning the barn of George Inevitable result,. freight the money must accompany the order. rights and prerogatives of our citizens are an $417,493 48; fr m hanks second four miles above Schenck’s Pulmonic is companies, $268,- narrows, Hayford’s Holmes in Frankfurt, last the jury disa- Syrup anoxpectorant which 10 Lbs. Cement for large holes or cracks, $1.25. Daniel Doughcrly, Esq., crosses April, does not contain nor calculated affront to the naiion and and from Mills, Surry, the stage road from Surry any opium, anything OKPAKTUKK OPOCKAW MTKCA.tl* K» 1 Gai. and 10 require prompt 102.02; other'orporations $1,023,352.54. greed. to check a Can, $1.50 | Gal. and Keg. $9.50 to Ellsworth at the foot of Lord’s and fol- cough suddenly. OV at'ection from our Hill, Schenck’s Circassian.... *.Quebec.Liverpool_Nov 15 2 2 351 13 13 30 PniLlUELIHIA. effective government. Of this revenue not a dollar is derived The Journal says that Judge Dickerson did Seaweed tonic dissolves the food, mixes •* •« large lows up Union river to at City of Brussels .New York Nov 15 5 5 50 1 20 a 16.00 Ellsworth’crossing not the for a noise with-the gastric juice of the stomach, Liverpool... Barrel; This is the culmination of all the direct and that Mills and the river bank to discharge jury making digests easily, Calabria. New York Nov 15 1 $30.00. outrage by taxation, paid by corpora- Hopkins’ keeping a tionrishes the system, and creates a circam- Liverpool. BARREL, and while out oo a case. He reprimanded them and healthy Cuba.New York. .Havana.Nov 15 SUBJECT—Orators Oratory. series of insults and to which tions is withheld the Treasurers and to point above Ellsworth Falls; tbeuce it tijti of the blood. When the bowels are costive, skin Roofs examined, estimates given, aud when long impositions by pa‘d swings them because the term bad beeu Wilmington.New York. Havana.Nov 18 requir- easterly through No. 8, Hancock, Franklin discharged shallow, and the patient is of a billious liabit, ed, will be thoroughly repaired and warranted. O.- our citizens in c our Atlas. New York Jamaica.Nov 18 Evening tickets SO cents, c-n be obtaineu it Rand resident uba, ship cap- the State thereby saving the expense of col- No. long. Schenck’s Mandrake Pills are required. dors respectfully s dicited. Village, Sullivan, 4, Steuben, Cherrytield, Minnesota.New York. Liveri*>ol_Nov 19 & Thornes, under Music Hall Al oa few YORK COUNTY. These medicines are Dr. J. H For fall information, recommendations from Insu- evening tains doing business at their ports, and our lection. crossing the Narragaugus river near Freeman’s prepaired by Java.New York.. reserved seats iu Ihe at an advance of 25 SCHENCK *& SON, Noirheast coiner of Sixth and Liveri*ool.... Ni»v^9 nnce Co’s, and other Edita ials from the Gallery Mills, Harringlon Village. Columbia Falls. The big Old Fellows Fairat Biddeford open- Cuba.. ..New York. ol.N News npers, or a sample Shingle coated with Slaie. having ed under fl ittering Philadelphia. Penn., of Havana_ New York.. Havana.Nov 20 Poors open at ro. The steamer Lmalia which is now given Jouesborougli Village, Wliitne.vville, crossing Wednesday night auspices. GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., 38 Hanover Bos- City Address. p. with the island have beeu A constant street, York. St 20 Lecture t at m. snbject. tlie Machias river a third of a mile below tbe ton, ami John F. S New York Tybee.New Domingo...Nov begin 7} p. nolldlt up, lot tv left New York, Henry, College|>lace. New York. Nov 20 effort our in the interest ol being days overdue, Mills, Machias; crosses Marshfield river on the Medical Btrbblrs. For sale by Druggists generally. sepi3sneodtf