euskal etxeak nº 89. zka 2010/2 The Basque Country present at Shanghai Expo NATIONAL BASQUE-ARGENTINE WEEK IN HONOR OF MAR DEL PLATA’S BICENTENNIAL Visit and take part in After registering, you will be able to upload your photographs to the large photographic archive we are creating, send your comments about news items, and participate in debates in the forum. EGILEA / AUTHOR Eusko Jaurlaritza-Kanpo Harremanetarako Idazkaritza Nagusia 89 Basque Government-General Secretariat for Foreign Affairs C/ Navarra, 2 • 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ • Tel.: 945 01 7900 •
[email protected] ZUZENDARIA / DIRECTOR AZALEKO ARGAZKIA / COVER PHOTO: Julián Celaya Loyola Jon Bernárdez ARGITARATZAILEA / PUBLISHED BY INPRIMATZAILEA / PRINTED BY Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen Zerbitzu Nagusia / Central Publications Service of the Basque Government mccgraphics KOORDINAZIOA / COORDINATION ISSN: 1579-4229 BasqueHeritage SL L.G./D.L.: BI-1090-2001 PHOTOGRAPHS: BasqueHeritage, Jon Bernárdez, Euskal Etxeak-Centros Vascos DISEINU ETA MAKETAZIOA / DESIGN AND LAYOUT: mccgraphics 89 2010 / 2 GURE GAIA 9 3 Summary 5 The Lehendakari’s words on the occasion of this year’s Basque Week celebration coinciding with ELKARRIZKETA Mar de Plata’s Bicentennial 6 News in brief: Munduan zehar 9 National Basque-Argentine Week of the Bicentennial in Mar del Plata 2010 14 News in brief: Munduan zehar 16 The Basque Country participates in the Shanghai Expo 20 20 Interview with José Felix Azurmendi 24 The Basque Country hosts the AEMI Symposium and Annual Meeting AKTUALITATEA