Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A
Cambridge University Press 0521228735 - Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity Roy A. Rappaport Index More information INDEX aborigines, Australian 29, 148, 199, 202, adornment in Maring ritual 80±1 206, 213±15, 460±1 Aeschylus 41 Abrahams, I. 190, 412 air as substance 163 Abrahams, R. 33, 34, 39, 47, 381 Akkad temples 37 Absolutizing the Relative MTillich) 443 alethia Mtruth) of Logos 349 acceptance 119±23, 134, 137, 201, 224 alienation 319, 448 audience 136 Altamira caves 258 and belief 395±6 alteration in consciousness 219, 220±2, 229, common acceptance of Ultimate Sacred 257, 258 Postulates 327±8, 339 alternatives, in language 17±22, 165, 321±2, coordination of individual acts of 226±7 415, 417 disparity between inward state and 121 Altman, S. 13 and the ground of sanctity 283±7 ambiguity 88±9, 91, 95, 102±3, 151, 279 and heuristic rules 291 amelioration of falsehood 15±17 intensi®cations of 339 Americans, liturgical basis of 284±5 Native 33±4, 92, 210±12, 298±9, 380 accuracy of sentences 280 see also names of groups Achehnese people 180 analogic processes, digital representation of acquaintance-knowledge 375 86±9 activities, temporal organization of 193±6, analysis versus performance 253±7 218 Ancient Tahitian Society MOliver) 433±4 actors versus celebrants 135±6 Andaman Islanders, The MRadcliffe-Brown) acts, 220, 226 and agents 145±7 animals, in ritual 241, 242, 249, 259±60 compared in drama and ritual 136 anticipation 174 and objects 147 Antigone MSophocles) 42, 44 adaptation 5±7, 7, 9, 408±10 apostasy 133, 327 adaptive systems, hierarchy of 7, 267±8 Apostolic Constitutions Mfourth century) 191, aspects of understandings 267±8 335 as maintenance of truth 410±11 Aranda people 148 maladaptation 441±3 architecture and ritual 258 religious conceptions in human 406±8, Arioi society of Society Islands 33±4 414±19 Aristotle 41, 177, 293 structural requirements of adaptiveness art and grace 384±8 422±5 articulation of unlike systems and ritual structure of adaptive processes 419±22 occurrence 97±101 truth and falsity 443±4 Ascher, R.
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