


A KEG OF "BOG-BUTTER" FROM SKYE AND ITS CONTENTS. BY PROFESSOR JAMES RITCHIE, M.A., D.Sc., F.S.A.ScoT. Read May 9, 1932. THE CUSTOM OF BURYING BUTTER. The practice of burying butter and fat in the earth, partly to preserve it against future need and partly to '' mellow'' its flavour, is at once an old custom and a modern usage. In several discoveries of such a kind have been made in -, but here the custom has been com- memorated neither in contemporaneous written records nor in tradition and must be regarded as ancient, as indeed the description of the Skye example will show. Ireland has yielded many similar discoveries, for '' bog-butter is one of the commonest ' finds' in Irish bogs'' according to Macalister (1928, p. 192). There, however, although the custom probably extended to times as remote, it was continued and was prevalent as late as the seventeenth century, when the allotted span of burial to produce the desired flavour was said to be seven years; and a sample found at Tirnakill Bay, Co. Galway, and contained in a wooden vessel on which was scratched the date 1789 (Arup, 1932, p. 300) carries the practice almost to the end of the eighteenth century. In these cases the material is stated, as a rule, to have been butter, but body fat was sometimes treated in the same way. In his Description of the Faroe Islands, written in 1670, Debes tells how , obtained principally from sheep, was rendered, cast into large pieces, and buried in moist earth "to keep it, it growing the better the longer it is kept" (Dr John Sterpin's translation in 1676). The practice must have been well known in northern lands in past centuries, for, in addition to the countries mentioned above, it has been described from Iceland and Finland. But the burying of butter extended far beyond these lands, as is shown by examples mentioned below, from Fez in Morocco and Hunza in Kashmir. In a letter to The Times, dated 18th May 1932, the late Mr J. H. Stevenson wrote: "When I was in Tetuan, in 1899, Mr Bewick, the British Vice-Consul, told me that an underground hoard of ancient butter had been found, not long before, at Fez. The Sultan, understanding that the store was in condition to be considered a delicacy, confiscated it as treasure trove. The stuff was then discovered to have been buried too long to be eaten at all. He therefore sent it to Tetuan with orders to the Captain of the Market to allow no . 1940-41 , SOCIETY E TH F O S PROCEEDING 6

. Tetuaisold s i wa d hoar e th l unti e ther e sal r fo d expose e b o t r butte , Christians , alliancn a f Moslems o f e eo spectacl l unusua e th d witnesse n the - market e th r fo y wa e th r clea d an r butte s Sultan' e th p u y bu o t s Jew d an " did. y the h whic , own r thei f o g in Of the persistence of the custom, to the present day an example from Times ConwaThe d o t Lor r Allingtof y yo b n lette a give n ni s wa r Kashmi (14th May 1932), following upon the description in that newspaper of the a , campaign e Nil e th r afte y shortl , 1892 r . yea "Ie nth discovery e Sky small British Expeditionary Force occupied Hunza, and I believe I was e cam t i r afte y principalit e littl e remot t tha t visi o t r travelle t firs e th •within the area of British Administration. Our people, when they t grea e th f o e on t tha d foun , Baltit n tow d castellate e littl e th d occupie luxuries reserved for the Rajah was ancient butter. I heard a good deal about it, but I never actually saw anything. I was informed that the - under I . butter fuls f o l pot g bi e mor r o e on n dow d lai r yea y ever h Raja stood that, these pots were dated. The older-the butter the greater the luxury. These pots of butter, I believe, were buried in the ground at some d an d excavate e wer s pot t oldes e th e te otim tim m Fro . spot d recognise r remembe y rightl I e believ I . delicacy a s a d regarde e wer s content r thei d consume e peopl r ou t tha d an , black s wa r butte d ol e th f o r colou e th t tha some of it with relish. Thus bog butter, found in Ireland or in Skye, perhaps carries on some ancient and widely spread tradition." - .and ol wide d n a h wit e lin o int s fall , therefore , record t presen e Th spread economy, which originated when the preservation of fresh food was an intractable problem and palatable flavourings were scarce. The people of Faroe set great store upon their buried hoards of tallow because "the longer it is kept being so much the better, and forreign pyrates - unreason t no , therefore , may t I . them m fro t i b e toro desir e littl g havin s thieve r no , consume . not s doe t rus h whic e treasur n hidde a d terme e b y abl . 1676) , translation h Englis , awayl stea "(Debes

