Thezambiazimbabwesadc Fisheriesprojectonlakekariba: Reportfroma Studytnp

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Thezambiazimbabwesadc Fisheriesprojectonlakekariba: Reportfroma Studytnp 279 TheZambiaZimbabweSADC FisheriesProjectonLakeKariba: Reportfroma studytnp •TrygveHesthagen OddTerjeSandlund Tor.FredrikNæsje TheZambia-ZimbabweSADC FisheriesProjectonLakeKariba: Reportfrom a studytrip Trygve Hesthagen Odd Terje Sandlund Tor FredrikNæsje NORSKINSTITI= FORNATURFORSKNNG O Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding279 Hesthagen,T., Sandlund, O.T. & Næsje, T.F. 1994. NINAs publikasjoner The Zambia-Zimbabwe SADC fisheries project on Lake Kariba: Report from a study trip. NINA NINA utgirfem ulikefaste publikasjoner: Oppdragsmelding279:1 17. NINA Forskningsrapport Her publiseresresultater av NINAs eget forskning- sarbeid, i den hensiktå spre forskningsresultaterfra institusjonen til et større publikum. Forsknings- rapporter utgis som et alternativ til internasjonal Trondheimapril 1994 publisering, der tidsaspekt, materialets art, målgruppem.m. gjør dette nødvendig. ISSN 0802-4103 ISBN 82-426-0471-1 NINA Utredning Serien omfatter problemoversikter,kartlegging av kunnskapsnivået innen et emne, litteraturstudier, sammenstillingav andres materiale og annet som ikke primært er et resultat av NINAs egen Rettighetshaver0: forskningsaktivitet. NINA Norskinstituttfornaturforskning NINA Oppdragsmelding Publikasjonenkansiteresfritt med kildeangivelse Dette er det minimum av rapporteringsomNINA gir til oppdragsgiver etter fullført forsknings- eller utredningsprosjekt.Opplageter begrenset. NINA Temahefter Disse behandler spesielle tema og utarbeidesetter behov for å informere om viktige problemstillingeri samfunnet. Målgruppen er "almenheten"eller sær- skilte grupper, f.eks. landbruket, fylkesmennenes Designog layout:Hilde Meland miljøvemavdelinger, turist- og friluftlivskretser0.1. De gis derfor en mer populærfagligform og med mer bruk av illustrasjoner enn ovennevnte publikasjoner. Sats: NINA NINA Fakta-ark Hensikten med disse er å gjøre de viktigste Kopiering:Norservice resultateneav NINAs faglige virksomhet,og som er publisert andre steder, tilgjengelig for et større Opplag: 75 publikum (presse, ideelle organisasjoner, natur- forvaltningen på ulike nivåer, politikere og Kontaktadresse: interesserteenkeltpersoner). NINA Tungasletta2 I tillegg publiserer NINA-ansatte sine forsknings- 7005 Trondheim resultater i internasjonalevitenskapeligejournaler, Tel: 73 58 05 00 gjennompopulærfagligetidsskrifterogaviser. Tilgjengelighet:Apen Oppdragsgiver: Ansvarligsignatur Utenriksdepartementet 2 O Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding279 Hesthagen, T., Sandlund, O.T. & Næsje, T.F. 1994. The Zambia-Zimbabwe SADC Fisheries Project on Contents Lake Kariba: Report from a study trip. - NINA Oppdragsmelding279: 1 - 17. Foreword 4 This report outlinesthe informationand experiences Introduction 4 gained during a two. weeks' visit to Lake Kariba Locality 5 Fisheries Research Institute (LKFRI) and the Zambia/Zimbabwe SADC FisheriesProject,in Kariba, The Zambia-Zimbabwe SADC Fisheries Zimbabwe, in September 1993. Lake Kariba (surface area 5350 km2) is one of the largest man-made Project 7 reservoirsin the world. It is located on the Zambezi The fish community 8 River on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. 4.1 The benthic(inshore)fish community 8 The flsh communityin the lake and the lower partsof 4.2 The pelagiccommunity 9 the inflowing rivers consists of approximately 60 benthicfish species. Some 28 specieswere recorded The fisheries 10 in this section of the Zambezi before inundation,but 5.1 Inshorefisheries 10 this figure is probablytoo low. Three benthicspecies 5.2 Impressionsfroma fishingcamp 10 have been introduced,of which Tilapia rendalli has 5.3 The kapentafishery 10 become significant in the benthic net catches. The 5.4 The recreationalfishery 11 dominant pelagic species, kapenta (Limnothrissa The political and social structure 12 miodon),was also introduced.The inshorefishes are exploited through an artisanal fishery as well as Summary 12 through a recreational fishery. The artisanal fishery References 13 yields approximately 1200 metric tons on the Zimbabweanshoreand some 2000 metrictons on the Annex 1 15 Zambian shore. Yields from the recreationalfishery Annex 2 16 are not known. The kapenta is exploitedthroughan industrial fishery yielding some 30000 metric tons Annex 3 17 annually.The SADC (SouthernAfrican Development Community) Fisheries projectwas started in 1989. It is funded mainly by Denmark (DANIDA) and Norway (NORAD). The aim of the project is to produce a scientificbasisfor a sustainableutilisationof the fish stocks of Lake Kariba, and to facilitate joint management of the fish resources,which are shared by Zambia and Zimbabwe. Key words: Lake Kariba - Fisheries Prospect- study trip. Trygve Hesthagen, Odd Terje Sandlund og Tor F. Næsje, Nonvegian Institute for Nature Research, Tungasletta2, N-7005 Trondheim. 