
June 24, 2016 – Sivan 18, 5776 Erev Shabbat, Parshat Behaalotecha ~ Avot Chapter 2 Flamingo E Weekly 698 Candle Lighting Time only after 7:32 pm, and no later than: 8:45 pm Shabbat ends: 9:57 pm

The Family Shul Wishes You a Shabbat Shalom

The Week-at-a-Glance: Services, Classes and Events Schedule Friday, June 24 Shabbat Kodesh (Saturday), June 25 Sunday, June 26 6:30 am Maamer Moment 8:30 am The Chassidic Reader – Lekutei 8:00 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 9:15 am Main Shacharit Services 9:15 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:30 am Parents n’ Kid’s Youth Minyan 11:00 am Youth Hakhel 9:20 am Yeshiva Minyan 10:30 am All Youth Programs

12:30 pm Congregational Kiddush 2:00 pm Hakhel Broadcast! 6:30 pm Early Mincha, Sefer 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer HaMitzvot Express and Hakhel 8:00 pm Mincha, Pirkei Avot recitation, Seudah Shlisheet HaMitzvot Express Insights followed by our Pre- 8:15 pm Moshe’s Mishna Hakhel for Kids! 7:55 pm Ma’ariv emptive Kabbalat Shabbat! 9:50 pm Ma’ariv, screening of Living Torah with The Rebbe 6:30 pm Youth Minyan Kiddush Honours: Seudat Shlisheet: The Elias Family The Recht Family Women’s Mikvah: by appt. only Women’s Mikvah: 10:45-12:30 pm Women’s Mikvah: 9 - 11 pm Monday, June 27 Tuesday, June 28 Wednesday, June 29 Thursday, June 30 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Parsha 6:30 am Parsha Perspectives 6:30 am Early Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan Perspectives 6:35 am Early Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 6:40 am Early Minyan 6:55 am Regular Minyan 9:20 am Yeshiva Minyan 9:20 am Yeshiva Minyan 7:00 am Regular Minyan 9:20 am Yeshiva Minyan 10:30 am Redemption Songs: 9:20 am Yeshiva Minyan Megillat Eicha 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 7:30 pm Chavruta Partners, HaMitzvot Express 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer Yossi’s Micro – 7:30 pm Mincha and Sefer 7:55 pm Ma’ariv HaMitzvot Musical Hakhel HaMitzvot Express 8:30 pm Freaky Fruits 7:55 pm Ma’ariv 7:55 pm Ma’ariv 7:55 pm Ma’ariv 8:00 pm “The Historic 8:30 pm Invitation to Hero!” Studies Women’s Mikvah: 9 - 11 pm Women’s Mikvah: 9 - 11 pm Women’s Mikvah: 9 - 11 pm Women’s Mikvah: 9 - 11 pm

Duos, Videos, Apps, and More – This Hakhel-Filled Week!

Chana Crystal and Shterni Rosenfeld: Our Original Dynamic Duo – We want to express special thanks to our dedicated and dynamic youth leaders for a great year at Chabad Flamingo, with many fun programs throughout the whole season. From the Sukkah Hops to the Kids Grow Series, with many great ones in between, the children learned super ideas while enjoying an awesome time! Now, it’s almost over as the school year ends, but we’re having one last funtastic program on Sunday, June 26, 11 am to 12 pm. The cost is only $5 per child, and includes yummy but healthy snacks. The kids will make a wonderful end-of-the-year memoir craft, as a souvenir for the all wonderful times they’ve shared together. We hope to see all kids ages 4 to 10 there! Please RSVP: at [email protected] by Friday, June 24. Live, From New York, It’s Hakhel Night! – This Sunday, June 26 – Sivan 20, Lubavitch worldwide communities will unite in a simultaneous live Hakhel telecast event of historic proportions as a new Global Jewish Village! Thousands of men, women and children will link up in a simultaneous broadcast at 2 pm EST featuring live interactive gatherings from dozens of cities across the USA and Canada as well as other continents while watching on giant screens. The Vaad Ohr V’Chom is coordinating this event at Lubavitch World Headquarters in NYC. We can be very proud that Rabbi Kaplan has been chosen to serve as the MC hosting this Hakhel broadcast event which is held in preparation of Gimmel Tammuz, to help inspire intensified Hitkashrut and rededication to the Rebbe’s sacred legacy of love and devotion for Hashem, Torah and Israel. You are all cordially invited to unite live with fellow Chassidim online at: Chabad.org/orvechom this Sunday at 2 pm! Meet “Captain Hakhel” Wednesday, June 28, at 8 PM – Everyone in the entire Jewish community is invited to a special Hakhel gathering to meet and hear a true hero of our time when IDF Captain (ret.) Yoram Zamosh visits our Shul. In 1967, Zamosh was a company commander of Paratroop Battalion 71. On day - the third day of the War, he commanded the first Israeli troops sent to liberate Yerushalayim from oppressive Jordanian occupation. Leading the charge through the Lions Gate and under intense fire, he and his troops helped liberate the Temple Mount and secure the Kotel, the last visible remnant of our Holy Beit HaMikdash. It is restored – B”H – to Am Yisrael forever! Yoram Zamosh is a true hero with a remarkable story to tell. Don’t miss this chance to meet and hear this amazing voice from history! : The People of the (Face)Book – Rabbi Kaplan has been teaching daily morning classes for nearly 15 years. But during the past week, he started doing something quite remarkable: broadcasting live videos of those teachings on his personal Facebook wall. Instead of just the handful of in person attendees, hundreds watched the live stream each morning, and several thousand more regularly viewed the video files afterwards! So if you can’t attend these amazing classes in person, but want to study Torah any morning, just send a Facebook friend request to Rabbi Kaplan to start watching live daily! You can also subscribe to be notified before the next live broadcast begins! Catch Rabbi Kaplan’s Classes? There’s An App For That Coming Soon! – Because of ever-growing numbers of viewers around the world - last month, we logged more than 40,000! – the Chabad.org website has received many requests to create an app for our Rabbi’s classes. While Chabad.org currently investigates this, they have created a workaround mechanism allowing you to sign up to receive weekly emails including links to the Rabbi’s latest’s video offerings. Visit http://bit.ly/MKaplanVids and subscribe today!