. BOG-BUTTER E DlSCOVEBSKY E TH F YO s wa e ther 1 193 f o g sprin e lat e th n i n seaso g peat-cuttin e th g Durin found in a peat-bog on the south of the main road, about 1 mile east of the inn at Kilmaluag, at the north end of Skye, a wooden, barrel or keg full of the material known as bog-butter. The discoverer of this obviously ancient interment, Mr Hugh Mackay of Balmacquien, appreciating its interest, communicated with Mr Seton Gordon, from whom I received e ultimat "butter e e th th f o o t identificationr t d "fo le s thi fragmen d a an ; arrival in Aberdeen, where I was then teaching, of the keg and its contents just as they had been resurrected. , The keg when found embedded in the solid peat bank was tilted .a A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 7 g settlin n uneve n i d resulte d ha t suppor l latera f o k lac if s a , sideways e littl upon the peat bed. Since the large keg found at Morvern in Argyllshire d foun o als s wa s Antiquitie f o m Museu l Nationa e th n i w no d an 9 187 n i t hurieno e n di wer s keg e th t tha s i n suggestio e th , position g slantin a n i , peat-hole d water-fille a n i k sun y merel e wer t bu , peat d soli n i g du e hol a e Th . bottom e th n upo d settle t i s a s mas e th f o g tiltin a d permitte h whic point is of some interest because, if the barrel was simply deposited in a n bee e hav t mus l barre e th r ove g lyin s layer t pea e th , peat-hole l natura formed since the barrel was placed there. In a deep peat-bog from which have long been cut for fuel, it is m fro t objec d burie a f o e distanc e th t abou n certai e b o t e impossibl t almos "banks,f o t s tha o serie "s a n i d denude s i g bo l surfacee th r fo origina ; e th the top layers may have been removed generations before cutting begins in the mid or lower layers. But as regards the present find this is certain, that in 1931 the top of the barrel lay rather more than 18 inches below r forme n i , himself y Macka r M t tha d an , place t tha t a e surfac t presen e th e sam e th m fro t fee 4 n tha e mor f o h dept a o t t pea d remove d ha , years place. So that the top of the barrel lay some 6 feet below the older surface, although even that may not have been the original surface of the deposit. . PRESERVATION T A S ATTEMPT F KED O GAN N CONDITIO Before I describe the keg and its contents, a note about its condition g warnin a s a e serv y ma t i e preserv o t e mad e wer h whic s attempt e th d an e sam e th f o s discoverie e futur h wit g dealin n i d ai n a e tim e sam e th t a d an kind. h wit d saturate e wer d containe t i s mas y fatt e th d an d woo e th h Bot water, the wood to such a degree that in places it could be rubbed into d looke h whic s surface e th n eve e whil , fingers e th h wit s fibre t constituen s it most solid and fresh could be scooped out Toy the finger-nail as if the wood were thoroughly rotten. The contents were also so impregnated with water that when the mass was squeezed or simply cut, drops of water collected upon the surface. It was realised that the preservation of an object in such condition o s , gradually y ver t i y dr o t e mad s wa t attemp n a d an , easy e b t no d woul that the contents would support the barrel. The wood, however, drew e th n o y powder r rathe e becam s content e th d an , it t lef r wate e th s a n i surface and increased in bulk, so that the disruption of the barrel was threatened. As it split longitudinally along old cracks, the opportunity s content e entir e th e remov o t , halves o tw e th g separatin y b , taken s wa , stils larose Difficultie . alone y dr o t l barre e th w allo d an ) matter y eas o (n h thoroug d an d rapi o to t preven o t e glycerin f o n additio e th f o e spit n i drying, from a tendency of the wood to become seriously warped. To . 1940-41 , SOCIETY E TH F O S PROCEEDING 8

correct this tendency and preserve a semblance to the original shape, a d girde , work e th n i e shar d an t interes n kee a k too o wh , Gordon r M , cooper l origina e th f o t par o n , course f o , were e Thes . hoops n iro o tw h wit g ke e th structure. THE KEG AND ITS WORKMANSHIP. The keg and its associated structures are in three pieces—the body of the barrel itself hewn from a solid piece of wood, a circular lid and a wooden bottom, both also carved from the solid, the latter, although not found at the uncovering of the keg, being discovered in the same place during the e thes h whic m fro r timbe e Th . 1932 , year g followin e th f o g peat-cuttin objects have been carved is not easily recognisable, but a microscopical n Aberdee f o t Departmen y Forestr r Laine D th f y go b e mad , examination University, showed that all are of birch. . 1) , I L P e (se k handiwor f o e piec l skilfu a s i g ke e th f o y bod e Th circlimferencn i d varie d an e , edge r uppe o t e bas m fro h hig s 2d 1inche stoo t I from 43 inches at the top to 45 inches at the widest portion, measured y slightl e th ; round e quit t no s wa t I . lugs e sid e th n i s hole e th h throug oval outline in plan may have been due to warping in the bog, but it seemed rather as if the craftsman had been making the most of the natural . carved s wa g ke e th h whic m fro k tree-trun e th f o e shap f o s thicknes m unifor e th n i y particularl n show s wa k wor e th f o l skil e Th m seldo d an k thic h inc n a f -fgo •§o t •m fro y generall e wer wallse y th the ; reached half an inch; the top edge was slightly bevelled away to a thinness g accompanyin e th n i n show s i n workma e th f o d metho e Th . f -inch jo l too e Th . II) L P d an , 2 d an 1 , I L (P s photograph f o s reproduction employed on the outside seems to have been an adze with a cutting face of about 1-J inches, and it was used on most of the surface in a direc- . direction l vertica a n i e bas e th t a t bu , girth e th d roun g travellin n tio f abouo e , w'at fac \s inch g cuttin a h wit , tool r smalle a g ke e th e Insid used. Of excrescences upon the body of the keg there were two pairs, both . 1) , I L (P e mad s wa y bod e th h whic m fro d woo d soli e th m fro d carve , 2-J lugs g projectin o tw e wer e edg r uppe e th f o s side e opposit y exactl t A e Th . hole r unde r smalle d an r uppe e larg a y b d perforate h eac , high s inche larger holes may have been used for a rope to aid in lowering the keg into stick e suppl a r eithe f o n insertio e th r fo r smalle e itg th ; raisin d an g bo e th or some pliable fastening to keep the lid in place. The second pair of lugs, originally very strong, but much rubbed away on the surface, projected from the wall of the keg a little above its middle. Instead of being placed on r close y considerabl d stoo y the g ke e th f o s side e opposit y diametricall together, the distance separating them being 14f inches, where a half circumference measured 22^ inches. Each was perforated by a compara-

