
The Wife of Bath

Dominant and Revolutionary

By: Claire Frankel and Joe Lee Wife of Bath image “On her head a as broad as is a buckler or a “Her kercheifs were of shield” (468) finely woven ground” (451) “She had gap-teeth, set widely” (466) “Her face, handsome and red in hue” (452)

“On an ambling horse she sat” “Large hips” (468) (471)

“Her hose were finest scarlet red” (454) “Her were soft and new” (455) Wife of Bath - Passage

A worthy woman from beside Bath city 443 Apart from other company in youth; Was with us, somewhat deaf, which was a pity. No need just now to speak of that forsooth. 460 In making cloth she showed so great a bent And she had thrice been to Jerusalem, She bettered those of Ypres and of Ghent. 445 Seen many strange rivers and passed over them; In all the parish not a dame dared stir She’d been to Rome and also to Boulogne, Towards the altar steps in front of her, St. James of Compostella and Cologne, And if indeed they did, so wrath was she And she was skilled in wandering by the way. 465 As to be quite put out of charity. 450 She had gap-teeth, set widely, truth to say. Her kerchiefs were of finely woven ground; Easily on an ambling horse she sat I dared have sworn they weighed a good ten pound, Well wimpled up, and on her head a hat The ones she wore on Sunday, on her head. As broad as is a buckler or a shield; Her hose were of finest scarlet red She had a flowing that concealed 470 And gartered tight; her shoes were soft and new. 455 Large hips, her heels spurred sharply under that. Bold was her face, handsome and red in hue. In company she liked to laugh and chat A worthy woman all her life, what’s more And knew the remedies for love’s mischances, She’d had five husbands, all at the church door, 458 An art in which she knew the oldest dances. 474 Physical Traits “Somewhat deaf”(444) - She became deaf through a quarrel with her former abusive husband, whom she is no longer is with. Signifies her ability to take ownership of her life and is not bound by spousal abuse. “Her were finely woven ground”(451) - Symbolizes the wife’s wealth, through her luxurious accessories. “Weighed a good ten pounds”(452) - Exaggerated depiction of Wife of Bath’s extravagant opulence.

“Her hose were finest scarlet red”(454) - Shows the wife’s taste for the elitist and finest of all. Red is a color associated with passion, and courage much like the wife. Scarlet red is also worn by cardinals in the Catholic church for its associated with the bloodshed of the Christ. Wife dressing in scarlet red,which is worn by the high order of the church shows her bold capability. Her shoes were soft and new”(455) - Wife’s desire for the best, thus new things. Shows the wife’s materialistic and frivolous values Physical Traits “Handsome, and red in hue”(452) -Demonstrates her dominance and presence within society. Such powerful and influential characteristics have conventionally masculine connotations, therefore the wife of Bath is typically depicted in a masculine (unorthodox for a woman). “Gaped teeth- set widely”(466) - considered to be desirable and beautiful during medieval ages (symbol of her desirability)

“She sat well wimpled”(468) -implies her godly modesty and high class statue in medieval society

“Flowing mantle that concealed large hips” (471) - symbolizes her fertility, sexuality and alluring physique

“On her head a hat as broad as a buckler or a shield”(467) - represents tremendous wealth and acts as a mighty shield, shielding her from the dangers and misfortunes of the world

(buckler= a small, round shield held by a handle or worn on the forearm) Non-physical characteristics “In making cloth she showed a great bent” (444) - The wife is a talented cloth maker and for this reason she doesn’t have to reply on the wealth of her husband(s). “She bettered those of Ypres and of Ghent”(446) - The wife is the centre of wool trade. During the period where female in position of power was scarce, the wife served as a dominant and revolutionary power figure. For this reason the wife’s materialistic quality is justified for she is a capable clothmaker and can supply for herself without relying on her husbands “In all parish not a dame dared stir” “Toward the altar steps in front of her” “So wrath was she as to be quite put out of charity” (446-449) - Although the wife isn’t of noble birth, she exudes much predominance over other women. No one, even those of noble birth challenged the wife by “stepping in front of her” and if so, they’d face the wife’s wrath.. This implies the intimidating demeanor the wife had as a woman. And as a woman, she was well respected.

“She’d had five husbands, all at the church door”(458) - The wife went after wealthy, elderly man to marry and she inherited the money after their passing. Having five husbands was controversial however all of her marriages abides the constitution of marriage set by the church. This demonstrates the wife’s astute manner for she got progressively wealthier after each husband’s death and inherited the money without upsetting the church. Non-physical characteristics “Thrice been to Jerusalem”(462) - significant as it illustrates her religious, cultural, worldly wisdom (travelled to a holy city such as Jerusalem on many occasions ) “Been to Rome and Bologne”(463-64) -demonstrates her vast knowledge of the world around her and her desire to educate herself

“Seen many strange rivers and passed over them”(463) -has faced many adversities but always prevails and becomes stronger because of them

“Was skilled in wandering by the way” (465) -implies her skills of cultivating knowledge and keeping up to date with all that is happening around her in a cunning way. She skillfully stays out of trouble and drama and keeps all harm at a distance in her method of “wandering by the way” yet is always informed (demonstrates her tactfulness and her intelligence)

“In company she liked to laugh and chat”(473) -personable and attractive individual

“Knew the remedies to love’s mischances”(473) -shows the hardship and suffering the wife of bath has gone through many times as a result of the loss of her many husbands. She has grown accustomed to picking herself up and becoming a passionate and strong character after each of “love’s mischances”

“An art in which she knew the oldest dances”(474) -knows the most effective ways of dealing with grief and sorrow and how to channel it into strengthening herself and her heart Conclusion Bibliography

Google Images: https://www.google.ca/search?biw=1408&bih=687&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=8N8LWqLoM4-kjwP4hp74DQ&q=rich+woman+in+a+bath+clip+art&oq=rich+woman+in+a +bath+clip+art&gs_l=psy-ab.3...17736.19628.0.19843.

//www.google.ca/search?ei=DuELWqqTKoLWjwOO5aKwDQ&q=sexy+legs&oq=sexy+legs&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0.434500.438236.0.438413. .6.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..9.5.1502.0..0i10k1j0i131k1j0i20i263k1.0.dZ4epguhy0o



Adventures in English Literature- Athena Edition, Chaucer The Wife of Bath