Youth Programming and Shul News for this Shabbat Kodesh Parshat

Big Time Youth Minyan – This Shabbat at the Youth Minyan, we’re having a big Redemption! Come on time, earn more coins and redeem them for even bigger prizes! With many kids soon leaving for summer camp, it’s important that all regular attendees be here to ensure we finish on the highest note possible – hopefully this will all help accelerate the biggest redemption of all, the arrival of Moshiach! A special note to parents: Rabbi Avrumy continues to make fun and creative programming, so let’s do our part to help him out and be there on time with your kids! The Diamond Davening Trophy Winner for this past Shabbat was Menny Sandhaus - Yasher Koach and Mazal Tov!

Shabbat Morning Children's Program: If I Forget Thee, Oh – This week, we’ll learn about the fourth holy city in the land of Eretz Yisrael: Yerushalayim, our Eternal Capital. Through exciting games and activities, we’ll learn all about our most sacred city to which Jews from

all the over the world used to gather to serve Hashem and bask in the holy presence inside the Beit Hamikdash. We’ll also host an Amazing Carnival, run by our very own big boys group as a farewell to this year’s counselors, on the last Shabbat before the summer vacation. Wishing you all a happy, healthy and enjoyable summer! Mazal Tov to our Diamond Davener of the week, Mia Saiet!

We Appreciate the Kind Generosity: – This week, we’re joining our dear Shul members and Sharon Elias in celebrating the Aufruf and Shabbat Chattan of their son, Jonathan! The Congregational Kiddush has been generously sponsored in Jonathan’s honour - we look forward to sharing the joy together. Seudat Shlisheet has been sponsored by the Recht Family in loving memory of Mindel Recht, OBM. Here’s the Latest: Family Shul Bulletin – We extend warmest wishes of Mazal Tov and Gezunt to our dear Shul members celebrating Simchas

• Dan and Tehilla Aizenstros and Dora Aizenstros on the birth of their daughter and granddaughter Nesya Batya! • David and Sharon Elias on the Shabbat Chattan-Aufruf and upcoming wedding of their son, Jonathan • Cary and Ruthy Silber and John Nebel on the upcoming wedding of their son and grandson, Ryan

Adult Education – Get Your Learning On, All This Week!

Sunday: A Suspenseful Tanya – This Sunday’s Tanya Teachings Class is temporarily suspended since Rabbi Kaplan is away hosting the Great North American Hakhel Hookup. The class returns, B’ezrat Hashem, next week. Even if you can’t attend, you can watch it live on the Internet at 2 PM – see the previous announcements for more details!

Monday 10:30 am: Hungry for Prophesy – At the Women's Torah Study Sessions Redemption Song Series, we continue our study of Megillat Eicha (’s Lamentations) Beginning with verse 11, “All her people are sighing...”, the laments the many misfortunes of the , but notes that the most distressing was starvation. So involved in the quest for their own personal physical subsistence, they became oblivious to the awesome dimensions of their wider national tragedy. In studying these verses, you’ll also discover the non-literal modern alter ego of this condition, and how this mournful prophesy actually provides insight, encouragement and inspiration to help us refocus our lives today. This past Monday’s exceptionally inspirational class, Plundered Treasure!, is now online!