A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 9 d an s lug e thes t tha s i e mak I n suggestio e th d an , hole l ova l smal y tivel d coul g ke e th h whic y b e rop a f o e passag e th w allo o t d use e wer s hole r thei . pack-pony a r o n ma a f o k bac e th o t d strappe e b a n i d worke t implemen e adze-lik n a y b d dresse s wa d li r circula e Th y slightl s wa t I . e (PIII) . circumferenc o t e centr m fro n directio l spira - thick a m fro d grade y beautifull , inside e concav , outside e th n o x conve ness of f of an inch at the middle to ^ inch at the margins. The lid contentsg ;projectin y slightl e th d an g ke e th f o p to e th d covere y completel r rectangula d broa o tw f o s mean y b s sideway g slippin m fro d prevente s wa t i marginal notches which fitted about the lugs. On the outside centre of the lid rough incisions in form somewhat like H" suggest an identification mark. r circula a , wood d soli m fro d carve o als s wa l barre e th f o m botto e Th h whic f o n margi p to e th , flange r o t rampar n woode a y b d surrounde e bas was bevelled away to a fine edge. The lower edge of the body of the keg s thong y b d attache s wa m botto e th d an , base e th f o e flang e th n withi d stoo of leather or hide, of which a few fragments remained, and which passed through holes in the flange and corresponding holes in the body of the keg (PI. III). Round the bottom margin of the keg itself were two series h whic f o e presenc e th , edge e th m fro h Hd inc 1y ^an roughl , holes h suc f o I shall explain later. The arrangement of the bottom of the keg was similar to that figured in the paper describing the Morvern butter-keg, discovered in Glen Gell, Argyllshire, in 1879, and indeed the two kegs were very similar in general appearance (see Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., 1882, vol. xvi, p. 220). It is noticeable that the holes in the wood have not been drilled, but a h wit s sometime , round a h wit s sometime h throug d burne n bee e hav rectangular implement.

THE "BUTTER" MASS. When the keg was freshly taken from the bog and its contents were , consistency y chees a f o d an r colou e whit d bleache a f o e wer y the , removed s mas r butte e th e tim s thi t A . knife a h wit y cleanl g easil d an y cuttin seemed to be saturated with water, for whenever a smooth cut surface was exposed, beads of moisture collected thickly upon it. On drying, the mass lost almost entirely its soft cheesy texture, became hard and firm with a tendency to become powdery on the surface when rubbed, and had some- thing of the soapy feeling of talc. Its smell reminded one of rancid butter or sour milk, and it tasted like rancid butter, with a slightly acrid flavour . swallowed n bee d f "acidityo ha t g i r feelin "afte t persisten a y b d succeede The dry -weight of the mass was about 35 Ibs. r discove o t n directio l vertica a n i e centr e th h throug t cu s wa s mas e Th e th f o n examinatio n a m Fro . structure l interna y an d showe t i r whethe 10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41.

fresh, surfaces thus expose I dconclude d tha t e materiabeeth tno nd ha l run into the keg in a liquid or semi-liquid form, for there were no indica- tions of successive level layers, such as would have been present had melted - trans f o s line r irregula , hand r othe e th n O . top e th m fro n i n ru n bee t fa d an s crack t sligh f o s direction e th , material e th t throughou s spot t lucen the seeming junctions of different masses, suggest that the keg had been , material e th f o s quantitie l smal r rathe f o n additio e successiv e th y b d fille o t s i t Tha . contents r earlie e th t agains d packe firmly s wa h whic f o h eac - body d melte f o n tha r rathe r butte f o e storag e th s packine th , gsay suggest fat or tallow. Microscopic examination revealed that while the mass was - trans l smal f o s inclusion h -is nwhic area e wer e ther , amorphous y generall lucent yellow spheres seemed to indicate a state approaching that of the original material, and other areas near the surface where crystallization in the form of flattened scaly crystals had taken place (PI. IV, 2). Through the services of Messrs. Ogston and Tennant of Aberdeen I received a chemical analysis of the '' butter'' made in the research laboratory of Messrs. Leverhulme. The report is as follows: "We have examined the samplt whic fa s sen f y Professowa o hb et ' RitchiJ. r d finan ed that i t consists of a mixture of 55-4 per cent, fatty matter and 44-3 per cent, material which was volatile at 100° C. The characteristics of the fatty matter s follows:a e ar r — ethe l methy h wit n extractio y b t fa e th m fro d separate Iodine value ...... 17-8 Acid vahie ...... 183-8 Saponificatio e nvalu ..... 203-4 Melting-point ...... 43-7° C. Titr fattf eo y acids ...... 45-5. °C Oxy-acid r centspe ...... 1-73 . ) 0-5 acid y fatt e volatil Reichert-Meiss e (solubl e valu l . 0-7 ) acid y fatt e volatil e (insolubl e valu e Polensk . ....cent r pe r matte l Minera . 0-027" s conclude"Iwa t d fro above mth e figures tha fatte th t y portion con- , centr pe esters ,0 1 d an s acid y fatt centr e pe fre ,0 9 y approximatel f o d siste f o t conten h hig s it m fro t apar , material y fatt e Th . glycerides y probabl e iodin s it , First . fat r butte m fro t differen y ver y evidentl s i , acids y fatt e fre e th y , theronl s i e secondly d an , high t melting-poin s it d an w lo s i e valu smallest indication of volatile acids as shown by the small Reichert-Meissl and Polenske values. d saponificatioe an th t m fro e nequivalen mad s "Accordincalculation o gt the iodine value, it wotild appear that the acids are made up of about one- third C16 acids and two-thirds C18 acids. "The analytical evidence therefore gives no indication that the origin

