Marzell Deutsches Worterbuch Flowers of Our Lady

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Marzell Deutsches Worterbuch Flowers of Our Lady Marzell Deutsches Worterbuch Flowers of Our Lady The following is a listing of Flowers of Our Lady from Heinrich Marzell's Deutsches Worterbuch der Pflanzennamen, Leipzig, 1927 ­ 1979. In this listing we include both the original German religious names and English translations of them. It is to be noted that whereas the Flowers of Our Lady from English research are predominantly "Lady" names, with a few "Mary", "Madonna" and "Virgin" names, those from the German include numerous "Jungfrau" (Virgin) and "Muttergottes" (Mother of God) names, as well as "Marien" (Mary) names. The plants have been checked against the U. S. botanical listing of "Hortus III", and those few genera and species not found there have been indicated by parentheses. Botanical Name English Common Name German Religious Name English Translation Abrus precatorius Rosary Pea Paternoste-Bohne Paternoster Pea Paternoster-Erbse Paternoster Herb Acer campestris Field Maple Kreuz-Baum Cross-Tree Kreuz-Holz Wood of the Cross Achillea atrata Yarrow Frauen-Rauch Our Lady's Black Smoke Achillea clavennae Yarrow Frauen-Rauch Our Lady's White Smoke Frauen-Speik Our Lady's Lavender Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow Gottes-Hand God's Hand Herrgotts-Handtuch Our Lord's Towel Herrgotts-Ruckenkraut Our Lord's Back Jungfrau-Augenbrauen The Virgin's Eyebrow Jungfrau-Kraut The Virgin's Plant Achillea moschata Achillea Frauen-Raute Our Lady's Rue Aconitum napellus Monkshood Dame in der Kutsche Our Lady in the Carriage Frauen-Schuh Our Lady's Slipper Herrgotts-Latsche Our Lord's Slipper Himmelmutter-Pantoff HeavenlyMother'sSlipprs Jungfrau-Schuh The Virgin's Shoe Liebfrauen-Lederschuh Our Lady's Shoe Marienkutschen Mary's Coach Muttergottes-Schuh Mother of God's Shoes Adiantum capellus-v Maidenhair Fern Frauen-Zopf Our Lady's Pigtail Jungfrau-Haar The Virgin's Hair Adonis aestivalis Pheasant's Eye Madonnen-Roslein Madonna Rose Agrimonia eupatoris Cockle-Bur Herrgotts-Nagelchen Our Lord's Nails Oste-Keizze Easter Candle Agrostemma githago Corn Cockle Wildes Margen Mary's Wild Flower Muttergottes-Glaschen M. of God's Little Glass Ajuga reptens Caper Bugleweed Christus-Baum-Kezze Christmas Tree Candles Alchemilla vulgaris Ladies Mantle Frauen-Haublein Our Lady's Bonnet Frauen-Kragen Our Lady's Collar Herrgotts-Mantel Our Lord's Mantle Himmelfrau-Mantle Heavenly Lady's Mantle Jungfrau-Mantel The Virgin's Leaves Krause-Marie Frilled Mary Mariengras Mary's Grass Marientranen Mary's Tears Muttergottes-Gras Mother of God's Grass Muttergottes-MantelchnMother of God's Mantle U.Frauen Nacht-MantelOur Lady's Nightrobe Alisma plantago Mad Dog Weed Weinachts-Blume Christmas Flower Allium schoenoprasum Giant Garlic Meriggenzipelen Mary's Onion Althea rosea Hollyhock Jungfrau-Blume The Virgin's Flower Amaranthus caudatus Love-Lies-Bleeding Maryja-Ceppla Mary's Pigtail Unserherren Blute Our Lord's Blood Amaryllis belladonna Belladonna Lily Belladonna Beautiful Lady Amelanchier ovalis Juneberry Frauen-Apfel Our Lady's Apple Ampelopsis quinquef. Virginia Creeper Jungfrau-Ribe The Virgin's Vine Jungfrau-Wein The Virgin's Wine Anaphalis margaretac. Pearly Everlasting