Sinjar after ISIS Returning to disputed territory Sinjar after ISIS Returning to disputed territory Colophon June 2016 The research for this study was conducted by Christine van den Toorn, Sarah Mathieu-Comtois (Institute for Regional and International Studies, American University of Iraq, Sulaimani (AUIS) and Wladimir van Wilgenburg (independent). The full study will be accessible online in August 2016 through About PAX PAX works with committed citizens and partners to protect civilians against acts of war, to end armed violence, and to build just peace. PAX operates independently of political interests. P.O. Box 19318 3501 DH Utrecht The Netherlands
[email protected] Photo cover: Civilians trained by the Yezidi militia of Hayder Shesho in the training camp of Duhola, Sinjar, 15 April 2016. Photographer: Wladimir van Wilgenburg. Preface 6 Contents Executive Summary 8 Recommendations 9 The case of Sinjar 14 1. Introduction 14 2. Historical background 15 3. The political and security game in Sinjar 17 4. Identity politics 20 5. Yezidi women as stakeholders in conflict 21 6. Demands for justice and opportunities for reconciliation 23 7. Politicized reconstruction 27 8. Post ISIS legacy 28 4 PAX ! Sinjar after ISIS PAX ! Sinjar after ISIS 5 Preface Photographer: Wladimir van Wilgenburg. ngoing conflict in Iraq continues to affect millions of Iraqis. Interventions by the inter- national coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), including military and logistical support to the Iraqi Security Forces and the Peshmerga, have resulted in the retreat of ISIS in many areas of Iraq.