Aocapulco. Aspinwall... N. Y. by government, Holsatia.New York.. Hamburg-Nov 20 SLATE BOOFIVO C0„ it is overloaded two which dike and follows the east branch of the Machias ~ has bren made to accommodate for- said, by feet, piob- Column* would be required to enumeratetlie medi- Poivticsian.Quebec... Liverpool.... Nov 22 postponement" peace, to to north of cal GEO. E. the misfortune. Her owners Jacksonville; swiugs Gal-doer’s bubbles* that have ris9n to the su face an 1 burst A. PARMKVS, mi. »., Baltic.New York.. Liverpool_Nov 22 GLUMES, Crnprietor. all been ad ably explains town since d- mer difficulties and they have Lake, through the of Marion, and crosses Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters become the sta City ol Paris.New York. Liverpool_Nov 22 No. 6 CEDAR ST*. Sew • orU City. were only anxious to make the most of good Cuthauce aud Dennis rivers at their ard tonic of the Western Hemisphere. Boasts the MoroCastle.New York.. a is now demonstrat- junctiou; D Havnia.Nov ‘.5 GRAND justed alter fashion. It most extravagant, fabrication* the m >*t E N T I S T- BALL! and to do their utmost to swell the passes through Dennysville, and prepo>terou*, Wisconsin.New York. .Liverpool_Nov Cfi Or HENRY F. heights Pembroke, cantihem st in turn been to EMERY, AT THE— ed that definite and vigorous action mils1, be following the west sb jre of river and sickening.have employed Has removed to Scandinavian.Portland...Liverpool_Nov 29 of this Pemaquan b >lster up t e w’orihle-s pr« parallel.s that, have from exports country. crosses the .h road from lo 73 York Street, Portland, Maine, taken to inspiie the insolent Cuban Spaniards lake, tt-legra Baugor time to lime been introduced, in the hoi e of divid- NTO 12 MARKET Calais, bet wee o SQUARE. Sebasro Lake Pembroke and Round ing the field with that famous tliniat’ire Almanac.Nnvciiibcr 14. tor Cumberland Pavillion, ! with a wholesome of Our power A Boston woman declares that Dr. Dio ponds, vegetable remedy. Agent County appreciation and swi east passes through the town of failure lias been the l*»t of each and all The nging Signal of sun rises.Dou moon rises.i.uu nol4 our of (^"SPECIALTY—Administration Ether foi diawimF* and a reasonable respect for the rights of Lewis it a ludicrous old or words to Baring aud intersects the Penobscot and St. reputation the Bitters as a preventive of epidem- Snn «et*.... THURSDAY, KOV. 2D, 1873. ninny, the of teeth without .4.39 hitfb «Htei. 7 30 PM Croix railroad about three miles above Calais. ics, a stomichic, an invignrai t, a general rest r tive, purpose extracting pain. citizens. that ellect, because he about the coun- and a for bilious Music CHANDLER'S goes P. specific in-Mgi stiou, atiections, junl3 Bntf by BAND. the __ rheumatism, nervous constitutional weak It is lair to consider that Madrit^gov- try scolding about woman’s dress and de- debility, will have ADMISSION res-, paroxysmal fevers, and all complaints to which MARINE Why you $1.00. Valuable lo DR. JAMES A. SPALDING, NEWS. e nment under charge of Castelar Is the most nouncing absurdities that, pe.ished by fa^h- Muggcsiioma Adverlincra. the more sen Itive sex are exclusively liable, is es- Tlie Advertiser's Mayazine for i>- tabiisbe ii-ou the s mnd basis of mote than twenty administration by Spain ions's not that October, A special train leaves the li. * M. R. R. enlightened enjoyed change yeats ago, knowing years’ exoerence. atid can tto more be shokeu by the PORT OP PORTLAND, LEAKY ROOFS at 71* sued by the long esiablished well known aud does, lettun ng niter the dance, for 65 cts. tor centuries and is one deserving of all en- they are things of the past. elap trap nostrums of unsm- BLACK