Update Briefing Africa Briefing N°70 Harare/Pretoria/Nairobi/Brussels, 3 March 2010 Zimbabwe: Political and Security Challenges to the Transition
Update Briefing Africa Briefing N°70 Harare/Pretoria/Nairobi/Brussels, 3 March 2010 Zimbabwe: Political and Security Challenges to the Transition I. OVERVIEW regular functioning of the National Security Council in place of the infamous Joint Operations Command, pub- As Zimbabwe enters its second year under a unity gov- lic consultations on a new constitution and preparation ernment, the challenges to democratic transformation for elections. have come into sharp focus. Despite reasonable progress in restoring political and social stability, ending wide- These delays reflect the two deeper challenges on which spread repression and stabilising the economy since Feb- this briefing concentrates. First, a mature political system ruary 2009, major threats could still derail the reform must develop, so that ZANU-PF and MDC engage as process. In particular, resistance of intransigent and still both competitors in the political arena and partners in powerful security sector leaders and fractious in-fighting the inclusive government. This will be difficult, espe- between and within the Zimbabwe African National Union cially under the divisive Mugabe, but other ZANU-PF (ZANU-PF) and the Movement for Democratic Change leaders, including the factions led by Vice President Joice (MDC) must be addressed now. South Africa and other Mujuru, and Defence Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa, countries in southern Africa – who monitor the accord know that their party has lost much popular support and that guides the transition – must press the parties, and needs a generational shift. For its part, the MDC must particularly President Robert Mugabe, to see the transi- keep faith and engaged with its broad following in the tion through to a successful conclusion.
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