Tuesday 8:30 pm: Freaky Fruits – This week’s Torah portion, Parshat Shelach, contains the tragic narrative of the ominous negative reporting and defamation of the Holy Land which dissuaded Am Yisrael from fulfilling our divinely ordained destiny of transforming Canaan into Eretz Yisrael. Harvesting extraordinarily huge and bizarre fruit from the land, the Meraglim violated their mandate by using them as props to instill fear and despair of giant enemies into the hearts of our people. Attend our weekly Parsha Curiosities; be fascinated by the nectar dripping from these insightful teachings, shedding a sweet light on the sour grapes of these infamous spies. To study this week’s portion, Behaalotecha, view Rabbi Kaplan’s recent online presentation to learn what Torah says about Confronting Hate in our time!

Wednesday 8pm: A Heroic Clash – Although the Heroic Hakhel event with Israeli War Hero Yoram Zamosh (see above) begins at 8PM sharp, Mincha and Ma’ariv are still being held at their regularly scheduled times. Davening attendees will just have to arrive a bit late!

Thursday 7:45 pm: Some Honourable Menschen – Everyone wants to be more materially successful and spiritually fulfilled; while we can’t tell you exactly how to do that materially (sorry!), we can definitely guide you achieve it spiritually with genuine Yiddishkeit success! It’s largely done by pursuing wisdom, knowledge and understanding (= CHaBaD) in Torah teachings. Many of the men in our Shul are already well on their way through the Chavruta Program, where they broaden their inner horizons through insightful study and thoughtful conversation. Please contact the project coordinator, Mark Covant for a study partner. Rabbi Yossi follows the learning with his elevating and empowering brief Micro-Musical Hakhel that provides an added infusion of song and spirit! Thursday 8:30 pm: There Will Be Blood – Our Bayn-Hametzarim Talmud Series continues this week with the chilling details of the Roman massacre that ensued upon the defeat of Bar Kochba and his capital stronghold city, Beitar. This caused the Judean Hills to literally run red in Jewish blood. The Talmudic narrative then turns back to the carnage in Jerusalem wrought by the Babylonian invaders during the destruction of the first Beit HaMikdash centuries earlier. These tragic Talmudic narratives about the destruction of our homeland and our ancestors by both brutal empires (Babylonian and Roman) provide historical context for the observance of the saddest period in the Jewish calendar: Bayn- Hametzarim. The material for our text-based study is in Perek HaNizakin, part of Tractate Gittin.

“Scroll” Your Way Through These Hakhel Opportunities

Gimmel Tammuz Soul Men – Every year, hundreds of thousands of Lubavitcher Chassidim, Chabad affiliates, and a wide range of faithful and inspired Jewish people, gather from around the world to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel (sacred resting site) for prayer, and reflection on or close to his Yahrtzeit-Hilula. This year, that day of the Hilula occurs on Shabbat Parshat Pinchas. In addition to the crowds there in the days leading up to and following that Shabbat, thousands more will spend the actual Shabbat near the Ohel. Several members from our Flamingo community have expressed interest, so we’re planning to arrange lodgings and organize a program. If you’re interested in participating and joining this Men Only Weekend Trip (July 8-10), please contact Rabbi Kaplan for more information or to reserve a spot! It’s That Time of the (Calendar) Year Again! – We’ve already started preparing next year’s colourful Shul Events Calendar! For several years, over 10,000 of our stunning calendars have adorned homes and businesses across York Region and beyond. Since they are regularly viewed by thousands of people, our advertisers gain an exceptional volume of exposure and publicity. You can tap into this unique and lucrative niche market by placing your business ad in our annual Chabad Flamingo 2016/2017 - 5776/5777 Events Calendar today! Your smart purchase of an ad in our unique and beautiful calendar not only supports a great cause, it also gives you a tremendous opportunity to promote your business message to this target demographic by reaching the majority of your local Jewish community! Almost 2,000,000 Letters (and counting…) – In the spring of 1981, the Rebbe introduced a revolutionary idea: a campaign for a special Children's to be inscribed for all Jewish boys and girls in the Holy City of Yerushalayim to express Global Jewish Unity. Every Jewish child younger than Bar- or Bat would be able to acquire a letter in this unique scroll. Since the writing of that first Torah, five more Sifrie have been completed and thereby uniting a total of 1,741,815 Jewish children! The sixth scroll is currently being written and is tentatively slated for completion August 24th – Chof Av. Each letter costs only $1 U.S; children are encouraged to pay for their own letter, but if they can’t, then parents may buy a letter on their behalf. Each child will receive a beautiful certificate with their name and the Parsha in which their letter appears. Several thousand letters remain to be dedicated, so a global campaign has been launched to find children for them all! Visit www.kidsTorah.org to include your children in this very special, historic and holy scroll!

Chabad Flamingo|www.chabadflamingo.com 8001 Bathurst Street | Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8L5 | Phone: (905) 763-4040| Fax: (905) 763-3470 Copyright © 2016 Chabad Flamingo, All Rights Reserved.