materiae th f o l was butte s possibleri fatt I . , however, that durine gth r A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 11 n a h suc o t d proceede e hav y ma n decompositio , years y man f o e cours extent that the lower molecular weight acids which are characteristic of - con e volatil r and/o e water-solubl s a d e hecomhav t remove efa r butte stituents and the unsaturated acids have been oxidised and changed partly e th f o n compositio t presen e th e cas e th e wer s thi f I . acids d saturate o int fat as judged by iodine value and saponification value would permit of it e b t mus t i e tim e sam e th t A . fat r butte m fro d forme n bee g havin remembered that tallow might, in the course of storage, give rise to a fat . composition r simila f o "In connection with the gradual transformation of fat on long storage, it is perhaps worth while mentioning that a sample of fat removed from a y entirel t almos t consis o t s u y b d foun s wa s tomb n Egyptia e th f o e on n i e vas palmitif o c acid. "Examination of the fat sample, as received, does not give any definite evidence regarding the origin of the material. The fat and the water s aqueou e Th . heating y b d separate y readil t no e ar d an d emulsifie l wel e ar y onl s show n extractio r ethe l methy y b t fa e th f o n separatio r afte n portio a small acidity corresponding to not more than 0-02 per cent, butyric g bein s figure h bot , solids y s 0-2r centpe 6non-fatt , contain d an d aci expressed on the fat emulsion. The aqueous portion contains no salt t I . small y extremel s i t i n i t presen r matte l minera f o t amoun e th d an n obtai o t e abl n bee e hav e w h whic a dat e th t tha , therefore , concluded s i e definit y an w thro o t t sufficien t no s i l materia e th f o n portio s aqueou e th n o fat.e th "f o n origi e th n upo t ligh Since this analysis left undecided the nature of the material placed - Bio e th n i n the , Bell . J . D r D y b e mad s wa t tes r furthe a , keg e th n i reportse H . : "WeAberdeen f o y Universit e th f o t Departmen y chemistr n tho e s 'bog-butterd fin d estimation an n ' amino-nitroge e don e hav l materia s NHe (a Th 3t ). weigh l r cent3-e tota b pe 6f o ,o t t conten e th does not give the tests for protein, but contains traces of ammonium -salts. . bog e th m fro l materia d infiltrate n i s originate y probabl n nitroge e Th "As regards the origin of the material: the virtual absence of NH2N s a , matter y chees f o e presenc l initia e th e preclud , course f o , not s doe e th n i s ferment f o n actio e th y b d remove n bee e hav y ma n protei e th marsh-water.

"The large preponderance of high fatty acids (C16 and C18) would, on e th s a t fa k mil t no d an t fa c somati o t t poin e onc t a , things f o e fac e th origin of the material, although one must always consider the occurrence f o s condition e th r unde , ones t shor m fro s f lono chain gs synthesi e th f o storage." It is clear from these analyses that whatever the substance may have s characteristic e th r longe o n w no s ha t i , keg e th n i d place s wa h whic n bee of either butter or animal fat. Time and perhaps the peculiar peaty . 1940-41 , SOCIETY E TH F O S PROCEEDING 2 1

surroundings have brought about extensive chemical changes which have destroyed its original nature. Two explanations of these have been sug- gested. W. Ivison Macadam in 1882 (p. 222) suggested that "the pre- servation of the butter might be accounted for by considering that, when , fermentation c lacti e th o int s pas o t d ten d woul l materia e th , buried t firs being aided by the casein of milk, succinic and lactic acids being formed, after which the fermentation would yield a proportion of butyric acid. When this process had proceeded a certain length the casein would be rendered insoluble by the free acid present, when the action would cease, " change. r furthe t withou d perio e indefinit n a r fo g remainin r butte e th d burie o tw g describin n i , 301) . (p 2 193 n i p Aru . S . P , hand r othe e th n O masses from Co. Leitrim and Co. Tyrone, the analyses of which closely s change e th f o e som d attribute , material g Kilmalua e th f o t tha e resembl g organisms—bacterilivin f o n actio d e an th a f o s effect l chemica e th o t moulds. "Fat hydrolysis in butter may be accomplished by two distinct e Oidium,th o t g Penicilliumbelongin s r o mould i.e. , organisms f o s group Gladosporium orders, or by certain water bacteria, notably B. fluorescens e fre e th f o t par e consum liquefaciens s prodigiosus.B. r mould o e Th a bacteri e th e whil , members r lowe e th y notabl , produced s thu s acid y fatt are eventually destroyed by the acids they liberate." He attributes the disappearance of soluble fatty acids to the fat-hydrolysing bacteria and the solvent action of percolating water; the insoluble volatile acids, which were solid and powdery, to the oxidation of the unsaturated acids; and the low iodine values to chemical oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acids, as apart from the action of micro-organisms. h hig e th n i s lie t fa y bod r o l anima d an r butte n betwee n distinctio A e valu l Reichert-Meiss , former e th n i d aci y fatt e volatil e solubl f o t conten 25-0, as against 0-8 in animal fat. But such content would dissolve out in w lo e th t tha o s , surroundings y water n i s centurie r fo d immerse l materia present value (represented by the Reichert-Meissl value of 0-5) might equally well represent the end product in butter or animal fat. Indeed, although Macadam (1882, pp. 212 et seq.) describes differences between bog-butter and animal fat (adipocere), chemical analyses seem to give no certain clue as to "whether we are dealing with an altered butter or an altered body fat. Since the results of the chemical analyses were indecisive about the e mad s wa l materia e th f o n examinatio r furthe , fat e th f o e natur l origina for any indication of its origin. Several fibres contained in the substance were extracted and examined. Some of these were indeterminate t migh e thes e sinc d an , hairs n mammalia e wer t res e th , fibres e vegetabl . detail n i d examine e wer y the t significan e b A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 13

. BOG-BUTTER N I D FOUN VARIETIE R HAI P O S In addition to the hairs obtained in the material described in this paper, hairs were examined from two other masses of a similar nature

Fig. 1. Varieties of Hair from Bog-Butter. In each figure the upper drawing shows the cuticular . section l optica n media n i e appearanc e th g drawin r lowe e th , surface e th n o n patter e scal 1. Cattle hair, strongly medullated, Kilmaluag, , Skye. 2. Cattle hair, with small medulla, Plockton, Loch Carron. 3. Horse hair, Kilmaluag, Skye. 4. Human hair, non-medullated and blond, Kilmaluag, Skye. 5. Human hair, partly medullated and auburn, Kilmaluag, Skye. . Yell h Nort , hair g Do . 6 f o n magnificatio e th , 3 t excep , diameters 0 15 t abou d magnifie e ar s figure e th l Al which is about 250 diameters. preserved in the National Museum of Antiquities, one found in a keg at Plockton, Loch Carron, in 1887 (ME. 174), the other a mass of "adipocere" from a bog in Ross-shire, 1849 (ME. 171), as well as from "butter" found , Nort, hYell Cunnister t a s mos a n i d burie d woo f o h dis l ova e larg a n i Shetland, and purchased in 1888 (ME. 222). In each of these hairs were rare inclusions. Of most frequent occurrence in the small collection were hairs of cattle, 14 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41.

