PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 1862. TOL. 18. 23. PORTLAND FRIDAY MOR "~7~" NINgAnOVEM BER 14. 187.1. 7 1 KENS PERANNI ..N Any.KPr THF 1*0 RT1AND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. INSURANCE. INSURANCE. The New Spanish Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Minister.—Don Jose THE PEESS. Polo de since Barnabe, 1W» R ar Admiral of POKTLANV PIBUHUVNG Room to STATEiflIKNT. CO.,* F. G. Patterson’s Real Estate Wanted Immediately. Let the Spanish navy and lately LARGE front Room, FRIDAY MORNING, NOT. 14. 1878 commander ofa At 109 Exchange St. Portland. a Gentleman and wife, a ROOM with BOARD furnished, without board, “TIME TRIED in the central of in the t» BULLETIN. in a te where there are no other A part the city. Address squadron Mediterranean, yet in the BY pnv family nol3.1lw Peoples’ Insurance Tfums1 Elpht Dollar* a Ye»t in advance Bonr<ten*. Should a cential ot the R, \V., PreBfl Office. — AND Comp’y of life and a man of To prefer part city. OF NEWARK, NT. Gossip and Gleanings. prime great energ-, but Kail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- Money lo Loan. Reference* exchanged. Address J., Statement1 ho its to from bis vanee. no73d. w* -‘F. L.,” Press Office. Rooms to Let. wing financial condition as it ex- judge antecedents, scarcely fitted flrsl class R*al Estate Secuiity, in Portland, isted December 31st, 1872, viz: to fill of a ONor vicinity—Rents collec ed, taxes paid, &c., on furnished room- to let, without board In FIRE TESTED!” Prince Napoleon is said to contemplate a th< part diplomatic representative. THE PRESS Coin mi-Sion. Houses and soli. 10 F. en r.tl of the first assets; MAIXE'STATE bought Apply Lo$r. GOOD part City. He has the greater of G. Deuler in Real Office 13 nolldtf Amount of assets a' theii visit to this country. To lecture? passed part his naval PATTERSON, Estate, Center’s Jewelry Store, a chased GOLD Apply at this Office. 1,—Gross true I* published Thursday Morning at $2 50 a Fluent Block. oc4dtf cash career and every NEARRING in a box marked W. Senfer. The value. $304,004 22 in and around Cuba, is therefore if in at 00 a box, year, paid advance, $2 year. finder w Office or at atlairs ill bo rewarded by leaving at this Detail- d statement of same, showing items, v.z: A well acqua nted w.th.the of that island. W. nol2*lw TO Western paper says Count Chambord is Sonttr*8 Exchange Street. LET! tfve yon pollcien in the FIRST- Loans on and His with that of Rates of Advertising: One inch ot space, For Sale lIjAns"I*™ following Bonds Moitgage. $172,730 0> appointment, coupled Mar- Pleasant Rooms com |.an lex, all of which are licensed to do smitten with an acute aud eng h of constitutes a “square.” *.Vitb Board, Loans on call. 94,400 00 iucurable attack of shal Concha, seems column, No. 42 Pleasant Street. Inquire at the business in Maine.— no certainly unfavorable to $> 50 tiist week; 75 cents nolOeodtf At having others,—viz,:— per square daily per HOUSEHou*e from 2 to 5 o'clock P. M. 30j High St., S. S KNI -HT. Cash on hand and in Bank. fifteenth century. the maintenance of w ek three or less, $1 coutinu- WANTED. 498 trieml'y lela’ionsbetween after; iubeiiiotth, 00; Portland. Oct. 13th. ocl3dtf 16 36 I the .ng other aftei tii st week, 50 cents. Interest due and accrued 23.680 97 United States and Spain. Admiral Polo eveiy day SAT.ERMAN House to be Let. of New York. Hall three insertions or less, 75 one WIDE AWAKE young in this CONTINENTAL, Office Furniture and Fixtures.. 2,000 00 Massachusetts State constables are now de Ban abe made hitnseif under square, cents; 1424. or UNFURNISHED. Located near prominent week. $1 oo; 50 cents per week after. A city. Adore s P. O. B‘x nnl2ecd3t tbe For Sale in the Town of West- the Park Si., ten finished to thr amounts of teign ot Queen Isabella, by Special Notices, one third additional. FURNISHED Church, containing 22 graded accoiding average advocating rooms. Gas and to Wm. H. Assets, $2,500,000 $301,004 violent measuies again-t the South Ameri- IJti'lo? head of “Amcsements,” and “Auction brook. Wanted. Seoago. Apply JERR1S, 2nd. 