to deal with another birth, they exist; Also an new last of cally compelled power noil sn.1t •laiuts, S-re Tin oat. Bruises and Cuts. I Sid fm Trinidad 4th, brig Minnie Miller, Loland, open Bug.ry, spring, inquire many of all our banking institutions keep Having chosen the first b’st, take the next Crum, THOMA W. which is the real r uler . F. and G> o. W. Foster. for New York, lost bowsprit and head gear 12tli inst, GEO. W. EICH & CO. promptly Caught Hodges collision came to <,lie front. Then theie was a scatter- far arrive! in Washington, are quite discour- by with schr Annie Magee. The la»ter ves- the Fenians who raided over their it FOR sel tilled and sunk a bo-ders; A Work for nse of Schools aDd SALK. few minutes after, and her crew A fear seized those who aged at their prospects for the next session. designed Singing went on board Is as as if we had at the ing. superstitious the Hannibal aqd were taken to Vine- near'y gross hung Church Choirs. A new and beauti ul collection. WE b held bim. Tbe bolder lookers-on Tbe Mobile Register announces tbe dea'h at yard-Haven. WILL HAKE A SUIT arm the crew of blockade runner ques- The attention of Teachers is invited to an examina- yard every on of Hsu S. S. New Houses on Emery Street, Just finished with al tioned tbe and ask“d Pensacola, Sunday, Mallory. DOMKNTir the war. There ; vision, why tbo«ecanon- tion of this work. Price $13.50 per dozen. PORTA. captured during iss.mply He was once of tbe Confederate the mod.rn Bath ! ized hearsed in bad burst their Secietary improvements; Room,Sebago, Gas, SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 4tli oaroue bones, death, For Sala Wholesale and Retail by inst, Montana, the difference that the belligerency of the Con- NSW STORES cerements; and why the sepulchre in which Navy. etc. Mndgett. Sydney. TO ORDER, BAVIiKV & NOVFS. PENSACOLA—Ar 9th. sch Marcus Hen- had been and saw him inurned had to the Hunter, federacy generally recognized they quietly oped its A Washington special Chicago Even- on the Exchange Street, Portland, Apply Premises. ley. Ma'anzas. Cuban belligerency only partially, while the ponderous and marble jaws to cast him up Post asserts that the proposition to estab- CHARLESTON—Sid 11th, schs Eva L Leonard, ing Orders mail will receive prompt attention. *et»25sntfJAMES A. TENNEY. I But William and by Gonet and E M Sawyer. Kelley. Providence. for we of the Irish which as- again. spoki not, only lish a mint in meets with favor which have been receiving belligerency republic Chicago among oc25 sn-ndlir PH I LA DELPHIA—Ar 11th. A J Lo- ! beckoned I hem forward like Hamlet’s father's THE WAY TO BE HAPPY. brig Ross, saulted Canada, was recognized by nobody. high officials in Washington, who have poteut tbrop ^agua. ghost; and, like Hamlet, Young Thurman Wilbor’a Ccmvoaiid of Pure C<*d i.im Below lltb.brig David Owen. Dunron.frnm 173 & 175 FORE influence in the matter. Peace to his bones, the first who spread Sagua; STREET, The country will look to the e dm in is. announced: Lead on; I’il follow thee.-’ Oil and Limf. The advantage of this compound sch Clara Sawyer, from M Kansas, tor orders. Gerrit Smith has a letter in which over the plain Oil i« that t'ie taste of the The soft luxuriunt bed, Cld loth. bri» Hattie K Wheeler. Pro- tration to call the offenders to account with The Providence Journal The sensa- published nauseating Armstrong, 15© for $45 says: i*11 is and the whole rendered en- For sch O iver Boston. he takes around against Stats entirely removed, man’* indulgence given; vidence; Dyer, Falker, such effect as to the of a tional have had an re- strong granting tirely The offensive tas-e of the 01 has NEW YORK—Ar 12th. F H Ma- preclude possibility papers uncommonly palatable. Still, as I stretch each weary hrig Jennings. 