3 O Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding 279 Foreword 1. Introduction This report is based on our study trip in September The demand for electricity and water supply have 1993 to Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Insitute resultedin the creation of many reservoirsin Africa. (LKFRI), and the Zambia/Zimbabwe SADC Fisheries Lake Kariba, on the border between Zimbabwe and Project, Kariba, Zimbabwe. The trip was supported Zambia, was at its completion the world's largest by a grant from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign man-made lake (surface area 5350 km2, Balon & Affairs' competencedevelopment programmerelated Cochel974). The electricity production is 666 to environmental problems in developing countries. megawattson the South Bank (Zimbabwe) and 600 We want to express our sincere gratitudeto Director megawatts on the North Bank (Zambia). Zimbabwe Cecil Machena, Project coordinatorDigby Lewis and andZambia are land-lockedcountrieswith few natural Project scientist Jeppe Kolding for receiving us so lakes (Allansonet al. 1990). In Zimbabawe, all stored well in the midst of a busy period, and arranging a surfacewater is held in reservoirsrangingfrom small very instructiveprogrammeduringour stay in Kariba. farm dams to large reservoirs like Lake Kariba Our thanks are also due to the LKFRI staff who (Masundire1992). The freshwater fish resourcesof assistedus in many differentways at the Instituteand Africa are generally of great local or regional in the field. We are also grateful for the instructive importanceas a supply of animal protein. Thus, a discussionswith Professor Brian Marshall and Dr. lake the size of Lake Kariba constitutesan important Jeremy Jackson, of the Universityof Zimbabwe. Our sourceof food bothfor local communitiesand for the travel itinerary and the names of people met are restof the two countries.The inlandfisheriesin Africa given in Annex 1. are usuallysmall-scaleand labour intensive. Fishing and related activities employ a total of some 10 We also received essential assistance and million people on the African continent (Tvedten & informationfrom Ms. Kirsten Bjøru, NORAD, Oslo, Hersoug 1992). In Lake Kariba, both industrialand duringthe preparationsfor the trip. artisanalfisheries are operated. Over the last three decades,substantialinformationhave been collected on the ecologyof the lake, and the DANIDA/NORAD Trondheim,March, 1994 sponsoredfisheriesmanagement project on the lake has been in operationfor approximatelythree years. Trygve Hesthagen Odd Tele Sandlund Of special importance for the Lake Kariba fish Tor Fredrik Næsje communityisthe introductionof the Lake Tanganyika clupeid limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger), locally called kapenta (Bell-Cross & Bell-Cross 1971). This species now supports the important coMmercial pelagic fishery on Lake Kariba (Machena & Kautsky 1991). In additionthere is an inshorefisheryalongthe shores of Lake Kariba, mainly exploiting species which occurredin the Zambezi before the inundation (Karenge & Kolding 1994, Machena & Moinuddin 1993). The catchesfrom the inshorefishery is partly used in the subsistence economy and partly sold commercially. The tourist industry is of increasing importancein the area, and the recreationalfishery, catchingtigerfish,catfishesand tilapias, is amongthe majortouristattractions. A proposalfor a joint Zambia-Zimbabwe project to coordinatefisheries research and development was presentedby SADCC (Southem Africa Development CoordinationConference, presently SADC, Southern Africa Development Community) at the SADCC Donor Conference in 1983. The revised projectwas adoptedfor fundingby DANIDA and NORAD in 1989. The main objectiveof this report is to summarize our experiencesand impressionsduringa two weeks'visit in September 1993, to the Lake Kariba Fisheries 4 O Norwegian institute for nature research (NINA) 2010 Please contact NINA, NO-7485 TRONDHEIM, NORWAY for reproduction of tables, figures and other illustrations in this report. nina oppdragsmelding 279 Research Institute and the SADC Fisheries Project. Our primary goal was to increase our own 2. Locality competenceby studyingthe followingthemes: the fish ecologyand stockassessmentresearch Lake Kariba (16° 28' - 180 04' S and 260 4Z - 29° 03' the
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