'beer rolled out—as Real Estate Agent. noSdlw double-barrelled, six-bar- can Sales”, 12 00 per square per week; three insertions FINE residence one-half liabilities: republics, aea:nst the repub- mile from the Railroad TENEMENT of tlir. e or f >ur rooms for a fam- particularly oi less $1 50. Losses and Claims but relled aud seven-barrelled revolvers. lic ot A Depots, Post-office. £o**d Schools and Charthes, ily ol turee. Address wiih I ca'ion and PHtENIX, of Hartford, adjusted unpaid none. Peru. He was so viols nt in his attack v veiiisements inserted in the “Maine A mice, To Lei. un and State six mile* fr m Portland; House and Ell two stories nol2d3L* Press Office. justed reported $5,000 on the government for what he called its Press’’(wli’ch baa a circulation in KENT, Amount, required to reinsure large every part thirteen finished rooms, double nirlorr with marole PARLOR and square room over it, with or outstanding risks, viz: to of the for $1 00 lor \ Assets, $1,GOO,000 50 per rent, of s r eceived on Doctor Dio Lewis truckling the United States and in demand State) pei square first insertion, mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in ■^x without smaller rooms. premia., says he will never7 and 50 cents for Wanted. board; also, tire rinks. a more pei square each subsequent inser- I good repair, (tainted and blinded, Barn 40x60 on the 4 Cotton Street. 960,038 8 * ing vigorous prosecution of the war lion. no7dtf__No. All otlier liabilities for never, never marry a woman with a small premises; grounds contain !5J acres, excellent land, TENEMENT of 4 to 6 rooms. scrip authoriz- that be was removed from his He Address all of ed to be redeem.si position. communications to well fenced. 30 apple ami pear trees, 4 acr** choice A Enquire at i)7 Street. Room to Let with Board. NATIONAL, Hartford, 5.030 ©O waist, though we were never never, never that the PORTLAND Spring predicted defeat of the Peruvians PUBLISHING CO. strawberries, three good wells of water u|»on the place nol2 This Company is licens-d by the lnsnrai.ee Com- #jw lront ROOM with hoard, at 33 State aware that with a small waste would ultimately lead to the restoration ol and good cistern in the cellar, cellar under whole Assets, $750,000 missioners of New York, Masa. hus. tts and Maine. anyworaan fine cement ground* ornamented FURNISHEDStreet,corner ot Gray. uo4dif Spain’s over all her former House, bottom; Wanted. OFFICE 160 FORE NT.. had asked him to. supremacy edo- BUSINESS with fine shade trees. This is one oi the finest resi- PORTLAND, uies in South America. While he incuried CARDS. dence* in the Terms of 3. R. ACTIVE intelligent and reliable MAN to To Let. county. easy. Enquire ORIENT, of Hartford, J. W. jnU VGEK. Apt. tbe disfavor of the roval Davis Oti- ANcanvass lor a n w Book, .just pub also to court, his violent & Co., Portland, or Brown, Westbrook. ished, well built Brick House situated on the wes- -x-27 eoddw A Csli'orr.ia man obtained a di- solicit advert isemenls for same. One had ex- recently denunciation ot the on this mar21tf having terly side and near the toot of Pearl street. government ques- J. H. perience preiered. Address Box 747. nolldtf THE Assets, vorce on tbe that “bis wile’s brother tion HOOPER, Enquire cf EMERY, WATERHOUSE & CO. $600,000 ground made hire quite popular among the hot- oc20 We are now our stole ten of and we headed Spanish And when lie FOR SALE. _ _dtf offering entire pounds pickled pork;’’ politicians. Iloiise Wanted. was removed fronT bis UPHOLSTERER HOFFMAN, of New York, Stock of suppose if the thief had taken the entire command in lire navy LOT of vacant land, situated on the west side undersigned wishes to lease a house in a de- Rooms To Let. hog he was immediately chosen a member of U e Nos. 31 and 33 A of High, between Pleasant and Dan fori h, Sts. THEsirable location, lor one or ihr*-e rears. Gentleman and their wives aDd two or three the poor man would have secured a sum Free St, large Cortes, where he continued bis attacks < n This let has a front of about 61 feet and is about 194 B. BARNEY, JR., 30 Exchange street. TWOsingle gentlemen can he accommodated with Assets, $300,000 JVIen'g and feet i* Nov. 11. Boys* as the Caoinet. He has MANTTACTURfcB OF deep, and plan* have been drawn How, for a Portland, dtf pleasaut looms and board at 75 Free street. oc7tf alimony. published a pamphlet block ol seven or nim genteel and convenient resi- entitled ‘‘The Future Greatness of Spain,” dences, and adapted for the same. of ATLANTIC, of Parlor Suits, Lounges, Spring Enquire Wanted. To Let with Board. Providence, Five getse eied in and which, in one of its treated re- EDWIN CHURCHILL, CLOTHING! recently California, chapters, the RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM at lations of to the Beds, Mattresses, No. 4 Portland Pier, suitable for a family of four: no child- —AT— on opening them it was fouud that each had Spain United States.
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