45 for or Government aid to schools. He acted as a obtectiou to its bn: limb, honey. Sagua; sch< Florence 4© of the public urges long prominent use; Stay. Driscol. Allyn’s COR. EXCHANGE. repetition outrage. If it be necessary freshing season, in the financial affairs of inis form the tr mble i« obviated. A how I cast a grateful thought on him, Point; Palla-. French, Di’hion. that the school be like tbe in the n entirely oc29 taeoii&wlK left, church, of ceriiftc ites be here »o to the Cld 4© for to the accomplishment of this result to rec- Providmce. and It must be confessed that might given testify And wish him rest in Heaven. lltb, brigs Shannon, Sawyer. Naples; Ysidora 35 hands of the excellence and success < f Wilbor's Cod l iver Oi Rionda. Alice T Board people. Yet he’s a who Plummer, Ponce; man, Boyd, ognize the of the Cu- have made the most of it. If it be tbe and But the fact tliai it is nlunv, suppose* Havti. 35 belligeieucy struggling th°y Ex-President Johnson's letter on the Mrs. Lime," regularly pre- Aqnin, for 3© scribed by the medical faculty is sufficient. For sale That every bed’s a bed if roses, Ar 13th. ship® H D Stover, Pierce. Cardenas 12 BONDS bans, recognition must be given iu self de- proper purpose of journalism to give a mi- ds; Surratt question is regarded in Washington, bv A. B WiLBon, Chemist, Bos on. Mass., an l by F>»r idle’s the conjecture. R W Giiffith, Drummond, tm Matanzcs; brig John 3© fence if for no eom- aci of the concerns all uolOeodsulw Wealev Ford. Cardenas. for 25 other motive. Foreign nute mint of every man, neo by his as and druggists. The bachelor’s from Portland -6’s friends, exceedingly weak, blis-debar’d, Cld 12th, bamues John E Da vis. Chase, Rotterdam; • ■ plica ions should be sedulouslv hut who, for reason, and for however short a as not And he finds rather Path • • BN avoided, any throwing any additional light on the dis oi Hymen’s hard, Waldo, Prcssey, Cadiz; brig Os^ipce, Sprague for FREE SAM FEE Bottle .... never at the of of the time, is put into a and Who hears a curtain Oporto. Belfast 6’s expense the dignity conspicuous position, puted point. at lecture. A 'amson’s Botanic Balsam, all Druggists. BRIDGEPORT—Ar IOtb, sch * if it hr a matter 01 no importance whether Would you avoid the noisome din Wigwam, Field, fm Ranger 6’s nation or the safety of its citizens. The Fall River News says: “Manufacturers JFleisant, and an unfa ling remedy for Asikma, Jacksonville. OVERCOATS. the account he correct or true or ■ 7’s incorrect, Coughs, Colds, Lung Complaints, dge Pierce Ilealth Association has been its are in the not Conk County • 7’s holding an- Boston pastors appear to be in demand- believed, very distant future.” Aud you’ll regret it never. Ellaabcthport for 1 ortsmouth; Thomas I ix. Lmvev 4© for THE “SCIENCE OF LIFE, OR SELF 35 nual session in New York. All since two Presbyterian churches, one in New An American gentleman of and PRES- au2 sntf Portland fm New \ork; Amos Walker, Dunn. Bos- Louisville Ky., 7’s questions “collegiate ERVATION,” a Medical Treatise on the Cause an ton for * York and Ibe other in are said to Pltilade’phla; Nulntn. Small. St John. NB Morion County, Tncl., 8’s 35 for the health of mankind Brooklyu, recommend- Cure of Exhausted Vitali y, Premature Decline Jr foi L A 3© aff-ctiag have been professional education,” “highly do; Johnson, Muhlman. Windsor. for “ • be to Boston for that line. and Nervous and NATIONAL TONIC NS, Allen County. 