present in each of the masses except that from North Yell. They repre- sent two forms, both with large and fairly regular cuticular scales, having m fro g varyin , form e on n I . 2) d an 1 , 1 . fig e (se s margin e scal y wav e fin 80 to 96 p. in diameter, the medulla was large (50 /LI) and contained much pigment (fig. 1,1), while in the other larger form with a diameter of 112 to 132 ju, the medulla was narrow (20 to 24 p.) and strongly pigmented although pigment granules were also scattered in streaks throughout the cortex (fig. 1,2). Both hairs must have been of a deep red colour, and comparison shows that the second type agrees in every way with a hair taken from the flank of a one-year-old ox. e th n i t presen e wer h whic , hairs n huma r occu y frequenc n i t Nex p.2 5 o t 2 3 , texture n i r fine e ar e Thes . Yell h Nort d an e Sky m fro s masse e th n o d toothe y finel e cas e on n i , scales r cuticula d broa e hav , diameter n i margin, and have the medulla absent (fig. 1, 4) or discontinuous (fig. 1, 5). x corte e th n i s line l longitudina t shor n i d arrange e ar s granule t Pigmen and are present in the medulla. The medullated hair was auburn in colour, the other blond, and both types were present in the Skye sample; . blond s wa r hai l Yel h Nort e th A single deeply coloured hair, 72 p, in diameter, from Kilmaluag, Portree, r rathe e larg g formin s edge h smoot h wit s scale r cuticula s ha ) 3 , 1 . (fig e Sky rectangular cells, and a large medulla varying from a discontinuous cylinder, j of the diameter of the hair shaft, near the tip, to a well-defined e thes d an , base e th t a , shaft e th f o r diamete e th , \f o cylinder s continuou are characteristic structures of horse's hair (see Lochte, 1938. p. 241, and , . 6) d an a , 91 . fig The only other animal represented in these collections is the dog. The s scale e Th . 6) , 1 . (fig e distinctiv s i l Yel h Nort m fro r hai a f o n patter e surfac s i f itsel r hai e Th . design d imbricate n a m for d an d broa n tha r longe e ar 54 fj, in diameter, its well-marked medulla 8 p; it is typical of one of the . 182p , , 1938 , Lochte e (se s dog c domesti n i d foun s severahair-pattern l and figs.). The examination of the hairs brings out some interesting points. I had been keeping in view the possibility that the fat might be somatic fat or tallow of sheep, such as was preserved in the Faroe Islands, or even of seals, since the latter was frequently stored for food and light in winter. e thes t ou s rule s seal f o r hai e th d an s fibre l woo f o e absenc e Th possibilities. The solitary hairs of dog and horse may be regarded as accidental inclusions, which suggest the domestic atmosphere of a farmyard, in . dairymaids n aubur d an e blond f o s relic e th h wit g keepin On the other hand, hairs of cattle were present in three of the four samples which were examined, although in none were they common. r bog-butte f o f "co o s e w hairssample presenc n i " e th s record m Macada A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 15

which he analysed at different times: in three samples from different , (1889 n Plockto d an l Yel h Nort m fro e thos g includin , Scotland n i s place p. 434), and in nine samples, of which two were Scottish, six Irish, and one from an unknown locality. Of the Irish samples two contained many cow hairs, and in the undetermined sample they were "abundant, partly coal black outside" (1882, pp. 206, 207). There is no indication-that the hairs were specifically identified by Macadam, and Dr Joseph Ander- f bog-butteo e e hairssampl h w r a co n f i "o e admixtur e "perceptibl s son' - determina y cursor a o als y probabl s Kyleakinm wa , fro d Skye , examine tion (1885, p. 310). Nevertheless our investigations bear out these identifications and we have Macadam's statement that the presence of cow-hairs is characteristic h whic m fro t fa c somati r o e adipocer h wit d contraste s a , bog-butter f o hairs are absent (1882, p. 217). In the same place Macadam notes, as I e sinc d an , red s alway s wa s hair w co e thes f o r colou e th t tha , found o als h wit e structur d an r colou n i l identica e b o t m the d showe n compariso the coat of Highland cattle, it is likely that the cattle associated "with "kyloes.e th o t d " relate , breed e primitiv a o t d belonge r bog-butte Macadam suggests that the presence of the hairs is '' most likely due to the milk having been churned in a skin," in which case they would bear r greate e th t bu , churn e th n withi material e th o t p relationshi l essentia o n d an , milking g inclusione durin e chanc e smad wer y the t tha s i y probabilit - cow l ia s materia e th t tha s indication t direc e ar , therefore , they t tha product, probably butter. Apart from such evidences, testimony and tradition in Ireland and other countries lend their weight in favour of the presumption that the material originally buried was butter.

