€ 3,- HIKING- & CULTURaL GUIDE of the Olympiaregion Seefeld www.seefeld.com,
[email protected], Tel. +43 (0)5 08800 www.seefeld.com,
[email protected], Tel. +43 (0)5 08800 2 OlympiaregiOn Seefeld a village for any age Dear hikers, Description The little hiking and culture guidebook offers a We have put together a fantastic network of hi- wealth of ideas and suggestions to help you king and mountain bike routes throughout the enjoy your holiday to the full the way you want. Olympiaregion Seefeld. All the trails mentioned It will accompany you as you explore this en- here are signposted and marked and maintai- chanting region of unrivalled scenic diversity. ned on a regular basis. We kindly ask you to Nestling amid the stunning mountains of the follow only the sign-posted trails, not to leave Wetterstein range, the Alpenpark Karwendel any rubbish lying around and to take care of and the Wildmoos landscape protection area, our countryside. In the following pages, de- the Olympiaregion Seefeld provides the ideal tailed descriptions of the main hiking trails and 'base camp' for all those who want 'that bit mountain bike routes can be found. You will more' out of their holiday. Whether you want to find the trail numbers on both the hiking and explore the many themed walking trails and find mountain bike map and on the signposts in out all about the local flora and fauna as well as the countryside. The hiking trails are classified the traditions and customs of the locals living according to walking time and level of difficul- on the plateau, or you simply want to savour ty and sub-divided into easy walks, half-day the tranquillity of solitary summits – you’re sure hikes, full-day hikes and summit climbs.