8’s looking help iu Man, Physical Debilitv, Hypochon- RITTERS, Richmond; Calais tor iron: the causes of ed,” advertises in the Washington Chronicle Evelyn. Crowley. Bridgeport • considered, cholera to the one dria. Irapotency. Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Maine Central R. R. 7’s 3© for But then, may look to Boston for any- Weak- Purely Medicinal (leaking 200 stroke- perhou.), Hattie Ellen. Aslifo d, 25 that he will give $1(100 to obtain any ness, and other diseases aiislng Horn the errors oj Hoboken lot Cold 7’s more general calamities of clammy bread. thing aud not to be if the any- govern- Calais; W il Jordan, Saunders, Port- E. & K. Ameri an R R. disappointed, yontn oi the indiscietlons er excesses of matur« For Sale by all land has the Bi ment at a salary of 81000 or over. 1‘rusrglsts. lor Dr. Edward James of thing ston stamp on it and one position This ip indeed a book tor man. Georgetown. FOR SALE BY Dorchester, Mass., years. every Thou- Ar 12tb. sclis . Forbes, Savannah for Bos- isu't Democrat. The Memphis sums up the sands have been taught by this work the true ic I) read a on the “Powe.- of particular.—Rochester Appeal mortality way National Tonic ton; G Loud, U iwley. do for do; Aluicda. Smith, among others, paper health and happiness. It is the and bes Ritters, Perfect Satisfaction is said that a movement of that from the fever at cheapest Rondoul for do; Matthew Guaranteed. It is on foot in city pestilence 20(10, medical work ever and Kinney, Ryder, Virginia SWAA & BARRETT, the Housekeeper over the Health of the Fam- published, he only one oi foi Bath. ‘,o and after the oti the thi* class ot ills worth 190th PURELY MEDICINAL. Philadelphia elect Colonel John W. For congrating people disap- reading. edition, revi* Sid 11th, sobs Fannie Pike, Geo Hotchkiss. Debo- ily,” in which he declares in effect that the et.‘, much illustrated, bound in bcautifu rah lOO MIDDLE STREET. of the exhorts the au- enlarged, FOR SALE BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. Jones, Ella Brown. Garland. Lima Robinson, ney next mayor ot that city. The election pearance plague, public Ft onto cloth. Price only $1. Sent cook not holds the condilr n of by mail, po*i Mauna Loa. Globe. F A Colcord, p. the in h t or rather her ICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bultincli family hands in luck, will be chosen ex- prevent a recurrence of the dreadful scenes of street, Boston Angola, Huntress, Nile. Con *fess. C Matthews, S B term fjr w hich the mayor Mass., or Du. W. H. PARKER, Assistant Physician Small, Matanz is, J W Prisk >. Volant. BerHoi, das hu‘, its soc.al and moral status. Indeed it arises of N. B. The author be consulted on ichloiterbcck’s Motb and Freckle Lotion also, tends until 1877. The proposition the present year. The great fatality attend- may tbe above a> Clara Mnnroe. Oman*, BONDS. diseases skill Wall, Rankin, Knight, Mav is not our is so earn- well a«* all requiring and experience l*eon > Same fault that we a. e nervous, dyspeptic, from the fact lhat Colonel Foiney ing the disease is attributed to tbe lack of A safe end sure remedy for Tan ra, F A Pike. Haiti.- Ellen. L I Went worth, Liberal Reduction marSIsnoodA'wlv removing Pimples Red Lu- in behalf of the centennial cele- doth Blotches. Freckles and from the Jacke', Dresden Pacific. Franklin. Harper. State of Itlaine ... 6's morbid, crotchety and estly engaged good sewerage.and other cities as well as Mem- Eruptions Francs Coffin disagreeable generally, (avor. skin, rendering it soft and Iresh and imparting to it cy Ames Nulato, K M Wans Calvin, bration, and not from any political FOR PIMPLES OA THE Silver Heels. Chra W Portland ... 