CONSIDERATIONS BEARING UPON THE AGE OF THE SKYE BUTTER-KEG. e ther m custo e th f o e dat e th s carrie d Irelan n i r bog-butte f o d fin A n whe d perio e lat a o t d an , 5) . p e (se y centur h eighteent e th o t n dow o t d referre t statemen a o t g accordin , staves f o e mad e wer s keg e th by Macadam (1882, p. 219). But how far back the custom extended in Ireland is uncertain and, as I have mentioned, there are no records to . Scotland n i e forc n i s wa t i n whe e indicat Three lines of enquiry may throw light upon the date of the Skye y , andparticularl itself g ke e th ) (1 : discovery r simila y an r o r bog-butte peat-boge th f o s ; layer e th n i n handiworkd positio an l s it ) (2 ; materia s it s relic h whic h wit s find r simila h wit y analog r o s relic d associate ) (3 d an were associated. To follow these lines of enquiry: (1) The Keg.—This is remarkable in con- e rampart-lik e th n withi e structur e separat a g bein m botto e th , struction . 1940-41 , SOCIETY E TH F O S PROCEEDING 6 1 e wer o tw e th n the d an , placed s wa g ke e th f o e edg r lowe e th h whic f o m ri laced together with thongs of hide. No nail of copper or iron and no d edge n a y b d fashione s wa g ke e th y obviousl t Ye . used s wa d woo f o g pe tool of metal, and the holes were burned out by metal rods. The latter is a slow process and suggests that the craftsman had no satisfactory e th f o p craftsmanshi e th h thoug , therefore , Skilful . metal f o l too g drillin keg undoubtedly is, it is of a simple and primitive nature, and reveals a lack of appliances and facilities, all of which point to its creation at a fairly remote period. (2) Relation to Layers of Peat-Bog.—The Skye bog-butter under con- sideration was found at a depth of approximately 6 feet from the old e hav s discoverie h Scottis f o r numbe r greate e th d an , peat e th f o e surfac e th m fro h dept e considerabl a s a d regarde e b t mus t wha t a d occurre d 4|- foun s wa e Argyllshir m fro g ke n Morver e th , example r Fo . surface , Sutherland , Farr . 221) p e , th ; 1882 , (Macadam e surfac e th w belo t fee mass of butter, encased in wicker-work at 3 feet (p. 223); the oval wooden ; 433) . p , 1889 , (Macadam t fee 3 t a , Yell h Nort , Cunnister m fro l vesse the Keith mass in a ba.rk case at 15 feet (p. 433); the Plockton, Loch - (Ander t t 1\. a 434)fee (p e g t th ke ; , fee 4 t Skye ,a g ke , Carron son, 1885, p. 311). It must be assumed that these are minimum depths, for peat-cutting is an ancient industry, and some of the surfaces from which these measurements were made may have been denuded of several feet of deposit in earlier times. t no e wer s butter-keg e th t tha g thinkin n i t righ e ar e w f i , Further buried in a hole dug for the purpose in the peat, but were lowered into a peat-pool (see p. 7), and Macalister also refers to "the practice of sinking butter in bog-holes" (1928, p. 192), then the important conclusion follows thae layerth t f peao s t directl yg mus abovke te havth e e been formed after the deposition of the keg itself. Clearly, then, the depth at which the kegs, in particular those from Kilmaluag and Kyleakin, both in Skye, f o e rat e th t bu ; formation t pea f o d perio g lon a s indicate d foun e wer t tha e exposur d an l soi , climate e th h wit h muc o s s differ t pea f o n formatio depth alone gives no satisfactory answer to the time question. During recent years Dr L. von Post, State Geologist of the Geological Survey of Sweden, has developed a method, adopted by his students and by workers in this and other countries, of analysing and recording the e th n i s reveal e microscop e th h whic s pollen-grain f o s number e comparativ deposits of peat-bogs. The numbers of pollen grains in any layer are taken to indicate the frequency of the trees to which they belonged in the neighbourhood of the bog during the period when the layer was forming. And a comparative study of successive layers may show differences in quantities of pollen which indicate that certain trees were increasing in d gaine s thu e evidenc e th f o e Valu e Th . decreased s other e whil r numbe A KEG OF. BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 17

is that it shows changes of climate which must have been general over e on n i t deposi t pea a f o s layer e th s enable o s d an , country e whol e th district to be brought into relationship with those of a deposit elsewhere. d obtaine y e Kilmaluath kindl f o , r keg g r MackayM discovere e th , for me two samples of the peat in which it was found, one taken from below the position of the keg and one from above. The former would presumably indicate the local conditions before the butter was placed in e th r afte e tim t shor a s condition e th w sho d woul r latte e th , bog e th deposition. These samples have been analysed by Dr lan M. Robertson, formerly f staf e th f o r membe a w no d an h Researc l Soi r fo e Institut y Macaula e th f o e sampl e Th . Agriculture f o e Colleg d Scotlan f o t Eas d an h Edinburg e th f o - sphagnum-heathera decom s y wa g partiall , butter-ke peat e th w belo m fro

e Hg _wher , f humifactiobein o n x Post'n inde vo e notatio n sni th , posed 6 7 Hj is undecomposed peat and H10 is very highly decomposed. Pollen grains were present in the following proportions, roughly indicated as :l — tota e th f o s percentage . .72 . h (Betula). Birc Alder (Alnus) . . . . .16 Hazel (Corylus) . . . .10 Pine (Pinus) ..... 9 Oak (Quercus) ..... 3 e th e wer o als s a , represented e wer s grasse d an , abundant s wa r Heathe shells of the fresh-water protozoon, Amphitrema. The sample taken from above the keg was a grass peat, very little decomposed, the index of humifaction being H. Its pollen grains were

in the proportions:— 4 Birch . . . . .66 Alder ...... 16 Pine ...... 13 Hazel ...... 8 Oak ...... 5 r fresh-wate e th d an , abundant y ver l al e wer r heathe d an , rushes , Grass protozoa, Amphitrema, Assulina, and Arcella were present. The results of the analyses are shown graphically in fig. 2. What deductions may be drawn from them? l revea h whic s layer t pea n i d embedde s wa g ke e th , place t firs e th n I that when they were formed woods or thickets were growing in the neigh- l smal a y b d accompanie , tree t dominan e th s wa h birc h whic n i d bourhoo proportion of alder, hazel, and pine and a sprinkling of oak, although the small amount of pine pollen may have been transported a great distance VOL. LXXV. 2 18 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41.

by wind. No tree of any kind grows near the place now, and Mr Mackay tells me that no trees have existed there in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Moreover, such a type of vegetation is scarcely represented in . day t presen e th t a e Sky e th n i e differenc t significan o n s i e ther h althoug , place d secon e th n I e th w belo d an e abov s layer e th n i s tree s variou e th f o s frequencie n polle



IN -

I FO RME ft YEA/- 3S


_ -Tf ••g- -9- CRASS PEAT O i I i t / \ i ^b^. X \ H i Q- 7 1 LU I W Q i-i- 6— SPHAGNUM 8 -' ^ - • 'HEATHER •*