Jesus-Blume Jesus' Flower Anastatica hierochun. Resurrection Plant Christus-Rose Christ's Rose Rose Von Jericho Rose of Jericho Weinachts-Blume Christmas Flower Anemone hepatica Liver Leaf Fasten-Blume Lenten Flower Josefs-Blume St. Josph's Flower Oster-Blume Easter Flower Oster-Roslein Easter Rose Sohn Vor Dem Vater Son Before Father Anemone montana Anemone Oster-Glocke Easter Bells Oster-Blume Easter Flower Anemone nemerosa Wood Anemone Frauen-Blume Our Lady's Flower Marienblume Mary's Flower Marienhandchen Mary's Hand Oster-Blume Easter Flower Oster-Domel Easter Church Domes Oster-Maie Easter Mayflower Anemone pulsatilla Pasque Flower Oster-Blume Easter Flower Oster-Glocke Easter Bells Angelica sylvestris Angelica Angelein Angel Heiligengeist-Wurzel Holy Ghost Root Antennaria dioica Everlasting Frauen-Blume Our Lady's Flower Himmelfahrts-Blume Ascension Flower Anthyllis vulneraria Kidney Vetch Frauen-Kapplein Our Lady's Cap Frauen-Trane Our Lady's Tears Fraulein Schlosli Our Lady's Keys Herrgotts-Fuss Our Lord's Foot Herrgotts-Kissen Our Lord's Cushion Herrgotts-Knopfe Our Lord's Button Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Himmelmutter-Schuh Heavenly Mother's Shoes Lieberherrgotts-Schuh Our Dear Lord's Shoes Jesus-Wundenkaut Jesus' Wounds Muttergottes-Schuh Mother of God's Shoes Anthriscus sylvestris Anthriscus Oster-Baumlein Easter Tree Antirrhinum majus Snapdragon Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Jungfrau-Schuh The Virgin's Shoe Muttergottes-Schuh Mother of God's Shoes Apium graveolens Celery Jungfrau-Merk The Virgin's Moist-Land Plt Aquilegia vulgaris Columbine Fraulein im her Petticoat Gottes Hut God's Hat Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Frauen-Handschuh Our Lady's Glove Archangelica officin. Archangel Angelica Angelica Dreieinig-Wurzel Trinity Root Heiligengeist-Wurzel Holy Ghost Root Aristolochia (clem.) Birthwort Oster-Laub Easter Greens Arnica montana Mountain Tobacco Frauen-Milchkraut Our Lady's Milk Marientraube Mary's Grape Artemisia abrotanum Southernwood Gott-Heil God's Healing Gott-Hoff God's Hope Herr-im-Garten Our Lord in the Garden Hergotts-Holzleih Our Lord's Wood Artimisia pontica Roman Wormwood Frauen-Wermut Our Lady's Wormwood Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Jungfrau-Kraut The Virgin's Plant S. Johans Gurtel St. John's Girdle Arum maculatum Cuckoo Pint Herrgotts-Hand Our Lord's Hand Marienblume Mary's Flower Muttergottes-Bluh Mother of God's Flower Pasch-Kerzchen EasterCandle Pfingst-Blume Pentecost Flower Asparagus officinalis Garden Asparagus Gottes Kraut God's Plant Heiligen Kraut Holy Plant Aspidium felix-mas Male Fern Himmel-Leiter Ladder-to-Heaven Marien-Bettstroh Mary's Bedstraw Asplenium ruta-mural. Wall Rue Frauen-Haar Our Lady's Hair Asplenium trichomanes Maidenhair Frauen-Haar Our Lady's Hair Jungfrau-Haar The Virgin's Hair Muttergottes-Haar Mother of God's Hair Aster Aster Allerselen-Blumen All Souls Flower Herrgotts-Krone Our Lord's Crown Mariengeburts-Rose Mary's Birthday Rose Marienstern Mary's Star Michel-Blume Michaelmas Flower Astrantia major Masterwort Frauen-Mantel Our Lady's Mantle Atropa belladonna Deadly Nightshade Schone Frau Beautiful Lady Banksia Banksia Joseph's Strauch St. Joseph's Bush Bartsia alpina Velvet Bells Frauen-Treue Our Lady's