6's but that of the housekeeper through whose phis, may take warning from its t sample. FACE, t MARBLE PURITY. Casco Lodge, Storm Petiel. Blackhead and Fleeliwonn. use PERRY’S El well, Alice Oakes. Aimed a. Sinaloa. Helen Thomp- — IN — bluiiu ana improv- John Lewiston .... 6's ignorance inainerence wo ar ; leo ed Coraedono and Pimple Remedy, the g.eat ski* PRICE FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. son. Matthew Kinney, .Georgia, Weqi worth, Loss of a Vessel with a Maine Crew.— ..... with bad food and medcine Prepared only by Dr. B. O. PEER \ Kokeno. and Sinaloa. Rockland 6's horribly compounded STATE NEWS. Port Cale Ionia schooner of mailed fiom Dermatologist, 49 Bond St., N. Y. Sold by Prepared only by A. G. SCH At 12'b. brig J Leighton, Leighton. stuffs. The Tangier Boston, Druggist* UlTTEKBECK * Boston foi Cincinnati 7’s If she could be and skill- everywhere. Apothecaries and Chemists. 303 f»r N w York ; Prir.pet >n, Bogm t, Phila- intelligent, 0. 23d for New oc8deodjfewsn2m4l CO., Congress street OUR Port Caledonia, B., Aug. York, medoorabove Brown, Chicago ..... 7’S LARGE STOCK ful. ami there would be an imme- Portland. Me. au26sntf schs humane, lost in the of ANDBOSCOOOIN COUNTY. ^NEW BEDFORD—Ar 11th, Saxon, Haleb. and was probably gale August iMothers, Mothers, Robinson. Mad its. Cook diate transformation of tbe w hole raee Mothers, SPECIAL Hoboken; Sinaloa. County 7*« and at understands that NOTICE. no 24tb, with all on board, as she was seen the af- The Bangor Whig ex-Al- Don’t fall to MRS. BOSTON—Ar 18th. bam Clotilde, Miller, Clcn- o procure WINSLOW’S Scioto — ice we should of SOOTH- Cow County, Ohio. g*s OF — become the mos‘ serene, benig- off in derman Patrick McGillii uddy, Lewiston, Tlte ticket office for the sale or tickets fue-ms; Milts Alexander. Falkinglnm Bav; Ad- nooa before the gale came on, Lonisbnrg, ING SYRUP for all diseases incident to the period evening to Ga«field, and Ella M Watts. Watts. Ohio nant and robust of who was arrested aud lodged in the lockup in the M. L. A. die"Blaislell. Toledo, ..... creatures, fit for the sods. of Entortainments mill not be opened un- Marcia S Lewi-. Phila company with schooners Fannie H. Bucklin one while the Slate Fair was in teething in children. It relieves the child from Baltimore: owls, leipbia; Bangor night o'clock on ■ Indeed this material il seven account of tlic number Calvin. Thom is. do; Ring Dove. Swain.Weehawken; Zanesville, Ohio g<, James leaves its to infer and M. R. ueitber of which have and the was arraigned pain, cures wind colic, regulate* the bowels, and by large of Sampson, progress, fo'lowing day nurse tickets Five, Hobtken; Dolphin. Colbeth and Cnr- tint the moral and fined for sold, and in order that all holding Lookon elevation of a fallen race and been beard from. in the Police Court drunkenness, giving relief and health to the child, gives rest to th» Robinson, MacMas; DorL*. FOR SALE BY ever course l'«keis obtain roll. Wonh, Ellsworth; the advent of tbe lias brought a suit against officer Fauc.v for ille- mother. Be sure and call for may seats, no more evening Brewster, Smith, Jonesboro. millen'um can of the of Samuel Lizzie Ready-Made Clothing o.dybe safe- The crew Tangier consisted arrest and ickcts mil be sold on any sch Lillian. Rva% Lelfaat, gal imprisonment, laying damages “MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP.” evening fexcept for -‘stand- Cld 12th. ly relied upon through the Belbuel than Av 13th, sons W S Jordan, If. M. PAYSOY & Instrumentality of A. S ilisbury, master, aged 34 years, at 81.000 ing room”) tln-re are seats in the Hall. Baker, Baltimore; Ber- VO. For sale all Wooster, — But CUMBERLAND COUNTY. by druggists. tha J Feliews. Hoboken; Red Jacket, Av- — AND perfect