12 f o e surfac r forme d an t recen o t n relatio n i g ke e th f o n positio e th g illustratin m Diagra . 2 . Pig . keg e th e abov d an w belo t pea f o t conten n pollen-grai d an , deposit t pea

keg, there is a significant difference between the layers. Thus the bottom e whil , semi-decayed n tha spAa

says in the latter (p. 494) that "in Sjaelland and Sweden the first alder- pollen appear latn si e boreal strata (about 6000 years t probabli B.C.) d an , y is the same in Scotland," that is on the mainland. The indication is, h Scottis e th n o r alde f o e speakingy appearanc e generall th , , that , therefore s it t tha , further , and , date t tha n tha r late y considerabl s wa s island n polle r alde d investigate s deposit w fe e th n i e wher , Skye n o e presenc makes a characteristic sudden and late appearance (Erdtman, 1924, p. 467), . period t recen e mor l stil a d marke layee th aldeg rn i belowke rw e polleth No s attainenha dplaca e only g lon t tha e assum t mus e w e therefor d an , frequency n i h birc o t d secon before the burial of the keg the tree was already well established; and, as we have shown, the upper layer is considerably later than the lower one. Finally, the grouping of the pollen-grain percentages of the different e th f o a strat r highe e th n i t tha h wit e lin o int s fall s sample r ou n i s tree peat-bog N.W. of Portree investigated by Erdtman (1924, p. 467), and r earlie t no n origi n a s suggest t i , conclusive t no s i e resemblanc e th h althoug than late sub-boreal or early sub-Atlantic times. g regardin r answe e definit a e giv t canno t pea e th f o s analysi n polle e Th e fiv f o n accretio e th f o , evidence e cumulativ e th t bu , keg s thi f o e ag e th or six feet of peat and of the presence and the particular character of wood- land in the neighbourhood of a place now treeless, of the keg itself carved h (althoug r diamete n i s n 1inche 5 tha e mor e birch-tre l substantia a m fro the possibility that the wood was not native but was imported for the purpose must be kept in mind), points to a period more remote than the

sixteenth or seventeenth centuriesJ , to which such finds have usually been attributed, and suggests rather some time in the early historical or late . periods c prehistori The above discussion is based upon the supposition that the peat found n bee d ha g ke e th r afte d forme s wa g butter-ke e th e abov y immediatel lowered into a bog-pool. The position of the keg when found supports d woul h whic f o r eithe s possibilitie r othe o tw e ar e ther t bu , supposition s thi make the reading of the pollen content in the upper layer valueless as a time indicator. The first is that the keg may have been buried in a hole unlikels e i , ybecaus think I , This . reception s it r fo t pea d soli e th n i g du n betwee t throughou t contac e clos s i r ai f o n exclusio e th r fo l essentia n a - water a n i t perfec e b d woul t contac h Suc . surroundings s it d an g ke e th filled bog-hole, it would be almost impossible in a hole dug in solid peat. If a simple method of placing in a bog-hole could attain the necessary result, is it likely that the laborious method of burying and resurrecting from a pit would be used ?

This possibility seems to me to be somewhat remote, for the discovery in Scotland of other butter masse1 s wrapped in skin and in constructions of wicker-work suggests that a birch trunk need not have been used and would not have been used unless it was easily obtained. 20 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41.