Faith Begonia Tuberous Begonia Herz Jesu Stockche Heart of Jesus Begonia dregei Grape-Leaf Begonia Mutter Maria Mother Mary Paradiesbegonia Paradise Begonia Begonia semperflorens Wax Begonia Gottes-Auge God's Eye Bellis perennis English Daisy Dreifaltigkeit-Blume Trinity Flower Libenherrn-Kuckskes Our Lord's Cuckoo Flwr Massliebchen Mary-Love Masussel Sweet Mary Muttergottes-Bluh Mother of God's Flower Oster-Blume Easter Flower Pfingst-Blume Pentecost Flower Berberis vulgaris Barberry Frauen-sauerampfer Our Lady's Sorrel Heilands-Dorn Our Savior's Thorn Kreuz-Beere Cross Berry Kreuz-Dorn Cross-Thorn Kreuz-Staupe Cross-Shrub Muttergottes-Kraut Mother of God's Plant Bidens tripartita Burr Marigold Frauen-Spiegel Our Lady's Mirror Boletus badius Mushroom Marienpilz Mary's Mushroom Boletus rufus Mushroom Frauen-Pilz Our Lady's Mushroom Frauen-Schwamm Our Lady's Sponge Borago officinalis Talewort Josefs-Stab St. Joseph'sStaff Jungfrau-Gesicht The Virgin's Face Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Himmel-Stiege Ladder-to-Heaven Briza media Quaking Grass Christkindlein-Haar Christ Child's Hair Engel Angel Herrgotts-Brot Our Lord's Bread Jungfrau-Haar The Virgin's Hair Liebfrauen-Linsat Dear Lady's Lentil Mariengras Mary's Grass Marienherzlein Mary's Heart Marientranen Mary's Tears Muttergottes-Fliegen Mother of God's Flies Muttergottes-Haar Mother of God's Hair Muttergottes-Tranen Mother of God's Tears Buphthalmum salicifol.Yellow Ox Eye Marienkraut Mary's Plant Calla aethiopica Water Arum Josefs-Stab St. Joseph's Staff Calluna vulgaris Heather Frauen-Krieg Our Lady's Adversary Calendula officinalis Pot Marigold Christus-Auge Christ's Eye Engel-Roslein Angel's Rose Herrgotts-Nagelchen Our Lord's Nails Marienblume Mary's Flower Jesus-Auge Jesus' Eye Jesus-Blume Jesus Flower Marienroslein Mary's Rose Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold Oster-Blume Easter Flower Oster-Maie Easter Mayflower Campanula Bellflower Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Marien-Schlapplein Mary's Slippers Muttergottes-GlockchenMother of God's Bells Campanula isophylla Star of Bethlehem Bethlehem-Stern Star of Bethlehem Marienkranz Mary's Crown Marienstern Mary's Star Campanula latifolia Bellflower Josefs-Lilie St. Joseph's Lily Campanula medium Canterbury Bells Blauer-Marie Blue Mary Josefs-Stab St. Joseph's Staff Canna Canna Paternoster-Kraut Paternoster Plant Rosenkranz-Koralle Rosary Coral Capsella bursa-pastor.Shepherd's Purse Gottes-Herz God's Heart Herrgotts-Geldbeutel Our Lord's Gold Purse Herrgotts-Herzchen Our Lord's Heart Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Himmelmutter-Brot Heavenly Mother's Bread Jungfrau-Krone The Virgin's Crown Lieberherrgottes-Brot Our Lord's Bread Muttergottes-Brot Mother of God's Bread Muttergottes-Hand Mother of God's Hand Cardamine pratensis Cuckoo Flower Frauen-Schuh Our Lady's Slipper Herrgotts-Distel Our Lord's Thistle Herrgotts-Schuh Our Lord's Slipper Herrgotts-Tranchen Our Lord's Tears Himmelfahrts-Blume Ascension Flower Himmel-Leiter Ladder-to-Heaven Jungfrau-Blume The Virgin's Flower Jungfrau-Schuh The Virgin's Shoe Kreuz-Blume Cross Flower Liebherren-Handchen Our Lord's Little Hand Marienblume Mary's Flower Muttergottes-Wasche Mother of
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