cooking. Dr. James as Salisbury, unite, about 23 years, Henry T. Ri- oc29tf By order of the Lee1 ure Committee. are- 8.N j.v7MWSflm eriil New Yotk. 33 EXCHANGE STREET to be ; 25 Arthur 18 The annual fall catalogue of Bow.loin College S' is afloat and gono into former forgets gallant. He says that nalda, years, Emery, years, (hod ip ynintero Provincetown has been issued, -bowing a total of 210 students T‘» the Public. in »od c »n li ion. of carelessness in of Jared 1, all of James Fer- Harrison's Peristaltic g oc'_POHTLANDu dtt the result the kitchen is Emery Eden, Me.; divided as fol- Lozenge. SALEM—Ar lllli. schr Helen in the two academical courses, The Society lor the Prevention ot Crueltv to Ani- McLeod. Co'g«we'l rin of aud J. un- Pleasant, Pr nipt and Effective. Two Calais; Copy. T ewotgv, ill-luck. It is Cherry field, Ford, residence lows: Seniors. 29; 81; taken ai mal' respectfully give- notice that Alonzo ElUwortb; C W Rogers! Gents’ styled “unlucky" when the juniors, sophomores, 51; nigh: move the bowels onco next H. California. Ivalo Furnishing Goods [ known. The fresh men class is the morning. Uulike Libby, Constahli whose office ts at No SO Middle Bangor; Waldoboro; Ilariy Bluff the freshmen, 74 larg all Pills, they ever cause pain nor Benson. Portland. bread is heavy and opposite when it is requite increase** has been MANUFACTURERS’ and the number of stu- « street, tup stairs) appointed of the and mate were est that even entered, of d »se to perfect a ure. Agent Ar 12ib. rob I'la Ella, he “a Capt. Salisbury very worthy Society. Wilbur, Alma, SIB, for Pro- light. “Yet.” says, carpenter might as dents iu the four classes is larger than at any They cure Headache, Dizziness, Oppression after men. sons of Mr. The public a e therefore requested to TMenc. ami Invite the young only Upton Salisbury, Sour nd every evil g:ve prompt sch inspection of the public.. well that it is that his window former period. eating, Rising, arising from information to him of anv to BATH-Ar IOtb, Ethan Allen. Blake, Phila- say “unlucky" and the an I In* IGF8TION. W rranted cruelty animals that FIRE & last but one of a family of eleven chil- FRANKLIN COUNTY. T1VKNES8 in all come to theli and delphia, MARINE are too ex- of either bk-e-dng or blind. b nay knowledge, hewill^ee to it casings short. Nowhere, dren. The Fh.es, TiiaJ x 3n cts "hat the oftenders are to Shi Biib, barque Colusa, (new, 1188 tons) Howes.for Tangier was a good vessel, 159 tons catch bears in woodchuck traps at OU cts.; n ailed free f »r thl- la*t brought speed) and -trici in the kitchen where so much de- They Large box, p. i’co notice. Per Sew York, cept register, built at Searsport, and rebuilt in 18G7, Phillips. DR. HARRISON’ ICELAND BALSAM order. Insurance a splendid cu e f»r coFOHs, »mt pends upon care in selections and prep- owned iu Boston John S. The Chronicle has received a let- hoarseness, and all ap-9___ FORF.IGN POKTM. Company, 87 MIDDLE by Emery & Co., and Farmington TnnoAT and long c For ST., club mplaims^ sale bv E OF arations, is the use of the measure done not insured ter like this: Mr. Editor, the music must HARUtSON & CO., Ptoprietors No. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. A r at Melbourne prtv to 10 h Inst, ship Mindoro, BOSTON, m ASS. iTiemoir bamne be removed from the erigi ic hall. A person Te Bos on, ami by all Bray. Boston; Wakefield. Carver, do. with." He leaves us that **pie. Pruggkts, ocaiHulm This splendid Hair ltye Is the he*t away to infer The Chinese have near has been made sick it and iLbed .n f\e tror'd Ai ot Bombay 5»h in&t, ship Winged Hunter. taken to by by The only True and Perfect wonvn never largely adulterat- Adamson’s Botan