The second possibility is that the keg, having been placed in a bog-hole, y possibilit s thi t Agains . peat e th f o s layer r olde d an r deepe o int k san must be reckoned the fact that the owner intended to recover his keg, which, as I shall show, was of great value to him; and on that account he would avoid a soft peat-hag where he might lose it, and would select a pool on the firm bottom of which the keg could rest in comparative stability. It may be noted that either of these possibilities would probably leave recognisable traces in the peat immediately above the keg, where the layers instead of being continuous,with the surrounding layers, as in the case of n Observatio . disturbed d an n broke e b d woul , bog-hole a n i n depositio of such disturbances could only be made on the spot and at the time of discovery, and in the present case the finder is emphatic that there was w gre t pea e th n opinio s hi n i d an , disturbance r forme f o e appearanc o n . deposited s wa g ke e th r afte Archceologicalfrom Age of Associations.—e Indication ) (3 unfortunat s Iti that the discoveries of bog-butter in Scotland have generally been recorded with little information about their associations in the peat, and that in t migh h whic c reli s contemporaneou a f o d recor a e ther s i e cas e on y onl h wit g Alon . record e Sky a s i o als t Tha . burial f o e dat e th o t e clu a e giv several kegs or small • barrels of butter found under a depth of about 1\ feet of peat in a moss at Kyleakin, Skye (PL IV, 1), there was present and said to be in close juxtaposition a bronze cauldron, semi-globular in , 311 . p , 1885 , Anderson . (J h hig s inche 2 1 d an r diamete n i s inche 8 1 , form l severa g havin s a t i d regarde n Anderso . Dr t bu , unknown s i e dat s It . 1) . fig points of correspondence with two similar cauldrons found about 1837 on sub-soil below peat near Cockburnspath, Berwickshire. These contained a miscellaneous collection of iron implements and bronze objects, including t i e mad n collectio e th f o e natur e th d an , a Roma f o l patella n bow e th e th o t t subsequen e tim a " o t d belonge t i t tha n Anderso . Dr o t t eviden Christian era, and probably after the period of the Roman colonisation of the south of Scotland." The indication of the worn, dilapidated and much-patched cauldron is that it was older than the collection of tools it contained. If it corresponds with the Kyleakin specimen, and if this was contemporaneous with the butter-kegs, then they must be attributed to the early centuries of the Christian era. But Dr. Anderson's description of one of the Kyleakin butter-kegs suggests that it is less primitive than e wer m botto d an p to e th r forme e th n i r fo , e Kilmaluath specimen g "inserted in ledges prepared to receive them," whereas in the latter the . thongs y b g ke e th o t n o d lace e piec l externa h roug a s wa m botto I have examined the Kyleakin keg, which is preserved in the National . Mr , Director e th o t d indebte m a d an , 167) E (M s Antiquitie f o m Museu A. J. H. Edwards, for the photograph here reproduced (PL IV, 1). While at the lower end as shown in the photograph, a piece of wood was A KEG OF BOG-BUTTER FROM SKYE. 21 e th f o l wal e th n i s ledge l interna y b e plac n i d hel d an d inserte y apparentl keg,1 at the other end a stout rim, formed by a deep external incision • round the wall, indicates that this end was closed by a covering of skin or hide tied in position, and not by a wooden structure as Dr. Anderson d soli e th m fro d carve s lug e sid d e KyleakiTh possesse . g nke suggested s a , holes d burne r circula y b d perforate d an g ke e th f o y bod e th f o d woo in the Kilmaluag specimen, and the appearance and smell of the butter content of the two are similar. e Kilmaluay thereforTh ma g e stilb eke g l earlier than that from Kyleakin, and this dating, about the opening of the Christian era, is in . deposit t pea e th m fro e evidenc e th h wit t agreemen l genera Although no definite age has been assigned to the earlier examples of bog-butter from Ireland, the recent tendency there has been to regard the . Mr d An . supposed t firs t a s wa n tha y antiquit r greate r fa f o s a e practic L. S. Gogan, of the National Museum of Ireland, relying upon pyrographic decorations on the containing vessels, determines some of them as dating approximately from the eleventh to fourteenth centuries (see f.n. in Arup, 1932 . 300)p , . THE USE OF THE BUTTER-KEG. The keg itself bears evidence of the value in which it was held by its owners. It has been treated with great care, a possession which, in spite e b o t d ha , subjected s wa t i h whic o t n immersio f o s period g lon e th f o conserved for use over and over again. This keg had been used in the bog on previous occasions, for the drying of its saturated timber, while it was e shrinkag d cause d ha , bog e th m fro n resurrectio r earlie n a r afte e hous e th n i s preciou o To . rim p to e th m fro k crac e hug a f o t developmen e th d an to be rejected on this account, the keg "was repaired by the lashing together d burne s hole h throug g passin s thong e hid f o s mean y b d woo t spli e th f o in the timber (see PI. I, 2). , for , occasion r anothe r o s thi n o t i o t d happene t acciden d secon A again while it was in the house, mice had gnawed through the wooden wall to reach the butter, leaving the marks of their incisor-teeth upon the , broad h inc n a y b g lon s inche e thre y nearl . , -Thhole hole e e th f o s side . filled s wa g ke e th t nex n whe e escap o t r butte e th d allowe e hav d woul The owner therefore carved a thin oval slip of wood, 4| inches long by g ke e th f o e insid e th n o e hol e th r ove d slippe s wa h whic , broad s 1Jinche while the butter was being packed, so that, without other support, the butter held it in place (see PI. Ill, H). It fell away from this position when I removed the butter. d aroun s hole f o s serie o tw y b n ise give us d repeate f o e evidenc , Finally s band e th e lik , but e structur l origina e th f o t par t no s i d en s thi g securin n show p hoo n woode e Th 1 . shape n i g ke e th p kee o t d adde n bee s ha , wire f o 22 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1940-41.

the base of the keg for the attachment of the separate bottom-piece. t differen t a e ar , tools t differen y b d bore , sizes t distinc o tw f o e ar e Thes levels, and some are so close together that they could not have been used on • the same occasion. The indications are that the keg was used until the first bottom became so dilapidated that it had to be replaced by a new one, through the rampart of which and the base of the keg holes were bored simultaneously. Of the history of the butter-keg and its contents after its disposal in the peat-hole nothing is known, but a shrewd conjecture may be made. , family s hi r o , possession a d treasure o s f o r owne e th t tha y unlikel s i t I would forget the spot where it lay and whence he meant to retrieve it. It - con e hav t mus e h t bu , it r recove o t y beyonk abilit sun s e dhi hav y ma sidered and done his best to avoid that possibility when he selected the site. The chances are that the vagaries of war or of tribal feud left it n thn i eaccumulatio d imbedde d an n overgrow y eventuall e b o t , ownerless d again' reveale r peat-cutte n moder a s centurie y man r afte l unti , peat f o its resting-place. o t e m y b n give n bee s ha d Kihnaluam fro describe g e ke gher e Sky e Th the Regional Museum of the Town Council of Aberdeen.

PAPERS REFERRED TO IN TEXT. ANDBRSON, JOSEPH, 1885. "Notice of a Bronze Cauldron found with several small kegs of butter in a moss near Kyleakin, in Skye; with notes of other cauldrons of Bronze found in Scotland." Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. vii. pp. 309-315. ABTJP, P. S., 1932. "Analyses of Two Samples of Irish 'Bog Butter.'" The Analyst, vol. Mi. 1932, pp. 300-302. ERDTMAN, G., 1924. " Studies in the Micropalseontology of Postglacial Deposits in Northern Scotland and the Scotch Isles, with especial reference to the history of the woodlands." Journ. Linn. Soc., Botany, vol. xlvi. pp. 449-504. ERDTMAN, G., 1928. "Studies in the Postarctic History of the Forests of North- western Europe . 1 Investigation. e Britisth n i sh Isles." Geolog. Foren. Stockholm Fdrhand., pp. 123-192. LOCHTB, TH., 1938. Atlas der Menschlichen und Tierschen Haare. Leipzig. MACADAM, W. IVISON, 1882. "O resulte n th Chemicaa f o s l Investigation into 'Minerae th d an l ' e 'Bog-,th f o 'Adipocere n f o d an ' thpCompositio Resins'; with notice of a cask of Bog-Butter found in Glen Gel], Morvern, Argyllshire, and now in the Museum." Proc. Soc. Ant. Scot., vol. xvi. pp. 204-223. MACADAM . IVISONW , , 1889. "Note Analysee th n so Additionaf o s l Samplef o s Scot.,Ant. Soc. Proc. Scotland." f o s part t differen Bog-Butte n i d foun r . 433-434 . pp . xxiii . vol MACALISTER, R. A. S., 1928. The Archceology of Ireland.